AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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Raider Nation

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By Roy Otis
Star-Tribune Reporter

"It is the end of an era. A part of Minnesota history died today."

- Minneapolis Mayor Donald Fraser

And so it ends.

The American Wrestling Association, an established Minneapolis entity, is moving their entire base of operations to the desert Southwest.

The AWA was as much a part of Minnesota as hunting, fishing, the Vikings, the Twins and arctic winters.

Created in 1960, the AWA has called Minneapolis home since it began The promotion will complete its move to Las Vegas, Nevada by April of next year.

AWA majority owners Deborah Harry of Blondie fame and eccentric Hollywood director John Waters spoke with the media about the move and gave their reasons for the decision.

"No state income tax and the weather are the main reasons the AWA's operations are moving to Las Vegas," said Harry. "We feel this gives us a better opportunity to attract big name talent to the organization. The winters here can be brutal to say the least. It's not a selling point for many of those in the wrestling business today. Throw in no state income tax and it makes it even more appealing to them."

"This business is changing," said Waters. "The territorial days are, sadly, coming to an end. We had to think about the big picture. When the AWA was an upper Midwest territory, they had to have their home base here. Those days are over. We had to explore other options and settled on Las Vegas because of no state income tax, the weather and taping our monthly ESPN shows in Las Vegas. It just seems like the best fit moving forward. The good news is the AWA will still be coming to St. Paul and its other traditional cities on a regular basis.

"This is simply about moving the operations to another city. It doesn't affect fans in those areas being able to see the AWA because they're still coming to the AWA's regular cities on tour."

Harry and Waters said they purchased a building 'just off the Strip' that they will use as offices and for TV production.

They say the move will be gradual and they've already rented a building in Vegas until the move is completed.

In recent years, the AWA has been in a downward spiral. Business had gone into the tank. It's a far cry from the heyday of the promotion that was run by wrestling legend Verne Gagne. Gagne is a Minnesota native and did a lot for the community for the 30-year run of the promotion here.

Now, the AWA will be just a promotion, much like the WWF or NWA, that simply stops in periodically and then moves on to the next city. Such is the price to be paid for pro wrestling's expansion. And you can bet the fans in the Twin Cities will perceive it differently once the promotion has packed its bags and left the area.

Pro wrestling is a cyclical business. But for 25 years the AWA weathered the down times and came back strong. Lots of legendary names passed through this area over the decades.

In 1986, AWA wrestling took a downturn and has yet to truly recover; though Harry and Waters said business is on the upswing.

"Business in the key AWA cities is trending upward," said Waters. "A little over a year ago, the promotion was struggling to draw a thousand people in regular cities like St. Paul, Chicago, Milwaukee, Green Bay. That's changing. We drew almost 9,000 for Super Clash in Milwaukee. We did two Verne Gagne tribute shows, one in Chicago and one in St. Paul, and the St. Paul show drew over 12,000 fans and the Chicago show drew almost 8,000 fans. The 12,000 was the AWA's biggest crowd anywhere since WrestleRock in 1986 drew over 22,000 fans to the Metrodome. Fans are paying attention to the AWA again.

"Bill Watts, Jim Crockett and Jerry Jarrett are 100 percent in charge of the wrestling side of things. They bring fresh eyes to the product and, in some cases, radically different ideas. The AWA needed that to happen to even have a chance to survive."

But, lost in all this is that fans in the Twin Cities and Minnesota in general looked at the AWA, during good and bad times, as their own. Now, it won't feel like that anymore. The new owners of the AWA may be misjudging fan loyalties here. Once the base of operations is gone, it will feel like a gut punch. These fans may just drop the AWA, even if it sees a significant jump in business elsewhere, and that could seriously damage ticket sales in the area.

"This is like getting hit over the head with a chair," said Minneapolis Mayor Donald Fraser. "The new owners never came to us to see if they could make some sort of deal. They just dealt with Las Vegas secretly and then dropped this bomb on us. It's frustrating and heartbreaking at the same time. I'm not saying they would have stayed. But they should have at least given us the chance to try and come up with something to try and keep them here."

Las Vegas Mayor Ron Lurie sees it differently.

"This is a business decision, pure and simple," Mayor Lurie said. "We welcome the AWA moving its operations to Las Vegas with open arms. They should have a positive impact on the economy and probably employ several locals. That's great for the city. Deborah and John have decided to roll the dice on Sin City and we welcome them with open arms."

When asked about the AWA leaving behind 30 years of history and tradition in Minneapolis, Mayor Lurie said, "It's sad to see Minneapolis lose something that has meant so much to them over the years. It really is. But sometimes progress means making unpopular decisions. The promotion was sinking up there. The move makes sense. Being in the 'Entertainment Capitol of the World' will give the AWA much more exposure on a national level and that fits in nicely with their plans for expansion."

"When all the dust settles, fans will still get to see great AWA action throughout Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin and other traditional AWA states," said Waters. "Right now, we are hanging on to the territory Verne Gagne carved out over three decades. We're looking to build on that and expand. Expansion, whether one likes it or not, is the name of the game in pro wrestling today."

You can't argue with John Waters on that. Expansion is the name of the game in the wrestling business today.

And it sucks.

Those thirty years are now just a memory. The territories are dead.

It may still be called the AWA. But it won't be our AWA, anymore.

Mayor Fraser said it best. "It's a sad day for the entire state of Minnesota. Pro wrestling was like oxygen here. The AWA was ours. Now, that oxygen supply has been cut off and we wait for the end with a tear in our eye."
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Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(3rd Taping)

Show Intro

Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

SPECIAL FEATURE - PWHC MATCH: Greg Valentine (PWHC) vs. The Trooper

Nelson then briefly discussed the Patera-Rheingans situation and intro'd an interview that recently took place with the two.


# Eric Bischoff was standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.

Eric: Would you please welcome my guests at this time... Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans.

Patera and Rheingans walked into the interview area in street clothes. Both seemed agitated.

Eric: Gentlemen, we saw what happened at the end of your tag team match against Badd Company a couple of weeks ago.

You two had a heated argument with one another after losing the match under controversial circumstances.

Is your tag team partnership beginning to come apart?

Brad: The first thing I want to say, Eric, is this. Ken and I have discussed this matter several times already. But, I wanted to let the fans know what was going on so we decided to do this interview.

I had Paul Diamond pinned in that match and Ken was fighting Pat Tanaka on the floor. The ref was distracted by Tanaka and Patera. That allowed Dallas Page to sneak in the ring and club me across the stomach with that thick, heavy cane of his. I wound up getting pinned by Diamond because of that and Ken here was late in trying to make the save to break up the pin try and we lost the match.

Ken, if you'd have done your job, you would have made the save and we might have emerged the winners. Instead, you were too busy fighting with Pat Tanaka on the floor.

Ken: This should not even be a public matter, Brad. Why you wanted to come out here and air some of our dirty laundry before the public is beyond my comprehension. Tag teams should not be dealing with these issues in front of the fans.

But again, I was fighting Tanaka on the floor because Tanaka stepped in and broke up a surefire pin by you on Diamond after a belly-to-belly suplex. It was my duty to try and take Tanaka out and make sure he could not do something like that again. I did my job.

It's like you're blaming me for the referee getting distracted and turning his back to what's going on in the ring with you and Diamond. How the hell was I supposed to know what the ref's actions would be at that moment?

Brad: Ken, once you drove Tanaka from the ring, you should have been in our corner laser-focused on the match at hand. Instead, you have flashbacks to your days as a bouncer and chase Tanaka down and continue the assault on him there. It was totally unnecessary and opened the door for Page to do what he did. And, notice how well Badd Comapny worked when one of them was in trouble. They stepped in and broke up pin tries. Need I remind you that you're allowed to do that in tag team matches.

Ken: Thank you for insulting me, Brad. I know the rules as well as you do. But, I felt Tanaka needed to be kept from re-entering the ring to interfere...

Brad: Gee, thanks. So, you protect me from Tanaka but Dallas Page got a wide open shot on me. That makes sense. If you would have been in our corner on the apron like you were supposed to be then this never happens because you could have seen both Tanaka and Page in your line of vision.

Eric: I have a quick question for you two.

Valerie came out before the match and offered you both the opportunity to join her stable as a tag team. Ken, you spoke for both Brad and yourself when you told her no. But, is Valerie in play here?

And are you two still a team after all this or is a break up looming in the near future?

Ken: We've talked and we're still a team firmly committed to challenging for the World Tag Team Championships. I just don't think this should have been a public matter between us.

Brad hesitated for a moment.

Brad: We are still a team. We have a difference of opinion on whether or not the fans needed to know about this issue between us.

Eric: As for the matter with Valerie offering you jobs in her stable?

Both men hesitated and looked around before answering.

Ken: Not going to work for her. No.

Brad took a little more time.

Brad: Uh-uh.

The pair walked out of the interview area.

Bischoff had a puzzled look on his face.

Eric: Was that a 'no', Brad?


Nelson talked about the situation between the Olympians and wondered if their partnership was starting to fracture.

Pic aired of the PWHC belt with the caption: NEXT... BELT ON THE LINE!!!



Larry Nelson stood center ring with mic in hand.

The Trooper made his way down the face aisle to a strong ovation. He handed out souvenir speeding tickets to the fans.

Valentine made his way down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had his fans.

Announcers said they had two matches on stand-by depending on how long this match went.

Nelson: This match is scheduled for one fall with television time remaining and is for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship!

Crowd cheered.

Nelson: Introducing first, the challenger. Weighing in at 271 pounds... he hails from Columbia, South Carolina... The Trooper!

Solid crowd response as Wilkes was all business in the ring.

Nelson: And his opponent! Weighing in at 253 pounds... he hails from Seattle, Washington.. he is the reigning Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion... Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine!

Strong boos as Valentine opened his robe showing the title around his waist.

Nelson: Gary DeRusha is your referee!

Ref took he belt and held it up for all to see before handing it off to Nelson.

Ref called both men out to the center of the ring and laid down the ground rules and patted each man down before sending them back to their respective corners.

Ref called for the bell.

The men came out of their corners and circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Valentine gained the advantage and caught Trooper in a side headlock into a side headlock takedown. Valentine worked over the hold. Trooper was able to maneuver and catch Valentine in a head scissors. Valentine in pain. Trooper cinched up on the hold. Valentine squirming. Trooper released the hold. Valentine and Trooper up. The two cautiously locked hands and engaged in a test of strength. Valentine started to gain the advantage when Trooper powered up and started to gain the advantage on Valentine. Valentine stunned Trooper with a kick to the gut followed by a series of elbows to the back of Trooper's neck. Trooper down to a knee and Valentine quickly moved in and caught Trooper in a front facelock. Valentine cinched up on the hold as Trooper got to his feet locked in the hold. Valentine clubbed Trooper in the back and Trooper dropped back to a knee as Valentine fully re-applied the hold. Valentine working over the hold and the ref checking to see if it's working its way into becoming a choke. Trooper slowly rose again to his feet locked in the hold. Valentine worked it over a little more and then Trooper was able to drive Valentine back-first into the buckles to free himself from the hold. Trooper popped Valentine with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Trooper whipped Valentine into the opposite buckles. Trooper moved in and blasted Valentine with a running clothesline. Valentine staggered out of the corner and crashed on his face on the mat. Trooper rolled Valentine over for the quick cover. 1...2... Valentine kicked out. Trooper snapped Valentine up and caught Valentine with a suplex. Trooper for a jumping elbow smash but Valentine rolled out of the way and Trooper crashed to the mat. Valentine up as Trooper was getting up and caught Trooper with a forearm to the back. Valentine whipped Trooper into the ropes and caught Trooper coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Trooper stunned. Valentine snap mared Trooper over and locked Trooper in a rear chinlock. Valentine had his knee firmly placed in Trooper's back. Valentine cinched up on the chinlock. Valentine held the move on a little longer before standing up and driving a knee three times into Trooper's back. Valentine snapped Trooper up and went to whip Trooper into the corner but Trooper reversed and sent Valentine crashing into the buckles. Valentine bounced out and Trooper caught Valentine with a high backdrop. Valentine slammed to the mat. Trooper snapped up Valentine, whipped Valentine into the ropes and caught Valentine coming off with a big clothesline. Valentine crashed back to the mat as the fans cheered. Valentine to his feet and Trooper moved in and locked Valentine in an abdominal stretch. Trooper cinched up on the hold as Valentine was in great pain. Valentine started slowly moving towards the ropes and was finally able to grab the top rope to force a break in the hold. Trooper released the hold and a hurting Valentine left the ring for the floor and started walking around.

Graphic came up on the screen: STAY TUNED!!! THE MATCH WILL CONTINUE!!!!

(3:00 commercial break.)

BACK FROM COMMERCIAL: Trooper hammering away on Valentine. Trooper whipped Valentine into the corner and Trooper charged in and Valentine moved and Trooper slammed front-first into the buckles. Valentine rolled Trooper up from behind for the pin. 1...2... Trooper kicked out. Both men up and Valentine caught Trooper with a punch followed by a shin breaker across the knee. Trooper down and Valentine holding the leg. Valentine yanked on Trooper's left leg and then applied his figure four finisher. Trooper in great pain but not submitting. Trooper started inching towards the ropes locked in the hold. Trooper finally made it close enough to the ropes to get his hand on the middle rope to force a break in the hold. Both men up[. Trooper limping. Valentine moved in with a kick to the left knee area of Trooper. Trooper hobbled even more. Valentine grabbed Trooper's left leg and held it. Valentine punched Trooper in the knee area. Trooper then stung valentine with a head shot followed by a second one. Valentine lost his grip on the hold and spun around facing away from the Trooper. Trooper rolled Valentine up from behind for the pin. 1...2... Valentine kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both men up and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Valentine drove Trooper into the corner. Ref ordered a break. Valentine feigned breaking but instead nailed Trooper with a series of knees to the gut. Trooper stumbled out by the ropes and Valentine leaned Trooper back against the ropes and hit Trooper with a series of stiff forearms to the chest. Valentine went to whip Trooper into the ropes but Trooper reversed and looked to catch Valentine coming off with a backdrop but Valentine stunned Trooper with a kick to the chest. Trooper snapped back and crashed to the mat. Trooper to his feet and walked into a bodyslam from Valentine. Valentine ran and hit the ropes and came off with a running elbow smash that connected. Valentine for the cover. 1...2... Trooper kicked out. Crowd cheered. Valentine caught Trooper with a head shot. Valentine snapped Trooper up and slammed Trooper's head into the top buckle. Trooper spun around in the corner and Valentine fired away with series of knees to Trooper's gut. Valentine pulled Trooper out of the corner and went to suplex Trooper but Trooper twice blocked the move and suplexed Valentine. Trooper for the quick cover. 1... Valentine kicked out. Both men up and Valentine swung wildly at Trooper and missed and Trooper caught Valentine with an atomic drop. Valentine down to his knees holding his junk. Trooper snapped up Valentine and bodyslammed Valentine. Trooper backed into the ropes and came off with a knee drop to the chest that connected. Trooper for the cover. 1...2... Valenitne kicked out. Trooper popped Valentine with a head shot, snapped Valentine up and caught Valentine in a side headlock. Trooper cinched up on the hold as Valentine tried to escape. Eventually, Valentine countered by hoisting Trooper up and crotching Trooper on the top rope. Trooper fell back into the ring.

Graphic came up on the screen: STAY TUNED!!! THE MATCH WILL CONTINUE!!!!

(3:00 commercial break.)

BACK FROM COMMERCIAL: Valentine battering Trooper. Valentine whipped Trooper into the ropes and caught Trooper coming off with a gut punch. Valentine picked Trooper up and nailed Trooper multiple times with a side breaker across the knee. Valentine climbed up on the middle buckle and came off with a pointed elbow smash to the chest. Valentine for the cover. 1... Valentine got his foot on the middle rope for leverage. ...2...thr... Ref looked over and saw Valentine's foot on the middle rope and ordered a break. Valentine got up and had words with the ref. Valentine shoved the ref and the ref in turn shoved Valentine. Valentine stumbled back over Trooper, who was on all fours, and fell over Trooper. Trooper with the roll up for the pin. 1... Valentine's feet on the middle rope. ...2...thr... Ref patted Trooper on the back and Trooper got to his feet thinking he'd won. Trooper walking around in the ring as the crowd buzzed. Ref went over and yanked Trooper's arm down and waved off the pin. Trooper had words with the ref. Valentine snuck up behind Trooper and caught the lawman with a chop block to the back of the knee. Trooper crumpled to the mat. Valentine stomped on Trooper, dragged Trooper over and placed Trooper's left foot on the bottom rope. Valentine grabbed the top rope and jumped up and dropped his ass into Trooper's knee area three times. Trooper in dire pin. Fans cheering on Trooper. Valentine pulled Trooper off the rope to the middle of the ring. Valentine yanked on Trooper's left leg a few times and then locked Trooper into the figure four for the second time in the match. Crowd roaring for Trooper not to give up. Trooper in dire pain. Trooper slowly started to reverse the hold but Valentine shifted his weight and regained control of the hold. Trooper in a bad way. Trooper starting to fade from the pain and his shoulders dropped to the mat. 1...2...thr... Trooper sat up. Fans cheered. Trooper again fighting through the immense pain. Trooper again faded and his shoulders dropped to the mat once more.

Dundee: Trooper's finished.

Ref counted. 1...2...thr... Trooper again sat up and felt a rush of adrenaline. Fans cheering on Trooper. Valentine also sitting up applying extra pressure to the hold. Trooper then caught Valentine with a trio of head shots and freed himself from the hold. Both men up. Valentine went to hit the shaky Trooper but Trooper blocked the punch and hit Valentine with a series of head shots. Trooper whipped Valentine into the ropes and looked to catch Valentine coming off with a clothesline but Valentine ducked the move and came back and he and Trooper clotheslined each other down to the mat. Crowd buzzing. Ref started the 10-count. Both men stirred and Trooper rolled over by the ropes and was using the ropes to get to his feet because of the gimpy leg. Valentine up. Trooper up bent over and Valentine charged over and kneed Trooper in the side of the ribs and Trooper toppled through the top and middle rope and crashed to the floor. Valentine yelled for the ref to start the 10-count. Ref counting. Trooper started to stir on the floor. As the count grew, Trooper got to his feet.

Valentine picked up on a mic.

Valentine: Count faster!!!

Just before the count hit 10, Trooper found the strength to roll into the ring. Valentine over and started stomping away on Trooper. Valentine snapped Trooper up in a front facelock and clubbed away with forearms on Trooper's back. Trooper in a bad way. Valentine released the hold and Trooper fell back against the ropes. Valentine with a series of bionic elbows to the top of Trooper's head. Valentine went to whip Trooper into the ropes but Trooper reversed and caught Valentine coming off hanging upside down over his shoulders and Trooper blasted Valentine with a double leg slam. Crowd popped. Trooper backed up as Valentine slowly got to his feet. Trooper favoring his left leg. Valentine up and turned and Trooper found the strength to charge over and pulverize Valentine with his flying shoulder tackle finisher. Valentine crashed to the mat. Trooper down holding his left knee.

Pedicino: Trooper's got to fight through the pain and cover Valentine quickly!

Trooper crawled over and covered Valentine. 1...2...3! NO! Valentine kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both men down on the mat. Ref briefly checked on each man and started the 10-count. Count grew and both men stirred and each was up at the count of 9. Valentine moved in and grabbed Trooper's left leg and Trooper fell against the ropes to force a break. Valentine not letting go of the leg. Trooper started pounding away on Valentine. Valentine staggered back and Trooper blasted away with punches. Trooper hoisted Valentine up for a suplex but Trooper's left leg gave out and Trooper crumpled to the mat with Valentine on top of him for the pin. 1...2...thr... Trooper got a shoulder up. Crowd cheered. Valentine snapped Trooper up and whipped Trooper into the ropes and looked to catch Trooper coming off with a backdrop but Trooper instead caught Valentine with a sunset flip. After a brief struggle, Trooper flipped Valentine for the pin. 1...2...thr... Valentine kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both men up and Valentine caught Trooper with a pair of kicks to Trooper's left knee area. Trooper down to a knee. Valentine hoisted Trooper up and nailed Trooper with a piledriver. Valentine for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Trooper got his foot on the bottom rope. Valentine slapped his hands together and accused the referee of a slow count. Valentine pounded on Trooper and went to hoist Trooper up for another piledriver but Trooper twice blocked the move, reached down and pulled Valentine's legs out from under him. Trooper catapaulted Valentine into the corner. Valentine crashed front-first into the buckles. Trooper waited as Valentine slowly extracted himself from the buckles, turned and walked into a running clothesline from Trooper. Crowd roared. Valentine down.

Nelson: 15 seconds! 15 seconds remaining!

Trooper now bounding around like he felt no pain. Valentine up.

Nelson: 10 seconds! 10 seconds remain!

Valentine turned and Trooper charged in and blasted Valentine with his running shoulder tackle finisher. valentine crashed to the mat.

Nelson: 5 seconds! 5 seconds remain!

Trooper covered Valentine. Ref counted. 1...2...


Trooper still on top of Valentine.

Ref went over and talked with Larry Nelson and took the belt.

Trooper up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

Crowd popped.

Ref then raised Valentine's hand in victory and handed the still down valentine the belt.

Nelson: In a time of 28 minutes, 46 seconds, the match is a TV time-limit draw! Valentine is still the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion!

Boos from the crowd.

DECISION: Time-limit draw - 28:46 (TV TIME: 22+ minutes)

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Raider Nation

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Announcers: Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(3rd Taping)

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

Don Muraco vs. Manny Fernandez

Brad Rheingans & Ken Patera see tag team action

'Big' Reggie Bennett sees action

Nikita Koloff steps in the ring

SC 5 post-match comments from Col. DeBeers and the Destruction Crew

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Fargo.

Tully Blanchard (w/ Valerie) won a squash match over Hank Hill via pinfall with his slingshot suplex finisher

Tully and Val were mainly booed coming down the heel aisle,


Tully Blanchard, welcome to the AWA.

Tully: The pleasure is all yours, Bischoff.

Eric: You've come to the AWA. You've hired Valerie as your manager. What is the end game goal for Tuily Blanchard here?

Tully: Money and championships, baby. Money and championships. That's the only two things this business is all about.

And I hired Valerie as my manager because I know she can help help me attain lots of both.

To be the best in this business you've go to align yourself with the best in the business. No matter what you do for a living, you need to align yourself with proven winners. Align yourself with losers and guess what? You'll be a loser. Val's a proven winner. I ride only with winners.

Val: This man to my right is one of the best this sport has to offer. When I signed him, I smelled on him two things: money and championship gold.

The sky's the limit when you have a man like Tully in your camp.

I already manage the women's champion in Magnificent Mimi. And I'll be managing another champion soon in Tully Blanchard.

Eric: Word is you're a shark when it comes to hammering out deals for your wrestlers.

Val: You heard right. I am a tough negotiator. I look to get the best deals for my wrestlers and myself.

This is a cutthroat business filled with cutthroat people. The objective is to be more cutthroat than the next guy. That's what I do. And it works, as you can tell.

Tully: Tully Blanchard and Valerie. We are the real dream team.

