AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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Raider Nation

Active Member
Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program. Also now highlighted in bold.)

(3rd Taping)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

Said it was the final AWA on ESPN before SC 5.

TV MAIN EVENT: Don Muraco vs. Ninja Go

NON-TITLE: Wahoo McDaniel (WC) wrestles

Badd Co. sees action

The final SC 5 Update
A look back at last week's brawl on ASW between Jerry Lawler and Cactus Jack

Madusa Miceli sees action

And more!!!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas.

(Before the match in the arena only: Nelson announced Koloff vs. DeBeers was made for SC 5.)

Nikita Koloff won a squash match over Mr. Anderson via pinfall with his Russian sickle finisher

Koloff came down the face aisle to a strong crowd response.


Nikita, we saw what happened with you and Col. DeBeers after DeBeers attacked Jim Crockett. You saved the promoter from serious injury as DeBeers was preparing to hit Crockett with his face-first piledriver finisher.

Koloff: Indeed, Larry Nelson. Wrestling moves should only be executed and taken by trained professionals. Jim Crockett would have been hurt badly if DeBeers face-first piledrives him.

Col. DeBeers! I just wanted to talk with you and convince you about what a great country America is!

But, you decided to try and injure a non-wrestler with that nasty piledriiver of yours!

We're now beyond talking with each other! Now, we fight at Super Clash 5!

Crowd cheered.

Koloff: You ran away like a coward when I came to the ring to save promoter Crockett! You can't run at Super Clash!

I'm fighting this match, how you say, for more than myself! I am also fighting for Jim Crockett! He is a good American who truly loves this country!

You are a disgrace, Col. DeBeers! There's no good in you! What you did shows that you are an evil man!

And evil must be destroyed!

Crowd popped.

Nelson: Nikita Koloff, everybody!

More cheers.

Pic aired of Badd Co. with the caption: NEXT... BADD NEWS!!!


Badd Co. (w/ Mgr. DDP) won a squash match over Chad Gable and Otis when Tanaka pinned Gable after a Slingshot DDT (Slingshot catapult (Diamond) transitioned into a Jumping DDT (Tanaka)

In-studio: Nelson said Badd Co. has been pretty quiet lately. Mentioned they are lurking in the weeds waiting to strike a new opponent.

Nelson hyped Super Clash 5

Pic aired of Madusa Miceli with the caption: NEXT... MADUSA!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update

Madusa Miceli won a squash match over Naomi via pinfall with her German suplex finisher

Madusa came to the ring to a strong crowd reaction.


Madusa, you're looking real good heading into your match with Women's Champ Magnificent Mimi for the title at Super Clash 5.

You've really expanded your moveset since your first run in the AWA.

Madusa: Japan is a totally different universe for professional wrestling.

They try and break you and get you to quit.

What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.

I really learned the ins and outs of the sport over there. And I'm bringing what I learned into my match with Mimi on September 16th.

Mimii, know this! Every champion's title run has to end sometime! And you reign ends at Super Clash 5!

Crowd cheered.

Video aired from Lawler-Jack brawl with the caption: NEXT... BRAWL FOR ALL!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd a replay of the brawl between Lawler and Cactus on last week's ASW.


# Lawler finished Sato off with his piledriver finisher to score the pinfall to the delight of the crowd.

Lawler to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory.

WINNER: Lawler - Pinfall - 3:24

AFTER THE MATCH: As Lawler was still in the ring shaking out the effects of the match, Cactus Jack, in his ring duds, charged down the heel aisle, hit the ring and attacked Lawler. Jack pounded away on Lawler and threw Lawler over the top rope and Lawler crashed to the floor. Jack left the ring and grabbed Lawler and went to whip Lawler into the ring post but Lawler reversed and Jack slammed head-first into the post. Crowd popped big-time. Jack staggered off. Lawler came up behind Jack, spun Jack around and blasted Jack with his famous punches. Lawler grabbed Jack and slammed Jack's head into the top of the steel ringside barricade three times. Jack again staggered off. Crowd eating it up. Lawler clubbed Jack in the back. Jack spun around and kicked Lawler in the gut. Jack slammed Lawler against the ringside barricade. Jack nailed Lawler with punches, bit Lawler's forehead, grabbed Lawler and threw him down on the floor. Ref wildly calling for the bell in an effort to restore order. Jack moved in and started to pull Lawler to his feet when Lawler caught Jack with a series of gut shots. Lawler to his feet and more punches rained down on the crazy man. Jack backed up into the heel aisle. Fans roaring. Lawler moved in on Jack and Jack got a knee into Lawler's gut. Jack grabbed Lawler and went to whip Lawler into the steel barricade but Lawler instead whipped Jack into the barricade. Lawler moved in and Lawler and Jack grabbed each other and struggled to gain an advantage as the pair fought towards the back. Punch exchange as the pair disappeared into the back.


Nelson intro'd final words from Jack and Lawler before their falls count anywhere match at SC 5.


Shot of Jack in street clothes holding a mic in front of the SC 5 logo.

Jack: What the people just witnessed was a snapshot of what is going to happen at Super Clash 5.

Jerry Lawler, you've got a lot of fight in you! It must be that Irish blood that runs through your veins! You fought me like a rabid dog!

Well, guess what?! I'm Irish, too! Our people fight over the smallest things!

And I liked that you fought back, Lawler! I love pain! I love punishment! I love violence!

And there's one more thing I love...

Jack made a fist and repeatedly punched himself in the head and then turned away from the camera and did something with his hands up by his forehead.

Jack turned around and was bleeding.

Jack: I love blood! Blood excites me like nothing else!

And I'm gonna get real excited Jerry Lawler when I bust you open! It'll be a feeding frenzy when I see you wearing a crimson mask!

Jerry Lawler! This match is about so much more than falls counting anywhere in the Mecca! It's gonna be about violence for the sake of violence!

Violence is like oxygen to me! And you're gonna be the victim of that violence!

And so am I!

I can't wait for Super Clash! I can't wait to hear that bell ring! We're gonna hurt each other! And I'm going to revel in the pain!

Pic flipped and Jerry Lawler was in street clothes with mic in hand standing in front of the SC 5 logo.

Lawler: Cactus Jack has just upped the stakes for this match!

Jack, you are one crazy man! I wonder if you should be walking the streets!

But, I have a job to do and I will see it through to the bitter end! You have awakened something inside me, Cactus! And it's something dark and sinister!

Because of the match stipulation, falls count anywhere, we can fight all over the building in Milwaukee! This match is gonna get ugly! Real ugly!

I feel like I'm fighting something very evil! You are a dark entity, Cactus!

And I am duty-bound to defeat you at Super Clash! There is no choice in the matter! I can't let you win! You must be dealt with with extreme prejudice!

See you in Milwaukee, Cactus!


Nelson discussed the strong words from both men heading into their match at SC 5.

Pic aired of Wahoo McDaniel with the caption: NEXT... WAHOO IN ACTION!!!

Wahoo McDaniel (WC) won a squash match over Matt Jackson via pinfall with his big chop finisher

Wahoo came to the ring down the face aisle to a strong ovation.


Wahoo, you're gonna face a real test at Super Clash 5 when you defend the World Title against Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine.

What are you thinking right now?

Wahoo: Larry, it's no secret that me and Valentine have a long history together.

But this match is the biggest between us.

We've wrestled each other for other titles. But, we've never locked up for the World Title.

We know each other very well. We know each other's strengths and weaknesses. We can read each other like a book. Sometimes, we know what each other is gonna do before we do it.

Valentine's a tough customer much like his father Johnny Valentine was.

And, just like his father, Greg will take shortcuts if he has to to try and win a match.

But, I'm here to let everyone know! If Valentine decides to go low in our match at Super Clash, then I'll go low, too! Sometimes you must fight by the enemy's rules!

Crowd cheered.

Wahoo: Enough with the talking! It's time for us to wrestle and let our actions decide who emerges on September 16th as the AWA World Champion!

More cheers.

Nelson: Wahoo McDaniel, everybody!

Pic aired of the SC 5 logo with the caption: NEXT... SC 5 UPDATE!!!



Eric Bischoff was seated behind the SC 5 update desk with the SC 5 logo in the background.

Eric: Fans, the time is upon us!

I'm Eric Bischoff. And this is your final Super Clash 5 update!

Super Clash 5 will take place this Sunday, September 16th, at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with a start time of 8pm Eastern and 5pm Pacific.

For tickets, contact TicktMaster or call the Mecca box office at (414) 555-1865 or visit the box office in person.

Super Clash 5 will also be airing live on pay-per-view with a start time of 8pm Eastern and 5pm Pacific.

We have one final match to announce for Super Clash 5 this week.

But first, let's look at the previous matches already announced for Super Clash 5.

In the main event for AWA World Championship, 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel defends the World Title against Pro Wrresting Heritage Champion Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine.

Let's take a look at what went down last week at the contract signing for this big match.


# Wahoo: We go back a long way, Valentine. We've had our share of major battles over the years and we each have won our fair share of those matches.

A lot of the matches were brutal, bloody brawls. Some were technical classics. But, they were all memorable.

The enmity between us still boils over to this day. There's no cooling down our disdain for one another.

And now, in what might be our final fight against one another, we do it on the biggest stage we've ever done it on at Super Clash 5.

And Valentine, let me be clear. If you go low then I'll go low, too. I know you well enough to know that underhanded tactics are not beneath you.

I try and fight honorably. But, if you try and cheat your way to victory, well, mister, I'll fight fire with fire in MIlwaukee on the 16th.

Valentine: Our history dates back with one another quite a ways. And, indeed, we've had our share of great battles.

But never has so much been at stake as their will be at Super Clash 5! This is for the championship of the world!

Wahoo, you've got it, I want it and one of us is gonna fail in our mission on September 16th! And that failure is gonna be... you!

One more thing!

You've made it clear, Wahoo, that you're in the twilight of your career! When you lose the belt to me then you should just retire! Then, maybe you can become my new limo driver...

Wahoo shot up and turned over the table. The belts and mics went falling off the table as AWA officials scattered.

Wahoo went to grab Valentine, but Watts, Bockwinkel and Jarrett stepped in to keep the two from getting their hands on one another though it did not keep champ and challenger from trying.


These two have been long-time rivals dating back to their days in Mid-Atlantic Wrestling.

Who will win the biggest match ever between these two at Super Clash 5?

Also, Cactus Jack battles Jerry Lawler in a falls count anywhere match.

There's bad blood between these two as the unpredictable Cactus Jack locks up with the 'King' in what promises to be a wild affair.

For the AWA World Tag Team Titles, the Destruction Crew defends the belts against Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton.

Let's take a look at what happened recently between these two teams in the parking lot of the AWA offices.


# Norton and Haynes were seen pulling into the parking lot of the AWA offices on a bright, sunny morning.

Norton and Haynes parked their vehicle and the two men exited the car.

Then, from another car with tinted windows already parked a few spaces down, Wayne Bloom and Mike Enos stepped out of the other car. They were both wearing their hard hats.

The pair jumped Haynes and Norton from behind. The champs pounded away on the challengers.

Enos took Haynes and slammed his head into the hood of the car and Haynes went down as Bloom continued hammering away Norton. Enos stomped away on the downed Haynes.

Enos joined Bloom in pounding on Norton and the pair drove Norton down to the ground and violently stomped away on Norton.

Bloom picked up on a mic.

Bloom: Hold him up, Mike!

Enos snapped Norton up and held him from behind.

Bloom grabbed his hard hat, which had fallen off during the attack.

Bloom reared back and slammed Norton upside the head with his hard hat and Norton crumpled to the ground.

Enos went over and grabbed Haynes and slammed Haynes' head again into the trunk of the car. Haynes slid off the trunk back down to the ground.

Bloom again picked up on a mic.

Bloom: You guys wanna mess with us! You can expect a lot worse than that at Super Clash if you are stupid enough to show up!

Bloom and Enos ran back to their vehicle, quickly started it up and high-tailed it out of the parking lot.

Shot of Norton and Haynes laid out in the parking lot as some AWA employees came charging out of the building to check on Haynes and Norton.


That was an astonishing attack from the champions on Haynes and Norton. But, it also shows they are very worried about holding onto their belts at Super Clash 5.

Now, let's hear from the challengers and the champions.


Shot of Haynes and Norton in street clothes with mics in hand standing inf front of the SC 5 logo.

Haynes: The Destruction Crew thought they could ambush us and knock us out of the tag team title match at Super Clash!

Guess again, boys! We'll be there in Milwaukee waiting for you in the ring!

And now, we're more determined than ever to win those titles and end your 18-month reign as the champions!

Norton: Billy Jack, I have never been more determined to win a match in my life!

The Destruction Crew tried to take us out but they failed! Now, they'll have to deal with our wrath on top of us trying to win the belts!

Wayne Bloom and Mike Enos! I'd be very, very worried if I were you!

Hitting me in the face with that hard hat hurt like hell! I'm still in pain!

But, our desire to get our hands on you two overrides any aches and pains we may have!

See you at Super Clash!

Pic flipped and the Destruction Crew were in street clothes with mics i in hand and the belts slung over their shoulders standing in front of the SC 5 logo.

Bloom: So, the challengers for our titles will be at Super Clash 5!

That's good! We're all for it!

But, we know we did damage to you two! We did physical and psychological damage when we jumped you in that parking lot!

That was a message and we delivered it loud and clear! You try to back us into a corner and we come out like rabid wolves!

Haynes and Norton want these belts?! Well, good luck winning them!

And President Bockwinkel, fine us all you want!

We'll do anything to keep our run as champions going!

Enos: It's been well over a year now since we won these titles!

Challenges come and challengers fall!

Haynes and Norton, you're next in line to fall!

We jumped you to show you we're still the big dog in the yard and we still will be when the dust clears at Super Clash!


Can the Destruction Crew retain the World Tag Team Titles? Or, will we have new champions at Super Clash 5?

In another great match-up, the Trooper will finally battle the masked mystery man in the ring in a hair vs. mask match.

This looks like an intriguing match as the masked man is truly a mystery. We might find out who he is this Sunday in Milwaukee.

Now, let's here from the mystery man as he's sent another video to us from an unknown location.


Masked man was standing in front of a black wall in street clothes, mask, fingerless gloves and holding a 2x4 in one hand and mic in the other. His voice was distorted.

Masked Man: Trooper! Enjoy your hair while you've still got it!

I'm coming to Super Clash and I'm shaving that head of yours completely bald!

This will be my greatest hour in wrestling! To make you look foolish in front of your adoring fans is something that I am so looking forward to!

And just ask yourself this question, Trooper: how many of us are there?

Is there just one masked man? Or are there two? Maybe 10 or 20?

You've stepped on a land mine and it's gonna blow up in your face at Super Clash 5!


Hair vs. mask. The Trooper vs. the Masked Man at Super Clash 5.

Did you notice how the masked man talked about his career as a wrestler?

So, he's a wrestler. But who is he?

Also on the card, Tully Blanchard makes his AWA wrestling debut when he squares off against AWA mainstay Brda Rheingans.

Let's hear from AWA newcomer Blanchard.


Tully and manager Valerie were in street clothes standing in front of the SC 5 logo. Tully had a mic.

Tully: You fans get ready for a treat!

Tully Blanchard is here and he's making his AWA debut at Super Clash 5 against Bad Rheingans!

I have big goals for myself here in the AWA and I've hired the finest manager money can buy in Valerie!

This match will be just the start of my ascension to the top here in the AWA!

So, short and sweet, you fans get ready! Tully Blanchard's coming and Brad Rheingans will be victim number one!

Eric: Tully Blanchard may be a boaster. But he's shown he can back it up in his storied career.

Also on Super Clash 5, for the AWA Women's World Championship, World Champion Magnificent Mimi puts the belt on the line against Madusa Miceli.

Has Mimi finally met her match in superstar Madusa? Find out at Super Clash 5.

And Barry Windham is gonna battle 'Cowboy' Bob Orton in what promises to be a top-flight battle between two second generation wrestlers.

And, just announced. The final match for Super Clash 5 promises to be an all-out war.

It's gonna be Col. DeBeers vs. Nikita Koloff.

Let's take a look at what happened last week to make this match happen.


# DeBeers: To the point, I want a match with Nikita Koloff at Super Clash 5. Make it happen.

Crowd largely cheered the challenge.

Crockett: Let me check with Nikita and I'll have an announcement by the end of the program if this match will happen at Super Clash 5.

DeBeers: Nikita is the lowest life form there is on this planet! He's a traitor and a sellout to the Russian people!

We don't need to talk! We need to fight! I aim to show him what happens to people like him!

Crowd boos.

Crockett: I will talk with Nikita immediately. There will be answer to your challenge at the end of the program.

Knowing Nikita as well as I do, he will accept your challenge.

Crowd cheered.

Crockett: Nikita is not the type of man to back down when called out. He has strong moral principles.

DeBeers: If by 'moral principles', you mean he likes to wallow in American decadence and filth, then I agree with you.

Crockett: I'm not gonna dignify that response with an answer. I'll talk to him and let you all know what he says.

DeBeers: Why wait for an answer when we can get one right now.

Nelson: What do you mean?

DeBeers: This.

DeBeers stunned everyone by punching Crockett in the gut. Crockett stumbled back holding his gut. Crowd buzzing.

Nelson: No, Colonel! Don't...

DeBeers grabbed Crockett and placed him in position for his face-first piledriver finisher.

Crowd popped as Nikita charged down the face aisle as DeBeers was starting to hoist Crockett up for the move.

Nikita hit the ring and DeBeers released Crockett and DeBeers bailed from the ring. Nikita charged over and took a swipe at DeBeers just as DeBeers dropped to the floor and evaded Nikita's grasp.

Nikita glared down at DeBeers. Nikita went over and briefly checked on Crockett.

Larry Nelson approached Nikita. DeBeers looking on from the floor.

Nikita: Colonel! I will fight you at Super Clash 5!

Crowd popped as Nikita briefly glared at DeBeers and then went back to checking on Crockett.

Now, we'll hear from Col. DeBeers.


DeBeers was standing in front of the SC 5 l;ogo with mic in hand and in his camo gear.

DeBeers: Nikita, did I make you mad when I punched your buddy Jim Crockett in the solar plexus? Hahaha.

Also, I realize you Americans may not know what the 'solar plexus' is. Look it up in a dictionary... if you can read.

I'm just disappointed that I wasn't able to face-first piledrive Jimmy Crockett.

Imagine the sound of his face splatting against the mat.

You saved him, Nikita. But, guess what?

You won't be able to save yourself at Super Clash 5.

The face-first piledriver I wasn't able to perform on Jim Crockett will now be done to you.

Nikita, you are scum. The lowest of the low because you're a traitor to your Russian people.

You've embraced America and everything that's wrong with the world.

And you'll be punished for that in Alcohol City, also know as Milwaukee, Wisconson, at Super Clash 5.


Strong words from Col. DeBeers as he heads into his collision with Nikita Koloff at Super Clash 5.

Super Cash 5 is this Sunday, September 16th at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with a bell time of 8pmEastern and 5pm Pacific.

For tickets, contact TicketMaster or call the Mecca box office at (414)555-1865 or visit the Mecca box office.

The show will also be airing on pay-per-view. Call your local cable operator to order Super Clash 5 NOW.

I'm Eric Bischoff. See you at Super Clash 5.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!


TV MAIN EVENT: Don Muraco vs. Ninja Go

Go came down the heel aisle alone to some boos.

Muraco came down the face aisle to a pretty strong ovation.

Match started slow but pickeed up aas it went along with both wrestlers coming close to scoring pinfall victories.

End of the match saw Go work over Muraco and whip Muraco into the corner. Go charged in and Muraco got a foot up and caught Go in the chest. Muraco out of the corner, grabbed Go, whipped Go into the ropes and caught Go coming off with a powerslam. Crowd cheered as Muraco signaled it was time for his finisher. Muraco snapped Go up and nailed Go with his inverted piledriver finisher. Muraco covered Go. 1...2...3! Crowd cheered as the ref called for the bell. Muraco up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

WINNER: Muraco - Pinfall - 4:06


Don Muraco. A hard-fought win over Ninja Go. You have...

Muraco: Wahoo, I know you're busy with World Title defenses and all. But, I'm still hoping you can find time in your busy schedule for us to get back together as a team and go after those tag team titles.

We were on quite a roll before you won the World Championship. You can be the holder of two titles. I know we can win the tag belts.

We can can pick up right where we left off and the momentum would still be on our side.

What do ya say, Wahoo? Let's do this. Let's win those tag belts.


Ad aired for the SC 5 PPV this Sunday!

Raider Nation

Active Member
Jan 31, 2024
Reaction score

(3 prediction sets needed for Super Clash 5 to post here.)


There will be one more All-Star Wrestling before Super Clash 5.

Complete Card

AWA WORLD TITLE: Wahoo McDaniel (WC) vs. Greg Valentine (PWHC)

FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE: Cactus Jack vs. Jerry Lawler

AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES: Destruction Crew (WTTC) vs. Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton

HAIR VS. MASK: The Trooper vs. Masked Mystery Man

THIS IS WAR! Nikita Koloff vs. Col. DeBeers

AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Magnificent MImi (WC - w/ Valerie) vs. Madusa Miceli


AWA DEBUT MATCH: Tully Blanchard (w/ Valerie) vs. Brad Rheingans​

Raider Nation

Active Member
Jan 31, 2024
Reaction score

Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/Interviewer:
Eric Bischoff

(# Aired on a previous AWA program. Also highlighted in bold.)

Last ASW before Super Clash 5.

(3rd Taping)

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers, Said this was the final ASW before SC 5.

Nelson then ran down the program.

Kokina Maximus vs. Ken Patera

The final Super Clash 5 Update

A look back at last week's brawl between cactus Jack and Jerry Lawler PLUS! cooments from the two as they head int their falls count anywhere match at SC 5

NON-TITLE: Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Valerie) wrestles

NON-TITLE: Greg Valentine (PWHC) sees action

The Trooper wrestles

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Hammond.

Tom Zenk won a squash match over AJ Styles via pinfall with his missle dropkick finisher

Zenk got a fair response coming down the face aisle.

In-studio: Nelson hyped the DeBeers-Nikita match at Super Clash 5 and intro'd video of a recent interview Nikita did.


# Nelson:
Nikita, we saw what happened with you and Col. DeBeers after DeBeers attacked Jim Crockett. You saved the promoter from serious injury as DeBeers was preparing to hit Crockett with his face-first piledriver finisher.

Koloff: Indeed, larry Nelson. Wrestling movesw should only be executed and takken by trained professionals. Jim Crockett would have been hurt badly if DeBeers face-fiorst piledrives him.

Col. DeBeers! I just wanted to talk with you and convince you about what a great country America is!

But, you decided to try and injure a non-wrestler with that nasty piledriiver of yours!

We're now beyond talking with each other! Now, we fight at Super Clash 5!

Crowd cheered.

Koloff: You ran away like a coward when I came to the ring to save promoter Crockett! You can't run at Super Clash!

I'm fighting this match, how you say, for more than myself! I am also fighting for Jim Crockett! He is a good American who truly loves this country!

You are a disgrace, Col. DeBeers! There's no good in you! What you did shows that you are an evil man!

And evil must be destroyed!

Crowd popped.


Nelson said comments from DeBeers were coming up in the SC 5 update.

Video aired of the Cactus-Lawler brawl with the caption: NEXT... LAST WORDS!!!


Nelson intro'd a replay of the brawl between Lawler and Cactus on last week's ASW.


# Lawler finished Sato off with his piledriver finisher to score the pinfall to the delight of the crowd.

Lawler to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory.

WINNER: Lawler - Pinfall - 3:24

AFTER THE MATCH: As Lawler was still in the ring shaking out the effects of the match, Cactus Jack, in his ring duds, charged down the heel aisle, hit the ring and attacked Lawler. Jack pounded away on Lawler and threw Lawler over the top rope and Lawler crashed to the floor. Jack left the ring and grabbed Lawler and went to whip Lawler into the ring post but Lawler reversed and Jack slammed head-first into the post. Crowd popped big-time. Jack staggered off. Lawler came up behind Jack, spun Jack around and blasted Jack with his famous punches. Lawler grabbed Jack and slammed Jack's head into the top of the steel ringside barricade three times. Jack again staggered off. Crowd eating it up. Lawler clubbed Jack in the back. Jack spun around and kicked Lawler in the gut. Jack slammed Lawler against the ringside barricade. Jack nailed Lawler with punches, bit Lawler's forehead, grabbed Lawler and threw him down on the floor. Ref wildly calling for the bell in an effort to restore order. Jack moved in and started to pull Lawler to his feet when Lawler caught Jack with a series of gut shots. Lawler to his feet and more punches rained down on the crazy man. Jack backed up into the heel aisle. Fans roaring. Lawler moved in on Jack and Jack got a knee into Lawler's gut. Jack grabbed Lawler and went to whip Lawler into the steel barricade but Lawler instead whipped Jack into the barricade. Lawler moved in and Lawler and Jack grabbed each other and struggled to gain an advantage as the pair fought towards the back. Punch exchange as the pair disappeared into the back.


In-studio: Nelson intro'd final words from Jack and Lawler before their falls count anywhere match at SC 5.


Shot of Jack in street clothes holding a mic in front of the SC 5 logo.

Jack: What the people just witnessed was a snapshot of what is going to happen at Super Clash 5.

