AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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Raider Nation

Active Member
Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(4th Taping)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers to SLAM! wrestling and ran down the program.

TV MAIN EVENT: Sam Houston & Coach Dick Murdoch vs. Tully Blanchard & Ken Patera (w/ Val)

The first Winter Warfare Report

A look back at what went down between the Grappler and Scott Norton on last week's ASW

A look back at the end of the thrilling Women's Championship match that took place on last week's ASW between champ Mimi and Japanese challenger Harley Saito

A look back at the wild finish between Cactus Jack and Jerry Blackwell on SLAM! and what happened after the match

The Trooper sees action

And more! Nelson sent it to the ring in Las Vegas.

NON-TITLE: Col. DeBeers (WC) vs. Jim Powers

Powers was already in the ring and announced.

DeBeers made his way down the heel aisle to loud boos and some trash thrown in his direction. DeBeers had big silver around his waist.

Powers stunned the champ early, but DeBeers came back and took control of the match.

DeBeers hit Powers with his face-first piledriver finisher to score the 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and raised the World Champ's hand in victory.

WINNER: DeBeers - Pinfall - 3:15


Colonel, Wahoo has vowed to regain the World Championship in 1991. What are your thoughts on that?

Loud boos before DeBeers even spoke.

DeBeers: You foolish Americans can boo me all you like. But I am still the World Champion!

More boos and some trash.

DeBeers: Wahoo will only win the World Championship again in his dreams! He had his moment and then was defeated by the noble man.

Wahoo's a savage! Why would anyone want a savage to be the World Champion again?! I'm surprised he didn't sell the belt for some fire water and cheap smokes on the reservation!

Crowd getting angrier.

DeBeers: Bottom line: 1991 will not be the Year of the Savage! Wahoo can remember his run as World Champion because that's all he's got left!

DeBeers turned to leave the ring.

Nelson: Wait a minute, Colonel. Here comes Jim Crockett.

AWA promoter Jim Crockett made his way down the face aisle to the ring and climbed in.

DeBeers: Well, Crockett. Are you finally gonna congratulate me for winning the biggest prize in our sport?!

Crockett: Uh... no.

DeBeers: It figures. You're the typical American jackass, Crockett.

Crockett: I came out here because I have an announcement that involves you, Colonel.

At Winter Warfare, you will be defending the AWA World Championship.

DeBeers: Not surprising. Who am I facing? The Trooper? Jerry Lawler? Barry Windham?

Crockett: None of the above.

Col. DeBeers, you will be defending the AWA World Championship at Winter Warfare against Wahoo McDaniel.

Crowd popped.

DeBeers: Wahoo?!

Crockett: And the match will be an Indian strap match!

More crowd cheers.

DeBeers: What???!!! This is outrageous...

Crockett: You're outrageous. See you at Winter Warfare, Colonel.

Crockett left the ring as many in the crowd cheered.

Nelson: Wahoo has never lost an Indian strap match. And with the title on the line...

DeBeers: The AWA Championship Committee is determined to get the World Title off of me because they don't like me having it because I speak the truth!

Now they see fit to put me in a match where savagery is the rule against the savage who is the master of the match!

The AWA is conspiring against me to get the World Title off of me as fast as they can! I will not stand for it!

DeBeers stormed out of the ring as fans cheered his exit.

Video aired of the end of the Cactus-Blackwell match with the caption: NEXT... CONTROVERSY!!!


In-studio: Nelson told viewers that beginning Wednesday, February 6th, AWA SLAM! wrestling on ESPN would start airing at its new, regular time of 10pm ET and 7pm PT on Wednesdays.

Larry Nelson intro'd footage from the end of the match between Cactus and Blackwwell on last week's SLAM!.


# Jerry fell against the ropes regaining his bearings. Jack to his feet and moved in and looked to punch Jerry but Jerry blocked the punch try and caught Jack with another headbutt. Jack staggered. Jerry whipped Jack into the buckles and charged in and pulverized Jack with an avalanche. Jack limp in the corner as the fans cheered. Jerry pulled Jack out of the corner and bodyslammed Jack. Jerry mounted the middle buckle and came off with his diving splash finisher but Jack got his knees up and Jerry crashed into them. Jerry rolled over on his back. Jack up and nailed Jerry with a running elbow smash. Jack for the cover. 1...2... Jerry got his foot on the bottom rope. ...3! Ref up and turned and called for the bell. Fans yelling that Blackwell's foot was on the bottom rope. Ref raised Jack's hand in victory.

Jack strutted around the ring victoriously. Crowd popped as Barry Windham charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Barry started talking to the ref and gestured that Jerry had his foot on the bottom rope. Ref pointed at his eyes and shook his 'no', that he didn't see the foot. As Barry talked with the ref, Jack came over and had some words with Barry. Jack was overheard telling Barry to mind his own business. After a little more back-and-forth off-mic, Jack turned to leave and Barry made the mistake of taking his eyes off Jack. Jack clubbed Barry in the back. Barry stumbled forward and spun around. Jack caught Barry with some punches and then nailed Barry with a discus clothesline. Barry crashed to the mat. Jack grabbed Barry and dragged Barry into the corner. Jack dropped to the floor, grabbed Barry's legs and pulled them around the ring post. Jack yanked Barry's legs and Barry's nuts slammed into the post. Barry in tremendous pain. Jack prepared to repeat the nut cracker until some face wrestlers charged out of their locker room and chased Jack off. Wrestlers checking on the hurting Barry.


Nelson said they'd have comments from Jack and Windham on next week's show.

Video aired from the end of the match between the Grappler and Scott Norton: NEXT... LONG-SIMMERING HATE!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update

In-studio: Nelson intro'd footage from the end of last week's match from ASW between the Grappler and Scott Norton.


# Norton looked like he was gonna do a fist drop to the gut when he came off the top buckle but Grap got his foot up and Norton slammed face-first into it and crashed to the mat. Both men down. Ref counting. Grappler up and left the ring and grabbed the tag belt off the timekeeper's table. Norton getting up in the ring. Grap hit the ring and slammed Norton across the face with the belt. Ref called for the bell. Grap started stomping away on Norton. Rip Oliver charged down the heel aisle and hit the ring and joined in the stomping parade. Oliver gestured for the title and Grap handed it to him. Oliver started whipping Norton with the belt. Crowd popped as Billy Jack Haynes charged down the face aisle with his belt in tow and hit the ring. Haynes blasted Oliver in the side of the head with his belt and Oliver crashed to the mat and lost control of the title belt he was using to whip Norton. Ref again called for the bell. Haynes started whipping Oliver with his title belt. Grap grabbed the other belt as Norton was still down from the attack. Haynes whipped Oliver a few times and then turned and...

Grap blasted Haynes across the face with Norton's title strap. Haynes crumpled to the mat. Oliver had recovered enough and stomped Norton in the head. Haynes rolled over on his side and was now bleeding.

Face wrestlers charged down the face aisle and hit the ring and Oliver and Grap bailed to the floor... and they had the tag team titles with them.

The pair slung the belts over their shoulders, turned and headed back up the heel aisle as the program ended.


Nelson said the belts were returned to the champs when AWA officials threatened Oliver and Grappler with fines for every day they did not return the belts.

Pic aired of the Trooper with the caption: NEXT... NEXT CHAMPION???

Trooper won a squash match over Vernon Deaton via pinfall when he hit Deaton with his flying shoulder tackle finisher

Trooper got a strong ovation from the fans coming down the face aisle. Trooper handed out little souvenir speeding tickets on the way to the ring.


Trooper, you are really at the top of your game right now. Another shot at the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship can't be too far in the offing.

Trooper: I have dedicated 1991 to try and win that title from Valentine, Larry. I know that my chance will come.

I've had Valentine on the ropes before with the belt on the line. AWA officials have to believe that I can get the job done and end Valentine's reign.

Crowd cheered.

Trooper: Greg Valentine has been the champion for almost a year now. I give him credit. He has taken on all comers and has walked out of the ring every time with the belt still in hand.

But, there comes a time when even the best lose in sports.

This is...

Crowd booed as Valentine, belt slung over his shoulder, made his way down the heel aisle and stepped in the ring.

Valentine: Trooper! We are standing a foot apart from one another! This is as close to the title as your gonna get, pal!

Your quest in 1991 will be an epic failure! The Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship is staying right her with me! You got that?!

Trooper: I've shown everyone I have what it takes to be the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion, Valentine! These people out here, they know I can get the job done! I have pushed you to the limit before and I will do it again!

Fans cheered.

Valentine: These people out here know you can beat me, huh? These people know absolutely nothing about this sport! They just pay their money and sit on their butts, get drunk and watch the professionals at work!

These people who you love so damn much will do nothing for you, Trooper! YOU have to beat ME! The fans opinions don't mean anything! They're marks! They can root for you all they want and it don't mean a thing! They're not gonna help you win! You have to beat me on your own!

Trooper: I can do ti! Just give me another shot at that belt, Valentine! I'll finish the job this time!

Valentine: 1991 will be remembered for two things. The Trooper's failure to win the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship. And Greg Valentine cementing his status even more as the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion. This conversation is over.

Valentine turned and left the ring and headed back up the heel aisle to boos as the Trooper looked on.

Video aired from the Mimi-Saito Women's Title match with the caption: NEXT... ALMOST THE EX-CHAMP!!!


In-studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage from last week's exciting Women's World Title match between champ Mimi and All-Japan star Harley Saito.


