bro read his fucking posts tagging you to vote with him and then when u push back its all meek oh im sorry. im not mocking him either, go back and read the full interactions, for quite some time I answered him calmy or pointed him to read the thread to things i already answered. dudes been gaslighting me all fucking phase, ive had about enough and im well whitin my rights to point out some of the posts he made were dogshit. u urself called them dogshit and that he was treating u stupidly. maybe pocketing is the wrong term, but they are manipulating you.
and I am pushing them as scum with wang, but ive told u a bunch of times AND YOU AGREED that Wang is the surest fucking bet , why would I push abi when mando fits too and i could be emotionally reactiong, when with wang, theres fucking NOTHING thats towny
In none of X's posts to me has he sung me a fucking serenade. In fact he was trying to tie me with you and seemed paranoid that I was saving you from the jaws of death himself.
Yes, he's made some bad posts. Why are those posts *now* scum and not just bad?
This is OMGUS Jeff. We talked earlier about X's alignment, you didn't seem to take issue with it until the moment you have been put into a corner. That's the feeling I'm getting, here