Jerry Lawler, you've got a lot of fight in you! It must be that Irish blood in you! You fought me like a rabid dog!

Well, guess what?! I'm Irish, too! Our people fight over the smallest things!

And I liked that you fought back, Lawler! I love pain! I love punishment! I love violence!

And there's one more thing I love...

Jack made a fist and repeatedly punched himself in the head and then turned away from the camera and did something with his hands up by his forehead.

Jack turned around and was bleeding.

Jack: I love blood! Blood excites me like nothing else!

And I'm gonna get real excited Jerry Lawler when I bust you open! It'll be a feeding frenzy when I see you wearing a crimson mask!

Jerry Lawler! This match is about so much more than falls counting anywhere in the Mecca! It's gonna be about violence for the sake of violence!

Violence is like oxygen to me! And you're gonna be the victim of that violence!

And so am I!

I can't wait for Super Clash! I can't wait to hear that bell ring! We're gonna hurt each other! And I'm going to revel in the pain!

Pic flipped and Jerry Lawler was in street clothes with mic in hand standing in front of the SC 5 logo.

Lawler: Cactus Jack has just upped the stakes for this match!

Jack, you are one crazy man! I wonder if you should be walking the streets!

But, I have a job to do and I will see it through to the bitter end! You have awakened something inside me, Cactus! And it's something dark and sinister!

Because of the match stipulation, falls count anywhere, we can fight all over the building in Milwaukee! This match is gonna get ugly! Real ugly!

I feel like I'm fighting something very evil! You are a dark entity, Cactus!

And I am duty-bound to defeat you at Super Clash! There is no choice in the matter! I can't let you win! You must be dealt with with extreme prejudice!

See you in Milwaukee, Cactus!


Pic aired of Women's WC Mimi with the caption: NEXT... TUNE UP!!!

Commercials/House show promos/Generic promos for non-house show cities

Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Valerie)

Mimi won a squash match over Trish Stratus via pinfall with her sitout powerbomb finisher

Mimi and Val were largely booed coming down the heel aisle.


Well, Mimi, it's about to go down between you and Madusa Miceli at Super Clash 5.

Are you at all concerned this could be the end of your run as World Champion?

Mimi: Ha!

I'm not worried because I know what I can do in the ring and I have the best mind in wrestling in my corner in Valerie.

Madusa flew all the way over here from japan to challenge me for the championship and she's gonna fly back to Japan empty handed. Hope she enjoys the failure.

This belt is staying on this waist well past Super Clash 5.

Nice try, Madusa. But Septmeber 16th will not be your lucky day.

Val: Madusa is one of the best this sport has to offer today.

The problem for her is that Magnificent Mimi is the best the sport has to offer.

We don't take Madusa lightly. We've watched lots of her matches and broken them down to the point where we feel we know her like she knows herself.

Mimi's talent and my mind are what separates the champ from the challenger.

Sorry, Madusa. It will not be your day in Milwaukee.

Pic aired of the Trooper with the caption: NEXT... HE'S THE LAW!!!


(Before the match: It was announced to fans in the arena that the Trooper would be facing the masked mystery man at SC 5.)

The Trooper won a squash match over Heath Slater via pinfall with his flying shoulder tackle finisher

Trooper came to the ring to a strong ovation and handed out souvenir speeding tickets to fans.


Trooper, you will finally be facing the masked mystery man, who has disrupted your life several times over the last few months, at Super Clash 5.

Trooper: It's about time, Eric. And my hair is on the line against his mask.

I'm sure everyone wants to see who's under that mask just as badly as I do.

Eric: Are you worried about losing your hair at all?

Trooper: I take pride in my appearance, especially my hair. I certainly don't want to lose it.

But, it's worth putting it up just to get the chance to unmask the man who has been causing me all these problems.

Eric: The masked man has said that he's had personal issues with you in the past. Do you have any idea who this person might be?

Trooper: I haven't thee slightest idea who he might be. But, he knows me and whatever the issue is it's very personal to him and he's made it very personal to me.

Eric: Your final words on this matter?

Trooper: I know the masked man is watching this. He may be sitting right here in this arena in the crowd without his mask on taking it all in.

Wherever you are, masked man, I want you to know that even if I don't succeed in unmasking you at Super Clash 5, that mask is coming off one day! I wanna see who's under there and has been causing me these problems!

And I will get to bottom of it even if it costs me everything!

Crowd cheered.

Pic aired of the SC 5 logo with the caption: NEXT... SC 5 UPDATE!!!

Commercials/House show promos/Generic promos for non-house show cities


Eric Bischoff was seated behind the SC 5 update desk with the SC 5 logo in the background.

Eric: Fans, the time is upon us!

I'm Eric Bischoff. And this is your final Super Clash 5 update!

Super Clash 5 will take place this Sunday, September 16th, at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with a start time of 8pm Eastern and 5pm Pacific.

For tickets, contact TicktMaster or call the Mecca box office at (414) 555-1865 or visit the box office in person.

Super Clash 5 will also be airing live on pay-per-view with a start time of 8pm Eastern and 5pm Pacific.

We have one final match to announce for Super Clash 5 this week.

But first, let's look at the previous matches already announced for Super Clash 5.

In the main event for AWA World Championship, 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel defends the World Title against Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine.

Let's take a look at what went down last week at the contract signing for this big match.


Wahoo: We go back a long way, Valentine. We've had our share of major battles over the years and we each have won our fair share of those matches.

A lot of the matches were brutal, bloody brawls. Some were technical classics. But, they were all memorable.

The enmity between us still boils over to this day. There's no cooling down our disdain for one another.

And now, in what might be our final fight against one another, we do it on the biggest stage we've ever done it on at Super Clash 5.

And Valentine, let me be clear. If you go low then I'll go low, too. I know you well enough to know that underhanded tactics are not beneath you.

I try and fight honorably. But, if you try and cheat your way to victory, well, mister, I'll fight fire with fire in Milwaukee on the 16th.

Valentine: Our history dates back with one another quite a ways. And, indeed, we've had our share of great battles.

But never has so much been at stake as there will be at Super Clash 5! This is for the championship of the world!

Wahoo, you've got it, I want it and one of us is gonna fail in our mission on September 16th! And that failure is gonna be... you!

One more thing!

You've made it clear, Wahoo, that you're in the twilight of your career! When you lose the belt to me then you should just retire! Then, maybe you can become my new limo driver...

Wahoo shot up and turned over the table. The belts and mics went falling off the table as AWA officials scattered.

Wahoo went to grab Valentine, but Watts, Bockwinkel and Jarrett stepped in to keep the two from getting their hands on one another though it did not keep champ and challenger from trying.


Eric: These two have been long-time rivals dating back to their days in Mid-Atlantic Wrestling.

Who will win the biggest match ever between these two at Super Clash 5?

Also, Cactus Jack battles Jerry Lawler in a falls count anywhere match.

There's bad blood between these two as the unpredictable Cactus Jack locks up with the 'King' in what promises to be a wild affair.

For the AWA World Tag Team Titles, the Destruction Crew defends the belts against Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton.

Let's take a look at what happened recently between these two teams in the parking lot of the AWA offices.


Norton and Haynes were seen pulling into the parking lot of the AWA offices on a bright, sunny morning.

Norton and Haynes parked their vehicle and the two men exited the car.

Then, from another car with tinted windows already parked a few spaces down, Wayne Bloom and Mike Enos stepped out of the other car. They were both wearing their hard hats.

The pair jumped Haynes and Norton from behind. The champs pounded away on the challengers.

Enos took Haynes and slammed his head into the trunk of the car and Haynes went down as Bloom continued hammering away Norton. Enos stomped away on the downed Haynes.

Enos joined Bloom in pounding on Norton and the pair drove Norton down to the ground and violently stomped away on Norton.

Bloom picked up on a mic.

Bloom: Hold him up, Mike!

Enos snapped Norton up and held him from behind.

Bloom grabbed his hard hat, which had fallen off during the attack.

Bloom reared back and slammed Norton upside the head with his hard hat and Norton crumpled to the ground.

Enos went over and grabbed Haynes and slammed Haynes' head again into the trunk of the car. Haynes slid off the trunk back down to the ground.

Bloom again picked up on a mic.

Bloom: You guys wanna mess with us! You can expect a lot worse than that at Super Clash if you are stupid enough to show up!

Bloom and Enos ran back to their vehicle, quickly started it up and high-tailed it out of the parking lot.

Shot of Norton and Haynes laid out in the parking lot as some AWA employees came charging out of the building to check on Haynes and Norton.


Eric: That was an astonishing attack from the champions on Haynes and Norton. But, it also shows they are very worried about holding onto their belts at Super Clash 5.

Now, let's hear from the challengers and the champions.


Shot of Haynes and Norton in street clothes with mics in hand standing in front of the SC 5 logo.

Haynes: The Destruction Crew thought they could ambush us and knock us out of the tag team title match at Super Clash!

Guess again, boys! We'll be there in Milwaukee waiting for you in the ring!

And now, we're more determined than ever to win those titles and end your 18-month reign as the champions!

Norton: Billy Jack, I have never been more determined to win a match in my life!

The Destruction Crew tried to take us out but they failed! Now, they'll have to deal with our wrath on top of us trying to win the belts!

Wayne Bloom and Mike Enos! I'd be very, very worried if I were you!

Hitting me in the face with that hard hat hurt like hell! I'm still in pain!

But, our desire to get our hands on you two overrides any aches and pains we may have!

See you at Super Clash!

Pic flipped and the Destruction Crew were in streeet clotheds with mics i in hand and the belts slung over their shoulders standing in front of the SC 5 logo.

Bloom: So, the challengers for our titles will be at Super Clash 5!

That's good! We're all for it!

But, we know we did damage to you two! We did physical and psychological damage when we jumped you in that parking lot!

That was a message and we delivered it loud and clear! You try to back us into a corner and we come out like rabid wolves!

Haynes and Norton want these belts?! Well, good luck winning them!

And President Bockwinkel, fine us all you want!

We'll do anything to keep our run as champions going!

Enos: It's been well over a year now since we won these titles!

Challenges come and challengers fall!

Haynes and Norton, you're next in line to fall!

We jumped you to show you we're still the big dog in the yard and we still will be when the dust clears at Super Clash!


Eric: Can the Destruction Crew retain the World Tag Team Titles? Or, will we have new champions at Super Clash 5?

In another great match-up, the Trooper will finally battle the masked mystery man in the ring in a hair vs. mask match.

This looks like an intriguing match as the masked man is truly a mystery. We might find out who he is this Sunday in Milwaukee.

Now, let's here from the mystery man as he's sent another video to us from an unknown location.


Masked man was standing in front of a black wall in street clothes, mask, fingerless gloves and holding a 2x4 in one hand and mic in the other. His voice was distorted.

Masked Man: Trooper! Enjoy your hair while you've still got it!

I'm coming to Super Clash and I'm shaving that head of yours completely bald!

This will be my greatest hour in wrestling! To make you look foolish in front of your adoring fans is something that I am so looking forward to!

And just ask yourself this question, Trooper: how many of us are there?

Is there just one masked man? Or are there two? Maybe 10 or 20?

You've stepped on a land mine and it's gonna blow up in your face at Super Clash 5!


Eric: Hair vs. mask. The Trooper vs. the Masked Man at Super Clash 5.

Did you notice how the masked man talked about his career as a wrestler?

So, he's a wrestler. But who is he?

Also on the card, Tully Blanchard makes his AWA wrestling debut when he squares off against AWA mainstay Brda Rheingans.

Let's hear from AWA newcomer Blanchard.


Tully and manager Valerie were in street clothes standing in front of the SC 5 logo. Tully had a mic.

Tully: You fans get ready for a treat!

Tully Blanchard is here and he's making his AWA debut at Super Clash 5 against Bad Rheingans!

I have big goals for myself here in the AWA and I've hired the finest manager money can buy in Valerie!

This match will be just the start of my ascension to the top here in the AWA!

So, short and sweet, you fans get ready! Tully Blanchard's coming and Brad Rheingans will be victim number one!

Eric: Tully Blanchard
may be a boaster. But he's shown he can back it up in his storied career.

Also on Super Clash 5, for the AWA Women's World Championship, World Champion Magnificent Mimi puts the belt on the line against Madusa Miceli.

Has Mimi finally met her match in superstar Madusa? Find out at Super Clash 5.

And Barry Windham is gonna battle 'Cowboy' Bob Orton in what promises to be a top-flight battle between two second generation wrestlers.

And, just announced. The final match for Super Clash 5 promises to be an all-out war.

It's gonna be Col. DeBeers vs. Nikita Koloff.

Let's take a look at what happened last week to make this match happen.


DeBeers: To the point, I want a match with Nikita Koloff at Super Clash 5. Make it happen.

Crowd largely cheered the challenge.

Crockett: Let me check with Nikita and I'll have an announcement by the end of the program if this match will happen at Super Clash 5.

DeBeers: Nikita is the lowest life form there is on this planet! He's a traitor and a sellout to the Russian people!

We don't need to talk! We need to fight! I aim to show him what happens to people like him!

Crowd boos.

Crockett: I will talk with Nikita immediately. There will be an answer to your challenge at the end of the program.

Knowing Nikita as well as I do, he will accept your challenge.

Crowd cheered.

Crockett: Nikita is not the type of man to back down when called out. He has strong moral principles.

DeBeers: If by 'moral principles', you mean he likes to wallow in American decadence and filth, then I agree with you.

Crockett: I'm not gonna dignify that response with an answer. I'll talk to him and let you all know what he says.

DeBeers: Why wait for an answer when we can get one right now.

Nelson: What do you mean?

DeBeers: This.

DeBeers stunned everyone by punching Crockett in the gut. Crockett stumbled back holding his gut. Crowd buzzing.

Nelson: No, Colonel! Don't...

DeBeers grabbed Crockett and placed him in position for his face-first piledriver finisher.

Crowd popped as Nikita charged down the face aisle as DeBeers was starting to hoist Crockett up for the move.

Nikita hit the ring and DeBeers released Crockett and DeBeers bailed from the ring. Nikita charged over and took a swipe at DeBeers just as DeBeers dropped to the floor and evaded Nikita's grasp.

Nikita glared down at DeBeers. Nikita went over and briefly checked on Crockett.

Larry Nelson approached Nikita. DeBeers looking on from the floor.

Nikita: Colonel! I will fight you at Super Clash 5!

Crowd popped as Nikita briefly glared at DeBeers and then went back to checking on Crockett.

Eric: Now, we'll hear from Col. DeBeers.


DeBeers was standing in front of the SC 5 logo with mic in hand.

DeBeers: Nikita, did I make you mad when I punched your buddy Jim Crockett in the solar plexus? Hahaha.

Also, I realize you Americans may not know what the 'solar plexus' is. Look it up in a dictionary... if you can read.

I'm just disappointed that I wasn't able to face-first piedrive Jimmy Crockett.

Imagine the sound of his face splatting against the mat.

You saved him, Nikita. But, guess what?

You won't be able to save yourself at Super Clash 5.

The face-first piledriver I wasn't able to perform on Jim Crockett will now be done to you.

Nikita, you are scum. The lowest of the low because you're a traitor to your Russian people.

You've embraced America and everything that's wrong with the world.

And you'll be punished for that in Alcohol City, also know as Milwaukee, Wisconson, at Super Clash 5.


Eric: Strong words from Col. DeBeers as he heads into his collision with Nikita Koloff at Super Clash 5.

Super Cash 5 is this Sunday, September 16th at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with a bell time of 8pm Eastern and 5pm Pacific.

For tickets, contaact TicketMastr or call the Meccva box office at (414)555-1865 or visit the Mecca box office.

The show will also be airing on pay-per-view. Call your local cable operator to order Super Clash 5 NOW.

I'm Eric Bischoff. See you at Super Clash 5.


Pic aired of PWHC Greg valentine with the caption: NEXT... NEXT WORLD CHAMP???!!!


NON-TITLE: Greg Valentine (PWHC) won a squash match over Wade Barrett via submission with his figure four leglock finisher

Valentine came down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Valentine kept Barrett locked in the hold for several seconds after the match before releasing Barrett.


I have to ask this. Why do you keep your opponent locked in the figure four after he has submitted?

Greg: Why not?

Eric: O... kay. You'll be facing Wahoo McDaniel at Super Clash 5 with a chance to become the new World Champion. What is the mindset of Greg Valentine heading into this match.

Greg: My mindset is clear. I am totally focused in on Wahoo and winning that belt at Super Clash.

We've faced each other countless times over the years. We've each had our share of victories and defeats against one another.

But, never have we faced off in a match as big as this one!

This is for the biggest title in our sport!

Wahoo, you have been the talk of pro wrestling since you defeated Cactus jack to win the AWA World Title at WrestleRock! It's a real feel good story!

But this story does not have a happy ending!

You see, I'm taking Wahoo down at Super Clash! His World Title run ends on September 16th in Milwaukee, Wisconsin!

Every wrestler, I don't care who you are, dreams of winning the World Title when they enter this sport!

For most wrestlers, winning the World Title will always remain just a pleasant dream!

But now it's my time in the real world!

I am going to become the new World Champion!

At the Pro Wrestling Heritaage Championship Tournament seven months ago, I said I would win the title and I did it! I beat Wahoo in the final to do it! This belt says so!

The same goes for my match with Wahoo at Super Clash!

I'm winning and I will be your new World Heavyweight Champion!!!

Crowd booed.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!


Kokina Maximus (w/ Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey & The Masked Doctor) vs. Ken Patera

Shot of the stretcher at ringside.

Kokina, Kaissey and the masked doc made their way down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Patera made his way down the face aisle to loud cheers.

Kaissey had final words for Kokina and then he and the masked doc headed to the floor.

Ref called for the bell.

Announcers wondered if this would be the night Kokina is defeated.

The men cautiously circled one another. The two then engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. After a brief struggle, Kokina drove Patera against the ropes and the ref ordered a break. Break was clean. The two men carefully sized one another up and engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up and Patera shoved Kokina off and Kokina fell against the ropes. Crowd cheered. The two men were cautious once again as the circled one another and engaged in a third tie-up and Kokina managed to catch Patera with a double chop to the sides of the neck. Kokina slammed Patera's head into the top buckle. Patera spun around in the corner and Kokina grabbed Patera and tossed Patera with a biel throw. Patera slammed to the mat and got to his feet. Kokina caught Patera with a kick to the gut, whipped Patera into the ropes and caught Patera coming off with a savate kick. Patera stumbled back and fell against the ropes. Kokina moveed in and kneed Patera in the gut. Kokina whipped Patera into the buckles. Kokina moved in and popped Patera with a shoulder block to the gut and then tuned away from Patera and backed into Patera three times. Patera dropped to his ass in the corner. Kokina choked Patera out with his foot and broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Kokina reached down and grabbed Patera by he hair and pulled Patera up and threw Patera by the hair across the ring. Patera in a bad way. Patera slowly to his feet. Kokina grabbed Patera, hoisted Patera across his shoulders and prepared to hit Patera with a Samoan drop but Patera wriggled free from Kokina's grasp and dropped down behind Kokina. Kokina turned and Patera peppered Kokina with punches. Patera whipped Kokina into the ropes and caught Kokina coming off with a clothesline. Kokina not down but staggered. Patera started to hoist Kokina up for a bodyslam but Kokina mashed Patera across the back. Patera down to a knee. Kokina booted Patera in the chest and Patera went down. Kokina picked up Patera and bodyslammed Patera and then hit Patera with an elbow smash across the chest. Kokina for the cover. 1...2... Patera kicked out. Crowd cheered. Kokina up and stomped Patera, snapped Patera up and threw Patera into the corner. Kokina moved in and chopped Patera in the top of the head. Kokina went to whip Patera into the opposite buckles but Patera reversed and sent Kokina slamming into them. Patera charged in and blasted Kokina with a running shoulder block to the gut. Patera then tore into Kokina with punches. Kokina staggered out of the corner. Patera came up behind Kokina and went to lock Kokina in the full nelson but struggled to lock his fingers around Kokina's neck. Kokina freed himself from the hold and walloped Patera. Patera stunned. Kokina grabbed Patera and bodsyslammed Patera and went for a leg drop but Patera rolled out of the way and Kokina crashed to the mat, Crowd popped. Patera up and dived on top of Kokina for the pin. 1...2... Kokina kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both men up and Patera charged at Kokina and Kokina caught Patera with a belly-to-belly suplex (same hold that beat Blackwell). Kokina for the pin. 1...2...3! NO! Patera got a shoulder up. Crowd popped. Kokina snapped Patera up and whipped Patera into the corner. Kokina backed up and charged in and went to avalanche Patera but Patera moved out of the way and Kokina slammed front-first into the bucklles. Kokina turned and staggered out of the corner. Patera fired away on Kokina with punches, ran and hit the ropes and came off and blasted Kokina with a running clothesline. Kokina staggered and on wobbly legs. Patera dropped down and shoulder blocked Kokina in the back of the leg and Kokina toppled over as Patera leaned back on Kokina for the pin. 1...2...3! NO! Kokina kicked Patera off and Patera went down. Both men down. Ref counting. Both men up and Kokina staggered over and Patera grabbed Kokina and went to hoist Kokina up for a bodyslam. Kokina grabbed the top rope. Patera yanked away trying to pull Kokina's hand off the rope for the slam. Patera eventually succeeded in pulling Kokina and Kokina lost his grip on the rope. Patera stumbled back with Kokina in the bodyslam position and crashed to the mat with Kokina on top of him for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans booed.

Kokina to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory. Kokina gestured for the stretcher. Masked doc pulled it over by the ring. Doc tried to climb in the ring to check on Patera but Kokina waved him off.

Kokina dragged the hurting Patera over by the ropes and dropped to the floor and pulled Patera out on the apron and pulled Patera onto the stretcher.

As Kokina started to wheel Patera away, Patera suddenly found the strength and shot up and blasted Kokina with punches. Patera got off the stretcher and fired away on Kokina with punches. Kaissey came over to attack Patera but Patera grabbed Kaaissey and slammed his and Kokina's heads together as the fans popped big-time. Patera defiantly overturned the stretcher and then walked off as the crowd cheered as a stunned Kokina and Kaissey were wobbly at ringside as the masked doc talked to both men.

Kokina - Pinfall - 6:38


Ad aired for the SC 5 PPV on Sunday.

Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Wahoo McDaniel (WC) vs. Greg Valentine (PWHC)

Jerry Lawler vs. Cactus Jack

Destruction Crew (WTTC) vs. Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton

Nikita Koloff vs. Col. DeBeers

The Trooper vs. The Masked Mystery Man

Magnificent MImi (WC - w/ Valerie) vs. Madusa Miceli

Tully Blanchard (w/ Valerie) vs. Brad Rheingans

Barry Windham vs. 'Cowboy' Bob Orton

Still time to get predictions in!

Raider Nation

Active Member
Jan 31, 2024
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Top Guns, Ken Patera, Greg Gagne, Jake Milliman, Tom Zenk, Jerry Blackwell, Sam Houston, Don Muraco, Jonnie Stewart, Akio Sato, Ninja Go, Tommy Rich, Manny Fernandez, Badd Co, The Grappler, Rip Oliver, DDP, Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey, Tommy Jammer

WINNER: Grappler - Eliminated Ken Patera - 10:17


Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer: Larry Nelson

Show Intro

Shots of fans cheering and holding up signs.

Announcers welcomed the fans and talked about the card for a few minutes and then sent it to the ring.

AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH: Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Valerie) vs. Madusa Miceli

Madusa came down the face aisle to a strong ovation.

Madusa climbed in the ring and acknowledged the fans.

Mimi and Val came to the ring down the heel aisle to strong boos.

The pair stepped in the ring and played to the booing fans.

The wrestlers were now in their respective corners.

Nelson: This match is scheduled for one fall with a 30-minute time-limit and is for the AWA Women's World Championship.


Nelson: Introducing first, the challenger. Weighing in at 150 pounds. She hails from Milan, Italy... Madusa Miceli!

Strong pop from the hot crowd as Madusa was all business.

Nelson: And her opponent! Introducing first, her manager Valerie.

Loud boos.

Nelson: And weighing in at 132 pounds. She hails from Los Angeles, California... the reigning AWA Women's World Champion... the Magnificent Mimi!

Crowd booed as Mimi stepped forward and held the belt aloft for all to see.

Nelson: Your referee is Mick Karch!

Karch took the title and held it up for the fans to see and then handed it off to Nelson who took the belt and placed it on the timekeeper's table.

Ref called both wrestlers out to the middle of the ring.

The wrestlers stared at each other as Val rubbed the champ's shoulders as the ref laid down the ground rules and patted each wrestler down.

Ref sent both women back to their corners.

Val had final words for Mimi and left for the floor.

Ref called for the bell.

