AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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Raider Nation

Active Member
Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(1st Taping)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

TV MAIN EVENT - RE-MATCH: Manny Fernandez vs. The Trooper

Nikita Koloff sees action

Jonnie Stewart vs. Derrick Dukes

Another look at Tully Blanchard who is coming to the AWA

A look back at the controversial finish to last week's tag match on AWA on ESPN pitting DeBeers & Oliver against Haynes & Norton

The first Super Clash 5 Update

Tom Zenk laces 'em up

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas.

Cactus Jack won a squash match over Ken Wayne via pinfall with his double underhook DDT finisher

Jack came to the ring to mostly boos but also a fair number of cheers.

Announcers pointed out how angry and serious Jack had been since losing the title and Jack's confrontation with Jerry Lawler a couple of weeks ago.


Jack pacing back and forth in the ring like a caged animal.

Nelson: Cactus, could you please calm down and talk to me for a moment?

Jack stopped his pacing.

Jack: Jerry Lawler... Jerry Lawler... JERRY LAWLER!!!

I hate you, King, because you're a former World Champion! I'm the only World Champion that I like! All others need to be punished!

Nelson: Why punished?

Jack: Because I said so, Larry Nelson! I was a shining light as World Champion and then Wahoo McDaniel came along and with some Indian ooga booga took the title from me!

Nelson: He beat beat you fairly at WrestleRock to win the belt.

Jack: I'm not interested in Wahoo McDaniel right now! I want Jerry Lawler! Just seeing him makes the voices in my head start screaming!

You know what I want, Larry?

Nelson: I shudder to ask.

Jack: What I want is... Lawler's liver served up with fava beans and a nice chianti! That's what I want!

Nelson's jaw dropped.

Nelson: OK! We'll talk to Cactus when he's in a saner mood, if that's even possible, at a later time!

Nelson admitted Cactus made him very uneasy with his erratic behavior in that interview.

Pic aired of Tom Zenk with the caption: NEXT... THE Z MAN!!!


Tom Zenk won a squash match over Steven Dane via pinfall with his missle dropkick finisher

Zenk came out down the face aisle to a decent ovation. Zenk slapp0ed hands with fans along the way.

Nelson talked about the new era AWA and how lots of wrestling stars want to come to the rising promotion.

Split-screen pic aired of Jonnie Stewart and Derrick Dukes with the caption: NEXT... STEWART VS. DUKES!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update

Jonnie Stewart vs. Derrick Dukes

Stewart came to the ring first to strong boos as he made his way down the heel aisle.

Dukes came out to a modest ovation down the face aisle. Dukes slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring.

Stewart took 60% of the match that was well-paced. Some exciting near falls.

End of the match saw Dukes on the offensive. Dukes whipped Stewart into the corner and charged to clothesline Stewart but Stewart moved and Dukes slammed front-first into the buckles. Dukes turned and walked into a series of Euro uppercuts from Stewart. Stewart then bdyslammed Dukes and went out on the apron, mounted the top rope and came off with his big elbow from the top rope finisher to score the 1...2...3!

Announcers pointed out how impressive Stewart has been lately.

WINNER: Stewart - Pinfall - 6:21

In-studio: Nelson said Stewart was really coming on after a slow start to 1990.

Video aired from the DeBeers-Oliver vs. Haynes-Norton match with the caption: NEXT... CONTROVERSY!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd the controversial end to last week's AWA on ESPN match between DeBeers-Oliver and Haynes-Norton.


#Oliver went to whip Norton into the ropes but Norton reversed and caught Oliver coming off with a powerslam. Crowd popped. Ref still dealing with the matter on the floor. Norton snapped up Oliver and blasted Oliver with his flashback (Overhead gutwrench backbreaker rack dropped into an inverted shoulderbreaker) finisher. Oliver flatlined. Norton covered Oliver. Crowd yelling for the ref to get back in the ring. Haynes had released the full nelson and was ragdolling Debeers now. Ref trying to restore order on the floor. Norton on Oliver for several seconds before getting up and going over to where the ref was.

Pedicino: Wait a minute! That's the Grappler!

Dundee: Hey! Good ol' Grap!

Grappler had charged down the heel aisle and climbed in the ring while Norton was distracted. Grappler quickly tapped the toe of his boot into the mat three times.

Pedicino: He's loading that boot with something!

Norton turned and...


Grappler laid out the big man with a devastating superkick. Norton crumpled to the mat.

Grappler fled the scene to loud boos. A groggy Oliver recovered enough to crawl over and cover Norton. Ref got Haynes and DeBeers separated on the floor and turned and saw Oliver covering Norton. Ref slid into the ring. 1... Haynes saw what was happening and went to climb in the ring but DeBeers recovered enough to grab Haynes' leg and not allow him to climb back in. ...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans showed their displeasure.

Oliver rolled off of Norton and the ref raised his hand while Oliver was sitting up. Some trash thrown at the ring. Haynes had kicked DeBeers off and was now in the ring and wondered what happened. Oliver up and left the ring and met up with DeBeers, who had been lit up like the 4th of July by Haynes. A groggy Norton now sitting up in the ring as Haynes glared at the DeBeers and Oliver. The winning duo backed up the aisle and raised their fists in defiant victory.


Nelson said they'd have words from both teams on next week's program.

Pic aired of Nikita Koloff with the caption: NEXT... NIGHTMARE COMING!!!


Nikita Koloff won a squash match over Scott McGhee via pinfall with his Russian sickle finisher

Koloff got a strong ovation coming down the face aisle.


Nikita Koloff! You have started your AWA career on fire! Another impressive win and these fans are fully in your corner.

Koloff: Thank you, Larry Nelson. It is great to have these fans on your side instead of against you.

Nelson: We heard you had something you wanted to say to Col. DeBeers.

Koloff: Yes. Col. DeBeers, I am hoping that one day you and me can sit down and have a, how you say, summit. I want to talk to you. I want to know why you hate America and Americans so much.

You make your money here but you despise this place.

America a great country. It is land of opportunity. The fans know I hated this country when I came here. But, over time, I saw that this was a great country with great people in it.

Crowd cheered.

Koloff: I am hoping we can talk. I am hoping that you will see, how you say, error in your ways. Maybe one day you can embrace this country and come to love the people the way I have.

Nelson: DeBeers seems resistant to talk with you.

Koloff: I know he does not want to talk to me right now. But, I am extending my hand in friendship, Col. DeBeers. Let us sit down at the table of brotherhood and talk like men. Maybe we can travel around this great country and you can truly see how good the people are.

Open your eyes, Colonel. You are in the greatest place on earth but don't see it.

Nelson: Nikita Koloff, everybody!!!

Crowd cheered.

Pic aired of the Super Clash 5 logo with the caption: NEXT... SC 5 UPDATE!!!



Eric Bischoff was sitting behind the update desk with the SC 5 logo behind him.

Bischoff: Hello, everybody. I'm Eric Bischoff coming to you from the Super Clash 5 update center.

This is your first Super Clash 5 update.

Super Clash 5 will be taking place Sunday, September 16 in MIlwaukee, Wisonsin at the historic Mecca Arena. The show has a bell time of 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific.

This will also be the first AWA pay-per-view since Super Clash 3 in 1988.

Can't make it to the show? Get on the horn and call your local cable operator for details on how to order this major wrestling event.

Tickets are on sale now and you can get yours by contacting TicketMaster, calling the Mecca box office at (414) 555-1812 or visiting the Mecca box office in person.

In the coming weeks, we will announce the matches taking place on Super Clash 5.

Milwaukee's a great town to visit. And there are plenty of places to stay if you come to town for the pay-per-view.

Plus, the brats are always cookin' and the beer always flowin' in Milwaukee.

Super Clash is always a fantastic event and this year's show will be no different.

You can already feel the excitement in the air.

It's gonna be Super Clash 5! Coming to you live from the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee on pay-per-view.

In-studio: Nelson talked about the upcoming SC5 PPV.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... RE-MATCH!!!



Grainy black and white video aired of a man standing in a ring in an empty arena.

Camera panned around the man from behind. He was wearing a sports jacket, white dress shirt unbuttoned at the top button, slacks, sunglasses and dress shoes.

Camera panned around and showed half of the man's face close up. He removed the sunglasses.

The man chuckled.

Screen went black and the words appeared in white block lettering: TULLY'S COMING!


Nelson intro'd footage from the end of the previous match on the ESPN program between the Trooper and Manny Fernandez.


# Trooper waited for Manny to get up. Manny up and Trooper hit Manny with a flying shoulder tackle. Manny crashed to the mat. Masked Mystery Man came through the crowd quickly and jumped up on the apron. Ref distracted with masked man. Ref went over and ordered masked man off the apron but masked man had words with the ref. Crowd yelling for the ref to turn around as Trooper had Manny covered. Trooper slapped the mat three times in frustration. Trooper got off Manny and went over to where the ref and masked mystery man were. Trooper grabbed the masked man and started shaking him with the ref caught in between the two. From the other side of the arena, another masked mystery man made his way through the crowd and to ringside. Both masked men dressed the same. Ref went down being caught between Trooper and the other masked man. On the floor, masked man pulled out a baggie and poured a white powder into his hand. Trooper was able to punch the other masked man and slammed his head into the ring bolt that connects the post to the turnbuckle and the masked man cashed to the floor. The other masked man had climbed up on the apron. Ref still down and Manny recovering. Trooper saw the other masked man and walked in his direction and the masked man threw the powder in Trooper's eyes. Trooper blinded. Masked man fled the scene through the crowd. Manny recovered enough to roll Trooper up from behind and grab the tights. Ref recovered and crawled ovrer. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed. The other masked man was able to recover and escape through the crowd. Manny up and the ref raised his hand in victory. Trooper rolled over on his side and had his hands over his eyes.


Manny Fernandez vs. The Trooper

Manny came to the ring first down the heel aisle to boos but also had his fans.

Trooper came down the face aisle to a strong ovation and handed out little souvenir speeding tickets to fans.

Announcers wondered if the masked mystery man was going to show up again.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Trooper drove Manny next to the ropes. Ref ordered a break. Break was clean. Both men locked up again. Manny drove Trooper into the corner and the ref ordered another break and it, too, was clean. The two men locked up again and, after a brief struggle, Manny gained the upper hand and caught Trooper in a side headlock. Manny worked over the headlock and popped Trooper in the head with a punch and firmed up on the hold. After a little more struggle, Trooper shoved Manny off. Manny hit the ropes and came off and Trooper dropped Manny with a shoulder block. Crowd cheered. Manny up and cautiously locked up with Trooper once again. Trooper drove Manny against the ropes. As they broke, Manny caught Trooper with a kick to the gut. Manny hit Trooper with punches and went to whip Trooper into the ropes but Trooper reversed and caught Manny coming off with a another shoulder block and Manny again crashed to the mat. Manny up and charged at Trooper and Trooper caught Manny with a backdrop and Manny crashed to the mat and bailed from the ring to the floor to the delight of the crowd. Manny slammed the apron in frustration. Ref counting. Manny up on the apron. Manny feigned climbing back into the ring and Trooper went after him and Manny caught Trooper with a shoulder block to the gut through the top and middle rope. Manny repeated the move. Trooper stumbled back holding his gut. Manny in and clubbed Trooper with a series of forearms, whipped Trooper into the ropes and caught Trooper coming off with a backhand to the face. Trooper crashed to the mat. Manny grabbed the top rope and drove a series of knees into the Trooper's back. Manny broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Manny snapped Trooper up and went to slam Trooper's head into the top buckle but Trooper stiffened his arms on the top rope and blocked the try twice and elbowed Manny in the side if the ribs and freed himself from the hold and grabbed Manny and slammed Manny's head into the top buckle. Manny spun around in the corner. Trooper mounted the middle buckle and hammered away on Trooper with punches. Manny grabbed Trooper around the waist and went to nail Trooper with a running inverted suplex but Trooper blocked the move and popped Manny with a clothesline. Manny crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Trooper caught Manny in a front facelock and nailed Manny with a suplex. Trooper grabbed Manny's legs and catapaulted Manny into the corner and Manny slammed front-first into the buckles. Trooper backed up and charged in and hit Manny with a splash to the back. Trooper grabbed Manny and went to whip Manny into the buckles but Manny reversed and sent Trooper crashing into them. Manny charged in and blasted Trooper with a running shoulder block to the gut. Manny pulled Trooper out of the corner and snapmared Trooper over and caught Trooper in a rear chinlock. Manny working over the hold but Trooper not giving up. Manny tightened up on the hold while driving his knee in Trooper's back and Trooper winced. Manny kept the hold on a little longer and stood up and dropped an elbow on Trooper's head. Manny snapped Trooper up and picked up Trooper for a bodyslam but Trooper caught Manny in small package for the pin. 1...2... Manny kicked out. Manny caught Trooper in a front facelock but Trooper responded by driving Manny back-first into the buckles. Manny lost his grip on the hold. Trooper laid into Manny with shoulder blocks of his own to the gut. Trooper went to whip Manny into the opposite buckles but Manny reversed and sent Trooper crashing into them. Manny recklessly flied in on Trooper in the corner but Trooper moved and Manny crashed into the top buckle and flew over the top buckle and crashed to the floor. Crowd popped.

Ref ordered Trooper back and the ref began the 10-count. Manny made it to his feet on the floor as the count grew. Manny up on the apron but hesitant to climb back in the ring. Trooper came over and grabbed Manny and Manny poked Trooper in the eye. Manny then attempted to suplex Trooper from the ring to the floor but Trooper twice blocked it, caught Manny with a gut shot and pulled Manny over the top rope and bodyslammed him. Trooper went for an elbow smash on Manny but Manny rolled out of the way and Trooper crashed to the mat. Manny up first and Trooper to his knees and Manny stunned Trooper with a kick to the chest. Manny then grabbed Trooper's hair and slammed Trooper's face into the mat three times. Manny dropped an elbow on Trooper's back. Manny snapped Trooper up and dropped Trooper throat-first across the top rope, Trooper snapped back and crashed to the mat. Manny for the pin. 1...2... Trooper kicked out. Manny caught Trooper with a head shot and then snapped Trooper up, whipped Trooper into the ropes and caught Trooper coming off with a vicious inverted atomic drop. Trooper crashed to the mat holding the goods, Manny for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Trooper kicked out. Crowd cheered. Manny snapped up Trooper and went to whip trooper into the ropes but Trooper reversed and caught Manny by the legs and hoisted Manny upside down over his back. Trooper blasted Manny with a double leg slam to the delight of the crowd. Trooper for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Manny kicked out. Trooper grabbed Manny and started to pull Manny up and Manny stunned Trooper with a jawbreaker to the top of the head. Trooper staggered and fell back against the ropes. Manny to his feet as Trooper wandered away from the ropes and Manny popped trooper with another back fist to the face. Trooper staggered. Manny whipped Trooper into the ropes and looked to catch Trooper coming off with a clothesline but Trooper ducked the move and came back and nailed Manny with a runnign clothesline. Crowd cheered. Trooper backed up as the stunned Manny got to his feet. Manny up and the Trooper unloaded on Manny with his flying shoulder tackle finisher. Trooper for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called fro the bell as the fans cheered.

Trooper up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

The masked man never showed up.

WINNER: Trooper - Pinfall - 8:55

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Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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(Regarding the recent arrest of Billy Jack Haynes for allegedly killing his wife: Since this is a period piece, Haynes will remain in the AWA as a face and continue to be presented as he has been since he arrived in the promotion.)


Announcers: Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(1st Taping)

Show Intro

: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

TV MAIN EVENT: Rip Oliver vs. Brad Rheingans

Tina Moretti sees action

The Destruction Crew (WTTC) wrestles

Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes wrestle

The first Super Clash 5 Update

A look at the end of the Murdoch-Houston vs. Sato-Go match from last week's ASW

A look at a new wrestler coming to the AWA

And more!!!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Rochester.

Jerry Blackwell vs. Tommy Rich

Blackwell came to the ring down the face aisle to a good ovation.

Rich came down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos.

Deliberate match between these two vets.

Both men got in some good offense. Match ended when Rich was on the offensive. Rich had staggered Blackwell and then Rich backed up and charged at Blackwell and Blackwell caught Rich in a bearhug and ran Rich into the corner. Blackwell crushed into Rich. Blackwell backed up as Rich staggered out of the corner and crashed to his back in the ring. Blackwell ran,hit the ropes and came off with his diving splash finisher to score the 1...2...3!

WINNER: Blackwell - Pinfall - 5:39

In-studio: Nelson hyped the upcoming SC 5 PPV in Milwaukee on Sunday, Sept. 16.

Video from last week's Murdoch-Houston vs. Go-Sato match aired with the caption: NEXT... USA! USA!


Nelson intro'd video from the end of last week's match pitting Muroch & Houston against Go & Sato from ASW.


# Sato went to chop Murdoch in the head but Murdoch blocked the chop try and fired away on Sato with punches. Murdoch whipped Sato into the corner. Murdoch moved in with more punches and then mounted the middle buckle behind Sato, placed his knee and Sato's back and drove Sato face-first into the mat with the calf branding. Murdoch turned Sato over and went for the cover. 1...2... Go hit the ring and went went for a diving double sledge on Murdoch to break up the pin try bu Murdoch rolled out of the way and Go clubbed Sato instead as the crowd went into orbit. Go up and stunned. Sam hit the ring and dropkicked Go and Go crashed to the mat, rolled out fo the ring and crashed to the floor and Sam followed him out as the crowd was eating it up. In ring, Murdoch snapped up Sato and hoisted him up.

Reynolds: Here it comes, David!


Crockett: Brainbusterrrrrrrrrr!!!

Murdoch covered Sato and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans roared. Sam held serve on Go on the floor. Murdoch up and the ref raised his hand in victory. Sam and Murdoch hugged in celebration and Sam then raised Murdoch's hand in victory

In-studio: Nelson intro'd post-match comments from the victors.


Lee Marshall, mic in hand, was standing inn the locker room with Murdoch and Houston. Both were still in their ring attire.

Marshall: It was a thrilling victory tonight for Sam Houston and his coach, Dick Murdoch.

Dick, how did it feel to climb back into the ring and wrestle again?

Murdoch: It felt great, Lee. I had some ring rust but after a couple of minutes, I felt like I was on top of my game.

I also had a great partner that helped immensely.

Murdoch patted Sam on the back.

Marshall: Sam, how did it feel to wrestle with your mentor?

Sam: It was great. I was so pumped for this match I was almost jumping out of my skin. But coach here kept me focused on the task at hand. He's my coach for a reason. He keeps me balanced.

Murdoch: Sam's really come a long way over the last year or so. I can't tell you how proud I am of him. He just keeps getting better and better.

Marshall: Any chance this is the start of a comeback for Dick Murdoch?

Murdoch laughed.

Murdoch: No, Lee. It's one and done for me. I had my time under the lights. Now, it's time to train future stars in this sport.

It felt awesome to be out there. But, I've gotten it out of my system. I'm back to being the ol' coach.

Marshall: Well, you looked good out there after being inactive for some time now.

Murdoch: Thank you. But if I did not have a great partner, I would not have even entertained coming back for this one match.

Sam: Coach, you're welcome to come out of retirement anytime in my book.

Murdoch nodded.

Marshall: You fans have heard it. It sounds like Dick Murdoch came out of retirement for one final match. And now we'll see what level of success he has as he trains future wrestling stars.


Pic aired of Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton with the caption: NEXT... NORTHWEST THRUNDER!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes won a squash match over Norman Smiley & Tony Falk when Haynes made Flak submit to his full nelson finisher

Haynes and Norton came down the face aisle to a good ovation from the crowd.

Announcers discussed what happened at the end of their match last week with DeBeers and Oliver with the Grappler getting involved.

In-studio: Nelson discussed the explosive situation that is emerging in the AWA courtesy of the Pacific Northwest with DeBeers-Oliver-Grappler against Haynes-Norton.

Pic aired of Tina Moretti with the caption: NEXT... TOUGH GAL TINA!!!


Tina Moretti won a squash match over masked wrestler Miss Canada via pinfall with her Samoan driver

Tina got a good ovation coming down the face aisle to the ring.

In-studio: Nelson said Tina already looks like championship material. Said he wondered how long Mimi could hold off the growing list of challengers in the women's division.

Pic aired of the Super Clash 5 logo with the caption: NEXT... SC 5 UPDATE!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities


# Eric Bischoff was sitting behind the update desk with the SC 5 logo behind him.

Bischoff: Hello, everybody. I'm Eric Bischoff coming to you from the Super Clash 5 update center.

This is your first Super Clash 5 update.

Super Clash 5 will be taking place Sunday, September 16th in MIlwaukee, Wisconsin at the historic Mecca Arena. The show has a bell time of 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific.

This will also be the first AWA pay-per-view since Super Clash 3 in 1988.

Can't make it to the show? Get on the horn and call your local cable operator for details on how to order this major wrestling event.

Tickets are on sale now and you can get yours by contacting TicketMaster, calling the Mecca box office at (414) 555-1812 or visiting the Mecca box office in person.

In the coming weeks, we will announce the matches taking place on Super Clash 5.

Milwaukee's a great town to visit. And there are plenty of places to stay if you come to town for the pay-per-view.

Plus, the brats are always cookin' and the beer always flowin' in Milwaukee.

Super Clash is always a fantastic event and this year's show will be no different.

You can already feel the excitement in the air.

It's gonna be Super Clash 5! Coming to you live from the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee on pay-per-view.

Nelson talked about the upcoming SC5 PPV.

Pic aired of the Destruction Crew with the caption: NEXT... INDESTRUCTIBLE???


The Destruction Crew (WTTC) won a squash match over Billy Anderson & Jay Strongbow, Jr. via pinfall when Bloom pinned Anderson after the Wrecking Ball (Doomsday Device)

The champs were heavily booed coming down the heel aisle.

Announcers pointed out they'd been the champs for over a year and wondered if anyone could beat them.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!



# Grainy black and white video aired of a man standing in a ring in an empty arena.

Camera panned around the man from behind. He was wearing a sports jacket, white dress shirt unbuttoned at the top button, slacks, sunglasses and dress shoes.

Camera panned around and showed half of the man's face close up. He removed the sunglasses.

The man chuckled.

Screen went black and the words appeared in white block lettering: TULLY'S COMING!


Rip Oliver vs. Brad Rheingans

Oliver came down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos.

Rip climbed in the ring and took the ring mic from Eric Bischoff.

Rip: Here we are in Rochester, Minnesota at the Mayo Civic Center.

Think about that for a minute... if you people can think.

Crowd booed.

Rip: We're in a town named after that black guy on the Jack Benny Show. That's Rochester. And we're wrestling in an arena named after the condiment mayonnaise. Whoever came up with those names were really deep thinkers.

But, they're probably looked at as great philosophers here in Minnesota.

More boos.

Rip: You people need to go back to your trailer parks and get some rest for the cow chip eating contest tomorrow.

I can't believe how many rusted out vehicles produced during the disco era that I saw in the parking lot.

Do you people actually drive those cars or just have your fat aunt Bertha push them down the road.

Booing continued.

Rip: If God ever wants to give the world an enema, he can stick the nozzle right here in Rochester.

Boos and a beer flew past Oliver's head.

Rip: Looks like someone just wasted their bath water for the month.

More boos and garbage.

Rheingans came down the face aisle to a good ovation.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men circled one another and engaged in an collar-and-elbow tie-up. After a brief struggle, Rheingans gained the advantage and caught Oliver around the waist and rode Oliver down to the mat. Oliver and Rheingans up and Oliver went to kick Brad but Brad caught Oliver's foot. Oliver tried to beg off but Brad held Rip in that position for a few seconds and tripped up Oliver and Oliver crashed to the mat and Brad dropped down and locked Rip in a painful toe hold. Brad worked over the toe hold but Rip would not submit. Rip reached up behind Brad and tried to catch Brad in a rear chinlock but Brad cinched up on the hold and Rip fell back to the mat in pain. Brad continued to work the toe hold. Rip then sat back up, reached around and raked Brad's eyes. Brad lost his grip on the hold. Rip up and hobbling a little. Brad getting up and Rip caught Brad with a knee lift to the chest. Brad crashed to the mat. Rip grabbed the top rope and started stomping away on Brad. Rip stopped the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Rip snapped up Brad and walked out on the apron and neck snapped Brad on the top rope. Brad cashed to the mat. Rip had dropped to the floor on the move and quickly climbed back into the ring. Rip for the quick cover. 1...2... Brad kicked out. Rip and Brad up and Rip popped Brad with an uppercut that further stunned the Olympian. Rip caught Brad in an abdominal stretch. Rip cinching up on the hold. Out of view of the ref, Rip grabbed the back of Brad's tights for extra leverage and pain. Rip released the hold just before the ref looked over. Rip again grabbed the tights and Brad in series pain. Once again, Rip released the illegal hold before the ref could look over. After a few more seconds in the hold, Brad freed himself with a hip toss on Oliver. Rip up and charged at Brad and Brad caught Rip with an arm drag. Rip up and went at Brad again and was hit with another arm drag. Rip to his feet and backed up. The two men sized one another up. Rip and Brad locked up again a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Rip got inside on Brad with a knee to the gut followed by a side headlock. Rip worked over the headlock. Brad countered with a belly-to-back suplex to free himself from the hold. Both men up and Brad caught Rip with an open hand slap and then swept Rip's leg with a his hand (a famous move Bob Backlund used to do). Rip crashed to the mat. Rip up and lunged at Brad and Brad hit Rip with another leg sweep with the hand. Rip back down. Brad grabbed Rip's leg but Rip was able to scoot close enough to the ropes and grab the middle rope to force a break. Rip up and glared at Brad. The two men circled one another and Brad caught Rip in a front facelock. Rip briefly struggled in the hold and then was able to reach down and pulled Brad's leg out from under him. Brad crashed to the mat and Rip tried to take Brad over for a pin but Brad resisted and you had two men frozen in position trying to gain the advantage. Rip began to turn Brad over for the pin but Brad started to resist and Brad struck Rip with his free leg to break the hold. Both men up and Rip moved on Brad and Brad went to grab Rip but Rip ducked the assault try and blasted Brad with another uppercut. Brad stumbled back holding his jaw. Rip with some head shots. Rip went to whip Brad into the ropes but Brad reversed and caught Rip coming off with a gut shot and then Brad put Rip's head between his legs and nailed Rip with a bell ring. Rip popped up and crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered.

Brad for the cover. 1...2... Rip kicked out. Brad caught Rip in a side headlock on the mat. Brad worked over the hold on Rip. The two made it to their knees and then to their feet. Rip struggled to free himself from the hold. Rip shoved Brad off and Brad hit the ropes and came back and Oliver looked to backdrop Brad but Brad leapfrogged Rip, spun around and ran Rip into the ropes and and rolled up Rip for the pin. 1...2... Rip kicked out. Crowd groaned. Crowd booed as Valerie made her way down the heel aisle to ringside with notepad in hand..

Crockett: She has her eye on Patera or Rheingans... or both. They've told her no thanks to joining the stable she's trying to build but she doesn't seem to want to take no for an answer for some reason.