Pic aired of the Destruction Crew with the caption: NEXT... CHAMPS NO MORE!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd a SC 5 post-match interview with the Destruction Crew after they lost the titles to Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton.


Eric Bischoff was standing in the locker room with a clearly angry and agitated former tag champs. Champs still in their ring attire.

Eric: Wayne Bloom and Mike Enos. Your 18-month reign as the World Tag Team Champions ended tonight with a loss to Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton.

What are you thinking right now?

Bloom: What are we thinking right now? What are we thinking?! What a stupid question to ask!

We're already thinking about regaining those World Tag Team Titles!

Haynes and Norton, know this! You better be looking over your shoulders 24/7! We aren't gonna rest until those belts are back around our waists!

We are gunning hard for you! You may have won tonight! But that's not even close to being the end of the story! There will be no happy ending for you!

Enos: It's just a matter of time before those belts come home! And home is around our waists!

If you people think we're pissed off now... you just wait!

Our anger is only going to build and build until we finally get those belts back!

Oh yes! It will happen! We will be the tag team champions once again and all will be right with the world once more!

Bloom: Haynes and Norton! We're gonna be stalking you until those titles are ours again!


Pic aired of Reggie Bennett with the caption: NEXT... THE BIG GAL!!!

Commercials/Market-specific house show promos/Generic promos for non-house show cities

'Big' Reggie Bennett won a squash match over Sela Ward via submission with her split-leg rear chinlock finisher

Bennett got a good ovation coming to the ring down the face aisle.

In-studio: Nelson put Bennett over and said he thinks she's inching closer to being a serious challenger for the Women's World Title.

Nelson informed fans of two major announcement coming next week on AWA programming.

Pic aired of Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans with the caption: NEXT... DISSENSION IN THE RANKS???


Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans won a squash match over Private Party when Patera forced Marc Quen to submit to the his swinging full nelson finisher

Patera and Rheingans were largely cheered coming down the face aisle.

Announcers pointed out friction between Patera and Rheingans recently.

Valerie never came to ringside.


Ken and Brad, the fans know of the recent friction between you two.

You appeared to work well together tonight and there were no apparent problems.

Have you two worked things out?

Ken: When people are around each other long enough there's bound to be some problems. You're going to clash over issues some of the time. It's just the way it is.

We've wrestled together for a while now. We're professionals and we have a job to do so we do it.

Eric: Are there any issues at all with Valerie?

Ken: Look, I don't know how many times we ca...

Brad interrupted.

Brad: Why all these questions about Valerie, Bischoff? She wasn't out here tonight. She's persona non grata as far as we're concerned.

Let's go, Ken. We've got some work to do.

Ken: Wait just a second, Brad. Who chose you to be the person who ends this interview?

Also, as for Valerie, she was told 'no' in clear terms a few weeks ago when she asked us to join her group and that should really be the end of the matter.

Brad: Me and Ken just need to concentrate on being the best team we can be.

Ken: Anytime Valerie is brought up in interviews from now on, we will go ahead and end the iinterview. How many times do we have to clarify the matter?!

Eric: Well...

Brad: It's time to put the Valerie matter to bed.

The pair left the ring and headed back up the face aisle to a fair crowd response. Brad was walking several steps ahead of Ken.

Pic aired of Col. DeBeers with the caption: NEXT... THE COLONEL SPEAKS!!!

Commercials/Market-specific house show promos/Generic promos for non-house show cities

In-studio: Nelson intro'd post-match comments from Col. DeBeers after he lost his match to Nikita Koloff at SC 5.


Eric Bischoff was standing in the locker room with Col. DeBeers. DeBeers was still in his ring attire.

Eric: Col. DeBeers, a hard fought battle tonight at Super Clash 5 with Nikita Koloff even though you lost.

What are your thoughts on Nikita now?

DeBeers thought about the question for a moment.

DeBeers then chuckled.

DeBeers: Congratulations, Nikita. You beat me at Super Clash 5.

But what did you win? Hmmm... What did you win?

Was this a great victory for America, the place you now call home? Is that what it was?

What kind of a win is that, Nikita? Huh?

I'll tell you what kind of a win it is. It's a win for traitors. It's a win for decadence. It's a win for me first, me last and me always even at the expense of the greater good. It's a win for miscegenation and integration. It's a win for greed. It's a win for the perversion of the natural order of things.

Nikita, your win was a win for the star spangled dung heap known as the U.S.A..

You should...

Eric: Okay, that's enough. Let's end the interview right now. Cut the mic and camera.

DeBeers: Bischoff, you're the typical American cowa...

Camera cut abruptly and a test pattern appeared.


Pic aired of Nikita Koloff with the caption: NEXT... NIKITA!!!


Nikita Koloff won a squash match over Pat Rose via pinfall with his Russian sickle finisher

Koloff got a strong ovation coming down the face aisle to the ring.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!


TV MAIN EVENT: Manny Fernandez vs. Don Muraco

Manny made his way down the heel aisle to fairly strong boos.

Muraco made his way down the face aisle to a good crowd response.

Ref called for the bell.

Both men came out of their corners and Manny struck Muraco with a quick slap followed by a series of knees to the gut. Manny grabbed Muraco and slammed Muraco's head into the top buckle twice. Muraco turned around and Manny whipped Muraco into the opposite buckles and charged in but Muraco got a boot up and Manny slammed face-first into it. Manny staggered back. Muraco cam out of the corner and peppered Manny with punches. Muraco whipped Manny into the ropes and caught Manny coming off with a gorilla press slam. Manny slammed to the mat. Manny up and Muraco grabbed Manny and went to whip Manny into the ropes but Manny reversed and caught Muraco coming off with a back fist to the face. Muraco stunned. Manny caught Muraco with a suplex followed by a jumping elbow smash. Manny snapped Muraco up, whippped Muraco into the buckles and moved in and popped Muraco with a rapid-fire series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Muraco walked out of the corner next to the ropes. Manny caught Muraco with a series of head shots. Manny picked up Muraco and bodyslammed Muraco and then went for a knee drop to the head but Muraco rolled out of the way and Manny crashed knee-first to the mat. Both men down. Ref started the 10-count. Both men up and Manny went to kick Muraco but Muraco grabbed Manny by the foot. Manny tried to beg off but Muraco spun Manny all the way around and blasted Manny with a clothesline. Manny crashed to the mat. Muraco backed up and charged at Manny and Manny backdropped Muraco over the top rope down to the floor. Announcers pointed out that since Muraco was not intentionally thrown over the top rope there was no DQ. Ref ordered Manny back and Manny obliged. Ref started the 10 count. Manny quickly ignored the ref and dropped to the floor. Muraco to a knee on the floor and Manny booted Muraco in the side of the ribs and then slammed Muraco's head into the ring apron twice. Muraco back down to a knee. Ref counting. Manny whipped Muraco at the ring steps and Muraco crashed hard into them. Muraco down in a heap by the steps. Manny quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Manny reached down to pull Muraco up and Muraco caught Manny with gut shots. Muraco then drove Manny back-first into the steel ringside barricade. Muraco hit Manny with some punches followed by slamming Manny's head into the top of the barricade twice. Ref counting. Manny leaned out over the barricade. Muraco quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Muraco whipped Manny into the barricade on the opposite side of the ring. Muraco charged in on Manny and Manny moved and Muraco crashed front-first into the barricade. Ref counting. Both men shaking out the effects of the match. Manny with a kick to Muraco followed by driving Muraco back-first into the ring apron. Manny quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Manny struck Muraco and Muraco struck Manny back on the floor. The two engaged in a punch exchange that Muraco gained the advantage over and threw Manny back into the ring. Manny getting up and Muraco moved in and hoisted Manny up and caught Manny with a Samoan Drop. Crowd popped. Muraco for the cover. 1...2... Manny got a shoulder up. Muraco snatched Manny up and Manny grabbed Muraco and rammed Muraco into the turnbuckles. Manny moved in with a couple of elbow strikes to the side of the head followed by some body blows. Muraco stumbled out of the corner and Manny popped Muraco with a double sledge to the back and Muraco crashed down to the mat. Manny picked up Muraco and nailed Muraco with a suplex followed by a jumping fist drop to the head. Manny for the cover. 1...2... Muraco kicked out. Crowd cheered. Manny snapped Muraco up and went to whip Muraco into the ropes but Muraco reversed and caught Manny coming off with a high backdrop. Manny up and Muraco clotheslined Manny down to the mat. Muraco grabbed Manny as Manny was getting to his feet and whipped Manny into the ropes and caught Manny coming off with a scoop powerslam. Muraco gestured to the crowd it was time for the inverted piledriver. Muraco reached down to pull Manny to his feet and Manny caught Muraco with an eye poke. Manny got to his feet and deliberately pounded away on Muraco. Manny whipped Muraco into the ropes and caught Muraco coming off with a backfist to the face. Muraco staggered. Manny whipped Muraco into the ropes and caught Muraco coming off with his flying burrito (double flying forearm smash) finisher. Manny covered Muraco. 1...2...3! NO! Muraco kicked out. Crowd cheered. Manny grabbed Muraco and went to whip Muraco into the ropes but Muraco reversed and caught Manny coming off with a second Samoan drop. Crowd erupted. Muraco up and grabbed Manny and hoisted him up and nailed Manny with his inverted piledriver finisher. Muraco covered Manny and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Crowd roared as the ref called for the bell.

Muraco to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory as the program ended.

WINNER: Muraco - Pinfall - 8:42

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Raider Nation

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Jim Crockett, Bill Watts, Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey and Kokina Maximus were all seated in Jim Crockett's office.

After some small talk, it was time to get down to business.

Bill: Rodney*, Sheik. You had something you wanted to talk to us about?

Adnan: Yes. I'll get right to the point. Vince McMahon has contacted us about coming to the WWF.

The air left the room.

Jim: What did you tell him?

Adnan: We both agreed to go to work for him.

Bill: Shit.

Jim: Why? Things are on the upswing here. We just drew almost 9,000 fans for Super Clash 5. We drew big houses for Verne's two tribute shows.

Can I ask what he offered you?

Adnan: Speaking for myself, I can tell you, without going into detail, that I am going to be part of a heel trio with Sgt. Slaughter and the Iron Sheik. He's got big plans for us if I go there.

Jim: Rodney. What about you?

Rodney: He's looking to turn me into a Japanese heel sumo wrestler. He promised me a big push if I went to work for him.

Uneasy silence.

Bill: Did you guys have a face-to-face meeting with Vince?

Adnan: We did. He flew us up to their offices in Stamford.

Jim: Is there any way we could change your minds about this?

Adnan: This is my last chance for a big money run. He promised Sarge, Sheik and I would be in a pay-per-view main event as a team.

Jim: Rodney.

Rodney: He promised me a main event push right out of the box.

Bill: But you're getting a main event push here.

Rodney: I know. And I am grateful for it. But, the money will be bigger up there. He's guaranteed us that we'll both make more there than we do here.

Jim: I'm sure that's true right now. But what about long term, Rodney? You're on the rise here as the AWA is rising. You're a part of our growing success.

There, you might get lost in the shuffle as so many others have. Do you want to tempt the fates?

Rodney: This was not an easy decision.

Bill (sighed): If this is what you two want, well, there's nothing we can do to stop either of you from leaving. You're on a handshake deal.

Adnan: It was a tough decision. The AWA has been my home for so long and it's hard to leave. This is a business decision. That's all.

Jim: Well, both sides have to make a business decision. And our decision is to ask you guys to finish up here like Sarge and Zbyszko did.

Kokina, you do realize we're gonna have to have a big match where you finally lose?

Rodney: Yes, sir.

Bill: Can you do six weeks before you go?

Adnan: I think Vince will be agreeable.

Bill: Keep us updated. We're gonna hate losing you guys. We've only recently started showing some of Kokina's vulnerabilities.

Adnan: Any idea how you're gonna write us off?

Bill: I'll work on it. Thank you guys for letting us know in advance and not just leaving.

Adnan: It was the right thing to do.

The four stood up and shook hands and Rodney and Adnan left the office.

Watts and Crockett sat back down and Crockett looked shell-shocked and Watts was visibly seething.

Bill: This has got to stop, Jim. And it has to stop now. We need to figure out who on the roster to offer minimum guarantees to before they all leave for Vince.

Jim: The good news is Tully, Nikita and Barry are already under contract so they aren't going anywhere soon.

Bill: We're gonna have to sit down with some of the other wrestlers and try to hammer out deals. And I think we need to start with the four guys from Portland in Norton, Haynes, Oliver and the Grappler.

Jim: We owe it to some of the long-time guys, too.

Bill: I know. But we have to prioritize.

Jim: Agreed. Any ideas yet on how you'll book their exit.

Bill: I thought I'd have them stand in front of a firing squad.

Crockett chuckled.

Bill: We still aren't on Vince's level money-wise yet. Trying to push John and Deb that far this soon might scare them into selling their stakes in the company. We're gonna have to get creative.

If we get that December special on ESPN, that's where we need to book their send off.

It's obvious that Kokina's career in the AWA will have to be put on the line and he'll have to lose to one of our biggest stars.

And right now that would be Barry, Nikita or Wahoo.

Jim: Let's run with it.

Bill, we'll survive this. Losing Kokina hurts. But it's not like losing some of the other talent we have.

Bill: Still, all those big plans on the drawing board for him were just flushed down the toilet.

We'll inform John, Deb and Jerry and move on from there.

I just don't think Kokina's at the level of a guaranteed minimum deal this early in his career.

Jim: I hear you.

The two then talked about other issues.

Vince McMahon just fired another set of torpedoes at the company. How will the AWA take the hit?

* Rodney - Real name of Kokina Maximus.
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Raider Nation

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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(4th Taping)

Show Intro

Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

TV MAIN EVENT - HANDICAP MATCH: Kokina Maximus vs. Greg Gagne & Jake Milliman

Ken Patera & Brad Rheingans see action

An interview with AWA WC Wahoo McDaniel

Tina Moretti wrestles

Barry Windham steps in the ring

Post-match comments from the Destruction Crew and Col. DeBeers after their losses at SC 5 and more

Nelson then intro'd two major announcements from AWA promoter Jim Crockett:


Crockett was seated behind his desk with a mic in front of him.

Crockett: Greetings. This is AWA promoter Jim Crockett.

I have some major news for AWA fans.

First, we will be airing another live special on ESPN.

The event will take place on Tuesday, December 11th.

The event is called Christmas Chaos and will have a start time of 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific and will come to you from the St. Paul Civic Center in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Once again, this AWA program will be airing live on ESPN.

Also, we are going to have a four-man tournament and the winner of the tournament will face AWA World Champion Wahoo McDaniel for the belt at Christmas Chaos.

This tournament starts next week.

On AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN, the tournament match will be Nikita Koloff vs. former AWA World Champion Cactus Jack.

On AWA All-Star Wrestling, Don Muraco will battle Col. DeBeers in the other tournament match.

The winners of those two matches will face each other the following week on our ESPN program with the winner earning the right to battle for the AWA World Title at Christmas Chaos.

Keep it right here on AWA programming as we add more matches to this big AWA holiday event.


Nelson discussed the announcements by Crockett. Said Christmas Chaos sounds like it's going to be quite the show.

Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas.

Jonnie Stewart won a quick squash match over Buddy Wolfe via pinfall with his flying elbow smash from the top rope finisher

Stewart was mainly booed coming to the ring down the heel aisle.

Pic aired of Tina Moretti wiith the caption: NEXT... TOUGH TINA!!!


Tina Moretti won a squash match over Laurie Strode via pinfall with her Samoan piledriver

Moretti came to the ring to a good ovation down the face aisle

Pic aired of the Destruction Crew with the caption: NEXT... CHAMPS NO MORE!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Updates

In-studio: Nelson intro'd a SC 5 post-match interview with the Destruction Crew after they lost the titles to Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton.


# Eric Bischoff was standing in the locker room with a clearly angry and agitated former tag champs. Champs still in their ring attire.

Eric: Wayne Bloom and Mike Enos. Your 18-month reign as the World Tag Team Champions ended tonight with a loss to Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton.

What are you thinking right now?

Bloom: What are we thinking right now? What are we thinking?! What a stupid question to ask!

We're already thinking about regaining those World Tag Team Titles!

Haynes and Norton, know this! You better be looking over your shoulders 24/7! We aren't gonna rest until those belts are back around our waists!

We are gunning hard for you! You may have won tonight! But that's not even close to being the end of the story! There will be no happy ending for you!

Enos: It's just a matter of time before those belts come home! And home is around our waists!

If you people think we're pissed off now... you just wait!

Our anger is only going to build and build until we finally get those belts back!

Oh yes! It will happen! We will be the tag team champions once again and all will be right with the world once more!

Bloom: Haynes and Norton! We're gonna be stalking you until those titles are ours again!


Pic aired of Wahoo McDaniel with the caption: NEXT... THE CHAMPION IS HERE!!!


In-ring: Larry Nelson stood center ring with mic in hand.

Nelson: Please welcome my guest at this time. He is the reigning AWA World Champion... 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel!

Crowd cheered as Wahoo made his way down the face aisle to a solid ovation from the crowd.

Wahoo was in his ring attire, headdress and had the World Title around his waist.

Nelson: Wahoo, you have taken on all challengers since winning the World Title and so far, so good.

Wahoo: It's been a tough road, Larry. But I knew it would be when I won the World championship.

When you become a champion, you'll have a list of wrestlers lining up to wrestle you and take the belt from you.

In this sport, you can be a champion one day and a former champion the next. This sport is unique. Unlike boxing, where titles are put on the line only two or three times a year, in wrestling you defend the title several times a year.

You've always got to be prepared when you enter the ring as champion. The opponent only needs three seconds to end your reign. It's a grueling schedule that a champion has. One day, you could be defending the title in Chicago and the next day you could be defending it overseas in Tokyo. This sport really tests your mind and body.

Nelson: It certainly does. What's on the upcoming agenda for the World Champion?

Wahoo: Right now, it's more title defenses, Larry. You have to go out there night in and night out and wrestle even if injured or sick. In boxing, you get a cold and they postpone the match. In wrestling, you have the flu and you've still got to go out to that ring wherever you are and defend your belt. But that's what makes pro wrestling so unique and so great for the fans.

Nelson: What is going on with you and Don Muraco? Any chance of teaming up any time soon and going after the World Tag Team Titles?

Wahoo: As things stand right now, and Don and me have talked about it, my plate is full defending the World Championship. I do want to let the people know this. The team of Wahoo and Muraco will one day get back together and go after those tag team titles.

Crowd cheered.

Wahoo: But as things stand right now, that's gonna have to be put on the back burner until I get some open time in my schedule.

Nelson: He is AWA World Champion Wahoo McDaniel, everybody!

Crowd cheered.

Pic aired of Barry Windham with the caption: NEXT... BARRY GRAPPLES!!!

Pic flipped to Ken Patera & Brad Rheingans with the caption: ALSO... KEN & BRAD!!!


Barry Windham won a quick squash match over Steven Dane via pinfall with his flying lariat finisher

Windham got a strong ovation coming to the ring.

In-studio: Nelson briefly talked about Barry Windham and his hot start in the AWA.

Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Vegas.

Ken Patera & Brad Rheingans won a squash match over Ryback & Tyler Reks when Brad pinned Reks with his fisherman suplex (Perfect Plex) finisher

During the match, Ryback and Reks almost scored the upset victory and Brad and Ken had words with one another.

Announcers pointed out that Valerie seemed to have stopped coming to ringside during Ken's and Brad's matches after being rebuffed a few weeks ago by the pair one more time.

After the match, after the ref had raised their hands in victory, Ken and Brad had words in the ring. Brad left the ring and dropped to the floor and Ken followed. The two had more words off-mic on the floor before Brad stormed off and headed back up the face aisle with Ken following several steps behind.

Pic aired of Col. DeBeers with the caption: NEXT... POST-SC 5 LOSS COMMENTS!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd post-match comments from Col. DeBeers after he lost his match to Nikita Koloff at SC 5.


# Eric Bischoff was standing in the locker room with Col. DeBeers. DeBeers was still in his ring attire.

Eric: Col. DeBeers, a hard fought battle tonight at Super Clash 5 with Nikita Koloff even though you lost.

What are your thoughts on Nikita now?

DeBeers thought about the question for a moment.

DeBeers then chuckled.

DeBeers: Congratulations, Nikita. You beat me at Super Clash 5.

But what did you win? Hmmm... What did you win?

Was this a great victory for America, the place you now call home? Is that what it was?

What kind of a win is that, Nikita? Huh?

I'll tell you what kind of a win it is. It's a win for traitors. It's a win for decadence. It's a win for me first, me last and me always even at the expense of the greater good. It's a win for miscegenation and integration. It's a win for greed. It's a win for the perversion of the natural order of things.

Nikita, your win was a win for the star spangled dung heap known as the U.S.A..

You should...

Eric: Okay, that's enough. Let's end the interview right now. Cut the mic and camera.

DeBeers: Bischoff, you're the typical American cowa...

Camera cut abruptly and a test pattern appeared.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... 2-ON-1!!!


TV MAIN EVENT - HANDICAP MATCH: Kokina Maximus (w/ Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey & The Masked Doc) vs. Greg Gagne & Jake Milliman

Shot of a stretcher at ringside.

Gagne and Milliman came down the face aisle to a good ovation.

Once in the ring, Milliman shredded his '2% Forever' t-shirt and threw it into the crowd.

Kokina, Kaissey and the Doc made their way down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Ref called for the bell.

Gagne and Milliman talked with one another and then went to attack Kokina. The two struck Kokina with forearms and punches and Kokina no sold it, slapped each man hard across the face and slammed Jake's and Greg's heads together. Kokina whipped Greg into the buckles and then whipped Jake into Greg in the corner. Kokina moved in and backed ass-first into the pair in the corner multiple times. Gagne and Jake limp in the corner. Kokina grabbed Jake and threw him out of the corner and Jake crashed to the mat. Kokina pulled Gagne out of the corner, whipped Gagne into the ropes and caught Gagne coming off with a savate kick. Gagne crashed to the mat. Kokina went over and stomped on Jake and snapped Jake up over his head as Gagne got to his feet. Gagne up and Kokina threw Jake into Gagne and Gagne crashed to the mat with Jake on top of him. Kokina backed up and waited for the two men to get up. Both men up and Kokina charged over and popped the pair with a double running clothesline. Both men crashed to the mat.Kokina went over and stepped on Gagne''s head and broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Jake getting up and Kokina bodyslammed Jake and hit Jake with a leg drop. Jake down and out. Gagne up and struck Kokina with some fists and forearms that had little to no effect on Kokina. Kokina chopped Gagne on both sides of the neck and Gagne dropped to a knee. Kokina pulled Gagne up and whipped Gagne into the corner. Kokina charged in and went to avalanche Gagne but Gagne moved and Kokina slammed front-first into the buckles. Crowd cheered. Jake and Gagne briefly shook out the effects of the match as Kokina extracted himself from the buckles and turned and Jake and Gagne charged over and launched a full out assault on Kokina. Kicks, punches and forearms. Kokina stunned. Gagne ran and hit the ropes and came off and dropkicked Kokina in the lower leg. Kokina dropped to a knee. Jake pointed at the top buckle and Gagne nodded in agreement. The two men went out on the apron and each mounted a top buckle as a stunned Kokina made it to his feet. Crowd buzzing. Kokina turned and Jake and Gagne came off with a double dropkick from the top buckle that dead red connected. Kokina wobbled and crashed to the mat as the fans popped.

