Flame-Alation chamber championship: Round 1.

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THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

How the fuck are you planning on judging this? Is everyone going to get points out of ten or what?


Travis you stupid little prick, you just contradicted yourslef. You say none of us little bitches can stand up to you, than in the next sentence you said everything in this thread is crap except for LHR. Nice job trying to ride her pussy (How do you ride pussy? :confused:) and not get her to flame you, or maybe you were pulling a TNa and putting your name next to hers to try ad improve your chance.s whatever the case, that's fucking stupid (K....I'm not trying to suck up to her. I fucking think that she's a bloodsquirting bitch sometimes, but just because I said that she is one of the best flamers here doesn't mean that I'm sucking up to her. ::kenfan:)

And you were in the first flamewar? Yes I was :yes: Wow. Have a fucking cookie. That proves nothing to why you deserve the championship. Keven Federline was in a wrestling match, hey, he must be the best!Nah, I'm better than K Fed...wait...did you just spell Kevin "Keven"? lmao See Travvy (ONLY MY GF CAN CALL ME THAT :ninja:), that logic doesn't really work, does it?

And yes, compared to you I am a 'noob'. Which means about as much as your poor, pathetic life. Rosewt01 has more posts and joined after LHR, the one you're trying to suck up too, (Once again...I'm not sucking up to her) yet he's probably the most hated person here. Post count and the time you joined means nothing (Well no shit, did I ever say it did? no), you could be here for a year and yet thered be a poster who had made more quality posts than you did in tat year tthan (STUTTERING FTW!!!!) you did in a week.

And you're not trying to suck up to LHR? (I never said I wasn't sucking up to her before you posted this) Well then grow a set of nutsand (There isn't sand in my nuts :confused:) flame her, it's the Flame-Ation Chamber (Actually...it's the Flame-Alation Chamber...thanks for playing), not the 'oh shit, LHR is tough, I don't wanna mess with her'. If you wanna win you're gonna have to grow a fucking set of nuts, or just borrow that strap-on from your sister :)sly: HIII MI NAME IZ HBK AND I THANK I KAN FLAME!!!!...what a blueberry)and get flaming fuckwit, (I have been) not just using crappy flames like saying everyone should bow down to you and LHR. (Uh, that's about the 40th fucking time that you've mentioned her)

Now if I may, let me go back and correct some things that you said.

Okay...HBK, everything that I need to say to you is in there....now I want to adress LHR because some people think I'm "riding her pussy" I still have no idea how you "ride pussy" :dunno: but anyways......

LHR, you're nothing but a fucking bloodsquirting bitch who thinks that you're always right. You're like 25 and say that you have a husband and you have a high paying job....but why in the fuck are you on the internet every fucking minute? I come in for about 30 minutes 2 times a day (sometimes longer if I'm bored or it's the middle of the night and I can't sleep) and everytime I log on, you're fucking online. What the fuck is up with that? You know what...fuck rose, fuck HBK, fuck everyone in this thing...IDC if I win the fucking championship right now, but I sure as hell will win it when I get another chance.


You're average is 5 posts a day and mine is 3. Who's on every fucking minute again shithole? Hey, come back! You dropped your strap on!

What you did wasn't an analysis, since an analysis involves some sort of nigh-exegetical conundrum. What did you do? If talking professionally means talking without explanations, then you really are in for one hell of a hard life. Your tabula rasa of a brain mystifies me really. How does a person without any significance like you exist? Why do you exist? A species does not merely evolve to become supreme, it also de-evolves, like how we have archial branches in our arms but it never develops into wings. If everything exists for a reason, then you must be the blank space that causes a balance of power, a dichotomy.

You exist merely to be useless.

Fact is, as much as I enjoy how much you try and act intelligent, I derive more pleasure from the fact that your IQ will not merit you anything other than an average economic stratification.

You see, I may not be able to prove the fact that I am filthy fucking top-class over the net, but I at least know how to carry it. You see, when I talk, people listen. When you talk, people laugh.

Your attitude screams superiority complex. You must show how much better you are in everything you say, even when not "dick waving".

If that is how you talk professionally, then I really do wonder if your parents educate you or just use the money for your college plan to buy hookers.

I sense gimmick.


Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
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Titletown, Mexico
FYI(fag yo'Indenial);

"I ...KenFan-Tha-4th....has a life...and so has like...totally passed the torch of Flamer to my Student...King-LENNIE....so like...since I'm like retired and shit...someone can like...write my name off the Flame-Championship...and Goodluck to MaJe$ty and King Lennie...I trained you ni'ggas good....now go tear up some Geed!!!"


Moonlight Drive

Nice job Travis, you really cut me down with your awesome flames.

