Entry #960
Vampiro/Alberto El Patron/Murder Clown/Dave the Clown vs. QT Marshall/Sam Adonis/Satnam Singh/Parker Boudreaux
AAA TripleMania XXXII Tijuana - June 15, 2024
And to finish things off in Tijuana we have some really awful looking shite. It was pretty commonly agreed the saving grace of the Monterrey match was the flying tecnicos to bounce off Satnam, so instead we get none of those. Instead we get washed Alberto, even more washed dementia patient Vampiro, and two members of the Psycho Circus not named Psycho Clown. Including one called Dave. Terrible as both a wrestler name and a clown name. This is the best-hated match on any of these TripleManias of 2024, getting a scarcely-credible
0.50/10 from Cagematch. Which, if you take the hivemind at their word, puts this in the top 30 worst matches of all time. Worse than the ROTC Mud Match. Worse than the Four Doinks. Worse than Crown Jewel 2018. Really, Cagematch? Really?
Once again, the heels are an extension of Jeff Jarrett. This kicks right off wtih a brawl where the heels have the edge. Again. Adonis is choking Vampiro who really doesn't react much. Alberto is wearing a beard now which looks wrong. Jarrett's interfering again. Vampiro still isn't selling for Adonis. Eventually he does go down for a big boot. And then a FACE BITE from Adonis. There's a Vampiro pin but camera misses the reason why. Now Alberto vs. QT and they're doing that WCW 2000 shit until Alberto gets a double stomp. He tosses QT on to Jarrett then does a dive on to both. In case you're wondering, through all this Satnam and Boudreaux have just been mindlessly brawling with the clowns.
Adonis tosses a chair at Dave's face. Vampiro's rolling around on the floor. Adonis clearly has no idea how to use a chair and keep holding it so Jarrett shows him how it's done. Big boot by Satnam gets two. There's nothing going on here, just four heels beating on Alberto and teasing the crowd. Boudreaux clotheslines Alberto out and now it's time to start abusing Dave. Jarrett punches Vampiro to take his chair. Camera cuts between the ring and Jarrett/Vampiro seem to miss every actual move in both. Jarrett does a face rake. Alberto starts to fight back. Murder takes an elbow.
Jarrett starts tossing tortillas into the crowd. The ref doesn't like this so Jarrett bumps him. Faby Apache comes out again to deal with Jarrett again. Then out comes Hijo del Tirantes (again) to stop Faby attacking Jarrett. It makes sense, more than most AAA stuff does, but it's baffling. I need to watch the singles match that HdT had in 2022. You're not misreading that.
Meanwhile in the ring, the tecnicos have recovered and they do their moves. Press slam by Murder, awkward leg drop by Vampiro, powerbomb by Dave, DDT by Alberto. Parker Boudreaux does some stuff and is shut down. Vampiro "does" a Canadian Destroyer and it's now time for that move to die forever. It used to be sold as an incredible athletic act, but all these examples of non-wrestlers and has-beens "doing" it necessarily exposes it as a move where the taker does all the work. So it's not even a high spot when actual wrestlers do it. It needs to go. Snake Eyes from the clowns on Boudreaux, then an Alberto back cracker. Alberto whacks Satnam with a stolen US flag. All three non-Vampiro guys can't catch Satnam and they pin him for two.
Suddenly, the match descends into brawls. Meanwhile Faby and Jarrett, who have been in the aisle the whole time, are back at ringside. Satnam's about to destroy Faby but LATIN LOVER makes the save. He takes the time out to clear out the entire heel entourage rather than help Faby. Satnam's downed by the clowns attacking his legs, then Latin wipes out Hijo del Tirantes. Everyone does moves on Satnam, but Alberto and Vampiro together can only pin him for two. Brawly slop returns, Dave and Murder do their dives (and the camera MISSES MURDER'S DIVE). Vampiro's about to hit QT with a Nail in the Coffin, but Jarrett low blows him and Satnam pins him with a boot on the chest (with HdT coming back in to count the pin).
What the fuck was this match. It seemed to run on Konnan weed logic where nothing makes sense but in a self-contained way everything makes sense. These are the stories and feuds AAA thinks they're pushing, but they're not, and it's just so much noise. Even Russo would say this is a bit much.