# Saito held on to Mimi and got up and hit Mimi with another German suplex. Saito released Mimi. Mimi in a bad way. Saito snapped Mimi up in the double chicken wing positiion and blasted Mimi with a tiger suplex into a bridgeout for the pin. Crowd popped. 1...2...3! NO! Mimi somehow managed to kick out. Crowd loud groan. Saito slammed the mat in frustration. Saito reached down and started to pull Mimi up when Mimi caught Saito with a trio of gut punches and pulled Saito's legs out from under her. Saito crashed to the mat. Mimi positioned Saito in the ring and went for the cover. 1... Mimi placed her feet on the middle rope. ...2...thr... Ref looked over and ordered MImi to remove her feet from the middle rope. Mimi did and Saito caught Mimi in a small package for the pin. 1...2...thr... Mimi kicked out.

David Crockett: Say what you will about Mimi's tactics! But she has the fight of a champion!

Both women up and Mimi stunned Saito with a kick to the gut and went to hoist Saito up for her sitout powerbomb finisher but Saito sat up on Mimi's shoulders. Saito caught Mimi with a series of head shots and Mimi lost her balance and crashed to the mat with Saito on top of her. Saito reached back and hooked Mimi's legs for the pin. 1...2...3! NO! Mimi somehow kicked out again.

Reynolds: Maybe we should call her Mimi Houdini!

Saito grabbed Mimi and went to whip Mimi into the ropes but Mimi grabbed Saito around the waist, lifted her off the ground took a couple of steps back, dropped down and sent Saito slamming head first into the top buckle. Saito staggered back and crashed to the mat. Mimi fell against the ropes and was regaining her bearings. Saito slow to get to her feet bent over. Mimi moved in with a running knee lift to the chest that sent Saito snapping back and crashing to the mat. Mimi moved in and grabbed Saito, hoisted Saito up and found the strength to hit Saito with her sitout powerbomb finisher. Mimi for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed. An exhausted Mimi let go of Saito and dropped to her back on the mat from the sitout position.

Ref went over and talked to Larry Nelson on the ring apron and took the title. Valerie climbed in the ring and helped her client to her feet and hugged the champ. Ref handed Mimi the belt and raised her hand in victory.

Nelson: In a time of 10 minutes, 36 seconds, your winner... and STILL AWA Women's World Champion... Magnificent Mimi!

Val and Mimi remained in the ring as Mimi shook out the effects of the match and both were facing the hard camera, crowd popped as 'Big' Reggie Bennett made her way down the face aisle and climbed in the ring behind the victorious pair. Reg stood behind them for a few seconds and then tapped the champ on the shoulder. Mimi ignored it and waved Reg off. Reg did the shoulder tap on Mimi again and this time an irritated Mimi spun around, saw Reg and stumbled back and dropped to her ass on the mat and quickly left the ring and Val joined Mimi on the floor. Reg just kept a laser-like focus on the pair from the ring as the segment ended.


Pic aired of the Winter Warfare logo with the caption: NEXT... WARFARE REPORT!!!



Larry Nelson was seated behind the studio desk in front of the AWA logo.

Nelson: Welcome to the first Winter Warfare update. I'm Larry Nelson.

Winter Warfare will be airing live on ESPN on Tuesday, February 19th with a start time of 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific.

The show will be coming to you from the Icardo Center on the Cal State-Bakersfield campus.

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticket Master or by calling the Icardo Center box office at (805) 867-5309 or by visiting the Icardo Center box office in person. Tickets are on sale now.

Well, as you saw earlier in the program, the main event is set for Winter Warfare.

Col. DeBeers will be defending the AWA World Championship against former champion 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel... in an Indian strap match!

The Indian strap match is Wahoo's specialty. He's the master of it. And, the most important thing to keep in mind... Wahoo has never lost an Indian strap match.

On February 19th, we could be looking at the end of Col. DeBeers' run as World Champion.

We'll announce more big matches in the weeks to come. Winter Warfare is already looking like it's gonna be a huge show.

See you with a new update next week.


Pic aired of the SLAM! logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!


In-studio: Nelson told viewers that beginning Wednesday, February 6th, AWA SLAM! wrestling on ESPN would start airing at its new, regular time of 10pm ET and 7pm PT.

TV MAIN EVENT: Tully Blanchard & Ken Patera (w/ Valerie) vs. Dick Murdoch & Sam Houston

Tully, Ken and Val made their way down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had some fans.

Sam and Dick made their way down the face aisle to a good ovation.

Ref called for the bell.

Tully and Sam started for their teams. The to men circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Tully, after a brief struggle, was able to catch Sam in a hammerlock. Tully cinched up on the hold. Sam caught Tully with an elbow strike to the side of the head and reversed and caught Tully in a hammerlock. Sam drove Tully to the mat in the hold and cranked on the hammerlock as Tully winced in pain. Sam then hit a series of swinging knees into Tully's arm, released the hold and mussed Tully's hair. Tully shot to his feet holding his left arm angrily glaring at Sam. Tully turned and tagged in Patera. Patera, now sporting his heel bleach blond hair, stepped in the ring. Patera walked up to Sam and flexed his muscles to mainly boos. Sam, responded by dropkicking Patera. Patera crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Sam snapped Patera up and went to whip Patera into the ropes but Patera reversed and looked to catch Sam coming off with a clothesline but Sam ducked the move and back with a flying crossbody but Patera caught Sam, held Sam for a moment in the horizontal position and blasted Sam with a spinning powerslam. Patera shot to his feet. Patera walked over and spat at Murdoch. Murdoch started to climb in the ring to go after Patera but the ref intercepted Murdoch. Sam rolled over on his side and Patera moved in and stomped Sam with three deliberate stomps. Patera picked Sam up, whipped Sam into the ropes and blasted Sam coming off with a vicious clothesline. Sam crashed to the mat. Patera did some jumping jacks over the downed Sam as the crowd booed. Patera picked Sam up and whipped Sam into the heel's corner. Patera nailed Sam with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut and tagged in Tully. Tully in and nailed Sam with knees to the gut followed by a series of elbows to the top of the head. Sam in a bad way. Tully pulled Sam out of the corner, whipped Sam into the ropes and caught Sam coming off with a knee to the gut. Sam crashed to the mat. Tully stomped on Sam and then picked Sam up and bodyslammed Sam. Tully with a series of rapid-fire elbow smashes. Tully for the cover. 1...2...thr... Sam got a shoulder up. Crowd cheered. Tully snapped Sam up and prepared to hit Sam with his slingshot suplex but Sam twice blocked the move and and suplexed Tully to the mat. Sam up and turned to make a tag in the wrong direction and then turned to make a tag to Murdoch, Tully up and tackled Sam from behind. Sam rolled over on his back and Tully blasted Sam with a series of head shots. Murdoch hit the ring and kneed Tully in the side of the head. Patera hit the ring to got after Murdoch but the ref was able to get in between the two before anything happened. Both men back to their corners. Sam up and again slowly moved in his team's direction to make the tag. Just before Sam got close enough to tag in Murdoch, Tully dived over and grabbed Sam's leg. Tully was able to pull Sam down. Tully up and briefly mocked Murdoch. Tully grabbed Sam and started dragging Sam's face across the mat. Tully broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Tully snapped Sam up, whipped Sam into the ropes and went for a backdrop but Sam leapfrogged Tully, dived over and tagged in Murdoch. Crowd popped. Murdoch in and he and Tully engaged in a wild punch exchange. Murdoch gained the advantage, whipped Tully into the ropes and caught Tully coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Tully stumbled back. Murdoch with a series of bionic elbows to the top of the head. Patera hit the ring and Murdoch blasted him with series of bionic elbows to the top of the head as the crowd loved it. Murdoch then slammed Tully's and Ken's heads together. Patera fell back against the ropes and left the ring on shaky legs. Murdoch caught the stunned Tully in a small package for the pin. 1...2... Tully kicked out.

Murdoch snapped Tully up and slammed Tully's head into the top buckle. Murdoch hit Tully with some punches and then Tully stunned Murdoch with a knee to the groin. Murdoch stumbled back. Ref reprimanded Tully. Tully moved in and struck Murdoch with a couple of punches and whipped Murdoch into the ropes and caught Murdoch coming off with a high backdrop. Murdoch slammed to the mat. Murdoch getting up bent over and Tully dived over and slammed Murdoch with a double sledge to the back. Murdoch to a knee. Tully grabbed Murdoch and drove Murdoch into the heel's corner. Tully with more punches on Murdoch. Tully then went over and showed true class when he flipped off Sam. Sam went to get in the ring to go after Tully but the ref intercepted him. As Sam had words with the ref, Patera strangled Murdoch with the tag rope. Tully came over and goaded Sam and Sam tried to go after Tully again but the ref kept Sam at bay. Because of Sam's face stupidity, it allowed Patera to keep strangling Murdoch with the tag rope. Tully threw his hands in the air like nothing was happening and backed off. Patera stopped strangling Murdoch just before the ref turned around. Tully hit Murdoch with a gut shot and tagged in Patera. Patera caught Murdoch with a trio of forearms shivers to the side of the head. Patera whipped Murdoch into the opposite buckles. Patera charged in and went to hit Murdoch with a running shoulder block to the gut but Murdoch moved and Patera slammed shoulder-first into the post and then fell out of the ring to the floor. Murdoch fell on his ass in the ring. Ref counting. Count growing and Patera to his feet on the floor. Val urging Ken to get his arse back in the ring. Patera rolled in under the bottom rope just before the 10-count. Crowd buzzing. Both men up and Patera went to eye poke Murdoch but Murdoch stuck his hand up sideways over his nose to block the poke try (think Curly of the Three Stooges). Murdoch then poked Patera in the eyes to the delight of the crowd. Murdoch fired away on Patera with bionic elbows to the top of the head. Murodch grabbed Patera and drove Patera hard into the buckles. Murdoch with a couple of quick jabs. Murdoch maneuvered around behind Patera, mounted the middle buckle, placed his knee in Patera's back and hit Patera with the calf branding (driving knee to the back from the middle rope that sends the opponent crashing face-first down to the mat.) Murdoch turned Patera over and went for the cover. 1...2...thr... Tully hit the ring and stomped Murdoch in the back to break up the pin try. Tully back to his corner. Both men up and Patera clubbed Murdoch with a series of forearms to the chest. Patera picked up Murdoch and bodyslammed Murdoch. Patera with an elbow smash and then the cover. 1..2... Murdoch kicked out. Crowd cheered. Patera raked his boot laces across Murdoch's face and then snapped Murdoch up and whipped Murdoch into the corner. Patera backed up went for another running shoulder block to the gut that connected. Murdoch stumbled out of the corner and crashed to the mat holding his gut. Patera took the down time to do jumping jacks in the ring to more boos. Murdoch got to his knees and Patera slapped Murdoch hard across the face. Sam hit the ring and struck Patera with a couple of punches before the ref intervened and ordered Sam back to his corner. As the ref got Sam out of the ring, Patera snapped up Murdoch and threw Murdoch over the top rope out of the ring. Murdoch crashed to the floor. Crowd beside itself. Tully dropped off the apron and got a few well-placed stomps in on Murdoch. Tully making it back to his corner as the ref got Sam out on the apron and turned back to the action. Patera ignored the ref order to stand back and left the ring and dropped to the floor. Murdoch getting up next to the apron. Patera clubbed Murdoch across the back and then grabbed Murdoch around the waist and rammed Murdoch back-first into the ring apron a couple of times. Murdoch in a real bad way. Ref counting. Patera threw Murdoch back into the ring. Patera climbed in and took a moment to strike a bodybuilder pose in the ring.

