AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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Raider Nation

Active Member
Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(4th Taping)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers to SLAM! wrestling and ran down the program.

TV MAIN EVENT: Sam Houston & Coach Dick Murdoch vs. Tully Blanchard & Ken Patera (w/ Val)

The first Winter Warfare Report

A look back at what went down between the Grappler and Scott Norton on last week's ASW

A look back at the end of the thrilling Women's Championship match that took place on last week's ASW between champ Mimi and Japanese challenger Harley Saito

A look back at the wild finish between Cactus Jack and Jerry Blackwell on SLAM! and what happened after the match

The Trooper sees action

And more! Nelson sent it to the ring in Las Vegas.

NON-TITLE: Col. DeBeers (WC) vs. Jim Powers

Powers was already in the ring and announced.

DeBeers made his way down the heel aisle to loud boos and some trash thrown in his direction. DeBeers had big silver around his waist.

Powers stunned the champ early, but DeBeers came back and took control of the match.

DeBeers hit Powers with his face-first piledriver finisher to score the 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and raised the World Champ's hand in victory.

WINNER: DeBeers - Pinfall - 3:15


Colonel, Wahoo has vowed to regain the World Championship in 1991. What are your thoughts on that?

Loud boos before DeBeers even spoke.

DeBeers: You foolish Americans can boo me all you like. But I am still the World Champion!

More boos and some trash.

DeBeers: Wahoo will only win the World Championship again in his dreams! He had his moment and then was defeated by the noble man.

Wahoo's a savage! Why would anyone want a savage to be the World Champion again?! I'm surprised he didn't sell the belt for some fire water and cheap smokes on the reservation!

Crowd getting angrier.

DeBeers: Bottom line: 1991 will not be the Year of the Savage! Wahoo can remember his run as World Champion because that's all he's got left!

DeBeers turned to leave the ring.

Nelson: Wait a minute, Colonel. Here comes Jim Crockett.

AWA promoter Jim Crockett made his way down the face aisle to the ring and climbed in.

DeBeers: Well, Crockett. Are you finally gonna congratulate me for winning the biggest prize in our sport?!

Crockett: Uh... no.

DeBeers: It figures. You're the typical American jackass, Crockett.

Crockett: I came out here because I have an announcement that involves you, Colonel.

At Winter Warfare, you will be defending the AWA World Championship.

DeBeers: Not surprising. Who am I facing? The Trooper? Jerry Lawler? Barry Windham?

Crockett: None of the above.

Col. DeBeers, you will be defending the AWA World Championship at Winter Warfare against Wahoo McDaniel.

Crowd popped.

DeBeers: Wahoo?!

Crockett: And the match will be an Indian strap match!

More crowd cheers.

DeBeers: What???!!! This is outrageous...

Crockett: You're outrageous. See you at Winter Warfare, Colonel.

Crockett left the ring as many in the crowd cheered.

Nelson: Wahoo has never lost an Indian strap match. And with the title on the line...

DeBeers: The AWA Championship Committee is determined to get the World Title off of me because they don't like me having it because I speak the truth!

Now they see fit to put me in a match where savagery is the rule against the savage who is the master of the match!

The AWA is conspiring against me to get the World Title off of me as fast as they can! I will not stand for it!

DeBeers stormed out of the ring as fans cheered his exit.

Video aired of the end of the Cactus-Blackwell match with the caption: NEXT... CONTROVERSY!!!


In-studio: Nelson told viewers that beginning Wednesday, February 6th, AWA SLAM! wrestling on ESPN would start airing at its new, regular time of 10pm ET and 7pm PT on Wednesdays.

Larry Nelson intro'd footage from the end of the match between Cactus and Blackwwell on last week's SLAM!.


# Jerry fell against the ropes regaining his bearings. Jack to his feet and moved in and looked to punch Jerry but Jerry blocked the punch try and caught Jack with another headbutt. Jack staggered. Jerry whipped Jack into the buckles and charged in and pulverized Jack with an avalanche. Jack limp in the corner as the fans cheered. Jerry pulled Jack out of the corner and bodyslammed Jack. Jerry mounted the middle buckle and came off with his diving splash finisher but Jack got his knees up and Jerry crashed into them. Jerry rolled over on his back. Jack up and nailed Jerry with a running elbow smash. Jack for the cover. 1...2... Jerry got his foot on the bottom rope. ...3! Ref up and turned and called for the bell. Fans yelling that Blackwell's foot was on the bottom rope. Ref raised Jack's hand in victory.

Jack strutted around the ring victoriously. Crowd popped as Barry Windham charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Barry started talking to the ref and gestured that Jerry had his foot on the bottom rope. Ref pointed at his eyes and shook his 'no', that he didn't see the foot. As Barry talked with the ref, Jack came over and had some words with Barry. Jack was overheard telling Barry to mind his own business. After a little more back-and-forth off-mic, Jack turned to leave and Barry made the mistake of taking his eyes off Jack. Jack clubbed Barry in the back. Barry stumbled forward and spun around. Jack caught Barry with some punches and then nailed Barry with a discus clothesline. Barry crashed to the mat. Jack grabbed Barry and dragged Barry into the corner. Jack dropped to the floor, grabbed Barry's legs and pulled them around the ring post. Jack yanked Barry's legs and Barry's nuts slammed into the post. Barry in tremendous pain. Jack prepared to repeat the nut cracker until some face wrestlers charged out of their locker room and chased Jack off. Wrestlers checking on the hurting Barry.


Nelson said they'd have comments from Jack and Windham on next week's show.

Video aired from the end of the match between the Grappler and Scott Norton: NEXT... LONG-SIMMERING HATE!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update

In-studio: Nelson intro'd footage from the end of last week's match from ASW between the Grappler and Scott Norton.


# Norton looked like he was gonna do a fist drop to the gut when he came off the top buckle but Grap got his foot up and Norton slammed face-first into it and crashed to the mat. Both men down. Ref counting. Grappler up and left the ring and grabbed the tag belt off the timekeeper's table. Norton getting up in the ring. Grap hit the ring and slammed Norton across the face with the belt. Ref called for the bell. Grap started stomping away on Norton. Rip Oliver charged down the heel aisle and hit the ring and joined in the stomping parade. Oliver gestured for the title and Grap handed it to him. Oliver started whipping Norton with the belt. Crowd popped as Billy Jack Haynes charged down the face aisle with his belt in tow and hit the ring. Haynes blasted Oliver in the side of the head with his belt and Oliver crashed to the mat and lost control of the title belt he was using to whip Norton. Ref again called for the bell. Haynes started whipping Oliver with his title belt. Grap grabbed the other belt as Norton was still down from the attack. Haynes whipped Oliver a few times and then turned and...

Grap blasted Haynes across the face with Norton's title strap. Haynes crumpled to the mat. Oliver had recovered enough and stomped Norton in the head. Haynes rolled over on his side and was now bleeding.

Face wrestlers charged down the face aisle and hit the ring and Oliver and Grap bailed to the floor... and they had the tag team titles with them.

The pair slung the belts over their shoulders, turned and headed back up the heel aisle as the program ended.


Nelson said the belts were returned to the champs when AWA officials threatened Oliver and Grappler with fines for every day they did not return the belts.

Pic aired of the Trooper with the caption: NEXT... NEXT CHAMPION???

Trooper won a squash match over Vernon Deaton via pinfall when he hit Deaton with his flying shoulder tackle finisher

Trooper got a strong ovation from the fans coming down the face aisle. Trooper handed out little souvenir speeding tickets on the way to the ring.


Trooper, you are really at the top of your game right now. Another shot at the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship can't be too far in the offing.

Trooper: I have dedicated 1991 to try and win that title from Valentine, Larry. I know that my chance will come.

I've had Valentine on the ropes before with the belt on the line. AWA officials have to believe that I can get the job done and end Valentine's reign.

Crowd cheered.

Trooper: Greg Valentine has been the champion for almost a year now. I give him credit. He has taken on all comers and has walked out of the ring every time with the belt still in hand.

But, there comes a time when even the best lose in sports.

This is...

Crowd booed as Valentine, belt slung over his shoulder, made his way down the heel aisle and stepped in the ring.

Valentine: Trooper! We are standing a foot apart from one another! This is as close to the title as your gonna get, pal!

Your quest in 1991 will be an epic failure! The Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship is staying right her with me! You got that?!

Trooper: I've shown everyone I have what it takes to be the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion, Valentine! These people out here, they know I can get the job done! I have pushed you to the limit before and I will do it again!

Fans cheered.

Valentine: These people out here know you can beat me, huh? These people know absolutely nothing about this sport! They just pay their money and sit on their butts, get drunk and watch the professionals at work!

These people who you love so damn much will do nothing for you, Trooper! YOU have to beat ME! The fans opinions don't mean anything! They're marks! They can root for you all they want and it don't mean a thing! They're not gonna help you win! You have to beat me on your own!

Trooper: I can do ti! Just give me another shot at that belt, Valentine! I'll finish the job this time!

Valentine: 1991 will be remembered for two things. The Trooper's failure to win the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship. And Greg Valentine cementing his status even more as the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion. This conversation is over.

Valentine turned and left the ring and headed back up the heel aisle to boos as the Trooper looked on.

Video aired from the Mimi-Saito Women's Title match with the caption: NEXT... ALMOST THE EX-CHAMP!!!


In-studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage from last week's exciting Women's World Title match between champ Mimi and All-Japan star Harley Saito.


# Saito held on to Mimi and got up and hit Mimi with another German suplex. Saito released Mimi. Mimi in a bad way. Saito snapped Mimi up in the double chicken wing positiion and blasted Mimi with a tiger suplex into a bridgeout for the pin. Crowd popped. 1...2...3! NO! Mimi somehow managed to kick out. Crowd loud groan. Saito slammed the mat in frustration. Saito reached down and started to pull Mimi up when Mimi caught Saito with a trio of gut punches and pulled Saito's legs out from under her. Saito crashed to the mat. Mimi positioned Saito in the ring and went for the cover. 1... Mimi placed her feet on the middle rope. ...2...thr... Ref looked over and ordered MImi to remove her feet from the middle rope. Mimi did and Saito caught Mimi in a small package for the pin. 1...2...thr... Mimi kicked out.

David Crockett: Say what you will about Mimi's tactics! But she has the fight of a champion!

Both women up and Mimi stunned Saito with a kick to the gut and went to hoist Saito up for her sitout powerbomb finisher but Saito sat up on Mimi's shoulders. Saito caught Mimi with a series of head shots and Mimi lost her balance and crashed to the mat with Saito on top of her. Saito reached back and hooked Mimi's legs for the pin. 1...2...3! NO! Mimi somehow kicked out again.

Reynolds: Maybe we should call her Mimi Houdini!

Saito grabbed Mimi and went to whip Mimi into the ropes but Mimi grabbed Saito around the waist, lifted her off the ground took a couple of steps back, dropped down and sent Saito slamming head first into the top buckle. Saito staggered back and crashed to the mat. Mimi fell against the ropes and was regaining her bearings. Saito slow to get to her feet bent over. Mimi moved in with a running knee lift to the chest that sent Saito snapping back and crashing to the mat. Mimi moved in and grabbed Saito, hoisted Saito up and found the strength to hit Saito with her sitout powerbomb finisher. Mimi for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed. An exhausted Mimi let go of Saito and dropped to her back on the mat from the sitout position.

Ref went over and talked to Larry Nelson on the ring apron and took the title. Valerie climbed in the ring and helped her client to her feet and hugged the champ. Ref handed Mimi the belt and raised her hand in victory.

Nelson: In a time of 10 minutes, 36 seconds, your winner... and STILL AWA Women's World Champion... Magnificent Mimi!

Val and Mimi remained in the ring as Mimi shook out the effects of the match and both were facing the hard camera, crowd popped as 'Big' Reggie Bennett made her way down the face aisle and climbed in the ring behind the victorious pair. Reg stood behind them for a few seconds and then tapped the champ on the shoulder. Mimi ignored it and waved Reg off. Reg did the shoulder tap on Mimi again and this time an irritated Mimi spun around, saw Reg and stumbled back and dropped to her ass on the mat and quickly left the ring and Val joined Mimi on the floor. Reg just kept a laser-like focus on the pair from the ring as the segment ended.


Pic aired of the Winter Warfare logo with the caption: NEXT... WARFARE REPORT!!!



Larry Nelson was seated behind the studio desk in front of the AWA logo.

Nelson: Welcome to the first Winter Warfare update. I'm Larry Nelson.

Winter Warfare will be airing live on ESPN on Tuesday, February 19th with a start time of 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific.

The show will be coming to you from the Icardo Center on the Cal State-Bakersfield campus.

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticket Master or by calling the Icardo Center box office at (805) 867-5309 or by visiting the Icardo Center box office in person. Tickets are on sale now.

Well, as you saw earlier in the program, the main event is set for Winter Warfare.

Col. DeBeers will be defending the AWA World Championship against former champion 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel... in an Indian strap match!

The Indian strap match is Wahoo's specialty. He's the master of it. And, the most important thing to keep in mind... Wahoo has never lost an Indian strap match.

On February 19th, we could be looking at the end of Col. DeBeers' run as World Champion.

We'll announce more big matches in the weeks to come. Winter Warfare is already looking like it's gonna be a huge show.

See you with a new update next week.


Pic aired of the SLAM! logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!


In-studio: Nelson told viewers that beginning Wednesday, February 6th, AWA SLAM! wrestling on ESPN would start airing at its new, regular time of 10pm ET and 7pm PT.

TV MAIN EVENT: Tully Blanchard & Ken Patera (w/ Valerie) vs. Dick Murdoch & Sam Houston

Tully, Ken and Val made their way down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had some fans.

Sam and Dick made their way down the face aisle to a good ovation.

Ref called for the bell.

Tully and Sam started for their teams. The to men circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Tully, after a brief struggle, was able to catch Sam in a hammerlock. Tully cinched up on the hold. Sam caught Tully with an elbow strike to the side of the head and reversed and caught Tully in a hammerlock. Sam drove Tully to the mat in the hold and cranked on the hammerlock as Tully winced in pain. Sam then hit a series of swinging knees into Tully's arm, released the hold and mussed Tully's hair. Tully shot to his feet holding his left arm angrily glaring at Sam. Tully turned and tagged in Patera. Patera, now sporting his heel bleach blond hair, stepped in the ring. Patera walked up to Sam and flexed his muscles to mainly boos. Sam, responded by dropkicking Patera. Patera crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Sam snapped Patera up and went to whip Patera into the ropes but Patera reversed and looked to catch Sam coming off with a clothesline but Sam ducked the move and back with a flying crossbody but Patera caught Sam, held Sam for a moment in the horizontal position and blasted Sam with a spinning powerslam. Patera shot to his feet. Patera walked over and spat at Murdoch. Murdoch started to climb in the ring to go after Patera but the ref intercepted Murdoch. Sam rolled over on his side and Patera moved in and stomped Sam with three deliberate stomps. Patera picked Sam up, whipped Sam into the ropes and blasted Sam coming off with a vicious clothesline. Sam crashed to the mat. Patera did some jumping jacks over the downed Sam as the crowd booed. Patera picked Sam up and whipped Sam into the heel's corner. Patera nailed Sam with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut and tagged in Tully. Tully in and nailed Sam with knees to the gut followed by a series of elbows to the top of the head. Sam in a bad way. Tully pulled Sam out of the corner, whipped Sam into the ropes and caught Sam coming off with a knee to the gut. Sam crashed to the mat. Tully stomped on Sam and then picked Sam up and bodyslammed Sam. Tully with a series of rapid-fire elbow smashes. Tully for the cover. 1...2...thr... Sam got a shoulder up. Crowd cheered. Tully snapped Sam up and prepared to hit Sam with his slingshot suplex but Sam twice blocked the move and and suplexed Tully to the mat. Sam up and turned to make a tag in the wrong direction and then turned to make a tag to Murdoch, Tully up and tackled Sam from behind. Sam rolled over on his back and Tully blasted Sam with a series of head shots. Murdoch hit the ring and kneed Tully in the side of the head. Patera hit the ring to got after Murdoch but the ref was able to get in between the two before anything happened. Both men back to their corners. Sam up and again slowly moved in his team's direction to make the tag. Just before Sam got close enough to tag in Murdoch, Tully dived over and grabbed Sam's leg. Tully was able to pull Sam down. Tully up and briefly mocked Murdoch. Tully grabbed Sam and started dragging Sam's face across the mat. Tully broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Tully snapped Sam up, whipped Sam into the ropes and went for a backdrop but Sam leapfrogged Tully, dived over and tagged in Murdoch. Crowd popped. Murdoch in and he and Tully engaged in a wild punch exchange. Murdoch gained the advantage, whipped Tully into the ropes and caught Tully coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Tully stumbled back. Murdoch with a series of bionic elbows to the top of the head. Patera hit the ring and Murdoch blasted him with series of bionic elbows to the top of the head as the crowd loved it. Murdoch then slammed Tully's and Ken's heads together. Patera fell back against the ropes and left the ring on shaky legs. Murdoch caught the stunned Tully in a small package for the pin. 1...2... Tully kicked out.

Murdoch snapped Tully up and slammed Tully's head into the top buckle. Murdoch hit Tully with some punches and then Tully stunned Murdoch with a knee to the groin. Murdoch stumbled back. Ref reprimanded Tully. Tully moved in and struck Murdoch with a couple of punches and whipped Murdoch into the ropes and caught Murdoch coming off with a high backdrop. Murdoch slammed to the mat. Murdoch getting up bent over and Tully dived over and slammed Murdoch with a double sledge to the back. Murdoch to a knee. Tully grabbed Murdoch and drove Murdoch into the heel's corner. Tully with more punches on Murdoch. Tully then went over and showed true class when he flipped off Sam. Sam went to get in the ring to go after Tully but the ref intercepted him. As Sam had words with the ref, Patera strangled Murdoch with the tag rope. Tully came over and goaded Sam and Sam tried to go after Tully again but the ref kept Sam at bay. Because of Sam's face stupidity, it allowed Patera to keep strangling Murdoch with the tag rope. Tully threw his hands in the air like nothing was happening and backed off. Patera stopped strangling Murdoch just before the ref turned around. Tully hit Murdoch with a gut shot and tagged in Patera. Patera caught Murdoch with a trio of forearms shivers to the side of the head. Patera whipped Murdoch into the opposite buckles. Patera charged in and went to hit Murdoch with a running shoulder block to the gut but Murdoch moved and Patera slammed shoulder-first into the post and then fell out of the ring to the floor. Murdoch fell on his ass in the ring. Ref counting. Count growing and Patera to his feet on the floor. Val urging Ken to get his arse back in the ring. Patera rolled in under the bottom rope just before the 10-count. Crowd buzzing. Both men up and Patera went to eye poke Murdoch but Murdoch stuck his hand up sideways over his nose to block the poke try (think Curly of the Three Stooges). Murdoch then poked Patera in the eyes to the delight of the crowd. Murdoch fired away on Patera with bionic elbows to the top of the head. Murodch grabbed Patera and drove Patera hard into the buckles. Murdoch with a couple of quick jabs. Murdoch maneuvered around behind Patera, mounted the middle buckle, placed his knee in Patera's back and hit Patera with the calf branding (driving knee to the back from the middle rope that sends the opponent crashing face-first down to the mat.) Murdoch turned Patera over and went for the cover. 1...2...thr... Tully hit the ring and stomped Murdoch in the back to break up the pin try. Tully back to his corner. Both men up and Patera clubbed Murdoch with a series of forearms to the chest. Patera picked up Murdoch and bodyslammed Murdoch. Patera with an elbow smash and then the cover. 1..2... Murdoch kicked out. Crowd cheered. Patera raked his boot laces across Murdoch's face and then snapped Murdoch up and whipped Murdoch into the corner. Patera backed up went for another running shoulder block to the gut that connected. Murdoch stumbled out of the corner and crashed to the mat holding his gut. Patera took the down time to do jumping jacks in the ring to more boos. Murdoch got to his knees and Patera slapped Murdoch hard across the face. Sam hit the ring and struck Patera with a couple of punches before the ref intervened and ordered Sam back to his corner. As the ref got Sam out of the ring, Patera snapped up Murdoch and threw Murdoch over the top rope out of the ring. Murdoch crashed to the floor. Crowd beside itself. Tully dropped off the apron and got a few well-placed stomps in on Murdoch. Tully making it back to his corner as the ref got Sam out on the apron and turned back to the action. Patera ignored the ref order to stand back and left the ring and dropped to the floor. Murdoch getting up next to the apron. Patera clubbed Murdoch across the back and then grabbed Murdoch around the waist and rammed Murdoch back-first into the ring apron a couple of times. Murdoch in a real bad way. Ref counting. Patera threw Murdoch back into the ring. Patera climbed in and took a moment to strike a bodybuilder pose in the ring.

Pedicino: Dick's got a lot of heart. But I don't know how much more of this he can take from Tully and Patera.

Patera was lightly tapping his boot into the top of Murdoch's head and yelling for him to get up. Crowd urging on Dick. Patera pulled Dick up and went to whip Dick into the ropes but Murdoch reversed and caught Patera coming off with an inverted atomic drop. Crowd popped. Patera crashed to the mat... and so did Murdoch. Ref counting. Both men to their feet and Patera got up facing away from Murdoch. Murdoch came up behind Patera, grabbed Patera around the waist and ran the big man into the ropes for a roll-up from behind for the pin. 1...2... Tully hit the ring and broke up the pin try with a vicious running clothesline. Murdoch crashed to the mat. Tully started to do a strut in the ring when Sam hit the ring behind Tully, charged up behind him and nailed Tully with a running bulldog. Crowd exploded. Ref getting Sam back to his corner. Tully down by the ropes. Patera snapped up Murdoch and caught Murdoch in a bearhug. Murdoch trying not to submit. Patera cinched up on the hold. Murdoch then popped Patera with an elbow to the top of the head. Murdoch repeated the move. Murdoch repeated the move a third time and Patera lost his grip on the hold. Murdoch continued with the bionic elbows to the top of the head in rapid-fire fashion. Murdoch whipped Patera into the face team's corner and tagged in Sam. Crowd into it. Tully now sitting up on the apron and Val was talking to him. Sam in and nailed Paterta with punches. Sam whipped Patera into the opposite buckles and charged in popped Ken with a flying dropkick. Sam then mounted the middle buckle over Ken and popped Ken in the head with a series of punches as the crowd counted along. Sam dropped back to the mat, grabbed Patera in a side headlock and tried to hit Patera with his running bulldog finisher but Patera shoved Sam off and Sam crashed to the mat. Patera up as Sam was getting up and kicked Sam in the chest. Sam fell back against the ropes. Ken tagged in Tully. Tully charged in and nailed Sam with punches and knees to the gut. Tully suplexed Sam and and hit Sam with a delayed knee drop. Tully for the cover. 1...2.. Sam kicked out. Tully with a couple of head shots on Sam. Tully pulled Sam up and went to piledrive Sam but Sam twice blocked the move. Murdoch hit the ring and repaid Tully for the earlier clothesline with a running clothesline of his own. Tully crashed to the mat as the crowd was loving it. Patera hit the ring and he and Murdoch exchanged blows. Ref trying to re-store order. Sam snapped Tully up and bodyslammed Tully. Sam went out on the apron and mounted the top rope. Sam came off with a leg drop but Tully rolled out of the way and Sam crashed to the mat. Patera and Murdoch back to their corners. Tully and Sam down. Ref counting. Tully up and Sam getting up. Tully with a knee lift on Sam.Sam fell back against the ropes. Tully whipped Sam into the ropes and caught Sam coming off with a clothesline. Sam crashed to the mat. Tully reached down and started to pull Sam up when Sam caught Tully with gut punches. Sam rose to his feet and, learning from his teacher, popped Tully with a series of bionic elbows to the top of the head to the delight of the crowd. Tully staggered. Sam whipped Tully into the face team's corner and caught Tully with some kicks to the gut and tagged in Murdoch. Murdoch hit the ring and popped Tully with forearms to the chest. Tully staggered out by the ropes. Murdoch clubbed Tully in the back. Murdoch whipped Tully into the ropes and caught Tully coming off with a kick to the gut. Murdoch caught Tully in a front facelock.

Pedicino: He's goin' for the brainbuster!

Murdoch tried twice to snap Tully up in the his finisher, but Tully was able to maneuver over by the ropes and drape his leg out over the middle rope to force a break. Tully went to punch Murdoch and Murdoch blocked the punch try and hit Tully with a bionic elbow to the top of the head. Tully stunned. Murdoch whipped Tully into the ropes and looked to catch Tully coming off with a backdrop but Tully kicked Murdoch in the chest instead. Murdoch snapped back and crashed to the mat. Tully snapped Murdoch up and blasted Murdoch with his slingshot suplex finisher. Tully for the cover. 1...2... Sam tried to make the save but Patera cut him off and threw Sam back into his team's corner. ...3! Ref called for the bell as most of the crowd booed but some cheered. Tully up and the ref raised his and Patera's hand in victory as Val climbed in the ring to congratulate her men.

WINNER: Tully & Patera - Pinfall - 13:21

(A commercial break would have aired during the match, so the actual airtime on TV would have been around 10:20.)



Col. DeBeers (WC) and Wahoo McDaniel fought to a Double DQ - 8:07

The Trooper def. Cactus Jack via pinfall with his flying shoulder tackle finisher - 11:23

Nikita Koloff def. Tully Blanchard via pinfall after Patera's interference backfired - 16:16




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Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(4th Taping)

(# Aired on previous AWA program.)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson.

Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

Greg Valentine (PWHC) vs. Dustin Rhodes (from USWA)

The first Winter Warfare update

A look back at the end of the thrilling Women's Championship match that took place on last week's ASW between champ Mimi and Japanese challenger Harley Saito

A look back at the wild finish between Cactus Jack and Jerry Blackwell on SLAM! and what happened after the match

Former AWA World Champion Wahoo McDaniel wrestles

Tina Moretti sees action

And more!

Nelson then intro'd video from AWA on ESPN from a couple of weeks ago from the end of a match between Ken Patera and Kenny Omega,


# After the match, Patera snapped up Omega and nailed him with another full nelson slam. Ref tried to stop Patera but Patera grabbed Omega and nailed him with another post-match full nelson slam. Rheingans charged down the face aisle to a good response. Rheingans was carrying a 2x4, hit the ring and went to strike Patera with the 2x4 but Patera bailed to the floor just before Brad could hit him with the 2x4. Brad looking on from the ring as Patera looked up at him. Patera wanted to get back in the ring but Val stopped him and the two men continued glaring at one another as the segment ended.


Ken Paterta (w/ Valerie) won a squash match over Nelson Royal via pinfall with his full nelson slam finisher

Patera and Val came down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had their fans.


Ken Patera, recently you took liberties with a wrestler named Kenny Omega after you beat him and then Brad Rheingans hit the ring with a board and you just barely escaped being clocked with that 2x4.

Patera: First off, what the hell kind of wrestling name is Kenny Omega? That's a clown name.

Also, did you see how he wrestled?

Eric: I did. He's a little different.

Ken: A little different? Did you see some of the nonsense he tried to do. His style of wrestling is a crime against decency.

As for Brad Rheingans. Well, if Brad wants to play rough, then we can play rough.

Brad and I had a good run as a tag team. But, I made a business decision because at the end of the day this sport is a business.

Brad was stupid for not coming to work for Valerie and we could have been even better under her tutelage.

But, Brad made his decision and I made mine.

Brad, you know right where to find me. I don't hide.

You fight like they did on the Flintstones and hit each other over the head with clubs or boards or whatever, well, I'm game. I'll fight you any way you want it.

Val: You are looking at a man who is major championship material. Ken Patera will one day very soon have a beautiful championship belt around his waist; and so will Tully.

The grand plans we have are unfolding nicely here in early '91. It will be a big year for us.

Video aired from the end of the Cactus Jack-Jerry Blackwell match with the caption: NEXT... CACTUS CHAOS!


In-studio: Nelson told viewers that beginning Wednesday, February 6th, AWA SLAM! wrestling on ESPN would start airing at its new, regular time of 10pm ET and 7pm PT.

Larry Nelson intro'd footage from the end of the match between Cactus and Blackwell on last week's SLAM!.


#Jerry fell against the ropes regaining his bearings. Jack to his feet and moved in and looked to punch Jerry but Jerry blocked the punch try and caught Jack with another headbutt. Jack staggered. Jerry whipped Jack into the buckles and charged in and pulverized Jack with an avalanche. Jack limp in the corner as the fans cheered. Jerry pulled Jack out of the corner and bodyslammed Jack. Jerry mounted the middle buckle and came off with his diving splash finisher but Jack got his knees up and Jerry crashed into them. Jerry rolled over on his back. Jack up and nailed Jerry with a running elbow smash. Jack for the cover. 1...2... Jerry got his foot on the bottom rope. ...3! Ref up and turned and called for the bell. Fans yelling that Blackwell's foot was on the bottom rope. Ref raised Jack's hand in victory.

Jack strutted around the ring victoriously. Crowd popped as Barry Windham charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Barry started talking to the ref and gestured that Jerry had his foot on the bottom rope. Ref pointed at his eyes and shook his 'no', that he didn't see the foot. As Barry talked with the ref, Jack came over and had some words with Barry. Jack was overheard telling Barry to mind his own business. After a little more back-and-forth off-mic, Jack turned to leave and Barry made the mistake of taking his eyes off Jack. Jack clubbed Barry in the back. Barry stumbled forward and spun around. Jack caught Barry with some punches and then nailed Barry with a discus clothesline. Barry crashed to the mat. Jack grabbed Barry and dragged Barry into the corner. Jack dropped to the floor, grabbed Barry's legs and pulled them around the ring post. Jack yanked Barry's legs and Barry's nuts slammed into the post. Barry in tremendous pain. Jack prepared to repeat the nut cracker until some face wrestlers charged out of their locker room and chased Jack off. Wrestlers checking on the hurting Barry.


Nelson said that comments from Windham and Jack were coming next week.

Pic aired of Tina Moretti with the caption: NEXT... TINA'S TURN!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

Tina Moretti won a squash match over Velvet McIntyre via pinfall with her Samoan piledriver

Moretti was cheered coming down the face aisle.

Nelson said things were heating up in the women's division and Mimi's reign may be in serious jeopardy.

Video aired from the Mimi Women's title defense against Japanese star Harley Saito with the caption: NEXT... MIMI ON THE BRINK???


In-studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage from last week's exciting Women's World Title match between champ Mimi and All-Japan star Harley Saito.


# Saito held on to Mimi and got up and hit Mimi with another German suplex. Saito released Mimi. Mimi in a bad way. Saito snapped Mimi up in the double chicken wing position and blasted Mimi with a tiger suplex into a bridgeout for the pin. Crowd popped. 1...2...3! NO! Mimi somehow managed to kick out. Crowd loud groan. Saito slammed the mat in frustration. Saito reached down and started to pull Mimi up when Mimi caught Saito with a trio of gut punches and pulled Saito's legs out from under her. Saito crashed to the mat. Mimi positioned Saito in the ring and went for the cover. 1... Mimi placed her feet on the middle rope. ...2...thr... Ref looked over and ordered MImi to remove her feet from the middle rope. Mimi did and Saito caught Mimi in a small package for the pin. 1...2...thr... Mimi kicked out.

David Crockett:
Say what you will about Mimi's tactics! But she has the fight of a champion!

Both women up and Mimi stunned Saito with a kick to the gut and went to hoist Saito up for her sitout powerbomb finisher but Saito shifted her upper body. Saito caught Mimi with a series of head shots and Mimi lost her balance and crashed to the mat with Saito on top of her. Saito reached back and hooked Mimi's legs for the pin. 1...2...3! NO! Mimi somehow kicked out again.

Reynolds: Maybe we should call her Mimi Houdini!

Saito grabbed Mimi and went to whip Mimi into the ropes but Mimi grabbed Saito around the waist, lifted her off the ground took a couple of steps back, dropped down and sent Saito slamming head first into the top buckle. Saito staggered back and crashed to the mat. Mimi fell against the ropes and was regaining her bearings. Saito slow to get to her feet bent over. Mimi moved in with a running knee lift to the chest that sent Saito snapping back and crashing to the mat. Mimi moved in and grabbed Saito, hoisted Saito up and found the strength to hit Saito with her sitout powerbomb finisher. Mimi for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed. An exhausted Mimi let go of Saito and dropped to her back on the mat from the sitout position.

Ref went over and talked to Larry Nelson on the ring apron and took the title. Valerie climbed in the ring and helped her client to her feet and hugged the champ. Ref handed Mimi the belt and raised her hand in victory.

Nelson: In a time of 10 minutes, 36 seconds, your winner... and STILL AWA Women's World Champion... Magnificent Mimi!

Val and Mimi remained in the ring as Mimi shook out the effects of the match and both were facing the hard camera, crowd popped as 'Big' Reggie Bennett made her way down the face aisle and climbed in the ring behind the victorious pair. Reg stood behind them for a few seconds and then tapped the champ on the shoulder. Mimi ignored it and waved Reg off. Reg did the shoulder tap on Mimi again and this time an irritated Mimi spun around, saw Reg and stumbled back and dropped to her ass on the mat and quickly left the ring and Val joined Mimi on the floor. Reg just kept a laser-like focus on the pair from the ring as the segment ended.


