HHHate Hunter? Think he's HHHitler? Post HHHere!

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Feb 27, 2006
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There's something else I needed to add here. Out of the 5 or even 10 best Wrestlemania main events ever. HHH is in one, at most and he was with 2 of the greatest ever. His other main events, 16, 18, part of 19, 21, 22, were all very, very average. His legacy doesn't extend to the WWE's biggest ppv.

Nancy Di Loreto

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Feb 19, 2007
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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
There's something else I needed to add here. Out of the 5 or even 10 best Wrestlemania main events ever. HHH is in one, at most and he was with 2 of the greatest ever. His other main events, 16, 18, part of 19, 21, 22, were all very, very average. His legacy doesn't extend to the WWE's biggest ppv.

Too true... :eek3:


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Mar 9, 2007
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There's something else I needed to add here. Out of the 5 or even 10 best Wrestlemania main events ever. HHH is in one, at most and he was with 2 of the greatest ever. His other main events, 16, 18, part of 19, 21, 22, were all very, very average. His legacy doesn't extend to the WWE's biggest ppv.

Only if YOU are the measuring stick for what is and isnt a "great" WM main event. Anyway, something else everyone forgets, Triple H has only won like twice at Mania. Every other time, he has put someone else over. More proof that his being "a glory hog" and "mad with power" is pure bullshit.


He's actually won at least 4 times. In case you were wondering.

1. Over Owen Hart at 14.
2. Fatal 4 way at 16.
3. Jericho at 18
4. Booker at 19.

There may be more, but I know those for sure.

EDIT- ROFL, he also won at WM 13 over Goldust. 5 Times. Hahaha.

LOL, so there you go, person who "Thinks he's always right" :p
Feb 27, 2006
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Only if YOU are the measuring stick for what is and isnt a "great" WM main event. Anyway, something else everyone forgets, Triple H has only won like twice at Mania. Every other time, he has put someone else over. More proof that his being "a glory hog" and "mad with power" is pure bullshit.

My concern wasn't putting someone over. It was the quality of matches. This isn't completely subjective. Triple H vs. Batista or Rock vs. SCSA. Please. It isn't even close.

I won't even touch the glory hog because winning and losing in wrestling is, for the better part, irrelevant.


I'd like to know why Taker doesn't get the same treatment as HHH?

The dude has never lost at Mania and he has not created one star.

HHH can at least take partial responsibility for Orton and full responsibility for Batista.

It must be because Taker isn't married to a McMahon, that he doesn't get nearly the shit HHH does.

In all actuality, HHH deserves his spot much more than Taker.

1. HHH works house shows
2. HHH is better in the ring
3. HHH is better on the mic

Taker has lived off of a somewhat entertaining gimmick. If not for that gimmick, would Taker still be in the WWE? I doubt it.


Good point....

If what you read about such scenarios is true, whenever HHH or HBK are sat in creative meetings, 'Taker is often there too.

Allegedly in one such meeting 'Taker intimidated HBK into agreeing to drop the title to SCSA @ WM14.... That was 10 years ago.... Think how much clout he must have now!!!


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Sep 9, 2007
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Warren, Ohio
He's actually won at least 4 times. In case you were wondering.

1. Over Owen Hart at 14.
2. Fatal 4 way at 16.
3. Jericho at 18
4. Booker at 19.

There may be more, but I know those for sure.

EDIT- ROFL, he also won at WM 13 over Goldust. 5 Times. Hahaha.

LOL, so there you go, person who "Thinks he's always right" :p

Yes you are correct he has won 5 times at Wrestlemania. However he has also lost 6 times. That makes him a career 5-6, which is a losing record, at Mania. He has lost the belt at Mania 3 times I believe. So I'm not really sure how you can complain about him being 5-6 at 'Mania.

I couldn't agree more. I love 'Taker, but I believe I said this in another HHH hater thread that 'Taker actually puts over by far less people than trips does and no one says shit about that. I will never understand why people will continue to complain about HHH, but they won't about Taker. I mean if you look at it Taker is 15-0 at WM, as mentioned above, and this year how many times has he not been in the Smackdown ME when he wasn't injured. No my knowledge not once. People can and I'm sure they will continue to bitch about HHH, but it's fucking Blue when you actually look at the facts instead of just talking out of your asshole as most people on this subject do.
Feb 27, 2006
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I'd like to know why Taker doesn't get the same treatment as HHH?

The dude has never lost at Mania and he has not created one star.

HHH can at least take partial responsibility for Orton and full responsibility for Batista.

It must be because Taker isn't married to a McMahon, that he doesn't get nearly the shit HHH does.

In all actuality, HHH deserves his spot much more than Taker.

1. HHH works house shows
2. HHH is better in the ring
3. HHH is better on the mic

I was going to seperate the quotes but I want to address the whole thing. Undie is just as annoying. However, he's on SD, the b show as it were. It's easier to keep a lower profile. Undie's matches with real athletes are first rate. NWO 06 vs. Angle was better than HHH's best. HHH needs a gimmick match to be in classic.