Oh wait, they weren't flames. They were pointing out spelling mistakes and ignoring everything I written. Did you a reply to a flame? No, the only mighty attempt at a flame was

'My name is HBK and I think I kan flame...what a blueberry'

Whoa, cut me deep bitch. I'm really upset when someone, out of despair their own crummy life is worth about as much as the crappy flames they spew from their keyboards and half developed brains, pretend to be me and try to flame me by spelling c with a k and is with a z. Then the coup de grace, what a blueberry.

Don't worry about the strap-on LHR, he has about 3

And yes, you are a good flamer Hotrod. Simply for the fact you use large and complex words to trick around with the minds of your undeveloped targets, mainly Travis40, who seems to think a spelling mistake is worth someones life.

When you talk, people listen becaue they know you're going to go fucking nuts and flame someone in the Flame-alation Chamber and they wanna see what you're pissed off about this time. Every second thread in this section is you and someone else flaming each other, sometimes even the same one over and over again

What's the point of going over Travi's analysis? It wasn't an analysis, it was a spell check by someone who probably failed the Kindergarten Spelling Test anyway. If Travis exists merely to be useless, you exist merely to be the Flame-alation chamber bully, flaming those who you know have no chance of replying to your flames due to their lack of education and knowledge, who will just reply with

'My name iz LHR and i thank I kan flame'



Now I know I' probably going to get destroyed by you when you see this post, but at least it doesn't take someone showing me I'm trying to avoid getting flamed by you to call you out with AWESOME flames like

'everytime I log on, you're fucking online'

So whatever rip me apart if you want you stupid bitch, if you get time away from your PMS or whatever rod's crammed up your arse

And I'm sorry if I made any spelling or grammatical errors while I was typing Travis, please, oh please, check my spelling so you ignore my flames, oh dears, I realised that grammatical is a 4 syllable word, can you read words that big?


Maje$ty you stupid monkey dick, your flames are full of shit, they are based on nothing. You act as if you know LHR and Trav personally, so shut the fuck up. Your flames are like bloody mama jokes, which proves how much your immature undeveloped 13 year old brain and can come up with real flames.


In this post ill own Fagish40 and LazyCockRoids together! So get your blades and knives ready you bitches!

So Travis you think you’re a good flamer? You think you can own? Lmfao smurf please.. You don’t even own your life you want to know who does? I DO! Your parents sold you to me for 5 cents, I owned you in your little “open challenge” thread you made a while back.

Travis.. I thought apes evolved to humans? But it looks like you never evolved, you belong to the zoo you ape fucking creature! You’re the kind of smurf who buys STDs from a viral lab just to make it look like you get laid.

Do me a favour and tell your parents to stop going around my backyard at night, just because their poor and they need food doesn’t mean they have to look for it in my backyard.. I mean come on your mom tried climbing in to my chimney like shes Santa Clause.

Your way of making a girlfriend of should I say “boyfriend” since your gay is chatting with them online, asking where they live, and going to their houses to have sex, but when you enter the house a man appears from “Too catch a Predator” on MSNBC. Your fucking pathetic you period blood drinking smurf!

Lmfao, when you were born your mom said “holy shit what kind of ugly creature came out of my pussy?” Lmao, you could even get out of her pussy because you were too fat. The only reason we have earth quakes is because you go on your yearly run you fat flabby waste of oxygen. Lmao when you tried putting your picture on the computer there was an error that said “error this person is too ugly”. You make blind kinds cry with your ugliness you smurf.

Travis? You have no social life you crossdressing transvestite. If you were ever kidnapped and eaten by a cannibal tribe? They would all die of high cholesterol you fat flabby waste of oxygen.

Ok now Im done with you, try not causing a flood with your tears.
Now on to LadyHotRod. lmfao bitch, just look at you, you’re a 24 year old married whore that tries to flame people, is your life that depressing that you have to take your anger out on flaming? You say you have a husband? Bich please.. What kind of a Blue smurf would want to marry you? I mean come on.. You have so many pimples that clean and clear under control couldn’t help.

Its impossible to believe that the sperm that has created this bitch beat out the other 1000000. You are a disgrace to your family you 2 dollar slut. I bet you're brain feels as good as new, since you have never used it you low IQ lesbian. I could make a monkey of you, But why should I take all the credit? Your my slave I’m your slave master.

If I ever need a brain transplant, I’d choose yours because I want a brain that has never been used before. Do your parents know you’re a lesbo? Your afraid to tell them because if you did? They would put you up for adoption your parents are fucking ashamed of you.

Lmao, your parents tried selling your organs but no one would by them because you have a disease called “aids”. Lmao, you tell everyone to die from cancer but the fact is that your mom is really dieing from cancer (you told me this in the LadyHotRod vs. Showstopper thread) you wanna know why shes dieing from cancer? Isn’t it obvious? Well its because you gave her aids you fucking lesbian.

Do the world a favour and get a gun, load it up, put it In your mouth, and pull the trigger . Everyone would be happier if you did that including your parents. You go to the sperm bank just to get a drink you aid invested whore. This forum is your life, I bet your going to make your kids come on here, that’s if you even get a kid, (standing in the corner of the street begging for sex doesn’t count).