Pedicino: Dick's got a lot of heart. But I don't know how much more of this he can take from Tully and Patera.

Patera was lightly tapping his boot into the top of Murdoch's head and yelling for him to get up. Crowd urging on Dick. Patera pulled Dick up and went to whip Dick into the ropes but Murdoch reversed and caught Patera coming off with an inverted atomic drop. Crowd popped. Patera crashed to the mat... and so did Murdoch. Ref counting. Both men to their feet and Patera got up facing away from Murdoch. Murdoch came up behind Patera, grabbed Patera around the waist and ran the big man into the ropes for a roll-up from behind for the pin. 1...2... Tully hit the ring and broke up the pin try with a vicious running clothesline. Murdoch crashed to the mat. Tully started to do a strut in the ring when Sam hit the ring behind Tully, charged up behind him and nailed Tully with a running bulldog. Crowd exploded. Ref getting Sam back to his corner. Tully down by the ropes. Patera snapped up Murdoch and caught Murdoch in a bearhug. Murdoch trying not to submit. Patera cinched up on the hold. Murdoch then popped Patera with an elbow to the top of the head. Murdoch repeated the move. Murdoch repeated the move a third time and Patera lost his grip on the hold. Murdoch continued with the bionic elbows to the top of the head in rapid-fire fashion. Murdoch whipped Patera into the face team's corner and tagged in Sam. Crowd into it. Tully now sitting up on the apron and Val was talking to him. Sam in and nailed Paterta with punches. Sam whipped Patera into the opposite buckles and charged in popped Ken with a flying dropkick. Sam then mounted the middle buckle over Ken and popped Ken in the head with a series of punches as the crowd counted along. Sam dropped back to the mat, grabbed Patera in a side headlock and tried to hit Patera with his running bulldog finisher but Patera shoved Sam off and Sam crashed to the mat. Patera up as Sam was getting up and kicked Sam in the chest. Sam fell back against the ropes. Ken tagged in Tully. Tully charged in and nailed Sam with punches and knees to the gut. Tully suplexed Sam and and hit Sam with a delayed knee drop. Tully for the cover. 1...2.. Sam kicked out. Tully with a couple of head shots on Sam. Tully pulled Sam up and went to piledrive Sam but Sam twice blocked the move. Murdoch hit the ring and repaid Tully for the earlier clothesline with a running clothesline of his own. Tully crashed to the mat as the crowd was loving it. Patera hit the ring and he and Murdoch exchanged blows. Ref trying to re-store order. Sam snapped Tully up and bodyslammed Tully. Sam went out on the apron and mounted the top rope. Sam came off with a leg drop but Tully rolled out of the way and Sam crashed to the mat. Patera and Murdoch back to their corners. Tully and Sam down. Ref counting. Tully up and Sam getting up. Tully with a knee lift on Sam.Sam fell back against the ropes. Tully whipped Sam into the ropes and caught Sam coming off with a clothesline. Sam crashed to the mat. Tully reached down and started to pull Sam up when Sam caught Tully with gut punches. Sam rose to his feet and, learning from his teacher, popped Tully with a series of bionic elbows to the top of the head to the delight of the crowd. Tully staggered. Sam whipped Tully into the face team's corner and caught Tully with some kicks to the gut and tagged in Murdoch. Murdoch hit the ring and popped Tully with forearms to the chest. Tully staggered out by the ropes. Murdoch clubbed Tully in the back. Murdoch whipped Tully into the ropes and caught Tully coming off with a kick to the gut. Murdoch caught Tully in a front facelock.

Pedicino: He's goin' for the brainbuster!

Murdoch tried twice to snap Tully up in the his finisher, but Tully was able to maneuver over by the ropes and drape his leg out over the middle rope to force a break. Tully went to punch Murdoch and Murdoch blocked the punch try and hit Tully with a bionic elbow to the top of the head. Tully stunned. Murdoch whipped Tully into the ropes and looked to catch Tully coming off with a backdrop but Tully kicked Murdoch in the chest instead. Murdoch snapped back and crashed to the mat. Tully snapped Murdoch up and blasted Murdoch with his slingshot suplex finisher. Tully for the cover. 1...2... Sam tried to make the save but Patera cut him off and threw Sam back into his team's corner. ...3! Ref called for the bell as most of the crowd booed but some cheered. Tully up and the ref raised his and Patera's hand in victory as Val climbed in the ring to congratulate her men.

WINNER: Tully & Patera - Pinfall - 13:21

(A commercial break would have aired during the match, so the actual airtime on TV would have been around 10:20.)



Col. DeBeers (WC) and Wahoo McDaniel fought to a Double DQ - 8:07

The Trooper def. Cactus Jack via pinfall with his flying shoulder tackle finisher - 11:23

Nikita Koloff def. Tully Blanchard via pinfall after Patera's interference backfired - 16:16




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Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(4th Taping)

(# Aired on previous AWA program.)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson.

Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

Greg Valentine (PWHC) vs. Dustin Rhodes (from USWA)

The first Winter Warfare update

A look back at the end of the thrilling Women's Championship match that took place on last week's ASW between champ Mimi and Japanese challenger Harley Saito

A look back at the wild finish between Cactus Jack and Jerry Blackwell on SLAM! and what happened after the match

Former AWA World Champion Wahoo McDaniel wrestles

Tina Moretti sees action

And more!

Nelson then intro'd video from AWA on ESPN from a couple of weeks ago from the end of a match between Ken Patera and Kenny Omega,


# After the match, Patera snapped up Omega and nailed him with another full nelson slam. Ref tried to stop Patera but Patera grabbed Omega and nailed him with another post-match full nelson slam. Rheingans charged down the face aisle to a good response. Rheingans was carrying a 2x4, hit the ring and went to strike Patera with the 2x4 but Patera bailed to the floor just before Brad could hit him with the 2x4. Brad looking on from the ring as Patera looked up at him. Patera wanted to get back in the ring but Val stopped him and the two men continued glaring at one another as the segment ended.


Ken Paterta (w/ Valerie) won a squash match over Nelson Royal via pinfall with his full nelson slam finisher

Patera and Val came down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had their fans.


Ken Patera, recently you took liberties with a wrestler named Kenny Omega after you beat him and then Brad Rheingans hit the ring with a board and you just barely escaped being clocked with that 2x4.

Patera: First off, what the hell kind of wrestling name is Kenny Omega? That's a clown name.

Also, did you see how he wrestled?

Eric: I did. He's a little different.

Ken: A little different? Did you see some of the nonsense he tried to do. His style of wrestling is a crime against decency.

As for Brad Rheingans. Well, if Brad wants to play rough, then we can play rough.

Brad and I had a good run as a tag team. But, I made a business decision because at the end of the day this sport is a business.

Brad was stupid for not coming to work for Valerie and we could have been even better under her tutelage.

But, Brad made his decision and I made mine.

Brad, you know right where to find me. I don't hide.

You fight like they did on the Flintstones and hit each other over the head with clubs or boards or whatever, well, I'm game. I'll fight you any way you want it.

Val: You are looking at a man who is major championship material. Ken Patera will one day very soon have a beautiful championship belt around his waist; and so will Tully.

The grand plans we have are unfolding nicely here in early '91. It will be a big year for us.

Video aired from the end of the Cactus Jack-Jerry Blackwell match with the caption: NEXT... CACTUS CHAOS!


In-studio: Nelson told viewers that beginning Wednesday, February 6th, AWA SLAM! wrestling on ESPN would start airing at its new, regular time of 10pm ET and 7pm PT.

Larry Nelson intro'd footage from the end of the match between Cactus and Blackwell on last week's SLAM!.


