Hell in a Cell 2009 Discussion Thread

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Hometown Kid

Flawless PPV my ass.

Can someone explain to me why DX is in the Main event when there are two title matches? Nice job burying Legacy (especially Cody for some reason) too, to a miniscule reaction as well. Also, why didn't H break the chain with a sledgehammer instead of bolt cutters?

More Cena/Orton makes me want to cry...

Taker as champ isn't gonna be pretty.

At least Mcintyre looks cool. And Ziggler looked very nice in his match.

No blood? :n:


I would have loved to see Cena's reign continue and face someone other than Orton. WTF is Cena going to do now?


My bet? Head up the RAW Bragging Rights team....and Survivor Series


How surprising.

No really, i'm shocked. WWE put on a bad PPV? NEVER.

This better be the last Orton/Cena match for ever. I'm sick of seeing matches between those two.

Since 05, they've been involved with each other in 42 matches with each other, such as three ways, tag matches and one on one matches. Actually, this event makes it 43. If my rough counting off OWOW is correct.


If they haven't realized by now that Orton/Cena don't work well together...then boo----boo urns.


Jan 17, 2009
Reaction score
This PPV was solid
-taker punk was good i was expecting more brutality(really wanted a lesnar taker style match somehow) but it was still watchable .
-Morrison v Mr Ziggles was really good i was really digging this match
-divas match...i went to get a sandwich im sorry did not want to see that
-tag match was WAY better then i expected i liked that they used Batista sparingly . i was half expecting him to injure himself in the middle of the match
-cena orton was cena orton i dont think ive ever like any of there matches really i mean there watchable but im just not into them AT ALL the spot of orton chocking out cena though was pretty cool though
-r truth drew was good i guess im not a fan of ron killings really or drew yet but eh did its job
-us title match kofi swagger miz this was a really good fun match nice spots didnt go to long i really wish they would actually give kofi a feud an not random multi man title defenses but all of them have been good so no complaints
-DX Legacy...WOW this match was pretty good i think it went maybe a minute or to to long but them working over Michaels was brutal to watch... that was pretty BS though that HHH comes in an owns everyone . an why didnt he go an get the cutters in the first place ?


Taker and Punk work really well together. But I think it's more a matter of Taker not being able to run a long match at this point. So it was what it was, it was just an extremely anti-climactic finish to the screw job. Hopefully this feud isn't over yet.

Jomo/Ziggles...the first half of the match was boring as fuck. Lost of rest holds and bullshit. The second half was great. Lots of back and forth, near finishes and a good performance by both. Got more time than the WHC match.

Divas...honestly didn't pay a bit of attention...I was eating something..lol

Tag Match...Rey got some serious heat on his entrance...wow. It was what it was, and it wasn't special. It's just as if they're severely wasting Jericho at this point. I'm praying for someone to take those titles off of them so he can move on to singles matches.

Cena/Orton...when will they realize these two are extremely boring in the ring together? Cena moved for the punt a second too early and honestly looked like he avoided it but sold it anyway. AGAIN no use of HIAC at all.

RTruth/Drew...shouldn't have even been on the card. This was the rightful spot of Christian/Ryder. Boring chant throughout the match...that's exactly what it was.

US Title match. Aside from the botch spot of Kofi kicking out because of Swagger missing the rope with his foot it was alright. I was really looking for a title change here...bit dissapointed.

DX/Legacy...MOTN..easily hands down. Legacy had this match won from about the 5 minute mark, but did nothing about it. HHH's heroic save and HBK's recovery made even Cena look like a chump. Those things aside, the beat down on HBK was brutal and really fun to watch. Legacy has come a long way. The tension after the match and during of HHH's possible turn on Michaels was fucking intense.

Also...the pre-match segment planting the Legacy break up seeds was great. But Orton oversold his match a bit much..lmao.


Like I said I didn't order/watch is and I'm glad I didn't by ur reactions. But was any one able to get on top of the cage???


The only match that had ANYTHING outside the cage was DX/Leg...and it was b4 the match even started.
DX/Leg was the only match that even acknowledged that the cell was there. No blood...barely any use of the cage as a weapon..no crazy bumps. They officially ruined the concept of a HIAC match.


