AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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the autumn wind

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In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson

Match Commentator: Lee Marshall

Color Commentator: Lord James Blears

(# means aired on a previous AWA show.)

Having alignment probs. Sorry.
(NOTE: Before the tapings began, since this taping would have taken place at the end of December '89 after BISP 2, ring announcer Larry Nelson would have announced the match results, pre-match attack on Sarge by Hansen, the theft of Ricky Rice's $50K by Badd Co. mgr. DDP after Rice won the Battle Royal and the World Title change at BISP 2.)

(1st Taping Re-cap)

In-Studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program.

Nelson started the program by saying we had a new AWA World Champion: Stan Hansen

Highlights from all five of the big matches from Brawl In St. Paul 2


Destruction Crew (WTTC) see action

An update on the training Jerry Blackwell and Lee Marshall are doing as they prepare for a future match-up with Tommy Rich and Cactus Jack

Lelani Kai wrestles

Another PWHC Tournament Update with PWI's Bill Apter

Tommy Jammer laces 'em uP

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Hammond.

Badd Co. (w/ Mgr. DDP) won a squash match over Benny Hill and Jackie Wright when Tanaka pinned Wright after a slingshot DDT

(Slingshot catapult (Diamond) transitioned into a Jumping DDT (Tanaka)

During the match, announcers discussed DDP attacking Rice after Rice had won the $50K in the Christmas Night Battle Royal at BISP 2. Noticed DDP did not have the briefcase with the money in it with hiM.


Nelson: Dallas Page, you are guilty of theft for what you did to Ricky Rice and taking off with the briefcase containing the $50 grand that was Rice's prize for winning!

DDP: Let me tell ya something, Larry Nelson! One man's theft is another man's justice! I acted as Robin Hood after that Battle Royal...for myself!

That money belongs to me

Nelson: What?! You can't be serious?!

DDP: Serious as a fat broad having a heart attack!

The Pop Guns cost me $25 grand of my own money and Badd Company the tag team titles a few months ago, if you remember!

They had no business meddling in that match! None!

I just got my money back!

Nelson: You put up $25,000 dollars of your own money in that match with the Destruction to get that title shot! The Destruction Crew retained the belts and also won your money!

DDP: The Destruction Crew doesn't beat us if the Pop Guns stay out of the match! They also wouldn't have won the money!

This whole thing falls on the shoulders of the Pop Guns!

Nelson: OK. But you're out up $25,000 dollars; not $50,000. How do you explain taking the other $25,000

DDP: As far as I'm concerned, the extra $25,000 dollars is interest owed!

You see...

Nelson: Whoa! Wait a minute! Here come the Top Guns!

Crowd popped as the Top Guns, in street clothes, made their way down the face aisle to the ring and climbed in.

Rice and Dukes walked up to DDP and Badd Co. Badd Co. wanted to go after the Guns but DDP kept the dogs at bay.

Nelson: Ricky Rice and Derrick Dukes, what do you have to say?

Rice: I want my money, Dallas! You stole that money from me! You need to give it!

DDP: Wrong! I did not steal the money from you! I got back the money back you stole from me! Understand?!

Rice: No, I don't understand, quite frankly! Everybody saw you hit me from behind and steal the money from me!

And, let me tell you this! We've been talking with Verne Gagne about this and he's here!

Crowd cheers.

DDP: I don't care what Verne Gagne has to say.

Rice: We'll see about that!

Verne, could you come out here, please.

Brief pause and then Verne made his way down the face aisle to the ring and climbed in. He was in a suit. Decent ovation.

Nelson: Verne Gagne, what do you have to say about all this?

Verne: What we saw on Christmas night was a clear case of Dallas Page stealing the money that belonged to Ricky Rice.

So, Dallas, I am going to tell you right now, you have a brief window of time to give the money back with no punishment incurred.

DDP: And what are you going to do if I don't, Verne?

Verne: Right now, President Stanley Blackburn and myself are looking at different ways of penalizing you.

DDP: And just what would these penalties be? Hmmm....

Verne: Give the money back to Rice, Dallas. This is your only warning.

DDP (mockingly): This is your only warning.

Hey! You know what? I'll give Rice back the money...if he can find it. He does that and the money's all his.

Verne: This is your first and last warning, Dallas.

Give the money back...or else.

DDP turned and started talking with Badd Co. and Rice and Dukes talked amongst themselves.

Nelson: You fans heard it! Dallas Page MUST return the money soon or suffer severe consequences from the AWA bosses.

Pic aired of Lee Marshall and Jerry Blackwell with the caption: NEXT... TRAINING UPDATE!!!


In-Studio: Nelson intro'd a training update from Lee Marshall and Jerry Blackwell.


Shot of an empty wrestling ring in a non-descript, unnamed gym.

Camera panned back to a shot of Lee Marshall and Jerry Blackwell sitting in chairs next to the ring. Both were in workout clothes and each man had a mic.

Marshall: Hi, everybody.

This is Lee Marshall along with 'Crusher' Jerry Blackwell.

We're here in the gym training in this ring behind us. And I've gotta tell you fans that I couldn't have a better trainer than this man right here, Jerry Blackwell.

Jerry, gaining insight into your knowledge of this great sport has really given me an even greater appreciation for it.

For those out there watching this, saying: 'That looks easy. I think I can be a professional wrestler', guess again, folks.

Pro wrestling is a highly skilled profession.There's a lot that goes into making a championship-caliber wrestler.

Jerry, my friend, I feel very confident in winning the match against Tommy Rich and Cactus Jack with you as my partner

You've walked on both sides of the fence, if you will, in this sport, and that knowledge has proven invaluable in what you have imparted to me so far.

Jerry: Lee, it's been a pleasure to train you so far.

People may not know this about you; but you were a champion bodybuilder in your younger days.

Marshall laughed.

Marshall: Indeed I was, Crusher.

Jerry: You're a good athlete in your own right and you've done a good job picking up on the training so far.

But, we still have a lot of work to do before you'll be ready for a wrestling match against the likes of Cactus Jack and Tommy Rich.

Marshall: I understand that, Jerry.

And I want to thank you for your patience while training me. Without you, none of this would be possible.

I know that I've found the right tag team partner to battle Tommy Rich and Cactus Jack.

Jerry: Lee, with the way you're picking things up in the ring, I like our chances to beat those two bums when the time comes.

Marshall: I can't wait, Jerry. The clash is coming and with you in my corner, Cactus and Tommy could be in for a long night.

Jerry: Ready to get back to work, Lee?

Marshall: Let's do it, Jerry.

The two stood up as the segment faded to black.


In-Studio: Nelson said he's looking forward to the day when Blackwell/Marshall vs. Jack/Rich goes down.

Sent it back to the ring in Hammond, IN.

Tommy Jammer won a squash match over Les Nessman via pinfall with the Jammer Slam (whip opponent into the corner, opponent bounces out and walks right in to a powerslam).

Video aired of Lelani Kai pummeling some jobbess with the caption: NEXT... BROAD BASHING 101!

Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities

Lelani Kai won a squash match over Sandra Dee via pinfall with a boot to the face


Nelson: Lelani Kai. A strong win over Sandra Dee.

Kai: I don't want to talk about the woman I just whipped like a dog, Larry Nelson!

She's not the one that I want?

I want to talk about one thing...the AWA Women's World Championship!

So, Magnificent Mimi is the champion now and she's even got a manager named Valerie, who used to be known as Sunshine.

Nelson: That's right.

Kai: Well, I'm here to say that I don't like any other woman in the AWA Women's division!

Mimi, you and I had a #1 contender's match a few months back and you won!

Well, now that you're the Big Broad on the Block, why don't you wrestle me again...this time with the belt on the line!

You know I deserve a shot, Mimi! I took you to the limit when we last met!

And you know that I can beat you!

Show some backbone, champ! Accept my challenge and let's have a match for the big gold belt that hangs precariously around you waist!

Nelson: Lelani Kai, everybody!

Most of the crowd (that cared) booed Kai.

In-Studio: Nelson said that Lelani Kai and Candi Devine appear on the verge of seriously shaking things up in the women's division. Said there are usually two clearly defined sides in a wrestling match. But Devine and Kai seemed determined to blur those lines to get what they want.

PIc aired of the PWHC title belt with the caption: NEXT... TOURNEY UPDATE!


In-Studio: Nelson intro'd the PWHC Tournament Update with PWI's Bill Apter.


Apter was in a suit with mic in hand standing front of the PWI logo.

Apter: Hello, wrestling fans.

This is Bill Apter from Pro Wrestling Illustrated with this week's Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update.

The tournament takes place on Saturday, February 17, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, CA.

The tournament will be held over two sessions on that day. The afternoon session will feature the opening round matches of the

tournament and has a bell time of 12:30 pm. The evening session will feature the quarter-finals, semi-finals and final of the tournament to crown the first-ever Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion and will have a bell time of 7:30 pm. For tickets to this historic event, contact TicketMaster or the Anaheim Convention Center box office at (714) 555-1212. One ticket will allow you to attend both sessions.

So far, the line-up of participants for the tournament is impressive.

The wrestlers already announced for the tournament are: Ricki Choshu from Japan; Perro Aguayo from Mexico; Carlos Colon from Puerto Rico; Tully Blanchard from the USA and 'Gentleman' Chris Adams from England.

This is truly shaping up to be an international event!

The newest entrant comes to us from one of the legendary wrestling family's in this great sport.

From's Bruce Hart.

Let's take a look at Bruce in action.

(Just pretend the first 60+ seconds are what you'd see on the program.)

Apter: Bruce Hart was trained by one of the best, his father Stu Hart. And Stu is a guy who really knows how to toughen up men for this business. Whomever faces the pesky Bruce is gonna be in for quite a battle in Anaheim.

Also, starting this week here on AWA Wrestling on ESPN and on All-Star Wrestling, are the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament qualifiers. That's eight matches featuring 16 wrestlers currently wrestling for the AWA.

Fans, I know I've said it before, Anaheim is a great place to visit in the winter. There's plenty to do: from hitting the beaches, to playing the outstanding golf courses to visiting the Happiest Place on Earth, Disneyland. There are several fine restaurants in town and lots of good hotels to choose from for your stay. Anaheim has it all.

So, there's still time to make plans to see wrestling history in the making.

I know I'm gonna be there and I hope to see you there, too.

I'm Bill Apter. Until next week.


In-Studio: Larry Nelson said the tournament is shaping up to be the wrestling event of 1990. Said fans should make their plans to be in Anaheim on Feb. 17.

Pic aired of the tag champs The Destruction Crew with the caption: NEXT... STILL THE CHAMPS!

Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities

NON-TITLE: The Destruction Crew (WTTC) won a squash match over Herb Tarlek & Venus Flytrap via pinfall when Bloom pinned Flytrap after the Wrecking Ball (Doomsday Device)


(Crew had been handed their belts after the match.)

Nelson: Wayne Bloom and Mike Enos, you two successfully defended the tag team titles at Brawl In St. Paul 2 against a determined
opponent in Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans.

What's next for the champions?

Bloom: You know, I have to laugh.

The fans in the St. Paul Civic Center were all excited thinking they were gonna see the tag team titles change hands.

But, they were disappointed! No last gift on Christmas night for those in the arena!

Their Olympic heroes walked out of the ring after the match still naked around the waist and we left the ring still holding these beautiful, beautiful belts.

Every team that has challenged us has gone down to defeat. It's like no one can stop us.

We aren't the one of the best tag teams in the world right now. We're the best tag team in the world.

Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans, I hope your Christmas was ruined by us. I really do.

We'd be out in public somewhere and these snot-nosed fans would come up to us and tell us we were finished Christmas night.

But these belts prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we're still going strong as the champions.

Enos: Still the tag team champions of the world!

Man! That sounds soooooooo good!

We know there will be more challenges on the horizon for us in 1990!

But we know something that others don't know or just don't want to face!

We're still gonna be in firm possession of these belts when the calendar flips over to 1991!

1990 will truly be the year that the Destruction Crew cements themselves as the best in the business today and one of the best tag teams of all-time!

So, to any would-be challengers out there: line up! Throw your hat in the ring and challenge us for these belts!

It doesn't matter who you are! The end result is gonna be the same like it has been for every team who challenges us for the gold!

You're all gonna walk out of the ring a big loser and we'll be left standing tall!

The champs raised their belts defiantly in the air to more boos.

Nelson: The Destruction Crew, everybody!

Most in the crowd booed.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... BRAWL 2 HIGHLIGHTS!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd highlights and results from all 5 big matches from Brawl In St. Paul 2.


(If you've already read the BISP 2 post and the most recent AWA on ESPN post, then skip these unless you want to read them again. But they are important to look over if you're new here to catch up on where we are.)

First 3 matches: Battle Royal, AWA Women's Title Match, AWA World Tag Team Title Match: Post #217

Final 2 matches: AWA World Title Match, Coal Miner's Glove Match: Post #224

Pic aired of the PWHC Title with the caption: NEXT... QUALIFYING MATCH!



Rich came to the ring with Cactus Jack to pretty strong boos.

Once in the ring, the dastardly pair played to the crowd to more boos.

Milliman came to the ring to a decent ovation.

Once in the ring, Milliman ripped off his 'Milkmania' t-shirt and threw it into the crowd.

Before the match started, Rich gestured for Larry Nelson to climb up on the apron. Nelson did so.

Rich: Cactus Jack, my brother from another mother.

I'm not gonna need you at ringside tonight. You can go ahead and get started on the evening's festivities and I'll meet up with you in a few minutes.

I mean...I'm wrestling Jake Milliman.

Jack: So, I can go ahead and go, then?

Rich: Yep. I got this under control.

So, you can get going. I've gotta punch my ticket to Anaheim after I take care of this jabroni here.

The pair talked briefly off-mic and then hugged and Jack left the ring and headed back up the heel aisle to some boos.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men circled one another and Rich suddenly broke into the Fargo Strut as the crowd booed. The two men circled one another again and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. After a brief struggle, Rich was able to get inside on Milliman and drive a knee into Milliman's gut. Rich slammed Milliman's head into the top buckle and went to whip Milliman into the opposite buckles but Milliman reversed and sent Rich slamming into the buckles. Milliman moved in and caught Rich with a series of head shots and then repeatedly whipped Rich into the same corner as the crowd counted along. After the last whip, Rich bounced off the buckles, crashed to the mat and rolled out of the ring and crashed to the floor. Milliman went to go after Rich but the ref ordered Milliman to stand back and Milliman obliged. Ref started the 10-count. Rich to his feet at ringside. Milliman broke the count and reached down over the top rope and grabbed Rich by the hair. Rich responded by grabbing the back of Jake's head and snapping Jake's throat across the top rope. Jake snapped back holding his throat. Jake stumbling around in the ring holding his throat. Rich into the ring, clubbed Jake from behind and rolled Jake up for the pin. 1...2... Jake kicked Rich off. Rich up as Jake got up bent over and Rich caught Jake with a knee-lift to the chest. Jake fell back against the ropes. Rich grabbed Jake, whipped Jake into the ropes and caught Jake coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Jake crashed to the mat. Rich booted Jake in the side of the head and then picked Jake up and bodyslammed him. Rich ran and hit the ropes and came off with a flying elbow smash but Jake rolled out of the way and Rich crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Both men made it to their feet and Rich caught Milliman in a side headlock but Jake countered with a bell-to-back suplex to escape. Jake up and grabbed Rich's leg but Rich countered by kicking Jake off. Jake down but quickly back up. Jake moved in as Rich was getting up, reached down and pulled Rich's legs out from under him. Rich crashed back to the mat but suddenly kicked Jake square in the gut with both feet and Jake slammed into the buckles. Rich up, moved in and caught Jake with a series of knees to the gut. Rich whipped Jake into the opposite buckles and charged in and blasted Jake with a running clothesline. Jake staggered out of the corner and crashed on his back in the ring. Rich quick stomped Jake and hit Jake with a diving fist drop to the head. Rich for the cover. 1...2... Jake kicked out. Crowd cheered. Rich grabbed Jake and raked his laces across the side of Jake's face. Rich whipped Jake into the ropes and looked to catch Jake coming off with a high backdrop but Jake caught Rich ina sunset flip try. Rich fighting not to go over but Jake succeeded in flipping Rich over for the pin. 1...2... Rich clapped his legs against the sides of Jake's head to escape. Crowd buzzing. Both men up and Rich caught Jake with a couple of punches then went to catch Jake in a backslide but Jake reversed and caught Rich with a backslide for the pin. 1...2...thr... Rich kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both men to their feet and Rich went to punch Jake but Jake ducked the punch try and came back with a series of head and body punches on Rich. Jake picked Rich up and bodyslammed Rich. Jake pointed at the ropes and crowd knew what it meant. Jake ran and hit the ropes and came off with his pasteurizer (flying leg drop) finisher but Rich rolled out of the way and Jake slammed into the match. Rich caught Jake with a couple of head shots and got to his feet. Jake sat up in the ring and Rich nailed Jake with a low-flying dropkick to the chest. Jake back down and hurting. Rich snapped Jake up and bodyslammed Jake. Rich ran and hit the ropes and came off with a flying elbow smash that connected. The 2% drained out of Jake like it would out of a broken bottle.

Rich for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...thr... Jake kicked out. Crowd popped. Still some milk in the tank. Jake rolled over and got to his hands and knees beside the ropes and Rich went over, grabbed the top rope for extra force, and drove a series of knees into the side of Jake's ribs. Rich broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Rich repeated the move and once again broke at the count of 4. Jake fell out on the apron holding his ribs. Ref ordered Rich back but Rich was having none of it. Rich went over, reached down over the top rope, grabbed Jake by the hair and pulled Jake to his feet and suplexed Jake back into the ring.

Rich picked up on a mic.

Rich: Time to end this thing! I got a party waitin' for me!

Crowd booed.

Rich booted Jake as Jake was getting up. Rich grabbed Jake and whipped Jake into the buckles and Jake slammed into them. Rich moved in with a series of punches and then whipped Jake into the opposite buckles. Jake staumbled out of the corner holding his back. Rich came up behind Jake and caught with a forearm to the back and then locked Jake in the sleeper. Jake fighting to free himself from the hold. After a brief struggle, Jake lunged towards the ropes and he and Rich tumbled through the top and middle rope down to the floor. Both men down. Ref counting.

Blears: If both these men are counted out, someone is getting a free pass into the Elite 8 at the tournament in Anaheim.

The count grew and both men slowly made it to their feet. Rich caught Jake with a head shot and quickly rolled into the ring. ...9...te... Jake managed to roll back in just before the 10-count. Rich up and put the boots to Jake. Rich snapped Jake up and slammed Jake's head into the top buckle. Rich pulled Jake out of the corner and started choking Jake on the top rope. Ref counting. Rich yanked the top rope and Jake snapped back and crashed to the mat. Flakey Jake up and Rich moved in and kicked Jake and reached down and pulled Jake's legs out from under him. Jake crashed to the mat and Rich applied the spinning toe hold submission move. Crowd urging Jake to not give up. Jake in great pain as Rich cinched up on the hold. Jake found the strength to finally kick Rich off. Rich crashed to the mat. Rich up as Jake was getting up and Rich charged over and jumped on Jake and started pounding away on him. Rich then went to whip Jake into the ropes but Jake reversed and caught Rich coming off with a high backdrop. Rich crashed to the mat. Rich up and Jake moved in with some punches, whipped Rich into the ropes and caught Rich coming off with a power slam. Crowd eating it up. Jake pointed at the ropes. Crowd popped bigly. Jake ran, hit the ropes and came off with his pasteurizer finisher that connected. Jake covered Rich and hooked the leg. Crowd counted along. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd erupted like Mt. Rainier in 1980. Jake to his feet smiling from ear-to-ear and jumping up and down. Ref went over and raised his hand in victory.

Marshall: Mr. Milliman goes to Anaheim!