Dundee: That looked like King Kong being toppled from atop the Empire State Building after a barrage of bullets from those planes!

Gagne dived on Kokina and Jake dived on Gagne in an effort to pin Kokina. 1...2...3! NO! Kokina kicked out and threw both men off. Loud groan from the crowd. Gagne and Jake up as Kokina was getting up. Jake up behind Gagne. Kokina charged in and nailed Gagne and drove Gagne into Jake and the pair slammed into the turnbuckles..Gagne went down in the ring. Jake crashed to the mat, rolled out on the apron and crashed to the floor. Kokina picked up Gagne and bodyslammed him. Kokina mounted the middle buckle facing the crowd came off with his ass drop to the chest finisher on Gagne that connected. Kokina for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed.

Ref raised Kokina's hand in victory as Kaissey climbed in the ring to congratulate his man and the masked doc checked on the destroyed Gagne as the program went off the air.

WINNER: Kokina - Pinfall - 5:08



Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton (WTTC) def. The Destruction Crew when Haynes made Bloom submit to the full nelson - 19:40

AWA WORLD TITLE MATCH - Guest Ref: The Crusher: Wahoo McDaniel (WC) def. Cactus Jack via pinfall with a big chop to the chest after Crusher hit Jack with a bolo punch - 10:21

Barry Windham def. Jonnie Stewart via pinfall with his flying lariat finisher - 7:02





(YIKES! A drop of over 700 in attendance!)
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Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/Interviewer:
Eric Bischoff

(# Aired on a previous AWA program. Also highlighted in bold.)

(4th Taping)

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes (WTTC) vs. Akio Sato & Ninja Go

Candi Divine wrestles

The Destruction Crew see action

An interview with Bobby Jaggers. Jaggers was unmasked at SC 5 as the man who had been stalking the Trooper all these months.

Sam Houston sees action

And more!

Nelson then intro'd a special announcement from AWA promoter Jim Crockett.


# Crockett was seated behind his desk with a mic in front of him.

Crockett: Greetings. This is AWA promoter Jim Crockett.

I have some major news for AWA fans.

First, we will be airing another live special on ESPN.

The event will take place on Tuesday, December 11th.

The event is called Christmas Chaos and will have a start time of 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific and will come to you from the St. Paul Civic Center in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Once again, this AWA program will be airing live on ESPN.

Also, we are going to have a four-man tournament and the winner of the tournament will face AWA World Champion Wahoo McDaniel for the belt at Christmas Chaos.

This tournament starts next week.

On AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN, the torunament match will be Nikita Koloff vs. former AWA World Champion Cactus Jack.

On AWA All-Star Wrestling, Don Muraco will battle Col. DeBeers in the other tournament match.

The winners of those two matches will face each other the following week on our ESPN program with the winner earning the right to battle for the AWA World Title at Christmas Chaos.

Keep it right here on AWA programming as we add more matches to this big AWA holiday event.


Pic aired of the Grappler with the caption: NEXT... MASKED MAYHEM!!!


The Grappler won a squash match over Scat McMahon via pinfall with a kick to the gut after tapping the toe of his boot into the mat three times

Grappler came down the heel aisle to a fair amount of boos.


Grappler, you have looked strong since you arrived here in the AWA from the Pacific Northwest.

Why the sudden migration of wrestlers from that part of the country to the AWA?

Grappler: We're here for a reason, Bischoff.

We've come to the AWA from the Pacific Northwest to prove to the fans on a national stage that we're some of the roughest, toughest wrestlers out there today.

The Pacific Northwest is one of the greatest wrestling territories of all-time. But, we feel disrespected by the rest of the wrestling world because we're out of the way. We're off the beaten path.

The Pacific Northwest does not get the respect it deserves.

We're now looking to earn that respect on a national level and we've chosen the AWA as our platform to showcase our talents.

When myself or Rip Oliver steps into this ring, we are fighting for the entire Pacific Northwest! You people hear me!

The AWA is to be used as our stepping stone to glory in the sport of kings!

Even though I loathe Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton, where did they come from?!

Eric: The Pacific Northwest.

Grappler: That's right! Your new World Tag Team champions are from the Pacific Northwest!

You people out here need to pull your heads out of your rear ends and face the reality of what's happening right before your eyes!

If you can't figure it out then that's on you!

Eric: Wh... What's happening?!

Grappler looked at Eric for a moment and then left the ring and headed back up the heel aisle to boos.

Announcers wondered what Grappler was talking about.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... MORE ACTION!!!

Commercials/Market-specific house show promos/Generic promos for non-house show cities

Candi Divine won a squash match over Nikki Bella via submission with her Boston Crab finisher

Divine made her way down the heel aisle to a fair amount of boos

In-studio: Nelson talked about the AWA as we get closer to the end of 1990 and the big Christmas Chaos show in December airing live on ESPN.

Nelson talked about the four man tournament starting next week where Nikita Koloff will battle former World Champion Cactus Jack and Col. DeBeers wrestles Don Muraco. The winner of those two matches will then face each other with the winner facing Wahoo for the title at Christmas Chaos.

Pic aired of Sam Houston with the caption: NEXT... BULLDOG HOUSTON!!!


Sam Houston won a squash match over Samy Zayn via pinfall with his bulldog finisher

Houston and Coach Murdoch came down the face aisle to a decent ovation.

In-studio: Nelson talked about Houston winning and said Houston has an impeccable record since arriving in the AWA and that Dick Murdoch has done a fantastic job coaching him.

Nelson talked about new tag champs Haynes and Norton wrestling Sato and Go in the main event.

Pic aired of Bobby Jaggers with the caption: NEXT... MASKED NO MORE!!!

Commercials/Market-specific house show promos/Generic promos for non-house show cities

Nelson intro'd an interview he did recently with Bobby Jaggers, who lost his mask in a mask vs. hair match against Trooper at SC 5.


Larry Nelson was standing with Jaggers in front of the AWA logo. Jaggers was in street clothes. Nelson had a mic.

Nelson: I'm here with Bobby Jaggers.

Bobby, you were unmasked when you lost a hair vs. mask match against the Trooper at Super Clash 5 last month.

The big question is: Why were you stalking the Trooper in the first place? You said that you had heat with him from a past incident?

Can I ask what that incident was?

Jaggers: Yep!

I decided to play mind games with the Trooper and mess with his career because of what he did to me one time while wearing that badge!

One night at a bar in a city where Trooper Del Wilkes worked, I was leaving the bar! Now, I admit I had a few beers or more than a few!

Now, I'm just waking out of the bar, but this guy, drunk on his own power, decides to walk on up to me and manhandle me and pull me aside!

He asks if I'd been drinking and I told him: Hell yes,. I'd been drinking! I just left a b-a-r! That's what people do in a bar! They drink!

Well, Trooper gets all uppity with me and reads me the riot act according to the Trooper Del Wilkes! I quickly tired of his b.s. and tried to walk away but he decides to be judge and jury and grabs me by my arm and shoves me against the wall!

We argue! He then tells me to turn around and put my hands behind my back! I resist! He violently turns me around and cuffs me and puts me in the back of his squad car and hauls me off to jail!

I was released the next day after spending the night in the town cooler! Ultimately, I got the case thrown out against me!

But, Del Wilkes dragged me through months of having to make court appearances in a town I did not even live in! I had to fly in on my dime for my five minute court appearances!

When I was cleared, I walked out of that court room knowing that one day, one day, I was gonna get my revenge on that guy!

When I found out he was now a wrestler, I decided that I was gonna look to hurt his career! And I believe I succeeded for several months at that!

And it felt great messing with Wilkes all this time! I'm glad I could mess up his life like he messed up mine!

Now the mask is off!

And one more thing! You see, I'm also here from the Pacific Northwwest! So the Grappler, Col. DeBeers and Rip Oliver can add one more ally to their list!

Nelson: Regarding the incident with the Trooper, there are two sides to every story.

Jaggers: You go ahead and ask Del Boy his side of the story! I'm sure he'll come up with a very good lie!

Nelson: That was Bobby Jaggers.


Pic aired of the Destruction Crew with the caption: NEXT... NO LONGER CHAMPS!!!


The Destruction Crew won a squash match over the Motor City Machine Guns when Bloom pinned Chris Sabin after the Wrecking Ball (Doomsday Device)

Crew came down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... NEW CHAMPS IN ACTION!!!


Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton (WTTC) vs. Akio Sato & Ninja Go

Go & Sato received a fair amount of boos coming down the heel aisle.

Haynes and Norton got a good ovation coming down the face aisle.

Good action as Norton and Haynes took 60 percent of the match en route to a victory when Norton pinned Sato after a powerbomb to score the 1...2...3!

Haynes & Norton - Pinfall - 6:39



Wahoo McDaniel (WC) def. Cactus Jack via pinfall with his big chop finisher - 9:27

Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton (WTTC) & Nikita Koloff def. Rip Oliver, The Grappler & Col. DeBeers when Koloff pinned DeBeers after Rip Oliver, who had already been eliminated from the match, had his interference backfire and Koloff rolled DeBeers up from behind for the pin - 22:31

Magnificent MImi (WC - w/ Valerie) wrestled Tina Moretti to a 15-minute time-limit draw


Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(1st Taping)

Show Intro

Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:


Badd Company (w/ Mgr. DDP) vs. Jeff Jarrett & Danny Davis

An interview with Bobby Jaggers, who was unmasked at SC 5 by the Trooper in a mask vs. hair match

And more!!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas.

Don Muraco won a squash match over Shane McMahon via pinfall with his inverted piledriver finisher

Muraco got a good ovation coming down the face aisle.


Don Muraco, things seem to still be up in the air right now regarding you reuniting with World Champion Wahoo McDaniel to go after the World Tag Team Titles.

Muraco: As things stand right now, Wahoo is too busy with his World Title defense schedule.

I still want to get back together and go after the tag titles. I think he wants to, as well. But it's just not in the cards right now.

I'm just hoping it will be something we can do in the near future.

Nelson: He'll have to make time in that busy schedule of his...

Muraco: Are you saying I'm not a busy man?

Nelson: Uh... that's not what I am saying, Don.

Muraco (agitated): I am a very busy man just like Wahoo is! But I guess Wahoo's more important than me because he's the World Champion! He holds the premiere title in the sport!

Everybody step aside because AWA World champion Wahoo McDaniel is comin' through! He's more important than his former tag team partner... and you!

Well, when me and Wahoo get back together and win the tag team titles then we'll both be VIP's! The people will then step aside for us and not just him!

Wahoo, you need to clear some time on that schedule of yours so we can pursue tag team glory!

Nelson: That was Don Muraco.

Pic aired of Bobby Jaggers with the caption: NEXT... EXPOSED!!!


Nelson intro'd an interview he did recently with Bobby Jaggers, who lost his mask in a mask vs. hair match against Trooper at SC 5.


# Larry Nelson was standing with Jaggers in front of the AWA logo. Jaggers was in street clothes. Nelson had a mic.

Nelson: I'm here with Bobby Jaggers.

Bobby, you were unmasked when you lost a hair vs. mask match against the Trooper at Super Clash 5 last month.

The big question is: Why were you stalking the Trooper in the first place? You said that you had heat with him from a past incident?

Can I ask what that incident was?

Jaggers: Yep!

I decided to play mind games with the Trooper and mess with his career because of what he did to me one time while wearing that badge!

One night at a bar in a city where Trooper Del Wilkes worked, I was leaving the bar! Now, I admit I had a few beers or more than a few!

Now, I'm just walking out of the bar, but this guy, drunk on his own power, decides to walk on up to me and manhandle me and pull me aside!

He asks if I'd been drinking and I told him: Hell yes, I'd been drinking! I just left a b-a-r! That's what people do in a bar! They drink!

Well, Trooper gets all uppity with me and reads me the riot act according to the Trooper Del Wilkes! I quickly tired of his b.s. and tried to walk away but he decides to be judge and jury and grabs me by my arm and shoves me against the wall!

We argue! He then tells me to turn around and put my hands behind my back! I resist! He violently turns me around and cuffs me and puts me in the back of his squad car and hauls me off to jail!

I was released the next day after spending the night in the town cooler! Ultimately, I got the case thrown out against me!

But, Del Wilkes dragged me through months of having to make court appearances in a town I did not even live in! I had to fly in on my dime for my five minute court appearances!

When I was cleared, I walked out of that court room knowing that one day, one day, I was gonna get my revenge on that guy!

When I found out he was now a wrestler, I decided that I was gonna look to hurt his career! And I believe I succeeded for several months at that!

And it felt great messing with Wilkes all this time! I'm glad I could mess up his life like he messed up mine!

Now the mask is off!

And one more thing! You see, I'm also here from the Pacific Northwwest! So the Grappler, Col. DeBeers and Rip Oliver can add one more ally to their list!

Nelson: Regarding the incident with the Trooper, there are two sides to every story.

Jaggers: You go ahead and ask Del Boy his side of the story! I'm sure he'll come up with a very good lie!

Nelson: That was Bobby Jaggers.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... AWA VS. USWA!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Updates

AWA VS. USWA: Badd Co. (w/ Mgr DDP) vs. Jeff Jarrett & Nightmare Danny Davis

Badd Co. and DDP came to the ring first down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos.

Davis & Jarrett came down the face aisle to a fair response from the crowd.

Ref called for the bell.

Jarrett and Tanaka started the match for their teams. The two men circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Tanaka drove Jarrett against the ropes to force a break. Break was clean. The two men circled one another again and engaged in another tie-up and Tanaka gained the advantage and caught Jarrett in a side headlock. Tanaka worked over the hold briefly before Jarrett countered with a belly-to-back suplex to free himself from the hold. Tanaka up and walked into a dropkick from Jarrett. Tanaka crashed to the mat. Tanaka backed on his ass into the corner. Jarrett moved in and grabbed Tanaka's legs and tried to pull Tanaka out of the corner but Tanaka grabbed the top rope and Jarrett pulled Tanaka and Tanaka was now parallel to the ground. Jarrett gave Tanaka a yank and Tanaka crashed to the mat as the crowd cheered. Jarrett stilll holding Tanaka's legs. Jarrett catapaulted Tanaka and Tanaka slammed face-first into the mat. Jarrett grabbed Tanaka by the back of the hair and started pulling Tanaka to his feet when Tanaka stunned Jarrett with a back heel to the groin. Jarrett stumbled back. Tanaka dropped Jarrett with a spin kick to the side of the head. Tanaka tagged in Diamond. Diamond hit the ring as Jarrett was getting up and booted Jarrett in the side of the ribs and hammered away on Jarrett. Diamond slammed Jarrett's head into the top buckle. Jarrett spun around in the corner and was hit with a series of knees to the gut. Diamond whipped Jarrett into the opposite buckles and Jarrett bounced out and into a high backdrop from Diamond. Jarrett up and went to kick Diamond but Diamond caught Jarrett's leg and Jarrett countered with an enzuigiri that dropped Diamond. Crowd cheered. Jarrett moved over and tagged in Davis. Diamond getting up as Davis leaped over the top rope into the ring and hit Diamond with a dropkick. Diamond crashed back to the mat. Davis grabbed Diamond, whipped Diamond into the ropes and caught Diamond coming off with a high dropkick just under the chin. Diamond crashed to the mat. Davis for the cover. 1...2... Diamond kicked out. Diamond up and Davis hit Diamond with punches and whipped Diamond into the ropes and looked to catch Diamond coming off with another dropkick but Diamond grabbed the top rope and Davis crashed to the mat. Davis getting up and Diamond caught Davis with a knee lift to the chest. Davis fell back into the ropes and bounced off right into a sidewalk slam from Diamond. Diamond for the cover. 1...2... Davis kicked out. Davis up and got a kick in the gut from Diamond. Diamond grabbed Davis and walked Davis over to Badd Co.'s corner and tagged in Tanaka. Diamond held Davis from behind as Tanaka mounted the top rope and came off with an elbow to the top of the head. Diamond released Davis and Davis wobbly. Tanaka caught Davis with a backhand chop to the face and Davis fell back against the buckles. Tanaka with head shots on Davis and then pulled Davis out of the corner and raked Davis' eyes across the top rope and broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Tanaka clubbed Davis in the back repeatedly. Tanaka whipped Davis into the ropes and looked to catch Davis coming off with a high backdrop but Davis instead caught Tanaka with a swinging neckbreaker. Crowd popped. Davis covered Tanaka. 1...2... Tanaka kicked out. Davis grabbed Tanaka and whipped Tanaka into the buckles. Davis moved in and caught Tanaka with a head shot and then repeatedly whipped Tanaka into the same set of buckles. Davis grabbed Tanaka and went to whip Tanaka into the buckles but Tanaka reversed and sent Davis crashing into them. Tanaka charged in on Davis but Davis moved and Tanaka slammed front-first into the buckles. Davis tagged in Jarrett.

Tanaka pulled himself off the buckles and turned and was greeted by a series of head shots from Jarrett. Jarrett grabbed Tanaka and nailed Tanaka with a sidebreaker across the knee. Jarrett went out on the apron and climbed to the top buckle as Tanaka got to his feet. Tanaka up and turned and Jarrett caught Tanaka coming off with a flying crossbody. Jarrett for the pin. 1...2... Diamond hit the ring and dived down and clubbed Jarrett to break up the pin try. Diamond up and Davis hit the ring and nailed Diamond with a running clothesline. Diamond crashed to the mat and rolled out on the apron as the crowd cheered. Ref got Davis back to his corner. Both men up and Tanaka went to punch Jarrett but Jarrett blocked the punch try and fired away on Tanaka with punches. Jarrett whipped Tanaka into the buckles and moved in and Tanaka stunned Jarrett with a headbutt. Jarrett stumbled back and Tanaka came out of the corner and blasted Jarrett with a rolling wheel kick. Jarrett crashed to the mat. Tanaka for the pin. 1...2...thr... Davis hit the ring and stomped Tanaka in the back to break up the pin try. Diamond hit the ring to go after Davis but Davis made it back to the corner. Diamond back to his. Tanaka dROVE Jarret over INto Badd Co.'s corner and tagged in Diamond hit. Diamond the ring as Tanaka held Jarrett from behind and nailed Jarrett with a gut punch. Diamond grabbed Jarrett in a front-facelock. Jarrett struggled in the hold. Jarret managed to drive Diamond back-fist into his team's corner. Diamond lost his grip on the hold once he hit the buckles. Jarrett tagged in Davis. Davis a house of fire tore into Diamond with punches and then a series of rapid-fire knees to the gut before hip tossing Diamond out of the corner. Diamond up and Davis nailed Diamond with a dropkick. Diamond crashed to the mat. Davis grabbed Diamond's legs and flipped over on top of Diamond for the pin. 1...2...thr... Diamond got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Diamond and Davis getting up and was struck with another head shot. Davis went to whip Diamond into the ropes but Diamond reversed and caught Davis coming off with a gut kick followed by an inverted suplex (gourdbuster). Diamond for the cover. 1...2... Jarrett hit the ring but was cut off by Tanaka. ...3! Ref called for the bell as most in the crowd booed.

Diamond up and DDP climbed in the ring. Ref raised Diamond's hand in victory and DDP celebrated the win with his two men.

: Badd Co. - Pinfall - 8:34

Split-screen pic aired of Cactus Jack and Nikita Koloff with the caption: NEXT... WHO ADVANCES???

Cactus Jack vs. Nikita Koloff

Koloff came to the ring to a strong ovation down the face aisle.

Jack came to the ring down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had his supporters.

Ring announcer Nelson said that the winner of the match advances to the tournament final to determine who will face Wahoo McDaniel for the AWA World Championship at Christmas Chaos.

Koloff started pulling on the top rope as Jack charged over and started hammering away on Nikita.

Ref called for the bell to start the match.

Jack hammering away on Nikita. Jack went to whip Nikita into the ropes but Nikita reversed and sent Jack into them. Jack grabbed the top rope and held on and Nikita charged over and blasted Jack with a running clothesline that sent Jack hurtling over the top rope and crashing to the floor as Nikita briefly played to the roaring crowd. Ref ordered Nikita back and Nikita obliged. Ref started the 10-count. Jack to his feet on the floor and went over and grabbed an empty chair sitting next to the timekeeper's table and tossed it on the ring. Nikita snapped the chair up and sat in it and gestured for Jack to get back in the ring to more cheers from the crowd. Jack back up on the apron. Ref had re-started the 10-count. Nikita up and tossed the chair out of the ring. Jack climbed into the ring and glared at Nikita. Jack then laid on the mat and dared Nikita to cover him. Nikita looked puzzled. Jack again gestured for Nikita to cover him. Nikita stood next to Jack for a moment and then stomped Jack in the gut to cheers. Nikita snapped Jack up and bodyslammed Jack and went for a jumping elbow smash but Jack rolled out of the way and Nikita crashed to the mat. Both men down. Both men slowly to their feet and Jack caught Nikita with a kick to the gut followed by a suplex. Jack stomped on Nikita, mounted the middle rope and nailed Nikita with a leg drop off the middle rope. Jack for the cover. 1... Nikita kicked out. Nikita to all fours and Jack kicked Nikita three times in the side of the ribs and then dragged Nikita's face across the mat and broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Jack threw his right hand defiantly in the air like he'd won as most of the crowd booed. Nikita getting up grabbing at his face and Jack clubbed Nikita across the back and threw Nikita out of the ring through the top and middle rope down to the floor. Jack climbed out on the apron as Nikita got to his feet. Jack hit Nikita with a running cannonball off the apron. Nikita crashed to the floor with Jack on top of him. Ref counting. Look on Jack's face suggested he enjoyed the previous move. Jack snapped Nikita up and threw Nikita into the post and Nikita slammed shoulder-first into it and staggered off. Jack rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Jack went over and grabbed the chair Nikita had tossed out of the ring and stalked Nikita around the ring. Nikita turned and Jack went to hit Nikita over the head with the chair but Nikita blocked it and a brief struggle ensued over the chair. Nikita kicked Jack in the gut and seized control of the chair and tossed it aside. Nikita grabbed Jack and threw Jack back into the ring. Nikita followed and just barely beat the 10-count. Nikita hammered away on Jack and whipped Jack into the corner. Nikita moved in and plowed through Jack with a series of rapid-fire shoulder blocks to the gut. Nikita backed up and charged in on Jack and blasted Jack with a running shoulder block to the gut. Jack slid down to his ass in the corner. Nikita reached down to pull Jack up and Jack poked Nikita in the eye. Nikita staggered off grabbing at his eye. Jack to his feet and clubbed Nikita from behind with a double sledge to the back. Nikita fell forward and his had and arms and head hanging out over the middle rope. Jack backed up and charged over and nailed Nikita with a rope press. Jack repeated the move. Jack then went for the move a third time but Nikita moved and Jack flew through the top and middle rope and crashed to the floor to the delight of the fans.