You will never own me aka your moms pimp, The only thing you own is a blow up shemale doll that you fuck in you're bedroom, because you've never had and never will have a real sexual relationship in you're life, You're only highlight in you're life was, Learning how to use forums on the computer.

Now get back to mowing my lawn with your teeth bitch..

There you have both been flamed by a 13 year old now feel free to slice your wrists.

Don't even try to flame. It's the same old shit; U R A 24 YEAR OLD MARRIED WOMAN UR HUSBAND IZ DUMB LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL and then your next breath is U R A LESBIAN.

Just cut your throat already. We state facts when we flame. You pull overused garbage out of your ass.

You basically steal every flame I made in this forum, change a few words and then direct it at me. You can't even come up with your own.

That right there should be a disqualification when you can't make up your own shit.


Okay, I dropped out of this one for now...holy shit....LHR fucking owned me lmao

wow....this is fun to watch

EDIT - :rofl: at Majesty's weak ass shit


Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
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Titletown, Mexico
Gawdammit Tarvis!!!

*grabs trav' by tha throat and slams his back up againest the wall and slaps him up a few times*

KenFan Heroically Shouts Out: "FUcking....Geez....TARVIS!!!.....Just Cuz Them Suckass-Pussy Nerd-Nig'gas ain't Got No Lives and Shit like that....Doesn't Mean Yo-Ass-STill can't beat-em in a Flame-War!!!.....
It wasn't tha-people that drove you out of the IWF.....
...They Loved-You....THEY BELEIVED IN YOU!!!
Hell!!...Gawdammit....even I-BELIEVED-IN_YOU!!!
..........so-ya-talk about headlining flame-war, after flame-war...
well how about you headline, one more flame-war......with THE-KENFAN!!!!"

*mania'video'hype-promo tunes kick in*


I was thinking of which way I'd want Majesty to die but they're all appealing so I would have him die a certain way and then come back to life just so he could suffer and die another way. It would just keep going until all different types of death are covered. Then, I'd throw his smurf little brown body in a curry smelling coffin while a dog humps his testicles that only ever grew a single hair when he hit puberty.

I would then borrow his dad's turban, stuff his mouth with it, grab his mom's ugly scarf and tie it around his throat for fun.


Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Titletown, Mexico
is MaJe$ty that M.NightShamealong Looking queer?

or is that....

that one dude....like..



I dunno...


He's the brown smelly smurf with the huge nose and dresses like a gangster while looking like an 8 year old.
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Hahahahahahhaha! Ladyhotrod? Your going to kill me? Excuse me while I laugh...still laughing...k done, how can a scrawny, deformed, aid invested, period blood drinking, tumour faced, emotistical, freak of nature like you kill me? Just because you scare people with your hidious face doesnt mean you could kill them.

I try to act gangster? Fat lady please.. you look fucking emo, I bet you dyed your pubic hair pink and black. Whats with you and the word "Die"? Your the only person that should die, because earth doesnt need brain dead whores like you.

Lmao, when you go to strip clubs you enter for free, because you say "hey my mom works here can I enter for free" lmao. anyways.. about your mom dieing, yeah fat lady, your mom is dieing because she doesnt want a faliure of a daugther like you.

I steal your flames? Wtf? Why would I want to steal your shitty flames? "U R A 24 YEAR OLD MARRIED WOMAN UR HUSBAND IZ DUMB LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL"? I dont type like that you dumbass, you must be blind, tell your husband to stop missing his target.

Why do you complain about my flames? Are they exposing you? Your like "He said im a lifeless 24 year old whore its exposing me!!" Lmao bitch, its just jokes you dont need to commit suicide over them, matter of fact? You would do us all a big favour by commiting suicide.

Your mom was a slut and a strip club, she let people fuck her for 5 cents, and that’s how you got born, don’t you ever wonder why you have 15 brothers and sisters running around your house? It ‘s because when your mom sees someone with money, she runs and says “sex for money please”, that’s why she cant feed your family, you have to use the welfare,

Once again? A person 11 years smaller than you made you cry.


Gawdammit Tarvis!!!

*grabs trav' by tha throat and slams his back up againest the wall and slaps him up a few times*

KenFan Heroically Shouts Out: "FUcking....Geez....TARVIS!!!.....Just Cuz Them Suckass-Pussy Nerd-Nig'gas ain't Got No Lives and Shit like that....Doesn't Mean Yo-Ass-STill can't beat-em in a Flame-War!!!.....
It wasn't tha-people that drove you out of the IWF.....
...They Loved-You....THEY BELEIVED IN YOU!!!
Hell!!...Gawdammit....even I-BELIEVED-IN_YOU!!!
..........so-ya-talk about headlining flame-war, after flame-war...
well how about you headline, one more flame-war......with THE-KENFAN!!!!"

*mania'video'hype-promo tunes kick in*

*no sells everyting KenFan dished out*