Crowd buzzing as the women came out of their corners and engaged in a staredown and both women were talking to each other. Mimi then shoved Madusa. Madusa stumbled back a couple of steps. Madusa then returned the favor and shoved Mimi and Mimi went down to the delight of the crowd. Mimi to her feet. The pair slowly moved in on one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Madusa quickly gained the advantage and caught Mimi in a wristlock. Mimi could not escape the hold and Madusa did the wrist burn and Mimi dropped to her knees and got to her feet. Madusa then spun Mimi in the wristlock and flipped Mimi over onto her back. Madusa did not release the hold and caught Mimi in an arm bar. Mimi on a knee locked in the hold. Madusa cinched up on the hold and Mimi winced in pain. Mimi made it to her feet locked in the hold. Madusa worked over the arm bar but Mimi was not giving up. Mimi was able to reach around and grab Madusa by the hair and back Madusa into the ropes. Ref ordered a break and reprimanded Mimi for pulling hair. The pair circled one another Mimi went to kick Madusa but Madusa grabbed Mimi's leg. Mimi tried to beg off. Madusa punched Mimi, spun Mimi around and hit Mimi with an atomic drop. Mimi crashed to the mat. Madusa for the pin. 1... Mimi kicked out. Both women up and Madusa went to move on Mimi and Mimi bailed from the ring to the floor. Crowd booed. Mimi went over and talked to her manager Val as the ref started the 10-count. Val and Mimi talking with one another. Mimi climbed back up on the apron and Madusa started to move on her and Mimi dropped back to the floor and went over and talked to Val again to more boos. As Mimi and Val engaged with one another, Madusa went over and mounted the top buckle. Val and Mimi turned and Madusa came off with a flying bodypress on the pair. Mimi and Val down on the floor as the crowd popped. Madusa up and snapped up Mimi and threw Mimi back into the ring. Mimi up and Madusa popped Mimi with an enzuigiri and Mimi crashed back to the mat. Madusa grabbed Mimi and went to whip Mimi into the ropes but Mimi reversed and looked to catch Madusa coming off with a high backdrop but Madusa instead caught Mimi with a sunset flip try. Mimi struggled to stay on her feet but Madusa flipped her over for the pin. 1...2... Mimi kicked out. Madusa and Mimi up and Madusa laid into Mimi with forearms to the chest that drove Mimi against the ropes. Madusa whipped Mimi into the buckles and charged in but Mimi got her feet up and Madusa crashed into them and stumbled back. Mimi caught Madusa with a kick to the gut followed by a suplex. Mimi hit an elbow on Madusa and went for the cover. 1...2... Madusa kicked out. Mimi picked up Madusa and bodyslammed Madusa. Mimi mounted the middle buckle and came off with a diving splash on Madusa but Madusa got her knees up and Mimi crashed into them. Crowd popped. Both women down. Ref counting. Both women to their feet and Mimi slapped Madusa. Madusa's eyes flared. Mimi went to try and leave the ring but Madusa grabbed Mimi and pulled her back in before she could bolt. Madusa whipped Mimi into the ropes and caught Mimi coming off with a high backdrop. Mimi slammed to the mat. Mimi up and Madusa snapmared Mimi by the hair and then repeated the move. Mimi sitting up as Madusa dropped an elbow on the top of Mimi's head. Madusa snapped Mimi up and whipped Mimi into the buckles.

Mimi bounced out and Madusa blasted her with a spin kick to the chest. Mimi crashed to the mat. Madusa for the cover. 1...2...thr... Mimi got her foot on the bottom rope. Crowd groaned. Ref ordered a break. Madusa reached down and started to pull Mimi up and Mimi caught Madusa with gut punches. Mimi up and moved in and caught Madusa with a swinging neckbreaker. Mimi for the cover. 1...2... Madusa kicked out. Crowd cheered. Mimi up and stomped away on Madusa. Mimi snapped Madusa up and whipped Madusa inot he ropes and caught Madusa coming off with dropkick. Madusa crashed to the mat. Madusa up facing away from Mimi and Mimi ran up and shoved Madusa form behind and Madusa crashed front-first into the buckles. Madusa turned and walked out of the corner and was kicked in the gut by Mimi. Mimi then went for her sitout powerbomb finisher but Madusa twice blocked the move and backdropped Mimi to the mat. Mimi up and Madusa caught Mimi by the haair and nailed hjer with three rapid-fire snap mares by the hair. Madusa grabbed Mimi and whipped her into the ropes and blasted Mimi coming off with a clothesline. Mimi crashed back to the mat. Crowd sensing blood. A shaky Mimi got up facing away from Madusa. Madusa moved in on Mimi. Valerie suddenly jumped up on the ring apron. Ref came over and ordered Val off the apron and Val had words with him. Madusa caught Mimi and blasted Mimi with her German suplex finisher at the same time. Mimi pinned. Crowd going nuts. Val continued arguing with the ref. Madusa released Mimi and saw Val arguing with the ref. Madusa went over and Val tried to slap Madusa and Madusa blocked the slap and slapped Val. Mimi recovered and came up behind Madusa and rolled Madusa up from behind for the pin. 1... Mimi grabbed a handful of tights. ...2...3! NO! Madusa kicked Mimi off and Mimi crashed to the mat. Both women up and Madusa charged in and started blasting Mimi with punches that drove Mimi into the corner, Ref trying to separate them. In the chaos, Mimi reached down, grabbed Madusa's legs and pulled them out from under Madusa. Madusa crashed to the mat. Mimi for the pin. 1... Mimi placed her feet on the middle rope for leverage. ...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed.

Ref went over to talk with Larry Nelson and take the belt from him.

Madusa up glaring at Mimi as Mimi was laughing and pointing at Madusa.

Ref went over and handed the belt to Mimi and raised her hand in victory.

Nelson: 9 minutes, 26 seconds, your winner... and STILL AWA Women's World Champion... the Magnificent Mimi!

Loud boos as Val regained her bearings and climbed in the ring to congratulate Mimi.

Madusa glaring at the heel pair as they laughed and pointed at Madusa.

Madusa then charged at them. Mimi bailed to the safety of the floor but Madusa caught Val by her long blonde hair.

Madusa held Val by the hair, pointed down at Mimi and Madusa maneuvered Val into position and popped her with a German suplex.

Madusa up as the fans cheered. Mimi shocked on the floor. Madusa glared down at Mimi for a moment but Mimi was afraid to climb back into the ring.

Madusa left the ring and dropped to the floor and headed back up the face aisle. Only then did Mimi climb in the ring to check on her manager.

WINNER: Mimi - Pinfall - 9:26

Announcers discussed Mimi defeating Madusa with the aid of the ropes but Madusa got a measure of revenge after the match by German suplexing Valerie.

Announcers hyped the new era AWA.

Said it was time for the hair vs. mask match.

HAIR VS. MASK: Trooper vs. Masked Mystery Man

Shot of the hair trimmer and scissors on the timekeeper's table and a barber in a white barber smock seated at the table.

Announcers wondered if this was the night we'd see who was under the mask.

Trooper came to the ring first down the face aisle to a strong reaction.

Trooper waited for the masked man to come down the heel aisle but no one was coming out.

Trooper was looking at the heel aisle and there was a commotion in the crowd.

The masked man, in his sleeveless button up shirt unbuttoned part way down, jeans, fingerless gloves and cowboy boots made his way through the crowd and hopped the guard rail.

Masked man hit the ring and came up behind Trooper and pounced on the Trooper.

Ref called for the bell.

Masked man pounded away on Trooper. Masked Man whipped Trooper into the ropes and looked to catch the Trooper coming off with a clothesline but Trooper ducked the move and came back and tackled the masked man to the ground. Trooper pounded away on the masked man with head shots as the crowd roared. Trooper was on top of the masked man and the masked man caught Trooper with a knee to the groin. Trooper rolled off of the masked man. Masked man caught Trooper with a deliberate series of punches to the head. Trooper rolled over on his side and the masked man stomped Trooper in the ribs repeatedly. Masked man snapped up Trooper and bopdyslammed Trooper. Trooper sat up and masked man kicked Trooper in the side of the face. Trooper toppled over. Masked man snapped Trooper up and repeatedly slammed Trooper's head into the top buckle. Masked man spun Trooper around and caught Trooper with a series of elbows to the top of the head. Trooper staggered out of the corner. Masked man charged up behind Trooper and nailed Trooper with a running forearm smash to the back. Trooper toppled between the top and middle rope and crashed to the floor. Ref ordered the masked man back and started the 10-count. Trooper stirred and got to a knee next to the ring apron. Masked man blew past the ref and stomped Trooper in the top of the head twice. Masked man dropped to the floor and grabbed Trooper and drove him back-first into the ringside barricade. Ref counting. Masked man went to whip Trooper into the ring apron but Trooper reversed and sent masked man crashing into the apron. Masked man hurting. Trooper up and moved in and nailed the masked man with punches. Masked man stunned at ringside. Trooper rolled quickly in and out of the ring to break the 10-count. Masked man had staggered off at ringside. Trooper came up behind the masked man and nailed him with a double sledge to the back. Masked man stumbled forward and crashed into the barricade. Trooper moved in and slammed the masked man's head into the top of the barricade three times. Ref counting. Trooper threw the masked man back into the ring. Trooper climbed up on the apron and mounted the top buckle. Masked man up and turned and Trooper came off with a punch to the head. Masked man crashed to the mat. Trooper dropped down and beat the back of the masked man's head off the mat as the fans ate it up. Trooper broke the lllegal move at the ref's count of 4. Trooper up and dropped an elbow onto the masked man. Trooper snapped up the masked man and hit the masked man with a suplex. Trooper with a jumping elbow smash that connected. Trooper for the cover. 1...2... Masked man kicked out. Trooper grabbed the masked man and whipped the masked man into the corner and charged in and popped the masked man with a running clothesline. Trooper whipped the masked man into the opposite buckles and charged in with another running clothesline attempt but the masked man moved and Trooper slammed front first into the buckles. Trooper leaned against the buckles. Masked man moved in and caught Trooper with a sideways double sledge to the side of the ribs. Masked man pulled Trooper out of the corner and choked Trooper on the top rope and broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Masked man repeated the illegal move and broke at 4 again. Trooper leaned out over the top rope. Masked man did a neck snap on the top rope and Trooper snapped back and crashed to the mat. Masked man moved in and nailed Trooper with a fist drop to the head. Trooper rolled over grabbing his head. Masked man rolled Trooper over on his back and covered Trooper. 1...2... Trooper kicked out. Fans cheered. Both men up and the masked man up and caught Trooper in an abdominal stretch. Trooper in pain. Trooper fighting not to submit. Trooper grabbed a handful of tights to provide extra pressure on the hold. Ref checked to see if the masked man was doing anything illegal and the masked man let go of the tights just before the ref saw it. Ref talking to Trooper again and seeing if he submitted and Trooper shook his head 'no'. Masked man once again grabbed the tights to apply pressure. Trooper in agony but not giving up. Ref checked again and once again the masked man released the hold before the ref caught him. Trooper in the hold a little longer before powering up and hip tossing the masked man to the mat. Crowd cheered.

Masked man up as Trooper quickly regained his bearings. Masked man went to punch Trooper but Trooper blocked the punch try and fired away on the masked man with punches. Trooper whipped the masked man into the ropes and caught the masked man coming off with a powerslam. Trooper got on top of the masked man and tried to pull the mask off. Masked man fighting with everything he had to keep the mask on.

Pedicino: Trooper should have tried to pin him. This could backfire big time.

Masked man managed to escape Trooper's grasp and roll out on the apron. Masked man pulled his mask back down. Trooper ignored the ref's order to stand back and reached over the top rope to pull the masked man to his feet, Masked man was able to jab Trooper in the throat with an open hand out of view of the ref. Trooper released the masked man and grabbed his throat. Ref went over and checked on Trooper. While that was going on, the masked man reached into his pants pocket and pulled out something and slipped it into the palm of his fingerless glove on his right hand and climbed back into the ring. Trooper ruled ok and turned and walked into a foreign object laden-slap from the masked man. Trooper toppled through the top and middle rope and crashed to the floor. Ref ordered the masked man to stand back and the masked man ignored the ref and dropped to the floor. Trooper dazed and still down. Masked man stomped away on Trooper. Masked man pulled Trooper up and slammed Trooper's head into the ring apron twice. Trooper shaky. Ref counting. Masked man hoisted Trooper up on his shoulder and charged over and prepared to ram Trooper's head into the ring post but Trooper got free of the masked man's grasp and shoved the masked man into the post. Masked man slammeed head-first into the post and stumbled and went down on the floor. Trooper quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the 10-count.

Dundee: Trooper's not very bright, Joe! He could have won this thing by count out and forced the masked man to take off the mask! Trooper's asking for it!

Trooper grabbed the masked man and threw him back into the ring. Trooper followed the masked man in as the masked man got to his knees. Trooper ran and hit the ropes and came off with a running kick to the chest. Masked man toppled over. Trooper for the cover. 1...2...thr... Masked man kicked out. Crowd groaned. Trooper grrabbed the masked man and whipped the masked man into the ropes and the masked man came back and he and the Trooper clotheslined each other to the mat. Both men down. Ref counting. Count grew as both men stirred. Both men up and the masked man clubbed Trooper across the back. Masked man hammered Trooper with clubbing strikes across the back. Trooper down by the ropes. Masked man choked Trooper out with his knee while holding the top rope. Masked man broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Trooper in a bad way. Crowd urging on the Trooper. Masked man booted Trooper in the side of the ribs and snapped Trooper up and whipped Trooper into the corner. Masked man moved in with a gut kick followed by a series of vicious elbow strikes to the side of the head. Trooper stumbled out of the corner and went down. Masked man did the head shaving gesture to the boos of the crowd. Masked man snapped up the Trooper and blasted Trooper with a reverse neckbrekaer (Rude Awakening). Masked man covered Trooper and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! NO! Trooper got a shoulder up. Crowd roared. Masked man up and moved to the corner as the ref checked on Trooper. Masked man removed his cowboy boot as the Trooper made it to his feet. Masked man moved in to hit Trooper with his cowboy boot but the Trooper grabbed the masked man in a bearhug position forcing masked man to drop the boot and rammed the masked man hard into the buckles. Masked man stumbled out of thee corner and crashed to the mat. Trooper leaned against the buckles grabbing the back of his neck. Crowd into it. Masked man made it unsteadily to his feet and turned and the Trooper found the strength to charge out of the corner and blast the masked man with his flying shoulder tackle finisher. Crowd roared. Troopeer covered the masked man and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd exploded.

Trooper rolled off the masked man and sat up and grabbed the back of his neck. Face wrestlers from the pre-show Battle Royal made their way down the face aisle. Trooper painfully made it to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory.

The face wrestlers surrounded the ring. The masked man slowly made it to his feet. Toroper gestured to take off the mask.

Masked man tried to make a break for it but saw wrestlers on one side of the ring, He tried to leave on another side but the same roadblock was there as well. Masked man looked at the other two sides of the ring.

Pedicino: He's not getting out of this!

Trooper and the masked man stared at each other. Masked man realized he was cornered.

Masked man slowly removed the mask.

Pedicino: It's 'Hangman' Bobby Jaggers! Jaggers is the man who's been torturing the Trooper all these months!

Dundee: The question is why?

Pedicino: Hopefully, we'll find out on AWA programming in the coming weeks!

Trooper gestured he had no idea who Jaggers was.

Moderate fan reaction as many had no idea who Jaggers was.

Jaggers looked at Trooper and then slowly left the ring. Face wrestlers let him through as he headed back up the heel aisle in defeat.

Trooper picked up the mask and held it in the air like a trophy to more cheering before leaving the ring still selling the neck.

WINNER: Trooper - Pinfall - 14:12

Announcers discussed the Trooper winning and the masked man being unmasked as Bobby Jaggers.

Announcers said a major announcement was coming in October from the AWA.

Then sent it back to the ring.

Barry Windham vs. 'Cowboy' Bob Orton

Announcers said this was a match between second generation wrestlers.

Orton came to the ring down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos.

Windham came down the face aisle to a strong reaction.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. After a brief struggle, Orton gained the advantage and caught Windham in a side headlock. Windham tried to free himself from the hold and then countered with a belly-to-back suplex. Windham freed from the hold. Orton up and eyed Windham. The two danced again and engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up. Windham drove Orton against the ropes and the ref ordered a break. Break was clean. The two men engaged in a third collar-and-elbow tie-up and Orton gained the advantage and caught Windham in a hammerlock. Orton cinched up on the hold. Windham managed to escape and reverse the hold and now had Orton caught in a hammerlock. Orton fighting to escape. Orton managed to shift his weight and drive Windham back-first into the buckles. Orton freed from the hold. Orton turned and caught Windham with punches. Orton mounted the middle buckle over Windham and hit him with a couple of deliberate head shots before Windham grabbed Orton around the waist and nailed Orton with a running inverted atomic drop. Orton crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Windham snapped Orton up and whipped Orton into the corner. Windham charged in and popped Orton with a dropkick. Orton went limp in the corner. Windham went to whip Orton into the opposite buckles but Orton reversed and sent Windham crashing into them. Orton charged in and Windham got a foot up and Orton crashed face-first into the boot and crashed to the mat. Windham snapped up Orton and bodyslammed Orton and went for the cover. 1...2... Orton kicked out. Windham grabbed Orton and Orton grabbed the front of Windham's trunks and pulled Windham forward and Windham slammed front-first into the buckles. Orton slammed Windham's head three times into the top buckle. Windham staggered off. Orton caught Windham with a forearm smash to the back. Orton hit Windham with a suplex and went for an elbow smash but Windham rolled out of the way and Orton crashed to the mat. Both men up and Orton went to punch Windham and Windham blocked the punch try and fired away on Orton with punches. Orton staggered. Windham grabbed Orton and went for a DDT but Orton grabbed the top rope and Windham crashed to the mat. Orton stomped away on Windham. Orton snapped Windham up and nailed Wndham with a sidebreaker across the knee. Barry hurting. Fans chanting for Barry. Orton mounted the middle buckle and came off with a knee drop to the chest. Orton for the pin. 1...2... Windham kicked out. Orton up and Windham on all fours. Orton booted Windham in the top of the head and then slammed Windham's head into the mat three times and then dragged Barry's face across the mat and broke the illegal move at the couunt of 4. Orton snapped Windham up and whipped Windham into the ropes and caught Windham coming off with a powerslam. Orton for the pin. 1...2...thr... Windham got a shoulder up. Crowd cheered. Orton caught Windham with a series of head shots and picked Windham up and sat Windham on the top turnbuckle.

Dundee: Superplex time, boys and girls!

Orton mounted the middle buckle and hit Windham with a couple more head shots and then went to superplex Windham but Windham graabbed the top rope and wouldn't budge. Orton tired again with the same result. Windham caught Orton with shots to the side of the ribs and then shoved Orton off and Orton crashed to the mat. Fans cheered. Orton to his feet and and Windham came off the middle buckle with a double sledge to the top of the head. Orton crashed to a knee and was staggered. Windham grabbed Orton and whipped Orton into the ropes and looked to catch Orton coming off with a clothesline but Orton ducked the move and came back with a crossbody and Windham crashed to the mat and rolled through the move and went for the pin. 1....2... Orton kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both men to their feet and engaged in a quick punch exchange and Orton got the best of Windham and went to whip Windham into the ropes but Windham reversed and caught Orton coming off with his flying lariat finisher. Windham for the cover and hooked the lg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered.

Windham up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

WINNER: Windham - Pinfall - 7:27

Announcers discussed Windham winning the battle of second generation wrestlers.

Ad aired for the AWA on ESPN.

Announcers discussed the falls count anywhere match between Lawler and Jack coming up next.

FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE: Cactus Jack vs. Jerry Lawler

Cactus Jack came down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had his fans.

Crowd popped as Jerry Lawler came charging out of the back down the heel aisle and clubbed Jack with a running foreamr smash to the back. Crowd roaring. Jack crashed to the floor. Ref called for the bell to start the match and went to the floor. Lawler snapped Jack up and slammed Jack's head into the top of the entrance aisle barricade. Lawler grabbed Jack around the waist and rammed Jack back-first into the steel barricade. Lawler grabbed Jack by the hair and slammed Jack's head into the ring steps. Jack staggered off. Lawler came up behind Jack and spun Jack around and fired away on Jack with his famous punches. Lawler grabbed the stunned Jack and threw him in the ring. Lawler came in the ring and hit Jack with more punches and slammed Jack's head into the top buckle 10 straight times as the crowd counted along. Lawler pulled Jack out of the corner, whipped Jack into the ropes and blasted Jack coming off with a big right cross. Jack spun around and crashed to the mat. Lawler picked up Jack and bodyslammed the mad man. Lawler went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a leg drop from the top buckle but Jack rolled out of the way and Lawler crashed to the mat. Both men down. Jack made it to his feet and stomped Lawler and then choked Lawler in front of the ref. Jack broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Jack snapped Lawler up and whipped Lawler into the corner. Jack moved in and bit Lawler's forehead and broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Jack repeated the move and broke at the count 4. Jack kicked Lawler in the gut and then pounded Lawler across the back. Jack whipped Lawler into the ropes and caught Lawler coming off with a clothesline. Lawler crashed to the mat. Jack dragged Lawler over and placed Lawler's head and shoulders hanging out over the bottom rope. Jack out on the apron hit the guillotine leg drop. Lawler rolled back in the ring holding the back of his neck. Jack in and rolled Lawler over and went for the pin. 1...2...thr... Lawler kicked out. Jack snapped Lawler up and threw Lawler through the top and middle rope down to the floor.

Jack and the ref left the ring for the floor. Jack snapped up the hurting Lawler and walked Lawler over to the timekeeper's table and slammed Lawler's head into the bell. Lawler crumpled back to the floor. Ref had words with Jack. Jack pulled Lawler up and Lawler was bleeding. Jack whipped Lawler into the ring post and Lawler hit the post and stumbled foward and went down. Jack waited for Lawler to get up. Lawleer up bent over and Jack charged over and caught Lawler with a sunset flip on the floor.

Pedicino: Cactus Jack is completely insane!

ack for the pin on the floor. 1...2...thr... Lawler kicked out. Both men on the floor. Jack up before Lawler and caught Lawler with a kick to the side of the ribs. Jack picked up Lawler and hit Lawler with a side breaker across the knee. Lawler laid out on the floor. Jack mounted the apron and came off with his running elbow smash to the floor but Lawler rolled out of the way and Jack crashed to the floor. Both men down. Crowd into it. Lawler covered Jack on the floor. 1...2...thr... Jack kicked out. Crowd buzzing. Both men slowly to their feet. Jack went to kick Lawler but Lawler grabbed Jack's foot, Lawler popped Jack with punches, released Jack's leg and threw Jack towards the ring steps. Jack hit the steps and bounced over them and crashed to the floor. Jack up and Lawler grabbed Jack by the back of the hair and rammed Jack's head into the ring post. Jack went down on the floor as Lawler fell against the ring apron from feeling the effects of the match. Jack to his knees and bleeding. Lawler moved in on Jack and Jack caught Lawler with gut punches. Lawler stumbled back Jack up and moved in and hit Lawler with a headbutt. Lawler fell back against the ringside barricade. Jack backed up and charged at Lawler and went to clothesline Lawler over the barricade but Lawler moved and Jack sent himself hurtling over the barricade and crashing to the floor. Fans loving it. Lawler and the ref climbed over the barricade. Lawler grabbed Jack and slammed Jack's head into the floor. Lawler snapped Jack up and walked him by the hair over towards the permanent seats. Lawler slammed Jack into the hockey wall. Jack stumbled off and Lawler moved in with more punches. Jack started walking up the stairs asLawler followed. Lawler caught Jack and the two engageed in a deliberate punch exchange and Lawler got thee advantage and reared back and blasted Cactus with a right cross that sent Jack topppling down the stairs as the fans went wild. Lawler grabbed Cactus and Cactus elbowed Lawler in the ribs. Jack clubbed Lawler across the back and Lawler stumbled forward towards a row of ringside seats and Jack followed. Jack laid into Lawler with punches as Lawler backed into the row of seats, Lawler then fought back and another punch exchange began as fans moved out of the way. The two fought out the other side of the row. Jack caught Lawler with an eye poke and threw Lawler over the ringside barricade into the ringside area. Jack and the ref climbed over the barricade. Lawler up and Jack charged at Lawler on the floor and Lawler backdropped Jack on the unforrgiving concrete. Jack down and hurting. Lawler gathering himself. Jack to his knees and Lawler booted Jack in the face. Jack went over. Lawler for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Jack kicked out. Lawler grabbed Jack and threw Jack back into the ring.

Lawler caught Jack with a gut kick and went to piledrive Jack but Jack twice blocked the move and backdropped Lawler to the mat. Jack fell to his knees and Lawler was down on his back. Both men up and Jack hit Lawler with a running high knee. Lawler snapped back and crashed to the mat. Jack snapped up Lawler and hit Lawler with a stump puller piledriver. Jack for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Lawler kicked out. Crowd popped big time. Both men laying in the ring. Jack and Lawler slowly up. Lawler bent over. Jack kicked Lawler in the side of the head and Lawler fell against the ropes. Jack moved in and started biting Lawler but released the hold at the count of 4. Jack went to whip Lawler into the ropes but Lawler reversed and caught Jack coming off with a high backdrop. Jack slammed to the mat. Lawler stomped on Jack, picked Jack up and bodyslammed Jack. Lawler went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a fist drop to the head that connected. Lawler for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Jack kicked out. Most of the crowd groaned Lawler popped the downed Jack with head shots, snapped Jack up and whipped Jack into the corner. Lawler moved in, punched Jack and then repaid Jack by biting Jack's bloody forehead. Crowd losing it. Lawler borke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Lalwer grabbed Jack and pulled Jack out of the corner. Lawler whipped Jack into the ropes and looked to catch Jack coming off with a backdrop but Jack caught Lawler and hit Lawler with a swinging neckbreaker. Lawler down and hurting. Jack climbed out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Lawler got to his feet. Jack came off the top buckle with his cannonball move but Lawler fell out of the way and Jack crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Both men down. Ref counting. Both men stirred as the count grew and both men made it to their feet. Lawler caught Jack with a kick to the gut and then hoisted Jack up and blasted Jack with his piledriver finisher. Lawler for the cover. 1...2...3! Crowd exploded as the ref called for the bell.