Nikita up and the ref ordered him back and Nikita obliged. Ref started the 10-count. Jack made his way onto the apron. Nikita broke the 10-count and moved in on Jack but Jack dropped back to the floor. Nikita bolted the ring and chased Jack around the ring when Jack suddenly stopped and begged off and started backing up. Jack over by the announcer's table suddenly grabbed a drink off the table and threw it in Nikita's eyes. Nikita can't see and staggered off rubbing his eyes. Ref counting. Jack rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Jack up behind Nikita, spun Nikita around and nailed Nikita with a swinging neckbreaker on the concrete.

Pedicino: My god! This man just looks for ways to reach new levels of insanity!

Dundee: Ain't it cool, mate!

Jack up and looked out at the crowd with an insane smile on his face. Jack snapped up Nikita and threw Nikita back into the ring. Jack in and stomped Nikita and bodyslammed Nikita. Jack backed up and went for a running elbow smash that connected. Jack for the pin. 1...2... Nikita kicked out. Crowd cheered. Nikita up and Jack violently drove Nikita into the corner and violently bit Nikita's forehead. Jack broke the move at the count of 4. Jack repeated the move with the same result. Nikita staggered out of the corner next to the ropes holding his head. Jack went to whip Nikita into the ropes but Nikita grabbed the top rope and wouldn't budge. Jack kept trying to whip Nikita into the ropes but Nikita would not let go of the ropes. Jack pulled again and Nikita clubbed Jack in the back. Jack stunned. Nikita hammered away on Jack. Nikita whipped Jack into the ropes and caught Jack coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Jack crashed to the mat. Nikita grabbed Jack and hit Jack with a suplex followed by a jumping elbow smash that connected. Nikita for the cover. 1...2...thr... Jack kicked out. Crowd groaned. Nikita up and backed up as Jack made it to his feet. Nikita charged at Jack with his Russian sickle finisher but Jack fell out of thee way and Nikita crashed front-first into the buckles. Loud groan from the crowd. Jack up as Nikita separated himself from the buckles. Nikita turned and walked right into a boot to the gut from Jack. Jack hoisted Nikita up and blasted Nikita with his stump puller piledriver. Jack covered Nikita. 1...2...thr... Nikita got his foot on the bottom rope. Ref patted Jack on the back and Jack got up thinking he'd won. Jack walked around with his fists in the air. Ref yanked Jack's arm down and waved off the pin. Nikita still feeling the effects of the piledriver. Jack grabbed the top rope and put the boots to the downed Nikita. Jack broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Jack snapped Nikita up and slammed Nikita's head into the top buckle. Nikita bounced back and crashed to the mat. Jack quickly out on the apron and mounted the top rope. Nikita up and Jack came off the top buckle with a double sledge to the head try but Nikita drilled Jack in the face with a punch. Jack crashed back against the buckles as the crowd ate it up. Nikita moved in and pummeled Jack with punches and kicks. Jack staggered out of the corner and crashed to the mat. Nikita got ready. Jack slowly up and turned and Nikita charged in and leveled Jack with his Russian sickle finisher. Jack slammed to the mat as the crowd roared. Nikita for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the cheers got louder.

Nikita up and grabbed at the back of his neck as the ref raised his hand in victory and the program went off the air.

WINNER: Nikita - Pinfall - 11:14


Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(# Aired on a previous AWA program. Also highlighted in bold.)

(1st Taping)

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

Col. DeBeers vs. Don Muraco

Pre-match comments from both DeBeers and Muraco

AWA DEBUT MATCH: Bobby Jaggers

Special announcement about next week's show

Wendi Richter is back!!!

The Top Guns see action

And more!!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Dultuh.

Barry Windham won a squash match over Jimmy Uso via pinfall with his flying lariat finisher

Windham came to the ring down the face aisle to a strong ovation.


Barry Windham, you are really looking good since your debut here in the AWA. You seem like you're on a mission.

Barry: I'm always on a mission, Eric. And the main missions in pro wrestling is championships. And the main championship that wrestlers are on a mission to obtain is the World Championship.

Eric: You keep wrestling like you just did, Barry, and you should be swimming in championship gold very soon.

Barry: Things are looking good right now. But I've got to keep my momentum going. Gotta stay focused and put distractions to the side. This sport is all about foc...

Crowd booed as Tully Blanchard and manager Valerie made their way down the heel aisle and stepped into the ring. Tully and Val in street clothes.

Eric: Tully Blanchard. Valerie. This is not your...

Tully: Put a sock in it, Bischoff. How much are they paying you? Whatever it is is 100 percent too much.

Barry: What is it, Tully?

Tully: Barry, let's not insult the intelligence of these fans out here like some other promotions do.

These people know we have a history together that goes way back. We've had some remarkable battles over the years.

Barry: We have. Now get to the point.

Tully: Patience, Barry. Patience.

I came out here to challenge you to a match.

Crowd buzzing.

Barry: You want a match with me? When?

Tully: I want a match with you; but not in front of these clowns.

Let's do it in Sin City, baby.

Let's see who the better man is!

Barry: I'll wrestle you, Tully. Any time or any place.

Eric: You'll have to get the match-making committee involved to see if the match can happen.

Tully: Don't worry about that, Mr. Dyed Hair. They won't pass up a chance to put this match together on national TV.

Barry: Tully, I just wanted to say something. NWA or AWA, I cannot stand you.

Crowd cheered.

Barry: I can't wait to stand in the ring with you one more time, pal.

Tully: See you in Vegas.

Val: Barry, not only are you a great looking guy; you're also a great wrestler. If you ever want to hook up with a winner... give me a call.

Val handed Barry her card and she and Tully left the ring as Barry looked on.

In-studio: Nelson said Tully vs. Windham promises to be quite the match when they meet.

Pic aired of Wendi Richter with the caption: NEXT... BACK IN THE AWA!!!


Wendi Richter won a squash match over Victoria via pinfall with her powerbomb finisher

Richter got a strong ovation from the fans who were happy to see her back.


Wendi Richter, welcome back to the AWA. Haven't seen you in a while.

Wendi: Eric, it's great to be back in front of these great fans.

Fans cheered.

Eric: What have you been doing?

Wendi: I've been wrestling in Japan and Puerto Rico the last few months. It was a successful tour in both places. A lot of great competition out there in women's wrestling all over the globe.

Eric: Now you're back. What can we expect from Wendi here in the AWA?

Wendi: You can expect lots and lots of action from Wendi.

And, I think everyone knows what I am aiming for. I want another shot at Magnificent Mimi so I can regain that title I lost under shady circumstances almost a year ago.

Fans cheered.

Eric: Well, I know I would not bet against you in a re-match with Mimi, that's for sure.

Wendi Richter is back, everyone!

Crowd cheered as Wendi acknowledged the crowd.

Pic aired of Bobby Jaggers with the caption: NEXT... THE HANGMAN!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

Bobby Jaggers won a squash match over Orange Cassidy via pinfall with a Polish hammer ( violent double sledge to the chest)*

Jaggers was heavily booed coming down the heel aisle.

During the match, announcers talked about Jaggers being the man under the mask who screwed with the Trooper for several months before being unmasked by Trooper at SC 5.

(* Not Jaggers' actual finisher. Some wrestler movesets have been embellished to give them more than a standard offense.)

In-studio: Nelson talked about the brutal finisher by Bobby Jaggers. Said you are entering a danger zone with shots like that in the heart area.

Hyped Christmas Chaos on Dec. 11 from the St. Paul Civic Center in St. Paul, MN.

Said the show airs live on ESPN starting at 8pm ET/5 pm PT.

Split-screen pic aired of DeBeers and Muraco with the caption: NEXT... WORDS BEFORE WAR!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd video of pre-match comments from Don Muraco and Col. DeBeers before tonight's main event.


Shot of DeBeers in his camo gear holding a mic in front of the AWA logo.

DeBeers: It's no secret. I'm not a fan of people like Don Muraco. Why do you even allow them to live in the mainland 48 states of America?

Muraco takes up space as far as I am concerned. If you deport people like him you will have a much better country. These people are a nuisance of the highest order. Enjoy your nasty fish head soup.

We've wrestled one another before. But the stakes have never been higher.

The winner goes to the final of the tournament to decide who will face World Champion Wahoo McDaniel with the belt on the line.

This is looking like 'manifest destiny'... for me.

What a great and glorious day it would be for our people if I, Col. DeBeers, beat Wahoo and won the World title. The magnificence of it all!

Don Muraco, just your presence in most of the United States, you're in my way! You are going down to defeat, Mr. Pineapple Express, at my hands!

You cannot stop destiny!

Pic flipped and Muraco was standing in front of the AWA logo in street clothes with mic in hand.

Muraco: Col. DeBeers! Brother, we are in for a fight tonight!

It's gonna be intense enough with a shot at the World Title on the line at Christmas Chaos!

But, whenever you're around, the race angle cannot be ignored!

I know you hate non-whites! You're a white supremacist of the highest order!

But I'm gonna do everything in my power to beat those thoughts of superiority right out of you!

This is for a chance to face my tag team partner Wahoo McDaniel for the AWA World Championship!

Right now, any hope of getting back together as a team and chasing those tag team titles has to be put on the backburner!

When this situation is over, then we'll look at reuniting!

But I can't look ahead! I know what a snake in the grass DeBeers is!

I will be ready for action! And I'm gonna shove DeBeers' racism right down his throat!


Pic aired of the Top Guns with the caption: NEXT... TAKING FLIGHT!!!

Pic then flipped to the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... BIG NEWS!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

In-studio: Nelson announced that next week on ASW... the main event would,be the Destruction Crew vs. Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans.

Nelson sent it to the ring in Duluth.

Top Guns (Ricky Rice & derrick Dukes) won a squash match over Gangrel & Christian when Rice pinned Christian after a double dropkick

Guns got a decent ovation coming to the ring.

Split-screen pic aired of DeBeers and Muraco with the caption: NEXT... WHO ADVANCES???



DeBeers came down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Muraco came down the face aisle to a solid ovation.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. After a brief struggle, Muraco drove DeBeers into the ropes to force a break. Break was clean. As Muraco slowly backed away from DeBeers, DeBeers stunned Muraco with a kick to the gut. DeBeers with a series of elbows to the back of Muraco's neck. DeBeers placed his foot on the top buckle and slammed Muraco's head into his foot. Muraco staggered off DeBeers clubbed Muraco in the back. DeBeers went to whip Muraco into the ropes but Muraco reversed and caught DeBeers coming off with a powerslam. Crowd popped. Muraco for the cover. 1...2... DeBeers kicked out. Muraco snapped up DeBeers, whipped DeBeers into the ropes and caught DeBeers coming off with a high backdrop. DeBeers crashed to the mat and quickly rolled out of the ring and dropped to his feet on the floor. DeBeers walked around on the floor regaining his bearings as the ref counted. DeBeers climbed up on the apron. Muraco moved in on DeBeers and DeBeers leaned through the top and middle rope and caught Muraco with a shoulder block to the gut. DeBeers repeated the move. Muraco stumbled back holding his gut. DeBeers back in the ring and popped Muraco with punches and then nailed Muraco with a bodyslam. DeBeers with a double foot stomp to the head of Muraco. Muraco grabbed his head and rolled over on his side. DeBeers rolled Muraco over on his back and covered Muraco. 1...2... Muraco kicked out. DeBeers popped Muraco in the head a couple of times and then snapped Muraco up and whipped Muraco into the ropes and caught Muraco coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Muraco fell back against the ropes. DeBeers moved in and popped Muraco with a series of stiff forearms to the chest. DeBeers ran Muraco down the ropes and slammed Muraco's head into the top buckle. Muraco spun around in the corner. DeBeers with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut. DeBeers working methodically. DeBeers went to whip Muraco into the opposite buckles but Muraco reversed and Debeers slammed into the buckles and staggered out of the corner and Muraco dropped DeBeers with a clothesline as the crowd popped. DeBeers tried to crawl out of the ring but Muraco grabbed DeBeers by the back of his camo pants and pulled DeBeers to his feet. Muraco drove a series of forearms into DeBeers lower back and then hoisted DeBeers up and nailed DeBeers with a gorilla press slam. Muraco for the cover. 1...2...thr... DeBeers kicked out. Muraco booted DeBeers and snapped DeBeers up and whipped DeBeers into the ropes and looked to catch DeBeers coming off with a clothesline but DeBeers ducked the move and came back and popped Muraco with a flying headbutt. Muraco crashed to the mat. DeBeers slow to get up. Muraco slowly to his feet. DeBeers ran and hit the ropes and came off with a running punch to the head. Muraco stunned. DeBeers quickly rolled Muraco up in a small package for the pin. 1...2... Muraco kicked out. Crowd cheered. Both men up and DeBeers nailed Muraco with a kick to the gut and then suplexed Muraco. DeBeers with a fist drop to Muraco's head. Muraco sat up and DeBeers caught Muraco in a rear chinlock. DeBeers cinched up on the hold but Muraco not submitting. DeBeers rose and drove a knee into Muraco's back. DeBeers snapped up Muraco and went for another suplex but Muraco twice blocked the move and suplexed DeBeers. Both men down. Ref counting. Both men to their feet and DeBeers moved in to hit Muraco with a double sledge to the top of the head but Muraco caught DeBeers with a trio of gut shots. Muraco whipped DeBeers into the buckles. Muraco moved in and nailed Debeers with a series of shoulder blocks to the gu.

DeBeers staggered out by the ropes. Muraco clubbed DeBeers from behind. Muraco whipped DeBeers into the opposite buckles. Muraco mounted the middle buckle and started popping DeBeers with head shots as the crowd counted along. DeBeers countered by grabbing Muraco around the waist and running out of the corner and blasting Muraco with a running inverted atomic drop. Muraco crashed to the mat. DeBeers quickly shook out the effects of the match. DeBeers booted Muraco with a series of deliberate stomps. DeBeers snapped Muraco up and threw Muraco through the top and middle rope down to the floor. DeBeers out on the apron jumped off and nailed Muraco with a foot stomp to the gut. DeBeers snapped up Muraco, hoisted him up and dropped him face-first on the ring apron. Muraco crumpled to the floor. Ref counting. DeBeers quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. DeBeers started to pull Muraco to his feet when Muraco caught DeBeers with gut shots. Muraco up and slammed DeBeers' head repeatedly into the ring apron. Ref counting. DeBeers down to a knee. Muraco snapped DeBeers up and threw DeBeers back into the ring. Muraco back in as DeBeers got up. DeBeers tried backing up and begging off but backed himself into the buckles. DeBeers dropped to his knees in the corner. Muraco moved in and hammered DeBeers with head shots. Muraco snapped up DeBeers, whipped DeBeers into the ropes and caught DeBeers coming off with a Samoan drop. Crowd popped. Muraco for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! DeBeers got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Muraco snapped up DeBeers and went to whip DeBeers into the ropes but DeBeers reversed and caught Muraco coming off and nailed Muraco with a hot shot. Muraco snapped back and crashed to the mat. DeBeers down as well. DeBeers slow in making the cover. 1...2...thr... Muraco got a shoulder up. Crowd cheered. DeBeers caught Muraco with a head shot, snapped Muraco up and whipped Muraco into the ropes and Muraco came off and both men clotheslined each other to the mat. Both men laid out. Ref counting. Both men slowly to their feet. DeBeers caught Muraco with a kick to the gut followed by an elbow to the top of the head. Muraco stunned. DeBeers whipped Muraco into the ropes and caught Muraco coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Muraco down. DeBeers quick stomped Muraco and went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle. DeBeers turned and said something to some hecklers as Muraco got to his feet. Muraco up, grabbed DeBeers and slammed DeBeers off the top rope. Crowd popped. Muraco for the cover. 1...2.. DeBeers kicked out. Muraco snapped up DeBeers and DeBeers responded with a trio of elbows to the gut. DeBeers then hoisted up Muraco for a suplex but Muraco wriggled free, dropped down behind DeBeers, ran DeBeers into the ropes for a roll-up from behind for the pin. 1...2... DeBeers reached up and grabbed a handful of tights and reversed the pinning move. DeBeers held onto the tights. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans booed. DeBeers stood and the ref raised his hand in victory. Muraco up and charged at DeBeers and swung wildly and missed and DeBeers quickly scurried out on the apron. Muraco went to grab DeBeers but Debeers quickly dropped to the floor.

DeBeers backing up the heel aisle with a smile on his face as an angry Muraco looked on from the ring as the program ended.

WINNER: DeBeers - Pinfall - 8:57

Last edited:

Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(2nd Taping)

Show Intro

Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

#1 Contender Tournament Final:
Col. DeBeers vs. Nikita Koloff

A look at last week's confrontation between Tully Blanchard and Barry Windham PLUS! a message from AWA promoter Jim Crockett

A look at how DeBeers and Koloff reached the final

'Big' Reggie Bennett wrestles

Christmas Chaos report

The AWA on ESPN wrestling debut of Bobby Jaggers

And more!!!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas.

Jonnie Stewart won a squash match over HHH via pinfall with his flying elbow smash off the top rope finisher

Stewart was roundly booed coming to the ring.


Jonnie Stewart, it's fitting we're in Vegas because you've been on quite a hot streak lately.

Stewart: Nelson, winning in Vegas is based on Lady Luck! I'm the last wrestler who needs luck because I'm the 'Wrestler of the '90s'!

Crowd booed.

Stewart: Luck is not in the cards for me, daddy-o, because I am that good!

I can beat any wrestler in the world on my excellent ring skills alone! I am a wrestling prodigy!

I was born to do this! And things are all starting to fall into place for me!

When I'm on, I am unstoppable inside these ropes!

My march to the top continues!

Very soon, you will see gold around the waist of the 'Wrestler of the '90s'!

This decade is mine! I own it! That's not a boast! That's a fact and you people need to face that reality!

More boos.

Nelson: Jonnie Stewart, everybody!

Video aired from the Nikita-Cactus #1 Contender match with the caption: NEXT... NIKITA & DEBEERS ADVANCE!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd footage from the end of last week's tournament match between Nikita Koloff and Cactus Jack.


# Nikita grabbed Jack and hit Jack with a suplex followed by a jumping elbow smash that connected. Nikita for the cover. 1...2...thr... Jack kicked out. Crowd groaned. Nikita up and backed up as Jack made it to his feet. Nikita charged at Jack with his Russian sickle finisher but Jack fell out of the way and Nikita crashed front-first into the buckles. Loud groan from the crowd. Jack up as Nikita separated himself from the buckles. Nikita turned and walked right into a boot to the gut from Jack. Jack hoisted Nikita up and blasted Nikita with his stump puller piledriver. Jack covered Nikita. 1...2...thr... Nikita got his foot on the bottom rope. Ref patted Jack on the back and Jack got up thinking he'd won. Jack walked around with his fists in the air. Ref yanked Jack's arm down and waved off the pin. Nikita still feeling the effects of the piledriver. Jack grabbed the top rope and put the boots to the downed Nikita. Jack broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Jack snapped Nikita up and slammed Nikita's head into the top buckle. Nikita bounced back and crashed to the mat. Jack quickly out on the apron and mounted the top rope. Nikita up and Jack came off the top buckle with a double sledge to the head try but Nikita drilled Jack in the face with a punch. Jack crashed back against the buckles as the crowd ate it up. Nikita moved in and pummeled Jack with punches and kicks. Jack staggered out of the corner and crashed to the mat. Nikita got ready. Jack slowly up and turned and Nikita charged in and leveled Jack with his Russian sickle finisher. Jack slammed to the mat as the crowd roared. Nikita for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the cheers got louder.


Nelson then intro'd video of the end of DeBeers-Muraco on last week's All-Star Wrestling.

# DeBeers started to pull Muraco to his feet when Muraco caught DeBeers with gut shots. Muraco up and slammed DeBeers' head repeatedly into the ring apron. Ref counting. DeBeers down to a knee. Muraco snapped DeBeers up and threw DeBeers back into the ring. Muraco back in as DeBeers got up. DeBeers tried backing up and begging off but backed himself into the buckles. DeBeers dropped to his knees in the corner. Muraco moved in and hammered DeBeers with head shots. Muraco snapped up DeBeers, whipped DeBeers into the ropes and caught DeBeers coming off with a Samoan drop. Crowd popped. Muraco for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! DeBeers got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Muraco snapped up DeBeers and went to whip DeBeers into the ropes but DeBeers reversed and caught Muraco coming off and nailed Muraco with a hot shot. Muraco snapped back and crashed to the mat. DeBeers down as well. DeBeers slow in making the cover. 1...2...thr... Muraco got a shoulder up. Crowd cheered. DeBeers caught Muraco with a head shot, snapped Muraco up and whipped Muraco into the ropes and Muraco came off and both men clotheslined each other to the mat. Both men laid out. Ref counting. Both men slowly to their feet. DeBeers caught Muraco with a kick to the gut followed by an elbow to the top of the head. Muraco stunned. DeBeers whipped Muraco into the ropes and caught Muraco coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Muraco down. DeBeers quick stomped Muraco and went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle. DeBeers turned and said something to some hecklers as Muraco got to his feet. Muraco up, grabbed DeBeers and slammed DeBeers off the top rope. Crowd popped. Muraco for the cover. 1...2.. DeBeers kicked out. Muraco snapped up DeBeers and DeBeers responded with a trio of elbows to the gut. DeBeers then hoisted up Muraco for a suplex but Muraco wriggled free, dropped down behind DeBeers, ran DeBeers into the ropes for a roll-up from behind for the pin. 1...2... DeBeers reached up and grabbed a handful of tights and reversed the pinning move. DeBeers held onto the tights. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans booed. DeBeers stood and the ref raised his hand in victory. Muraco up and charged at DeBeers and swung wildly and missed and DeBeers quickly scurried out on the apron. Muraco went to grab DeBeers but DeBeers quickly dropped to the floor.

DeBeers backing up the heel aisle with a smile on his face as an angry Muraco looked on.

Nelson hyped the main event for later in the program..

Pic aired of Bobby Jaggers with the caption: NEXT... JAGGERS' DEBUT!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Updates

Bobby Jaggers won a squash match over Reno Riggins with his Polish Hammer (violent double sledge to the chest) finisher

Jaggers was strongly booed coming to the ring.

Pic aired of the Christmas Chaos logo with the caption: NEXT... CHAOS REPORT!!!

Pic flipped to Reggie Bennett with the caption: ALSO... POWERHOUSE REG!!!



Larry Nelson was seated at the studio desk in front of the AWA logo.

Nelson: Welcome to the first Christmas Chaos Update. I'm Larry Nelson.

Christamas Chaos will be taking place on Tuesday, DeCember 11th, the St. Paul Civic Center in St. Paul, Minnesota with a bell time of 8pm Eastern and 5pm Pacific.

Tickets go on sale Saturday, November 17th, at 10am Central Time.

For tickets, contact Ticket Master or call the St. Paul Civic Center at 1 (651) 555-3891 or visit the Civic Center box office.

The show will also be airing live on ESPN.

Christmas Chaos promises to be a big show.

This week, we've got the final for the #1 Contender Tournament between Col. DeBeers and Nikita Koloff.

The winner of the match will square off against AWA World Champion Wahoo McDaniel for the title.

So, we'll know tonight what our main event will be at Christmas Chaos.

