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Episode 5: Different Drum aka who knew Music could be so dangerous!
Music can be a powerful tool when life is hitting you every way in your life, but in this Episode we get to see Music could BE THE DEATH OF YOU! We open up the Episode with Kim instructing some ladies in the Gym, and on the side Billy who has two left wanting to be involved. I gotta be honest one of the funniest Scenes in Power Rangers is when Billy falls on the Cart and goes flying into a Broom Closet and then somehow slingshots back into the Main area of the Gym how is that even possible Billy? Billy always to fit in being a nerd, if only he knew and I think if Power Rangers from this group started today, you would of saw Trini and Billy together in a relationship. She got him more than any other in the Ranger and as you'll see later in future Episodes and Seasons that I was so right.
As the Teens continue to exercise, and we get a Zack vs Bulk in a Dance that is fucking hilarious in it's own right, Rita wants a Monster created and she gets in the Gnarly Gnome. The plan is for Gnome to use his hypnotic accordion to kidnap some of the dancer girls and hold them hostage! Wait why is Gnome only choosing young girls, and girls at that what about gender equality and is Gnome being a Pedophile Goblin coming to mind in all of this or is that just me? After some smooth tunes[yeah hell naw the music was garbage, pornos wouldn't even use it] Gnome brings a group of the girls to his secret Cave see where I'm going with this, and he's going to make everyone dance till they die essentially. Melissa who was one of the girls we see in the Episode being Deaf not being fixed in hold finds Jason and here we go with the Rangers going to save the day.
After the Rangers beat Gnome's ass and are the girls are saved, we see Zack say let's go get some Ice Cream. Zack for real Ice Cream at a time like this, when these girls could of been killed THEY NEED A DOCTOR TO TALK TO FOOL! Don't worry it ends happy again when Melissa wants to dance with Billy oh no..but Billy shows he's been watching the Go Ninja Go Ninja Music Video and was ready for this moment. Tomorrow I'm feeling froggy I'm going to do one of my favs from the first Season of PR and it's called FOOD FIGHT!!