Hell in a Cell 2009 Discussion Thread

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Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
R-Truth vs. Drew McIntyre
* WWE US Title Match: Kofi Kingston © vs. The Miz vs. Jack Swagger
* WWE IC Title Match: John Morrison © vs. Dolph Ziggler
* WWE Divas Title Match: Mickie James © vs. Alicia Fox
* Unified Tag Team Title Match: Chris Jericho and The Big Show © vs. Batista and Rey Mysterio
* Hell in a Cell Match : DX vs. Legacy
* WWE Title Hell in a Cell Match: John Cena © vs. Randy Orton
* World Title Hell in a Cell Match: CM Punk © vs. The Undertaker


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Sep 9, 2009
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R-Truth vs. Drew McIntyre
* WWE US Title Match: Kofi Kingston © vs. The Miz vs. Jack Swagger
* WWE IC Title Match: John Morrison © vs. Dolph Ziggler
* WWE Divas Title Match: Mickie James © vs. Alicia Fox
* Unified Tag Team Title Match: Chris Jericho and The Big Show © vs. Batista and Rey Mysterio
* Hell in a Cell Match : DX vs. Legacy
* WWE Title Hell in a Cell Match: John Cena © vs. Randy Orton
* World Title Hell in a Cell Match: CM Punk © vs. The Undertaker

I agree with all your picks. I would love for Legacy to win. I'll pick them to win, but I have a gut feeling DX will. Unfourtunantly I do see cena retaining. It will be breaking point all over again.


R-Truth vs. Drew McIntyre
Suprised they added this to the card tbh, could be good seeing Drew in action and R-Truth will help the crowd get pumped as he usually does. Either man could win but after what Vince said about this guy I think McIntyre will get the victory.

WWE US Title Match: Kofi Kingston © vs. The Miz vs. Jack Swagger
This is a hard one to choose here, I've liked that they have given Kofi a pretty nice long run with the belt, RAW doesn't usually keep their midcard title on guys for very long but this time I think he may lose it, Miz and Swagger could do with a title run, I think Swagger will beat Miz.

WWE IC Title Match: John Morrison © vs. Dolph Ziggler
This could be my MOTN, its hard to choose who will win because both have been doing so well lately and are probably the two fastest rising stars in WWE atm. It would be good for Morrison to have a good long run but also for Dolph wo win and continue his feud with Mysterio well adding Morrison to their matches would be good. I think JoMo will retain.

WWE Divas Title Match: Mickie James © vs. Alicia Fox
Mickie James better destroy, she ain't got shit.

Unified Tag Team Title Match: Chris Jericho and The Big Show © vs. Batista and Rey Mysterio
This could be decent, keep Mysterio in the ring with Y2J as long as possible, give the big men a bit of a go every now and then and it could turn out alright, should be over with the crowd though since Rey is returning. I think Jericho and Big Show will retain, would be better if they did after all the shit they'd been talking, Batista and Rey are needed in singles feuds on SD anyways, with the lack of SD ME faces.

Hell in a Cell Match : DX vs. Legacy
I don't see SD losing a HIAC Match to Legacy, I just can't see it happening. It should be a good match, the last few between the two teams have been, hopefully if DX win they still manage to make Legacy look good.

WWE Title Hell in a Cell Match: John Cena © vs. Randy Orton
John Cena's first HIAC, should be interesting and a good matchup between them. I think John Cena will pickup the win and retain the title, he should hold it for a while.

World Title Hell in a Cell Match: CM Punk © vs. The Undertaker
Even though Taker is hurt, this is his match so I don't think he will be losing. We won't see much out of this match but hopefully we get some decent action out of it for the little time it will most likely be getting. Wouldn't be suprised to see some sort of interference here either. I want Punk to retain but ill say Taker.


Yeah...they favored R-Truth above it apparently...lol.
An ECW title match every 2 PPVs is cool with me. I enjoy the fact that they do sometimes defend it on TV...the matches are usually quality.


oh yeah, I didn't realize there wasn't an ECW title match, I would rather have Christian Vs Ryder or Regal on here other then heaps of those matches.


A three way would have sounded good to me. Unless its the dark match and they refer to it on the ppv?
Sep 14, 2009
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R-Truth vs. Drew McIntyre
Drew is brand new and with a win here, especially on PPV, will help him build up a bit. Plue Truth doesn't really need a win here.

* WWE US Title Match: Kofi Kingston © vs. The Miz vs. Jack Swagger
Swagger is on a roll, and it seems as if he's going to be the guy to end Kofi's undefeated streak in multiman matches. Miz is great, but it doesn't seem right here.

* WWE IC Title Match: John Morrison © vs. Dolph Ziggler
I have a deep feeling that Dolph will cheat to win here. Not only has he been gunning for the belt since NOC time but Morrison can still look good while losing the belt in a cheap way. He's got two-three wins against the WHC under his belt.

* WWE Divas Title Match: Mickie James © vs. Alicia Fox
Throw-away match. Fox is getting better but doesn't need the belt right now.

* Unified Tag Team Title Match: Chris Jericho and The Big Show © vs. Batista and Rey Mysterio
Having Tista and Mysterio win here would not work. Yeah, they're both main eventers, but really Jericho and Show are great so far and are really needed on both shows. It'd be idiotic to move Batista to Smackdown just for him to win the belts and then be able to go back onto RAW.

* Hell in a Cell Match : DX vs. Legacy
DX has done a fantastic job with Legacy and having Legacy win here will solidify them as real threats. We can now see that Ted and Cody can handle their own when they seperate the two and it's perfect for the cell. Lead Haitch or Shawn out of the cell, run back in and lock the door and prepare the beatdown on one of the DX members. Maybe Haitch could be outside, bust down the door with the sledgehammer, and beat down Ted and Cody for a bit before shawn kicks HHH accidentally leaving Ted and Cody to get the win. Yeah, having Shawn and HHH feud again may be boresome but having Shawn get frustrated and break loose on HHH will be perfect for this for the past weeks that they've lost.

* WWE Title Hell in a Cell Match: John Cena © vs. Randy Orton
Cena just got the belt and having him win here is only logical to me after seeing Orton get beaten down time and time again. I'm just not really seeing Orton win here.

* World Title Hell in a Cell Match: CM Punk © vs. The Undertaker
Despite what many think, I really believe that Punk will retain here cleanly. Yeah, it's a stretch, but not only would it make him bigger than what he is, but it will make him seem like an actual champion, unlike his first WHC reign. He's taken out Jeff. He's screwed the Undertaker. And what else is there to bring the deadman down? Pin him in his own match.


Ok I didn't get to order the ppv but where I got the reults had taker/punk as opening match and ortom/cena in the middle??? Is this true?


New Member
Oct 4, 2009
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This was an almost flawless PPV. The only weak match was Punk vs Taker, which had no twists and turns, and Taker won it too easily. Orton the WWE Champ again, Morrison keeping the I-C title and DX beating Legacy in a hell of a "Hell in a Cell"!


New Member
Sep 9, 2009
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Legacy vs. Dx defiantly deserved to be the main event. It was the motn. Although the ending suck. HHH comes in the last 5 mins and wins it bs. Legacy dominated the entire match. Overall the ppv was decent. Taker vs. Punk was horrible. Also glad that Orton won. I was kin of shocked he did but awesome non the less


Flawless PPV...what the fuck were you watching? This was possibly the worst PPV this year.
DX/Legacy was incredible...and the second half of Jomo/Ziggles...that's it.