HHH working house shows only proves that he's fulfilling his contractual obligation. John Cena works house shows and so does Matt Hardy.

HHH is indeed great on the mic. I could never dispute that. Better in the ring though? Please.


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Sep 9, 2007
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Warren, Ohio
Lot's of people do house shows, most do actually, so just listing Cena and Hardy doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Those two have to do house shows because they are young guys and their bodies can take the beating of doing a full house show schedule. I don't blame Taker for not doing house shows, he's getting older, has had a lot of injuries, and he's earned it. But if you want to complain about HHH and not Taker I think that it is worth noting that HHH does work house shows.

Also I don't think I've ever heard someone call the Undertaker undie, interesting nickname.


^^Idk know about that...I think there both good in there own aspects...


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May 23, 2007
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I dunno... talk now is starting to make me be a HHHater! He seems to be more deserving for himself and nobody else. He would rather win matches than put over people like (RVD, Lesnar... etc) (Back in the day) and even to this day he doesnt really put anyone over. The laster person he put over was Jeff! And before that.... I have no clue!

The Rated R CMStar

Dude, just because you like RVD it doesn't mean he deserved to be put over. Look what RVD did when given the ball, he was more over, he had the momentum of just returning, winning at MITB and becoming IC champion. He was given both WWE and ECW title. His reaction, gets high and caught by the police. Then, showing he didn't learn the lesson, says WWE shouldn't care about wrestlers doing marijuana. Do you imagine what would happen back then when he was more inmature and just an overpopped midcard act?

And Lesnar. The thing is, they where in different brands. All what HHH did was cut a promo on the other champion bashing him, and it made sense in storyline. HHH was the Number One Contender and Steph says Lesnar is now exclusive to SD. It makes sense for HHH to come out and tell Brock is/was afraid of him.

Let's see , 2005, 2006 and 2007 for HHH shall we, and let's see how much he has swept in PPVs.

NYR05: Wins the EC in controversial fashion thanks to Batista.
RR05: Defeats Randy Orton, cleanly
WM21: Loses to Batista, cleanly.
Backlash: Loses to Batista, cleanly.
Vengeance: Loses to Batista, cleanly.
TT: Loses to Ric Flair.
SS: Defeats Ric Flair, but it wasn't clearly. Ric survived three Pedigrees.
NYRL Midcard Match with Big Show, wins cheating.
RR: In the Rumble Match, final three.
WM22: Taps to Cena
Backlash: Loses to Cena
Vengeance: DX reunion defeating SQ
Summerslam: Defeats the mcmahons.
Unforgiven: HIAC defeating Mcmahons and Big Show
CS: Loses to Rated RKO
SS: Cleans house with Team DX
NYR: Loses by DQ to Rated RKO
Summerslam: Return match defeating Booker T.
Unforgiven: Defeats Carlito
NM: Defeats Randy and Umaga, loses to Randy.
CS: Defeats Umaga.
SS: Victory by Team HHH
Armageddon: Loses to Jeff Hardy.

In two years, his PPV record is 13-9, with only one loss being controversial. And if you have a problem with DX defeating the Mcmahons and the SQ, then I have nothing else to say.

He defeated Orton, Carlito, Booker T and Umaga cleanly. With Orton, that ship has sailed long time ago. Face Orton didn't succed and Randy himself has said it. Booker was his return match and if you want a returning man losing you are crazy. Big deal, Carlito. Poor guy, he had never been given the chance to succed. I mean, he was in a segment in WM with Stone Cold and Roddy Piper, was in Team Raw, was in an EC, feuded Mick Foley, feuded Ric Flair, was IC and US champion. Oh yeah, he had never been given the chance and it was HHH fault he lost his chance.

HHH has putten over in the past two years Cena, Batista and Jeff Hardy, Both are the best two faces in the company thumbs down, at least in pops and reaction. And Jeff Hardy, well, you have seen the momentum one can get with defeating HHH.


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Sep 9, 2007
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Warren, Ohio
^Well there's really no need to add anything to that, I think that is pretty much perfect in HHH argument. I'm really tired of that RVD thing, he's a pot head and overall a slightly above average talent so get over it. He had his moment in the sun and decided to get high and ruin it, but HHH probably sold him the weed and then called the cops on him.

taker is just better than HHH at every espect

I don't know about that. As said above both are very good in different ways. Both have amazing entrances imo. Both are very good in the ring. Both have very good finishers, although Undertaker's finishers might be a little better. I think where you could argue that Taker isn't better in every aspect is the mic. Taker does effect, creepy promos when asked to do so, but he can't tough trips on the mic at least not on a consistent basis. But, both are great performers and I think it would be unfair to HHH to say that Taker is better in every aspect and it would be an insult to Taker to reverse that.