Lawler laid across Jack for a moment before rolling off Jack onto his side. Lawler had blood on his face, chest and powder blue tights. Jack also a bloody mess. Lawler slowly to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory to more cheering. Lawler exhausted and battered. Lawler quickly regained his bearings in the ring before leaving and heading back up the face aisle to more cheering.

WINNER: Lawler - Pinfall - 16:38

Announcers said they were exhausted after that last match because of its intensity.

15-minute intermission in the arena.

On the PPV...

Announcers discussed a special night for legendary AWA owner Verne Gagne in St. Paul in July. Video showed footage from the tribute to Verne plus snippets of speeches by AWA luminaries Nick Bockwinkel, Crusher, Billy Robinson, Baron Von Raschke and son Greg Gagne.

Video also featured comments from Verne and guests behind the scenes talakng about the big night. Plus interviews with some of the fans who had fond memories of the AWA's heyday when Verne ran the show.

End intermission...

Col. DeBeers vs. Nikita Koloff

DeBeers came to the ring down the heel aisle to strong boos from the crowd.

Once in the ring, DeBeers soaked in the negative crowd reaction and had some trash air mailed in his direction.

Koloff came down the face aisle to a positive loud reaction.

Ref called for the bell.

Crowd buzzing.

The two men came out of their corners and circled one another and DeBeers went to punch Koloff but Koloff evaded the punch and clubeed DeBeers in the back. DeBeers walking painfully in the ring. Koloff caught Debeers with a second clubing blow to the back. DeBeers in more pain. Koloff then slammed DeBeers with a third clubbing forearm to the back and DeBeers crashed to the mat. Koloff reached down to snap up DeBeers and DeBeers, from his back, reared back and kicked Koloff in the gut with both feet. Koloff fell against the ropes holding his gut. DeBeers moved in and popped Koloff in the face with a punch. DeBeers slammed Koloff's head into the top buckle. Koloff leaned against the buckles. DeBeers caught Koloff with a series of punches to the side of the ribs. DeBeers pulled Koloff out of the corner and went to whip Koloff into the ropes but Koloff reversed and DeBeers grabbed the top rope. Koloff charged over and blasted DeBeers with a running clothesline that sent DeBeers hurtling head over heels over the top rope and crashing to the floor as the crowd roared. Ref ordered Koloff back and he obliged. Ref started the 10-count. DeBeers made his way up on the apron as the count grew. Koloff came over to grab DeBeers but DeBeers ordered the ref to keep Nikita away. DeBeers started to slowly climb back into the ring and Nikita came over and DeBeers stepped back out on the apron. Ref started counting. Nikita blew past the ref and DeBeers went to punch Nikita and Nikita blocked the punch try, hit DeBeers and suplexed DeBeers back into the ring. Nikita hit the ropes and came of with a running elbow smash but DeBeers rolled out of the way and Nikita crashed to the mat. DeBeers up as Nikita got up and DeBeers kicked Nikita in the gut and bodyslammed Nikita. DeBeers stomped Nikita in the head. Nikita grabbing his head. DeBeers snapped up Nikita and whipped Nikita into the ropes and caught Nikita coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Nikita fell back against the ropes. DeBeers grabbed Nikkita and threw Nikita out through the top and middle rope down to the floor. Nikita down. DeBeers climbed out on the apron and did a jumping foot stomp off the apron to Nikita's gut. DeBeers picked Nikita up and slammed Nikita's head twice into the ring apron. Ref counting. DeBeers quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the ref's count. DeBeers punched Nikita and went to whip Nikita into the ringside barricade but Nikita reversed and sent the Colonel crashing into the barricade. Crowd cheered. Nikita charged in on DeBeers and DeBeers moved and Nikita slammed into the barricade. Nikita leaned over the barricade. Ref counting. DeBeers slammed Nikita into the barricade and Nikita went down to a knee. DeBeers quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. DeBeers out on the apron and jumped off with a double sledge to the head attempt but Nikita moved and DeBeers slammed front-first into the barricade. Crowd cheered. Nikita moved in and slammed DeBeers' head into the top of the barricade three times and then threw DeBeers back into the ring.

Nikita came in as DeBeers got up and Nikita once again clubbed away on DeBeers. Nikita whipped DeBeers into the ropes and caught DeBeers coming off in a bearhug. DeBeers in great pain and trying not to submit. Nikikta cinched up on the hold. DeBeers in bad shape and starting to weaken. DeBeers started going limp. Ref raised DeBeers' hand and it fell back by his side. Ref raised DeBeers' hand a second time and it fell back by DeBeers' side. Ref gestured that was 2. Ref raised DeBeers' hand a third time but DeBeers kept it up and raked Nikita's eyes. Nikita lost his grip on the hold. DeBeers threw Nikita into the corner and started choking Nikita out with his boot. DeBeers broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. DeBeers repeated the move and did the break at 4 again. Nikita stumbled out of the corner holding his throat. DeBeers picked up Nikita and held him over his shoulder for several seconds with one hand and then bodyslammed Nikita and then hit Nikita with a jumping foot stomp to the head. DeBeers then dropped an elbow into Nikita's upper chest/throat area and went for the pin. 1...2... Nikita kicked out. Crowd cheered. DeBeers snapped Nikita up, whipped Nikita into the ropes and caught Nikita coming off with a knee to the gut. Nikita stumbled forward and went down to his knees in the ring. DeBeers kicked Nikita in the back. Nikita up and stumbled and fell back against the ropes. DeBeers moved in and popped Nikita with a series of forearms to the chest. Nikita hurting. DeBeers slammed Nikita's head into the top buckle and Nikita spun around and DeBeers drove a series of knees into Nikita's gut. DeBeers went to whip Nikita into the opposite buckles but Nikita reversed and sent DeBeers crashing into them. DeBeers slowly walked out of the corner and was greeted by a Koloff kick to the chest followed by more clubbing forearms. Nikita picked up DeBeers and bodyslammed DeBeers. Nikita tried again for he running elbow smash again and this time connected. Nikita for the cover. 1...2...thr... DeBeers kicked out. Crowd groaned. Nikita grabbed DeBeers and whipped DeBers into the buckles. Nikita charged in with a running shoulder block to the gut but DeBeers moved and Nikita crashed shoulder-first into the post. DeBeers circled around behind Nikita as Nikita slowly separated himself from the post. Nikita turned and DeBeers hit Nikita with a kick to the gut and then went to hit Nikita with his face-first piledriver finisher but Nikita twice blocked the move and backdropped DeBeers to the mat. DeBeers up and Nikita caught deBeers with a forearm shiver to the side of the head. Nikita went to whip DeBeers into the ropes but DeBeers reversed and caught Nikita coming off and hot shotted Nikita on the top rope. Nikita snapped back and crashed to the mat. DeBeers rolled up Nikita for the pin. 1... DeBeers placed his feet on the middle rope for leverage. ...2...thr... Nikita got a shoulder up. Ref looked over and saw DeBeers' feet on the middle rope and ordered a break. DeBeers stomped Nikita and snapped Nikita up and bodyslammed Nikita and hit Nikita with a knee drop to the head. DeBeers for the pin. 1...2...3! NO! Nikita kicked out. DeBeers grabbed Nikita and went to whip Nikita into the corner but Nikita reversed and sent DeBeers slamming into the buckles. Nikita charged in with another running shoulder block and this time it connected. DeBeers staggered out of the corner and walked across the ring holding his gut and crashed to the mat. Nikita assumed the position and the crowd was feeling it. DeBeers up and turned and Nikita charged in an pulverized DeBeers with his Russian sickle finisher. Nikita for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans popped loudly.

Nikita up and the ref raised his hand in victory. Nikita looked down at the hurting and defeated DeBeers and then left the ring, stood on the apron and threw his fists victoriously in the air to more cheers before leaving and heading back up the face aisle.

WINNER: Nikita - Pinfall - 10:22

Announcers discussed Koloff's victory over DeBeers.

Ad aired for All-Star Wrestling.

AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Destruction Crew (WTTC) vs. Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton

Haynes and Norton made their way down the face aisle to a strong ovation.

Destruction Crew made their way down the heel aisle to loud boos. They were wearing their titles and hard hats.

They removed the hard hats and they were placed on the timekeeper's table by a ring attendant.

Larry Nelson standing center ring with mic in hand.

Nelson: This contest is scheduled for one fall with a 45-minute time-limit and is for the AWA World Tag Team Championship.

Crowd cheered.

Nelson: Introducing first, the challengers. Weighing in at a combined 525 pounds... they hail from the Pacific Northwest... Scott Norton and Billy Jack Haynes!

Nice cheer from the crowd. Both men briefly acknowledged the crowd.

Nelson: And their opponents.

Crowd boos rising.

Nelson: Weighing in at a combined weight of 514 pounds... they hail from Chicago, Illinois... the reigning AWA World Tag Team Champions... Mike Enos and Wayne Bloom... the Destruction Crew!

Boos grew louder as the champs had deadly serious looks on their faces.

Nelson: Your referee is Marty Miller!

Miller took the belts from the champs and held them up for all to see before handing them off to Larry nelson.

Miller called both teams to center ring.

Miller laid down the ground rules and patted each man down and sent each team back o their corners.

Ref called for the bell.

Haynes and Bloom started the match for their teams. The two men engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Haynes gained the advantage and caught Bloom in a side headlock takeover. Both men down on the mat and Haynes still holding onto the side headlock. Haynes worked over the headlock as Bloom tried to escape. Haynes continued to work over the side headlock as both men made it to their knees and then their feet. Bloom shoved Haynes off and Haynes hit the ropes and came off and caught Bloom with a shoulder tackle. Bloom crashed to the mat. Bloom up and he and Haynes started to lock up again and Bloom caught Haynes with a knee to the gut followed by a forearm smash to the back. Bloom whipped Haynes into the ropes and Haynes came off and Bloom dived down and Hayes leaped over Bloom and Bloom got up and Haynes came at Bloom and Bloom dived down again and Haynes leaped over Bloom, hit the ropes and came off with another shoulder tackle and Bloom crashed to the mat again as the crowd cheered. Bloom up and Haynes caught Bloom in another side headlock. Haynes again worked over the headlock and Bloom was able to maneuver Haynes next to the ropes to force a break in the hold. Bloom stunned Haynes with a punch and caught Haynes in a front facelock. Bloom cinched up on the hold and Haynes started squirming in the hold. Haynes was able to drive Bloom back-first into the buckles and Bloom lost his grip on the hold. Haynes popped Bloom with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Haynes went to whip Bloom into the opposite buckles but Bloom reversed and sent Haynes crashing into them. Bloom repaid Haynes with shoulder blocks to the gut of his own and tagged in Mike Enos. Bloom with a kick to the gut before leaving the ring. Enos then hit Haynes with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut of his own. Haynes staggered out by the ropes. Enos whipped Haynes into the ropes and dropped Haynes with a clothesline. Haynes crashed to the mat. Enos for the cover. 1...2... Haynes kicked out. Enos grabbed Haynes as Haynes was getting up and Enos placed his foot on the top buckle and slammed Haynes' head into his boot. Haynes hurting. Enos clubbed Haynes in the back. Enos whipped Haynes into the ropes and looked to catch Haynes coming off with a backdrop but Haynes leapfrogged Enos, spun around, ran Enos into the ropes for a roll up for the pin. 1...2... Enos kicked Haynes off. Both men up and Haynes lit into Enos with a series of punches. Haynes whipped Enos into his team's corner and caught Enos with a series of knees to the gut and tagged in Norton as the crowd popped. Norton grabbed Enos and whipped Enos into the opposite buckles and charged in and hit Enos with an avalanche. Norton whipped Enos into the opposite buckles and nailed Enos with another avalanche. Enos staggered out of the corner and crashed to the mat. Norton ran to hit the ropes and Bloom came down the apron and got a knee up and Norton's back slammed into it. Norton fell forward in the ring. Ref reprimanded Bloom. Enos up and stomped Norton in the head. Enos picked Norton up and nailed Norton with a fallaway slam. Enos for the cover. 1...2... Norton kicked out. Norton to all fours and Enos raked his boot laces across Norton's face. Enos snapped up Norton and slammed his head into the top buckle and tagged in Bloom. Bloom with a series of forearms shivers to the side of Norton's head. Bloom whipped Norton into the opposite buckles and Bloom moved in and Norton charged out of the corner and leveled Bloom with a running clothesline. Bloom slammed to the mat and the crowd erupted.

Norton lifted Bloom up by the throat and held him in the air and threw Bloom back down to the mat. Bloom got to a knee and Norton caught Bloom in an over the shoulder backbreaker. Bloom in trouble. Enos hit the ring and nailed Norton in the back with a sideways double sledge. Norton lost his grip on Bloom. Haynes hit the ring and nailed Enos with a flurry of punches as Enos climbed out on the apron. As the ref got Haynes out of the ring, Enos climbed back in the ring behind their backs and stomped Norton in the nuts. Enos fled back to his corner as Haynes stepped back out on the apron. Bloom snapped Norton up and nailed Norton with a double underhook suplex followed by an elbow smash. Bloom up and tagged in Enos. Enos in and hit Norton with head shots, hoiosted Norton on his shoulder and hit the snake eyes on Norton. Norton crumpled to the mat. Enios for the cover. 1...2...thr... Norton kicked out. Fans cheered. Enos snapped up Norton and went to whip Norton into the ropes but Norton reversed and caught Enos coming off in the fireman's carry position and blasted Enos with a Samoan drop. Crowd cheered. Norton slow in making the coveer. 1...2...thr... Enos kicked out. Crowd goaned. Norton up and started moving in the direction of his partner. Enos stirred and got up and lunged at Norton but Norton made the tag. Crowd roared. Haynes came in and fired away on Enos with punches. Bloom hit the ring and Haynes belted Bloom and then alternated punching each man. Bloom crashed to the mat and rolled out on the apron. Haynes whipped Enos into the ropes and caught Enos coming off with a press slam. Haynes moved in behind Enos as Enos shakily made it to his feet. Haynes locked Enos in his full nelson finisher. Enos struggling to escape. Enos weakening in the hold. Bloom had recovered, hit the ring and bashed Haynes from behind with a forearm smash to the back to break up the hold. Norton hit the ring but the ref intercepted him and ordered Norton back to his corner. Bloom grabbed Haynes and threw Haynes over the top rope down to the floor behind the ref's back. Crowd yelling at the ref. Norton back to his corner and Bloom back to his. Ref ordered Bloom to stand back and Enos did. Ref began the 10-count. Count grew and Haynes stirred. Enos thinking the champs were gonna win by countout but at the count of 9, Haynes up and rolled into the ring to barely beat the count. Enos stomped away on Haynes while grabbing the top rope and broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Enos grabbed Haynes and whipped Haynes into the ropes and caught Haynes coming off with an ove head belly-to-belly suplex. Haynes in a bad way. Enos grabbed Haynes and threw Haynes into the corner and tagged in Bloom. Bloom in and fired away on Haynes with head and body shots. Bloom went to whip Haynes into the ropes but Haynes reversed and caught Bloomn coming off wiht a clothesline. Bloom crashed to the mat. Haynes regained his bearings as Bloom slowly made it to his feet. Haynes moved in on Bloom with punches and then bodyslammed Bloom and hit Bloom with a legdrop. Haynes for the cover. 1...2...thr... Bloom kicked out. Haynes up as Bloomw as getting up and Haynes tagged in Norton to the delight of the crowd.

Norton came in a house of fire and tore into Bloom with punches. Norton whipped Bloom into the corner and nailed Bloom with an avalanche. Norton pulled Bloom out of the corner and went for his powerbomb finisher but Bloom blocked the move and Enos hit the ring and destroyed Norton with a running clothesline. Norton crashed to the mat. Ref ordered Enos back to his corner. Haynes started to climb in but the ref was able to get him out of the ring. Bloom tagged in Enos and Enos mounted the middle buckle as Bloom hoisted Norton up for a spike piledriver. Haynes dropped off the apron and ran over and tripped up Enos and Enos lost his blance and fell forward into the upside down Norton and Bloom crashed to the mat with Norton on top of him. Enos up and stomped Norton. Enos peeled Norton off Bloom and went to whip Norton into the ropes but Norton reversed and caught Enos coming off with a powerslam. Norton for the pin. 1...2...3! NO! Bloom hit the ring and dived over and broke up the pin with a double sledge to the back. Both men down in the ring as Haynes went to go after Bloom but the ref intercepted Haynes and the pair argued. With Haynes distracted, Bloom charged over and nailed Haynes with a forearm shiver to the side of the head. Haynes fell out of the ring thrrough the top and middle rope down to the floor. Ref getting Bloom back to his corner. Enos picked up Norton and went to whip Norton into the corner but Norton reversed and sent Enois into the other direction and Enos crashed into the ref, who was slammed into the buckle and went down. Norton grabbed Enos and nailed Enos with a neckbreaker. Bloom hit the ring behind Norton and blasted Nortron with a low blow. Norton crashed to the mat. Three men down in the ring. Bloom went over to thee timekeeper's table and grabbed his hard hat. Haynes was getting to his feet at ringside and Bloom chargd over and struck Haynes in the back with the hat and Haynes crumpled back to the floor. Bloom climbed back into the ring. Enos to his feet as Norton was getting up and pounded on Norton with forearms. Ref started to stir. Bloom gestured for Enos to grab Norton from behind.

Pedicino: Is he gonna smash Norton in the head with that hard hat again?!

Norton reared back and went to hit Norton with the hard hat but Norton wriggled free from Enos' grasp and Bloom struck Enos in the head with the hard hat. Crowd went crazy as Enos crashed to the mat. Haynes recovered enough on the floor, hit the ring and tackled Bloom and the pair toppled therough the top and middle rope to the floor. Crowd in orbit. Ref, with the aid of the ropes making it to his feet. Norton grabbed Enos, hoisted Enos up and powerbombed Enos. Crowd roar defeaning. Norton for the cover as the ref saw what was happening and dropped down. 1.....2.....3! Groggy ref called for the bell as the fans were going wild.

Pedicino: The Destruction Crew's title reign is over after a year-and-a-half!

Ref went over and talked with Larry Nelson and took the belts from him.

Shot of the hard hat laying harmlessly in the ring.

Haynes climbed back in the ring and Bloom was laying on the floor. Haynes jumped in Norton's arms and the pair celebrated. Ref handed the men their titles and raised each man's hand in victory.

Nelson: 14 minutes, 23 seconds, your winners... and NEW AWA World Tag Team Champions... Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton!

More roars from the hot crowd as Haynes and Norton held their titles up for the fans to see before leaving the ring the new World Tag Team champs.

WINNER: Haynes & Norton - Pinfall - 14:23

Pedicino: What a moment here at Super Clash 5! New tag tream champions!

Bill, what do you... What are you doing?!

Dundee was dabbing at his eyes with a kleenex.

Dundee: It's like going to a funeral. The Destruction Crew were such honorable champions.

Pedicino: Honorable?! Did you see what they tried to do at the end of the match?!

Dundee: I think Wayne Bloom was trying to interest Scott Norton in a job in consstruction and it went awry.

Pedicino: Are you serious?! Never mind. Let's get to Tully Blanchard's AWA debut match.

AWA DEBUT MATCH: Tully Blanchard (w/ Valerie) vs. Brad Rheingans

Rheingans came to the ring down the face aisle to a decent ovation.

Tully and Val came down the heel aisle to mainly boos but Tully also had his fans.

Once in the ring, Tully untied his robe.

After ring announcer Larry Nelson intro'd Tully, Val removed Tully's robe, had final words with her newest signing and left the ring.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men came out of their corners and circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Tully gained the advantage and caught Rheingans in a side headlock. Rheingans countered with a belly-to-back suplex to free himself from the hold. Tully caught Rheingans with a kick to the gut and went to whip Rheingans into the ropes but Rheingans reversed and caught Tully coming off with a leg dive takedown and Rheingans briefly worked over Tully's foot and ankle. Rheingans released and Tully to his feet. Rheingans moved in on Tully and Tully backed up and stuck his upper body out through the top and middle rope and the ref ordered Rheingans to stand back to boos from the crowd. The two men cautiously circled one another and were about to engage in a collar-and-elbow tie-up when Tully struck Rheingans with an elbow to the top of the head. Tully caught Rheingans with punches and slammed Rheingasn head into the top buckle. Rheingans staggered off. Tully clubbed Rheingans in the back and then hit Rheingans with a suplex. Tully then hit multiple rapid-fire elbow drops on Rheingans. Tully for the cover. 1...2... Rheingans kicked out. Both men up and Tully with a kick to Rheingans' ribs followed by clubbing forearms across the back that drove Rheingans to his knees. Tully snapped up Rheingans and bodyslammed Rheingans. Tully climbed out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Rheingans got to his feet in the ring. Tully came off the top buckle with a double sledge to the top of Rgheingans' head and Rheingans crashed to the mat. Tully with a knee drop to the head. Tully snapped Rheingans up and whipped Rheingans into the ropes and looked to backdrop Rheingans coming off but Rheingans caught Tully in a front facelock and nailed Tully with his fisherman suplex (Perfect Plex) finisher for the pin. 1...2...3! NO! Tully barely kicked out. Most of the crowd groaned. Rheingans snapped up Tully and went to whip Tully into the buckles but Tully reversed and sent Rheingans into the buckles. Rheingans slammed into the buckles and stumbled out and Tully hit Rheingans with a gut kick and then Tully hit his slingshot suplex finisher on Brad. Tully for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Tully up and the ref raised his hand in victory to mostly boos but also some cheers. Val jumped in the ring and congratulated her newest signing.

WINNER: Tully - Pinfall - 5:34

Announcers pointed out that Val was 2-0 at SC 5.

Announcers discussed a major announcement coming form the AWA in October and fans needed to watch out for it.

They then talked about the new era AWA and said 1991 was gonna be even bigger than 1990.

Announers then said it was time for the main event.

AWA WORLD TITLE MATCH: Wahoo McDaniel (WC) vs. Greg Valentine (PWHC)

Valentine made his way down the heel aisle to mainly boos.

Wahoo made his way down the face aisle to loud cheers.

Larry Nelson stood center ring with mic in hand.

Nelson: This is our main event of Super Clash 5 and it is for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship!

Crowd buzzing.

Nelson: The match is scheduled for one fall with a 60-minute time-limit!

Introducing first, the challenger! Weighing in at 255 pounds, he hails from Seattle, Washington... he is the reigning Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion... Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine!

No response from Valentine.

Most booed but Valentine had his fans.

Nelson: And his opponent! Weighing in at 248 pounds, he hails from Midland, Texas... he is the reigning AWA World Heavyweight Champion... 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel!!

Wahoo stoic in tthe ring as the fans cheered him.

Ref took the World Title from Wahoo and held it up for all to see before handing the belt off to Larry Nelson.

Ref called both men to the middle of the ring and laid down the ground rules and patted each man down as they locked eyes with each other.

Ref sent each man back to his corner. As Wahoo and Valenttine turned to go to their corners, Valentine hooked a u-turn and attacked Wahoo from behind.

Ref called for the bell.

Valentine hammered away on Wahoo and then slammed Wahoo's head into the top buckle and caught Wahoo with a gut kick and follwed that with a series of elbows to the back of the neck. Valentine caught Wahoo in a small package for the pin. 1...2... Wahoo kicked out. Valentine grabbed Wahoo and nailed Wahoo with a suplex. Valentine ran and hit the ropes and cam off with a running elbow smash but Wahoo rolled out of the way and Valentine crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Both men to their feet and Wahoo laid into Valentine with a series knife-edge chest chops that drove Valentine to the corner. Wahoo switched to open hand chest chops. Wahoo pulled Valentine out of the corner and whipped Valentine into the ropes but Valentine grabbed the top rope, dropped down, rolled out fo the ring and dropped to the floor. Valentine wlaking around on the floor as the ref ordered Wahoo back and started the 10-count. Valentine walking around grabbing his chest. Count grew and Valentine climbed up on the ring apron and started to climb into the ring when Wahoo came over and Valentine caught Wahoo with an eye rake and then neck snapped Wahoo on the top rope. Wahoo crashed to the mat. Valentine dropped to the floor and grabbed Wahoo's legs and pulled Wahoo down to the floor. Valentine with punches on Wahoo and Valentine slammed Wahoo's head into the ring post. Wahoo went down on the floor. Valentine quickly in and out of the ring to break the ref's 10-count. Valentine snapped Wahoo up and Wahoo now bleeding.Valentine drove Wahoo hard, back-first into the ringside barricade. Valentine laid into Wahoo with chops, grabbed Wahoo and threw Wahoo back into the ring. Wahoo to his feet and Valentine chopped Wahoo and Wahoo fired back with a chop of his own. Valentine with another chop and Wahoo returned fire. Valentine with a third chop and Wahoo then hit Valentine with a flurry of chops but Valentine killed Wahoo's offensive with a knee to the gut followed by a bionic elbow. Wahoo stunned.

