Reviewing every WWE PPV in order from worst to best

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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Honestly if I were you I might hold off on shows until they're at least a year old to let the rating normalize bc Cagematch is very tribal for the first week or so after a show now, everything is going to be exaggerated good or bad
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May 8, 2023
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Honestly if I were you I might hold off on shows until they're at least a year old to let the rating normalize bc Cagematch is very tribal for the first week or so after a show now, everything is going to be exaggerated good or bad
It's sad that I know exactly what you mean when you say "tribal." Maybe I'll give newer shows a month before I review them from now on, I don't wanna wait too long.
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May 8, 2023
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No Mercy 2017


Oh man, do I have some feelings on this show!

Match 1: Intercontinental Championship Match - The Miz (c) def. Jason Jordan (10:13)


“My black son! My black so-” Oh, sorry. The night starts off with an alright match. Wasn’t crazy about it but its okay. The crowd is firmly behind the Miz by the way, the crowd has already started to turn on Jason Jordan (and they really do him no favors with that post match promo, sheeeesh). It’s a typical TV match really. Miz wears down Jordan, Jason gets his comeback going, you know the drill. It did have one spot where Jordan throws Miz overhead into Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel, I thought that was great. But that’s really all this match had for it. Jordan knocks Bo Dallas off the top rope which distracts the referee while Jordan rolls Miz up from behind. Miz kicks Jordan off, who goes flying into the ring ropes, and gets clocked by Axel on the outside, allowing Miz to hit Skull Crushing Finale to retain. And then… After the match… oh after the match, Jason Jordan cuts one of the worst promos I’ve ever seen. And not in a funny way like “a good lucha thing” or “I have half the brain that you do.” This was just cringey because not only are his lines awful, but the way he delivers it is also bad. “I couldn’t overcome the odds.” “I don’t respect The Miz.” Its his ending line that had me go “oh that was bad.” “These people chant you suck at my dad, well as far as Miz is concerned… Miz you really do suck.” Jesus, WHO WROTE THIS GARBAGE?!

My Rating: **1/2

Match 2: Finn Balor def. Bray Wyatt (11:32)


Speaking of garbage, I got some fucking feelings about this! Ohhhhh my god. Okay, so Finn Balor beats Bray at SummerSlam as the demon. That’s fine. That’s okay. It’s what they did after SummerSlam with this dumbass feud that makes me angry! First off, Bray challenges Finn to face him at No Mercy as just Finn and not the demon. In other words, “Can you be nicer next time we fight please?” Already makes him look like a bitch! And then they have Bray jumps Finn before this match starts, giving Bray the advantage before the bell rings. AND HE STILL LOSES?!?! What the hell are you doing?! It’s a shame too because this was actually a pretty decent match they put on. Not great, but solid. Finn starts hot out of the gate, but Bray takes the advantage, beats Finn down, targets his midsection. Finn goes for the Coup de Grace and Bray does the spider-walk thing. Which Michael Cole describes as “one of the most frightening things you’ll ever see in a ring.” I can do the same fucking thing. It’s not that scary. Never was. The more Finn stays in it, the more pissed Bray gets and he turns up the heat. But alas, you know the outcome already because you read it up there. Finn hits the dropkick in the corner, hits the Coup de Grace to pin Bray. I know I said I hated the word buried on the last review I did so I’m gonna look like a hypocrite here, but this was a burial in my eyes. How am I supposed to take Bray seriously after he asked Finn to play nicer and still lost? It took becoming a slasher villain for him to get his credibility back. Fucking hell.

My Rating: ***1/4

Match 3: Raw Tag Team Championship Match - Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose (c) def. The Bar (15:55)