We'll have more new about Christmas Chaos next week on the Christmas Chaos Reporrt.

In-studio: Nelson sent it back to the ring in Vegas.

'Big' Reggie Bennett won a squash match over Sable via submission with he split-leg rear chinlock finisher

Bennett got a good ovation coming to the ring.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... TULLY & BARRY!!!


Nelson intro'd footage from last week's ASW of the confrontation between two long-time rivals Tully Blanchard and Barry Windham.


# Eric: You keep wrestling like you just did, Barry, and you should be swimming in championship gold very soon.

Barry: Things are looking good right now. But I've got to keep my momentum going. Gotta stay focused and put distractions to the side. This sport is all about foc...

Crowd booed as Tully Blanchard and manager Valerie made their way down the heel aisle and stepped into the ring. Tully and Val in street clothes.

Eric: Tully Blanchard. Valerie. This is not your...

Tully: Put a sock in it, Bischoff. How much are they paying you? Whatever it is is 100 percent too much.

Barry: What is it, Tully?

Tully: Barry, let's not insult the intelligence of these fans out here like some other promotions do.

These people know we have a history together that goes way back. We've had some remarkable battles over the years.

Barry: We have. Now get to the point.

Tully: Patience, Barry. Patience.

I came out here to challenge you to a match.

Crowd buzzing.

Barry: You want a match with me? When?

Tully: I want a match with you; but not in front of these clowns.

Let's do it in Sin City, baby.

Let's see who the better man is!

Barry: I'll wrestle you, Tully. Any time or any place.

Eric: You'll have to get the match-making committee involved to see if the match can happen.

Tully: Don't worry about that, Mr. Dyed Hair. They won't pass up a chance to put this match together on national TV.

Barry: Tully, I just wanted to say something. NWA or AWA, I cannot stand you.

Crowd cheered.

Barry: I can't wait to stand in the ring with you one more time, pal.

Tully: See you in Vegas.

Val: Barry, not only are you a great looking guy; you're also a great wrestler. If you ever want to hook up with a winner... give me a call.

Val handed Barry her card and she and Tully left the ring as Barry looked on.


Nelson intro'd a message from Jim Crockett.


Crockett was seated behind his desk.

Crockett: Hello.

Tully Blanchard and Barry Windham go way back to their days in the NWA when I was the promoter there.

Now, it appears an old rivalry is about to be re-kindled.

Tully Blanchard has challenged Barry Windham to a match here in the AWA.

So next week, right here on AWA on ESPN, our main event will be Barry Windham vs. Tully Blanchard.

Should be a great match. See you then.


Split-screen pic aired of Col. DeBeers and Nikita Koloff with the caption: NEXT... THE FINAL!!!



DeBeers came down the heel aisle to a strong negative crowd reaction.

Nikita came to the ring down the face aisle to a strong positive reaction.

Announcers discussed their first meeting at SC 5 which was won by Koloff.

Ref called for the bell.

DeBeers and Nikita came out of the corners and circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. After a brief struggle, DeBeers gained the upper hand and caught Nikta in a side headlock. DeBeers worked over the side headlock. Nikita shoved DeBeers off into the ropes and raised his arm to catch DeBeers coming off with his Russian sickle finisher. DeBeers grabbed the top rope and climbed out on the apron. Nikita moved on DeBeers and DeBeers dropped to the floor. Ref struggled to keep Nikita from leaving the ring but was finally able to get Nikita to step back. Ref started the 10-count. Count grew as DeBeers finally climbed back into the ring. Nikita moved on DeBeers and DeBeers feigned leaving the ring and charging over and tackling Nikita to the mat. DeBeers hammered away on the stunned Nikita with punches and then Nikita nailed DeBeers with a knee to the side of the ribs and gained the upper hand and started hammering DeBeers with punches as the crowd cheered. Ref trying to separate the warring pair as they started rolling around on the mat belting each other. The two separated and the ref was able to keep them apart as they got to their feet. Nikita then charged over and jumped on DeBeers and started pounding him again to more crowd approval. DeBeers fought back and now the violent slugfest was on again. Nikita finally drove DeBeers into the corner and caught DeBeers with a series of rapid-fire knees to the gut. Nikita then hit DeBeers with a biel throw. DeBeers crashed to the mat. Nikita stood back as DeBeers got to his feet. Nikita tried to sickle DeBeers a second time but DeBeers dropped down and caught Nikita with a leg dive takedown. DeBeers locked the downed Nikita in a rear chinlock. DeBeers worked over the hold but Nikita not giving up. DeBeers released the hold and slapped Nikita across the back of his bald head. DeBeers snapped Nikita up and went to suplex Nikita but Nikita twice blocked the move and hit DeBeers with a suplex of his own. Both men down a few seconds and got to their feet. DeBeers went to kick Nikita in the gut but Nikita caught DeBeers by the foot. DeBeers tried to beg off but Nikita dropped to knee and drove a forearm into the underside of DeBeers' knee area and DeBeers crumpled to the mat. Nikita held the leg and dropped down and worked DeBeers' leg and foot. DeBeers in great pain but refusing to quit. DeBeers struggled in the hold and then broke it by clubbing Nikita in the top of the head with his fist. Nikita lost his grip on the hold. Both men to their feet and DeBeers nailed Nikita with a head shot. DeBeers picked up Nikita and bodyslammed the Russian. DeBeers with a foot stomp to Nikita's head. DeBeers dropped an elbow on Nikita and went for the cover. 1...2... Nikita kicked out. Both men up and DeBeers grabbed Nikita in a front facelock and worked over the hold. Ref checking to make sure it's not a choke. DeBeers cinched up on the hold and Nikita responded by driving DeBeers back-first into the buckles. DeBeers lost his grip on the hold. Nikita hit DeBeers with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut. DeBeers walking gingerly next to the ropes. Nikita started clubbing away on DeBeers, whipped DeBeers into the ropes and caught DeBeers coming off in a bearhug. DeBeers in great pain.

Nikita tightened up on the hold. DeBeers not giving in. DeBeers then clapped the sides of Nikita's head twice and freed himself from the hold. DeBeers eye poked Nikita. Ref reprimanded DeBeers. DeBeers clubbed Nikita with a forearm to the back. DeBeers leaned Nikita against the ropes and blasted Nikita with a series of forearms to the chest. DeBeers whipped Ni8kita into the ropes and caught Nikita coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Nikita staggered. DeBeers ran and hit the ropes and came back and popped Nikita with a running punch to the head. DeBeers then went to hoist Nikita up for his face-first piledriver finisher but Nikita blocked the move and backdropped DeBeers to the mat. Nikita briefly shook out the effects of the match. DeBeers up and Nikita moved in and the pair engaged in another wild punch exchange. DeBeers gained the upper hand and went to whip Nikita into the corner but Nikita reversed and sent DeBeers into the buckles. Nikita charged in wildly on DeBeers but DeBeers moved and Nikita slammed into the top buckle and was hanging half-way out of the ring over the top rope. DeBeers grabbed Nikita and pulled him off the top rope. DeBeers spun Nikita around and suplexed Nikita and nailed Nikita with a knee drop to the head. DeBeers for the cover. 1...2... Nikita kicked out. Crowd cheered. DeBeers caught Nikita with a head shot and drove a knee into Nikita's ribs. DeBeers snapped Nikita up and went to whip Nikita into the ropes but Nikita reversed and caught DeBeers coming off with...


DeBeers fell back and crashed into the ref. Ref crashed to the mat by the ropes. DeBeers flatlined. Crowd exploded. Koloff, instead of pinning DeBeers, went over and started shaking the ref to help him regain his senses. DeBeers started moving in the ring. Koloff grabbed DeBeers as the ref was getting up. Koloff started to hoist DeBeers up for a suplex and the back of DeBeers' foot clipped the ref in the face and the ref went back down again facing the crowd. Koloff completed the suplex. Koloff saw the ref down again and went over and tried to shake the ref out of his fog. DeBeers managed to recover enough and crawl over behind Koloff and low-blow Koloff. Koloff crashed down on his side. Crowd buzzing. DeBeers grabbed Nikita, hoisted him up and nailed Nikita with his face-first piledriver finisher. DeBeers rolled Nikita over and the shaky ref crawled over. DeBeers covered Nikita. 1.....2.....3! Groggy ref called for the bell. Fans not happy. Some trash thrown at the ring.

DeBeers slowly to his feet looking out at the angry mob. Groggy ref to his feet and raised DeBeers' hand in victory. Shot of a hurt Nikita laying on the mat.

Pedicino: Wahoo will be defending the AWA World Title at Christmas Chaos against Col. DeBeers!

Dundee: Gonna be one helluva match, mate!

Shot of DeBeers leaving the ring as the program ended.

WINNER: DeBeers - Pinfall - 11:28


Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(# Aired on a previous AWA program. Also highlighted in bold.)

(2nd Taping)

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

Destruction Crew vs. Ken Patera & Brad Rheingans

A look back at the first two matches from the #1 Contender Tournament with the winner of the tournament moving on to face Wahoo McDaniel for the World Title at Christmas Chaos

AWA Women's World Champion Magnificent Mimi sees action

The Grappler & Rip Oliver wrestle

A look back at Tully Blanchard confronting Barry Windham on last week's program PLUS! comments from AWA promoter Jim Crockett

The Trooper laces 'em up

Christmas Chaos Report

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Duluth.

NON-TITLE: Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes (WTTC) def. Barry Horowitz & Jeff Gaylord when Haynes forced Gaylord to submit to the full nelson

Haynes and Norton got a strong ovation coming down the face aisle.


Scott Norton and Billy Jack Haynes, you two have been dazzling fans all over AWA country and quickly asserting yourselves as a formidable pair of World Tag Team Champions.

Haynes: Championships are what the sport is all about, Eric. Scott and I take our responsibility very seriously to go out to the ring and fight hard to retain these belts.

Norton: Eric, the fans you see sitting out here in this arena are what drives us. When we put these titles on the line, we are fighting not only for ourselves but them as well.

Crowd cheered.

Haynes: There are a lot of great teams here in the AWA who are deserving challengers. And at the top of that list are the former champs the Destruction Crew. They were the champions for 18 months. That's quite an accomplishment. We know they're determined to win the tag titles again. But know this. They're gonna be in for one heckuva fight. Bloom and Enos are gonna have to bring their A-game to defeat us.

Norton: We know what the Destruction Crew is capable of. They're a tough team and proved that with their run as tag team champions. But we were the team that took them down and ended their year-and-a-half reign. So Destruction Crew, you want these belts back? Come and pry them from our hands!

Crowd cheered.

Eric: They are the World Tag team Champions Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton!

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... WHO ADVANCED???


In-studio: Nelson intro'd footage from the end of last week's tournament match between Nikita Koloff and Cactus Jack.


# Nikita grabbed Jack and hit Jack with a suplex followed by a jumping elbow smash that connected. Nikita for the cover. 1...2...thr... Jack kicked out. Crowd groaned. Nikita up and backed up as Jack made it to his feet. Nikita charged at Jack with his Russian sickle finisher but Jack fell out of the way and Nikita crashed front-first into the buckles. Loud groan from the crowd. Jack up as Nikita separated himself from the buckles. Nikita turned and walked right into a boot to the gut from Jack. Jack hoisted Nikita up and blasted Nikita with his stump puller piledriver. Jack covered Nikita. 1...2...thr... Nikita got his foot on the bottom rope. Ref patted Jack on the back and Jack got up thinking he'd won. Jack walked around with his fists in the air. Ref yanked Jack's arm down and waved off the pin. Nikita still feeling the effects of the piledriver. Jack grabbed the top rope and put the boots to the downed Nikita. Jack broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Jack snapped Nikita up and slammed Nikita's head into the top buckle. Nikita bounced back and crashed to the mat. Jack quickly out on the apron and mounted the top rope. Nikita up and Jack came off the top buckle with a double sledge to the head try but Nikita drilled Jack in the face with a punch. Jack crashed back against the buckles as the crowd ate it up. Nikita moved in and pummeled Jack with punches and kicks. Jack staggered out of the corner and crashed to the mat. Nikita got ready. Jack slowly up and turned and Nikita charged in and leveled Jack with his Russian sickle finisher. Jack slammed to the mat as the crowd roared. Nikita for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the cheers got louder.


In-studio: Nelson then intro'd video of the end of DeBeers-Muraco on last week's All-Star Wrestling.

# DeBeers started to pull Muraco to his feet when Muraco caught DeBeers with gut shots. Muraco up and slammed DeBeers' head repeatedly into the ring apron. Ref counting. DeBeers down to a knee. Muraco snapped DeBeers up and threw DeBeers back into the ring. Muraco back in as DeBeers got up. DeBeers tried backing up and begging off but backed himself into the buckles. DeBeers dropped to his knees in the corner. Muraco moved in and hammered DeBeers with head shots. Muraco snapped up DeBeers, whipped DeBeers into the ropes and caught DeBeers coming off with a Samoan drop. Crowd popped. Muraco for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! DeBeers got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Muraco snapped up DeBeers and went to whip DeBeers into the ropes but DeBeers reversed and caught Muraco coming off and nailed Muraco with a hot shot. Muraco snapped back and crashed to the mat. DeBeers down as well. DeBeers slow in making the cover. 1...2...thr... Muraco got a shoulder up. Crowd cheered. DeBeers caught Muraco with a head shot, snapped Muraco up and whipped Muraco into the ropes and Muraco came off and both men clotheslined each other to the mat. Both men laid out. Ref counting. Both men slowly to their feet. DeBeers caught Muraco with a kick to the gut followed by an elbow to the top of the head. Muraco stunned. DeBeers whipped Muraco into the ropes and caught Muraco coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Muraco down. DeBeers quick stomped Muraco and went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle. DeBeers turned and said something to some hecklers as Muraco got to his feet. Muraco up, grabbed DeBeers and slammed DeBeers off the top rope. Crowd popped. Muraco for the cover. 1...2.. DeBeers kicked out. Muraco snapped up DeBeers and DeBeers responded with a trio of elbows to the gut. DeBeers then hoisted up Muraco for a suplex but Muraco wriggled free, dropped down behind DeBeers, ran DeBeers into the ropes for a roll-up from behind for the pin. 1...2... DeBeers reached up and grabbed a handful of tights and reversed the pinning move. DeBeers held onto the tights. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans booed. DeBeers stood and the ref raised his hand in victory. Muraco up and charged at DeBeers and swung wildly and missed and DeBeers quickly scurried out on the apron. Muraco went to grab DeBeers but DeBeers quickly dropped to the floor.

DeBeers backing up the heel aisle with a smile on his face as an angry Muraco looked on.

Nelson said they'd have highlights of the DeBeers-Koloff final next week on ASW.

Pic aired of The Trooper with the caption: NEXT... THE TROOPER!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

The Trooper won a squash match over Ken Wayne via pinfall with his flying shoulder tackle finisher

Trooper got a strong ovation coming down the face aisle and handed out souvenir speeding tickets to the fans.


Eric: Trooper, what a match you had with Greg Valentine for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship recently. You came within an eyelash of beating Valentine and winning the belt.

Trooper: I just ran out of time, Eric. I had Valentine on the verge of defeat and the bell rang.

So, I'll say this.

Greg Valentine. Let's dance again, son.

Crowd cheered.

Trooper: Put that title on the line against me one more time. And this time, let's have a 60-minute time-limit!

More cheers.

Trooper: No more TV time-limits, Hammer! A full hour between me and you!

I've proven I can beat you! I just need a little more time to accomplish the goal!

Eric: What's your take on Bobby Jaggers saying that you arrested him one time, mistreated him and hauled him off to jail?

Trooper: I try to uphold the law honorably, Eric. I've never violated anyone's civil rights in the line of duty.

If I arrested Jaggers then it would have been for a good reason and I would have followed standard police procedures in dealing with the suspect.

Jaggers showed his true character when he donned a mask and kept attacking me and costing me matches.

He should have just faced me man-to-man and we could have discussed the situation in a peaceful manner.

Eric: Are you concerned he might try something else?

Trooper: There's always that chance. And I will respond accordingly if I have to.

Eric: That was the Trooper.

Crowd cheered.

Pic aired of the Christmas Chaos logo with the caption: NEXT... FIRST REPORT!!!

Pic flipped and showed the Grappler and Rip Oliver with the caption: ALSO... NORTHWEST POWER!!!



In-studio: Larry Nelson was seated at the studio desk in front of the AWA logo.

# Nelson: Welcome to the first Christmas Chaos Update. I'm Larry Nelson.

Christmas Chaos will be taking place on Tuesday, December 11th, at the St. Paul Civic Center in St. Paul, Minnesota with a bell time of 8pm Eastern and 5pm Pacific.

Tickets go on sale Saturday, November 17th, at 10am Central Time.

For tickets, contact Ticket Master or call the St. Paul Civic Center at (651) 555-3891 or visit the Civic Center box office.

The show will also be airing live on ESPN.

Christmas Chaos promises to be a big show.

This week, we've got the final for the #1 Contender Tournament between Col. DeBeers and Nikita Koloff airing on AWA on ESPN.

The winner faces Wahoo McDaniel for the AWA World Title at Christmas Chaos.

We'll have more news about Christmas Chaos next week on the Christmas Chaos Reporrt.


Nelson hyped CC.

Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Las Vegas.

Rip Oliver & The Grappler won a squash match over Chad Gable and Otis when Grappler pinned Otis with a boot kick to the gut after tapping his toe into the mat three times.

Oliver and Grappler were loudly booed coming to the ring.

Announcers played up them coming from the Pacific Northwest to the AWA.


Grappler ripped the mic out of Bischoff's hand.

Grappler: I've told you people before that we're here for a reason from the Pacific Northwest!

If you can't figure it out, well, then maybe you should take the short yellow bus to school or park in a mentally handicapped spot!

The Old Man in Portland is the driving force behind why we're here!

That's all I'm gonna say!

Oliver took the mic.

Rip: Ever picked jam out of your toes and sniffed it?!

You people all smell like toe jam!

Duluth, Minnesota! Home of the toe jam smellers!

You may not know why we're here right now! But one day you will! And you're not gonna like it!

Go home and bathe for the next 10, 20 hours!

More boos as Oliver shoved the mic in Bischoff's chest and he and Grap left the ring and headed back up the heel aisle.

Pic aired of Tully Blanchard and Barry Windham with the caption: NEXT... CONFRONTATION!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

In-studio: Nelson intro'd footage from last week's ASW of the confrontation between two long-time rivals Tully Blanchard and Barry Windham.


# Eric: You keep wrestling like you just did, Barry, and you should be swimming in championship gold very soon.

Barry: Things are looking good right now. But I've got to keep my momentum going. Gotta stay focused and put distractions to the side. This sport is all about foc...

Crowd booed as Tully Blanchard and manager Valerie made their way down the heel aisle and stepped into the ring. Tully and Val in street clothes.

Eric: Tully Blanchard. Valerie. This is not your...

Tully: Put a sock in it, Bischoff. How much are they paying you? Whatever it is is 100 percent too much.

Barry: What is it, Tully?

Tully: Barry, let's not insult the intelligence of these fans out here like some other promotions do.

These people know we have a history together that goes way back. We've had some remarkable battles over the years.

Barry: We have. Now get to the point.

Tully: Patience, Barry. Patience.

I came out here to challenge you to a match.

Crowd buzzing.

Barry: You want a match with me? When?

Tully: I want a match with you; but not in front of these clowns.

Let's do it in Sin City, baby.

Let's see who the better man is!

Barry: I'll wrestle you, Tully. Any time or any place.

Eric: You'll have to get the match-making committee involved to see if the match can happen.

Tully: Don't worry about that, Mr. Dyed Hair. They won't pass up a chance to put this match together on national TV.

Barry: Tully, I just wanted to say something. NWA or AWA, I cannot stand you.

Crowd cheered.

Barry: I can't wait to stand in the ring with you one more time, pal.

Tully: See you in Vegas.

Val: Barry, not only are you a great looking guy; you're also a great wrestler. If you ever want to hook up with a winner... give me a call.

Val handed Barry her card and she and Tully left the ring as Barry looked on.


In-studio: Nelson intro'd a message from Jim Crockett.


Crockett was seated behind his desk.

# Crockett: Hello.

Tully Blanchard and Barry Windham go way back to their days in the NWA when I was the promoter there.

Now, it appears an old rivalry is about to be re-kindled.

Tully Blanchard has challenged Barry Windham to a match here in the AWA.

So next week, on AWA on ESPN, our main event will be Barry Windham vs. Tully Blanchard.

Should be a great match. See you then.


Pic aired of Magnificent MImi with the caption: NEXT... THE QUEEN!!!


NON-TITLE: Magnificent MImi (WC - w/ Valerie) won a squash match over Bianca Belair with her sitout powerbomb finisher

Mimi and Val came down the heel aisle to strong boos.


Eric: Mimi, you have two women breathing down your neck for the Women's Championship right now. They are Reggie Bennett and Tina Moretti.

Mimi: They may be laying their stinky breath on the back of my neck. But they aren't taking this baby away from me.

And I wanted to say something. November marks my one-year anniversary as the Women's Champion!

So, we're gonna have big celebration on television in a couple of weeks!

Val: Mimi, you deserve a big party for what you've accomplished, gal!

As they say in Ireland, it's gonna be a mighty party! And you are invited to celebrate from a distance! Do not get near the champ nor myself!

Reggie Bennett and Tina Moretti are invited, too!

They can watch in envy as we celebrate the one-year reign of the Magnificent MImi! She is the epitome of girl power!

Eric: Sounds like a celebration is coming soon for Mimi being the champ...

Val: And Tully is gonna make a special appearance at the party!

Mimi: The news gets better and better! Tully's a super hunk!

Eric: You just heard from the Women's Champ Magnificent Mimi and her manager Valerie.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!


TV MAIN EVENT: Destruction Crew vs. Ken Patera & Brad Rheingans

Destruction Crew came to the ring first down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Announcers talked up the 18-mointh run they had as champions.

Patera and Rheingans came down the face aisle to a decent ovation.

As the two teams were in the ring preparing for the match, Valerie made her way down the heel aisle. Tully Blanchard, in street clothes, was with her. Pair was largely booed.

Val climbed into the ring and Bischoff walked up to her. She was holding a clipboard.

Val: Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans. I hold in my hand a contract. If you two sign it and become part of the stable I'm building, I guarantee you more money than you've ever dreamed of and another reign as the World Tag Team Champions.

What do you say, boys?

Patera walked over and grabbed the clipboard out of Val's hand. Tully wanted to go at Patera but Val kept him at bay.

Patera briefly looked over the contract and took the pen off the clipboard.

Reynolds: Is he gonna sign up to wrestle for Valerie?

Crockett: Don't do it, Ken! Don't sign your life away to that woman!

Ken looked at Val and Tully and smiled. Brad was puzzled.

Ken feigned he was gonna sign the contract and then suddenlt slammed it on the mat and stomped up and down on it to the delight of the crowd. Val and Tully shocked. Patera picked up the contract and handed it back to Valerie.

Ken: Has it sunk in yet, Valerie?! You shove that contract in my face again and Tully gets it right over the skull!

Crowd popped as Tully quickly removed his sport coat and was ready to fight but Valerie kept him at bay.