Valentine pulled Wahoo's legs out from under him and Wahoo crashed to the mat. Valentine yanked on Wahoo's left leg repeatedly and then locked Wahoo in the figure 4. Wahoo writhing in pain. Fans urging Wahoo to keep fighting. Wahoo would not submit. Valentine cinched up on the hold. Wahoo fighting through the pain started to reverse the hold. Valentine fought to maintain control but Wahoo, after a brief struggle, turned it over. Crowd popped. Valentine in serious pain but was able to grab the bottom rope to force a break in the hold. Legs untangled. Both men to their feet and Wahoo laid into Valentine with open-hand chest chops that drove Valentine into the corner. Valentine with a knee to thee gut and whipped Wahoo into the opposite buckles. Valentine charged in on Wahoo but Wahoo moved and Vaklentine slammed front-first into the buckles. Valentine turned and staggered out of the corner. Wahoo hit Valentine with more chest chops and then grabbed Valentine by the hair and hit Valentine with a tomahawk chop to the top of the head. Valentine crashed to the mat. Wahoo for the cover. 1...2...thr... Valentine kicked out. Crowd groaned. Wahioo snapped Valentine up and bodyslammed Valentine. Wahoo with a diving chop to the head. Wahoo for another cover. 1...2...thr... Valentine kicked out. Crowd groaned like they were sat on by Cass Elliott. Wahoo started to pull Valentine up and Valentine caught Waho with a throat thrust. Wahoo grabbed his throat. Ref reprimanded Valentine. Wahoo bent over by the ropes. Valentine charged over and drove a knee into the side of Wahoo's ribs and Wahoo toppled through the top and middle rope to the floor. Valentine not waiting and dropped to the floor. Valentine grabbed Wahoo and went to whip Wahoo into the post but Wahoo reversed and sent Valentine slamming shoulder-first into the post. Valentine staggered off. Ref counting. Wahoo followed Valentine and spun valentine around and hit Valentine with more chops.

Wahoo went to whip Valentine into the ringside barricade but Valentine reversed and sent Wahoo crashing into the barricade. Valentine grabbed Wahoo and threw Wahoo back into the ring. Valentine followed Wahoo in and caught Wahoo with a chest chop and then went to hit Wahoo with a backslide but Wahoo reversed and caught Valentine with a backslide for the pin. 1...2...3! NO! Valentine kicked out. More groaning. Both men up and Valentine caught Wahoo with a kick to the left knee area. Valentine repeated the kick. Wahoo wobbly and turned away from Valentine. Valentine came up behind Wahoo and hit Wahoo with a chop block to the back of the knee. Wahoo crumpled to the mat. Valentine up and grabbed Wahoo's left leg and yanked on it. Valentine went for the figure 4 but Wahoo reached up and caught Valentine in a small package for the pin. 1...2...3! Crowd roared as the ref called for the bell.

Ref went over and spoke to Larry Nelson abnd took the belt.

Ref raised Wahoo's hand in victory and handed Wahoo the title.

Nelson: 12 minutes, 20 seconds, your winner..,. and STILL AWA World Champion... 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel!

More cheers.

Valentine shoved Wahoo from behind and Wahoo spun around.

Valentine picked up on a mic.

Valentine: This isn't over, Wahoo! I'll be back!

Wahoo: Bring it on!

The two briefly glared at each other before Valentine left the ring and Wahoo, in ring, celebrated with the fans as the program ended.

WINNER: Wahoo - Pinfall - 12:20



(Not a sellout but another good crowd in Milwaukee. Made ther right choice bringing SC back to Beer City.)
Last edited:

Raider Nation

Active Member
Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(4th Taping)

(Show taped before Super Clash 5.)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

Don Muraco vs. Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey

Highlights of the St. Paul tribute to Verne Gagne

Akio Sato & Ninja Go vs. The Top Guns

And more!!!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas.

Tom Zenk vs. Jonnie Stewart

Stewart came down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Zenk came down the face aisle to a decent ovation.

Zenk came out on fire and wound up driving Stewart from the ring to the floor to the delight of the crowd early in the match. Zenk dominated early until Stewart took advantage of a Zenk mistake and then Stewart was in control. Some good near falls.

End of the match saw Zenk on the offensive and whipped Stewart into the corner. Zenk charged in on Stewart for a splash but Stewart moved and Zenk slammed into the buckles. Upper half of Zenk's body leaned out of the top buckle. Stewart pulled Zenk off the rope and bodyslammed Zenk. Stewart climbed out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with his flying elbow to the chest finisher that connected. Stewart for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as most of the crowd booed.

Stewart had his hand rasied by the ref in victory.

Stewart - Pinfall - 7:28

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... ROLL CALL OF CHAMPS!!!


Nelson intro'd the AWA roll call of champions for the end of September.



Wahoo McDaniel


Greg Valentine (PWHC)

Cactus Jack

Bob Orton

The Trooper

Jonnie Stewart

Greg Valentine

Top 5 Contenders

Don Muraco

Cactus Jack

The Trooper

Col. DeBeers

Sam Houston

Magnificent Mimi

Top 5 Contenders

Madusa Miceli

2 Tina Moretti

Reggie Bennett

Candi Divine

Wendi Richter

Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton

Top 5 Contenders

The Destruction Crew

2 K
en Patera & Brad Rheingans

Badd Company

Akio Sato & Ninja Go

Greg Gagne & Jake Milliman

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... MORE ACTION!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Updates

The Guerrero Bros. vs. Akio Sato & Ninja Go

Sato and Go came to the ring down the heel aisle to fairly strong boos.

Guerrero Bros. came to the ring down the face aisle to a nice ovation.

Match was high-flying and fast-paced with exciting near falls. The fans got into it because of the athleticism.

End of the match saw Hector Guerrero and Akio Sato in the ring. Sato had worked over Hector and whipped Hector into the corner. Sato charged in and Hector moved and Sato slammed into the buckles and Hectot maneuvered around and hoisted Sato up on his shoulders and nailed Sato with an electric chair slam. Hector for the cover. 1...2...thr... Go broke up the pin with a diving elbow to the back. Mando in and went to go after Go but the ref caught Mando and ordered Mando back to his corner. As the pair argued, Go snapped up Hector and popped Hector with a backbreaker across the knee. Go back out on the apron. Ref got Mando back to his corner. Sato snapped up Hector and blasted Hector with his Japanese Vegematic (sitout powerbomb) finisher. Sato for the cover. 1... Hector hit the ring but was quickly cut off by Go. ...2...3!

Ref called for the bell as the crowd mainly booed.

Sato up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

Sato & Go - Pinfall - 6:32

PIc aired of Verne Gagne with the caption: NEXT... TRIBUTE TO MR. AWA!!!


In-studio: Larry Nelson intro'd highlights from a tribute to Verne Gagne that took place at the St. Paul Civic Center in July.


Video showed footage from the tribute to Verne plus snippets of speeches by AWA luminaries Nick Bockwinkel, Crusher, Billy Robinson, Baron Von Raschke and son Greg Gagne.

Video also showed Verne receiving gifts and the Key to the City from the mayor of St. Paul.

Video also featured comments from Verne and guests behind the scenes talkng about the big night. Plus interviews with some of the fans who had fond memories of the AWA's heyday when Verne ran the show.


Nelson talked about the special night to honor the man who was responsible for creating and building the AWA. Nelson also thanked the fans who came out for the tribute show.

Nelson then talked about what a great event SC 5 was and said they'd have highlights and comments from the event on next week's show.

Split-screen pic aired of Don Muraco and Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey with the caption: NEXT... CALM BEFORE THE STORM!!!

Nelson intro'd pre-match comments from Muraco and El-Kaissey before their cage match.


Sheik Adnan was in his Arab garb with mic in hand standing in front of the AWA logo.

This match should not be happening!

How dare the AWA order me to be put in a cage with a wild animal like Muraco! The man is insane!

I am retired from wrestling! I am now a manager!

I tried to get this unjust match stopped but the infidel courts ruled otherwise!

Now, my life is in danger because the infidel dog wants to see me maimed... or worse!

But, I want Muraco to know one thing! I will not come into this match unprepared!

Don Muraco! If I am to be harmed, then I will harm you, too!

Pic flipped and Muraco was in street clothes holding a mic and standing in front of the AWA logo.

Muraco: Sheik Adnan! There will be nowhere for you to run in our cage match!

I want vengeance and I shall have it!

I'm going to take my time and enjoy giving you a sound thrashing!

I don't just intend to beat you! I intend to hurt you like you've never been hurt before!

You're getting in that cage with a very angry man, Sheik! And you will pay dearly for what you did to me with that weapon at WrestleRock!

And since I know you're gonna bring Kokina to the ring with you, guess what?! I'll have someone with me, too!

See you inside the steel!


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... CAGE RAGE!!!


TV MAIN EVENT - STEEL CAGE MATCH: Don Muraco vs. Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey

Kaissey made his way to the ring in his ring attire and brought Kokina with him down the heel aisle to loud boos.

Kaissey talked to Kokina and then climbed into the cage.

Muraco came down the face aisle and made his way to the cage and turned and gestured for someone to come out. Jerry Blackwell came down the face aisle as the crowd popped big-time for the faces.

Muraco briefly talked with Blackwell and then Muraco climbed into the cage. Sheik staying as far away as possible from Muraco.

Cage door was closed and locked by an AWA official.

Before the match even started, Kokina tried to rip the cage door off.

Blackwell charged over (as much as Blackwell can charge over) and started belting Kokina with punches. Crowd popped as the two behemoths exchanged punches and fought back up the face aisle and disappeared to the back. Fans eating it up.

Kaissey was beside himself now that Kokina was gone.

Ref called for the bell.

Kaissey tried to climb out of thee cage but Muraco came over and grabbed Sheik and ripped him off the cage and threw Sheik down to the mat. Crowd totally hot. Sheik got up and tried to back off but backed himself into the corner. Sheik begging off. Sheik dropped to his knees pleading with Muraco to let him go. Muraco stood and looked at Sheik. Sheik slowly got to his feet. Muraco gestured for the Sheik to leave through the door. Sheik looked skeptically at Muraco for a moment and then cautiously made his way over to the door. Sheik yelled for the official to unlock the cage door. Muraco just looking at Sheik. Official unlocked the cage door and opened it. Sheik started to climb out of thee cage when Muraaco charged over and jumped Sheik and started pounding the living hell out of him. Crowd roaring as the cage door was closed. Announcers said you could only win by pin or submission. Muraco grabbed the Sheik and then threw him head-first into all four sides of the cage. Sheik staggered. Muraco reared back and pulverized Sheik with a big right hand and Sheik slammed to the mat. Sheik tried to crawl away from Muraco but Muraco grabbed Sheik by the back of the tights and pulled Sheik to his feet. Muraco whipped Sheik into the ropes and caught Sheik coming off with a stiff clothesline. Sheik crashed back to the mat. Muraco was enjoying the felonious assault. Muraco snapped Sheik up and violently scraped Sheik's head across the unforgiving steel. Sheik went down face-first on the mat. Ref ordered Muraco back and the fans booed the ref. They wanted the carnage to continue. Sheik to his knees and now bleeding. Muraco popped Sheik with some well-placed head shots on the cut. Muraco snapped Sheik up, hoisted Sheik in the air and threw Sheik like a dart head-first into the steel. Sheik back down. Muraco stomped on Sheik and pulled Sheik up, hoisted Sheik across his shoulders and hit Sheik with a Samoan drop. Sheik dead. Muraco covered Sheik. 1...2...thr... Muraco pulled Sheik up by the hair before the three count. Ref reprimanded Muraco but the crowd cheered Muraco. Muraco snapped Sheik up and whipped Sheik into the corner. Muraco moved in and nailed Sheik with a series of knees to the gut and then clubbed Sheuik across the back. Muraco threw Sheik out of the corner and Sheik crashed to the mat.

Dundee: The ref should stop the match. This is totally unnecessary! Sheik Adnan is retired and should not be put through this! How inhumane!

Pedicino: So, Bill Dundee is suddenly a great humanitarian! The irony of it all!

Muraco stood over Sheik as Sheik slowly made it to his feet. Muraco caught Sheik with another punch and Sheik then kneed Muraco in the groin. Muraco stumbled back and fell on his butt in the ring. As the ref checked on Muraco, Sheik, wearing a singlet, reached into the side of his tights aand pulled out a weapon and concealed it in his hand. Muraco to his feet and the Sheik moved in and popped Muraco in the head with the foreign object. Muraco stunned. Sheik nailed Muraco in the head with the object a second time. Muraco staggered. Sheik then hit Muraco with the weapon concealed in his right hand a third time. Muraco spun around, stumbled forward and crashed to his knees with his head and arms draped over the middle rope. Sheik stood over Muraco from behind and nailed Muraco with a deliberate series of foreign object shots to the head. Sheik then scraped the object acros Muraco's forehead. Ref ordered Sheik to stand back. Crowd buzzing.

Dundee: The Sheik is doing his civic duty! His tactics are those of the The original Sheik*! It's a winning formula!

Pedicino: So now everything is okay. Love your logic, Bill.

Ref ordered the match to continue.

Sheik grabbed Muraco and pulled him up and Muraco was now bleeding. Sheik moved in and caught Muraco with another foreign object shot to the head. Muraco fell back into the corner. Sheik moved in and struck Muraco with the object again. Muraco staggered out of the corner. Sheik grabbed Muraco, whipped Muraco into the ropes and caught Muraco coming off with another foreign object shot to the head. Muraco crumpled to the mat. Sheik for the pin. 1...2...3! NO! Muraco got a shoulder up. Crowd popped. Sheik backed up and waited for Muraco to get to his feet. Muraco up and Sheik went to hit Muraco with the object again but Muraco blocked the punch try and fired away on Sheik with punches. Sheuk dropped the object. Ref tossed the object. Announcers said the winner must win by pinfall or submission. Crowd alive. Muraco whipped Sheik into the corner and charged in and blasted the Sheik with a running clothesline. Sheik staggered out of the corner and crashed down on the mat. Muraco snapped Sheik up by the hair and threw Sheik head-first into the cage. Sheik bounced back and walked right into a powerslam from Muraco. Crowd in orbit. Muraco, wearing a crimson mask, stood up and wildly gestured to the crowd it was time for his inverted piledriver finisher. Sheik crawled over and grabbed Muraco's leg and was shaking his head 'no more'. Muraco looked down at Sheik, picked Sheik up and blasted Sheik with his inverted piledriver finisher. Muraco for the cover. 1...2...thr... Muraco pulled Sheik up by the hair. Crowd cheering. Ref reprimanded Muraco. Muraco snapped Sheik up and inverted piledrived him once again. Muraco for the cover. 1...2...thr... Muraco pulled Sheik up once more. Crowd acting like Romans watching Christians vs. lions in the arena. Muraco hoisted Sheik up and hit him with another inverted piledriver. Muraco covered Sheik and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd exploded.

Muraco to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory but Muraco yanked his hand away. Muraco stood over the defeated and thoroughly destroyed Sheik. Muraco reached down and pulled Sheik up by the hair. Ref tried to get Muraco to stop. Sheik practically limp. Muraco held Sheik there for a moment. Sheik too banged up to plead anymore. Muraco reared back like he was gonna drill the Sheik once more but instead just tossed Sheik down by the hair to the mat. Muraco looked at Sheik as the ref interceded and checked on the big loser in this one.

Muraco left the cage and dropped to the floor as a euphoric crowd cheered his demolition of the man from the MIddle East. Muraco raised his fists in the air and the crowd ate it up as the program ended.

: Muraco - Pinfall - 9:09



Col. DeBeers, Rip Oliver & The Grappler vs. Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes
WINNER: Haynes & Norton - Norton pinned Oliver after a powerbomb - 14:35

Wahoo McDaniel (WC), Barry Windham & Nikita Koloff vs. Greg Valentine (PWHC), Bob Orton & Jonnie Stewart
WINNER: Wahoo, Nikita & Barry - Pinfall - Nikita pinned Orton with a Russian sickle - 18:11

Cactus Jack and the Trooper fought to a double count out - 6:24





(Has to be considered a rousing success. People who got free tickets were said be interested in the double cage main. Same also appeared to drive a large chunk of ticket sales. Crowd with a lot of rocker types in it.)

*Ed Farhat, aka, the Original Sheik. Based out of Detroit.

* Since these tapings would have occured in late August/early September, the house show run of Muraco-Sheik cage matches would have been completed at the time of this airing.

Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(Show taped before SC 5.)

(4th Taping)

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

Cactus Jack vs. The Trooper

Ken Patera & Brad Rheingans vs. Badd Company

A look at the tribute to Verne Gagne which took place in St. Paul in July

Reggie Bennett vs. Black Venus

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Hammond.

Manny Fernandez vs. Barry Windham

Manny came down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Windham got a strong face reaction coming down the face aisle.

Ref called for the bell. The two men engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and struggled for quite a bit before Windham drove Manny against the ropes to force a break. Break was clean. The pair tied up again and Manny caught Barry in a side headlock. After a brief struggle, Barry shoved Manny off into the ropes and Manny came off and Barry caught Manny with a hip toss. Manny up and Barry caught Manny with an arm drag and then locked Manny in a rear chinlock. Barry worked over the chinlock but Manny would not submit. Barry released the hold and dropped an elbow to the top of Manny's head. Barry snapped Manny up and bodyslammed Manny and went to hit Manny with a jumping elbow smash but Manny rolled out of the way and Barry crashed to the mat. Both men up and Manny stunned Barry with a kick to the gut. Manny whipped Barry into the ropes and caught Barry coming off with a back fist to the face. Barry crashed to the mat. Manny raked his boot laces across Barry's face and Barry rolled out on the apron holding his face. Ref ordered Manny back and Manny obliged. Ref started the 10-count. Barry to his feet and started to climb back into the ring and Manny attacked Barry as Barry was climbing back in the ring. Manny whipped Barry into the buckles. Manny charged in and Barry got his foot up and Manny slammed face-first into it and staggered back. Barry came out of the corner firing away with punches on Manny. Barry whipped Manny into the ropes and caught Manny coming off with a high backdrop. Manny slammed to the mat and the crowd cheered. Manny getting up and Barry grabbed Manny by the hair and slammed Manny's head into the top buckle. Manny spun around in the corner and caught Manny with a series of knees to the gut and hip tossed Manny out of the corner. Manny sat up and Barry caught Manny with a flying snap mare. Manny down on the mat holding the back of his head. Barry reached down and started to pull Manny up when Manny stunned Barry with a jaw breaker to the top of the head. Barry snapped back and crashed to the mat. Manny grabbed Barry, whipped Barry into the ropes and caught Barry coming off with a jumping back elbow to the chest. Barry crashed to the mat. Manny for the cover. 1... Barry Kicked out. Barry getting up and Manny caught Barry with a kick to the chest. Manny whipped Barry into the ropes and looked to catch Barry coming off with a backdrop but Barry caught Manny and blasted Manny with a DDT. Crowd popped bigly. Windham a little slow in making the cover. 1...2...thr... Manny kicked out. Crowd groaned. Barry up and snapped Manny up and whipped Manny into the buckles. Barry moved in and popped Manny with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Manny staggered out of the corner and dropped to his knees. Barry reached down and started pulling Manny up and Manny caught Barry with an eye rake and rolled Barry up in a small package for the pin. 1...2... Barry kicked out. Crowd cheered. Both men up and Manny hit Barry with some punches and went to hit Barry with a belly-to-back suplex but Barry flipped out of Manny's grasp and landed on his feet behind Manny. Manny turned and Barry hit him with a clothesline and Manny crashed to the mat. Barry grabbed Manny in a front facelock and worked it over but Manny not submitting. Manny then rammed Barry hard, back-first into the buckles. Barry slammed so hard into them that he dropped to his ass in the corner. Manny started choking Barry out with his knee and broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Manny then reached down and choked Barry with his hands and once again broke at the count of 4. Manny pulled Barry to his feet and whipped Barry into the ropes and caught Barry coming off with a back fist to the face. Barry spun around and crashed to the mat. Manny dropped a knee across Barry's chest and went for the pin. 1... Manny grabbed the top rope for leverage. ...2...3! NO! Barry got a shoulder up. Ref saw Manny's hand on the top rope and ordered a break. Manny stomped Barry and pulled Barry to his feet. Manny whipped Barry into the opposite buckles and charged in and looked to hit Barry with another jumping back elbow but Barry moved and Manny slammed Back-first into the buckles. Manny walked out by the ropes grabbing at his back. Barry moved in and pulverized Manny with punches, whipped Manny into the ropes and nailed Manny coming off with a flying dropkick. Manny crashed to the mat as the fans popped. A stunned Manny up as Barry grabbed Manny, whipped Manny into the ropes and caught Manny coming off with his flying lariat finisher. Manny down and Barry covered. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered.

Windham up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

Windham left the ring and slapped hands with fans on the way back up the face aisle.

WINNER: Windham - Pinfall - 8:26

Pic aired of Reggie Bennett with the caption: NEXT... RUMBLIIN' REG!!!


'Big' Reggie Bennett vs. Black Venus (from the LPWA)

Venus was in the ring and announced.

Bennett came down the face aisle to a strong ovation.

Venus attacked Reg before the match and the ref called for the bell. Venus almost stunned Reg in the first 30 seconds but Reg fought back and took control of the match. Reg dominated the rest of the way and finished Venus off with her split-leg rear chinlock finisher.

WINNER: Bennett - Submission - 2:49

In-studio: Nelson talked about what a big, powerful wrestler Bennett was and how she is a serious World Title contender.

Nelson talked about what a great event SC 5 was and said they'd have highlights and comments from some of the wrestlers next week on the program.

Pic aired of Verne Gagne with the caption: NEXT... TRIBUTE TO VERNE!!!

Commercials/Promos for house show cities/ Generic promos for non-house show cities

In-studio: Larry Nelson intro'd highlights from a tribute to Verne Gagne that took place at the St. Paul Civic Center in July.


# Video showed footage from the tribute to Verne plus snippets of speeches by AWA luminaries Nick Bockwinkel, Crusher, Billy Robinson, Baron Von Raschke and son Greg Gagne.

Video also showed Verne receiving gifts and the Key to the City from the mayor of St. Paul.

Video also featured comments from Verne and guests behind the scenes talking about the big night. Plus interviews with some of the fans who had fond memories of the AWA's heyday when Verne ran the show.


Nelson talked about the special night to honor the man who was responsible for creating and building the AWA. Nelson also thanked the fans who came out for the tribute show.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... TAG TEAM ACTION!!!


Ken Patera & Brad Rheingans vs. Badd Company (w/ Mgr. DDP)

Patera and Rheingans came down the face aisle to a pretty strong reaction.

Badd Co and DDP came down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Before the match started, crowd booed as Valerie made her way to the ring down the heel aisle. Val, on the floor, called over interviewer Eric Bischoff.

Val: Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans. I've just added one of the biggest stars in the sport in Tully Blanchard to my stable.

If you two come and work for me,. I will take you straight to the top. I've already got a proven track record of doing this. Just look at Women's Champion Magnificent Mimi.

With my guidance, you two can dominate the tag team division here in the AWA.

Patera left the ring for the floor and walked up to Val.

Patera: You'll take us to the top, huh?

Val: And make you two more money than you ever dreamed of. Let me make you the champions you deserve to be.

Patera: Well, I speak for both Brad and myself when I say... the answer is still NO!

Crowd popped.

Patera yelled for Valerie to leave ringside and Val was nervous Patera might do something to her by the tone of his voice and she beat a retreat back up the heel aisle.

Match between the two teams featured hard-hitting action. Exciting near falls and some cheating on the part of Badd Co. and DDP. DDP got his comeuppance during the bout when he tried to hit Patera with his cane but Patera smacked the crap out of DDP and sent DDP crashing to the floor to the delight of the Hammondites in attendance.

End of the match saw Brad and Diamond in the ring. Diamond was on the offensive and went to whip Brad into the ropes but Brad reversed and caught Diamond coming off with a belly-to-belly suplex. Crowd erupted. Brad for the cover. 1...2...thr... Tanka hit the ring and stomped Brad in the back of the head to break up the pin try. Patera charged over and clotheslined Tanaka to the mat. Tanaka rolled out of the ring onto the apron and crashed to the floor and Patera followed. Ref distracted with Patera and Tanaka. Both men up in the ring and Bad hit Diamond with his fisherman suplex (Perfect Plex) finisher for the pin. Crowd yelling for the ref to turn around as Tanaka grabbed the middle rope and tried to pull himself up onto the apron and back into the ring. Patera grabbed Tanaka and a struggle ensued to pull Tanaka off the ropes. Ref still distracted. DDP hit the ring behind the ref and clubbed Brad, who was in the bridgeout position, in the gut with his cane. Brad lost his grip on the hold. DDP fled the ring as Diamond covered Brad. Patera yanked Tanaka off the rope and down to the floor. Ref turned and saw Diamond pinning Brad. Ref dropped for the count. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed.

Diamond up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

Patera had dropped Tanaka on the floor with a big right hand and saw Brad laid out in the ring and climbed in as Diamond left for the floor.

As Patera checked on Brad, Diamond and DDP helped Tanaka to his feet and the trio left the ringside area.

Patera helped Brad to his feet and said something to Brad and the two got into a heated exchange and Brad shoved Patera. More words exchanged. Brad pointed an accusatory finger at Patera and Patera slapped the finger out of his face. Brad stormed off still grabbing at his gut form the cane shot. A confused and stunned Patera left in the ring. Patera then left and followed several steps behind Brad up the face aisle to the back.