Pic aired of Wahoo McDaniel with the caption: NEXT... THE CHIEF!!!

Wahoo McDaniel won a squash match over Gary Young via pinfall with his big chop finisher

Wahoo got a good ovation coming down the face aisle.

Nelson talked about Wahoo having a two-fold quest. Regaining the AWA World Title from Col. DeBeers and exacting a measure of revenge against former tag team partner Don Muraco for his role in causing Wahoo to lose the title to Col. DeBeers.

Pic aired of the Winter Warfare logo with the caption: NEXT... WINTER WARFARE UPDATE!!!



# Larry Nelson was seated behind the studio desk in front of the AWA logo.

Nelson: Welcome to the first Winter Warfare update. I'm Larry Nelson.

Winter Warfare will be airing live on ESPN on Tuesday, February 19th with a start time of 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific.

The show will be coming to you from the Icardo Center on the Cal State-Bakersfield campus in Bakersfield, California.

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticket Master or by calling the Icardo Center box office at (805) 867-5309 or by visiting the Icardo Center box office in person.

Well, as you saw earlier in the program, the main event is set for Winter Warfare.

Col. DeBeers will be defending the AWA World Championship against former champion 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel... in an Indian strap match!

The Indian strap match is Wahoo's specialty. He's the master of it. And, the most important thing to keep in mind... Wahoo has never lost an Indian strap match.

On February 19th, we could be looking at the end of Col. DeBeers' run as World Champion.

We'll announce more big matches in the weeks to come. Winter Warfare is already looking like it's gonna be a huge show.

See you with a new update next week.


Pic aired of the PWHC belt with the caption: NEXT... FOR THE TITLE!!!

Nelson told viewers that beginning Wednesday, February 6th, AWA SLAM! wrestling on ESPN would start airing at its new, regular time of 10pm ET and 7pm PT.

Greg Valentine (PWHC) vs. Dustin Rhodes (From USWA)

Rhodes made his way down the face aisle to a good ovation as fans recognized him from his NWA days.

Valentine made his way down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had his fans.

Bischoff said the match was one-fall with TV time remaining.

Nelson did the pre-match introductions.

Bischoff climbed in the ring and took the mic from Eric Bischoff.

Dustin Rhodes. Son of the wrestling legend the 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes.

The only reason you're getting this title shot tonight is because of your wrestling pedigree.

But, that pedigree's not gonna matter when the bell rings! Unlike your father, you're not gonna leave this ring a champion!

Crowd booed.

Valentine: The Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship is staying right where it is!

And Dustin, there's no shame in not winning! It just means you're the first loser!

More boos.

Ref took the title from Valentine and held it up for all to see before handing it off to Eric Bischoff.

Ref called the two men out to the center of the ring and laid down the rules and patted each man down.

Ref sent each man back to his corner, called for the bell and it was on.

The two men came out of their corners and Valentine caught Dustin with a kick to the gut and a trio of elbows to the back of the neck. Dustin dropped to a knee. Valentine snapped Dustin up and nailed Dustin with a suplex. Valentine hit an elbow smash on Dustin and went for the pin. 1... Dustin kicked out. Valentine up and stomped away on Dustin. Valentine snapped Dustin up and whipped Dustin into the ropes and caught Dustin coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Dustin fell back against the ropes. Valentine caught Dustin with a trio of chest chops. Valentine pulled Dustin away from the ropes and went to bodyslam Dustin but Dustin caught Valentine in a small package for the pin. 1...2... Valentine kicked out. Both men to their feet and Dustin stunned Valentine with a series of bionic elbows to the top of the head. Dustin then did the hand spin followed by the hand jive and Valentine crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Dustin grabbed Valentine as Valentine was getting up and whipped Valentine into the buckles. Dustin charged in and went to hit Valentine with a running clothesline but Valentine moved and Dustin slammed front-first into the buckles. Valentine caught Dustin with a kick to the side of the ribs. Valentine then nailed Dustin with a belly-to-back suplex. Valentine up and grabbed Dustin in a side headlock. Dustin shoved Valentine off into the ropes and Valentine came off and Dustin hit Valentine with a shoulder block. Valentine crashed to the mat. Valentine scooted against the ropes and got to his feet. Dustin moved in on Valentine but Valentine climbed out on the apron. Ref ordered Dustin back. Dustin obliged. Ref started the count. Valentine slowly started to climb back in the ring and Dustin moved in but Valentine climbed back out on the apron. Crowd booed. Ref ordered Dustin back and started the count. Dustin got tired of waiting and moved in on Valentine and Valentine leaned through the top and middle rope and nailed Dustin with a shoulder block to the gut, Dustin stumbled back. Valentine climbed into the ring and went to punch Dustin but Dustin blocked the punch try and fired away on Valentine with punches that drove Valentine into the corner. Dustin went to whip Valentine into the opposite buckles but Valentine reversed and sent Dustin crashing into them. Valentine charged in and Dustin got a boot up and Valentine slammed face-first into it. Valentine staggered back. Dustin dropped Valentine with a running clothesline. Valentine up and Dustin hit Valentine with a second running clothesline. Valentine crashed back to the mat. Dustin for the cover. 1...2... Valentine kicked out. Dustin snapped Valentine up and hit Valentine with a suplex. Dustin with an elbow smash and the cover. 1...2... Valentine kicked out. Dustin started to pull Valentine up and Valentine caught Dustin with a couple of gut shots. Valentine then hit Dustin with a series of bionic elbows to the head. Dustin fell back against the ropes. Valentine laid into Dustin with forearm smashes to the chest. Dustin staggered away form the ropes.

Valentine came up behind Dustin, dropped down and hit Dustin with a chop block to the back of the knee. Dustin crumpled to the mat. Valentine up, grabbed Dustin's left leg and yanked on it a few times and then wrapped Dustin up in the figure 4 leglock, Crowd urging the feisty challenger on. Valentine cinched up on the hold but Dustin not giving up. Dustin started scooting towards the ropes. Valentine killed Dustin's movement when he further cinched up on the hold. Dustin then resumed his struggle and finally was able to get close enough to drape his arm out over the bottom rope to force a break. Valentine released the hold and got up and hit the downed Dustin with a couple of head shots. snapped Dustin up and suplexed Dustin. Valentine ran and hit the ropes and came off with a running elbow smash but Dustin rolled out of the way and Valentine crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Both men down. Ref started the 10-count. Both men up and Valentine walked right into an inverted atomic drop followed by a clothesline. Valentine crashed to the mat. Dustin for the cover. 1...2...thr... Valentine got his foot on the bottom rope. Ref ordered a break. Crowd groaned. Valentine made it to his feet. Dustin grabbed Valentine and prepared to run Valentine into the corner but Valentine shoved Dustin off and Dustin slammed front-first into the buckles. Dustin walked out of the corner holding his chest. Valentine came up behind Dustin, spun Dustin around and hit Dustin with a bionic elbow. Dustin fired back with one of his own. Valentine hit another one. Dustin hit Valentine with another bionic elbow. Valentine struck Dustin with another bionic elbow. Dustin struck with another. Valentine stunned. Dustin fired away with a rapid-fire series of bionic elbows on Valentine and then stopped and Valentine crashed face-first to the mat. Dustin quickly regained his bearings. Valentine got up bent over and Dustin nailed Valentine with a drop down uppercut. Valentine reeling. Dustin grabbed Valentine and nailed Valentine with a lifting inverted DDT. Crowd popped. Dustin for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! NO! Valentine got a shoulder up. Crowd really groaned. Dustin whipped Valentine into the ropes and caught Valentine coming off with a dropkick. Valentine spun around and crashed to the mat. Crowd feeling the plumber's son. Dustin ran and jumped on the middle buckle as Valentine got up and went for a twisting diving crossbody but Valentine fell out of the way and Dustin crashed to the mat. Both men down. Ref started the count. Both men up and Valentine caught Dustin with a kick to the gut and then blasted Dustin with a piledriver. Valentine for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed.

Ref went over and took the belt from Eic Bischoff.

In a time of 9 minutes,30 seconds... your winner... and STILL Pro Wrestling Heirtage Champion... Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine!

Ref went over and handed Valentine the belt and raised his hand in victory as the program went off the air.

Valentine - Pinfall - 9:30



The Trooper def. Cactus Jack via pinfall with his flying shoulder tackle finisher - 14:34

AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes (WTTC) def. The Destruction Crew (Wayne Bloom & Mike Enos) when Norton pinned Enos after a powerbomb - 15:26

Barry Windham def. Ken Patera when Tully's interference backfired - 11:42


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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(1st Taping)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers to SLAM! wrestling.

Nelson then intro'd a message from AWA promoter Jim Crockett.


Crockett was seated behind his desk

Crockett: Hello. I'm Jim Crockett.

Recently here on SLAM! wrestling, Cactus Jack viciously assaulted Barry Windham after Cactus had just won a match against Jerry Blackwell.

The good news is Barry Windham is fine. He has recovered from Jack driving his lower extremities into the steel ring post. There was no serious injury.

Because of his attack on Windham, I am ordering a match.

It will be Cactus Jack vs. Barry Windham at Winter Warfare.

Winter Warfare is already shaping up to be a great show.

And more exciting matches are to come.

Thank you for your time.


Nelson then ran down the program:

TV MAIN EVENT: Bobby Jaggers vs. Tom Zenk

Another Winter Warfare Report

AWA Women's Champion Magnificent Mimi wrestles

AWA World Tag Team Champions Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes wrestle

Nikita Koloff sees action

A look back at last week's match-up between Sam Houston & Dick Murdoch vs. Tully Blanchard & Ken Patera

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas!

Don Muraco won a squash match over Rick McCord via pinfall with his inverted piledriver

Muraco once again came to the ring through the crowd to strong boos.


Don Muraco. I see you're now taking a more scenic route to the ring.

Muraco: This happened before. I can't dress in the locker room I normally dress in. I had to dress in the janitor's closet in the back.

Nelson: Why is that?

Muraco: The guys won't let me dress in the locker room I normally dress in. They said it's because of what I did to Wahoo at Christmas Chaos.

Nelson: You mean when you hit him over the head with a chair and cost him the World Title?

Muraco: Look, I was just trying to free up his schedule so we could get back together as a team and go after those tag team titles. The audacity of Wahoo not to clear time on his busy schedule so we could pursue that noble goal. He left me with no choice but to do what I did.

Nelson: Audacity?! Really?

Muraco: Yes. Audacity. I hoped hitting him over the head with that chair would knock some sense into him and he would see the light of reason and realize that we need to reunite and make tag team history.

Nelson: Wahoo's not very happy with what you did.

Muraco: Wahoo is a very selfish man, Larry.

Crowd booed and Muraco stopped talking and looked out at the crowd with a surprised look on his face.

Nelson: He's selfish?! You hit him with that chair and not the other way around.

Muraco: It depends on what your mindset is when you hit a man over the head with a chair. Sometimes it's wrong and sometimes it's justified. What I did was justified at Christmas Chaos.

More boos. Muraco looked out at the crowd with a hurt look on his face.

Nelson: Because of you Col. DeBeers is now the World Champion. How can you say it was justified?

Muraco: Congratulations are in order to the Colonel on becoming the new AWA Champion. He's deserving of it.

Nelson: OK. We're in bizarro land now. Col. DeBeers doesn't like people like you because you're different from him. If he had his way he might ship you out of the country. And you're congratulating him.

Muraco: I don't care what DeBeers believes. The only thing I know is that Wahoo is no longer the World Champion. And out of the goodness of my heart I am giving him the chance to go after the World Tag Team Titles with me.

More boos.

Muraco: You fans are so fickle. Before Christmas Chaos you cheered me. Now, you hate my guts because it was Wahoo who would not do the right thing.

More boos. Another stunned look on Muraco's face.

Muraco: You know what? This interview is over!

Muraco left the ring and left through the crowd as a disbelieving Nelson looked on.

Pic aired of Nikita Koloff with the caption: NEXT... A REAL AMERICAN!!!


Nikita Koloff won a squash match over Ray Gunkel via pinfall with his Russian sickle finisher

Koloff got a strong ovation coming down the face aisle.


Another strong win, Nikita. Your Russian sickle looks like you could decapitate a man with that move.

Koloff: I'm certainly not looking to do that, Larry. I just want to beat my opponent.

Nelson: Col. DeBeers is the new AWA World Champion. And you've been blazing a trail of defeated opponents here in the AWA. Surely you're on the championship committee's radar for a World Title shot against the man from South Africa.

Koloff: If the, how you say, championship committee, decides to grant me a title match with DeBeers I would gladly accept it.

I was hoping that winning the World Title might make DeBeers stand back and realize what a great country America is and be thankful for his blessings.

Instead, he's decided to continue hating America. He's a man who never seems to know how good he has it here in the land of opportunity.

I despise what DeBeers stands for. But, he has worked hard to get where he is in this sport. But, his disrespect for the country that gave him the chance to rise to be a World Champion shows that he has no respect for this land or people.

Col. DeBeers, I still hope you see the light one day. I hope you come to your senses.

But, in your case, someone might have to beat some sense into you.

Crowd cheered.

Video aired from the Tully-Patera vs. Murdoch-Houston match from last week with the caption; NEXT... DOG FIGHT!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update

In-studio: Nelson reminded viewers that beginning next Wednesday, February 6th, AWA SLAM! wrestling on ESPN would start airing at its new, regular time of 10pm ET and 7pm PT.

Nelson intro'd footage from last week's TV main on SLAM! pitting Murdoch & Houston against Tully & Patera


# Tully suplexed Sam and and hit Sam with a delayed knee drop. Tully for the cover. 1...2.. Sam kicked out. Tully with a couple of head shots on Sam. Tully pulled Sam up and went to piledrive Sam but Sam twice blocked the move. Murdoch hit the ring and repaid Tully for the earlier clothesline with a running clothesline of his own. Tully crashed to the mat as the crowd was loving it. Patera hit the ring and he and Murdoch exchanged blows. Ref trying to re-store order. Sam snapped Tully up bodyslammed Tully. Sam went out on the apron and mounted the top rope. Sam came off with a leg drop but Tully rolled out of the way and Sam crashed to the mat. Patera and Murdoch back to their corners. Tully and Sam down. Ref counting. Tully up and Sam getting up. Tully with a knee lift on Sam.Sam fell back against the ropes. Tully whipped Sam into the ropes and caught Sam coming off with a clothesline. Sam crashed to the mat. Tully reached down and started to pull Sam up when Sam caught Tully with gut punches. Sam rose to his feet and, learning from his teacher, popped Tully with a series of bionic elbows to the top of the head to the delight of the crowd. Tully staggered. Sam whipped Tully into the face team's corner and caught Tully with some kicks to the gut and tagged in Murdoch. Murdoch hit the ring and popped Tully with forearms to the chest. Tully staggered out by the ropes. Murdoch clubbed Tully in the back. Murdoch whipped Tully into the ropes and caught Tully coming off with a kick to the gut. Murdoch caught Tully in a front facelock.

Pedicino: He's goin' for the brainbuster!

Murdoch tried twice to snap Tully up in the his finisher, but Tully was able to maneuver over by the ropes and drape his leg out over the middle rope to force a break. Tully went to punch Murdoch and Murdoch blocked the punch try and hit Tully with a bionic elbow to the top of the head. Tully stunned. Murdoch whipped Tully into the ropes and looked to catch Tully coming off with a backdrop but Tully kicked Murodch in the chest instead. Murdoch snapped back and crashed to the mat. Tully snapped Murdoch up and blasted Murdoch with his slingshot suplex finisher. Tully for the cover. 1...2... Sam tried to make the save but Patera cut him off and threw Sam back into his team's corner. ...3!

Pic aired of Magnificent Mimi with the caption: NEXT... SHE'S THE CHAMP!!!


NON-TITLE: Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Valerie) def. Princess Tomah via pinfall with her sitout powerbomb finisher.

Mimi and Val largely booed coming down the heel aisle.


Magnificent Mimi is still...

Val: Take a look at that title belt Mimi's holding, Larry Nelson. Mimi becomes a more invincible champion with each passing day.

Nelson: She should probably be the former champion, if we're honest.

The mood suddenly shifted in the ring.

Val: Excuse me?

Nelson: At Christmas Chaos, everyone saw it. Reggie Bennett had Mimi locked in her virtually inescapable submission finisher. And then you went over and rang the bell to cause chaos and confusion and stop the match dead in its tracks.

You and Mimi walked out and Reggie won the match by count out. What do you have to say for yourself?

Val: I admit it. I did ring the timekeeper's bell that night.

Mimi looked shocked at Val's admission.

Val: What happened was I wandered over by the timekeeper's table and picked up the hammer used to ring the bell. I briefly admired the fine craftsmanship of the hammer. And then when I went to put it down, I accidentally struck the bell with it.

Nelson: Well, that was one heck of an 'accident' because you rang the bell like 10 times.

Val: Sometimes, you know, I get a twitch in my arm.

Nelson rolled his eyes.

Nelson: Mimi. What say you?

Mimi: My manager Valerie is a woman of great integrity.

Crowd booed.

Mimi: Shut up.

More boos.

Mimi: She just told you all what happened regarding the ring bell during my title match with Reggie Bennett at Christmas Chaos. It was a misfortunate accident.

What you people don't realize is that I was on the verge of breaking out of Reggie Bennett's supposedly unbreakable split-leg rear chinlock. I was right on the edge of escaping it when the bell incident happened.

Nelson: If that's the case, then why didn't you return to the ring when President Bockwinkel ordered the match re-started after the bell incident?

Val: We did not know that President Bockwinkel re-started the match because we were in the back thinking the match was over. We couldn't hear him over the crowd noise.

So, blame these fans out here for us not coming back out that night and resuming the match with Reggie.

Nelson: Thankfully, we've run out of time for this segment.

I think you must be drinking the same brand of water Don Muraco does.

Val: What would that be?

Nelson: It's called Delusion because you guys seem that way.

Mimi and Val glared at Nelson as the segment ended.

Pic aired of Haynes and Norton with the caption: NEXT... TAG TEAM TITANS!!!


NON-TITLE: Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton (WTTC) won a squash match over Johnny Rodz & Victor Rivera when Haynes made Rivera submit to the full nelson

Norton and Haynes got a good ovation coming down the face aisle.


Billy Jack. Scott. A few weeks ago, the Grappler and Rip Oliver assaulted you two in the ring with your World Tag Team Titles. Rip busted Billy Jack open with a belt shot to the face.

The Grappler and Rip Oliver are long-time rivals of you two from back in your Pacific Northwest wrestling days.

What are the champions thinking right now after the attack?

Haynes: What we're thinking is that Rip Oliver and the Grappler need a good, old fashioned butt kicking!

Crowd cheered.

Me and Scott talked about it! We want you two jerks in the ring so badly, that we'll sweeten the pot and put these titles on the line against you!

Nelson: So, you're willing to make it a title match just to get Rip Oliver and Grappler in the ring?

Haynes: You bet! How about it, boys?! You step into the ring with us with these belts on the line?!

Norton: Grappler! Rip Oliver!

Norton held his title up with one hand.

Norton: Any time! Any place! Anywhere!

You two have lit a fire under us! You whipped us with these belts! You busted Billy Jack open with one of the belts! Billy's belt still has a little blood on it from where Rip hit him with it!

That blood is a reminder everyday of what happened between us recently!

Jim Crockett needs to have the contract drawn up quickly! Make the match, Crockett! Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton vs. Rip Oliver and the Grappler for the World Tag Team Titles!

Crowd cheered.

Norton: Grappler and Rip, we are gunning for you! Sign on the dotted line and let's make this happen!

You've got a chance to win these belts! And we've got a chance to whip your asses!

Loud pop from the crowd.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... WINTER WARFARE REPORT!!!



# Larry Nelson was seated behind the studio desk in front of the AWA logo.

Nelson: Welcome to a new Winter Warfare update. I'm Larry Nelson.

Winter Warfare will be airing live on ESPN on Tuesday, February 19th with a start time of 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific.

The show will be coming to you from the Icardo Center on the Cal State-Bakersfield campus in Bakersfield, California.

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticket Master or by calling the Icardo Center box office at (805) 867-5309 or by visiting the Icardo Center box office in person. Tickets are on sale now.

The main event is set.

For the AWA World Championship, World Champion Col. DeBeers will be defending the title against the man he beat for the belt, 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel.

And there's a stipulation for this match. It will be an Indian strap match!

The Indian strap match is the specialty match of Wahoo. He's never lost a strap match in his career.

Will Winter Warfare be where Wahoo regains the AWA World Championship? Or, will Col. DeBeers be the man to end Wahoo's undefeated streak in Indian strap matches and retain the big silver belt?

We've also just had a new match added to Winter Warfare this week.

After a recent assault on Barry Windham by Cactus Jack after a match between Cactus and Jerry Blackwell that Cactus won when the referee did not see Blackwell get his foot on the bottom rope before the three count, Windham came out to inform the ref what happened and here's what went down.


#Jerry whipped Jack into the buckles and charged in and pulverized Jack with an avalanche. Jack limp in the corner as the fans cheered. Jerry pulled Jack out of the corner and bodyslammed Jack. Jerry mounted the middle buckle and came off with his diving splash finisher but Jack got his knees up and Jerry crashed into them. Jerry rolled over on his back. Jack up and nailed Jerry with a running elbow smash. Jack for the cover. 1...2... Jerry got his foot on the bottom rope but the ref did not see it. ...3! Ref up and turned and called for the bell. Fans yelling that Blackwell's foot was on the bottom rope. Ref raised Jack's hand in victory.

Jack strutted around the ring victoriously. Crowd popped as Barry Windham charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Barry started talking to the ref and gestured that Jerry had his foot on the bottom rope. Ref pointed at his eyes and shook his 'no', that he didn't see the foot. As Barry talked with the ref, Jack came over and had some words with Barry. Jack was overheard telling Barry to mind his own business. After a little more back-and-forth off-mic, Jack turned to leave and Barry made the mistake of taking his eyes off Jack. Jack clubbed Barry in the back. Barry stumbled forward and spun around. Jack caught Barry with some punches and then nailed Barry with a discus clothesline. Barry crashed to the mat. Jack grabbed Barry and dragged Barry into the corner. Jack dropped to the floor, grabbed Barry's legs and pulled them around the ring post. Jack yanked Barry's legs and Barry's nuts slammed into the post. Barry in tremendous pain. Jack prepared to repeat the nut cracker until some face wrestlers charged out of their locker room and chased Jack off. Wrestlers checking on the hurting Barry.


You saw what happened to lead to this match. Now, let's here from Cactus Jack and Barry Windham..


Jack was in street clothes with mic in hand and standing in front of the AWA logo.

Jack: Barry Windham's one of the biggest stars in professional wrestling. And because of that, he thinks he has the right to come to the ring and try and get the results of matches changed if he doesn't like them.

Well, I showed him. Barry, you might be able to get away with that with some wrestlers. But, you can't get away with that with me.

The ref counted three and raised my hand in victory! I won! It was my moment!

But you had to try and steal it from me! There was no way I was going to let you do that!

How do your man parts feel right now, Barry?! Bet they still hurt! And you deserve to feel that pain for what you tried to take from me!

Now, we face-off at Winter Warfare! And it's gonna be a cold night in hell when I go crazy on you!

Sometimes, they say a man has balls as big as grapefruits! Well, at Winter Warfare, Windham, yours literally might be when I'm through with you!

Pic flipped and Windham was in street clothes and standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.

Barry: The first thing I want to let everyone know is that I'm OK. Cactus Jack tried to injure me but he failed.

Outside of a little soreness, I am ready to go.

I'm gonna put my issues with Tully Blanchard on hold for one night for a match with Cactus because of what he did to me.

You attacked me from behind and violently pulled me into that post, Cactus.

And the only thing I could think of as I laid there in great pain was... revenge.

Cactus, you're young; but you already have a controversial reputation in this business.

I've seen you wrestle and I'm not sure you're altogether there. You seem a little off-kilter, if you get my drift.

Sometimes you've got to fight crazy with crazy.

So, Cactus, at Winter Warfare, you bring all the crazy you want. And I'll get crazy, too.

Then we'll see who does crazy better.

Get ready for a roller coaster ride between us at Winter Warfare!


It promises to get wild when Cactus Jack and Barry Windham collide at Winter Warfare.

We'll be announcing more great matches for Winter Warfare in the weeks to come.

Be sure to check back next week, fans.

I'm Larry Nelson.


Pic aired of Bobby Jaggers and Tom Zenk with the caption: NEXT... RE-MATCH!!!


In-studio: Nelson reminded viewers that beginning next Wednesday, February 6th, AWA SLAM! wrestling on ESPN would start airing at its new, regular time of 10pm ET and 7pm PT.

Nelson said Jaggers vs. Zenk was a re-match from All-Star Wrestling a few weeks ago where Jaggers pinned Zenk but Zenk got his foot on the bottom rope before the count of 3 and the ref did not see it. Said AWA officials ordered the re-match.

Nelson sent it to the ring for the main event.

Bobby Jaggers vs. Tom Zenk

Zenk made his way down the face aisle to a decent reaction. Zenk slapped hands with fans along the way.

Jaggers made his way down the heel aisle to a fair amount of boos.

Ref called for the bell.

Jaggers moved in and quickly attacked Zenk. Jaggers hammered away on Zenk and then took Zenk to the mat in a side headlock. Jaggers worked over the headlock and Zenk was able to catch Jaggers in a head scissors. Zenk tightened up on the hold but Jaggers not submitting. Zenk released the hold. Both men up and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Zenk drove Jaggers into the ropes to force a break. Break was clean. The two men engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up and Zenk gained the advantage and caught Jaggers in a side headlock. Zenk tightened up on the hold. After a brief struggle, Jaggers was able to shove Zenk off and Zenk slammed front-first into the buckles. Zenk separated himself from the buckles and turned and walked right into a series of bionic elbows to the head from Jaggers. Jaggers whipped Zenk into the ropes and caught Zenk coming off with a gut punch. Jaggers bodyslammed Zenk and then backed up and moved in and caught Zenk with a diving double forearm to the chest. Jaggers for the cover. 1...2... Zenk kicked out. Jaggers caught Zenk with a head shot and pulled Zenk to his feet and locked Zenk in an abdominal stretch. Jaggers with the hold firmly locked in. Crowd half-assed wanting Zenk to escape the hold. Jaggers pulled on Zenk's tights for leverage to add pressure to the hold. Jaggers released the tights when the ref looked over. Ref looked back at Zenk and more tights grabbing. Ref looked back over and caught Jaggers. Jaggers released the tights and Zenk powered out of the hold with a hip toss. Zenk moved in and caught Jaggers with a head shot and whipped Jaggers into the ropes and caught Jaggers coming off with a dropkick. Jaggers crashed to the mat. Jaggers getting up and Zenk grabbed Jaggers and whipped Jaggers into the corner. Zenk moved in with a series of knees to the gut. Zenk went to whip Jaggers into the opposite buckles but Jaggers reversed and Zenk jumped up on the middle buckle facing the crowd and came off with a twisting bodypress. Zenk for the pin. 1...2... Jaggers kicked out. Jaggers getting up and Zenk caught Jaggers with a kick to the chest followed by a gutwrench suplex. Zenk then tried to hit a diving splash on Jaggers but Jaggers got his knees up and Zenk slammed into them. Zenk down grabbing his gut. Jaggers up and backed up as Zenk got to his feet. Zenk up and Jaggers charged over and blasted Zenk with a Jaggers ' Special (Polish hammer). Zenk crashed to the mat. Jaggers covered Zenk. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed.

Jaggers up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

WINNER: Jaggers - Pinfall - 5:41


Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(1st Taping)

(# Aired on previous AWA program.)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson.

Nelson welcomed viewers and started the program by introducing a message from AWA promoter Jim Crockett.


Crockett was seated behind his desk

# Crockett: Hello. I'm Jim Crockett.

Recently here on SLAM! wrestling, Cactus Jack viciously assaulted Barry Windham after Cactus had just won a match against Jerry Blackwell.

The good news is Barry Windham is fine. He has recovered from Jack driving his lower extremities into the steel ring post. There was no serious injury.

Because of his attack on Windham, I am ordering a match.

It will be Cactus Jack vs. Barry Windham at Winter Warfare.

Winter Warfare is already shaping up to be a great show.

And more exciting matches are to come.

Thank you for your time.


Nelson hyped Winter Warfare and ran down the program:

The Destruction Crew vs. Top Guns

Tommy Rich continues his hunt for the right tag team partner

Jonnie Stewart laces 'em up

Another Winter Warfare report

A look at some of the highlights from last week of the exciting PWHC match where Greg Valentine defended against Dustin Rhodes from the USWA. Nelson pointed out that Rhodes was the son of wrestling legend Dusty Rhodes.

The Trooper wrestles

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in St. Cloud.

Brad Rheingans won a squash match over Denny Brown via pinfall with his fisherman suplex into a bridgeout (Perfect Plex) finisher

Brad got a good ovation coming down the face aisle to the ring.


Brad, recently Ken Patera came out on this program and said he's ready to fight you one-on-one in any kind of match you want.

Brad: You know, Eric, Winter Warfare is coming up.

Eric: It is.

Brad: Ken Patera. This is for you. I challenge you to a match at Winter Warfare!

Crowd cheered because they had nothing better to do.

Brad: Let's see who the better man in the ring is Ken!

That means no Tully and no Valerie interfering! Just you and me, pal!

I still get angry about the cowardly way you turned on me and joined up with Valerie! I still lose sleep over it!

You couldn't just be a man and tell me you've made a decision to go with Valerie! Oh no! You had to attack me on national television to make our split as a team official!

This is between you and me, Ken, and no one else! Keep Tully and Valerie out of the picture and let's see what happens!

If you beat me then you beat me! Just do it on your own, Ken! And not with the help of your new friends!

Crowd cheered.

Pic aired of Tommy Rich with the caption: NEXT... LOOKING FOR MR. RIGHT!!!*

(* In this case, 'Looking for Mr. Right' is in reference to a tag team partner and not Jim Barnett. )


Tommy Rich & ???? vs. The Mulkeys

The Mulkeys were in the ring and announced and got a decent response from the fans who remembered them from their Crockett NWA days.

Tommy took the ring mic from Eric Bischoff.

Rich: Well, the search continues for a tag team partner that can help me go after those World Tag Team Championships.

But first, Bill and Randy Mulkey, you are some of the finest... losers in the business today. Hahaha!

Crowd booed Rich.

Rich: My partner this week drove all the way from Kansas City. He is... Vinnie Valentino!

Valentino came down the heel aisle to very little reaction as most didn't know who he was.

Valentino stepped in the ring.

Rich: Wait a minute! You never said you wrestled barefoot.

All the pics you sent me never showed your feet and nothing was mentioned in your resume'!

Vinnie: Well, I wrestle barefoot.

Rich: Great. Another Jimmy Snuka wanna-be.

Hey! You haven't harmed any groupies, have ya?!

Vinnie: Uh... no.

OK. We are good to go.

Ref called for the bell to start the match.

Match was largely dominated by Rich and Valentino but the Mulkeys got very limited offense in.

End of the match saw Bill Mulkey and Valentino the legal men in the ring. Valentino was dominating Bill. Rich seemed quite pleased in the corner. Valentino whipped Bill into the ropes and caught Bill coming off with a high dropkick. Bill crashed to the mat. Rich turned and looked out at the crowd.

Rich picked up on a mic,

Rich: I think I've found my partner!

Valentino snapped Bill up and went to whip Bill into the ropes but Bill reversed and Valentino slammed into Rich, who still had his back turned. Rich crashed to the floor. Valentino stunned and turned and Bill caught Valentino in a small package for the pin. 1...2...3! Crowd popped big-time. Randy stepped into the ring and hugged Bill. Ref raised both Mulkey's hands in victory. The happy pair left the ring and briefly celebrated with fans at ringside before heading back up the face aisle. Tommy Rich recovered on the floor and climbed back into the ring. Valentino had just gotten to his feet.

Rich again took the ring mic from Bischoff.

Rich: Vinnie, I had high hopes for you, my man. You were dominating the Mulkeys all by yourself.

But your one stupid move cost us the match. And that one stupid move also cost you any chance at being my tag team partner. Hi the bricks.

A disappointed Vinnie started to leave the ring.

Rich: Vinnie.

Vinnie turned and had a hopeful look on his face that Rich had changed his mind.

Rich: Wash your feet. They stink. Get outta here.

Sad Vinnie left the ring alone and headed back up the heel aisle and had some sympathy from the fans.

Rich: Well, the search continues. I just lost a match to the Mulkey brothers thanks to my tag team partner.

If you're interested in being my tag team partner, send your resume' and a cover photo to the AWA offices.

And , please! Know how to win!

