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  1. Will CM Punk finally be put over at Summerslam???

    I think the title matches for summerslam our terrible to be honest. I think a triple threat match with Jericho, JBL and Punk would have been better. You know HBK announcing his return and have him take out Jericho in the title match to set up Unforgiven and then Have punk beat JBL in a clean...
  2. Mick Foley

    I doubt that Foley will go to TNA come on. Okay so he doesn't have a contract he'll be back . Write a book and boom car crashes and out comes the craziest man ever in the WWE.
  3. HBK's Career

    OMG are you guys serious? HBK calling it quits come on let's back to eath seriously get real people. HBK is going to do what he has always done. He will start out in a slow feel sorry for me and the doc says then there will be a long pause then HBK will break out in a huge uproar saying he is...
  4. If he turns...

    I think they will wait until later this fall for a Batista heel turn just for the simple fact that WWE just doesn't get that the fans are tired of face vs. face.
  5. hbk unforgiven

    anyways if Michaels is talking from his home which is most likely I doubt he will announce his retirement. I'm going on the 2002 angle were he was coming back to wrestle at SummerSlam in a non sanction match or some kind of I quit match. I serious doubt he will announce his fake retirment. WWE...
  6. Botched finishes

    I have one thing to say whatever. I mean who cares a botch finish is when one wrestler doesn't follow the script. Or a ref screws up.
  7. Wouldn't it be cool?

    Even if he was younger who doesn't want to see the Deadman for 5 years I mean that is just insane
  8. Shelton Benjamin

    I thought the match was pretty good last night I hope Hardy a Shelton battle for a while for the US title. I thought Shelton was great back in 05 as the IC champ. He is a great wrestler. As far as ECW um no the amount of titles in WWE is already way to many because of the brands. ECW needs...
  9. Shawn Michaels Retired?

    YEah when they showed a close up of him you could totally see were he cut him self his eye was white. It's all a big build up for Summer Slam
  10. overrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    even if he was supposed to win the belt um let see has he had a wwe title match at a ppv. Um no as far as i'm concern he couldn't hold the WWE or the WHC champions jock thats why he is stuck were he is at. Until he actually does something and i'm not talking a couple years ago i'm talking about...
  11. Vickie Copeland?

    Oh god I hope not please i'm tired of Edge period jesus he is so annoying and the fact that the build up to the GAB has been so poor gives it more reason to stop now have taker screw edge out of the belt come back as a heel then have edge vs. taker then vickie screw taker then after their...
  12. What will Shawn Michaels do after his feud with Chris Jericho is over?

    They didn't let Kennedy over HBK because he didn't step up man. He got some stuff out of it but for the most part he didn't step up and I'm not saying to HBK level either few can. HE didn't go over and beyond himself.
  13. overrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey man if your boy Kennedy was as good as you make him up to be then why was he put back on smackdown? I mean he didn't get over very well he disappointed the WWE. He is the only superstar to win money in the bank and not win lol. It's not over there to really help the show more like start over...
  14. Thoughts on Lawler and Cole?

    Well I must say I was pissed when they took JR off Raw. Cole is good but he is no JR. I do like Foley and JR together there funny and they make Smackdown better. I agree that King needs to go back to the old days were he was just a prick and he was great at it.
  15. What will Shawn Michaels do after his feud with Chris Jericho is over?

    Wow are you kidding me man? HBK has jobbed a hell of alot more since 02. It started with losing to Ric at Bad Blood in 03 then he lost in the Elimination Chamber match at Summer Slam lost to Orton at Unforgiven he lost to Orton again at the Survivor Series in the five on five Austin vs. Bishoff...
  16. I'm Better Than You

    which is good and what I really ment by my comment before you don't see highlights of MVP and his matches. I'm not saying they wern't bad mathes they just wern't matches everyone talked about a whole lot.
  17. Kennedy......... what to do?

    Well it also doesn't help that he hurt or was involved with matches were Lashley and Cena got hurt. Also he has to prove himself now. I think he quickly went back to smackdown so he can rebuild Kennedy maybe for 09
  18. Who On Smackdown! Should Be Push?

    none of the above sorry to say there already talking about Taker/Trips for the belt this fall. Those four will be battleing MAtt Hardy for the US title im sure.
  19. overrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well in HBK title number would be way up if he would have never gotten hurt IMO. If HBK was around as a wrestler and not Comish or special ref I could see him as HBK and Austin in epic battles and The Rock HBK and like we have seen with HBK and Triple H in the 2000's. I would say HBK would have...
  20. A moment?

    Yeah it was great at Wrestlemania 22 because heel vs. face. Look at all the "Moment in time" They are all baby face vs. The top heel. One I think is forgotten is Triple H and The Rock. These guys were great on Par ppv back in 2000. Backlash and of course Judgment Day. I know people wont like...