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As a huge Orton fan all im saying is Orton is going to be a fucking huge face mark my words on that. He will beat any cena face pop. Orton is the new Austin. All he needs now is a catchphrase. Plus i like the new saying about Orton the APEX Predator.


Not always true. If anything being a face is a hell of a lot harder than a heel. Anyone can be a generic heel...fuck the fans...beat up face X and call it a day. They'll get heat no problem. Sheamus...? LOL

In order to be a face it takes a little more than just coming out and professing your undying love to the crowd. It's a lot harder for people to find something they like rather than hate.

Orton gets the job done on the mic for what his character is. In fact, with his currently personality, the less time on the mic, the better. Sociopaths usually aren't the most talkative of people are they? At least Orton's personality doesn't seem as if it would be. He cut quite a good one on Cody and Ted last week.

-No Orton does not need a fucking catch phrase...LOL
-I do however like Apex Predator.


Not always true. If anything being a face is a hell of a lot harder than a heel..

I totally agree; look at the Rock. He was originally supposed to be a face; but the fans weren't having it; so he turns heel. becomes the Rock and the rest is history.

Mat Awesome

Feb 7, 2010
Reaction score
Cincinnati, Ohio
xFrenchKissx said:
Yup, I got boobz bro. And no, there will be no pictures
LKP said:
I start to like Morrison when he turned face int he summer of 09 but lately he to me is just a douche. I hope his face turn ends up like Orton's fail one in 04/05.
Morrison to raw after the draft as a heel should be interesting.

Fail face turn? If anything, that may take Morrison off TV for some time because, you know and I know, WWE cannot make a good storyline on the spot like that.

I would hope that he goes to Raw and gets into a feud woth Shawn Michaels or John Cena, but turning him heel on Smackdown may not work. I don't know about everyone else, but watching heel turns on Smackdown is nowhere as intense as on Raw due to Raw's great status and energy.


Not always true. If anything being a face is a hell of a lot harder than a heel. Anyone can be a generic heel...fuck the fans...beat up face X and call it a day. They'll get heat no problem. Sheamus...? LOL

In order to be a face it takes a little more than just coming out and professing your undying love to the crowd. It's a lot harder for people to find something they like rather than hate.

Orton gets the job done on the mic for what his character is. In fact, with his currently personality, the less time on the mic, the better. Sociopaths usually aren't the most talkative of people are they? At least Orton's personality doesn't seem as if it would be. He cut quite a good one on Cody and Ted last week.

-No Orton does not need a fucking catch phrase...LOL
-I do however like Apex Predator

Haha i did that one for you noumenon, of course he does not need a catchphrase. He is ok as he is. I like Apex predator suits his face image.

Great One

I think it is harder to pull off charisma as a heel than it is as a face. To be a good face, like you said, you basically kiss ass and suck up. To be a heel, you have to be a dick and at the same time make sure everyone loves to hate you. Way more work goes into it which is why really, truly good heels are hard to come by. And when they do come around, they get remembered.
I sorta disagree. Look at Morrison, he tries this method as a face and fails horribly, has no charisma as a face, imo.

Orton has had some good promos, not everyone can be Rock or Austin. And all in all, isn't that what EVERY promo is about? How someone is going to win? I think Orton is just now realizing his capabilities and I am looking forward to see what he can do with this new opportunity. One that the fans are pushing for, and he is rolling with. Not one that was handed to him on a silver platter.
Yeah, but look at Jake Robert's promos. Orton is quite possibility most similar to him in the viciousness aspect and Jake really made it seem like he was going to kill his opponents and made his promos more intricate and thought-striking.

LOL Did you not just say earlier that it seems that Cena's promos are written for him, or at least the content? Why give him credit now bro?
Yeah, I did say that and I thought about it as I was typing, but remember my wording was this:
It's not Cena's fault for the Blue shit he does, it's the WWE's. The guy is more than enough talented to make something of his horrid character, but it's so blatantly obvious he's told almost everything to say, what stupid jokes to use. Maybe not word for word, but what to go out there and do.
I imagine it's like, John go out there and say some mega inspirational speech about how you are who you are and you do it for the WWE fans. He'd probably do the rest and I mean, he DOES bring some raw and legit intensity and passion to his promos, but it's just so dragged out, if you get what I mean.



I would hope that he goes to Raw and gets into a feud woth Shawn Michaels or John Cena, but turning him heel on Smackdown may not work. I don't know about everyone else, but watching heel turns on Smackdown is nowhere as intense as on Raw due to Raw's great status and energy.

