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  • Welcome to "The New" Wrestling Smarks Forum!

    I see that you are not currently registered on our forum. It only takes a second, and you can even login with your Facebook! If you would like to register now, pease click here: Register

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  1. Samoa Looch

    [FirePro] Revolt Wrestling

    Due to the FirPro craze that's been going at the moment in this forum, I've decided to throw my hat in as well. Matches will be shown in videos with promos written out and mixed into it. I need a Roster though and you can help me out with that. If you want to be a part of Revolt, give me 5...
  2. Samoa Looch

    The Continental Classic 2024 Participants Prediction Contest

    HELLO! The first Continental Classic is in the bag and I'm sure I'm not the only person, who already looks forward to the next iteration happening this year (hopefully). With that in mind, I wanted to start this prediction contest. Everyone send in the 12 names of the Wrestler you think will...
  3. Samoa Looch

    Roshambo Wrestling - Introduction & Information Thread

    For years now I had this idea of combining Sumo Wrestling and Roshambo (or Rock, Paper, Scissors) into a forum game. I think Smark was it, who said you could do this with Pro Wrestling, when I first talked about this idea on here years ago and now I'm having the itch to finally get this rolling...
  4. Samoa Looch

    WSP - When All The Stars Align

    Welcome to WrestleStars Promotions - An Introduction This is going to be another try from me at a more fantasy-based BTB, with Wrestlers from the present and past mixed together into one project. I started my last project, BTB Wrestling, which isn't completely dead yet by the way, with the same...
  5. Samoa Looch

    General International Sports - Discussion Thread

    I thought I start this one for stuff happening in sports, which don't have (or need) a thread of their own. --- On Friday, in a big upset, for the first time in history the US National Handball team won a match at the IHF World Men's Championship, when they beat Morocco with 28-27. Should...
  6. Samoa Looch

    Bell to Bell Wrestling

    Bell To Bell Wrestling is one of the three big mainstream Wrestling promotions based in the US. During a boom period for the Wrestling business in the 80s, BTBW climbed to the top of the pile and all through the 90s they were able to fight off their competitors to secure that place, until a slow...
  7. Samoa Looch

    [Ticket Wars Quickie] The Forbidden Door - Cards Presentation

    TIME TO SCORE THESE SUCKERS CARD 1 CARD 2 CARD 3 CARD 4 CARD 5 CARD 6 CARD 7 CARD 8 Yes, I've made some very small and only visual changes so all Cards have a similar appearance. Not all Cards seem to be running from top to bottom, or the other way around. Keep that in mind, but...
  8. Samoa Looch

    A Major Noob BTB - (JOW Fantasy Draft)

    STORY The Wrestling world is in an uproar. The big companies decided to say "Fuck it, let's have an all-out Talent Draft" and that's how we got here at the start of June 2022. Major League Wrestling, now run by William Regal, sits at the bottom of the top six promotions of the world. Thanks to...
  9. Samoa Looch

    [Ticket Wars Quickie] The Forbidden Door

    WHAT IS THIS? This is going to be a quick Ticket Wars Challenge for everyone who wants to let their creative booking juices out before the actual Forbidden Door PPV happens. There will be no draft, since we are going to put the AEW roster against the WWE roster for our AEWxWWE Forbidden Door...
  10. Samoa Looch

    AI Generated Pictures with DALL-E (or other sites/programs)

    Heyo... I was thinking that a nice thread for these would be neat to have. Go here to make your own: (Or use the Smartphone App) There are also other sites, which do similar things like ...I finally found out...
  11. Samoa Looch

    AMA The Dragon King

    CHARACTER INFORMATION NAME: The Dragon King NICKNAMES: The Fire Lord DATE OF BIRTH: ??? HEIGHT: 6' 3'' WEIGHT: 265 lbs PRO DEBUT: ??? HAILING FROM: The Fields of Raging Firestorms TWITTER: @TheDragonKing CHARACTER DESCRIPTION GIMMICK: Ancient Warrior and Emperor of a long gone...
  12. Samoa Looch

    WWE 2k19 Loochiverse

    WWE 2k19 The Loochiverse For those who didn't catch it, my PC broke down and with WWE 2k19 being pretty much the only form of interactive entertainment I have right now, I started playing with it's Universe Mode. Out of that, this idea got born. A BTB based on the 2k19 Roster, in which many...
  13. Samoa Looch

    WS Fave Five Series - Wrestling Edition #1~! - WRESTLEMANIAs

    Welcome to the WS Fave Five Series - Wrestling Edition! In this Wrestling Spin-Off of the Fave Five Series we'll determine the favorites of our community regarding all things WRESTLING! ...and since we are on the Road to WrestleMania, I thought the only correct way to kick it off would be to...
  14. Samoa Looch

    Pro Wrestling NEXUS

    Pro Wrestling NEXUS is a BTB that is inspired by Kif's randomized Wrestlingcards thread. In this BTB, I will simulate all matches with a program called "Pro Wrestling Nexus" and continue with the results the program is giving me. So this is not exactly a fully written out BTB, but more like a...
  15. Samoa Looch

    Looch Rates & Reviews (Kinda)

    Well, Looch is going to rate (and kinda review) all kinds of Wrestling shows in here. Hope y'all enjoy my weird ass views and ratings, because this is going to stir some pots now and then, I'm sure. :lol Feel free to post, but keep in mind that everyone has their opinions on stuff. Especially in...
  16. Samoa Looch

    WS Fave Five Series~! - Movies of 1997

    Welcome to the WS Fave Five Series! In this Series we'll determine the favorites of our community. Be it Movies, TV Shows, Actors and Actresses or maybe Video Games or Songs or Bands. Pretty much everything is possible. For the very first edition I decided to go back exactly 25 years to find the...
  17. Samoa Looch

    Interest in a small new game for the Board?

    Hey there! I hope it was alright to start this thread, if not, I apologize in advance. :) I just wanted to ask if there would be any interest in a new board game, that crosses Ro-Sham-Bo (Rock, paper, scissors) and Sumo and doesn't (necessarily) need a big amount of active involvement from the...
  18. Samoa Looch

    Legacy Pro Wrestling

    LEGACY PRO WRESTLING This is going to be a BTB set in an alternate universe, so be prepared for some wacky rosters. I gave myself the rule to only use retired/semi-retired, alive Wrestlers (I do have an idea for deceased Workers, but that's for later) for this and I basically use a cut-off date...
  19. Samoa Looch

    UnBEARable GFX by Lucha

    I guess it was only a matter of time, 'til I throw something in here... so here you go. You can expect more (especially in this style) soon.
  20. Samoa Looch

    ATTACK! Wrestling

    Just a small fantasy BTB made for fun. Be aware that I'll also use deceased Workers. ROSTER TAG TEAMS & STABLES Ace Gunners (Satoshi Kojima, Ultimo Dragon & Yuji Nagata w/ Paul Heyman) Curt Hennig & Owen Hart Freedom Force (Mr. America & The Patriot) Rated-RKO (Edge & Randy Orton) The...