Please Monk, common sense does not get into this, really? I was under the illusion that I could do whatever I pleased in HIAT, whenever I pleased. Clearly that is NOT the case. You're like fucking women. Reminds me of what my wife did the other night. "Chris, fine, whatever, you can get a beer tonight." I go and get a Beer. "Wtf are you doing Chris? Why are you going out?" BECAUSE YOU FUCKING SAID I CAN YOU MIND BLOWING WHORE.
Yes, common sense is a part of this. The only reason you banned Diesel was because he was actually getting the best of you at the time. Now you didn't like it when you were unable to reply to what was being said about you so common sense dictates you wouldn't go and make a giant hypocrite out of yourself by doing the same to someone else.
I think you are justifying. There are better ways to troll someone other than banning them.
Also the mystical journey doesn't start until Apr 21st as stated in THE LIST.
I am justifying it. Because it IS justifiable.
And yah, I'm reading it atm.
I dont care if I'm a noob, I say lets put this up for a vote.
Should Beer Step down as mod of HIAT?
If Yes he steps down
If No he doesn't
That simple!