#Jerry fell against the ropes regaining his bearings. Jack to his feet and moved in and looked to punch Jerry but Jerry blocked the punch try and caught Jack with another headbutt. Jack staggered. Jerry whipped Jack into the buckles and charged in and pulverized Jack with an avalanche. Jack limp in the corner as the fans cheered. Jerry pulled Jack out of the corner and bodyslammed Jack. Jerry mounted the middle buckle and came off with his diving splash finisher but Jack got his knees up and Jerry crashed into them. Jerry rolled over on his back. Jack up and nailed Jerry with a running elbow smash. Jack for the cover. 1...2... Jerry got his foot on the bottom rope. ...3! Ref up and turned and called for the bell. Fans yelling that Blackwell's foot was on the bottom rope. Ref raised Jack's hand in victory.

Jack strutted around the ring victoriously. Crowd popped as Barry Windham charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Barry started talking to the ref and gestured that Jerry had his foot on the bottom rope. Ref pointed at his eyes and shook his 'no', that he didn't see the foot. As Barry talked with the ref, Jack came over and had some words with Barry. Jack was overheard telling Barry to mind his own business. After a little more back-and-forth off-mic, Jack turned to leave and Barry made the mistake of taking his eyes off Jack. Jack clubbed Barry in the back. Barry stumbled forward and spun around. Jack caught Barry with some punches and then nailed Barry with a discus clothesline. Barry crashed to the mat. Jack grabbed Barry and dragged Barry into the corner. Jack dropped to the floor, grabbed Barry's legs and pulled them around the ring post. Jack yanked Barry's legs and Barry's nuts slammed into the post. Barry in tremendous pain. Jack prepared to repeat the nut cracker until some face wrestlers charged out of their locker room and chased Jack off. Wrestlers checking on the hurting Barry.


Nelson said that comments from Windham and Jack were coming next week.

Pic aired of Tina Moretti with the caption: NEXT... TINA'S TURN!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

Tina Moretti won a squash match over Velvet McIntyre via pinfall with her Samoan piledriver

Moretti was cheered coming down the face aisle.

Nelson said things were heating up in the women's division and Mimi's reign may be in serious jeopardy.

Video aired from the Mimi Women's title defense against Japanese star Harley Saito with the caption: NEXT... MIMI ON THE BRINK???


In-studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage from last week's exciting Women's World Title match between champ Mimi and All-Japan star Harley Saito.


# Saito held on to Mimi and got up and hit Mimi with another German suplex. Saito released Mimi. Mimi in a bad way. Saito snapped Mimi up in the double chicken wing position and blasted Mimi with a tiger suplex into a bridgeout for the pin. Crowd popped. 1...2...3! NO! Mimi somehow managed to kick out. Crowd loud groan. Saito slammed the mat in frustration. Saito reached down and started to pull Mimi up when Mimi caught Saito with a trio of gut punches and pulled Saito's legs out from under her. Saito crashed to the mat. Mimi positioned Saito in the ring and went for the cover. 1... Mimi placed her feet on the middle rope. ...2...thr... Ref looked over and ordered MImi to remove her feet from the middle rope. Mimi did and Saito caught Mimi in a small package for the pin. 1...2...thr... Mimi kicked out.

David Crockett:
Say what you will about Mimi's tactics! But she has the fight of a champion!

Both women up and Mimi stunned Saito with a kick to the gut and went to hoist Saito up for her sitout powerbomb finisher but Saito shifted her upper body. Saito caught Mimi with a series of head shots and Mimi lost her balance and crashed to the mat with Saito on top of her. Saito reached back and hooked Mimi's legs for the pin. 1...2...3! NO! Mimi somehow kicked out again.

Reynolds: Maybe we should call her Mimi Houdini!

Saito grabbed Mimi and went to whip Mimi into the ropes but Mimi grabbed Saito around the waist, lifted her off the ground took a couple of steps back, dropped down and sent Saito slamming head first into the top buckle. Saito staggered back and crashed to the mat. Mimi fell against the ropes and was regaining her bearings. Saito slow to get to her feet bent over. Mimi moved in with a running knee lift to the chest that sent Saito snapping back and crashing to the mat. Mimi moved in and grabbed Saito, hoisted Saito up and found the strength to hit Saito with her sitout powerbomb finisher. Mimi for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed. An exhausted Mimi let go of Saito and dropped to her back on the mat from the sitout position.

Ref went over and talked to Larry Nelson on the ring apron and took the title. Valerie climbed in the ring and helped her client to her feet and hugged the champ. Ref handed Mimi the belt and raised her hand in victory.

Nelson: In a time of 10 minutes, 36 seconds, your winner... and STILL AWA Women's World Champion... Magnificent Mimi!

Val and Mimi remained in the ring as Mimi shook out the effects of the match and both were facing the hard camera, crowd popped as 'Big' Reggie Bennett made her way down the face aisle and climbed in the ring behind the victorious pair. Reg stood behind them for a few seconds and then tapped the champ on the shoulder. Mimi ignored it and waved Reg off. Reg did the shoulder tap on Mimi again and this time an irritated Mimi spun around, saw Reg and stumbled back and dropped to her ass on the mat and quickly left the ring and Val joined Mimi on the floor. Reg just kept a laser-like focus on the pair from the ring as the segment ended.


Pic aired of Wahoo McDaniel with the caption: NEXT... THE CHIEF!!!

Wahoo McDaniel won a squash match over Gary Young via pinfall with his big chop finisher

Wahoo got a good ovation coming down the face aisle.

Nelson talked about Wahoo having a two-fold quest. Regaining the AWA World Title from Col. DeBeers and exacting a measure of revenge against former tag team partner Don Muraco for his role in causing Wahoo to lose the title to Col. DeBeers.

Pic aired of the Winter Warfare logo with the caption: NEXT... WINTER WARFARE UPDATE!!!



# Larry Nelson was seated behind the studio desk in front of the AWA logo.

Nelson: Welcome to the first Winter Warfare update. I'm Larry Nelson.

Winter Warfare will be airing live on ESPN on Tuesday, February 19th with a start time of 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific.

The show will be coming to you from the Icardo Center on the Cal State-Bakersfield campus in Bakersfield, California.

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticket Master or by calling the Icardo Center box office at (805) 867-5309 or by visiting the Icardo Center box office in person.

Well, as you saw earlier in the program, the main event is set for Winter Warfare.

Col. DeBeers will be defending the AWA World Championship against former champion 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel... in an Indian strap match!

The Indian strap match is Wahoo's specialty. He's the master of it. And, the most important thing to keep in mind... Wahoo has never lost an Indian strap match.

On February 19th, we could be looking at the end of Col. DeBeers' run as World Champion.

We'll announce more big matches in the weeks to come. Winter Warfare is already looking like it's gonna be a huge show.

See you with a new update next week.


Pic aired of the PWHC belt with the caption: NEXT... FOR THE TITLE!!!

Nelson told viewers that beginning Wednesday, February 6th, AWA SLAM! wrestling on ESPN would start airing at its new, regular time of 10pm ET and 7pm PT.

Greg Valentine (PWHC) vs. Dustin Rhodes (From USWA)

Rhodes made his way down the face aisle to a good ovation as fans recognized him from his NWA days.

Valentine made his way down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had his fans.

Bischoff said the match was one-fall with TV time remaining.

Nelson did the pre-match introductions.

Bischoff climbed in the ring and took the mic from Eric Bischoff.

Dustin Rhodes. Son of the wrestling legend the 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes.

The only reason you're getting this title shot tonight is because of your wrestling pedigree.

But, that pedigree's not gonna matter when the bell rings! Unlike your father, you're not gonna leave this ring a champion!

Crowd booed.

Valentine: The Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship is staying right where it is!

And Dustin, there's no shame in not winning! It just means you're the first loser!

More boos.

Ref took the title from Valentine and held it up for all to see before handing it off to Eric Bischoff.

Ref called the two men out to the center of the ring and laid down the rules and patted each man down.

Ref sent each man back to his corner, called for the bell and it was on.

The two men came out of their corners and Valentine caught Dustin with a kick to the gut and a trio of elbows to the back of the neck. Dustin dropped to a knee. Valentine snapped Dustin up and nailed Dustin with a suplex. Valentine hit an elbow smash on Dustin and went for the pin. 1... Dustin kicked out. Valentine up and stomped away on Dustin. Valentine snapped Dustin up and whipped Dustin into the ropes and caught Dustin coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Dustin fell back against the ropes. Valentine caught Dustin with a trio of chest chops. Valentine pulled Dustin away from the ropes and went to bodyslam Dustin but Dustin caught Valentine in a small package for the pin. 1...2... Valentine kicked out. Both men to their feet and Dustin stunned Valentine with a series of bionic elbows to the top of the head. Dustin then did the hand spin followed by the hand jive and Valentine crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Dustin grabbed Valentine as Valentine was getting up and whipped Valentine into the buckles. Dustin charged in and went to hit Valentine with a running clothesline but Valentine moved and Dustin slammed front-first into the buckles. Valentine caught Dustin with a kick to the side of the ribs. Valentine then nailed Dustin with a belly-to-back suplex. Valentine up and grabbed Dustin in a side headlock. Dustin shoved Valentine off into the ropes and Valentine came off and Dustin hit Valentine with a shoulder block. Valentine crashed to the mat. Valentine scooted against the ropes and got to his feet. Dustin moved in on Valentine but Valentine climbed out on the apron. Ref ordered Dustin back. Dustin obliged. Ref started the count. Valentine slowly started to climb back in the ring and Dustin moved in but Valentine climbed back out on the apron. Crowd booed. Ref ordered Dustin back and started the count. Dustin got tired of waiting and moved in on Valentine and Valentine leaned through the top and middle rope and nailed Dustin with a shoulder block to the gut, Dustin stumbled back. Valentine climbed into the ring and went to punch Dustin but Dustin blocked the punch try and fired away on Valentine with punches that drove Valentine into the corner. Dustin went to whip Valentine into the opposite buckles but Valentine reversed and sent Dustin crashing into them. Valentine charged in and Dustin got a boot up and Valentine slammed face-first into it. Valentine staggered back. Dustin dropped Valentine with a running clothesline. Valentine up and Dustin hit Valentine with a second running clothesline. Valentine crashed back to the mat. Dustin for the cover. 1...2... Valentine kicked out. Dustin snapped Valentine up and hit Valentine with a suplex. Dustin with an elbow smash and the cover. 1...2... Valentine kicked out. Dustin started to pull Valentine up and Valentine caught Dustin with a couple of gut shots. Valentine then hit Dustin with a series of bionic elbows to the head. Dustin fell back against the ropes. Valentine laid into Dustin with forearm smashes to the chest. Dustin staggered away form the ropes.

