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Ricky Smarks
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  • I was just trying to remember old members from the old place and remembered him. I had him on MSN but it's been so long I can't remember what his e-mail address was... Lol, I can PM him on another forum I know he's a active member of that I have an old account on though! Doesn't matter if I get banned there! :lol:
    Sorry for the late edit. I was on my phone all day until now so I didn't see your PM and rep. Edited it but it was probably hella late :lol:

    My bad.
    That's just my thinking. New year means new regime means things get done on time. No more pussyfooting around with these bitches, Cutter and Duke forever.
    Yeah, I don't know why you thought it was bad. Awesome stuff dude, PWF has a real future I think. I don't care how much work we have to do next week, the show WILL be posted when its supposed to be this time, no fucking around anymore.
    I picked Angle because....Well, he's Kurt freakin Angle. He's great in everything.
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