WINNER: Milliam - Pinfall - 9:03


Jeremy Peeples  on Twitter: Great homage to Jake the Milkman Milliman  on #SDLive / Twitter

Guess who's going to Disneyland?!
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the autumn wind

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All the usual pleasantries were exchanged before getting down to business.

John: Again, no Jerry Jarrett.

Watts: He's busy running the USWA right now.

It'll be all right. Jim or I keep him abreast of what's going on.

John: Good to hear that bit of news.

Hope he can be on the calls as we get closer to taking over the company.

They still had not been informed of Verne's possible plans.

Jim: He'll be on here when he can.

Deb: Well, the reason we wanted to talk to you guys is because of the show presentations.

John: The AWA show from Vegas looks OK. We just hope to see more people in the seats there moving forward.

Jim: I've noticed that a few of sections of riser seats are either almost empty or totally empty. Verne just lets it go and those empty sections sometimes show up on TV.

Watts: Glad you guys brought this up because I've seen the crowd situation in Vegas, too.

One of the things I was thinking about was closing off all the riser seats at the far end of the arena.

Behind the ringside seats on that side, we probably should just put up a big black or blue curtain so the viewers can't see those empty seats. Just don't sell them.

How many does the Showboat seat for wrestling?

John: Our number is approximately 5,500* seats.

Crockett whistled.

Jim: When attendance improves there, and I think it will when we take over and are able to bring in some bigger names, we can open those sections back

Bill, I'm thinking maybe we should curtain off both end sections.

Bill: Not a bad idea. Would move fans in front of the cameras and give the impression of a fuller arena on TV.

Jim: The thing is, fans see all those empty seats and think: dying, third-rate promotion.

We're gonna have to work really hard to change that.

John: They drew a crowd of over 4,000 when the main was Lawler-Sarge for the belts.

So, it looks like people will come if we give them matches they truly want to see.

Another thing I wanted to bring up is the syndicated show All-Star Wrestlin

Some of the stuff taped to air on that show, my god, it looks like it was being filmed for a public access channel.

Upgrading our presentation has to be a high priority once we are in control.

Jim: We're miles behind the WWF in the TV presentation department.

Also, All-Star Wrestling tapings are spotty.

From what I've heard, most of the time crowds for those tapings are in the 1,500-2,000 range and Verne largely just lets the fans sit anywhere they want.

Deb: So, cut down on the seating for those as well.

Jim: I certainly believe it needs to be done.

Bill: Agreed.

I remember watching that Hennig-Bockwinkel title match from Super Clash 2 in San Francisco.

The Cow Palace holds, what, close to 20,000 people? And they drew less than 3,000 to that show, I believe.

And you could see the emptiness all over the arena, especially as the wrestlers walked to the ring.

I saw some folks sitting up in the cheaps. They were just shadows surrounded by a sea of empty seats. It was a bad visual.

But, that's Verne for you.

Deb: John and I have talked a bit with director Mike Shields*. He seems like a pretty sharp guy.

He says they need an equipment production overhaul.

Jim: Welcome to wrestling in the '90s.

John: Deb, upgrading the production quality with newer and better equipment is gonna cost us thousands of dollars right off the bat.

But it's something that needs to be done.

Vince McMahon has completely overturned the rules of the game.

Bill: He's done that; that's for sure.

To compete and make the AWA a major player again, we're gonna have to invest in better technology. Gotta be our first order of business.

Deb: John, I agree with you. We have to be prepared to break out the check book to make the AWA look big time.

Jim: Anyone know the attendance for Brawl In St. Paul 2?

Bill: Heard they drew just over 6,000 for that show.

John: That's some good news.

Bill: It's fantastic news right now.

But a year down the road, if crowds aren't improving, we may have to pull our horns in and re-group.

Jim: You have to remember, the AWA often used to sell out the St. Paul Civic Center. Believe a full house was around 17-18,000.

There's growing interest in the product right now.

But it's a relatively small uptick at this point.

Bill: One guarantee about wrestling is...there are no guarantees.

You'll get hot for a while and then business will cool off. Just the nature of the beast.

Deb: I'm hoping we can hit the ground running in March.

Jim: We will. But we've got to try and maintain the current momentum.

Once the Lawler-Sarge title program ended, there was a decline in business. But the AWA is still doing better now than before Lawler-

Sarge at the houses and TV tapings from what I understand.

Bill: We need to hold the line and build on that.

John: We've got our work cut out for us.

Jim: John and Deb, with your expertise in production, we could sure use your input in this area. There's nowhere to go but up.

Bill: Let's roll.

Deb: I love your attitudes. I feel very confident we can turn this around and give McMahon a run for his money.

Bill: Only way to know is to try. I think we're all ready for this.

John: Upward and onward.

Jim: Can't wait to get started.

John: I just had one more question.

Jim: Shoot.

John: We notice the WWF places mats around the ring.

What are your thoughts on that?

Bill: I say don't do it. The reason being is that it's one thing that differentiates us from them. Just leave the floors barren concrete.

Jim: I say give it some time. Let's not put mats down right away. Let's just see how things go.

But, Bill's right. Having no mats around the ring does make us look like an alternative to the WWF.

I'd vote no mats for the immediate future and let's re-visit the issue somewhere down the line.

With that, the quartet wrapped up their meeting and engaged in casual conversation before ending the call.

But Verne Gagne could make all the chatter of Triumph Media Sports obsolete if he opts out of the deal by March 4.


(* I believe the actual number of seats in that arena were half that. But, it's the one solid seating number I've found for the Showboat Sports Pavilion.)
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the autumn wind

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Announcers: Lee Marshall & Lord James Blears
Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# - Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(2nd Taping Re-cap)

In-Studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers to the program:


New AWA World Champion Stan Hansen makes an appearance

From Brawl In St. Paul 2:

A post-match interview with Tom Zenk after he beat Col. DeBeers in the coal miner's glove match

A post-match interview with Sgt. Slaughter after losing the AWA World Title to Stan Hansen

A post-match interview with AWA Women's Champ Magnificent Mimi and her manager Valerie

Another Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update with PWI's Bill Apter. Bill announces another wrestler who is entering the tournament

A look back at last week's confrontation between Badd Co. and mgr. DDP and the Top Guns from ASW. AWA promoter Verne Gagne has a warning for Dallas Page!

Sam Houston sees action

The Trooper wrestles

Comments from Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey

Cactus Jack wrestles

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas

The Guerrero Bros. won a squash match over the father-son team of Fred and Lamont Sanford via pinfall when Hector pinned Fred after the Jalapeno Roll (rolling cradle)

During the match, manger Valerie made her way to ringside down the heel aisle and was writing on a notepad. Announcers wondered what she was doing. When the match ended, she turned and disappeared to the back.

After the match, Fred, while down in the ring, grabbed his chest and yelled: I'm comin' to join ya, Elizabeth!

In-Studio: Nelson wondered what Valerie was doing at ringside taking notes during the Guerrero Bros. match. Said this is twice now she's come to the ring and taken notes during a tag team match.

Nelson then intro'd video of a post-match interview from BISP 2 with AWA Woman's Champ Magnificent Mimi and her manager Valerie.



Eric Bischoff was standing with champ Mimi and manager Valerie in front of a non-descript concrete wall in the back of the arena.

Eric: I'm here with the Women's Champion Magnificent Mimi and her manager Valerie.

Valerie, Wendi Richter was preparing to powerbomb Mimi and possibly regain the belt when you interfered in the match.

Valerie: Eric, what does MImi have slung over her shoulder?

Eric: It's the AWA Women's Championship belt.

Valerie: That's right. Mimi is still the champion. And that's all that matters.

Eric: So, you'll do whatever it takes to make sure she holds onto that belt; including interfering on her behalf?

Valerie: Look, pretty boy. I didn't sign Magnificent Mimi to an exclusive contract to work for me so she could become a former champion in just a few weeks.

Eric: That's not really an answer.

Valerie: That is the answer you're getting from me. She's gonna be the champ for a long time.

Eric: Mimi, your thoughts on all this?

Mimi: As Valerie said: I'm still the champion and that's all that matters at the end of the day.

Richter had her chance to take the belt off me and she failed to do it.

That's her fault, not mine.

A yelling female could be heard in the distance coming down the hall.

It was Wendi Richter and she was hot. Richter walked into the picture.

Richter: You two listen and listen good!

Mimi, your title reign is on fragile ground!

Valerie: Hardly.

Richter: Valerie, you've now cost me the championship twice!

If you're such a great manager, then you need to let the wrestler you manage fight for herself!

I'm tired of this!

And just know this! In 1990, I'm winning that belt back!

Richter stormed off.

Eric: Mimi? Valerie? Anything to say?

Valerie: Yes. 1990 is gonna be the most disappointing year of Wendi Richter's wrestling career.

Mimi: Amen to that, sister!

Valerie and Mimi walked off as Bischoff watched them go.


Pic aired of Cactus Jack with the caption: NEXT... CRAZY IN ACTION!


Cactus Jack (w/ Tommy Rich) won a squash match over Peter Frampton via pinfall with a double underhook DDT.

Jack did his usual craziness, including the suicide elbow off the apron onto his prone opponent on the floor.

During the match, Marshall talked about training with Blackwell for his upcoming bout against Rich and Jack.


Nelson: Cactus Jack, you seem to enjoy hurting your opponents as much, if not more, than beating them.

Jack: Larry Nelson, an ill wind is blowing in the AWA.

Me and Tommy here are gonna destroy Lee Marshall and Jerry Blackwell when our match happens. I think I'm gonna take more
delight in hurting Lee Marshall than Tommy is.

And there's gonna be nothing Big Boy Blackwell can do about it.

But, there's also something else at play.

You see, me and Tommy are tearing up the tag team scene here and that can only lead to one thing...a shot at the championship.

So, after we demolish Blackwell and Marshall, our next target is gonna be tag team gold.

And we will be the nastiest tag team champions the AWA has ever seen.


Nelson: Tommy, you have anything to add?

Rich: Just this!

I'm giving our team a name!

You can call us the Brothers of Destruction because we're gonna go on a rampage here in the AWA that no one will be able to stop!

Violence will indeed be golden! Hahaha!

Crowd boos.

Nelson: The Brothers of Destruction, everybody!

More boos.

In-Studio: Nelson said that Jack and Rich together is pure insanity. Said get ready for unpredictable times in the AWA tag team division.

Nelson then intro'd another BISP 2 post-match interview with Tom Zenk, who defeated Col. DeBeers in the coal miner's glove match.



Eric Bischoff was standing with Tom Zenk in the locker room after Zenk's big win. Zenk was still in his ring attire with a white towel draped around his neck.

Eric: Tom Zenk. Congratulations on a hard-fought, well-earned victory!

Col. DeBeers had never lost a coal miner's glove match until tonight here at Brawl In St. Paul 2!

How are you feeling right now?

Zenk: I'm tired, sore and ecstatic. The match was brutal to say the least.

I told everyone that I was gonna beat DeBeers at his own specialty match because I knew I could do it.

I never prepared for a match like I did for this one.

All the training. Watching tapes of other coal miner's glove matches Col. Debeers was in. I brought in a special analyst who helped me break down those matches on video.

I went into this match super prepared and the result speaks for itself.

Col. DeBeers, you are scum. If you hate this country so much, then why don't you get the hell out!

You run that big mouth of yours about Apartheid and your self-proclaimed superiority! You attack people in the most violent fashion!

But on Christmas night here in snowy St. Paul, Minnesota, you were dealt a devastating loss!

How's your ego right now, Colonel?! Maybe you should sit back as you recover from that punch I landed with the coal miner's glove right in the middle of your face and re-examine your social and political stances!

Look yourself in the mirror, Colonel! You need to make some changes!

Hopefully, what happened tonight will start you down the road to redemption!

Eric: You could have battered DeBeers into submission once you got that coal miner's glove.

You obviously thought about it after beating Debeers but didn't do it.

Why not?

Zenk: Because I don't want to become like a Col. DeBeers. I don't want to be a man who is driven by hate. I aim to be better than that.

Yes, I thought about pounding his face into an even bloodier pulp after the first hit with the glove.

But, I would be stooping to his level if I did that.

Eric: That was the victorious Tom Zenk.

Pic aired of The Trooper with the caption: NEXT... LAWMAN!

Commercials/AWA Tour dates

Trooper came to the ring handing out souvenir speeding tickets to the fans

The Trooper won a squash match over Shemp Howard via submission with his double trap nerve hold that made Shemp pass out

After the match, Trooper slapped Shemp on the back of the neck to wake him


Nelson: Trooper, another decisive win here in the AWA with that devastating nerve hold of yours.

Trooper: Thank you, Larry. It's always great to wrestle in front of the best fans in our sport!

Sober part of the crowd cheered.

Nelson: In the next couple of weeks you're going to be wrestling in a qualifying match with the winner of the match going to the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament in Anaheim on February 17th.

And the man you'll be facing in that qualifying match is...Larry Zbyszko!

Crowd cheered.

Trooper: Larry, I can't wait for the match!

I can't wait to fight Zbyszko for the right to go to the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament!

Nothing would make me feel better than shutting up that loudmouth while punching my ticket to Anaheim.

Nelson: It's gonna be...WHOA!

Crowd booed as Larry Zbyszko, in his ring attire, came down the heel aisle sporting a new sign.


Zbyszko walked around ringside holding the sign so all the fans could see what it said bringing more boos down on Zbyszko.

Trooper: Zbyszko! Why don't you get in this ring right now and fight me like a man!

Zbyszko stopped his one-man parade and climbed up on the apron.

Trooper: Get in the ring!

Zbyszko stayed on the apron and waved over Nelson. Nelson came over.

Zbyszko: I'm not gonna fight you tonight, Trooper!

I just came out here to say that I'm gonna knock down the entire edifice of corrupt law and order when I beat you in our qualifying pig!

Strong boos from the crowd.

Trooper went to go after Zbyszko but Zbyszko quickly dropped to the floor with sign in hand. Nelson stood between the Trooper and Trooper leaving the ring.

Trooper: You just wait, Zbyszko!

You're gonna pay a heavy price for your actions and hatred of the police when we meet!

Zbyszko backed up towards the heel aisle as an angry Trooper stalked around the ring.

Nelson: It's gonna be The Trooper and Larry Zbyszko in a tournament qualifying match very soon! What a match that promises to be!

Pic aired of the PWHC Title belt with the caption: NEXT... TOURNEY UPDATE!



Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update intro video.

Bill was standing in front of the PWI logo in a suit and holding a mic.

Apter: Hello, wrestling fans.

This is Bill Apter back with you with another Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update.

The tournament will take place on Saturday, February 17, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California. For tickets, contact Ticket Master or the Anaheim Convention Center box office at (714) 555-1812.

The tournament will take place over two sessions in one day. The afternoon session will feature the opening round matches of the tournament with a bell time of 12:30pm Pacific Time. The evening session will feature the quarter-finals, semi-finals and final of the
tournament with a bell time of 7:30pm..

Right now, here is the list of wrestlers that will be taking part in this historic event.

They are: Riki Choshu from Japan; Perro Aguayo from Mexico; Chris Adams from England; Tully Blanchard from the United States; and Carlos Colon from Puerto Rico.

We also have our first two AWA entrants as well.

Jonnie Stewart defeated Brad Rheingans in a qualifying match and Jake Milliman pulled off a major upset when he defeated former NWA World Champion Tommy Rich to advance.

This week, we have another entrant into the tournament.

He hails from Tehran, Iran. He is The Iron Sheik.

Let's take a look at The Iron Sheik in action.

(Just pretend the first 60 seconds are what you see on TV.)

Apter: The tournament is shaping up to be a classic wrestling event and you'll want to be there in Anaheim to witness history in the making.

One ticket gets you in to both sessions.

Anaheim is a great place to visit in the winter with lots to do. From the beaches to good restaurants to Disneyland, Anaheim has it all. And the weather is fantastic in February.

Be a part of wrestling history. Get your tickets for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament today.

I'm Bill Apter. See you next week.


In-Studio: Nelson hyped up the tournament.

Nelson then intro'd comments from Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey.


Kaissey was standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.

Kaissey: The greatest find of my managerial career, Kokina Maximus, continues his unstoppable rise in the AWA! Since arriving, he has done nothing but reign down total destruction on those unfortunate souls who were looking to make a name for themselves by signing a contract to wrestle him!

But, I have some bad news for you infidels!

You see, Kokina is already bored with the competition! He needs a new challenge! He needs someone to give him a fight!

I know when Kokina is starting to lose focus because I can see it in his eyes! He gets this look that tells me he'd rather be elsewhere rather than concentrating on the task at hand!

Kokina needs to have the fire lit under him once more!

So, next week here on ESPN, Kokina will a handicap match!

The destruction will be doubled! This will re-energize Kokina and put him back on the path of destroying the AWA!


Pic aired of a bloody and defeated Sgt. Slaughter with the caption: NEXT... STOLEN VALOR!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd the post-match interview with former AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter from BISP 2.


(From BISP 2):

Eric Bischoff and Sgt. Slaughter were seated in the locker room. Sarge had a white towel in his hand that was marked with blood from dabbing a cut on his forehead. Sarge had his head down.

Eric: Sgt. Slaughter, I know this can't be easy for you right now.

The big question on everyone's mind is: why, after being attacked by Stan Hansen before the match and AWA officials and a doctor telling you not to wrestle, did you decide to go out there and defend the belt tonight when you could have defended the title against Hansen at a later date?

Sarge dabbed a little more blood off his forehead...

Sarge: I could have walked away tonight after being attacked by Hansen. I could have lived to fight another day.

But, I promised the people that I would be a fighting champion. So, since I could walk on my own power back out to that ring, there was no way I was going to let those people down.

Eric: There will obviously be a re-match between you and Hansen at some point down the road. What are your thoughts about the new AWA World Champion right now?

Sarge dabbed more blood off his forehead.

Sarge: At the moment, I don't think very highly of Mr. Hansen. He said that he's been obsessed with winning the AWA World Title a second time since he lost it in 1986. Tonight, he showed the level he would stoop to to make his dream of being a 2-time AWA World Champ a reality.

Eric: Anything you would like to directly say to Stan Hansen?

Blood trickling down Sarge's face.

Sarge: Stan Hansen, enjoy it right now. Go ahead and bask in your victory tonight.

But know this. I'm coming for you Hansen. We're gonna meet again.

And I promise the result will be different...or I will retire from wrestling.

Eric: What?! Retire?!

Sarge: That's all I've got to say.

Sarge stood up, tossed the bloody towel on the chair and walked off as a puzzled Bischoff looked on in disbelief at what he just heard.


In-Studio: Nelson said he was shocked to hear Sarge put his career on the line against Hansen when they meet in a re-match.

Nelson then sent it back to the Showboat in Las Vegas.

Sam Houston (w/ Coach Dick Murdoch) won a squash match over Bruce Bochte via pinfall with his bulldog finisher

During the match, announcers played up Murdoch coaching Houston and talked about Sam's undefeated streak in the AWA.

Murdoch could be heard at ringside coaching Sam during the match.

Pic aired of the PWHC Title with the caption: NEXT... QUALIFIER!



Sato came to the ring down the heel aisle to very little response from the crowd.