WINNER: Badd Co. - Pinfall - 7:11

Announcers wondered if there was dissension brewing between Patera and Brad. Said they were stunned by the turn of events.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... CRAZY VS. THE LAW!!!

Commercials/Promos for house show cities/ Generic promos for non-house show cities

TV MAIN EVENT: Cactus Jack vs. The Trooper

Trooper came down the face aisle to a strong ovation and handed out souvenir tickets to fans on the way to the ring.

Cactus came down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had his fans.

Ref called for the bell.

Cactus charged over and jumped Trooper and pounded away on him. Jack went to whip Trooper into the ropes but Trooper reversed and caught Jack coming off with a high backdrop. Jack crashed to the mat. Trooper grabbed Jack and Jack caught Trooper with a trio of gut punches and then dropped Trooper with a discus clothesline. Trooper crashed to the mat. Jack stomped away on Trooper and dragged Trooper over and hanged Trooper upside down in the corner. Jack backed up and charged in and nailed Trooper with his hanging elbow drop. Trooper toppled over and crashed face first in the ring. Jack snapped Trooper up and Trooper stunned Jack with a series of elbow strikes to the side of the head. Jack stumbled back. Trooper laid into Jack with punches, whipped Jack into the ropes and caught Jack coming off with a clothesline. Jack crashed to the mat. Trooper snapped Jack up and had Jack hanging upside down over his back and nailed Jack with a double leg slam. Crowd cheered. Trooper for the cover. 1...2... Jack kicked out. Both men up and Trooper struck Jack and Jack fell into the corner. Trooper pulled Jack out of the corner, whipped Jack into the ropes and looked to catch Jack coming off with a backdrop but Jack instead nailed Trooper with a swinging neckbreaker. Both men down. Ref counting. Both men slowly to their feet and engaged in a punch exchange. Jack got the upper hand and bodyslammed Trooper and hit Trooper with a running leg drop. Jack for the cover. 1...2... Trooper kicked out. Jack grabbed Trooper and went to hoist Trooper up for a suplex but Trooper twice blocked the move and hit Jack with a suplex. Trooper held onto Jack and repeated the move. Trooper repeated the move a third time. Trooper snapped Jack up. Trooper went to whip Jack into the corner but Jack reversed and sent Trooper smashing into the buckles. Trooper staggered out of the corner by the ropes as Jack backed up. Jack charged over and hit Trooper with a running clothesline that sent both men toppling over the top rope and crashing to the floor. Both men down. Ref started the 10-count. Both men stirred on the floor. Jack up as Trooper was getting up and Jack kicked Trooper and slammed Trooper's head into the ring apron. Jack grabbed Trooper and went to ram Trooper's head into the ring post but Trooper shoved Jack off and Jack slammed into the post and stumbled off. Trooper caught up to Jack and spun jack around and started nailing Jack with punches. ...8...9...10! Ref called for the bell. The two men were slugging it out at ringside. Jack was able to eye gouge Trooper and throw Trooper into the ringside barricade. Ref called for the bell once more to no avail. Jack grabbed an empty chair from next to the announcer's table and quickly folded it up. Trooper turned and Jack swung the chair down and Trooper caught the chair and a struggle over the chair ensued. Trooper caught Jack with a kicked to the gut and gained control of the chair as the fans cheered. Jack started to back up as Trooper stalked Jack. Jack backed himself into the ring post. Trooper swung the chair at Jack but Jack escaped and the chair slammed into the post. Jack walked over and grabbed the ring bell off the timekeeper's table. A stand-off ensued. Wrestlers from both dressing rooms, refs and AWA officials came out and kept the two at bay as the program ended.

DECISION: Double Count Out - 6:14



Don Muraco def. Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey via pinfall with his inverted piledriver finisher - 5:53 - Both men bled

CAGE MATCH #2: Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton def. Col. DeBeers, Rip Oliver & The Grappler when Norton pinned Oliver after a powwerbomb - 11:47 - Haynes and Oliver bled

6-MAN TAG MATCH: Wahoo McDaniel (WC), Barry Windham & Nikita Koloff def. Greg Valentine (PWHC), Bob Orton & Jonnie Stewart when Nikita pinned Orton after a Russian sickle - 15:38


(Great crowd for ASW. Driven by the double cage main.)
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Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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CURRENT AWA ROSTER (Updated for September 1990)


(New addition to the roster)


Deborah Harry

John Waters

Jim Crockett

Bill Watts

Jerry Jarrett


Nick Bockwinkel


Wahoo McDaniel (AWA WC)

Nikita Koloff

Ken Patera

Brad Rheingans

Tom Zenk

Barry Windham

Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton (WTTC)

Greg Gagne

Jake Milliman

Top Guns (Ricky Rice & Derrick Dukes)

'Big' Reggie Bennett

Sam Houston

Don Muraco

The Guerrero Bros.

Tina Moretti

Jerry Blackwell

Wendi Richter

Tommy Jammer

Trooper Del Wilkes


Greg Valentine (PWHC)

Cactus Jack

Kokina Maximus

Col. DeBeers

Tully Blanchard

The Destruction Crew

Badd Company (Paul Diamond & Pat Tanaka)

Manny Fernandez

Rip Oliver

Greg Valentine (Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion)

Tommy Rich

The Grappler

Magnificent Mimi (AWA Women's WC)

Bobby Jaggers

'Cowboy' Bob Orton

Heidi Lee Morgan

Candi Divine (Tweener)

Lelani Kai

Jonnie Stewart

Akio Sato

Ninja Go

MANAGERS (F = Face/H = Heel)

Dallas Page (Badd Company) (H)

Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey (Kokina Maximus) (H)

Dick Murdoch (Sam Houston) (F)

Valerie (Magnificent Mimi) (H)



Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee (Match Announcers)

Larry Nelson (Ring Announcer/In-Ring Interviewer/Alcoholic)


Jack Reynolds & David Crockett (Match Announcers)

Eric Bischoff (Ring Announcer/In-Ring Interviewer)


AWA Championship Wrestling (ESPN)​

AWA All-Star Wrestling (Syndicated)

Last edited:

Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/Interviewer:
Eric Bischoff

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(1st Taping)

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

All tag matches on the show!!!

Rip Oliver, The Grappler & Col. DeBeers vs. Greg Gagne, Jake Milliman & Jerry Blackwell

Akio Sato & Ninja Go vs. The Top Guns

Jonnie Stewart & Manny Fernandez vs. Tom Zenk & Tommy Jammer

Tommy Rich & Dennis Stamp vs. The Guerrero Bros.

A look at highlights from SC 5 plus interview with some of the event's participants

A major announcement about next week's show

And more!

Akio Sato & Ninja Go vs. The Top Guns

Sato and Go came down the heel aisle to fairly strong boos.

Top Guns (Ricky Rice and Derrick Dukes) came down the face aisle to a decent response.

Good back-and-forth action with neither side gaining a firm advantage throughout.

End of the match saw Sato on the offensive on Rice and Sato whipped Rice into the ropes and looked to catch Rice coming off with a backdrop but Rice leapfrogged Sato and ran Sato into the ropes and rolled Sato up from behind into a bridgeout to score the 1...2...3 for the Guns.

WINNER: Guns - Pinfall - 7:12

Pic aired of Stewart and Manny with the caption: NEXT... ODD COUPLE!!!


Jonnie Stewart & Manny Fernandez vs. Tom Zenk & Tommy Jammer

Zenk and Jammer came down the face aisle to a fair response.

Stewart and Fernandez came down the heel aisle to a decent negative crowd reax.

Zenk and Jammer held serve early before Manny and Jonnie fought their way back into the match and took control. Late surge by Zenk and Jammer almost produced the upset victory for the pair. But, in the end, Stewart and Manny proved too much as Stewart pinned Zenk with his flying elbow smash off the top rope and Manny pinned Jammer with his flying burrito finisher to score the dual pinfalls.

Stewart & Manny - Pinfall - 5:19

Pic aired of the SC 5 logo with the caption: NEXT... SC 5 HIGHLIGHTS!!!

Commercials/Promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

Larry Nelson said what a great event SC 5 was and intro'd a highlight reel of the event.

3-minute video highlights package from SC 5 played to the song Winner Takes It All* by Sammy Hagar.

In-studio: Nelson discussed Haynes and Norton winning the World Tag Team Titles and intro'd a post-match interview with them in the locker room.

# Eric Bischoff was standing by with new AWA World Tag Champs Scott Norton and Billy Jack Haynes.

The champs were still in their ring attire and each had a belt slung over his shoulder.

Eric: Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton! Congratulations on becoming the new AWA World Tag Team Champions!

You ended the 18-month run of the Destruction Crew and the crowd, as you could tell, loved it!

How are you guys feeling right now?

Haynes: I feel this is the greatest accomplishment of my career, Eric.

The Destruction Crew were the champs for 18 long months! It was like a dark ages for tag team wrestling!

They held onto those belts by any means necessary! But today, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, they ran out of luck!

We worked hard to move our way up the ladder here in the AWA to put ourselves in a position to win these belts and we did it! We did it!

Norton: The Destruction Crew did everything they could to try and derail our championship dream!

That attack in the parking lot against us by the then champions was meant to be a warning and intimidate us!

It failed on both fronts! It only made us more determined to win these titles today!

The Destruction Crew, you have to give them credit, no matter how begrudgingly! They held onto these belts for 18 months! That's a long time to hold any belt in this sport!

But, all their shortcuts! All their head games! The attack on us! None of it worked!

We now stand before the AWA fans as the new World Tag Team Champions! And I'll never forget what me and Billy Jack accomplished here tonight!

Eric: They are the new tag team champions Scott Norton and Billy Jack Haynes.


(* Winner Takes It All: )

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... MORE ACTION!!!


Tommy Rich & Dennis Stamp vs. The Guerrero Bros.

Guerrero Bros. made their way to the ring down the face aisle to a nice ovation.

Rich and Stamp came down the heel aisle to boos.

Before the match, Rich got on the ring mic.

Rich: Tonight, I begin my hunt for the ultimate tag team partner. I need to find a partner who can hep me win the AWA World Tag Team Titles.

The first wrestler auditioning for the job is Mr. Dennis Stamp.

Ref called for the bell.

Short match and Stamp bore the brunt of he Guerreros offense.

End of the brief affair saw Mando pin Stamp with a moonsault.

WINNER: Guerrero Bros. - Pinfall - 2:23

Rich attacked the defeated Stamp after the match and threw Stamp over the top rope down to the floor.

Rich then went over to Eric Bischoff on the floor.

Rich: Dennis Stamp. Sorry. You didn't make the cut, buddy. Better luck next time if there is one.

Pic aired of a bloody Cactus Jack with the caption: NEXT... CREEPY INTERVIEW!!!

Commercials/Promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

In-studio: Nelson discussed the wild, bloody falls count anywhere match between Jerry Lawler and Cactus Jack at SC 5.

Nelson then intro'd a post-match interview with Cactus Jack.


# Eric Bischoff was standing with a still bloody Cactus Jack in the locker room after Jack's match with Lawler.

Eric: Cactus Jack, you were the loser in tonight's falls count anywhere match with Jerry Lawler.

It was a wild, hard-hitting, bloody affair between you two.

One has to wonder was there really a winner in the bout?

Cactus: Jerry Lawler. You may have won our fight tonight.

But know this. I'm not through with you Jerry Lawler. No way in hell is this over between us.

You see, you think you're just gonna head back to Memphis and that's the end of it.

But, I'm coming to Memphis, Lawler, and I'm gonna hunt you down and destroy you for good.

I loved the violence, the pain, the bloodshed. All of it was exhilarating.

Well, we're gonna clash again. I can 100 percent promise you that.

And all the violence, pain and bloodshed is gonna be amped up even further.

I'm gonna drain the life out of your body, Lawler!

I want to send you out of the arena in an ambulance! I am gonna maim you beyond recognition!

I want to rip some of the skin off your body!

Eric winced.

Cactus: I may have lost the match tonight! But, I consider what I did my greatest accomplishment so far in my career!

I want to break you mentally and physically! You need to suffer to the most extreme degree, Lawler!

I hate you so bad, words can't begin to describe that hatred!

And I won't rest, Lawler, until I've mangled you to the point that you're unrecognizable and can't wrestle ever again!

It's over for the King! The King is dead! Long live Cactus Jack!

Jack walked out of the picture as a shocked Bischoff looked on.


(The stuff that would happen between Cactus and Lawler in Memphis would not be covered on AWA programming. Since Jerry Jarrett is part-owner of the AWA in the story, AWA wrestlers would occasionally work Memphis. This is one of those times. The two would meet twice at Mid-South Coliseum. The first match being a wild, bloody double count out and the re-match a couple of weeks later, also at Mid-South, would be a Memphis chain match with Lawler going over clean.)

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... 6-MAN MAYHEM!!!


In-studio: Nelson said that the major news spoken of at the beginning of the show was this...

Next week on AWA on ESPN, they will be airing the complete AWA World Tag Team Title match from Super Clash 5 where Haynes and Norton defeated the Destruction Crew to become the new AWA World Tag Team Champions.

Nelson also said that on next week's All-Star Wrestling, they would air the AWA Women's World Title match between Magnificent Mimi (WC) and Madusa Miceli.

Nelson sent it to the main event.

TV MIN EVENT - 6-MAN TAG: Grappler, Col. DeBeers & Rip Oliver vs. Greg Gagne, Jake Milliman & Jerry Blackwell

DeBeers, Grap and Oliver made their way down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos.

Announcers pointed out that even though DeBeers was from South Africa, he had wrestled for years in the Pacific Northwest.

Gagne, Milliman and Blackwell made their way down the face aisle to a decent crowd reaction.

Once in the ring, Milliman tore off his '2% Forever' t-shirt and threw it into the crowd and briefly played to the fans.

Announcers wondered what Grappler had in the toe of his right boot.

Ref called for the bell.

Gagne and Rip started the match for their two teams. The two circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Oliver won the struggle and maneuvered around behind Gagne and and caught Greg with an amateur-style wrestling throw. Gagne up and Oliver charged in and drove Gagne into the corner. Rip with a series of knees to the gut followed by head shots. Rip pulled Gagne out of the corner and raked Gagne's eyes across the top rope. Ref reprimanded Rip. Rip suplexed Gagne and grabbed Gagne's left leg and lifted it in the air and caught Gagne in a painful ankle lock. Rip worked over the ankle lock and then kicked Gagne in the back of the left thigh. Gagne hurt. Rip tagged in the Grappler. Gagne getting up and the Grappler caught Gagne with a sweeping kick to the back of the leg and Gagne crashed back to the mat. Grappler grabbed Gagne's left leg and stretched it out and drove a series of knees into Gagne's left knee area. Grappler then locked Gagne in a spinning toe hold. Grappler cinched up on the hold but Gagne not giving up. Grappler spun around again and Gagne kicked Grappler off and Grappler crashed to the mat as the crowd cheered. Both men up and Gagne hobbling. Grappler cut off the ring and kept Greg from making the tag and caught Greg in a front facelock. Grappler working over the hold as the ref checked for choking. Grappler maneuvered Greg into his team's corner and tagged in DeBeers. Loud boos. Gagne still locked in the front facelock as DeBeers mounted the top rope and came off with a double sledge to Gagne's back. DeBeers whipped Gagne into the ropes and caught Gagne coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Gagne crashed to the mat. DeBeers snapped Gagne up and, being a show-off, bodyslammed Gagne with one hand. DeBeers grabbed Gagne's left leg and raised it and put his foot on Gagne's right ankle area and violently twisted Gagne's foot. Gagne in great pain but not giving up. DeBeers released the hold. DeBeers snapped Gagne up and whipped Gagne into the ropes and looked to catch Gagne coming off with a high backdrop but Gagne caught DeBeers with a kick to the chest. DeBeers crashed to the mat and Gagne went down on the mat. Both men started to get up at the same time and Gagne lunged over and tagged in Milliman as the crowd popped. Milliman hit the ring and fired away on DeBeers with punches. Milliman whipped DeBeers into the ropes and caught DeBeers coming off with a high backdrop. DeBeers slammed to the mat. DeBeers up and Milliman went for a dropkick but DeBeers fell out of the way and Milliman crashed to the mat. Both men up and DeBeers hit the ropes and came off with a running punch to the head. Milliman staggered. DeBeers with another one-hand bodyslam on Milliman followed by a double foot stomp to the head. DeBeers for the cover. 1...2... Milliman kicked out. DeBeers caught Milliman with a head shot and threw him into the heel team's corner. DeBeers tagged in the Grappler. Grappler hit the ring and worked Milliman over withe a series of rapid-fire shoulder blocks to the gut. Grappler hip tossed Milliman out of the corner and came up behind Milliman and caught Milliman with a belly-to-back suplex. Grappler with a rear chinlock on Milliman down on the mat. Milliman fighting through the pain. Fans chanting for Jake. Grappler released the hold and snapped Milliman up and placed his boot on the top buckle and slammed Jake's head into it. Jake staggered off and dropped to a knee. Grappler grabbed Jake and whipped Jake into the ropes and looked to catch Jake with a backdrop but Jake turned it into a sunset flip instead for the pin. 1...2... Grappler kicked out. Both men up and Grappler swung at Milliman and missed an Jake lunged over and tagged in Blackwell. Big pop from the crowd. Blackwell came in and walloped Grappler with a running clothesline. Grappler crashed to the mat. Grappler up and Blackwell hit Grappler with a headbutt. Grappler stunned. Blackwell nailed Grap with a standing dropkick. Grappler crashed to the mat.

Grappler up and Blackwell whipped Blackwell into the corner. Rip hit the ring and Blackwell blocked a Rip punch and headbutted Rip and whipped Rip into Grappler in the corner. Blackwell charged in and avalanched the pair as the fans roared. Both men laid into one another. DeBeers hit the ring and clubbed Blackwell in the back to kill Blackwell's momentum. DeBeers quickly out of the ring. Blackwell, Grap and Rip down in the ring. Ref counting. Grappler and Rip to their feet as Blackwell got up and Grap and Rip blasted Blackwell with a running double clothesline. Milliman and Gagne hit the ring and got some shots on on Rip and Grap before the ref ordered them back to their corner. As the trio had words, Grap and Rip drove Blackwell into their corner and DeBeers strangled big boy with the tag rope. Strangling party stopped just as the ref turned around. Rip had climbed out on the apron and Grap tagged him in. Rip in and flailed away on Blackwell with punches. Blackwell staggered out of the corner next to the ropes. Rip continued the punch and kick assault. Rip went to whip Blackwell into the opposite ropes but Blackwell grabbed the top rope. Rip tried again to no avail. Blackwell headbutted Rip. Blackwell picked up Rip and bodyslammed Rip. Blackwell went for a leg drop but Rip rolled out of the away and Blackwell crashed to the mat. Rip up and tagged in DeBeers. DeBeers hit the ring and stomped away on Blackwell. DeBeers snapped Blackwell up and whipped Blackwell into the corner. Blackwell slammed hard, front-first into the buckles. Blackwell bounced back and crashed to the mat. DeBeers for the cover. 1...2...thr.... Blackwell kicked out. Crowd cheered. DeBeers up and caught Blackwell with a kick to the gut as Blackwell was getting up and DeBeers bodyslammed Blackwell. DeBeers was proud of what he did and then let out a yell and grabbed his lower back in immense pain. Fans cheered. DeBeers tagged in the Grappler. Grappler came in as Blackwell was getting up and pounced on Blackwell. Grappler hammered away on Blackwell and went to whip Blackwell into the ropes but Blackwell reversed and caught Grap coming off in a bearhug. Grappler struggling to get out of the crushing hold. Rip hit the ring and came up behind Blackwell and kicked Blackwell in the back. Blackwell lost his grip on the hold. Ref getting Rip out of the ring. Grappler looked to repeat DeBeers' slam and hoisted Blackwell up but buckled under the weight of Blackwell and crashed to the mat with Blackwell on top of him. Blackwell for the pin but the ref was caught up having words with Rip and DeBeers. Crowd yelling for the ref to turn around. Blackwell got up and the Grappler was able to recover enough to trip Blackwell up and sent Blackwell toppling into his corner.. Blackwell tagged in the hobbling Gagne. Grappler went to punch Gagne but Gagne blocked the punch try and fired away on the masked man with punches. Gagne whipped Grappler into the ropes and caught Grappler coming off with a dropkick. Grappler crashed to the mat. Grappler up and Gagne found the strength to hit Grappler with another dropkick. Grappler back down and so was Gagne. DeBeers ran down to the middle of the apron and started yelling. Gagne slow to get up as his left leg bothered him. Milliman and Blackwell looking over in the direction of DeBeers. Gagne looked over at DeBeers briefly as Grap tapped the toe of his boot into the mat three times. Ref had been looking over at DeBeers and the arguing parties. Gagne turned and Grap kicked Gagne in the left leg and Gagne crumpled to the mat. Grappler for the cover as the ref saw the cover. 1...2... Milliman and Blackwell tried to hit the ring but DeBeers and Rip cut them off. ...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans booed.

Grap up and the ref raised his hand in victory. Gagne down holding his left leg and in serious pain as Blackwell and Milliman checked on him.

The Northwest victors left the ring and Eric Bischoff came up to them with mic in hand.

Grappler: This is another victory for the Pacific Northwest! Take a look Greg Gagne! He just got a Northwest surprise and now he's hobbled! Maybe we can send Gagne a sturdy wood cane from the Pacific Northwest so he can at least walk a little and have some quality of life!

The trio laughed.

Shot of Blackwell and Milliman helping the injured Gagne to his feet in the ring as the program ended.

WINNER; DeBeers, Grappler & Oliver - 12:37


Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Someone's getting a phone call!

AWA '89

Commercial for Ralph Williams' Bay Shore Chrysler-Plymouth

(Warning: Some strong language.)

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Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey was relaxing and watching TV at his home in Minneapolis when the phone rang.

After two rings, Sheik answered.

Sheik: Hello.

Voice: Is this Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey?

Sheik: It is. Wait. Is this...

Voice: If you guessed Vince McMahon, you'd win the prize.

Sheik: Hello, Vince. This is a pleasant surprise. What can I do for you?

Vince: How would you like to come work for the World Wrestling Federation?

Sheik: Wow. You caught me off-guard there, Vince.

Right now, business is going up here in the AWA.

Vince: But is it at the WWF level?

Sheik: No. Of course not.

Vince: Well, Sheik, come to work for me and I'll make you more money in six months than you could make in a year in the AWA even with an uptick in business.

Sheik: What do you have in mind for me if I can ask?

Vince: Well, due to the situation in the Gulf, we're turning Sgt. Slaughter into an Iraqi sympathizer.

We'd like to put together a heel coalition with you and Iron Sheik aligning with Sarge.

Sheik: Sounds like it could be interesting. Should we meet to talk this over?

Vince: Sure, I can fly you up here to our offices in Stamford.

Just keep this between us for right now.

Sheik: I understand.

Vince: Also, was wondering about the wrestler you manage there, Kokina.

Sheik: Yes.

Vince: I'd like to talk with him about joining the WWF as well. Already have a gimmick in mind for him.

Could you pass the message along to him?

Sheik: Sure, Vince. Sure.

Vince: Thank you, Sheik.

Maybe I could fly both of you up here and talk with you two on the same day?

Sheik: Probably workable.

Vince: Just remember this stays between us right now.

Sheik: Got it.

Vince: Great. We'll set up a meeting and take it from there.

Sheik: Okay, Vince. We'll take it from there.

Vince: Good to talk with you, Sheik.

Sheik: You too, Vince.

Vince: Goodbye.

Sheik hung up the phone.

Larry Zbyszko. Sgt. Slaughter. Was Vince McMahon about to poach a solid wrestling veteran and a rising young star from the AWA?

Shades of 1983/84 all over again?

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Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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(NOTE: I accidentally posted the week's All-Star Wrestling syndicated show first. This is the ESPN show for the week. Things will be back in their proper order by the next round of shows.)


Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program. Also now highlighted in bold.)

(1st Taping)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

TV MAIN EVENT: Bob Orton vs. Derrick Dukes

SC 5 highlights and comments from some of the wrestlers

Rip Oliver & The Grappler see tag team action

Tina Moretti sees action

Big news about next week's main event on the program

A look at what happened last week after Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans lost a match to Badd Co. on ASW

Nikita Koloff wrestles

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas.

Jonnie Stewart won a squash match over Jimmy Uso via pinfall with his big elbow off the top rope finisher

Stewart was largely booed coming down the heel aisle to the ring.

Pic aired of Tina Moretti with the caption: NEXT... GIRL POWER!!!


Tina Moretti won a squash match over Sasha Banks via pinfall with her Samoan piledriver finisher

Moretti got a strong ovation coming to the ring,

Announcers said she is one of a growing number of threats to the reign of AWA Women's World Champ Magnificent Mimi.

In-studio: Larry Nelson talked about what a great show SC 5 was and said there was a great crowd in attendance. Hyped SC 5 highlights and comments coming up later in the show.

Pic aired of Rheingans and Patera with the caption: NEXT... TROUBLE BREWING!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update

In-studio: Nelson intro'd footage from last week's ASW of possible issues arising between Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans after they lost to Badd Company.


# Before the match started, crowd booed as Valerie made her way to the ring down the heel aisle. Val, on the floor, called over interviewer Eric Bischoff.

