Hell in a Cell 2009 Discussion Thread

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So.. What was the point of lifting the ban on Hell's Gate?

Think about it, so much shit was being talked about the move, and its not even used during the match. You would think that it would play into the finish.



^rofl yeah sadly...

Orton and Taker won the titles... the only good thing that came out of this terrible ppv... and the DX match was pretty good


^^^^Yeah, we have a half-crippled WHChampion..... 'Awesome'!!! :roll:

However, I do see y they have put the belt on Taker. I'm personally sick of Punk jumping around and gloating with the belt around his waist. I can see interest in him heeling to get it back and build this fued. Which is what they should have done properly for BP.

Harking back to one of my themed-PPV complaints... Where the fuck are they gonna go with a fued that has already been subjected to the ultimate gimmick match?

We'll prob get the first standard match of the fued to follow this up.... It's nonsense!

Seriously, shitting all over a potentially awesome fued combo for the sake of pulling that funky return for Taker after the Punk/Hardy TLC at Summerslam was not worth the pop.

They should have had Ziggler win the IC title and had JoMo fued with Punk for the last couple of PPVs (Surely a JoMo IC run wasn't intended.. I mean he was beating the WHChamp just weeks before*) and kicked off Punk/Taker when Taker was in better health (ya gotta figure he could have done with a couple more months recovery time) and the PPV-calendar wasn't so restrictive.... Then again with maybe the exception of (HOPEFULLY!) Armageddon there's gimmick PPVs until WM... Welcome to your new WWE, fans.... JOY! : P

(*I know they pulled JoMo/Ziggler from the last PPV because they had special intent or whatever for their fued, but you wouldn't know it... All seems pretty standard thus far... No particular heat between the two, just a case of "I'm #1 contender - You got the belt and I want it".)


The commentary during the Taker/Punk match was also ridiculous. They didn't bill Punk as a heel at all. Instead talked about how tough he was and how well his style matched up with Undertaker. Almost to say "yeah, sorry kiddo, you're doin great but not quite good enough."
The Hell's Gate wasn't even attempted, so yeah...that horribly cheesy limo ride from hell was completely pointless.
So now we've got a near crippled champion who shouldn't even be there. The only good I can see of this is Taker possibly putting Punk over at a later date before he leaves AGAIN to heal up.


This PPV is a prime example of how WWE changing into a kid's show sucks for us.

1. Undertaker winning the title. Let's face it, the Undertaker can't go anymore. I felt Punk was being awesome as a heel champion, and if this was the attitude era, he would have been selling the most merchandise. But this is PG13 and the kids like the Undertaker even though he can't last more than 20 minutes in the ring anymore (anyone notice half the crowd chanting for Punk?). This is a bad move because not only do we now have a champion who would enver put on 5 star matches, the best non-chickenshit heel in the WWE right now was made to look like absolute shit.

2. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Need I say more?

3. And hate on the Orton/Cena fued if you want to, but I thought it would be a great way to end the PPV if Orton beats the crap out of Cena until the stretchers come in. But no, they can't do that since this is a PG13 show, so the kids must go home happy.

P.S I'm fucking turned off by JeriShow now. If that fucking punch is so good, then throw it at the start and just end the match. It's fucking anti climatic to always end matches like that.


Bottom line, this was a PPV featuring 3 of what is supposed to be the most brutal matches in the WWE. And we got...
No blood
No weapons
Hardly any use of the cage as a weapon
No climbing the cage.
This PPV would have been much better suited as a plain old no DQ PPV. If anything it would have allowed it to be filmed more easily.
WWE has completely dropped the ball in every way, shape and form. Their product is completely watered down and gone to shit.
Anyone who says that they don't think this PG rating is affecting things is either 12 or has never seen WWE programming more than 4 years ago.


^^^^WWE presents... A Rather Tough Time In A Cell more like!

P.S I'm fucking turned off by JeriShow now. If that fucking punch is so good, then throw it at the start and just end the match. It's fucking anti climatic to always end matches like that.

Yeah, whilst the psychology of Big Show delivering a knockout punch is fine, I've become increasingly irritated by that myself.

Funny thing is he never had it in his arsenal when he faced Money Mayweatherr at WM24! lol


Yeah, whilst the psychology of Big Show delivering a knockout punch is fine, I've become increasingly irritated by that myself.

Funny thing is he never had it in his arsenal when he faced Money Mayweatherr at WM24! lol

Exactly! If he didn't throw it against Mayweather where in the blue hell did he find that from?

An even better question...why is Big Show still employed?

Truth be told, he's still their best giant and a win over him usually elevates the person to a higher status. Cena went from midcard to main event with a win over the big show for the US title at WM 20.


Regardless of how sparingly they're using bloodshed these days, what i don't get is that whilst they allowed Flair to blade ON TV to sell the beating Jericho gave him during the WM storyline, but they seemingly won't allow it in what should/could be some of their biggest PPV matches of the year.

Makes no sense cos if a parent wasn't gonna let their kid order the PPV because of the prospect of bloodshed then they'd have already put paid to that with the preceeding episode of Raw.


This was a better PPV then Breaking Point tbh, much more enjoyable but I do agree, the HIAC Match has turned to shit, you can't even leave the cell anymore, once you're in you're in their till the end of the match, pretty lame. All we saw was a Steel Chair and a sledge hammer in the match which were hardly used, the cage wasn't even really used in the first two matches, the DX/Legacy Match it was used a little. The Matches were still decent but they didn't need to be HIAC, they could have probably been singles matches and ended up the same.


New Member
Oct 4, 2009
Reaction score
This was a solid PPV. The Taker/Punk match was weak, with no suspense and a predictable Undertaker squash. The Morrison/Ziggler match was not technically pleasing, but it continued JM's march to the top. Orton/Cena was an Orton squash, with "The Viper" winning fairly, and setting up some possible clashes with Batista or Taker. The DX/Legacy match was 4 star.


Cena/Orton was a squash??????? Seriously bro, what PPV were you watching?


Nov 30, 2007
Reaction score
Asheville, NC
This was an almost flawless PPV. The only weak match was Punk vs Taker, which had no twists and turns, and Taker won it too easily. Orton the WWE Champ again, Morrison keeping the I-C title and DX beating Legacy in a hell of a "Hell in a Cell"!

This was a solid PPV. The Taker/Punk match was weak, with no suspense and a predictable Undertaker squash. The Morrison/Ziggler match was not technically pleasing, but it continued JM's march to the top. Orton/Cena was an Orton squash, with "The Viper" winning fairly, and setting up some possible clashes with Batista or Taker. The DX/Legacy match was 4 star.

What happened to "flawless"?

EDIT: Also, what the hell leads you to believe that ORTON will be feuding with TAKER or BATISTA?