Wahoo came out to a good response from the crowd.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men came out of their corners and Sato quickly struck Wahoo with a kick to the side of the ribs. Satot followed with three more quick rib kicks. Wahoo backed into the corner. Sato caught Wahoo with a trio of chest chops and then went to whip Wahoo into the buckles but Wahoo reversed and Sato crashed into them. Wahoo briefly shook out the effects of the kicks and chops as Sato came out of the corner and charged at Wahoo. Wahoo backdropped Sato to the mat. Sato up and walked into a blistering series of chops from Wahoo. Wahoo grabbed Sato by the hair, did his war dance (called the M-80) and popped Sato with a chop to the top of the head. Sato crashed to the mat. Wahoo for the cover. 1...2... Sato kicked out. Wahoo snapped Sato up, whipped Sato into the ropes and looked to catch Sato with a second backdrop but Sato caught Wahoo with a kick to the chest. Wahoo shot up and stumbled back. Sato moved in with a backspin kick to the side of the head. Wahoo crashed to the mat. Sato for the cover. 1...2... Wahoo kicked out and Sato went through the middle and bottom rope and crashed to the floor. Ref ordered Wahoo back and started the 10-count. Sato to his feet at the count of 5 and climbed back up on the apron. Wahoo went to go after Sato but the ref got in between him and Sato. Sato poked Wahoo in the eye. Wahoo grabbed his eye and stumbled back and Sato moved in and caught Wahoo with a couple of backhand chops to the side of the face. Wahoo stunned. Sato then struck Wahoo with a chest chop and Wahoo fired back. The two then engaged in a rapid-fire chest chop exchange and Wahoo gained the advantage. Wahoo whipped Sato into the corner and moved in and pummeled Sato with a series of open-hand chest chops. Sato killed Wahoo's O by kneeing the Chief in the groin. Wahoo stumbled away holding the goods. Sato moved in and caught Wahoo with a couple of more kicks and went to whip Wahoo into the ropes but Wahoo reversed and caught Sato coming off with his big chop to the chest finisher. Sato crashed to the mat. Wahoo for the cover. 1...2...3! Crowd popped as the ref called fro the bell.

WINNER: Wahoo - Pinfall - 3:42

In-Studio: Nelson talked about Wahoo winning to advance to the tournament in Anaheim.

Nelson said that the two tournament qualifying matches for next week are:​

- AWA on ESPN: Don Muraco vs. Col. DeBeers

- All-Star Wrestling: Tom Zenk vs. Cactus Jack

Nelson then intro'd video from last week's ASW of a confrontation between Badd Co. w/ mgr. DDP and the Top Guns.​


# DDP: The Destruction Crew doesn't beat us if the Pop Guns stay out of the match! They also wouldn't have won the money!

This whole thing falls on the shoulders of the Pop Guns!

Nelson: OK. But you're out up $25,000 dollars; not $50,000. How do you explain taking the other $25,000?

DDP: As far as I'm concerned, the extra $25,000 dollars is interest owed!

You see...

Nelson: Whoa! Wait a minute! Here come the Top Guns!

Crowd popped as the Top Guns, in street clothes, made their way down the face aisle to the ring and climbed in.​

Rice and Dukes walked up to DDP and Badd Co. Badd Co. wanted to go after the Guns but DDP kept the dogs at bay.

Nelson: Ricky Rice and Derrick Dukes, what do you have to say?

Rice: I want my money, Dallas! You stole that money from me! You need to give it!

DDP: Wrong! I did not steal the money from you! I got back the money back you stole from me! Understand?!

Rice: No, I don't understand, quite frankly! Everybody saw you hit me from behind and steal the money from me!

And, let me tell you this! We've been talking with Verne Gagne about this and he's here!

Crowd cheers.​

DDP: I don't care what Verne Gagne has to say.

Rice: We'll see about that!

Verne, could you come out here, please.

Brief pause and then Verne made his way down the face aisle to the ring and climbed in. He was in a suit. Decent ovation.​

Nelson: Verne Gagne, what do you have to say about all this?

Verne: What we saw on Christmas night was a clear case of Dallas Page stealing the money that belonged to Ricky Rice.

So, Dallas, I am going to tell you right now, you have a brief window of time to give the money back with no punishment incurred.

DDP: And what are you going to do if I don't, Verne?

Verne: Right now, President Stanley Blackburn and myself are looking at different ways of penalizing you.

DDP: And just what would these penalties be? Hmmm....

Verne: Give the money back to Rice, Dallas. This is your only warning.

DDP (mockingly): This is your only warning.

Hey! You know what? I'll give Rice back the money...if he can find it. He does that and the money's all his.

Verne: This is your first and last warning, Dallas.

Give the money back...or else.


Pic aired of Stan Hansen holding the belt with the caption: NEXT... THE NEW CHAMP!


In-ring: Larry Nelson was standing mid-ring with mic in hand.​

Nelson: Ladies and gentlemen. Please welcome my guest at this time. He is the new AWA World Champion...Stan 'The Lariat' Hansen!

Boos rose as Hansen came down the heel aisle. Hansen was in his ring attire carrying the belt in one hand and his bullrope in the other.​

Hansen thrashed the bullrope around on his way to the ring. Hansen climbed in the ring and continued to wildly thrash the bullrope around as Nelson bailed to the safety of the corner. Nelson cautiously made his way out to the middle of the ring.​

Nelson: Stan Hansen. You are the new World Champion.

More boos.​

Hansen: You fans can boo me all you want! But it doesn't change the fact that I'm now the top dog once again in the AWA!

Nelson: Some people have said the way you won the belt is not befitting a true champion. What do you have to say about that?

Hansen (tobacco spittle flying everywhere): I don't give a damn what you or anybody else thinks, Nelson! I'm the World Champion and that's all there is to it!

The grim reality for you people is that your hero Sgt Slaughter just couldn't handle the 'Bad Man from Borger, Texas' on Christmas night!

I won the match in convincing fashion! I put Sarge down like an old dog for the 1-2-3 and nearly decapitated him with the lariat in the process!

Nelson: You violently attacked Sgt. Slaughter before the match began...

Hansen: That's Slaughter's fault! You never turn your back on your opponent because that's what can happen to ya

He's yesterday's news now! It's Hansen time in the AWA!


More boos as Hansen threw up the 'hook 'em horns' sign.​

Nelson: But, you know he will be back to fight you another day.

Hansen: That's fine by me! Sgt. Slaughter, just sign on the dotted line and let's dance again, son!

Hopefully the next time I'll succeed in knocking his head off his shoulders with my lariat and it will fly into the seats!

Talk about a souvenir!

Imagine a fan taking Sgt. Salughter's head home! They'll never forget that moment, I can guarantee that!

Nelson: Your lariat is one of the most devastating finishing moves in the all of wrestling. It's very dangerous to hit someone in the neck area like that. Do you think...

Hansen: I worked hard to perfect that move and now it's the most feared move in wrestling! Wrestlers know it's coming and they still can't stop it!

The feeling of my opponent's neck buckling when I hit him with the maximum force of the lariat is something one has to feel to truly appreciate!

AWA promoter Verne Gagne made his way down the face aisle to a decent crowd response. He was in a suit an tie.​

Nelson: Here comes AWA promoter Verne Gagne.

Verne climbed into the ring and walked up to Hansen and Nelson.​

Hansen: Verne! What the hell are you doing out here?! This is my interview time! Go on! Get out of here!

Verne (calm): Stan, I came out here to tell you something.

Hansen (tobacco spittle flying everywhere): Say what you gotta say and scram, mister!

Verne: We're gonna have a match. And the winner of the match will be facing you for the AWA World Title.

Crowd cheered.​

Verne: And the two men who will be wrestling each other for the right to face you will be Jonnie Stewart...and Sam Houston!

Decent pop when Houston's name was announced.​

Nelson: Stan, Houston is undefeated here in the AWA. If he beats Stewart, your reign could be on really shaky ground.

Hansen: If Sam Houston wins, and I know his coach is Dick Murdoch, then I just have one thing to say...let's have a fight!

I'll be the man who makes Sam Houston the man who USED to be undefeated in the AWA!


Crowd buzzing as Hansen once again threw up the 'hook 'em horns' sign.​

Announcers said they were out of time and to tune back in next week.​




Edited 7 minutes ago by piperrulz
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the autumn wind

Active Member
Sep 19, 2022
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Favorite Sports Team

Stan Hansen (def. Sgt. Slaughter - 12/89 - St. Paul, MN)


1) Sgt. Slaughter

2) Tom Zenk

3) Col. DeBeers

4) Larry Zbyszko

5) Sam Houston

AWA WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPION: Magnificent Mimi (def. Wendi Richter - 11/89 - Las Vegas, NV)


1) Wendi Richter

2) Lelani Kai

3) Candi Devine

AWA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: The Destruction Crew (def. Greg Gagne & Brad Rheingans - May 1989 - Las Vegas, NV)


1) Ken Patera & Brad Rheingans

2) The Top Guns

3) Badd Company

4) Wahoo McDaniel & Don Muraco

5) Greg Gagne & Jake Milliman


1) Sgt. Slaughter

2) Tom Zenk

3) The Trooper


1) Col. DeBeers

2) Stan Hansen

3) Larry Zbyszko​
Last edited:

the autumn wind

Active Member
Sep 19, 2022
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In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson

Match Commentator: Lee Marshall

Color Commentator: Lord James Blears

(# means aired on a previous AWA show.)

(2nd Taping Re-cap)

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program.


A look back at last week's confrontation between Badd Co. & Mgr. DDP and the Top Guns

Jerry Blackwell sees action

Jonnie Stewart wrestles

BISP 2 Post-Match interview with former AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter

Ken Patera sees singles' action

Another Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update with PWI's Bill Apter

A look back at last week's stunning upset of former NWA World Champion Tommy Rich by Jake Milliman in a PWHC Tournament qualifier PLUS! Post-match comments from Milliman

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Hammond, IN.

Manny Fernandez won a squash match over Ted Crilly via pinfall with his flying burrito (double flying forearm smash) finisher


Ragin' Bull, you are in the qualifying round of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship tournament with the winner getting a slot in the tournament.

You'll be facing Ken Patera for the right to move on to Anaheim.

Manny: I'm gonna make it clear to everyone right now! I want that Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship!

I've not had a title around my waist in a long time and I want one again and I want it now!

When you put a championship belt on, it feels good! Real good! It means you're one of the best in this sport!

Oh! And the money's better when you're a champion!

And my march to that championship belt begins with Ken Patera!

Nelson: Should be a great match between you two.

Manny: It might be! But, Ken Patera's got a little problem!

Nelson: Problem? What problem?

Manny: He's been so focused on tag team wrestling for a long time that it's hard to shift gears and get back into working singles' matches!

I'm using that to my advantage to take Patera down!

First, Ken Patera! And then 15 other wrestlers will leave Anaheim beltless as the Ragin' Bull is crowned the first Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion!


Some boos from the crowd.

Nelson: Manny Fernandez, everybody!

In-Studio: Nelson hyped the looming Manny-Ken showdown.

Nelson then intro'd footage from last week's ASW of the confrontation between Badd Co. and mgr. DDP and the Top Guns.


# DDP: The Destruction Crew doesn't beat us if the Pop Guns stay out of the match! They also wouldn't have won the money!

This whole thing falls on the shoulders of the Pop Guns!

Nelson: OK. But you're out up $25,000 dollars; not $50,000. How do you explain taking the other $25,000?

DDP: As far as I'm concerned, the extra $25,000 dollars is interest owed!

You see...

Nelson: Whoa! Wait a minute! Here come the Top Guns!

Crowd popped as the Top Guns, in street clothes, made their way down the face aisle to the ring and climbed in.

Rice and Dukes walked up to DDP and Badd Co. Badd Co. wanted to go after the Guns but DDP kept the dogs at bay.

Nelson: Ricky Rice and Derrick Dukes, what do you have to say?

Rice: I want my money, Dallas! You stole that money from me! You need to give it!

DDP: Wrong! I did not steal the money from you! I got back the money back you stole from me! Understand?!

Rice: No, I don't understand, quite frankly! Everybody saw you hit me from behind and steal the money from me!

And, let me tell you this! We've been talking with Verne Gagne about this and he's here!

Crowd cheers.

I don't care what Verne Gagne has to say.

Rice: We'll see about that!

Verne, could you come out here, please.

Brief pause and then Verne made his way down the face aisle to the ring and climbed in. He was in a suit. Decent ovation.

Nelson: Verne Gagne, what do you have to say about all this?

Verne: What we saw on Christmas night was a clear case of Dallas Page stealing the money that belonged to Ricky Rice.

So, Dallas, I am going to tell you right now, you have a brief window of time to give the money back with no punishment incurred.

DDP: And what are you going to do if I don't, Verne?

Verne: Right now, President Stanley Blackburn and myself are looking at different ways of penalizing you.

DDP: And just what would these penalties be? Hmmm....

Verne: Give the money back to Rice, Dallas. This is your only warning.

DDP (mockingly): This is your only warning.

Hey! You know what? I'll give Rice back the money...if he can find it. He does that and the money's all his.

Verne: This is your first and last warning, Dallas.

Give the money back...or else.


Pic aired of Johnny Stewart with the caption: NEXT... ARROGANCE 101!


(Before the match off-air: Larry Nelson announced that Stewart had beaten Brad Rheingans in a PWHC Tournament qualifier in Las Vegas.)

Jonnie Stewart won a squash match via pinfall over Basil Fawlty with his flying knee to the gut finisher

During the match, announcers discussed cameras catching Stewart adjusting his knee pad in his qualifying match against Brad Rheingans and seeing what appeared to be a piece of metal sticking out of it.


Jonnie Stewart, you beat Brad Rheingans in a qualifying match and are going to the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament in Anaheim on February 17.

Jonnie: That's right, Nelson! The 'Wrestler of the '90s' is gonna kick the decade off in grand fashion by becoming the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion!

It's gonna be a great day in Anaheim in February! And why will it be a great day?

Nelson shrugged.

Jonnie: It's gonna be a great day because I'll be there in all my glory! The fans can only hope to get a small amount of the 'Wrestler of the '90s' aura on them!

Nelson: If the fans get any of your aura on them, will they have to wash it off?

Crowd laughed as Stewart glared at Nelson.

Jonnie (disgusted laugh): A million comedians out of work...

For the fans that get my aura on them it will be like a religious experience!

The Power of Jonnie will course through their bodies! And they will then, for the first time in their loser lives, have a chance at being a winner like yours truly!

Crowd booed as Stewart pointed at himself.

Nelson: During your match with Brad Rheingans, when you were adjusting your knee pad before you defeated the former Olympian, it looked like a foreign object of some sort was sticking out of the knee pad...

Jonnie: Interview...over!

How dare you accuse me of cheating!

Nelson: Well, I...

Stewart stormed off and headed back up the heel aisle to boos as Nelson looked on.

In-Studio: Nelson discussed the loaded knee pad. Said that Stewart seemed guilty of loading it.

Nelson then intro'd footage from the end of last week's qualifying match between former NWA World Champion Tommy Rich and Jake Milliman.


- Rich snapped Jake up and slammed Jake's head into the top buckle. Rich pulled Jake out of the corner and started choking Jake on the top rope. Ref counting. Rich yanked the top rope and Jake snapped back and crashed to the mat. Flakey Jake up and Rich moved in and kicked Jake and reached down and pulled Jake's legs out from under him. Jake crashed to the mat and Rich applied the spinning toe hold submission move. Crowd urging Jake to not give up. Jake in great pain as Rich cinched up on the hold. Jake found the strength to finally kick Rich off. Rich crashed to the mat. Rich up as Jake was getting up and Rich charged over and jumped on Jake and started pounding away on him. Rich then went to whip Jake into the ropes but Jake reversed and caught Rich coming off with a high backdrop. Rich crashed to the mat. Rich up and Jake moved in with some punches, whipped Rich into the ropes and caught Rich coming off with a power slam. Crowd eating it up. Jake pointed at the ropes. Crowd popped bigly. Jake ran, hit the ropes and came off with his pasteurizer finisher that connected. Jake covered Rich and hooked the leg. Crowd counted along. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd erupted like Mt. Rainier in 1980. Jake to his feet smiling from ear-to-ear and jumping up and down. Ref went over and raised his hand in victory.

Marshall: Mr. Milliman goes to Anaheim!

In-Studio: Nelson then intro'd post-match comments from Milliman.


Milliman was in the locker room with mic in hand. He was still in his ring attire. Milliman was pacing back-and-forth.

Jake: I just beat a former World Champion and I'm goin' to the Pro Wrestling Heritage Tournament!

I can't begin to tell you how this feels! I am so excited right now that it's hard for me to keep from losing it!

Maintain, Jake! Maintain!

I'm goin' to Anaheim! I'm goin' to Disneyland!

You Milk Maniacs! Hop on my shoulders and let's make 'MilkMania' run wild all the way to victory!

2% forever!


Pic aired of the PWHC belt with the caption: NEXT... TOURNEY UPDATE!

Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update intro video.

Bill Apter was standing in front of the PWI logo in a suit and holding a mic.

Apter: Hello, wrestling fans.

This is Bill Apter back with you with another Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update.

The tournament will take place on Saturday, February 17, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California. For tickets, contact Ticket Master or the Anaheim Convention Center box office at (714) 555-1812.

The tournament will take place over two sessions in one day. The afternoon session will feature the opening round matches of the tournament with a bell time of 12:30pm Pacific Time. The evening session will feature the quarter-finals, semi-finals and final of the tournament with a bell time of 7:30pm Pacific Time.

Right now, here is the list of wrestlers that will be taking part in this historic event.

They are: Riki Choshu from Japan; Perro Aguayo from Mexico; Chris Adams from England; Tully Blanchard from the United States; and Carlos Colon from Puerto Rico.

We also have our first two AWA entrants as well.

Jonnie Stewart defeated Brad Rheingans in a qualifying match and Jake Milliman pulled off a major upset when he defeated former NWA World Champion Tommy Rich to advance.

This week, we have another entrant into the tournament.

He hails from Tehran, Iran. He is The Iron Sheik.

Let's take a look at The Iron Sheik in action.

(Just pretend the first 60 seconds you see are what you see on TV.)

Apter: The tournament is shaping up to be a classic wrestling event and you'll want to be there in Anaheim to witness history in the making.

One ticket gets you in to both sessions.

Anaheim is a great place to visit in the winter with lots to do. From the beaches to good restaurants to Disneyland, Anaheim has it all. And the weather is fantastic in February.

Be a part of wrestling history. Get your tickets for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament today.

I'm Bill Apter. See you next week.


Larry Nelson hyped the tournament. Talked about newest entrant The Iron Sheik.

Nelson intro'd the next match in Hammond.

Jerry Blackwell won a squash match over Doc Savage via pinfall with his diving splash finisher

Nelson: Jerry Blackwell, you are devastation personified.

The fans want to know how the training is going with Lee Marshall?

Jerry: Larry, the training is going really good.

Jerry pointed at Marshall at the announcer's desk.

Jerry: Lee is what they would call a quick study. He's picking up on things related to this sport really well. He also is very intelligent and has what I would call a high wrestling IQ.

I feel really good about our chances when we clash with Tommy Rich and Cactus Jack.

Fans cheered.

Nelson: We hear that you also have something in the works regarding another possible opponent.

Jerry: That's right, Larry. Negotiations are underway right now to set up a match between myself and a wrestler I can't name at this time.

Nelson: I think we all know who it is.

Some fans yelled out: Kokina!

Jerry: A big, and I mean big, match is coming.

Nelson: Jerry Blackwell, everybody!

Fans cheered.

Pic aired of a bloody Sgt. Slaughter with the caption: NEXT... CHAMPION NO MORE!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd the post match interview with Sgt. Slaighter after Sarge dropped the belt to Hansen at Brawl In St. Paul 2.



Eric Bischoff and Sgt. Slaughter were seated in the locker room. Sarge had a white towel in his hand that was marked with blood from dabbing a cut on his forehead. Sarge had his head down.

Eric: Sgt. Slaughter, I know this can't be easy for you right now.

The big question on everyone's mind is: why, after being attacked by Stan Hansen before the match and AWA officials and a doctor telling you not to wrestle, did you decide to go out there and defend the belt tonight when you could have defended the title against Hansen at a later date?

Sarge dabbed a little more blood off his forehead...

Sarge: I could have walked away tonight after being attacked by Hansen. I could have lived to fight another day.