Agreed dude.

Morrison to raw should be cool as a heel. Hbk matches, cena, edge and hell even kofi Kingston. Morrison should turn heel going into a mitb qualifying match up. Doing whatever it takes to win. He loses it and snaps.


I tell everyone this. Although I can't stand the Cena character at most time I find it almost impossible to completely dismiss him and shit all over him. I had the opportunity to have a near 2 hour conversation with Cena one day along with my friend after an autograph signing. The guy was so genuinely fucking nice and passionate about the business it was And this was amidst the massive Cena hate in 06-07 I believe.
Cena has done his job better than anyone in the company since he's been there and no one can really debate that. He always delivers no matter who they stick him with and like him or not is currently the biggest (I didn't say best) wrestler in the world. I would go as far as to say that his popularity on a global and general name knowledge (as far as non wrestling fans go) nearly tops that of Austin or Rock at this point.

One thing I've come to notice about Orton is that although he's phenomenal in the ring and with in ring psychology he doesn't work well with fact...more often than not his style completely clashes with whoever he's facing. Just watch most matches between him and HHH or even Cena for that matter....absolutely horrible. I think the problem with Orton lies in the fact that he in such a great in ring worker can does bring a very technical ring psychology to the picture that he almost goes over the head of people like Cena or HHH. I mean let's face it...Orton's methodical break down of someone in the ring doesn't work well if his opponent is practically no selling everything. And as to what Millz Orton should never be a "baby" would set him back to square one. Orton's character needs ZERO alteration right now except for who to aim his aggression at.

I for one can't stand what they've done to Edge since his return. Just like Orton I think his character shouldn't have changed at all. They simply needed to remove the chicken shit aspect of it and set his sights on Jericho or Sheamus and it would have worked beatifully. There's a reason guys like Morrison and Kofi haven't clicked with the fans yet and been able to become the next top face. No one wants to see another goody goody kiss ass take the reigns as the next top face...they want a BAMF.

No way in hell. Back in the 90's the WWE's fanbase was triple the size that it is now. They have lost millions of viewers. But all those viewers remember Austin and The Rock. Cena is very well known but Stone Cold and The Rock are extremely well known.

I also can not believe you guys are saying Nitro is a better role for Hennigan. The name change to Morrison catapulted his career. Morrison was on fire as the IC champ but after losing the belt to Drew he lost some serious credibility and his promos and in ring work have grown stale. Morrison also was one of the top heels during his reign as ECW champ. But he formed a tag team with Miz and plans changed.

Mat Awesome

Feb 7, 2010
Reaction score
Cincinnati, Ohio
I sorta disagree. Look at Morrison, he tries this method as a face and fails horribly, has no charisma as a face, imo.
I don't completly think he has NO charisma, but I do think he doesn't have much in his current attitude. If he was repackaged with a different gimmick, he could possibly have as much, if not more, charisma as he had as a heel. But thats just my opinion.



Fail face turn? If anything, that may take Morrison off TV for some time because, you know and I know, WWE cannot make a good storyline on the spot like that.

I would hope that he goes to Raw and gets into a feud woth Shawn Michaels or John Cena, but turning him heel on Smackdown may not work. I don't know about everyone else, but watching heel turns on Smackdown is nowhere as intense as on Raw due to Raw's great status and energy.

Yeah, but look at Jake Robert's promos. Orton is quite possibility most similar to him in the viciousness aspect and Jake really made it seem like he was going to kill his opponents and made his promos more intricate and thought-striking.

I read a few months back on a wrestling news site, Orton watches Jake the snake Roberts matches to get his psychology from. i thought it was a good piece of tiny news to get myself. Mind you with all the snake references? Maybe he does indeed do it.


Active Member
Jan 23, 2010
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Blackpool, England
I think the only turn that should be made now is Shawn Michaels (he's pretty much int the middle of his turn now) after his recent promos he could play a mentally disturbed type character, we've already seen that from his devastation from his recent failures.

Randy Orton, imo should stay how he is, I think his face pops would go if he actually turned, and putting up against heels all the time would get boring for me, because he is better against a face and I find it funny that someone could be in ultimate face mode with amazing face promos and they will still not get the cheers they were after and Randy will get amazing cheers.