Valentine came up behind Dustin, dropped down and hit Dustin with a chop block to the back of the knee. Dustin crumpled to the mat. Valentine up, grabbed Dustin's left leg and yanked on it a few times and then wrapped Dustin up in the figure 4 leglock, Crowd urging the feisty challenger on. Valentine cinched up on the hold but Dustin not giving up. Dustin started scooting towards the ropes. Valentine killed Dustin's movement when he further cinched up on the hold. Dustin then resumed his struggle and finally was able to get close enough to drape his arm out over the bottom rope to force a break. Valentine released the hold and got up and hit the downed Dustin with a couple of head shots. snapped Dustin up and suplexed Dustin. Valentine ran and hit the ropes and came off with a running elbow smash but Dustin rolled out of the way and Valentine crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Both men down. Ref started the 10-count. Both men up and Valentine walked right into an inverted atomic drop followed by a clothesline. Valentine crashed to the mat. Dustin for the cover. 1...2...thr... Valentine got his foot on the bottom rope. Ref ordered a break. Crowd groaned. Valentine made it to his feet. Dustin grabbed Valentine and prepared to run Valentine into the corner but Valentine shoved Dustin off and Dustin slammed front-first into the buckles. Dustin walked out of the corner holding his chest. Valentine came up behind Dustin, spun Dustin around and hit Dustin with a bionic elbow. Dustin fired back with one of his own. Valentine hit another one. Dustin hit Valentine with another bionic elbow. Valentine struck Dustin with another bionic elbow. Dustin struck with another. Valentine stunned. Dustin fired away with a rapid-fire series of bionic elbows on Valentine and then stopped and Valentine crashed face-first to the mat. Dustin quickly regained his bearings. Valentine got up bent over and Dustin nailed Valentine with a drop down uppercut. Valentine reeling. Dustin grabbed Valentine and nailed Valentine with a lifting inverted DDT. Crowd popped. Dustin for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! NO! Valentine got a shoulder up. Crowd really groaned. Dustin whipped Valentine into the ropes and caught Valentine coming off with a dropkick. Valentine spun around and crashed to the mat. Crowd feeling the plumber's son. Dustin ran and jumped on the middle buckle as Valentine got up and went for a twisting diving crossbody but Valentine fell out of the way and Dustin crashed to the mat. Both men down. Ref started the count. Both men up and Valentine caught Dustin with a kick to the gut and then blasted Dustin with a piledriver. Valentine for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed.

Ref went over and took the belt from Eic Bischoff.

In a time of 9 minutes,30 seconds... your winner... and STILL Pro Wrestling Heirtage Champion... Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine!

Ref went over and handed Valentine the belt and raised his hand in victory as the program went off the air.

Valentine - Pinfall - 9:30



The Trooper def. Cactus Jack via pinfall with his flying shoulder tackle finisher - 14:34

AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes (WTTC) def. The Destruction Crew (Wayne Bloom & Mike Enos) when Norton pinned Enos after a powerbomb - 15:26

Barry Windham def. Ken Patera when Tully's interference backfired - 11:42


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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(1st Taping)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers to SLAM! wrestling.

Nelson then intro'd a message from AWA promoter Jim Crockett.


Crockett was seated behind his desk

Crockett: Hello. I'm Jim Crockett.

Recently here on SLAM! wrestling, Cactus Jack viciously assaulted Barry Windham after Cactus had just won a match against Jerry Blackwell.

The good news is Barry Windham is fine. He has recovered from Jack driving his lower extremities into the steel ring post. There was no serious injury.

Because of his attack on Windham, I am ordering a match.

It will be Cactus Jack vs. Barry Windham at Winter Warfare.

Winter Warfare is already shaping up to be a great show.

And more exciting matches are to come.

Thank you for your time.


Nelson then ran down the program:

TV MAIN EVENT: Bobby Jaggers vs. Tom Zenk

Another Winter Warfare Report

AWA Women's Champion Magnificent Mimi wrestles

AWA World Tag Team Champions Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes wrestle

Nikita Koloff sees action

A look back at last week's match-up between Sam Houston & Dick Murdoch vs. Tully Blanchard & Ken Patera

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas!

Don Muraco won a squash match over Rick McCord via pinfall with his inverted piledriver

Muraco once again came to the ring through the crowd to strong boos.


Don Muraco. I see you're now taking a more scenic route to the ring.

Muraco: This happened before. I can't dress in the locker room I normally dress in. I had to dress in the janitor's closet in the back.

Nelson: Why is that?

Muraco: The guys won't let me dress in the locker room I normally dress in. They said it's because of what I did to Wahoo at Christmas Chaos.

Nelson: You mean when you hit him over the head with a chair and cost him the World Title?

Muraco: Look, I was just trying to free up his schedule so we could get back together as a team and go after those tag team titles. The audacity of Wahoo not to clear time on his busy schedule so we could pursue that noble goal. He left me with no choice but to do what I did.

Nelson: Audacity?! Really?

Muraco: Yes. Audacity. I hoped hitting him over the head with that chair would knock some sense into him and he would see the light of reason and realize that we need to reunite and make tag team history.

Nelson: Wahoo's not very happy with what you did.

Muraco: Wahoo is a very selfish man, Larry.

Crowd booed and Muraco stopped talking and looked out at the crowd with a surprised look on his face.

Nelson: He's selfish?! You hit him with that chair and not the other way around.

Muraco: It depends on what your mindset is when you hit a man over the head with a chair. Sometimes it's wrong and sometimes it's justified. What I did was justified at Christmas Chaos.

More boos. Muraco looked out at the crowd with a hurt look on his face.

Nelson: Because of you Col. DeBeers is now the World Champion. How can you say it was justified?

Muraco: Congratulations are in order to the Colonel on becoming the new AWA Champion. He's deserving of it.

Nelson: OK. We're in bizarro land now. Col. DeBeers doesn't like people like you because you're different from him. If he had his way he might ship you out of the country. And you're congratulating him.

Muraco: I don't care what DeBeers believes. The only thing I know is that Wahoo is no longer the World Champion. And out of the goodness of my heart I am giving him the chance to go after the World Tag Team Titles with me.

More boos.

Muraco: You fans are so fickle. Before Christmas Chaos you cheered me. Now, you hate my guts because it was Wahoo who would not do the right thing.

More boos. Another stunned look on Muraco's face.

Muraco: You know what? This interview is over!

Muraco left the ring and left through the crowd as a disbelieving Nelson looked on.

Pic aired of Nikita Koloff with the caption: NEXT... A REAL AMERICAN!!!


Nikita Koloff won a squash match over Ray Gunkel via pinfall with his Russian sickle finisher

Koloff got a strong ovation coming down the face aisle.


Another strong win, Nikita. Your Russian sickle looks like you could decapitate a man with that move.

Koloff: I'm certainly not looking to do that, Larry. I just want to beat my opponent.

Nelson: Col. DeBeers is the new AWA World Champion. And you've been blazing a trail of defeated opponents here in the AWA. Surely you're on the championship committee's radar for a World Title shot against the man from South Africa.

Koloff: If the, how you say, championship committee, decides to grant me a title match with DeBeers I would gladly accept it.

I was hoping that winning the World Title might make DeBeers stand back and realize what a great country America is and be thankful for his blessings.

Instead, he's decided to continue hating America. He's a man who never seems to know how good he has it here in the land of opportunity.

I despise what DeBeers stands for. But, he has worked hard to get where he is in this sport. But, his disrespect for the country that gave him the chance to rise to be a World Champion shows that he has no respect for this land or people.

Col. DeBeers, I still hope you see the light one day. I hope you come to your senses.

But, in your case, someone might have to beat some sense into you.

Crowd cheered.

Video aired from the Tully-Patera vs. Murdoch-Houston match from last week with the caption; NEXT... DOG FIGHT!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update

In-studio: Nelson reminded viewers that beginning next Wednesday, February 6th, AWA SLAM! wrestling on ESPN would start airing at its new, regular time of 10pm ET and 7pm PT.

