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Fuji Vice
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  • Dude, do you have Wrestlemania X-Seven?

    I've been looking all over for it on the net and the only torrent I found has 1 gottdamn seeder! So, I'm curious if you've got it and if you can upload it.
    "Michael Myers is a killer shark in baggy-ass overalls"
    -Freddie "Busta Rhymes" Harris, Halloween Resurrection.

    Mind blowing line. I mean, fuck Loomis and his speech about Michael being pure evil. Michael was a killer shark all the long. Fucking ingenious.
    Haha, I see!

    Do you happen to have a Gif of Chucky beating the hell out of Tommy (the doll) iN CH2?
    You are one smart cookie there Fuji. I just don't want 64 entrants this time though. I mean we could do it but we need to keep the process sped up.
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