AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(2nd Taping)

Show Intro

Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program


MAJOR NEWS: Bill Watts has something to say to AWA WC Col. DeBeers

A look back at the recent assault on the Top Guns by Manny Fernandez and newly arrived Mexican legend Perro Aguayo plus comments from the pair

An interview with Don Muraco after Muraco's vicious assault on Wahoo McDaniel after Wahoo's Indian strap match with AWA WC Col. DeBeers at Winter Warfare

A look back at last week's tag team title change on AWA SLAM! plus comments from the new champions

The Destruction Crew sees action

'Big' Reggie Bennett wrestles


Nelson sent it to the ring in Las Vegas.

'Cowboy' Bob Orton won a squash match over Scott McGhee via pinfall with his superplex finihser

Orton was pretty strongly booed coming to the ring down the heel aisle.

Pic aired of Perro Aguyao with the caption: NEXT... MEXICAN MENACE!!!


In-studio:Nelson intro'd footage from the end of the recent match between Manny Fernandez and Derrick Dukes of the Top Guns on AWA SLAM!.


# After the match: Manny turned and stomped away on Dukes, snapped Dukes up and whipped Dukes into the ropes and dropped Dukes with a backfist to the face. Dukes again crashed to the mat.

Very little crowd response because the people did not know who the man, in street clothes, was who charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Manny backed off of Dukes.

Pedicino: Wait a minute! That's Mexican legend Perro Aguyao! What's he doing here?!

Dundee: Must be free green card night at the Showboat!

Pedicino: Would you... Please!

Manny and Perro locked eyes.

Fair crowd pop as Ricky Rice, the other half of the Top Guns, came rushing down the face aisle and hit the ring to check on his downed partner. Ricky knelt down next to Dukes. Manny and Aguyao talking to each other in the ring like a fight was about to break out between them.

Then suddenly...

The pair jumped Ricky Rice and pounded the hell out of him. Dukes managed to get up and tried to save his partner but Manny and Perro beat him up, too. Manny whipped Rice into the ropes and caught Rice coming off with a back fist to the face. Rice crashed to the mat as Perro continued the assault on Dukes. Manny then bodyslammed Dukes and Perro went over and mounted the middle buckle and came off with a double foot stomped to Dukes' gut. Dukes rolled over on his side holding his gut. Manny grabbed the pummled Rice and bodyslammed him in the opposite corner and Perro mounted the middle buckle and came off with a double foot stomp to the gut of Rice. Rice and Dukes laid out in the ring as Manny and Perro shook hands and Manny raised Perro's hand in defiant victory to pretty strong boos from the crowd.


Nelson briefly discussed Aguayo as a major star in his native Mexico and was a master at brawling.

Nelson then intro'd comments from Aguyao and Fernandez.

Aguyao and Manny were standing in front of the AWA logo with mics in hand and they were in street clothes.

Manny: Did you gringos see what happened to the Top Guns?! Did you?! This man here next to me is a giant among men in this sport! He is a legend and a deity in Mexico! He is Perro Aguyao!

And together, you can call us the Latin Exchange! We're here to do some serious damage! And you had better believe those tag team titles are on our radar, jack!

Perro: You people need to listen to this man! He knows what he is speaking about! When Manny gave me the call asking me to come to the U.S. to fight with him, I could not say no! The fans south of the border know this is a dream team!

And you people in America are about to see why we're a dream team! The Top Guns are just the start on our hit list! We're here to dismantle the AWA tag team division and re-build it in our image!

The Latin Exchange has arrived on your shores! And there's gonna be no stopping us!



Pic aired of new tag champs holding up the titles with the caption: NEXT... NEW CHAMPS!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update

Nelson intro'd footage from the end of last week's AWA World Tag Team Title match between champs Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton and challengers Rip Oliver and the Grappler. PLUS! Post-match comments from Oliver and the Grappler.


#Grap then blasted Haynes with a violent backbreaker across the knee. Grap for the cover. 1...2... Norton hit the ring and stomped Grap in the back of the head to break up the pin try. Rip had recovered enough and hit the ring to attack Norton and the two started fighting in the ring. Ref tried to break up the warring pair. Grap to his feet and made his way over by the ropes and was facing the crowd. Grap reached into his tights and then reached up and started messing with the forehead part of his mask. Ref still trying to get Rip and Norton separated.

Pedicino: I think Grappler may have just put something in his mask!

Haynes up and came up behind Grap and spun Grap around and Grap nailed Haynes with a violent, foreign object-loaded headbutt. Haynes crashed to the mat and was stunned. Haynes laying on his side. Ref finally got Rip and Norton separated. Both men going back to their corners. Grap rolled Haynes over and covered him. Ref saw it and dropped down. 1... Norton hit the ring again and so did Rip. ...2... Rip caught Norton with a chop block at the knees and Norton toppled over and went down. ...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed.

Nelson climbed up on the apron with the tag titles and the ref went over and said something to Nelson and took the belts. Grap up and Rip over and the two hugged in celebration.

Ref raised Grap's hand in victory and handed Rip and Grap the belts. The pair briefly celebrated in the ring as a hurting Norton crawled over and checked on his partner.

Pic flipped and Grap and Oliver, still in their ring attire were celebrating in the dressing room. Grap had a mic.

Grap held his belt up in front of the camera.

Grap: You see this! The Grappler and Rip Oliver are the new AWA Tag Team champions! Haynes and Norton are no more! We took the proverbial axe to them and cut them down to size and took these titles the Pacific Northwest way!

Two Northwest guys are your champions and you'd better accept that fact!

Rip took the mic.

Rip: Grappler, I've got to disagree with you on something.

Grap: What's that?

Rip: We didn't take and axe to Haynes and Norton. We took a chainsaw to them!

The pair laughed.

Rip: The Old Man in Portland is gonna be so happy when he gets the good news! Two true Pacific Northwest boys are the AWA Tag Team Champions! We don't disavow out great Northwest heritage by selling out to the fans of the AWA!

This is the biggest victory to date for the Pacific Northwest here in the AWA! And it feels...

Bobby Jaggers, in street clothes, walked into the picture.

Jaggers: Guys! I just came in to congratulate you on a job well done! Since I'm from the Pacific Northwest, too, it's great to see authentic Pacific Northwesterners win the biggest tag team titles in the sport today! Congrats!

The trio shook hands and Jaggers walked off.

Grap: Now there goes another real deal Pacific Northwesterner!

These titles are now in our hands! We went in that ring and ripped them from the grasp of Haynes and Norton!

And boys! Try as you might, you're not getting these back!

Rip and Grap laughed.


Pic aired of the Destruction Crew with the caption: NEXT... DESTRUCTIOn!!!


Destruction Crew (Wayne Bloom & Mike Enos) won a squash match over George Wells & Jose Louis Rivera via pinfall with their Wrecking Ball (Doomsday Device) finisher

Destruction Crew was strongly booed coming to the ring down the heel aisle.

Split-screen pic of AWA owner Bill Watts and AWA WC Col. DeBeers with the caption: NEXT... WATTS VS. DEBEERS!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd the Watts-DeBeers meeting.


Interviewer Bonnie Blackstone was standing with owner Bill Watts and AWA WC Col. DeBeers in front of the AWA logo. Bonnie had a mic.

DeBeers was in his camo gear and beret and had the World Title around his waist,

Bonnie: I am here with Bill Watts, one of the owners of the AWA, and AWA World Champion Col. DeBeers.

Bill, we hear you have something you want to say to the Colonel.

Watts: I do, Bonnie.

Col. DeBeers, the people think it's disgraceful that you are the AWA World Champion. Not because of your wrestling ability, which is very good. But rather because of your vile political outlook.

DeBeers: Whatever I believe in, Bill, doesn't matter. I'm your World Champion and the standard bearer for the AWA. Frankly, I don't care what you or anybody else believes about my politics. I won this belt. I'm the champion and that's all there is to it.

You tried to get the title off of me in that Indian strap match with Wahoo McDaniel. But, as everyone saw, including you and all the AWA owners, I'm the man who handed Wahoo his first defeat in an Indian strap match. I take great pleasure in knowing how much it frustrates the big shots who run the AWA.

Watts: DeBeers. I am here to tell you that next week, right here on SLAM! wrestling, you will be defending the AWA World Title.

DeBeers chuckled.

DeBeers: That's great. Another victim for me in my Manifest Destiny Tour.

Watts: And the man you will be defending the title against next week is... Nikita Koloff!

DeBeers demeanor changed.

DeBeers: What?! You can't do... How dare you! Nikita is not a worthy contender! I thought you were having me defend the title against someone like Tommy Jammer or Jake Milliman! This is an outrage!

Be as outraged as you want, Colonel! It happens next week right here on the program! Make sure you have the belt with you! Good night, Col. DeBeers!

Watts walked out of the interview area.

Bonnie: Colonel?

DeBeers: The AWA Championship Committee is conspiring to take the belt off me by any means necessary!

Well, you just listen to me! The committee just made a huge mistake! Nikita Koloff is not winning this title next week!

DeBeers stormed out of the interview area.


Nelson talked about the stunning announcement from owner Watts. Hyped the World Title match next week: DeBeers (WC) vs. Nikita right here on SLAM!

Pic aired of Reggine Bennett with the caption: NEXT... BIG REG!!!


Reggie Bennett won a quick squash match over the masked Lady Assassin via submission with her split-leg rear chinlock finisher

Reg got a strong ovation coming down the face aisle.

WrestleRock '91 - Live on PPV - Sunday, April 28 - Cow Palace - San Francisco, CA - With musical guests: SF hometown faves Huey Lewis and the News - Tickets go on sale this Saturday, March 9 @ 10am PT.
Video aired of Muraco strangling Wahoo with the Indian strap with the caption: NEXT... ATTEMPTED MURDER???


Nelson intro'd footage from Winter Warfare after Wahoo had lost an AWA World Title Indian strap match.

# After the match: Wahoo in the ring alone. He took off the strap from his wrist and tossed it down. The strap was now laying in the ring. Wahoo went over by the ropes facing directly away from the entrance aisle. Wahoo leaned forward against the ropes with his forearms sitting on the top rope. Wahoo had his head down. Crowd suddenly screamed as Don Muraco hurriedly made his way down the aisle, hit the ring, came up behind Wahoo and clubbed Wahoo in the back with a forearm smash. Muraco hammered away on Wahoo. Wahoo stunned and facing away from Muraco. Muraco grabbed the strap off the mat and came up behind Wahoo and started strangling Wahoo with it. Wahoo gasping for air. Muraco tightened up on the strangling party and Wahoo dropped to his knees. Wahoo fighting to get the strap off his neck. Wahoo weakened in the assault and was now down on the mat and on the verge of passing out. He was moving very little. Fans beside themselves. Crowd then popped as some wrestlers from the face locker room charged down the aisle and hit the ring. Muraco bailed to the safety of the floor before any of them could touch him. Wahoo down on the mat with the strap still tied around his neck and barely conscious. Shot of the downed Wahoo being checked on by the wrestlers.

Nelson then intro'd an interview with Don Muraco.

Bonnie Blackstone was standing in the AWA interview area with mic in hand and in front of the AWA logo.

Bonnie: My guest at this time is Don Muraco.

Muraco walked into the interview area. He was in street clothes.

Bonnie: Don...

Muraco: That's Mr. Muraco to you, toots.

Bonnie: Mr. Muraco, when you attacked Wahoo McDaniel with the Indian strap after his match with Co. DeBeers at Winter Warfare, just what was it you were trying to accomplish. Because it looked like what you were possibly trying to do was attempted murder.

Muraco: Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn what you think.

I was tired of Wahoo screwing around with me on getting back together as a tag team. He kept putting me off with one excuse after another.

Bonnie: He made it clear to you that he would look to reunite as a tag team with you when he had time on his schedule, Mr. Muraco. He was the World Champion, afterall.

Muraco: Once he lost the World Title to Col. DeBeers in December he should have fulfilled his obligation to get back as a tag team. Instead, he just kept putting things off and making lame excuses.

What you saw at Winter Warfare was me making things official. There will be no getting back together as a team. I was ignored long enough. I was actually more patient than I should have been with Wahoo.

Bonnie: Why not just look for another tag team partner?

Muraco: Because me and Wahoo were rolling as a tag team and then he won the World Title and that became an obsession for him. He ignored us as a team. And I was not happy with it. I was more patient with Wahoo than I should have been.

I should have tried to put his lights out long before Winter Warfare...

Bonnie yanked the mic away.

Bonnie: That was Don Muraco.


Pic aired of the Slam! logo with the caption: NEXT... TITLE FIGHT!!!


The Trooper (PWHC) vs. Jonnie Stewart

(Since these AWA TV tapings would have taken place the day after Winter Warfare, the Trooper-Stewart match would have been advertised in the Vegas market as a standard wrestling match. The night of the tapings the arena crowd would have been informed of the title change (if they didn't see it the night before live on ESPN) at Winter Warfare. So the match would have been changed to a title match the night of the tapings.

Jonnie Stewart made his way down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos.

The Trooper (PWHC) made his way down the face aisle to a nice ovation.

Nelson did the ring intro's and the ref laid down the ground rules and patted each man down and sent them back to their corners.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men circled one another and Stewart swung at Trooper and Trooper dodged the punch try and popped Stewart with a head shot. Trooper whipped Stewart into the ropes and caught Stewart coming off with a high backdrop. Stewart crashed to the mat. Stewart getting up and Trooper whipped Stewart into the ropes and looked to catch Stewart coming off with another high backdrop but Stewart caught Trooper with a kick to the chest. Trooper shot up and staggered back. Stewart moved in and caught Trooper with a couple of left jabs to the jaw. Stewart whipped Trooper into the corner and charged in and nailed Trooper with a running back elbow to the chest. Stewart with a series of knees to the gut and then Stewart hip tossed Trooper out of the corner. Trooper sitting up and Stewart caught Trooper with a flying snap mare. Trooper on his back. Stewart dropped on top of Trooper and popped Trooper with head shots and went for the cover. 1... Trooper kicked out. Stewart up and stomped on Trooper. Stewart grabbed Trooper by the head and slammed Trooper's head into the mat three times. Stewart snapped up Trooper and bodyslammed Trooper. Stewart ran and hit the ropes and came off with a diving splash but Trooper got his knees up and Stewart crashed into them. Crowd cheered. Both men down. Both men to their knees and engaged in an punch exchange as they rose to their feet. Trooper got the upper hand and nailed Stewart with more punches. Trooper whipped Stewart into the ropes and caught Stewart coming off hanging upside down on his back. Trooper blasted Stewart with a double leg slam. Trooper for the cover. 1...2... Stewart kicked out. Trooper grabbed Stewart and whipped Stewart into the buckles. Trooper nailed Stewart with a series of rapid-fire shoulder blocks to the gut. Trooper whipped Stewart into the opposite buckles. Trooper charged in and went to nail Stewart with a running shoulder block to the gut when Stewart moved and Trooper crashed shoulder-first into the post. Stewart down and Trooper welded to the post. Ref counting. Stewart up and moved in and rolled Trooper up from behind for the pin. 1... Stewart grabbed a handful of tights. ...2...thr... Trooper kicked out. Fans cheered. Stewart kicked Trooper in the chest as Trooper was getting up. Stewart then caught Trooper with a couple of gut shots and went to piledrive Trooper but Trooper twice blocked the move and backdropped Stewart to the mat. Crowd cheered. Stewart up and Trooper moved in and caught Stewart with a punch and whipped Stewart into the ropes and looked to catch Stewart coming off with a clothesline but Stewart ducked the move and came back and clotheslined Trooper to the mat. Stewart snapped up Trooper and bodyslammed Trooper and gave him a quick stomp. Stewart went out on the apron and climbed to the top buckle and came off with his flying elbow smash finisher but Trooper rolled out of the way and Stewart crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Both men down. Ref counting. Trooper to his feet at the count of four and assumed the position. Stewart up at 9. Stewart turned and Trooper charged over and blasted Stewart with his flying shoulder tackle finisher. Trooper for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd roared.