Brad looked up and saw Valerie at ringside and yelled at her to leave the area. Valerie, of course, did not listen. Rip up behind Brad and clubbed Brad in the back. Rip whipped Brad into the corner. Rip in and fired away on Brad with head and body shots. Rip pulled Brad out of the corner and whipped Brad into the ropes and caught Brad coming off with a high backdrop. Brad crashed to the mat. Rip looked out at the crowd and was booed. Brad quickly to his feet behind Rip and Rip turned and walked right into a belly-to-belly suplex from Brad. Brad for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Rip got a shoulder up. Brad snapped up Rip and caught Rip with a gutwrench suplex. Rip in a bad way. Rip started getting up and Brad grabbed Rip around the waist from behind and caught Rip with a brutal amateur-style wrestling throw. Rip over by the ropes and uses them to pull himself to his feet. Rip is bent over. Brad charges at Rip and goes to sunset flip Rip but Rip struggles to not go over. Ref turns and signals for Valerie to leave ringside. Rip takes advantage and pulls a foreign object out of his tights and nails Brad in the head with it. Brad flatlines. Rip for the cover with the object hidden in his hand down by the side of his leg as the ref turned back to the action. 1...2...3! Crowd booed loudly. Rip quickly turned facing the crowd and dropped the object back in his tights as the ref comes over and raises his hand in victory. Val disappeared to the back.

Oliver left the ring and called over Eric Bischoff.

Rip: This was a victory for the Pacific Northwest!

More boos as Rip walked off leaving a stunned Bischoff at ringside as the program ended.

WINNER: Oliver - PInfall - 9:32

Last edited:
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Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(2nd Taping)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

Greg Valentine (PWHC) vs. Don Muraco

Jerry Lawler stops by for an interview

Another Super Clash 5 Update

Col. DeBeers wrestles

Another video about a new wrestler coming to the AWA

Barry Windham sees action

Comments from DeBeers-Oliver-Grappler and Haynes-Norton about what transpired in their match two weeks ago

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas!

Shot of the stretcher at ringside.

Kokina Maximus won a squash match over Terry Daniels in dominant fashion via pinfall with his Bonzai drop (ass drop to the chest from the middle turnbuckle) finisher

Kokina, manager Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey and the Masked Doc came down the heel aisle to strong boos.

After the match, masked doc checked on the destroyed Daniels and Kokina pulled Daniels out of the ring onto the stretcher.


Sheik, another dominating performance by your man Kokina Maximus.

But these fans are wanting to see you go one-on-one inside a steel cage with Don Muraco.

Kaissey: I am outraged, infidel Nelson! The courts will not hear my case to get the cage match against Don Muraco thrown out!

Crowd cheered.

Kaissey: Now, I am forced to wrestle Muraco! I am retired and am now only a manager! What will happen is an outrage! Don Muraco is like a wild animal! He should not even be walking the streets of any country!

Crowd booed.

Kaissey: But I will have Kokina in my corner for the cage match! He will watch my back to make sure Muraco doesn't do anything illegal during the match!

Muraco! You break the rules... and I promise that you will pay at the hands of Kokina!

You need to wrestle like an honorable man, Muraco!

Nelson: Are you honorable, Sheik?

Sheik: Are you kidding me?! How dare you ask that question, infidel Nelson! I am bound by my beliefs to act honorably!

More boos.

Sheik: Do not ever ask me a question like that again?!

Sheik left the ring for the floor and met up with Kokina and the masked doc and they made their way back up the heel aisle with Kokina pulling the stretcher containing the battered Daniels.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... WORDS OF WAR!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from the team of Col. DeBeers, Rip Oliver & The Grappler and the team of Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes. While Nelson talked, a replay of the end of the DeBeers & Oliver vs. Norton & Haynes match from a couple of weeks earlier aired where the Grappler interfered and superkicked Scott Norton leading to DeBeers & Oliver getting the victory over Norton & Haynes.


DeBeers, Oliver and The Grappler were all standing in front of the AWA logo, each with mic in hand. Oliver and Grappler were in street clothes and Grap was wearing his silver and black (Raider colors!) mask. DeBeers was in his camo attire and beret.

Oliver: You are looking at the Triangle of Terror. Our first victims: Scott Norton and Billy Jack Haynes. You boys need to do a better job of watching your backs.

Scott, how did it feel when the Grappler's boot crashed into your face? I bet it hurt like hell. Are you taking your meals through a straw right now? You two don't realize that problems that started elsewhere don't stay there. The problems can follow you around.

Now, you have to regroup and try to come up with something to counter this trio of bad news. We fight to win. And that's just what happened in our match a couple of weeks ago. We won. And for us winning is the bottom line. We'll do whatever we have to do to win. You win the match, you get the bigger payout. This is a business, afterall. It's about money. It's about championships. And it's about being the biggest badasses on the block.

A little intimidation can go a long way in pro wrestling.

DeBeers: Well said, Rip. A little history for thee unwashed American masses out there. We had bad blood with Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton in the Pacific Northwest. And now that bad blood is here in the AWA. Nothing has changed other than we're now on a national stage rather than a regional one.

This war has gone national. We're live and nationwide! We know, because of how things ended in our last match, that this will only intensify the hatred between us. There will be no mercy granted nor asked for. This situation is now boiling over. It's white hot. An explosion is coming and both sides know it. You fans need to stay out of the way and let the real men handle this matter or else you could get burned.

Scott Norton. Billy Jack Haynes. The match a couple of weeks ago was battle one. We'll see what kind of counter-attack you have planned for us. But know this. We'll be good and ready for it. Real men always are.

Grappler: Scott Norton and Billy Jack Haynes. If you're looking for a third partner to help you in your dog fight with us maybe you can give Sgt. Slaughter a call.

The trio laughed.

Grappler: Oh wait! Col. DeBeers dispatched Sgt. Slaughter from the AWA! Never mind!

More laughter.

Grappler: The war once confined to cities like Seattle, Washington and Portland, Oregon is now, as the good Colonel has said, nationwide! That means millions of people will see it unfold in their living rooms courtesy of ESPN the sports channel!

But this transcends sports! This situation is based on raw hatred of one another! Wins and losses are nice! But sometimes, demolishing someone feels better than any championship belt or big payday!

Norton! I can't tell you how good it felt to kick you in that rotten face of yours! And the way you crumpled to the mat was like looking at a fine piece of art!

The Northwest war has expanded! And the decimation of Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton has just begun!

When it's over, you two may be sent back to the Northwest in flag-draped coffins!

Pic flipped and Norton and Haynes were both in street clothes and holding mics and standing in front of the AWA logo.

Haynes: You know, some feuds in this great sport of professional wrestling are very personal. This feud is one of them.

We had Rip Oliver and Col. DeBeers beat. But then... but then the Grappler stuck his nose where it did not belong and cost us the match.

You boys have just turned up the heat! This feud is now a raging wildfire and there's no way to control it!

No one will leave this feud unscathed! But, me and Scott are gonna look to put an exclamation point on this whole thing by crushing you three into the dust!

Some feuds never really die! And this just might be one of them! The question is: what will be left of all of us at the end?!

Norton: Nothing is more infuriating in any sport than having a victory stolen from you. Everyone who saw the match knows we had DeBeers and Oliver dead to rights.

I thought when we signed the contract for the match, we were facing Oliver and DeBeers. I didn't know the Grappler was going to be a silent partner and the decisive factor in the match.

Where one of you is, the other two will be lurking somewhere.

Right now, it's just Billy and myself. And, let me tell you something. We... do... not... care! You hear me Rip?! You hear me, DeBeers?! Yiou hear me, Grappler?!

We're hot right now! We are angry! So, here's the deal! Me and Billy will take on all three of you on in a handicap match! You can name the time and place! Mark my words: We'll be there!

Promoter Jim Crockett, please make the match! We want those guys even if we have to fight them at a disadvantage! This is war!


Pic aired of Barry Windham with the caption: NEXT... MR. WINDHAM!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update

Barry Windham won a squash match over Barry O via pinfall with his flying lariat finisher

Windham got a strong ovation coming to the ring down the face aisle.

Nelson talked about Windham being a major player in the AWA for the forseeable future.

Pic aired of Jerry Lawler with the caption: NEXT... ROYALTY DROPS BY!!!


In-ring: Nelson stood center ring with mic in hand.

Nelson: Please welcome... Jerry 'The King' Lawler!

Lawler got a strong ovation as he came down the face aisle in his ring attire.

Nelson: 'King', it's great to see you back! The new era AWA seems to have really caught your attention.

Lawler: It has, Larry. The AWA is on fire right now.

But, I came out here to discuss one person. And that person is Cactus Jack.

Cactus was recently on this show and made some really disturbing statements about me and I feel I must respond. The man seems unhinged. His anger seems to be spiraling out of control since he lost the AWA World Title to Wahoo at WrestleRock.

He said he wanted to eat my liver with beans and a fine wine. How off your rocker is that?

So, whAtever problem Cactus has with me, let's talk about it like men in this ring right now.

Crowd cheered.

Lawler: Come on, Cactus. Come on out here. Let's talk.

Most of the crowd booed but many cheered as the off-kilter Cactus Jack made his way down the heel aisle to the ring.

Jack climbed up on the apron and stared at Lawler before stepping into the ring. Jack was pensive.

Jack: What do you want, 'King'?

Lawler: Cactus, I called you out here to ask why you seem... well... crazy.

FaNs cheered. Jack looked out at the crowd.

Jack: One man's crazy is another man's brilliance! Jerry Lawler, I have made clear my hated of you because you've been the World Champion and I hate all World Champions except me!

Lawler: That doesn't make any sense. I've never done anything to you to deserve your wrath.

Jack: You deserve my wrath just because! Do I have to have a reason other than you exist and I hate you because of that fact!

Lawler: It's obvious there's no reasoning with you, Cactus. This discussion is over.

Lawler turned to leave the ring.

Jack spoke in a conciliatory tone.

Jack: Wait, 'King'! Please!

Lawler stopped and turned back and walked up to Jack and Nelson.

Jack: I'm sorry that I said I wanted to cannibalize you. I said it in a fit of rage. I don't want to eat your liver because I hate liver. I don't want to eat any part of you, 'King'.

Lawler: This is just. I really don't know what to say. You're hard to figure out, Cactus. You're an enigma.

Jack (angry): Don't you ever call me an enigma!

Lawler (puzzled): What...

Jack: Sorry. Sorry.

'King', what I really want is just a match with you. Just a simple match between us to see who's the best.

You see, I'm a master of mind games.I'm trying to get in your head so you'll want to wrestle me.

Lawler: You know what, Cactus. I accept your challenge for a match. I will wrestle you.

Crowd popped.

Jack dropped to his knees and made the prayer hands.

Jack: Please forgive me for wanting to eat part of you, 'King'. Forgive all the craziness. It was just a ploy to get a match with you.

Lawler: You just had to ask me. I would have agreed to it. You did not have to go through all this bizarre behavior.

Jack still on his knees.

Jack: Thank you, great 'King' Lawler! This will be the ultimate test for me! Cactus Jack vs. the Memphis legend! I can't wait! Wait until the boys back at the institution hear about this!

Jack stood and bowed to the 'King' and mouthed the words Thank you and then left the ring and headed back up the heel aisle before a perplexed crowd.

'King'. Any final words?

lawler: I've watched Cactus wrestle and the kid has talent. But, he's either a real life head case or a master of ring psychology. Guess we'll find out when we meet in the ring.

Crowd cheered.

Pic aired of Col. DeBeers with the caption: NEXT... COL. DEBEERS!!!


Col. DeBeers won a squash match over Jeff Gaylord via pinfall with his face-first piledriver finisher

DeBeers was mainly booed but also had his fans as he made his way down the heel aisle.


Col. DeBeers. Nikita Koloff is still hoping to talk with ...

DeBeers ripped the mic out of Nelson's hand.

DeBeers: I still have nothing to say to the traitor! Nikita Koloff has betrayed Russia and the Russian people just so he can wave that rag known as the Americvan flag!

Loud boos.

DeBeers: I have zero respect for the man! Nikita, you and I could have had a great partnership in this sport! But I don't like sellouts! You caved in to all the trinkets America can offer you! How do you even look yourself in the mirror?!

You want to be part of all this decadence and filth that is America?! Feel free to wallow in the mud of this star spangled cesspool!

DeBeers dropped the mic and left the ring and headed back up the heel aisle to strong boos and some trash thrown in his direction.

Pic aired of the Super Clash 5 logo with the caption: NEXT... SUPER CLASH 5 UPDATE!



Eric Bischoff was seated at the SC 5 update desk with the SC 5 logo in the background.

Eric: Hi, everybody. I'm Eric Bischoff.

This is your Super Clash 5 update.

Super Clash 5 will take place on Sunday, September 16th at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The show will also be airing live on pay-per-view.

For tickets to the show, contact TicketMaster or call the Mecca box office at (414) 555-1212 or visit the Mecca box office in person.

To see the show on pay-per-view, call your local cable operator to get Super Clash 5 in the comfort of your own home.

In the weeks ahead, I'll be updating the matches that will take place on the show.

This promises to be a pay-per-view that one will remember for years to come.

The AWA is loaded with top wrestling stars. And you'll see the best wrestling action at Super Clash 5.

Things are heating up in the AWA. And things are only going to get hotter in the months to come.

Be a part of wrestling history live or on pay-per-view!

Be sure to tune in next week for another Super Clash 5 update.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... TITLE CLASH!!!



Grainy black and white shot aired of a screen filled with smoke. There were lights in the background illuminating the smoke.

A man walked through the smoke and stood on an elevated platform.

He was in his ring robe and ring boots.

The grainy black and white picture turned full color and the man stood in all his glory for all to see.

Picture went black and the words, in white block lettering, came on the screen: TULLY'S HERE!!!



Lee Marshall was standing by in the back with promoter Jim Crockett.

Marshall: Promoter Jim Crockett. You have some news for the fans.

Crockett: I do, Lee. I have in my hand here a signed contract.

Next week here on AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN, it will be Jerry Lawler vs. Cactus Jack.

Marshall: What a match that promises to be, fans. Cactus Jack vs. Jerry Lawler right here next week on ESPN.


(NOTE: The TV main event took place the previous month as a dark match in Vegas. On promos for the Vegas market, the story was since Valenitne pinned Muraco with his feet on the ropes, promoter Jim Crockett was ordering a re-match. But that was known to the LV audience only.)

Greg Valentine (PWHC) vs. Don Muraco

Muraco came down the face aisle to a solid ovation.

Valentine came down the heel aisle to mainly boos but also had his fans.

Nelson did the pre-match intros.

Ref took the belt and held it up for all to see before handing it off to Larry Nelson.

Ref called both men to the middle of the ring and laid down the rules and patted each man down and sent each man back to his corner.

Ref called for the bell.

Valentine charged out of his corner and swung at Muraco and Muraco ducked the punch try and caught Valentine in a fireman's carry. Muraco blasted Valentine with a Samoan drop. Crowd exploded. Muraco for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Valentine got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Muraco snapped Valentine up, whipped Valentine into the ropes and caught Valentine coming off with a press slam. Valentine crashed to the mat. Muraco snapped Valentine up and went to whip Valentine into the corner but Valentine reversed and sent Muraco crashing into the buckles. Valentine charged in on Muraco and Muraco moved and Valentine slammed front-first into the buckles. Valentine staggered backwards out of the corner and Muraco dropped down on all fours and Valentine fell back over Muraco and Muraco went for the pin. 1...2... Valentine kicked out. Muraco reached down to pull Valentine up but Valentine punched Muraco in the gut three times and got to his feet and nailed Muraco with a series of elbows to the back of the neck. Valentine picked Muraco up and blasted Muraco with a series of sidebreakers across the knee. Muraco down in the ring. Valentine with an elbow smash and went for the cover. 1...2... Muraco kicked out. Valentine up and grabbed Muraco and pulled Muraco over by the ropes and choked Muraco out on the middle rope. Ref coutning. Valentine broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Valentine stood over Muraco, whose head, shoulders and arms were hanging out over the middle rope, grabbed the top rope, jumped up and came crashing down on Muraco's back. Ref ordered a break. Valentine broke at the count of 4. Muraco sitting up next to the ropes. Valentine stomped Muraco in the chest and snapped Muraco up and caught Muraco with a beal throw. Muraco in bad shape. Valentine snapped Muraco up, whipped Muraco into the ropes and caught Muraco coming off with a clothesline. Muraco crashed to the mat. Valentine grabbed Muraco's left leg and started to deliberately yank on it. Valentine started to lock Muraco into the figure 4 but Muraco kicked Valentine off and Valentine crashed to the mat. Both men up and Valentine charged at Muraco and Muraco backdropped Valentine to the mat. Valentine up and Muraco clubbed Valentine. Muraco went to suplex Valentine but Valentine blocked the move and suplexed Muraco. Valentine snapped Muraco up and hit Muraco with a second suplex followed by a foot stomp. Valentine ran and hit the ropes and came off with a running elbow smash but Muraco rolled out of the way and Valentine crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Both men up and Muraco moved in and nailed Valentine with head shots that drove Valentine against the ropes. Muraco whipped Valentine into the ropes and looked to catch Valentine coming off with a backdrop but Valentine dropped down and double sledged Muraco in the back. Muraco shot up and stumbled back. Valentine moved in and hit the stunned Muraco with a series of bionic elbows to the top of the head. Valentine went to whip Muraco into the ropes but Muraco reversed and whipped Valentine into the ropes but Valentine grabbed the top rope. Muraco charged in and blasted Valentine with a running clothesline that sent Valentine head-over-heels and crashing to the floor as the crowd popped.

Graphic appeared with the caption: THE MATCH CONTINUES...

3-minute commercial break.

Valentine had Muraco's legs pulled around the ring post. Valentine slammed Muraco's left leg multiple times into the post. Muraco scooted back in the ring and Valentine climbed back in. Valentine grabbed Muraco's left leg and drove an elbow into the knee area. Muraco cried out in pain. Valentine repeated the move and then yanked on the left leg and wrapped Muraco up in the figure four. Muraco writhing in pain but not submitting. Muraco fighting and started to reverse the hold. Valentine fought to not get turned but, after a brief struggle, Muraco succeeded in turning over the hold. Now, Valentine in pain as the crowd popped. Valentine in agony in the reversal. Valentine scooted close enough to the ropes to get his hand on the bottom rope to force as break in the hold. The men untangled their legs. Valentine struggled to get to his feet with the aid of the ropes. Muraco moved in on Valentine and Valentine bailed to the safety of the floor as the crowd booed. Valentine walking off the effects of Muraco's reversal. Ref ordered Muraco to stand back. Ref counting. Valentine climbed up on the apron as the count grew. Muraco came over to pull Valentine back into the ring before the 10-count and Valentine caught Muraco with an eye rake. Ref reprimanded Valentine. Valentine climbed back into the ring. Valentine clubbed Muraco across the back with forearms. Valentine whipped Muraco into the ropes and caught Muraco coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Muraco went down. Valentine stomped Muiraco in the back and pulled Muraco up and went to suplex Muraco but Valentine, still feeling the effects of Muraco's figure four reversal, had his left leg give out and crumpled to the mat with Muraco on top of him for the pin. 1...2... Valentine kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both men up and Muraco caught Valentine with a kick to the gut followed by a whip into the corner. Muraco moved in and caught Valentine with a deliberate series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Muraco pulled Valentine out of the corner and hoisted Valentine on his shoulder and went for a running powerslam but Valentine wriggled free from Muraco's grasp, dropped down behind Muraco and shoved Muraco front-first into the buckles. Muraco slammed into them. Valentine clubbed Muraco repeatedly across the back, spun Muraco around and whipped Muraco into the opposite buckles. Valentine moved in on Muraco but Muraco charged out of the corner and pulverized the champ with a running clothesline. Valentine crashed to the mat as the crowd exploded. Muraco for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! NO! Valentine kicked out. Crowd groaned. Muraco snapped up Valentine and slammed Valentine's head into the top buckle. Muraco caught Valentine with a series of knees to the gut. Muraco whipped Valentine into the opposite buckles and Valentine slammed into them and bounded out of the corner and crashed to his face in the ring. Crowd popped. Muraco signaled it was time for his inverted piledriver finisher. Crowd into it. Muraco reached down and started to pull Valentine up and Valentine caught Muraco with a jawbreaker to the top of the head. Muraco snapped back and crashed to the mat. Valentine to his feet and grabbed Muraco and caught Muraco with a sidebreaker across the knee. Valentine ran and hit the ropes and came off with a running elbow smash. Valentine for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans booed.

Ref went over and took the belt from Larry Nelson and said a few words to Nelson.

Valentine up and the ref handed Valentine the belt and raised his hand in victory.

In a time of 13 minutes, 3 seconds, your winner... and STILL Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion... Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine!

More crowd boos and Valentine slung the belt over his shoulder and looked out at the crowd as the program went off the air.

WINNER: Valentine - Pinfall - 13:03 (Approx. 10 minutes aired on TV.)


Raider Nation

Active Member
Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(2nd Taping)

Show Intro

: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

TV MAIN EVENT: Jonnie Stewart vs. Greg Gagne

Another Super Clash 5 Update

Nikita Koloff sees action

The Top Guns wrestle

'Big' Reggie Bennett laces 'em up

Another video about the arrival Tully Blanchard in the AWA

Nelson sent it to the ring in Rochester.

The Destruction Crew (WTTC) won a squash match over Todd Champion & Coney Island Chris when Enos pinned Chris after a powerslam

Destruction Crew came down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had their fans.


Wayne Bloom and Mike Enos, an impressive victory. You guys have been the champs for over a year now. But, there is a new team in the AWA that could pose the biggest threat to date to your reign in Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton.

Bloom: We're hearing all this chatter about Norton and Haynes and what a great team they are. Well, you know what? The Top Guns are a great team. Patera and Rheingans are a great team. Greg Gagne and Jake Milliman are a great team. The Guerrero Brothers are a great team. But all those teams have one thing in common.

When it came time to wrestle us with the belts on the line, we always emerged the victors. Scott Norton and Billy Jack Haynes are indeed impressive. But they're not the Destruction Crew. They're gonna fall by the wayside just like all those other teams have who have challenged us for the titles.

We know the people at the top of the AWA are desperately looking for anyone to beat us and relieve us of these belts. But it's not gonna happen. No matter who they put in the ring with us the end result is always gonna be the same.

Bischoff: You seem pretty confident and it's bordering on arrogance.

Bloom: We don't care if people look at it as arrogance. We have a right to be arrogant. We've been the tag team champions for well over a year now. We're extremely confident in our abilities. There's a reason we're the best tag team in the world right now. I wouldn't be surprised if we retired as the champions. That's how good we are.

Enos: All those teams Wayne just mentioned slinked off in defeat after facing us in title matches! Fans at arenas all over the country can attest to our greatness! Those fans wanted to see us leave the ring as the former champions! But, to their dismay, they went home unhappy! We put all those teams down for the count! They just don't have the 'it' factor that we do! They don't have the intangibles that we do! If they did, then one of those teams would have ripped the tag team titles from us by now!

So, you fans be prepared to leave the arena disappointed once again when we defeat your heroes in this ring! We are the unstoppable force in pro wrestling today! And our future looks even brighter today than it did when we won these belts!

Haynes and Norton! You guys want your shot! Then you prove to us that you deserve a shot and we'll give it to you! Clowns!

Bischoff: That's the Destruction Crew.

Crowd booed.

Pic aired of Reggie Bennett with the caption: NEXT... POWER WOMAN!!!


'Big' Reggie Bennett won a squash match over Velvet McIntyre via submission with her split-leg rear chinlock

Bennett got a nice ovation coming down the face aisle.


Reggie Bennett. Your star keeps rising here in the AWA. It can't be long before you're squaring off against Maginificent MImi for the AWA Women's Championship.

Reggie: That's what I came here for, Eric. I want to be the AWA Women's World Champion. I've had Magnificent Mimi on my radar for months now, even before I arrived here.

Eric: That split-leg rear chinlock submission move you use is devastating. Once you lock an opponent in it, there's really no way out of it.

Reggie: It's a move I've worked hard to perfect. The pressure applied to my opponent's lower back while I'm pulling back on her upper body with the rear chinlock is something that most female wrestlers can't stay in for long. It's an excrutiating hold that can cause serious damage to my opponent. But, I'm just trying to beat whomever I step inside the ring with.

Mimi's a win at all costs wrestler. And her manager Valerie, because of her devious ways, adds another layer of intrigue to any match with the champion. I know I can beat Mimi and win the gold. But I also will have to keep an eye on Valerie; know where she is at all times around that ring. Val's capable of doing anything because she wants to hold on to that prestige of being the manager of the women's champion.

Mimi, if I lock you in my submission hold, there will be no escape for you. Only your snake of a manager could save you. But I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen when we meet.

Eric: She is Reggie Bennett and she is quickly working her way into challenging for the Women's World Title.

Fans cheered.

Pic aired of the Top Guns with the caption: NEXT... FLYIN' HIGH!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

The Top Guns (Ricky Rice & Derrick Dukes) won a squash match over Flat & Scruggs when Rice pinned Scruggs with a flying crossbody

Guns came down the face aisle to a decent ovation.

In-studio: Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from Jonnie Stewart.


Stewart, in his ring attire, was standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.

'The Wrestler of the '90s' is starting his ascension to the top of the AWA heap.

Things are starting to break in Jonnie Stewart's direction.

Tonight, I'm facing Greg Gagne. Greg is living proof that looks can be deceiving. He's a good wrestler. Notice the key word there. I said he was 'good'. But he's not great like yours truly. And that's what will be the deciding factor in our match tonight.

You see, Greg Gagne is not Jonnie Stewart. That's the demarcation line here. And it makes all the difference in the world.

If you people have an ounce of brains in your head, you'll hop on the rocket that is Jonnie Stewart. Because this rocket is going straight to the top in this new decade.

Pic aired of Nikita Koloff with the caption: NEXT... NIKITA!!!



Grainy black and white shot aired of a screen filled with smoke. There were lights in the background illuminating the smoke.

A man walked through the smoke and stood on an elevated platform.

He was in his ring robe and ring boots.

The grainy black and white picture turned full color and the man stood in all his glory for all to see.

Picture went black and the words, in white block lettering, came on the screen: TULLY'S HERE!!!


Nikita Koloff won a squash match over Tommy Lane via pinfall with his Russian sickle finisher

Koloff came to the ring to a strong ovation.


The topic on everyone's ind right now is you wanting to talk with Col. DeBeers and DeBeers stating clearly he wants nothing to do with you because he says you're a traitor to the Russian people.

What do you have to say about that?

Koloff: Col. DeBeers needs to embrace America. This country has been warm and welcoming to me and I appreciate that. Being here made me realize that Communism was the dark force in the world and American freedom was the source of great good.

Crowd cheeered.

Koloff: DeBeers defends a, how you say, regime that oppresses people. America defends equal rights for everyone.

This is the land of opportunity, Eric. It is the greatest nation ever built.

More cheers.

Koloff: I would like to show Col. DeBeers what a wonderful country America truly is. It is not, how you say, the great Satan.

It is a land of plenty. It is a land where you can be whatever you want to be. You just need to put shoulder to the wheel and work hard to make something of yourself.

You have the freedom to pursue your dreams.

I want Col. DeBeers to see what I came to see and realize why I now love America, a country I once despised.