Nelson intro'd footage from last week's TV main on SLAM! pitting Murdoch & Houston against Tully & Patera


# Tully suplexed Sam and and hit Sam with a delayed knee drop. Tully for the cover. 1...2.. Sam kicked out. Tully with a couple of head shots on Sam. Tully pulled Sam up and went to piledrive Sam but Sam twice blocked the move. Murdoch hit the ring and repaid Tully for the earlier clothesline with a running clothesline of his own. Tully crashed to the mat as the crowd was loving it. Patera hit the ring and he and Murdoch exchanged blows. Ref trying to re-store order. Sam snapped Tully up bodyslammed Tully. Sam went out on the apron and mounted the top rope. Sam came off with a leg drop but Tully rolled out of the way and Sam crashed to the mat. Patera and Murdoch back to their corners. Tully and Sam down. Ref counting. Tully up and Sam getting up. Tully with a knee lift on Sam.Sam fell back against the ropes. Tully whipped Sam into the ropes and caught Sam coming off with a clothesline. Sam crashed to the mat. Tully reached down and started to pull Sam up when Sam caught Tully with gut punches. Sam rose to his feet and, learning from his teacher, popped Tully with a series of bionic elbows to the top of the head to the delight of the crowd. Tully staggered. Sam whipped Tully into the face team's corner and caught Tully with some kicks to the gut and tagged in Murdoch. Murdoch hit the ring and popped Tully with forearms to the chest. Tully staggered out by the ropes. Murdoch clubbed Tully in the back. Murdoch whipped Tully into the ropes and caught Tully coming off with a kick to the gut. Murdoch caught Tully in a front facelock.

Pedicino: He's goin' for the brainbuster!

Murdoch tried twice to snap Tully up in the his finisher, but Tully was able to maneuver over by the ropes and drape his leg out over the middle rope to force a break. Tully went to punch Murdoch and Murdoch blocked the punch try and hit Tully with a bionic elbow to the top of the head. Tully stunned. Murdoch whipped Tully into the ropes and looked to catch Tully coming off with a backdrop but Tully kicked Murodch in the chest instead. Murdoch snapped back and crashed to the mat. Tully snapped Murdoch up and blasted Murdoch with his slingshot suplex finisher. Tully for the cover. 1...2... Sam tried to make the save but Patera cut him off and threw Sam back into his team's corner. ...3!

Pic aired of Magnificent Mimi with the caption: NEXT... SHE'S THE CHAMP!!!


NON-TITLE: Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Valerie) def. Princess Tomah via pinfall with her sitout powerbomb finisher.

Mimi and Val largely booed coming down the heel aisle.


Magnificent Mimi is still...

Val: Take a look at that title belt Mimi's holding, Larry Nelson. Mimi becomes a more invincible champion with each passing day.

Nelson: She should probably be the former champion, if we're honest.

The mood suddenly shifted in the ring.

Val: Excuse me?

Nelson: At Christmas Chaos, everyone saw it. Reggie Bennett had Mimi locked in her virtually inescapable submission finisher. And then you went over and rang the bell to cause chaos and confusion and stop the match dead in its tracks.

You and Mimi walked out and Reggie won the match by count out. What do you have to say for yourself?

Val: I admit it. I did ring the timekeeper's bell that night.

Mimi looked shocked at Val's admission.

Val: What happened was I wandered over by the timekeeper's table and picked up the hammer used to ring the bell. I briefly admired the fine craftsmanship of the hammer. And then when I went to put it down, I accidentally struck the bell with it.

Nelson: Well, that was one heck of an 'accident' because you rang the bell like 10 times.

Val: Sometimes, you know, I get a twitch in my arm.

Nelson rolled his eyes.

Nelson: Mimi. What say you?

Mimi: My manager Valerie is a woman of great integrity.

Crowd booed.

Mimi: Shut up.

More boos.

Mimi: She just told you all what happened regarding the ring bell during my title match with Reggie Bennett at Christmas Chaos. It was a misfortunate accident.

What you people don't realize is that I was on the verge of breaking out of Reggie Bennett's supposedly unbreakable split-leg rear chinlock. I was right on the edge of escaping it when the bell incident happened.

Nelson: If that's the case, then why didn't you return to the ring when President Bockwinkel ordered the match re-started after the bell incident?

Val: We did not know that President Bockwinkel re-started the match because we were in the back thinking the match was over. We couldn't hear him over the crowd noise.

So, blame these fans out here for us not coming back out that night and resuming the match with Reggie.

Nelson: Thankfully, we've run out of time for this segment.

I think you must be drinking the same brand of water Don Muraco does.

Val: What would that be?

Nelson: It's called Delusion because you guys seem that way.

Mimi and Val glared at Nelson as the segment ended.

Pic aired of Haynes and Norton with the caption: NEXT... TAG TEAM TITANS!!!


NON-TITLE: Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton (WTTC) won a squash match over Johnny Rodz & Victor Rivera when Haynes made Rivera submit to the full nelson

Norton and Haynes got a good ovation coming down the face aisle.


Billy Jack. Scott. A few weeks ago, the Grappler and Rip Oliver assaulted you two in the ring with your World Tag Team Titles. Rip busted Billy Jack open with a belt shot to the face.

The Grappler and Rip Oliver are long-time rivals of you two from back in your Pacific Northwest wrestling days.

What are the champions thinking right now after the attack?

Haynes: What we're thinking is that Rip Oliver and the Grappler need a good, old fashioned butt kicking!

Crowd cheered.

Me and Scott talked about it! We want you two jerks in the ring so badly, that we'll sweeten the pot and put these titles on the line against you!

Nelson: So, you're willing to make it a title match just to get Rip Oliver and Grappler in the ring?

Haynes: You bet! How about it, boys?! You step into the ring with us with these belts on the line?!

Norton: Grappler! Rip Oliver!

Norton held his title up with one hand.

Norton: Any time! Any place! Anywhere!

You two have lit a fire under us! You whipped us with these belts! You busted Billy Jack open with one of the belts! Billy's belt still has a little blood on it from where Rip hit him with it!

That blood is a reminder everyday of what happened between us recently!

Jim Crockett needs to have the contract drawn up quickly! Make the match, Crockett! Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton vs. Rip Oliver and the Grappler for the World Tag Team Titles!

Crowd cheered.

Norton: Grappler and Rip, we are gunning for you! Sign on the dotted line and let's make this happen!

You've got a chance to win these belts! And we've got a chance to whip your asses!

Loud pop from the crowd.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... WINTER WARFARE REPORT!!!



# Larry Nelson was seated behind the studio desk in front of the AWA logo.

Nelson: Welcome to a new Winter Warfare update. I'm Larry Nelson.

Winter Warfare will be airing live on ESPN on Tuesday, February 19th with a start time of 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific.

The show will be coming to you from the Icardo Center on the Cal State-Bakersfield campus in Bakersfield, California.

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticket Master or by calling the Icardo Center box office at (805) 867-5309 or by visiting the Icardo Center box office in person. Tickets are on sale now.

The main event is set.

For the AWA World Championship, World Champion Col. DeBeers will be defending the title against the man he beat for the belt, 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel.

And there's a stipulation for this match. It will be an Indian strap match!

The Indian strap match is the specialty match of Wahoo. He's never lost a strap match in his career.

Will Winter Warfare be where Wahoo regains the AWA World Championship? Or, will Col. DeBeers be the man to end Wahoo's undefeated streak in Indian strap matches and retain the big silver belt?

We've also just had a new match added to Winter Warfare this week.

After a recent assault on Barry Windham by Cactus Jack after a match between Cactus and Jerry Blackwell that Cactus won when the referee did not see Blackwell get his foot on the bottom rope before the three count, Windham came out to inform the ref what happened and here's what went down.


#Jerry whipped Jack into the buckles and charged in and pulverized Jack with an avalanche. Jack limp in the corner as the fans cheered. Jerry pulled Jack out of the corner and bodyslammed Jack. Jerry mounted the middle buckle and came off with his diving splash finisher but Jack got his knees up and Jerry crashed into them. Jerry rolled over on his back. Jack up and nailed Jerry with a running elbow smash. Jack for the cover. 1...2... Jerry got his foot on the bottom rope but the ref did not see it. ...3! Ref up and turned and called for the bell. Fans yelling that Blackwell's foot was on the bottom rope. Ref raised Jack's hand in victory.

Jack strutted around the ring victoriously. Crowd popped as Barry Windham charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Barry started talking to the ref and gestured that Jerry had his foot on the bottom rope. Ref pointed at his eyes and shook his 'no', that he didn't see the foot. As Barry talked with the ref, Jack came over and had some words with Barry. Jack was overheard telling Barry to mind his own business. After a little more back-and-forth off-mic, Jack turned to leave and Barry made the mistake of taking his eyes off Jack. Jack clubbed Barry in the back. Barry stumbled forward and spun around. Jack caught Barry with some punches and then nailed Barry with a discus clothesline. Barry crashed to the mat. Jack grabbed Barry and dragged Barry into the corner. Jack dropped to the floor, grabbed Barry's legs and pulled them around the ring post. Jack yanked Barry's legs and Barry's nuts slammed into the post. Barry in tremendous pain. Jack prepared to repeat the nut cracker until some face wrestlers charged out of their locker room and chased Jack off. Wrestlers checking on the hurting Barry.


You saw what happened to lead to this match. Now, let's here from Cactus Jack and Barry Windham..


Jack was in street clothes with mic in hand and standing in front of the AWA logo.

Jack: Barry Windham's one of the biggest stars in professional wrestling. And because of that, he thinks he has the right to come to the ring and try and get the results of matches changed if he doesn't like them.

Well, I showed him. Barry, you might be able to get away with that with some wrestlers. But, you can't get away with that with me.

The ref counted three and raised my hand in victory! I won! It was my moment!

But you had to try and steal it from me! There was no way I was going to let you do that!

How do your man parts feel right now, Barry?! Bet they still hurt! And you deserve to feel that pain for what you tried to take from me!

Now, we face-off at Winter Warfare! And it's gonna be a cold night in hell when I go crazy on you!

Sometimes, they say a man has balls as big as grapefruits! Well, at Winter Warfare, Windham, yours literally might be when I'm through with you!

Pic flipped and Windham was in street clothes and standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.

Barry: The first thing I want to let everyone know is that I'm OK. Cactus Jack tried to injure me but he failed.

