I swear any time Cena talks on the mic I just want to punch him in the face. Or like noumenon once said, throw a brick at him, lmao. I just HATE Cena, i.e. hate the character more than I have ever hated any wrestling character. The only one who comes close is Rey Mysterio, and if John Morrison continues the way he does, him too. The character simply requires no depth, you go out there and suck up to the audience and say shit like I HAVE NEVER BACKED DOWN AND I NEVER WILL! I could do it. Also, the reason Cena (and Batista) got so over was because of their booking, primarily Cena. He got booked as a 'superman' which got those kids obviously behind him. It worked. Not saying they didn't work at all for their fame.. which kinda ties into my next point. Something people overlook, and something I couldn't rival Cena in as how big he really is, he's fucking ripped, so is Batista (thanks roids). People as jacked as these two are is why people (primarily kids) get behind them. Btw, Cena is a character, like Shawn, Hunter, etc. So the only thing I would improve personally is for him to actually act more like himself, act more like he use to in 04, more bad ass, etc. Otherwise, there's no way he's going to turn heel and no way WWE would have enough balls to do it, like I've said on countless occasions.
Every way, except maybe a more gifted athlete, but we barely see that out of Orton nowadays anyway, so it is obsolete. Cena is solid in that category anyways, when do you ever see him botch a move? Cena made every gimmick, every run he's had work. Orton wasn't even seen as a credible main eventer until LATE 07 (arguable), then he was boring as fuck and came out to almost no reaction, only getting over by beating up HBK (who gets anyone over as a heel). The only time I personally took him seriously as a top guy is when he came back in 08, when he actually changed his character. The tattoos, the walk, the music, they actually gave him a presence and something to acknowledge (can be related to someone like Triple H), hence why he's getting over now, no one gave a fuck about him in 04-05. Orton's psychology is probably loads better than Cena's as well, but for all we know, Cena is told to go out there and no-sell everything. But regardless, Cena is better than Orton, the facts tell it.
Agreed. I liked what Batista did too, the whole spotlight thing is lol.