Ref handed Trooper the belt and raised his hand in victory as the program ended.

Trooper - Pinfall - 5:38


Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Come on back and check out the special for video for you, my readers!

Stan Hansen says:

Check out the big Turkey Day video presentation... or else!!!


Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Enjoy this visual feast!!!


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Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(2nd Taping)

(# Aired on previous AWA program.)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson.

Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

Bobby Jaggers vs. Brad Rheingans

AWA owner Bill Watts has something to say to AWA WC Col. DeBeers

A look back at last week's confrontation between Tully Blanchard and Barry Windham

The Top Guns wrestle

AWA Women's WC Magnificent Mimi wrestles

A look back at the vicious assault on Wahoo by Don Muraco after Wahoo's strap match with Col. DeBeers

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Springfield, IL.

(For fans in the arena only. Before the tapings began, it was announced that Grappler & Oliver had won the tag titles from Haynes & Norton. This set of tapings would have taken place around the time the title change would have aired on TV in late February.)

AWA World Tag Team Champs Rip Oliver & The Grappler won a squash match over S.D. Jones & Steven Dane when Oliver pinned Jones with his spinebuster finisher

Oliver & Grappler were strongly booed coming to the ring. They were wearing their belts.


I'm here with the new AWA World Tag Team Champions Rip Oliver and The Grappler.

Crowd booed.

Eric: You guys seem to have won the tag team titles under questionable circumstances.

Grappler: What do you mean, questionable?!

Eric: It looked like you loaded your mask, Grappler, before you headbutted Billy Jack Haynes.

You said it looked like I loaded my mask. In other words, you have no real proof I loaded my mask.

Eric: Did you load it?

Grappler: I have a hard head. Billy Jack Haynes went down because I knocked him senseless with a solid headbutt that was a direct hit on the target.

Eric: That's not really an answer.

Grappler: It's a very clear answer, Bischoff! I headbutted Haynes, he went down and was pinned. Bottom line: we're the new champions whether you or anybody else likes it or not!

Crowd booed.

Eric: You were adjusting your mask just before the headbutt and it looked like you might be putting something in the mask.

Grappler: I adjusted my mask because I was making sure that I got a clean shot in on Haynes! Am I speaking French or something?! It's a as plain as day!

Rip: Scott Norton and Billy Jack Haynes. If you would have only listened. If you had come here to the AWA and aligned yourself with the Pacific Northwest boys we would have had your back as the champions and none of this happens because we would not have challenged you for these titles. And damn, they look good on us.

The Old Man in Portland is extremely proud of our great accomplishment. This was the biggest victory for the Pacific Northwest in the AWA so far.

And I want Norton and Haynes to know just one thing. The Grappler and I are extending an olive branch to Haynes and Norton right now. The Old Man in Portland wants you two to come to your senses and come back to the Pacific Northwest side. All will be forgiven if you two just do the right thing.

Because if you two don't do the right thing, then we can't be responsible for what happens to you two from this point forward. Losing the titles to us should be a wake up call for you guys. We'll wait and see. But, we won't wait long for you to make the right choice and come home.

Split-screen pic aired of Tully Blanchard and Barry Windham with the caption: NEXT... 3's A CROWD!!!


In-Studio: Nelson intro'd video of the confrontation between Blanchard and Windham from last week's ASW

# Cheers turned to boos as Tully made his way down the heel aisle and climbed into the ring, Tully was in his tights, boots and ring jacket. Tully walked up to Barry.

Tully: So, you waana a fight, huh?

Barry: You know I do.

Tully: How about we do it right now, then, big boy! Come on!

Crowd buzzing and buzzed driving is drunk driving.

Barry: You're on!

Crowd cheered.

Tully removed his ring jacket and draped it over the top rope.

Tully: Ring the bell!

Bell rung as ordered.

Crowd into it.

Reynolds: This is not a sanctioned match, folks!

The two men circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and, after a brief struggle, Barry drove Tully into the corner. Ref ordered a break.

Crowd buzzing as Ken Patera charged down the heel aisle, hit the ring and came up and clubbed Barry from behind with a double sledge to the back. Ref called for the bell. Ken and Tully hammered away on Barry and whipped Barry into the ropes and caught Barry coming off with a double clothesline. Barry crashed to the mat. Tully and Ken put the boots to Barry. Fans popped as wrestlers and AWA refs came rushing down the face aisle to make the save. Tully and Ken bailed to the floor just as the group hit the ring. Some wrestlers and AWA officials checked on Barry as a couple went over by the ropes to keep an eye on Tully and Ken. Ken waved a mocking goodbye to those in the ring as the pair headed back up the heel aisle. In the ring, Barry was up and wanted to go after the diabolical duo but was stopped by some of the wrestlers.


Pic aired of AWA Women's WC Magnificent Mimi with the caption: NEXT... THE WOMEN'S CHAMPION!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Val) won a squash match over Sally The Farmer's daughter via pinfall with her sitout powerbomb finisher

Mimi and Val were strongly booed coming down the heel aisle.

As Bischoff was announcing Mimi was the winner, Mimi came over and snatched the mic out of Bischoff's hand.

Mimi: Reggie Bennett! I know you're out there! Listen up! Your chance at winning the AWA Women's Championship went down the drain at Winter Warfare! There will be no more title shots for you, big gal! None! That was your last chance!

Maybe one day you can get another shot at this championship when someone beats me for it! So, you'll get another chance in about... 20 years!!!

Mimi and Val laughed and left the ring to boos from the fans.

Video aired of Muraco choking out Wahoo with the caption: NEXT... MANIAC MURACO!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for house show cities

In-studio: Nelson intro'd footage from Winter Warfare after Wahoo had lost an AWA World Title Indian strap match.

# After the match: Wahoo in the ring alone. He took off the strap from his wrist and tossed it down. The strap was now laying in the ring. Wahoo went over by the ropes facing directly away from the entrance asle. Wahoo leaned forward against the ropes with his forearms sitting on the top rope. Wahoo had his head down. Crowd suddenly screamed as Don Muraco hurriedly made his way down the aisle, hit the ring, came up behind Wahoo and clubbed Wahoo in the back with a forearm smash. Muraco hammered away on Wahoo. Wahoo stunned and facing away from Muraco. Muraco grabbed the strap off the mat and came up behind Wahoo and started strangling Wahoo with it. Wahoo gasping for air. Muraco tightened up on the strangling party and Wahoo dropped to his knees. Wahoo fighting to get the strap off his neck. Wahoo weakened in the assault and was now down on the mat and on the verge of passing out. He was moving very little. Fans beside themselves. Crowd then popped as some wrestlers from the face locker room charged down the aisle and hit the ring. Muraco bailed to the safety of the floor before any of them could touch him. Wahoo down on the mat with the strap still tied around his neck and barely conscious. Shot of the downed Wahoo being checked on by the wrestlers as the program ended.

In-studio: Nelson said the AWA is still awaiting Wahoo's response to the matter.

Pic aired of the Top Guns with the caption: NEXT... TAKE FLIGHT!!!


The Top Guns won a squash match over Frogman LeBlanc and Mike Boyette via pinfall when Rice pinned LeBlanc after a double dropkick

Guns got a decent ovation coming to the ring.

Announcers discussed what happened to them at the hands of Manny Fernandez and new ally Mexican legend Perro Aguyao.

Split-screen pic aired of AWA owner Bill Watts and AWA WC Col. DeBeers with the caption: NEXT... WATTS' SURPRISE!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd a special announcement from AWA owner Bill Watts for Col. DeBeers.


Interviewer Bonnie Blackstone was standing with owner Bill Watts and AWA WC Col. DeBeers in front of the AWA logo. Bonnie had a mic.

DeBeers was in his camo gear and beret and had the World Title around his waist.

Bonnie: I am here with Bill Watts, one of the owners of the AWA, and AWA World Champion Col. DeBeers.

Bill, we hear you have something you want to say to the Colonel.

Watts: I do, Bonnie.

Col. DeBeers, the people think it's disgraceful that you are the AWA World Champion. Not because of your wrestling ability, which is very good. But rather because of your vile political outlook.

DeBeers: Whatever I believe in, Bill, doesn't matter. I'm your World Champion and the standard bearer for the AWA. Frankly, I don't care what you or anybody else believes about my politics. I won this belt. I'm the champion and that's all there is to it.

You tried to get the title off of me in that Indian strap match with Wahoo McDaniel. But, as everyone saw, including you and all the AWA owners, I'm the man who handed Wahoo his first defeat in an Indian strap match. I take great pleasure in knowing how much it frustrates the big shots who run the AWA.

Watts: DeBeers. I am here to tell you that next week, right here on SLAM! wrestling, you will be defending the AWA World Title.

DeBeers chuckled.

DeBeers: That's great. Another victim for me on my Manifest Destiny tour.

Watts: And the man you will be defending the title again next week is... Nikita Koloff!

DeBeers' demeanor changed.

DeBeers: What?! You can't do... How dare you! Nikita is not a worthy contender! I thought you were having me defend the title against someone like Tommy Jammer or Jake Milliman! This is an outrage!

Be as outraged as you want, Colonel! It happens next week right here on the program! Make sure you have the belt with you! Good night, Col. DeBeers!

Watts walked out of the interview area.

Bonnie: Colonel?

DeBeers: The AWA Championship Committee is conspiring to take the belt off me by any means necessary!

Well, you just listen to me! The committee just made a huge mistake! Nikita Koloff is not winning this title from next week!

DeBeers stormed out of the interview area.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... BRAD VS. BOBBY!!!


TV MAIN EVENT: Bobby Jaggers vs. Brad Rheingans

Rheingans came down the face aisle to a decent ovation.

Jaggers came down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. After a brief struggle, Rheingans caught Jaggers in a side headlock and took Jaggers over in a side headlock takedown. Rheingans worked over the headlock on Jaggers. Jaggers not giving up. Rheingans continued to work over the side headlock and Rheingans made it to knee. Rheingans to his feet and Jaggers to a knee still locked in the hold. Jaggers slowly made it to his feet locked in the hold. Jaggers countered with a belly-to-back suplex and freed himself from the hold. Both men up and engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up. After a brief struggle, Rheingans drove Jaggers into the ropes. Ref ordered a break. Break was clean. Jaggers then caught Brad with a kick to the gut and whipped Brad into the ropes and looked to catch Brad coming off with a hip toss but Brad reversed and hip tossed Jaggers. Jaggers up and charged at Brad and Brad caught Jaggers with another hip toss. Jaggers to his feet and Brad reared back like he was gonna punch Jaggers and Jaggers fell on his ass and scooted back into the corner. Jaggers slowly made it to his feet. Brad moved in and Jaggers stuck his upper body out through the top and middle rope. Ref ordered Brad to stand back and Brad did. Jaggers cautiously back in the ring. Jaggers put his fists up to fight Brad. Brad put his dukes up. Jaggers swung wildly at Brad and missed and Brad took Jaggers down with a leg dive takedown. Brad started leaned back against Jaggers on the mat and started to work over Jaggers' ankle. Jaggers in serious pain but not submitting. Brad continued to work over the ankle. Jaggers reached up behind Brad and grabbed the back of Brad's hair and started to pull it but quickly let go and yelled out in pain as Brad continued to work over the ankle and foot. Jaggers struggling. Jaggers found the strength to reach up behind Brad and rake his eyes. Brad lost his grip on the hold. Jaggers got up hobbling around on the worked over ankle. Brad made it to his feet. Jaggers moved in, popped Brad with a gut shot and caught Brad in a front facelock. Jaggers worked over the hold. Brad not giving up. Ref checked to make sure a choke was not happening. Jaggers working over the hold as Brad looked to escape. Brad backed Jaggers into the ropes to force a break. Jaggers quickly clubbed Brad in the back. Jaggers whipped Brad into the ropes and Brad grabbed the top rope and held on. Brad let go of the rope and moved away from the rope and Jaggers went to clothesline Brad but Brad ducked the move and caught Jaggers from behind around the waist and took Jaggers down with an amateur-style takedown and caught Jaggers in a hammerlock. Brad cranked up on the hammerlock and Jaggers was squirming. Brad then swung up and nailed Jaggers with a trio of knees to the hammerlocked arm and then caught Jaggers in an arm bar. Brad to his feet and Jaggers to a knee as Brad worked over the arm bar. Jaggers slowly to his feet locked in the hold. Brad cinched up on the hold and Jaggers winced in pain. Jaggers started to moving to the ropes to try and force a break in the hold but Brad yanked Jaggers away from the ropes and drove Jaggers back down to his knees in the arm bar. Jaggers quickly to his feet.

Jaggers reared back like he was going to punch Brad but Brad further cinched up on the hold and Jaggers dropped back to a knee. Jaggers again quickly to his feet and was able to lunge over, while locked in the hold and drape his arm over the top rope to force a break. Jaggers bailed to the floor as the fans booed. Ref ordered Brad to stand back and Brad did so. Jaggers shaking out his left arm. Count grew and Jaggers made his way up to the apron. Jaggers started to slowly climb back into the ring and Brad came over and Jaggers climbed back on to the apron. Ref tried to order Brad back but Brad ignored the ref and went over to grab Jaggers but Jaggers leaned through the top and middle gut and caught Brad with a shoulder block to the gut. Brad stumbled off holding his gut. Jaggers quickly climbed back in thee ring and came up behind Brad and clubbed Brad across the back with a forearm. Jaggers whipped Brad into the ropes and caught Brad coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Brad crashed to the mat by the ropes. As Brad got to all fours, Jaggers moved in and drove a series of knees into the side of Brad's ribs while holding the top rope. Jaggers broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Jaggers snapped Brad up and slammed Brad's head into the top buckle. Brad spun around in the corner and Jaggers popped Brad with a series of jabs to the jaw and hip tossed Brad out of the corner. Brad up and Jaggers charged in and caught Brad with his Hangman clothesline. Brad crashed to the mat. Jaggers of the cover. 1...2... Brad kicked out. Jaggers up and stomped away on Brad. Jaggers snapped up and whipped Brad into the corner. Jaggers moved in and grabbed Brad and whipped Brad into the opposite buckles. Jaggers moved in and went to whip Brad into the opposite buckles again but Brad reversed and sent Jaggers crashing into them. Jaggers hurting inn the corner and Brad's back hurting from the turnbuckle whips. Jaggers then charged out of the corner into a belly-to-belly suplex. Crowd popped. Brad for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...thr... Jaggers got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Brad snapped Jaggers up and whipped Jaggers into the ropes looking to catch Jaggers coming off with a backdrop but Jaggers instead caught Brad in a front facelock and turned it into a swinging neckbreaker. Both men down. Ref started the 10 count. Both men stirred and made it to their feet at the count of 8. Jaggers charged over and Brad caught Jaggers with an inverted atomic drop. Jaggers crashed to the mat, rolled out of the ring and crashed to the floor as the fans cheered. Ref ordered Brad to stand back and began the 10 count. Ref counting. Jaggers slowly, painfully to his feet on the floor. Jaggers rolled under the bottom rope just before the count of 10. Brad moved in and grabbed Jaggers and snapped Jaggers to his feet. Brad went to whip Jaggers into the ropes but Jaggers reversed and caught Brad coming off with a clothesline. Brad crashed to the mat. Jaggers backed up as Brad slowly made it to his feet. Brad up and Jaggers charged in and nailed Brad with his Jaggers' special (violent double sledge to the chest) finisher. Brad crashed to the mat. Jaggers for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Fans booed as the ref called for the bell.