But, I promised the people that I would be a fighting champion. So, since I could walk on my own power back out to that ring, there was no way I was going to let those people down.

Eric: There will obviously be a re-match between you and Hansen at some point down the road. What are your thoughts about the new AWA World Champion right now?

Sarge dabbed more blood off his forehead.

Sarge: At the moment, I don't think very highly of Mr. Hansen. He said that he's been obsessed with winning the AWA World Title a second time since he lost it in 1986. Tonight, he showed the level he would stoop to to make his dream of being a 2-time AWA World Champ a reality.

Eric: Anything you would like to directly say to Stan Hansen?

Blood trickling down Sarge's face.

Sarge: Stan Hansen, enjoy it right now. Go ahead and bask in your victory tonight.

But know this. I'm coming for you Hansen. We're gonna meet again.

And I promise the result will be different...or I will retire from wrestling.

Eric: What?! Retire?!

Sarge: That's all I've got to say.

Sarge stood up, tossed the bloody towel on the chair and walked off as a puzzled Bischoff looked on in disbelief at what he just heard.


Nelson said he was shocked to hear Sarge put his career on the line against Hansen when they meet in a re-match.

Nelson sent it back to the ring in Hammond.

Ken Patera won a squash match over Eric Dickerson via submission with the swinging full nelson


Ken Patera, you really dismantled Eric Dickerson in that match.

Patera: Larry, Mr. Dickerson might want to try another football. He seems better suited for that, though he is a tough guy.

Nelson: You'll be facing Manny Fernandez in a Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament qualifying match here very soon.

Your thoughts on Fernandez heading into this match?

Patera: Manny's a solid wrestler, Larry. He could win matches on his wrestling talent alone. But he often chooses to take shortcuts to win a match.

And with what's on the line in our qualifying match, I really have to keep my guard up because I know there's no level too low for him to stoop to to try and win.

He wants that new title just as much as myself or anyone else. It's just that some of us believe in winning based on the sport of wrestling and not the art of cheating.

I've got my eyes on you, Manny! You're gonna have to really be sharp to put one over on me!

Fans cheered.

Nelson: Ken Patera, everybody!

Pic aired of the PWHC belt with the caption: NEXT... QUALIFIER!!!


In-Studio: Nelson said that the two tournament qualifying matches for next week are:

AWA on ESPN: Col. DeBeers vs. Don Muraco

All-Star Wrestling: Tom Zenk vs. Cactus Jack

Nelson then sent it back to Vegas for the main event.


Gagne came down the face aisle to the ring to a nice ovation.

Once in the ring, Gagne briefly saluted the fans.

Fan: Hey, Gagne! Gain some f***in' weight!

Greg valentine came down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos but also has his fans.

Valentine removed his robe and handed it to the ref who handed it to an attendant to take back to the locker room.

Ref called for the bell.

Gagne came out on fire and nailed Valentine with a series of rapid-fire punches. Gagne whipped Valentine into the ropes and caught Valentine coming off with a high backdrop. Valentine crashed to the mat. Valentine up and Gagne continued the punch assault on Valentine that drove Valentine into the corner. More Gagne punches. Gagne whipped Valentine into the opposite buckles and charged in but Valentine moved and Greg slammed front-first into the buckles, bounced back and crashed to the mat. Gagne getting up bent over and Valentine moved in and caught Gagne with a series of elbows to the back of the neck. Gagne stumbled off holding the back of his neck. Valentine came up behind Gagne and hit Gagne with a couple of forearms to the upper back. Gagne fell front-first against the buckles. Valentine slammed Gagne's head into the top buckle three times. Gagne spun around and Valentine hit Gagne with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Gagne stumbled out of the corner holding his gut and went down to a knee. Valentine snapped Gagne up and nailed Gagne with a suplex. Valentine dropped a trio of elbows across Gagne's chest and went for the cover. 1... Gagne kicked out. Valentine caught Gagne with a head shot. Valentine snapped Gagne up and went to whip Gagne into the ropes but Gagne reversed and caught valentine coming off with a dropkick. Valentine crashed down by the ropes. Gagne quickly shook out he effects of Valentine's attack. Valentine to his feet and Gagne moved in and struck Valentine in the back of the leg with a series of sweeping kicks. Fans cheering on Verne's boy. Last kick sent Valentine crashing to the mat. Valentine up and hobbled and Gagne moved in and caught Valentine with a couple of more sweeping kicks to the back of Valentine's left leg and Valentine crashed back down to the mat. Gagne moved in and caught Valentine in the Indian Deathlock submission hold. Crowd popping. Valentine in great pain trying not to submit. Gagne had the hold firmly locked in in the middle of the ring. Valentine, in desperation, raked Gagne's eyes to free himself from the hold. Both men slow to get to their feet and Valentine moved in from the side and caught Gagne with a kick to the ribs. Gagne fell against the ropes. Valentine moved in with a trio of elbows to the top of Gagne's head. Gagne stunned. Valentine went to whip Gagne into the ropes but Gagne would not let go of the top rope. Valentine yanked Gagne again and Gagne let go of the top rope and caught Valentine with a series of punches that stunned Valentine. Gagne went to whip Valentine into the ropes but Valentine reversed and caught Gagne coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Gagne crashed to the mat.

Valentine stomped Gagne in the head. Valentine snapped Gagne up and bodyslammed Gagne. Valentine ran and hit the ropes and came off with a running elbow smash but Gagne rolled out of the way and valentine crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Both men down. Ref started the 10-count. Both men stirred as the count grew. Both men to their feet. Valentine went to punch Gagne but Gagne blocked the punch try and fired back with punches of his own. Gagne caught the stunned Valentine with a dropkick. Valentine went down. Valentine getting up and Gagne grabbed Valentine and slammed Valentine's head into the top buckle. Valentine bounced back and staggered off. Valentine turned and Gagne popped Valentine with a second dropkick that sent Valentine crashing to the mat and rolling out of the ring and crashing to the floor as the fans cheered. Gagne stood back as the ref started the 10-count. Count grew and Valentine made it to his feet on the floor. Valentine feigned climbing back into the ring and Gagne went over to grab Valentine but the ref intercepted Gagne as Valentine dropped back to the floor. Ref and Gagne briefly had words and Valentine reached into the ring and pulled Gagne's legs out from under him and Gagne crashed to the mat. Valentine pulled Gagne's legs out of the ring. Gagne's legs hanging over the apron as the ref re-started the 10-count. Valentine grabbed Gagne's left leg and slammed it down on the apron three times. Gagne scooted back in the ring holding his left knee area. Valentine back into the ring to break the count. Valentine methodically stomped on Gagne's left knee multiple times and then dragged Gagne by the feet over to the corner. Valentine dropped to the floor, pulled Gagne's legs around the post and repeatedly slammed Gagne's left leg into the post. Ref counting. Valentine climbed back in the ring to break the count as Gagne scooted back in the ring holding his left knee. Valentine grabbed Gagne's left leg and yanked on it a few times and then went to lock Gagne in his figure four finisher but Gagne reached up and caught Valentine in a small package for the pin. 1...2...thr... Valentine kicked out. Crowd let out a collective groan. Valentine to his feet as a hobbled Gagne was getting up. Valentine caught Gagne with a kick to the gut. Valentine went to whip Gagne into the ropes but Gagne reversed and caught Valentine coming off with a high dropkick. Valentine crashed to the mat. Greg slow to cover. 1...2...thr... Valentine kicked out again. Crowd on a roller coaster ride and groaning.

Blears: The damage Valentine did to Gagne's left knee prevented Gagne from making the pin attempt quicker.

Gagne popped the downed Valentine with head shots. Gagne snapped Valentine up and and threw Valentine towards the corner with great force. Valentine's head crashed into the top ring bolt that connects the ring rope to the post. Valentine, staggered backwards out of the corner, spun around and crashed on his face in the ring. Crowd feeling Gagne. Gagne fell back against the ropes grabbing his left knee as Valentine slowly made it to his feet. Valentine up and Gagne hobbled in and blasted Valentine with more punches. Gagne whipped Valentine into the ropes and looked to catch Valentine coming off with a dropkick but Valentine grabbed the top rope and Gagne crashed to the mat. Valentine regained his bearings next to the ropes as Gagne slowly and painfully made it to his feet facing away from Valentine. Gagne up and Valentine moved in and caught Gage with a chop block to the back of the left knee. Gagne crumpled to the mat holding his left knee. Valentine grabbed Gagne's left leg, yanked on it three times and wrapped Gagne up in the figure four. Gagne writhing in great pain and trying not to submit. Crowd urging Gagne on. Gagne found the strength to start to overturn the hold. Just as he appeared on the verge of turning Valentine over, Valentine shifted his weight and was back in control of the hold once again. Crowd groaned (lots of groaning tonight). Gagne fought a little more in the hold before finally shaking his head 'yes' that he submitted. Ref called for the bell.

Valentine held Gagne in the hold for a few seconds after the bell just to add to the torture before letting Gagne go.

Valentine to his feet and the ref raised The Hammer's hand victory.

Marshall: What a match!

Blears: Not so much a match as it was a fight, Lee. Both men performed well and it could have just as easily gone the other way.

But all credit is due to Valentine. Once he starts working on the leg, his opponent is usually in a great deal of trouble.

WINNER: Valentine - Submission - 12:42



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the autumn wind

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Verne Gagne was sitting in his office with son Greg...​

Verne: Well, I haven't seen or heard anything about me potentially triggering the opt-out clause in the sales contract with Triumph Media Sports*.

Haven't read anything in the dirt sheets like the Observer.

That's good news.

Greg: Dad, please re-think this. Just make the sale and move on. Mom clearly doesn't want this to go any further.

Verne: Have to admit that she is pretty upset about it.

Greg: Upset is an understatement.

Verne: But I can feel it, son. The big turnaround is just over the horizon.

Business is up at the houses and our TVs have been really good lately.

We're getting a lot out of our current crop of wrestlers.

Greg: Dad, you know better. There's no guarantee of a turnaround. Business could still tank tomorrow.

The stuff we're putting on TV the last few months has been good. Real good, in fact.

But the uptick in business has been minimal.

We celebrate when we draw 1,200 for a house show because that's better than the 700 we were drawing.

Verne: In case I do trigger the opt-out clause, I want to see if we can do another special on ESPN.

Greg: What is it?

Verne: It would be WrestleRock '90.

I would look to hold it the second or third week of May.

And the city I'm looking to book for it is Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Drew a great house there for Lawler-Sarge.

Greg: Please don't do this, dad. It's a gamble we can't afford to take right now.

Verne: It does not hurt to plan ahead just in case.

Greg: Bill Watts and Jim Crockett are moving up here in seven to 10 days to start the transition to their ownership group.

You're really going to let them think they're taking over when, on March 4th, you might drop a bomb on them and tell them no sale?

Verne: Not a word to them when they come up here.

Even if I trigger the opt-out clause, I'll cut both of them a nice check for their time worked here.

Greg: I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone with you right now.

You mean to tell me that you're going to let those men bust their asses thinking they're getting ready to usher in a new era for the AWA and you just turn around and say to them: Nope. Sorry, I've decided not to sell. Thanks for coming. Bye!

Verne: That's a rather harsh way of putting it.

Greg (exasperated): As if what you're planning to possibly do to them isn't harsh!

You're getting over $3 million from Triumph Media Sports if you go through with the sale. It is good guaranteed money, dad!

You could lose everything if you try and turn this around and it fails!

You really need to think more about mom in all this! It could devastate her if you lose everything!

Verne: Your mother will be fine.

Greg: She'll be fine in the poor house?!

Verne (angry): Greg! You listen to me!

I am only thinking about triggering the opt-out clause right now! It's not a done damn deal!

Greg (angry): We're gonna have to walk around these offices for a month, a whole f***ing month, with Crockett and Watts here, knowing that we might not be selling to them but acting like we are! It's disgraceful!

Verne: I think I have one more good run in me!

You talk about going broke! What if we do turn things around and hit it big!

Greg: 'If'! 'If' is the key word there! 'If' things turn around...

Verne: We just need one spark! Just one hot angle or one wrestler to really take off and everything's good!

Greg: You're thinking this is automatically going to happen! You're sometimes struggling to pay talent right now!

Quit deluding yourself, dad! It needs to end on March 5th and new blood takes over!

Verne: Get outta my office!

Greg stormed out of the office and violently slammed the door behind him so hard it shook the walls.

Verne sat at his desk and was seething.

He was a long-time successful promoter, dammit! He knew how the business worked and he believed he might have the magic formula to Make The AWA Relevant Again!​

But, the cold, hard reality was that Verne didn't have the time or the resources to continue to weather the storm to get to that Promised Land he's fantasizing about.​

The turnaround under Verne would have to be fast. And the only way for that to happen under Verne would be a successful, one-shot Hail Mary pass to the end zone for a touchdown.​


(* Triumph Media Sports. Name of the company of the possible incoming new owners.)

the autumn wind

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Lee Marshall & Lord James Blears

Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# - Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(3rd Taping Re-cap)

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers to the program:


WINNER GETS AN AWA WORLD TITLE MATCH: Sam Houston vs. Jonnie Stewart

Another PWHC Tournament Update with PWI's Bill Apter

NON-TITLE: Magnificent Mimi (w/ Valerie) vs. Velvet McIntyre

Tommy Jammer sees action

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring Vegas.

HANDICAP MATCH: Kokina Maximus (w/ Mgr. Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey & The Masked Doctor) vs. Bill & Randy Mulkey

Shot of two stretchers at ringside.

The Mulkeys were in the ring and announced and got a decent pop from the fans.

Marshall: Say what you will about the Mulkeys. They may not win most of the time; but they're a team that works hard inside the squared circle.

Blears: The Mulkeys have a lot of heart, Lee. But my guess is Kokina will be too much for them.

Loud rumbling sound billowed through the p.a. system.

Kokina, Kaissey and The Masked Doctor came down the heel aisle to strong boos. The Doc was in a suit and tie and carrying his medical bag. The three men climbed into the ring. Kaissey talked to Kokina and he and the Doc then left the ring for the floor.

Ref called for the bell.

Mulkeys charged out of their corner and fired away on Kokina with punches. The pair then tried to hoist Kokina up for a double suplex but didn't succeed in getting Kokina up. Kokina slapped each Mulkey hard across the face and then slammed the Mulkey's heads together. Kokina threw Bill Mulkey into the corner and then threw Randy into BIll in the corner. Kokina moved in and proceeded to back into the Mulkeys repeatedly. Mulkeys sagged in the corner. Kokina whipped Randy into the opposite buckles and charged over and nailed Randy with an avalanche. Randy crumpled to the mat. Kokina moved in and popped Bill with a head shot and whipped Bill into the opposite buckles and charged in blasted Bill with an avalanche. Bill crumpled to the mat. Both Mulkeys down in the ring.

Marshall: This is already getting ugly.

Kokina stomped Randy and picked Randy up and nailed Randy with a front powerslam.

Blears: The referee needs to stop this carnage right now.

Bill was getting to his feet and Kokina moved in and Kokina grabbed Bill, hoisted Bill across his shoulders and obliterated Bill with a Samoan drop. Both Mulkeys flatlined. Kokina snapped Randy up, whipped Randy into the ropes and caught Randy coming off with a savate kick. Randy slammed to the mat. Referee yelled for Kokina to just end the match. Bill managed to pull himself up with the aid of the ropes and Kokina moved in and popped Bill with a brutal headbutt. Kokina held Bill's hair and would not let Bill go down. Kokina repeated the move and this time let Bill's hair go and Bill crumpled to the mat. Kokina then nailed Bill with a running legdrop. Ref pleading with Kokina to just end the carnage. Kokina ignored the ref. Randy to his knees and begging for mercy. Kokina kicked Randy in the chest and Randy toppled over and was laying face down in the ring. Kokina hit the ropes and came off with a diving splash on Randy's back. Crowd popped as Jerry Blackwell charged down the face aisle in his ring attire and carrying a white towel. Blackwell quickly climbed up on the ring apron and threw in the towel, Ref called for the bell. Kokina glared angrily at Blackwell. Fans buzzing. Kaissey and the Masked Doc immediately climbed into the ring. Kaissey talked to his man Kokina and gestured for him not to do anything to Blackwell. The two big men continued glaring at one another.

Larry Nelson climbed up on the apron with mic in hand. Ref raised Kokina's hand in victory.

Nelson: The referee has stopped the match! Your winner... Kokina Maximus!

Blackwell and Kokina continued glaring at one another as Kaissey kept Kokina at bay.

elson climbed into the ring. Masked Doc was checking on the pulverized Mulkeys.

Nelson: Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey, may I have a word with you?!

Kaissey: Infidel Blackwell! You had no business coming out here and stopping the match!

Crowd booed.

Nelson: But Kokina had destroyed the Mulkeys. Why not just put them out of their misery and end the match?!

Kaissey: Sometimes, too much destruction is never enough! Kokina doesn't just win matches! He also sends a message to the entire AWA roster that this is the hell they will face when they step into the ring with him!

And Jerry Blackwell, everything in due time! You also will be destroyed by Kokina when the time is right and we will dictate when that time has come!

More boos from the fans.

Kokina and Blackwell locked in a death stare.

Nelson moved over to Blackwell.

Nelson: Jerry Blackwell! You saved the Mulkeys from further damage by coming to the ring and throwing in the towel for them!

Blackwell: I'm tired of seein' what Kokina does to each of his opponents! Pro wrestling is about winning matches! Kokina goes to the extreme and hurts people for the sheer pleasure of it!

And let me tell you this! You go ahead and name the time and the place! I'll be there! And Kokina, you listen and listen good!

I know that you're gonna try and end my career when we meet in the ring!

Well, sometimes you have to fight fire with fire! You're gonna try and end me and I'm gonna try and end YOU!

Blackwell pointed at Kokina as the fans cheered.

Nelson: When they meet, it will truly be a clash of the titans! It's...

Nelson jumped out of the way as Kokina charged over and attacked Blackwell on the apron and Blackwell fought back.

Crowd into it.

Blackwell and Kokina were locked up with each other and each man was gettng some shots in.

AWA officials and wrestlers from both locker rooms poured into the ring to try and separate the warring behemoths. After a brief struggle, a bunch of men were finally able to separate the two.

Shot of the Mulkeys being stretchered out up the face aisle on the two stretchers.

Marshall: We'll let you fans know if anything happens during the commercial break.

WINNER: Kokina - Stoppage - 4:10

Pic aired of Women's Champ Mimi with manager Valerie with the caption: NEXT... THE LADY IS A CHAMP!


Back from commercial, announcers said that the ring was finally cleared and said Blackwell-Kokina promises to be quite the clash when it happens.

Non-Title: Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Valerie) vs. Velvet McIntyre

McIntyre was already in the ring and announced.

Mimi and Valerie came to the ring to pretty strong boos.

In the ring, Mimi strutted around holding the belt aloft to more boos as Valerie applauded the champ.

Announcers pointed out that McIntyre is a solid veteran wrestler and a former champion in her own right.

Match started out with McIntyre stunning Mimi with an offensive explosion before Mimi fought her way back into the match.

Mimi took control but could not put Mcintyre away, failing to pin McIntyre on two occasions.

At the end of the match, Mimi was still on the offensive when McIntyre was whipped into the ropes and Mimi looked to catch McIntyre with a backdrop but McIntyre turned it in to a sunset flip for the pin. 1...2,,,thr... Mimi kicked out. Crowd groaned. McIntyre came alive and a few moves later, after a brief back-and-forth, McIntyre caught Mimi from behind, ran Mimi into the ropes and caught Mimi in a roll-up for the pin. 1...2...thr... Mimi kicked out again. Valerie concerned at ringside. The two up and McIntyre popped Mimi with a dropkick that sent Mimi crashing to the mat. McIntyre snapped Mimi up and slammed Mimi's head into the top buckle. McIntyre whipped Mimi into the opposite buckles and charged in but Mimi moved and McIntyre slammed front-first into the buckles. McIntyre staggered off and Mimi clubbed McIntyre from behind with a two-fisted backsmash. McIntyre spun around and Mimi popped McIntyre with a dropkick and McIntyre crashed to the mat. Mimi snapped McIntyre up and hoisted McIntyre up and blasted McIntyre with a sitout powerbomb. Mimi for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as most in the crowd booed.

