Moonlight Drive

Nice job Travis, you really cut me down with your awesome flames.
Oh wait, they weren't flames. They were pointing out spelling mistakes and ignoring everything I written. Did you a reply to a flame? No, the only mighty attempt at a flame was
'My name is HBK and I think I kan flame...what a blueberry'
Whoa, cut me deep bitch. I'm really upset when someone, out of despair their own crummy life is worth about as much as the crappy flames they spew from their keyboards and half developed brains, pretend to be me and try to flame me by spelling c with a k and is with a z. Then the coup de grace, what a blueberry.
Don't worry about the strap-on LHR, he has about 3
And yes, you are a good flamer Hotrod. Simply for the fact you use large and complex words to trick around with the minds of your undeveloped targets, mainly Travis40, who seems to think a spelling mistake is worth someones life.
When you talk, people listen becaue they know you're going to go fucking nuts and flame someone in the Flame-alation Chamber and they wanna see what you're pissed off about this time. Every second thread in this section is you and someone else flaming each other, sometimes even the same one over and over again
What's the point of going over Travi's analysis? It wasn't an analysis, it was a spell check by someone who probably failed the Kindergarten Spelling Test anyway. If Travis exists merely to be useless, you exist merely to be the Flame-alation chamber bully, flaming those who you know have no chance of replying to your flames due to their lack of education and knowledge, who will just reply with
'My name iz LHR and i thank I kan flame'
Now I know I' probably going to get destroyed by you when you see this post, but at least it doesn't take someone showing me I'm trying to avoid getting flamed by you to call you out with AWESOME flames like
'everytime I log on, you're fucking online'
So whatever rip me apart if you want you stupid bitch, if you get time away from your PMS or whatever rod's crammed up your arse
And I'm sorry if I made any spelling or grammatical errors while I was typing Travis, please, oh please, check my spelling so you ignore my flames, oh dears, I realised that grammatical is a 4 syllable word, can you read words that big?
Maje$ty you stupid monkey dick, your flames are full of shit, they are based on nothing. You act as if you know LHR and Trav personally, so shut the fuck up. Your flames are like bloody mama jokes, which proves how much your immature undeveloped 13 year old brain and can come up with real flames.
Hahahahahahhaha! Ladyhotrod? Your going to kill me? Excuse me while I laugh...still laughing...k done, how can a scrawny, deformed, aid invested, period blood drinking, tumour faced, emotistical, freak of nature like you kill me? Just because you scare people with your hidious face doesnt mean you could kill them.
I try to act gangster? Fat lady please.. you look fucking emo, I bet you dyed your pubic hair pink and black. Whats with you and the word "Die"? Your the only person that should die, because earth doesnt need brain dead whores like you.
Lmao, when you go to strip clubs you enter for free, because you say "hey my mom works here can I enter for free" lmao. anyways.. about your mom dieing, yeah fat lady, your mom is dieing because she doesnt want a faliure of a daugther like you.
I steal your flames? Wtf? Why would I want to steal your shitty flames? "U R A 24 YEAR OLD MARRIED WOMAN UR HUSBAND IZ DUMB LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL"? I dont type like that you dumbass, you must be blind, tell your husband to stop missing his target.
Why do you complain about my flames? Are they exposing you? Your like "He said im a lifeless 24 year old whore its exposing me!!" Lmao bitch, its just jokes you dont need to commit suicide over them, matter of fact? You would do us all a big favour by commiting suicide.
Your mom was a slut and a strip club, she let people fuck her for 5 cents, and that’s how you got born, don’t you ever wonder why you have 15 brothers and sisters running around your house? It ‘s because when your mom sees someone with money, she runs and says “sex for money pleaseâ€, that’s why she cant feed your family, you have to use the welfare,
Once again? A person 11 years smaller than you made you cry.
Lmfao, you say I use the same flames? Did you even read the shit you type? Most of your flames have "I HOPE YOU DIE" in them, you say "I HOPE YOU DIE" more times than Ron Simmons says "DAMN", I bet "I HOPE YOU DIE" was your first word, when you were born your mom said "Say mommy please" and you replied and said "I HOPE YOU DIE" , Lmao your pathetic you tumour faced animal.
I use the flames you use? Look at your flames bitch, that sperm joke you used was similar to mine. I saw your mom yesterday and she was kicking a card board box down the street I said "hey fat lady what the fucking fuck are you doing" she said "IM MOVING MY HOUSE TO ANOTHER LOCATION!", So I just threw some coins at her and said "Here take this bitch, go buy your self a better house" so she buys a dog house. Lmfao, I guess stupidness runs in the family.
When your mom saw you at the hospital she’s like “Oh my god I gave birth to an tumour faced animal” So she sent you to a fosters home and at the fosters home you were abused by a 60 year old woman everyday you had to work for 20 years as a sex slave to finally be able to afford a computer. Oh never mind you couldn’t afford a computer so you found a dusty old type writer in the garbage can.
At the fosters home no one would adopt you because you carried a disease called “aids”. They had nothing to do with you since you sucked at every slave job you could get. So they sent you to the corner of the street and you finally got a job as being a blow jobber for hobos.
You’re a aid invested, tumour faced whore, that uses tweezers to open your pussy so you can stick the toothpick down there just to masturbate. If you died everyone in the world would be happier you want to know why? Its because earth doesnt need deformed sex predators like you.
When you got married the only people that came were you’re sex toys you know why? Its because you have no friends because no one likes emos sorry to tell you. Oh I know why you turned emo it was the day that you coudnt afford to pay your rent to live in the shitty room. You even tried photo copying money but you got caught see how pathetic you are? If you dont want people to think your ugly? Get a sex change oporation because you look like a man anyways.
Anyways, your owned, feel free to commit suicide. Oh nvm all your suicide attempts failed.
-When you tried hanging your self the rope couldnt fit around your fat flabby neck
-When you tried getting hit by cars on the high way, no one wanted to crash a 700 lbs tumor faced whore.
-When you tried drowning your fatness made you float
apologies. i wasnt here an hour ago. here are the results. after i reveal them you can challenge whoever you want in the competition but you must put at the thread title FAC: .....
the leaderboard consists of all people who posted in this thread apart from me and the commentators.
here is the leaderboard
Lady Hotrod