Val quickly picked up the contract off the mat and she and Tully left the ring and headed back up the heel aisle.

Announcers said this was a match for positioning in the tag team rankings.

Ref called for the bell

Good, power-based match between these two teams. Tests of strength. Collar-and-elbow struggles. Power moves. Close calls for each team but the two teams managed to escape defeat.

End of the match saw Patera and Bloom the legal men in the ring. They battled back-and-forth and Patera gained the upper hand and whipped Bloom into the ropes and caught Bloom coming off with a clothesline. Bloom crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Patera circled around behind Bloom as Bloom made it to his feet in shaky fashion. Enos hit the ring and blasted Patera from behind with a forearm to the back. Patera stumbled forward and slammed into Bloom and Bloom knocked heads with Rheingans, who was out on the apron. Rheingans crashed to the floor. Enos back to his corner. Patera went to grab Bloom from behind but Bloom caught Patera with an elbow strike to the side of the head. Bloom whipped Patera into the ropes and caught Patera coming off with a powerslam. Bloom up and tagged in Enos. Enos in and snapped Ken up and hoisted Patera up on his shoulders. Brad recovering on the floor. Bloom came off with the Wrecking Ball (Doomsday Device) finisher. Enos covered Patera. An unsteady Brad back on the apron. 1...2... Foggy Brad suddenly realized what was going on and started to climb in the ring to break up the pin. ...3! Ref called for the bell as most of the crowd booed.

Enos up and Bloom came in and the ref raised both men's hands victoriously.

The victors then left the ring.

Patera got to his feet as Brad was still a little woozy. Patera got in Brad's face about not breaking up the pin attempt by Enos. Brad gestured he was still feeling the effects of knocking heads with Bloom. The two had words and suddenly Brad pushed Ken.

Crowd buzzing.

Patera got right in Brad's face and the two were jawing at each other as the program went off the air.

WINNER: Destruction Crew - Pinfall - 6:34

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Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Bill Watts, Jim crockett and Eric Bischoff were sitting in Crockett's office.

Jim: Eric, the reason we called this meeting is because Bill has an idea he wants to pitch to both of us.

Watts: Thanks, Jim.

I was thinking that we should move the AWA ESPN TV tapings out of Vegas two or three times next year.

Jim: Interesting. Got any towns in mind?

Watts: I was thinking we should shoot for April and the Lawlor Events Center in Reno.

Eric: If I can say something.

I've been in that arena and it's pretty big. Like 10 to 12,000 seats.

Watts: Simple fix for that. We cut the arena in half.

We hang a large black or blue drape across the middle of the arena and block off all those seats.

That would give us, what? 5,000 or 6,000 seats, right?

They don't get much wrestling in Reno. I think going there for a TV taping would be a big deal for them. We could draw some serious money.

Jim: Eric, go ahead and look into booking the Lawlor Events Center for late March or early April.

Eric: Will do.

Jim: What about the Winter Warfare special in February? Any ideas on that?

Watts: I was thinking a small arena for that show.

Jim: How small?

Watts: Around 3 to 5,000 seats.

Eric, could you try and find an arena in a warm weather locale like southern California. Somewhere near Los Angeles.

Eric: Sure.

Watts: This just seems like a show placed in a dead zone time of the year.

If we can fill a small arena, it will look good on TV. Make the AWA seem more popular than it really is at the moment.

Eric, get to work, son.

Eric: Will do.

Eric left the office and closed the door behind him.

Watts: This new TV deal is really good for us. Two specials on ESPN. We're gonna air three live episodes of our weekly ESPN show. Throw in two pay-per-views and it's really looking good

Jim: The new time-slot is much better, too.

Watts: That will help us because it's more stable. People will always know when to tune us in.

Jim: The money from the ESPN deal could also help with luring other talent to the company.

Watts: Since we move to Vegas early next year, that will also help lure wrestlers to the AWA who wish to avoid an arctic place like Minnesota.

Jim: It's like we're hitting three sevens every time we pull the lever on the slot machine right now.

I truly believe '91 is when we start competing with Vince.

We'll be back in the big time.

Watts: '91 should be the year we really start gaining a head of steam in attendance and revenue.

But if we don't... we might have to re-consider everything.

Was '91 truly a make or break year for the AWA?


Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program. Also now highlighted in bold.)

(3rd Taping)

Show Intro

Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

TV MAIN EVENT: Tully Blanchard vs. Barry Windham

Comments from World Champion Wahoo McDaniel and challenger Col. DeBeers as they prepare for their title clash at Christmas Chaos (Interviews on the CC Report.)

Another Christmas Chaos Report

Tina Moretti sees action

A special announcement from Valerie

A look at the end of the Destruction Crew vs. Ken Patera & Brad Rheingans.match on last week's ASW program.

Manny Fernandez laces 'em up

And more!!!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Las Vegas.

Shot of a stretcher at ringside.

Kokina Maximus won a squash match over Vernon Deaton via pinfall with his Bonzai Drop (butt drop to the chest finisher)

Kokina, Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey and the Masked Doc were strongly booed coming to the ring down the heel aisle.

Typical Kokina domination. Punishing his opponent before finishing him off.

POST-MATCH INTERVIEW (Masked Doc checking on Vernon Deaton in the background):

Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey, Kokina continues his rampage of destruction through the AWA. Do you thiink there's anyone out there who can topple this man?

Sheik: There is not a wrestler in the AWA who can take down mighty Kokina!

Wrestlers like Tom Zenk, Ken Patera, Don Muraco and Jerry Blackwell have tried and all have failed! Those men are all top wrestlers here in the AWA!

I look at the roster and I see no one who can take this man down for the three count or make him submit!

We still have an open challenge for anyone who wants to try and beat Kokina!

But the wrestler who agrees to fight Kokina needs to know this!

It doesn't matter who you are! It doesn't matter if you're a guy in the opening match or a main eventer! SIgn the contract and you will still lose to Kokina! You may give Kokina a fight! But in the end you will lose just like everyone else has! Kokina is unstoppale!

And let me say this to AWA officials! How long can you avoid giving Kokina a World Title shot?! How long?! This man has yet to lose a match here in the AWA! You cannot avoid him forever!

And when the World Title chance comes... and Kokina will only need one shot... you will have a new and indestructible AWA World Champion!

Nelson: Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey speaking on behalf of Kokina Maximus, everybody!

Pic aired of Magnificent Mimi and Valerie with the caption: NEXT... ANNOUNCEMENT!!!


In-studio: Larry Nelson intro'd a special announcement from AWA Women's WC Magnificent Mimi and manager Valerie.


Shot of Val and Mimi, Val in a pant suit and Mimi in a dress and sunglasses and holding the Women's Championship belt. Both women had a mic and were standing in front of the AWA logo.

Val: Next week, there will be a celebration in the AWA.

It's been one year since this woman to my right won the AWA Women's World Championship.

We are gonna have a big blowout bash to celebrate her historic accomplishment.

And guess what... you viewers are invited. You just need to keep your distance from us because a lot of you fans are, well, pretty creepy.

You can enjoy our shining moment from afar. But get too close and you could find yourself in handcuffs in the back of a cop car.

Mimi: One year ago, I bested Wendi Richter for this belt.

I am now the measuring stick for women's professional wrestling.

I have thwarted every challenge that has come down the pipe. Did anyone see what I did to Madusa Miceli at Super Clash 5?

Right now, I am an unstoppable force of nature. I'm like a boulder rolling full speed ahead downhill and there's no brakes. I'm crushing everyone and everything in my path.

I have earned next week! And it's gonna be a celebration for the books!

See you there!


Nelson said the celebration for Mimi's title reign will air on both AWA shows next week.

Pic aired of Tina Moretti with the caption: NEXT... TINA'S HERE!!!

Pic flipped to a video of Ken Patera & brad Rheingans arguing with one another with the caption: ALSO... COMING APART???

Commercials/AWA Tour Updates

Tina Moretti won a squash match over Michelle McCool via pinfall with her Samoan piledriver finisher

Moretti got a strong ovation coming down the face aisle.

In-studio: Nelson said Moretti and Reggie Bennett were both rising stars in the AWA and were closing in on Women's Champ Magnificent Mimi.

Nelson then intro'd footage from the end of the Destruction Crew vs. Ken Patera & Brad Rheingans.match on last week's ASW program.


# End of the match saw Patera and Bloom the legal men in the ring. They battled back-and-forth and Patera gained the upper hand and whipped Bloom into the ropes and caught Bloom coming off with a clothesline. Bloom crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Patera circled around behind Bloom as Bloom made it to his feet in shaky fashion. Enos hit the ring and blasted Patera from behind with a forearm to the back. Patera stumbled forward and slammed into Bloom and Bloom knocked heads with Rheingans, who was out on the apron. Rheingans crashed to the floor. Enos back to his corner. Patera went to grab Bloom from behind but Bloom caught Patera with an elbow strike to the side of the head. Bloom whipped Patera into the ropes and caught Patera coming off with a powerslam. Bloom up and tagged in Enos. Enos in and snapped Ken up and hoisted Patera up on his shoulders. Brad recovering on the floor. Bloom came off with the Wrecking Ball (Doomsday Device) finisher. Enos covered Patera. An unsteady Brad back on the apron. 1...2... Foggy Brad suddenly realized what was going on and started to climb in the ring to break up the pin. ...3! Ref called for the bell as most of the crowd booed.

Enos up and Bloom came in and the ref raised both men's hands victoriously.

The victors then left the ring.

Patera got to his feet as Brad was still a little woozy. Patera got in Brad's face about not breaking up the pin attempt by Enos. Brad gestured he was still feeling the effects of knocking heads with Bloom. The two had words and suddenly Brad pushed Ken.

Crowd buzzing.

Patera got right in Brad's face and the two were jawing at each other as the program went off the air.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... CHAOS REPORT!!!



In-studio: Larry Nelson was seated at the studio desk in front of the AWA logo.

Nelson: Welcome to the Christmas Chaos Report. I'm Larry Nelson.

Christmas Chaos will be taking place on Tuesday, December 11th, at the St. Paul Civic Center in St. Paul, Minnesota with a bell time of 8pm Eastern and 5pm Pacific.

Tickets go on sale Saturday, November 17th, at 10am Central Time.

For tickets, contact Ticket Master or call the St. Paul Civic Center at 1 (651) 555-3891 or visit the Civic Center box office.

The show will also be airing live on ESPN.

The big news this week is the main event is set for Christmas Chaos!

For the AWA World Heavyweight Championship, 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel will defend the AWA World Heavyweight Title against the number one contender Col. DeBeers.

This match promises to be a good one with lots of intrigue.

Can Wahoo retain the title and keep his run going heading into 1991? Or will the very controversial Col. DeBeers de-throne Wahoo and become the new World Champion?

If DeBeers wins the title it could spark quite a bit of controversy in the wrestling world.

Now, let's hear pre-recorded comments from the two men as they prepare for this big match.


Shot of Col. Debeers in his camo gear with mic in hand standing in front of the AWA logo.

DeBeers: Manifest Destiny. That's what this is, you know. This is my manifest destiny. At Christmas Chaos, I am destined to walk out of that ring as the new AWA World Champion.

Wahoo McDaniel has had his run. He realized his dream to become the World Champion.

That dream is about to turn into a nightmare for Wahoo. He is losing the title and he is losing it to a white man who has a great deal of pride in his people.

The Native Americans may have been here first. But it was the white man who came rolling in, conquered the Indians and built America into what once was a truly great European-derived nation.

Today, America is tragically a cesspool. Any deviant behavior you can find is celebrated here today.

Me winning the AWA World Title would be the best thing to happen in this country since its founding. Maybe American white men can once again stand tall and step forward and celebrate a championship victory by one of their own and they can do it without apology.

But I digress.

Most white men in America today are wimps who don't much seem like being white men.

If I win, white man, let my victory be a moment of great pride for you. Get your pride and you manhood back on December 11th.

Wahoo, you are from a savage people. And I am going to do everything in my power to make sure that a civilized man defeats the savagery you so grossly represent.

Pic flipped and Wahoo was in street clothes, sunglasses and holding the AWA World Title in one hand and a mic in the other. He was standing in front of the AWA logo.

Wahoo: You know, I love this country.

It's not perfect. But it is the greatest place on earth to live.

Down through history different groups of people have waged war on one another. America is no different.

Today, we live in a very diverse nation. We have people of all races, creeds and religions here. Things can be tough sometimes. But in the end we assimilate pretty well. We largely get along with one another.

Col. DeBeers stands for what America isn't today. He's a vile Nazi. He hates folks based on their skin color or the country they're from.

Our match for the World Championship at Christmas Chaos will be for much more than the belt. It's a battle of two different visions.

If DeBeers wins our match, it would be a tragedy for America.

It would be about much more than DeBeers holdng this title. It would also be a win for a vile ideology in apartheid. DeBeers wants to keep people separate. He wants people held down. That's not America in 1990.

This battle is for everything we hold dear in this country.

I'm asking you fans to pledge right now that you will support America by supporting me in my match with Col. DeBeers at Chistmas Chaos.


Indeed, strong words from both men heading into their epic clash at Christmas Chaos.

We'll unveil more great matches for Christmas Chaos in the coming weeks.

Until then, I'm Larry Nelson. see you next time.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... MANNY!!!


Manny Fernandez won a quick squash match over Tony Zane via pinfall with his flying burrito (double flying forearm smash)

Manny got a decent amount of boos coming down the face aisle.

Pic aired of Tully Blanchard and Barry Windham with the caption: NEXT... TULLY VS. BARRY!!!


TV MAIN EVENT: Tully Blanchard (w/ Valerie) vs. Barry Windham

Windham came down the face aisle to a strong ovation.

Tully and Val came down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had their fans.

Announcers pointed out that Val was carrying a black zip up bag with her.

Announcers pointed out that these two had a long history with one another.

Ref called for the bell.

Tully and Barry circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Barry gained the upper hand and got behind Tully and took Tully down with an amateur style throw and then mussed Tully's hair. Tully got to his feet and pointed an accusatory finger at Windham. The two started to circle one another again when Val called and signaled for Tully to come over. Crowd booed as Tully went over and started speaking with Val. Tully leaned through the top and middle rope talking to her. Windham quickly tired of waiting and came up from behind and grabbed Tully and nailed Tully with a belly-to-back suplex. Tully up and Windham grabbed Tully and whipped Tully into the ropes and caught Tully coming off with a dropkick. Tully crashed to the mat. Tully up and Windham went to hit Tully with another dropkick but Tully moved and Barry crashed to the mat. Tully booted Barry in the head. Tully snapped Barry up and nailed Barry with a suplex. Tully then nailed Barry with a rapid-fire series of elbows to the chest. Tully for the cover. 1... Barry kicked out. Tully up as Barry got up on all fours and Tully kicked Barry in the side of the ribs a couple of times. Tully then raked his boot laces across the side of Barry's face. Barry fell over against the bottom rope. Ref ordered Tully back and Tully had words with the ref. Ref distracted with Tully. Val snuck over and raked Barry's eyes with her womanly finger nails. Barry hurting. Tully blew past the ref and stomped away on Barry. Tully pulled Barry up and slammed Barry's head into the top buckle three times. Tully spun Barry around and nailed Barry with face and body shots. Tully kneed Barry in the gut and then whipped Barry into the opposite buckles. Tully charged in on Barry but Barry got his foot up and Tully slammed chest-first into it. Tully crashed to the mat. Barry quickly rubbed his eyes to shake oiut the effects of Val's eye rake. Tully up and went to punch Barry but Barry blocked the punch try and fired away on Tully with punches to the delight of the crowd. Barry grabbed Tully and slammed Tully's head 10 times in rapid-fire fashion into the top buckle as the crowd counted along. Tully staggered out of the corner. Barry picked Tully up and bodyslammed Tully and hit Tully with a jumping elbow smash. Barry for the cover. 1...2... Tully kicked out. Barry with a head shot and snapped Tully up. Barry went to suplex Tully but Tully blocked it and got his leg out over the middle rope to force a break in the hold. Tully stepped out on the apron. Barry went to go after Tully but Tully yelled at the ref to keep Barry back. Val came over and said something to Tully. As Tully looked down at Valerie, Barry came over and grabbed Tully and hoisted Tully up for a suplex. As the ref looked upward at Tully, Val reached into the ring and tripped Barry up. Barry crashed to the mat with Tully on top of him for the pin. 1...2... Barry got his foot on the bottom rope. ...thr... Ref saw the foot and ordered a break. Tully up and grabbed the top rope and drove a series of rapid-fire knees into Barry. Tully broke the illegal move at the count of 4 and then repeated it, breaking again at 4. Barry got part of his upper body out under the bottom rope. Ref ordered Tully to stand back. Tully again started arguing with the ref. Val snuck over, placed the bag on the apron, quickly removed her shoe, removed one of her stockings and choked Barry out. Crowd yelling for the ref to turn around but the ref kept arguing with Tully. Val stopped the strangling party and put the stocking in her pocket.

Tully stopped arguing with the ref and went over and grabbed Barry and pulled Barry to his feet. Tully whipped Barry into the ropes and looked to catch Barry coming off with a high backdrop but Barry instead caught Tully and nailed Tully with a DDT. Crowd popped big time. Barry rolled Tully over on his back and covered Tully. 1...2...thr... Tully got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Barry snapped Tully up and went to suplex Tully but Tully twice blocked the move and suplexed Windham instead. Both men down. Tully grabbing the back of his neck. Ref counting. Tully up and fell into the corner holding the back of his neck. Barry up. Barry moved in on Tully and Tully stunned Barry with a kicked to the gut followed by a double sledge to the back. Barry hurting. Tully briefly grabbed the back of his neck feeling the effects of the DDT. Tully clubbed Barry across the back with a series of forearms. Tully then went to hoist Barry up for his slingshot suplex finisher but Barry twice blocked the move and hoisted Tully up and dropped Tully across the top rope. Tully dangling. Barry popped Tully with a running knee lift and Tully snapped back and hit the apron and crashed to the floor. Val over to check on her man. Ref counting on Tully. Tully up and beat the count in just before 10. Barry moved in and caught Tully with some punches and whipped Tully into the ropes and blasted Tully coming off with a dropkick. Tully crashed to the mat. Tully up slowly and Barry hit Tully with another dropkick. Tully slammed back-first into the buckles, stumbled forward and went down. Val hopped up on the apron. Ref went over and ordered Val off and Val had words with him. Barry looked over and saw what was going on and went over to where Val and the ref were. Tully escaped the ring behind Barry's and the ref's backs and went over and grabbed an empty chair from next to the timekeeper's table. (Showboat chairs were non-folding highback chairs with red seat and back cushions and gold frames.) Tully climbed into the ring behind Barry with the chair. Barry stopped arguing with the ref and Val and turned and Tully speared Barry in the gut with the top of the chair. Ref saw it and called for the bell. Barry doubled over and Tully slammed the chair down across Barry's back and Barry crashed to the mat. Ref tried to get Tully to stop and Tully struck the ref with the chair and the ref went down. Barry rolled over on his back. Tully raised the chair up upside down and drove the top of the chair into Barry's throat.

Dundee: Looks like Tully is trying a new form of CPR!

Pedicino: Are you serious?! He's clearly trying to drive the life out of Windham!

Tully raised the chair again and repeated the chair choke. Crowd buzzing and many on their feet.

Crowd popped as Patera and Rheingans charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Tully tossed the chair and scampered to the floor next to Valerie.

Patera and Rheingans looked out at Tully and Val for a moment. Ken said something to Rheingans and Rheingans nodded in agreement. As Rheingans kept his eye on Tully, Ken turned like he was going to check on Barry (Ref gets no attention. He's sort of like the injured football player in those old Warner Bros. cartoons.)

But Patera didn't make it to Barry. Patera u-turned and came up behind Rheingans.


Pedicino: Ken... NO!

Patera clubbed Brad twice in the upper back driving Brad to a knee. Patera then snapped Rheingans up in the full nelson. Patera held Rheingans for a moment and then pulverized Rheingans with...


Dundee: Looks like Ken Patera is turning over a new leaf!

Tully and Val climbed back into the ring. Tully went over and stomped away on the still down Barry. Patera added insult to injury by spitting on his now former partner.

Tully and Val walked up to Patera. Val unzipped the black back and pulled out the clipboard she had last week with a contract on it. Ken stomped on the contract last week.

This time, Val handed Ken a pen. Ken looked at Val and Tully and signed the contract and handed it back to Val. The three engaged in a group hug and then Val kissed Ken on the cheek. Tully defiantly raised Ken's hand in the air in victory and Val held up the contract as garbage pelted the ring as the program went off the air.

WINNER: Windham - DQ - 8:39

Last edited:

Raider Nation

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Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(3rd Taping)

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

The Trooper vs. Bob Orton

PWHC Greg Valentine sees action

Badd Co. is here

Comments from World Champion Wahoo McDaniel and challenger Col. DeBeers as they prepare for their title clash at Christmas Chaos (Interviews on the CC Report.)

Another Christmas Chaos Report

A special annoucnement from Valerie

'Big' Reggie Bennett wrestles

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Duluth.

Tom Zenk won a squash match over Tom Hankins via pinfall with his missle dropkick finisher

Zenk came down the face aisle to a fair ovation.

In-studio: Nelson discussed Christmas Chaos coming up and told fans to stay tuned for the next CC Report later in the hour.

Nelson said Trooper vs. Orton was a re-match and that Trooper is looking to defeat Orton after the masked man/Bobby Jaggers interfered and cost Trooper their last encounter by putting Trooper out with an ether-soaked rag.

Pic aired of Val and Mimi with the caption: NEXT... BIG NEWS!!!

Pic flipped to a pic of Badd Co. with the caption: ALSO... BADD COMPANY!!!


In-studio:Larry Nelson intro'd a special announcement from AWA Women's WC Magnificent Mimi and manager Valerie.


# Shot of Val and Mimi, Val in a pant suit and Mimi in a dress and sunglasses and holding the Women's Championship belt. Both women had a mic and were standing in front of the AWA logo.

Val: Next week, there will be a celebration in the AWA.

It's been one year since this woman to my right won the AWA Women's World Championship.

We are gonna have a big blowout bash to celebrate her historic accomplishment.

And guess what... you viewers are invited. You just need to keep your distance from us because a lot of you fans are, well, pretty creepy.

You can enjoy our shining moment from afar. But get too close and you could find yourself in handcuffs in the back of a cop car.

Mimi: One year ago, I bested Wendi Richter for this belt.

I am now the measuring stick for women's professional wrestling.

I have thwarted every challenge that has come down the pipe. Did anyone see what I did to Madusa Miceli at Super Clash 5?

Right now, I am an unstoppable force of nature. I'm like a boulder rolling full speed ahead downhill and there's no brakes. I'm crushing everyone and everything in my path.

I have earned next week! And it's gonna be a celebration for the books!

See you there!


Nelson said the celebration for Mimi's title reign will air on AWA on ESPN next week.

Nelson sent it back to the ring in Duluth.

Badd Co. (w/ Mgr. DDP) won a squash match over Bob Holly & Curtis Hughes when Tanaka pinned Hughes after a catapault into a jumping DDT

Badd Co. was heavily booed coming down the heel aisle to the ring.