Video aired from the Valentine-Rhodes PWHC match from last week's ASW with the caption: NEXT... PUSHED TO THE LIMIT!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos from non-house show cities

In-studio: Nelson reminded viewers that beginning next Wednesday, February 6th, AWA SLAM! wrestling on ESPN would start airing at its new regular time of 10pm ET and 7pm PT.

Larry Nelson inro'd footage from the Greg Valentine (PWHC)-Dustin Rhodes match from last week's show.


# Valentine came up behind Dustin, dropped down and hit Dustin with a chop block to the back of the knee. Dustin crumpled to the mat. Valentine up, grabbed Dustin's left leg and yanked on it a few times and then wrapped Dustin up in the figure 4 leglock, Crowd urging the feisty challenger on. Valentine cinched up on the hold but Dustin not giving up. Dustin started scooting towards the ropes. Valentine killed Dustin's movement when he further cinched up on the hold. Dustin then resumed his struggle and finally was able to get close enough to drape his arm out over the bottom rope to force a break. Valentine released the hold and got up and hit the downed Dustin with a couple of head shots, snapped Dustin up and suplexed Dustin. Valentine ran and hit the ropes and came off with a running elbow smash but Dustin rolled out of the way and Valentine crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Both men down. Ref started the 10-count. Both men up and Valentine walked right into an inverted atomic drop followed by a clothesline. Valentine crashed to the mat. Dustin for the cover. 1...2...thr... Valentine got his foot on the bottom rope. Ref ordered a break. Crowd groaned. Valentine made it to his feet. Dustin grabbed Valentine and prepared to run Valentine into the corner but Valentine shoved Dustin off and Dustin slammed front-first into the buckles. Dustin walked out of the corner holding his chest. Valentine came up behind Dustin, spun Dustin around and hit Dustin with a bionic elbow. Dustin fired back with one of his own. Valentine hit another one. Dustin hit Valentine with another bionic elbow. Valentine struck Dustin with another bionic elbow. Dustin struck with another. Valentine stunned. Dustin fired away with a rapid-fire series of bionic elbows on Valentine and then stopped and Valentine crashed face-first to the mat. Dustin quickly regained his bearings. Valentine got up bent over and Dustin nailed Valentine with a drop down uppercut. Valentine reeling. Dustin grabbed Valentine and nailed Valentine with a lifting inverted DDT. Crowd popped. Dustin for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! NO! Valentine got a shoulder up. Crowd really groaned. Dustin whipped valentine into the ropes and caught Valentine coming off with a dropkick. Valentine spun around and crashed to the mat. Crowd feeling the plumber's son. Dustin ran and jumped on the middle buckle as Valentine got up and went for a twisting diving crossbody but Valentine fell out of the way and Dustin crashed to the mat. Both men down. Ref started the count. Both men up and Valentine caught Dustin with a kick to the gut and then blasted Dustin with a piledriver. Valentine for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed.

Nelson said Dustin is a wrestler to keep an eye on as he shows a lot of promise.

Pic aired of Jonnie Stewart with the caption. NEXT... JONNIE'S HERE!!!


Jonnie Stewart won a squash match over Chris Masters via pinfall with his big elbow off the top rope finisher

Pic aired of the Trooper with the caption: NEXT... LOOKING FOR GOLD!!!

The Trooper won a squash match over Terry Gibbs via pinfall with his flying shoulder tackle finisher

Trooper came to the ring down the face aisle to a strong ovation. Trooper handed out souvenir speeding tickets on the way to the ring.


: Trooper, you are on quite the roll right now. And you've got Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine in your sights.

Trooper: That's right, Eric. I've made it clear that my goal in 1991 is to win the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship.

No one has pushed Valentine to the max like I have.

I feel I deserve another shot at the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship.

I've shown what I'm made of. I've worked my way up the ladder of contention.

The time is now.

It's time for a change. These fans want it!

Crowd cheered.

Trooper: Greg Valentine! The clock is ticking on your run as Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion and it's about to strike midnight for you!

1991 will be a year of great change in the AWA! And I aim to be a big part of that change!

AWA Championship Committee! I'm begging you! Please, make the match between me and Valentine for the title... and soon!

More cheers.

Eric: He is the Trooper! And he's gunning for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship!

Pic aired of the Winter Warfare logo with the caption: NEXT... NEW UPDATE!!!



Larry Nelson was seated behind the studio desk in front of the AWA logo.

# Nelson: Welcome to this new Winter Warfare update. I'm Larry Nelson.

Winter Warfare will be airing live on ESPN on Tuesday, February 19th with a start time of 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific.

The show will be coming to you from the Icardo Center on the Cal State-Bakersfield campus in Bakersfield, California.

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticket Master or by calling the Icardo Center box office at (805) 867-5309 or by visiting the Icardo Center box office in person.

The main event is set.

For the AWA World Championship, World Champion Col. DeBeers will be defending the title against the man he beat for the belt, 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel.

And there's a stipulation for this match. It will be an Indian strap match!

The Indian strap match is the specialty match of Wahoo. He's never lost a strap match in his career.

Will Winter Warfare be where Wahoo regains the AWA World Championship? Or, will Col. DeBeers be the man to end Wahoo's undefeated streak in Indian strap matches and retain the big silver belt?

We've also just had a new match added to Winter Warfare this week.

After a recent assault on Barry Windham by Cactus Jack after a match between Cactus and Jerry Blackwell that Cactus won when the referee did not see Blackwell get his foot on the bottom rope before the three count, Windham came out to inform the ref what happened and here's what went down.


Jerry whipped Jack into the buckles and charged in and pulverized Jack with an avalanche. Jack limp in the corner as the fans cheered. Jerry pulled Jack out of the corner and bodyslammed Jack. Jerry mounted the middle buckle and came off with his diving splash finisher but Jack got his knees up and Jerry crashed into them. Jerry rolled over on his back. Jack up and nailed Jerry with a running elbow smash. Jack for the cover. 1...2... Jerry got his foot on the bottom rope. ...3! Ref up and turned and called for the bell. Fans yelling that Blackwell's foot was on the bottom rope. Ref raised Jack's hand in victory.

Jack strutted around the ring victoriously. Crowd popped as Barry Windham charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Barry started talking to the ref and gestured that Jerry had his foot on the bottom rope. Ref pointed at his eyes and shook his 'no', that he didn't see the foot. As Barry talked with the ref, Jack came over and had some words with Barry. Jack was overheard telling Barry to mind his own business. After a little more back-and-forth off-mic, Jack turned to leave and Barry made the mistake of taking his eyes off Jack. Jack clubbed Barry in the back. Barry stumbled forward and spun around. Jack caught Barry with some punches and then nailed Barry with a discus clothesline. Barry crashed to the mat. Jack grabbed Barry and dragged Barry into the corner. Jack dropped to the floor, grabbed Barry's legs and pulled them around the ring post. Jack yanked Barry's legs and Barry's nuts slammed into the post. Barry in tremendous pain. Jack prepared to repeat the nut cracker until some face wrestlers charged out of their locker room and chased Jack off. Wrestlers checking on the hurting Barry.


Nelson: You saw what happened to lead to this match. Now, let's hear from Cactus Jack and Barry Windham..


Jack was in street clothes with mic in hand and standing in front of the AWA logo.

Jack: Barry Windham's one of the biggest stars in professional wrestling. And because of that, he thinks he has the right to come to the ring and try and get the results of matches changed if he doesn't like them.

Well, I showed him. Barry, you might be able to get away with that with some wrestlers. But, you can't get away with that with me.

The ref counted three and raised my hand in victory! I won! It was my moment!

But you had to try and steal it from me! There was no way I was going to let you do that!

How do your man parts feel right now, Barry?! Bet they still hurt! And you deserve to feel that pain for what you tried to take from me!

Now, we face-off at Winter Warfare! And it's gonna be a cold night in hell for you when I go crazy on you!

Sometimes, they say a man has balls as big as grapefruits! Well, at Winter Warfare, Windham, yours literally might be when I'm through with you!

Pic flipped and Windham was in street clothes and standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.

Barry: The first thing I want to let everyone know is that I'm OK. Cactus Jack tried to injure me but he failed.

Outside of a little soreness, I am ready to go.

I'm gonna put my issues with Tully Blanchard on hold for one night for a match with Cactus because of what he did to me.

You attacked me from behind and violently pulled me into that post, Cactus.

And the only thing I could think of as I laid there in great pain was... revenge.

Cactus, you're young; but you already have a controversial reputation in this business.

I've seen you wrestle and I'm not sure you're altogether there. You seem a little off-kilter, if you get my drift.

Sometimes you've got to fight crazy with crazy.

So, Cactus, at Winter Warfare, you bring all the crazy you want. And I'll get crazy, too.

Then we'll see who does crazy better.

Get ready for a roller coaster ride between us at Winter Warfare!


Nelson: It promises to get wild when Cactus Jack and Barry Windham collide at Winter Warfare.

We'll be announcing more great matches for Winter Warfare in the weeks to come.

Be sure to check back next week, fans.

I'm Larry Nelson.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!


In-studio: Nelson reminded viewers that beginning next Wednesday, February 6th, AWA SLAM! wrestling on ESPN would start airing at its new, regular time of 10pm ET and 7pm PT.

TV MAIN EVENT: The Destruction Crew vs. Top Guns

Destruction Crew (Wayne Bloom & Mike Enos) came down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos but also had their fans.

Top Guns (Ricky Rice & Dertrick Dukes) came down the face aisle to a decent crowd reaction.

Good, fast-paced, back-and-forth action between the two teams with both teams getting some exciting near falls. DC took a couple of shortcuts to gain the advantage during the match,

Wild finish that saw the Destruction Crew win it when Bloom pinned Rice after the Wrecking Ball (Doomsday Device).

WINNER: Destruction Crew - Pinfall - 8:48


Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(2nd Taping)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers to SLAM! wrestling.

Said starting tonight, SLAM! airs Wednesday nights at 10pm ET/7 pm PT on ESPN.

Nelson then intro'd a new message from AWA promoter Jim Crockett.


Jim Crockett was seated behind his desk.

Jim: Hello.

I am excited to announce two new matches for Winter Warfare.

And both matches are championship matches.

First, for the AWA Women's World Championship.

Because of what happened at Christmas Chaos, where Valerie rang the timekeeper's bell when challenger Reggie Bennett had Magnificent Mimi locked in her submission finisher and Mimi escaped with a count out loss and therefore the title did not change hands, the AWA Championship Committee is ordering a re-match.

Magnificent Mimi will once again be defending the title against Reggie Bennett.

And if Mimi gets disqualified or counted out, she loses the title.

We feel this is a necessary step to take because of Valerie's continued interference in Mimi's matches.

Also, the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship will be on the line.

Greg Valentine will be defending the title against the man the championship committee has deemed the number one contender for the belt.

And the number one contender is... The Trooper.

Winter Warfare is shaping up to be a great show. There will be three big title matches that night, including the re-match for the AWA World Championship as Col. DeBeers defends the World Title against former champion Wahoo McDaniel in an Indian strap match.

See you at Winter Warfare on February 19th.

In-studio: Nelson said we'd hear from the participants in the two new championship matches just added in the Winter Warfare Report later in the program.

Nelson then ran down the rest of the program:

TV MAIN EVENT: The Trooper vs. Ken Patera (w/ Val)

AWA World Champion Col. DeBeers makes an appearance

Rip Oliver & The Grappler see action

'Big' Reggie Bennett laces 'em up

Another Winter Warfare report

Greg Gagne & Jake Milliman wrestle

And more

Nelson said after the break, Cactus Jack wrestles


(Before the match in the arena only: Jack-Windham match was announced for Winter Warfare. IRL, tapings would have most likely taken place before the previous program from the last set of tapings would have aired on TV.)

Cactus Jack won a squash match over L.A. Knight* via pinfall with his double underhook DDT finisher

Jack came down the heel aisle to mostly boos but also had his supporters.

During the match, announcers hyped the Jack-Windham match for Winter Warfare.

Jack did many of the usual insane stunts during the match.

(* I actually like L.A. Knight.)


Cactus Jack, February 19th is just around the corner and you will be facing Barry Windham at Winter Warfare.

What are you expecting in this much-anticipated battle?

Jack: Chaos! That's what I expect in my match with Windham at Winter Warfare!

I hate order! I hate rules! I hate standard wrestling! I hate the Yankees even though I'm from New York!

Nelson: You hate the Yankees and you're from New York?

Jack (almost breaking character/very calm, normal voice): Mets fan, actually.

Now back in character...

Jack: Barry Windham ruined my moment when I beat Jerry Blackwell a few weeks ago and tried to get my victory overturned! Wrong move, Blondie!

You try to steal something from me then I'm gonna try and steal something from you!

Blackwell did get his foot on the bottom rope before the count of three. Ref missed the foot.

Jack: The ref counted three! I won! That was it!

And now Barry Windham and me are gonna lock horns in Bakersfield, California!

The world will get to see me destroy the tall Texan live on ESPN!

February 19th is gonna be a bleak day for Windham! But it's gonna be a great day for me!

Windham! I'm gonna pull you through the wringer! And after I've done that... I'm gonna do it again in living color!


Pic aired of the SLAM! logo with the caption: NEXT... TAG TEAM TILT!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update

Greg Gagne & Jake Milliman won a squash match over Pete Doherty & Jose Luis-Rivera via pinfall when Jake pinned Rivera after the Pasteurizer (flying leg drop)

Gagne & Milliman got a nice ovation coming down the face aisle.

Once in the ring, Milliman tore off his '2% Forever' t-shirt and threw it into the crowd.

Post-match, the victors struck some bodybuilder poses.

Pic aired of Reggie Bennett with the caption: NEXT... MIMI'S WORST NIGHTMARE!!!


'Big' Reggie Bennett won a squash match over Bayley via submission with her split-leg rear chinlock

Bennett came down the face aisle to a solid ovation.

In-studio: Nelson talked about Bennett chasing Mimi and their re-match for the championship.

Pic aired of the Grappler & Rip Oliver with the caption: NEXT... NORTHWEST TERROR!!!

The Grappler & Rip Oliver won a squash match over Gary Young & Jeff Gaylord via pinfall when Oliver pinned Young with a spinebuster

Grap and Oliver came down the heel aisle to strong boos.


Rip Oliver and the Grappler. Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton have demanded a match with you two and have even said they'll put the titles on the line to get you in the ring after your assault on them a few weeks back.

Grappler: So, Norton and Haynes wanna put the titles up for grabs just to get us in a match, huh?

Well, Rip Oliver and the Grappler accept the challenge!

Oliver laughed.

Grappler: You boys come from the Pacific Northwest just like us!

And by the way, the Old Man in Portland is not happy with your behavior!

Billy Jack and Scott. Just whose side are you on?! Pick a team! You can't stand alone, boys!

We were ordered to bring you guys down a peg and we did it!

And now, you've opened your big mouths and written yourselves a check that your butts cannot cash!

Congratulations! You get your match with us! And we're getting those tag team belts!

Rip: You heard the Grappler, Billy Jack and Scott!

The Old Man in Portland thinks you're playing for the wrong side!

You're here to represent the Pacific Northwest!

But, you've decided it's all about you and to hell with your home territory!

When we finally clash with you guys... not only are we gonna beat you and become the new AWA World Tag Team Champs! We're also gonna deliver a rough justice lesson in respect for your peers and the region you came from!

Grappler, those belts are gonna look real good on us!

Grappler: You got that right, 'Crippler'!

The feeling of a gold and leather belt around your waist, man, it just feels right!

And it's gonna feel right for us when we become the new tag team champions whether these clown AWA fans like it or not!

Crowd booed.

Pic aired of the Winter warfare logo with the caption: NEXT... NEW WARFARE REPORT!!!



Larry Nelson was seated behind the studio desk in front of the AWA logo.

Nelson: Welcome to this another Winter Warfare update. I'm Larry Nelson.

Winter Warfare will be airing live on ESPN on Tuesday, February 19th with a start time of 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific.

The show will be coming to you from the Icardo Center on the Cal State-Bakersfield campus in Bakersfield, California.

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticket Master or by calling the Icardo Center box office at (805) 867-5309 or by visiting the Icardo Center box office in person.

We have two new matches, both championship matches, added to Winter Warfare and we'll be telling you about those during this report.

Two matches already announced for the show.

In the main event, for the AWA World Championship, Col. DeBeers will be defending the World Title in a re-match against former World Champion 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel.

And the match will be an Indian strap match.

This match is Wahoo's specialty and he is undefeated in Indian strap matches in his storied career.

Will Col. DeBeers be the first wrestler ever to defeat Wahoo in an Indian strap match?

Or will Wahoo remain undefeated in strap matches and regain the AWA World Championship?

We'll find out at Winter Warfare.

Also on the card, Barry Windham will battle the wild and unpredictable Cactus Jack.

As usual, since it's a match featuring Cactus Jack, the match promises to be all-out war.

Can Windham overcome Cactus' wild antics or will Cactus emerge victorious with his reckless and dangerous style of wrestling?

As mentioned earlier, two matches have been added to Winter Warfare this week.

First, for the AWA Women's World Championship, Magnificent Mimi defends in a re-match against 'Big' Reggie Bennett.

Thanks to Valerie running over and ringing the bell and causing confusion when the champion was caught in Bennett's devastating submission hold the split-leg rear chinlock and the match stopping and Mimi walking out on the match and not returning, Bennett only got a count out victory. The rules state a wrestler must win by pinfall or submission to win the title.

AWA officials have decided that for the match at Winter Warfare, if Mimi gets disqualified or counted out, she will lose the championship.

Now, let's hear from the challenger and then the champion and her manager.


Reggie Bennett was in street clothes and standing in front of the Winter Warfare logo with mic in hand.

Reg: Magnificent Mimi, the AWA has spoken.

I had you on the verge of defeat until that snake manager of yours decided to go over and ring the bell on her own to cause all sorts of chaos and confusion in our match at Christmas Chaos.

There was no escape for you when I locked you in my split-leg rear chinlock. You were desperately gasping for air. You were close to passing out from the pain.

And then, when President Bockwinkel ordered the match re-started, you left and never came back and were counted out. You kept the title that night.

But now, at Winter Warfare, there will be no escape for you!

If you get disqualified or counted out, then I become the new Women's Champion!

You have to beat me by pinfall or submission, Mimi! There is no other way you can keep the title!

You've been the champion for almost 15 months now!

Your manager Valerie, if she gets involved, then you lose the title as well!

I'm on a mission here! The day I entered the AWA I had my sights set on the Women's Championship!

You cannot cheat, run or hide this time, Mimi!

No walk outs! No getting yourself disqualified to save your title reign!

You lose in any fashion... it's over for you at Winter Warfare!

Pic flipped and Mimi and Val were in street clothes. Mimi was holding the strap. They were standing in front of the Winter Warfare logo and each had a mic.

Mimi: I'm sure the AWA Championship Committee is proud of themselves!

They want this belt off me ASAP!

But, it's not gonna happen! The fact is you didn't pin me or make me submit at Winter Warfare, Reggie!

I'm still the champion!

And unless someone makes me submit or pins me, then I will remain the champion!

You think you've got me cornered, Reggie! But like a caged animal, when cornered, that's when I fight best!

And at Winter Warfare I will once again walk out of the ring the Women's Champion!

Val: The AWA can pile on all the stipulations that they want!

This woman standing next to me is the World Champion for a reason! And that reason is because she is the best women's wrestler in the business today and she's managed by the best manager in the business today!

You think you've checkmated us! But, oh no! You have not!

We'll be ready! And Reggie Bennett is gonna fail once again in her quest to become the Women's World Champion at Winter Warfare!

And, since the AWA likes to make all these rules in an attempt to end Mimi's reign, well, I'm gonna make a rule!

As the manager of the champ, I am in the catbird seat! I call the shots!

If Reggie Bennett fails to win the championship at Winter Warfare, she does not get another shot at the title! We will move on to other challengers!

Last chance, Reggie! You fail and you're done!

And if the AWA decides to try and keep giving you re-match after re-match in an attempt to win the belt, we'll see the AWA in court!

It's over for Reggie Bennett at Winter Warfare!


Strong words from both sides heading into the AWA Women's Championship match at Winter Warfare!

The other championship match is also a big one.

For the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship, Greg Valentine defends against the Trooper.

The Trooper has made it clear that in 1991, his goal is to win the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship.

And he has a real opportunity to realize that goal on February 19th in Bakersfiled.

Now, let's hear from the challenger and the champion.


Trooper was standing in his police gear and sunglasses with mic in hand in front of the Winter Warfare logo.

Trooper: Greg Valentine! We finally meet again!

Winter Warfare! It's all on the line!

I've made my intentions crystal clear! I intend to win the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship in 1991!

This is my best opportunity to date!

I have pushed you to the limit and you escaped with the title by the skin of your teeth!

This match won't have a TV time-limit, Valentine! It's scheduled for 45-minutes! That's a lot of time to finish the job and achieve my goal!

I'm gonna do everything in my power to make history on February 19th at Winter Warfare!

I'm coming, 'Hammer'! And it's hard to stop a man on a mission!

Pic flipped and Valentine was in street clothes and dark blue blazer. He was wearing sunglasses, had the belt slung over his shoulder and a mic in hand as stood in front of the Winter Warfare logo.

Valentine: It's been almost a year since I won this title in a 16-man tournament in Anaheim in February of last year.

When you look at the list of Pro Wrestling Heritage Champions, there's only one name listed. And that name is Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine.

There's a reason for that. I've taken on all comers and I have put them down like sick dogs!

I predicted I would win that tournament last year and I did it! I outlasted 15 other men to win this! Had to win four matches in one day! Everyone had a loss in the tournament... except yours truly!

1991 will be a year of frustration for the Trooper! He will fail miserably in his quest to beat me and win this belt!

1991 will be the year the Trooper ran his big mouth and accomplished... nothing!

And I'll say it right now! I will retain this title at Winter Warfare! That is a prediction you can take to the bank!

You're toast, Trooper! You might want go back to police work after I'm finished with you!


Will the Trooper complete his mission at Winter Warfare? Or will Greg Valentine once again be correct in his prediction that the Trooper fails to capture the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship in 1991?

Winter Warfare is already lining up to be a great show.

Winter Warfare will be airing live on ESPN on Tuesday, February 19th with a start time of 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific.

The show will be coming to you from the Icardo Center on the Cal State-Bakersfield campus in Bakersfield, California.

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticket Master or by calling the Icardo Center box office at (805) 867-5309 or by visiting the Icardo Center box office in person.

I'm Larry Nelson. See you with a final Winter Warfare report next week.


Pic aired of AWA WC Col. DeBeers with the caption: NEXT... COL. CONTROVERSY!!!


In-ring: Larry Nelson.

Nelson: Please welcome my guest at this time. He is the regining AWA World Champion... Col. DeBeers!

Loud boos as DeBeers came down the heel aisle surrounded by four members of security.

DeBeers was in his camo gear, beret and had the World Title around his waist.

DeBeers climbed in the ring, twirled his 'stache and soaked in the negative crowd reax.

Garbage thrown at the ring.

Nelson: Colonel, these fans are clearly not happy with you being the World Champion.

But, they may not be seeing you with that belt much longer when you defend the title against 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel in an Indian strap match.

DeBeers: First of all, the garbage you see tossed in this ring, as far as I am concerned, represents all these decadent, immoral Americans out here.

More boos and some more trash.

DeBeers: As for the cigar store Indian Wahoo McDaniel, well, everyone thinks I'm losing this title on February 19th at Winter Warfare because the match is an Indian strap match.

The match is Wahoo's specialty. He's never been beaten in a strap match. There's no way I can beat him in a match such as this the pundits say.

The so-called wrestling experts say I don't stand a chance and that Wahoo will not only regain the World Championship, but he will also tear me to pieces with that strap.

I'm not delusional. The strap is made of a tough, unforgiving leather. I've heard rumors that Wahoo has the straps specially made at an M-80 factory on the Choctaw reservation.

More boos.

DeBeers: Well, there's an old saying and it goes like this: there's a first time for everything.

At Winter Warfare, the zero in the loss column for Wahoo McDaniel in Indian strap matches will be replaced with a one.

It will be Wahoo's first loss ever in an Indian strap match.

And to make my win on that night even more enjoyable, Wahoo will also fail to regain the big silver belt you see around my waist. It will be like killing two birds with one stone.

Wahoo McDaniel was the feel good story in professional wrestling in 1990. He finally realized his dream of winning the World Championship. How many jugs of fire water and cartons of cheap smokes did Wahoo have to bribe the referee with to make his dream a reality that night so many months ago? Or should I say moons ago?

Nelson: You think Wahoo had to bribe someone to win the title?

DeBeers: His people cheat at everything else. Just a logical conclusion I've drawn.

But, I took this title from Wahoo and, just like the great European settlers and explorers who came in here and ripped the land away from those savages and built something great on it, I'm sure as hell not giving it back.

More boos.

DeBeers: All those Wahoo supporters who come dressed like Geronimo and Sitting Bull to the arena in Bakersfield on February 19th will leave disappointed. The war paint on their faces will run down their cheeks from their tears of agony as their Indian hero loses the first Indian strap match of his career to me. And there could not be a more deserving guy on this planet to end Wahoo's undefeated streak in his own specialty match.

Nelson: That was AWA World Champion Col. DeBeers.

More boos.

Pic aired of the SLAM! logo with the caption: NEXT... PATERA VS. TROOPER!!!


TV MAIN EVENT: Ken Patera (w/ Valerie) vs. The Trooper

Patera and Valerie came down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had some fans.

Trooper came down the face aisle to a strong ovation.

Patera and Val talked and Val left the ring for the floor.

Patera charged over and went to ambush Trooper with a double sledge to the head but Trooper moved and Patera's fists slammed into the top buckle.

Ref called for the bell.

Trooper fired away on Patera with punches. Patera staggered. Trooper backed up and charged over and dropped Patera with a running clothesline. Crowd popped. Patera up and Trooper blasted Patera with another running clothesline. Patera back down. Trooper snapped up Patera and slammed Patera's head into the top buckle. Patera spun around in the corner and Trooper hit Patera with several knees to the gut. Trooper whipped Patera into the opposite buckles and Patera slammed intoo them, staggered out of the corner and walked into a powerslam from Trooper. Trooper for the cover. 1...2... Patera kicked out. Patera getting up and Trooper moved in and caught Patera with a knee lift to the chest. Patera crashed to the mat, rolled out of the ring and crashed to the floor as the crowd cheered. Val came over and checked on her man. Ref ordered Trooper back and began the 10-count. Patera to his feet on the floor. Val had words for her man as the count grew. Patera started to climb up on the apron and Trooper came over and Patera dropped back down to the floor. Trooper reached down over the top rope to grab Patera and Patera raked Trooper's eyes. Trooper grabbed his eyes and turned away as Patera climbed back into the ring. Patera came up behind Trooper and clubbed Trooper across the back with a forearm smash. Patera repeated the move. Patera drove Trooper hard into the corner and popped Trooper with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Patera whipped Trooper into the opposite buckles and charged in and blasted trooper with a running clothesline of his own.Trooper stumbled out of the corner. Patera hit Trooper with a double sledge to the back. Trooper fell front-first against the ropes. Patera spun Trooper around against the ropes and hit Trooper with a series of clubbing forearms to the chest.

Dundee: Patera is pure power wrestling at its finest.

Patera whipped Trooper into the ropes and caught Trooper coming off with a high backdrop. Trooper slammed to the mat. Patera snapped up Trooper and bodyslammed Trooper. Pateraa put the boots to Trooper. Patera snapped up Trooper and nailed Trooper with a second bodyslam followed by an elbow smash to the chest. Patera for the cover. 1...2... Trooper kicked out. Both men up and Patera caught Trooper with a kick to the gut and then lifted Trooper up in the press slam position and dropped Trooper throat-first across the top rope. Trooper snapped back and crashed to the mat holding his throat. Patera struck a couple of bodybuilder poses to the boos of the crowd. Patera reached down to pull Trooper up and Trooper caught Patera with a series of gut shots. Trooper caught Patera with punches and went to whip Patera into the corner but Patera reversed and sent Trooper crashing into them. Patera charged in on Trooper but Trooper moved and Patera slammed front-first into the buckles. Crowd cheered. Patera leaned against the buckles as Trooper regained his bearings. Patera peeled himself off the buckles and Trooper moved in with some clubbing blows on Patera. Trooper whippped Patera into the ropes and caught Patera coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Patera staggered. Trooper caught Patera with a suplex. Trooper backed up and came off the ropes with a running knee drop to the chest but Patera rolled out of the way and Trooper slammed knee-first into the mat. Patera up as a gimpy Trooper hobbled to his feet. Trooper walked into a belly-to-belly suplex from Patera. Patera for the cover. 1...2...thr... Trooper kicked out. Patera up and stomped Trooper in the head. Trooper down holding his head. Patera struck a couple of more bodybuilder poses as the crowd booed. Patera grabbed Trooper as Trooper was getting up and drove Trooper into the corner and choked Trooper out with his boot. Patera broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Val liking what she sees. Trooper staggered out of the corner. Patera charged up behind Trooper and blasted Trooper with a running clothesline to the back of the neck. Trooper crashed to the mat. Patera gestured it was time for his full nelson slam finisher. Trooper made it to his feet and Patera came up behind Trooper and and started to lock Trooper in the full nelson but Trooper used his strength to keep Patera from locking his fingers. Trooper found the strength to power out of the hold. Trooper spun around and Patera went to punch Trooper but Trooper blocked the punch try and fired away on Patera with punches. Trooper whipped Patera into the ropes and caught Patera hanging over his back upside down. Trooper nailed Patera with a double leg slam. Crowd roaring. Trooper backed up. Val in a panic on the floor. A shaky Patera up and turned and Trooper charged in and nailed Patera with his flying shoulder tackle finisher. Patera slammed to the mat. Crowd exploded. Trooper covered Patera and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd cheered. Trooper up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

WINNER: Trooper - Pinfall - 7:56


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Announcers: Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(2nd Taping)

(# Aired on previous AWA program.)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson.

Nelson welcomed viewers and started the program by introducing a message from AWA promoter Jim Crockett.


Jim Crockett was seated behind his desk.

# Jim: Hello.

I am excited to announce two new matches for Winter Warfare.

And both matches are championship matches.

First, for the AWA Women's World Championship.

Because of what happened at Christmas Chaos, where Valerie rang the timekeeper's bell when challenger Reggie Bennett had Magnificent Mimi locked in her submission finisher and Mimi escaped with a count out loss and therefore the title did not change hands, the AWA Championship Committee is ordering a re-match.

Magnificent Mimi will once again be defending the title against Reggie Bennett.

And if Mimi gets disqualified or counted out, she loses the title.

We feel this is a necessary step to take because of Valerie's continued interference in Mimi's matches.

Also, the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship will be on the line.

Greg Valentine will be defending the title against the man the championship committee has deemed the number contender for the belt.

And the number one contender is... The Trooper.

Winter Warfare is shaping up to be a great show. There will be three big title matches that night, including the re-match for the AWA World Championship as Col. DeBeers defends the World Title against former champion Wahoo McDaniel in an Indian strap match.

See you at Winter Warfare on February 19th.


Nelson said we'd hear from the participants in the two new championship matches just added in the Winter Warfare Report later in the program.

Nelson then ran down the program.

TV MAIN EVENT: Jonnie Stewart vs. Danny Davis (from USWA)

Barry Windham sees action

'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel stops by

Another Winter Warfare Report

Tina Moretti wrestles

Nikita Koloff steps in the ring

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in St. Cloud.

Bobby Jaggers won a squash match over Gene Ligon via pinfall with his Jaggers' special finisher (Polish Hammer, aka, double sledge to the chest)

Jaggers came down the heel aisle to fairly strong boos.


Bobby Jaggers, you continue to impress in the ring. Your finisher, that violent strike to the chest, seems quite dangerous.

Jaggers: It is a dangerous move, Eric. It can briefly stop a man's heart and paralyze him for a moment. That allows time for the pinfall.

And a lot more wrestlers in the AWA are gonna feel it as time marches on.

Oh! Did I tell you? I have a goal for 1991.

Bischoff: What's that?

Jaggers: My goal is to make sure the Trooper never wins the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship.

Just like I stalked the Trooper before under a mask... I'm gonna do it again.

Trooper, you cannot be forgiven for that night when you were still a cop and mistreated me and arrested me.

I'm here to make your life miserable, son.

And there's no better way to do that than making sure you never get your hands on that belt!

Crowd booed.

Jaggers: No matter what happens to me during the rest of 1991, I am bound and determined, it's my duty, to see to it you never become the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion. You don't deserve it.

1991 is gonna be the worst year of the Trooper's life.

I'm gonna be breathing down his neck at every turn. Every move he makes I'll be watching him.

You are still being stalked, Trooper! And that's why your mission to win the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship will end in failure.

How will you be able to look these fans in the eye after such an epic disaster?!

More boos.

Bischoff: He is Bobby Jaggers. We'll see if he can accomplish his goal of denying the Trooper of his goal.

Pic aired of Tina Moretti with the caption: NEXT... TINA!!!