More cheers.

Eric: That was Nikita Koloff.

Pic aired of the Super Clash 5 logo with the caption: NEXT... SC 5 UPDATE!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities


Eric Bischoff was seated at the SC 5 update desk with the SC 5 logo in the background.

# Eric: Hi, everybody. I'm Eric Bischoff.

This is your Super Clash 5 update.

Super Clash 5 will take place on Sunday, September 16 at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The show will also be airing live on pay-per-view.

For tickets to the show, contact TicketMaster or call the Mecca box office at (414) 555-1212 or visit the Mecca box office in person.

To see the show on pay-per-view, call your local cable operator to get Super Clash 5 in the comfort of your own home.

In the weeks ahead, I'll be updating the matches that will take place on the show.

This promises to be a pay-per-view that one will remember for years to come.

The AWA is loaded with top wrestling stars. And you'll see the best wrestling action at Super Clash 5.

Things are heating up in the AWA. And things are only going to get hotter in the months to come.

Be a part of wrestling history live or on pay-per-view!

Be sure to tune in next week for another Super Clash 5 update.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... GAGNE VS. STEWART!!!


TV MAIN EVENT: Jonnie Stewart vs. Greg Gagne

Stewart came down the heel aisle to a strong negative crowd reax.

Gagne came down the face aisle to a decent crowd reax.

Before the match, Stewart took the mic from Larry Nelson.

Greg Gagne, after tonight they're gonna start calling you 'The Step'.

Because the Wrestler of the '90s is gonna use you as another step up the ladder to on my climb to the top, son!

Crowd booed.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men came out of their corners and circled one another and locked up in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Stewart gained the advantage and drove Gagne against the ropes and forced a break. Break was clean. The two men circled one another and engaged in another collar-and-elbow and Gagne drove Stewart next to the ropes to force another break. Break was again clean. The two men engaged in a third collar-and-elbow and Stewart spun around behind Gagne and caught Gagne in a rear hammerlock and took Gagne down and Stewart immediuately then caught Gagne in a rear chinlock. Stewart cinched up on the hold but Gagne not giving up. After several more seconds, Stewart released the hold and got up and dropped an elbow into the small of Gagne's back. Gagne hurting. Stewart snapped up Gagne and slammed Gagne's head into the top buckle. Gagne spun around in the corner. Stewart with some forearms to the chest, pulled Gagne out of the corner around the waist and drove Gagne hard, back-first three times into thee corner. Gagne stumbled out of the corner and went down to a knee. Stewart ran and hit the ropes and came off with a boot to thee chest. Gagne crashed back down to the mat. Stewart for the cover. 1...2.. Gagne kicked out. Gagne started getting up and Stewart caught Gagne with a high knee lift. Gagne snapped back and crashed down to the mat and rolled out on the apron. Stewart ignored the ref and went over and booted Gagne off the apron to the floor. Ref ordered Stewart back and this time Stewart obliged. Ref counting as Stewart arrogantly strutted around the ring to loud boos. Gagne started stirring on the floor. ...8... Gagne struggling. ...9...te... Gagne made it back into the ring under the bottom rope before the ref's count his 10. Stewart went over and stomped away on Gagne. Stewart snapped Gagne up, whipped Gagne into the ropes and caught Gagne coming off with a legdive takdown. Gagne fell into the ropes and his head and arms were hanging out over the middle rope. Stewart backed up and charged in and hit Gagne with the leaping body guillotine across the back. Stewart backed up and did it again. Stewart demanded the ref see if Gagne gave up. Gagne said 'no'. Stewart snapped Gagne up and popped Greg with a backbreaker across the knee and held Gagne across the knee and stretched him. Gagne in dire pain but still not giving up. Crowd started clapping and urging Gagne on. Gagne still would not give in. Stewart released Gagne and Gagne lying helplessly on the mat. Stewart stomped Gagne in the head, snapped Gagne up and whipped Gagne hard into the buckles. Gagne slammed into them. Stewart charged in and caught Gagne ith a running back elbow smash to the chest. Gagne in a bad way. Stewart popped Gagne with a series of lefts to the jaw. Gagne staggered out of the corner. Stewart caught Gagne by the back of the tights and nailed Gagne with a rapid-fire series of forearms to the lower back. Stewart released Gagne and Gagne crumpled to the mat, Ref checked on Gagne as Stewart looked on with a smirk on his assholish face. Gagne refused to quit. Gagne made it to his feet with the aid of the ropes. Stewart came up behind Gagne and nailed him with a series of sideways double sledges across the middle of the back. Gagne stumbled into the corner.

Crockett: Say what you will about Jonnie Stewart. He's putting on a technical clinic tonight.

Stewart moved in and plowed into Gagne with a series of shoulder blocks into the gut.

Reynolds: Those shoulder blocks may be going into Greg's solar plexus, but it's doing greater damage to his back becuse there's no give in the corners of the ring.

Stewart pulled Gagne out of the corner and threw him down on the mat. Stewart snapped up Gagne in a front facelock and popped Gagne with a suplex. He followed it up with a second suplex.

Crockett: Stewart has worked the back this whole match. The standard vertical suplex sends your back slamming into the mat from a higher elevation.

Stewart then locked Gagne in the bow and arrow submission hold. Gagne in serious agony but not submitting. Crowd urging Gagne on in this so far lopsided affair. Gagne not giving up as Stewart kept the hold firmly locked in. Stewart finally released the hold. Ref ordered Stewart back and Stewart obliged. Ref checked on Gagne and Gagne refusing to quit. Gagne slowly made it to his feet. Stewart with a head shot. Stewart went to whip Gagne into the ropes but Gagne reversed and caught Stewart coming off with a dropkick. Stewart crashed to the mat. Stewart up and Gagne found the strength to hit Stewart with a second dropkick. Stewart down again. Gagne up to a knee.

That's the first offense Gagne's had in the match.

Stewart up as Greg slowly got up and Stewart picked up Gagne and bodyslammed Gagne. Stewart with a jumping elbow smash but Gagne rolled out of the way and Stewart slammed into the mat. Both men up and Stewart went to double sledge Gagne to the head but Gagne caught Stewart with a series of gut punches. Gagne hit Stewart with some head shots and went to whip Stewart into the ropes but Stewart reversed and looked to catch Gagne with a high backdrop but Gagne leapfrogged Stewart, spun around and caught Stewart in the Gagne Sleeper (TM). Crowd popped. Stewart trying to escape from the hold. Gagne in agony applying the hold because of all the punishment for most of the match. Stewart started to fade in the hold. Ref raised Stewart's arm and it dropped by Stewart's side. Ref repeated the move with the same result.

Crockett: Are we looking at a miracle comeback victory here?!

Ref grabbed Stewart's arm a third time and held it up for a second and released it. The arm started to drop but Jonnie stopped it before it could drop by his side. Crowd groaned. Stewart was able to drive Gagne hard, back-first into the corner and Gagne lost his grip on the hold.

Reynolds: Looks like no miracle in Mayo Civic Center.

Gagne stumbled out of the corner and crashed to the mat holding his back. Stewart briefly shook out the effects of the sleeper, picked up Gagne and bodyslammed him. Stewart went out on the apron, mounted the top rope in the corner and came off with his big flying elbow smash to the chest finisher. Stewart for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans booed.

Stewart up and the ref raised his hand in victory as the program went off the air.

Stewart - Pinfall - 9:37



Raider Nation

Active Member
Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(3rd Taping)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and said they had a special announcement from AWA promoter Jim Crockett to open the show.


Shot of Crockett seated behind his desk with the AWA World Title sitting on his desk in front of him.

Crockett: Hello. I'm AWA promoter Jim Crockett.

Last week, Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine scored a hard-fought victory over challenger Don Muraco.

Valentine has been an impressive Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion since winning the belt in a 16-man tournament back in February.

Because of this, the AWA Championship Committee has determined Mr. Valentine to be the number one contender.

So, at Super Clash 5 on September 16th in Milwaukee, Wisconsin at the historic Mecca Arena, Chief Wahoo McDaniel will be defending the AWA World Heavyweight Championship against Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine.

These two have had several great battles over the years in various promotions. This match will be no different. It will be another epic struggle between these men.

Super Clash 5 promises to be the must-see wrestling event of 1990.

And Wahoo McDaniel vs. Greg valentine for the AWA World Title will be one to remember.

I'm Jim Crockett. Thanks for your time.


Nelson discussed the title match scheduled for SC 5. Said the show will air live on PPV and more great bouts will be announced in the coming weeks.

Nelson then ran down the program:

TV MAIN EVENT: Cactus Jack vs. Jerry Lawler

Tina Moretti sees action

President Nick Nockwinkel has an announcement about the tag team picture

Madusa Miceli, who got her start in the AWA and is now a big star in Japan, stops by

Major news about next week's show

6-MAN TAG: Jake Milliman, Greg Gagne & Tom Zenk vs. Col. DeBeers, Rip Oliver & The Grappler

Another Super Clash 5 Update

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas.

The Trooper won a squash match over Buddha Khan via pinfall with his flying shoulder tackle finisher

Trooper got a strong ovation from fans coming down the face aisle to the ring. Trooper handed out little souvenir speeding tix to fans on the way to the ring.


Trooper. An impressive victory over big Buddha Khan. He's known as a man who's pretty tough to take off his feet. But you did it with your flying shoulder tackle.

Trooper: Mr. Khan was a tough opponent. I've never wrestled him before. And he indeed is tough to take off his feet based on his sheer size and power.

But, there's something I needed to bring to everyone's attention, Larry.

Nelson: What's that?

Trooper: The masked man who has attacked me repeatedly and cost me three big matches here in the AWA, this message is for you. I know you're watching this. You may even be in the building tonight.

Masked man, you see my hair? I'm very proud of my hair. It has a nice, thick growth to it. I take great care of it.

So, here's my point.

Super Clash 5 is coming up.

Masked man, I challenge you to a match at Super Clash 5.

Crowd cheered.

Trooper: And I'll put my hair on the line against you. But you also have to put something up.

Masked man, you must put up your mask!

More crowd cheers.

Nelson: Whoa! That's quite a challenge!

Trooper: I await your response, masked man! I, like everyone else, wants to know just who's under that mask!

Show some guts! Meet me face-to-face in a match! My hair vs. your mask at Super Clash 5!

Let's make this happen!

More cheers.

Nelson: You fans heard it! The Trooper is willing to put his hair on the line against his masked antagonist if the masked man will put up his mask in a match at Super Clash 5!

Pic aired of Madusa with the caption: NEXT... MADUSA MAKES A VISIT!!!


In-ring: Larry Nelson stood center ring with mic in hand.

Nelson: Fans! We have a special treat for you!

My guest started her wrestling career right here in the AWA and is now a big foreign wrestling star in Japan!

Please welcome... Madusa Miceli!

Crowd popped bigly as Madusa, in street clothes, came down the face aisle to the ring. Madusa slapped hands with fans along the way.

Once in the ring, Madusa acknowledged the crowd.

Nelson: Madusa! Welcome home!

More cheers.

Madusa: It's great to be back here with the AWA, Larry. As you mentioned, I got my start here and it was a great learning experience for me.

Nelson: You're still wrestling regularly in Japan. Is this just a stopover before heading back to Japan or a long-term stay?

Madusa: I've got to head back to Japan in a few weeks. But, I'm staying here in Vegas with some friends and wanted to see and say hello to the great AWA fans.

More cheers.

Madusa: But, I'm also here for something else.

Nelson: What?

Madusa: Since I'm here in the States on a layover, I wanted to challenge Magnificent Mimi for the Women's Championship.

More cheers.

Nelson: You want to challenge Mimi for the women's title?!

Madusa: I do, Larry. Think what you will of MImi, but she's worked her way into being a top female wrestler.

I love a challenge and think MImi would be a real challenge for me.

This is...

Crowd booed as Mimi and Valerie, both in street clothes, made their way down the heel aisle to the ring.

The pair stepped into the ring and Mimi held the belt she was carrying aloft for all to see.

Nelson: Magnificent Mimi and Valerie, this is not...

Mimi: Shut up, Captain Neckbeard!

So, Madusa, you want a title shot, eh?

Madusa nodded in the affirmative.

Madusa: I do.

Mimi: Well, hon, you may be a big star in the land of the Rising Sun. But here, well, you're just a small-time player. So, why don't you catch the next flight to Tokyo, Madusa.

I'm not giving you a title shot just because you want one. You have to earn it.

Madusa: Have to earn it, huh? What do you want me to do?

Val and Mimi talked briefly off-mic.

Valerie: Well, Madusa, you have to face a wrestler of our choice. You beat her and you can have your title match.

Madusa: Bring it on.

Crowd cheered.

Val: But, if you lose the match, Madusa, not only do you not get a shot against Mimi, you never get a Women's Championship shot for as long as Mimi's the champ.

Madusa: Do you have a wrestler in mind to face me?

Val and Mimi huddled off-mic again.

Val: We do. It's Candi Divine.

Madusa: Candi Divine. Well, let's see if we can get the match put together, Val.

And know this. Mimi, I'm not only gonna beat Candi and get that title match. I'm then gonna beat YOU and become the new AWA Women's World Champion.

Madusa turned and left the ring and slapped hands with fans at ringside before heading back up the face aisle.

Nelson: Are you two worried about Madusa. Since training in Japan, she's really become a complete wrestler.

Val: We're not worried. We know Candi will take her down and there will be no Mimi-Madusa match for the Women's Championship.

Pic aired of Tina Moretti with the caption: NEXT... MORETTI MEANS BUSINESS!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Updates

Tina Moretti won a squash match over Becky Lynch via pinfall with her Samoan Driver

Moretti came to the ring to a good ovation down the face aisle.

Pic aired of Nick Bockwinkel with the caption: NEXT... THE PREZ SPEAKS!!!

Larry Nelson intro'd a video message from AWA President Nick Bocwinkel about the tag team titles.


Shot of President Bockwinkel sitting behind his desk with a mic in front of him.

Nick: Greetings.

The tag team scene in the AWA is hot right now. There are several good teams in the division and all are perennial championship challengers.

One of the newest teams to arrive in the AWA, Scott Norton and Billy Jack Haynes, have made an impressive splash since their debut.

So, next week, right here on ESPN, we are gonna have a match.

It will be the tag team champions the Destruction Crew vs. Scott Norton and Billy Jack Haynes. The match will be a non-title bout.

If Norton and Haynes win the match, they will receive a tag team title shot against the Destruction Crew at Super Clash 5.

This promises to be a real fight to the finish.

The Destruction Crew have been the champs for over a year now. They've turned aside all challenges so far. They have established themselves as one of the best tag team's in our sport.

Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton have earned this opportunity. And they will have a chance to be the team that de-thrones the Destruction Crew at Super Clash if they can get past the Destruction Crew in the non-title affair.

Can the champions thwart Haynes and Norton? Or, will we have a dream match at Super Clash 5 next month? We'll find out next week.

In-studio: Nelson hyped the non-title match between champs and challengers on next week's program with the stip that if Haynes and Norton win, they get a title match at Super Clash 5.

Big announcement about next week's show!

Nelson said that on next week's ESPN program, Tully Blanchard arrives in the AWA!

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... 6-MAN SLUGFEST!!!


6-Man Tag:
Col. DeBeers, The Grappler & Rip Oliver vs. Greg Gagne, Jake Milliman & Tom Zenk

DeBeers, Grappler and Oliver made their way down the heel aisle to loud boos from the crowd.

Gagne, Zenk and Milliman made their way down the face aisle to a good ovation from the crowd.

Gagne, Milliman and Zenk gave the crew from the Pacific Northwest (one via South Africa) quite a battle that had fans on the edges of their seats.

Some exciting near falls and some subtle heel tactics added to the excitement.

End of the match saw Grappler and Zenk the legal men in the ring. Grappler worked over Zenk and whipped Zenk into the corner. Grappler moved in and Zenk charged out of the corner and pulverized Grappler with a running clothesline that floored Grappler. Crowd popped. Zenk picked up Grappler and bodyslammed Grappler. Zenk went over to leave the ring when Oliver blocked Zenk's ability to leave the ring so he could mount the top buckle for his missle dropkick finisher. DeBeers came over on the apron and blocked Zenk's path as well. Ref tried to get Oliver and DeBeers back to their corner. Gagne and Milliman hit the ring and started fighting with DeBeers and Oliver. Ref trying to restore order. Behind everyone's back, Grappleer tapped the toe of his boot into the mat. Zenk turned and walked right into a loaded kick to the gut from Grappler. Zenk crumpled to the mat. As the other four men in the match continued to fight with one another, Grappler covered Zenk. Ref turned and saw it and dropped down to make the count. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans booed. Grappler up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

Fighting petered out in the ring and Grappler dropped to the floor and met up with DeBeers and Oliver as Gagne and Milliman checked on Zenk, who was still down holding his gut.

Grappler called Larry Nelson over and Grappler took the mic.

Grappler: This was another victory for the Pacific Northwest over you AWA clowns!

The trio left and then headed back up the heel aisle to more boos.

WINNER: Grappler, DeBeers & Oliver - Pinfall 8:47

Pic aired of the SC 5 logo with the caption: NEXT... SC 5 UPDATE!!!



Shot of Eric Bischoff sitting behind a desk with the SC 5 logo behind him.

Eric: Hello, wrestling fans.

I'm Eric Bischoff. And this is your Super Clash 5 Update coming to you from the Super Clash 5 Update Center.

Super Clash 5 will take place on Sunday, September 16th at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

For tickets, contact TicketMaster, call the Mecca box office at (414) 555-1519 or visit the box office in person.

The show will also be airing live on pay-per-view with a start time of 8pm Eastern time.

The big news!

For the AWA World Heavyweight Championship! Chief Wahoo McDaniel will be defending the World Title against Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine!

What a match it promises to be.

Wahoo realized his dream of finally becoming the World Champion when he defeated Cactus Jack at WrestleRock.

Love him or hate him, Greg Valentine has been an outstanding Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion who has not backed down from any challenges for his belt. You may not like some of his tactics, but Valentine has earned the right to challenge for the World Championship.

Can Valentine defeat Wahoo and become the World Heavyweight Champion for the first time in his career? Or will Wahoo remain the champion? We'll find out at Super Clash 5!

Super Clash 5 has hit the ground running with the main event already set as Wahoo McDaniel defends the AWA World Heavyweight Championship against Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine.

Keep tuning in to AWA programming in the coming weeks as we will be announcing more matches here on the Super Clash 5 update.

To get the show on pay-per-view in your area, call your local cable operator for more information. You can also get Super Clash 5 on satellite TV as well.

I'm Eric Bischoff. See you with more big Super Clash 5 news next week!

Split-screen pic aired of Cactus Jack and Jerry Lawler with the caption: NEXT... KING VS. CRAZY!!!


Nelson hyped for next week on the program:

NON-TITLE: The Destruction Crew (WTTC) vs. Norton & Haynes (If Norton & Haynes win, they face the champs for the tag titles at SC 5!)

Tully Blanchard makes his AWA debut

Candi Divine vs. Madusa Miceli (If Madusa wins, she faces Mimi for the AWA Women's World Title!)

TV MAIN EVENT: Cactus Jack vs. Jerry Lawler

Cactus, to the strains of Crazy Train, made his way down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had his fans.

Royal coronation music played and Lawler came down the face aisle to a strong ovation. Lawler was wearing his crown.

Nelson made the ring intros.

Lawler took off his crown and went to hand it to a ringside attendant and Cactus pounced.

Cactus pounded away on Lawler. Cactus then dropped Lawler with a discus clothesline. Ref calling for the bell. Jack picked up Lawler and caught him with a sidebreaker across the knee. Jack mounted the middle buckle and came off with a leg drop. Crowd heated. Jack mounted the middle buckle again and came off with another leg drop on Lawler. Ref again calling for the bell and waving off the match. Jack snapped up Lawler and threw Lawler across the ring. Jack waited as a stunned Lawler slowly made it to his feet. Lawler up by the ropes and Jack charged in and hit a running clothesline that sent both men hurtling over the top rope and crashing to the floor. Ref again calling for the bell. Jack up with a wicked look on his face. Jack snapped up Lawler and slammed Lawler's head into the ring post. Lawler crumpled to the floor.

Nelson: The referee has ordered the match thrown out! It is a no contest!

Lawler to his knees and bleeding. Jack snapped Lawler up and drove Lawler back-first into the ring apron. Lawler in a bad way. Ref dropped to the floor and ordered Jack to stop and Jack grabbed the ref and threw the ref into the ring steps. Ref crumpled to the floor. Jack grabbed the bloody Lawler and threw Lawler back into the ring. Crowd heat HOT! Jack went over and grabbed the ring bell off the timekeeper's table and climbed into the ring. A shaky, bloody Lawler started to make it to his feet as Jack prepared to hit Lawler with the ring bell.

Dundee: If Jack hits Lawler in the head with that bell, it will be the first time Lawler has ever had some sense knocked into him!

Pedicino: Would you stop!

Just as Lawler got to his feet, several face wrestlers and AWA officials hit the ring just before Jack struck Lawler. Jack dropped the bell and bailed to the safety of the floor.

Some wrestlers kept an eye on Jack and others checked on Lawler.

Jack moved towards the heel aisle entranceway.

Lawler moved over by the ropes and gestured for the mic from Larry Nelson. Lawler leaned against the ropes and breathing heavily.

Lawler: You started this, Cactus. And I'm gonna be the one who finishes it.

Crowd cheered.

Lawler dropped the mic and had to be held up by a couple of face wrestlers because he was woozy from the attack and blood loss.

Shot of Jack looking on from the floor with a sinister smile on his face as the program ended.

No Contest


Raider Nation

Active Member
Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(3rd Taping)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and said they had a special announcement from AWA promoter Jim Crockett to open the show.


Shot of Crockett seated behind his desk with the AWA World Title sitting on his desk in front of him.

Crockett: Hello. I'm AWA promoter Jim Crockett.

Last week, Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine scored a hard-fought victory over challenger Don Muraco.

Valentine has been an impressive Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion since winning the belt in a 16-man tournament back in February.

Because of this, the AWA Championship Committee has determined Mr. Valentine to be the number one contender.

So, at Super Clash 5 on September 16th in Milwaukee, Wisconsin at the historic Mecca Arena, Chief Wahoo McDaniel will be defending the AWA World Heavyweight Championship against Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine.

These two have had several great battles over the years in various promotions. This match will be no different. It will be another epic struggle between these men.

Super Clash 5 promises to be the must-see wrestling event of 1990.

And Wahoo McDaniel vs. Greg valentine for the AWA World Title will be one to remember.

I'm Jim Crockett. Thanks for your time.


Nelson discussed the title match scheduled for SC 5. Said the show will air live on PPV and more great bouts will be announced in the coming weeks.

Nelson then ran down the program:

TV MAIN EVENT: Bob Orton vs. Ricky Rice

Major news about next week!

A look back at Jerry Lawler getting confronted confronted by Cactus Jack

Another SC 5 Update

Akio Sato & Ninja Go wrestle

Ken Patera laces 'em up

Badd Company wrestles

Sam Houston grapples

Nelson sent it to the ring in Rochester.

Barry Windham won a squash match over John Cena via pinfall with his flying lariat finisher

Windham got a strong ovation coming to the ring.


Barry Windham, you are on fire since arriving in the AWA. And the fans are really rallying behind you.

Barry: It's a great feeling when you walk out here and these fans have got your back!

Crowd cheered.

Barry: It just fires you up even more. It gives you a little more momentum heading into your match and the fans can can help you overcome tough situations and go on to victory.

Eric, things are happening here in the AWA right now at a fast and furious pace. The AWA is on the rise. Just look at all of the great talent you have here right now. I'm excited to be a part of it.

Eric: Indeed, the AWA is rolling right now. New wrestlers seem to be coming to the AWA at an eye-popping rate.

So, what's in store for these fans from Barry Windham?

Barry: I've got to keep the momentum going. Got to keep winning. I keep doing that, there's no telling where things will wind up for me.

Eric: I certainly see title shots in your future, Barry; as well as championships.

Fans cheered.

Barry: I hope you're right, Eric. The sport is, just like any sport, about winning titles. And that's what I'm aiming for.

I honestly believe the AWA is the place to be and the future only looks brighter and brighter.

Eric: Fans, he is Barry Windham. Keep an eye on him here in the AWA.

Pic aired of Sato & Go with the caption: NEXT... ORIENTAL FURY!!!


Akio Satoi & Ninja Go won a squash match over The Miz & Chris Nowinski via pinfall when Go pinned Nowinski with his double undehook suplex into a bridgeout finisher

Sato & Go got a fair amount of boos coming to the ring down the heel aisle,

In-studio: Nelson talked about Super Clash 5 coming up in September.

Nelson intro'd a video from AWA Prez Nick Bockwinkel regarding the tag team titles.


Shot of President Bockwinkel sitting behind his desk with a mic in front of him.

Nick: Greetings.

The tag team scene in the AWA is hot right now. There are several good teams in the division and all are perennial championship challengers.

One of the newest teams to arrive in the AWA, Scott Norton and Billy Jack Haynes, have made an impressive splash since their debut.

So, next week, right here on ESPN, we are gonna have a match.

It will be the tag team champions the Destruction Crew vs. Scott Norton and Billy Jack Haynes. The match will be a non-title bout.

If Norton and Haynes win the match, they will receive a tag team title shot against the Destruction Crew at Super Clash 5.

This promises to be a real fight to the finish.

The Destruction Crew have been the champs for over a year now. They've turned aside all challenges so far. They have established themselves as one of the best tag team's in our sport.

Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton have earned this opportunity. And they will have a chance to be the team that de-thrones the Destruction Crew at Super Clash if they can get past the Destruction Crew in the non-title affair.

Can the champions thwart Haynes and Norton? Or, will we have a dream match at Super Clash 5 next month? We'll find out next week.

In-studio: Nelson hyped the tag match for next week and its ramifications for SC 5.

Video aired of Cactus and Lawler with the caption: NEXT... CONFLICT!!!

Commercials/House Show promos/Generic promos for non-house cities

In-studio: Nelson intro'd a confrontation from last week's AWA on ESPN between Cactus Jack and the recently returning Jerry Lawler.


# In-ring:Nelson stood center ring with mic in hand.

Nelson: Please welcome... Jerry 'The King' Lawler!

Lawler got a strong ovation as he came down the face aisle in his ring attire.

Nelson: 'King', it's great to see you back! The new era AWA seems to have really caught your attention.

Lawler: It has, Larry. The AWA is on fire right now.

But, I came out here to discuss one person. And that person is Cactus Jack.

Cactus was recently on this show and made some really disturbing statements about me and I feel I must respond. The man seems unhinged. His anger seems to be spiraling out of control since he lost the AWA World Title to Wahoo at WrestleRock.

He said he wanted to eat my liver with beans and a fine wine. How off your rocker is that?

So, whatever problem Cactus has with me, let's talk about it, like men in this ring right now.

Crowd cheered.

Lawler: Come on, Cactus. Come on out here. Let's talk.

Most of the crowd booed but many cheered as the off-kilter Cactus Jack made his way down the heel aisle to the ring.

Jack climbed up on the apron and stared at Lawler before stepping into the ring. Jack was pensive.