John Cena is in full on face mode and getting some of the best reactions of his career with this Vince/Batista storyline, it would just be a massive buzzkill to turn him heel now imo. Perhaps, in a year or so (probably longer) when his massive crowd reactions have died down but I can't see it happening just now, it wouldn't be credible, we need to be eased into it.

Triple H imo is could look better face now than he has done in a while, even when he had his feud with Orton. Not because of DX (maybe a little bit, but in a different way to usual) or because he's back in the title picture but because he could just not give a shit Shawn Michaels could be doing all his heel shit and Triple H could just give it a little reaction and get on with his matches. I would like to see him not even feud with HBK after they split up instead just go out and wrestle (maybe win a title). It would be even better if Michaels went into massive heel mode and HHH could just not pay any attention and still carry on with DX with HBK still in it, they could do all there normal DX shit and HHH would be clueless, I would lol so much, it wont happen but I would love it to.


The IC title reign did nothing for him. The belt was just sitting stagnant on him for months. They didn't even have the balls to take it off of him and do a back and forth between him and Ziggler.


Jan 26, 2010
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Oh, herro California!
I know I sound like a broken record with this one but the decision to drop the Johnny Nitro character was a horrible idea all together. I think when he initially picked up the ECW title under the Nitro name he was finally starting to develop into a character. He was having some pretty awesome matches at that point as well. I think the fans were almost on the verge of getting behind the character to some degree because of how much he stepped up his game. I remember sitting there shaking my head when he came out and debuted the Morrison character. Though I can't deny the initial Punk/Morrison feud was incredible.

i always preferred Nitro to Morrison. I'm not exactly sure why though because visually it is pretty much the same thing. Morrison improved greatly since the MNM phase though. I haven't really saw enough of the whole Morrison character to know for sure whether I hate it or not, but from what I've seen I prefer Nitro.

As a huge Orton fan all im saying is Orton is going to be a fucking huge face mark my words on that. He will beat any cena face pop. Orton is the new Austin. All he needs now is a catchphrase. Plus i like the new saying about Orton the APEX Predator.

From your lips to Vince's ear bro.

Not always true. If anything being a face is a hell of a lot harder than a heel. Anyone can be a generic heel...fuck the fans...beat up face X and call it a day. They'll get heat no problem. Sheamus...? LOL

In order to be a face it takes a little more than just coming out and professing your undying love to the crowd. It's a lot harder for people to find something they like rather than hate.

Orton gets the job done on the mic for what his character is. In fact, with his currently personality, the less time on the mic, the better. Sociopaths usually aren't the most talkative of people are they? At least Orton's personality doesn't seem as if it would be. He cut quite a good one on Cody and Ted last week.

-No Orton does not need a fucking catch phrase...LOL
-I do however like Apex Predator.

Really? Because i believe there a lot of heels that do basically that and I couldn't give two shits about them. Same with faces. Yet another case of not giving us anyone solid to stand behind.

I've said all there is to say about Sheamus. In other words, TBD.

There may be some truth in that statement. I hate everything until proven otherwise. Not everyone is like that though, most people will give anything a chance until given a reason NOT to like it.

Actions speak louder than words. A much bigger statement can be made with an RKO then with all the promos. Nothing Orton could have said to Cody last night could have taken the place of the RKO. BAM, you're down. EMD bro. move on.

Catchphrases develop naturally. Best to let it happen on it's own if it has to.

Go post here:

Great One

Orton gets the job done on the mic for what his character is. In fact, with his currently personality, the less time on the mic, the better. Sociopaths usually aren't the most talkative of people are they? At least Orton's personality doesn't seem as if it would be. He cut quite a good one on Cody and Ted last week.
Yep, and you saw me say in the SB, 'that was probably Orton's greatest promo yet.' THAT is the intensity I'm talking about. And yeah, I know it gets the job done, that's why I said we'll wait and see. Sometimes you need to defy realism to keep people's interest. While it makes sense, you need to keep people entertained, you know? When shit starts picking up with his character, people start getting interested and cheering. Coincidence? Nope.

Mat Awesome

Feb 7, 2010
Reaction score
Cincinnati, Ohio
Randy Orton and John Morrison should be tweeners imo. They both have that heel feeling, but they are also good for face pops. Neither of them should always face heels, or always face babyfaces. When John Morrison was just turning face, he still did heel-ish things, but he also did baby-face things that was REALLY entertaining. Randy Orton is in this stage now and I think we all can agree that he is more entertaining now, then he was two months ago.