Tina Moretti won a squash match via pinfall over Thunder Rosa via pinfall with her Samoan piledriver finisher

Tina came to the ring down the face aisle to a good ovation.


Tina, you are certainly one of the rising stars in the women's division here in the AWA.

It will not be long before you're a contending for the Women's World Championship.

Tina: I've been working hard, Eric. And I'm ready for when the call comes to step in the ring for a championship match.

But right now, it's Reggie's turn. She's earned it and should be the Women's Champ today.

But, thanks to Valerie, that hasn't happened... yet.

Crowd cheered.

Tina: When Reggie gets another shot at the title, I predict it will be the end of Mimi's reign as champion.

She is a one-woman wrecking machine. I don't see any way she doesn't win the belt if Valerie and Mimi are not able to scheme their way to victory.

So, right now, the fans need to line up behind 'Big' Reg and give her their total support.

Your downfall is coming Mimi... and soon!

Crowd cheered.

Pic aired of Nikita Koloff with the caption: NEXT... NIKITA IS HERE!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

Nikita Koloff won a squash match over Buddy Colt via pinfall with his Russian sickle finisher

Nikita got a loud ovation coming to the ring.


: Nikita, you have made it clear that you think it's a disgrace that Col. DeBeers is the reigning AWA World Champion.

Nikita: Just hearing his name makes me angry.

It's disgusting that a man who continues to cling to his hate for America is the World Champion.

Col. DeBeers as World Champion is a disgrace to the memory of all those great wrestlers who held that belt before him.

Unless he comes to his senses and embraces America as the truly great nation it is, then his reign is one of terror as far as I am concerned.

Crowd cheered.

Nikita: My heart sinks when see him arrogantly strut to the ring with the World Title around his waist.

He is giving the title and the wrestling world a, how you say, big middle finger everyday he is the champion.

DeBeers needs to have his title run ended quickly. The sooner the better.

We don't need a man like him representing a fine organization like the AWA.

Fans cheered.

Pic aired of Barry Windham with the caption: NEXT... THE TALL TEXAN!!!


(Before the match in the arena only: Fans were informed of Cactus vs. Barry being made for Winter Warfare.)

Barry Windham won a squash match via pinfall over Curtis Hughes with his flying lariat finisher

Barry got a strong ovation coming down the face aisle.


Barry, you've got what promises to be a wild, unorthodox match coming up when you face Cactus Jack at Winter Warfare.

Barry: That's right, Eric.

There's no telling what insane thing Cactus Jack will do to win a match. The man, mentally, is way out there. He has no respect for his body or anyone else's.

I've wondered if he even really cares about winning and not just hurting his opponents but also himself. The man's a sado-masochist.

But Jack, let me tell you something since I know you're gonna see this.

When you fight a wild animal sometimes you have to adopt their tactics to survive.

As we saw in Cactus' match against Jerry Lawler at Super Clash 5 last year, this man will stop at absolutely nothing to torture his opponents.

I'm not walking into this match with blinders on. It's gonna be a grueling fight to the finish. And the man who loses may be the one who can't continue.

I'm coming for you, Cactus! And I am ready!

Crowd cheered.

Pic aired of the Winter Warfare logo with the caption: NEXT... WARFARE REPORT!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities


# Larry Nelson was seated behind the studio desk in front of the AWA logo.

Nelson: Welcome to this another Winter Warfare update. I'm Larry Nelson.

Winter Warfare will be airing live on ESPN on Tuesday, February 19th with a start time of 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific.

The show will be coming to you from the Icardo Center on the Cal State-Bakersfield campus in Bakersfield, California.

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticket Master or by calling the Icardo Center box office at (805) 867-5309 or by visiting the Icardo Center box office in person.

We have two new matches, both championship matches, added to Winter Warfare and we'll be telling you about those during this report.

Two matches already announced for the show.

In the main event, for the AWA World Championship, Col. DeBeers will be defending the World Title in a re-match against former World Champion 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel.

And the match will be an Indian strap match.

This match is Wahoo's specialty and he is undefeated in Indian strap matches in his storied career.

Will Col. DeBeers be the first wrestler ever to defeat Wahoo in an Indian strap match?

Or will Wahoo remain undefeated in strap matches and regain the AWA World Championship?

We'll find out at Winter Warfare.

Also on the card, Barry Windham will battle the wild and unpredictable Cactus Jack.

As usual, since it's a match featuring Cactus Jack, the match promises to be all-out war.

Can Windham overcome Cactus' wild antics or will Cactus emerge victorious with his reckless and dangerous style of wrestling?

As mentioned earlier, two matches have been added to Winter Warfare this week.

First, for the AWA Women's World Championship, Magnificent Mimi defends in a re-match against 'Big' Reggie Bennett.

Thanks to Valerie running over and ringing the bell and causing confusion when the champion was caught in Bennett's devastating submission hold the split-leg rear chinlock and the match stopping and Mimi walking out on the match and not returning, Bennett only got a count out victory. The rules state a wrestler must win by pinfall or submission to win the title.

AWA officials have decided that for the match at Winter Warfare, if Mimi gets disqualified or counted out, she will lose the championship.

Now, let's hear from the challenger and then the champion and her manager.


Reggie Bennett was in street clothes and standing in front of the Winter Warfare logo with mic in hand.

Reg: Magnificent Mimi, the AWA has spoken.

I had you on the verge of defeat until that snake manager of yours decided to go over and ring the bell on her own to cause all sorts of chaos and confusion in our match at Christmas Chaos.

There was no escape for you when I locked you in my split-leg rear chinlock. You were desperately gasping for air. You were close to passing out from the pain.

And then, when President Bockwinkel ordered the match re-started, you left and never came back and were counted out. You kept the title that night.

But now, at Winter Warfare, there will be no escape for you!

If you get disqualified or counted out, then I become the new Women's Champion!

You have to beat me by pinfall or submission, Mimi! There is no other way you can keep the title!

You've been the champion for almost 15 months now!

Your manager Valerie, if she gets involved, then you lose the title as well!

I'm on a mission here! The day I entered the AWA I had my sights set on the Women's Championship!

You can't cheat, run or hide this time, Mimi!

No walk outs! No getting yourself disqualified to save your title reign!

You lose in any fashion... it's over for you at Winter Warfare!

Pic flipped and Mimi and Val were in street clothes. Mimi was holding the strap. They were standing in front of the Winter Warfare logo.

Mimi: I'm sure the AWA Championship Committee is proud of themselves!

They want this belt off me ASAP!

But, it's not gonna happen! The fact is you didn't pin me or make me submit at Winter Warfare, Reggie!

I'm still the champion!

And unless someone makes me submit or pins me, then I will remain the champion!

You think you've got me cornered, Reggie! But like a caged animal, when cornered, that's when I fight best!

And at Winter Warfare I will once again walk out of the ring the Women's Champion!

Val: The AWA can pile on all the stipulations that they want!

This woman standing next to me is the World Champion for a reason! And that reason is because she is the best women's wrestler in the business today and she's managed by the best manager in the business today!

You think you've checkmated us! But, oh no! You have not!

We'll be ready! And Reggie Bennett is gonna fail once again in her quest to become the Women's World Champion at Winter Warfare!

And, since the AWA likes to make all these rules in attempt to end Mimi's reign, well, I'm gonna make a rule!

As the manager of the champ, I am in the catbird seat! I call the shots!

If Reggie Bennett fails to win the championship at Winter Warfare, she does not get another shot at the title! We will move on to other challengers!

Last chaangee, Reggie! You fail and you're done!

And if the AWA decides to try and keep giving you re-match after re-match in an attempt to win the belt, we'll see the AWA in court!

It's over for Reggie Bennett at Winter Warfare!


Nelson: Strong words from both sides heading into the AWA Women's Championship match at Winter Warfare!

The other championship match is also a big one.

For the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship, Greg Valentine defends against the Trooper.

The Trooper has made it clear that in 1991, his goal is to win the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship.

And he has a real opportunity to realize that goal on February 19th in Bakersfiled.

Now, let's hear from the challenger and the champion.


Trooper was standing in his police gear and sunglasses with mic in hand in front of the Winter Warfare logo.

Trooper: Greg Valentine! We finally meet again!

Winter Warfare! It's all on the line!

I've made my intentions crystal clear! I intend to win the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship in 1991!

This is my best opportunity to date!

I have pushed you to the limit and you escaped with the title by the skin of your teeth!

This match won't have a TV time-limit, Valentine! It's scheduled for 45-minutes! That's a lot of time to finish the job and achieve my goal!

I'm gonna do everything in my power to make history on February 19th at Winter Warfare!

I'm coming, 'Hammer'! And it's hard to stop a man on a mission!

Pic flipped and valentine was in street clothes and dark blue blazer. He was wearing sunglasses, had the belt slung over his shoulder and a mic in hand as stood in front of the Winter Warfare logo.

Valentine: It's been almost a year since I won this title in a 16-man tournament in Anaheim in February of last year.

When you look at the list of Pro Wrestling Heritage Champions, there's only one name listed. And that name is Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine.

There's a reason for that. I've taken on all comers and I have put them down like sick dogs!

I predicted I would win that tournament last year and I did it! I outlasted 15 other men to win this! Had to win four matches in one day! Everyone had a loss in the tournament... except yours truly!

1991 will be a year of frustration for the Trooper! He will fail miserably in his quest to beat me and win this belt!

1991 will be the year the Trooper ran his big mouth and accomplished... nothing!

And I'll say it right now! I will retain this title at Winter Warfare! That is a prediction you can take to the bank!

You're toast, Trooper! You might want go back to police work after I'm finished with you!


Nelson: Will the Trooper complete his mission at Winter Warfare? Or will Greg Valentine once again be correct in his prediction that the Trooper fails to capture the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship in 1991?

Winter Warfare is already lining up to be a great show.

Winter Warfare will be airing live on ESPN on Tuesday, February 19th with a start time of 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific.

The show will be coming to you from the Icardo Center on the Cal State-Bakersfield campus in Bakersfield, California.

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticket Master or by calling the Icardo Center box office at (805) 867-5309 or by visiting the Icardo Center box office in person. Tickets are on sale now

I'm Larry Nelson. See you with a final Winter Warfare report next week.


Pic aired of Wahoo McDaniel: NEXT... THE 'CHIEF' VISITS!!!


In-ring: Larry Nelson.

Nelson: Please welcome my guest at this time... 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel!

Nice pop as Wahoo made his way down the face aisle.

Nelson: Wahoo, Winter Warfare is almost upon us, and that means you'll be facing Col. DeBeers for the AWA World Championship with a chance to regain the World Title and this time it's in an Indian strap match.

Wahoo: I've got my chance to become the AWA World Champion for the second time and it's in a match that is my specialty.

Indian strap matches are brutal affairs. The strap is unforgiving. You have to weaken your opponent using the strap and then touch all four corners in a row to win the match.

There's a almost a sadistic pleasure for me in this match.

I not only get DeBeers in a match that I have had great success in. I also intend to tear DeBeers up with that strap.

Crowd cheered.

Wahoo: I've made no bones about it. I hate DeBeers and everything he stands for. He's a Nazi, as far as I'm concerned.

DeBeers hates anybody that doesn't look like him.

Well DeBeers, I intend to use the strap on you as a weapon. I want to feel the strap lay into your flesh and tear it open.

You need to be taught a lesson in respect, mister.

I am a proud Native American. My people, the Choctaw Indians, are a proud people. We don't take disrespect lightly.

So, at Winter Warfare, I have every intention of teaching DeBeers a lesson in respect.

You don't mistreat people and constantly insult their heritage without there being a response.

My pride and honor are on the line at Winter Warfare.

And Col. DeBeers will find out what real pride and honor are about on February 19th!

Crowd cheered.

Nelson: Wahoo McDaniel, everybody.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!

Commercials/Ad for AWA on WGN

TV MAIN EVENT - AWA VS. USWA: Danny Davis (USWA) vs. Jonnie Stewart

Davis came to the ring to a decent response down the face aisle.

Stewart came down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos.

Ref called for the bell.

The men came out of their corners and immediately engaged in a punch exchange. Davis got the upper hand and nailed Stewart with a few more punches and then slammed Stewart's head into the top buckle. Davis then walked Stewart to the remaining three corners and slammed his head into each top buckles. Davis whipped Stewart into the opposite buckles and charged in and blasted Stewart with a dropkick in the corner. Stewart staggered out of the corner and Davis popped Stewart in the back with a dropkick. Stewart toppled through the top and middle rope down to the floor. Crowd cheered Davis. Davis stepped out on the apron as Stewart got to his feet. Davis nailed Stewart with a headbutt off the apron to the floor. Stewart down. Crowd liking Davis.Davis grabbed Stewart and threw Stewart back into the ring. Davis climbed in the ring as Stewart got up. Stewart started back off from Davis and backed himself into the corner. Davis moved in and struck Stewart with punches and whipped Stewart into the other corner and Stewart slammed into the buckles, staggered out of the corner and Davis dropped Stewart with a clothesline. Stewart crashed to the mat. Davis climbed out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as a shaky Stewart got to his feet. Stewart up and Davis came off with a flying clothesline and Stewart fell out of the way and Davis crashed to the mat. Stewart up and moved in and stomped away on Davis. Stewart snapped Davis up, whipped Davis into the ropes and caught Davis coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Davis crashed to the mat. Stewart grabbed Davis by the legs and pulled Davis out to the middle of the ring. Stewart catpalted Davis towards the corner and Davis slammed head-first into the top buckle. Davis stunned. Stewart rolled Davis up from behind for the pin. 1... Stewart grabbed the tights. ...2...thr... Davis kicked out. Crowd cheered. Stewart snapped Davis up and whipped Davis into the corner. Stewart charged in and blasted Davis with a jumping back elbow to the chest. Stewart clubbed Davis in the back and Davis walked out by the ropes. Stewart clubbed Davis again. Stewart whipped Davis into the ropes and caught Davis coming off with a clothesline. Davis crashed to the mat. Stewart stomped Davis in the head. Stewart suplexed Davis, backed up and charged in with a running knee drop to the chest but Davis rolled out of the way and Stewart crashed knee-first to the mat. Crowd popped. Both men down. Ref counting. Count grew as both men got to their feet and Stewart swung wildly at Davis and missed and Davis caught Stewart with an uppercut to the jaw. The punch spun Stewart around facing away from Davis. Davis moved in and caught Stewart with an atomic drop. Stewart immediately went down holding the goods. Davis quickly regained his bearings and grabbed Stewart by the legs and repaid Stewart with a catapalt into the corner of his own. Stewart slammed head-first into the top buckle. Stewart turned and stumbled out of the corner and Davis caught Stewart with a small package for the pin. 1...2...3! NO! Stewart kicked out. Crowd groaned like they were all sat on by obese lady strippers. Both men up and Stewart stunned Davis with a trio of knees to the gut. Stewart went to whip Davis into the ropes but Davis reversed and caught Stewart coming off with a dropkick. Stewart crashed to the mat. Davis grabbed Stewart and repeatedly whipped Stewart into the same corner. Davis bodyslammed Stewart and climbed out on the apron and came off with a fist drop the connected. Davis for the cover, 1...2...thr... Stewart got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned.

Davis snapped Stewart up and went to whip Stewart into the ropes but Stewart reversed and looked to catch Davis coming off with a high backdrop but Davis turned it into a sunset flip for the pin. 1...2...thr... Stewart clapped his legs against the sides of Davis' head to escape defeat. Davis reached down and started to pull Stewart up and Stewart caught Davis with a headbutt that was a little below the belt. Davis dropped to the mat sitting up holding the goods and then fell over on his side. Stewart reprimanded by the ref. Stewart stomped Davis, snapped Davis up, whipped Davis into the ropes and caught Davis coming off with a gut shot that doubled Davis over. Stewart clubbed Davis in the back and Davis staggered around the ring in pain. Stewart grabbed Davis and nailed Davis with a suplex and then repeated the move on Davis. Stewart went out on the apron and climbed to the top buckle. The spirit of Ric Flair entered Stewart as he turned and started jawing with hecklers at ringside as Davis got to his feet, moved in and caught Stewart with a slam off the top rope to the delight of the crowd. Davis grabbed Stewart and whipped Stewart into the corner. Davis charged in and nailed Stewart with a running splash. Stewart staggered out of the corner. Davis caught Stewart with a dropkick and Stewart crashed down by the ropes. Stewart up and Davis nailed Stewart with a running clothesline. Stewart crashed to the mat. Davis for the cover. 1...2...thr... Stewart got his foot on the bottom rope. Ref patted Davis on the back. Davis, being an idiot face, got up thinking he'd won. Ref gestured that Stewart got his foot on the bottom rope before the count of three. Davis was facing away from Stewart as Davis had words with the ref. Stewart recovered enough to roll Davis up from behind next to the ropes for the pin. 1... Stewart grabbed the top rope for leverage. ...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed. Ref raised Stewart's hand in victory and Stewart quickly bailed from the ring as Davis looked down at the victor standing on the floor.

WINNER: Stewart - Pinfall - 9:14


(Since Jerry Jarrett of Memphis/USWA is part-owner of the AWA, he has a deal that sends some of his wrestlers to appear on AWA TV and AWA wrestlers occasionally appear on Memphis TV. The above match would be replayed on Memphis TV and the two would meet in a match in Memphis where Davis would go over. There would be no mention on AWA TV of the Memphis match.)
Last edited:

Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(3rd Taping)

(Final SLAM! before Winter Warfare)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers to SLAM! wrestling.

Said SLAM! now airs Wednesday nights at 10pm ET/7 pm PT on ESPN.

Nelson said this was the final SLAM! before Winter Warfare.

Nelson then intro'd a new message from AWA promoter Jim Crockett.


Jim Crockett was seated behind his desk in his office.

Crockett: Hello.

I am here to announce the final match for Winter Warfare.

It has been signed. Tag team partners turned bitter rivals will square off against each other at Winter Warfare.

It will be, one-on-one, Ken Patera vs. Brad Rheingans.

This promises to be quite a match as these two men now have a seething hatred for one another. And that hatred will come pouring out in this match.

Winter Warfare is looking like a great show.

Hope you'll check it out on Tuesday, February 19th, in person or live on ESPN.

Thank you for your time.

In-studio: Nelson said that promises to be a barn-burner of a match and they'll run down the entire Winter Warfare card later in the show on the Winter Warfare Report. PLUS! They'll have comments from Brad and Ken during the report.

Nelson then ran down the program:

TV MAIN EVENT: Greg Gagne & Jake Milliman vs. The Destruction Crew

The final Winter Warfare Report

Wahoo McDaniel stops by as he prepares to challenge for the AWA World Title in an Indian strap match against champ Col. DeBeers

Greg Valentine (PWHC) sees action

AWA WC Col. DeBeers gives us an Indian strap match exhibition

Brad Rheingans laces 'em up

And more!

Nelson said Barry Windham wrestles after the break.


Barry Windham won a squash match over 'Alaskan' Jay York via pinfall with his flying lariat finisher

Windham got a strong ovation comIng down the face aisle.


Barry, Winter Warfare is now upon us and you're facing the unpredictable and dangerous Cactus Jack.

Barry: That's right, Larry. I've got my work cut out for me at Winter Warfare.

Cactus is extremely dangerous. He doesn't just sacrifice his body to hurt his opponent. He doesn't care if he hurts himself. He wrestles like a man who has nothing to lose every time he steps in the ring.

But, I'm ready for him. Good and ready.

Cactus, I'm telling you this! If you want to have an all-out brawl, then that's what we'll have!

Crowd cheered.

Barry: You like to play a lot of mind games with your opponents! You go right ahead, pal!

You fight a wild animal, then I will fight like a wild animal, too!

More cheers.

Barry: This could be the wildest fight of my ca-...

Crowd mainly booed but some also cheered as Cactus Jack, in his ring attire, made his way down the heel aisle.

Cactus climbed in the ring and walked up to Barry and Nelson.

Cactus: So, you think I'm a wild animal, huh?!

That hurts my feelings, Barry. I'm a flesh, blood and bone man just like you. I care for humanity....

Barry: Right. Cactus Jack: humanitarian of the year.

Cactus: You didn't let me finish what I was saying, Barry. That's very rude.

I care about humanity... until the bell rings! And then, all bets are off!

At Winter Warfare, I am going to hurt you and hurt you bad!

And, guess what! I'm gonna hurt myself , too! I love pain! I love to inflict it and I love to feel it!

I don't care how badly I hurt myself as long as I can hurt you!

I think you made a huge mistake signing up for this match! You don't know what crazy is, Barry! But you're gonna find out at Winter Warfare!


Jack got that crazy trademark smile on his face and then turned and left the ring.

Barry: He's crazy, Larry! Absolutely off his rocker! He needs them to update his meds at the institution he's housed in! That's about the only thing that will keep him somewhat sane!

Cactus Jack, you shouldn't be walking the streets! And I intend to make you regret every signing up to fight me!

See you at Winter Warfare, pal!

Crowd cheered.

Pic aired of Brad Rheingans with the caption: NEXT... READY FOR KEN!!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update

Brad Rheingans won a squash match over Brady Boone via pinfall with his fisherman suplex into a bridgeout (Perfect Plex) finisher

Rheingans got a good response coming to the ring.

In-studio: Nelson hyped Winter Warfare coming up this Tuesday, Feb. 19th, on ESPN. Hyped the Patera-Rheingans clash.

Pic aired of AWA WC Col. DeBeers with the caption: NEXT... EXHIBITION???


In-studio: Nelson intro'd DeBeers' Indian strap match exhibition.


DeBeers was standing center ring in an empty Showboat Sports Pavilion,

He was in his camo wrestling pants and had the World Title around his waist.

Standing next to him was something approximately 6-feet tall under a large cover that completely covered what it was.

DeBeers had a mic and was holding an Indian strap.

DeBeers: What you are about to witness is an exhibition of what I am going to do to Wahoo McDaniel in our Indian strap match for the World Championship at Winter Warfare.

The Indian strap you see in my hands has been made even tougher by the finest fire water purchased at an illegal fireworks stand on an Indian reservation.

This strap can inflict great damage to a person. It cuts. It tears. Every lash of this strap... you will feel it.

There will be no mercy shown in this exhibition; nor will any be shown to Wahoo in our match.

DeBeers removed the giant covering and standing there was a mannequin painted red.

DeBeers removed the World Title and handed it off to someone off-camera at ringside.

DeBeers then put one end of the strap around the wrist of the mannequin and the other end around his own wrist.

DeBeers then fashioned the strap into a whip and started whipping the mannequin with it.

DeBeers then held the strap tight and clotheslined the mannequin with it and the mannequin toppled over. DeBeers then whipped the mannequin again. DeBeers then kicked the mannequin.

Debeers picked up on a mic.

DeBeers: Come on, red man! Fight like the savage your are!

DeBeers dragged the mannequin around the ring and touched three of the top turnbuckles in succession and stooped and wrapped the strap around the neck of the mannequin and picked it up off the ground by the neck like it was hanging. DeBeers then threw the mannequin across the ring.

DeBeers: Red man! Your people are counting on you! Fight! Maybe you need a couple of packs of cheap smokes to get all fired up!

DeBeers stomped the mannequin on the head three times. DeBeers snapped up the mannequin and placed it in the corner and violently whipped it repeatedly. DeBeers then dragged the mannequin around the ring and touched all four top turnbuckles in succession and declared himself the victor.

DeBeers removed the strap from his wrist and went over and demanded the mic.

DeBeers: Wahoo! You're fighting a man who has manifest destiny on his side! And because of that, I'm gonna be the man who hands you his first loss ever in an Indian strap match! The title's remaining with me!

You can't stop manifest destiny, Wahoo! And everyone is going to witness it at Winter Warfare!

Shot of DeBeers standing in the ring with the mannequin lying on the mat in the background.


Nelson said he thinks DeBeers might be pushing his luck by making Wahoo aangry by mocking Wahoo's American Indian heritage. Said the match promises to be a wild one at Winter Warfare.

Pic aired of PWHC Greg Valentine with the caption: NEXT... END OF THE LINE???


(Before the match in the arena: Off-air and for fans only in the arena, Nelson announced Valentine would be defending the PWHC against Trooper at Winter Warfare.)

Greg Valentine (PWHC) won a quick squash over Mike Jackson via submission with the figure four leglock

Valentine was strongly booed coming to the ring.

Valentine came to the ring carrying a gift-wrapped package and placed it in the corner.

After Valentine dispatched Jackson, he went over and grabbed the package.


I have to ask: what's in the box?

Valentine: I have a gift for the Trooper. Trooper. come on down here, son!

Brief pause.

Trooper made his way down the face aisle to a solid ovation and climbed in the ring.

Valentine: I have a gift for you, Trooper!

Valentine held the gift out for Trooper to take. Trooper briefly hesitated.

Trooper: What is it?

Valentine: Open it. You'll love it, I swear.

Trooper took the package and opened it. It was a white box.

Valentine: Open it. Let the world see what's in it.

Trooper cautiously opened the package.

It's contents...

Nelson: It's doughnuts.

Valentine: That's right, Nelson. There a dozen doughnuts in there. Four glazed. Four chocolate. Four raspberry filled.

Trooper: What is the meaning of this?

Valentine: After I thwart your challenge at Winter Warfare and retain the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship, you're gonna be so devastated by the loss that I predict you're gonna go back to police work. The doughnuts represent your official return to being a cop.

Trooper looked at the doughnuts and then angrily threw them down on the mat and stomped on them.

Crowd cheered.

Valentine: You owe me five bucks for those doughnuts, pal!

Trooper: I'm not goin' anywhere, Valentine! I'm on a mission in 1991! And I'm winning the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship, you son of a...

Trooper grabbed Valentine.

Crowd reacted strongly when Bobby Jaggers charged down the heel aisle, hit the ring and jumped Trooper from behind. Trooper lost his grip on Valentine. Jaggers pounded away on Trooper and knocked Trooper to the mat and stomped on Trooper. Jaggers backed up and waited for Trooper to get to his feet. Trooper up and Jaggers charged in and pulverized Trooper with his Jaggers' Special (Polish hammer - double sledge to the chest) finisher. Trooper crashed to mat holding his chest. Several face wrestlers came charging down the face aisle and Jaggers and Valentine bailed to the safety of the floor. Valentine grabbed his title from a ring attendant.

As wrestlers checked on Trooper and some kept an eye on Valentine and Jaggers, Larry Nelson, who bailed to the floor when Jaggers attacked Trooper, caught up with the heel duo.

Nelson: What in the world was...

Valentine: I gave the Trooper a gift! And that's the only gift he's getting from me! He's not getting this title... ever!

Jaggers: I've made it clear that my mission for 1991 is to make sure that flatfoot doesn't win the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship!

If the Trooper keeps going after Valentine and the championship, he'll also have me to reckon with!

Trooper helped to his feet in the ring. Trooper painfully walked over by the ropes and gestured for the ring mic and got it.

Trooper breathing heavily and painfully and was grabbing at his chest.

Trooper: Valentine...

Trooper had to catch his breath.

Trooper: At Winter Warfare, it will be mission accomplished for the Trooper! Ah!

Trooper dropped the mic and held his chest as the fans roared as Valentine and Jaggers looked on from the floor.

Pic aired of the Winter Warfare logo with the caption: NEXT... FINAL REPORT!!!



Larry Nelson was seated behind the studio desk in front of the AWA logo.

Nelson: Welcome to this final Winter Warfare update. I'm Larry Nelson.

Winter Warfare will be airing live on ESPN on Tuesday, February 19th with a start time of 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific.

The show will be coming to you from the Icardo Center on the Cal State-Bakersfield campus in Bakersfield, California.

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticket Master or by calling the Icardo Center box office at (805) 867-5309 or by visiting the Icardo Center box office in person.

While Nelson talked, a message rolled across the bottom of the screen.


The message kept repeating on the bottom of the screen.

Nelson: A new match has just been added to Winter Warfare. We'll announce the match later in this report.

But, here are the matches that have already been announced for the show.

For the AWA World Championship, AWA World Champion Col. DeBeers defends against the man he beat to win the title, 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel.

And it will be fought under Indian strap match rules.

Wahoo has never lost an Indian strap match in his career. This type of match is his specialty.

Will Wahoo continue his perfect run in Indian strap matches and regain the World Championship? Or will Col. DeBeers be the first wrestler to ever defeat Wahoo in an Indian strap match and thwart Wahoo's attempt to become the AWA World Champion the second time?

We'll find out at Winter Warfare.

Also, for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship, champion Greg Valentine defends against the Trooper.

The Trooper has made it clear that his goal for 1991 is to win the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship. Will he realize that goal at Winter Warfare?

Greg Valentine has been the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion for a year now. He's the only man to ever hold that prestigious championship since winning it in a 16-man tournament in February of last year.

Will the Trooper realize his goal on February 19th at the Icaardo center? Or does Valentine's run as the champion continue?

Will Bobby Jaggers, who has said it's his goal in 1991 to make sure the Trooper doesn't win the Pro Wrestling Championship, be a factor in the outcome?

Those questions will be answered at Winter Warfare.

In a match that promises to be a wild one, Barry Windham squares off against the unpredictable Cactus Jack.

There's no telling how this match will play out. But, it promises to be a war when these two men lock-up at Winter Warfare.

For the AWA Women's World Championship, in a re-match from Christmas Chaos, Women's Champion Mimi, with Valerie in her corner, defends against 'Big' Reggie Bennett.

After the chaos that ended the last match between the two, where Valerie ran over and rang the bell when Bennett had Mimi trapped in her virtually inescapable split-leg rear chinlock, promoter Jim Crockett has ordered that if Mimi gets disqualified or counted out, she will lose the title and Reggie Bennett becomes the new AWA Women's Champion.

Now, let's hear from the challenger and the champion.


Shot of Reggie standing in front of the Winter Warfare logo in street clothes with mic in hand.

Reg: The time is now here!

Magnificent Mimi, if you get disqualfied or counted out, you lose the belt and I become the new Women's World Champion.

If your manager Valerie tries to interfere then you lose. Use a weapon against me, you lose. If you walk off again like last time and get counted out, you lose.

There's no out for you this time Mimi. None. You either beat me fair and square or I am the champ.

But, I certainly don't want to beat you by count out or disqualification. Oh no!

I want to finish what I started at Christmas Chaos!

I want to lock you in my split-leg rear chinlock and make you submit!

I want to send you a clear message that I had you down for defeat the last time if it wasn't for that queen slime-o manager of yours going over and ringing the bell before the match was officially over!

This time, Mimi, it's win fairly or lose that title you covet so much!

Pic flipped and Mimi and Val, both in street clothes and holding mics, Mimi was holding the title, were standing in front of the Winter Warfare logo.

Mimi: I love this championship belt. I sleep with it on the pillow next to me. It's the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see when I close my eyes at night.

And on February 20th, I'm gonna wake up the morning after our Winter Warfare match and the title is gonna be on the pillow next to me just like always.

No matter the stipulations in the match, no matter what roadblocks the AWA tries to throw in my way, I am still the best of the best in this sport.

Jim Crockett and the AWA bigshots are in for a rude awakening when I beat their Chosen One in Reggie Bennett.

Val: I signed Mimi because I saw she had what it takes to not only win championships; but also retain them!

For 15 months now, she has turned aside every challenge. Mimi has remained the champion for one reason.

Like she said, she's the best of the best!

She's primed! She's ready! She's the champion! And nothing changes at Winter Warfare!


Will Mimi be able to hold off Reggie Bennett in a match where, if Mimi gets disqualified or counted out, Reggie becomes the new AWA Women's World Champion?

The final match just added to Winter Warfare is between two long-time friends and tag team partners, there were the AWA World Tag Team Champions at one time, who are now bitter enemies.

It's gonna be Ken Patera vs. Brad Rheingans.

This match has an extra layer of intrigue because of the history these two men have together.

Now, let's hear from Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans.


Shot of Patera standing alone in street clothes with mic in hand in front of the Winter Warfare logo.

Patera: Brad, Brad, Brad!

We meet one-on-one!

Let me be clear, I made a business decision when I agreed to sign with Valerie and become part of her stable!

This business is about money and championships! That's the bottom line!

You had become an anchor for me, Brad! You were holding me back from becoming the top star I truly am! Also, you were crippling my bottom line!

Your goody two-shoes routine was wearing thin! You were asked to join Val's stable but said 'no'. because of some so-called high morals you have!

Well, you continue to swim in the sea of mediocrity! You'll have your dignity, I guess! But, you won't have a fatter wallet and gold around your waist!

I'm gonna make you suffer at Winter Warfare for the decision you made, Brad!

You let a golden opportunity slip through your fingers so you could continue to be loved by these fans and hear them cheer for you! Hope you're happy! Because I'm gonna show you no mercy!

Pic flipped and Rheingans, in street clothes and holding a mic, was standing in front of the Winter Warfare logo.

Rheingans: It never had to come to this.

Ken, Valerie may deliver everything she promised you and more.

But, I can't run from my conscience.

I have made my choice and you've made yours.

Now, we collide at Winter Warfare.

This is more than a match, Ken. Personal pride is also on the line.