Jack: What do you want, 'King'?

Lawler: Cactus, I called you out here to ask why you seem... well... crazy.

Fans cheered. Jack looked out at the crowd.

Jack: One man's crazy is another man's brilliance! Jerry Lawler, I have made clear my hatred of you because you've been the World Champion and I hate all World Champions except me!

Lawler: That doesn't make any sense. I've never done anything to you to deserve your wrath.

Jack: You deserve my wrath just because! Do I have to have a reason other than you exist and I hate you because of that fact!

Lawler: It's obvious there's no reasoning with you, Cactus. This discussion is over.

Lawler turned to leave the ring.

Jack spoke in a conciliatory tone.

Jack: Wait, 'King'! Please!

Lawler stopped and turned back and walked up to Jack and Nelson.

Jack: I'm sorry that I said I wanted to cannibalize you. I said it in a fit of rage. I don't want to eat your liver because I hate liver. I don't want to eat any part of you, 'King'.

Lawler: This is just. I really don't know what to say. You're hard to figure out, Cactus. You're an enigma.

Jack (angry): Don't you ever call me an enigma!

Lawler (puzzled): What...

Jack: Sorry. Sorry.

'King', what I really want is just a match with you. Just a simple match between us to see who's the best.

You see, I'm a master of mind games.I'm trying to get in your head so you'll want to wrestle me.

Lawler: You know what, Cactus. I accept your challenge for a match. I will wrestle you.

Crowd popped.

Jack dropped to his knees and made the prayer hands.

Jack: Please forgive me for wanting to eat part of you, 'King'. Forgive all the craziness. It was just a ploy to get a match with you.

Lawler: You just had to ask me. I would have agreed to it. You did not have to go through all this bizarre behavior.

Jack still on his knees.

Jack: Thank you, great 'King' Lawler! This will be the ultimate test for me! Cactus Jack vs. the Memphis legend! I can't wait! Wait until the boys back at the institution hear about this!

Jack stood and bowed to the 'King'. mouthed the words Thank you and then left the ring and headed back up the heel aisle before a perplexed crowd.

Nelson: 'King'. Any final words?

Lawler: I've watched Cactus wrestle and the kid has talent. But, he's either a real life head case or a master of ring psychology. Guess we'll find out when we meet in the ring.

Pic aired of Ken Patera with the caption: NEXT... SWINGER!!!


Ken Patera won a squash match over Jey Uso via submission with his swinging full nelson finisher

Patera came down the face aisle to a solid ovation.

During the match, Valerie once again came to the ring and took notes.

Announcers wondered what Val was doing scouting Patera, and also Rheingans, when both men have been vehement that they will not work for her.

Pic aired of Badd Co. with the caption: NEXT... TROUBLE 101!!!

Commercials/House Show promos/Generic promos for non-house show cities

Badd Co. (w/ Mgr. DDP) won a squash match over Kofi Kingston and Big E when Diamond pinned Kingston with with their superkick-plex finisher

Badd Co. was mainly booed coming down the heel aisle.

In-studio: Nelson said big things were happening in the new era AWA and hyped SC 5.

Nelson sent it back to the ring.

Sam Houston (w/ Coach Murdoch) won a squash match over Kenny Omega via pinfall with his bulldog finisher

Sam and Dick got a solid ovation coming to the ring.

Pic aired of the SC 5 logo with the caption: NEXT... SC 5 UPDATE!!!



Shot of Eric Bischoff sitting behind a desk with the SC 5 logo behind him.

Eric: Hello, wrestling fans.

I'm Eric Bischoff. And this is your Super Clash 5 Update coming to you from the Super Clash 5 Update center.

Super Clash 5 will take place on Sunday, September 16th at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

For tickets, contact TicketMaster, call the Mecca box office at (414) 555-1519 or visit the box office in person.

The show will also be airing live on pay-per-view with a start time of 8pm Eastern time.

The big news!

For the AWA World Heavyweight Championship! Chief Wahoo McDaniel will be defending the World Title against Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine!

What a match it promises to be.

Wahoo realized his dream of finally becoming the World Champion when he defeated Cactus Jack at WrestleRock.

Love him or hate him, Greg Valentine has been an outstanding Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion who has not backed down from any challenges for his belt. You may not like some of his tactics, but Valentine has earned the right to challenge for the World Championship.

Can Valentine defeat Wahoo and become the World Heavyweight Champion for the first time in his career? Or will Wahoo remain the champion? We'll find out at Super Clash 5!

Super Clash 5 has hit the ground running with the main event already set as Wahoo McDaniel defends the AWA World Heavyweight Championship against Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine.

Keep tuning in to AWA programming in the coming weeks as we will be announcing more matches here on the Super Clash 5 update.

To get the show on pay-per-view in your area, call your local cable operator for more information. You can also get Super Clash 5 on satellite TV as well.

I'm Eric Bischoff. See you with more big Super Clash 5 news next week!

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!


In-studio: Nelson announced major news for next week's AWA on ESPN program:

Tully Blanchard makes his AWA debut

NON-TITLE: Destruction Crew (WTTC) vs. Norton & Haynes (If Haynes & Norton win, they get a tag title shot at SC 5.)

Nelson sent it to the ring.

Bob Orton vs. Ricky Rice

Rice came to the ring down the face aisle to a decent ovation.

Orton came down the heel aisle to mainly boos.

Orton dominated the match early, but Rice fought his way back into the battle and came close to pulling off the victory.

End of the match saw Orton regain control and finish Rice off with his superplex finisher to score the 1...2...3!

Ref called for the bell and Orton got up and the ref raised his hand in victory as the program ended.

WINNER: Orton - Pinfall - 6:42


Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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On the next AWA on ESPN

NON-TITLE: The Destruction Crew (WTTC) vs. Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes

(If Haynes & Norton win they get a World Tag Team Title shot as Super Clash 5)

Madusa Miceli vs. Candi Divine

(If Madusa wins, she gets an AWA Women's World Title shot against Magnificent Mimi)


After last week's vicious assault on Jerry Lawler by Cactus Jack, will Jim Crockett make a match between the two for Super Clash 5 and will it be a:

- Standard match

- Cage match

- Falls Count Anywhere match

- First Blood match

-Memphis Chain match

Winner gets a video reward!!!​

Raider Nation

Active Member
Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(4th Taping)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

NON-TITLE: The Destruction Crew (WTTC) vs. Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes (If Haynes and Norton win, they get a World Tag Team Title shot at Super Clash 5!)

The AWA debut of Tully Blanchard

A replay of last week's vicious attack on Jerry Lawler by Cactus Jack PLUS! an announcement from AWA promoter Jim Crockett

Another Super Clash 5 Update

A look back at last week's challenge from the Trooper to the masked mystery man

Manny Fernandez sees action

And more!

Nelson then intro'd footage from last week's interview with Madusa Miceli, who had stopped by while in the USA on a break from her Japan schedule.


# Nelson: You're still wrestling regularly in Japan. Is thisk\ just a stopover before heading back to Japan or a long-term stay?

Madusa: I've got to head back to Japan in a few weeks. But, I'm stayung here in Vegas with some friends and wanted to see and say hello to the great AWA fans.

More cheers.

Madusa: But, I'm also here for something else.

Nelson: What?

Madusa: Since I'm here in the States on a layover, I wanted to challenge Magnificent MImi for the Women's Championship.

More cheers.

Nelson: You want to challenge Mimi for the women's title?!

Madusa: I do, Larry. Think what you will of MImi, but she's worked her way into being a top female wrestler.

I love a challenge and think MImi would be a real challenge for me.

This is...

Crowd booed as Mimi and Valerie, both in street clothes, made their way down the heel aisle to the ring.

The pair stepped into the ring and Mimi held the belt she was carrying aloft for all to see.

Nelson: Magnificent Mimi and Valerie, this is not...

Mimi: Shut up, Captain Neckbeard!

So, Madusa, you want a title shot, eh?

Madusa nodded in the affirmative.

Madusa: I do.

Mimi: Well, hon, you may be a biog star in the land of the Rising Sun. But here, well, you're just a small-time player. So, why don't you catch the next flight to Tokyo, Madusa.

I'm not giving you a title shot just because you want one. You have to earn it.

Madusa: Have to earn it, huh? What do you want me to do?

Val and MImi talked briefly off-mic.

Valerie: Well, Madusa, you have to face a wrestler of our choice. You beat her and you can have your title match.

Madusa: Bring it on.

Crowd cheered.

Val: But, if you lose the match, Madusa, not only do you not get a shot against Mimi, you never get a Women's Championship shot for as long as Mimi's the champ.

Madusa: Do you have a wrestler in mind to face me?

Val and Mimi huddled off-mic again.

Val: We do. It's Candi Divine.

Madusa: Candi Divine. Well, let's see if we can get the match put together, Val.

And know this. Mimi, I'm not only gonna beat Candi and get that title match. I'm then gonna beat YOU and become the new AWA Women's World Champion!

Crowd cheered.

Madusa turned and left the ring and slapped hands with fans at ringside before heading back up the face aisle.

Nelson: Are you two worried about Madusa. Since training in Japan, she's really become a complete wrestler.

Val: We're not worried. We know Candi will take her down and there will be no Mimi-Madusa match for the Women's Championship.


Nelson said when they come back from commercial, it's Divine vs. Madusa and if Madusa wins, she gets a World Title shot against Mimi!


Madusa Miceli vs. Candi Divine (If Madusa wins, she gets a World Title shot against Mimi!)

Madusa came down the face aisle to a strong ovation.

Once in the ring, Madusa acknowledged the crowd.

Candi Divine came to the ring with Valerie down the face aisle to strong boos.

Pedicino: Looks like Divine has Valerie acting as her manager for this match.

Dundee: Brilliant move by Divine. Val's a smart manager. Madusa's luck just ran out.

Val had final words for Divine before leaving the ring.

Ref called for the bell.

Ref called for the bell and Divine went ti attack Madusa but Madusa turned the tables and started pounding away on Divine. Madusa whipped Divine into the ropes and caught Divine coming off with a dropkick. Madusa jumped on the downed Divine and started popping her in the head with punches. Madusa snapped Candi up and whipped Divine into the corner. Madusa charged in and splashed Divine. Divine staggered out of the corner and Madusa punched Divine and whipped Divine into the ropes but Divine caught the top rope, dropped down and rolled out of the ring to the floor. Val over to talk with Divine. Fans into it. Ref counting. Divine cautiously climbed up on the ring apron. Madusa went to go after Divine and Divine bailed back to the safety of the floor. Count broken. Crowd booing Divine. Val talked with Divine again as the fans booed. Ref counting. Divine slowly climbed up on the ring apron again. Madusa charged over and Divine dropped back to the floor. Madusa followed Divine out and chased Divine around the ring. Divine quickly rolled in the ring and got to her feet as Madusa rolled into the ring. Divine grabbed the top rope and started stomping away on Madusa. Divine broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Divine snapped Madusa up and slammed Madusa's head into the top buckle. Madusa spun around in the corner and Divine pounded Madusa with forearms to the chest. Madusa staggered out of the corner holding her chest. Divine hit the ropes behind Madusa and charged in and blasted Madusa with a forearm smash to the back. Madusa crashed to the mat. Divinee stomped Madusa in the head and went for the cover. 1... Madusa kicked out. Divine snapped Madusa up and whipped Madusa into the ropes and looked to catch Madusa coming off with a clothesline but Madusa ducked the move and came back with a flying crossbody on Divine for the pin. 1...2... Divine kicked out. Both women up and Divine swung wildly at Madusa and Madusa ducked the moved and came back and caught Divine with an uppercut. Divine stunned. Madusa picked Divine up and bodyslammed Divine and Madusa wen for a diving splash on Divine but Divine rolled out of the way and Madusa crashed to the mat. Both women down, Ref counting. Val looking on intently from ringside. Both women up and Divine caught Madusa with a kick to the gut and then went to catch Madusa with aa backslide but Madusa blocked the move and caught Divine with a backslide of her own. 1....2... Divine kicked out. Both women up and Divine charged at Madusa and Madusa nailed Divine with a high backdrop. Divine crashed to the mat. Divine up and Madusa nailed Divine with a dropkick that sent Divine crashing into the corner. Madusa moved in and started peppering Divine with forearms to the chest. As the ref was looking at the two women, Val came over and pulled Madusa's foot out from under her. Madusa crashed to the mat. Divine for the pin. 1... Divine placed her feet on the middle rope in the corner for leverage. ...2...3! NO! Madusa got a shoulder up. Divine quickly took her feet off the middle rope and tried to pin Madusa again. 1... Divine again placed her feet on the middle rope rope for leverage. ...2...thr... Ref looked and Divine's feet on the rope and ordered a break. Divine took her feet off the middle rope and Madusa stunned Divine with a small package for the pin. 1...2...thr... Divine kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both women up and Madusa stunned Divine with a kick to the gut. Madusa snapmared Divine over by the hair. Divine up and Madusa repeated the move. Divine up and Madusa came up behind Divine and grabbed Divine by the waist. Val jumped up on the ring apron. Ref looked over and went over and ordered Val off the apron. Madusa hit Divine with her German suplex into a bridgeout finisher for the pin. Crowd yelling for the ref to turn around. Madusa held the hold on Divine for several seconds before releasing her. Madusa up and saw what was going on and went over and confronted Val. Madusa grabbed Val by the hair. Divine recovered and came up behind Madusa and clubbed Madusa in the back. Madusa lost her grip on Val and Val dropped back to the floor. Divine rolled Madusa up from behind for the pin. 1... Divine grabbed a handful of tights. ...2...3! NO! Madusa kicked out just before the three count. Crowd popped. Both women up and Divine reached down and pulled Madusa's legs out from under her. Madusa crashed to the mat. Divine grabbed madusa's legs and, after a brief struggle, turned Madusa over into her Boston Crab finisher. Madusa in great pain but not giving up. Madusa staretd inching towards the ropes. Madusa fighting through the pain and was finally able to get close enough to the ropes to grab the bottom rope and force a break in the hold. Crowd popped.

Divine snapped up Madusa and whipped Madusa into the ropes and caught Madusa coming off with a gut kick. Divine then went to hoist Madusa up for a suplex but Madusa blocked the move, caught Divine with a series of shots to the side of the ribs and hit Divine with a suplex of her own. Both women down. Madusa up and went to snap up Divine but Divine caught Madusa with an eye rake. Divine clubbed away on Madusa from behind. Val liking what she sees in the ring. Divine went to whip Madusa into the ropes but Madusa reversed and sent Divine crashing front-first into the buckles. Divine bounced out of the corner and crashed to the mat. Madusa circled around behind Divine. Divine up facing away from Madusa. Madusa moved in, grabbed Divine around the waist and nailed Divine with her German suplex into a bridgeout finisher for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd exploded.

Madusa up and the ref raised her hand in victory. As Madusa looked down at Val on the floor, Mimi, in her ring duds, hit charged down the heel aisle, hit the ring behind Madusa and attacked Madusa. Mimi pounding away on Madusa. Mimi then went to whip Madusa into the ropes but Madusa reversed and blasted Mimi coming off with a clothesline. Crowd in orbit. Mimi got up facing away from Madusa and Madusa came up from behind and caught Mimi around the waist and nailed Mimi with three straight German suplexes as the crowd ate it up. Madusa up and the champ laid out in the ring. Madusa looked down at an obviously shaken Val and the crowd cheered lustily.

Madusa left the ring and headed back up the face aisle as coward Val finally climbed into the ring to check on her shaken champ.

Announcers pointed out that Madusa gets a World Title shot against Mimi.

WINNER: Madusa - Pinfall - 7:20

Video aired of the Cactus Jack attack on Jerry Lawler on last week's AWA on ESPN with the caption: NEXT... BRUTAL ASSAULT!!!

Commercials/AWA on Tour updates

In-studio: Nelson intro'd the attack on Jerry Lawler last week by Cactus Jack.


# Cactus Jack vs. Jerry Lawler

Cactus, to the strains of Crazy Train, made his way down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had his fans.

Royal coronation music played and Lawler came down the face aisle to a strong ovation. Lawler was wearing his crown.

Nelson made the ring intro's.

Lawler took off his crown and went to hand it to a ringside attendant and Cactus pounced.

Cactus pounded away on Lawler. Cactus then dropped Lawler with a discus clothesline. Ref calling for the bell. Jack picked up Lawler and caught him with a sidebreaker across the knee. Jack mounted the middle buckle and came off with a leg drop that hit. Crowd heated. Jack mounted the middle buckle again and came off with another leg drop on Lawler. Ref again calling for the bell and waving off the match. Jack snapped up Lawler and threw Lawler across the ring. Jack waited as a stunned Lawler slowly made it to his feet. Lawler up by the ropes and Jack charged in and hit a runinng clothesline that sent both men hurtling over the top rope and crashing to the floor. Ref again calling for the bell. Jack up with a wicked look on his face. Jack snapped up Lawler and slammed Lawler's head into the ring post. Lawler crumpled to the floor.

Nelson: The referee has ordered the match thrown out! It is a no contest!

Lawler to his knees and bleeding. Jack snapped Lawler up and drove Lawler back-first into the ring apron. Lawler in a bad way. Ref dropped to the floor and ordered Jack to stop and Jack grabbed the ref and threw the ref into the ring steps. Ref crumpled to the floor. Jack grabbed the bloody Lawler and threw Lawler back into the ring. Crowd heat HOT! Jack went over and grabbed the ring bell off the timekeeper's table and climbed into the ring. A shaky, bloody Lawler started to make it to his feet as Jack prepared to hit Lawler with the ring bell.

Dundee: If Jack hits Lawler in the head with that bell, it will be the first time Lawler has ever had some sense knocked into him!

Pedicino: Would you stop!

Just as Lawler got to his feet, several face wrestlers and AWA officials hit the ring just before Jack struck Lawler. Jack dropped the bell and bailed to the safety of the floor.

Some wrestlers kept an eye on Jack and others checked on Lawler.

Jack moved towards the heel aisle entranceway.

Lawler moved over by the ropes and gestured for the mic from Larry Nelson. Lawler leaned against the ropes and breathing heavily.

Lawler: You started this, Cactus. And I'm gonna be the one who finishes it.

Crowd cheered.

Lawler dropped the mic and had to be held up by a couple of face wrestlers because he was woozy from the attack and blood loss.

Shot of Jack looking on from the floor with a sinister smile on his face.


Nelson intro'd comments from promoter Jim Crockett regarding the assault.


Crockett was seated behind his desk with a mic in front of him.

Crockett: Last week, Cactus Jack launched a vicious, unprovoked assault on Jerry 'The King' Lawler.

President Nick Bockwinkel has fined Jack a hefty sum of money for the attack.

In discussing this matter with oither AWA officials, we have decided to order a match between the two to take place at Super Clash 5.

Since Cactus Jack doesn't seem to be able to keep his matches in the ring, the match will be falls count anywhere.

These men will be unleashed to fight all over the Mecca Arena, There must be a winner.

Cactus Jack is quickly proving himself to be an out of control wildman and the AWA is concerned about his often dangerous and reckless behavior. It is an alarming issue.

But, at Super Clash 5, Cactus Jack vs. Jerry Lawler will be a free-for-all and not for the faint-hearted.


Pic aired of The Trooper with the caption: NEXT... CHALLENGE MADE!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd footage from last week's AWA on ESPN where the Trooper threw out an interesting challenge to the masked man who has been sneak attacking him and costing Trooper matches.



Trooper. An impressive victory over big Buddha Khan. He's known as a man who's pretty tough to take off his feet. But you did it with your flying shoulder tackle.

Trooper: Mr. Khan was a tough opponent. I've never wrestled him before. And he indeed is tough to take off his feet based on his sheer size and power.

But, there's something I needed to bring to everyone's attention, Larry.

Nelson: What's that?

Trooper: The masked man who has attacked me repeatedly and cost me three big matches here in the AWA, this message is for you. I know you're watching this. You may even be in the building tonight.

Masked man, you see my hair? I'm very proud of my hair. It has a nice, thick growth to it. I take great care of it.

So, here's my point.

Super Clash 5 is coming up.

Masked man, I challenge you to a match at Super Clash 5.

Crowd cheered.

Trooper: And I'll put my hair on the line against you. But, you also have to put something up.

Masked man, you must put up your mask!

More crowd cheers.

Nelson: Whoa! That's quite a challenge!

Trooper: I await your response, masked man! I, like everyone else, wants to know just who's under that mask!

Show some guts! Meet me face-to-face in a match! My hair vs. your mask at Super Clash 5!

Let's make this happen!

More cheers.

Nelson: You fans heard it! The Trooper is willing to put his hair on the line against his masked antagonist if the masked man will put up his mask in a match at Super Clash 5!


Nelson said they're still waiting for a response from the masked man.

Nelson sent it back to the ring in Vegas.

Manny Fernandez won a squash match over Solo Sikoa via pinfall with his flying burrito (double arm flying forearm smash) finisher

Pic aired of Tully Blanchard with the caption: NEXT... TULLY'S HERE!!!


In-ring: Larry Nelson stood center ring with mic in hand.

Nelson: Laides and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time. He is the newest arrival in the AWA... Tully Blanchard!

Strong mixed crowd reaction as Tully made his way down the heel aisle.

Tuly was in a dark blue blazer, white dress shirt unbuttoned at the top two buttons, slacks and dress shoes.

Tully stepped in the ring and briefly walked around soaking in the crowd reaction.

Nelson: Tully Blanchard. You are the newest big name wrestling star to come to the AWA.

It's obvious your reputation precedes you by just listening to these fans.

More crowd response.

Tully: Larry Nelson, Tuilly Blanchard has finally arrived.

More crowd reax.

Nelson: You've had a hall of fame-caliber career. You've won numerous titles, both as a single and in tag teams. The record is quite impressive.

Tully: It's impressive because I've worked hard to be one of the elite in this sport! I take great pride in what I do and it shows in my achievements! That's not a boast! It's a fact!

When people see me on the street, they say: there goes the great Tully Blanchard! Greatness is made, Nelson! I've worked my way up to elite status!

And because of that I've gained fame, enough championships to fill a bank vault, lots and lots of money and, of course, the women love Tully Blanchard!

The ladies may look at me as a bad boy in the ring! But, outsdie the ring, they want to be with me! Women love bad boys! They don't want some nerdy accountant! They want a real man who works hard for his success and that's me in a nutshell! If fans don't like it... tough!

And the next time I'm out here with you, Larry, I've got a major announcement!

Nelson: Can you give us a hint as to what it is?

Tully: No! You and all these people will have to wait until next time! It's gonna send shockwaves through the wrestling world! That's all I can say!

Nelson: Tully Blanchard has arrived in the AWA, everybody!

Mixed crowd reax.

In-studio: Nelson said everyone is wondering what Tully's announcement will be and that he's already been booked to appear on next week's show.

Pic aired of the SC 5 logo with the caption: NEXT... SC 5 UPDATE!!!



Shot of Eric Bischoff sitting behind a desk in the SC 5 Update Center with the SC 5 logo in the background.

Eric: Hi, everybody. I'm Eric Bischoff and this is your Super Clash 5 Update.

Super Clash 5 will take place on Sunday, September 16th, from the historic Mecca Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Tickets are now on sale by contacting TicketMaster, by claling the Mecca box office at 1-(414) 555-1677 or visiting the Mecca box office.

This will also be the second AWA show in history to air on pay-per-view and it will be live with a start time of 8pm Eastern/7pm Central.

Another match has been added to Super Clash 5 this week.

First, for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship, World Champion 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel will defend against Pro Wresting Heritage Champion Greg Valentine.

This promises to be a barn-burner of a match as these two men have a history with one another that dates back to Mid-Atlantic Wrestling.

Now, let's hear from challenger Greg Valentine.


Valentine was standing in front of the SC 5 logo with mic in hand. He was in street clothes and had the title cradled in his left arm.

Valentine: September 16th is a day that will live in infamy... for Wahoo McDaniel.

In case you've forgotten, Wahoo, let me refresh your memory.

In February of this year, I was the man who beat you in the finals of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament to become the first-ever holder of this belt. To this day, I'm the only holder of this belt.

But, I'm already debating what to do with the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship after I take you down for the World Title at Super Clash 5.

Do I hold onto the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship and defend both it and the World Title? Or, do I relinquish the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship and focus solely on defending the World Title? Maybe after I defeat you, Wahoo, I can gift the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship to you. Do you think the AWA would allow that? You would still have a belt, Chief. But it would be the silver medal of belts. Nothing wrong with being first runner-up. Or, should I say, first loser. Hahaha!

You've got a lot of wrestlers gunning for you right now, Wahoo. They want that World Title. But, I'm the only man that truly has your number.

The wonderful story of the legendary Chief winning the World Championship at WrestleRock and fulfilling the ultimate dream of his career crashes on the rocks of reality at Super Clash 5.


That was Greg valentine. Now, let's hear from the AWA World Champion Wahoo McDaniel.


Wahoo was in street clothes and Indian headdress and had the World Title slung over his left shoulder. Wahoo also had a mic.

Wahoo: Let me start by saying that Greg Valentine is the number one contender for the World Championship and he deserves to be in that spot.

Even though I'm not Valentine's biggest fan, he has been a fighting Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion. The guy is one of the best in the business. I have my work cut out for me.

Bur know this. Valentine is gonna be in for one helluva fight to take this title off of me.

We've met before in our careers and the results have been pretty evenly split down the middle. That's how good our battles have been. That's how evenly matched we are. This match will be no different.

The difference in this match will be something very small. I don't know what it will be. But, the wrestler who wins will do one small thing that will make all the difference in the match.

Valentine and I know each other in that ring like we know our own selves. We can sometimes read what thee other is gonna do before they even do it because we're so familiar with each other.

One small difference. That's what it's gonna take to separate us in the match at Super Clash 5.


One small difference. These two have quite the colorful history together and this match will be another in their long line of classic battles. Who will emerge the victor at Super Clash 5.

Plus! Just added this week!

It will be a falls count anywhere match between Jerry Lawler and Cactus Jack.

This comes on the heels of the brutal attack on Lawler by Jack that left Lawler a battered man who had to be taken to the hospital.

At Super Clash 5, the two will be brawling all over the Mecca Arena and falls will count anywhere in the arena. We could see a pinfall in the rafters or in a concession stand. The match promises to get that wild.

Fans! Super Clash 5 is shaping up to be the wrestling spectacular of 1990!

More matches will be announced in the coming weeks

If you're gonna be watching on pay-per-view, call your local cable operator to order this spectacular.

It's gonna be a great night of wrestling at Super Clash 5!

I'm Eric Bischoff. See you next week!

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... HIGH STAKES!!!

NON-TITLE* If Haynes & Norton win, they get a tag team title shot at SC 5):
The Destruction Crew (WTTC) vs. Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes

Haynes and Norton came down the face aisle to a strong ovation.

Destruction Crew (Mike Enos & Wayne Bloom) came down the heel aisle to strong boos.

The champs removed their belts once they entered the ring and went to a corner, stood on the middle buckle and held their belt aloft with one hand to more boos while Ebos stayed in the ring and held his title up, too..

Bloom walked over to Larry Nelson and held his belt up.

Bloom: You boys better look long and hard at this belt! Because it's the closest you're ever gonna get to either of 'em!

