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  1. Ricky Smarks

    Name Change Request Thread

    Switchblade is MY favorite wrestler, goddamnit! :krillin2 That being said, Switchblaze would be a dope pun.
  2. Ricky Smarks

    Name Change Request Thread

    It’s also a kind of an evolution of your current name.
  3. Ricky Smarks

    Name Change Request Thread

    O-Blaze is a decent pun, actually.
  4. Ricky Smarks

    Name Change Request Thread

    Barry is punning the wrong part of the name anyway. Barry does not share a syllable with spreay, but Will and grim do. Should be Grim Ospreay if anything.
  5. Ricky Smarks

    Name Change Request Thread

    It’s a good thing Blaze has the copyright.
  6. Ricky Smarks

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    Scott Hall winning the NWA title as his first world championship in TNA feels like a slam dunk in the timeline.
  7. Ricky Smarks

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    TNA touring and not being in a fairgrounds would also help ot grow faster. McManus had touring money.
  8. Ricky Smarks

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    TNA out the gate with Sting and Steiner is a game changer.
  9. Ricky Smarks

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    It did. Jarrett would still need to be creative for TNA, but WWA had the miney to hire all ybe nig names.
  10. Ricky Smarks

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    Honestly, if Jarrett could have gotten McManus to invest in TNA instead of open WWA, and Dixie never invests in TNA, TNA could have been a player much earlier and still be one today.
  11. Ricky Smarks

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    Early tna was basically relegated lower guys from WCW since WWA was paying huge pay for 2 shows a month. WWA got Road Dogg, Konnan, Sting, Luger, Steiner, etc.
  12. Ricky Smarks

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    They really should have made a play to get him over WWA.
  13. Ricky Smarks

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    Outside of Sid being hurt, that should have been. no idea why Vampiro comes so late and only works one angle with Raven.
  14. Ricky Smarks

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    Starrcade 2000 or SuperBrawl 2001 instead of teaming them up. Print money.
  15. Ricky Smarks

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    steiner and flair on ppv in 2000/1 after Steiner is elevated to the main would have draw money.
  16. Ricky Smarks

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

  17. Ricky Smarks

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    Steiner showed the Artist how it was dk
  18. Ricky Smarks

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

  19. Ricky Smarks

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    Stupidity thinkin a bigboot needed to fly
  20. Ricky Smarks

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    Sid AND Luger. At least up until 2000. He's wearing down by the time of this show.