I take a lot of pride in what I do and I know you do, too. You don't need someone like Valerie to help you achieve your goals. You could do that on your own.

But, you've chosen darkness over light. You spat in the faces of these fans who paid their hard-earned money to cheer you over the years when you joined up with Valerie.

I'm angry at you, Ken. But I'm also sad.

You came out of prison a new man. Now, that new man is gone and it's back to being the Ken Patera who hires a manager because he thinks a manager will make him even greater.

When that bell rings at Winter Warfare, it's gonna be all business between us. I'm gonna try and beat you and you're gonna look to do the same to me. May the best man win.

I could never take the step you've taken. I just couldn't live with myself if I did that.

But, prepare to for me to bring the fight to you on February 19th.


Rheingans and Patera is shaping up to be another great match at Winter Warfare.

These men were like brothers. Now, they stand across from each other in battle.

Winter Warfare will be airing live on ESPN on Tuesday, February 19th with a start time of 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific.

Message once again scrolled across the bottom of the screen repeatedly stating that Winter Warfare was sold out.

Nelson: The show will be coming to you from the Icardo Center on the Cal State-Bakersfield campus.

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticket Master or by calling the Icardo Center box office at (805) 867-5309 or by visiting the Icardo Center box office in person.

I'm Larry Nelson. See you at Winter Warfare.


Pic aired of the SLAM! logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!

Pic flipped and showed a picture of Wahoo with the caption: LATER... WAHOO!!!


TV MAIN EVENT: The Destruction Crew (Wayne Bloom & Mike Enos) vs. Greg Gagne & Jake Milliman

Gagne and Jake made their way down the face aisle to a decent ovation.

Once in the ring, Jake ripped off his '2% Forever' t-shirt and threw it into the crowd.

Destruction Crew made their way down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos.

Short match with some good action.

End of the match saw Enos and Jake the legal men in the ring. Enos was on the offensive and went to whip Jake into the ropes but Jake reversed and caught Enos coming off with a powerslam. Crowd popped. Jake gestured it was time for his Pasteurizer (flying leg drop) finisher. Jake ran and hit the ropes and came off and hit Enos with the leg drop. Jake for the cover. 1...2...thr... Enos kicked out. Crowd groaned. Jake snapped up Enos and went to whip Enos into the ropes but Enos reversed and blasted Jake coming off with a clothesline. Jake crashed to the mat. Enos tagged in Bloom. Enos snapped Jake up as Bloom mounted the top buckle and came off with the Wrecking Ball (Doomsday device) finisher. Bloom for the cover. 1...2... Gagne hit the ring to break up the pin try but was cut off by Enos. ...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed. Bloom up and he and Enos had their hands raised in victory.

WINNER: Destruction Crew - 3:13

Pic aired of the SLAM! logo with the caption: NEXT... WAHOO IS HERE!!!


In-ring: Larry Nelson.

Nelson: Please welcome my guest... 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel!

Crowd popped as Wahoo, in his ring attire and headdress, made his way down to the ring. He was carryiong something.

Nelson: Wahoo, these fans are behind you in your quest to regain the AWA World Championship in your Indian strap match against Col. DeBeers at Winter Warfare.

I see you've brought something.

Wahoo: This is the Indian strap, Larry.

Here, hold it.

Nelson took the strap from Wahoo.

Nelson: Wow! That thing hurts just to hold. It feels heavy.

Nelson handed the strap back to Wahoo.

Wahoo: It is heavy and it is painful.

This strap is made from some of the toughest leather around.

It was made by a friend of mine. This strap is guaranteed not to break. It is unforgiving when used against an opponent.

I've been in a lot of these matches in my career against several different men. The matches have affected me physically and mentally. They take a lot out of you.

You feel the effects of the strap long after the match is over. The strap has no give whatsoever. When you get struck with it you will feel it with every fiber of your being.

The strap rips the flesh. I speak from experience when I say I've needed hundreds of stitches in different parts of my body after a strap match.

Now, I get my chance to regain the World Title in a strap match.

Nelson: You've never lost a strap match. Let's point that out.

Wahoo: I'm undefeated in strap matches. But this particular strap match takes on an added significance for me.

Col. DeBeers, I can't stand the sight of you. You have mocked my people. You hate America. You think you're superior to everyone else.

At Winter Warfare, Colonel, I'm gonna pour my wrath out on you with this strap.

Normally, you just want to beat a man in a match.

But, because you've made this so personal, I am going to tear you apart with this strap!

Wahoo slapped the strap in his open hand as the crowd cheered.

Wahoo: I'll see you on February 19th, DeBeers! Payback is coming!

I intend to leave you a bloody, battered heap in the ring and become the AWA World Champion a second time!

Crowd cheered.

Ad aired for Winter Warfare next Tuesday.

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Raider Nation

Active Member
Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(3rd Taping)

(# Aired on previous AWA program.)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson.

Nelson welcomed viewers, said this was the final ASW before Winter Warfare and introduced a message from AWA promoter Jim Crockett.


Jim Crockett was seated behind his desk in his office.

# Crockett: Hello.

I am here to announce the final match for Winter Warfare.

It has been signed. Tag team partners turned bitter rivals will square off against each other at Winter Warfare.

It will be, one-on-one, Ken Patera vs. Brad Rheingans.

This promises to be quite a match as these two men now have a seething hatred for one another. And that hatred will come pouring out in this match.

Winter Warfare is looking like a great show.

Hope you'll check it out on Tuesday, February 19th, in person or live on ESPN.

Thank you for your time.


Nelson said they'd have comments from Patera and Rheingans about their upcoming match at Winter Warfare during the Winter Warfare Report.

Nelson then ran down the program,

TV MAIN EVENT (Mixed 6-Man Tag): Wendi Richter & The Top Guns vs. Akio Sato, Ninja Go & Candi Devine

The final Winter Warfare Report

Col. DeBeers gives an Indian strap exhibition

Tommy Rich continues his hunt for the perfect tag team partner as he wrestles in tag action

Jonnie Stewart sees action

Tom Zenk bores us to tears

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in St. Cloud.

'Cowboy' Bob Orton vs. Jerry Blackwell

Orton came down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos.

Blackwell came down the face aisle to a good ovation.

As Blackwell climbed into the ring, Orton charged over and pounced on the big man.

Ref called for the bell.

Orton continued hammering away on Blackwell and whipped Blackwell into the corner. Orton moved in with a series of knee strikes to the gut followed by some bionic elbows to the top of the head. Blackwell staggered out of the corner and Orton clubbed Blackwell with a series of forearms to the back. Blackwell fell back against the ropes. Orton kicked Blackwell in his big gutwell. Orton went to whip Blackwell into the ropes but Blackwell grabbed the top rope and wouldn't let go. Orton tried again with the same result. Orton then went to punch Blackwell but Blackwell blocked the punch try and blasted Orton with a headbutt to the delight of the crowd. Blackwell popped Orton with a second headbutt. Orton stunned. Blackwell grabbed Orton and slammed Orton's head repeatedly into the top buckle as the crowd counted along. Orton spun around in the corner. Blackwell laid into Orton with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut, Blackwell whipped Orton into the opposite buckles and charged in looking to avalanche Orton but Orton moved and Blackwell slammed front-first into the buckles. Orton briefly shook out the effects of Blackwell's assault. Blackwell separated himself from the buckles and Orton moved in and caught Blackwell with head and body punches. Orton whipped Blackwell into the ropes and caught Blackwell coming off with a boot to the gut. Orton then went to suplex Blackwell but Blackwell twice blocked the move and Orton caught Blackwell with a shot to the side of the ribs and was able to suplex Blackwell. (Admit it! You thought Blackwell was gonna suplex Orton after the two blocks!) Orton up with a proud look on his face. Orton popped Blackwell with a fist drop to the head and went for the cover. 1....2... Blackwell kicked out. Crowd cheered. Orton up and dropped an elbow on Blackwell and then snapped Blackwell up and went for a bodyslam but Blackwell shifted his weight and Orton crashed to the mat with Blackwell on top of him. Blackwell for the cover. 1...2...thr... Orton kicked out. Crowd groaned. Blackwell snapped Orton up and headbutted Orton and held Orton by the hair as Orton wobbled but he won't go down. Blackwell hoisted Orton on his shoulder and nailed Orton with a running powerslam. Blackwell up, backed into the ropes and came off with his diving splash finisher but Orton got his knees up and Blackwell crashed into them. Both men down. Ref counting. Orton crawled out of the ring and dropped to the floor. Blackwell up in the ring. Orton challenging Blackwell to come out to the floor. Ref ordered Blackwell back and started a new 10-count. Blackwell had enough and left the ring and Orton jumped on Blackwell and started pounding on him and Blackwell fought back and the two men were slugging it out on the floor. Ref counting. Blackwell got the upper hand and drove Orton against the post. Blackwell went to headbutt Orton but Orton moved and Blackwell's head slammed into the post. Orton quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the ref's count. Orton out on the apron. As Blackwell staggered past Orton, Orton jumped off the apron and nailed Blackwell with a doubled sledge to the back. Blackwell stumbled forward and crashed front-first into the ringside barricade. Ref counting. Orton quickly rolled out in and out of the ring to break the 10-count.

Orton went over and grabbed Blackwell and went to slam Blackwell's head into the top of the barricade but Backwell grabbed the barricade and stiffened his arms and Orton could not complete his mission. Orton tried and failed again. Blackwell elbowed Orton twice in the side of the ribs and Orton lost his grip on Blackwell. Blackwell grabbed Orton and slammed Orton's head into the top of the barricade three times. Orton on stagger street. Ref counting. Blackwell grabbed Orton and droved Orton hard, back-first into the steel barricade. Blackwell climbed up on the apron and quickly broke the count. Orton hurting against the barricade. Blackwell jumped off the ring apron and Orton moved and Blackwell slammed front-first into the barricade. Orton regained his bearings and caught Blackwell with a series of punches to the side of the ribs. Orton peeled Blackwell off the barricade and drove Blackwell back-first into the ring apron. Blackwell in and bad way. Ref counting. Orton grabbed Blackwell and threw/rolled Blackwell back into the ring. Orton climbed in and stomped away on Blackwell and then, using everything he had, Orton was able to hoist up Blackwell and nail Blackwell with the piledriver. Orton for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Blackwell kicked out. Crowd popped. Orton in disbelief. Orton snapped up Blackwell and went to nail Blackwell with another piledriver but Blackwell twice blocked the move and backdropped Orton to the mat. Blackwell fell front-first into the corner. Both men hurting. Orton to his feet as Blackwell slowly turned around in the corner. Orton charged in and popped Blackwell with a running shoulder block to the gut. Orton whipped Blackwell into the opposite corner. Orton backed up and charged in and looked to leap on Blackwell but Blackwell caught Orton in a bearhug. Blackwell walked out of the corner with Orton locked in the hold and charged into the other corner and pulverized Orton with a running bearhug/avalanche. Crowd popped big-time as the ring shook. Orton staggered out of the corner, spun around and crashed on his back in the ring. Blackwell backed into the ropes and came off with his diving splash finisher that connected. Blackwell for the pin. 1...2...3! Crowd popped as the ref called for the bell. An exhausted Blackwell up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

WINNER: Blackwell - Pinfall - 10:15

Pic aired of Tommy Rich with the caption: NEXT... THE HUNT CONTINUES!!!


Tommy Rich & ??? vs. Sal Bellomo & Tommy Angel

Bellomo & Angel were already in the ring and announced.

Rich came down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos.

Rich climbed in the ring and took the mic from Bischoff.

Rich: Well, I'm back and still looking for my ideal tag team partner.

I have a new new partner this week. Hopefully, he'll fill the void that others have been unable to.

Will this man be my new tag team partner.

He is... Spike Huber!

Huber came down the heel aisle to very little crowd response.

Huber climbed in the ring.

Rich: Spike, you don't look like the sharpest knife in the drawer.

But, out of the goodness of my heart, I'm giving you a chance to team with a former NWA World Champion.

Do not embarrass me.

Rich handed the mic off.

During the match, Rich held his own against Angel and Bellomo. Huber got some licks in on the pair but was also put on the defensive.

End of the match saw Huber in against Angel. Huber was on the offensive. Huber whipped Angel into the ropes and looked to catch Angel coming off with a backdrop but Angel instead caught Huber with a sunset flip for the pin. 1... Rich looked to make the save but Bellomo charged in and cut Rich off. ...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered.

After the ref raised the victors hands, the pair left the ring and disappeared to the back.

Tommy Rich got on the mic again.

Rich: Spike, that was... that was not good.

I don't think Tommy Angel has ever beaten his own shadow let alone another actual wrestler. But, he beat you. He put you down for the count.

You showed me some glimpses of potential during the match. But, that's the problem. They were only glimpses. I need more than that.

Hit the bricks, Spike.

A dejected Spike left the ring and headed back up the aisle to no real reaction.

Rich: Well kids, the search goes on for my perfect tag team partner.

If you think you've got what it takes to team with the former NWA World Champion, send a photo, no mugshots, please, and a resume' to the AWA offices.

If I like what you've sent me, you'll be gettin' a call from ol' Tommy.

Until next time.

Crowd booed.

Pic aired of Tom Zenk with the caption: NEXT... MR. Z!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

Tom Zenk won a squash match over Charlie Fulton via pinfall with his missle dropkick finisher

Zenk got a decent response coming down the face aisle.

Pic aired of AWA WC Col. DeBeers with the caption: NEXT...EXHIBITION OR INTIMIDATION???


In-studio: Nelson intro'd DeBeers' Indian strap match exhibition.


DeBeers was standing center ring in an empty Showboat Sports Pavilion,

He was in his camo wrestling pants and had the World Title around his waist.

Standing next to him was something approximately 6-feet tall under a large cover that completely covered what it was.

DeBeers had a mic and was holding an Indian strap.

DeBeers: What you are about to witness is an exhibition of what I am going to do to Wahoo McDaniel in our Indian strap match for the World Championship at Winter Warfare.

The Indian strap you see in my hands has been made even tougher by the finest fire water purchased at an illegal fireworks stand on an Indian reservation.

This strap can inflict great damage to a person. It cuts. It tears. Every lash of this strap... you will feel it.

There will be no mercy shown in this exhibition; nor will any be shown to Wahoo in our match.

DeBeers removed the giant covering and standing there was a mannequin painted red.

DeBeers removed the World Title and handed it off to someone off-camera at ringside.

DeBeers then put one end of the strap around the wrist of the mannequin and the other end around his own wrist.

DeBeers then fashioned the strap into a whip and started whipping the mannequin with it.

DeBeers then held the strap tight and clotheslined the mannequin with it and the mannequin toppled over. DeBeers then whipped the mannequin again. DeBeers then kicked the mannequin.

DeBeers picked up on a mic.

DeBeers: Come on, red man! Fight like the savage your are!

DeBeers dragged the mannequin around the ring and touched three of the top turnbuckles in succession and stooped and wrapped the strap around the neck of the mannequin and picked it up off the ground by the neck like it was hanging. DeBeers then threw the mannequin across the ring.

DeBeers: Red man! Your people are counting on you! Fight! Maybe you need a couple of packs of cheap smokes to get all fired up!

DeBeers stomped the mannequin on the head three times. DeBeers snapped up the mannequin and placed it in the corner and violently whipped it repeatedly. DeBeers then dragged the mannequin around the ring and touched all four top turnbuckles in succession and declared himself the victor.

DeBeers removed the strap from his wrist and went over and demanded the mic.

DeBeers: Wahoo! You're fighting a man who has manifest destiny on his side! And because of that, I'm gonna be the man who hands you his first loss ever in an Indian strap match! The title's remaining with me!

You can't stop manifest destiny, Wahoo! And everyone is going to witness it at Winter Warfare!

Shot of DeBeers standing in the ring with the mannequin lying on the mat in the background.


Nelson said he thinks DeBeers might be pushing his luck by making Wahoo angry by mocking Wahoo's American Indian heritage. Said the match promises to be a wild one at Winter Warfare.

Pic aired of Jonnie Stewart with the caption: NEXT... WE'RE STEWED!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

Jonnie Stewart won a squash match over Steve Strong via pinfall with his flying elbow off the top rope finisher

Stewart got a decent amount of boos on the way to the ring down the heel aisle.

Pic aired of the Winter warfare logo with the caption: NEXT... FINAL REPORT!!!



Larry Nelson was seated behind the studio desk in front of the AWA logo.

Nelson: Welcome to this final Winter Warfare update. I'm Larry Nelson.

Winter Warfare will be airing live on ESPN on Tuesday, February 19th with a start time of 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific.

The show will be coming to you from the Icardo Center on the Cal State-Bakersfield campus in Bakersfield, California.

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticket Master or by calling the Icardo Center box office at (805) 867-5309 or by visiting the Icardo Center box office in person.

While Nelson talked, a message rolled across the bottom of the screen.


The message kept repeating on the bottom of the screen.

Nelson: A new match has just been added to Winter Warfare. We'll announce the match later in this report.

But, here are the matches that have already been announced for the show.

For the AWA World Championship, AWA World Champion Col. DeBeers defends against the man he beat to win the title, 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel.

And it will be fought under Indian strap match rules.

Wahoo has never lost an Indian strap match in his career. This type of match is his specialty.

Will Wahoo continue his perfect run in Indian strap matches and regain the World Championship? Or will Col. DeBeers be the first wrestler to ever defeat Wahoo in an Indian strap match and thwart Wahoo's attempt to become the AWA World Champion the second time?

We'll find out at Winter Warfare.

Also, for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship, champion Greg Valentine defends against the Trooper.

The Trooper has made it clear that his goal for 1991 is to win the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship. Will he realize that goal at Winter Warfare?

Greg Valentine has been the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion for a year now. He's the only man to ever hold that prestigious championship since winning it in a 16-man tournament in February of last year.

Will the Trooper realize his goal on February 19th at the Icardo center? Or does Valentine's run as the champion continue?

Will Bobby Jaggers, who has said it's his goal in 1991 to make sure the Trooper doesn't win the Pro Wrestling Championship, be a factor in the outcome?

Those questions will be answered at Winter Warfare.

In a match that promises to be a wild one, Barry Windham squares off against the unpredictable Cactus Jack.

There's no telling how this match will play out. But, it promises to be a war when these two men lock-up at Winter Warfare.

For the AWA Women's World Championship, in a re-match from Christmas Chaos, Women's Champion Magnificent Mimi, with Valerie in her corner, defends against 'Big' Reggie Bennett.

After the chaos that ended the last match between the two, where Valerie ran over and rang the bell when Bennett had Mimi trapped in her virtually inescapable split-leg rear chinlock, promoter Jim Crockett has ordered that if Mimi gets disqualified or counted out, she will lose the title and Reggie Bennett becomes the new AWA Women's Champion.

Now, let's hear from the challenger and the champion.


Shot of Reggie standing in front of the Winter Warfare logo in street clothes with mic in hand.

Reg: The time is now here!

Magnificent Mimi, if you get disqualified or counted out, you lose the belt and I become the new Women's World Champion.

If your manager Valerie tries to interfere then you lose. Use a weapon against me, you lose. If you walk off again like last time and get counted out, you lose.

There's no out for you this time Mimi. None. Your either beat me fair and square or I am the champ.

But, I certainly don't want to beat you by count out or disqualification. Oh no!

I want to finish what I started at Christmas Chaos!

I want to lock you in my split-leg rear chinlock and make you submit!

I want to send you a clear message that I had you down for defeat the last time if it wasn't for that queen slime-o manager of yours going over and ringing the bell before the match was officially over!

This time, Mimi, it's win fairly or lose that title you covet so much!

Pic flipped and Mimi and Val, both in street clothes and holding mics, Mimi was holding the title, were standing in front of the Winter Warfare logo.

Mimi: I love this championship belt. I sleep with it on the pillow next to me. It's the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see when I close my eyes at night.

And on February 20th, I'm gonna wake up the morning after our Winter Warfare match and the title is gonna be on the pillow next to me just like always.

No matter the stipulations in the match, no matter what roadblocks the AWA tries to throw in my way, I am still the best of the best in this sport.

Jim Crockett and the AWA bigshots are in for a rude awakening when I beat their Chosen One in Reggie Bennett.

Val: I signed Mimi because I saw she had what it takes to not only win championships; but also retain them!

For 15 months now, she has turned aside every challenge. Mimi has remained the champion for one reason.

Like she said, she's the best of the best!

She's primed! She's ready! She's the champion! And nothing changes at Winter Warfare!


Will Mimi be able to hold off Reggie Bennett in a match where, if Mimi gets disqualified or counted out, Reggie becomes the new AWA Women's World Champion?

The final match just added to Winter Warfare is between two long-time friends and tag team partners, there were the AWA Wolrd Tag Team Champions at one time, who are now bitter enemies.

It's gonna be Ken Patera vs. Brad Rheingans.

This match has an extra layer of intrigue because of the history these two men have together.

Now, let's hear from Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans.


Shot of Patera standing alone in street clothes with mic in hand in front of the Winter Warfare logo.

Patera: Brad, Brad, Brad!

We meet one-on-one!

Let me be clear, I made a business decision when I agreed to sign with Valerie and become part of her stable!

This business is about money and championships! That's the bottom line!

You had become an anchor for me, Brad! You were holding me back from becoming the top star I truly am! Also, you were crippling my bottom line!

Your goody two-shoes routine was wearing thin! You were asked to join Val's stable but said 'no'. because of some so-called high morals you have!

Well, you continue to swim in the sea of mediocrity! You'll have your dignity, I guess! But, you won't have a fatter wallet and gold around your waist!

I'm gonna make you suffer at Winter Warfare for the decision you made, Brad!

You let a golden opportunity slip through your fingers so you could continue to be loved by these fans and hear them cheer for you! Hope you're happy! Because I'm gonna show you no mercy!

Pic flipped and Rheingans, in street clothes and holding a mic, was standing in front of the Winter Warfare logo.

Rheingans: It never had to come to this.

Ken, Valerie may deliver everything she promised you and more.

But, I can't run from my conscience.

I have made my choice and you've made yours.

Now, we collide at Winter Warfare.

This is more than a match, Ken. Personal pride is also on the line.

I take a lot of pride in what I do and I know you do, too. You don't need someone like Valerie to help you achieve your goals. You could do that on your own.

But, you've chosen darkness over light. You spat in the faces of these fans who paid their hard-earned money to cheer you over the years when you joined up with Valerie.

I'm angry at you, Ken. But I'm also sad.

You came out of prison a new man. Now, that new man is gone and it's back to being the Ken Patera who hires a manager because he thinks a manager will make him even greater.

When that bell rings at Winter Warfare, it's gonna be all business between us. I'm gonna try and beat you and you're gonna look to do the same to me. May the best man win.

I could never take the step you've taken. I just couldn't live with myself if I did that.

But, prepare to for me to bring the fight to you on February 19th.


Rheingans and Patera is shaping up to be another great match at Winter Warfare.

These men were like brothers. Now, they stand across from each other in battle.

Winter Warfare will be airing live on ESPN on Tuesday, February 19th with a start time of 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific.

Message once again scrolled across the bottom of the screen repeatedly stating that Winter Warfare was sold out.

Nelson: The show will be coming to you from the Icardo Center on the Cal State-Bakersfield campus in Bakersfield, California..

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticket Master or by calling the Icardo Center box office at (805) 867-5309 or by visiting the Icardo Center box office in person.

I'm Larry Nelson. See you with a final Winter Warfare report next week.



TV MAIN EVENT (Mixed 6-Man Tag): Wendi Richter & The Top Guns vs. Akio Sato, Ninja Go & Candi Divine

Message popped up on the screen: MATCH JOINED IN PROGRESS

Men could only wrestle men and women could only wrestle women.

Some good, fast-paced back-and-forth action and some exciting near falls on both sides.

At the end of the match, Richter and Devine were the legal men in the ring. Divine was on the offensive and clotheslined Richter to the mat. Divine went out and mounted the top buckle. Richter to her feet as Devine came off with a double sledge to the head attempt but Richter caught Devine with a gut kick instead. Richter then blasted Devine with her powerbomb finisher. Richter for the cover. 1...2... Go and Sato hit the ring to break up the pin try but were cut off at the pass by the Guns. ...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd cheered.

Rchter up and the ref raised her hand in victory.

WINNER: Richter & Top Guns - Pinfall - 11:36 (TV Airtime: Approx. 7 min.)

Ad aired for Winter Warfare.


Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Coming to you from the sold out Icardo Center on the Cal State-Bakersfield campus in Bakersfield, California


Col. DeBeers (WC) vs. Wahoo McDaniel

(Does Wahoo retain his undefeated record in strap matches and regain the World Title in the process? Or does DeBeers end Wahoo's legendary streak and keep the belt?)


Greg Valentine (PWHC) vs. The Trooper

(Can The Trooper succeed in his goal for 1991 and win the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship from Valentine? Or does Valentine continue his year-plus long reign as the champ?)

AWA WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP (If Mimi gets DQ'd or counted out she loses the title!)

Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Valerie) vs. Reggie Bennett

(Is this the end of the line for Mimi? Or does she pull another rabbit out of the hat and hold on to the women's gold?)

Barry Windham vs. Cactus Jack

(Can Barry Windham win a wild brawl with the ultimate wild man?)


Ken Patera (w/ Valerie) vs. Brad Rheingans

(Will Ken make Brad regret not signing with Valerie? Or will Brad make Ken regret stepping over to the dark side?)

Last edited:

Raider Nation

Active Member
Jan 31, 2024
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Greg Gagne, Jake Milliman, Destruction Crew, Top Guns, The Grappler, Rip Oliver, Tom Zenk, Akio Sato, Ninja Go, Jerry Blackwell, Tommy Jammer, Jonnie Stewart, Bob Orton, Manny Fernandez, Sam Houston, Guerrero Bros., Tommy Rich

WINNER: Blackwell - Eliminated both members of the Destruction Crew - 13:03



Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer: Larry Nelson

Backstage Interviewer: Bonnie Blackstone

Special video for Winter Warfare opened the show.

Shot of the sold out crowd in the Icardo Center.

Announcers Pedicino and Dundee welcomed viewers and ran down the show:



Barry Windham vs. Cactus Jack

AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH (If Mimi gets disqualified or counted out, she loses the title!): Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Valerie) vs. 'Big' Reggie Bennett

Announcers then sent it to the ring for the opening match.

Ken Patera (w/ Valerie) vs. Brad Rheingans

Instead of the usual wrestlers coming down face/heel aisles, the wrestlers entered through a lit steel frame (think Nitro in the early years) with a black curtain behind it. On one side of the stage was a large gray wall with the AWA logo on it with the words 'On ESPN' under the logo. On the other side, another big gray wall with the Winter Warfare logo on it. The wrestlers walked down a small rampway and walked to the ring center aisle between two sections of ringside seats.

Olympic Theme* played and Brad Rheingans came down the aisle to a decent response from the crowd.

Once in the ring, Brad acknowledged the crowd.

Olympic Theme* -

Song The Champ filled the arena and out came Valerie and Ken Patera. The heel pair made their way down to the ring to pretty strong boos.

The Champ* intro song:

(* Was originally the entrance music for The Taylor Made Man in WCW,)

Val and Ken stepped in the ring and Ken struck a couple of bodybuilder poses to more boos.

Ref called for the bell.

Ken and Brad circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. After a brief struggle, Ken shoved Brad off and Brad crashed to the mat. Ken struck another muscle pose. Brad to his feet. The men circled each other again and engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up. After a brief struggle, Brad gained the advantage and caught Ken in a hammerlock from behind. Brad then rode Ken down to the mat locked in the hold. Brad worked over the hold and Ken was hurting. Brad then drove a series of swinging knees into Ken's back. Brad then worked over the hold a little more and turned Ken over into a pinning position. 1...2... Ken kicked out. Both men up and Ken shook out his left arm from the effects of Brad's offense. The two men circled each other once again and engaged in a third collar-and-elbow tie-up and Ken got gained the upper hand and caught Brad in an overhand wristlock. Ken tightened up on the hold and with his strength drove Brad to a knee in the ring. Ken cinched up on the hold. Brad fought through the pain and started to get to his feet when Ken further tightened up on the hold and Brad went back down to a knee. Brad not submitting. Ken kept the hold locked firmly on. Brad again slowly rose to his feet locked in the hold. Brad started shifting around and was able to free himself from the hold and caught Ken in an overhand wristlock of his own. Now, Ken was in pain. Crowd cheered. Brad now worked over the hold and drove Ken to his knees in the hold. Ken not submitting. Brad cinched up on the hold and Ken winced in pain. Ken slowly rose to his feet and slowly moved towards the ropes and finally made it and draped his free arm over the top rope to force a break in the hold. Ken briefly shook out his left arm. The pair circled one another again and started to engage in a collar-and-elbow tie-up when Ken stunned Brad with a clubbing forearm across the back. Ken whipped Brad into the ropes and looked to catch Brad coming off with a backdrop but Brad leapfrogged Ken, spun around, grabbed Ken around the waist and and took Ken down with an amateur-style takedown. Brad for the cover. 1...2... Ken got his foot on the bottom rope to force a break. Ken up and lunged at Brad and Brad evaded Ken. Brad caught Ken in a side headlock and took Ken over in a side headlock takedown. Brad worked over the headlock. Ken was able to grab Brad's tights and reverse Brad into a pin while holding the tights. 1...2... Brad shifted his weight and regained control of the side headlock. Brad with the hold firmly locked in. Ken again grabbed a handful of Brad's tights and turned Brad over into a pinning position. 1...2... Brad again shifted his weight and regained control of the hold. Brad made it to a knee with Ken still locked in the hold. Brad to his feet and Ken to a knee with Ken still locked in the hold. Ken slowly to his feet and trying to escape the hold. After a brief struggle, Ken was able to shove Brad off. Brad hit the ropes and came off and was dropped by a shoulder tackle from Ken. Ken snapped Brad up and placed his foot on the top buckle and slammed Brad's head into it. Brad stunned.

Ken started choking Brad out on the top rope. Ref counting. Ken broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Brad leaned over the top rope. Ken neck-snapped Brad using the top rope and Brad snapped back and crashed to the mat. Ken did a jumping stomp to Brad's back, snapped Brad up, whipped Brad into the ropes and hammered Brad coming off with a clothesline. Brad crashed back to the mat and was hurting. Ken struck a bodybuilder pose over the fallen Brad to boos from the crowd. Ken snapped Brad up and went to whip Brad into the corner but Brad reversed and sent Ken crashing into the buckles. Ken staggered out of the corner and Brad caught Ken in a small package for the pin. 1...2...thr... Ken kicked out. Crowd sorta groaned. Both men up and Brad nailed Ken with head shot and went to whip Ken into the corner but Ken reversed and sent Brad crashing into the buckles. Ken with a series of elbow strike to the side of Brad's noggin. Brad stumbled out of the corner and crashed to the mat. Ken moved in and snapped Brad up and caught Brad with a vicious backbreaker across the knee. Brad down and in a bad way. Ken arrogantly pinned Brad with his foot and struck a muscle pose. 1...2...thr... Brad got a shoulder up and then grabbed Ken's leg and Ken lost his balance and toppled to the mat. Brad jumped on Ken and started battering Ken with punches as the crowd popped. Brad snapped Ken up and repaid Ken by placing his foot on the top buckle and slamming Ken's head into it. Ken stunned. Anger came pouring out of Brad as he laid into Ken with more punches that drove Ken into the corner. Brad hammered Ken with a series of rapid-fire shoulder blocks to the gut and caught Ken with a beal throw out of the corner. Crowd getting into Brad. Brad reached down to pull Ken up and Ken caught Brad with a series of gut punches. Ken rose to his feet and nailed Brad with a trio of European uppercuts. Ken threw Brad into the corner and Brad crashed on his ass against the buckles. Ken moved in and started choking Brad out with his knee. Ken broke the illegal move at 4. Brad in a bad way. Ken peeled Bad out of the corner and nailed Brad with a pair of bodyslams. Ken then turned to the crowd and struck a bodybuilder pose. Ken went to turn back to Brad and Brad sprang up and hit Ken with a gut kick followed by a cutter out of nowhere. Crowd popped big-time as Ken crashed to the mat. Brad for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! NO! Ken got a shoulder up. Brad frustrated. Crowd groaned. Brad grabbed Ken and went to whip Ken into the ropes but Ken reversed and caught Brad coming off with a powerslam. Both men down. Ref counting. Both men slowly to their feet just before the 10-count. Brad up facing away from Ken. Ken moved in and caught Brad in the full nelson, held Brad there for a few seconds and nailed Brad with his full nelson slam finisher. Brad laid out. Ken looked down at the downed Brad. Announcers wondered why Ken wasn't covering Brad. Ken snapped Brad up and repeated the move. Brad all but DOA. Ken flexed his muscles once more to boos. Ref reprimanded Ken. Ken snapped up Brad and nailed Brad with a third full nelson slam. Ref called for the bell.

Larry Nelson hopped up on the ring apron as Val climbed into the ring. Ref explained the situation to Nelson.

Ref raised Patera's hand in victory.

Nelson: The referee has stopped the match due to Brad Rheingans being ruled unable to continue. Your winner is Ken Patera.