More boos.

Teams went to their corners.

Ref called for the bell.

Bloom and Norton started for their teams. The pair circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Norton threw Bloom off and Bloom crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Bloom up and charged at Norton and Norton caught Bloom with a hip toss. Bloom up and Norton caught Bloom with a punch and quickly locked Bloom into an abdominal stretch. After being in the hold for several seconds. Enos hit the ring and clubbed Norton in the back. Norton lost his grip on the hold. Haynes hit the ring and struck Enoos before Enos could get back out on the apron. Bloom caught the stunned Norton with a kick to the gut followed by a double underhook suplex. Bloom for the cover. 1...2.. Norton kicked out. Bloom up and stomped on Norton, snapped Norton up and threw Norton into the DC's corner. Bloom with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut on Norton and then tagged in Enos. Enos came in and hit Norton with another series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Enos whipped Norton into the opposite buckles and charged in on Norton but Norton got his foot up and Enos slammed face-first into it and crashed to the mat, Norton grabbed Enos and slammed Enos' head multiple times into the top buckle. Enos spun around in the corner and Norton hit Enos with a series of knees to thee gut. Norton tagged in Haynes. Haynes in and fired away on Enos with head and body shots and nailed Enos with a beal throw. Enos crashed to the mat and sat up. Haynes hit a running snap mare on Enos. Enos up grabbing the back of his neck. Haynes moved in behind Enos and started to apply his full nelson finisher but Enos was able to make it over by the ropes an drape his leg out over the middle rope to force a break. Haynes swatted Enos with a chest cop, whipped Enos into the ropes and and looked to catch Enos coming off with a backdrop but Enos kicked Haynes in the chest. Haynes shot up and stumbled back and Enos blasted Haynes with a clothesline. Haynes down on the mat. Enos tagged in Bloom. Bloom hit the ring and stomped away on Haynes, snapped Haynes up, whipped Haynes into the ropes and caught Haynes coming off with a powerslam. Bloom for the cover. 1...2... Haynes kicked out. Haynes started getting up and Bloom clubbed Haynes across the back and Haynes fell front-first against the ropes.Bloom choked Haynes out on the top rope. Ref started counting. Norton hit the ring to save Haynes but the ref turned and intercepted Norton and ordered him back to his corner. As Norton and the ref had words, Enos came down the apron and neck snapped Haynes on the top rope and Haynes crashed to the mat. Norton back to his corner and Enos back to his like nothing happened. Bloom snapped up Haynes and went to suplex Haynes but Haynes blocked the suplex try and drove Bloom back-first into the corner. Bloom lost his grip on the hold. Haynes hit a series of shoulder blocks on Bloom. Bloom staggered out of the corner holding his gut. Haynes whipped Bloom into the ropes and caught Bloom coming off with a gorilla press slam. Haynes tagged in Norton. Bloom up and Norton charged over and nailed Bloom with a running clothesline. Bloom down. Bloom up and Norton repeated the move with the same result. Norton snapped up Bloom and whipped Bloom into the corner. Norton went to avalanche Bloom but Bloom moved and Norton slammed front-first into the buckles. Bloom caught Norton with a series of kicks to the side of the ribs, pulled Norton out of the corner and nailed Norton with an atomic drop. Norton went down on the mat and Bloom snapped up Norton and nailed him with a suplex. Bloom tagged in Enos.

As Norton sat up in the ring, Enos booted Nroton hard in the back. Enos snapped up Norton in a bearhug and charged over and drove Norton hard, back-first into the buckles. Norton hurting. Enos backed up and charged in and blasted Norton with a running shoulder block to the gut. Norton stumbled out of the corner and crashed to the mat. Enos for the quick cover. 1...2...thr... Norton kicked out. Enos caught Norton with a head shot and snapped Norton up in a side headlock. Enos briefly worked over the move before Norton countered with a belly-to-back suplex to free himself from the hold. Both men getting up and Norton tagged in Haynes to a nice pop. Haynes in and fired away on Enos with head shots. Haynes picked up the stunned Enos and bodyslammed Enos and then hit Enos with a diving leg drop. Haynes for the cover. 1...2... Bloom hit the ring and stomped Haynes in the back of the head to break up the pin try. Norton hit the ring and tried to grab Bloom but Bloom was able to escape to the apron. Ref ordered Norton back to his corner as Norton took another swipe at Bloom. As the ref got Norton back to to his corner, Haynes made it to his feet and Bloom snuck up behind Haynes and low-blowed him. Haynes crumpled to the mat. Bloom back out on the apron and so was Norton. Enos crawled over and covered the hurting Haynes. 1...2...3! NO! Haynes kicked out. Both men to their feet and Haynes caught Enos with a head shot that stunned Enos. Haynes feeling the effects of the low-blow. Haynes caught Enos with another head shot and Enos stunned Haynes with a gut kick followed by a double sledge to the back that drove Haynes down to his knees. Enos caught Haynes under the chin and nailed Haynes with a series of punches to the side of the head. Haynes toppled over. Enos tagged in Bloom. Bloom mounted the top buckle as Haynes got to his feet. Bloom came off with a double sledge to the top of the head try but Haynes caught Bloom with a gut shot. Haynes then snatched up Bloom on his shoulder and hit Bloom with the snake eyes. Bloom crumpled to the mat. Enos hit the ring and charged over and nailed Haynes from behind. Haynes fell into the corner. Norton hit the ring and jumped on Enos and pounded away on Enos and Enos fell through the ropes to the floor. Ref getting Norton back to his corner. Haynes snapped up Bloom and Bloom caught Haynes with gut shots and rolled Haynes up from behind for the pin. Ref had gotten Norton back to his corner and saw the pin. Enos back on the apron ran down to the middle of the apron his team's side. 1... Bloom grabbed a handful of tights. ...2...3! NO! Haynes kicked Bloom off and Bloom crashed into Enos and Enos crashed to the floor as the crowd popped. Norton dropped to the floor to go after Enos. Bloom went down from the collision and got to his feet and was shaky and facing away from Haynes. Haynes moved in and locked Bloom in the full nelson. Crowd loud. After several seconds in the painful, debilitating hold, Bloom cried out in submission. Crowd roared as the ref called for the bell. Haynes released Bloom and he crumpled to the mat. Ref raised Haynes' hand in victory as Norton climbed back in the ring to celebrate with his partner. Enos hit the ring to check on Bloom. Norton and Haynes left the ring and Haynes took the mic from Nelson.

Haynes: Destruction Crew! We'll see you at Super Clash 5!

Crowd popped as a shot of Enos lifting a defeated Bloom, who was holding the back of his neck, to his feet as the program ended.

WINNER: Norton & Haynes - Submission - 11:21



Wahoo McDaniel (WC) def. Bob Orton via pinfall with his big chop finisher - 12:19

Nikita Koloff def. Jonnie Stewart via pinfall with his Russian sickle finisher - 7:51

Barry Windham def. Paul Diamond of Badd Co. via pinfall with his flying lariat finisher - 5:43

$50,000 OVER THE TOP ROPE BATTLE ROYAL: Col. DeBeers, Jake Milliman, Greg Gagne, Ken Patera, Brad Rheingans, Sam Houston, Tommy Rich, Pat Tanaka, Paul Diamond, Rip Oliver, The Grappler, Ricky Rice, Derrick Dukes, Don Muraco, Jonnie Stewart, Akio Sato, Ninja Go, Manny Fernandez, Tom Zenk & The Trooper

WINNER: The Grappler - Eliminated Ken Patera - 10:46




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Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(4th Taping)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

TV MAIN EVENT: Rip Oliver & The Grappler vs. The Top Guns

Nikita Koloff wrestles

Col. DeBeers laces 'em up

'Big' Reggie Bennett is here

A replay of last week's vicious attack on Jerry Lawler by Cactus Jack PLUS! an announcement from AWA promoter Jim Crockett

Another Super Clash 5 Update

A look back at last week's challenge from the Trooper to the masked mystery man

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Rochester.

Don Muraco won a squash match over Seth Rollins via pinfall with his inverted piledriver finisher

Muraco came down the face aisle to a good ovation.


Don Muraco, we are moving out of summer into the fall, what does the seasonal change have in store for you?

Don: Hopefully, I can continue my winning ways, Eric, and win a championship. That's my goal as we head into the latter part of 1990.

Eric: Any title in particular?

Don: I'd really like to see if Wahoo's interested in re-forming our tag team. We were on quite a roll before he won the World Championship. Now, with his commitment to defending the World Title he doesn't have much time for tag team wrestling.

I'm hoping he can find time in that busy schedule of his to make room for some more tag team matches and we can make a serious run at those belts.

Eric: The World Champion's title defense schedule is usually pretty full. Do you think he can swing it? Defending a championship and trying to win another is a pretty tall task.

Don: It is. But, Wahoo is a wrestler who can handle it. He can find the right balance. I know he can.

Eric: Alright. We'll see if Wahoo can make it happen.

That was Don Muraco.

Pic aired of the Trooper with the caption: NEXT... TROOPER CHALLENGE!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd footage from last week's AWA on ESPN where the Trooper threw out an interesting challenge to the masked man who has
been costing Trooper matches.



Trooper. An impressive victory over big Buddha Khan. He's known as a man who's pretty tough to take off his feet. But you did it with your flying shoulder tackle.

Trooper: Mr. Khan was a tough opponent. I've never wrestled him before. And he indeed is tough to take off his feet based on his sheer size and power.

But, there's something I needed to bring to everyone's attention, Larry.

Nelson: What's that?

Trooper: The masked man who has attacked me repeatedly and cost me three big matches here in the AWA, this message is for you. I know you're watching this. You may even be in the building tonight.

Masked man, you see my hair? I'm very proud of my hair. It has a nice, thick growth to it. I take great care of it.

So, here's my point.

Super Clash 5 is coming up.

Masked man, I challenge you to a match at Super Clash 5.

Crowd cheered.

Trooper: And I'll put my hair on the line against you. But, you also have to put something up.

Masked man, you must put up your mask!

More crowd cheers.

Nelson: Whoa! That's quite a challenge!

Trooper: I await your response, masked man! I, like everyone else, wants to know just who's under that mask!

Show some guts! Meet me face-to-face in a match! My hair vs. your mask at Super Clash 5!

Let's make this happen!

More cheers.

Nelson: You fans heard it! The Trooper is willing to put his hair on the line against his masked antagonist if the masked man will put up his mask in a match at Super Clash 5!


Nelson said they're still waiting for a response from the masked man.

Pic aired of Reggie Bennett with the caption: NEXT... BIG REG MACHINE!!!

Commercials/House show promos/Generic promos for non-house show cities

'Big' Reggie Bennett won a squash match over Lita via submission with her split-leg rear chinlock

In-studio: Nelson put over Reggie Bennett as a beast and serious threat to Mimi's title reign. Also hyped up Super Clash 5.

Video aired with footage from last week's vicious attack on Jerry Lawler by Cactus Jack with the caption: NEXT... CACTUS ATTACK!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd the attack on Jerry Lawler last week by Cactus Jack.


# Cactus Jack vs. Jerry Lawler

Cactus, to the strains of Crazy Train, made his way down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had his fans.

Royal coronation music played and Lawler came down the face aisle to a strong ovation. Lawler was wearing his crown.

Nelson made the ring intro's.

Lawler took off his crown and went to hand it to a ringside attendant and Cactus pounced.

Cactus pounded away on Lawler. Cactus then dropped Lawler with a discus clothesline. Ref calling for the bell. Jack picked up Lawler and caught him with a sidebreaker across the knee. Jack mounted the middle buckle and came off with a leg drop. Crowd heated. Jack mounted the middle buckle again and came off with another leg drop on Lawler. Ref again calling for the bell and waving off the match. Jack snapped up Lawler and threw Lawler across the ring. Jack waited as a stunned Lawler slowly made it to his feet. Lawler up by the ropes and Jack charged in and hit a runing clothesline that sent both men hurtling over the top rope and crashing to the floor. Ref again calling for the bell. Jack up with a wicked look on his face. Jack snapped up Lawler and slammed Lawler's head into the ring post. Lawler crumpled to the floor.

Nelson: The referee has ordered the match thrown out! It is a no contest!

Lawler to his knees and bleeding. Jack snapped Lawler up and drove Lawler back-first into the ring apron. Lawler in a bad way. Ref dropped to the floor and ordered Jack to stop and Jack grabbed the ref and threw the ref into the ring steps. Ref crumpled to the floor. Jack grabbed the bloody Lawler and threw Lawler back into the ring. Crowd heat HOT! Jack went over and grabbed the ring bell off the timekeeper's table and climbed into the ring. A shaky, bloody Lawler started to make it to his feet as Jack prepared to hit Lawler with the ring bell.

Dundee: If Jack hits Lawler in the head with that bell, it will be the first time Lawler has ever had some sense knocked into him!

Pedicino: Would you stop!

Just as Lawler got to his feet, several face wrestlers and AWA officials hit the ring just before Jack struck Lawler. Jack dropped the bell and bailed to the safety of the floor.

Some wrestlers kept an eye on Jack and others checked on Lawler.

Jack moved towards the heel aisle entranceway.

Lawler moved over by the ropes and gestured for the mic from Larry Nelson. Lawler leaned against the ropes and breathing heavily.

Lawler: You started this, Cactus. And I'm gonna be the one who finishes it.

Crowd cheered.

Lawler dropped the mic and had to be held up by a couple of face wrestlers because he was woozy from the attack and blood loss.

Shot of Jack looking on from the floor with a sinister smile on his face.


Nelson intro'd comments from promoter Jim Crockett regarding the assault.


Crockett was seated behind his desk with a mic in front of him.

Crockett: Last week, Cactus Jack launched a vicious, unprovoked assault on Jerry 'The King' Lawler.

President Nick Bockwinkel has fined Jack a hefty sum of money for the attack.

In discussing this matter with other AWA officials, we have decided to order a match between the two to take place at Super Clash 5.

Since Cactus Jack doesn't seem to be able to keep his matches in the ring, the match will be falls count anywhere.

These men will be unleashed to fight all over the Mecca Arena, There must be a winner.

Cactus Jack is quickly proving himself to be an out of control wildman and the AWA is concerned about his often dangerous and reckless behavior. It is an alarming issue.

But, at Super Clash 5, Cactus Jack vs. Jerry Lawler will be a free-for-all and not for the faint-hearted.


Pic aired of Nikita Koloff with the caption: NEXT... MR. KOLOFF!!!

Commercials/House show promos/Generic promos for non-house show cities

Nikita Koloff won a squash match over Roman Reigns via pinfall with his Russian sickle finisher

Koloff came down the face aisle to a strong ovation.


Nikita, these fans who despised just a few years ago, have now taken to you in a big way.

But, right now, you still have not heard a word from Col. DeBeers about meeting up for a discussion, a summit, if you will.

Nikita: That's right, Eric. The offer still stands for DeBeers to meet with me over a meal and talk to each other.

I want him to see the appreciation that I, how you say, developed for this country after being here for a time. Most wonderful place in the world is the USA.

He needs to open his eyes to the truth. He is living in promised land. This is the land of great opportunity.

And DeBeers has made a lot of money in this nation. He needs to open his eyes to reality. Nowhere else in the world, not even South Africa, could you live as free as this and make the money he has or I have.

Crowd cheered.

Koloff: Colonel, please listen to reason. Let us sit down like brothers and talk about why America is the best place on earth and how we are fortunate to live here.

Chants of USA! USA!

Pic aired of the SC 5 logo with the caption: NEXT... SC 5 UPDATE!!!



Shot of Eric Bischoff sitting behind a desk in the SC 5 Update Center with the SC 5 logo in the background.

# Eric: Hi, everybody. I'm Eric Bischoff and this is your Super Clash 5 Update.

Super Clash 5 will take place on Sunday, September 16th, from the historic Mecca Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Tickets are now on sale by contacting TicketMaster, by calling the Mecca box office at 1-(414) 555-1677 or visiting the Mecca box office.

This will also be the second AWA show in history to air on pay-per-view and it will be live with a start time of 8pm Eastern/7pm Central.

Another match has been added to Super Clash 5 this week.

First, for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship, World Champion 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel will defend against Pro Wresting Heritage Champion Greg Valentine.

This promises to be a barn-burner of a match as these two men have a history with one another that dates back to Mid-Atlantic Wrestling.

Now, let's hear from challenger Greg Valentine.


Valentine was standing in front of the SC 5 logo with mic in hand. He was in street clothes and had the PWHC title cradled in his left arm.

Valentine: September 16th is a day that will live in infamy... for Wahoo McDaniel.

In case you've forgotten, Wahoo, let me refresh your memory.

In February of this year, I was the man who beat you in the finals of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament to become the first-ever holder of this belt. To this day, I'm the only holder of this belt.

But, I'm already debating what to do with the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship after I take you down for the World Title at Super Clash 5.

Do I hold onto the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship and defend both it and the World Title? Or, do I relinquish the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship and focus solely on defending the World Title? Maybe after I defeat you, Wahoo, I can gift the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship to you. Do you think the AWA would allow that? You would still have a belt, Chief. But it would be the silver medal of belts. Nothing wrong with being first runner-up. Or, should I say, first loser. Hahaha!

You've got a lot of wrestlers gunning for you right now, Wahoo. They want that World Title. But, I'm the only man that truly has your number.

The wonderful story of the legendary Chief winning the World Championship at WrestleRock and fulfilling the ultimate dream of his career crashes on the rocks of reality at Super Clash 5.


That was Greg valentine. Now, let's hear from the AWA World Champion Wahoo McDaniel.


Wahoo was in street clothes and Indian headdress and had the World Title slung over his left shoulder. Wahoo also had a mic.

Wahoo: Let me start by saying that Greg Valentine is the number one contender for the World Championship and he deserves to be in that spot.

Even though I'm not Valentine's biggest fan, he has been a fighting Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion. The guy is one of the best in the business. I have my work cut out for me.

Bur know this. Valentine is gonna be in for one helluva fight to take this title off of me.

We've met before in our careers and the results have been pretty evenly split down the middle. That's how good our battles have been. That's how evenly matched we are. This match will be no different.

The difference in this match will be something very small. I don't know what it will be. But, the wrestler who wins will do one small thing that will make all the difference in the match.

Valentine and I know each other in that ring like we know our own selves. We can sometimes read what the other is gonna do before they even do it because we're so familiar with each other.

One small difference. That's what it's gonna take to separate us in the match at Super Clash 5.


One small difference. These two have quite the colorful history together and this match will be another in their long line of classic battles. Who will emerge the victor at Super Clash 5?

Plus! Just added this week!

It will be a falls count anywhere match between Jerry Lawler and Cactus Jack.

This comes on the heels of the brutal attack on Lawler by Jack that left Lawler a battered man who had to be taken to the hospital.

At Super Clash 5, the two will be brawling all over the Mecca Arena and falls will count anywhere in the building. We could see a pinfall in the rafters or in a concession stand. The match promises to get that wild.

Fans! Super Clash 5 is shaping up to be the wrestling spectacular of 1990!

More matches will be announced in the coming weeks

If you're gonna be watching on pay-per-view, call your local cable operator to order this spectacular.

It's gonna be a great night of wrestling at Super Clash 5!

I'm Eric Bischoff. See you next week.

Pic aired of Col. Debeers with the caption: NEXT... THE AMERICA HATER!!!


Col. DeBeers won a squash match over Jungle Boy with his face-first piledriver finisher

DeBeers came to the ring to down the heel aisle to serious crowd heat.


Colonel, Nikita Koloff was out here earlier and he still wants to have a sit down discussion with you about what a great place America is. He's hoping to change your heart and mind about this country. Have you changed your mind about sitting down with him and talking?

DeBeers: Ha! I have no reason to talk to that sellout traitor! There will be no discussion between me and Nikita Koloff! But, I do have something to say to him if he wants to listen to me! That's all I have to say!

DeBeers turned and left the ring and headed back up the heel aisle to boos.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!


TV MAIN EVENT: The Top Guns vs. The Grappler & Rip Oliver

Top Guns (Ricky Rice & Derrick Dukes) came down the face aisle to a nice ovation from the crowd.

The Grappler & Rip Oliver came down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Graappler took the ring mic from Larry Nelson.

Grappler: Top Guns! Prepare to bee schooled by Pacific Northwest wrestling superiority!

Crowd booed.

Good battle between these two teams with some good back-and-forth action and near falls.

End of the match saw Dukes and Oliver the legal men in the ring. Dukes had gained the advantage and hammered away on Rip. Dukes whipped Rip into the ropes and caught Rip coming off with a high backdrop. Rip up and Dukes charged at Rip looking to finish Rip off with his running clothesline finisher but Rip instead turned it into a spinebuster* out of nowwhere. Rip for the cover and hooked the leg. 1... Rice hit the ring to break up the pin but was cut off by the Grappler with a kick to the chest. ...2...3! Ref called for the bell.

Crowd booed as Rip got up and the ref raised Grappler's and Oliver's hands in victory as the program ended.

WINNER: Oliver & Grappler - Pinfall - 6:37


(* I'm not holding rigidly to some wrestler's movesets. While I was a big fan of Oliver, but his moveset was pretty basic as far as I can recall. So, he now has a spinebuster finisher. If anyone knows of a move he used as a fnisher and I missed it, please let me know. Thanks.)


Wahoo McDaniel (WC) def. Bob Orton via pinfall with his big chop finisher - 12:28

AWA WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP: Reggie Bennett def. Magnificent Mimi (WC) via countout - 8:36

Nikita Koloff def. Jonnie Stewart via pinfall with his Russian sickle finisher - 7:35

$50,000 OVER THE TOP ROPE BATTLE ROYAL:Col. DeBeers, Jake Milliman, Greg Gagne, Ken Patera, Brad Rheingans, Sam Houston, Tommy Rich, Pat Tanaka, Paul Diamond, Rip Oliver, The Grappler, Ricky Rice, Derrick Dukes, Don Muraco, Jonnie Stewart, Akio Sato, Ninja Go, Manny Fernandez, Tom Zenk & The Trooper

WINNER: The Grappler - Eliminated Ken Patera - 11:42

ATTENDANCE: 2,397 (New era AWA not yet catching fire in Rochester.)
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Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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(NOTE: The show that was originally posted in this spot was the wrong show. Got one show ahead of myself.

The correct show is in the next post. )


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Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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(The previous show I posted in post #265 was the incorrect show. This is the right show to be posted.)


Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(1st Taping)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

TV MAIN EVENT: Kokina Maximus vs. Jerry Blackwell (Nelson pointed out they'd met before in Anaheim.)

A look back at last week's match between Madusa and Candi Divine where if Madusa won she gets a title match against Mimi PLUS! Comments from promoter Jim Crockett

Another message from the masked mystery man. Will he accept Trooper's offer for a match at SC 5?

Jonnie Stewart sees action

Tully Blanchard is back with a major announcement

Comments from World Champion Wahoo McDaniel and challenger and PWH Champ Greg Valentine heading into their title clash at SC 5

Barry Windham steps in the ring

Another Super Clash 5 Update

Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas!

Bob Orton won a squash match over Jon Moxley via pinfall with his superplex finisher

Orton was booed coming down the heel aisle.


Bob Orton. You absolutely destroyed poor Moxley. The guy never stood a chance.

Orton: This guy, what's his name again?

Nelson: Jon Moxley.

Orton: This Moxley character needs to go to a promotion run by some idiot fan who thinks he understands this sport. That's more Mox... What's the name again?

Nelson: Jon Moxley.

Orton: Moxley. Clown. Loser. Whatever.

I can't believe I don't have an opponent for Super Clash 5. How is that possible? I mean, I'm Bob Orton, master of the superplex.

The Cowboy wants some competition at the pay-per-view. So, whoever wants to step up to the plate and challenge me at Super Clash 5 then sign on the dotted ;ine and let's do it,

Nelson: You heard it. Bob Orton wants an opponent for Supper Clash 5. Who's willing to accept his challenge?

Orton: Just don't be... what was his name again?

Nelson: Jon Moxley.

Orton: Just don't be Jon Moxley.

Nelson: Orton's open to wrestle anybody but Jon Moxley again.

Video aired from the Madusa-Divine match with the caption: NEXT... NEW TITLE CONTENDER!!!


In-studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage from the end of last week's match between Madusa and Candi Divine where if Madusa won, she gets a World Title match with Magnificent Mimi (WC).


# Divine then went to hoist Madusa up for a suplex but Madusa blocked the move, caught Divine with a series of shots to the side of the ribs and hit Divine with a suplex of her own. Both women down. Madusa up and went to snap up Divine but Divine caught Madusa with an eye rake. Divine clubbed away on Madusa from behind. Val liking what she sees in the ring. Divine went to whip Madusa into the ropes but Madusa reversed and sent Divine crashing front-first into the buckles. Divine bounced out of the corner and crashed to the mat. Madusa circled around behind Divine. Divine up facing away from Madusa. Madusa moved in, grabbed Divine around the waist and nailed Divine with her German suplex into a bridgeout finisher for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd exploded.

Madusa up and the ref raised her hand in victory. As Madusa looked down at Val on the floor, Mimi, in her ring duds, charged down the heel aisle, hit the ring behind Madusa and attacked Madusa. Mimi pounding away on Madusa. Mimi then went to whip Madusa into the ropes but Madusa reversed and blasted Mimi coming off with a clothesline. Crowd in orbit. Mimi got up facing away from Madusa and Madusa came up from behind and caught Mimi around the waist and nailed Mimi with three straight German suplexes as the crowd ate it up. Madusa up and the champ laid out in the ring. Madusa looked down at an obviously shaken Val as the crowd cheered lustily.

Nelson said Madusa has earned her title shot against Mimi.

Then intro'd a video announcement from AWA promoter Jim Crockett about their match-up.


Jim Crockett was sitting behind his desk in his office with a mic in front of him.

Crockett: Due to Madusa Miceli's stunning win over Candi Divine last week, Madusa will challenge women's champion Magnificent Mimi for the title.

And the match will take place at Super Clash 5 on September 16th in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


Pic aired of Jonnie Stewart with the caption: NEXT... CAPTAIN OBNOXIOUS!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update

Jonnie Stewart won a squash match over Steve O (also works under a hood as heel Ninja Go) via pinfall with his flying elbow smash off the top turnbuckle

Stewart came to the ring down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Pedicino: Jonnie Stewart is really beginning to assert himself here in the AWA.

Dundee: It's just a matter of time before this man is a champion. He's a great wrestler and a genuinely caring individual.

Pedicino: He cares only about himself.

Dundee: I heard he owns a puppy, so that makes him a caring individual.

Pic aired of the masked man with the caption: NEXT... ACCEPTING TROOPER'S CHALLENGE???


In-studio: Nelson intro'd another video sent by the masked mystery man who has been making Trooper's life miserable. Video was delivered anonymously to the AWA offices.


Mystery man was standing in front of a black background in street clothes and fingerless black gloves. He had a mic.

His voice was distorted.

Masked Man: So, Trooper, you want to put that gorgeous, full head of hair of yours on the line against my mask.

You sure you want to do that, pal?

You lose and I'm gonna take every last strand of your hair. I'll keep it as a trophy.

The bad view I have of you only deepens with each passing day. I become angrier and angrier about our paths crossing before.