Val: Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans. I've just added one of the biggest stars in the sport in Tully Blanchard to my stable.

If you two come and work for me,. I will take you straight to the top. I've already got a proven track record of doing this. Just look at Women's Champion Magnificent Mimi.

With my guidance, you two can dominate the tag team division here in the AWA.

Patera left the ring for the floor and walked up to Val.

Patera: You'll take us to the top, huh?

Val: And make you two more money than you ever dreamed of. Let me make you the champions you deserve to be.

Patera: Well, I speak for both Brad and myself when I say... the answer is still NO!


# End of the match saw Brad and Diamond in the ring. Diamond was on the offensive and went to whip Brad into the ropes but Brad reversed and caught Diamond coming off with a belly-to-belly suplex. Crowd erupted. Brad for the cover. 1...2...thr... Tanaka hit the ring and stomped Brad in the back of the head to break up the pin try. Patera charged over and clotheslined Tanaka to the mat. Tanaka rolled out of the ring onto the apron and crashed to the floor and Patera followed. Ref distracted with Patera and Tanaka. Both men up in the ring and Brad hit Diamond with his fisherman suplex (Perfect Plex) finisher for the pin. Crowd yelling for the ref to turn around as Tanaka grabbed the middle rope and tried to pull himself up onto the apron and back into the ring. Patera grabbed Tanaka and a struggle ensiued to pull Tanaka off the ropes. Ref still distracted. DDP hit the ring behind the ref and clubbed Brad, who was in the bridgeout position, in the gut with his cane. Brad lost his grip on the hold. DDP fled the ring as Diamond covered Brad. Patera yanked Tanaka off the ropes and down to the floor. Ref turned and saw Diamond pinning Brad. Ref dropped for the count. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed.

Diamond up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

Patera had dropped Tanaka on the floor with a big right hand and saw Brad laid out in the ring and climbed in as Diamond left for the floor.

As Patera checked on Brad, Diamond and DDP helped Tanaka to his feet and the trio left the ringside area.

Patera helped Brad to his feet and said something to Brad and then got into a heated exchange and shoved Patera. More words exchanged. Brad pointed an accusatory finger at Patera and Pateera slapped the finger out of his face. Brad stormed off still grabbing at his gut form the cane shot. A confused and stunned Patera left in the ring. Patera then left and followed several steps behind Brad up the face aisle to the back.


In-studio: Nelson described the shocking turn of events. Wondered what was going on between Patera and Rheingans and if a possible split was in the offing.

Pic aired of Rip Oliver and the Grappler with the caption: NEXT... INVADERS???


Rip Oliver & The Grappler won a squash match over the New Day when Oliver pinned Kofi Kingston with a spinebuster

Oliver and Grappler were booed pretty strongly coming down the heel aisle.

Pic aired of the Sc 5 logo with the caption: NEXT... SC 5 HIGHLIGHTS!!!


In-studio: Larry Nelson said what a great event SC 5 was and intro'd a highlight reel of the event.

3-minute video highlights package from SC 5 played to the song Winner Takes It All by Sammy Hagar.

In-studio: Nelson discussed Haynes and Norton winning the World Tag Team Titles and intro'd a post-match interview with them in the locker room.


# Eric Bischoff was standing by with new AWA World Tag Champs Scott Norton and Billy Jack Haynes.

The champs were still in their ring attire and each had a belt slung over his shoulder.

Eric: Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton! Congratulations on becoming the new AWA World Tag Team Champions!

You ended the 18-month run of the Destruction Crew and the crowd, as you could tell, loved it!

How are you guys feeling right now?

Haynes: I feel this is the greatest accomplishment of my career, Eric.

The Destruction Crew were the champs for 18 long months! It was like a dark ages for tag team wrestling!

They held onto those belts by any means necessary! But today, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, they ran out of luck!

We worked hard to move our way up the ladder here in the AWA to put ourselves in a position to win these belts and we did it! We did it!

Nroton: The Destruction Crew did everything they could to try and derail our championship dream!

That attack in the parking lot against us by the then champions was meant to be a warning and intimidate us!

It failed on both fronts! It only made us more determined to win these titles today!

The Destruction Crew, you have to give them credit, no matter how begrudgingly! They held onto these belts for 18 months! That's a long time to hold any belt in this sport!

But, all their shortcuts! All their head games! The attack on us! None of it worked!

We now stand before the AWA fans as the new World Tag Team Champions! And I'll never forget what me and Billy Jack accomplished here tonight!

Eric: They are the new tag team champions Scott Norton and Billy Jack Haynes.


Pic aired of Nikita Koloff with the caption: NEXT... REAL LIFE NIGHTMARE!!!


Nikita Koloff won a squash match over Wade Barrett via pinfall with his Russian sickle finisher

Koloff came to the ring down the face ailse to a strong ovation.

In-studio: Nelson mentioned Nikita had defeated Col. DeBeers in an exciting match at SC 5.

Nelson said coming up next... an interview with Cactus Jack after his wild battle with Jerry Lawler at SC 5.


In-studio: Nelson discussed the wild, bloody falls count anywhere match between Jerry Lawler and Cactus Jack at SC 5.

Nelson then intro'd a post-match interview with Cactus Jack.


# Eric Bischoff was standing with a still bloody Cactus Jack in the locker room after Jack's match with Lawler.

Eric: Cactus Jack, you were the loser in tonight's falls count anywhere match with Jerry Lawler.

It was a wild, hard-hitting, bloody affair between you two.

One has to wonder was there really a winner in the bout.

Cactus: Jerry Lawler. You may have won our fight tonight.

But know this. I'm not through with you Jerry Lawler. No way in hell is this over between us.

You see, you think you're just gonna head back to Memphis and that's the end of it.

But, I'm coming to Memphis, Lawler, and I'm gonna hunt you down and destroy you for good.

I loved the violence, the pain, the bloodshed. All of it was exhilarating.

Well, we're gonna clash again. I can 100 percent promise you that.

And all the violence, pain and bloodshed is gonna be amped up even further.

I'm gonna drain the life out of your body, Lawler!

I want to send you out of the arena in an ambulance! I am gonna maim you beyond recognition!

I want to rip some of the skin off your body!

Eric winced.

Cactus: I may have lost the match tonight! But, I consider what I did my greatest accomplishment so far in my career!

I want to break you mentally and physically! You need to suffer to the most extreme degree, Lawler!

I hate you so bad, words can't begin to describe that hatred!

And I won't rest, Lawler, until I've mangled you to the point that you're unrecognizable and can't wrestle ever again!

It's over for the King! The King is dead! Long live Cactus Jack!

Jack walked out of the picture as a shocked Bischoff looked on.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!


In-studio: Nelson said that the major news spoken of at the beginning of the show was this...

Next week on AWA on ESPN, they will be airing the complete AWA World Tag Team Title match from Super Clash 5 where Haynes and Norton defeated the Destruction Crew to become the new AWA World Tag Team Champions.

Nelson also said that on next week's All-Star Wrestling, they would air the AWA Women's World Title match between Magnificent Mimi (WC) and Madusa Miceli from SC 5.

Nelson then sent it to Vegas for the main event.

TV MAIN EVENT: Bob Orton vs. Derrick Dukes

Dukes came down the face aisle to a modest ovation.

Orton came down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Orton put on a wrestling clinic and dominated the bout against Dukes. Dukes got in a couple of spurts of offense, but in the end Orton proved too much for the Top Gun and finished off Dukes with his superplex finisher to score the 1...2...3!

WINNER: Orton - Pinfall - 6:46


Raider Nation

Active Member
Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program. Also now highlighted in bold.)

(2nd Taping)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

TV MAIN EVENT - FROM SC 5 - AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Destruction Crew (WTTC) vs. Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes

Don Muraco sees action

More post-match interviews from SC 5

And more!!!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas,

Tully Blanchard (w/ Valerie) vs. Bret Sawyer

Tully and Val came down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had a core of fans.

Tully dominated from bell-to-bell in the brief match and finished off Sawyer with his slingshot suplex for the 1...2...3!

WINNER: Tully - Pinfall - 3:17


Tully Blanchard, an impressive victory in your debut match here on AWA Championship Wrestling.

You also scored an impressive victory in your first match in the AWA over Brad Rheingans at Super Clash 5.

Tully: Nelson! I'm just getting started! My first two matches here were just tune-ups for bigger and better things to come!

And with Valerie acting as my manager, well, the sky's the limit for me!

Because of who I am and my credentials, I don't expect to be wrestling too many guys like Sawyer for very long before I'm in the championship picture!

You fans want to get behind a sure-fire winner?! Then you'll get behind Tully Blanchard!

Val: Signing Tuily Blanchard was a huge deal for me.

I knew that if I could sign Tully, then things would rapidly start to fall into place just like it did when I started managing the Women's Champ Magnificent Mimi.

The only question is when does Tully have gold around his waist?

My ultimate goal here in the AWA is to be the manager of champions. I want a stable that controls all the titles here.

Mimi was the first piece of the puzzle and Tully will be the next.

There's no stopping what I'm planning. It's all just a matter of time before everything comes together.

Tully: She's a genius, I'm tellin' ya! She knows what it takes to win! And I like winners and people who can make me a lot of money!

Crowd boos.

Nelson: Tully Blanchard and Vaerie, everybody!

Pic aired of the Trooper with the caption: NEXT... SUPER CLASH VICTOR!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd comments from the Trooper, who beat the masked man who had been causing him all sorts of trouble in a hair vs. mask match at SC 5.


Eric Bischoff was standing in the locker room with a victorious Trooper after his match at Super Clash 5. Trooper still in his ring attire and holding the defeated mystery man's mask.

Eric: I am here with a very elated Trooper.

Trooper, you finally were able to unmask your tormentor in a hard-fought match here at Super Clash 5. You were finally able to unmask him and expose him.

How does it feel?

Trooper: It feels great but there's also relief.

I now finally know who this man is but I still don't know much about him.

His name's Bobby Jaggers and he's a pro wrestling veteran. Since I'm still relatively new to the sport, I didn't know who he was. But, it was explained to me he's been a champion wrestler in the past.

I still don't know why he assaulted me and cost me matches over the last several months. I hope we find out very shortly. I hope he'll be man enough to tell us why he went to such great lengths to mess with me.

Eric: I think that's on everyone's mind, Trooper. Jaggers is a veteran of the sport.

.He's made reference to you two crossing paths at one point but has given no specifics.

Trooper: Bobby, just tell us what this is all about, man. You owe me that.

But now, Eric, it's time to start looking forward to other challenges that lie ahead for the Trooper here in the AWA.

I can finally concentrate on the championship picture and look to become a champion with that situation behind me.

Eric: That's the Trooper. He unmasked his tormentor here tonight and that man was exposed as Bobby Jaggers.

We'll see what happens moving forward.


Pic aired of Don Muraco with the caption: NEXT... M.I.A.: MURACO IN ACTION!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Updates

Don Muraco won a squash match over Billy Anderson via pinfall with his inverted piledriver finisher

Muraco was heavily cheered coming down the face aisle.


Don Muraco, have you heard anything from Wahoo about possibly teaming up again and going after the tag team titles?

Muraco: Since Wahoo became the World Champion, Larry, I've only had brief conversations with him and he's always telling me we need to talk about reuniting as a team later because he's got World Title defenses coming up.

Wahoo, I'm still waiting on your call, brother.

That could have been us winning the tag team titles at Super Clash 5 if unforeseen plans did not change our future as a team.

We can do this, Wahoo. We were rising fast up the tag team ranks. No one could stop us.

Let's do it. Let's get back together and fight for those tag team championships.

Think about it, Wahoo. You could be the holder of two World Titles.

I know you're busy defending the World Title. But we've got to do this. We can't leave things dangling in the wind.

Crowd cheered.

Pic aired of Jerry Lawler with the caption: NEXT... THE KING!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd a post-maatch interview with Jerry Lawler from SC 5 after Lawler beat Cactus Jack in a wild, bloody falls count anywhere match.


Eric Bischoff was seated with Jerry Lawler in the locker room. Lawler was still in his ring duds and had a white towel draped around his neck and was wiping blood off his face.

Eric: Jerry Lawler. What an epic victory over Cactus Jack at Super Clash 5 here tonight in a falls count anywhere match.

That was one of the wildest matches I've ever seen.

How you feeling right now?

Lawler: I've got one hell of a headache. The match took its toll on both of us.

Cactus is a very dangerous wrestler. He's very unpredictable. The chances that this man will one day maim somebody in the ring is very high.

But, the first order of being a man is to stand up like a man and fight if you have to.

That was one of the most violent matches I've ever had in my career. I'm sure weeks from now I'll still be feeling the effects of it.

To say this match has already taken a serious toll on my body is an understatement.

And, while you have to be able to absorb and deal with a lot of pain in this sport, Jack seems to relish feeling pain. He gets off on it to a disturbing degree.

Eric: I spoke with cactus earlier. He said he's coming to Memphis to hunt you down and finish you off. Your thoughts on that?

Lawler: He's more than welcome to come to Memphis. If he wants another match then I will give it to him. I certainly am not running anywhere.

A wrestler like Cactus Jack, if there's ever been another wrestler remotely like him, has to be dealt with with extreme prejudice. You can't try and out-finesse Cactus. He's straight on wildness and unpredictability. Lou Thesz he ain't.

Any man who puts his body through what he does and takes great pleasure in suffering just as more as he does punishing is a man who has nothing to lose.

I think Cactus is mentally spun. He's really off-kilter upstairs.

So, Cactus, if you see this. Come on down to Memphis. I'll be waiting to give you a big West Tennessee welcome.

Eric: That was Jerry Lawler. He's willing to fight Cactus Jack after one of the wildest matches I've ever seen just took place earlier tonight at Super Clash 5.


Video aired from the WTTC match at SC 5 with the caption: NEXT... HISTORY!!!


In-studio: Larry Nelson said Bobby Jaggers would debut on next week's AWA on ESPN.

Then discussed the tag title match from SC 5 and intro'd the match:

AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Destruction Crew (WTTC) vs. Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton

# Haynes and Norton made their way down the face aisle to a strong ovation.

Destruction Crew made their way down the heel aisle to loud boos. They were wearing their titles and hard hats.

They removed the hard hats and they were placed on the timekeeper's table by a ring attendant.

Larry Nelson standing center ring with mic in hand.

Nelson: This contest is scheduled for one fall with a 45-minute time-limit and is for the AWA World Tag Team Championship.

Crowd cheered.

Nelson: Introducing first, the challengers. Weighing in at a combined 525 pounds... they hail from the Pacific Northwest... Scott Norton and Billy Jack Haynes!

Nice cheer from the crowd. Both men briefly acknowledged the crowd.

Nelson: And their opponents.

Crowd boos rising.

Nelson: Weighing in at a combined weight of 514 poubds... they hail from Chicago, Illinois...the reigning AWA World Tag Team Champions... Mike Enos and Wayne Bloom... the Destruction Crew!

Boos grew louder as the champs had deadly serious looks on their faces.

Nelson: Your referee is Marty Miller!

Miller took the belts from the champs and held them up for all to see before handing them off to Larry Nelson.

Miller called both teams to center ring.

Miller laid down the ground rules and patted each man down and sent each team back o their corners.

Ref called for the bell.

Haynes and Bloom started the match for their teams. The two men engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Haynes gained the advantage and caught Bloom in a side headlock takeover. Both men down on the mat and Haynes still holding on to the side headlock. Haynes worked over the headlock as Bloom tried to escape. Haynes continued to work over the side headlock as both men made it to their knees and then their feet. Bloom shoved Haynes off and Haynes hit the ropes and came off and caught Bloom with a shoulder tackle. Bloom crashed to the mat. Bloom up and he and Haynes started to lock up again and Bloom caught Haynes with a knee to the gut followed by a forearm smash to the back. Bloom whipped Haynes into the ropes and Haynes came off and Bloom dived down and Hayes leaped over Bloom and Bloom got up and Haynes came at Bloom and Bloom dived down again and Haynes hit the ropes and came off with another shoulder tackle and Bloom crashed to the mat again as the crowd cheered. Bloom up and Haynes caught Bloom in another side headlock. Haynes again worked over the headlock and Bloom was able to maneuver Haynes next to the ropes to force a break in the hold. Bloom stunned Haynes with a punch and caught Haynes in a front facelock. Bloom cinched up on the hold and Haynes started squirming in the hold. Haynes was able to drive Bloom into the buckles and Bloom lost his grip on the hold. Haynes popped Bloom with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Haynes went to whip Bloom into the opposite buckles but Bloom reversed and sent Haynes crashing into them. Bloom repaid Haynes with shoulder blocks to the gut of his own and tagged in Mike Enos. Bloom with a kick to the gut before leaving the ring. Enos then hit Haynes with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut of his own. Haynes staggered out by the ropes. Enos whipped Haynes into the ropes and dropped Haynes with a clothesline. Haynes crashed to the mat. Enos for the cover. 1...2... Haynes kicked out. Enos grabbed Haynes as Haynes was getting up and Enos placed his foot on the top buckle and slammed Haynes head into his boot. Haynes hurting. Bloom clubbed Haynes in the back. Enos whipped Haynes into the ropes and looked to catch Haynes coming off with a backdrop but Haynes leapfrogged Enos, spun around, ran Enos into the ropes for a roll up for the pin. 1...2... Enos kicked Haynes off. Both men up and Enos punched Haynes and Haynes lit into Enos with a series of punches. Haynes whipped Enos into his face team's corner and caught Enos with a series of knees to the gut and tagged in Norton as the crowd popped. Norton grabbed Enos and whipped Enos into the opposite buckles and charged in and hit Enos with an avalanche. Norton whipped Enos into the opposite buckles and nailed Enos with another avalanche. Enos staggered out of the corner and crashed to the mat. Norton ran to hit the ropes and Bloom came down the apron and got a knee up and Norton's back slammed into it. Norton fell forward in the ring. Ref reprimanded Bloom. Enos up and stomped Norton in the head. Enos picked Norton up and nailed Norton with a fallaway slam. Enos for the cover. 1...2... Norton kicked out. Norton to all fours and Enos raked his boot laces across Norton's face. Enos snapped up Norton and slammed his head into the top buckle and tagged in Bloom. Bloom with a series of forearms shivers to the side of Norton's head. Bloom whipped Norton into the opposite buckles and Bloom moved in and Norton charged out of thee corner and leveled Bloom with a running clothesline. Bloom slammed to the mat and the crowd erupted.

Norton lifted Bloom up by the throat and held him in the air and threw Bloom back down to the mat. Bloom got to a knee and Norton caught Bloom in an over the shoulder backbreaker. Bloom in trouble. Enos hit the ring and nailed Norton in the back with a sideways double sledge. Norton lost his grip on Bloom and went down. Haynes hit the ring and nailed Enos with a flurry of punches as Enos climbed out on the apron. As the ref got Haynes out of the ring, Enos climbed back in the ring behind their backs and stomped Norton in the nuts. Enos fled back to his corner as Haynes stepped back out on the apron. Bloom snapped Norton up and nailed Norton with a double underhook suplex followed by an elbow smash. Bloom up and tagged in Enos. Enos in and hit Norton with head shots, hoisted Norton on his shoulder and hit the snake eyes on Norton. Norton crumpled to the mat. Enos for the cover. 1...2...thr... Norton kicked out. Fans cheered. Enos snapped up Norton and went to whip Norton into the ropes but Norton reversed and caught Enos coming off in the fireman's carry position and blasted Enos with a Samoan drop. Crowd cheered. Norton slow in making the cover. 1...2...thr... Enos kicked out. Crowd groaned. Norton up and started moving in the direction of his partner. Enos stirred and got up and lunged at Norton but Norton made the tag. Crowd roared. Haynes came in and fired away on Enos with punches. Bloom hit the ring and Haynes belted Bloom and then alternated punching each man. Bloom crashed to the mat and rolled out on the apron. Haynes whipped Enos into the ropes and caught Enos coming off with a press slam. Haynes moved in behind Enos as Enos shakily made it to his feet. Haynes locked Enos in his full nelson finisher. Enos struggling to escape. Enos weakening in the hold. Bloom had recovered, hit the ring and bashed Haynes from behind with a forearm smash to the back to break up the hold. Norton hit the ring but the ref intercepted him and ordered Norton back to his corner. Bloom grabbed Haynes and threw Haynes over the top rope down to the floor behind the ref's back. Crowd yelliing at the ref. Norton back to his corner and Bloom back to his. Ref ordered Bloom to stand back and Enos did. Ref began the 10-count. Count grew and Haynes stirred. Enos thinking the champs were gonna win by count out but at the count of 9, Haynes up and rolled into the ring to barely beat the count. Enos stomped away on Haynes while grabbing the top rope and broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Enos grabbed Haynes and whipped Haynes into the ropes and caught Haynes coming off with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Haynes in a bad way. Enos grabbed Haynes and threw Haynes into the corner and tagged in Bloom. Bloom in and fired away on Haynes with head and body shots. Bloom went to whip Haynes into the ropes but Haynes reversed and caught Bloom coming off with a clothesline. Bloom crashed to the mat. Haynes regained his bearings as Bloom slowly made it to his feet. Haynes moved in on Bloom with punches and then bodyslammed Bloom and hit Bloom with a legdrop. Haynes for the cover. 1...2...thr... Bloom kicked out. Haynes up as Bloom was getting up and Haynes tagged in Norton to the delight of the crowd.

Norton came in a house of fire and tore into Bloom with punches. Norton whipped Bloom into the corner and nailed Bloom with an avalanche. Norton pulled Bloom out of the corner and went for his powerbomb finisher but Bloom blocked the move and Enos hit the ring and destroyed Norton with a running clothesline. Norton crashed to the mat. Ref ordered Enos back to his corner. Haynes started to climb in but the ref was able to get him out of the ring. Bloom tagged in Enos and Enos mounted the middle buckle as Bloom hoisted Norton up for a spike piledriver. Haynes dropped off the apron and ran over and tripped up Enos and Enos lost his balance and fell forward into the upside down Norton and Bloom crashed to the ring with Norton on top of him. Enos up and stomped Norton. Enos peeled Norton off Bloom and went to whip Norton into the ropes but Norton reversed and caught Enos coming off with a powerslam. Norton for the pin. 1...2...3! NO! Bloom hit the ring and dived over and broke up the pin with a double sledge to the back. Both men down in the ring as Haynes went to go after Bloom but the ref intercepted Haynes and the pair argued. With Haynes distracted, Bloom charged over and nailed Haynes with a forearm shiver to the side of the head. Haynes fell out of the ring through the top and middle rope down to the floor. Ref getting Bloom back to his corner. Enos picked up Norton and went to whip Norton into the corner but Norton reversed and sent Enos into the other direction and Enos crashed into the ref, who was slammed into the corner and went down. Norton grabbed Enos and nailed Enos with a neckbreaker. Bloom hit the ring behind Norton and blasted Norton with a low blow. Norton crashed to the mat. Three men down in the ring. Bloom went over to thee timekeeper's table and grabbed his hard hat. Haynes was getting to his feet at ringside and Bloom charged over and struck Haynes in the back with the hat and Haynes crumpled back to the floor. Bloom climbed back into the ring. Enos to his feet as Norton was getting up and pounded on Norton with forearms. Ref started to stir. Bloom gestured for Enos to grab Norton from behind.

Pedicino: Is he gonna smash Norton in the head with that hard hat again?!

Norton reared back and went to hit Norton with the hard hat but Norton wriggled free from Enos' grasp and Bloom struck Enos in the head with the hard hat. Crowd went crazy as Enos crashed to the mat. Haynes recovered enough on the floor, hit the ring and tackled Bloom and the pair toppled through the top and middle rope to the floor. Crowd in orbit. Ref, with the aid of the ropes making it to his feet. Norton grabbed Enos, hoisted Enos up and powerbombed Enos. Crowd deafening. Norton for the cover as the ref saw what was happening and dropped down. 1.....2.....3! Groggy ref called for the bell as the fans were going wild.

Pedicino: The Destruction Crew's title reign is over after a year-and-a-half!

Ref went over and talked with Larry Nelson and took the belts from him.

Shot of the hard hat laying harmlessly in the ring.

Haynes climbed back in the ring and Bloom was laying on the floor. Haynes jumped in Norton's arms and the pair celebrated. Ref handed the men their titles and raised each man's hand in victory.

Nelson: 14 minutes, 23 seconds, your winners... and NEW AWA World Tag Team Champions... Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton!

More roars from the hot crowd as Haynes and Norton held their titles up for the fans to see before leaving the ring the new World Tag Team champs.

WINNER: Haynes & Norton - Pinfall - 14:23

Pedicino: What a moment here at Super Clash 5! New tag tream champions!

Bill, what do you... What are you doing?!

Dundee was dabbing at his eyes with a kleenex.

Dundee: It's like going to a funeral. The Destruction Crew were such honorable champions.

Pedicino: Honorable?! Did you see what they tried to do at the end of the match?!

Dundee: I think Wayne Bloom was trying to interest Scott Norton in a job in construction and it went awry.

WINNER: Haynes & Norton - Pinfall - 14:23


(There would he been a 3-minute commercial break during the match. Actual match airtime: 11:30.)

Raider Nation

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Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(# Aired on a previous AWA program. Also highlighted in bold.)