Jaggers up and the ref raised his hand in victory as the program ended.

Jaggers - Pinfall - 10:41


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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(3rd Taping)

Show Intro

Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

AWA WORLD TITLE MATCH: Col. DeBeers (WC) vs, Nikita Koloff

Comments from DeBeers and Koloff before the big match

A special interview with Wahoo McDaniel

Manny Fernandez & Perro Aguyao (The Latin Exchange) vs. The Top Guns (Ricky Rice & Derrick Dukes)

Wendi Richter vs. Peggy Lee Leather

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas.

Greg Valentine won a squash match over Rick Hunter via submission with his figure four finisher

In-studio: Nelson discussed Valentine being on a mission to regain the PWHC from the Trooper.

Split-screen pic aired of Col. DeBeers and Nikita Koloff with the caption: NEXT... SOUDNING OFF!!!


Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from Nikita Koloff and AWA WC Col. DeBeers before their World Title clash later in the show.


Koloff was in street clothes holding a mic and standing in front of the AWA logo.

Koloff: Col. DeBeers. Tonight, I have my chance to realize an American dream when I face you with the World Championship on the line.

I've tried to reason with you, Colonel. I've wanted to sit down with you and explain why America is such a great country. It's freest country in the world. The land of opportunity.

You've made a successful life for yourself here in this great land and yet you still spit on this country that has given you so much. You won't listen to reason.

You speak highly of your superiority and the apartheid system in your homeland of South Africa. You constantly put down America and Americans while taking what you can from this great nation.

Since you refuse to see how good America has been to you, maybe beating you and taking the World Title from you will be what's needed to make you see how fortunate you are to live here and thrive here.

I am ready, Colonel. Tonight will be a fight to the finish.

And I aim to emerge from our match as the new AWA World Champion. Maybe losing that title will teach you about respect for America.

Pic flipped and DeBeers was standing in his camo gear and beret with the World Title around his waist. He was holding a mic and standing in front of the AWA logo.

DeBeers: The powers that be in the AWA have conspired against me, the World Heavyweight Champion.

They think that by putting me in a match against Nikita Koloff with the title on the line will teach me some sort of lesson.

Well, Bill Watts, Jim Crockett and Jerry Jarrett, let me tell you something. It will be you that is taught a horrible lesson tonight.

You made this match because you believe Nikita is the man who will end my run as World Champion. You must have sat on your butts in the AWA offices giddy with glee when you conspired to make this match. You thought: This is how we get the title off of DeBeers!

But, oh no! You will be looking on in horror at what I do to Nikita, a traitor to his own Russian people for the filthy lucre of America.

Nikita now runs around waving the stars and stripes and thinks mindless consumerism and living in a multi-racial cesspool is what makes this country so great.

But, I'm gonna show Mr. Koloff that the ideas he now supports are complete and utter garbage!

The bottom line is that your plan is about to backfire in ways you could never imagine!

I'm not losing the World Title to Nikita Koloff tonight! I guarantee it!

And then Watts, Crockett and Jarrett can sob uncontrollably in their red, white and blue crying towels.

Just remember, boys, you brought this on yourselves!

And Nikita Koloff is gonna pay for your bad decision!


Pic aired of the SLAM! logo with the caption: NEXT... TAG TEAM ACTION!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update

Top Guns (Ricky Rice & Derrick Dukes) vs. The Latin Exchange (Manny Fernandez & Perro Aguyao)

Top Guns made their way down the face aisle to a modest ovation.

Latin Exchange came down the heel aisle to a fair amount of boos.

Announcers pointed out this match was taking place because of the Latin Exchange's assault on the Top Guns a few weeks ago.

Ref called for the bell.

Manny and Rice started for their teams. The two came to center ring and Manny raised his right hand and Rice grasped it. Manny then raised his left hand and Rice grasped it. The two engaged in a power struggle that led to the men still having their hands clasped but their arms were stretched out and the two bumped bodies as the struggle continued. Manny kneed Rice in the gut and Rice lost his grip on the hold. Manny with a kick to the gut. Manny took Rice over with a gutwrench suplex followed by a knee drop to the head. Manny for the cover. 1...2... Rice kicked out. Manny up and tagged in Perro. Perro hit the ring on fire and laid into Rice with a barrage of punches and kicks. Perro whipped Rice into the ropes and caught Rice coming off with a brutal right to the jaw. Rice spun around and crashed to the mat. Perro put the boots to the downed Rice, snap[ped Rice up and threw Rice into the face team's corner. Perro gestured for Rice to tag in Dukes. Rice did so. Dukes charged in and the two engaged in a violent punch exchange. Perro gained the upper hand and went to whip Dukes into the ropes but Dukes reversed and came off and dropped Perro with a big running clothesline. Perro crashed to the mat. Dukes for the cover, 1...2...thr... Perro kicked out. Dukes snapped up Perro and drove Perro into the corner and hit Perro with some shoulder locks to the gut. Dukes whipped Perro into the opposite buckles and charged in with another running clothesline attempt on Perro but Perro moved and Dukes slammed front-first into the buckles. Dukes turned and moved out of the corner to more punches from Perro followed by biting Duke's forehead. Perro broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Perro picked up Dukes and bodyslammed Dukes. Perro mounted the middle buckle and came off with his jumping double foot stomp to the gut finisher but Dukes rolled out of the way and Perro slammed feet-first on the mat and fell back in his team's corner. Perro tagged in Manny. Dukes getting up as Manny charged in and hammered away on Dukes and then hit Dukes with a knee lift to the chest. Dukes snapped back and fell against the ropes. Manny whipped Dukes into the ropes and caught Dukes coming off with a backhand chop to the face. Dukes crashed to the mat. Manny stomped Dukes in the head and then dragged Dukes by the ropes and set Dukes up on the ropes so Dukes' head and arms were hanging out over the middle rope. Manny backed up and charged in and hit Dukes with a rope press. Manny up and repeated the move. Dukes crumpled to the mat. Manny snapped Dukes up and raked Dukes' eyes across the top rope and broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Manny drove Dukes into the corner and popped him with some elbow strikes to the side of the head. Manny backed up and charged in and popped Dukes with a jumping back elbow smash. Dukes stumbled out of the corner grabbing his chest. Manny pounded on Dukes and whipped Dukes into the ropes and looked to catch Dukes coming off with a high backdrop but Dukes leapfrogged Manny and tagged in Rice to a decent crowd response. Rice hit the ring and Manny went to hit Rice but Rice blocked the punch try and fired back on Manny. Rice whipped Manny into the ropes and caught Manny coming off with a dropkick. Manny crashed to the mat. Manny up and Rice hit him with a second dropkick. Manny down again. Rice snapped Manny up and went to whip Manny into the ropes but Manny reversed and looked to catch Rice coming off with a clothesline but Rice ducked the move and came back with a flying bodypress on Manny. Rice for the pin. 1...2... Manny kicked out. Half-assed crowd response. Both men up and Rice moved in and stunned Manny by rolling Manny up in a small package for the pin. 1...2... Manny kicked out again. Manny up and Rice went for another dropkick but Manny fell out of the way and Rice crashed to the mat. Manny caught Rice with some punches and then whipped Rice into ropes and looked to clothesline Rice once again but Rice again ducked the move and came back with another flying bodypress on Manny but Manny caught Rice in mid-air, hoisted Rice up in the press position and dropped Rice throat-first across the top rope. Rice crumpled to the mat. Manny grabbed the top rope and drove a couple of knees into the side of Rice's head and broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Manny snapped Rice up and pointed at Perro and Perro stuck his boot through the top and middle rope and Manny slammed Rice's head into it. Rice stunned. Manny tagged Perro. Perro hit the ring and fired away on Rice with punches. Perro snapped Ricky up and blasted Ricky with a gut buster across the knee. Rice down and in pain. Perro grabbed Rice's legs and catapalted Rice into the corner. Rice's head slammed into the top buckle and he bounced back and crashed to his back in the ring, Perro with a fist drop to the head followed by a cover. 1...2...thr... Dukes hit the ring and stomped Perro in the back to break up the pin try. Manny hit the ring and started fighting briefly with Duke before the ref was able to separate them. Both men back to their corners.

Perro snapped Rice up and slammed Rice's head into the top buckle in his team's corner. Perro tagged in Manny. Perro belted Rice with more punches and then left the ring. Manny grabbed Rice and whipped Rice into the opposite buckles and charged in and this time popped Rice with a running clothesline. Rice limp in the corner. Some in the crowd urging on Rice and some didn't care. Manny pulled Rice out of the corner and bodyslammed Rice. Manny snapped Rice up and repeated the move. Manny backed up and charged in and went fort a running knee drop to the chest but Rice rolled out of the way and Manny slammed knee-first into the mat. Crowd did some popping. Both men down. Ref counting. Manny grabbing his knee. Rice started moving in the direction of Dukes and Manny slowly made it to this feet. Manny up limping and tried to stop Rice but Rice lunged over and tagged in Dukes. Dukes hit the ring and fired away on Manny with punches. Dukes whipped Manny into the ropes and caught Manny coming off with a high backdrop. Manny slammed to the mat. Dukes firing up. Manny got up facing away from Dukes and Dukes nailed Manny with a dropkick to the back and Manny slammed front-first into the buckles. Dukes rolled Manny up from behind for the pin. 1...2...thr... Manny kicked Dukes off towards the heel corner and Dukes got a head shot from Perro, who was on the apron. Dukes stunned. Manny up and Dukes turned and walked right into an inverted atomic drop from Manny. Dukes crashed helplessly to the mat. Manny tagged in Perro. Perro snapped Dukes up and nailed Dukes with a trio of sidebreakers across the knee. Dukes down in the ring and in bad shape. Perro mounted the middle buckle and came off with his jumping double foot stomp to the gut that connected. Perro for the cover and hooked the leg. 1... Rice hit the ring to try and break up the pin try but Manny hit the ring and drove Rice into the corner. ...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans sorta booed.

Manny got in a few more shots on Rice, Perro up and the ref raised his hand in victory. Manny went over and congratulated his partner for a job well done.

WINNER: Latin Exchange - 7:48

Pic aired of the SLAM! logo with the caption: NEXT... WOMEN'S ACTION!!!


Wendi Richter vs. Peggy Lee Leather

Leather came down the heel aisle to modest boos.

Richter came down the face aisle to a good ovation.

Leather jumped Richter before the start of the match.

Ref called for the bell.

Leather dominated the match early and almost scored the pinfall victory before Richter fought her way back into the match and took control. The match progressed and turned into a see-saw affair before Leather went for a diving splash off the middle rope and Richter got her knees up and Leather crashed into them. Richter hit her powerbomb finisher on Leather to score the 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd cheered.

Richter up and the ref raised her hand in victory.

WINNER: Richter - Pinfall - 5:22

In-studio: Nelson intro'd a video for the next AWA PPV WrestleRock '91.


WrestleRock '91 - Live on PPV - Sunday, April 28 - Cow Palace - San Francisco, CA - With musical guests: SF hometown faves Huey Lewis and the News - Tickets on sale NOW!

Video aired of Wahoo being strangled by Don Muraco with the Indian strap after Wahoo's strap match with Col. DeBeers at Winter Warfare with the caption: NEXT... WAHOO RESPONDS!!!



Bonnie Blackstone was standing in the AWA interview area in front for the AWA logo with mic in hand.

Bonnie: We all saw the horrific attack on Wahoo McDaniel by Don Muraco after Wahoo's strap match with AWA World Champion Col. DeBeers at Winter Warfare.

With me right now is the man who was victim of that attack Wahoo McDaniel.

Wahoo walked into the interview area. He was in street clothes.

Bonnie: It's been a month since the assault on you at Winter Warfare. How are you feeling now?

Wahoo: I feel good, Bonnie. The first couple of weeks after the attack were pretty rough. I was having trouble breathing because of the attack on me.

If those wrestlers would not have come to the ring while Muraco was choking me out with that Indian strap I don't know what would have happened. I was starting to black out because my air was cut off.

I owe those guys for possibly saving my life. I had a burn mark around my neck because Muraco was using his total force to put my lights out.

Bonnie: You had just lost the first indian strap match of your career to Col. DeBeers and it obviously took a lot out of you. And then Muraco pounced.

The big question is: where do you go from here?

Wahoo: It was tough losing that match to DeBeers. Never had lost a strap match until that night. But, the end of the streak and not regaining the World Championship are the last things on my mind right now.

I am laser-focused on one thing. And that's getting revenge on Muraco for what he did to me.

Don Muraco, I'm speaking directly to you, son. I've been in a lot of tough, brutal matches in this great sport of ours. But, I never had someone try and put me away for good.

You cost me the World Title in December when you bashed me over the head with a chair. And you took things to a very dangerous next level at Winter Warfare.

You can safely assume that we're never gonna get back together as a team. Not after what you've done to me. We could have gone after the tag team titles at some point in the future but you've assured that will never happen.

My rage burns against you, Don! I don't think I've ever been this angry in my life! You tried to put me down for the eternal count!

I can't forgive that and I have no intention to! I'm out for blood! And the blood I'm after belongs to Don Muraco!

Bonnie: This is a very explosive situation. Do you think it could end badly?

Wahoo: Anything's possible, Bonnie! I just want to get my hands on that animal and pay him back in spades for what he has done to me!

The hatred between us is now off the charts!

I don't know how this i going to end up! But, Don Muraco, know this! I'm gonna extract my pound of flesh from you if it's the last thing I ever do in this life!

An angry Wahoo stormed out of the interview area as Bonnie looked on.


Split-screen pic aired of Nikita Koloff and AWA World Champion Col. DeBeers with the caption: NEXT... END OF THE LINE???



Koloff made his way down the face aisle to a strong ovation.

DeBeers, title around his waist and flanked by four security guards, made his way down the heel aisle to strong boos and some trash thrown in his direction.

Larry Nelson stood center ring with mic in hand.

Nelson: This contest is scheduled for one-fall with a 60-minute time-limit and is for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship.

Crowd buzzing.

Nelson: This match has been sanctioned by the AWA Championship Committee.

Introducing first... the challenger.