But, Trooper, I accept your challenge. I can't wait to shave it all off. After that happens they'll have to start calling you The Cueball rather than the Trooper.

I will hold onto this mask at any cost. As a cop, you're duty bound to follow the rules. I'm already five steps ahead of you before we even step into the ring with each other.

I'm going to enjoy this match. And the great thing about it is you made the challenge! Haha! You're going to look even more foolish when your hair comes off.

You need to tread carefully. You need to be careful what you wish for. And I'm granting you your wish. Have a good time looking like a skinhead.

And remember this, Trooper, there's at least one more like me out there. Remember your match with Manny Fernandez?

Where did the other masked man come from? Who was he? Could there be even more of us? These are things you just don't know and that should make you very, very nervous.

I'll see you ion the ring, Trooper. I can't wait to shave your head and send you slinking off into the night a defeated man and a laughing stock.


Pic aired of Barry Windham with the caption: NEXT... SWEETWATER'S FINEST!!!


Barry Windham won a squash match over Adam Copeland via pinfall with his flying lariat finisher

Windham was heavily cheered coming down the face aisle.


Another win, Barry. The AWA is certainly keeping an eye on you.

Windham: That guy I just wrestled shows real promise. He just needs to change his name to something edgy and when he's no longer green, he could go places in this sport.

Right now, I wanted to say something.

Bob Orton was out here earlier and said he didn't have an opponent for Super Clash 5.

Well, Bob, you have one now.

Crowd cheered.

Windham: I'll square off with you in Milwaukee.

Nelson: Windham vs. Orton at Super Clash 5! That would be one fantastic match as both of you are top caliber wrestlers!

Windham: The AWA just needs to draw up thee contract and I'll sign it.

See you at Super Clash 5, Bob.

Crowd popped as Windham left the ring and slapped hands with fans as he headed back up the face aisle.

Split-screen pic aired of Wahoo McDaniel and Greg Valentine with the caption: NEXT... SC 5 SHOWDOWN!!!


In-studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from AWA WC Wahoo McDaniel and challenger and PWH champ Greg Valentine as they draw closer to their World Title tilt at SC 5.


Greg Valentine was standing in front of the AWA logo in street clothes and sunglasses and holding a mic. He had the PWHC title slung over his shoulder.

Valentine: We're one week closer, Wahoo. One week closer to the end of the feel good story in professional wrestling in 1990.

On September 16th in Milwaukee at Super Clash 5, your run as World Champion reaches its expiration date. It's over. All good things must come to an end.

You've had your run with the World Title. And guess what, Chief? I've never been the World Champion, either. But that ends at Super Clash 5.

I am counting down the minutes until the referee raises my hand in victory and puts the AWA World Championship around my waist.

The big silver belt will look good next to my tan, well-formed body. I look like the World Champion. The belt will make it official.

All the times we've battled through the years, Wahoo. All the blood, sweat and tears we've left in the ring in some of the greatest matches this sport has ever seen. This will be our epic fight.

The stakes have never been so high between us! Being a champion is great! But, being the World Champion is the pinnacle and even greater!

Be thankful you won the World Championship, Wahoo. There's no shame in losing it. And you're losing it to Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine at Super Clash 5!

Pic flipped and Wahoo, in street clothes and wearing his headdress and with the title around his waist, had a mic and was standing in front of the AWA logo.

Wahoo: This is another chapter in the book of the great battles between Wahoo McDaniel and Greg Valentine.

This is going to be a fight to the finish. As I said before, Valentine and I know each other like we know our own selves.

I also know Valentine will break the rules to get what he wants. I want Valentine to know that I will fight fire with fire if I have to.

You wanna get dirty, Valentine, well I'll get dirty, too.

This match promises to be an all-out war between us. The years, the battles, I think we both have a grudging respect for each other.

But, when that bell rings at Super Clash 4, Valentine, brother, I'm gonna give just as good as I get.

Play with fire, Valentine, you could get burned.


Pic aired of the SC 5 logo with the caption: NEXT... SC 5 UPDATE!!!



Eric Bischoff was defeated behind the update desk with the SC 5 logo behind him.

Eric: Hi, everybody. I'm Eric Bischoff.

We are just two weeks away from the wrestling event of 1990 Super Clash 5.

Super Clash 5 takes place on Sunday, September 16th at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with a start time of 8pm Eastern and 5pm Pacific.

For tickets, contact TicketMaster or call the Mecca Arena box office at (404) 555-2591 or visit the Mecca box office.

Super Clash 5 is also the second AWA show in history that will air live on pay-per-view.

Super Clash 5 is really starting to take shape and we have new matches to announce this week.

But first, for the AWA World Championship, AWA World Champion Wahoo McDaniels defends title against Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine.

Also, in a Falls Count Anywhere match, Jerry Lawler will battle Cactus Jack.

Now, let's hear from both combatants in the falls cunt anywhere match.


Shot of cactus Jack standing in street clothes in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.

Jack: Oh how I hate thee, Jerry Lawler!

My beating of you on national TV set off a euphoria in me that I've never felt before! And to see you bleeding was a bonus!

At Super Clash 5, more of your blood will be spilled by me! When I open you up in our falls count anywhere match at Super Clash 5, you will bleed like a busted fire hydrant! And I will be bathing in the loss of your precious blood!

The great thing about this is that pinfalls can count anywhere in the Mecca Arena! I might drag you bloody carcass around the building on a sight-seeing tour! It will be a special tour, 'King'!

You may not see much of the building with all the crimson caked in your eyes! But I want you to appreciate the historic Mecca!

You should never have been a World Champion, Jerry! I hate all World Champions except myself!

If you would have only stayed away from the AWA then this would not be happening to you!

I'm going to unleash horrors on you that you never imagined! The contract we signed for this match might as well have been signed in our blood!

Oh, 'King' Jerry Lawler! You shall be de-throned on September 16th! And I will take you that crown you love so much, place it on my head and be the new king of wrestling!


Pic flipped and Jerry Lawler was standing in street clothes and holding a mic in front of the AWA logo.

Lawler: I told you, Cactus, that I would give you your match.

But you decided you didn't want a match. You wanted to try and maim me.

Well, at Super Clash 5, there will be a match. And falls count anywhere.

I can guarantee the fans that are there live one thing: this match will not stay in the ring. There's zero chance of that happening.

You really upped the stakes, Jack, with that assault.

This match will not be pretty between us and can wind up anywhere in the Mecca Arena.

Who knows? It could spill out into the streets around the arena.

You're a disturbed individual, Cactus. I wonder if you should be allowed near a wrestling ring.

There will be a reckoning between us! And I promise you, with every last fiber of my being, that reckoning will take place at Super Clash 5!

When you're fighting an animal you have to adopt his tactics! And that's what I'll do if I must!


It promises to be a match not for the faint of heart as Cactus Jack and Jerry Lawler collide in a falls count anywhere match at Super Clash 5.

Just added to Super Clash 5, for the AWA World Tag Team Titles, the Destruction Crew will defend against the recent arrivals from the Pacific Northwest, Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton.

Let's see what led to this big title tilt.


# Bloom mounted the top buckle as Haynes got to his feet. Bloom came off with a double sledge to the top of the head try but Haynes caught Bloom with a gut shot. Haynes then snatched up Bloom on his shoulder and hit Bloom with the snake eyes. Bloom crumpled to the mat. Enos hit the ring and charged over and nailed Haynes from behind. Haynes fell into the corner. Norton hit the ring and jumped on Enos and pounded away on Enos and Enos fell through the ropes to the floor. Ref getting Norton back to his corner. Haynes snapped up Bloom and Bloom caught Haynes with gut shots and rolled Haynes up from behind for the pin. Ref had gotten Norton back to his corner and saw the pin. Enos back on the apron ran down to the middle of the apron on his team's side. 1... Bloom grabbed a handful of tights. ...2...3! NO! Haynes kicked Bloom off and Bloom crashed into Enos and Enos crashed to the floor as the crowd popped. Norton dropped to the floor to go after Enos. Bloom went down from the collision and got to his feet and was shaky and facing away from Haynes. Haynes moved in and locked Bloom in the full nelson. Crowd loud. After several seconds in the painful, debilitating hold, Bloom cried out in submission. Crowd roared as the ref called for the bell. Haynes released Bloom and he crumpled to the mat. Ref raised Haynes hand in victory as Norton climbed back in the ring to celebrate with his partner.


Now, let's hear from the challengers and then the defending tag team champs.


Haynes and Norton were in street clothes and each man was holding a mic while standing in front of the SC 5 logo.

Haynes: This is our shot to be the World Tag Champions.

We've now proven we can beat the Destruction Crew and we're gonna do everything in our power to put on a repeat performance at Super Clash 5.

Norton: That's right, Billy Jack.

You can feel the changes outside in the air and it's time for a change at the top of the tag team division here in the AWA.

This is what me and Billy Jack came to the AWA for. And now wrestling's grandest tag team prize is in our grasp and we don't intend to let this opportunity slip through our fingers.

Destruction Crew, we've got your number. Time is almost up for you and your run as the champions.

It's been a long and controversial reign.

But, it's time to put your era to bed.

Haynes: Destruction Crew! We're comin'! We've got momentum on our side! See you at Super Clash 5, boys!

Pic flipped and the champs were in street clothes and sunglasses, each holding his title and each man had a mic while standing in front of the SC 5 logo.

Bloom (angry): Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton! You go ahead and celebrate your victory over us last week! Because it's the only celebrating you're gonna be doing!

You see, the one thing that has marked our year and a half run as the champs is this! When the belts are on the line, we always win!

Enos: You tell 'em, Wayne!

Bloom: At Super Clash 5 it's for all the marbles! Everything is on the line! And that's when the best tag team in the world shines brightest!

No one beats us when these titles are on the line and you two will be no different!

So, celebrate your hollow victory! Get that false sense of confidence! Others walked in the ring against us with the same mindset and what happened?! Tell 'em, Mike!

Enos: They walked out of the ring still as challengers! In other words, they were losers! When the big money is on the line we rise to the occasion every single time!

Haynes and Norton! Prepare to join the ranks of all those other teams who wanted to take the belts off of us but came up empty handed!

Your fate is sealed at Super Clash 5!


Will Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton be able to do what no other team has done when they clash with the champions the Destruction Crew at Super Clash 5?

Also, just added to Super Clash 5...

For the AWA Women's World Championship, the Magnificent Mimi will defend against Madusa Miceli.

Is this the end of the line for Mimi as the Women's Champion? Madusa looks like her biggest challenger to date. We'll find out what happens at Super Clash 5.

Fans, Super Clash 5 is really looking like something special.

And you can be a part of it live by contacting TicketMaster or calling the Mecca box office at (404) 555-3333 or visit the Mecca box office.

You can also catch the show live on pay-per-view. It will be the second pay-per-view in AWA history and you'll want to see it as it happens.

Check back on next week for more matches and other Super Clash 5 news.


Nelson talked briefly about Super Clash 5. Said the TV main was next and after that was another interview with Tully Blanchard.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... MONSTERS RUMBLE!!!


TV MAIN EVENT: Kokina Maximus (w/ Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey and the Masked Doc) vs. Jerry Blackwell

Shot of a stretcher at ringside.

Blackwell came down the face aisle to a pretty good reaction.

Kokina, Kaissey and the Masked Doc made their way down the heel aisle to boos.

Announcers pointed out that these two had met once before with Kokina winning but Blackwell giving him a real fight.

Ref called for the bell.

Jerry and Kokina came out of their corners and laid into each other with a punch exchange. Kokina got the upper hand and went to whip Jerry into the corner but Jerry reversed and sent Kokina crashing into the corner. Jerry backed up and charged in and avalanched Kokina. Crowd popped. Kokina staggered out of the corner and Jerry popped Kokina with more punches followed by a kick to the gut that doubled Kokina over near the ropes. Jerry charged in and drove a knee into Kokina's side and Kokina toppled through the top and middle rope and landed on his feet on the floor. Crowd loud. Kokina staggering on the floor. Kaissey went over to talk with Kokina. Jerry left the ring and came up behind Kokina and Kaissey and butted their heads together. More cheering. Both men on stagger street. Jerry grabbed Kokina and went to slam Kokina's head into the post but Kokina blocked the try by putting his foot on the post and then slamming Jerry's head into the post. Jerry went down on the floor. Ref counting. Kokina quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Kokina snapped Jerry up and Jerry now bleeding. Kokina slammed Jerry's head repeatedly into the ring apron. Kokina rolled Jerry back into the ring. Jerry to a knee and Kokina rammed his knee into the side of Jerry's head. Kokina snapped Jerry up and bodyslammed Jerry. Kokina then hit a leg drop on Jerry. Kokina for the pin. 1...2... Jerry kicked out. Kokina up as Jerry rolled over on his side and Kokina planted a trio of kicks into the side of Jerry's ribs. Jerry on his back. Kokina stomped on Jerry's head. Jerry now holding his head. Kokina snapped up Jerry and threw Jerry into the corner and Kokina popped Jerry with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Jerry limp in the corner. Kokina then choked Jerry out with his foot and broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Kokina grabbed Jerry and threw him out of the corner and Jerry crashed to the mat. Kokina snapped up Jerry, whipped Jerry into the ropes and blasted Jerry coming off with a savate kick. Jerry crashed back to the mat.

Dundee: What I like about Kokina is he shows no mercy. He doesn't give his opponents time to recover.

Pedicino: You would like him because of that!

Dundee: It's all about getting the winner's share of the purse, mate!

Jerry slowly made it to his feet as Kokina looked on. Jerry up and Kokina punched Jerry and whipped Jerry into the corner. Kokina backed up and charged in on Jerry with an avalanche but Jerry moved and Kokina slammed front-first into the buckles full-force. Kokina staggered backwards out of the corner and crashed to the mat. Both men down. Ref counting. Kaissey slamming the mat and yelling for Kokina to get up. Count grew as both men slowly made it to their feet. Jerry found the strength to charge over and steamroll Kokina. Kokina crashed to the mat and Jerry fell front-first against the ropes. Kokina struggling. Crowd yelling for Jerry to cover Kokina. Jerry turned and went for his diving splash finisher that connected. Crowd roared. Jerry briefly rolled off of Kokina and then covered Kokina. 1...2...3! NO! Kokina kicked out. Both men down again. Ref counting. Both men up and Kokina hit Jerry with a headbutt. Jerry fell back against the ropes and the ropes groaned. Kokina stumbed back and then moved in and Jerry caught Kokina with a headbutt that stunned Kokina. Jerry hit Kokina with a second headbutt that made Kokina even more wobbly. Jerry then hit Kokina with a standing dropkick and Kokina crashed back to the mat. Jerry covered Kokina. 1...2...3! NO! Kokina kicked out. Crowd groaned. Jerry slowly moved in and stomped Kokina and started to pull Kokina up and Kokina grabbed Jerry and drove Jerry hard, back-first into the buckles. The move jarred the ring. Kokina caught Jerry with a kick to the chest. Kokina whipped Jerry into the opposite buckles, charged in and blasted Jerry with an avalanche. Jerry staggered out of the corner, spun around and crashed to his back in the ring. Kokina quickly caught his breath and dragged Jerry over to the corner. Kokina mounted the middle buckle facing the crowd and came off with his Bonzai drop finisher (Butt drop to the chest) but Jerry moved and Kokina slammed ass-first to the mat. Crowd in a frenzy. Jerry slow in covering Kokina. 1...2...3! NO! Kokina kicked out. Crowd groaning. Jerry sat up in the ring. Both men to their feet and Jerry walked right into Kokina's arms and Kokina blasted Jerry with a belly-to-belly suplex.

Dundee: Now that's what I call a belly-to-belly suplex!

Kokina for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as boos filled the 'Boat.

Kokina up and the ref raised his hand in victory as they went to a commercial.

WINNER: Kokina - Pinfall - 8:35

Pic aired of Tully Blanchard with the caption: NEXT... MORE TULLY!!!


In-ring: Larry Nelson stood center ring with mic in hand.

Nelson: Would you please welcome my guest at this time... Tully Blanchard!

Mixed crowd reax as Tully made his way down the heel aisle. Tully was in a suit and tie.

Tully stepped in the ring and briefly soaked in the crowd reaction.

Nelson: Tully, you're here and last week you said you had a major announcement for us this week.

Tully: Change in plans, Nelson. I have two major announcements.

Nelson: Two?

Tully: That's right.

The first announcement is that my AWA debut match will take place at Super Clash 5. The match is signed, sealed and delivered.

Nelson: You're making your debut at Super Clash 5. Who's the opponent?

Tully: I'll be wrestling Mr. Brad Rheingans.

Modest crowd reaction.

Nelson: Tully Blanchard vs. Brad Rheingans at Super Clash 5. Got it.

Tully: And it's because of my brilliant manager that the match is taking place. They worked hard behind the scenes to make the match for Super Clash.

Nelson: Wait a minute. You have a manager? When did this happen?

Tully: It all came together rather quickly, Larry Nelson.

In Southwest Championship Wrestling, my manager was Christopher Love. In the NWA, it was JJ Dillon. In the WWF, it was Bobby Heenan.

Mixed crowd reaction to the Heenan and Dillon names.

Tully: And now, I've got a manager here in the AWA.

And my new manager is... Valerie!

Come on out here, Val!

Strong boos as Valerie made her way down the heel aisle.

Val climbed in the ring and the pair hugged and Val kissed Tully on the cheek.

Crowd now strongly booing.

Nelson: This is certainly shocking news. How did this happen?

Tully: I met Valerie at the Pro Wrestling Heritage Tournament in Anaheim in February. We've been keeping in touch the last several months. We really got to know each other and I was impressed with this woman's mind. She's a great thinker. She understands this sport better than a lot of men.

When I told her I was coming to the AWA, she immediately offered her managerial services. This woman wants to build a championship stable like the one I was in in the NWA. Y'all know who I'm talking about.

Woos and the four fingers popped up in the crowd.

Tully: This woman has a vision and I like visionaries. Championships and lots of money are coming our way. Her management of Women's Champion Magnificent Mimi has been second to none. Mimi's been the champ for almost a year now and that alone speaks volumes about this woman's managerial chops. She's got big plans. She's going to build a stellar stable that will rock the pro wrestling world.

I'm buying what Valerie's selling.

Nelson: You do know Valerie has a controversial reputation, right?

Tully: The best managers always have controversial reputations.

Nelson: Valerie, what can be said. You're the manager of AWA hot property Tully Blanchard,

Val: It's such an honor to be the manager of one of the best in the business. Tully's record in this sport speaks for itself. The singles titles. The tag team titles. This man is one of the most accomplished in wrestling.

I'm glad we crossed paths in Anaheim six months ago. We're on the same wavelength in what we want to accomplish in wrestling. It's all about winning and money!

Crowd booed.

Val: What I'm building will be THE force to be reckoned with! My stable will look to take the AWA by storm! Tully's the newest addition! But there will be more to come! Onward and upward!

You fans can hate us! But, mark my words, you're gonna respect us whether you like it or not!

More boos.

Nelson: Tully's here and Valerie's his manager, everybody!

Last edited:

Raider Nation

Active Member
Jan 31, 2024
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(PREVIOUS POST: AWA on ESPN - 1st Taping - Sept. 1990 - Las Vegas - Main Event: Jerry Blackwell vs. Kokina Maximus.)

Even though most period piece writers try to maintain the realism of the time they're writing about personnel-wise, I'm thinking about un-deading someone and bringing them back in '91.​

Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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ANNOUNCERS: Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(1st Taping)


Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

TV MAIN EVENT: Sam Houston (w/ Coach Murdoch) vs. Pat Tanaka (w/ DDP)

Comments from World Champ Wahoo McDaniel and PWHC Greg Valentine as they head iinto their World Title clash at Super Clash 5

Another Super Clash 5 Update

The mystery man has sent another video to the AWA offices. Will he accept Trooper's offer for a hair vs. mask match at SC 5?

Manny Fernandez wrestles

Tina Moretti sees action

More on the Madusa-Mimi situation PLUS! comments from promoter Jim Crockett

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Hammond.

Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes won a squash match over Damien Priest & Finn Balor via pinfall when Norton pinned Priest with his powerbomb finisher

In-studio: Nelson hyped the tag title match for SC 5 pitting the Destruction Crew (WTTC) against Norton & Haynes.

Nelson then intro'd footage from the end of the Madusa-Candi Divine match where if Madusa won, she'd face Mimi for the Women's Title.


# Divine then went to hoist Madusa up for a suplex but Madusa blocked the move, caught Divine with a series of shots to the side of the ribs and hit Divine with a suplex of her own. Both women down. Madusa up and went to snap up Divine but Divine caught Madusa with an eye rake. Divine clubbed away on Madusa from behind. Val liking what she sees in the ring. Divine went to whip Madusa into the corner but Madusa reversed and sent Divine crashing front-first into the buckles. Divine bounced out of the corner and crashed to the mat. Madusa circled around behind Divine. Divine up facing away from Madusa. Madusa moved in, grabbed Divine around the waist and nailed Divine with her German suplex into a bridgeout finisher for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd exploded.

Madusa up and the ref raised her hand in victory. As Madusa looked down at Val on the floor, Mimi, in her ring duds, hit charged down the heel aisle, hit the ring behind Madusa and attacked Madusa. Mimi pounding away on Madusa. Mimi then went to whip Madusa into the ropes but Madusa reversed and blasted Mimi coming off with a clothesline. Crowd in orbit. Mimi got up facing away from Madusa and Madusa came up from behind and caught Mimi around the waist and nailed Mimi with three straight German suplexes as the crowd ate it up. Madusa up and the champ laid out in the ring. Madusa looked down at an obviously shaken Val as the crowd cheered lustily.

Nelson said Madusa has earned her title shot against Mimi.

Then intro'd a video announcement from AWA promoter Jim Crockett about their match-up.


# Jim Crockett was sitting behind his desk in his office with a mic in front of him.

Crockett: Due to Madusa Miceli's stunning win over Candi Divine last week, Madusa will challenge women's champion Magnificent Mimi for the title.

And the match will take place at Super Clash 5 on September 16th in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


Pic aired of the masked mystery man with the caption: NEXT... CHALLENGE ACCEPTED???


In-studio: Nelson intro'd another video sent by the masked mystery man who has been making Trooper's life miserable. Video was delivered anonymously to the AWA offices.


Mystery man was standing in front of a black background in street clothes and fingerless black gloves. He had a mic.

His voice was distorted.

Masked Man: So, Trooper, you want to put that gorgeous, full head of hair of yours on the line against my mask?

You sure you want to do that, pal?

You lose and I'm gonna take every last strand of your hair. I'll keep it as a trophy.

The bad view I have of you only deepens with each passing day. I become angrier and angrier about our paths crossing before.

But, Trooper, I accept your challenge. I can't wait to shave it all off. After that happens they'll have to start calling you The Cueball rather than the Trooper.

I will hold onto this mask at any cost. As a cop, you're duty bound to follow the rules. I'm already five steps ahead of you before we even step into the ring with each other.

I'm going to enjoy this match. And the great thing about it is you made the challenge! Haha! You're going to look even more foolish when your hair comes off.

You need to tread carefully. You need to be careful what you wish for. And I'm granting you your wish. Have a good time looking like a skinhead.

And remember this, Trooper, there's at least one more like me out there. Remember your match with Manny Fernandez?

Where did the other masked man come from? Who was he? Could there be even more of us? These are things you just don't know and that should make you very, very nervous.

I'll see you ion the ring, Trooper. I can't wait to shave your head and send you slinking off into the night a defeated man and a laughing stock.


Nelson talked about the masked man agreeing to wrestle Trooper in a hair vs. mask match at SC 5.

Nelson sent it back to the ring in Hammond.

Tina Moretti won a squash match over Alexa Bliss via pinfall with her Samoan piledriver finisher

Moretti got a strong ovation coming down the face aisle.

Split-screen pic aired of Wahoo and Valentine with the caption: NEXT... CHAMP & CHALLENGER SPEAK!!!

Commercials/Promos for House shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities

In-studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from AWA WC Wahoo McDaniel and challenger and PWH champ Greg Valentine as they draw closer to their World Title tilt at SC 5.


# Greg Valentine was standing in front of the AWA logo in street clothes and sunglasses and holding a mic. He had the PWHC title slung over his shoulder.

Valentine: We're one week closer, Wahoo. One week closer to the end of the feel good story of professional wrestling in 1990.

On September 16th in Milwaukee at Super Clash 5, your run as World Champion reaches its expiration date. It's over. All good things must come to an end.

You've had your run with the World Title. And guess what, Chief? I've never bee the World Champion, either. But that ends at Super Clash 5.

I am counting down the minutes until the referee raises my hand in victory and puts the AWA World Championship around my waist.

The big silver belt will look good next to my tan, well-formed body. I look like the World Champion. The belt will make it official.

All the times we've battled through the years, Wahoo. All the blood, sweat and tears we've left in the ring in some of the greatest matches this sport has ever seen. This will be our epic fight.

The stakes have never been so high between us! Being a champion is great! But, being the World Champion is the pinnacle and even greater!

Be thankful you won the World Championship, Wahoo. There's no shame in losing it. And you're losing it to Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine at Super Clash 5!

Pic flipped and Wahoo, in street clothes and wearing his headdress and with the title around his waist, had a mic and was standing in front of the AWA logo.

Wahoo: This is another chapter in the book of the great battles between Wahoo McDaniel and Greg Valentine.

This is going to be a fight to the finish. As I said before, Valentine and I know each other like we know our own selves.

I also know Valentine will break the rules to get what he wants. I want Valentine to know that I will fight fire with fire if I have to.

You wanna get dirty, Valentine, well I'll get dirty, too.

This match promises to be an all-out war between us. The years, the battles, I think we both have a grudging respect for each other.

But, when that bell rings at Super Clash 4, Valentine, brother, I'm gonna give just as good as I get.

Play with fire, Valentine, you could get burned.


Pic aired of Manny Fernandez with the caption: NEXT... BULL RAGE!!!


Manny Fernandez won a squash match over R-Truth via pinfall with his flying burrito (double flying forearm smash) finisher

In-studio: Nelson hyped SC 5.

Pic aired of the SC 5 logo with the caption: NEXT... SC 5 UPDATE!!!

Commercials/Promos for House shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


# Eric Bischoff was seated behind the update desk with the SC 5 logo behind him.

Eric: Hi, everybody. I'm Eric Bischoff.

We are just two weeks away from the wrestling event of 1990 Super Clash 5.

Super Clash 5 takes place on Sunday, September 16th at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with a start time of 8pm Eastern and 5pm Pacific.

For tickets, contact TicketMaster or call the Mecca Arena box office at (404) 555-2591 or visit the Mecca box office.

Super Clash 5 is also the second AWA show in history that will air live on pay-per-view.

Super Clash 5 is really starting to take shape and we have new matches to announce this week.

First, for the AWA World Championship, AWA World Champion Wahoo McDaniels defends the title against Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine.

Also, in a Falls Count Anywhere match, Jerry Lawler will battle Cactus Jack.

Now, let's hear from both combatants in the Falls Cunt Anywhere match.


Shot of Cactus Jack standiing in street clothes in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.

Jack: Oh how I hate thee, Jerry Lawler!