Mimi up and had her hand raised in victory as Valerie climbed in the ring and congratulated the woman she managed.

WINNER: Mimi - Pinfall - 5:13


Magnificent Mimi, you just got quite the battle from the wily veteran Velvet McIntyre. She pushed you hard. You really had to fight for that victory.

Mimi: What this match showed tonight was that, no matter who you put in the ring with me, even someone like Velvet McIntyre, they flat out can't beat me!

Let this be a lesson for all the women wrestlers out there!

No matter who you are! No matter your standing in this sport! No matter how hard you try! You can't beat the Magnificent One!

I'm gonna be your Women's Champion for a long time to come!

So, feel free to sign on the dotted line to wrestle me! The end result for you will be the same as it was for Velvet!

Valerie: Mimi's a winner, Larry. She is the best there is in women's wrestling today. And no one can stop her!

More boos.

Pic aired of the PWHC title with the caption: NEXT... TOURNEY UPDATE!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update


Intro for the PWHC Tournament Update.

Bill Apter of PWI was standing in front of the PWI logo in a suit with mic in hand.

Apter: Hello, wrestling fans.

This is Bill Apter from Pro Wrestling Illustrated with this week's Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update.

The tournament takes place on Saturday, February 17, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California.

The tournament will be held over two sessions in one day. The first session features the opening round matches of the tournament and has a bell time of 12:30pm Pacific Time. The evening session, which will feature the quarter-finals,semi-finals and final of the tournament has a bell time of 7:30pm.

For tickets, contact Ticket Master or the Anaheim Convention Center box office at (714) 555-1812. One ticket gets you in to both sessions.

The tournament is shaping up to be a great event with several non-AWA wrestlers vying for the new championship.

Here are the entrants already in the tournament: Riki Choshu from Japan; Carlos Colon from Puerto Rico; Perro Aguayo from Mexico, Tully Blanchard from the United States; Chris Adams from England; Bruce Hart from Canada and The Iron Sheik from Iran.

The AWA entrants are: Jonnie Stewart and Jake Milliman, plus two new qualifiers.

Those qualifiers are: Chief Wahoo McDaniel and Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine.

And we have a new entrant this week. This is the final non-AWA wrestler who will be wrestling in the tournament.

He hails from Japan. He is well known to AWA fans. He is...Mr. Saito.

Let's take a look at Mr. Saito in action.

(Just pretend the first 60 seconds you see are what you'd see on TV.)

Apter: The tournament has a truly international flavor and is not confined to being an AWA-only event.

Fans, this is shaping up to be one of the wrestling events of the year. Wrestlers from every part of the globe contacted the AWA about being part of this historic event.

And Anaheim is a great place to visit in the winter. There's everything from the warm weather to the beaches to Disneyland and lots in between to partake in in Anaheim and Orange County in general. Plus, there are plenty of good restaurants to eat at and plenty of hotel rooms you can book for your stay.

Be a part of history. Be a part of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament on February 17 in Anaheim.

I'm Bill Apter. See you next week.


Larry Nelson hyped the tourney and told fans we are just a month away from crowning a new champion.

Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Las Vegas.

Tommy Jammer won a squash match over John Belushi with the Jammer Slam (whip opponent into the corner, opponent bounces out into a powerslam).

Split-screen pic aired of Sam Houston and Jonnie Stewart with the caption: NEXT... TITLE SHOT AWAITS!


WINNER GETS AN AWA WORLD TITLE SHOT: Sam Houston (w/ Coach Dick Murdoch) vs. Jonnie Stewart

Stewart came to the ring to loud boos.

Houston came to the ring to a good response from the crowd with his coach Dick Murdoch.

Once in the ring, Houston briefly acknowledged the crowd.

Murdoch gave final instructions to Sam and then left the ring.

Stewart went over and demanded the ring mic from Nelson and got it.

Stewart: What a start to the 1990's for the Wrestler of the '90s!

Crowd booing.

Stewart: Not only did I win my qualifying match to punch my ticket to the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament!

But tonight, I'm gonna end Sam Houston's undefeated streak here in the AWA and go on to face Stan Hansen for the AWA World Title!

More booing.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men came out of their corners and circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. After a brief struggle, Stewart got in on Sam and caught him with a knee to the gut. Stewart popped Sam with a couple of elbows to the back of the head and whipped Sam into the corner. Stewart charged in and popped Sam with a running back elbow to the chest. Sam staggered out of the corner. Stewart locked Sam in an arm bar. Stewart grabbed the back of Sam's hair and yanked Sam down to the mat.

Murdoch picked up on a mic.

Murdoch: Hair, ref! Watch the hair!

Sam up still locked in the arm bar. Once again Stewart grabbed the back of the hair and yanked Sam back down to the mat still in the arm bar. Sam suddenly did a kip up still locked in the hold and caught Stewart with a series of forearm shivers to the side of the head that drove Stewart back against the ropes. Sam freed from Stewart's grasp. Sam whipped Stewart into the ropes and caught Stewart coming off with a dropkick. Stewart crashed to the mat. Stewart up and charged at Sam and Sam caught Stewart with a hip toss. Stewart up and lunged at Sam and Sam caught Stewart with another hip toss. Stewart up again and Sam caught Stewart with an arm drag and locked Stewart into an arm bar. Stewart slowly made it to his feet. Sam cinched up on the hold and Stewart responded by poking Sam in the eye. Ref reprimanded Stewart as Stewart freed himself form the hold.

Murdoch picked up on a mic.

Murdoch: Sam, keep an eye on his hands! Make sure you know where they are at all times!

During the match, announcers discussed Sam's undefeated streak in the AWA and whether or not Stewart loaded his knee pad for his finisher.

Stewart caught Sam with some left jabs to the face and solar plexus. Stewart grabbed Sam in a wrist lock and did the wrist burn and the popped Sam in the shoulder with a couple of elbows. Stewart whipped Sam into the ropes and caught Sam coming off with a clothesline. Sam down. Stewart stomped on Sam, snapped Sam up and drove Sam into the corner. Stewart backed up in the other corner and charged in looking to hit Sam with a running shoulder block but Sam moved and Stewart slammed shoulder-first into the post. Crowd cheered. Sam quickly regained his bearings and pulled Stewart out of the corner and nailed Stewart with a belly-to-back suplex. Sam for the quick cover. 1... Stewart kicked out. Sam snapped Stewart up and Stewart responded by driving Sam hard, back-first into the corner, Stewart drove a series of knees into Sam's gut. Stewart went to whip Sam into the opposite buckles but Sam reversed and sent Stewart crashing into them. Sam moved in on Stewart and started popping Stewart with punches. Stewart suddenly reached down and pulled Sam's legs out from under him and Sam crashed to the mat. Stewart for the pin. 1... Stewart placed his feet on the middle rope for leverage. ...2...thr... Sam got a shoulder up. Stewart took his feet off the ropes just as the ref looked over. Stewart went for the pin again. 1... Stewart again placed his feet on the middle rope for leverage. Fans yelling for the ref to pay attention. ...2...

Murdoch picked up on a mic.

Murdoch: Feet on the ropes! Watch his feet, ref! Dammit!

Ref looked over and saw Stewart's feet on the ropes and ordered a break.

Stewart took his feet off the ropes and snapped Sam up and shoved Sam into the corner. Stewart caught Sam with elbow strikes to the side of the head. Sam limp in the corner. Ref checked on Sam as Stewart adjusted his left knee pad behind the ref's back. Fans yelling for the ref to turn around but ref turning is not in the script. As Stewart adjusted the pad, a little piece of what looked like metal was sticking out from under the pad. Stewart quickly moved in and popped Sam with punches and whipped Sam into the opposite buckles. Stewart charged in and Sam got both feet up and caught Stewart in the face with them. Stewart turned facing away from Sam and holding his face. Sam mounted the middle rope in the corner and came off with his bulldog finisher that connected. Crowd popped big-time. Sam turned Stewart over, covered Stewart and hooked the leg. Crowd counted along. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell to a huge pop from the fans.

Sam up and started jumping up and down in celebration. Ref went over and raised Sam's hand in victory as Murdoch climbed into the ring and congratulated his student.

WINNER: Houston - Pinfall - 6:02


Sam Houston! You've got a date with World Champion Stan Hansen and chance to make history and become the new AWA World Champion!

Sam: It's exciting, Larry! I can't wait for the chance to face Stan Hansen for the biggest belt in wrestling!

Nelson: Coach Dick Murdoch, what are you thinking right now?

Murdoch: I'm thinking I'm proud of all the hard work this young man has done and it's really starting to pay off in a big way now.

Nelson: Sam's still undefeated here in the AWA. But Stan Hansen's a real tough customer.

Murdoch: I know Stan very well. He's as tough as a $2 dollar steak. This is gonna be a tall order for Sam. But I believe he can get the job done.

Since we're in Vegas, we know he'll be the heavy underdog against Hansen. But sometimes David does slay Goliath and it can happen when the two collide with everything on the line.

Sam: Larry, Coach Murdoch is not only my mentor; I also consider him a good friend. It's great to have someone like him in my corner as I face my biggest challenge to date.

Nelson: Sam Houston, everybody! He's got a chance to become the new AWA World Champion!

In-Studio: Nelson hyoed for next week on AWA on ESPN: AWA World Title Match - Stan Hansen (WC) vs. Sam Houston

Split-screen shot of DeBeers and Muraco with the caption: NEXT... QUALIFIER!



Muraco came to the ring to a strong ovation.

Once in the ring, Muraco saluted the fans.

Announcers said DeBeers has not been seen since losing the coal miner's glove match to Tom Zenk on Christmas night.

DeBeers came out to loud boos but also had his fans.

DeBeers stood on the apron and twirled his mustache before stepping into the ring.

Muraco turned and pulled on the top rope to get loose and DeBeers pounced.

Ref called for the bell.

DeBeers hammered away on Muraco and then slammed Don's head into the top buckle. DeBeers pulled Muraco out of the corner and raked Muraco's eyes across the top rope. Muraco blinded. DeBeers took Muraco over with a snap mare and caught Muraco in a rear chin lock. DeBeers cinched up on the hold and had his knee in Don's back to inflict further pain. DeBeers then drove a knee into Muraco's back and snapped Muraco up and went to whip Don into the ropes but Don reversed and caught DeBeers coming off with a press slam to the delight of the crowd. DeBeers scooted on his ass into the corner. Muraco moved in and grabbed DeBeers' legs. DeBeers grabbed the top rope with both hands. DeBeers desperately hung on to the top rope as Muraco pulled DeBeers into the air and yanked DeBeers. DeBeers lost his grip on the top rope and crashed to the mat. Muraco snapped DeBeers up and popped DeBeers with a gut drop across the knee. Muraco for the pin. 1...2... DeBeers kicked out. DeBeers started to get up and Muraco caught DeBeers in a front facelock and rode DeBeers down to the mat. Muraco with the front facelock firmly locked in. Muraco to his feet with DeBeers still locked in the hold. DeBeers, in the hold, was able to drive Muraco against the ropes. Ref ordered a break. After the break, DeBeers immediately stunned Muraco with a trio of gut kicks and threw Muraco out of the ring through the top and middle rope down to the floor. DeBeers climbed out on the apron and did a jumping stomp from the apron to the floor on Muraco. Muraco in a bad way. Ref counting. DeBeers snapped Muraco up and slammed Muraco's head into the apron. He tried the move again and Muraco stiffened his arms on the apron and resisted having his head slammed into the apron once more. Muraco caught DeBeers with an elbow to the side of the ribs, freed himself from DeBeers' grasp and slammed DeBeers head into the apron. DeBeers staggered off. Muraco quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the 10- count. Muraco stalked DeBeers on the floor, raised his arms and went to hit DeBeers with a double sledge but DeBeers turned and caught Muraco with gut shot. DeBeers caught Muaco with a couple of head shots and sent Muraco crashing shoulder-first into the ring post. Muraco staggered off holding his shoulder. Ref counting. DeBeers quickly climbed into the ring to break the 10-count. Muraco climbed back up on the apron. DeBeers grabbed Muraco on the apron and went to bodyslam Muraco back into the ring but DeBeers lost his footing and crashed to the mat with Muraco on top of him for the cover. 1...2... DeBeers kicked out. Crowd urging on Muraco.

Marshall: These fans really want to see DeBeers lose!

DeBeers up and bent over and Muraco nailed DeBeers with a knee lift. DeBeers fell back into the corner. Muraco nailed Debeers with some head shots and whipped DeBeers into the opposite buckles. Muraco charged in on DeBeers and DeBeers moved and Muraco slammed front-first into the buckles. Muraco slowly extricated himself from the buckles as DeBeers backed up. Muraco turned and DeBeers charged at Muraco and hit Muraco with a running punch to the face. Muraco stunned. DeBeers bodysammed Muraco and then hit Muraco with a knee drop to the head. DeBeers for the cover. 1...2... Muraco kicked out. Fans cheered. Fans started chanting Muraco's name. Muraco started getting up and DeBeers caught him with a boot to the side of the head followed by a gutwrench suplex. DeBeers stomped Muraco and then arrogantly walked on Muraco's stomach. DeBeers snapped Muraco up and whipped Muraco into the buckles. DeBeers moved in and pounded Muraco with a stiff series of forearms to the chest. Muraco hurting. Crowd still urging the big Hawaiian on. DeBeers pulled Muraco out of the corner and bodyslammed Muraco and looked to repeat his knee drop to the head but Muraco rolled out of the way and DeBeers crashed knee-first to the mat. Most of the crowd popped. Both men down. DeBeers grabbing his knee. Ref started the 10-count. Both men made it to their feet before the count of 10. DeBeers caught Muraco with a couple of punches and went to whip Muraco into the ropes but Muraco reversed and caught DeBeers coming off with a clothesline that sent DeBeers crashing to the mat, Fans roared. DeBeers managed to get up and walk right into Muraco's waiting arms. Muraco pulverized DeBeers with a Samoan Drop. Crowd went into orbit (not the gum). Muraco for the cover. 1

Blears: Muraco didn't hook the leg, Lee. That could prove costly.

1...2...thr... DeBeers got a shoulder up. Loud groan from the fans. Muraco snapped DeBeers up and whipped DeBeers into the ropes and caught DeBeers coming off with a powerslam. Crowd got louder. Muraco positioned and stomped DeBeers and went to the corner and mounted the middle rope and came off with a slingshot splash but DeBeers got his knees up and Muraco crashed into them. Both men down. Muraco holding his gut. Ref started the 10-count. Muraco made it to his feet as DeBeers got to his knees. Muraco moved in and grabbed DeBeers and DeBeers popped Muraco with a throat thrust out of view of the ref. DeBeers up, kicked Muraco in the gut doubling over Muraco and then hoisted Muraco up and blasted Muraco with his face-first piledriver finisher. DeBeers turned Muraco over for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3!

Ref called for the bell as most of the fans booed.DeBeers up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

WINNER: DeBeers - Pinfall - 10:26


As DeBeers left the ring after the match, Larry Nelson ran over with mic in hand to get an interview with Col. DeBeers.

Nelson: Col. DeBeers, can I get a word with you?

About the loss in the coal miner's glove match...

DeBeers abruptly cut Nelson off.

DeBeers: The only thing I've got to say is: I'm back! Mad as hell! And people are going to pay just like the decadent American Muraco did!

More boos.

DeBeers turned and walked off as Nelson looked on as the program ended.



Sam Houston | A Wrestler Coming to Terms With His Past
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In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson

Match Commentator: Lee Marshall

Color Commentator: Lord James Blears

(# means aired on a previous AWA show.)

(Before the 3rd taping: Announcer Larry Nelson told the crowd that Wahoo McDaniel had won his PWHC qualifier last week on AWA on ESPN.)

(3rd Taping Re-cap)

In-Studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program.


From Portland Wrestling:
Rip Oliver vs. Billy Jack Haynes

A look back at Sarge's shocking statement about retiring if he can't beat Stan Hansen and re-claim the World Title in a re-match

Candi Devine sees action

Another Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament update with PWI's Bill Apter

Wahoo McDaniel sees singles' action

Jake Milliman grapples

Nelson sent it to the ring in Hammond.

Brad Rheingans won a squash match over Kiko Garcia via pinfall with a German suplex into a bridgeout


Nelson: Brad Rheingans. The fans are wondering if you and Ken Patera have split up after your tough loss to the tag champs the Destruction Crew on Christmas night?

Brad: The answer to your question, Larry, is a simple 'no'. Ken and I have just decided to take a break from tag team wrestling and go our own way for right now in singles' competition.

It's like when members of a rock group split up for a period to pursue solo careers and then get back together down the road.

Nelson: What are you hoping to accomplish as a single?

Brad: Looking to win and get into the title picture. The AWA has a new title that's coming into play. Plus, you've got the World Title out there for the taking as well.

I'm really looking forward to this run as in singles' competition. It's gonna be an exciting time.

Nelson: But it's gonna take a lot of work to climb that ladder and get into the championship mix.

Brad: Most definitely, Larry. I've been training hard for wrestling as a single again. When you've been in a tag team for as long as I have and hardly wrestled any singles' matches during that time, you lose a little of your edge for one-on-one competition.

One-on-one is what I trained for as an amateur, an Olympian and also as a professional. Tag team wrestling is unique. You really have to adjust to it if you want to be successful in the tag team division.

Nelson: Brad Rheingans, everybody.

Nice response from the crowd to Rheingans.

Pic aired of Candi Devine with the caption: NEXT... WOMEN'S ACTION!!!


Candi Devine won a squash match over Dana Plato via submission with the Boston Crab


Nelson: Candi Devine, a strong win over Dana Plato.

You really had that Boston Crab locked in.

Devine: Every win I have is a strong win. You're looking at the best looking, toughest, best female wrestler in the sport today!

Mixed crowd reaction.

Nelson: You don't seem to care who you wrestle.

Devine: That's right. You put them in the ring with me and I'll take 'em down.

I don't care who it is. You can put me in the ring with a fan favorite like Wendi Richter or someone the people despise like the current champion Magnificent Mimi.

I'll take on any and all comers as long I wind up where I belong...which is the top of the women's division here in the AWA!

Mixed crowd reaction.

Nelson: Candi Devine, everybody!

She's coming for...well...everyone!

Pic aired of the PWHC title with the caption: NEXT... TOURNEY UPDATE!

Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


Intro for the PWHC Tournament Update.

Bill Apter of PWI was standing in front of the PWI logo in a suit with mic in hand.

Apter: Hello, wrestling fans.

This is Bill Apter from Pro Wrestling Illustrated with this week's Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update.

The tournament takes place on Saturday, February 17, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California.

The tournament will be held over two sessions in one day. The first session features the opening round matches of the tournament and has a bell time of 12:30pm Pacific Time. The evening session, which will feature the quarter-finals,semi-finals and final of the tournament has a bell time of 7:30pm.

For tickets, contact Ticket Master or the Anaheim Convention Center box office at (714) 555-1812. One ticket gets you in to both sessions.

The tournament is shaping up to be a great event with several non-AWA wrestlers vying for the new championship.

Here are the entrants already in the tournament: Riki Choshu from Japan; Carlos Colon from Puerto Rico; Perro Aguayo from Mexico, Tully Blanchard from the United States; Chris Adams from England; Bruce Hart from Canada and The Iron Sheik from Iran.

The AWA entrants are: Jonnie Stewart and Jake Milliman, plus two new qualifiers.