Crowd booed. Brad still down. Patera struck one last bodybuilder pose before he and a happy Val left the ring and headed back up the aisle as AWA officials came out to check on Brad.

WINNER: Patera - Ref stoppage - 11:29

Announcers discussed the Patera-Rheingans match.

Graphic aired on the screen with the caption: NEXT... THE TROOPER SPEAKS!!!


Announcers welcomed viewers back to the show. Said Brad Rheingans had to be helped out of the ring after being hit with three straight full nelson slams.

Then sent it backstage to Bonnie Blackstone.

Blackstone was standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.

Bonnie: Hi, everybody. I'm the newest member of the AWA broadcast team, Bonnie Blackstone.

My guest right now is the Trooper.

Trooper walked into the interview area in his ring gear.

Bonnie: Trooper, you have made it clear that your goal for 1991 is to win the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship and you've got a golden opportunity tonight as you face the champion Greg Valentine for that title.

Trooper: Bonnie, I've made no bones about it. My goal to become the new Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion and I have the chance of a lifetime tonight.

Greg Valentine has been the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion for a year now. And, you have to give the devil his due, Valentine has taken on all challengers and turned them all back.

A couple of months ago, I had Valentine on the verge of defeat when, unfortunately, the time ran out.

Well now, we got a time-limit of 45-minutes instead of a TV time-limit. That's a lot more time to accomplish my goal tonight right here in the Icardo Center.

Bonnie: We saw the recent confrontation between you and Greg Valentine where Bobby Jaggers ambushed you and nailed you with his finisher that he calls the Jaggers' Special. It looks like a devastating move.

Trooper: It's not only devastating; it's also very dangerous. When he clubbed me in the chest I passed out for a couple of seconds.

I don't know if Greg Valentine was working with Jaggers or not and quite frankly I don't care. Jaggers has made his intentions crystal clear. He's gonna do everything in his power to prevent me from winning the Pro Wrestling Heritage Title.

Well, I've got news for Mr. Jaggers.

Bobby, you go ahead and try and interfere in the match tonight, pal. You just try it. Because I can guarantee you one thing. You will fail in your mission.

Bonnie: You seem certain Jaggers won't succeed in playing a role in the outcome of this match. How can you be so sure?

Trooper: I'm confident that he will have no chance to affect the outcome of this match tonight. That's all I can say about it.

And Valentine, it's hard to stop a man on a determined mission. I feel good about my chances tonight and I will become the second Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion in AWA history.

Bonnie: There you have it. The Trooper is confident he can get the job done tonight. Joe and Bill, back to you.

Announcers talked about the strong words from the Trooper. Wondered what he had in mind to possibly thwart any plans Jaggers might have to tilt this match in Valentine's favor.

Graphic came up on the screen with the caption: COMING UP... AWA WOMEN'S TITLE MATCH!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update

AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH (If Mimi gets DQ'd or counted out she loses the title!): Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Valerie) vs. 'Big Reggie Bennett

Close To The Edit* By Art of Noise filled the arena and Bennett made her way down the aisle to a nice response from the fans.

Bennett slapped hands on her way down the aisle. Once in the ring, Bennett briefly played to the crowd to more cheers.

* Close To The Edit:

* Invincible by Pat Benatar filled the arena and out came champ Mimi and manager Valerie to strong boos.

The pair climbed in the ring and looked out at the crowd and then over at Bennett.


Nelson was standing center ring with mic in hand.

Nelson: This match is scheduled for one fall with a 20-minute time limit and is for the AWA Women's World Championship!

If Magnificent Mimi gets disqualified or counted out she loses the title!

Crowd cheered.

Nelson: Introducing first, the challenger.

Weighing in at 227 pounds! She hails from Venice Beach, California... 'Big' Reggie Bennett!

Nice pop from the crowd.

Nelson: And her opponent.

Boos echoing throughout the arena.

Nelson: She is managed by Valerie.

Weighing in at 133 pounds! From Los Angeles, California... she is the reigning AWA Women's World Champion.... the Magnificent Mimi!

Loud boobs.

Nelson: Your referee is Gary DaRusha!

Mimi held the title aloft for all to see before the ref took it and also held it up for all to see before handing it off to Larry Nelson.

Ref called both women out to the middle of the ring. Val came out with Mimi.

Ref laid down the ground rules and patted each lady down before sending them back to their respective corners.

Val left for the floor.

Ref called for the bell.

The two women came out of their corners and circled one another and Mimi reached down and grabbed Reggie's leg and tried to pull it out from under her but failed and Reggie clubbed Mimi in the back and Mimi dropped to her knees in pain. Reggie snapped Mimi up and bodyslammed Mimi. Mimi grabbing at her lower back. Reggie moved on Mimi and Mimi bailed to the apron to boos. Ref ordered Reggie back and Reggie obliged. Ref counting. Mimi started to climb back in the ring and Reg came over and Mimi bailed back to the apron and dropped to the floor as the crowd booed. Mimi walking around on the floor. Mimi yelled at the ref to keep Reg in the ring. Ref again started the 10-count. Mimi walking around on the floor. Announcers pointed out that if Mimi gets counted out she loses the belt. Count grew and Reg got tired of waiting and bolted the ring and chased Mimi around the ring. Mimi climbed back into the ring and Reg climbed in and Mimi bolted out the other side of the ring to more boos. Reg again followed her out. Mimi grabbed the timekeeper's bell off the table and threatened to hit Reg with it. Reg told her go ahead and she's disqualified and Reg is the new champion. Mimi placed the bell on the table and ran part way around the ring and climbed in. As Reg was climbing through the ropes, Mimi charged over and drove a knee into the side of Reg's ribs. Mimi pounded away on Reg, whipped Reg into the ropes and caught Reg coming off with a dropkick. Reg crashed to the mat. Mimi grabbed Reg's legs and positioned her in the ring and hit her with a series of stomps. Mimi went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a diving splash but Reg moved and Mimi slammed into the mat. Crowd cheered. Reg up waiting for Mimi to get up. Mimi up and Reg charged over and steamrolled Mimi. Mimi crashed to the mat. Reg for the cover. 1...2...thr... Mimi got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Reg caught the downed Mimi with head shots, snapped Mimi up and whipped Mimi into the corner. Reg moved in and blasted Mimi with a series of forearms to the chest followed by a headbutt. Mimi staggered out by the ropes. Reg pounded Mimi with forearms and then hit Mimi with a suplex. Reg backed into the ropes and came off with a diving splash but Mimi got her knees up and Reg crashed into them. Reg down. Mimi to her feet and put the boots to Reg again. Mimi then grabbed Reg by the hair and dragged Reg's face acoss the mat. Mimi broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Announcers pointed out that if the count would have hit 5 we'd have a new champeen. Mimi then slammed Reg's head into the mat three times. Reg rolled over on her back. Mimi then did a diving splash of her own that connected. Mimi for the pin. 1...2... Reg kicked out. Both women up and Mimi struck Reg with forearms to the chest and then slammed Reg's head into the top buckle. Mimi moved in and delivered a series of nasty kicks to Reg's gut. Shot of Val on the floor liking what she sees. Mimi backed up and charged over and blasted Reg with a running shoulder block to the gut. Announcers said no matter what you think of Mimi she's a tough wrestler but she's obsessed with keeping that title and will do anything to retain it. Reg staggered out of the corner. Mimi with a series of forearm shivers to the side of the head. Mimi whipped Reg into the ropes and nailed Reg with a high flying dropkick. Reg spun around and stumbled forward and fell front-first against the ropes. Val started yelling at the ref from the floor. Ref became distracted with the bottle blonde beauty and started having words with her. Behind the ref's back, Mimi came up behind Reg and dumped Reg over the top rope down to the floor. Crowd going nuts. Announcers said Mimi should have lost the title right there but the ref didn't see it because pro wrestling refs are afflicted with stupidity.

Val stopped having words with the ref. Ref turned and Mimi yelled for the ref to start counting. Ref wondered how Reg got down there and Mimi yelled for the ref to do his job and count. Ref started the 10-count. Count grew as Mimi anxiously looked on. ...7... Reg stirred on the floor. ...8...9... Mimi threw her arms in the air and thought she was about to win. But it was a case of premature celebration as Reg rolled back into the ring just before the 10-count. Crowd popped. Mimi grabbed the top rope and started firing a series of knees in Reg's side and broke the illegal move at the count 4. Mimi snapped Reg up by the hair and whipped Reg into the corner. Mimi moved in on Reg and Reg found the strength to charge out of the corner and tackled Mimi to the mat. Crowd exploded. Reg caught Mimi with a couple of punches and pounded he back of Mimi's head on the mat as the crowd roared. Reg snapped Mimi up, whipped Mimi into the ropes and caught Mimi coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Mimi crashed down by the ropes and landed with her head and arms hanging out over the middle rope. Reg went to go after Mimi but he ref intercepted her and ordered her back. As the two had words, Val reached into her coat pocket and appeared to hand Mimi a foreign object. Val quickly backed off. Crowd going nuts. Mimi now in the ring on her knees and facing the crowd. Reg ignored the ref and started to pull her up when Mimi blasted Reg in the jaw with what appeared to be a loaded right hand. Reg crashed on her back in the ring. As the ref checked on Reg, Mimi and Val appeared to shake hands/hand off the possible weapon as no one clearly saw it (Think the end of Hennig-Bockwinkel when Hennig won the strap at Super Clash 2. If you've never seen it, great finish!). Mimi quickly moved in and covered a clearly stunned Reg. 1...2...3! NO! Reg kicked out. Crowd popped. Mimi in disbelief. Mimi snapped Reg up and went to whip Reg into the corner but Reg reversed and sent Mimi crashing into the buckles. Reg then found the strength to nail Mimi with an avalanche (Trademark of big rasslers!), Mimi limp in the corner. The still-stunned Reg fell back against the ropes. Crowd into it. Both women slowly recovered and Mimi came out of the corner and punched Reg but Reg no sold it. Mimi with another punch to no avail. Mimi tried a third punch with the same results. Reg stiffened up and let out a loud roar. Crowd responded to her roar. Mimi, in a panic, went to punch Reg again but Reg blocked the punch try and fired away on Mimi with punches. Reg filled with rage over Mimi's earlier tactics. Mimi staggered. Reg ran and hit the ropes and came off with a big running clothesline that flattened Mimi. Val in a panic at ringside. Mimi tried to crawl out of the ring but Reg snapped her up and locked her in a bearhug and ragdolled Mimi in the hold and then threw Mimi down. Announcers pointed out that Mimi was teetering on defeat. Reg again tried her leg drop and it connected. Reg then got on top of Mimi and started choking her. Announcers wondered why she was not going for the kill. Reg broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Reg snapped Mimi up by the hair and tossed her around the ring by the hair and then grabbed Mimi and threw her in the corner. Reg pulled a page out of Kokina's playbook and backed into Mimi repeatedly. Mimi limp in the corner. Reg pulled Mimi out of the corner and whipped Mimi into the ropes and caught her coming off with the axe (forearm smash to the head - Curt Hennig move). Mimi crashed to the mat, Reg yelling for Mimi to get up. Val really concerned at ringside. Mimi shakily got to her feet and Reg moved in and started choking Mimi and broke the illegal move at the count of 4 and then repeated it and broke again at 4. Then, Reg made a huge mistake. In a fit of rage, Reg grabbed Mimi... and threw her over the top rope down to the floor. Ref called for the bell. Crowd in disbelief.

Reg recognized immediately what she had done and dropped to her knees and placed her hands on top of her head. Reg then pounded the mat in frustration. Val came over on the floor and checked on Mimi. Ref took the belt from Larry Nelson. Ref went out on the floor and handed the belt to Mimi and raised her hand in victory, as she was being helped to her feet by Val. Mimi didn't seem to know what planet she was on.

Nelson: In a time of 12 minutes, 18 seconds, your winner by disqualification... and STILL AWA Women's World Champion... Magnificent Mimi!

Disoriented Mimi being helped back up the aisle by Valerie.

Mimi picked up on a mic.

Mimi: I won?!

Val helped Mimi to the back.

In the ring, an angry Bennett walked around the ring in frustration as the crowd chanted: Bullshit!

WINNER: Mimi - DQ - 12:18

Announcers discussed the match and said Reg should have won on at least two different occasions and had Mimi dead to rights at the end of the match but her rage got the best of her. Said AWA officials will be sue to investigate this matter.

Hyped the PWHC match coming up next!

Graphic aired on the screen with the caption: NEXT... FOR THE PWHC TITLE!!!

Commercials/Ad aired for AWA Slam! Wrestling on ESPN


Dream Police* by Cheap Trick filled the arena and out came the Trooper to a strong ovation.

Trooper was all business as he made his way towards the ring. Trooper stepped in and briefly acknowledged the crowd to more cheering.

Dream Police* -

After a brief pause...

Synchronicity 2* by The Police poured out of the arena speakers and out came PWHC Greg Valentine to massive boos.

Valentine made his way down the aisle and stepped in the ring and went to his corner.

Synchronicity 2*:

In-ring: Larry Nelson stood center ring with mic in hand.

Nelson: This contest is scheduled for one fall with a 45-minute time limit and is for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship!

Crowd popped.

Nelson: Introducing first, the challenger. Weighing in at 275 pounds. He hails from Columbia, South Carolina... The Trooper!

Crowd cheered. Trooper had his eyes locked on Valentine.

Nelson: And his opponent. Weighing in at 246 pounds. He hails from Seattle, Washington... the reigning Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion... Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine!

Valentine stepped out of his corner and opened his robe and spun around so everyone could see the belt.

Nelson: Your referee is Marty Miller!

Miller took the belt from Valentine and held it aloft for all to see and then handed the strap off to Nelson.

Miller called the two men out to the middle of the ring and laid down the ground rules and patted each man down.

Crowd buzzing as Miller sent both men back to their corners.

Miller called for the bell and it was on.

Announcers wondered if this was the night Trooper accomplished his goal for 1991 and relieved Valentine of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship.

The two men came out of their corners and circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. After a brief struggle, Trooper drove Valentine into the corner and the ref ordered a break. Break was clean. Valentine yelled and gestured that Trooper pulled his hair. Crowd booed. The two men circled each other again and this time Valentine raised one hand in the air and Trooper locked hands with Valentine. Valentine raised his other hand and the Trooper obliged and the two engaged in a test of strength. After a brief, neutral struggle, Valentine started to gain the advantage. Trooper dropped to a knee but immediately started powering back up. Trooper up and then men again angled for the advantage in the test of strength. Trooper gained the upper hand and started to drive Valentine to the mat. Valentine was able to stun Trooper with a kick to the gut. Trooper doubled over. Valentine hit Trooper with a series of elbow smashes to the back of the neck. Valentine picked Trooper up and nailed Trooper with a suplex. Valentine ran and hit the ropes and came off with a running elbow smash but Trooper rolled out of the way and Valentine crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Both men to their feet and Trooper caught Valentine with a kick to the gut and caught Valentine in a side headlock. Trooper briefly worked over the hold before Valentine countered with a belly-to-back suplex. Valentine up as Trooper got up and Valentine clubbed Trooper in the back with a forearm. Valentine then leaned Trooper back against the ropes and hit Trooper with a series of clubbing forearm smashes to the chest. Valentine whipped Trooper into the ropes and caught Trooper coming off with a high backdrop. Trooper slammed to the mat. Valentine stomped Trooper in the head. Trooper sat up. Valentine dropped to his knees and caught Trooper in a rear chinlock. Valentine cinched up on the hold. Ref checking to see if it turned into a choke. Valentine with the hold firmly locked in but Trooper was not giving up. Valentine rose to his feet with the hold still locked in and Valentine drove a trio of knees into Trooper's back. Trooper hurting. Valentine snapped Trooper up and went to suplex Trooper again but Trooper twice blocked the move and suplexed Valentine instead. Both wrestlers down. Ref started the 10-count but both men made it up rather quickly. Valentiine hit Trooper with a knee to the gut and went to ram Trooper's head into the top buckle but Trooper grabbed the top rope and stiffened his arms to block the buckle shot. Valentine tried again to no avail and Trooper caught Valentine with a couple of elbows to the side of the ribs and freed himself from Valentine's grasp and slammed Valentine's head into the top buckle. Valentine spun around in the corner and Trooper mounted the middle buckle over Valentine and popped Valentine with 10 straight rapid-fire head shots as the crowd counted along. Valentine staggered out of the corner and crashed face-first in the ring to a big pop.

Trooper snapped Valentine up and locked Valentine in an abdominal stretch. Trooper quickly cinched up on the hold. Valentine in tremendous pain but not submitting. Valentine started painfully inching towards the ropes locked in the hold and was able to grab the top rope and force a break. Trooper whipped Valentine into the ropes and nailed valentine coming off with a big right hand that sent Valentine spinning around and crashing to the mat. Valentine got up next to the ropes as Trooper backed up and charged over and went to clothesline Valentine but Valentine instead backdropped Trooper over the top rope and Trooper crashed to the floor. Ref ordered Valentine back. Announcers pointed out that since Valentine didn't throw Trooper over the top rope it was not a DQ. Ref began the 10-count. Trooper stirred and got to his feet as the count grew. Trooper started to climb up on the apron when Valentine came over and stomped Trooper in the head through the top and middle rope. Trooper leaned front-first against the apron. Valentine reached down over the top rope, grabbed Trooper by the hair and repeatedly slammed Trooper's head into the ring apron. Trooper down to a knee on the floor. Valentine held on to Trooper's head and pulled Trooper up on the apron. Valentine went to hoist Trooper up for a suplex but Trooper wriggled free and dropped down behind Valentine, ran Valentine into the ropes and rolled Valentine up from behind for the pin. 1...2... Valentine kicked Trooper off. Both men up and Valentine caught Trooper with a head shot and went to whip Trooper into the ropes but Trooper reversed and caught Valentine coming off with an inverted atomic drop. Valentine crashed to the mat, rolled out on the apron and crashed to the floor to the delight of the crowd. Trooper wanted to go after Valentine but the ref intercepted him and ordered him to stand back. Valentine slowly getting up on the floor holding his privates. Valentine turned and said something to a heckler at ringside. Trooper, tired of waiting, came over and reached down over the top rope and grabbed Valentine by the hair and spun Valentine around facing him. Ref stepped in to break things up. Trooper briefly distracted with the ref and Valentine grabbed Trooper's legs and pulled them out from under him. Trooper crashed to the mat. Valentine, still on the floor, pulled Trooper's legs out so they were hanging out over the apron at the knee area. Valentine grabbed Trooper's left leg and slammed it violently three times into the apron. A hurting Trooper started scooting back in the ring as Valentine climbed back in. Valentine stomped Trooper in the left knee area and then grabbed Trooper's left leg, yanked on it a few times and locked Trooper in the figure 4. Crowd urging on Trooper. Trooper in great pain in the hold. Valentine cinched up on the hold. Trooper not giving up. Trooper started scooting to the ropes still locked in the hold. Valentine with the hold still firmly locked in. Ropes just out of reach for the Trooper as fans reached a fever pitch. After a few more seconds, Trooper scooted close enough to grab the middle rope and force a break.

Valentine released the hold and got up as Trooper slowly got up. Valentine moved in and kicked Trooper in the outside of the left knee area. Trooper wobbly. Valentine then hoisted up Trooper for a shinbreaker across the knee and Trooper blocked it. Valentine still holding Trooper's left leg as Trooper started hitting Valentine with a deliberate series of of head shots. Valentine lost his grip on the hold. Trooper hit Valentine a couple of more times. Valentine staggered. Trooper, wobbly, managed to hoist Valentine over his shoulders with Valentine hanging upside down behind Trooper's back. Trooper nailed Valentine with a double leg slam. Trooper's leg still hurting and he fell against the ropes. Crowd buzzing like a driver who's had too much to drink. A shaky Valentine got up and turned and Trooper managed to charged over and hit Valentine with a running clothesline. Valentine crashed to the mat, Crowd now roaring. They can sense it. Trooper backed up and was still hobbling from the effects of the figure 4. Valentine slowly made it to his feet and the Trooper managed to charge over and hit Valentine with his flying shoulder tackle finisher. Valentine crashed to the mat. Crowd exploded. Problem was, Trooper crashed to the mat also. Crowd yelling for Trooper to cover Valentine, Trooper holding his left knee and in great pain. Trooper slowly crawled over and covered Valentine. 1...2...thr... Valentine kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both men laying there. Ref counting. Count grew as both men made it to their feet. Trooper up facing away from Valentine. Valentine came up behind Trooper and nailed Trooper with shoulder block to the back of the knee area. Trooper crumpled to the mat. Announcers thought if Valentine locks him in the figure 4 now that it's over because of the earlier damage done to Trooper's left knee area. Valentine up and grabbed Trooper's left leg and started to lock Trooper in the figure 4 when Trooper kicked Valentine off and Valentine slammed into the turnbuckles. Crowd on the edges of their seats. Trooper hobbled painfully to his feet and moved in on Valentine and Valentine went to punch Trooper but Trooper blocked the punch try and nailed Valentine with some punches. Valentine wobbly in the corner. Trooper went to hit Valentine again but stopped mid-punch because of the pain in his leg. Valentine reached down and pulled Trooper's legs out from under him and Trooper crashed to the mat. Valentine for the cover in the corner. 1... Valentine placed his feet on the middle rope. ...2...3! NO! Trooper got a shoulder up. Crowd cheered. Valentine took his feet off the rope before the ref saw them on there. Valentine went for the pin again. 1... Valentine again placed his feet on the middle rope for leverage. 2...thr... Ref looked up and saw Valentine's feet on the middle rope and ordered Valentine to remove his feet from the rope. Valentine did and Trooper snatched Valentine up in a small package for the pin. 1...2...3! NO! Valentine kicked out. Crowd groaned. Valentine up and grabbed Trooper by the legs and dragged him out of the corrner. Valentine catapaulted Trooper into the corner and Trooper slammed head first into the ring bolt that connects the top buckle to the ring post. Trooper snapped back and crashed to the mat. Valentine for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Trooper kicked out. Crowd popped. Valentine got up and started arguing with the ref and slapped his hands together three times signaling it was a three count and the ref gestured it was not. As the ref and Valentine argued and Trooper was laying exposed in the ring, Bobby Jaggers, in street clothees, charged down the aisle.

But, a surprise awaited him...

As Jaggers prepared to climb up on the apron, Nikita Koloff, in a sweatsuit, charged down the aisle and yanked Jaggers off the apron as the crowd wen nuts. Koloff fired away on Jaggers with punches and Jaggers staggered back up the aisle and took off to the back as Koloff gave chase. Ref and Valentine looking on at what just transpired on the floor. Trooper made it to his feet behind Valentine and the ref. Valentine turned and Trooper charged over and nailed Valentine with his flying shoulder tackle finisher. Valentine crashed to the mat. Trooper covered Valentine and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd went into orbit. Trooper rolled off of Valentine.

Ref went over and talked to Nelson and took the belt. Trooper painfully made it to his feet and was still hobbling. Ref talked with Nelson a bit more and then went over and handed Trooper the belt and raised his hand in victory to more cheering,

Nelson: In a time of 16 minutes, 22 seconds, your winner... and NEW Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion... The Trooper!

Crowd still loud. Shot of the back of the defeated Valentine as he headed back up the aisle.

Trooper held the belt in the air briefly and held the belt and looked down at it as Nelson climbed into the ring.

Nelson: Trooper, you're the new Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion. Whaddaya say?

Trooper: I'm still in a lot of pain from this match. So, I just have one thing to say. Mission... accomplished.

Another loud pop from the sellout crowd.

Nelson: He is the NEW Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion... The Trooper!

More cheers.

WINNER: Trooper - Pinfall - 16:22

Announcers discussed the Trooper fulfilling his goal for 1991. Dundee said he'd better celebrate over the next few days because it's guaranteed Valentine will be gunning for him right away to win the belt back.

Graphic appeared on the screen with the caption: NEXT... BARRY VS. CACTUS!!!

Commercials/Ad aired for All-Star Wrestling

Barry Windham vs. Cactus Jack

Crazy Train* by Ozzy played as Jack made his way down the aisle to mainly boos but also had his legion of fans.

Crazy Train* -

La Grange* by ZZ Top filled the arena as Windham charged down the aisle, hit the ring and charged over and he and Jack tore into each other as the crowd was popping.

La Grange* -

Ref called for the bell.

The two slugged it out a little more and Jack gained the upper hand and went to whip Barry into the ropes but Barry reversed and caught Jack coming off with a dropkick. Jack crashed to the mat. Jack up and Barry hit Jack with some uppercuts and went to whip Jack into the corner but Jack reversed and sent Barry crashing into the buckles and Barry crashed on his ass in the corner. Jack backed up and charged in and caught Barry with a running knee to the head/chest area. Jack then started choking Barry out with his foot but broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Jack snapped Barry up and pulled Barry out of the corner. Jack whipped Barry into the ropes and caught Barry coming off with a kick to the gut followed by a swinging neckbreaker. Jack for the cover. 1...2... Barry kicked out. Jack snapped Barry up and bodyslammed Barry and went over and mounted the middle buckle in the corner and came off with a leg drop but Barry rolled out of the way and Jack crashed to the mat. Barry and Jack to their feet and Barry popped Jack with punches. Barry whipped Jack into the ropes and caught Jack coming off with a gut punch and went to DDT Jack but Jack slipped out of Barry's grasp and landed on his butt. Jack sitting up and Barry ran and hit the ropes and caught Jack coming off with a low-flying dropkick to the chest. Barry jumped on top of Jack and pounded him with more headshots (Amazing how much trauma the head can take in pro wrestling without inflicting brain damage, isn't it?!) . Barry snapped Jack up and drove Jack hard into the corner. Barry backed up and charged in looking to splash Jack but Jack moved and Barry slammed hard into the bucklles, bounced back and crashed to the mat. Jack regained his bearings and hit Barry with a running elbow smash. Jack snapped up Barry and hoisted Barry up in the slam position and drove Barry into the buckles. Barry hanging upside down, Jack locked Barry's foot under the top ring bolt that connects the post to the buckle. Barry in the Tree of Woe position. Jack backed up and charged in and blasted Barry with a hanging elbow drop to the chest. Jack up and backed up again and charged in and nailed Barry with a second brutal hanging elbow drop. Jack released Barry's foot and Barry crumpled to the mat. Jack stomped on Barry, snapped Barry up and whipped Barry into the ropes and caught Barry coming off with a kick to the gut. Barry doubled over. Jack ran and hit the ropes and charged in and blasted Barry with a brutal running knee lift. Barry crashed to the mat. Jack for the cover. 1...2... Barry kicked out. Fans cheered. Jack choked Barry with his hands and broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Jack snapped Barry up, whipped Barry into the ropes and caught Barry coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Barry fell against the ropes. Jack charged in and blasted Barry with a running clothesline that sent both men hurtling over the top rope and crashing to the floor. Both men down on the floor. Jack down but had a sinister smile on his face. Announcers questioned Jack's mental stability. Jack up and snapped Barry up and nailed Barry with a sidebreaker across the knee. Ref counting. Jack up and quickly climbed in the ring and back out to break the count. Jack mounted the middle buckle on the apron side and came off with his hip buster elbow smash that connected. Ref counting. Both men down. Announcers said the objective in pro wrestllng was to limit the damage you incur to yourself while inflicting more damage on your opponent and that this idea is foreign to Jack. Jack up and quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count.

Barry getting up on the the floor. Jack grabbed Barry and sent Barry crashing into the steel ringside barricade. Ref counting. Jack again quickly climbed in and out of the ring to break the count. Jack stepped out on the apron and jumped off but Barry moved and Jack sllammed front-first into the barricade as the crowd cheered. Barry regaining his bearings as Jack extricated himself from the barricade. Barry moved in and blasted Jack with a couple of uppercuts and then drove Jack three times into the rignside barricade. Ref counting. Barry whipped Jack into the ring apron and Jack went down on the floor. Barry quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Barry reached down to grab Jack and Jack caught Barry with an eye poke. Barry stunned. Jack went to whip Barry into the ring steps but Barry reversed and sent Jack slamming into the steps with such force that Jack went over the top step and crashed to the floor. Barry snapped up Jack and whipped Jack into the post. Jack crashed into the post, stumbled forward and went down. Ref counting. Barry quickly climbed in the ring to break the count and climbed out on the apron. Jack up and turned and Barry charged off the apron and nailed Jack wwith a flying headbutt. Crowd popped Both men down. Ref counting. Barry up and snapped the stunned Jack up and slammed Jack's head into the ring apron. Barry then threw Jack back into the ring. Barry mounted the buckle as Jack got to his feet. Barry went for a flying clothesline off the top rope and Jack fell out of the way and Barry crashed to the mat. Announcers pointed put that these guys seemed more interested in beating the crap out of each other rather than winning the match. Both men up and Jack caught Barry with a couple of punches and then popped Barry with a discus clothesline. Barry back down. Jack grabbed Barry and whipped Barry into the buckles. Jack moved in with a series of knees to the gut followed by biting Barry's forehead. Jack broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Jack pulled Barry out of the corner and bodyslammed Barry and nailed Barry with a running leg drop. Jack for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Barry kicked out. Crowd cheered. Jack grabbed Barry and went to whip barry into the corner but Barry reversed and sent Jack crashing into the corner. Barry quickly gathered himself, charged in and hit Jack with a running splash. Jack limp in the corner. Barry repaid Jack by biting Jack's forehead to the delight of the crowd. Barry broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Barry pulled Jack out of the corner, whipped Jack into the ropes and caught Jack coming off with a dropkick. Jack crashed to the mat. Barry dived on Jack for the cover. 1...2... Jack kicked out. Barry caught Jack with a head shot, snapped Jack up and whipped Jack into the ropes and looked to catch Jack coming off with with high backdrop but Jack instead caught Barry and turned it into a DDT. Jack rolled Barry over for the cover. 1...2...thr... Barry got a shoulder up. Crowd cheered. Jack snapped Barry up and whipped Barry into the corner. Barry slammed into thbuckles and staggered out and Jack nailed Barry with running bulldog/facebuster. Barry again down in the ring. Jack looked out at the the crowd and did the BANG! BANG! to mainly boos. Jack snapped Barry up and whipped Barry into the ropes and went to catch Barry coming off with a clothesline but Barry ducked the move and came back and blasted Jack with his flying lariat finisher. Crowd popped. Barry covered Jack and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Crowd roared as the ref called for the bell.

Barry up holding the back of his neck and the ref raised his hand in victory.

WINNER: Barry - Pinfall - 13:13

Announcers discussed Barry defeating Jack.

Announcers hyped the World Title main event still to come.

Graphic aired on the screen with the caption: NEXT... TULLY!!!


Announcers sent it backstage to Bonnie Blackstone who was standing by with Tully Blanchard.

Shot of Blackstone in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.

Bonnie: My guest at this time is Tully Blanchard.

Tully walked into the interview area in a blazer, white dress shirt, dark slacks and dress shoes. He was also wearing sunglasses.

Bonnie: Tully, you...

Tully: Wait a minute. Did you people out there in TV land notice the look Bonnie just gave me when I walked out here?

You were eyeballing me up and down like you wanted to rip my clothes off and have your way with me.

Well, little lady, if you play your cards just right then that fantasy may just become a reality of yours.

Blackstone rolled her eyes.

Bonnie: We've seen the success of your stablemates Ken Patera and Magnificent Mimi here tonight. What are your thoughts on their performances?

Tully: My thoughts are this. Is anyone shocked by their success? The stable Valerie is putting together is elite. There's no room for mediocrities here.

And there are people out there who believe Valerie cannot manage successfully because she is a woman. But I'm here to say otherwise.

This woman is one of the best strategizers I've ever met, be they wrestler or manager.

She has a knack for pinpointing weaknesses in an opponent others may miss. She knows how to put together a winning game plan.

There's no surprise by what's transpired here tonight. It was expected. And Patera and Mimi delivered.

And when I step back through those ropes I will deliver, too.

Valerie's stable is about excellence. It's about being the best. It's about championships and money. It's about looking the part of a champion and not some loser slob who has a 9-to-5 job.

Everything with Valerie is winning. She exudes winning and it has a strong, positive affect on the wrestlers she manages.

She knows what she wants. She knows who she wants. And she knows what it takes to win and win big.

The next time I go to Vegas, I'm taking Valerie with me. They'll have to close out the casino because I'll have emptied it of every last single, solitary dime with Val in my corner.

Everything is about being the best in this stable. It's not about being the best you can be. It's about being the best of the best, period.

1991 is gonna be a year in which Valerie's stable makes the most noise off all in the AWA.

Tully walked out of the interview area.

Boonie: That was Tully Blanchard.

Announcers talked about the Tully interview.

Announcers then intro'd a video for the next AWA PPV.

Video are for WrestleRock '91 - Sunday - Apr. 28 - Cow Palace - San Francisco, CA - 8pm E/5pm P. Tickets on sale Saturday, March 9th @ 10am P.

WrestleRock musical guest: SF originals Huey Lewis and the News!

Graphic aired on the screen with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!