My beating of you on national TV set off a euphoria in me that I've never felt before! And to see you bleedling was a bonus!

At Super Clash 5, more of your blood will be spilled by me! When I open you up in our falls count anywhere match at Super Clash 5, you will bleed like a busted fire hydrant! And I will be bathing in the loss of your precious blood!

The great thing about this is that pinfalls can count anywhere in the Mecca Arena! I might drag your bloody carcass around the building on a sight-seeing tour! It will be a special tour, 'King'!

You may not see much of the building with all the crimson caked in your eyes! But I want you to appreciate the historic Mecca!

You should never have been a World Champion, Jerry! I hate all World Champions except myself!

If you would have only stayed away from the AWA then this would not be happening to you!

I'm going to unleash horrors on you that you never imagined! The contract we signed for this match might as well have been signed in our blood!

Oh, 'King' Jerry Lawler! You shall be de-throned on September 16th! And I will take from you that crown you love so much, place it on my head and be the new king of wrestling!


Pic flipped and Jerry Lawler was standing in street clothes and holding a mic in front of the AWA logo.

Lawler: I told you, Cactus, that I would give you your match.

But you decided you didn't want a match. You wanted to try and maim me.

Well, at Super Clash 5, there will be a match. And falls count anywhere.

I can guarantee the fans that are there live one thing: this match will not stay in the ring. There's zero chance of that happening.

You really upped the stakes, Jack, with that assault.

This match will not be pretty between us and can wind up anywhere in the Mecca Arena.

Who knows? It could spill out into the streets around the arena.

You're a disturbed individual, Cactus. I wonder if you should be allowed near a wrestling ring.

There will be a reckoning between us! And I promise you, with every last fiber of my being, that reckoning will take place at Super Clash 5!

When you're fighting an animal you have to adopt his tactics! And that's what I'll do if I must!


Eric: It promises to be a match not for the faint of heart as Cactus Jack and Jerry Lawler collide in a falls count anywhere match at Super Clash 5.

Just added to Super Clash 5, for the AWA World Tag Team Titles, the Destruction Crew will defend against the recent arrivals from the Pacific Northwest, Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton.

Let's see what led to this big title tilt.


Bloom mounted the top buckle as Haynes got to his feet. Bloom came off with a double sledge to the top of the head try but Haynes caught Bloom with a gut shot. Haynes then snatched up Bloom on his shoulder and hit Bloom with the snake eyes. Bloom crumpled to the mat. Enos hit the ring and charged over and nailed Haynes from behind. Haynes fell into the corner. Norton hit the ring and jumped on Enos and pounded away on Enos and Enos fell through the ropes to the floor. Ref getting Norton back to his corner. Haynes snapped up Bloom and Bloom caught Haynes with gut shots and rolled Haynes up from behind for the pin. Ref had gotten Norton back to his corner and saw the pin. Enos back on the apron ran down to the middle of the apron on his team's side. 1... Bloom grabbed a handful of tights. ...2...3! NO! Haynes kicked Bloom off and Bloom crashed into Enos and Enos crashed to the floor as the crowd popped. Norton dropped to the floor to go after Enos. Bloom went down from the collision and got to his feet and was shaky and facing away from Haynes. Haynes moved in and locked Bloom in the full nelson. Crowd loud. After several seconds in the painful, debilitating hold, Bloom cried out in submission. Crowd roared as the ref called for the bell. Haynes released Bloom and he crumpled to the mat. Ref raised Haynes' hand in victory as Norton climbed back in the ring to celebrate with his partner.


Eric: Now, let's hear from the challengers and then the defending tag team champs.


Haynes and Norton were in street clothes and each man was holding a mic in front of the SC 5 logo.

Haynes: This is our shot to be the World Tag Team Champions.

We've now proven we can beat the Destruction Crew and we're gonna do everything in our power to put on a repeat performance at Super Clash 5.

Norton: That's right, Billy Jack.

You can feel the changes outside in the air and it's time for a change at the top of the tag team division here in the AWA.

This is what me and Billy Jack came to the AWA for. And now wrestling's grandest tag team prize is in our grasp and we don't intend to let this opportunity slip through our fingers.

Destruction Crew, we've got your number. Time is almost up for you and your run as the champions.

It's been a long and controversial reign.

But, it's time to put your era to bed.

Haynes: Destruction Crew! We're comin'! We've got momentum on our side! See you at Super Clash 5, boys!

Pic flippped and the champs were in street clothes and sunglasses, each holding his title and each man had a mic and was standing in front of the SC 5 logo.

Bloom (angry): Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton! You go ahead and celebrate your victory over us last week! Because it's the only celebrating you're gonna be doing!

You see, the one thing that has marked our year and a half run as the champs is this! When the belts are on the line, we always win!

Enos: You tell 'em, Wayne!

Bloom: At Super Clash 5 it's for all the marbles! Everything is on the line! And that's when the best tag team in the world shines brightest!

No one beats us when these titles are on the line and you two will be no different!

So, celebrate your hollow victory! Get that false sense of confidence! Others walked in the ring against us with the same mindset and what happened?! Tell 'em, Mike!

Enos: They walked out of the ring still as challengers! In other words, they were losers! When the big money is on the line we rise to the occasion every single time!

Haynes and Norton! Prepare to join the ranks of all those other teams who wanted to take the belts off of us but came up empty handed!

Your fate is sealed at Super Clash 5!


Eric: Will Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton be able to do what no other team has done when they clash with the champions the Destruction Crew at Super Clash 5?

Also, just added to Super Clash 5...

For the AWA Women's World Championship, the Magnificent Mimi will defend against Madusa Miceli,

Is this the end of the line for Mimi as the Women's Champion? Madusa looks like her biggest challenger to date. We'll find out what happens at Super Clash 5.

Fans, Super Clash 5 is really looking like something special.

And you can be a part of it live by contacting TicketMaster or calling the Mecca box office at (404) 555-3333 or visit the Mecca box office.

You can also catch the show live on pay-per-view. It will be the second pay-per-view in AWA history and you'll want to see it as it happens.

Check back on next week for more matches and other Super Clash 5 news.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!


TV MAIN EVENT: Sam Houston (w/ Coach Murdoch) vs. Pat Tanaka (w/ Mgr. DDP)

Tanaka and DDP came to the ring down the heel aisle to boos.

Once in the ring, they played to the crowd.

Houston and Murdoch came down the face aisle to cheers.

Match was a see-saw affair with twists and turns. Tanaka used a distraction by DDP to get the upper hand during the match.

As the match went on, DDP looked to interfere, but Murdoch came over to DDP and his presence stopped DDP from getting involved.

Murdoch turned and started walking away from DDP when DDP rammed Murdoch in the back with the butt of his cane. Murdoch down on the floor and the ref didn't see it.

Sam saw what happened and was distracted and directed the ref's attention to it. Sam turned and was nailed with a headbutt from Tanaka. Sam crashed to the mat. Tanaka snapped Sam up, whipped Sam into the ropes and nailed Sam coming off with savate kick. Sam crashed back down to the mat. Tanaka waiting for Sam to get up. Murdoch up on the floor and DDP went to climb up on the apron but Murdoch charged over, grabbed DDP and blasted DDP with a punch that sent DDP crashing to the floor to the delight of the crowd. Sam up in the ring and Tanaka went for a spinning back heel kick to the side of the head but Sam ducked the move and came back with a series of punches on Tanaka followed by a dropkick that sent Tanaka down. Crowd popped. Sam grabbed Tanaka and backed into the corner and charged out and blasted Tanaka with a running bulldog. Sam for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Crowd cheered as the ref called for the bell.

Sam up and the ref raised his hand in victory to more cheering. DDP up and staggering and fell against the ring apron as Murdoch climbed in the ring and congratulated his man as the show went off the air..

WINNER: Houston - Pinfall - 6:59

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Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(2nd Taping)

Show Intro



Larry Nelson:
Recently, there was a vicious assault on Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton by the World Tag Team Champions the Destruction Crew here in the parking lot of the AWA offices.

The attack was caught on camera.

Here is that footage.


Norton and Haynes were seen pulling into the parking lot of the AWA offices on a bright, sunny morning.

Norton and Haynes parked their vehicle and the two men exited the car.

Then, from another car with tinted windows already parked a few spaces down, Wayne Bloom and Mike Enos stepped out of the other car. They were both wearing their hard hats.

The pair jumped Haynes and Norton from behind. The champs pounded away on the challengers.

Enos took Haynes and slammed his head into the trunk of the car and Haynes went down as Bloom continued hammering away Norton. Enos stomped away on the downed Haynes.

Enos joined Bloom in pounding on Norton and the pair drove Norton down to the ground and violently stomped away on Norton.

Bloom picked up on a mic.

Bloom: Hold him up, Mike!

Enos snapped Norton up and held him from behind.

Bloom grabbed his hard hat, which had fallen off during the attack.

Bloom reared back and slammed Norton upside the head with his hard hat and Norton crumpled to the ground.

Enos went over and grabbed Haynes and slammed Haynes' head again into the trunk of the car. Haynes slid off the trunk back down to the ground.

Bloom again picked up on a mic.

Bloom: You guys wanna mess with us! You can expect a lot worse than that at Super Clash if you are stupid enough to show up!

Bloom and Enos ran back to their vehicle, quickly started it up and high-tailed it out of the parking lot.

Shot of Norton and Haynes laid out in the parking lot as some AWA employees came charging out of the building to check on Haynes and Norton.


Nelson intro'd comments from President Nick Bockwinkel.


Bockwinkel was seated behind his desk with a mic in front of him.

Nick: Hello.

Recently, we had a horrific attack launched by the Destruction Crew on Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton. This attack was completely unprovoked.

As President of the AWA, I cannot allow something like this to go without punishment.

Wayne Bloom and Mike Enos are each being fined $10,000 dollars for their actions.

This attack did not take place in the arena. It took place on the street.

I've spoken to Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton. Both men are pretty banged up.

I told them I was thinking of suspending the Destruction Crew and stripping them of their belts. But, Haynes and Norton asked me not to suspend them nor strip them of the titles.

They told me that they should be ready for their title match against the Destruction Crew and they wanted the match. I have decided their will be no suspension, at least right now, and I will not strip them of the belts.

The match, as of today, will go forward as planned at Super Clash 5.

These types of actions will not be tolerated under my watch and will be met with heavy fines and severe punishments for this kind of behavior.

Professional wrestling sometimes has some elastic rules. But, this definitely falls outside the boundaries of those rules and cannot be allowed to slide.


Nelson talked about the attack and said they would keep fans updated as things develop.

Nelson then ran down the program:

Contract signing for the AWA World Title match at SC 5: Wahoo McDaniel (WC) and Greg Valentine (PWHC)

TV MAIN EVENT: The Trooper vs. Jonnie Stewart

A new Super Cash 5 Update you will not want to miss

Cactus Jack wrestles

Col. DeBeers is here and has something to say

NON-TITLE: Magnificent Mimi (Women's WC - w/ Valerie) vs. Melina

A look at Tully's shocking announcements from last week

And more!

Pic aired of the Top Guns with the caption: NEXT... GUNS A BLAZIN'!!!


The Top Guns won a squash match over Butcher & Blade via pinfall when Rice pinned Blade with a flying crossbody

Pic aired of Tully Blanchard with the caption: NEXT... TULLY SURPRISE!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Updates

In-studio: Nelson intro'd a replay of last week's shocking interview with AWA newcomer Tully Blanchard.


# In-ring: Larry Nelson stood center ring with mic in hand.

Nelson: Would you please welcome my guest at this time... Tully Blanchard!

Mixed crowd reax as Tully made his way down the heel aisle. Tully was in a suit and tie.

Tully stepped in the ring and briefly soaked in the crowd reaction.

Nelson: Tully, you're here and last week you said you had a major announcement for us this week.

Tully: Change in plans, Nelson. I have two major announcements.

Nelson: Two?

Tully: That's right.

The first announcement is that my AWA debut match will take place at Super Clash 5. The match is signed, sealed and delivered.

Nelson: You're making your debut at Super Clash 5. Who's the opponent?

Tully: I'll be wrestling Mr. Brad Rheingans.

Modest crowd reaction.

Nelson: Tully Blanchard vs. Brad Rheingans at Supr Clash 5. Got it.

Tully: And it's because of my brilliant manager that the match is taking place. They worked hard behind the scenes to make the match for Super Clash.

Nelson: Wait a minute. You have a manager? When did this happen?

Tully: It all came together rather quickly, Larry Nelson.

In Southwest Championship Wrestling, my manager was Christopher Love. In the NWA, it was JJ Dillon. In the WWF, it was Bobby Heenan.

Mixed crowd reaction to the Heenan and Dillon names.

Tully: And now, I've got a manager here in the AWA.

And my new manager is... Valerie!

Come on out here, Val!

Strong boos as Valerie made her way down the heel aisle.

Val climbed in the ring and the pair hugged and Val kissed Tully on the cheek.

Crowd now strongly booing.

Nelson: This is certainly shocking news. How did this happen?

Tully: I met Valerie at the Pro Wrestling Heritage Tournament in Anaheim in February. We've been keeping in touch the last several months. We really got to know each other and I was impressed with this woman's mind. She's a great thinker. She understands this sport better than a lot of men.

When I told her I was coming to the AWA, she immediately offered her managerial services. This woman wants to build a championship stable like the one I was in in the NWA. Y'all know who I'm talking about.

Woos and the four fingers popped up in the crowd.

Tully: This woman has a vision and I like visionaries. Championships and lots of money are coming our way. Her management of Women's Champion Magnificent Mimi has been second to none. Mimi's been the champ for almost a year now and that alone speaks volumes about this woman's managerial chops. She's got big plans. She's going to build a stellar stable that will rock the pro wrestling world.

I'm buying what Valerie's selling.

Nelson: You do know Valerie has a controversial reputation, right?

Tully: The best managers always have controversial reputations.

Nelson: Valerie, what can be said. You're the manager of AWA hot property Tully Blanchard,

Val: It's such an honor to be the manager of one of the best in the business. Tully's record in this sport speaks for itself. The singles titles. The tag team titles. This man i one of the most accomplished in wrestling.

I'm glad we crossed paths in Anaheim six months ago. We're on the same wavelength in what we want to accomplish in wrestling. It's all about winning and money!

Crowd booed.

Val: What I'm building will be THE force to be reckoned with! My stable will look to take the AWA by storm! Tully's the newest addition! But there will be more to come! Onward and upward!

You fans can hate us! But, mark my words, you're gonna respect us whether you like it or not!

More boos.

Nelson: Tully's here and Valerie's his manager, everybody!


Pic aired of Magnificent Mimi with the caption: NEXT... MS. CHAMPION!!!


NON-TITLE: Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Valerie) vs. Melina

Mimi and Valerie came to the ring down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Announcers talked about Val now also managing Tully Blanchard.

Mimi won a squash match over Melina via pinfall with her sitout powerbomb.

After the match Mimi strutted around the ring with the title held aloft as the fans booed.

In-studio: Nelson hyped the Mimi-Madusa match fro SC 5.

Pic aired of Col. DeBeers with the caption: NEXT... THE COLONEL!!!


Back from commercial...

Col. DeBeers was already in the ring with Larry Nelson.

DeBeers was strutting around while the fans booed and some tossed garbage at the ring.

Nelson: Col. DeBeers, could we please hear what you have to say before we're standing in a landfill in the ring!

DeBeers: Larry Nelson...

More boos. DeBeers stepped away from the mic and looked out at the crowd.

DeBeers then stepped back next to Nelson.

DeBeers: The first thing I want is for AWA promoter Jim Crockett to come out here!

Nelson: If Jim Crockett could come out to the ring!

A little more trash tossed at the ring.

After a brief pause, Jim Crockett made his way down the face aisle to a decent response from the fans.

Crockett: Colonel, what is this about?

More debris thrown at the ring.

Nelson: Fans! Please stop throwing trash at the ring!

The booing was now trashless.

Crockett: Colonel.

DeBeers: Jim Crockett! I called you out here because I have something to ask you!

As you and these people know, I refuse to sit down and have a meeting with Nikita Koloff.

I won't talk to Nikita. But, I will fight him.

Buzz rippled through the crowd.

DeBeers: To the point, I want a match with Nikita Koloff at Super Clash 5. Make it happen.

Crowd largely cheered the challenge.

Crockett: Let me check with Nikita and I'll have an announcement by the end of the program if this match will happen at Super Clash 5.

DeBeers: Nikita is the lowest life form there is on this planet! He's a traitor and a sellout to the Russian people!

We don't need to talk! We need to fight! I aim to show him what happens to people like him!

Crowd boos.

Crockett: I will talk with Nikita immediately. There will be answer to your challenge at the end of the program.

Knowing Nikita as well as I do, he will accept your challenge.

Crowd cheered.

Crockett: Nikita is not the type of man to back down when called out. He has strong moral principles.

DeBeers: If by 'moral principles', you mean he likes to wallow in American decadence and filth, then I agree with you.

Crockett: I'm not gonna dignify that response with an answer. I'll talk to him and let you all know what he says.

DeBeers: Why wait for an answer when we can get one right now.

Nelson: What do you mean?

DeBeers: This.

DeBeers stunned everyone by punching Crockett in the gut. Crockett stumbled back holding his gut. Crowd buzzing.

Nelson: No, Colonel! Don't...

DeBeers grabbed Crockett and placed him in position for his face-first piledriver finisher.

Crowd popped as Nikita charged down the face aisle as DeBeers was starting to hoist Crockett up for the move.

Nikita hit the ring and DeBeers released Crockett and DeBeers bailed from the ring. Nikita charged over and took a swipe at DeBeers just as DeBeers dropped to the floor and evaded Nikita's grasp.

Nikita glared down at DeBeers. Nikita went over and briefly checked on Crockett.

Larry Nelson approached Nikita. DeBeers looking on from the floor.

Nikita: Colonel! I will fight you at Super Clash 5!

Crowd popped as Nikita briefly glared at DeBeers and then went back to checking on Crockett.

DeBeers turned and headed back up the heel aisle to some trash thrown at him.

Shot of Nikiita and a now standing Crockett, doubled over and holding his gut, as the segment ended.

Pic aired of Cactus Jack with the caption: NEXT... DANGEROUS MAN!!!


Cactus Jack won a squash match over Chad Gable via pinfall with his double underhook DDT finisher

Jack punished Gable during the brief affair.

Jack was mainly booed but also had his growing number of fans as he came down the heel aisle.


Cactus Jack, I'm almost scared to be in the ring with you.

Jack: Jerry Lawler! I hate your stinking guts! I'm proud of what I did to you a few weeks ago!

And you're gonna get more of the same and then some when we clash at Super Clash 5! I'm gonna make you bleed like a stuck pig! I want to wear your blood, King!

Nelson made a grossed out face.

Jack: Falls count anywhere in our match! We can fight all over the Mecca! When they talk about tearing down the house, that may literally happen during our match!

I want to maim you Jerry Lawler! I want to feel your pain in my body! This will be the crowning, no pun intended, moment of my young career!

I will be a legend slayer when I take you down, Lawler! There will be lots of blood in our match! Most of it will be yours!

Lawler! You are going to regret ever becoming a professional wrestler and World Champion when I am done with you! You'll wish you'd stayed in your mother's womb if you knew the wrath you're about to face at Super Clash 5!

No World Champion will ever outshine this World Champion!

King, consider yourself extinguished!


Nelson: That was very disturbing.

Jack: Wait until you see just how disturbed I can get at Super Clash!

Pic aired of the SC 5 logo with the caption: NEXT... SC 5 UPDATE!!!



Eric Bischoff was sitting behind the desk in the update center with the SC 5 logo behind him.

Eric: Hello, everybody.

I'm Eric Bischoff and this is the latest Super Clash 5 update.

Super Clash 5 will take place in just one week on Sunday, September 16th at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with a start time of 8pm Eastern/7pm Central.

For tickets, contact TicketMaster or call the Mecca box office at (414) 555-0371 or visit the Mecca box office.

The show will also be airing live on pay-per-view.

We'll be announcing three new matches for Super Clash 5 this week.

But first, let's look at the matches already announced.

For the AWA World Championship, Wahoo McDaniel defends the World Title against Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine.

In a falls count anywhere match, Jerry Lawler battles Cactus Jack.

For the AWA World Tag Team Championship, the Destruction Crew, champions for 18 months, put their titles on the line against Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton.

The AWA Women's World Championship is up for grabs as champion Magnificent MImi looks to withstand the challenge of Madusa Miceli.

Now, let's hear from the challenger and then the women's champion.


Madusa, in street clothes, was standing in front of the SC 5 logo with min in hand.

Madusa: Magnificent Mimi. Your attack on me backfired a couple of week's ago after I defeated Candi Divine to earn this championship match.

Your actions were those of a desperate woman. A woman who's afraid she may have just met her match. You seem fearful of losing the belt because that belt is your oxygen.

I've been wrestling in Japan recently and have learned a lot. I trained in the dojo. I was put through my paces. It was hard. It was painful. There were times I wanted to pack my bags and come back here to the States.

But I didn't quit. Instead, I kept on going. And I became a better wrestler for it.

You're not facing the young, green Madusa Miceli who started in the AWA. You're facing a more well-rounded and battle-tested Madusa Miceli who has upgraded her craft against the tough, smart and cagey women wrestlers of Japan.

Mimi, you have every right to be worried. I'm a far different wrestler than when I left for Japan. There are now moves in my arsenal that you haven't even seen from me before. I didn't even break them out against Candi Divine.

So, be prepared for some surprises from me, Mimi, at Super Clash 5.

Pic flipped and Mimi and Valerie, both in street clothes and Mimi holding her title, each was holding a mic standing in front of the SC 5 logo.

Mimi: If Madusa thinks that she's put the fear of god in me because of those three German suplexes she hit me with, she's sorely mistaken.

You see, there's one thing I have that Madusa will never have. And that's the best mind in wrestling in Valerie in my corner. That's what separates you and me, Madusa.

The master strategist is in my corner! Ive been preparing for you like I never have any other opponent! And with Valerie's expertise, I will exploit your weaknesses at Super Clash 5 and walk out of the ring still the women's champion!

Valerie: Madusa, you're a fine talent, hon.

But Mimi's an even finer talent.

You may have beaten Candi Divine. You may have stunned Mimi after the match with those German suplexes when she came to the ring to congratulate you on beating Candi for the right to face Mimi at Super Clash 5. But that won't happen again.

We've been studying lots and lots of video of your matches, Madusa. We're analyzing every little detail in those matches. Everything you do is being put under a microscope by us.

When Mimi enters that ring to face you at Super Clash 5, she will be so well prepared you'll think she's always one step ahead of you. Why? Because she will be one step ahead of you, Madusa!

All your work in Japan is very impressive! But it won't be impressive enough to take down the Magnificent MImi and win the AWA Women's World Title!


Magnificent MImi vs. Madusa Miceli for the AWA Women's Championship promises to be quite the match-up at Super Clash 5.

And here are the three matches just added to this big show.

Bob Orton was looking for an opponent for Super Clash 5 and he found one. It's gonna be Bob Orton vs. Barry Windham.

Also, Tully Blanchard, with manager Valerie in his corner, will make his AWA wrestling debut at Super Clash 5 as he squares off with AWA mainstay Brad Rheingans.

And the final match just added. There's a lot riding on the line in this one.

It will be the Trooper vs. the Masked Mystery Man in a hair vs. mask match.

The masked man has made Trooper's life a living hell over the last few months here in the AWA, coming through the crowd to the ring and costing the Trooper big matches.

The Trooper made the offer for this stipulation match and the masked man has accepted the challenge.

Something's got to give at Super Clash 5 between these two.

Now, let's hear from the Trooper and then the masked man.


So, the match is finally gonna happen! Either my hair or your mask is coming off, masked man! No one has any idea who the hell you are!

You say we've met, it was a bad experience for you and now you're taking vengeance on me!

At least you're gonna face me like a man this time instead of appearing out of nowhere to cost me matches and send out your cryptic videos from parts unknown!

It took years for me to get my hair the way I like it! I love my hair! But, I rolled the dice and decided to put it on the line against your mask!

If I lose, I will be a man and let you shave me totally bald! Will you do the same if you lose, masked man?! Will you be a man and unmask at Super Clash 5?!

Or wlll you be a coward and try and escape from the ring with the mask still on?!

We're about to find out!

Pic flipped and the masked man was standing in front of a black background in street clothes, fingerless black gloves and 2x4 in one hand in mic in the other.

His voice was distorted.

Masked Man: You people wouldn't believe the hoops I made AWA officials jump through just to find me! I sent them in so many directions that they were dizzy by the time they got to me! Hahaha!

The mask vs. Trooper's hair! I want the Trooper to know that I am not letting a professional barber cut his hair! Oh no! I'm gonna cut it all off myself! I want to do the honors before thousands of people!

Trooper, you wanted this match! You're the one who asked for it! You're gonna look like an even bigger goof when you lose it!

People might ask: Masked man, if you lose the match, will you abide by the rules and remove the mask? No! Because I am not losing the match!

You still have no idea who you're dealing with, Trooper! You don't know who I am! You just know I've got a grievance against you!

But, I have to admit I'm enjoying torturing you! I love... love... costing you big matches! I enjoy seeing victory slip through your fingers, Trooper! It makes me sleep well at night!

And, after our hair vs. mask match at Super Clash 5, I am gonna sleep even better!

See you in Milwaukee, Kojak!


Fans are dying to know who is under that mask! They want to know who has been attacking the Trooper in recent months.

And we all might just find out at Super Clash 5!

Super Clash 5 will take place in just one week on Sunday, September 16th at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with a start time of 8pm Eastern/7pm Central.

For tickets, contact TicketMaster or call the Mecca box office at (414) 555-0371 or visit the Mecca box office.

The show will also be airing live on pay-per-view.

Super Clash 5 is the wrestling event of 1990!

We'll be back next week with the final Super Clash 5 update.

Until then!


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!


BACKSTAGE: Lee Marshall was standing in the locker room with Nikita Koloff and Jim Crockett.

Marshall: We are here with Jim Crockett and Nikita Koloff.

First, Jim, how are you feeling right now?

Crockett: The pain in my stomach is still there from where DeBeers punched me.

Also, I want to thank Nikita for saving me from being a victim of the DeBeers' piledriver.

The match between DeBeers and Nikita will take place at Super Clash 5.

Nikita: Col. DeBeers! You attacked an honorable man when you attack Jim Crockett!

I just wanted to talk with you and try to convince you that America's a great country!

Now, you've turned things in another direction!

You want to attack somebody, DeBeers?! You attack a wrestler like me!

Now, no talking! We fight!


Jonnie Stewart vs. The Trooper

Stewart came to the ring down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Trooper came to the ring down the face aisle to a solid response.

Trooper handed out little souvenir speeding tickets to fans on the way to the ring.

Announcers discussed Trooper's upcoming match with the masked man at Super Clash 5.

Once in the ring, Trooper turned and acknowledged the fans.

Stewart pounced and jumped Trooper from behind.

Ref called for the bell.

During the match, Larry Nelson did a voice over narration telling fans to stay tuned for the Wahoo-Valentine contract signing after the match and commercials.