(2nd Taping)

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Valerie) vs. Madusa Miceli

An interview with Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans after their argument with one another after they lost a match to Badd Co. a couple of weeks ago

Badd Co. sees action

Post-match interviews with the Trooper and Jerry Lawler after their matches at SC 5

Barry Windham wrestles

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Fargo.

Jonnie Stewart won a squash match over Captain Kremmen via pinfall with his flying elbow off the top rope finisher

Stewart was largely booed by the fans.


Jonnie Stewart. 1990 is quickly running out and so far no championship for you.

Stewart: Bischoff, how stupid are you, boy?

I am the 'Wrestler of the '90s', man. That means I'm the wrestler of this entire decade.

I've got time, baby. The championships will start flowing my way in the near future.

I've only got nine years and three months left to attain my goals.

Like the great philosopher king Alfred E. Newman once said: What? Me worry?

There's a time and a place for everything.

1990 is the year Jonnie Stewart's cranking it up to take his rightful place at the top of the mountain as the 'Wrestler of the '90s'.

Get ready for some serious championshipping from ol' Jonnie.

Crowd booed.

Pic aired of the Trooper with a caption: NEXT... KEEP ON TROOPIN'!!!

Nelson intro'd comments from the Trooper, who beat the masked man who had been causing him all sorts of trouble in a hair vs. mask match at SC 5. Trooper was holding the man's mask.


# Eric Bischoff was standing in the locker room with a victorious Trooper after his match at Super Clash 5. Trooper was still in his ring attire

Eric: I am here with a very elated Trooper.

Trooper, you finally were able to unmask your tormentor in a hard-fought match here at Super Clash 5. You were finally able to unmask him and expose him.

How does it feel?

Trooper: It feels great, but there's also relief.

I now finally know who this man is but I still don't know much about him.

His name's Bobby Jaggers and he's a pro wrestling veteran. Since I'm still relatively new to the sport, I didn't know who he was. But, it was explained to me he's been a champion wrestler in the past.

I still don't know why he assaulted me and cost me matches over the last several months. I hope we find out very shortly. I hope he'll be man enough to tell us why he went to such great lengths to mess with me.

Eric: I think that's on everyone's mind, Trooper. Jaggers is a veteran of the sport.

He's made reference to you two crossing paths at one point but has given no specifics.

Trooper: Bobby, just tell us what this is all about, man. You owe me that.

But now, Eric, it's time to start looking forward to other challenges that lie ahead for the Trooper here in the AWA.

I can finally concentrate on the championship picture and look to become a champion with that situation behind me.

Eric: That's the Trooper. He unmasked his tormentor here tonight and that man was exposed as Bobby Jaggers.

We'll see what happens moving forward.


Pic aired of Badd Co. with the caption: NEXT... BADD TIMES!!!

Commercials/Promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

Badd Co. (w/ Mgr. DDP) won a squash match over Jerry Allen & Jim Young when Tanaka pinned Young after a Slingshot DDT (Slingshot catapult (Diamond) transitioned into a Jumping DDT (Tanaka)

Badd Co. was strongly booed coming down the heel aisle

In-studio: Nelson intro'd video from the end of a tag match from a couple of weeks ago between Ken Patera & Brad Rheingans against Badd Co.


# End of the match saw Brad and Diamond in the ring. Diamond was on the offensive and went to whip Brad into the ropes but Brad reversed and caught Diamond coming off with a belly-to-belly suplex. Crowd erupted. Brad for the cover. 1...2...thr... Tanaka hit the ring and stomped Brad in the back of the head to break up the pin try. Patera charged over and clotheslined Tanaka to the mat. Tanaka rolled out of the ring onto the apron and crashed to the floor and Patera followed. Ref distracted with Patera and Tanaka. Both men up in the ring and Brad hit Diamond with his fisherman suplex (Perfect Plex) finisher for the pin. Crowd yelling for the ref to turn around as Tanaka grabbed the middle rope and tried to pull himself up onto the apron and back into the ring. Patera grabbed Tanaka and a struggle ensued to pull Tanaka off the ropes. Ref still distracted. DDP hit the ring behind the ref and clubbed Brad, who was in the bridgeout position, in the gut with his cane. Brad lost his grip on the hold. DDP fled the ring as Diamond covered Brad. Patera yanked Tanaka off the rope and down to the floor. Ref turned and saw Diamond pinning Brad. Ref dropped for the count. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed.

Diamond up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

Patera had dropped Tanaka on the floor with a big right hand and saw Brad laid out in the ring and climbed in as Diamond left for the floor.

As Patera checked on Brad, Diamond and DDP helped Tanaka to his feet and the trio left the ringside area.

Patera helped Brad to his feet and said something to Brad and the two got into a heated exchange and shoved Patera. More words exchanged. Brad pointed an accusatory finger at Patera and Patera slapped the finger out of his face. Brad stormed off still grabbing at his gut from the cane shot. A confused and stunned Patera left in the ring. Patera followed several steps behind Brad up the face aisle to the back.


In-studio: N
elson then intro'd a recent interview with Patera and Rheingans.

VIDEO: Eric Bischoff was standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.

Eric: Would you please welcome my guests at this time... Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans.

Patera and Rheingans walked into the interview area in street clothes. Both seemed agitated.

Eric: Gentlemen, we saw what happened at the end of your tag team match against Badd Company a couple of weeks ago.

You two had a heated argument with one another after losing the match under controversial circumstances.

Is your tag team partnership beginning to come apart.

Brad: The first thing I want to say, Eric, is this. Ken and I have discussed this matter several times already. But, I wanted to let the fans know what was going on, so we decided to do this interview.

I had Paul Diamond pinned in that match and Ken was fighting Pat Tanaka on the floor. The ref was distracted by Tanaka and Patera. That allowed Dallas Page to sneak in the ring and club me across the stomach with that thick, heavy cane of his. I wound up getting pinned by Diamond because of that and Ken here was late in trying to make the save to break up the pin try and we lost the match.

Ken, if you'd have done your job, you would have made the save and we might have emerged the winners. Instead, you were too busy fighting with Pat Tanaka on the floor.

Ken: This should not even be a public matter, Brad. Why you wanted to come out here and air some of our dirty laundry before the public is beyond my comprehension. Tag teams should not be dealing with these issues in front of the fans.

But again, I was fighting Tanaka on the floor because Tanaka stepped in and broke up a surefire pin by you on Diamond after a belly-to-belly suplex. It was my duty to try and take Tanaka out and make sure he could not do something like that again. I did my job.

It's like you're blaming me for the referee getting distracted and turning his back to what's going on in the ring with you and Diamond. How the hell was I supposed to know what the ref's actions would be at that moment?

Brad: Ken, once you drove Tanaka from the ring, you should have been in our corner laser-focused on the match at hand. Instead, you have flashbacks to your days as a bouncer and chase Tanaka down and continue the assault on him there. It was totally unnecessary and opened the door for Page to do what he did. And, notice how well Badd Company worked when one of them was in trouble. They stepped in and broke up pin tries. Need I remind you that you're allowed to do that in tag team matches.

Ken: Thank you for insulting me, Brad. I know the rules as well as you do. But, I felt Tanaka needed to be kept from re-entering the ring to interfere...

Brad: Gee, thanks. So, you protect me from Tanaka but Dallas Page got a wide open shot on me. That makes sense. If you would have been in our corner on the apron like you were supposed to be then this never happens because you could have seen both Tanaka and Page in your line of vision.

Eric: I have a quick question for you two.

Valerie came out before the match and offered you both the opportunity to join her stable as a tag team. Ken, you spoke for both Brad and yourself when you told her no. But, is Valerie in play here?

And are you two still a team after all this or is a break up looming in the near future?

Ken: We've talked and we're still a team firmly committed to challenging for the World Tag Team championships. I just don't think this should have been a public matter between us.

Brad hesitated for a moment.

Brad: We are still a team. We have a difference of opinion on whether or not the fans needed to know about this issue between us.

Eric: As for the matter with Valerie offering you jobs in her stable?

Both men hesitated and looked around before answering.

Ken: Not going to work for her. No.

Brad took a little more time.

Brad: Uh-uh.

The pair walked out of the interview area.

Bischoff had a puzzled look on his face.

Eric: Was that a 'no', Brad?


Pic aired of Barry Windham with the caption: NEXT... ON THE RISE!!!

Pic then flipped to a pic of Jerry Lawler with the caption: ALSO... WORDS FROM ROYALTY!!!


Barry Windham won a quick squash match in under 40 seconds over Terry Gibbs via pinfall with his flying lariat finisher

Windham got a solid ovation coming to the ring.

In-studio: Nelson briefly discussed how impressive Windham has been since his arrival in the AWA.

Nelson then intro'd a post-match interview with Jerry Lawler from SC 5 after Lawler beat Cactus Jack in a wild, bloody falls count anywhere match.


# Eric Bischoff was seated with Jerry Lawler in the locker room. Lawler was still in his ring duds and had a white towel draped around his neck and was wiping blood off his forehead.

Eric: Jerry Lawler. What an epic victory over Cactus Jack at Super Clash 5 here tonight in a falls count anywhere match.

That was one of the wildest matches I've ever seen.

How you feeling right now?

Lawler: I've got one hell of a headache. The match took its toll on both of us.

Cactus is a very dangerous wrestler. He's very unpredictable. The chances that this man will one day maim somebody in the ring is very high.

But, the first order of being a man is to stand up like a man and fight if you have to.

That was one of the most violent matches I've ever had in my career. I'm sure weeks from now I'll still be feeling the effects of it.

To say this match has already taken a serious toll on my body is an understatement.

And, while you have to be able to absorb and deal with a lot of pain in this sport, Jack seems to relish feeling pain. He gets off on it to a disturbing degree.

Eric: I spoke with cactus earlier. He said he's coming to Memphis to hunt you down and finish you off. Your thoughts on that?

Lawler: He's more than welcome to come to Memphis. If he wants another match then I will give it to him. I certainly am not running anywhere.

A wrestler like Cactus Jack, if there's ever been another wrestler remotely like him, has to be dealt with with extreme prejudice. You can't try and out-finesse Cactus. He's straight on wildness and unpredictability. Lou Thesz he ain't.

Any man who puts his body through what he does and takes great pleasure in suffering just as much as he does punishing is a man who has nothing to lose.

I think Cactus is mentally spun. He's really off-kilter upstairs.

So, Cactus, if you see this. Come on down to Memphis. I'll be waiting to give you a big West Tennessee welcome.

Eric: That was Jerry Lawler. He's willing to fight Cactus Jack again after one of the wildest matches I've ever seen just took place earlier tonight at Super Clash 5.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!

Commercials/Promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

In-studio: Nelson intro'd the Women's World Title match from SC5.

# AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH: Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Valerie) vs. Madusa Miceli

Madusa came down the face aisle to a strong ovation.

Madusa climbed in the ring and acknowledged the fans.

Mimi and Val came to the ring down the heel aisle to strong boos.

The pair stepped in the ring and played to the booing fans.

The wrestlers were now in their respective corners.

Nelson: This match is scheduled for one fall with a 30-minute time-limit and is for the AWA Women's World Championship.


Nelson: Introducing first, the challenger. Weighing in at 150 pounds. She hails from Milan, Italy... Madusa Miceli.

Strong pop from the hot crowd as Madusa was all business.

Nelson: And her opponent! Introducing first, her manager... Valerie.

Loud boos.

Nelson: She weighs in at 132 pounds. She hails from Los Angeles, California... the reigning AWA Women's World Champion... the Magnificent Mimi!

Crowd booed as Mimi stepped forward and held the belt aloft for all to see.

Nelson: Your referee is Mick Karch!

Karch took the title and held it up for the fans to see and then handed it off to Nelson who took the belt and placed it on the timekeeper's table.

Ref called both wrestlers out to the middle of the ring.

The wrestlers stared at each other as Val rubbed the champ's shoulders as the ref laid down the ground rules and patted each wrestler down.

Ref sent both women back to their corners.

Val had final words for Mimi and left for the floor.

Ref called for the bell.

Crowd buzzing as the women came out of their corners and engaged in a staredown and both women were talking to each other. Mimi then shoved Madusa. Madusa stumbled back a couple fo steps. Madusa then returned the favor and shoved Mimi and Mimi went down to the delight of the crowd. Mimi to her feet. The pair slowly moved in on one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Madusa quickly gained the advantage and caught Mimi in a wristlock. Mimi could not escape the hold and Madusa did the wrist burn and Mimi dropped to her knees and got to her feet. Madusa then spun Mimi in the wristlock and flipped Mimi over onto her back. Madusa did not release the hold and caught Mimi in an arm bar. Mimi on a knee locked in the hold. Madusa cinched up on the hold and Mimi winced in pain. Mimi made it to her feet locked in the hold. Madusa worked over the arm bar but Mimi was not giving up. Mimi was able to reach around and grab Madusa by the hair and back Madusa into the ropes. Ref ordered a break and reprimanded Mimi for pulling hair. The pair circled one another and Mimi went to kick Madusa but Madusa grabbed Mimi's leg. Mimi tried to beg off. Madusa punched Mimi, spun Mimi around and hit Mimi with an atomic drop. Mimi crashed to the mat. Madusa for the pin. 1... Mimi kicked out. Both women up and Madusa went to move on Mimi and Mimi bailed from the ring to the floor. Crowd booed. Mimi went over and talked to her manager Val as the ref started the 10-count. Val and Mimi talking with one another. Mimi climbed back up on the apron and Madusa started to move on her and Mimi dropped back to the floor and went over and talked to Val again to more boos. As Mimi and Val engaged with one another, Madusa went over and mounted the top buckle. Val and Mimi turned and Madusa came off with a flying bodypress on the pair. Mimi and Val down on the floor as the crowd popped. Madusa up and snapped up Mimi and threw Mimi back into the ring. Mimi up and Madusa popped Mimi with an enzuigiri and Mimi crashed back to the mat. Madusa grabbed Mimi and went to whip Mimi into the ropes but Mimi reversed and looked to catch Madusa coming off with a high backdrop but Madusa instead caught Mimi with a sunset flip try. Mimi struggled to stay on her feet but Madusa flipped her over for the pin. 1...2... Mimi kicked out. Madusa and Mimi up and Madusa laid into Mimi with forearms to the chest that drove Mimi against the ropes. Madusa whipped Mimi into the buckles and charged in but Mimi got her feet up and Madusa crashed into them and stumbled back. Mimi caught Madusa with a kick to the gut followed by a suplex. Mimi hit an elbow on Madusa and went for the cover. 1...2... Madusa kicked out. Mimi picked up Madusa and bodyslammed Madusa. Mimi mounted the middle buckle and came off with a diving splash on Madusa but Madusa got her knees up and Mimi crashed into them. Crowd popped. Both women down. Ref counting. Both women to their feet and Mimi slapped Madusa. Madusa's eyes flared. Mimi went to try and leave the ring but Madusa grabbed Mimi and pulled her back in before she could bolt. Madusa whipped Mimi into the ropes and caught Mimi coming off with a high backdrop. Mimi slammed to the mat. Mimi up and Madusa snapmared Mimi by the hair and then repeated the move. Mimi sitting up as Madusa dropped an elbow on the top of Mimi's head. Madusa snapped Mimi up and whipped Mimi into the buckles.

Mimi bounced out and Madusa blasted her with a spin kick to the chest. Mimi crashed to the mat. Madusa for the cover. 1...2...thr... Mimi got her foot on the bottom rope. Crowd groaned. Ref ordered a break. Madusa reached down and started to pull Mimi up and Mimi caught Madusa with gut punches. Mimi up and moved in and caught Madusa with a swinging neckbreaker. Mimi for the cover. 1...2... Madusa kicked out. Crowd cheered. Mimi up and stomped away on Madusa. Mimi snapped Madusa up and whipped Madusa into the ropes and caught Madusa coming off with dropkick. Madusa crashed to the mat. Madusa up facing away from Mimi and Mimi ran up and shoved Madusa from behind and Madusa crashed front-first into the buckles. Madusa turned and walked out of the corner and was kicked in the gut by Mimi. Mimi then went for her sitout powerbomb finisher but Madusa twice blocked the move and backdropped Mimi to the mat. Mimi up and Madusa caught Mimi by the hair and nailed her with three rapid-fire snapmares by the hair. Madusa grabbed Mimi and whipped her into the ropes and blasted Mimi coming off with a clothesline. Mimi crashed back to the mat. Crowd sensing blood. A shaky Mimi got up facing away from Madusa. Madusa moved in on Mimi. Valerie suddenly jumped up on the ring apron. Ref came over and ordered Val off the apron and Val had words with him. Madusa caught Mimi and blasted Mimi with her German suplex finisher at the same time. Mimi pinned. Crowd going nuts. Val continued arguing with the ref. Madusa released Mimi and saw Val arguing with the ref. Madusa went over and Val tried to slap Madusa and Madusa blocked the slap and slapped Val. Mimi recovered and came up behind Madusa and rolled Madusa up from behind for the pin. 1... Mimi grabbed a handful of tights. ...2...3! NO! Madusa kicked Mimi off and Mimi crashed to the mat. Both women up and Madusa charged in and started blasting Mimi with punches that drove Mimi into the corner, Ref trying to separate them. In the chaos, Mimi reached down, grabbed Madusa's legs and pulled them out from under Madusa. Madusa crashed to the mat. Mimi for the pin. 1... Mimi placed her feet on the middle rope for leverage. ...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed.

Ref went over to talk with Larry Nelson and take the belt from him.

Madusa up glaring at Mimi as Mimi was laughing and pointing at Madusa.

Ref went over and handed the belt to Mimi and raised her hand in victory.

Nelson: 9 minutes, 26 seconds, your winner... and STILL AWA Women's World Champion... the Magnificent Mimi!

Loud boos as Val regained her bearings and climbed in the ring to congratulte Mimi.

Madusa glaring at the heel pair as they laughed and pointed at Madusa.

Madusa then charged at them. Mimi bailed to the safety of the floor but Madusa caught Val by her long blonde hair.

Madusa held Val by the hair, pointed down at Mimi and Madusa maneuvered Val into position and popped her with a German suplex.

Madusa up as the fans cheered. Mimi shocked on the floor. Madusa glared down at Mimi for a moment but Mimi was afraid to climb back into the ring.

Madusa left the ring and dropped to the floor and headed back up the face aisle. Only then did Mimi climb in the ring to check on her manager.

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Raider Nation

Active Member
Jan 31, 2024
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By Walt Reno
RJ Staff Reporter

It has been made official. The American Wrestling Association, the pro wrestling promotion founded by wrestling legend Verne Gagne and Wally Karbo in 1960 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is moving its entire base of operations to Sin City.

In a conference call with reporters, AWA majority owners Deborah Harry of the rock band Blondie and controversial Hollywood director John Waters announced the move. The move to Vegas is expected to be completed in April of next year.

Harry and Waters announced they had also bought a building 'just off the Strip', which they will convert to office space and a TV studio. It's believed that the property is located near Tropicana Avenue. The ownership pair expects the AWA base of operations to remain in Vegas for years to come.

"We looked at the situation in Minneapolis and compared it to warmer weather climates," said John Waters. "Early on, it was between Las Vegas, Phoenix, Los Angeles and Miami or Tampa, Florida.

"We then whittled it down to Phoenix or Las Vegas. Vegas won because there's no state income tax. That was really the difference along with the weather."

Deborah Harry also chimed in.

"Overall, we think Vegas makes the most sense because the AWA's ESPN tapings take place at the Showboat Hotel and we also feel we can lure more big name talent to the promotion because we're now in a warm weather city. From our understanding, wrestlers either would not come to or stay in Minneapolis in large part because of the weather up there five or six months a year. It's a bitter, biting cold," Harry said.

Vegas Mayor Ron Lurie was said to be ecstatic over the news.

"The major sports in this town are UNLV athletics; especially the men's basketball team. Having the American Wrestling Association move their base of operations here could see a financial windfall for the city. We look forward to a good business relationship with the company," the mayor said.

However, Minneapolis mayor Donald Fraser was singing a different tune.

"This is a sad day for Minneapolis and the state of Minnesota," the mayor replied. "We were caught off-guard by the decision to move the AWA's entire operation out of the state where it has been an institution for over 30 years and it's truly heartbreaking. We had good relations with Verne Gagne and the wrestlers and staff of the promotion. Wish we could have worked with them to try and convince them to stay because Minneapolis will always be the AWA's true home. That's all gone now. It is the end of an era. A part of Minnesota history died today."

Verne Gagne was already a wrestling star when he and Wally Karbo established the American Wrestling Assocaition in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1960. Gagne would build an empire over the next 25 years that saw him become one of top three or four major players in the wrestling business.

However, some serious missteps were made, including letting Hulk Hogan, the biggest star in pro wrestling today, slip through the AWA's fingers and head to the northeast juggernaut known as the WWF. WWF head honcho Vince McMahon also picked off other AWA stars at the time, including announcer Gene Okerlund and manager Bobby Heenan.

Surprsingly, the AWA had two years of fantastic business right after Hogan bolted for New York in 1984 and '85. But it appears that that was driven by the national wrestling craze largely orchestrated by McMahon.

Things were still going well for the AWA in the first half of 1986. The promotion put on a major show at the Metrodome in Minneapolis and drew over 22,000 fans to an event called WrestleRock.

But after that things started to fall off a cliff.

More wrestlers bolted the organization for greener pastures. One of those was rising young star Curt Hennig. Hennig became the world champion in 1987 when he beat Nick Bockwinkel under controversial circumstances at the event Super Clash 2. This show was really a sign of the times as less than 3,000 fans attended the show at the Cow Palace in San Francisco. It was an astonishing free-fall.

A year later, Hennig dropped the World title to Memphis wrestler Jerry Lawler in Memphis. Hennig then immediately headed for the WWF and became known as 'Mr. Perfect' Curt Hennig. Hennig is a major star today thanks to the WWF machine.

The next year, the AWA tried their hand at pay-per-view with a cross-promotional event known as Super Clash 3. The event was headlined by AWA World Champion Jerry Lawler vs. World Class World Champion Kerry Von Erich in a title unification match.

The event would fail on all fronts. Less than 2,000 fans attended the event at the UIC Pavilion in Chicago. And only 44,000 fans bought the pay-per-view. It was a sign of the times. The AWA was in serious trouble.

Verne would limp along for another 15 months to dwindling attendance and dwindling financial returns.

Verne tried to keep things afloat on a shoestring budget as stations around the country dropped his syndicated show All-Star Wrestling and the ESPN show was plodding along with little fanfare.

After trying and failing to sell the promotion to other potential buyers, Verne Gagne was heading towards the demise of the promotion he built from the ground up.

But, there was a financial savior afterall.

Deborah Harry and John Waters, deeply involved in show business, along with wrestling promoters Jim Crockett, Bill Watts and Jerry Jarrett, combined forces and funds to buy the promotion and save it from the junk heap. The company name for the group that owns the AWA is Triumph Media Sports.

Under new management, things seem to be improving. But, the AWA still lags well behind the WWF and the NWA.

"Rome wasn't built in a day," said Waters. "We know it's gonna take time to get this whole thing turned around. And there's still the chance it could all collapse on us at any time. But right now things are looking pretty positive. We've been able to sign Nikita Koloff, Barry Windham and Tully Blanchard to deals. And with the money we've got backing this project we should be able to sign some other major names in the future. It's an exciting time."

"The wrestling business historically is cyclical. You have boom and bust periods. You have to watch your money during down times, try and weather the storm and get back on your financial feet when the next boom period hits. I believe we're starting to see signs of an AWA renaissance," remarked Harry.

When I pressed them on any stars they may be looking at from the WWF or NWA, neither Harry nor Waters were forthcoming with any information.

The AWA had only the second pay-per-view in company history in September with Super Clash 5. The show drew almost 9,000 paying fans to the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Pay-per-view numbers are still pending as this goes to press.

The American Wrestling Association just made a major move in moving the AWA lock, stock and barrel to Vegas. Will the new location appeal to more wrestlers and lead them to jump ship from their current promotions? Will moving here turn into a money pit for the company? Only time will tell.

The AWA has been coming to Vegas for roughly a decade now and seems to have a small but loyal fanbase that goes to the shows at the Showboat. Will they be able to grow that base is an interesting question.

"The signs are there," replied Waters. "Attendance is going up at the shows at the Showboat. It's not a huge bump yet; but it is a growing number and that's a positive sign. We're trying to be the alternative to the WWF. The WWF is viewed as a family-friendly promotion. While we welcome families to our shows, the fact is we're going after wrestling fans. We want lapsed fans to look at the AWA and say, 'You know, that's the kind of hard-hitting wrestling action I like. I think I'll give it a try.'"

"John's right," said Harry. "Attendance had crashed through the floor in several major traditional AWA cities. But now we're seeing cities like St. Paul, Chicago, Milwaukee and others see a rise in attendance. We just drew over 12,000 in St. Paul and almost 8,000 in Chicago for Verne Gagne tribute shows. The interest is growing. We're hoping it holds and we can build on it moving forward"

Waters then said, "Our three business partners in this endeavor are wrestling people. They've all had solid, successful history's in the wrestling business. They're excellent wrestling minds."

The AWA frequently speaks of this time period in the promotion as the 'new era'.

Well, Las Vegas became a major part of the new plan. It's no longer just a stopover for TV tapings anymore.

In April, Las Vegas will be the official city for the American Wrestling Association.

Welcome to your new home.

NEXT: The Minnesota perspective on the AWA leaving Minneapolis after three decades.
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