Announcers pointed out that Badd Co. had been on a hot streak of late.

Pic aired of Reggie Bennett with the caption: NEXT... MS. REGGIE!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

'Big' Reggie Bennett won a squash match over Linda Dallas via submission with her split-leg rear chinlock submission hold

Bennett got a good ovation coming down the face aisle.

Announcers put over Bennett as a serious contender for the Women's Championship. Said her finisher would be hard for Mimi to escape.

In-studio: Nelson put over Reggie Bennett and talked about how the size difference could be a big negative for Mimi.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... CHAOS REPORT!!!



In-studio: Larry Nelson was seated at the studio desk in front of the AWA logo.

Nelson: Welcome to the Christmas Chaos Update. I'm Larry Nelson.

Christmas Chaos will be taking place on Tuesday, December 11th, at the St. Paul Civic Center in St. Paul, Minnesota with a bell time of 8pm Eastern and 5pm Pacific.

Tickets go on sale Saturday, November 17th, at 10am Central Time.

For tickets, contact Ticket Master or call the St. Paul Civic Center box office at 1 (651) 555-3891 or visit the Civic Center box office.

The show will also be airing live on ESPN.

The big news this week is the main event is set for Christmas Chaos!

For the AWA World Heavyweight Championship, 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel will defend the AWA World Heavyweight Title against the number one contender Col. DeBeers.

This match promises to be a good one with lots of intrigue.

Can Wahoo retain the title and keep his run going heading into 1991? Or will the very controversial Col. DeBeers de-throne Wahoo and become the new World Champion?

If DeBeers wins the title it could spark quite a bit of controversy in the wrestling world.

Now, let's here pre-recorded comments from the two men as they prepare for this big match.


Shot of Col. DeBeers in his camo gear with mic in hand standing in front of the AWA logo.

DeBeers: Manifest Destiny. That's what this is, you know. This is my manifest destiny. At Christmas Chaos, I am destined to walk out of that ring as the new AWA World Champion.

Wahoo McDaniel has had his run. He realized his dream to become the World Champion.

That dream is about to turn into a nightmare for Wahoo. He is losing the title and he is losing it to a white man who has a great deal of pride in his people.

The Native Americans may have been here first. But it was the white man who came rolling in, conquered the Indians and built America into what once was a truly great European-derived nation.

Today, America is tragically a cesspool. Any deviant behavior you can find is celebrated here today.

Me winning the AWA World Title would be the best thing to happen in this country since it's founding. Maybe American white men can once again stand tall and step forward and celebrate a championship victory by one of their own and they can do it without apology.

But I digress.

Most white men in America today are wimps who don't much seem like being white men.

If I win, white man, let my victory be a moment of great pride for you. Get your pride and you manhood back on December 10th.

Wahoo, you are from a savage people. And I am going to do everything in my power to make sure that a civilized man defeats the savagery you so grossly represent.

Pic flipped and Wahoo was in street clothes, sunglasses and holding the AWA World Title in one hand and a mic in the other. He was standing in front of the AWA logo.

Wahoo: You know, I love this country.

It's not perfect. But it is the greatest place on earth to live.

Down through history different groups of people have waged war on one another. America is no different.

Today, we live in a very diverse nation. We have people of all races, creeds and religions here. Things can be tough sometimes. But in the end we assimilate pretty well. We largely get along with one another.

Col. DeBeers stands for what America isn't today. He's a vile Nazi. He hates folks based on their skin color or the country they're from.

Our match for the World Championship at Christmas Chaos will be for much more than the belt. It's a battle of two different visions.

If DeBeers wins our match, it would be a tragedy for America.

It would be about much more than DeBeers holdng this title. It would also be a win for a vile ideology in apartheid. DeBeers wants to keep people separate. He wants people held down. That's not America in 1990.

This battle is for everything we hold dear in this country.

I'm asking you fans to pledge right now that you will support America by supporting me in my match with Col. DeBeers at Christmas Chaos.


Nelson: Indeed, strong words from both men heading into their epic clash at Christmas Chaos.

We'll unveil more great matches for Christmas Chaos in the coming weeks.

Until then, I'm Larry Nelson. See you next time.


Pic aired of Greg Valentine with the caption: NEXT... THE HAMMER!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

NON-TITLE: Greg Valentine (PWHC) won a squash match over Jose Luis-Rivesa via submission with his figure four leglock finisher

Valentine was mainly booed on the way down the heel aisle but also had his fans.


Greg Valentine, another day, another win. You keep piling up wins like you're hoarding them.

Greg: Was that supposed to be funny, Bischoff?

Eric (defensive): No. I am sorry.

Valentine: You're sorry, alright.

Nine months. For nine long, glorious months I have been the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion!

I outlasted 15 other men to win this belt in February! And when you look at the roll call of Pro Wrestling Heritage Champions... there's only one name on the list and that's mine!

And it's gonna stay that way for a long time to come! I've dispatched everyone who has challenged me for this title! There is no light at the end of the tunnel for my opponents!

Eric: The Trooper recently pushed you to the limit in a time-limit draw on TV. Matter of fact, it appeared he had you on the verge of defeat but the time-limit ran out.

Valentine: Bischoff. Who holds this belt? Who's the champion?

Eric: You are.


Eric winced.

Valentine: It does not matter how close the Trooper came to winning! At the end of the day, I still walked out of the ring with this in my hands!

I am the champion! And I will be the champion for a long, long time!

Eric: He is Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine!

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!


TV MAIN EVENT: The Trooper vs. Bob Orton

Orton came down the heel aisle to fairly strong boos.

Trooper came down the face aisle to a strong ovation. Trooper handed out souvenir speeding tickets on the way to the ring.

Announcers pointed out that the last time these two met, the masked man (later revealed as Bobby Jaggers) put Trooper out with an ether-soaked rag which allowed Orton to win the match.

The two men battled it out in solid back-and-forth action. Some exciting near falls and Orton got in a couple of cheap shots on Trooper during the match.

End of the match saw the two engage in a slugfest with Trooper gaining the advantage.

Trooper went to whip Orton into the ropes but Orton reversed and caught Trooper coming off with a powerslam. Orton for the cover and hooked the leg. Orton for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Trooper kicked out. Fans popped. Orton snapped Trooper up and nailed Trooper with a suplex. Orton mounted the middle buckle and came off with an elbow drop and Trooper rolled out of the way and Orton crashed to the mat. Both men to their feet and Orton caught Trooper with a gut kick and went to whip Trooper into the buckles but Trooper reversed and sent Orton crashing front-first into them, Orton slammed into the buckles and bounced back and crahsed to the mat. Trooper backed up. Orton slowly to his feet and Trooper charged in and blasted Orton with his flying shoulder tackle finisher. Trooper for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Crowd popped as the ref called for the bell.

Trooper up and the ref raised his hand in victory as the program went off the air.

WINNER: Trooper - Pinfall - 7:48


Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(4th Taping)

Cold Show Open:
Larry Nelson was standing center ring with Kokina's manager, Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey.

Crowd already booing loudly.

Kaissey was out there w/o Kokina and holding a briefcase.

Nelson: Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey, this is an unexpected visit from you. You told me you have something to say.

Kaissey: I have something to say to every wrestler on the AWA roster.

First, let me open this briefcase.

Kaissey went over, placed the briefcase on the top turnbuckle and opened it. He walked back over to Larry Nelson with the open case.

Nelson: Wow! That looks like a lot of money! How much is in there?

Kaissey: There are $250,000 dollars in here!

You know, Kokina has been unstoppable since he's been here! He is a force of nature!

To this day no one has been able to bodyslam Kokina or beat him!

I am out here offering a one-time challenge, Nelson! Just one match!

Any wrestler on the AWA roster can accept this challenge!

I will put this quarter of a million dollars on the line for any wrestler who can both bodyslam Kokina and either pin him or force him to submit!

Again, this is for one match only!

Nelson: So, Kokina gets slammed and beaten in this one match and you will give them the $250 grand in the briefcase?

Kaissey: That is correct!

The match must take place before a national television audience!

And there's one more catch!

Nelson: And that is?

If Kokina beats the man who accepts this challenge, he must allow me to become his manager! He will be under my total control!

Crowd booed.

Nelson: You may have just lost a lot of potential takers for your offer. Not a lot of wrestlers seem keen on wrestling for you.

Kaissey: If they want the chance at the money then they will have to accept the other part of the offer! There is no negotiation here!

So, who has the guts to accept this chance of a lifetime! $250,000 dollars or a chance to work for me and be under my instruction?!

Nelson: The wrestlers in the back. You heard Kaissey's offer. Are there any takers?

After a wait of about 15 seconds no one had still come out.

Nelson: Come on now. There's got to be one brave wrestler back there who wants a shot at $250,000 clams.

After waiting another 15 seconds.

Nelson: Sheik, it looks like the second part of the deal has scared everyone off. Wrestlers don't want to work for you!

Kaiseey: You are all cowards! I am offering you the chance of a lifetime! You're all running scared!

A wait of several more seconds and still no one.

Nelson: Well, no one is coming out. We've got to move along in the program.

Sheik, does the offer still stand?

Kaissey: The offer only stands until the end of the program, Larry Nelson! That means you have until the hour is over to accept my challenge or it goes away!

Nelson: You all heard Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey. The clock is ticking on accepting his offer of huge money if someone can bodyslam and beat Kokina in the same match or, if they lose, the wrestler accepting the challenge would have to go to work for Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey.

In-studio: Nelson said that Sheik came back out later in the program and the fans will see what transpired at that time.

TV MAIN EVENT: Don Muraco vs. Jonnie Stewart

Celebration for Magnificent Mimi's one year anniversary as AWA Women's World Champion

A look back at the shocking events from last week where Ken Patera turned on Brad Rheingans and joined Valerie's stable PLUS! comments from Ken, Val and Tully.

Another Christmas Chaos Report (A new match has been added!)

And more!!!

Pic aired of Cactus Jack with the caption: NEXT... INSANITY 101!!!!


Cactus Jack won a squash match over Norman Smiley via pinfall with his double underhook DDT finisher

Announcers discussed Jack being pretty quiet lately but expected that to change because Jack can't lay low forever because it's not in his make-up.

Jack was mainly booed but also had his fans as he made his way down the face aisle.

Video aired of Ken Patera turning on Brad Rheingans on last week's AWA on ESPN with the caption: NEXT... WHY, KEN, WHY???

Commercials/AWA Tour Update

In-studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage of the shocking turn of events from the end of last week's Barry Windham vs. Tully Blanchard match when Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans got involved.


Barry moved in and caught Tully with some punches and whipped Tully into the ropes and blasted Tully coming off with a dropkick. Tully crashed to the mat. Tully up slowly and Barry hit Tully with another dropkick. Tully slammed back-first into the buckles, stumbled forward and went down. Val hopped up on the apron. Ref went over and ordered Val off and Val had words with him. Barry looked over and saw what was going on and went over to where Val and the ref were. Tully escaped the ring behind Barry's and the ref's backs and went over and grabbed an empty chair from next to the timekeeper's table. (Showboat chairs were non-folding highback chairs with red seat and back cushions and gold frames.) Tully climbed into the ring behind Barry with the chair. Barry stopped arguing with the ref and turned and Tully speared Barry in the gut with the top of the chair. Ref saw it and called for the bell. Barry doubled over and Tully slammed the chair down across Barry's back and Barry crashed to the mat. Ref tried to get Tully to stop and Tully struck the ref with the chair and the ref went down. Barry rolled over on his back. Tully raised the chair up upside down and drove the top of the chair into Barry's throat.

Dundee: Looks like Tully is trying a new form of CPR!

Pedicino: Are you serious?! He's clearly trying to drive the life out of Windham!

Tully raised the chair again and repeated the chair choke. Crowd buzzing and many on their feet.

Crowd popped as Patera and Rheingans charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Tully tossed the chair and scampered to the floor next to Valerie.

Patera and Rheingans looked out at Tully and Val for a moment. Ken said something to Rheingans and Rheingans nodded in agreement. As Rheingans kept his eye on Tully, Ken turned like he was going to check on Barry (Ref gets no attention. He's sort of like the injured football player in those old Warner Bros. cartoons.)

But Patera didn't make it to Barry. Patera u-turned and came up behind Rheingans.


Pedicino: Ken... NO!

Patera clubbed Brad twice in the upper back driving Brad to a knee. Patera then snapped Rheingans up in the full nelson. Patera held Rheingans for a moment and then pulverized Rheingans with a...


Dundee: Looks like Ken Patera is turning over a new leaf!

Tully and Val climbed back into the ring. Tully went over and stomped away on the still down Barry. Patera added insult to injury by spitting on his now former partner.

Tully and Val walked up to Patera. Val unzipped the black back and pulled out the clipboard she had last week with a contract on it. Ken stomped on the contract last week.

This time, Val handed Ken a pen. Ken looked at Val and Tully and signed the contract and handed it back to Val. The three engaged in a group hug and then Val kissed Ken on the cheek. Tully defiantly raised Ken's hand in the air in victory and Val held up the contract as garbage pelted the ring as the program went off the air.


Nelson intro'd comments from Ken, Tully and their manager Val after the Patera turn. The three were in street clothes and each was holding a mic standing in front of the AWA logo.

Val: I knew it would just be a matter of time before I got my man. I always get what I want. And I wanted Ken Patera to be part of the stable I'm trying to build.

He kept saying no to me. But I knew that I could eventually make him see the light and that joining forces with Tully, Magnificent Mimi and me would be his best career option.

Ken: I admit that I was not convinced when I first talked with Valerie. I didn't see her vision for her wrestlers.

But eventually I came around.

You see, not too long ago Valerie contacted me. She wanted to set up a private meeting with me. I was hesitant, thinking this could be some kind of ambush or something.

But this lady right here has an uncanny knack for making you see things in a different way.

We met at an out of the way restaurant and talked.

Valerie said something to me she had said before. She asked me if the cheers of the fans ever paid for anything in my life. And the honest answer to that is: 'no'. You fans don't pay my bills by cheering for me. And once you take out the cheering of the fans what do you have left regarding them? Nothing! That's what you have left!

She sold me on her vision for the future. And her vision is a land flowing with milk and money!

I made the best move in my career when I agreed to sign on with Valerie! I'm going places I've never been before in this sport! And Valerie will be the driving force behind my newfound success!

Tully: You said it, Ken! Valerie is a visionary! I've never been around a manager in pro wrestling who can see things the way she does! We're just starting to move forward here in the AWA! The sky's the limit for us!

And let me tell you what a genius this woman is! When I agreed to my match with Barry Windham, Valerie was working hard to lure Ken Patera into our camp!

So, Val and I laid out a strategy! And that strategy was to try and lure Ken and Brad Rheingans out to the ring by my attacking Barry Windham during our match!

Well. I found my opening in the match and the set up was in motion! Ken had agreed to join us before my match with Barry! When I attacked Barry with that chair, it was up to Ken to get Brad out to the ring and make things official, if you will!

You know who planned all that?! This woman right here! She set the whole thing up and it was brilliant!

And this stable is not done being built! You'll see more wrestlers come into the fold in due time!

Our goal is to hold every championship in the AWA at one time! And we're moving in that direction! We are going to be the unstoppable force in this sport!


Pic aired of the Christmas Chaos logo with the caption: NEXT... CHAOS REPORT!



Larry Nelson was seated at the studio desk in front of the AWA logo.

Nelson: Welcome to the Christmas Chaos Report. I'm Larry Nelson.

Christmas Chaos will be taking place on Tuesday, December 11th, at the St. Paul Civic Center in St. Paul, Minnesota with a bell time of 8pm Eastern and 5pm Pacific.

Tickets are on sale now.

For tickets, contact Ticket Master or call the St. Paul Civic Center at 1 (651) 555-3891 or visit the Civic Center box office.

The show will also be airing live on ESPN.

As announced last week, the main event for Christmas Chaos, for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship, Wahoo McDaniel defends the title against the controversial Col. DeBeers.

Let's hear new comments for the champ and challenger.


Col. DeBeers was standing in front of the AWA logo in his camo gear and beret with mic in hand.

DeBeers: 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel. A new era is about to be born in the AWA. It will be the era of the new man... and that man is me. The era will be one of great success. It will be a time when a superior man reigns supreme in the wrestling world. And the superior man should be the man at the top.

This is my manifest destiny. I can feel it with every single fiber of my being. I will not be denied on December 11th in St. Paul, Minnesota.

No longer will fans have to cheer for a backward savage as their champion. The nobility of this earth is on the verge of reclaiming its rightful place in the universe.

I, Col. DeBeers, will spearhead a return to glory for my people! This will be my shining hour of greatness! You may despise me! But you will have to respect me when I become the new AWA World Champion!

Pic flipped and Wahoo was in street clothes and his headdress, had the belt around his waist and a mic in one hand standing in front of the AWA logo.

Wahoo: You know, Col. DeBeers talks a lot of crap.

He rambles on about his so-called racial superiority and thinks he's great because he's white.

Well, I have news for DeBeers. We all bleed red. Every last one of us.

One of the things that makes America truly great is that we can overcome differences like race and form a stronger nation. That's the true greatness of this place we call home.

I've never had a more important title defense in my life.

As I said the last time, I'm fighting for much more than this title against DeBeers. I am fighting for the American people and the American way of life. We may not be perfect. But show me a better place to live on this planet.

One day, I will lose this championship. That's just life.

But at Christmas Chaos, I need the support of you great wrestling fans to help me defeat Col. DeBeers and keep the World Championship from falling into the hands of the most diabolical man to ever lace up a pair of wrestling boots.

This is definitely the one title defense I have to win.

Are you with me? Are you with America? Let's stand together and thwart evil with good.


Nelson: Strong words from both Col. DeBeers and World Champion Wahoo McDaniel as they prepare for their epic World Title clash at Christmas Chaos.

Now, let's hear some big news from AWA promoter Jim Crockett.


Crockett was seated behind his desk with a mic in front of him.

Crockett: Hello, I'm Jim Crockett.

In recent weeks, the tag team Badd Company has been on quite a run and racking up lots of victories.

Because of that, at Christmas Chaos, AWA Wortd Tag Team Champions Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton will be defending the tag team titles against Badd Company.

It promises to be a great match and Badd Company, with their controversial manager Dallas Page at ringside, should prove to be a tough challenge for the champions.

Christmas Chaos is shaping up to be one of the biggest shows of the year.

See you there!


Nelson: You heard promoter Jim Crockett. The World Tag Team Titles will be on the line at Christmas Chaos as Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton defend against Badd Company. It should be quite a battle between two outstanding teams.

We'll unveil more great matches for Christmas Chaos in the coming weeks.

Until then, I'm Larry Nelson. See you next time.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... JON VS. DON!!!


TV MAIN EVENT: Don Muraco vs. Jonnie Stewart

Nelson announced the match had a 10-minute time-limit.

Stewart came down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Muraco came down the face aisle to a strong ovation.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men came out of their corners and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Muraco gained the advantage after a brief struggle and took Stewart down in a side headlock takedown. Muraco cinching up on the hold. Stewart in pain but not submitting. Announcers talked about Muraco losing to DeBeers in a #1 Contender Tournament match when DeBeers scored the pinfall with the aid of holding the tights. Muraco and Stewart to a knee with Stewart still locked in the side headlock. Both men then to their feet with Stewart still in the headlock. Stewart, after a brief struggle, shoved Muraco off into the ropes and Muraco came off and Stewart went to hip toss Muraco but Muraco reversed and hip tossed Stewart. Stewart up and charged at Muraco and Muraco caught Stewart with an arm drag. Stewart up and walked right into a fireman's carry. Muraco prepared to nail Stewart with a Samoan drop but Stewart wriggled free of Muraco's grasp, dropped down behind Muraco and kneed Muraco in the back. Muraco hurting. Stewart then grabbed the waist of Muraco's tights and pounded Muraco in the lower back with a series of forearms. Muraco staggered off. Muraco turned and Stewart grabbed Muraco around the waist and drove Muraco hard into the buckles repeatedly. Muraco hurting in the corner. Stewart backed up and charged in and caught Muraco with a running back elbow to the chest and then whipped Muraco into the opposite buckles. Muraco hit the buckles, bounced out and walked right into a clothesline from Stewart. Muraco crashed to the mat. Stewart snapped up Muraco and bodyslammed him. Stewart went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with his flying elbow smash from the top buckle finisher but Muraco rolled out of the way and Stewart crashed to the mat. Both men down as the crowd popped. Ref counting. Both men slowly made it to their feet. Stewart struck Muraco with a punch and went to whip Muraco into the ropes but Muraco reversed and caught Stewart coming off with a Samoan drop out of nowhere. Crowd roared. Both men down again. Muraco slow making the cover as his back was still hurting. Muraco for the pin. 1...2...thr... Stewart got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Muraco slowly pulled Stewart to his feet. Muraco whipped Stewart into the ropes and caught Stewart coming off in the gorilla press position and slammed Stewart to the mat. Muraco fell back against the ropes holding his back. Muraco turned away from Stewart. Stewart to his feet moved in and caught Muraco with a sideways double sledge to the lower back. Muraco went down and rolled out on the apron. Ref ordered Stewart back and Stewart obliged. Ref started the 10-count. MUraco to his knees on the apron. Stewart came over and reached down over the top rope and grabbed Muraco and suplexed Muraco back into the ring. Muraco in serious pain. Stewart dropped an elbow smash on Muraco and went for the cover. 1...2... Muraco kicked out. Crowd now chanting for the hurting Muraco. Stewart picked up Muraco and blasted Muraco with a vicious, jarring backbreaker across the knee. Stewart stomped Muraco and Muraco rolled over on his front side.

Stewart reached down and grabbed Muraco's arms and pulled his upper torso up off the mat while driving his foot in Muraco's back. Crowd buzzing. Muraco in dire pain but not giving up. Crowd urging on Muraco. Stewart released the hold and Muraco went face down on the mat. Ref ordered Stewart back as he checked on Muraco. While that was going on, Stewart turned facing the crowd and reached into his tights and appeared to pull out a foreign object that was well concealed in his hand. Muraco slowly made it to his feet and shook his head that he could continue. Ref gestured for the fight to go on. Muraco moved in on Stewart and Stewart swung at Muraco and Muraco ducked the foreign object and countered by nailing Stewart with an inverted atomic drop. Stewart crashed to the mat and dropped the weapon. Crowd cheered. Ref saw the object and kicked it out of the ring.

Pedicino: The referee is allowing the match to continue because Stewart did not successfully use the weapon.