So did WWE kill the Hell in a Cell match yet? I hear the Punk match SUCKED A HUGE AMOUNT OF ASS


Active Member
Aug 13, 2007
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Taker and Punk work really well together. But I think it's more a matter of Taker not being able to run a long match at this point. So it was what it was, it was just an extremely anti-climactic finish to the screw job. Hopefully this feud isn't over yet.

Jomo/Ziggles...the first half of the match was boring as fuck. Lost of rest holds and bullshit. The second half was great. Lots of back and forth, near finishes and a good performance by both. Got more time than the WHC match.

Divas...honestly didn't pay a bit of attention...I was eating something..lol

Tag Match...Rey got some serious heat on his entrance...wow. It was what it was, and it wasn't special. It's just as if they're severely wasting Jericho at this point. I'm praying for someone to take those titles off of them so he can move on to singles matches.

To save me typing everthing out I agree with everthing there lol.
Only 1 and half matches were good The last half of JoMo/Ziggler and DX/Legacy that match was Awesome apart from the odd thing. But on a whole the PPV Majorly sucked Ass. Worst PPV ive seen in ages

Cena/Orton...when will they realize these two are extremely boring in the ring together? Cena moved for the punt a second too early and honestly looked like he avoided it but sold it anyway. AGAIN no use of HIAC at all.

RTruth/Drew...shouldn't have even been on the card. This was the rightful spot of Christian/Ryder. Boring chant throughout the match...that's exactly what it was.

US Title match. Aside from the botch spot of Kofi kicking out because of Swagger missing the rope with his foot it was alright. I was really looking for a title change here...bit dissapointed.

DX/Legacy...MOTN..easily hands down. Legacy had this match won from about the 5 minute mark, but did nothing about it. HHH's heroic save and HBK's recovery made even Cena look like a chump. Those things aside, the beat down on HBK was brutal and really fun to watch. Legacy has come a long way. The tension after the match and during of HHH's possible turn on Michaels was fucking intense.

Also...the pre-match segment planting the Legacy break up seeds was great. But Orton oversold his match a bit much..lmao.

Save me writting the same i agree with above. Totally shit PPV only 1 and half good matches The half being JoMo/Ziggler and the 1 Being DX/Legacy there match was awesome. And the only ones that actually used the cell. But apart from that the PPV sucked major ass horrible PPV and the order of the matches was bollocks also.


They will do the old not even hell in a cell can keep they guys apart. Its a good push for legacy if they do draw or go over dx.

LOL... Since when was the idea of a cage match to keep guys APART?

For the first time in over two years I chose not to bother with a WWE PPV... I figured it would be too painful to watch them destroy what is arguably their most special match (not to mention the tainting of Taker's personal HIAC legacy)... Sounds like I was right. Assuming JoMo/Ziggler will face off again, I'll just youtube the DX match and leave it at that.

Whilst justified in booking the DX/Legacy match last as it held the most potential match-wise, does anyone else think it speaks ill of the title fueds if they're being overshadowed by what is in essence an exercise in star-building?

Cena v Orton HIAC should have been epic (WM ME worthy) yet I find myself struggling to give a fuck... Meanwhile Punk is booked in another under-10-min match against a guy who's less than physically capable, thus destroying what looked to be an extremely promising reign for Punk...

Can't fucking believe they put the title on Taker - Are they trying to run SD into the ground now too seeing as they've all but succeeded in doing it to Raw? Fuck protecting Taker to this degree this late in his career... Especially because the guy's seemeingly willing to do jobs.


Sep 15, 2009
Reaction score
I didn't bother with this shit either.

The WWE has seemed to of lost the concept of a PPV. I just can't understand it.

However, I do see y they have put the belt on Taker. I'm personally sick of Punk jumping around and gloating with the belt around his waist. I can see interest in him heeling to get it back and build this fued. Which is what they should have done properly for BP.

I had every belief that the DX/legacy match would be MOTN and I too will youtube it.