Weighing in at 271 pounds... formerly from Moscow, Russia and now calling Greensboro, North Carolina home... 'The Russian Nightmare' Nikita Koloff!

Huge pop from the crowd. Nikita kept his eyes on the champ.

Nelson: And his opponent!

Cheers melted into loud boos.

Nelson: Weighing in at 264 pounds... he hails from Cape Town, South Africa... the reigning AWA World Heavyweight Champion... Col. DeBeers!

More loud boos at the 'Boat as DeBeers stepped out of his corner and twirled his 'stache.

Nelson: Your referee is Marty Miller.

Miller took the belt from DeBeers and held it up for all to see before passing it off to Larry Nelson.

Miller called both men out to the middle of the ring. DeBeers and Koloff locked eyes as Miller laid down the ground rules and patted each man down.

Miller sent both men back to their corners.

Miller called for the bell. Buzz rippled through the crowd.

The two men came out of their corners and engaged in a wild punch exchange. Koloff gained the upper hand and whipped DeBeers into the ropes and caught the champ coming off with a high backdrop. DeBeers slammed to the mat. Koloff grabbed DeBeers and slammed DeBeers' head into the top buckle. DeBeers spun around in the corner and was greeted with several knees to the gut. Koloff hip tossed DeBeers out of the corner. DeBeers up and begging off and backed himself into the corner. Koloff moved in and punched DeBeers and whipped DeBeers into the opposite buckles. Koloff charged in on DeBeers but DeBeers got his foot up and Koloff slammed chest-first into it. Koloff spun around and staggered off. DeBeers came out of the corner and clubbed Koloff across the back and whipped Koloff into the ropes and caught Koloff coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Koloff stumbled back. DeBeers caught Koloff with a head shot and then picked up Koloff and bodyslammed Koloff. DeBeers caught Koloff with a knee drop to the head. Koloff down and hurting. DeBeers snapped Koloff up and whipped Koloff into the ropes and caught Koloff coming off with a hot shot. Koloff snapped back and crashed on his back in the ring. DeBeers rolled Koloff up for the pin. 1... DeBeers grabbed a handful of tights....2...thr... Koloff kicked DeBeers off. Crowd cheered. Koloff started getting up and DeBeers moved in with kicks to the side of the ribs. DeBeers whipped Koloff into the ropes and looked to catch Koloff coming off with a backdrop but Koloff kicked DeBeers hard in the chest and DeBeers snapped back and crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Koloff moved in and grabbed DeBeers and bodyslammed the champ. Koloff with a jumping elbow smash that connected. Koloff for the cover. 1...2... DeBeers kicked out. Koloff grabbed DeBeers and whipped DeBeers into the ropes and caught DeBeers coming off in the bearhug. DeBeers lifted off his feet and in great pain. DeBeers tying not to submit in the hold. Koloff cinched up on the hold but DeBeers kept fighting. Crowd wanting to see DeBeers submit. DeBeers found the strength to rake Koloff's eyes and Koloff lost his grip on the hold. Koloff staggering around grabbing at his eyes. Koloff turned and DeBeers bounded off the ropes and blasted Koloff with a running punch to the head. Koloff stunned. DeBeers whipped Koloff into the corner. DeBeers moved in and hit Koloff with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut. DeBeers caught Koloff in a side headlock and popped Koloff in the top of the head with punches. Ref reprimanded DeBeers. DeBeers bodyslammed Koloff and then went to pop Koloff with another knee drop to the head but Koloff rolled out of the way and DeBeers slammed knee-first into the mat. Crowd popped. Crowd seriously getting behind Koloff. Both men up and Koloff moved in and hammered DeBeers with punches. Koloff fired DeBeers into the corner and DeBeers bounced out and dropped to a knee in the ring. Koloff moved in with big clubbing moves to DeBeers' back. Koloff snapped DeBeers up in the air and held him there for what seemed like an eternity before press slamming the champ. DeBeers scooted over by the ropes and grabbed the top rope. Ref tried to keep Koloff back because DeBeers was holding the top rope. Koloff ignored the ref and grabbed DeBeers by the legs and raised him up parallel to the ground. Koloff yanked DeBeers' legs and DeBeers lost his grip on the top rope and crashed to the mat. Koloff grabbed DeBeers as DeBeers was getting up and locked DeBeers in a side headlock and paid DeBeers back with a series of shots to the top of the head. Koloff released DeBeers and ref reprimanded Koloff. Koloff grabbed DeBeers from behind and nailed the champ with an atomic drop. DeBeers fell forward and toppled through the top and middle rope and crashed to the floor as the fans popped. Ref ordered Koloff to step back. Ref started the 10-count. DeBeers slowly made his way back up on the apron. Count growing. DeBeers feigned climbing back into the ring and Koloff took the bait and moved in on DeBeers but DeBeers stayed on the apron and popped Koloff with a sucker punch to the jaw. Koloff crashed to the mat and DeBeers dived through the top and middle rope to pin Koloff. DeBeers' feet on the middle rope. 1...2...thr... Ref looked up and saw DeBeers' feet on the rope and ordered a break.

DeBeers got up and started having words with the ref and Koloff got to his feet behind the ref, spun DeBeers around and started clubbing away on DeBeers to the delight of the crowd. Koloff picked DeBeers up on his shoulder and popped DeBeers with a running powerslam. Crowd roared thinking this might be it. Koloff with another jumping elbow smash but DeBeers rolled out of the way and Koloff crashed to the mat. Both men down. Ref counting. DeBeers up and grabbed Koloff in a front facelock. Koloff responded by hoisting the champ off the ground and running full bore and slamming DeBeers' hard, back-first into the turnbuckles. DeBeers stumbled out of the corner and crashed to the mat. Crowd buzzing. Announcers pointed out that Koloff was starting to dominate the bout. Koloff snapped up DeBeers and went to suplex the champ but the champ managed to block Koloff's suplex try and deliver one of his own. DeBeers with a couple of head stomps. DeBeers, back hurting, managed to climb out on the apron and mount the top buckle as Koloff got to his feet, Koloff turned and DeBeers came off with a double sledge to the top of the head try but Koloff countered with a clothesline that dropped DeBeers. Crowd popped. DeBeers rolled out on the apron. Koloff went to go after DeBeers but the ref intercepted Koloff and ordered him back. Koloff went to go after Debeers again and the ref stopped him one more time. Koloff and the ref had heated words and were not paying attention as DeBeers climbed back in the ring between the top and middle rope. DeBeers on a knee quickly reached into his side pocket on his camo pants and pulled something out.

Pedicino: How did the ref miss that during the pat down?!

DeBeers rose to his feet. Koloff stopped arguing with the ref and turned and walked towards DeBeers when suddenly.

Pedicino: Fireball! Col. DeBeers just threw a massive fireball in Nikita's face!

Nikita went down grabbing his face and rolling around on the mat in dire pain. Ref saw it and called for the bell.

Sam Houston (towel in hand), Jake Milliman, Greg Gagne and Tom Zenk all charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Sam immediately covered Nikita's face with the towel. DeBeers bailed to the floor, snatched the belt from Nelson's hand and power-walked back up the heel aisle. Crowd incensed. Sam and Zenk helped Koloff to his feet with Koloff's head covered as chaos reigned as the program ended.

WINNER: Koloff - DQ - 7:41

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MARCH 15, 1991


Jim Crockett had called Bill Watts into his office.

What's this news you're so excited to tell me, Jim.

Jim: We got him.

Bill: He's coming to the AWA?

Jim: He is. And he can start for us immediately.

Bill: That's great news.

We can have Barry reveal him as his tag team partner at the Reno tapings of Slam!

Jim: He said he felt it was worth the risk to come here even though he might not make as much in his first year here as he did previously. He thinks it's worth the gamble.

Bill: We're rising, Jim. We are rising. The AWA is truly coming back into the big time.

Jim: What are the ticket sales looking like right now for WrestleRock?

Bill: From what I've heard we're over 6,000 tickets sold. We'll get more ticket buyers when we announce the matches.

We still have not sold all the $110.00 tickets yet. If worse comes to worse, we may have to offer the unsold seats as comps. There's the sticker shock element at play here. Fans will get used to it for some big events.

Jim: 6,000? Well, I'm sure you're cooking up a good show.

Bill: I am.

Also, been on the phone with Jim Ross in Atlanta about an idea I had.

I call it the AWA vs. WCW series. We can exchange some talent for each company's major shows. Ross said he'll look into it.

Jim: Sounds like it could be an interesting idea if it can work. We'll wait and see.

Bill: If we can reach a deal before WrestleRock, I'd like to have Jonnie go over in one of the matches. We really need to work on pushing this guy into the top tier of heels. I'm talking with Ross soon.

Jim: This show, if it succeeds, could be the major turning point for us. And now that we've got the new man on board, it could go a long way to sending a message to the other wrestlers that we're ready to compete in the big time again.

But we have to realize the business is not as hot overall now as it was just a couple of years ago. So, we may have to temper our expectations on what success is these days.

Bill: People are tiring of the WWF cartoon and Hulkamania and all that sh*t. WCW right now seems to be very poorly managed. That Herd guy doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to wrestling and he's screwing things up by trying to force through some of his lame ideas. The corporate suits also are inept as can be and word I've got is they're embarrassed by having wrestling still on Turner.

Jim: April 28th could be a pivotal day for us one way or the other. Also, Huey Lewis gives us a major, mainstream non-wrestling star quality on the show. The press will definitely be interested in Huey doing the show.

Bill: I've said it before. Let's have the concert be in the middle of the show. That gives the fans a 45-minute period to decompress from all the wrestling. We've got that four-hour window to fill and I aim to fill it up real good with great wrestling action.

Jim: I'm really looking forward to see where this goes. It's exciting, to say the least.

Bill: We're in uncharted waters. Jim. We're about to see if we can salvage the AWA.

The AWA was indeed in uncharted waters. But were they about to hit an iceberg that could sink the promotion if WrestleRock fails?

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Announcers: Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(3rd Taping)

(# Aired on previous AWA program.)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson.

Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

TV MAIN EVENT -TAG TEAM MATCH: The Destruction Crew vs. The Guerrero Bros.

Barry Windham wrestles

A special interview with Wahoo McDaniel

Don Muraco sees action

Ken Patera grapples

Tommy Rich continues his hunt for a new tag team partner

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Springfield.

Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton won a squash match over Jim Powers & Pat Patterson via submission when Haynes made Patterson submit to his full nelson finisher

Haynes and Norton came to the ring to a strong ovation down the face aisle.


Billy Jack Haynes. Scott Norton. You two looked indestructible against Patterson and Powers there.

We know that you two are on the hunt to regain those tag team titles that were stolen from you by the Grappler and Rip Oliver...

Haynes: It's like this, Larry Nelson! Grappler and Oliver! Boys, we're coming for you! And we aren't stopping until we have those tag belts back around our waists!

One minute in the match I'm full of fight! My head was clear! And then... WHAM! I crumple to the mat and am knocked senseless!

The Grappler pinned me and he and Rip become the new World Tag Team Champions! I know you loaded that mask with something, Grappler! I went from 100 to zero in half-a-second!

Well, we're right in your rear view mirror! And I guarantee the people out here that those belts will be ours again real soon!

Crowd cheered.

Norton: Rip Oliver and Grappler are real proud of their accomplishment! They are proud they cheated to take those belts from us! They come out here before the fans and tell these improbable stories about how they won the belts fair and square! They did not!

Me and Billy have watched the match back several times! We've slowed it down at the key moment when it looks like Grappler loaded his mask with something! We froze the picture! There's no doubt that the Grappler put something illegal in his mask!

This is...

Grap and Rip made their way down the heel aisle to boos. Each man was carrying his belt slung over his shoulder. They were in their ring gear.

The champs stepped in the ring.

Nelson: Before anything else is said, gentlemen, please keep it peaceful.

Grappler: Scott, did you hear what you just said?

Norton: What are you talking about?

Grappler: You said you watched the video of the match back and said it looked like I was loading my mask.

That means you don't know if I did or not. It's all speculation on your part.

Haynes: Grappler, I felt the headbutt! You had something in that mask! That was more than a normal headbutt!

Grappler: Who's right? Who's wrong? You two are out here admitting you have no solid proof of me loading my mask. Do you realize what clowns you two look like right now? You're making a serious accusation that you can't even defend!

Rip: Larry Nelson asked us politely to keep it peaceful, so we will.

You should never make accusations unless you have solid proof. Otherwise, you look foolish.

Bottom line: We won these belts and you can't prove we cheated to win them and it can't be proven we didn't cheat. Tie goes to the runner, boys. And in this case the runners are the champs!

The AWA brass cannot strip us of the belts without a valid reason. And they have none here.

Your case is built on a foundation of quicksand. Good luck getting these belts back.

Norton: Oh! We'll get them back, Rip! You and Grappler can bet your lives on it!

Haynes: I've never been more determined in all my life to do something than winning the tag titles again!

We're coming for you two! And we will correct this wrong!

Crowd cheered as a staredown ensued.

Pic aired of Tommy Rich with the caption: NEXT... THE HUNT CONTINUES!!!


Tommy Rich & ??? vs. Frank Williams & Dusty Wolfe

Rich came down the heel aisle to fairly strong boos.

Rich climbed in the ring and took the mic from Eric Bischoff.

Rich: It's that time again, everybody.

My search continues for another tag team partner.

This time, the man whose application I accepted to try out for the job is... Ken Lucas.

Lucas came down the heel aisle to very little crowd response.

Rich: Ken, I saw on your application that you have quite a bit of experience in this sport. So, I'm counting on you to help me get the job done today.

You impress me and you might just be my new tag team partner.

The veteran team of Rich and Lucas put on a dominating display against Williams and Wolfe. But, in the end, it was the same old result for Rich in his hunt for a tag team partner as Lucas was stunned when Williams reversed a small package to score the pinfall victory to the delight of the crowd.

After the match, Rich took the ring mic.

Rich: Well, Ken, you actually put on a pretty fine display of wrestling tonight. But... you not only lost the match for us. You were pinned by Frank Williams.

Frank Williams. The man whose only claim to fame in wrestling is being punched out by Roddy Piper on Piper's Pit.

So, because you lost to Frank Williams I am gonna have to say you failed to impress me. You're gone, buddy. Hit the road.

A dejected Lucas left the ring and headed back up the heel aisle to very little crowd response.

Rich: That's it until next time.

You wrestlers keep sending those resumes into the AWA offices. One day... I hope... I'll find someone who is worthy of being my tag team partner.

Pic aired of Barry Windham with the with the caption: NEXT... LA GRANGE MAN!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

Barry Windham won a squash match over El Santo Negro (Mexican wrestler The Black Saint) via pinfall with his flying lariat finisher

Windham got a strong reaction coming down the face aisle.

Immediately after the pinfall, Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera charged down the heel aisle, hit the ring and jumped Windham and were beating the ever loving crap out of the tall Texan. Face wrestlers and AWA officials poured out of the back and charged down the face aisle to save Barry from a further beating. Tully and Ken bailed to the safety of the floor.

In-studio: Nelson talked about Tully and Ken attacking Barry for a second time and leaving him laying in the ring.

Nelson hyped the WrestleRock '91 PPV.