There's No Easy Way Out* by Robert Tepper filled the arena and Wahoo McDaniel made his way down the aisle to a strong ovation.

Wahoo was in his ring attire and Indian headdress.

Wahoo made his way to the ring and was all business.

There's No Easy Way Out*:

Brief pause...

Apartheid era South African National Anthem played and World Champion Col. DeBeers came down the aisle to strong boos and some refreshments thrown in his direction.

DeBeers was in his camo pants, beret and had the title around his waist. He was flanked by four security guards.

DeBeers stepped into the ring and went to his corner.

Apartheid era National Anthem:

Larry Nelson as standing mid-ring with mic in hand.

Nelson: This is our main event of the evening!

Crowd cheered.

Nelson: This match is scheduled for one-fall with a 60 minute time-limit and is for the AWA World Championship!

The bout will be fought under Indian strap match rules. To win, a wrestler must pull his opponent around the ring and touch all for corners in succession!

Nelson: Introducing first, the challenger.

Rising cheers.

Nelson: Weighing in at 261 pounds... he hails from Midland, Texas... 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel!

Wahoo stepped out of the corner and briefly acknowledged the crowd.

Nelson: And his opponent! Weighing in at 268 pounds... from Johannesburg, South Africa.. he is the reigning AWA World Champion... Col. DeBeers!

Intense booing from the crowd.

DeBeers stepped out of his corner and twirled his 'stache.

Nelson: Your referee is Mick Karch!

Karch was standing in a corner and holding the Indian strap.

Karch went over and took the title from DeBeers and held it aloft for all to see.

Karch handed the title off to Nelson and called each man to the middle of the ring.

Karch laid down the ground rules and patted each man down as the combatants glared at one another.

Karch unfurled the Indian strap and slid one end of the strap on Wahoo's wrist and then slid the other end of the strap on DeBeers' wrist.

Announcers pointed out that Wahoo had never lost a strap match.

The strap was lying on the mat in the ring.

Karch called for the bell.

Announcers said ESPN will stay with the match to its conclusion, which was mighty white of them.

The two men immediately backed up and the strap became taut and a tug-of-war ensued for possession of the strap. After a brief struggle, Wahoo yanked hard on the strap and DeBeers stumbled towards him and Wahoo blasted DeBeers with a couple of big knife-edge chest chops. Wahoo grabbed the strap, fashioned it into a whip and whipped DeBeers across the chest and shoulder with it. DeBeers feeling the stinging pain. Wahoo struck DeBeers again in the same fashion with the strap and DeBeers was stunned and spun around facing away from Wahoo with one leg on each side of the strap. Wahoo yanked back and pulled the strap up into DeBeers' groin area as the crowd cheered. Wahoo yanked hard on the strap and DeBeers went down. DeBeers up and Wahoo, using the strap as a whip again, lashed DeBeers repeatedly across the back. DeBeers fell back into the corner. Wahoo blasted DeBeers with open hand chest chops. Wahoo pulled DeBeers out of the corner and wrapped part of the strap around his fist and reared back and blasted DeBeers with a shot to the head. DeBeers crashed face down on the mat. Wahoo cinched up on the strap and wound up pulling the strap across DeBeers' mouth and pulled DeBeers to his knees with the part of the strap still in his mouth. DeBeers now bleeding. Wahoo placed his knee in DeBeers' back and pulled back on the strap as it remained in DeBeers' mouth. Announcers pointed out the cutting toughness of the strap. Wahoo released the hold and DeBeers made it to his feet and Wahoo caught DeBeers with some knife-edge chops to the chest, DeBeers staggered. Wahoo grabbed DeBeers and went and touched the first top turnbuckle. Wahoo pulled the stunned DeBeers along and touched the second top buckle. Wahoo started to move in the direction of the third corner and DeBeers grabbed the strap and pulled Wahoo towards him and caught Wahoo with a knee to the gut. DeBeers caught Wahoo with a deliberate forearm smash to the back. DeBeers then popped Wahoo with a couple of well-placed head shots. Wahoo turned away from DeBeers. DeBeers then fashioned the strap into a whip and started whipping Wahoo across the back like a dog. Wahoo hurting. Wahoo spun around and DeBeers hit Wahoo with a couple of lashes across the chest with the strap and then backed up and charged in and nailed Wahoo with a running punch to the head. Wahoo crashed to the mat. Wahoo down and DeBeers stomped away on Wahoo. Wahoo got to his feet with the aid of the ropes. Wahoo up and DeBeers stunned Wahoo by taking a part of strap, pulling it tight and ripping it down across Wahoo's forehead. Wahoo fell back into the buckles and went down face-first in the ring. DeBeers shot a glare out at the crowd and they responded with a cascade of boos. DeBeers pulled Wahoo up and Wahoo now bleeding. DeBeers slapped the top buckle. and quickly wrapped Wahoo's hands together. DeBeers pulled Wahoo to the second corner and slapped the top buckle. DeBeers then pulled Wahoo towards the third corner and slapped the top buckle. One more to go. DeBeers started pulling Wahoo to the fourth and final corner when Wahoo managed to free his hands. Wahooo spun DeBeers around and hit Wahoo with a knife-edge chest chop. Debeers stunned. DeBeers failed to touch corner four. Wahoo managed to yank Debeers out to center ring and pop DeBeers with a couple more knife-edge chops and then grabbed DeBeers by the hair, did his war dance and blasted DeBeers with his tomahawk chop to the top of the head. DeBeers crashed to the mat.

Wahoo tied up Debeers' hands as DeBeers was down and drageed him over to the first corner and slapped the top buckle. Wahoo dragged DeBeers over to the second corner and slapped the top buckle. Wahoo then dragged DeBeers toward the third corner and DeBeers put up a resistance but, after a brief struggle, Wahoo was able to pull DeBeers over to the third corner and slap the top buckle. Ref Karch threw up three fingers signaling Wahoo had touched three corners in succession. Crowd buzz rising. Wahoo started to pull DeBeers to the fourth and final corner when DeBeers, still with his hands tied, was able to wrap his legs around the middle rope and, after a brief struggle, yanked Wahoo back in his direction. Wahoo failed to touch the fourth buckle. Wahoo stumbled and went down to a knee as DeBeers was able to untie himself. DeBeers up and grabbed part of the strap and raked it across Wahoo's eyes. Wahoo fell back against the ropes and was grabbing at his eyes. DeBeers caught Wahoo with punches and then bodyslammed Wahoo. DeBeers caught the stunned Wahoo with a jumping two foot stomp to the head. Wahoo in great pain. Crowd heat growing hotter. DeBeers then hit Wahoo with a knee drop to the head. Wahooo in a bad way. DeBeers dragged Wahoo over to the first corner and slapped the top buckle. Wahoo struggling. DeBeers dragged Wahoo to the second corner and slapped the top buckle. DeBeers then started to drag Wahoo to the third corner but Wahoo put up a resistance. DeBeeers reached down by Wahoo's feet and went to grab Wahoo when Wahoo kicked DeBeers in the gut with both feet, killing DeBees' chances at touching the third buckle. Crowd cheered. DeBeers stunned. Wahoo got to his feet and moved in on DeBeers when DeBeers stunned Wahoo with a knife-edge chest chop. Wahoo fired back with one of his own. DeBeers hit Wahoo with another chop and Wahoo again chopped DeBeers back. DeBeers hit Wahoo with a third chop and once again Wahoo struck with a chop of his own, this one stunning DeBeers. Crowd really came alive as Wahoo then tore into DeBeers with a brutal, rapid-fire series open-hand chest chops. DeBeers on stagger street. Wahoo whipped DeBeers into the ropes and caught DeBeers coming off wiht his big chop to the chest finisher. DeBeers crashed to the mat. Crowd exploded. Was this the kill shot for Wahoo? Fans sensing a title change. Wahoo snapped up the battered DeBeers and hoisted DeBeers across his shoulders. Wahoo walked to the first corner and slapped the top buckle. What Wahoo didn't see was DeBeers had slapped the top buckle behind him. Wahoo made his way over to the second corner and slappped the top buckle. DeBeers did the same behind Wahoo. Crowd going nuts. Wahoo made it over to the third corner and slapped the top buckle and once more DeBeers did the same. Both men had three touches. Would one touch the fourth buckle? Wahoo moved in the direction of the fourth buckle when DeBeers suddenly grabbed the top rope. Wahoo, with DeBeers still across his shoulders, tried yanking DeBeers hands off the top rope. Wahoo yankeed hard and DeBeers lost his grip on the top rope but Wahoo stumbled forward and lost control of DeBeeers and DeBeers fell to his feet in front of Wahoo and fell into the fourth corner. Karch called for the bell. Fans beside themselves. Wahoo wondered what had happened and ref Karch explained the situation to him.

DeBeers removed the strap from his wrist aand was still leaned against the buckles as Karch went over and talked to Larry Nelson and took the title.

Karch went over and handed DeBeers the belt aand raised his hand in victory as some fans threw trash at the ring.

Nelson: In a time of 10 minutes, 34 seconds, your winner... and STILL AWA World Champion... Col. DeBeers!

More boos from the crowd.

A fan hopped the barricade to go after DeBeers, but was stoppped by securty as soon as he got over the barricade.

DeBeers left the ring with four securty guards surrounding him and headed back up the aisle with the belt in hand. Garbage thrown in his direction.

WINNER: DeBeers - Touched all 4 corners -10:34

After the match: Wahoo in the ring aalone. He took off the strap from his wrist and tossed it down. The strap was now laying in the ring. Wahoo went over by the ropes facing directly away from the entrance aisle. Wahoo leaned forward against the ropes with his forearms sitting on the top rope. Wahoo had his head down. Crowd suddenly screamed as Don Muraco hurriedly made his way down the aisle, hit the ring, came up behind Wahoo and clubbed Wahoo in the back with a forearm smash. Muraco hammered away on Wahoo. Wahoo stunned and facing away from Muraco. Muraco grabbed the strap off the mat and came up behind Wahoo and started strangling Wahoo with it. Wahoo gasping for air. Muraco tightened up on the strangling party and Wahoo dropped to his knees. Wahoo fighting to get the strap off his neck. Wahoo weakened in the assault and was now down on the mat and on the verge of passing out. He was moving very little. Fans beside themselves. Crowd then popped as some wrestlers from the face locker room charged down the aisle and hit the ring. Muraco bailed to the safety of the floor before any of them could touch him. Wahoo down on the mat with the strap still tied around his neck and barely conscious. Shot of the downed Wahoo being checked on by the wrestlers as the program ended.


3,877 (Sellout)

(Seating based on Wiki number for permanent seats and estimated number of ringside seats.)
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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(Show taped before Winter Warfare)

(4th Taping)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers to SLAM! wrestling.

Said SLAM! now airs Wednesday nights at 10pm ET/7 pm PT on ESPN.

Nelson then intro'd a new message from AWA promoter Jim Crockett.


Jim Crockett was seated behind his desk in his office.

Jim: Hello.

I am here to announce that next week, right here on SLAM! wrestling, our main event is gonna be a big one.

For the AWA World Tag Team Titles, Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton will be defending the titles against Rip Oliver and The Grappler.

These wrestlers have a long history with each other dating back to their days in the Pacific Northwest.

This is a feud that has now come to the AWA and there is no love lost between the two teams.

It should be quite a match next week right here on SLAM!.


Nelson then ran down the program.

TV MAIN EVENT: Manny Fernandez vs. Derrick Dukes of the Top Guns

A major announcement about the next AWA PPV

Sam Houston vs. Ninja Go

Tina Moretti laces 'em up

Tully Blanchard sees action

Akio Sato grapples

And more!

Nelson said Nikita wrestles after the break.


Nikita Koloff won a squash match over Johnny Rodz via pinfall with his Russian sickle finisher

Koloff got a strong ovation coming to the ring.


Nikita, you are still looking strong here in the AWA.

What's on your radar right now in this sport?

Koloff: Right now, Larry, my focus is on just continuing to wrestle at a high level.

In this sport, you must stay sharp to be a success. If you let your guard down, even for a minute, it could spell, how you say, disaster for you.

You must be mentally and physically focused. We wrestle all over this great country and other countries. It's hard to stay focused sometimes. Lots of distractions.

So, I just make sure to eat right, train and be prepared in every way for my matches.

Nelson: You've had some harsh words for current AWA World Champion Col. DeBeers in the past. Has your position softened at all on him?

Koloff: I have made it clear that I am still willing to sit down with DeBeers to convince him what a great country America is. Land of the free. Home of the brave.

But, he seems to, how you say, double down on his hatred of America and the American people at every turn.

I think he's a disgrace as our World Champion. Someone needs to beat him and take that title off of him soon.

Nelson: What about you, Nikita?

Nice pop from the crowd.

Nelson: Why don't you challenge DeBeers for the championship?

Mild chant of: Nikita! Nikita!

Koloff: Uh, Larry, I appreciate you putting in a good word for me.

But, right now, there are others more deserving of World Title shots than me.

Nelson: Who?

Koloff: Well, there's Wahoo. There's the Trooper. There are others who are more worthy contenders right now.

I am sure my day will come, though.

And, if it's against DeBeers, if he has not changed his view on America, well, I will do all I can to beat him and win the belt for America.

Nelson: Nikita Koloff as a World Title challenger? Yes or no?

Big pop from the crowd.

Pic aired of Akio Sato with the caption: NEXT... FAR EAST DANGER!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Updates

Akio Sato won a squash match over Tony Zane via pinfall with his Japanese Vegematic (sitout powerbomb) finisher

Sato got a fair amount of boos coming to the ring down the heel aisle.

Pic aired of Tina Moretti with the caption: NEXT... CHICK IN CHARGE!!!


Tina Moretti won a squash match over The Enigma (Judy martin under a hood. Just made up the gimmick.) with her Samoan piledriver finisher

Moretti got a strong ovation coming to the ring down the face aisle.

Announcers put her over as a serious title threat in the Women's division.

Some fans called the AWA offices and complained that a racial slur was used on the program because the word 'enigma' was uttered.

Pic aired of the SLAM! logo with the caption: NEXT... SAM VS. GO!!!


Sam Houston (w/ Coach Murdoch) vs. Ninja Go (w/ Akio Sato)

Go (Steve Olsonoski under a hood) and Sato came to the ring to a fair amount of boos down the heel aisle.

Sam and Murdoch came down the face aisle to a decent amount of cheers.

Go jumped Sam before the match.

Ref called for the bell.

Go dominated early before Sam was able to reverse a whip into the ropes and catch go coming off with a high dropkick. Sam went on the offensive and almost scored the victory.

Match turned into a see-saw affair and Go whipped Sam into the buckles and charged in on Sam but Sam got a foot up and caught Go in the face with it. Go turned away from Sam and Sam mounted the middle buckle behind Go and came off with a flying bulldog from the middle buckle. Sam for the cover. 1...2...3!

Crowd cheered as the ref called for the bell. Sam up and the ref raised his hand in victory as Murdoch climbed in the ring and congratulated his man.

WINNER: Houston - Pinfall - 5:07

Pic aired of the SLAM! logo with the caption: NEXT... BIG AWA NEWS!!!


In-studio: Nelson said the AWA was having another PPV special and intro'd the video for it.

Video aired for WrestleRock '91 - Live on PPV - Sunday, April 28 - Cow Palace - San Francisco, CA - With musical guests: SF hometown faves Huey Lewis and the News - Tickets go on sale Saturday, March 9 @ 10am PT.

In-studio: Nelson talked about what a great show WrestleRock '91 promises to be. And said he's excited to see Huey Lewis and the News perform at the show in their own backyard.

Pic aired of the Tully with the caption: NEXT... TULLY IN ACTION!!!


Tully Blanchard (w/ Valerie) won a squash match over Sal Bellomo via pinfall with his slingshot suplex finisher

Tully and Val were strongly booed coming down the heel aisle.


Tully Blanchard, your star continues to rise here in the AWA. You...

Tully: My star had risen before I even arrived here, Nelson. Don't forget it.

I just wanted to talk to you all about something.

It's about excellence. Being the best at what you do.

I was born into a strong wrestling bloodline because my father, Joe Blanchard, was a great wrestler in his own right. He trained me.

In sports, you either have it or you don't. You are born with the talent or you aren't. Your genes play a big role in how good you'll be in a given profession.

When me, Valerie, Ken Patera and Women's Champion Magnificent Mimi go to a nightclub, the people stand back and we are shown to a VIP room and treated to the best the club has to offer; whether it's food, drink or ladies. And it's always on the house.

We go to a fine dining establishment, there's people sitting and waiting for a table, the host at the door immediately escorts us to one of the best tables in the place and they cater to our every whim.

That's what excellence does for you. Excellence means you're the cream of the crop at what you do for a profession.

People see us coming down the street and they look at us in awe. That's because they know excellence when they see it. There's a mixture of reverence and envy. Reverence because of who we are and envy because of our excellence. And envy because they'll never be us in a million years.

Valerie is building something really special here in the AWA. She has a great eye for talent as shown by who's already in her stable. And she's always looking for the next big thing in wrestling.

Val: Tully just said it all in a nutshell. We exude excellence. And people notice excellence. And excellence cannot be stopped from achieving greatness.

This sport has had it's share of great wrestlers over the years. When all is said and done, I want to be remembered as a manager of excellence. 20 years from now, these fans will remember us for all that we accomplished here; and it will be a lot.

You can try and contain excellence. But excellence will always... always find it's way over, through and around the wall of containment put up by those for whom excellence will always evade their grasp.

We're going straight to the top. There's no one who stop us.

Pic aired of the SLAM! logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!

Nelson hyped the World Tag Team Title match for next week on the program. Also said they would air highlights and post-match interviews from Winter Warfare.

TV MAIN EVENT: Manny Fernandez vs. Derrick Dukes (of the Top Guns)

Dukes came down the face aisle to a fair reception.

Manny came down the heel aisle to a decent amount of boos.

Manny and Dukes went back-and-forth early before Manny gained control. Match turned into a see-saw affair and Dukes gained the upper hand. Dukes came close to putting Manny away buit failed to do so.

End of the match saw Dukes light up Manny with punches and a powerslam. Dukes snapped Manny up and whipped Manny into the ropes and looked to catch Manny coming off with a clothesline but Manny ducked the move and came back and hit Dukes with his Flying Burrito (flying double forearm smash) finisher. Manny covered Dukes. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as many in the crowd booed. Manny up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

WINNER: Manny - Pinfall - 4:19

After the match: Manny turned and stomped away on Dukes, snapped Dukes up and whipped Dukes into the ropes and dropped Dukes with a backfist to the face. Dukes again crashed to the mat.

Very little crowd response because the people did not know who the man, in street clothes, was who charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Manny backed off of Dukes.

Pedicino: Wait a minute! That's Mexican legend Perro Aguyao! What's he doing here?!

Dundee: Must be free green card night at the Showboat!

Pedicino: Would you... Please!

Manny and Perro locked eyes.

Fair crowd pop as Ricky Rice, the other half of the Top Guns, came rushing down the face aisle and hit the ring to check on his downed partner. Ricky knelt down next to Dukes. Manny and Aguyao talking to each other in the ring like a fight was about to break out between them.

Then suddenly...

The pair jumped Ricky Rice and pounded the hell out of him. Dukes managed to get up and tried o save his partner but Manny and Perro beat him up, too. Manny whipped Rice into the ropes and caught Rice coming off with a back fist to the face. Rice crashed to the mat as Perro continued the assault on Dukes. Manny then bodyslammed Dukes and Perro went over and mounted the middle buckle and came off with a double foot stomped to Dukes' gut. Dukes rolled over on his side holding his gut. Manny grabbed the pummeled Rice and bodyslammed him in the opposite corner and Perro mounted the middle buckle and came off with a double foot stomp to the gut of Rice. Rice and Dukes laid out in the ring as Manny and Perro shook hands and Manny raised Perro's hand in defiant victory to pretty strong boos from the crowd as the program ended.



Col. DeBeers def. Wahoo McDaniel via pinfall with his feet on the ropes - 13:29 - Wahoo bled

Billy Jack Haynes def. Rip Oliver by DQ when the Grappler interfered and Scott Norton also got involved - 7:34

Barry Windham def. Cactus Jack via pinfall with his flying lariat finisher - 14:01*

(* Match was a trial run through before their match at Winter Warfare. Match was only announced to fans the night of the taping.)




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Raider Nation

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Announcers: Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(Taped before Winter Warfare.)

(4th Taping)

(# Aired on previous AWA program.)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson.

Nelson welcomed viewers and introduced a message from AWA promoter Jim Crockett


Jim Crockett as seated behind his desk in his office.

# Jim: Hello.

I am here to announce that next week on SLAM! wrestling, our main event is gonna be a big one.

For the AWA World Tag Team Titles, Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton will be defending the titles against Rip Oliver and The Grappler.

These wrestlers have a long history with each other dating back to their days in the Pacific Northwest.

This is a feud that has now come to the AWA and there is no love lost between the two teams.

It should be quite a match next week on SLAM!.


Nelson then ran down the program.

TV MAIN EVENT: Jonnie Stewart vs. Brad Rheingans

A major announcement about the next AWA PPV

Lady X wrestles

Tommy Jammer sees action

Greg Gagne vs. The Shootist (USWA)

The Destruction Crew see action

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in St. Cloud.

The Guerrero Bros. won a squash match over Pete Doherty & Terry Gibbs when Mando pinned Gibbs with a moonsault

Gurreros got a decent ovation coming to the ring down the face aisle.

In-studio: Nelson talked about what a great event Winter Warfare was and said that next week on the program they would air highlights and post-match interviews from the show.

Nelson also told fans to stick around because a major announcement was coming later in the program.

Pic aired of Lady X from LPWA with the caption: NEXT... MYSTERY WOMAN!!!


Lady X won a match over veteran Linda Dallas with her slingshot splash finisher

X was moderately booed coming down the heel aisle.

In-studio: Nelson talked about the hard-fought win over Linda Dallas. Said Dallas is a good wrestler in her own right.

Nelson briefly discussed the TV main between Stewart and Rheingans coming up later in the program.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... AWA VS. USWA

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

AWA VS. USWA: Greg Gagne (AWA) vs. The Shootist (USWA)

The Shootist came down the heel aisle to very little crowd response. Was announced as from the USWA.

Gagne got a decent response coming down the face aisle.

Good match between these two, with some good back-and-forth action and some exciting near falls.

End of the match saw Gagne on the offensive and working over Shootist. Gagne whipped Shootist into the ropes and looked to catch Shootist coming off with a dropkick but Shootist grabbed the top rope and Gagne crashed to the mat. Gagne up and Shootist moved in and hit Gagne with a series of clubbing blows and drove Gagne into the corner. Shootist hit Gagne with a series of knees to the gut and then whipped Gagne into the opposite buckles. Shootist charged in with a running clothesline but Gagne ducked and Shootist slammed front-first into the buckles. Shootist separated himself from the buckles and Gagne caught Shootist with a series of punches that drove Shootist into the corner. Gagne backed up and charged in and nailed Shootist with a dropkick. Shootist staggered out of the corner and crashed to the mat. Gagne out on the apron and mounted the top buckle. Shootist up and Gagne came off the top buckle with a flying bodypress for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans who weren't bored did a little cheering for Gagne, Gagne up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

WINNER: Gagne - Pinfall - 6:11

Pic aired of the Destruction Crew with the caption: NEXT... DESTRUCTION!!!


Destruction Crew (Wayne Bloom & Mike Enos) won a squash match over George South & Frankie Lancaster via pinfall when Enos pinned Lancaster after a powerslam

Crew got booed pretty strongly coming down the heel aisle.

In-studio: Nelson talked about the Crew still being one of the teams hot on the heels of tag champs Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton for those titles.

Pic aired of Tommy Jammer with the caption: NEXT... TOMMY'S JAMMIN'!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

Tommy Jammer won a squash match over Tom Stone via pinfall with his Jammer Slam (whip opponent into the buckles, opponent bounces out of the corner and is caught in a powerslam)

Jammer came to the ring to a very modest crowd response

In-studio: Nelson hyped the TV main still to come between Stewart and Rheingans.

Said big PPV news was coming up after the break.


In-studio: Nelson said the AWA was having another PPV special and intro'd the video for it.

Video aired for WrestleRock '91 - Live on PPV - Sunday, April 28 - Cow Palace - San Francisco, CA - With musical guests: SF hometown faves Huey Lewis and the News - Tickets go on sale Saturday, March 9 @ 10am PT.

In-studio: Nelson talked about what a great show WrestleRock '91 promises to be. And said he's excited to see Huey Lewis and the News perform at the show in their own backyard.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: BRAD VS. JONNIE!!!


TV MAIN EVENT: Brad Rheingans vs. Jonnie Stewart

Stewart made his way down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Brad Rheingans made his way down the face aisle to a nice ovation.

Early on, Rheingans dominated with amateur-style moves and holds before Stewart fought back and took control.

Match turned into a see-saw affair with some exciting near falls.

End of the match saw Stewart on the offensive. Stewart worked over Brad, whipped Brad into the corner and charged in and nailed Brad with a running back elbow to the chest. Jonnie whipped Brad into the opposite buckles and looked to repeat the move but Brad moved and Stewart slammed into the buckles. Brad hit Stewart with series of European uppercuts, whipped Stewart into the ropes and caught Stewart coming off with a belly-to-belly suplex. Brad for the cover. 1...2...thr... Stewart kicked out. Crowd groaned. Stewart getting up and Brad caught Stewart with a knee lift to the chest. Stewart snapped back and crashed to the mat. Brad for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Stewart got a shoulder up. More crowd groaning. Brad snapped Stewart up in a side headlock and Stewart countered by hoisting Brad up and crotched Brad on the top rope. Brad fell back into the ring. Stewart snapped Brad up and bodyslammed Brad. Stewart climbed out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with his big flying elbow smash from the top rope that connected. Stewart for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed.

Stewart up and the ref raised his hand in victory as the program ended.

WINNER: Stewart - Pinfall - 8:35


(All matches took place before Winter Warfare.)

AWA WORLD TITLE MATCH: Col. DeBeers (WC) def. Wahoo McDaniel via pinfall with his feet on the ropes - 10:48 - Both men bled

AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes def. The Destruction Crew when Haynes forced Bloom to submit to the full nelson - 17:51

PRO WRESTLING HERITAGE CHAMPIONSHIP: Greg Valentine (PWHC) and Barry Windham fought to a double count out - 12:17

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Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(1st Taping)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers to SLAM! wrestling.

Said SLAM! now airs Wednesday nights at 10pm ET/7 pm PT on ESPN.

Nelson then ran down the program:

AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes (WTTC) vs. Rip Oliver & The Grappler

Comments from the participants in the main event

Highlights from Winter Warfare

Post-match interviews from Winter Warfare with AWA World Champion Col. DeBeers and new Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion The Trooper

Barry Windham sees action

Ken Patera wrestles

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas.

Jerry Blackwell won a quick squash match over Craig Pittman via pinfall with his diving splash finisher

Blackwell got a good ovation coming to the ring.

In-studio: Nelson hyped the main event. Talked about what a great event Winter Warfare was.

Pic aired of the SLAM! logo with the caption: NEXT... TEAMS SPEAK!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd pre-match comments before tonight's World Tag Team Title main event from champs and challengers.


Shot of Grappler and Rip Oliver, in street clothes and Grappler wearing his mask, standing in front of the AWA logo with mics in hand.

Rip: Tonight will be the night that we shake the AWA.

This match is between four wrestlers who made their names in the Pacific Northwest.

However, one team is on the side of right and the other is on the side of wrong.

Me and Grappler have made it clear that we've come here on a mission. And a big part of our mission is to win those tag team titles for the great Pacific Northwest. We're here to prove something to you people. We're better than the wrestlers here in AWA.

We come from a promotion based off the beaten path in the Pacific Northwest. For decades, our promotion has been looked at as a backwater. Our promotion has been perceived as small potatoes in the grand scheme of professional wrestling.

Well tonight... that all changes. We win those tag team titles and the great Pacific Northwest can no longer be looked at as a disrespected wrestling territory. We've got some really good wrestlers up there and more will be coming here in the near future.

Haynes and Norton, you've forgotten where you came from. You've thrown your Northwest brethren under the bus for the accolades of these AWA fans. You want to be big time at the expense of the rest of us.

Well, you're about to learn a rough lesson in respect. And me and Grappler are gonna drive home the point loud and clear when we step into the ring.

You two turned your backs on us and now you're gonna pay for it.

Grappler: The Old Man in Portland is not happy with Scott Norton and Billy Jack Haynes.

He expected them to remain loyal to him and Pacific Northwest wrestling. Instead, they come to the AWA and develop amnesia when it comes to showing gratitude to their roots.

You guys were supposed to be on our side in this fight. But instead, you chose to go your own way. You know why we're all here. You know what your job was supposed to be. And you decided to spit on your legacy and it has come to this.

Billy Jack. Scott. There will be no mercy shown to you when that bell rings.

We don't intend to let the Old Man down. We promised him those tag team titles and we're gonna deliver 'em.

Pic flipped and Norton and Haynes, both in street clothes and each with a tag title belt slung over his shoulder, stood with mics in hand in front of the AWA logo.

Haynes: Winning these tag tam titles at Super Clash 5 from the Destruction Crew was a great moment and an honor for us.

We won these belts for all the fans, and that includes the fans in the Pacific Northwest.

Because of our history together, the people of the Pacific Northwest know of our history together. And, Rip and Grappler, those fans do not like you, no matter what you're trying to say about us.

And I haven't forgotten how you busted me open with this tag team belt that hangs on my shoulder, Rip. Some of my dried blood from that attack is still on this belt,. It serves as a reminder to both me and Scott. And that reminder is you two are bad dudes. You're tough; but you're also bad news.

The last two men on earth who should hold these belts are you two. And we're gonna fight like hell to make sure they stay right where they are.

Norton: Well said, Billy Jack.

We worked hard to win these belts and take them from a team that held them for a year-and-a-half.

Also, we're proud of our accomplishments in the Pacific Northwwest. We had great success up there and we thank the fans up there for their support. They're some of the best, most loyal fans around.

They've seen us battle in places like Seattle, Portland, Eugene and Tacoma several times. And those were all tough matches. Both sides took it to each other in that ring every time we faced each other.

Well, now the stakes are higher than they've ever been. We're extra motivated to see to it that these belts remain around our waists.

Rip and Grappler, know this! We know it's gonna be another war in that ring between us and we'll fight tooth and claw to make sure you don't become the AWA World Tag team Champions!


Pic aired of Ken Patera with the caption: NEXT... MIGHTY KEN!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update

Ken Patera (w/ Valerie) won a squash match over Steve Strong via pinfall with his full nelson slam finisher

Patera and Val were strongly booed coming down the heel aisle.


Ken Patera, you won a hard-fought match over Brad Rheingans at Winter Warfare.

Patera: You're leaving something out, Nelson. At the end of the match I destroyed Brad Rheingans so badly that the referee was forced to stop the match!

I heard Brad had to spend the night in the hospital after I nailed him with three straight full nelson slams! He was in no condition to continue when I got through with him!

Let that be a lesson to you, Brad! That's what you get for saying no to the opportunity of a lifetime! If you would have joined forces with Valerie like I did, then what happened to you at Winter Warfare never happens!

Now, I'm looking for new wrestlers to conquer and put down for the count!

Val: I was 2-0 at Winter Warfare. My wrestlers rose to the occasion when they had to. That's excellence on display for all to see.

And Reggie Bennett, girl, you just lost your last shot at winning the AWA Women's World Championship at Winter Warfare.

Face it, Reg, you just could not get the job done, girl. Now, it's time for Magnificent Mimi to take on new challengers. You're done, Reg. Go look for something else to do.

Pic aired of the Winter Warfare logo with the caption: NEXT... HIGHLIGHTS!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd highlights from Winter Warfare.

3-minute video highlights package aired to the music-only strains of Nighttime* by Pretty Poison.


Pic aired of Col. DeBeers with the caption: NEXT... END OF THE STREAK!!!


In-studio: Larry Nelson intro'd a Winter Warfare interview with AWA World Champion Col. DeBeers after DeBeers ended Wahoo's undefeated string in Indian strap matches and DeBeers retained the AWA World Title.


Shot of DeBeers and Bischoff seated on chairs in the locker room. On a chair between them sat the upright AWA World Title.

DeBeers was still in his ring gear and had a towel draped around his neck and was dabbing the blood off his forehead.

Eric: Col. DeBeers, your prediction came true when you defeated Wahoo McDaniel in tonight's Indian Strap match with the AWA World Title on the line.

Wahoo had never been defeated before in an Indian strap match.

DeBeers: It was hardly a prediction, Bischoff. I guaranteed the world that I would beat Wahoo in his own specialty match.

What the people saw tonight was manifest destiny in action. You can't stop manifest destiny.

This belt that sits between us, what is it?

Eric: It's the World Heavyweight Title.

DeBeers: That's right. It's the premiere championship in this sport and I still have it.

I'm still the World Champion because I beat Wahoo at his own game. The noble man outsmarted the savage.

