Wow, thought you were a little smarter then this. A mod that moderates HIAT does nothing at all, the section has no rules whatsoever, therefore they have nothing to moderate because anything anybody does is alright in that section. You understand? You guys put Beer incharge of that section, you told Beer to do whatever he wants pretty much, and that's what he did, he banned people that were annoying and ruining threads with lame jokes and whatnot, its not like he banned them from the forum, he was just giving them a short ban from HIAT.
We discussed with Beer what he was allowed to do when he became Mod. Banning people was never brought up in the discussion. We probably should have emphasized it more not to ban people from HIAT but atleast I didn't think he would be that stupid to ban someone from HIAT.
Man seriously, I don't know how you're on staff when you're giving back replies like that.
...but a staff member does more than just ban. What exactly was wrong with what I said?