WrestleRock '91 - Live on PPV - Sunday, April 28 - 8pm ET/5pm PT - Cow Palace - San Francisco, CA - With musical guests: SF hometown faves Huey Lewis and the News - Tickets on sale NOW!

Pic aired of Don Muraco with the caption: NEXT... WAHOO'S NEMESIS!!!


Don Muraco won a squash match over Pat Rose via pinfall with his inverted piledriver finisher

Muraco was strongly booed coming down the heel aisle.


(Crowd booing intense)

Eric: Don Muraco. Just listen to these fans!

More booing.

Eric: Your actions against Wahoo McDaniel at Winter Warfare were despicable to say the least! You could have snuffed that man's life out. Hope you're proud of yourself.

Muraco: I am not proud of what I did to Wahoo because I didn't finish the job.

More boos.

Eric (stunned): Wait a minute, Don! Are you saying you wanted to do the unthinkable to Wahoo?!

Muraco: Stuff happens! He got what he deserved when I choked him out with that Indian strap.

By the way, belated congratulations to Col. DeBeers on retaining the title against that nasty red man!

Boos now followed by garbage thrown at the ring.

Eric: Now you're siding with DeBeers?! This is unbelievable! I'm at a loss!

Muraco: You always seem lost, Eric.

Col. DeBeers is far more honorable than that snake Wahoo! With DeBeers you know right where he stands. There's no gray area.

Wahoo, on the other hand, is very devious. You can't turn your back on that wagon burner...

Crowd popped as Wahoo came down the face aisle with steam in his strides. Wahoo got to ringside.

Muraco: Come on, Wahoo! Think you're man enough to step in here and get driven to the brink of eternity again?!

Muraco gestured for Wahoo to climb in the ring.

Wrestlers came out of the face dressing room and tried to keep Wahoo at bay.

Muraco: Aw! Look at that! Wahoo gets saved by his pals once again!

Poor Wahoo. I bet that...

Wahoo broke away from the other face wrestlers and climbed up on the apron. Muraco charged over and he and Wahoo started slugging one another as the fans cheered.

Fighting quickly petered out as the face wrestlers were able to pull the enraged Wahoo off the apron and back down to the floor.

Face wrestlers now physically restraining Wahoo from getting in the ring.

Muraco: Good thing they're holding you back because you would have faced the same fate as what happened at Winter Warfare! Only the end result would have been much, much worse!

Stand-off continued...

Pic aired of Ken Patera with the caption: NEXT... MUSCULAR MAYHEM!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

Ken Patera (w/ Valerie) won a squash match over Buddah Khan via pinfall with his full nelson slam finisher

Patera and Val were strongly booed coming down the heel aisle.


Ken Patera. You and Tully Blanchard attacked Barry Windham once again earlier in this program.

What exactly is going on here?

Ken: I'll tell you what's going on. We enjoy beating up Barry.

Eric: That's it?! You're just beating him up for fun?!

Ken: Under Valerie's management, Tully Blanchard and myself look out for each other. Tully has problems with Barry. Tully's problems are my problems and vice versa.

Bottom line: If Barry doesn't want to keep getting his ass handed to him by us, then he better find a good tag team partner. His other partner obviously was not up to the test.

Val: I don't just just manage a stable of wrestlers. We are also a family. We stick together. We ride together down the roads of America to the next town. We eat together. We party together. We look out for each other's interests in the ring. Barry Windham may have just thought he was fighting Tully Blanchard. He was wrong. He's messing with someone in my stable. And when you mess with one of my guys... you mess with all of them.

Also, I highly doubt Mr. Windham will be able to find a tag team partner anytime soon. So, because of the that, and I will telegraph this, the beatdowns of ol' Barry will continue.

Eric: This edition of All-Star Wrestling just gets stranger and stranger.

Pic aired of Wahoo with the caption: NEXT... MUST SEE INTERVIEW!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd the interview with Wahoo. Said the interview was recorded at an earlier date and before Wahoo's confrontation with Muraco on this program.


Bonnie Blackstone was standing in the AWA interview area in front for the AWA logo with mic in hand.

Bonnie: We all saw the horrific attack on Wahoo McDaniel by Don Muraco after Wahoo's strap match with AWA World Champion Col. DeBeers at Winter Warfare.

With me right now is the man who was victim of that attack Wahoo McDaniel.

Wahoo walked into the interview area. He was in street clothes.

Bonnie: It's been a month since the assault on you at Winter Warfare. How are you feeling now?

Wahoo: I feel good, Bonnie. The first couple of weeks after the attack were pretty rough. I was having trouble breathing because of the attack on me.

If those wrestlers would not have come to the ring while Muraco was choking me out with that Indian strap I don't know what would have happened. I was starting to black out because my air was cut off.

I owe those guys for possibly saving my life. I had a burn mark around my neck because Muraco was using his total force to put my lights out.

Bonnie: You had just lost the first indian strap match of your career to Col. DeBeers and it obviously took a lot out of you. And then Muraco pounced.

The big question is: where do you go from here?

Wahoo: It was tough losing that match to DeBeers. Never had lost a strap match until that night. But, the end of the streak and not regaining the World Championship are the last things on my mind right now.

I am laser-focused on one thing. And that's getting revenge on Muraco for what he did to me.

Don Muraco, I'm speaking directly to you, son. I've been in a lot of tough, brutal matches in this great sport of ours. But, I never had someone try and put me away for good.

You cost me the World Title in December when you bashed me over the head with a chair. And you took things to a very dangerous next level at Winter Warfare.

You can safely assume that we're never gonna get back together as a team. Not after what you've done to me. We could have gone after the tag team titles at some point in the future but you've assured that will never happen.

My rage burns against you, Don! I don't think I've ever been this angry in my life! You tried to put me down for the eternal count!

I can't forgive that and I have no intention to! I'm out for blood! And the blood I'm after belongs to Don Muraco!

Bonnie: This is a very explosive situation. Do you think it could end badly?

Wahoo: Anything's possible, Bonnie! I just want to get my hands on that animal and pay him back in spades for what he has done to me!

The hatred between us is now off the charts!

I don't know how this i going to end up! But, Don Muraco, know this! I'm gonna extract my pound of flesh from you if it's the last thing I ever do in this life!

An angry Wahoo stormed out of the interview area as Bonnie looked on.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!


The Destruction Crew (Wayne Bloom & Mike Enos) vs. The Guerrero Bros.

Guerreros came to the ring down the face aisle to a nice ovation.

Destruction Crew came down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos.

Good, fast-paced match with some high flying action and some exciting near falls.

End of the match saw Mando go for a flying bodypress off the top rope on Enos but Enos caught Mando and turned it into a powerslam. Enos tagged in Bloom and Bloom mounted the top rope as Enos hoisted Mando up on his shoulders and Bloom delivered the Wrecking Ball (Doomsday Device) on Mando to scored the pinfall victory for the Crew.

WINNER: Destruction crew - Pinfall - 6:39

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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(4th Taping)

Show Intro

Show started with BREAKING NEWS! on the screen and then faded into a shot of Larry Nelson at the studio desk.

Hello. I'm Larry Nelson. And this is an AWA Breaking News Update.

Last week here on SLAM! wrestling, we saw what was one of, if not the most, chilling attacks in the history of the AWA.

During the match in which Col. DeBeers defended the AWA World Championship against Nikita Koloff, DeBeers burned Nikita with a fireball to the face. Nikita was seriously injured.

Later in the program, we will have an update from a doctor in Las Vegas about Nikita's condition.

We will also be replaying the end of the match from last week and show you where DeBeers burned Nikita.

I have never seen anything like this in all my years covering this sport. It was shocking and horrifying and showed DeBeers will go to any lengths to hold onto the AWA World Championship.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Nikita Koloff as he recovers from this horrible turn of events.

Also this week on the program, Bill Watts has an announcement you will not want to miss concerning Col. DeBeers and more.

AWA President Nick Bockwinkel will also respond to the burning.

Our TV main event will be an exciting 6-man tag pitting Billy Jack Haynes, Scott Norton and Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion The Trooper against AWA World Tag Team Champions The Grappler and Rip Oliver and Hangman Bobby Jaggers in a battle that promises to be a wild one.

Jerry Blackwell will see action and he has an announcement. Wonder what that could be?

A look back at least week's attack on All-Star Wrestling of Barry Windham by Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera PLUS! some shocking comments from Ken Patera.

We'll also be looking at a tense confrontation between Wahoo McDaniel and Don Muraco from last week's All-Star Wrestling as well.

AWA Women's World Champion Magnificent Mimi, with controversial manager Valerie, also steps inside the squared circled.

And more!

We'll be right back with our first match on this week's SLAM!


Sam Houston (w/ Coach Murdoch) won a squash match over Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker with his running bulldog finisher

Sam got a decent ovation coming to the ring down the face aisle with coach Murdoch.

In-studio: Nelson intro'd footage from last week's ASW of the confrontation between Don Muraco and Wahoo McDaniel.


# Muraco: Stuff happens! He got what he deserved when I choked him out with that Indian strap.

By the way, belated congratulations to Col. DeBeers on retaining the title against that nasty red man!

Boos now followed by garbage thrown at the ring.

Eric: Now you're siding with DeBeers?! This is unbelievable! I'm at a loss!

Muraco: You always seem lost, Eric.

Col. DeBeers is far more honorable than that snake Wahoo! With DeBeers you know right where he stands. There's no gray area.

Wahoo, on the other hand, is very devious. You can't turn your back on that wagon burner...

Crowd popped as Wahoo came down the face aisle with steam in his strides. Wahoo got to ringside.

Muraco: Come on, Wahoo! Think you're man enough to step in here and get driven to the brink of eternity again?!

Muraco gestured for Wahoo to climb in the ring.

Wrestlers came out of the face dressing room and tried to keep Wahoo at bay.

Muraco: Aw! Look at that! Wahoo gets saved by his pals once again!

Poor Wahoo. I bet that...

Wahoo broke away from the other face wrestlers and climbed up on the apron. Muraco charged over and he and Wahoo started slugging one another as the fans cheered.

Fighting quickly petered out as the face wrestlers were able to pull the enraged Wahoo off the apron and back down to the floor.

Face wrestlers now physically restraining Wahoo from getting in the ring.

Muraco: Good thing they're holding you back because you would have faced the same fate as what happened at Winter Warfare! Only the end result would have been much, much worse!

Stand-off continued..

Pic aired of AWA Prez Nick Bockwinkel with the caption: NEXT... PRESIDENT'S RESPONSE!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update

Nelson intro'd the response from AWA Prez Nick Bockwinkel concerning DeBeers' burning of Nikita Koloff.


Bockwinkel was seated behind his office desk with a mic in front of him.

Bockwinkel: As the President of the AWA I often have very tough decisions to make.

We all saw what happened last week when World Champion Col. DeBeers threw a fireball in the face of Nikita Koloff during their World Title match.

Because of DeBeers' heinous actions, I have decided to fine DeBeers the amount of $50,000 dollars. However, there will be no suspension.

This is the largest fine ever handed out in the AWA. I will not tolerate this kind of action. A man's life and career could have been ruined because of what DeBeers did.

The AWA wishes Nikita Koloff a speedy recovery from his injuries and he is in our thoughts and the thoughts of AWA fans at this time.

I will state clearly for the record right now, if Nikita is able to return to active competition, he will be facing Col. DeBeers in his first match back.

Pro wrestling is a dangerous enough sport as it is. There is no place in wrestling for trying to maim a man all beyond repair.

Col. DeBeers, the fine may be large. But, something tells me there will be even bigger consequences down the road for your actions.


Pic aired of AWA Women's Champ Magnificent Mimi with the caption: NEXT... MIMI IN ACTION!!!


NON-TITLE: Magnificent Mimi (AWA Women's WC - w/ Valerie) vs. Bambi

Bambi came down the face aisle to a fair reaction.

Mimi and Val came down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos.

Bambi got in some licks early on the champ but then Mimi took control and finished Bambi off with her sitout powerbomb finisher to score the pinfall victory.


Magnificent Mimi, you are still the Women's Champion today. But you still have the likes of Reggie Bennett and Tina Moretti breathing down your neck in pursuit of the title.

Mimi: I have to correct you, Larry. Tina Moretti may still be breathing down my neck. And her breath stinks, by the way. But Reggie Bennett has had her chances and she failed so she's done as a contender.

Crowd booed.

Mimi: It was made quite clear that if Reggie did not beat me and win the championship at Winter Warfare that she was finished as a challenger. Sorry, Reg. You might as well go to another promotion because as long as I'm the champ, and I intend to remain so for a very long time, you get no more chances at this beautiful belt.

Val: The champ has spoken! Reggie Bennett is kaput on the World Title front! It is done! It's time to move on to other challengers! I don't want to see Reggie's ugly face near this belt again!

Nelson: Is that decision really up to you guys? The Championship Committee makes the title matches. Not you two.

Val: Being the World Champion carries with it certain privileges! And one of those privileges is being able to cut off certain challengers from further title opportunities!

Reggie Bennett had her 15 minutes of fame and now those 15 minutes have expired... permanently!

Bye-bye, Reg! It's over for you! There's no use for you to stay in the AWA now! Pack up and leave! I heard the Showboat Hotel is looking for someone to clean the alleys in their bowling center!

Nelson: That was AWA Women's World Champion Magnificent Mimi and her manager Valerie, everybody!

Crowd booed as Mimi held the belt aloft with both hands.

Pic aired of DeBeers throwing fire in Nikita's face with the caption: NEXT... BURNED!!!

Commercials/Ad aired for AWA on WGN

In-studio: Nelson intro'd footage from the end of last week's World Title match between DeBeers (WC) and Nikita on SLAM!.

Nelson warned viewer discretion was advised.


# Koloff picked DeBeers up on his shoulder and popped DeBeers with a running powerslam. Crowd roared thinking this might be it. Koloff with another jumping elbow smash but DeBeers rolled out of the way and Koloff crashed to the mat. Both men down. Ref counting. DeBeers up and grabbed Koloff in a front facelock. Koloff responded by hoisting the champ off the ground and running full bore and slamming DeBeers' hard, back-first into the turnbuckles. DeBeers stumbled out of the corner and crashed to the mat. Crowd buzzing. Announcers pointed out that Koloff was starting to dominate the bout. Koloff snapped up DeBeers and went to suplex the champ but the champ managed to block Koloff's suplex try and deliver one of his own. DeBeers with a couple of head stomps. DeBeers, back hurting, managed to climb out on the apron and mount the top buckle as Koloff got to his feet, Koloff turned and DeBeers came off with a double sledge to the top of the head try but Koloff countered with a clothesline that dropped DeBeers. Crowd popped. DeBeers rolled out on the apron. Koloff went to go after DeBeers but the ref intercepted Koloff and ordered him back. Koloff went to go after DeBeers again and the ref stopped him one more time. Koloff and the ref had heated words and were not paying attention as DeBeers climbed back in the ring between the top and middle rope. DeBeers on a knee quickly reached into his side pocket on his camo pants and pulled something out.

Pedicino: How did the ref miss that during the pat down?!

DeBeers rose to his feet. Koloff stopped arguing with the ref and turned and walked towards DeBeers when suddenly.