Outside of a little soreness, I am ready to go.

I'm gonna put my issues with Tully Blanchard on hold for one night for a match with Cactus because of what he did to me.

You attacked me from behind and violently pulled me into that post, Cactus.

And the only thing I could think of as I laid there in great pain was... revenge.

Cactus, you're young; but you already have a controversial reputation in this business.

I've seen you wrestle and I'm not sure you're altogether there. You seem a little off-kilter, if you get my drift.

Sometimes you've got to fight crazy with crazy.

So, Cactus, at Winter Warfare, you bring all the crazy you want. And I'll get crazy, too.

Then we'll see who does crazy better.

Get ready for a roller coaster ride between us at Winter Warfare!


It promises to get wild when Cactus Jack and Barry Windham collide at Winter Warfare.

We'll be announcing more great matches for Winter Warfare in the weeks to come.

Be sure to check back next week, fans.

I'm Larry Nelson.


Pic aired of Bobby Jaggers and Tom Zenk with the caption: NEXT... RE-MATCH!!!


In-studio: Nelson reminded viewers that beginning next Wednesday, February 6th, AWA SLAM! wrestling on ESPN would start airing at its new, regular time of 10pm ET and 7pm PT.

Nelson said Jaggers vs. Zenk was a re-match from All-Star Wrestling a few weeks ago where Jaggers pinned Zenk but Zenk got his foot on the bottom rope before the count of 3 and the ref did not see it. Said AWA officials ordered the re-match.

Nelson sent it to the ring for the main event.

Bobby Jaggers vs. Tom Zenk

Zenk made his way down the face aisle to a decent reaction. Zenk slapped hands with fans along the way.

Jaggers made his way down the heel aisle to a fair amount of boos.

Ref called for the bell.

Jaggers moved in and quickly attacked Zenk. Jaggers hammered away on Zenk and then took Zenk to the mat in a side headlock. Jaggers worked over the headlock and Zenk was able to catch Jaggers in a head scissors. Zenk tightened up on the hold but Jaggers not submitting. Zenk released the hold. Both men up and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Zenk drove Jaggers into the ropes to force a break. Break was clean. The two men engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up and Zenk gained the advantage and caught Jaggers in a side headlock. Zenk tightened up on the hold. After a brief struggle, Jaggers was able to shove Zenk off and Zenk slammed front-first into the buckles. Zenk separated himself from the buckles and turned and walked right into a series of bionic elbows to the head from Jaggers. Jaggers whipped Zenk into the ropes and caught Zenk coming off with a gut punch. Jaggers bodyslammed Zenk and then backed up and moved in and caught Zenk with a diving double forearm to the chest. Jaggers for the cover. 1...2... Zenk kicked out. Jaggers caught Zenk with a head shot and pulled Zenk to his feet and locked Zenk in an abdominal stretch. Jaggers with the hold firmly locked in. Crowd half-assed wanting Zenk to escape the hold. Jaggers pulled on Zenk's tights for leverage to add pressure to the hold. Jaggers released the tights when the ref looked over. Ref looked back at Zenk and more tights grabbing. Ref looked back over and caught Jaggers. Jaggers released the tights and Zenk powered out of the hold with a hip toss. Zenk moved in and caught Jaggers with a head shot and whipped Jaggers into the ropes and caught Jaggers coming off with a dropkick. Jaggers crashed to the mat. Jaggers getting up and Zenk grabbed Jaggers and whipped Jaggers into the corner. Zenk moved in with a series of knees to the gut. Zenk went to whip Jaggers into the opposite buckles but Jaggers reversed and Zenk jumped up on the middle buckle facing the crowd and came off with a twisting bodypress. Zenk for the pin. 1...2... Jaggers kicked out. Jaggers getting up and Zenk caught Jaggers with a kick to the chest followed by a gutwrench suplex. Zenk then tried to hit a diving splash on Jaggers but Jaggers got his knees up and Zenk slammed into them. Zenk down grabbing his gut. Jaggers up and backed up as Zenk got to his feet. Zenk up and Jaggers charged over and blasted Zenk with a Jaggers ' Special (Polish hammer). Zenk crashed to the mat. Jaggers covered Zenk. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed.

Jaggers up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

WINNER: Jaggers - Pinfall - 5:41


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Announcers: Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(1st Taping)

(# Aired on previous AWA program.)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson.

Nelson welcomed viewers and started the program by introducing a message from AWA promoter Jim Crockett.


Crockett was seated behind his desk

# Crockett: Hello. I'm Jim Crockett.

Recently here on SLAM! wrestling, Cactus Jack viciously assaulted Barry Windham after Cactus had just won a match against Jerry Blackwell.

The good news is Barry Windham is fine. He has recovered from Jack driving his lower extremities into the steel ring post. There was no serious injury.

Because of his attack on Windham, I am ordering a match.

It will be Cactus Jack vs. Barry Windham at Winter Warfare.

Winter Warfare is already shaping up to be a great show.

And more exciting matches are to come.

Thank you for your time.


Nelson hyped Winter Warfare and ran down the program:

The Destruction Crew vs. Top Guns

Tommy Rich continues his hunt for the right tag team partner

Jonnie Stewart laces 'em up

Another Winter Warfare report

A look at some of the highlights from last week of the exciting PWHC match where Greg Valentine defended against Dustin Rhodes from the USWA. Nelson pointed out that Rhodes was the son of wrestling legend Dusty Rhodes.

The Trooper wrestles

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in St. Cloud.

Brad Rheingans won a squash match over Denny Brown via pinfall with his fisherman suplex into a bridgeout (Perfect Plex) finisher

Brad got a good ovation coming down the face aisle to the ring.


Brad, recently Ken Patera came out on this program and said he's ready to fight you one-on-one in any kind of match you want.

Brad: You know, Eric, Winter Warfare is coming up.

Eric: It is.

Brad: Ken Patera. This is for you. I challenge you to a match at Winter Warfare!

Crowd cheered because they had nothing better to do.

Brad: Let's see who the better man in the ring is Ken!

That means no Tully and no Valerie interfering! Just you and me, pal!

I still get angry about the cowardly way you turned on me and joined up with Valerie! I still lose sleep over it!

You couldn't just be a man and tell me you've made a decision to go with Valerie! Oh no! You had to attack me on national television to make our split as a team official!

This is between you and me, Ken, and no one else! Keep Tully and Valerie out of the picture and let's see what happens!

If you beat me then you beat me! Just do it on your own, Ken! And not with the help of your new friends!

Crowd cheered.

Pic aired of Tommy Rich with the caption: NEXT... LOOKING FOR MR. RIGHT!!!*

(* In this case, 'Looking for Mr. Right' is in reference to a tag team partner and not Jim Barnett. )


Tommy Rich & ???? vs. The Mulkeys

The Mulkeys were in the ring and announced and got a decent response from the fans who remembered them from their Crockett NWA days.

Tommy took the ring mic from Eric Bischoff.

Rich: Well, the search continues for a tag team partner that can help me go after those World Tag Team Championships.

But first, Bill and Randy Mulkey, you are some of the finest... losers in the business today. Hahaha!

Crowd booed Rich.

Rich: My partner this week drove all the way from Kansas City. He is... Vinnie Valentino!

Valentino came down the heel aisle to very little reaction as most didn't know who he was.

Valentino stepped in the ring.

Rich: Wait a minute! You never said you wrestled barefoot.

All the pics you sent me never showed your feet and nothing was mentioned in your resume'!

Vinnie: Well, I wrestle barefoot.

Rich: Great. Another Jimmy Snuka wanna-be.

Hey! You haven't harmed any groupies, have ya?!

Vinnie: Uh... no.

OK. We are good to go.

Ref called for the bell to start the match.

Match was largely dominated by Rich and Valentino but the Mulkeys got very limited offense in.

End of the match saw Bill Mulkey and Valentino the legal men in the ring. Valentino was dominating Bill. Rich seemed quite pleased in the corner. Valentino whipped Bill into the ropes and caught Bill coming off with a high dropkick. Bill crashed to the mat. Rich turned and looked out at the crowd.

Rich picked up on a mic,

Rich: I think I've found my partner!

Valentino snapped Bill up and went to whip Bill into the ropes but Bill reversed and Valentino slammed into Rich, who still had his back turned. Rich crashed to the floor. Valentino stunned and turned and Bill caught Valentino in a small package for the pin. 1...2...3! Crowd popped big-time. Randy stepped into the ring and hugged Bill. Ref raised both Mulkey's hands in victory. The happy pair left the ring and briefly celebrated with fans at ringside before heading back up the face aisle. Tommy Rich recovered on the floor and climbed back into the ring. Valentino had just gotten to his feet.

Rich again took the ring mic from Bischoff.

Rich: Vinnie, I had high hopes for you, my man. You were dominating the Mulkeys all by yourself.

But your one stupid move cost us the match. And that one stupid move also cost you any chance at being my tag team partner. Hi the bricks.

A disappointed Vinnie started to leave the ring.

Rich: Vinnie.

Vinnie turned and had a hopeful look on his face that Rich had changed his mind.

Rich: Wash your feet. They stink. Get outta here.

Sad Vinnie left the ring alone and headed back up the heel aisle and had some sympathy from the fans.

Rich: Well, the search continues. I just lost a match to the Mulkey brothers thanks to my tag team partner.

If you're interested in being my tag team partner, send your resume' and a cover photo to the AWA offices.

And , please! Know how to win!

Video aired from the Valentine-Rhodes PWHC match from last week's ASW with the caption: NEXT... PUSHED TO THE LIMIT!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos from non-house show cities

In-studio: Nelson reminded viewers that beginning next Wednesday, February 6th, AWA SLAM! wrestling on ESPN would start airing at its new regular time of 10pm ET and 7pm PT.