At least we have this match to look back on. This match ruled! I thought it was a tad better than their match at SummerSlam which was also fantastic. I’m sure Cesaro doesn’t look back on it fondly, but we’ll get to that. Cesaro and Sheamus employ a divide and conquer strategy right away. The match starts with Dean and Sheamus. Cesaro teases getting in, distracting Dean so Sheamus can knock Seth off the apron and toss him into the barricade. Dean goes out to save Seth, but gets jumped by The Bar. Cesaro swings Dean into the steel steps, which injures his shoulder, which will come into play through the match. But Dean slingshots Cesaro into the ring post which causes Cesaro to lose a couple teeth, which I know had to suck! And Cesaro, like a trooper fights through this match while blood practically gushes from his mouth! Seth mounts a small comeback that gets snuffed out. They beat him down for a bit before Seth tags Dean back inside. Dean starts mounting a comeback as well. But the story about this match is great. Because Cesaro and Sheamus seem to be ready for just about anything Seth and Dean throw at them. Seth comes in to try a superkick on Cesaro, who catches his foot, Sheamus knocks Dean into the ropes. Sheamus hits Seth with the Brogue Kick while Cesaro catches Dean off the clothesline and puts him in the Sharpshooter! And in a callback to SummerSlam, Cesaro and Sheamus go for their assisted Celtic Cross thing. Seth tries the same thing they did in the SummerSlam finish, springboard, hurricanrana off the top, but Cesaro catches Seth this time, picks him up in a powerbomb position. Sheamus hits the cross and Cesaro powerbombs Seth from the ropes onto Dean! Cesaro covers Dean, who kicks out! Sheamus sets up for the Brogue Kick, and Seth weakly grabs Sheamus’ boot trying to stop him, but Cesaro double stomps him and makes him watch as Sheamus goes to Brogue Dean… who collapses on the mat in front of him. Sheamus laughs and goes to pick Dean back up… But surprise bitch! Dean was faking and rolled Sheamus up in a small package. Cesaro tries to get in their to save the match, but Seth hangs onto his leg. Thankfully for them, Sheamus kicks out. But unthankfully for them, Sheamus goes to hit Dean with the Brogue, but Dean dodges and Sheamus boots Cesaro instead! Seth hits a knee to Sheamus followed by Dirty Deeds and champs retain! I love watching The Bar so much and of course Seth and Dean always had chemistry as partners or opponents. This match was awesome! The best part is that The Bar wrestled a near perfect match and it only took one mistake to cost them the win. Great match!

My Rating: ****1/4

Match 4: Raw Women’s Championship Fatal 5-Way Match - Alexa Bliss (c) def. Bayley, Sasha Banks, Nia Jax & Emma (9:40)


Better than expected to be honest. I thought this was a solid match for what it was. Of course as you would expect, Nia was the powerhouse who tossed her opponents around the ring. Bayley and Sasha worked together only briefly. There isn’t a whole lot that stands out but it was fast paced at least. Nia hits a double samoan drop on Alexa and Sasha. That was something. All 4 other ladies work together to take Nia out of the match for a few minutes, Bayley and Emma come behind her, trying to powerbomb her on the apron. Sasha and Alexa run over to kick off and Nia lands awkwardly. Sasha and Bayley both hit their finishes on Bliss and have to stop each other from winning. Nia comes back in, cleans house. But throws herself into the ring post pretty much. Alexa tosses Bayley into Emma on the apron, hits the DDT and once again, Bliss beats Bayley for like the 3rd time this year.

My Rating: ***1/4

Match 5: Roman Reigns def. John Cena (22:05)


Oh look, another good match with terrible booking. I thought this match was pretty good… towards the end, wasn't crazy about it in the beginning. Also wasn't crazy about the way it was booked. The pace was slow in the beginning and the crowd dropped some much deserved boring chants. Halfway through the match, the pace begins to picking up with Cena hitting Roman with the first AA of the match. That's right, I said the first. The match continues and Roman reverses a diving leg drop into a powerbomb and goes for a Spear instead, hitting the ring post. Cena takes Roman up to the top rope and hits an Avalanche AA… and Roman kicks out again! At this point, it is not ridiculous. I gave AJ a pass when he did it so I'd be a hypocrite not to give Roman one too. Cena takes Roman outside and tears the announce table apart and from one to the other, Cena plans to drop Roman through with another AA. But Roman escapes the attempt and Spears Cena through the table, freaking spiking himself at the same time! Roman takes Cena back in, where Cena picks Roman back up and drops him with a 3rd AA, and then a 4th! Surely that's it, I thought to myself at the time. 1, 2, kick out… okay what the hell. Literally the whole build up to this feud has been Cena verbally ruining Roman about how he's not the guy yet and how he's a John Cena bootleg… and they did him no favors with another kick out after 4 AAs. And then pretty much after that, Roman hits a Superman punch, and a Spear to best Cena. And then they do the whole passing of the torch bit where Cena holds Roman's hand up in the air which feels like the most forced thing in the universe. Not for Cena cause I'm sure he didn't mind, but to me, this was Vince going "now cheer for the dog because you're getting him whether you like it or not."

My Rating: ***1/2

Match 6: Cruiserweight Championship Match - Enzo Amore def. Neville (c) (10:40)


The last match had some annoying booking but at least it was good. The rest of the show takes a complete dive off a cliff. Because not only are they badly booked, they're also just bad. Watching this match made me wanna watch paint dry cause it was so boring. It's just Neville beating up Enzo for 10 minutes. Because it seems to me like they knew Enzo had no business being in the same ring as Neville. Which makes the fact he wins this match even more egregious. Enzo goes outside to grab the Cruiserweight Title, brings it into the ring, throws it to the ground so that the referee would go to pick it up. Enzo kicks Neville in the junk while the referee isn't looking and stacks him on his shoulders to win. For 8 months, Neville carried the Cruiserweight division and now Enzo was gonna ruin it.

My Rating: DUD

Main Event: Universal Championship Match - Brock Lesnar (c) def. Braun Strowman (9:01)


Now this was around the time I started to hate Brock Lesnar. The time when he started getting really, REALLY lazy. I was so hyped for this match. The Samoa Joe match at Great Balls (hehe) fell under expectation, but they built Braun up like a beast all year long. Surely this had to be better right? Sadly, I forgot that Brock's gonna Brock and Vince is gonna Vince. The match starts with Braun wrecking Brock's shit, no selling his offense because again, Braun was built up as an unstoppable monster. Braun hits Brock with a powerslam early but Brock kicks out of course. Brock starts to come back after he gets Braun in a Kimura Lock. Then it's just suplex, suplex, running powerslam, a couple F5s and Brock wins… oh… that's just it… huh. How deflating. What makes this worse is that the Cruiserweight match went longer than this match. Neville beat up Enzo longer than it took Brock to beat Braun… fuck me.

My Rating: **

Cagematch Rating: 6.23

My Rating: 5/10

If you're just rating this by the in ring stuff, this show was fine. Took a nose dive with those last 2 matches. But if you take into account everything else around it, this show was bad. Let's look at the facts, Jason Jordan looked bad for cutting an awful promo. Bray was basically buried. They tried to combat the anti-Roman trend by leaning more into what they hated about him, make that one make sense. Enzo was the Cruiserweight Champion and Brock vs Braun fell victim to Brock's low effort attitude. That leaves only 2 matches that were fine, one of them being the main factor that saves this show.
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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2023
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Alright! That's 200 PPVs or PLEs down, which means it's time to give an updated list of the top 100 shows I've watched so far.

1. Backlash 1999 (8.5/10)
2. Royal Rumble 2024 (8.5/10)
3. SummerSlam 2019 (8.5/10)
4. WrestleMania 38 Night 2 (8/10)
5. No Mercy 2006 (8/10)
6. SummerSlam 1999 (8/10)
7. Cyber Sunday 2007 (8/10)
8. Fastlane 2021 (8/10)
9. Royal Rumble 1998 (8/10)
10. WrestleMania 34 (8/10)
11. Extreme Rules 2020 (8/10)
12. No Mercy 2005 (8/10)
13. In Your House 10: Mind Games (8/10)
14. Vengeance 2006 (8/10)
15. SummerSlam 2016 (8/10)
16. Super Showdown 2018 (8/10)
17. Unforgiven 2005 (8/10)
18. Extreme Rules 2015 (8/10)
19. WrestleMania 32 (8/10)
20. Money in the Bank 2024 (7.5/10)
21. Unforgiven 2003 (7.5/10)
22. Clash of Champions 2017 (7.5/10)
23. Clash of Champions 2019 (7.5/10)
24. One Night Stand 2007 (7.5/10)
25. Backlash 2003 (7.5/10)
26. SummerSlam 1991 (7.5/10)
27. WrestleMania 7 (7.5/10)
28. Elimination Chamber 2012 (7.5/10)
29. Greatest Royal Rumble (7.5/10)
30. Royal Rumble 2014 (7.5/10)
31. Survivor Series 2021 (7.5/10)
32. The Great American Bash 2007 (7.5/10)
33. The Great American Bash 2006 (7.5/10)
34. WrestleMania 25 (7/10)
35. WrestleMania 36 Night 1 (7/10)
36. Backlash 2020 (7/10)
37. Hell in a Cell 2009 (7/10)
38. King of the Ring 2002 (7/10)
39. Extreme Rules 2017 (7/10)
40. King of the Ring 1997 (7/10)
41. Judgment Day 2006 (7/10)
42. Night of Champions 2011 (7/10)
43. Extreme Rules 2021 (7/10)
44. No Way Out 2012 (7/10)
45. Armageddon 2005 (6.5/10)
46. Hell in a Cell 2021 (6.5/10)
47. Money in the Bank 2014 (6.5/10)
48. Vengeance 2004 (6.5/10)
49. In Your House 3: Triple Header (6.5/10)
50. Money in the Bank 2022 (6.5/10)
51. Crown Jewel 2019 (6.5/10)
52. Night of Champions 2013 (6.5/10)
53. Capitol Punishment (6.5/10)
54. Survivor Series 2000 (6.5/10)
55. SummerSlam 1989 (6/10)
56. WrestleMania 12 (6/10)
57. Battleground 2013 (6/10)
58. Unforgiven 2004 (6/10)
59. Money in the Bank 2019 (6/10)
60. WrestleMania 13 (6/10)
61. Over the Limit 2012 (6/10)
62. New Year's Revolution 2007 (6/10)
63. TLC 2014 (6/10)
64. New Year's Revolution 2006 (6/10)
65. Survivor Series 1988 (6/10)
66. Royal Rumble 1993 (6/10)
67. SummerSlam 2012 (6/10)
68. Insurrextion 2001 (6/10)
69. In Your House 25: Judgment Day (6/10)
70. Crown Jewel 2023 (6/10)
71. Judgment Day 2007 (6/10)
72. SummerSlam 2021 (5.5/10)
73. Breaking Point (5.5/10)
74. Rebellion 2002 (5.5/10)
75. WrestleMania 5 (5.5/10)
76. In Your House 2: The Lumberjacks (5.5/10)
77. Armageddon 1999 (5.5/10)
78. WrestleMania 29 (5.5/10)
79. In Your House 8: Beware of Dog (5.5/10)
80. No Way Out 2007 (5.5/10)
81. Over the Limit 2010 (5.5/10)
82. Taboo Tuesday 2004 (5.5/10)
83. SummerSlam 2017 (5.5/10)
84. In Your House 27: St. Valentine's Day Massacre (5.5/10)
85. Roadblock: End of the Line (5.5/10)
86. WrestleMania 36 Night 2 (5.5/10)
87. No Way Out 2005 (5.5/10)
88. Fastlane 2016 (5.5/10)
89. In Your House 23: Fully Loaded (5.5/10)
90. In Your House 21: Unforgiven (5.5/10)
91. Bad Blood 2003 (5.5/10)
92. Insurrextion 2002 (5.5/10)
93. WrestleMania 27 (5.5/10)
94. Cyber Sunday 2006 (5.5/10)
95. Royal Rumble 1997 (5/10)
96. Judgment Day 2003 (5/10)
97. No Mercy 2017 (5/10)
98. TLC 2013 (5/10)
99. Survivor Series 2015 (5/10)
100. Hell in a Cell 2019 (5/10)


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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I think it's wild that you're not even half done

Checking Cagematch, what's up next? SummerSlam 1999 (good show), Mania 38 Night 2 (bleh), Over the Limit 2012 (Cena/Laurinaitis...), Extreme Rules 2010 (very iffy), Chamber 2020 (bleh). Not a good run coming up.
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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2023
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I think it's wild that you're not even half done

Checking Cagematch, what's up next? SummerSlam 1999 (good show), Mania 38 Night 2 (bleh), Over the Limit 2012 (Cena/Laurinaitis...), Extreme Rules 2010 (very iffy), Chamber 2020 (bleh). Not a good run coming up.
Oh I did three of those shows already. Extreme Rules 2010 is my next show. It has some good matches but it's not one I think many people would watch a second time


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May 8, 2023
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Extreme Rules 2010


Right away, the show is supposed to start with Triple H vs Sheamus in a Street Fight. But as it turns out, Sheamus jumped HHH backstage and took a pipe to his neck, which causes nerve damage and giving him a handicap later. So then The Miz and Big Show, who were the tag team champions with the WORST MASHUP THEME EVER, come out even though they’re not supposed to be on the show and demand a challenge. Teddy Long comes out because he loves tag team matches and says that Miz and Big Show will face a tag team, and Miz keeps talking shit so Teddy makes it 2 tag teams, and Miz keeps talking shit so Teddy makes it 3 tag teams. And he says that if any of the teams are able to beat Show and Miz, they’ll get a title shot on Raw the next night. Because apparently, in the time Miz and Show were talking before Teddy got out there, he not only got 1, but 3 teams ready, all wearing their gear already despite none of them were booked so they didn’t even need to show up. Really making it hard for me to suspend my disbelief here.

Match 1: Gauntlet Match - The Miz & Big Show def. R-Truth & John Morrison via DQ, MVP & Mark Henry; The Hart Dynasty def. The Miz & Big Show (5:22)


As you could probably tell, I had no idea how to format that result since it was really just a gauntlet match for Miz and Show that would’ve ended if they lost. First team was Truth and Morrison, who again, are already in their gear. How convenient. As you could also see, despite it being a gauntlet match it was also very short. First match was the longest with Truth just getting bodied by Big Show. Morrison gets his team DQ’d by putting Big Show in a Tarantula over the ropes and not letting go before the referee counts to five. MVP and Henry are next to come out and again, very short match. Big Show knocks MVP out with a punch and Miz covers him. And then The Hart Dynasty run out, knock Big Show off the apron and hit their version of the Hart Attack on Miz to win this definitely impromptu match.

My Rating: *

Match 2: If Punk lost, he would get his head shaved - CM Punk def. Rey Mysterio (15:57)


Pretty damn good match, it just felt like it was missing something honestly. I don’t know if this is a hot take or not, but I enjoyed their match at Over the Limit more. The first half of the match isn’t anything to write home about. Punk wears down Mysterio, but eventually Rey, manages to reverse a GTS attempt and arm drag Punk into the ropes. Mysterio goes for the 619, but Serena Deeb trips him, which makes the referee send her and Gallows to the back. Rey hits a sick springboard moonsault onto Punk outside and from here, the match is pretty well paced. Rey springboards off the ropes and Punk hits a perfectly timed dropkick to him out of the air. Rey manages to avoid the GTS a couple more times and he head scissors Punk into the ropes, hits the 619, but as he waits for Punk to get up, some guy in a hoodie (probably Solo Sikoa), slides a chair into the ring behind the referees back. And while the referee is distracted by that, he grabs Rey in a powerbomb position and falls back, dropping Rey on his face. Punk throws Rey back in the ring and finally hits the GTS to put Rey away.

My Rating: ***3/4

Match 3: Strap Match - JTG def. Shad Gaspard (4:41)


An alright match, but it just was too short and hardly had any time. But to be honest, I’m surprised they gave these guys this match considering they did absolutely nothing with either of them afterward. Basically, they whip each other with the strap. JTG plays smarter in order to beat Shad. This was touch all corners rules. Shad drags JTG behind him as he goes around to touch the corners, but JTG touches them as they make the rounds. Seen this strategy before, many times in fact. Before Shad can reach the last corner, JTG hits a slingblade and touches the final corner. So Shad turns heel and gets a new gimmick and loses the feud. Not a good look for him.

My Rating: *1/2

Match 4: World Heavyweight Championship Extreme Rules Match - Jack Swagger (c) def. Randy Orton (13:45)


Ya know, for a PPV titled “Extreme Rules”, there isn’t a lot here thats very extreme. And despite this being an Extreme Rules Match, there was hardly anything extreme about this match. The build up to this match was awful by the way. Not that I’m a Jack Swagger fan, but if you’re going to put the title on him, you probably shouldn’t book him to lose every match he has after winning the thing. Orton beats up Swagger in the early going, but then it turns into Swagger dominating Orton in the most boring fashion. Like, my god guy. It’s an Extreme Rules Match my guy. You can literally cheat legally! Orton eventually starts to make the comeback and now the match starts to get good. He bashes a trash can off Swagger’s head and brings a steel chair into the ring. After hitting a draping DDT, he goes for an RKO onto the chair, but Swagger counters and throws Orton onto the chair, then picks him up for the Gutwrench Powerbomb to continue his underwhelming World Title reign. And then after the match, Orton RKOs Swagger on the floor. Hmm… So I’m confused, do you like Jack Swagger orrrrrr?

My Rating: ***

Match 5: Street Fight - Sheamus def. Triple H (15:50)


And as Orton is making his way up the ramp, Sheamus walks out and says that if HHH won’t bring himself out there, he wants to be declared the winner by forfeit. We cut backstage to show HHH walking out of the trainer’s room. And even though Triple H is suffering from nerve damage, he beats up Sheamus for a few minutes after making it down there, but a Pedigree attempt shows he can’t use his left arm. And from here, Sheamus just beats up HHH for like 10 minutes. Like good lord. This is the second match in a row which has a No DQ stipulation and yet the heels treat it like its a regular match. Fucking hell. Yeah, unlike the last match which got a comeback to hold up the final stretch, there was no engaging comeback. Triple H does grab a kendo stick, which he uses against Sheamus, sometimes with both arms, sometimes with one. Sheamus back drops HHH onto the stage from a Pedigree attempt and hits him with a Brogue Kick. He drags HHH back in the ring and hits another one. HHH stands himself back up slowly in the corner. Sheamus hits with another, the only thing holding Triple H up are the ropes and Sheamus drops him with a 4th Brogue Kick to win the match and because his name isn’t Roman Reigns, Triple H doesn’t kick out of it. Sheamus wins and HHH refuses medical help, wanting to leave on his own power, but Sheamus runs back out and kicks HHH again, making sure, that he would be getting medical help which was actually kinda sick.

My Rating: **1/2

Match 6: Women’s Championship Extreme Makeover Match - Beth Phoenix def. Michelle McCool (c) (6:35)


What can I say about this match? It’s pre-four horsewomen WWE match so you know they ain’t getting a lot of time and on top of that, they’re getting a match insulting of them and to us because we have to watch it. Beth beats up Michelle for a couple minutes. Michelle sprays hairspray into Beth’s eyes and brings in a couple ironing boards into the ring because of course she does. There is a makeup table outside the ring, which hardly any makeup gets used, but then again, what the hell was I expecting? Beth goes for a superplex onto the ironing boards, but Vickie Guerrero and Layla swat at her feet with a broom and a mop. Yes, I’m serious. Now that I think about it, what the hell does ironing boards, mops and brooms have to do with makeup? Michelle throws Beth off onto the boards. Beth escapes a Widow’s Peak attempt and hits the Glam Slam to win the title.

My Rating: *1/4

Match 7: Steel Cage Match - Edge def. Chris Jericho (20:00)


Huh. Somehow I remember this being better. They made it seem like this was gonna be a war. But I don’t know, this just felt really tedious. Especially since Jericho constantly had to stop himself from winning the match to give Edge time to catch him. It’s a far cry from the cage match they had on SmackDown in ‘02. Before the match begins, Jericho grabs a steel chair to the door and Edge goes out for Chris himself, causing Jericho to drop the chair at the door. Halfway through the match, Jericho slams the cage door in Edge's face and has an opportunity to escape. But chooses to stay and beat up Edge some more. At a later point in the match, there is a moment where Edge is standing on the top rope, leaning back on the cage to balance himself. And Jericho springboards off the ropes along another side to hit a Codebreaker! Not crazy about this match but that spot was sick! I also like when we come close to the end, when Edge attacks Jericho's ankle, the body part Edge injured last year and that Jericho mocked him for. Edge tells Chris to "leave" in a mocking tone, although it was clear Edge wasn't letting Jericho go anywhere and finishes him off with a Spear.

My Rating: ***1/4

Main Event: WWE Championship Last Man Standing Match - John Cena (c) def. Batista (24:33)


After an underwhelming event, at least the main event ends the show on a high note. Yeah, this match was great. The first half of the match wasn’t anything to write home about. It was mainly Batista attacking Cena’s legs, trying to make it harder for him to stand. I will say it and stand by it, the short lived Batista heel run from late ‘09 to May 2010 is underrated. He was more aggressive and more pissed off than he’d ever been at around this time. If they weren’t limited by the PG restrictions, I can only imagine the things they could’ve done with him at this point. Batista grabs a toolbox from underneath which would come back to bite him later in the match. This match is also where the infamous clip of the kid screaming “I hate you Batista!” And him yelling back “I hate you too!” comes from. Which is hilarious. Batista whips Cena into the barricade which completely collapses the thing. Batista sets up the steel steps over by the announce table and takes Cena up the steps with him and plans to drop him through with a powerbomb. But Cena escapes and lifts Batista up on his shoulders before dropping him through the table! Batista gets back up and Cena goes outside to grab a table, before setting it up in the middle of the ring. He picks Batista back up and tries to drop him through that table, but Batista slides off, sends Cena off the ropes and when Cena comes back, Batista drops Cena through the table with a spinebuster. Cena gets back up and a pissed off Batista picks Cena up and hits the Batista Bomb and yells at the referee to count. Cena gets up again, and Batista immediately goes outside to grab the steel steps, specifically the bottom half and places it in the ring. He tries for the Batista Bomb on the steps, but Cena drop toe holds Batista to the mat and puts him in the STF to try to get the big man to pass out. But Batista gets back up and Cena goes outside to grab the duct tape that came out of the toolbox. He trips Batista and pulls him back against the ring post, crotching him and then tapes his feet together. I’ve heard that there are people who hate this finish. Me personally, I thought it was brilliant. A hot explosive finish is awesome but I love a good clever finish. Where somebody uses their smarts to take the win. And taping Batista’s legs together around the ring post was a smart move on Cena’s part. Great match to end the night.

My Rating: ****

Cagematch Rating: 6.23

My Rating: 5.5/10

Not a horrible show per se. I’ve certainly seen worse. But they never really give me a reason to give a shit about it. I wasn’t exactly enthusiastic about revisiting this show. Matter of fact, I don’t think I’d ever watched it all in one sitting before. This show has two matches worth watching. That’s it. Cage Match was solid, but it went 20 minutes. I’ll say it over and over again, a match that long needs to be better. At least the night ended in a high note.
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Nov 17, 2022
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The Medium Place
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I, myself, never know how to rate gauntlet matches, but multiple websites list this as one match with Hart Dynasty ultimately winning. Crime Time splitting up was pretty much the end for them. It does seem random that they had this match on PPV since, not counting the Royal Rumble Match, this was their first PPV match of 2010 and they had only one in 2009. I feel like WWE should have maybe put Randy Orton in a different match and put Swagger, Edge, and Jericho in a triple threat match for the title since Edge and Jericho had been feuding over the title right before Swagger cashed in on Jericho. Though with what was presented in the form of a cage match between Edge and Jericho, I agree that it could have been better and it fell short of their 2002 encounter. And, personally, I dislike Cena duct taping Batista's feet together to win the match. Sure, technically it's legal, and technically it counts as Batista not being able to get up, but it goes against the spirit of what the Last Man Standing Match is supposed to accomplish and that is beating your opponent down until they cannot get up by the ten count. It was an overall good match, though.
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I, myself, never know how to rate gauntlet matches, but multiple websites list this as one match with Hart Dynasty ultimately winning. Crime Time splitting up was pretty much the end for them. It does seem random that they had this match on PPV since, not counting the Royal Rumble Match, this was their first PPV match of 2010 and they had only one in 2009. I feel like WWE should have maybe put Randy Orton in a different match and put Swagger, Edge, and Jericho in a triple threat match for the title since Edge and Jericho had been feuding over the title right before Swagger cashed in on Jericho. Though with what was presented in the form of a cage match between Edge and Jericho, I agree that it could have been better and it fell short of their 2002 encounter. And, personally, I dislike Cena duct taping Batista's feet together to win the match. Sure, technically it's legal, and technically it counts as Batista not being able to get up, but it goes against the spirit of what the Last Man Standing Match is supposed to accomplish and that is beating your opponent down until they cannot get up by the ten count. It was an overall good match, though.
Well another reason I liked the finish to the LMS is because at least to me, it meant Cena had his doubts that he could keep Batista down and whether he could beat him at all in this kind of match. Which was different from his usual schtick where he was this ultra confident dude who wasn't bothered by any challenge whatsoever.
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Night of Champions 2015


