Hell in a Cell 2009 Discussion Thread

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Hometown Kid

Well folks, WWE's God-awful product has finally driven someone to insanity...or drugs. One or the other. :/

The Rated R CMStar

That, or has driven a previous member with an unholy obsession with polish wrestlers to return to the IWF.


Looks like i didn't miss much with this PPV. I only really wanted to see Punk vs. Taker in the Cell, and i saw most of it, until the streamed died. No clue why everything was backwards on this show. Once Taker won, i figured it would be a jacked up show. Not exactly sure where they are going with Taker as champ either. He's not healthy, he just came back. He doesn't deserve the belt just yet.

Not really sure why Randy Orton won, and why these guys are still fueding. They never even set up a storyline with this fued that has been going for years. At least Edge/Cena had some storyline to it, with Edge cashing in MITB. Time after time, you just dont give a shit anymore.

No clue why DX/Legacy closed the show. Cody Rhodes should never ever main event a PPV.

Its just rematches after rematches with WWE PPVs and i haven't really been watching much of them lately. Too bad the WWE dropped the ball on the HIAC ppv. Could have been good.


New Member
Oct 9, 2009
Reaction score
is the hell in a cell ever gonna be fun again? by the end of the night.. the cell was totally over played if you ask me..