Larry Nelson inro'd footage from the Greg Valentine (PWHC)-Dustin Rhodes match from last week's show.


# Valentine came up behind Dustin, dropped down and hit Dustin with a chop block to the back of the knee. Dustin crumpled to the mat. Valentine up, grabbed Dustin's left leg and yanked on it a few times and then wrapped Dustin up in the figure 4 leglock, Crowd urging the feisty challenger on. Valentine cinched up on the hold but Dustin not giving up. Dustin started scooting towards the ropes. Valentine killed Dustin's movement when he further cinched up on the hold. Dustin then resumed his struggle and finally was able to get close enough to drape his arm out over the bottom rope to force a break. Valentine released the hold and got up and hit the downed Dustin with a couple of head shots, snapped Dustin up and suplexed Dustin. Valentine ran and hit the ropes and came off with a running elbow smash but Dustin rolled out of the way and Valentine crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Both men down. Ref started the 10-count. Both men up and Valentine walked right into an inverted atomic drop followed by a clothesline. Valentine crashed to the mat. Dustin for the cover. 1...2...thr... Valentine got his foot on the bottom rope. Ref ordered a break. Crowd groaned. Valentine made it to his feet. Dustin grabbed Valentine and prepared to run Valentine into the corner but Valentine shoved Dustin off and Dustin slammed front-first into the buckles. Dustin walked out of the corner holding his chest. Valentine came up behind Dustin, spun Dustin around and hit Dustin with a bionic elbow. Dustin fired back with one of his own. Valentine hit another one. Dustin hit Valentine with another bionic elbow. Valentine struck Dustin with another bionic elbow. Dustin struck with another. Valentine stunned. Dustin fired away with a rapid-fire series of bionic elbows on Valentine and then stopped and Valentine crashed face-first to the mat. Dustin quickly regained his bearings. Valentine got up bent over and Dustin nailed Valentine with a drop down uppercut. Valentine reeling. Dustin grabbed Valentine and nailed Valentine with a lifting inverted DDT. Crowd popped. Dustin for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! NO! Valentine got a shoulder up. Crowd really groaned. Dustin whipped valentine into the ropes and caught Valentine coming off with a dropkick. Valentine spun around and crashed to the mat. Crowd feeling the plumber's son. Dustin ran and jumped on the middle buckle as Valentine got up and went for a twisting diving crossbody but Valentine fell out of the way and Dustin crashed to the mat. Both men down. Ref started the count. Both men up and Valentine caught Dustin with a kick to the gut and then blasted Dustin with a piledriver. Valentine for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed.

Nelson said Dustin is a wrestler to keep an eye on as he shows a lot of promise.

Pic aired of Jonnie Stewart with the caption. NEXT... JONNIE'S HERE!!!


Jonnie Stewart won a squash match over Chris Masters via pinfall with his big elbow off the top rope finisher

Pic aired of the Trooper with the caption: NEXT... LOOKING FOR GOLD!!!

The Trooper won a squash match over Terry Gibbs via pinfall with his flying shoulder tackle finisher

Trooper came to the ring down the face aisle to a strong ovation. Trooper handed out souvenir speeding tickets on the way to the ring.


: Trooper, you are on quite the roll right now. And you've got Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine in your sights.

Trooper: That's right, Eric. I've made it clear that my goal in 1991 is to win the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship.

No one has pushed Valentine to the max like I have.

I feel I deserve another shot at the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship.

I've shown what I'm made of. I've worked my way up the ladder of contention.

The time is now.

It's time for a change. These fans want it!

Crowd cheered.

Trooper: Greg Valentine! The clock is ticking on your run as Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion and it's about to strike midnight for you!

1991 will be a year of great change in the AWA! And I aim to be a big part of that change!

AWA Championship Committee! I'm begging you! Please, make the match between me and Valentine for the title... and soon!

More cheers.

Eric: He is the Trooper! And he's gunning for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship!

Pic aired of the Winter Warfare logo with the caption: NEXT... NEW UPDATE!!!



Larry Nelson was seated behind the studio desk in front of the AWA logo.

# Nelson: Welcome to this new Winter Warfare update. I'm Larry Nelson.

Winter Warfare will be airing live on ESPN on Tuesday, February 19th with a start time of 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific.

The show will be coming to you from the Icardo Center on the Cal State-Bakersfield campus in Bakersfield, California.

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticket Master or by calling the Icardo Center box office at (805) 867-5309 or by visiting the Icardo Center box office in person.

The main event is set.

For the AWA World Championship, World Champion Col. DeBeers will be defending the title against the man he beat for the belt, 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel.

And there's a stipulation for this match. It will be an Indian strap match!

The Indian strap match is the specialty match of Wahoo. He's never lost a strap match in his career.

Will Winter Warfare be where Wahoo regains the AWA World Championship? Or, will Col. DeBeers be the man to end Wahoo's undefeated streak in Indian strap matches and retain the big silver belt?

We've also just had a new match added to Winter Warfare this week.

After a recent assault on Barry Windham by Cactus Jack after a match between Cactus and Jerry Blackwell that Cactus won when the referee did not see Blackwell get his foot on the bottom rope before the three count, Windham came out to inform the ref what happened and here's what went down.


Jerry whipped Jack into the buckles and charged in and pulverized Jack with an avalanche. Jack limp in the corner as the fans cheered. Jerry pulled Jack out of the corner and bodyslammed Jack. Jerry mounted the middle buckle and came off with his diving splash finisher but Jack got his knees up and Jerry crashed into them. Jerry rolled over on his back. Jack up and nailed Jerry with a running elbow smash. Jack for the cover. 1...2... Jerry got his foot on the bottom rope. ...3! Ref up and turned and called for the bell. Fans yelling that Blackwell's foot was on the bottom rope. Ref raised Jack's hand in victory.

Jack strutted around the ring victoriously. Crowd popped as Barry Windham charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Barry started talking to the ref and gestured that Jerry had his foot on the bottom rope. Ref pointed at his eyes and shook his 'no', that he didn't see the foot. As Barry talked with the ref, Jack came over and had some words with Barry. Jack was overheard telling Barry to mind his own business. After a little more back-and-forth off-mic, Jack turned to leave and Barry made the mistake of taking his eyes off Jack. Jack clubbed Barry in the back. Barry stumbled forward and spun around. Jack caught Barry with some punches and then nailed Barry with a discus clothesline. Barry crashed to the mat. Jack grabbed Barry and dragged Barry into the corner. Jack dropped to the floor, grabbed Barry's legs and pulled them around the ring post. Jack yanked Barry's legs and Barry's nuts slammed into the post. Barry in tremendous pain. Jack prepared to repeat the nut cracker until some face wrestlers charged out of their locker room and chased Jack off. Wrestlers checking on the hurting Barry.


Nelson: You saw what happened to lead to this match. Now, let's hear from Cactus Jack and Barry Windham..


Jack was in street clothes with mic in hand and standing in front of the AWA logo.

Jack: Barry Windham's one of the biggest stars in professional wrestling. And because of that, he thinks he has the right to come to the ring and try and get the results of matches changed if he doesn't like them.

Well, I showed him. Barry, you might be able to get away with that with some wrestlers. But, you can't get away with that with me.

The ref counted three and raised my hand in victory! I won! It was my moment!

But you had to try and steal it from me! There was no way I was going to let you do that!

How do your man parts feel right now, Barry?! Bet they still hurt! And you deserve to feel that pain for what you tried to take from me!

Now, we face-off at Winter Warfare! And it's gonna be a cold night in hell for you when I go crazy on you!

Sometimes, they say a man has balls as big as grapefruits! Well, at Winter Warfare, Windham, yours literally might be when I'm through with you!

Pic flipped and Windham was in street clothes and standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.

Barry: The first thing I want to let everyone know is that I'm OK. Cactus Jack tried to injure me but he failed.

Outside of a little soreness, I am ready to go.

I'm gonna put my issues with Tully Blanchard on hold for one night for a match with Cactus because of what he did to me.

You attacked me from behind and violently pulled me into that post, Cactus.

And the only thing I could think of as I laid there in great pain was... revenge.

Cactus, you're young; but you already have a controversial reputation in this business.

I've seen you wrestle and I'm not sure you're altogether there. You seem a little off-kilter, if you get my drift.

Sometimes you've got to fight crazy with crazy.

So, Cactus, at Winter Warfare, you bring all the crazy you want. And I'll get crazy, too.

Then we'll see who does crazy better.

Get ready for a roller coaster ride between us at Winter Warfare!


Nelson: It promises to get wild when Cactus Jack and Barry Windham collide at Winter Warfare.

We'll be announcing more great matches for Winter Warfare in the weeks to come.

Be sure to check back next week, fans.

I'm Larry Nelson.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!


In-studio: Nelson reminded viewers that beginning next Wednesday, February 6th, AWA SLAM! wrestling on ESPN would start airing at its new, regular time of 10pm ET and 7pm PT.

TV MAIN EVENT: The Destruction Crew vs. Top Guns

Destruction Crew (Wayne Bloom & Mike Enos) came down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos but also had their fans.

Top Guns (Ricky Rice & Dertrick Dukes) came down the face aisle to a decent crowd reaction.

Good, fast-paced, back-and-forth action between the two teams with both teams getting some exciting near falls. DC took a couple of shortcuts to gain the advantage during the match,

Wild finish that saw the Destruction Crew win it when Bloom pinned Rice after the Wrecking Ball (Doomsday Device).

WINNER: Destruction Crew - Pinfall - 8:48