Pedicino: Fireball! Col. DeBeers just threw a massive fireball in Nikita's face!

Nikita went down grabbing his face and rolling around on the mat in dire pain. Ref saw it and called for the bell.

Sam Houston (towel in hand), Jake Milliman, Greg Gagne and Tom Zenk all charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Sam immediately covered Nikita's face with the towel. DeBeers bailed to the floor, snatched the belt from Nelson's hand and power-walked back up the heel aisle. Crowd incensed. Sam and Zenk helped Koloff to his feet with Koloff's head covered as chaos reigned.


Nelson told fans that they would have an update on Nikita later in the program.

Video aired of Tully and Ken attacking Barry Windham once again last week on ASW with the caption: NEXT... BULLIES!!!


Larry Nelson intro'd footage from last week's ASW of Tully and Ken once again jumping Barry Windham. The attack occured right after Windham won a squash match.


# Immediately after the pinfall, Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera charged down the heel aisle, hit the ring and jumped Windham and were beating the ever loving crap out of the tall Texan. Face wrestlers and AWA officials poured out of the back and charged down the aisle to save Barry from a further beating. Tully and Ken bailed to the safety of the floor.


Nelson then intro'd comments from Ken Patera and Valerie later in the same show about the continued assaults on Windham. Their explanation will shock you.


# Eric: Ken Patera. You and Tully Blanchard attacked Barry Windham once again earlier in this program.

What exactly is going on here?

Ken: I'll tell you what's going on. We enjoy beating up Barry.

Eric: That's it?! You're just beating him up for fun?!

Ken: Under Valerie's management, Tully Blanchard and myself look out for each other. Tully has problems with Barry. Tully's problems are my problems and vice versa.

Bottom line: If Barry doesn't want to keep getting his ass handed to him by us, then he better find a good tag team partner. His other partner obviously was not up to the test.

Val: I don't just just manage a stable of wrestlers. We are also a family. We stick together. We ride together down the roads of America to the next town. We eat together. We party together. We look out for each other's interests in the ring. Barry Windham may have just thought he was fighting Tully Blanchard. He was wrong. He's messing with someone in my stable. And when you mess with one of my guys... you mess with all of them.

Also, I highly doubt Mr. Windham will be able to find a tag team partner anytime soon. So, because of the that, and I will telegraph this, the beatdowns of ol' Barry will continue.


Pic aired of Jerry Blackwell with the caption: NEXT... BLACKWELL BOMBSHELL!!!


Video aired for WrestleRock '91

Jerry Blackwell won a quick squash match over Art Crews with his diving splash finisher

Blackwell got a good ovation coming to the ring down the face aisle.


Jerry Blackwell, we hear that you have some major news for us.

Jerry: That's right, Larry. For the first time in a long time, I'm getting back into some serious tag team wrestling.

And I've found a partner.

Nelson: Who is it?

Jerry: He'll be here next week. And this news is gonna be huge and earth shaking!

Fans cheered.

Nelson: You heard it! Big news coming from Jerry Blackwell about a new tag team partner next week here on SLAM!

Pic aired of Bill Watts with the caption: NEXT... BIG NEWS!!!



AWA official Bill Watts was standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.

Bill: This is Bill Watts. I have some major news about next week's edition of SLAM!

First, Slam! will be originating from the Lawlor Events Center in Reno, Nevada. We in the AWA are excited to be heading to Reno for this first-time, exciting event.

Now, we all saw what Col. DeBeers did to Nikita Koloff last week in a World Title defense here last week on SLAM!

DeBeers has not been suspended but has been heavily fined by President Bockwinkel.

Next week, the AWA Championship Committee has ordered Col. DeBeers to defend the AWA World Championship against... Barry Windham!

Also on the program we will have a Battle Royal to determine who receives the title shot against the Trooper for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship at WrestleRock '91.

And finally, if that isn't enough of a show, the two most recent former World Tag Team Champions, Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton and the Destruction Crew, will battle it out with the winner earning the right to face the current champions Rip Oliver and the Grappler for the tag team titles at WrestleRock.

So, next week on SLAM!, you have Col. DeBeers defending the AWA World Title against Barry Windham. A Battle Royal to determine the number one contender for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship and a match pitting former champions Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton against the Destruction Crew with the tag team title shot at WrestleRock on the line.

It promises to be a great night of wrestling action next week! Let's hook 'em up!


Pic aired of the SLAM! logo with the caption: NEXT... NIKITA UPDATE!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd an update on Nikita Koloff.


Shot of Bischoff, mic in hand, standing in a hospital hallway with a doctor in a white coat.

Eric: This is Eric Bischoff coming to you from an undisclosed hospital in Las Vegas.

I'm here with the doctor who treated Nikita Koloff for his burn injury.

Doctor, how is Nikita doing at this time?

Doctor: Well, Nikita had a pretty serious burn on one side of his face.

Right now, we're treating it with different medications. He's very lucky that one of his eyes was not severely burned.

He's resting right now and we are keeping an eye on the burn wound and will be doing so around the clock.

Eric: Do you have a prognosis on the healing of the injury right now?

Doctor: At this time, no. Things are hour-by-hour right now.

We should be able to give you a more detailed update within the next few hours. Hopefully, the news will be good.

Even if Nikita is going to be okay, it will take time to heal the wound.

Eric: Will he be able to resume his career at some point?

Doctor: Right now things are up in the air. We will just have to wait and see how the healing process goes.

When someone is burned, the severity of the injury can be a tricky thing to call in the early stages.

We're in a critical situation right now. We don't want the wound to get infected or affect his ability to see or for him to never be able to wrestle again.

The good news is he's getting the best care available. He is being well taken care of.

But it's still a wait-and-see situation before we can deliver a firm prognosis.

Eric: Doctor, thank you for your time.

Doctor: Yes, sir.

Eric: This is Eric Bischoff reporting on location from the hospital where Nikita Koloff is being treated for his burn injuries.


SLAM! logo appeared on the screen with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd the main event and said the match would be joined in progress.

The Trooper (PWHC), Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton vs. The Grappler & Rip Oliver (WTTC) & Bobby Jaggers

MATCH JIP: Oliver had Haynes caught in an abdominal stretch. Oliver grabbed the back of Haynes' tights to add pressure to the hold. After being in the hold for several seconds more, Haynes found the strength to power out of the hold and hip toss Oliver. Oliver up and Haynes charged in and nailed Oliver with a running clothesline. Oliver back up and Haynes went for another running clothesline but Oliver ducked the move and came back and caught Haynes with a poke in the eyes. Oliver popped Haynes with head shots, grabbed Haynes in a side headlock and walked Haynes into the heel corner. Oliver tagged in the Grappler. Grappler came in and hit Haynes with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Haynes staggered out of the corner holding his gut. Grappler grabbed Haynes and nailed Haynes with a violent backbreaker across the knee. Haynes in bad shape. Crowd urging on Haynes. Grappler backed up as Haynes slowly made it to his feet. Haynes up, turned and Grappler moved in with a superkick attempt but Haynes grabbed Grappler's leg. Grap tried to beg off. Haynes made a fist and hammered Grap with punches, spun Grap around and popped Grap with a clothesline. Grap crashed to the mat. Haynes snapped Grap up and ran Grap into the face team's corner and slammed Grap's head into the top buckle so hard that Grap snapped back and crashed to the mat. Haynes tagged in the Trooper. Trooper grabbed Grap from behind as Grap was getting up and nailed Grap with an atomic drop. Grap now walking around on his tip toes in the ring and singing soprano to the delight of the fans. Trooper grabbed Grap and whipped Grap into the ropes and looked to catch Grap coming off with a high backdrop, but Grap instead caught Trooper in a front facelock and nailed Trooper with a swinging neckbreaker. Both men down. Ref counting. Grap made it to his feet and grabbed Trooper by the back of his tights, pulled Trooper up and clubbed Trooper with a series of rapid-fire forearms to Trooper's lower back. Grap drove Trooper into the heel team's corner and tagged in Trooper's arch-enemy Jaggers. Jaggers in and popped Trooper in the jaw with a series of well-placed, deliberate jabs. Jaggers whipped Trooper into the opposite buckles and Trooper slammed into them. Jaggers moved in with a slap to the side of the face and then mounted the middle buckle over Trooper and hammered Trooper with a series of deliberate head shots. Trooper grabbed Jaggers, charged out of the corner and hit Jaggers with an inverted atomic drop. Crowd popped as Jaggers crashed to the mat. Trooper snapped Jaggers up and whipped Jaggers into the ropes and caught Jaggers coming off hanging upside down behind Trooper's back. Trooper blasted Jaggers with a double leg slam. Crowd into it. Trooper backed up and assumed the position as a shaky Jaggers slowly made it to his feet. Jaggers turned and Trooper charged in and blasted Jaggers with his flying shoulder tackle finisher. Crowd roared as Jaggers crashed to the canvas. Trooper of the cover. 1... Grappler dropped to the floor, reached in the ring and grabbed Trooper's leg. ...2...thr... Grappler managed to pull Trooper off of Jaggers and down to the floor. Trooper still on his feet got in Grap's face. Ref started the 10-count. Grap shoved Trooper and Trooper replied by nailing Grap with a big head shot and Grap crashed to the floor. Trooper slid back into the ring before the count of 10. Jaggers starting to get get up facing away from trooper. Trooper grabbed Jaggers from behind and Jaggers responded with a back of the leg shot to the groin. Trooper went down grabbing the goods. Ref reprimanded Jaggers. Jaggers flipped off the ref (blurred for TV). Jaggers tagged in Oliver. Oliver hit the ring and immediately stomped away on Trooper. Oliver snapped Trooper up and whipped Trooper into the ropes and caught Trooper coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Trooper fell back against the ropes. Oliver with a knee to the gut followed by some clubbing shots to the back. Oliver went to whip Trooper into the ropes but Trooper reversed and blasted Oliver coming off with a powerslam. Crowd exploded. Trooper feeling it and looked over and pointed at Norton. Crowd popping like an appendix, Trooper tagged in Norton. Norton hit the ring and fired away on the stunned Oliver with punches. Norton whipped Oliver into the corner and charged in and hit Oliver with an avalanche. Crowd roared. Norton whipped Oliver into the opposite buckles and repeated the move with success. Oliver staggered out of the corner, spun around and crashed to the mat on his back. Norton grabbed Oliver and locked him in position for the powerbomb.

Norton hoisted Oliver up and nailed Oliver with his finisher. Crowd exploded. Grappler hit the ring and clotheslined Norton across the back of the neck and Norton crashed to the mat. Jaggers came in and joined in the assault on Norton. Haynes and Trooper hit the ring and it became a melee'. Ref called for the bell. Oliver had recovered enough in all the chaos and rolled out of the ring as the other five fought and Rip grabbed a folding steel chair from next to the timekeeper's (I'm moving away from the unfoldable Showboat chairs). Oliver, with chair in hand, climbed back in the ring. Haynes turned and Oliver went to club haynes over the head with the chair but Haynes caught the chair and a struggle ensued. Ref again called for the bell. Haynes caught Oliver with a kick in the gut, took possession of the chair and hit Oliver over the head with it as the crowd popped. Oliver crashed to the mat, rolled out on the apron and crashed to the floor. Haynes tossed the chair and followed Oliver out. Wild fighting between Norton and the Trooper against Grap and Jaggers continued in the ring.

Pedicino: Fans! We are out of time! See you next week on SLAM!

DECISION: Double DQ - 6:55* (* Part of the match that aired on TV. Total length of the match for the fans in the arena: 16:27)



Wahoo McDaniel and Don Muraco fought to a double count out - 13:09 - Both men bled

AWA WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP: Magnificent Mimi def. Wendi Richter via pinfall after hot-shotting Richter on the top rope - 8:26

Barry Windham def. Tully Blanchard via pinfall when Tully went for his slingshot suplex finisher and Barry escaped Tully's grasp, dropped down behind Tully, ran Tully into the ropes and rolled Tully up for the victory - 12:34





(Great crowd driven mainly by the hyped-up World Title match-up between DeBeers and Koloff. On TV, the match was announced just the week before. In the Vegas market, it was heavily hyped on TV and in the local papers for a month.)
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(Actual show results other than the Zbyszko-Roberts match and the posedown.)

Rockers def. Haku & Barbarian

Texas Tornado def. Dino Bravo

British Bulldog def. Warlord

Nasty Boys def. Hart Foundation to win the tag team titles

Jake Roberts def. Larry Zbyszko in a Nunchucks on a Pole match

(Zbyszko would have been doing the martial arts gimmick he once used in the AWA where the nunchucks were prominently featured. This would have been a culmination of feud that would have begun in late '90. Program would have started with an angle where Zbyszko came out and accused Roberts of stepping on his interview time. That would have set up a TV match where the two wrestled to a double count out. Things would have escalated between the two and they would have battled to No Contests at the house shows. A match would have been set up for Survivor Series where Larry's Legends would have defeated Jake's Snakes with Zbyszko the last man standing (Roberts would have been eliminated earlier in the match. This would have led to participation in the '91 Royal Rumble where Roberts would have eliminated by Zbyszko and then Zbyszko would have been one of the last 4 or 5 in the match before being eliminated himself. This would lead to a TV angle where Zbyszko would attack Roberts during an interview segment and KO Jake with the nunchucks, leaving Jake laid out. This would set up the Nunchucks on a Pole match as their blow-off match at WM 7.)

Ultimate Warrior won a Retirement Match over Randy Savage

Ghiro Tenryu & Koji Kitao def. Demolition

Big Bossman def. Mr.Perfect (C) via DQ in an IC Title match

$100,000 POSEDOWN: Fabio def. The Model Rick Martel

(Fabio was a bodybuilder and model back then and most famous for his body appearing in illustrations on romance novels.)

LOD def. Power & Glory

Virgil def. Ted DiBiase via count out

The Mountie def. Tito Santana

Hulk Hogan def. Sgt. Slaughter (C) to win the WWF Championship
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(NOTE: The April 10 episode of SLAM! disappeared due to a computer glitch. So, we're jumping from the April 3 show to the April 17 show. Sorry about that. Stuff happens.)


Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(4th Taping)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program.

TV MAIN EVENT: Rip Oliver (WTTC) vs. Billy Jack Haynes

A look back at the violent brawl last week between Wahoo McDaniel and Don Muraco

An interview with Jerry Lawler, the special guest referee for the AWA World Title match between Col. DeBeers (WC) and Nikita Koloff

A special message from Huey Lewis as he and his band the News prepare for their concert at WrestleRock '91

Another WrestleRock '91 Report

A look back at Cactus Jack stealing the PWHC belt from the Trooper

'Big' Reggie Bennett sees action

The Latin Exchange see action

And more!!!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Reno.

Brian Pillman (w/ Barry Windham in his corner) won a squash match over Jeff Gaylord via pinfall with his Air Pillman (springboard lariat) finisher

Pillman and Windham came down the face aisle to a strong ovation.

Announcers talked about the situation between Windham and Pillman against Tully and Ken.

Video aired of cactus jack attacking Trooper and running off with the PWHC belt to the strains of the song OPP (Other People's Property) with the caption: NEXT... GRAND THEFT!!!