Those qualifiers are: Chief Wahoo McDaniel and Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine.

And we have a new entrant this week. This is the final non-AWA wrestler who will be wrestling in the tournament.

He hails from Japan. He is well known to AWA fans. He is...Mr. Saito.

Let's take a look at Mr. Saito in action.

(Just pretend the first 60 seconds you see are what you'd see on TV.)

Apter: The tournament has a truly international flavor and is not confined to being an AWA-only event.

Fans, this is shaping up to be one of the wrestling events of the year. Wrestlers from every part of the globe contacted the AWA about being part of this historic event.

And Anaheim is a great place to visit in the winter. There's everything from the warm weather to the beaches to Disneyland and lots in between to partake in in Anaheim and Orange County in general. Plus, there are plenty of good restaurants to eat at and plenty of hotel rooms you can book for your stay.

Be a part of history. Be a part of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament on February 17 in Anaheim.

I'm Bill Apter. See you next week.


Larry Nelson hyped the tourney and told fans we are just a month away from crowning a new champion.

Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Hammond.

Jake Milliman won a squash match over Gordon Gekko via pinfall with his Pasteurizer (flying leg drop) finisher

Jake came out to a strong positive response from the crowd.

Once in the ring, he did his t-shirt shredding and tossed the shirt into the crowd.

After the match, Jake struck a couple of bodybuilder poses.


Jake Milliman! You are going to Anaheim to take part in the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament after your big win recently over Tommy Rich in the qualifying round.

And these fans out here are on board with 'Milkmania'!

Crowd cheered.

Jake: I am preparing for the tournament like I've never prepared before in my career, Larry!

I've been working out and drinking lots of wholesome milk! My bones are stronger than they've ever been and I owe it all to the white stuff!

Crowd cheered Jake.

Nelson: You ever live dangerously and drink chocolate milk?

Jake: Not me! If chocolate's your thing then more power to you! But it's only white milk for the 'Milkman'!

Nelson: Anything you'd like to say before we wrap this up?

Jake: Just one thing.

2 percent forever!

Crowd cheered for their newest hero.

Larry: 'Milkmania' is runnin' wild in the AWA!

Jake 'Milkman' Milliman everybody!

More cheers for Jake.

Pic aired of Sgt. Slaughter with the caption: NEXT... RETIREMENT???!!!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video from the end of Sgt. Slaughter's interview from BISP 2 after Sarge lost the World Title to Stan Hansen.

VIDEO (From Brawl In St. Paul 2):

A dejected Sarge and Eric Bischoff were sitting in the locker room after the match.

Eric: There will obviously be a re-match between you and Hansen at some point down the road. What are your thoughts about the new AWA World Champion right now?

Sarge dabbed more blood off his forehead.

Sarge: At the moment, I don't think very highly of Mr. Hansen. He said that he's been obsessed with winning the AWA World Title a second time since he lost it in 1986. Tonight, he showed the level he would stoop to to make his dream of being a 2-time AWA World Champ a reality.

Eric: Anything you would like to directly say to Stan Hansen?

Blood trickling down Sarge's face.

Sarge: Stan Hansen, enjoy it right now. Go ahead and bask in your victory tonight.

But know this. I'm coming for you Hansen. We're gonna meet again.

And I promise the result will be different...or I will retire from wrestling.

What?! Retire?!

Sarge: That's all I've got to say.

Sarge stood up, tossed the bloody towel on the chair and walked off as a puzzled Bischoff looked on in disbelief at what he just heard.


Larry Nelson spoke of the shock of Sarge saying he would retire if he could not beat Hansen in their re-match. Said Sarge will be putting it all on the line the next time he and Hansen and meet.

Nelson wondered if Sarge should backtrack on the statement since he said it right after losing the belt to Hansen on Christmas night and may have let his emotions get the best of him.

Nelson sent it back to the ring in Hammond.

Wahoo McDaniel won a squash match over Vince Kennedy via pinfall with his big chop finisher


Chief Wahoo McDaniel, you defeated Akio Sato recently in a qualifying match to advance to the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament in Anaheim in a few weeks.

Larry, it's great to make it into the tournament. But the win over Sato is just the first step on the long road to the title.

I'll have to win four matches in one day to be the first Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion ever. And winning that many matches in one day is a tall order for anybody.

But I want the fans to know that I'm gonna fight with everything I've got to win it.

Fans cheered.

Wahoo: This sport is built on championships. This new belt, the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship, is dedicated to the legacy of this great and wild sport. It may be a new belt, but what it already represents is wrestling history.

It would be an honor to be the first Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion.

Nelson: Wahoo McDaniel, everybody!

More cheers.

Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities

In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd the special feature match from Portland Wrestling pitting Billy Jack Haynes against long-time rival Rip Oliver.

Nelson sent it back to the ring in Hammond.

In the ring, Larry Nelson announced the special feature match from Portland Wrestling.

Rip Oliver made his way to the ring to a mediocre response as many fans didn't seem to know who he was.

Once in the ring, Oliver demanded the mic from Larry Nelson and got it.

Rip: Driving here to this arena in Hammond, Indiana, was one of the most god-awful experiences of my life.

Crowd booed.

Rip: I had to drive down some hick road to get here.

I drove past a trailer park. And let me tell you, the stink coming from the trailer park all the way out to the road was one of the worst things I've ever smelled. Do you Indianans bathe with limburger cheese or something?

More boos.

Rip: My opponent, Billy Jack Haynes, would fit in perfectly here in Hammond because he has the two qualities you Hammond-ites admire the most: he's big and stupid.

I can't wait until this match is over so I can get the hell out of the armpit of America.

More boos as Rip handed the mic to Nelson and Rip briefly played to the crowd.

Boos turned to cheers as Billy Jack Haynes made his way down the face aisle to the ring. Most fans knew Haynes from his time in the WWF. Billy slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring.

Billy climbed into the ring and walked up to Larry Nelson.

Billy: Rip, you come out here and insult the people of Hammond, Indiana!

Well, let me tell you something, buddy boy. A town like this is truly the heart of America!

Crowd cheered.

We have a long history with each other, Rip!

And tonight, right here, I'm gonna make you eat those words you said about Hammond and its folks!

More cheers. Haynes handed the mic off.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men out firing and tore into each other with punches. Rip got the upper hand and whipped Billy into the buckles. Rip charged in and Billy moved and Rip slammed front-first into the buckles. Rip turned and walked right into more punches from Billy. Billy whipped Rip into the ropes and caught Rip coming off with a clothesline. Rip crashed to the mat. Billy snapped Rip up and and bodyslammed Rip and went for an elbow smash but Rip rolled out of the way and Billy crashed to the mat. Both men down. Rip got up next to the ropes. Billy up and charged at Rip and Rip backdropped Billy over the top rope down to the floor. Ref ordered Rip to stand back and Rip did so. Ref started the 10-count. Billy getting up next to the apron. Rip stomped Billy in the head through the ropes. Ref reprimanded Rip. Rip made a fist like he was gonna punch the ref. Ref again reprimanded Rip. Billy up next to the apron and Rip went over, leaned over the top rope, grabbed Billy's hair and slammed Billy's head into the apron multiple times. Billy turned facing away from the ring holding his head. Ref ordered Rip back and Rip instead left the ring for the floor. Billy had just started to walk away from the ring when Rip jumped Billy from behind and pounded away on Oregon's favorite son who has serious mental health issues. Ref counting. Rip grabbed Billy by the hair and slammed Billy's head into the ring post. Billy went down on the floor. Rip quickly climbed back into the ring and briefly played to the crowd to boos. Rip left the ring as Billy got to his hands and knees. Rip kicked Billy int the side of the ribs and snapped Billy up. Billy now bleeding. Rip went to whip Billy into the opposite post but Billy reversed and sent Rip slamming head-first into the post. Rip down on the floor. Ref counting. Billy quickly rolled in and out of the ring. Billy snapped up Rip by the hair and now Rip was bleeding. Billy slammed Rip's head into the ring apron three times and then threw Rip back into the ring.

What's this?! Valerie's coming down to ringside! And she's carrying a notepad again!

Blears: She has to be scouting wrestlers.

Crowd booed as Valerie made her way down the heel aisle to ringside to watch and take notes.

Billy climbed in. Rip to his knees. Rip tried to beg off, but Billy ignored his plea and popped Rip with a couple of head shots. Billy started to snap Rip up when Rip caught Billy with an eye poke the ref didn't catch. Rip to his feet and caught Billy with some deliberate head and body shots and then started choking Billy on the top rope. Ref counting. Rip broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Rip repeated the move and again broke it at 4. Billy's neck rested on the top rope. Rip yanked the top rope and Billy snapped back and crashed to the mat. Rip went over and put the boots to Billy as Valerie calmly took notes at ringside. Rip raked his laces across the side of Billy's bloody face, snapped Billy up and whipped Billy into the corner. Rip moved in with punches and then started biting Billy's bloody forehead. Ref counting. Oliver broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Billy looking weak in the corner. Rip with a knee to the gut and then pulled BIlly out of the corner and went for a suplex but Billy twice blocked the move and suplexed Rip instead to the delight of the crowd. Both men down. ref counting. Both men up and Rip walked right into a bodyslam from Billy. Rip up and Billy bodyslammed Rip again. Billy snapped Rip up and slammed Rip's head into the top buckle. Rip spun around in the corner and Billy battered Rip with a barrage of punches. Billy then returned the favor and bit Rip's forehead as the fans popped. Billy broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Billy pulled Rip out of the corner, whipped Rip into the ropes and caught Rip coming off with a press slam. Rip slammed to the mat. Billy maneuvered around behind Rip. Rip up and Billy came up behind Rip and locked him in the full nelson. Crowd eating it up. Rip trying desperately to escape Billy's finisher. Billy with it firmly locked in. After a brief struggle, Rip was able to make it close enough to the ropes to get his leg out over the middle rope to force a break in the hold. Rip climbed out on the ring apron. Ref ordered Billy to stand back. As Billy had words with the ref, Rip, facing the crowd, reached into his tights and brandished a foreign object in his right hand. Rip cllimbed back into the ring and went hit Billy with a foreign object-laden right hand, but Billy ducked the punch try. Rip swung so hard he spun himself around and Billy hoisted Rip up for a belly-to-back suplex. Once Rip was in the air, he hit Billy in the head with the foreign object. Billy crumpled to the match and Rip covered Billy for the pin. Rip had the foreign object hidden in his right hand down by his right thigh out of view of the ref. 1...2...thr... Billy got his foot on the bottom rope. Ref patted Rip on the back and Rip got up thinking he'd won. Rip started strutting around the ring. Rip had thrown his fists in the air. Ref went over and yanked down Rip's right hand. The jerk of Rip's arm led to Rip dropping the weapon. Ref picked it up and looked over at Rip. Rip gesturing he did not use a foreign object. Ref gestured with a fist into an open hand that Rip struck Billy with the object. Rip continued to protest. Ref called for the bell.

Larry Nelson climbed up on the apron and the ref went over to talk to Nelson. Rip tried to argue his case come more with the ref.

Nelson: The referee has disqualified Rip Oliver for using a foreign object on his opponent! Your winner of the match...Billy Jack Haynes!

Crowd cheered.

Valerie turned and left the ringside area and headed back up the heel aisle.

Billy was recovering in the ring. Rip continued to argue with the ref and then dropped the ref with a cheap shot to the jaw.

Billy up, came up behind Rip and locked Rip in the full nelson to the delight of the crowd. Billy cinched up on the hold and Rip couldn't escape. Rip weakened in the hold and became limp. Billy let go and a dazed and confused Rip crumpled to the mat. Billy threw his hands in the air in a defiant gesture of victory as the fans cheered. Ref made it to his feet and was holding his jaw and raised Billy's hand in victory as the segment ended.

WINNER: Haynes - DQ - 8:38

Pic aired of the PWHC Title with the caption: NEXT... QUALIFIER!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson hyped the final two qualifiers for next week:

AWA On ESPN: Manny Fernandez vs. Ken Patera

All-Star Wrestling: Larry Zbyszko vs. The Trooper

Nelson sent it back to the ring in Hammond.


Jack came to the ring to strong boos but also had his fans.

Jack came into the ring and briefly played to the crowd to more boos.

Zenk came to the ring to a good crowd reaction.

Zenk climbed into the ring and acknowledged the fans.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Jack gained the advantage and caught Zenk in a side headlock. Zenk struggled to free himself from the hold. Zenk was finally able to shove Jack off. Jack hit the ropes and came back and Zenk nailed Jack with a shoulder tackle. Jack crashed to the mat. Zenk snapped Jack up, whipped Jack into the ropes and looked to catch Jack coming off with a dropkick but Jack grabbed the top rope and Zenk crashed to the mat. Jack moved in on Zenk as Zenk was getting up and caught Zenk with a kick to the gut. Jack whipped Zenk into the corner. Jack moved in and nailed Zenk with head shots and then started biting Zenk's forehead. Jack broke the illegal move at ref's count of 4. Jack repeated the move and once again broke at 4. Zenk staggered out of the corner by the ropes holding his head. Jack came up behind Zenk and hammered away on Zenk. Zenk leaned next to the ropes. Jack backed up and charged in and nailed Zenk with a running clothesline that sent both men hurtling over the top rope and crashing to the floor. Both men down. Ref started the 10-count. Jack to his feet with a weird smile on his face.

Marshall: I think Jack loves being in pain as much as loves inflicting it!

Jack snapped up Zenk and bodyslammed Zenk on the floor. Jack quickly climbed into the ring to break the 10-count. Ref tried to keep Jack from leaving the ring but that was pointless as Jack climbed out on the apron. Jack ran and jumped off the apron and hit Zenk with a flying elbow smash. Jack then covered Zenk on the floor. Ref counting the 10-count.

Marshall: Sometimes I wonder if Jack even knows what planet he's on!

I ask myself that all the time. Lee. He's out there.

Jack snapped Zenk up and threw Zenk back into the ring. Jack stomped on the downed Zenk's back and slammed Zenk's head into the mat multiple times. Jack snapped Zenk up and went to hoist Zenk up for a pulling piledriver but Zenk twice blocked the move and backdropped Jack to the mat. Crowd cheered. Zenk down to a knee regaining his bearings. Jack up and reached down to grab Zenk but Zenk stunned Jack with a series of gut shots. Zenk to his feet and fired away on Jack with more punches. Zenk whipped jakc into the ropes and caught Jack coming off with a dropkick. Jack crashed to the mat. Jack up and walked right into a bodyslam from Zenk. Tommy Rich charged down the heel aisle and jumped up on the apron. Ref went over and ordered Rich off the apron and the two had words with one another. While they were distracted, Jack slowly made his way to his feet and Zenk nailed Jack with a superkick. Jack crashed to the mat and rolled out on the apron. Zenk pulled Jack into the ring. Rich still arguing with the ref. Zenk covered Jack. Crowd yelling for the ref to turn around. Zenk, frustrated, slapped his own hand to the mat three times. Zenk looked over and saw Rich on the apron arguing with the ref. Zenk went over and had words with Rich. Ref in between the two. Ref facing Rich when Jack recovered enough, came up behind Zenk and nailed Zenk with a low-blow. Zenk stumbled back and crashed to the mat holding his jewels. Rich suddenly stopped arguing with the ref and dropped back to the floor. Ref turned and saw Zenk down in great pain and looked over at Jack and pointed at Jack.

Jack picked up on a mic.

Jack: I didn't do nothin'! He fell down!

Marshall: Well, give Jack points for creativity in the b.s. department.

Jack moved in and stomped on Zenk, snapped Zenk up and sent Zenk slamming into the buckles. Zenk stumbled out of the corner and Jack caught Zenk with a couple of deliberate head shots followed by a discus clothesline. Zenk crashed to the mat. Jack for the cover. 1...2...thr... Zenk kicked out. Crowd popped. Sociologists still wondering why that happens (fans cheering for Zenk). Jack went to whip Zenk into the ropes but Zenk reversed and blasted Jack coming off with a dropkick. Jack crashed to the mat. Jack up and Zenki hit Jack with a second dropkick. Jack slammed back-first into the buckles, bounced out and crashed to the mat. Crowd into it. Rich again climbed up on the apron and the ref went over and ordered Rich off the apron. Zenk saw what was happening and went over and tried to get at Rich with the ref between them trying to keep them apart. Jack recovered enough to sneak up behind Zenk and roll Zenk up for the pin. Rich gestured at the ref to turn around. Ref quickly over and dropped down. 1... Jack grabbed a handful of tights. ...2...thr... Zenk kicked Jack off. Crowd popped. The two men got to their feet and Jack caught Zenk with a kick to the gut. Zenk stumbled back against the ropes holding his gut. Rich had not dropped off the apron and Rich grabbed Zenk from behind. Ref ordering Rich off the apron to no avail. Jack backed up and charged at Zenk but Zenk escaped Rich's grasp and Jack slammed into Rich. Rich crashed to the floor as the crowd roared. Zenk rolled the dazed Jack up from behind for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and the fans were ecstatic (Why? It's Tom Zenk).

Zenk up and the ref raised a happy Zenk's hand in victory as the program ended.

WINNER: Zenk - Pinfall - 8:47







the autumn wind

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Sep 19, 2022
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It was all just a dream.

And then Verne Gagne died.


the autumn wind

Active Member
Sep 19, 2022
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(Even though I'm not posting this here anymore, I decided to go ahead and post the Final 4, Final and AWA World Title match from the Pro Wrestling Heritage Tournament since I had advertised it on here.)




***15-minute intermission after the Round of 8****


(Both matches have a 45-minute time-limit.)


Wahoo McDaniel vs. Col. DeBeers

DeBeers came down the heel aisle to the ring to loud boos and some trash tossed in his direction.

DeBeers stepped in the ring and took the ring mic from Larry Nelson. Most fans booed mightily but some wanted to hear what the Colonel had to say.

Fans threw trash at the Colonel in the ring.

DeBeers: This so fitting. Trashy American fans throwing thrash at a noble South African.

More boos and trash.

DeBeers: We don't know if Wahoo's going to be able to wrestle this match against me tonight after his unfortunate accident with Tully Blanchard.

Wahoo could show us he's a noble American by not bothering to come out here and suffer even more damage to his...

Crowd popped as Wahoo, limping and with his left knee area taped up, came hobbling to the ring. Wahoo made his way up the steps and climbed into the ring.

DeBeers: Wahoo McDaniel! You're a Native American! Do the right thing for all Americans and put your ego to the side and forfeit this match to me! Don't be like the red, white and blue flag waving fools in this crowd!

More boos.

Wahoo told the ref to grab the mic. Ref took the mic from DeBeers and walked over and handed it off to Wahoo.

Wahoo: Col. DeBeers! I owed it to these fans out here; these hard-working Americans you loathe so much, to continue the fight for them!

Crowd cheered.

Wahoo: I'll deal with Tully Blanchard on another day for what he did to me!

But I just wanted to say that while America isn't perfect it's still the best country on earth!

More cheers.

Wahoo: And the best thing about this country is we have free speech! And that means even you can spew your vile garbage without punishment because that speech is protected!

And since I'm talking about free speech...

DeBeers! You're a Nazi! And I hate Nazis!

Big pop from the crowd.

Wahoo handed the mic off to the ref who handed it off to Larry Nelson.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men came out of their corners and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. DeBeers drove Wahoo against the ropes and the ref ordered a break. DeBeers started to back up and then stunned Wahoo with a kick to his left knee. DeBeers kicked the knee again. DeBeers drove Wahoo into the corner and kicked Wahoo in the knee once more and it lit a fire under Wahoo. Wahoo fired away on DeBeers with a blistering series of open hand chest chops that echoed through the crowd. DeBeers staggered bacwards from the effects of the blasts. Wahoo grabbed DeBeers and went to suplex DeBeers but struggled to lift DeBeers because of his injured left knee. Wahoo then found the strength to hoist DeBeers up and suplex him to the mat. Wahoo rolled over and grabbed his left leg. Ref checked on Wahoo as DeBeers up and stomped Wahoo on the outside of Wahoo's left knee area. DeBeers grabbed Wahoo's left leg and grapevined it. Wahoo in serious pain.