Muraco's back hurting greatly. Stewart got up with the aid of the ropes and Muraco slowly moved in and clubbed Stewart in the back. Muraco whipped Stewart into the ropes and caught Stewart coming off with a powerslam. Crowd popped. Muraco again slow making the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Stewart kicked out. Crowd groaned. Muraco caught the downed Stewart with a head shot and then pulled Stewart to his feet. Muraco slammed Stewart's head into the corner. Stewart spun around in the corner. Muraco caught Stewart with a series of elbow strikes to the side of the head. Stewart on stagger street. Muraco pulled Stewart out of the corner and went to suplex Stewart but Stewart twice blocked the move and suplexed Muraco to the mat. Stewart with a quick cover. 1...2...thr.... Muraco kicked out. Crowd cheered. Stewart snapped Muraco up and whipped Muraco at the ropes. Muraco stumbled and fell forward with his head, arms and shoulders hanging out over the middle rope. Stewart moved in and stood over Muraco and proceeded to jump up and nail Muraco with a trio of ass drops to the back. Ref ordered Stewart back and checked on Muraco. Muraco hurting. Muraco made his way to his feet. Stewart moved in and Muraco caught Stewart in a bearhug and drove Stewart hard, back-first into the buckles. Stewart staggered out and crashed to the mat. Muraco moved in and grabbed Stewart, whipped Stewart into the ropes and caught Stewart coming off with a second powerslam to the mat. Muraco fought through the pain as he stood up and gestured it was time for his inverted piledriver finisher. Crowd into it. Muraco snapped Stewart up, struggled to turn Stewart upside down but finally did so and blasted Stewart with his inverted piledriver finisher to the delight of the crowd.


Muraco covered Stewart. Ref patted Muraco on the back three times. Muraco to his feet. Ref informed him of what happened. Muraco not happy.

DECISION: Time-Limit Draw - 10:00

Pic aired of Val and Mimi with the caption: NEXT... CELEBRATION!!!


In-ring: Larry Nelson was standing center ring with mic in hand.

In front of him was a table with an apron around it it. On the apron it read: CONGRATULATIONS! in big red letters.

On the table sat a huge chocolate cake.

Nelson: Would you please welcome my guests at this time. They are the AWA Women's World Champion Magnificent Mimi and her manager Valerie!

Crowd booed as Val and Mimi made their way down the heel aisle. Mimi was in her ring attire and carrying the belt and Val was in a white women's power pant suit and waist-length white jacket.

Pair stepped in the ring and soaked in the boos for a moment. Mimi walked around with the title held aloft for all to see.

Val: We are here today to celebrate the Magni0ficent Mimi's one-year anniversary as the AWA Women's World Champion.

Booing grew louder.

Val: For one year, Mimi has taken on all comers and sent them packing still as nothing more than challngers for the World Title. It has been quite an accomplishment. Show me another lady wrestler who has held a World Championship for over a year?

And now, I give you the guest of the hour... the Women's Champion... Magnificent Mimi!

More boos as Mimi prepared to talk.

Mimi: It has truly been my honor to be the Women's World Champion for one year!

There's not one woman in this sport who is better than me today! And I promise you that we will have another celebration next year on my two-year anniversary as champion!

So, right now, I'm going to ask. Are there any wrestlers who want to celebrate with us and enjoy a piece of this delicious, decadent chocolate cake?!

Crickets as there no one was coming out.

Val: Don't be bashful. Get out here.

More waiting.

Val: Anyone?

Brief wait.

Val: Well, that just leaves more cake for me and the champ. The rest of you lost out on one of the best cakes you will ever eat.

How about you, Nelson? You want some cake?

Nelson: Why not...

Crowd popped as Tina Moretti made her way down the face aisle to the ring and climbed in.

Mimi: Look who it is. Another perpetual contender.

Val laughed.

Tina: I came out here to say something to both of you. The women's division is expanding and getting batter in the AWA. And I'm coming for that belt, Mimi. I'm coming fast and hard for it. You had better be at your best when we wrestle because I might just relieve you of that belt.

Crowd cheered.

Val had cut some of the cake and handed a piece on a plate to Mimi.

Mimi: We can worry about that some other time, Tina. How about a nice piece of chocolate cake?

Tina looked at the heel pair and then Mimi rubbed the piece of cake in TIna's face. Tina shocked and started rubbing the cake off her face as Val and Mimi pointed at laughed at her like immature high school broads.

Crowd popped as 'Big' Reggie Bennett came charging down the face aisle and hit the ring behind Val, Mimi, Nelson and Tina.

Reggie grabbed Mimi and Val by the back of their heads and slammed and rubbed their faces into the big cake as the crowd cheered.

Mimi stunned and pissed about what just happened as she wiped the cake out of her eyes. Val slipped on some cake in the ring and took a prat fall to the delight of the crowd.

Mimi cleaned the chocolate out of her eyes and then saw who did the cake face smashing and jumped back.

Reg: I can tell you one thing, Mimi! And I 100 percent guarantee it! There will be no second anniversary for you as the Women's World Champion!

Crowd popped.

Mimi hastily gabbed the belt off the table and clutched it to her chocolate cake-covered chest.

Tina now pointed and laughed at Val and MImi before she and Reg left the ring together and headed back up the face aisle to solid cheers.

Pic aired of Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey with the caption: NEXT... LAST CHANCE!!!


In-ring: Larry Nelson was once again standing with Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey.

Nelson: We are running low on time.

Sheik, earlier you came out with that briefcase and offered the $250,000 in it to any wrestler who could slam and pin or force a submission from Kokina in one match. The other side to this challenge was that if the wrestler who accepted the challenge lost, then they would have to come to work for you.

Kaissey: That is correct! There were no takers earlier! And this is the last chance for someone to accept this offer before it goes away and will never be offered again!

Nelson: Are there any takers now?

No one was coming out.

Nelson: We are almost out of time. We need someone to come out and accept Sheik's challenge right now if they're brave enough.

Still no one coming out.

Nelson: We're gonna have to wrap the show up if no one comes out now. And I mean now!

No one coming.

Nelson: Going once. Going twice...

Crowd popped as someone finally came down the face aisle.

Pedicino: It's Nikita Koloff!

Koloff, in his ring attire, made his way down the aisle and stepped in the ring and walked up to Kaissey and Nelson.

Koloff: Sheik Adnan. I accept your challenge!

Koloff and Kaissey stared at each other as the crowd cheered and the program went off the air.



Wahoo McDaniel (WC), Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes (WTTC) vs. Greg Valentine (PWHC) & The Destruction Crew
WINNER: Wahoo, Norton & Haynes - Norton pinned Enos with his powerbomb finisher - 23:09

Nikita Koloff def. Ninja Go via pinfall with his Russian sickle finisher - 4:27

The Grappler & Rip Oliver def. Greg Gagne & Jake Milliamn via pinfall when Oliver pinned Milliman with his spinebuster finiisher - 11:04





(A 10+ percent increase in tickets sold for the show primarily because the Tully-Barry match was advertised all month in the Vegas market but booked as a challenge match on TV.)
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Raider Nation

Active Member
Jan 31, 2024
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Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(4th Taping)

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

Barry Windham vs. Manny Fernandez

A look at last week's shocking turn of events involving Ken Patera

Tully Blanchard laces 'em up

Another Christmas Chaos Report (New match added this week)

'Big' Reggie Bennett sees action

Tom Zenk & Tommy Jammer vs. Tommy Rich & ??? (another tryout to be Rich's new tag team partner)

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Duluth.

Bobby Jaggers won a squash match over Chris Candido via pinfall with his Polish Hammer (violent double sledge to the chest) finisher

Jaggers was booed pretty strongly coming down the heel aisle.


Bobby Jaggers, that finisher of yours is positively devastating.

Jaggers: It is. The move is commonly known as the hammer. But I call it the Jaggers' Special. The move takes the sails out of your opponent when done right and renders him helpless and easy prey.

And I'm not done with the Trooper. I want the everyone to know that. I want to deliver the Jaggers' Special on the Trooper. I want to see him crash to the mat unable to breath. I want to hear the life drain out of him.

Eric: That sounds a little extreme.

Jaggers: It's a lot extreme. There is no wrestler more deserving of the Special than Trooper.

I want Trooper to know that I have never forgiven him for when he arrested me on trumped up charges that night a few years ago.

My payback will be slamming my fists into his heart and watching his eyes bulge out as he stops breathing while collapsing to the mat.

Eric: I think it's time to wrap this up.

Bobby Jaggers, everyone.

Video aired of Ken Patera turning on Brad Rheingans with the caption: NEXT... SHOCKING TURN!!!


In-studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage of the shocking turn of events from the end of last week's Barry Windham vs. Tully Blanchard match when Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans got involved.


#Barry moved in and caught Tully with some punches and whipped Tully into the ropes and blasted Tully coming off with a dropkick. Tully crashed to the mat. Tully up slowly and Barry hit Tully with another dropkick. Tully slammed back-first into the buckles, stumbled forward and went down. Val hopped up on the apron. Ref went over and ordered Val off and Val had words with him. Barry looked over and saw what was going on and went over to where Val and the ref were. Tully escaped the ring behind Barry's and the ref's backs and went over and grabbed an empty chair from next to the timekeeper's table. (Showboat chairs were non-folding high-back chairs with red seat and back cushions and gold frames.) Tully climbed into the ring behind Barry with the chair. Barry stopped arguing with the ref and turned and Tully speared Barry in the gut with the top of the chair. Ref saw it and called for the bell. Barry doubled over and Tully slammed the chair down across Barry's back and Barry crashed to the mat. Ref tried to get Tully to stop and Tully struck the ref with the chair and the ref went down. Barry rolled over on his back. Tully raised the chair up upside down and drove the top of the chair into Barry's throat.

Dundee: Looks like Tully is trying a new form of CPR!

Pedicino: Are you serious?! He's clearly trying to drive the life out of Windham!

Tully raised the chair again and repeated the chair choke. Crowd buzzing and many on their feet.

Crowd popped as Patera and Rheingans charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Tully tossed the chair and scampered to the floor next to Valerie.

Patera and Rheingans looked out at Tully and Val for a moment. Ken said something to Rheingans and Rheingans nodded in agreement. As Rheingans kept his eye on Tully, Ken turned like he was going to check on Barry (Ref gets no attention. He's sort of like the injured football player in those old Warner Bros. cartoons.)

But Patera didn't make it to Barry. Patera u-turned and came up behind Rheingans.


Pedicino: Ken... NO!

Patera clubbed Brad twice in the upper back driving Brad to a knee. Patera then snapped Rheingans up in the full nelson. Patera held Rheingans for a moment and then pulverized Rheingans with a...


Dundee: Looks like Ken Patera is turning over a new leaf!

Tully and Val climbed back into the ring. Tully went over and stomped away on the still down Barry. Patera added insult to injury by spitting on his now former partner.

Tully and Val walked up to Patera. Val unzipped the black back and pulled out the clipboard she had last week with a contract on it. Ken stomped on the contract last week.

This time, Val handed Ken a pen. Ken looked at Val and Tully and signed the contract and handed it back to Val. The three engaged in a group hug and then Val kissed Ken on the cheek. Tully defiantly raised Ken's hand in the air in victory and Val held up the contract as garbage pelted the ring as the program went off the air.


Nelson intro'd comments from Ken, Tully and their manager Val after the Patera turn. The three were in street clothes and each was holding a mic and standing in front of the AWA logo.

# Val: I knew it would just be a matter of time before I got my man. I always get what I want. And I wanted Ken Patera to be part of the stable I'm trying to build.

He kept saying no to me. But I knew that I could eventually make him see the light and that joining forces with Tully, Magnificent Mimi and me would be his best career option.

Ken: I admit that I was not convinced when I first talked with Valerie. I didn't see her vision for her wrestlers.

But eventually I came around.

You see, not too long ago Valerie contacted me. She wanted to set up a private meeting with me. I was hesitant, thinking this could be some kind of ambush or something.

But this lady right here has an uncanny knack for making you see things in a different way.

We met at an out of the way restaurant and talked.

Valerie said something to me she had said before. She asked me if the cheers of the fans ever paid for anything in my life. And the honest answer to that is: 'no'. You fans don't pay my bills by cheering for me. And once you take out the cheering of the fans what do you have left regarding them? Nothing! That's what you have left!

She sold me on her vision for the future. And her vision is a land flowing with milk and money!

I made the best move in my career when I agreed to sign on with Valerie! I'm going places I've never been before in this sport! And Valerie will be the driving force behind my newfound success!

Tully: You said it, Ken! Valerie is a visionary! I've never been around a manager in pro wrestling who can see things the way she does! We're just starting to move forward here in the AWA! The sky's the limit for us!

And let me tell you what a genius this woman is! When I agreed to my match with Barry Windham, Valerie was working hard to lure Ken Patera into our camp!

So, Val and I laid out a strategy! And that strategy was to try and lure Ken and Brad Rheingans out to the ring by my attacking Barry Windham during our match!

Well, I found my opening in the match and the set up was in motion! Ken had agreed to join us before my match with Barry! When I attacked Barry with that chair, it was up to Ken to get Brad out to the ring and make things official, if you will!

You know who planed all that?! This woman right here! She set the whole thing up and it was brilliant!

And this stable is not done being built! You'll see more wrestlers come into the fold in due time!

Our goal is to hold every championship in the AWA at one time! And we're moving in that direction! We are going to be the unstoppable force in this sport!


Pic aired of Reggie Bennett with the caption: NEXT... CONTENDER!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

'Big' Reggie Bennett won a squash match over Wanda Sykes via submission with her split-leg rear chinlock finisher

Bennett came to the ring to a strong ovation from the crowd.

In-studio: Nelson talked about Bennett's rising star in the AWA. Said Mimi could be living on borrowed time as champion.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... TAG TEAM ACTION!


Tom Zenk & Tommy Jammer vs. Tommy Rich & ???

Zenk and Jammer came down the face aisle to a modest ovation.

Rich came down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos.

Rich took the mic from Eric Bischoff.

Rich: A couple of months ago, I started a search for a new tag team partner. My first partner was a flop. We'll see how this one does.

So now, let me introduce you to my tag team partner.

He is... Tom 'Rocky' Stone!

Stone came down the heel aisle to very little response.

Match had some back-and-forth to it. But in the end, Zenk and Jammer took control and won when Jammer pinned Stone after a Jammer Slam (Whip opponent into the buckles and opponent bounces out of the corner and into a powerslam.)

After the match, Rich took the mic.

Rich: Tom Stone. Brother, I now realize one key thing about you. You're a loser! I need a partner who knows how to win like I do. Hit the bricks, Jack!

Stone left the ring with his head down and headed back up the heel aisle.

Rich: Well, folks, that's it for this time. Come back soon and I'll give another wrestler a tryout to see if he's worthy of being my tag team partner.

Rich tossed the mic and left the ring and headed back up the heel aisle to boos.

WINNER: Zenk & Jammer - Pinfall - 5:24

Pic aired of the Christmas Chaos logo with the caption: NEXT... CHAOS REPORT!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities


In-studio: Larry Nelson was seated at the studio desk in front of the AWA logo.

# Nelson: Welcome to the Christmas Chaos Report. I'm Larry Nelson.

Christmas Chaos will be taking place on Tuesday, December 11th, at the St. Paul Civic Center in St. Paul, Minnesota with a bell time of 8pm Eastern and 5pm Pacific.

Tickets are on sale now.

For tickets, contact Ticket Master or call the St. Paul Civic Center at 1 (651) 555-3891 or visit the Civic Center box office.

The show will also be airing live on ESPN.

As announced last week, the main event for Christmas Chaos, for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship, Wahoo McDaniel defends the title against the controversial Col. DeBeers.

Let's hear new comments for the champ and challenger.


Col. DeBeers was standing in front of the AWA logo in his camo gear and beret with mic in hand.

DeBeers: 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel. A new era is about to be born in the AWA. It will be the era of the new man... and that man is me. The era will be one of great success. It will be a time when a superior man reigns supreme in the wrestling world. And the superior man should be the man at the top.

This is my manifest destiny. I can feel it with every single fiber of my being. I will not be denied on December 11th in St. Paul, Minnesota.

No longer will fans have to cheer for a backward savage as their champion. The nobility of this earth is on the verge of reclaiming its rightful place in the universe.

I, Col. DeBeers, will spearhead a return to glory for my people! This will be my shining hour of greatness! You may despise me! But you will have to respect me when I become the new AWA World Champion!

Pic flipped and Wahoo was in street clothes and his headdress, had the belt around his waist and a mic in one hand standing in front of the AWA logo.

Wahoo: You know, Col. DeBeers talks a lot of crap.

He rambles on about his so-called racial superiority and thinks he's great because he's white.

Well, I have news for DeBeers. We all bleed red. Every last one of us.

One of the things that makes America truly great is that we can overcome differences like race and form a stronger nation. That's the true greatness of this place we call home.

I've never had a more important title defense in my life.

As I said the last time, I'm fighting for much more than this title against DeBeers. I am fighting for the American people and the American way of life. We may not be perfect. But show me a better place to live on this planet.

One day, I will lose this championship. That's just life.

But at Christmas Chaos, I need the support of you great wrestling fans to help me defeat Col. DeBeers and keep the World Championship from falling into the hands of the most diabolical man to ever lace up a pair of wrestling boots.

This is definitely the one title defense I have to win.

Are you with me? Are you with America? Let's stand together and thwart evil with good.


Nelson: Strong words from both Col. DeBeers and World Champion Wahoo McDaniel as they prepare for their epic World Title clash at Christmas Chaos.

Now, let's hear some big news from AWA promoter Jim Crockett.


Crockett was seated behind his desk with a mic in front of him.

Crockett: Hello, I'm Jim Crockett.

In recent weeks, the tag team Badd Company has been on quite a run and racking up lots of victories.

Because of that, at Christmas Chaos, AWA World Tag Team Champions Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton will be defending the tag team titles against Badd Company.

It promises to be a great match and Badd Company, with their controversial manager Dallas Page at ringside, should prove to be a tough challenge for the champions.

Christmas Chaos is shaping up to be one of the biggest shows of the year.

See you there!


Nelson: You heard promoter Jim Crockett. The World Tag Team Titles will be on the line at Christmas Chaos as Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton defend against Badd Company. It should be quite a battle between two outstanding teams.

We'll unveil more great matches for Christmas Chaos in the coming weeks.

Until then, I'm Larry Nelson. See you next time.


Pic aired of Tully Blanchard with the caption: NEXT... TULLY TIME!!!


Tully Blanchard (w/ Valerie) won a squash match over Victor Rivera via pinfall with his slingshot suplex finisher

This match was taped before the Patera turn aired.

Tully Blanchard, another strong victory here tonight....

Tully: Of course it was impressive because it was me!

I'm gonna continue clawing my way to the top of the AWA mountain!

This woman beside me, she's got wrestling smarts that surpass those of most men in the sport!

Her brains and my talent... good luck stopping that!

And this is just the beginning! When, not if, I win a major championship here in the AWA... the AWA is gonna have to sue to get the belt off of me!

We aren't here to play games and just collect a paycheck! This is very serious business to us!

And taking care of business in wrestling means winning belts and making lots and lots of money!

Val: I already manage the Women's Champion! With Tully all in I'll manage a men's champion very soon!

Wahoo McDaniel is the current World Champion! But, when the Chief has to step in the ring with this man his reign will be over!

When you manage Tully Blanchard you aim right for the top!

The ascension has just begun!

And Magnificent Mimi is gonna remain the Women's Champion into 1991! You can book it!

Tully laughed.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!


TV MAIN EVENT: Manny Fernandez vs. Barry Windham

Fernandez came down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos.

Windham came down the face aisle to a strong ovation.

Ref called for the bell.

Manny charged over and jumped on Barry and pounded away on Barry with punches. Manny whipped Barry into the ropes and and looked to catch Barry coming off with a clothesline but Barry ducked the move and came back and caught Manny with a flying bodypress. Barry for the cover. No count as Manny kicked out before the count of 1. Both men up and Barry caught Manny with a gut punch. Barry bodyslammed Manny and went for a jumping elbow smash but Manny rolled out of the way and Barry crashed to the mat. Manny up and stomped away on Barry. Manny snapped Barry up and whipped Barry into the corner. Manny tore into Barry with a series of rapid-fire shoulder blocks to the gut. Manny whipped Barry into the opposite buckles and charged in but Barry got a boot up and Manny slammed into it face-first. Manny turned and stumbled off and Barry came up from behind and dropkicked Manny. Manny slammed front-first into the buckles. Barry moved in and rolled Manny up from behind for the pin. 1...2... Manny kicked out. Barry backed up as Manny made it to his feet. Barry charged in on Manny but Manny grabbed Barry and dropped back and Barry's head slammed into the top buckle. Barry crashed to the mat. Manny moved in and nailed Barry with an elbow smash. Manny snapped Barry up and whipped Barry into the ropes and caught Barry coming off with a backhand to the face. Barry crashed to the mat. Manny for the cover. 1... Barry kicked out. Manny snapped Barry up and whipped Barry into the corner. Manny charged in and hit Barry with a jumping back elbow smash. Manny then drove a series of knees into Barry's gut. Manny pulled Barry out of the corner and nailed Barry with a suplex followed by a quick stomp. Manny with a jumping fist drop that connected. Manny for the cover. 1...2... Barry kicked out. Manny sat Barry up and locked Barry in a rear chinlock. Manny cinched up on the hold but Barry not submitting. Manny worked over the hold a little more and stood up behind Barry and dropped an elbow on the top of Barry's head. Manny picked up Barry for a bodyslam but Barry stunned Manny when he caught Manny in a small package for the pin. 1...2... Manny kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both men up and Manny clubbed Barry. Manny went to whip Barry into the ropes but Barry reversed and blasted Manny coming off with a high dropkick. Manny crashed to the mat. Manny up and Barry moved in with a punch barrage that stunned Manny.

Barry whipped Manny into the buckles and charged in and hit Manny with another dropkick. Manny staggered out of the corner. Barry spun Manny around and tried to DDT Manny but Manny slipped free from Barry's grasp, dropped to a knee and eye raked Barry. Ref reprimanded Manny. Manny up and worked over Barry with punches. Manny picked up Barry and nailed Barry with a side breaker across the knee. Manny went out on the apron and mounted the top rope and came off with a fist drop but Barry rolled out of the way and Manny's fist crashed into the mat. Crowd cheered. Manny up and holding his hand and in great pain. Barry grabbed Manny and repeatedly slammed Manny's head into the top buckle. Now Manny has something else hurting. Barry whipped Manny into the opposite buckles and charged in but Manny moved and Barry slammed front-first into the buckles. A stunned Barry extricated himself from the buckles and Manny reached down and pulled Barry's legs out from under him and Barry crashed to the mat. Manny for the cover. 1... Manny placed his feet on the middle rope for leverage. ...2....thr... Barry got a shoulder up . Manny quickly took his feet off the middle rope before the ref saw the rule infraction. Manny went of the pin again. 1... Manny again placed his feet on the middle rope. ...2...thr... Ref looked over and saw Manny's feet on the ropes and ordered a break. Manny broke and got up and got in the ref's face. Manny grabbed the ref as Barry got to his feet. Windham came up behind Manny, spun Manny around and pulverized Manny with a series of punches. Barry whipped Manny into the ropes and caught Manny coming off with his flying lariat finisher. Barry for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd roared.

Barry up and the ref raised his hand in victory as the program went off the air.

WINNER: Windham - Pinfall - 7:16



Wahoo McDaniel def. Cactus Jack via pinfall with his big chop finisher - 10:18

AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES: Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes def. The Destruction Crew when Norton pinned Enos after a powerbomb - 17:51

Nikita Koloff def. Jonnie Stewart via pinfall with his Russian sickle finisher - 6:32

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