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How long will ortons face run last? I mean if he moves to smackdown after the draft will he be facing the jericho's and zigglers or the takers and rey's? Im still unsure on all of this face thing. It could be be over the legacy thing. As an orton fan i want an Austin type heel turn and for him to be over as fuck. But at the back of my mind i think we will be disappointed. And this face pop he is getting is just the legacy storyline. I hope its not though.


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Great One

I don't completly think he has NO charisma, but I do think he doesn't have much in his current attitude. If he was repackaged with a different gimmick, he could possibly have as much, if not more, charisma as he had as a heel. But thats just my opinion.
Yeah, that's why I said as a face. As a heel, sure he did. And in the ring, I kinda scale it differently.

Btw FrenchKiss I edited some shit. I g2g now, peace.


Shouldn't wwe be thinking about using morrison as a guy who has it all, money, talent, women and the ic title? No they use him as a Jim morrison rip off who cannot even cut a promo. I tell you what id love to see him and hbk tag up.


The IC title reign did nothing for him. The belt was just sitting stagnant on him for months. They didn't even have the balls to take it off of him and do a back and forth between him and Ziggler.

His win against Mysterio really put him over. During his reign as IC champ he would have solid matches with Ziggler, Jericho, Knox, and others. His matches with Jericho really gave him pops. But Ziggler definitely should have won the IC title during their feud. That way they both would have been built up.


Jan 26, 2010
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Oh, herro California!

I expected that from TJ, not you. And tits are always a win. Well, not always there is Mae Young.

I sorta disagree. Look at Morrison, he tries this method as a face and fails horribly, has no charisma as a face, imo.

Yeah, but look at Jake Robert's promos. Orton is quite possibility most similar to him in the viciousness aspect and Jake really made it seem like he was going to kill his opponents and made his promos more intricate and thought-striking.

Yeah, I did say that and I thought about it as I was typing, but remember my wording was this:
I imagine it's like, John go out there and say some mega inspirational speech about how you are who you are and you do it for the WWE fans. He'd probably do the rest and I mean, he DOES bring some raw and legit intensity and passion to his promos, but it's just so dragged out, if you get what I mean.

I can't really argue Morrison, as I like to know what I am talking about before I set off and argue. Less chance of looking stupid that way. lol.

Has Orton's viciousness ever been in question? I think that is one thing he has always been really good at getting across. Which makes me wonder exactly how good of a face you can really be while punting people in the head. Hmm, more on that later. But, like it was said, with his sociopath persona, promos weren't really a focus point. If he turns face, he may really need to work on that.

Yep, and you saw me say in the SB, 'that was probably Orton's greatest promo yet.' THAT is the intensity I'm talking about. And yeah, I know it gets the job done, that's why I said we'll wait and see. Sometimes you need to defy realism to keep people's interest. While it makes sense, you need to keep people entertained, you know? When shit starts picking up with his character, people start getting interested and cheering. Coincidence? Nope.

Agreed. I HOPE that this Orton thing continues and is a huge success but nothing is for certain in the WWE. Well, disappointment is :(

Randy Orton and John Morrison should be tweeners imo. They both have that heel feeling, but they are also good for face pops. Neither of them should always face heels, or always face babyfaces. When John Morrison was just turning face, he still did heel-ish things, but he also did baby-face things that was REALLY entertaining. Randy Orton is in this stage now and I think we all can agree that he is more entertaining now, then he was two months ago.

Good point. But, I don't know that either of them have what it takes to sit on the fence and hold their own while waiting for those moments to come along. When it comes down to feuds, it always makes more sense to have a good guy and a bad guy. Who knows though, it may be easier that way to pit them against a variety of other people, see how the crowd reacts and who meshes well and go from there. But then, that makes sense, so it'll never happen.


I'm just a bit confused as to how people are sitting here talking about Orton like he's some card of dwindling mid carder that's never quite broken throgh. HE'S THE TOP HEEL IN THE FUCKING COMPANY! LOL


Active Member
Jan 23, 2010
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Blackpool, England
Shouldn't wwe be thinking about using morrison as a guy who has it all, money, talent, women and the ic title? No they use him as a Jim morrison rip off who cannot even cut a promo. I tell you what id love to see him and hbk tag up.

Id rather see them compete.

Mat Awesome

Feb 7, 2010
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Cincinnati, Ohio
Chris Jericho is a great heel, and with more feuds with rookies, he could take Randy's "Top Heel" persona. There is also always room to push somebody like, I don't know, SWAGGER! Swaggee could also be a candidate for top heel. There is always somebody who can be top heel or top face in WWE.


Jan 26, 2010
Reaction score
Oh, herro California!
Yeah, that's why I said as a face. As a heel, sure he did. And in the ring, I kinda scale it differently.

Btw FrenchKiss I edited some shit. I g2g now, peace.

Had fun talkin with you, bro. Pick it up again later. C-ya.

Shouldn't wwe be thinking about using morrison as a guy who has it all, money, talent, women and the ic title? No they use him as a Jim morrison rip off who cannot even cut a promo. I tell you what id love to see him and hbk tag up.

HBK and Morrison? I personally don't see what good it would do either of them. HBK just coming out of DX and ripe for a new angle. Morrison, idk.

His win against Mysterio really put him over. During his reign as IC champ he would have solid matches with Ziggler, Jericho, Knox, and others. His matches with Jericho really gave him pops. But Ziggler definitely should have won the IC title during their feud. That way they both would have been built up.

^ Proof that I must watch more Smackdown.

I'm just a bit confused as to how people are sitting here talking about Orton like he's some card of dwindling mid carder that's never quite broken throgh. HE'S THE TOP HEEL IN THE FUCKING COMPANY! LOL

Maybe it has something to do with being compared to John Cena for the last few pages bro, lol.

Chris Jericho is a great heel, and with more feuds with rookies, he could take Randy's "Top Heel" persona. There is also always room to push somebody like, I don't know, SWAGGER! Swaggee could also be a candidate for top heel. There is always somebody who can be top heel or top face in WWE.

Jericho isn't the heel he once was. Last time Orton and Jericho were paired up it was lame and lasted about 2 seconds.

I'd like to see the man who can knock Cena off as top face of the company right now.


Jericho isn't the heel he once was!? Jericho is probably the best all around heel in the company. I mean c'mon...he managed to morph his "honest man" gimmick flawlessly through almost two years. He's managed to successful add comedy into the character, carry feuds with legends who can barely go in the ring, give HBK probably one of the highlights of his career, make us forget we're actually watching Big Show and consistently get heat through it all.
The guy is WWE's crown jewel...don't you dare speak ill of Jericho again... >:p


Jan 26, 2010
Reaction score
Oh, herro California!
Hey hey calm the ef down. I like Jericho as much as anyone, but can you honestly compare Jericho of the past with the new version? It's not even on the same level. All of those things you listed I expected from him, not anything less.


Your new here Frenh Kisss but one thing you don't do is dare doubt Jericho in noumenon's presence lol.