Blears: The grapevine not only affects the knee; it also affects the entire leg. The possible damage being done to Wahoo's leg right now is incalculable.

Wahoo not giving up. DeBeers cinched up on the hold. Wahoo found the strength to maneuver just enough while locked in the hold to grab the bottom rope and force a break in the hold. Wahoo in bad shape. DeBeers released the hold and snapped up Wahoo and slammed Wahoo's head into the top buckle. Wahoo spun around in the corner. DeBeers caught Wahoo with a head shot and then, in a move many would find extremely offensive today because people can't handle anything anymore, DeBeers did a loud Indian war whoop (patting your hand on your mouth and going Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!). DeBeers then belted Wahoo with a series of deliberate chest chops. Between the chops and the shaky knee, Wahoo not in a good way. Ref ordered DeBeers back and briefly talked with Wahoo to see if the Indian star could continue. Wahoo said 'yes' and the ref ordered the match to continue. DeBeers grabbed Wahoo's left leg and placed it out over the middle rope area. DeBeers grabbed Wahoo's foot and yanked on it with Wahoo's leg now wrapped around the left rope. Ref order a break and DeBeers obliged and stepped back. Wahoo hobbled out of the corner. DeBeers moved and caught Wahoo with a gut kick and then bodyslammed Wahoo to the mat. DeBeers then popped Wahoo with a knee drop to the head. DeBeers for the cover. 1...2... Wahoo kicked out. Fans cheered. Wahoo for the cover again and this time rolled Wahoo up while grabbing Wahoo's tights. 1...2...thr... Wahoo kicked DeBeers off. DeBeers crashed to the mat to more cheers from the fans. Wahoo to his knees. DeBeers moved in to grab Wahoo but Wahoo caught DeBeers with shots to the gut that stunned DeBeers. Wahoo rose to his feet and belted DeBeers with a series of chest chops. Wahoo grabbed DeBeers' hair, did the war dance and popped DeBeers in the head with a tomahawk chop. DeBeers crashed to the mat. Wahoo for the cover. 1...2... DeBeers kicked out. Wahoo up as DeBeers getting to his feet and Wahoo drove a knee into DeBeers' gut. Wahoo whipped DeBeers into the ropes and looked to backdrop DeBeers coming off but DeBeers caught Wahoo with a club to the back. Wahoo shot up and staggered back, and in a move most had never seen before, DeBeeds dropped to a knee and clotheslined the back of Wahoo's left knee area. Wahoo crumpled to the mat. DeBeers stood up and further infuriated fans by doing the Florida State Tomahawk Chop. Wahoo down grabbing at his left knee and DeBeers took the opportunity to stomp Wahoo in the head. Wahoo in serious pain and rolled over on his front side and DeBeers grabbed Wahoo's leg and violently slammed it into the mat three times. Things getting worse. Wahoo down and the ref checking on him. DeBeers left the ring and went over to Larry Nelson at ringside.

DeBeers: Wahoo! This can only end very badly for you! Be like the typical American and just quit right now!

Loud boos.

DeBeers: There's no shame in quitting, Chief! Quitting is the decadent American way!

And one more thing! After I finish you off here tonight, Wahoo, could I ask you a favor?! Could you get me a carton of cheap smokes and some M-80s?!

That really set the crowd off. DeBeers climbed back into the ring as the ref cleared Wahoo to continue. Wahoo getting up and DeBeers again struck Wahoo with some chest chops and Wahoo couldn't fight back. DeBeers reached down and grabbed Wahoo's left leg and held it up as Wahoo jumped around to maintain his balance. DeBeers held the leg and punched the knee area in deliberate fashion on three occasions.DeBeers let out an Indian war cry to mock Wahoo then Wahoo suddenly struck Wahoo in the head with a punch and DeBeers lost his grip on Wahoo's leg. Wahoo found the strength to catch DeBeers with rapid-fire series of chest chops, whip DeBeers into the ropes and catch DeBeers coming off with his big chop to the chest finisher. DeBeers crashed to the mat. Wahoo for the cover and hooked the leg. Crowd counted along. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans let out one of their loudest roars of the tournament. Wahoo released DeBeers and rolled off of DeBeers and sat up and the ref raised Wahoo's hand in victory to the delight of the crowd. Wahoo slowly made it to his feet and was hobbling. Wahoo made it out of the ring and walked back up the face aisle under his own power.

But what kind of shape would he be in in the final?

WINNER: Wahoo - Pinfall - 10:24



Carlos Colon vs. Greg Valentine

Colon came down the face aisle to the ring to a strong ovation after his win over Jonnie Stewart in less than a minute.

Valentine made his way down the the heel aisle to loud boos after defeating the crowd's favorite, Jake Milliman.

Ref called for the bell.

Colon tore out of his corner and tackled Greg to the mat and started hammering away on Greg with punches as the fans roared. Greg fought back and the two rolled around on the mat exchanging blows. Ref got the two separated and both men made it to their feet and Greg went to punch Colon but Colon blocked the punch try and nailed Greg with a jumping headbutt. Greg crashed to the mat and quickly rolled out of the ring and dropped to his feet on the floor as Colon stood in the ring at the ready. Greg staggering around on the floor as the ref started the 10-count. Greg made his way up the stairs and when he got to the top step, waved off Colon with a blow-off gesture, walked down the steps and started to head back up the heel aisle. Colon bolted the ring and chased Greg down in the heel aisle, spun Greg around and popped Greg with another punch and grabbed Greg by the hair and walked Greg back to ringside and slammed Greg's head into the ring apron. Ref counting the 10-count. Colon whipped Greg into the steel ringside barricade and then quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the ref's count. Colon grabbed Greg in a side headlock and went to ram the top of Greg's head into the post but Greg shoved Colon off and Carlos slammed shoulder-first into the post and staggered off grabbing his left shoulder. Greg regained his bearings and came up behind Colon and smashed Colon in the back with a forearm blow. Greg then threw Colon into the ring steps. Colon crashed into them and went down on the floor. Ref counting. Greg quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the 10-count. Colon getting to his feet and Greg went over and caught Colon with an elbow smash to the back of the neck and then grabbed Colon's hair, walked Colon over to the announcer's table and slammed Colon's head into the top of one of the TV monitors. Colon crumpled to the floor. Ref counting Greg looked out at the crowd who serenaded him with mostly boos but also some cheers. Greg pulled Colon up by the hair and Colon was bleeding. Ref counting. Greg slammed Colon's head three times into the top of the ringside barricade. Colon spun around next the barricade. Greg rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Greg moved in on Colon and Colon stunned Greg with a kick to the gut. Colon caught Greg with a couple of head shots, grabbed Greg around the waist and drove Greg back-first into the ring apron as the crowd cheered. Colon rolled back into the ring to beat the count. Greg on his feet facing the crowd. Colon reached down over the top rope, grabbed Greg's hair and pulled Greg up to the apron. Colon hoisted Greg up horizontally and pulled Greg back over the top rope into the ring for a bodyslam but Greg grabbed the top rope and a struggle ensued. Colon finally yanked Greg hard enough that Greg lost his grip on the rope but Colon stumbled back and crashed to the mat with Greg on top of him for the pin. 1...2... Colon kicked out. Both men up and Greg kicked Colon in the side of the ribs and then nailed Colon with three bionic elbows to the top of the head, the third sent Colon crashing to the mat.

Greg reached down and grabbed Colon's left leg, yanked on it a few times and went for the figure four but Colon snatched Greg in a small package for the pin. 1...2... Greg kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both men up and Colon grabbed Greg and went to whip Greg into the buckles but Greg reversed and sent Colon slamming into them so hard that Colon crashed on his ass in the corner. Greg moved in and stomped Colon in the chest and then started choking Colon out with his boot. Greg broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Greg repeated the foot choke and again broke at 4. Greg pulled Colon to his feet, pulled Colon out of the corner and nailed Colon with a suplex. Greg then hit Colon with a pointed elbow drop to the mid-section and went for the cover. 1...2... Colon kicked out. Fans cheered. Greg snapped Colon up, whipped Colon into the ropes and looked to catch Colon coming off with a backdrop but Colon instead caught Greg in a front facelock and nailed Greg with a swinging neckbreaker. Crowd popped. Both men down. Ref counting. Colon up just before Greg. Colon nailed Greg with a running punch to the head that dropped Greg. Colon then clinched his fists and started running in place and slammed his fists on the mat as Greg got up. Crowd into it. Greg up and started backing up as Colon slowly moved in on him. Greg tried to bolt the ring but Colon grabbed Greg by the tights and pulled Greg back into the ring. Colon caught Greg with a bridging belly-to-back suplex for the pin. 1...2...thr... Greg kicked out. Crowd groaned. Colon snapped Greg up and slammed Greg's head into the top buckle three times. Greg spun around in the corner and Colon whipped Greg into the opposite buckles.. Colon charged in on Greg and Greg got a boot up and Colon slammed face-first into the boot and crashed into the mat. Greg came out of the corner and stomped away on Colon. Greg snapped Colon up, whipped Colon into the ropes and caught Colon coming off with a back elbow to the chest that sent Colon back down. Colon got to all fours by the ropes and Greg took the opportunity to grab the top rope and drive a series of knees into the side of Colon's ribs. Greg broke the illegal move at the counr of 4. Greg the raked his boot laces across the side of Colon's face. Colon grabbed his face. Greg snapped up Colon and bodyslammed him. Greg mounted the middle rope in the corner and came off with an elbow smash to the chest that delivered. Greg for the cover. 1...2...thr... Colon kicked out. Crowd cheered. Greg snapped Colon up and went for a suplex on Colon but Colon wriggled free, dropped down behind Greg and caught Greg in a sleeper. Fans cheered. Greg trying to free himself from the hold. Colon cinched up on the hold as Greg started to weaken. In desperation, Greg lunged towards the ropes and he and Colon toppled through the top and middle rope and crashed down to the floor. Ref counting. Announcers pointed out that if both men were counted out then Wahoo would become the PWHC Champion. Both men stirred as the count grew. Greg managed to get to his feet and roll in first at the count of 8 and Colon just barely beat the 10-count. Greg reached down to grab Colon and Colon caught Greg with a trio of gut shots as he got to his feet. Colon then blasted Greg with punches as the fans were on their feet cheering for him. Final punch doubled Greg over and Colon blasted Greg with a knee lift. Greg snapped back and crashed to the mat. Colon did a quick cartwheel and then grabbed the stunned Greg, hoisted Greg on his shoulder and nailed Greg with a running powerslam. Greg laid out in the ring. Colon went for a diving headbutt but Greg rolled out of the way and Colon slammed head-first into the mat killing his momentum. Colon holding his head. Both men down. Ref counting. Both men slowly made it to their feet and Greg stunned Colon with a kick to the gut. Greg then hoisted Colon up and blasted Colon with a piledriver. Greg for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans booed but Greg also had his fans.

Greg to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory.

'The Hammer' had made it to the finals.

WINNER: Valentine - Pinfall - 12:36

FINAL MATCH-UP: Wahoo McDaniel vs. Greg Valentine

***15-minute intermission. Ring announcer Larry Nelson made some announcements during the break and told the fans the AWA was coming back to the Anaheim Convention Center in April and tickets would go on sale Monday, February 26 at 10am. Many fans cheered the news.***

AWA WORLD TITLE MATCH (If Sarge does not regain the title, he MUST retire!)

Stan Hansen (WC) vs. Sgt. Slaughter

Larry Nelson stood center ring with mic in hand.

Nelson: Ladies and Gentlemen! Would you please welcome the guest ring announcer for our next match.

You know him from Pro Wrestling Illustrated! He is Bill Apter!

Many fans cheered as Apter, in a suit and tie, came down the face aisle to the ring, Apter slapped hands with some fans on the way to the ring and climbed in.

Apter took the mic from Larry Nelson.

Apter: Thank you for that wonderful response. How about I walk back up the aisle and down to the ring once more because I enjoyed the reaction so much?

Nelson, chuckling, shook his head 'no'. Fans cheered.

Apter: I guess that's a no, Larry?

Nelson shook his head 'yes' and was picked up on the mic.

Nelson: That's correct.

Nelson left the ring.

Apter: Oh, well. I tried, fans.

Brief pause...

Marine Corps Hymn filled the arena and the fans popped big-time as a determined Sgt. Slaughter made his way down the face aisle to the ring, Sarge climbed into the ring and saluted the crowd on all four sides of the squared circle.

Sarge went to a neutral corner.

Boos started rising as soon as the fans saw World Champion Stan Hansen start making his way down the heel aisle to the ring. Hansen was power-walking with purpose and thrashing his bullrope around, Hansen had his bullrope and bell in his hands and was wearing the soon-to-be defunct version of the World Title around his waist, Hansen let out a gutteral yell at ringside. AWA had brought back the classic silver World Title belt, aka, the license plate* that the winner of the match would be getting. Hansen climbed in the ring and continued the bullrope thrashing and Bill Apter scurried out of the way so as not to be stung by the rope. Hansen then waved his cowbell in the air and threw up the 'Hook 'Em Horns' sign and went to his corner and handed off his rope and bell and removed his cowboy hat, vest and chaps.

(* Belt was called the 'license plate' as an inside reference to the big silver belt being made in a Colorado prison.)

Crowd buzzing.

Apter: This contest is scheduled for one fall with a 60-minute time-limit and is for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship!

More buzzing.

Apter: If Sgt. Slaughter does not regain the title in this match then he must retire!

Fans into it.

Apter: Introducing first, the challenger! He hails from Parris Island, South Carolina and weighs in at 305 pounds... Sgt. Slaughter!

Nice pop from the crowd. Sarge stayed in his corner and did not react to the crowd response. He was all business.

Apter: And his opponent!

Cheers turned to mostly boos but Hansen had his fans in the crowd.

Apter: He is the reigning AWA World Heavyweight Champion! From Borger, Texas! Weighing in at 321 pounds... Stan 'The Lariat' Hansen!

Boos grew louder.

Apter: Your referee is Marty Miller!

Miller held up the new/old belt for all to see before handing it off to Larry Nelson on the floor.

Miller called Hansen and Sarge out to the middle of the ring. As Hansen and Sarge locked eyes, Miller laid down the ground rules and patted each man down. Hansen and Sarge were talking to each other.

Miller called for the bell and it was on!

The two men were still talking to each other when Hansen suddenly pushed Sarge. Sarge responded by pushing Hansen back. The two men circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Sarge drove Hansen against the ropes and the ref ordered a break, Break was clean. They engaged in another collar-and elbow tie-up and Sarge gained the advantage and caught Hansen and took Hansen over in a side headlock takedown. Sarge still with the hold locked in on Hansen. Sarge working over the headlock. Hansen was able to grab a handful of tights and turn Sarge over into a pin. 1... Sarge shifted and regained control with Hansen still in the headlock. Hansen again grabbed Sarge's tights and turned Sarge over for a pin once more while holding the tights. 1...2... Sarge shifted and regained the upper hand with Hansen still in the side headlock. As Sarge worked over the headlock, Hansen once again grabbed a handful of tights and turned Sarge over for a pin. 1...2... Sarge once again shifted and regained the advantage. Sarge made it to a knee with Hansen, now also to knee, still locked in the hold. Sarge and Hansen to their feet with Hansen still locked in the hold. Hansen tried to escape but Sarge had the headlock firmly locked on. Hansen was finally able to counter with a belly-to-back suplex to free himself from the hold. Both men up and Hansen moved in and pounded away on Sarge. Hansen whipped Sarge into the corner and charged in on Sarge but Sarge moved and Hansen slammed front-first into the buckles. Sarge immediately took advantage and rolled Hansen up from behind for the pin. 1... Hansen kicked Sarge off, Sarge grabbed Hansen as Hansen was getting up and slammed Hansen's head into the top turnbuckle. Hansen leaned face-first against the buckle. Sarge went to grab Hansen from behind and Hansen low-blowed Sarge by driving his lower leg into Sarge's groin. Sarge stumbled back holding the goods. Hansen moved in and caught Sarge with some punches and then nailed Sarge with a suplex followed by an elbow smash to the chest. Hansen covered Sarge. 1... Sarge kicked out. Hansen snapped up Sarge and whipped Sarge into the buckles. Hansen backed up and charged in and blasted Sarge with a running shoulder block to the gut. Sarge hurting in the corner. Hansen pulled Sarge out of the corner and threw Sarge through the top and middle rope out of the ring and Sarge crashed to the unforgiving concrete floor, Ref ordered Hansen back and Hansen obliged. Ref started the 10-count. Count grew. Sarge slowly to his feet on the floor. Hansen broke the count by going over and reaching over the top rope, grabbing Sarge by the hair and deliberately slamming Sarge's head multiple times into the ring apron. Sarge down to a knee on the floor. Hansen left the ring and went over and shoved Larry Nelson out of his chair at the timekeeper's and folded up the unforgiving steel weapon. Ref counting.

Hansen slowly moved in on Sarge and raised the chair over his head as Sarge got to his feet. Hansen went to hit Sarge with the chair but Sarge caught Hansen with a kick to the gut that stunned Hansen. Hansen still holding the chair. Sarge caught Hansen with a second kick to the gut and Hansen dropped the chair. Ref counting. Crowd into it. Sarge grabbed Hansen and threw Hansen into the steel ringside barricade. Sarge quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Announcers said the referee was letting them fight because of what's at stake. Sarge moved in on Hansen and Hansen kicked Sarge in the gut and moved away from the barricade and caught Sarge with some punches. Ref counting. Hansnen grabbed Sarge and whipped Sarge into the far barricade and charged in looking to clothesline Sarge over the barricade but Sarge moved and Hansen slammed front-first into the barricade. Crowd popped. Sarge grabbed Hansen and slammed Hansen's head into the ring post and Hansen went down on the floor. Sarge quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Hansen got to his knees and was bleeding. Sarge pulled Hansen up by the hair and slammed Hansen's head into the ring apron three times and Hansen went down to a knee. Sarge grabbed Hansen and went to whip Hansen into the steel barricade but Hansen reversed and Sarge slammed hard into the barricade and went down. Ref counting. Hansen quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Hansen went over and grabbed the chair that was laying on the floor. Sarge up and staggered away from the barricade. Hansen moved in on Sarge and blasted Sarge with a couple of chair shots in the back, tossed the chair and grabbed Sarge and slammed Sarge head-first into the ring post. Sarge went down on the floor. Ref counting. Hansen climbed back in the ring to break the count. Hansen had words with the ref as Sarge got to his knees by the ring apron. Sarge bleeding. Hansen out on the apron and stomped Sarge in the head. Hansen went and grabbed the chair once again and raised it over his head to strike Sarge as Sarge was getting up. Hansen started to bring the chair down on Sarge's head but Sarge caught the chair and a struggle ensued for control of the chair. Ref counting. Sarge was able to catch Hansen with a couple of kicks to the gut and Hansen lost his grip on the chair. Sarge raised the chair over his head and brought it down on Hansen's head as the crowd roared. Hansen stunned. Sarge tossed the chair and threw Hansen back into the ring. Sarge followed. Hansen got up and Sarge stunned Hansen with punches, grabbed the shaky Hansen by the hair, spun his right arm around and blasted Hansen with a roundhouse right to the jaw. Hansen crashed to the mat. Crowd roared. Sarge for the cover. 1...2...thr... Hansen kicked out. Crowd groaned. Sarge snapped Hansen up and whipped Hansen into the buckles. Sarge charged at Hansen and looked to hit Hansen with a running shoulder block of his own but Hansen moved and Sarge crashed shoulder-first into the ring post. Hansen down to a knee next to the ropes. Intense crowd buzzing. Sarge started to extract himself from the post as Hansen got up and clubbed Sarge in the back, pulled Sarge back into the ring and hit Sarge with a snap suplex followed by a series of brutal stomps. Crowd rooting on Sarge. Hansen grabbed Sarge's legs and, after a brief struggle, turned Sarge over into the Brazos Valley backbreaker (Boston Crab). Sarge fighting not tot submit as Hansen tightened up on the hold. Sarge started inching towards the ropes. Fans urging Sarge on. Sarge in great pain but not giving up. Sarge inched closer top the ropes and they were just out of reach. Finally, Sarge moved close enough to get his hand on the bottom rope. Hansen still had Sarge in the hold as the ref ordered a break but Hansen wouldn't let go. Ref started the 5 count. Hansen let go of Sarge at the count of 4.. Sarge in a bad way.