Other People's Property:


In-studio: Nelson intro'd footage from last week's SLAM! where Cactus Jack assaulted Trooper and absconded with the PWHC strap.


# Nelson:
Trooper, at Wrestleock in just a few short weeks, you'll be defending the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship against the unpredictable Cactus Jack.

Does facing a wrestler as unorthodox as Jack bother you at all?

Trooper: Larry, in this sport you have to adapt to certain styles. Jack's style is different from any other wrestler out there today.

He is...

Most of the crowd booed but Jack also had his fans as he made his way down the heel aisle.

Jack stepped in the ring and walked up to Trooper and Nelson.

Jack: Trooper, let me be very clear. I lost the AWA World Championship at WrestleRock last year.

I have no intention of leaving this year's WrestleRock without the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship.

That belt is gonna be around my waist and not your waist starting April 28th in San Francisco.

Trooper rubbed his mouth and looked to his right.

Big mistake...

Jack sucker punched Trooper in the jaw and Trooper dropped the belt. Jack quickly scooped up the belt and bolted the ring and ran back up the heel aisle to primarily boos.

In the ring, Trooper regained his bearings after the cheap shot.

Trooper: Cactus Jack! If you beat me for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship at WrestleRock, then the belt is yours!

But until then, you better hand that belt back to me! Don't make me forcefully remove it from your grasp!

Crowd popped.


Nelson said to be sure to check out the WR '91 report later in the program because they'll have comments from Cactus Jack that have to be seen to be believed.

Video aired of Huey Lewis and the News in concert with the caption: NEXT... A MESSAGE FROM HUEY!!!

Pic flipped to a pic of the Latin Exchange with the caption: ALSO... PERRO & MANNY!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update

Nelson intro'd a comment from Huey Lewis regarding WR '91.


Lewis was standing in the middle of the Cow Palace arena floor with mic in hand.

This is Huey Lewis.

I can't tell you how excited my band the News and I are to be the special musical guests at WrestleRock '91.

Not only is it an honor to be to be playing at this huge event, but it's also exiting to be playing in our hometown of San Francisco. We love performing for our home fans.

I am standing on the floor of the Cow Palace where WrestleRock is taking place.

I can't wait to see all these seats filled with rock and wrestling fans.

It's gonna be a night of great AWA wrestling action and great music. Hope you can make it in person or watch on pay-per-view.

I'm Huey Lewis of Huey Lewis and the News. See you in San Francisco on April 28th for WrestleRock '91!

Lewis then did a quick play on his harmonica as the video ended.

In-studio: Nelson then hyped WR '91 and then sent it back to the ring in Reno.

The Latin Exchange (Manny Fernandez & Perro Aguyao) won a squash match over Ron Shaw & Rick McCord via pinfall when Manny pinned McCord with his flying burrito (double flying forearm smash) finisher.

Latin Exchange was strongly booed coming out to the ring. Manny was carrying a clipboard.


Manny Fer...

Manny: Zip it, Nelson!

I have here in my hand a clipboard. And, since you gringos probably don't know what this is... it's called a pen. On this clipboard is a contract.

It's ridiculous that the Latin Exchange does not have a match at WrestleRock in a few weeks.

So, me and Perro are offering an Open Contract Challenge to any team that wants to face us. If you've got the guts, then come down here and sign on the dotted line, jack!

After a brief pause...

Crowd popped as Big Man, Inc. (Blackwell & Bundy) made their way down the face aisle to a solid ovation. They were in their ring attire.

The pair walked up to Manny and Perro.

Blackwell gestured for the contract and pen from Manny. Manny handed it over.

Blackwell looked down at the contract and signed and Bundy followed suit to more cheers from the crowd.

Bundy shoved the contract in Manny's chest.

Bundy: See you guys at WrestleRock!

Crowd popped.

BMI left as the Latin Exchange looked on from the ring.

Video aired from the previous week's Wahoo-Muraco brawl with the caption: NEXT... INTENSE HATRED!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd footage from last week's brawl between Wahoo and Muraco on SLAM!


Muraco came to the ring wearing an Indian headdress, Indian-style war paint, a red nose like Bozo the Clown and carrying a toy tomahawk and a cheap kid's plastic bow and arrow with the arrows that have the suction cup tips.

Muraco was booed coming to the ring and booed even more once in the ring.

Muraco did a mock war dance and then shot Bergstrom with the toy arrow.

Muraco dominated the short bout using Wahoo's arsenal. At one point, Muraco grabbed the plastic tomahawk and feigned chopping Bergstrom in the head with it.

Lots of chopping by Muraco.

After Muraco had won and the ref raised his hand in victory, Muraco ordered the timekeeper to hand him his Indian headdress. Muraco threw the headdress down to the mat and stomped away on it and then, in a gesture of supreme disrespect, Muraco spat twice on the headdress. Muraco then started doing a mock war dance.

Crowd popped as Wahoo charged down the face aisle.

Wahoo hit the ring as Muraco continued to dance around in exaggerated fashion in the ring. Wahoo spun Muraco around and plastered Muraco with violent knife-edge chest chops. Muraco stunned. Wahoo then turned to his fists and drove Muraco next to the ropes. Wahoo reared back and caught Muraco with a huge uppercut. Muraco went head-over-heels over the top rope and crashed to the floor. Crowd roaring like an angry lion. Wahoo left for the floor and grabbed an empty folding steel chair from next to the timekeeper's table, folded it up. Muraco getting to his feet on the floor near the ring post. Wahoo swung the chair at Muraco's head but Muraco ducked the move and the chair slammed into the post and Wahoo lost control of the chair. Chair fell to the floor.

Wahoo spun around and Muraco poked Wahoo in the eyes. Wahoo fell against the ring apron grabbing his eyes. Muraco moved in with a series of head shots on Wahoo. Muraco grabbed the partially bent chair off the floor. Wahoo turned and moved away from the apron and Muraco went to hit Wahoo over the head with the chair but Wahoo managed to grab the chair and a struggle ensued for control of the weapon. After a brief struggle, Wahoo caught Muraco with a couple of gut kicks. Wahoo with control of the chair. Muraco had spun around and started to walk off. Ref calling for the bell to regain order but this is wrestling, so...

Wahoo slammed the chair across Muraco's back. Muraco staggered off. Wahoo struck Muraco again across the back with the chair. Wahoo stalking the stunned Muraco with the chair. Muraco wandered past the timekeeper's table and grabbed the bell and speared Wahoo in the gut with it.

Pedicino: This is out of control! Can we please get somebody out here to stop this!

Wahoo lost control of the chair and it crashed to the floor. Muraco tossed the ring bell and hammered away on Wahoo, slammed Wahoo's head into the timekeeper's table and threw Wahoo back into the ring. Muraco grabbed the chair off the floor.

Muraco quickly climbed back into the ring as a shaky Wahoo slowly made it to his feet as Muraco raised the chair over his head.

Wahoo up, and in a repeat of what happened to cost Wahoo the AWA World Championship at Christmas Chaos, Wahoo turned and Muraco sent the chair crashing down over the top of Wahoo's head. Wahoo crashed down to the mat. Muraco looked down at Wahoo and then turned and looked at the crowd as boos and some Reno trash hit the ring. Wahoo rolled over on his back and was now bloody as Muraco stood over him and raised the chair high in the air as the boos got even louder as the program ended.

In-studio: Nelson said comments from Wahoo and Muraco were coming up in the WR '91 Report.

Pic aired of Reggie Bennett with the caption: NEXT... NEXT WOMEN'S CHAMPION???


'Big' Reggie Bennett won a squash match over Princess Victoria via submission with her split-leg rear chinlock finisher

Bennett got a strong ovation coming to the ring.

Announcers heavily played up her title clash with Mimi at WR '91.

Pic aired of Jerry Lawler with the caption: NEXT... REF ROYALTY!!!



Larry Nelson was standing in front of the WrestleRock '91 logo with mic in hand. He was in a suit and tie.

Nelson: Fans, as you know, WrestleRock '91 is right around the corner.

And the main event is set.

Doctors have said Nikita Kol9off has made a miraculous recovery after having his face burned with a fireball by AWA World Champion Col. DeBeers in a World Title match several weeks ago.

Now, it has been ordered by the AWA Championship Committee.

At WrestleRock '91 on April 28th in San Francisco, Col. DeBeers will once again defend the AWA World Championship against Nikita Koloff.

Only this time there's a catch. The match will have a special referee.

And this man can handle trouble in the ring and that's why he was asked to be the referee for this huge match.

Jerry 'The King' Lawler, welcome back to the AWA.

Lawler walked into the picture and was dressed in street clothes.

Lawler: Great to be back, Larry.

Nelson: To say you're going to have your work cut out for you trying to keep order in the World Title match between the champion Col. DeBeers and Nikita Koloff is an understatement.

Lawler: It's not going to be an easy match to officiate. That's for certain. But if it was easy I wouldn't be here. I love a challenge and this is certainly a challenge.

Nelson: As you saw, Col. DeBeers burned Nikita with a fireball. It was a gruesome scene when it happened. How do you make sure a guy like DeBeers follows the rules in this match?

Lawler: DeBeers is out of control in my opinion. And this burning of Nikita is at the top of the list of the awful things he has done during his time in the AWA. DeBeers doesn't just like to hurt people. He also likes to try and maim them.

I can tell the fans out there that I am going to do everything in my power to make sure DeBeers wrestles within the rules.

I will be calling this match right down the middle and making sure the better man is the winner.

This will be...

Suddenly, DeBeers, in his camo gear and beret and carrying the title, stormed onto the set.

DeBeers: Lawler! Let's get something straight! I don't like you being the referee for this match! It's outrageous!

You should be...

Lawler: You're the one who burned a man with a massive fireball,.Colonel. You should be outraged at your own behavior.

DeBeers: What?! How dare you!

You being the ref clearly titts the match in Nikita's favor! Even a blind man like Stevie Wonder can see that! You're here, with the blessing of the championship committee, to screw me out of the title! That's the bottom line!

You say you're going to make sure the better man is the winner! Well, then you need to referee this match in a manner in which the better man does win! Got me?!

Lawler: I've got you. And if you're the better man at WrestleRock, then you will be the winner. But, the only way we can see if you're the better man is by stepping in the ring with Nikita and wrestling by the rules. Is that clear?

DeBeers: Crystal clear. You just do your damn job correctly, Lawler. And see to it the better man is the winner!

DeBeers stormed out of the interview area.

Lawler: This match is going to be refereed 100 percent fairly. I am going to try and make sure the match is clean. And the winner will be the better man that night.

And, as much as I hate the thought of it, if DeBeers is the better man, then I will raise his hand in victory and hand him back the World Title.

Nelson: That was Jerry Lawler, with an unexpected interruption by World Champion Col. DeBeers. He's the special referee for the AWA World Title clash between champion Col. DeBeers and Nikita Koloff at WrestleRock '91.

Pic aired of the WrestleRock '91 logo with the caption: NEXT... WRESTLEROCK REPORT!!!



Larry Nelson was sitting at the AWA studio desk with the WrestleRock '91 logo behind him.

Nelson: Hi, everybody.

I'm Larry Nelson.

Welcome to the third WrestleRock '91 report.

WrestleRock '91 comes to you on Sunday, April 28th at 8pm Eastern and 5pm Pacific.

The show will originate live from the legendary Cow Palace in San Francisco, California.

Tickets are now on sale and you if you want to be at the show in person, contact Ticket Master, call the Cow Palace box office at (415) 555-8989 or visit the Cow Palace box office in person to secure your seats for one of the biggest events in AWA history.

Can't be there in person? We have you covered.
WrestleRock '91 will be airing live on pay-per-view as well. Contact your local cable operator for more information on purchasing WrestleRock '91.

We have two new matches added to WrestleRock that we will tell you about later in this report.

But first, let's look at the seven big matches already signed for WrestleRock '91.

For the AWA World Championship, AWA World Champion Col. DeBeers will be defending the title against Nikita Koloff.

Doctors have said that Nikita is recovering much faster than others have after suffering burns when DeBeers burned him with a fireball in a previous World Title match between the two.

Doctors have said he will be ready to step back in the ring at WrestleRock.

Let's take a quick look at that burning once again.


DeBeers, back hurting, managed to climb out on the apron and mount the top buckle as Koloff got to his feet, Koloff turned and DeBeers came off with a double sledge to the top of the head try but Koloff countered with a clothesline that dropped DeBeers. Crowd popped. DeBeers rolled out on the apron. Koloff went to go after DeBeers but the ref intercepted Koloff and ordered him back. Koloff went to go after DeBeers again and the ref stopped him one more time. Koloff and the ref had heated words and were not paying attention as DeBeers climbed back in the ring between the top and middle rope. DeBeers on a knee quickly reached into his side pocket on his camo pants and pulled something out.

Pedicino: How did the ref miss that during the pat down?!

DeBeers rose to his feet. Koloff stopped arguing with the ref and turned and walked towards DeBeers when suddenly...

Pedicino: Fireball! Col. DeBeers just threw a massive fireball in Nikita's face!

Nikita went down grabbing his face and was rolling around on the mat in dire pain. Ref saw it and called for the bell.

Sam Houston (towel in hand), Jake Milliman, Greg Gagne and Tom Zenk all charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Sam immediately covered Nikita's face with the towel. DeBeers bailed to the floor, snatched the belt from Nelson's hand and power-walked back up the heel aisle. Crowd incensed. Sam and Zenk helped Koloff to his feet with Koloff's head covered as chaos reigned.


That video makes me wince every time I see it.

Now, let's hear from the AWA World Champion Col. DeBeers.


DeBeers was in his camo gear and beret with the World Title cradled in his left arm and a mic in his right hand and was standing in front of the WrestleRock '91 logo.

DeBeers: San Francisco. Where the women are women... and so are the men. Ha!

We are now just days away from my re-match with Nikita Koloff for the World Title at WrestleRock.

I keep hearing that Nikita has had this super speedy recovery from the burns that I inflicted upon him with that fireball in Las Vegas.

If his face is truly healing up so fast then why doesn't he show us? He doesn't show his face because his recovery isn't really going as well as we are told.

I wouldn't be surprised if he came out at WrestleRock and wrestled wearing a Ronald Reagan mask or something.

The reality is the damage I did is far worse than anyone is letting on.

The AWA Championship Committee has ordered this re-match between us.

And they've thrown Jerry Lawler in as the special referee.

It's obvious that the committee is doing everything it can to get the World Title off of me.

Well, when WrestleRock is over and the dust has settled, I am going to relish taking down America's favorite so-called American, Nikita Koloff.

I'm going to love having the belt handed back to me by that jabroni Lawler. As a matter of fact, I'm going to make him put the belt around my waist after I retain at WrestleRock.

The AWA Championship Committee, made up of sniveling, cowardly men in suits, will not be able to show their faces anywhere when I beat their Chosen One at WrestleRock '91 and the biggest prize in our sport remains firmly in my grasp!


No one from the AWA has seen Nikita since the burning. But, we keep hearing about a strong, fast recovery and we take the words of the doctors over Col. DeBeers on this matter.

Also on the card...

For the AWA Women's World Championship, will the third time be the charm for 'Big' Reggie Bennett?

