Mighty Morphin Episode 22: The Trouble With Shellshock aka Tokka no Rahzar.
We start off the Episode with Squatt watching the Rangers hooping it up getting ready for the Olympics in Broad Daylight. As Squatt leaves we get a shot of Rita sleeping on the job because clearly she's been burning the Candle at both ends trying to defeat the Rangers. Squatt and Baboo are scheming their own Monster being created to show Rita they are worth a damn and the best thing they had to show is a Turtle. How intimidating
IF the Turtle looked like Tokka from TMNT 2: Secret of the Ooze you might of had something but of course kids show we can't have our Monsters of the Week being so scary Children in Japan won't go sleep. Funny they broke that rule so many times me being a watcher of the Zyuranger and Super Sentai in general. Don't worry about it folks I know what the Turtle needs Traffic Lights and after Shellshock it brought to life we cut back to Zack schooling Tommy on the Court. After a few minutes of Zack, Jason, and Tommy playing ball we've got new challengers coming to the Court the Putties. I find it funny Squatt and Baboo thinking they have the Rangers where they want them but the Putties get their asses whopped while also showing the Putties never took Basketball as kids.
What I don't get and this is more towards the dumbness of Squatt and Baboo why wouldn't they send Shellshock when the Putties showed up? The Rangers would of been overwhelmed but hey the Sentai footage doesn't fit brother. Eventually Shellshock does show up and mere minutes into the battle with the Rangers he has Trini running with no way to stopping while having the rest of the Rangers in a Red light Green Light Game as if we are playing Squid Game. After that battle is over Baboo, Squatt, and Shellshock hit the homebase and are boasting gettng their first win over the Rangers. A win over the Rangers Rita failed to do and after all the talk Rita has finally woken up praising their efforts.
Moments later we see the Rangers doing poses frozen as Jason is asking Zordon how can help them. Zordon tells Jason only the Deandra Flower can only help the rest of the Rangers. You might be wondering by this time where is Tommy in this right? Knowing my Zyuranger Footage this is where or around the time Burai was given a Time Limit this is where the Green Candle comes into play. So Burai would show up at times to help the other Zyuranger Rangers and they had to make Tommy do the same thing for it to mess together. What the problem we have here though is the Episode is really clunky. Is Jason suppose to save the Rangers or Trini?
After Tommy gers a random Karate Showcase we hear from Zordon telling Trini he sent Sabreetooth Tige Zord to help her find the Deandra Flower and she gains in the weirdest way possible. Since when can Zords help find Flowers Zordon? Anyways Tommy finally gets a rang so Jason inside his Zord can stop getting his ass kicked by Shellshock. After Dragon Zord arrives on the Scene they start to handle Shellshock pretty easily till he freezes the Zords as well. Have no fear Trini is here and she shows up jumping like a Goddess on top of the head of Shellshock da hell? The Flower starts to weaken Shellshock while helping the Zords get unfrozen. Jason and Tommy would finish off Shellshock minutes later and who would thought a Flower would defeat a Turtle. The Rangers save the day once again and we see the Rangers back at the Park. Once again Zack is kicking Tommy's ass on the Court and Billy has had enough of this mess. He challenges Zack with food on the line and somehow Billy does his inner MJ in Space Jam and dunks it ending the Episode.
Man this Episode didn't know what it wanted to be while making no sense with the Rangers and Zordon were doing on this Episode.. If you wanted to put over Trini you should of done more to do that but at this time the Writers didn't know what to do with the Sentai footage and how to make it make sense to everyone. Next time on the Menu it's Spiders!