Stewart hammered away on Trooper. Stewart whipped Trooper into the corner and charged in and hit Trooper with a running back elbow to the chest. Stewart fired away with lefts on the Trooper. Stewart pulled Trooper out of the corner, whipped Trooper into the ropes and caught Trooper coming off with a knee to the gut that sent Trooper crashing to the mat. Stewart stomped away on Trooper. Stewart snapped Trooper up and went to whip Trooper into the ropes but Trooper reversed and caught Stewart coming off with a clothesline. Stewart slammed to the mat as the crowd popped. Stewart up and Trooper hit Stewart with another running clothesline that dropped Stewart. Trooper grabbed Stewart and slammed Stewart's head into the top turnbuckle. Stewart turned around in the corner and Trooper peppered Stewart with shoulder blocks to the gut. Trooper pulled Stewart out of the corner and whipped Stewart into the ropes and looked to catch Stewart coming off with a backdrop but Stewart caught Trooper with a diving double sledge to the back. Trooper snapped back and crashed to the mat. Trooper getting up and Stewart caught Trooper with a high knee lift to the chest. Trooper back down. Stewart stomped away on Trooper. Stewart picked up Trooper and bodyslammed Trooper. Stewart went out on the apron and climbed to the top rope and came off with his big flying elbow smash finisher but Trooper moved out of the way and Stewart crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Both men down. Ref counting. Trooper to his feet as Stewart got up. Trooper at the ready. Stewart up and turned and Trooper blasted Stewart with his flying shoulder tackle finisher. Trooper for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd popped. Trooper up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

WINNER: Trooper - Pinfall - 3:01

Pic aired of a contract with the caption: NEXT... CONTRACT SIGNING!!!



Shot of Jim Crockett, Bill Watts, Jerry Jarrett, President Nick Bockwinkel, Wahoo McDaniel and Greg Valentine seated at a large conference table with the SC 5 logo on the wall behind them.

Wahoo had the World Title on the table in front of him and Valentine had the PWHC on the table in front of him.

Larry Nelson was standing with mic in hand and the AWA lawyer was standing with Nelson.

Nelson: This is the official contract signing for the main event of Super Clash 5.

The match is for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship as Wahoo McDaniel defends against Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine.

With us are the champion and challenger. Also with us are AWA President Nick Bockwinkel; AWA promoter Jim Crockett; AWA official Bill Watts and AWA official Jerry Jarrett.

Standing with me is AWA lawyer Gustav B. Schirach III.

I will now send it to promoter Jim Crockett.

Crockett: Thank you, Larry. It is great to be here on this historic day for professional wrestling.

I have in front of me the contract for this great championship match scheduled to take place at Super Clash 5.

First, Greg Valentine will sign the contract.

Contract was slid over to Valentine. Valentine pulled a pen out of his sport coat, briefly looked over the contract and signed it.

Valentine slid the contract back to Crockett, who was seated at the head of the table.

Crockett: And now the AWA World Champion Wahoo McDaniel will do the honors.

Crockett slid the contract over to Wahoo.

Wahoo, also wearing a sport coat, pulled a pen out of his jacket pocket and signed. He slid the contract back to Crockett.

Crockett handed the contract to the attorney. Attorney briefly looked it over, nodded in the affirmative and handed the contract back to Crockett.

Crockett held the contract up.

Crockett: It is official. The contract has been signed. Wahoo McDaniel will be defending the AWA World Heavyweight Championship against Greg Valentine in the main event of Super Clash 5.

Nelson: Now, we will hear from the challenger and then the champion.

Wahoo and Valentine each had a mic in front of them.

Valentine held up his arm showing his wrist watch.

Valentine: You see this, Wahoo? This watch is counting down the hours, minutes and seconds until the end of your run as the AWA World Champion.

September 16th will be my greatest hour of glory, not only in my career, but also in my life. Fans will remember Super Clash 5 for one reason. And that reason is that that's when I became the World Champion.

People will talk about the moment I beat you for decades. My name will be mentioned with all the greats. Thesz, Hogan. Flair, Gotch, Watson, Kiniski, Kowalski, Race, Brisco, Valentine. I'll be remembered long after I'm gone for my heroic deed.

You've had your moment in the sun, Wahoo. But the sun is about to set on you and your title run.

Nelson: We'll now hear from World Champion Wahoo McDaniel.

Wahoo: We go back a long way, Valentine. We've had our share of major battles over the years and we each have won our fair share of those matches.

A lot of the matches were brutal, bloody brawls. Some were technical classics. But, they were all memorable.

The enmity between us still boils over to this day. There's no cooling down our disdain for one another.

And now, in what might be our final fight against one another, we do it on the biggest stage we've ever done it on at Super Clash 5.

And Valentine, let me be clear. If you go low then I'll go low, too. I know you well enough to know that underhanded tactics are not beneath you.

I try and fight honorably. But, if you try and cheat your way to victory, well, mister, I'll fight fire with fire in MIlwaukee on the 16th.

Valentine: Our history dates back with one another quite a ways. And indeed, we've had our share of great battles.

But never has so much been at stake as there will be at Super Clash 5! This is for the championship of the world!

Wahoo, you've got it, I want it and one of us is gonna fail in our mission on September 16th! And that failure is gonna be... you!

One more thing!

You've made it clear, Wahoo, that you're in the twilight of your career! When you lose the belt to me then you should just retire! Then maybe you can become my new limo driver...

Wahoo shot up and turned over the table. The belts and mics went falling off the table as AWA officials scattered.

Wahoo went to grab Valentine, but Watts, Bockwinkel and Jarrett stepped in to keep the two from getting their hands on one another though it did not keep champ and challenger from trying.

Picture froze of the men being kept apart with the caption: For the AWA World Championship: Wahoo McDaniel (WC) vs. Greg Valentine - Super Clash 5 - Sunday - September 16th - LIVE on PPV! - 8pm E/5pm P!


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Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/Interviewer:
Eric Bischoff

(# Aired on a previous AWA program. Also highlighted in bold.)

(2nd Taping)

(Off-air/Arena only: It was announced that Bob Orton had challenged Barry Windham to a match at SC 5 and Windham accepted.)




# Larry Nelson: Recently, there was a vicious assault on Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton by the World Tag Team Champions the Destruction Crew here in the parking lot of the AWA offices.

The attack was caught on camera.

Here is that footage.


Norton and Haynes were seen pulling into the parking lot of the AWA offices on a bright, sunny morning.

Norton and Haynes parked their vehicle and the two men exited the car.

Then, from another car with tinted windows already parked a few spaces down, Wayne Bloom and Mike Enos stepped out of the other car. They were both wearing their hard hats.

The pair jumped Haynes and Norton from behind. The champs pounded away on the challengers.

Enos took Haynes and slammed his head into the hood of the car and Haynes went down as Bloom continued hammering away Norton. Enos stomped away on the downed Haynes.

Enos joined Bloom in pounding on Norton and the pair drove Norton down to the ground and violently stomped away on Norton.

Bloom picked up on a mic.

Bloom: Hold him up, Mike!

Enos snapped Norton up and held him from behind.

Bloom grabbed his hard hat, which had fallen off during the attack.

Bloom reared back and slammed Norton upside the head with his hard hat and Norton crumpled to the ground.

Enos went over and grabbed Haynes and slammed Haynes' head again into the trunk of the car. Haynes slid off the trunk back down to the ground.

Bloom again picked up on a mic.

Bloom: You guys wanna mess with us! You can expect a lot worse than that at Super Clash if you are stupid enough to show up!

Bloom and Enos ran back to their vehicle, quickly started it up and high-tailed it out of the parking lot.

Shot of Norton and Haynes laid out in the parking lot as some AWA employees came charging out of the building to check on Haynes and Norton.


In-studio: Nelson intro'd comments from President Nick Bockwinkel.


Bockwinkel was seated behind his desk with a mic in front of him.

Nick: Hello.

Recently, we had a horrific attack launched by the Destruction Crew on Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton. This attack was completely unprovoked.

As President of the AWA, I cannot allow something like this to go without punishment.

Wayne Bloom and Mike Enos are each being fined $10,000 dollars for their actions.

This attack did not take place in the arena. It took place on the street.

I've spoken to Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton. Both men are pretty banged up.

I told them I was thinking of suspending the Destruction Crew and stripping them of their belts. But, Haynes and Norton asked me not to suspend them nor strip them of the titles.

They told me that they should be ready for their title match against the Destruction Crew and they wanted the match. I have decided there will be no suspension, at least right now, and I will not strip them of the belts.

The match, as of today, will go forward as planned.

These types of actions will not be tolerated under my watch and will be met with heavy fines and severe punishments for this kind of behavior.

Professional wrestling sometimes has some elastic rules. But, this definitely falls outside the boundaries of those rules and cannot be allowed to slide.


Nelson talked about the attack and said they would keep fans updated as things develop.

Nelson then ran down the program:
Contract signing for the AWA World Title match at SC 5: Wahoo McDaniel (WC) and Greg Valentine (PWHC)

TV MAIN EVENT: Jerry Lawler vs. Akio Sato

A new Super Cash 5 Update you will not want to miss

'Big' Reggie Bennett wrestles

A look at Tully's shocking announcements from last week

Brad Rheingans laces 'em up

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Hammond.

Barry Windham won a squash match over Cameron Grimes via pinfall with his flying lariat finisher

Windham came down the face aisle to a strong ovation.


Barry Windham. 'Cowboy' Bob Orton has challenged you to a match at Super Clash 5 and you have accepted.

Barry: That's right, Eric. Bob Orton wants a match with me. Well, he's gonna get one at Super clash.

Fans cheered.

Eric: What makes this match even more intriguing is that you're both second generation wrestlers.

Barry: My dad is Blackjack Mulligan and his is Bob Orton, Sr. Both men were tough as nails and our dads trained us to be just as tough.

I look forward to this challenge. Orton brings a lot to the table. He's an excellent ring technician but also has a dark side.

Eric: He's been know to cut corners on occasion in a match.

Barry: Having said that, I respect Bob and what he's done in this sport. He's had an outstanding career.

I believe this match will go a long way to deciding who moves up the ladder in the AWA pecking order.

And, he invented one of the most devastating finishers in wrestling with the superplex. It's a move that can spell doom for an opponent if he hits you with it.

Eric: Should be a great match. A real human chess match at its finest.

It's looking like Orton vs. Windham at Super Clash 5.

Pic aired of Reggie Bennett with the caption: NEXT... SHE'S THE BOSS!!!


'Big' Reggie Bennett won a squash match over Askuka via submission with her split-leg rear chinlock submission hold

Bennett got a nice crowd response coming to the ring.

In-studio: Nelson said Bennett's finisher seems almost impossible to escape from if a wrestler is trapped in it.

Nelson hyped the contract signing later in the show.

Pic aired of Tully Blanchard with the caption: NEXT... TULLY SHOCKER!!!

Commercials/House show promos/Generic promos for non-house show cities

In-studio: Nelson intro'd a replay of last week's shocking interview with AWA newcomer Tully Blanchard.


# In-ring: Larry Nelson stood center ring with mic in hand.

Nelson: Would you please welcome my guest at this time... Tully Blanchard!

Mixed crowd reax as Tully made his way down the heel aisle. Tully was in a suit and tie.

Tully stepped in the ring and briefly soaked in the crowd reaction.

Nelson: Tully, you're here and last week you said you had a major announcement for us this week.

Tully: Change in plans, Nelson. I have two major announcements.

Nelson: Two?

Tully: That's right.

The first announcement is that my AWA debut match will take place at Super Clash 5. The match is signed, sealed and delivered.

Nelson: You're making your debut at Super Clash 5. Who's the opponent?

Tully: I'll be wrestling Mr. Brad Rheingans.

Modest crowd reaction.

Nelson: Tully Blanchard vs. Brad Rheingans at Supr Clash 5. Got it.

Tully: And it's because of my brilliant manager that the match is taking place. They worked hard behind the scenes to make the match for Super Clash.

Nelson: Wait a minute. You have a manager? When did this happen?

Tully: It all came together rather quickly, Larry Nelson.

In Southwest Championship Wrestling, my manager was Christopher Love. In the NWA, it was JJ Dillon. In the WWF, it was Bobby Heenan.

Mixed crowd reaction to the Heenan and Dillon names.

Tully: And now, I've got a manager here in the AWA.

And my new manager is... Valerie!

Come on out here, Val!

Strong boos as Valerie made her way down the heel aisle.

Val climbed in the ring and the pair hugged and Val kissed Tully on the cheek.

Crowd now strongly booing.

Nelson: This is certainly shocking news. How did this happen?

Tully: I met Valerie at the Pro Wrestling Heritage Tournament in Anaheim in February. We've been keeping in touch the last several months. We really got to know each other and I was impressed with this woman's mind. She's a great thinker. She understands this sport better than a lot of men.

When I told her I was coming to the AWA, she immediately offered her managerial services. This woman wants to build a championship stable like the one I was in in the NWA. Y'all know who I'm talking about.

Woos and the four fingers popped up in the crowd.

Tully: This woman has a vision and I like visionaries. Championships and lots of money are coming our way. Her management of Women's Champion Magnificent Mimi has been second to none. Mimi's been the champ for almost a year now and that alone speaks volumes about this woman's managerial chops. She's got big plans. She's going to build a stellar stable that will rock the pro wrestling world.

I'm buying what Valerie's selling.

Nelson: You do know Valerie has a controversial reputation, right?

Tully: The best managers always have controversial reputations.

Nelson: Valerie, what can be said. You're the manager of AWA hot property Tully Blanchard,

Val: It's such an honor to be the manager of one of the best in the business. Tully's record in this sport speaks for itself. The singles titles. The tag team titles. This man is one of the most accomplished in wrestling.

I'm glad we crossed paths in Anaheim six months ago. We're on the same wavelength in what we want to accomplish in wrestling. It's all about winning and money!

Crowd booed.

Val: What I'm building will be THE force to be reckoned with! My stable will look to take the AWA by storm! Tully's the newest addition! But there will be more to come! Onward and upward!

You fans can hate us! But, mark my words, you're gonna respect us whether you like it or not!

More boos.

Nelson: Tully's here and Valerie's his manager, everybody!


Pic aired of Brad Rheingans with the caption: NEXT... OLYMPIC HERO!!!


Brad Rheingans won a squash match over Montez Ford via pinfall with his fisherman suplex (Perfect Plex) finisher

Pic aired of the SC 5 logo with the caption: NEXT... SC 5 UPDATE!!!


# Eric Bischoff was sitting behind the desk in the update center with the SC 5 logo behind him.

Eric: Hello, everybody.

I'm Eric Bischoff and this is the latest Super Clash 5 update.

Super Clash 5 will take place in just one week on Sunday, September 16th at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with a start time of 8pm Eastern/7pm Central.

For tickets, contact TicketMaster or call the Mecca box office at (414) 555-0371 or visit the Mecca box office.

The show will also be airing live on pay-per-view.

We'll be announcing three new matches for Super Clash 5 this week.

But first, let's look at the matches already announced.

For the AWA World Championship, Wahoo McDaniel defends the World Title against Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine.

In a aalls count anywhere match, Jerry Lawler battles Cactus Jack.

For the AWA World Tag Team Championships, the Destruction Crew, champions for 18 months, put their titles on the line against Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton.

The AWA Women's World Championship is up for grabs as champion Magnificent MImi looks to withstand the challenge of Madusa Miceli.

Now, let's hear from the challenger and then the women's champion.


Madusa, in street clothes, was standing in front of the SC 5 logo with mic in hand.

Madusa: Magnificent Mimi. Your attack on me backfired a couple of week's ago after I defeated Candi Divine to earn this championship match.

Your actions were those of a desperate woman. A woman who's afraid she may have just met her match. You seem fearful of losing the belt because that belt is your oxygen.

I've been wrestling in Japan recently and have learned a lot. I trained in the dojo. I was put through my paces. It was hard. It was painful. There were times I wanted to pack my bags and come back here to the States.

But I didn't quit. Instead, I kept on going. And I became a better wrestler for it.

You're not facing the young, green Madusa Miceli who started in the AWA. You're facing a more well-rounded and battle-tested Madusa Miceli who has upgraded her craft against the tough, smart and cagey women wrestlers of Japan.

Mimi, you have every right to be worried. I'm a far different wrestler than when I left for Japan. There are now moves in my arsenal that you haven't even seen from me before. I didn't even break them out against Candi Divine.

So, be prepared for some surprises from me, Mimi, at Super Clash 5.

Pic flipped and Mimi and Valerie, both in street clothes and Mimi holding her title, each was holding a mic standing in front of the SC 5 logo.

Mimi: If Madusa thinks that she's put the fear of god in me because of those three German suplexes she hit me with, she's sorely mistaken.

You see, there's one thing I have that Madusa will never have. And that's the best mind in wrestling in Valerie in my corner. That's what separates you and me, Madusa.

The master strategist is in my corner! Ive been preparing for you like I never have any other opponent! And with Valerie's expertise, I will exploit your weaknesses at Super Clash 5 and walk out of the ring still the women's champion!

Valerie: Madusa, you're a fine taleent, hon.

But Mimi's an even finer talent.

You may have beaten Candi Divine. You may have stunned Mimi after the match with those German suplexes when she came to the ring to congratulate you on beating Candi for the right to face Mimi at Super Clash 5. But that won't happen again.

We've been studying lots and lots of video of your matches, Madusa. We're analyzing every little detail in those matches. Everything you do is being put under a microscope by us.

When Mimi enters that ring to face you at Super Clash 5, she will be so well prepared you'll think she's always one step ahead of you. Why? Because she will be one step ahead of you, Madusa!

All your work in Japan is very impressive! But it won't be impressive enough to take down the Magnificent MImi and win the AWA Women's World Title!


Magnificent MImi vs. Madusa Miceli for the AWA Women's Championship promises to be quite the match-up at Super Clash 5.

And here are the three matches just added to this big show.

Bob Orton was looking for an opponent for Super Clash 5 and he found one. It's gonna be Bob Orton vs. Barry Windham.

Also, Tully Blanchard, with manager Valerie in his corner, will make his AWA wrestling debut at Super Clash 5 as he squares off with AWA mainstay Brad Rheingans.

And the final match just added. There's a lot riding on the line in this one.

It will be the Trooper vs. the Masked Mystery Man in a hair vs. mask match.

The masked man has made Trooper's life a living hell over the last few months here in the AWA, coming through the crowd to the ring and costing the Trooper big matches.

The Trooper made the offer for this stipulation match and the masked man has accepted the challenge.

Something's got to give at Super Clash 5 between these two.

Now, let's hear from the Trooper and then the masked man.


So, the match is finally gonna happen! Either my hair or your mask is coming off, masked man! No one has any idea who the hell you are!

You say we've met, it was a bad experience for you and now you're taking vengeance on me!

At least you're gonna face me like a man this time instead of appearing out of nowhere to cost me matches and send out your cryptic videos from parts unknown!

It took years for me to get my hair the way I like it! I love my hair! But, I rolled the dice and decided to put it on the line against your mask!

If I lose, I will be a man and let you shave me totally bald! Will you do the same if you lose, masked man?! Will you be a man and unmask at Super Clash 5?!

Or wlll you be a coward and try and escape the ring with the mask still on?!

We're about to find out!

Pic flipped and the masked man was standing in front of a black background in street clothes, fingerless black gloves and 2x4 in one hand in mic in the other.

His voice was distorted.

Masked Man: You people wouldn't believe the hoops I made AWA officials jump through just to find me! I sent them in so many directions that they were dizzy by the time they got to me! Hahaha!

The mask vs. Trooper's hair! I want the Trooper to know that I am not letting a professional barber cut his hair! Oh no! I'm gonna cut it all off myself! I want to do the honors before thousands of people!

Trooper, you wanted this match! You're the one who asked for it! You're gonna look like an even bigger goof when you lose it!

People might ask: Masked man, if you lose the match, will you abide by the rules and remove the mask? No! Because I am not losing the match!

You still have no idea who you're dealing with, Trooper! You don't know who I am! You just know I've got a grievance against you!

But, I have to admit I'm enjoying torturing you! I love... love... costing you big matches! I enjoy seeing victory slip through your fingers, Trooper! It makes me sleep better at night!

And, after our hair vs. mask match at Super Clash 5, I am gonna sleep even better!

See you in Milwaukee, Kojak!


Fans are dying to know who is under that mask! They want to know who has been attacking the Trooper in recent months.

And we all might just find out at Super Clash 5!

Super Clash 5 will take place in just one week on Sunday, September 16th at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with a start time of 8pm Eastern/7pm Central.

For tickets, contact TicketMaster or call the Mecca box office at (414) 555-0371 or visit the Mecca box office.

The show will also be airing live on pay-per-view.

Super Clash 5 is the wrestling event of 1990!

We'll be back next week with the final Super Clash 5 update.

Until then!


Pic aired of Jerry Lawler with the caption: NEXT... THE KING GRAPPLES!!!


TV MAIN EVENT: Jerry Lawler vs. Akio Sato (w/ Ninja Go)

Sato and Go came down the heel aisle to a fair amount of boos.

Lawler came down the face aisle to a strong reaction.

During the match, announcers discussed the Lawler-Cactus falls count anywhere match at SC 5.

Lawler dominated early until Go reached in the ring and tripped Lawler up and Lawler became distracted by Go which allowed Sato to jump Lawler from behind. Sato held the advantage for a bit before Lawler fought his way back into the match and took control and finished Sato off with his piledriver finisher to score the pinfall to the delight of the crowd.

Lawler to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory.

WINNER: Lawler - Pinfall - 3:24

AFTER THE MATCH: As Lawler was still in the ring shaking out the effects of the match, Cactus Jack, in his ring duds, charged down the heel aisle, hit the ring and attacked Lawler. Jack pounded away on Lawler and threw Lawler over the top rope and Lawler crashed to the floor. Jack left the ring and grabbed Lawler and went to whip Lawler into the ring post but Lawler reversed and Jack slammed head-first into the post. Crowd popped big-time. Jack staggered off. Lawlwr came up behind Jack, spun Jack around and blasted Jack with his famous punches. Lawler grabbed jack and slammed Jack's head into the top of the steel ringside barricade three times. Jack again staggered off. Crowd eating it up. Lawler clubbed Jack in the back. Jack spun around and kicked Lawler in the gut. Jack slammed Lawler against the ringside barricade. Jack nailed Lawler with punches, bit Lawler's forehead, grabbed Lawler and threw him down on the floor. Ref wildly calling for the bell in an effort to restore order. Jack moved in and started to pull Lawler to his feet when Lawler caught Jack with a series of gut shots. Lawler to his feet and more punches rained down on the crazy man. Jack backed up into the heel aisle. Fans roaring. Lalwer moved in on Jack and Jack got a knee into Lawler's gut. Jack grabbed Lawler and went to whip Lawler into the steel barricade but Lawler iinstead whipped Jack into the barricade. Lawler moved in and Lawler and Jack grabbed each other and struggled to gain an advantage as the pair fought towards the back. Punch exchange as the pair disappeared into the back.

Pic aired of the the AWA World Title with the caption: NEXT... CONTRACT SIGNING!!!



Shot of Jim Crockett, Bill Watts, Jerry Jarrett, President Nick Bockwinkel, Wahoo McDaniel and Greg Valentine seated at a large conference table with the SC 5 logo on the wall behind them.

Wahoo had the World Title on the table in front of him and Valentine had the PWHC on the table in front of him.

Larry Nelson was standing with mic in hand and the AWA lawyer was standing with Nelson.

Nelson: This is the official contract signing for the main event of Super Clash 5.

The match is for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship as Wahoo McDaniel defends against Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine.

With us are the champion and challenger. Also with us are AWA President Nick Bockwinkel; AWA promoter Jim Crockett; AWA official Bill Watts and AWA official Jerry Jarrett.

Standing with me is AWA lawyer Gustav B. Schirach III.

I will now send it to promoter Jim Crockett.

Crockett: Thank you, Larry. It is great to be here on this historic day for professional wrestling.

I have in front of me the contract for this great championship match scheduled to take place at Super Clash 5.

First, Greg Valentine will sign the contract.

Contract was slid over to Valentine. Valentine pulled a pen out of his sport coat, briefly looked over the contract and signed it.

Valentine slid the contract back to Crockett, who was seated at the head of the table.

Crockett: And now the AWA World Champion Wahoo McDaniel will do the honors.

Crockett slid the contract over to Wahoo.

Wahoo, also wearing a sport coat, pulled a pen out of his jacket pocket and signed. He slid the contract back to Crockett.

Crockett handed the contract to the attorney. Attorney briefly looked it over, nodded in the affirmative and handed the contract back to Crockett.

Crockett held the contract up.

Crockett: It is official. The contract has been signed. Wahoo McDaniel will be defending the AWA World Heavyweight Championship against Greg Valentine in the main event of Super Clash 5.

Nelson: Now, we will hear from the challenger and then the champion.

Wahoo and Valentine each had a mic in front of them.

Valentine held up his arm showing his wrist watch.

Valentine: You see this, Wahoo? This watch is counting down the hours, minutes and seconds until the end of your run as the AWA World Champion.

September 16th will be my greatest hour of glory, not only in my career, but also in my life. Fans will remember Super Clash 5 for one reason. And that reason is that that's when I became the World Champion.

People will talk about the moment I beat you for decades. My name will be mentioned with all the greats. Thesz, Hogan. Flair, Watson, Kiniski, Kowalski, Race, Brisco, Valentine. I'll be remembered long after I'm gone for my heroic deed.

You've had your moment in the sun, Wahoo. But the sun is about to set on you and your title run.

Nelson: We'll now hear from World Champion Wahoo McDaniel.

Wahoo: We go back a long way, Valentine. We've had our share of major battles over the years and we each have won our fair share of those matches.

A lot of the matches were brutal, bloody brawls. Some were technical classics. But they were all memorable.

The enmity between us still boils over to this day. There's no cooling down our disdain for one another.

And now, in what might be our final fight against one another, we do it on the biggest stage we've ever done it on at Super Clash 5.

And Valentine, let me be clear. If you go low then I'll go low, too. I know you well enough to know that underhanded tactics are not beneath you.

I try and fight honorably. But, if you try and cheat your way to victory, well, mister, I'll fight fire with fire in MIlwaukee on the 16th.

Valentine: Our history dates back with one another quite a ways. And indeed, we've had our share of great battles.

But never has so much been at stake as there will be at Super Clash 5! This is for the championship of the world!

Wahoo, you've got it, I want it and one of us is gonna fail in our mission on September 16th! And that failure is gonna be... you!

One more thing!

You've made it clear, Wahoo, that you're in the twilight of your career! When you lose the belt to me then you should just retire! Then, maybe you can become my new limo driver...

Wahoo shot up and turned over the table. The belts and mics went falling off the table as AWA officials scattered.

Wahoo went to grab Valentine, but Watts, Bockwinkel and Jarrett stepped in to keep the two from getting their hands on one another though it did not keep champ and challenger from trying.

Picture froze of the men being kept apart with the caption: For the AWA World Championship: Wahoo McDaniel (WC) vs. Greg Valentine - Super Clash 5 - Sunday - September 16th - LIVE on PPV! - 8pm E/5pm P!


Don't know why, but this classic Jagger song just popped into my head and I decided to share it.

Just Another Night: