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Fuji Vice
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  • Gotta go since I have to be up in few hours for work. Talk to you tomorrow.

    Bracket name Idea. The winchester----Shaun of the Dead
    I will check them out this week. I am off Wed and Thursday night so we can have some fun. Cyrus is a mod now in WWE in WC. Will he still be joining us on thursday nights.
    No I didnt. It sounded like it was awesome though. Glad Cena won since they screwed him at Mania.
    Yeah. She had a UTI, we had to get an Ultrasound on Thursday of her Badder and Kidneys because they thought it might have hurt them based on the fever spikes. She is much better now. Scary week and and crappy at work on the same day too. I had to call the cops to come out an take one of the girls to the mental hospital, then had a couple AWOL. So it was a shitty week all around.

    The faces mothers makes when they see the baby is amazing and the sounds they make is pretty funny. I guess Jack (Burton) Fuji like the Funkasaurus so he is just getting funky.
    Ok. I haven't narrowed them down yet but will get them and then send them to you. So how is life being a DAD now? I won't be able to do much until the late afternoon anyways
    Cool beans. Buy a Michael Elgin shirt while you're there, if they're available.

    Speaking of shirts, what do you think of me making an online Pulse store? You know, shirts, coffee mugs, and the like with Pulse logos on it to promote the site? I'm pretty sure the average shirt on there goes for about $14... would you buy a Pulse shirt for that price?
    Hogan and Sting, maybe even Goldberg, could give him a run for his money, especially considering I'm sure a few of the members that will partake don't know an excess amount about WCW. Anyways, yeah, nominations will be done like most of the tourneys on WC.
    64-man 'Greatest WCW Superstar of All-Time' Tournament.. yay or nay?
    A suggestion for a future review: Back to the Future, my favorite film.
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