Hansen stomped Sarge in the back, snapped up Sarge and bodyslammed Sarge. Hansen went for a knee drop to the head that connected. Hansen for the cover. 1...2...thr... Sarge got a shoulder up. Fans popped. Hansen whipped Sarge into the ropes and looked to catch Sarge coming off with a clothesline but Sarge ducked the move and came back and nailed Hansen with a flying shoulder tackle. Hansen crashed to the mat as the fans roared, Both men down and wearing the crimson mask. Ref counting the 10-count. Both men stirred as the count rose. Both men to their feet and Hansen went to punch Sarge but Sarge blocked the punch try and punched Hansen and the punch spun Hansen around and Sarge locked Hansen in the Cobra Clutch submission hold as the fans roared. Hansen fighting not to pass out in the hold. Hansen getting weaker and weaker. Hansen going limp. Ref raised Hansen's arm and it dropped by Hansen's side. Ref raised Hansen's arm again with the same result. Ref grabbed Hansen's arm a third time, lifted it and let it go and it started to drop but Hansen was able to stop his arm from falling to his side. In desperation Hansen was able, while still locked in the hold to move over by the ropes to grab the top rope and force a break in the hold. Hansen fell out through the top and middle rope to the apron. Ref ordered Sarge to stand back and Sarge did and ref started the 10-count. Hansen dropped to his feet on the floor, went over and grabbed the chair and tossed it into the ring. Ref counting. Sarge picked up the chair and unfolded it and sat down in it and gestured for Hansen to get his ass back in the ring. Fans cheered. Hansen up on the apron and slowly climbed back in. Sarge stood up and the ref quickly grabbed the chair, folded it and tossed it out of the ring. The two men walked up to one another, butted heads and had more words with one another. Hansen pie-faced Sarge. Sarge responded with a punch flurry on Hansen. Sarge whipped Hansen into the ropes and caught Hansen coming off in a bearhug. Hansen fighting not to submit again. Sarge cinched up on the hold but Hansen not giving up. Hansen raked Sarge's eyes and and Sarge lost his grip on the hold. Sarge grabbed his eyes and Hansen grabbed Sarge and slammed Sarge's head into the top turnbuckle. Sarge spun around in the corner and Hansen caught him with a series of gut punches, grabbed Sarge and threw Sarge down on the mat by the ropes. Crowd urging Sarge on. Hansen grabbed the top rope and stood on Sarge's back and broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Hansen grabbed Sarge, hoisted Sarge up and blasted Sarge with a powerbomb.

Marshall: I don't see how Sarge gets out of this.

Hansen for the cover. 1...2...thr...

Marshall: He got out of it.

Sarge got a shoulder up. Fans popped. Hansen snapped Sarge up and went to suplex Sarge but Sarge twice blocked the move and nailed Hansen with an inverted suplex slam (think gourdbuster). Crowd roared. Sarge fell back against the ropes. Sarge dropped to his knees as Hansen rolled over on his back and Sarge covered Hansen. 1...2...thr... Hansen kicked out. Crowd groaned. Sarge started to pull Hansen up when Hansen caught Sarge with shots to the gut. The two men engaged in a violent punch exchange. Sarge gained the advantage and went to whip Hansen into the ropes but Hansen reversed and caught Sarge coming off with a scoop powerslam. Crowd let out a collective gasp, groan. Hansen up and adjusted his elbow pad.

Marshall: He's adjusting the elbow pad. We know what's coming.

Sarge down and hurting. Hansen let out his gutteral yell. Most fans booed the hell out of him.

Blears: Here it comes, Lee. One of the most devastating finishers in wrestling.

Hansen snapped Sarge up, whipped Sarge into the ropes and went to hit Sarge with his lariat finisher but Sarge ducked the move, hit the ropes and came back with the...


Crowd exploded like a bomb at the test site in Mercury, Nevada.

Hansen crashed to the mat. Sarge covered Hansen, hooked the leg and rolled over on his back on Hansen's chest. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as a deafening roar rippled all the way from the arena through Disneyland.

Sarge rolled off of Hansen.

Apter up on the apron with the new belt in hand and a mic. Ref went over and briefly talked with Apter and took the belt from him.

An exhausted Sarge made it to his feet.

Apter: In a time of 19 minutes, 19 seconds, your winner... and for the second time AWA World Heavyweight Champion... Sgt. Slaughter!

Crowd roared for the announcement.

Ref handed Sarge the belt and raised Sarge's hand in victory to more crowd approval.

Sarge held the belt up above his head with both hands as the fans ate it up/

Sarge then sluing the belt over his shoulder and did a fist pump with his left hand. Sarge left the ring, dropped to the floor and held the belt aloft with one hand at ringside to more cheers. Sarge held the belt aloft with one hand all the way back up the face aisle.

WINNER: Sarge - Pinfall - 19:19



Greg Valentine vs. Wahoo McDaniel

Greg Valentine came down the heel aisle to loud boos from the crowd and made his way into the ring.

Greg was all business and walked around in the ring not acknowledging the crowd.

Long pause...

Announcers wondered if Wahoo was even going to be able to wrestle in the final.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Wahoo came hobbling down the face aisle to the ring. Wahoo carefully made his way up the ring steps into the ring and climbed in to a strong pop from the crowd.

His left knee area was still taped up.

An AWA official came to the ring with a black bag and climbed into the ring.

Larry Nelson standing center ring with mic in hand.

Nelson: This contest is scheduled for one-fall with a 60-minute time-limit and is the final of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament!

Crowd worn out from the last match but still had some buzzing in them.

Nelson: The winner will become the first-ever Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion!

Introducing first! He hails from Seattle, Washington and weighs in at 251 pounds... Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine!

Loud boos but Valentine had his fans.

Valentine remained in his corner but showed no reaction to the negative crowd response.

Nelson: And his opponent!

Roar started to ripple through the crowd.

Nelson: He hails from Midland, Texas and weights in at 263 pounds... 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel!

Nice pop for Wahoo, but fans still a little fried from the previous match.

Nelson: Gary DeRusha is your referee!

Not much love shown from the crowd for Gary.

AWA official removed the new PWHC Title from the black bag and handed it to the referee.

Ref held the belt aloft and walked to all four sides of the ring showing it to the crowd.

Ref handed the belt off to Larry Nelson who took it over to the timekeeper's table.

Ref called for the bell and it was on!

The two men came out of their corners and circled one another. Valentine swung at Wahoo and Wahoo dodged the punch try and fired away on Greg with knife-edge chest chops. Wahoo whipped the stunned Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with his big chop to the chest finisher. Greg crashed to the mat but Wahoo suddenly crumpled to the mat grabbing his left knee. Crowd urging on Wahoo to cover Greg. Wahoo made an extremely slow cover. 1...2... Greg kicked out. Massive groan from the crowd. Wahoo up as Greg was getting up. Wahoo grabbed Greg and went to whip Greg into the ropes but Greg reversed and caught Wahoo coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Wahoo fell back against the ropes. Greg caught Wahoo with a bionic elbow to the top of the head. Greg pulled Wahoo away from the ropes and bodyslammed Wahoo. Greg mounted the middle rope in the corner and came off with an elbow smash but Wahoo rolled out of the way and Greg slammed to the mat. Fans cheered. Both men getting to their feet and Greg caught Wahoo with an elbow smash to the back of the neck. Greg went to whip Wahoo into the buckles but Wahoo reversed and Greg slammed into them. Greg hit the buckles, staggered out of the corner and was greeted by a series of chest chops from Wahoo. After the last chop, Greg took a couple of steps forward and crashed on his face in the ring. Fans cheered. Wahoo hobbling. Wahoo reached down and started to pull Greg up when Greg grabbed Wahoo's legs and pulled them out from under Wahoo and Wahoo crashed to the mat. Greg up and grabbed Wahoo's left leg and started dropping elbows into the left knee area. Wahoo hurting. Greg let go of the leg and stomped Wahoo and dragged Wahoo by the legs over by the ropes. Greg left the ring for the floor and pulled Wahoo's legs out to the knee area so they were hanging over the apron. Greg then violently slammed Wahoo's leg into the ring apron multiple times. Ref counting the 10-count. Wahoo scooted back in the ring holding his left knee. Greg back in the ring. Ref asked Wahoo if he was OK and Wahoo waved off the ref. Wahoo down and Greg stomped the knee, grabbed Wahoo's left leg and wrapped Wahoo up in the figure four. Wahoo writhing in pain in the hold but not giving up. Crowd cheering for Wahoo to keep fighting. Wahoo struggled for a bit and the found the strength to try and reverse the hold. After a brief struggle, Wahoo turned Greg over. Fans went wild. Greg now the one in pain but Greg was close enough to be able to grab the bottom rope and force a break. The two men untangled their legs and slowly made it to their feet. Greg booted Wahoo in the left knee and Wahoo fell against the ropes. Greg caught Wahoo with a couple of punches, pulled Wahoo away from the ropes and went to bodyslam Wahoo but... in a repeat of the Wahoo/Tully finish... Wahoo caught Greg in a small package for the pin. Fans popped and rose to their feet. 1...2...thr... Greg kicked out. Fans groaned. Both men up and Wahoo laid into Greg with a blistering series of open-hand chest chops that drove Greg into the corner. Greg stunned and dropped to a knee. Greg draped his arm out over the middle rope and the ref ordered a break. Wahoo broke and started to back off when Greg again punched Wahoo in the side of the left knee. Wahoo turned away from Greg and started hobbling in the other direction when Greg came up behind Wahoo and nailed Wahoo with a kick to the back of the knee area and Wahoo crumpled to the mat. Greg grabbed Wahoo's left leg, yanked on it a few times, and once again locked Wahoo in the figure four. Once again, the crowd urged Wahoo on in the hopes the Indian star wouldn't give in to the hold. Wahoo kept fighting and fans kept yelling for him. Wahoo then started to reverse the hold. Fans whooping it up. Wahoo had the hold turned half way over when Greg shifted his weight and regained control of the hold. Wahoo kept fighting but was clearly weakening. Wahoo's shoulders fell to the mat. 1...2...thr... Wahoo sat back up. Fans cheered. Wahoo struggling but not quitting. After another minute in the hold, Wahoo now started to strongly fade. The pain was becoming too much. Wahoo's shoulders fell back to the mat. Ref counted. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as most in the crowd booed but some also cheered. Greg held the hold on a little longer before releasing it and getting to his feet. Ref raised his hand in victory.

Ref went over and talked with Larry Nelson,

Nelson: In a time of 8 minutes, 27 seconds, your winner... and first-ever Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion... Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine!

More boos as Greg threw his fists victoriously in the air and strutted around the ring.

Nelson: And now, coming down the aisle to present the belt to the new champion is AWA promoter Verne Gagne.

Gagne came down the face aisle to the ring in a suit and tie and climbed in the ring, took the belt from the ref and handed it to Greg and shook Greg's hand to more crowd boos.

Greg slung the belt over his shoulder as the Nelson went up to interview him.

Nelson: Greg Valentine! You just defeated Wahoo McDaniel in a tough match to become the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champ0ion! Do you have anything to say?

Greg: I do, Nelson! To a more deserving guy this couldn't have happened!

More boos as Greg went and stood on the middle rope in the corner and held the belt aloft with both hands. Greg then walked to the other side of the ring and repeated he gesture. Most fans not appreciative. Shot of a limping Wahoo being helped to the back by a couple of referees.

WINNER: Valentine - Pinfall - 8:27

Ring announcer Larry Nelson thanked the fans for coming to the tournament and once again hyped the AWA returning to Anaheim in April and tickets would go on sale Monday, February 26 at 10am through Ticket Master and the Anaheim Convention Center Box Office.

One ticket got you into both sessions.







- AWA boss Verne Gagne after the show

- Watching the tournament in secret

- Bill and Jim spring a surprise on Verne

- AWA On ESPN (3rd & 4th Feb.Tapings)

- All-Star Wrestling (3rd & 4th Feb. Tapings)
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Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Moderator please read...

I lost all my sign in info. Originally posted under the name 'The Autumn Wind'. *

Want to re-start this BTB.

Have changed my name to 'Raider Nation'.

You will notice the writing style on this BTB is the same even though I'm under a new name.

Thanks for reading.

* Famous phrase associated with the Raiders.

Raider Nation

Active Member
Jan 31, 2024
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Greetings all.

I used to be known as 'The Autumn Wind' and now I'm known as 'Raider Nation'.

I resurrecting my AWA 1989 BTB on here after being away for several months.

I kept it running on another site, so here will be the following three posts:

- Where We Stand (Getting you caught up on things.)

- Current AWA Roster

- The most current AWA TV show

Anyway, good to be back. See lots of good writing still on the board.

Just win, baby! - Al Davis
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Sep 13, 2022
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I'm looking forward to playing catch up with this. I certainly think a look at the current AWA roster after everything that has transpired to this point will be beneficial.

I'm also wondering if Verne Gagne's death was canon or not, lmao.

Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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Deborah Harry (Blondie), John Waters (Hollywood Director), Bill Watts, Jerry Jarrett and Jim Crockett. The group is known by the name Triumph Media Sports.

This is a brief recap of the major happenings in AWA '89 since the end of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship (PWHC) Tournament dated Feb. 17, 1990.

Greg Valentine won the PWHC belt at the tournament and still holds it as of this writing

Sgt. Slaughter regained the AWA World Title from Stan Hansen at the tournament. Hansen defeated Sarge for the belt at Brawl In St. Paul 2 on 12/25/89 in St. Paul, MN.

Larry Zbyszko left for the WWF

At a later date, Sgt. Slaughter announced he was leaving for the WWF

At a house show in April in St. Paul, MN at the St. Paul Civic Center, Cactus Jack def. Sgt. Slaughter to become the new AWA World Champion thanks to outside interference from Col. DeBeers

A drawing was held at the start of the show to determine who would face Sarge that night for the title and Jack's name was drawn out of the spinning bingo basket

Wahoo McDaniel would defeat Tommy Rich in a #1 Contender match on AWA on ESPN to earn an AWA World Title shot at WrestleRock

Wahoo McDaniel defeated Cactus Jack to win the AWA World Title at WrestleRock

Also at WrestleRock, Col. DeBeers def. Sgt. Slaughter in a wild, bloody Loser Leaves Town/No DQ match to write Sarge out of the promotion

Nikita Koloff made his AWA debut with an interview at WrestleRock and had some words for Col. DeBeers. DeBeers refuses to talk with Nikita.

Nick Bockwinkel was revealed as the new President of the AWA at WrestleRock

'Big' Reggie Bennett (Ladies Pro Wrestling Association) and Tina Moretti (Ivory in the WWF) arrived as faces to ramp up the threats to Magnificent Mimi's Women's World Title reign

As of this writing, The Destruction Crew have been the AWA World Tag Team Champions for over a year

As of this writing, Magnificent Mimi has been the AWA Women's World Champion for eight months

Pacific Northwest/Portland wrestlers Rip Oliver, Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton are now on the AWA roster

Kokina Maximus continues to rampage through the competition with recent victories over Jerry Blackwell, Don Muraco and Tom Zenk

Super Clash 5 takes place on September 16th on PPV. This will be the second PPV in AWA history. For the second straight year, the show emanates from Milwaukee, WI at the Mecca Arena.

Barry Windham recently arrived in the AWA

Joe Pedicino and Bill Dundee are the new announcers on AWA on ESPN

Larry Nelson remains the ring announcer/in-ring interviewer for AWA on ESPN. He is also the in-studio host for both shows.

Jack Reynolds and David Crockett are the new announcers on All-Star Wrestling

Eric Bischoff is the new ring announcer/in-ring interviewer on All-Star Wrestling


Manager Valerie continues to try and lure Ken Patera and/or Brad Rheingans into her stable. Patera and Rheingans both keep rejecting her repeated offers.

The Masked Mystery Man who attacked The Trooper by hitting Trooper with a 2x4 in a Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Qualifying match has cost Trooper two other matches. Masked Mystery Man made Trooper pass out when he placed an ether-soaked rag over Trooper's face allowing Bob Orton to win the match. In another match, Masked Mystery Man briefly blinded Trooper with with a powdery substance which allowed Manny Fernandez to score the victory. In the loss to Fernandez, a second Masked Mystery Man showed up and distracted the ref thus allowing the blinding to happen.

Masked Mystery Man has anonymously sent videos to the AWA offices which have aired on the program. Masked Mystery Man is always wearing his mask in the videos and his voice is distorted. Mystery Man has stated that he and Trooper know each other from a brief encounter they had in the past and the Mystery Man enjoys costing Trooper matches and making him suffer.

Jerry Lawler just returned to the AWA for the first time since dropping his AWA World Title to AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter in a World Title Unification match at Super Clash 4 in October of 1989. During his first interview since returning, Lawler was confronted by Cactus Jack, who has been driven even nuttier than usual since he lost the World Title to Wahoo at WrestleRock. Jack says he hates all current and former World Champions except one... himself. Jack demanded Lawler leave the AWA... or else!

Will things escalate between DeBeers and Nikita?
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Raider Nation

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Jan 31, 2024
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CURRENT AWA ROSTER (Updated for September 1990)


(New addition to the roster)


Deborah Harry

John Waters

Jim Crockett

Bill Watts

Jerry Jarrett


Nick Bockwinkel


Wahoo McDaniel (AWA WC)

Nikita Koloff

Ken Patera

Brad Rheingans

Tom Zenk

Barry Windham

Billy Jack Haynes

Scott Norton

Greg Gagne

Jake Milliman

Top Guns (Ricky Rice & Derrick Dukes)

'Big' Reggie Bennett

Sam Houston

Don Muraco

The Guerrero Bros.

Tina Moretti

Jerry Blackwell

Wendi Richter

Tommy Jammer

Trooper Del Wilkes


Greg Valentine (PWHC)

Cactus Jack

Kokina Maximus

Col. DeBeers

Tully Blanchard

The Destruction Crew (Wayne Bloom & Mike Enos - AWA WTTC)

Badd Company (Paul Diamond & Pat Tanaka)

Manny Fernandez

Greg Valentine (Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion)

Tommy Rich

Magnificent Mimi (AWA Women's WC)

Bobby Jaggers

'Cowboy' Bob Orton

Heidi Lee Morgan

Candi Divine (Tweener)

Lelani Kai

Jonnie Stewart

Akio Sato

Ninja Go

MANAGERS (F = Face/H = Heel)

Dallas Page (Badd Company) (H)

Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey (Kokina Maximus) (H)

Dick Murdoch (Sam Houston) (F)

Valerie (Magnificent Mimi) (H)



Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee (Match Announcers)

Larry Nelson (Ring Announcer/In-Ring Interviewer/Alcoholic)


Jack Reynolds & David Crockett (Match Announcers)

Eric Bischoff (Ring Announcer/In-Ring Interviewer)


AWA Championship Wrestling (ESPN)​

AWA All-Star Wrestling (Syndicated)​
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