Everyone out there watching thought I would lose the belt tonight. But they were wrong. I seem to be the only man who knew what was going to happen in that ring.

Now, Wahoo, you can go onto something else. Maybe open up a fireworks and cheap smokes stand on a reservation somewhere. I'm done with you. I wash my hands of having to touch your gross flesh.

I will now always be known as the white man who defeated you in an Indian strap match. I'll always be the only man to ever accomplish this.

It must tear him up inside his only loss in this type of match was to a white man who is proud of his heritage.

And to all you watching this, let this be a lesson. As you wallow in your American hog sty, you'll never be able to erase what happened tonight.

I ended Wahoo's streak. And I am still the AWA World Champion.

It's written in the stars that this would happen. And it's called manifest destiny.

You people can choke on that. Your beloved Indian hero went down to the biggest defeat of his career at the hands of the superior man.


Pic aired of Barry Windham with the caption: NEXT... TEXAS TOUGH!!!


Barry Windham won a squash match over Joe Savoldi via pinfall with his flying lariat finisher.

Windham got a strong reaction coming down the face aisle.

In-studio: Nelson talked briefly about Windham and his win over Cactus Jack at Winter Warfare.

Nelson then intro'd a video for the next upcoming AWA PPV.

Video aired for WrestleRock '91- Sunday - Apr. 28 - Cow Palace - San Francisco, CA - 8pm E/5pm P. Tickets on sale Saturday, March 9th @ 10am PT.

WrestleRock musical guests: SF originals Huey Lewis and the News!

Video aired of Trooper pinning Greg Valentine to win the PHWC Title with the caption: NEXT... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!


In-studio: Larry Nelson intro'd a post-match interview with the Trooper after he had just defeated Greg Valentine to win the PWHC Title at Winter Warfare.

Eric Bischoff and the Trooper were standing in the locker room. Trooper still in his ring attire with the PWHC belt slung over his shoulder.

Trooper was being sprayed with champagne by some of the other faces.

Eric: The celebration is already on! Trooper, congratulations on becoming the new Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion!

Trooper: Thank you! I'm gonna make this short and sweet right now as I'm still in some pretty intense pain from my match with Valentine!

I told the fans that I had one mission in 1991: and that was to take down Greg Valentine and win the Pro Wrestling Heritage Title!

More champagne spraying and congrats from other face wrestlers.

Trooper: Mission accomplished!

Eric: Indeed it was, Trooper!

Also, you seemed to have a plan in case Bobby Jaggers tried to interfere in the match on Valentine's behalf!

Trooper: I did have a plan! And it's name was Nikita Koloff! I asked Nikita to keep an eye out just in case Jaggers attacked...

Nikita walked into the interview area and he and Trooper embraced.

Nikita: Trooper, I just wanted to say congratulations on winning the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship!

The Trooper is a credit to wrestling and a good American!

Nikita shook Trooper's hand and walked out of the interview area.

Trooper: Nikita was my insurance card against Jaggers getting involved and affecting the outcome of the match! And he's also a great American!

I gotta get some ice on my knee and just take it easy tonight! But, everytime I look at this belt, I'll know that I did it! I accomplished my goal for 1991!

More champagne spraying and hootin' and hollerin' from the boys.

Eric: He is your new Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion, the Trooper!


Video aired WrestleRock '91 - Live on PPV - Sunday, April 28 - Cow Palace - San Francisco, CA - With musical guests: SF hometown faves Huey Lewis and the News - Tickets go on sale next Saturday, March 9 @ 10am PT.

Pic aired of the tag team titles with the caption: NEXT... TAG TITLE TILT!!!


TV MAIN EVENT - AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton (WTTC) vs. The Grappler & Rip Oliver

The Grappler & Rip Oliver made their way down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Champs Haynes & Norton made their way down the face aisle to a strong ovation.

Both teams now in the ring.

Larry Nelson standing center-ring.

Nelson: This is our main event!

This match is scheduled for one-fall with a 30 minute time-limit and is for the AWA World Tag Team Titles!

Crowd cheered.

Nelson: Introducing first, the challengers! Weighing in at a combined 477 pounds... they hail from the Pacific Northwest... Rip Oliver and The Grappler!

Loud boos as Oliver and Grappler briefly played to the negative reaction.

Nelson: And their opponents! Weighing in at a combined 525 pounds... they hail from the Pacific Northwest... the reigning AWA World Tag Team Champions... Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton!

Nice pop as Haynes and Norton briefly acknowledged the crowd.

Nelson: Your referee is Mick Karch!

Ref took the belts from Haynes and Norton and held them aloft for all to see before handing them off to Larry Nelson.

Ref called champs and challengers out to the middle of the ring and laid down the ground rules and patted each man down before sending the teams back to their respective corners.

Crowd buzzing.

Ref called for the bell.

Haynes and Grappler started for their teams.

Grap and Haynes circled one another and engaged in a fierce collar-and-elbow tie-up. After struggling for an advantage, Grap drove Haynes against the ropes. Ref ordered a break. As they started to break, Grap stunned Haynes with a couple of forearm strikes to the side of the head. Grap grabbed Haynes and slammed Haynes' head into the top buckle and then went to whip Haynes into the opposite buckles but Haynes reversed and sent Grap crashing into them. Grap stumbled out of the corner and walked right into a punch barrage from Haynes. Haynes grabbed Grap and slammed Grap's head into the top buckle multiple times as the crowd counted long. Grap spun around in the corner and Haynes caught Grap with another head shot when Grap stunned Haynes with a knee to the gut. Grap laid into Haynes with forearms and drove Haynes into the heel team's corner. Grap tagged in Rip. Rip in and nailed Haynes with a series of European uppercuts. Rip then with a series of kicks to Haynes' gut. Rip pulled Haynes out of the corner, raking Haynes' eyes along the top rope before breaking the illegal move at the count of 4. Rip whipped Haynes into the ropes and looked to catch Haynes coming off with a clothesline but Haynes ducked the move and came back and dropped Rip with a running clothesline of his own. Rip crashed to the mat. Rip up and walked into a press slam from Haynes. Rip backed on his butt into the corner. Haynes popped Rip with a head shot, snapped Rip up and whipped Rip into the face team's corner. Haynes tagged in Norton to a pop. Norton in and pulverized Rip with a seriees of rapid-fire shoulder blocks to the gut. Norton whipped Rip into the opposite buckles and charged in and avalanched Rip. Rip staggered out of the corner and crashed to the mat. Norton with an elbow smash and went for the cover. 1...2... Rip kicked out. Norton snapped Rip up and hoisted Rip up on his shoulder and went for a running powerslam but Rip wriggled free from Norton's grasp, dropped down behind Norton and shoved Norton into the corner. Norton slammed front-first into the buckles. Rip clubbed Norton in the back with a series of clubbing forearms. Norton spun around in the corner and Rip struck him with a series of knees to the gut followed by an elbow smash to the head. Rip went to whip Norton into the opposite buckles but Norton reversed and sent Rip crashing into them. Norton quickly re-gathered himself and charged in and looked to nail Rip with another avalanche but Rip moved and Norton slammed front-first into the buckles, bounced back and crashed to the mat. Rip tagged in the Grappler. Grap stomped Norton in the top of the head, snapped Norton up and hit Norton with a gutwrench suplex. Grap for the cover. 1...2... Norton kicked out. Grap up and stomped on Norton. Norton to his knees and Grap drove a knee into the side of Norton's head. Grap caught Norton in a front facelock and went to suplex Norton but Norton twice blocked the move and suplexed Grap down to the mat. Both men down. Ref counting. Both men up and Grap caught Norton with a head shot. Grap whipped Norton into the ropes but Norton grabbed the top rope and then charged over and tackled Grap to the mat as the fans popped. Norton reached down and grabbed Grap by the throat and lifted Grap off his feet and held Grap there for a few seconds before throwing Grap down to the mat. Grap to his feet facing away from Norton and Norton moved in behind Grap and caught Grap by the back of the tights and pulled Grap towards him and nailed Grap with an atomic drop. Grap shot forward and toppled through the top and middle ropes and crashed to the floor. Crowd cheering. Ref ordered Norton to stand back in the ring as Rip dropped off the apron and went over and checked on his partner. Ref started the 10 count. Grap up and fell over against the apron. Count growing. Rip, in a panic, grabbed Grap and rolled him in under the bottom rope just before the 10 count. Norton came over and reached down and started to pull Norton up when Rip reached in the ring and pulled Norton's foot out from under him. Ref didn't see it. Norton crashed to the mat. Grap with the quick cover. Rip grabbed Norton's feet by the ropes and held them. 1...2...thr... Norton managed to kick out. Crowd cheered. Haynes dropped off the apron, came over and caught Rip with a big right to the head to the delight of the crowd. Rip stunned. Ref turned and ordered Haynes back to his corner and Haynes went.

Grap and Norton to their feet and engaged in a punch exchange. Norton gained the upper hand, whipped Grap into the ropes and caught Grap coming off with a huge powerslam. Crowd popped. Norton for the cover. 1... Oliver had just made it back onto the ring apron and climbed in the ring. ...2...thr... Rip grabbed Norton by the leg and pulled Norton off of Grap to break up the pin. Norton up and looking at Rip. Haynes stepped in the ring to go after Rip but the ref intercepted him. As the ref and Haynes were distracted arguing with one another, Rip snuck up behind Norton and low-blowed Norton. Norton crashed to the mat. Haynes back to his corner and Rip out of the ring. Grap up and stood at the ready. Norton up and Grap pulverized Norton with a superkick. Norton crashed to the mat and rolled out on the apron. Ref ordered Grap back and began the 10 count. Count grew and Norton slowly made it to his feet and Norton made it to back into the ring, Grap moved in and struck Norton with a forearm to the side of the head and suplexed Norton back into the ring. Grap with a knee drop to the chest of Norton and tagged in Rip. Norton getting up and Rip charged over and popped Norton with a running knee lift to the chest. Norton fell back against the ropes. Rip moved in with some pucnhes and then whipped Norton into the ropes and looked to catch Norton coming off with a backdrop but Norton leapfrogged Rip and dived over and tagged in Haynes to a big pop from the crowd. Haynes a house of fire and rained punches down on Rip. Haynes whipped Rip into the ropes and caught Rip coming off with a clothesline. Rip crashed to the mat. Rip up and Haynes caught Rip with another running clothesline. Rip crashed back down to the mat. Haynes circled around behind Rip. An unsteady Rip made it to his feet facing away from Haynes and Haynes moved in and locked Rip in his full nelson finisher. Crowd popped. Rip desperately trying to escape from the hold. Rip started to fade. Ref raised Rip's arm one time and it dropped back by Rip's side. Ref then raised the arm a second time with the same result. Ref grabbed Rip's arm a third and was about to release it when Grap hit the ring and bashed Haynes from behind with a double sledge to the back. Haynes lost his grip on the hold. Rip fell to the mat. Norton charged in and dropped Grap with a running punch. Grap crashed to the mat and rolled out of the ring and dropped to his feet on the floor and Norton followed Grap out. Rip and Haynes made it to their feet and Rip again was facing away from Haynes. Haynes again moved in and locked Rip again in the full nelson just as the ref turned back around from the action that was on the floor. Grap being pummeled on the floor by Norton. Rip again started to go limp in the ring. Once again, the ref raised Rip's hand and it dropped by Rip's side. On the floor, Grap had fought back against Norton and caught Norton with a knee to the gut. The two had fought over by the timekeeper's table and Grap grabbed one of the tag belts off the table and smashed Norton over the head with it. Norton fell onto and then off of an empty chair at the tk's table onto the floor. Ref repeated the arm raise with the same result. Grap saw what was going on and charged over to ringside. Rip nearly out by the ropes. Grap reached up and pulled Rip out of the ring through the top and middle rope to break up the submission. Rip on his feet on the floor but woozy. Grap, sensing championship glory fading away, smacked Rip hard across the face to get him to come to his senses. Ref had ordered Haynes to stand back for the 10 count. Ref counting. Grap walked Rip over to the heel team's side of the ring and threw Rip back into the ring just before the count hit 10.. Norton recovering from the belt shot on the floor but still woozy. Haynes went over and grabbed Rip and Rip grabbed the middle rope and Haynes fought to pull Rip off the ropes.

Grap back into his corner. Haynes finally yanked Rip off the rope and Rip stunned Haynes with a punch to the throat. Haynes staggered off grabbing his throat. Norton made his way back to his team's corner. Ref reprimanded Rip. Rip tagged in Grap. Grap hit the ring and hammered away on Haynes. Grap whipped Haynes into the ropes and caught Haynes coming off with a gut punch. Grap then blasted Haynes with a violent backbreaker across the knee. Grap for the cover. 1...2... Norton hit the ring and stomped Grap in the back of the head to break up the pin try. Rip had recovered enough and hit the ring to attack Norton and the two started fighting in the ring. Ref tried to break up the warring pair. Grap to his feet and made his way over by the ropes and was facing the crowd. Grap reached into his tights and then reached up and started messing with the forehead part of his mask. Ref still trying to get Rip and Norton separated.

Pedicino: I think Grappler may have just put something in his mask!

Haynes up and came up behind Grap and spun Grap around and Grap nailed Haynes with a violent, foreign object-loaded headbutt. Haynes crashed to the mat and was stunned. Haynes laying on his side. Ref finally got Rip and Norton separated. Both men going back to their corners. Grap rolled Haynes over and covered him. Ref saw it and dropped down. 1... Norton hit the ring again and so did Rip. ...2... Rip caught Norton with a chop block at the knees and Norton toppled over and went down. ...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed.

Nelson climbed up on the apron with the tag titles and the ref went over and said something to Nelson and took the belts. Grap up and Rip over and the two hugged in celebration.

Ref raised Grap's hand in victory and handed Rip and Grap the belts. The pair briefly celebrated in the ring as a hurting Norton crawled over and checked on his partner.

Nelson: In a time of 13 miinutes, 28 seconds, your winners... and NEW AWA World Tag team Champions... Rip Oliver and The Grappler!

Crowd booing.

Grap and Oliver taunted Norton and Haynes with the belts. Norton up and charged over at Grap and the new champs scurried to the safety of the floor before Norton could succeed in grabbing the masked man. Norton glared out at the pair as the ref checked on the now sitting up Haynes. The champs each raised their belts high in the air to more boos. Norton went back and checked on his partner as the program went off the air.

WINNER: Grappler & Oliver - 13:28


Raider Nation

Active Member
Jan 31, 2024
Reaction score

Announcers: Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(1st Taping)

(# Aired on previous AWA program.)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson.

Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

Greg Valentine vs. Greg Gagne

Bobby Jaggers sees action

A look at the stunning turn of events from last week on AWA SLAM! Wrestling between Manny Fernandez and the Top Guns

Barry Windham wrestles

Winter Warfare post-match comments from Reggie Bennett and Greg Valentine

Sam Houston wrestles

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in St. Cloud.

Cactus Jack won a squash match via pinfall over Gino Carabello with his double underhook DDT finisher

Jack came to the ring down the heel aisle to the strains of Crazy Train by Ozzy and was mainly booed but had his fans.

During the match, announcers discussed Jack's loss to Barry Windham in a wild match at Winter Warfare.

In-studio: Nelson wondered what Jack has planned for future opponents.

Nelson then talked about what a great event Winter Warfare was and said more big AWA shows were coming in '91. Said next up was the PPV WrestleRock '91 from San Francisco.

Pic aired of Reggie Bennett with the caption: NEXT... THE UNCROWNED CHAMPION!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd the footage from the end of the AWA Women's World Title clash from Winter Warfare where if champ Mimi got DQ'd or counted out she lost the title.


Reg staggered out of the corner. Mimi with a series of forearm shivers to the side of the head. Mimi whipped Reg into the ropes and nailed Reg with a high flying dropkick. Reg spun around and stumbled forward and fell front-first against the ropes. Val started yelling at the ref from the floor. Ref became distracted with the bottle blonde beauty and started having words with her. Behind the ref's back, Mimi came up behind Reg and dumped Reg over the top rope down to the floor. Crowd going nuts. Announcers said Mimi should have lost the title right there but the ref didn't see it because pro wrestling refs are afflicted with stupidity.

...Reg snapped Mimi up, whipped Mimi into the ropes and caught Mimi coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Mimi crashed down by the ropes and landed with her head and arms hanging out over the middle rope. Reg went to go after Mimi but the ref intercepted her and ordered her back. As the two had words, Val reached into her coat pocket and appeared to hand Mimi a foreign object. Val quickly backed off. Crowd going nuts. Mimi now in the ring on her knees and facing the crowd. Reg ignored the ref and started to pull her up when Mimi blasted Reg in the jaw with what appeared to be a loaded right hand. Reg crashed on her back in the ring. As the ref checked on Reg, Mimi and Val appeared to shake hands/hand off the possible weapon as no one clearly saw it (Think the end of Hennig-Bockwinkel when Hennig won the strap at Super Clash 2. If you've never seen it, great finish!). Mimi quickly moved in and covered a clearly stunned Reg. 1...2...3! NO! Reg kicked out...

...Reg again tried her leg drop and it connected. Reg then got on top of Mimi and started choking her. Announcers wondered why she wasn't going for the kill. Reg broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Reg snapped Mimi up by the hair and tossed her around the ring by the hair and then grabbed Mimi and threw her in the corner. Reg pulled a page out of Kokina's playbook and backed into Mimi repeatedly. Mimi limp in the corner. Reg pulled Mimi out of the corner and whipped Mimi into the ropes and caught her coming off with the axe (forearm smash to the head - Curt Hennig move). Mimi crashed to the mat. Reg yelling for Mimi to get up. Val really concerned at ringside. Mimi shakily got to her feet and Reg moved in and started choking Mimi and broke the illegal move at the count of 4 and then repeated it and broke again at 4. Then, Reg made a huge mistake. In a fit of rage, Reg grabbed Mimi... and threw her over the top rope down to the floor. Ref called for the bell. Crowd in disbelief.

Reg recognized immediately what she had done and dropped to her knees and placed her hands on top of her head. Reg then pounded the mat in frustration. Val came over on the floor and checked on Mimi. Ref took the belt from Larry Nelson. Ref went out on the floor and handed the belt to Mimi, who was being helped to her feet by Val. Mimi didn't seem to know what planet she was on.


Nelson then intro'd a post-match interview with Reg that was conducted by Bonnie Blackstone.


Blackstone was standing with the frustrated Reg in the women's locker room. Reg still in her ring attire.

Reggie, we saw what happened tonight. You should have been declared the winner on two different occasions during the match but the referee did not catch the underhanded tactics of the champion Magnificent Mimi.

You then, in an obviously justified fit of rage, threw Mimi over the top rope, the ref saw it and you were disqualified. You have to be frustrated.

Reg: I am very frustrated, Bonnie. I let my emotions get the best of me and, in a moment of blind anger, I threw Mimi over the top rope and got disqualified. I knew immediately what I had done.

As you mentioned, and the fans saw it, Mimi threw me out of the ring earlier in the match behind the ref's back and then hit me with some sort of object. The referee caught neither disqualifying foul by Mimi.

I should be standing here with the title right now. I dominated the match. Mimi cannot beat me fair and square. And she's made comments about me not getting another title shot. Well, at the end of the day she does not make those decisions. The championship committee does. And they saw what happened out there.

Jim Crockett and President Bockwinkel, I know you're watching this. I deserve another crack at the title. Two times now I've had her on the cusp of defeat. And each time that snake Valerie played a role in saving Mimi's bacon.

Give me just one more match with Mimi. I'm begging you. She clearly cannot beat me fair and square. Everyone knows this... including Mimi.

It's time for a match between us where Valerie can have no impact on the outcome. I believe I deserve that consideration.

Bonnie: Indeed you do, Reggie. We'll see what happens in the days and weeks ahead.


Pic aired of Barry Windham with the caption: NEXT... THE CACTUS KILLER!

Commercials/AWA Tour Updates

Barry Windham won a squash match over Rocky King via pinfall with his flying lariat finisher

Windham came down the face aisle to a strong ovation to the song La Grange by ZZ Top.


Barry, what a win over Cactus Jack at Winter Warfare. It was quite the battle.

Barry: It was a wild one, Eric. I have to tip my hat to Cactus Jack. He's a dangerous wild man in the ring but there's a method to his madness. He's young. But I predict he'll go places in this business.

With the Cactus Jack match behind me, it's time to turn my attention back to Tully Blanchard. Everybody knows that Tully and I have serious heat with one another that extends back to our NWA days. There's bad blood between us.

So, Tully Blanchard, listen up. I'm gunning for you, mister. I'm coming at you with guns blazing. Prepare for a fight!

Crowd cheered.

Cheers turned to boos as Tully made his way down the heel aisle and climbed into the ring, Tully was in his tights, boots and ring jacket. Tully walked up to Barry.

Tully: So, you wanna a fight, huh?

Barry: You know I do.

Tully: How about we do it right now, then, big boy! Come on!

Crowd buzzing and buzzed driving is drunk driving.

Barry: You're on!

Crowd cheered.

Tully removed his ring jacket and draped it over the top rope.

Tully: Ring the bell!

Bell rung as ordered.

Crowd into it.

Reynolds: This is not a sanctioned match, folks!

The two men circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and, after a brief struggle, Barry drove Tully into the corner. Ref ordered a break.

Crowd buzzing as Ken Patera charged down the heel aisle, hit the ring and came up and clubbed Barry from behind with a double sledge to the back. Ref called for the bell. Ken and Tully hammered away on Barry and whipped Barry into the ropes and caught Barry coming off with a double clothesline. Barry crashed to the mat. Tully and Ken put the boots to Barry. Fans popped as wrestlers and AWA refs came rushing down the face aisle to make the save. Tully and Ken bailed to the floor just as the group hit the ring. Some wrestlers and AWA officials checked on Barry as a couple went over by the ropes to keep an eye on Tully and Ken. Ken waved a mocking goodbye to those in the ring as the pair headed back up the heel aisle. In the ring, Barry was up and wanted to go after the diabolical duo but was stopped by some of the wrestlers.

Pic aired of Bobby Jaggers with the caption: NEXT... H_NGM_N!!!


Bobby Jaggers won a squash match over Reno Riggins via pinfall with his Jaggers' Special (Polish Hammer, violent double sledge to the chest)

Jaggers was roundly booed coming down the heel aisle.


Bobby, we all saw what happened at Winter Warfare when you tried to interfere on behalf of Greg Valentine in the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship match against the Trooper.

Trooper had an ace in the hole when Nikita Koloff came down and prevented you from interfering and the Trooper won the title.

Jaggers: The Trooper is an ace hole, alright.

Eric rolled his eyes.

Jaggers: I just came to the ring during the match to get a better view of it! Nikita Koloff had no right, none, to stop me from enjoying the match!

Eric: You had started to climb up on the ring apron and Nikita yanked you off of it.

Jaggers: What a better place to view the match close-up than the apron!

But, I want Trooper to know this! Enjoy your championship now, boy! Because the Hangman is comin' and I'm gonna make sure your reign as the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion is short and sweet!

Watch your back, Trooper! You never know when I could show up during one of your title defenses!

Pic aired of Perro Aguyao with the caption: NEXT... WHO IS THIS MAN?!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd footage from the end of last week's match between Manny Fernandez and Derrick Dukes of the Top Guns on AWA on ESPN.


# After the match: Manny turned and stomped away on Dukes, snapped Dukes up and whipped Dukes into the ropes and dropped Dukes with a backfist to the face. Dukes again crashed to the mat.

Very little crowd response because the people did not know who the man, in street clothes, was who charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Manny backed off of Dukes.

Pedicino: Wait a minute! That's Mexican legend Perro Aguyao! What's he doing here?!

Dundee: Must be free green card night at the Showboat!

Pedicino: Would you... Please!

Manny and Perro locked eyes.

Fair crowd pop as Ricky Rice, the other half of the Top Guns, came rushing down the face aisle and hit the ring to check on his downed partner. Ricky knelt down next to Dukes. Manny and Aguyao talking to each other in the ring like a fight was about to break out between them.

Then suddenly...

The pair jumped Ricky Rice and pounded the hell out of him. Dukes managed to get up and tried o save his partner but Manny and Perro beat him up, too. Manny whipped Rice into the ropes and caught Rice coming off with a back fist to the face. Rice crashed to the mat as Perro continued the assault on Dukes. Manny then bodyslammed Dukes and Perro went over and mounted the middle buckle and came off with a double foot stomp to Dukes' gut. Dukes rolled over on his side holding his gut. Manny grabbed the pummeled Rice and bodyslammed him in the opposite corner and Perro mounted the middle buckle and came off with a double foot stomp to the gut of Rice. Rice and Dukes laid out in the ring as Manny and Perro shook hands and Manny raised Perro's hand in defiant victory to pretty strong boos from the crowd.


Nelson briefly discussed Aguayo as a major star in his native Mexico and was a master at brawling.

Nelson then intro'd comments from Aguyao and Fernandez.

Aguyao and Manny were standing in front of the AWA logo with mics in hand and they were in street clothes.

Manny: Did you gringos see what happened to the Top Guns?! Did you?! This man here next to me is a giant among men in this sport! He is a legend and a deity in Mexico! He is Perro Aguyao!

And together, you can call us the Latin Exchange! We're here to do some serious damage! And you had better believe those tag team titles are on our radar, jack!

Perro: You people need to listen to this man! He knows what he is speaking about! When Manny gave me the call asking me to come to the U.S. to fight with him, I could not say no! The fans south of the border know this is a dream team!

And you people in America are about to see why we're a dream team! The Top Guns are just the start on our hit list! We're here to dismantle the AWA tag team division and re-build it in our image!

The Latin Exchange has arrived on your shores! And there's gonna be no stopping us!



Pic aired of Greg Valentine with the caption: NEXT... FORMER CHAMP!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd post-match comments form Greg Valentine after Valentine lost the PWHC title to the Trooper at Winter Warfare.

Greg Valentine and Eric Bischoff were standing in the locker room after Valentine had lost the PWHC title to the Trooper at Winter Warfare.

Valentine was already showered and dressed and clearly in an agitated mood.

Eric: Greg Valentine, after a one-year runs as Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion, you...

Valentine: Let's make this quick, Bischoff. I'm not in the mood for this crap.

Eric: What is going through your mind right now as the former champion?

Greg: Are you kidding? What kind of a dumbass question is that? I just lost the title, you idiot. And that's what I've been thinking about.

You're down to one more question and make it good... or else.

Eric: OK. Greg, what's your next move here?

Valentine: Jeez! Is someone writing these idiotic questions for you?!

My next move is to try and win the belt back from the Trooper! Is that hard to grasp?! Is it?!

Eric (nervously):
Uh, no.

Valentine: That's all there is to it! I look to regain the championship! The Trooper better enjoy his moment in the sun! Because it's about to dim very quickly!

I'm done with this interview and these lame questions!

Valentine stormed out of the interview area as Bischoff looked on.


Pic aired of Sam Houston with the caption: NEXT... SAM!!!


Sam Houston (w/ Coach Murdoch) won a squash match over Terry Gibbs via pinfall with his bulldog finisher

Houston and Murdoch came down the heel aisle to a decent reaction.

In-studio: Nelson hyped the next AWA PPV - WrestleRock '91.


WrestleRock '91 - Live on PPV - Sunday, April 28 - 8pm ET/5pm PT - Cow Palace - San Francisco, CA - With musical guests: SF hometown faves Huey Lewis and the News - Tickets go on sale next Saturday, March 9 @ 10am PT.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!


TV MAIN EVENT: Greg Valentine vs. Greg Gagne

Gagne made his way down the face aisle to a decent ovation.

Valentine made his way down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Valentine climbed in the ring, charged over and jumped Gagne.

Ref called for the bell.

Valentine hammered away on Gagne and then went to whip Gagne into the ropes but Gagne reversed and caught Valentine coming off with a dropkick. Valentine crashed to the mat. Valentine up and Gagne hit Valentine with a dropkick. Valentine crashed back to the mat. Valentine to his feet and Gagne went for a third dropkick but Valentine moved and Gagne crashed to the mat. Gagne up and Valentine moved in with a gut punch that doubled Gagne over and Valentine nailed Gagne with a series of elbows to the back of the neck. Valentine picked up Gagne and nailed Gagne with a series of side breakers across the knee. Gagne down. Valentine ran and hit the ropes and came off with a running elbow smash that connected. Valentine for the cover. 1...2... Gagne kicked out. Valentine up and stomped Gagne, snapped Gagne up and slammed Gagne's head into the top buckle. Gagne staggered out of the corner and Valentine clubbed Gagne in the back. Valentine pushed Gagne against the ropes and pounded Gagne with a series of forearm smashes to the chest. Gagne stumbled off. Valentine came up behind Gagne, spun Gagne around caught Gagne with a bionic elbow to the top of the head. Gagne fell back against the ropes. Valentine drove a trio of knees to the gut. Valentine whipped Gagne into the ropes and caught Gagne coming off with a back elbow to the chest and Gagne crashed to the mat. Valentine reached down and grabbed Gagne's leg and started to wrap Gagne up in the figure 4 but Gagne reached up and caught Valeentine in a small package. 1...2...thr... Valentine kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both men up and Valentine caught Gagne with a head shot followed by a gut punch. Gagne staggered off. Valentine mounted the middle rope behind Gagne and Gagne turned and Valentine came off and popped Valentine with a bionic elbow to the head. Gagne crashed back to the mat. Valentine stomped Gagne and came back with a diving sharp elbow to the chest. Valentine snapped Gagne up and whipped Greg into the corner. Valentine stung Gagne with a trio of chest chops. Valentine whipped Gagne into the opposite buckles and charged in but Gagne moved and Valentine slammed front-first into the buckles. Crowd cheered. Valentine extricated himself from the buckles and turned and walked into a punch barrage from Gagne. Valentine stunned and staggered out next to the ropes. Gagne whipped Valentine into the ropes and looked to catch Valentine coming off with a high backdrop but Valentine caught Gagne with a kick to the chest. Gagne shot up, spun around and staggered off. Valentine came up behind Gagne and dropped down and hit Gagne with a shoulder block to the back of the left knee area. Gagne crumpled to the mat. Valentine up and grabbed Gagne's left leg, yanked on it and locked Gagne in the figure 4. Gagne tried to fight through the agonizing pain but gave up after only a few seconds in the hold. Ref called for thee bell.

Valentine kept the hold locked in on Gagne. Gagne in great pain. Ref trying to get Valentine to release the crippling hold but Valentine not listening. Gagne in dire pain. Crowd popped as the Trooper charged down the face aisle. Valentine released the hold just as Trooper hit the ring and Valentine bailed to the safety of the floor.

Bischoff came over and tried to get a word with Valentine.

Eric: Greg. You...

As Trooper checked on Gagne in the ring.

Valentine: Trooper! I'm coming for my belt! Prepare for me to win it back from you! That belt's coming home!

Valentine - Submission - 5:12


Raider Nation

Active Member
Jan 31, 2024
Reaction score

Number of days as champion listed in ( ).

Current champion status is listed up to March 1, 1991.


CURRENT: Col. DeBeers - Def. Wahoo McDaniel at Christmas Chaos - St. Paul, MN - 12-11-90 (As of 3-1-91: 81 days)

Wahoo McDaniel - Def. Cactus Jack at WrestleRock '90 - Sioux Falls, SD - 5-20-90 (206 days)

Cactus Jack - Def. Sgt. Slaughter - St. Paul, MN - 4-19-90 (32 days)

Sgt. Slaughter - Def. Stan Hansen - Anaheim, CA - 2-17-90 (62 days)

Stan Hansen - Def. Sgt. Slaughter at Brawl In St. Paul 2 - St. Paul, MN - 12-25-89 (55 days)

Sgt. Slaughter - Def. Larry Zbyszko - Las Vegas, NV - 4-19-89 (That would have been the airdate on ESPN and that's when the title change would have become official.) - (251 days)

Larry Zbyszko - Won Battle Royal for vacated title - St. Paul, MN - 2-7-89 - (72 days)


CURRENT: Magnificent Mimi - Def. Wendi Richter - Las Vegas, NV - 11-22-89 (Airdate = Official) (As of 3-1-91: 465 days)

Wendi Richter - Def. Madusa - Bloomington, MN - 11-26-88 (362 days)


CURRENT: The Trooper - Def. Greg Valentine at Winter Warfare - Bakersfield, CA - 2-19-91 (As of 3-1-91: 11 days)

Greg Valentine - Def. Wahoo McDaniel in a 16-Man Tournament - Anaheim, CA - 2-17-90 (368 days)


CURRENT: Grappler & Rip Oliver - Def. Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes - Las Vegas, NV - 2-27-91 (Airdate = Official) (As of 3-1-91: 3 days)

Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes - Def. Destruction Crew at Super Clash 5 - Milwaukee, WI - 9-16-90 (165 days)

Destruction Crew - Def. Brad Rheingans & Greg Gagne* - Las Vegas, NV - May 3, 1989 (Airdate = Official) (502 days)
(* Gagne substituted for the injured Ken Patera.)

Ken Patera & Brad Rheingans - Def. Badd Co. - Rochester, MN - 3-25-89 (40 days)​
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