This is what I've been saying all along. Why arn't any of you listening?
These indoctrinated liberal fuck heads don't know shit about government. They just hate republicans because their crack head mothers and alcohol abusing fathers told them that the government hates poor people and how to ALWAYS question government. And if they're not Americans they're always fed bullshit about how Americans are Blue fat people who are the scourge of society. Despite not being able to spell or pronounce "scourge" for the life of themselves.
And whenever you disagree with them, they only respond to you with insults. They call you Blue, uneducated, and just say the same thing over and over and over again.
His speeches are riddled with him just saying shit over and over and over again, the same damn thing until the people suddenly just started believing it was true. If someone tells you your entire life that green is blue, then you will legitimately believe that green is blue.
So all you worthless uninformed liberals can get the fuck out of my country. If you don't live here, then stay the fuck out of our business. THE REAL AMERICANS KNOW THE TRUTH. The patriots know who's at fault for the worlds evils. And guess what? We're the good guys.
Deal with it dumb fucks.