You truly are the most idiotic person I have ever heard of. And that's saying something since C-4 is also in this thread.
I already posted one link, one freakin link that took me 2 seconds to find out. That one essay (with, wait for it, ACTUAL SOURCES) that I found refuting your stupid argument regarding thermite dust as well as a shit load of other arguments. How about you shut the fuck up and actually oh, I dunno, LOOK BACK 4 PAGES FOR CHRIST SAKE.
You got all 20 of your questions from a freakin FACE BOOK PAGE. FACE BOOK FOR GOD SAKES.
Want to deny it? Here's the fucking link ass wipe.
I refuse to participate in any further debate with you liberal nut jobs until you actually post arguments regarding actual independent news sources. No, that doesn't mean you can run to the New York Times. And it certainly doesn't mean you can just go to Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Wikipedia, Youtube, Daily Motion and all your other worthless social networking sites.
I'm done with you. You lost this argument a long time ago, as you always do. Because nobody who is sane in mind could ever or will ever believe that America caused 9/11. Fuck off sheep.