She came oh-so-close at Christmas Chaos and Winter Warfare to de-throning AWA Women's World Champion Magnificent Mimi and now we'll see what happens when she and Mimi square off once more for the belt.

There's just one catch: Mimi's manager Valerie, Ken Patera and Tully Blanchard are all banned from ringside during the match.

Mimi's gonna have to get the job done with no outside help like she's had before against Reggie.

In a battle for the AWA World Tag Team Titles, champions Rip Oliver and the Grappler will defend in a re-match against the men they took the belts from a few months ago, Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton.

Can Haynes and Norton regain the belts? Or will the Pacific Northwest Alliance continue their run as tag team champs into the summer?

For the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship, the Trooper will be defending against the always unpredictable Cactus Jack.

Now, let's hear from the challenger and the champion.


Shot of Cactus Jack cooking burgers on a cheap grill.

Jack was in an open Hawaiian shirt, gym shorts and flip flops and had a swimming mask on top of his head.

Camera panned back and showed Jack by the water and there were two beach chairs set up.

It was sunny and warm.

Jack: It's a beautiful day here at Lake Mead about an hour outside of Vegas.

I am grilling up some hamburgers and I've got some potato salad on the side. The recipe is from my aunt, Cactus Jacqueline. We also have some beer to drink that I got a five-finger discount on at the store.

I'm here with my new best friend and we are just enjoying the day.

There's my best friend in his chair.

Camera panned over and it was the PWHC title belt.

Jack: People say I stole the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship belt from the Trooper.

Whether one thinks that or not, does it matter?

At WrestleRock, when I officially win this belt then the Trooper is never getting his hands on it again, anyway.

Jack turned to the title belt.

Jack: Hey, Heritage. I'm the only one who can call him that. You want your burger medium rare, right?

Shot of the belt just sitting in the chair.

Jack: Gotcha. Medium rare it is, my friend.

Most people can't wear their friends. But I can. And I am wearing him proudly. We are buds for life now. Can't wait to introduce him to the people at the institution. They'll love Heritage.

This match with the Trooper at WrestleRock '91 will simply be the official coronation of me as the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion.

Maybe after I defeat Trooper, he, myself and Heritage can all make amends and I can feed him one of my world-class burgers.

Lots of Smoke filled the air.

Jack: Oh no! They're burning!

Jack lifted Heritage's burger off the grill. It was charcoal black.

Jack: Heritage. How would you like an extra crispy sootburger?


Pic flipped and the Trooper, in his ring attire and police hat and sunglasses and holding a mic, was standing in front of the WrestleRock logo.

Trooper: Cactus Jack! If I was still an active cop you would be arrested for theft!

That title belongs to me because I'm the champion!

You can strut around with the belt on but that still does not make you the champion!

At WrestleRock '91, I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure that the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship belt is back in my hands when our match is over!

You're a wild and unpredictable man, Cactus! Some say you're crazy! But, I think you're a man who likes to play mind games with your opponents!

Trying to get inside my head won't work! I'm zeroed in on taking you down in our match!

You want to play games, pal?! Just remember, I can play mind games,.too! It's part of the job of being a police officer! It's all about sizing up who you're dealing with!

And I think I've got you sized up pretty well, Cactus!

That belt's comin' back to it's rightful owner on April 28th!


Strong words there from the Trooper. And Cactus Jack? What can you say? He is so out there mentally this may just be a game to get inside Trooper's head and have the Trooper make a costly mistake to lose the title to him at WrestleRock.

Also on the card, it's the AWA vs. WCW Challenge Series.

The first two matches in the series are...

Tom Zenk vs. Buzz Sawyer and Jonnie Stewart battles the wrestling legend Junkyard Dog.

Let's hear comments from the Dog and Mr. Stewart.


JYD was in street clothes with mic in hand standing in front of the WCW logo.

JYD: Jonnie Stewart. The Junkyard Dog is ready to come off his chain and take a bite out of you.

It's WrestleRock '91! The start of the AWA vs. WCW Challenge Series!

And I'm gonna big thump you on my way to a victory for WCW!

Pic flipped and Jonnie Stewart, in street clothes and holding a mic was standing in front of the AWA logo.

Jonnie: First of all, I want to say that the Junkyard Dog's mom and dad are guilty of bad parenting. Who in their right mind would name their kid the Junkyard Dog.

You're a legend in this sport, JYD. A true legend. You're known all around the globe. You've had great success in professional wrestling.

This will be one of the first matches of the AWA-WCW Challenge Series.

They say every dog has his day. But Sunday, April 28th in San Francisco will not be yours, pal.

And Junkyard Dog, I'm gonna score one for the AWA when I euthanize you in the ring at WrestleRock '91!


The AWA-WCW Challenge Series kicks off at WrestleRock '91 and it's gonna be two exciting matches. Which side will be the ultimate victors in the series?

In a match that promises to be a brutality-fest, it's Wahooo McDaniel vs. Don Muraco in a No Disqualification match.

This is a match that might not be for the faint of heart as the hatred between these two men is supper intense.

Let's hear first from Don Muraco and then his opponent Wahoo McDaniel.


Muraco was in street clothes and holding a mic and standing in front of the WrestleRock '91 logo.

Muraco: Wahoo, the time for talking is almost over.

It's gonna be a No Disqualification match between us!

Anything goes! The referee cannot stop the match unless there's a pinfall or submission!

And I am gonna enjoy battering the life right out of you!

Did you enjoy that chair shot to the head last week, Wahoo! Shades of what I did to you at Christmas Chaos!

And if I bash you over the head with a chair in this match the referee can do nothing... zip... about it!

And I promise you this, Chief! I'm gonna make you bleed and bleed and bleed! And then I'm going to put you down for the count!

You put yourself into this position! If you would have just listened to me and we would have re-formed our tag team and gone after those tag team titles then this match doesn't even happen!

But you were selfish! You were all about yourself when you were the World Heavyweight Champion! You tossed me aside like a broken toy!

Now, Wahoo, it's time to pay the piper! You're toast at WrestleRock '91!

Pic flipped and Wahoo was in street clothes and wearing a white bandage on his head. He had a mic and was standing in front of the WrestleRock '91 logo.

Wahoo: Things finally get resolved between me and Muraco at WrestleRock '91.

No Disqualification. We can tear into each other with a ferocity rarely seen in this sport!

You've cost me the World Title. You strangled me to near unconsciousness. You bashed me over the head with a chair and left me laid out and bleeding in the ring.

Now, it's my turn to give back what you've done to me, Muraco. This is payback time.

I can guarantee the fans that in this match there will be no mercy shown by either one of us because the hatred is that strong!

I'm coming into this match fueled by revenge! And I want to beat the living hell out of you!

It won't be easy! Nothing worthwhile ever is!

But paybacks are hell, Muraco, and I intend to put you through hell at WrestleRock!


It's looking like it could be the wildest No Disqualification match of all-time as Wahoo McDaniel battles Don Muraco at WrestleRock '91.

As mentioned at the beginning of the report, two more matches have been added to WrestleRock '91.

First, as you saw earlier in the program, the Latin Exchange, Manny Fernandez and Perro Aguyao, put out an open contract challenge for WrestleRock and Big Man, Incorporated, King Kong Bundy and Jerry Blackwell, answered the call.

Also, coach Dick Murdoch is coming out of retirement one more time, this time wrestling in a singles' match for the first time in years, as he squares off against Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine

We'll show you what happened to bring Murdoch back out of retirement on next week's WrestleRock '91 Report.


We're getting word that one more match could be added to this already loaded show.

Contract negotiations are underway as we speak and we'll let you know if a 10th match will be happening at WrestleRock '91.

And let's not forget the musical guests, the rock part of WrestleRock '91. It's Huey Lewis and the News!

Back In Time:

(Just pretend you hear the first 30-45 seconds on the program.)

Fans! WrestleRock '91 is just around the corner and it's already shaping up to be quite the rock and wrestling extravaganza.

Tickets are now on sale and if you want to be at the show in person, contact Ticket Master, call the Cow Palace box office at (415) 555-8989 or visit the Cow Palace box office in person to secure your seats for one of the biggest events in AWA history.

And the event is also airing live on pay-per-view. Get on the horn and contact your local cable operator and say: I want my WrestleRock '91!

Next week will be the final WrestleRock '91 Report before it all goes down on Sunday, April 28th, at 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific live from the historic Cow Palace in San Francisco!

I'm Larry nelson. See you next week.

plit-screen pic aired of Rip Oliver and Billy Jack Haynes with the caption: NEXT... BITTER ENEMIES!!!


In-studio: Nelson told fans that on all AWA programming next week they would be having a final debate between AWA World Champion Col. DeBeers and Nikita Koloff before they head into their title match at WrestleRock '91.

Then sent it back to the ring in Reno for the main event.

TV MAIN EVENT: Rip Oliver vs. Billy Jack Haynes

Oliver made his way down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Once in the ring, Oliver took the ring mic from Bischoff.

Oliver: Reno, Nevada.

You know why they call Reno the Biggest Little City in the World? Because it's the red-headed step-child to Las Vegas.

Crowd booed.

Oliver: Reno will always be an afterthought to Vegas. This is the place the trailer park set comes to because they can't afford to go to Sin City. This town is a dump.

This is a second-rate hole. I saw some guy walking around wearing a coon skin cap on the way to the arena. You'll never see that in Las Vegas. People with actual, you know, money, go down south.

How many of you blew your welfare checks in the casino? Hell, even the prostitutes here in Reno are low-grade trash. It would be an accomplishment to find someone who lives in Reno with all their teeth.

You are the type of fans that probably support Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton. They're low-brow and so are the people of this landfill called a city.

The Pacific Northwest Alliance is on a roll. And the reason me and Grappler are the tag team champions is because we're real men from a real part of the country in the Pacific Northwest.

We're proud to say we come from the Pacific Nortrhwest. Haynes and Norton are all out pieces of trash who....

Crowd popped as Billy Jack Haynes charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Oliver turned and saw Haynes and Haynes tore into Oliver with punches as the ref called for the bell.

Haynes hammered away on Oliver and then hoisted Oliver in the air and hit Oliver wiht a gorilla press slam. Haynes grabbed Oliver as Oliver was getting up and slammed Oliver's head into the top buckle. Oliver staggered off. Haynes clubbed Oliver from behind with a two-fisted back smash. Oliver hurting. Haynes popped Oliver with more punches, whipped Oliver into the buckles and charged in and nailed Oliver with a running clothesline. Oliver limp in the corner. Haynes tossed Oliver out of the corner with a beal throw. Oliver sat up in the ring and Haynes came up behind Olkiver, grabbed Oliver under the chin and popped Oliver with more punches to the side of the head. Haynes snapped Oliver up, whipped Oliver into the ropes and caught Oliver coming off with a high backdrop. Oliver slammed to the canvas, rolled out of the ring and crashed to the floor. Crowd cheering. Haynes went to go after Oliver on the floor but the ref intercepted Haynes and ordered him to stand back. Haynes obliged. Ref started the 10-count. Oliver made it to his feet on the floor. Haynes went over and reached down over the top rope and grabbed Oliver by the hair. Oliver reached in the ring and pulled Haynes' feet out from under him. Haynes crashed to the mat. Oliver grabbed Haynes and pulled Haynes down to the floor and threw Haynes into the ringside barricade. Haynes crumpled to the floor. Ref counting. Oliver with some kicks on the downed Haynes. Oliver snapped Haynes up, pulled Haynes away from the barricade and drove Haynes hard, back-first into the barricade. Haynes limp against the barricade. Oliver quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Oliver moved in with some punches on Haynes. Oliver peeled Haynes off the barricade and went to whip Haynes into the ring steps but Haynes reversed and sent Oliver crashing into the steps. Crowd popped. Ref counting. Haynes moved in and pulled Oliver off the floor and slammed Oliver's head into the top ring step three times. Oliver leaned over the steps. Haynes quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Haynes peeled Oliver off the top step and threw Oliver into the barricade. Haynes backed up and charged in on Oliver but Oliver moved and Haynes crashed into the barricade. Ref counting. Haynes leaned out over the barricade. Oliver slammed Haynes' head twice into the top of the barricade and threw Haynes back into the ring. Oliver followed Haynes back into the ring. Oliver mounted the top turnbuckle as Haynes got up. Oliver looked over at the crowd and said something to some hecklers and Haynes came over and press slammed Oliver off the top rope. Oliver crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Oliver to his feet and Haynes caught Oliver with a kick to the gut followed by a suplex. Haynes went for a leg drop that connected. Haynes for the cover. 1...2... Oliver kicked out. Haynes caught Oliver with some head shots and snapped Oliver to his feet. Haynes whipped Oliver into the ropes and looked to catch Oliver coming off with a high backdrop but Oliver instead dived down and nailed Haynes with a two-fisted back smash. Haynes snapped back and crashed to the mat. Oliver dropped down and started choking Haynes with both hands. Ref counting. Oliver broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Haynes rolled over on his side holding his throat and Oliver got in a few well placed stomps.

Oliver snapped Haynes up by the hair and slammed Haynes' head into the top buckle. Haynes spun around in the corner and Oliver started choking Haynes out with his boot and broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Oliver with a gut punch on Haynes. Oliver went to whip Haynes into the opposite buckles but Haynes reversed. Oliver crashed into the buckles and bounced out of the corner right into a big right from Haynes. The punch spun Oliver around. Haynes moved in behind Oliver and locked Oliver in his full nelson finisher. Crowd popped. Grappler charged down the heel aisle and jumped up on the apron. Ref went over and ordered Grap off but Grap had words with the ref. Haynes saw what was going on and tossed Oliver down to the mat. Haynes went over and started having words with Grap, Norton charged down the face aisle to cheers and grabbed Grap by the leg and attempted to pull Grap down. Grap grabbed the ref to keep from being pulled off the apron. Behind the chaos, Oliver snuck up behind Haynes and nailed Haynes with a low-blow. Oliver caught Haynes in a roll-up from behind just as Norton was able to yank Grap off the apron to the floor. Ref turned and saw Oliver pinning Haynes. Ref for the count. 1... Oliver grabbed a handful of tights. ...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed. Oliver released Haynes and got up and the ref raised his hand in victory. Oliver quickly bailed to the floor over by Grap as Norton climbed in the ring. Norton looked out at the champs before tending to Haynes just to show he has his priorities straight.

Oliver and Grap acting cocky on the floor as the program ended.

WINNER: Oliver - Pinfall - 7:24



Col. DeBeers (WC) def. Barry Windham after Tully Blanchard snuck down to the ring and handed DeBeers a foreign object through the cage while Windham was distracted with the downed ref. DeBeers KO'd Barry to score the pinfall victory - 17:39 - Both men bled

Scott Norton def. The Grappler via pinfall with his powerbomb finisher - 8:08

STREET FIGHT (NON-TITLE): The Trooper (PWHC) def. Bobby Jaggers via pinfall when he DDT'd Jaggers on a chair that Jaggers had brought into the ring earlier - 13:31 - Jaggers bled


(* The Lawlor Events Center would have had half of their 12,000 seats blocked off, thus cutting the arena in half. With a few hundred ringside/floor seats, this would have come within a few hundred of a sellout. Great turnout in Reno.)
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