Match 1: Intercontinental Championship Match - Kevin Owens def. Ryback (c) (9:32)


An okay match to start the show off. Not horrible, just solid. Mainly because Kevin Owens is awesome. Ryback starts with the advantage, using his power. But Owens shoves Ryback into the ring post, shoulder first and goes after his shoulder for most of the match, and that comes into play later as Ryback is making his comeback. Ryback goes for a first attempt at the Shell Shock, but can’t keep KO up because of the bad shoulder. But Ryback gets in another Meathook Clothesline and picks Kevin up for another Shell Shock, but KO rakes his eyes and rolls him up from behind to win the title as he should have.

My Rating: ***

Match 2: Dolph Ziggler def. Rusev (13:42)


God, I forgot how garbage this storyline was. This whole love square thing they had going on between Dolph, Rusev, Lana and Summer Rae. Sadly this isn't even the worst "love" storyline Rusev was even involved with during his run. These two actually managed to have a decent match in the midst of this garbage feud. They were kind of even throughout the bout but Rusev should've been built back up as a monster. It's a well paced match with some overbooking towards the end. Rusev kicked Ziggler in the head a lot during this match and when he goes for the Accolade, Ziggler slips out the back and hits Rusev with a superkick for a 2 count. Summer Rae gets on the apron and yells at the referee for whatever reason so the referee tells her to leave. And then she starts throwing a tantrum, takes off her shoes and throws them in the ring, one hits Rusev in the chest and Dolph hits him with a Zig Zag to win the match. And thankfully they ended this storyline after this. When a storyline hurts everyone in it, and this one did, those are the absolute worst!

My Rating: ***

Match 3: WWE Tag Team Championship Match - The Dudley Boyz def. The New Day (Big E. & Kofi) (c) via DQ (9:57)


Another one in the average to decent ballpark. I remember being so hyped when the Dudleys came back. And I really wanted them to win the tag titles but now I realize that New Day going over in the feud was the right call. Dudleys are in control at first but after Woods distracts Bubba enough for Kofi to kick him in the back, they keep Bubba away from his corner and stomp him out. But Kofi goes for a springboard and Bubba catches him, before hitting him with the Bubba Bomb. Bubba tags in D-Von, who turns the tide completely for his team. The Dudleys hit Big E. with the back drop neckbreaker combo and then drop Kofi with the 3D and its basically over here, but Woods jumps in and stomps on D-Von and the bell rings. Booooo. Dudleys win by DQ, not winning the titles. New Day continue attacking The Dudleys after the match and go outside to grab a couple tables, and set them up in the ring. The Dudleys have recovered though and send E and Kofi outside while Woods’ back is turned, so he doesn’t realize he’s in prime position for the 3D through a table!

My Rating: **1/2

Match 4: Divas Championship Match - Charlotte def. Nikki Bella (c) (12:41)


I’ll give this show this… It’s consistent. Unfortunately, it is just consistently average. I was not big on this match. Charlotte tweaks her knee falling off the apron to the floor and Nikki goes after that the whole match. And I mean the whole match. All her offense is on Charlotte’s knee, which was good strategy, but it gets boring after a bit because there isn’t really a comeback spot or anything. The stipulation that Nikki can lose her title by DQ or countout added something at least. Meaning she had to beat Charlotte. She has Charlotte in the half boston crab and Brie and Alicia Fox on the outside pull the ropes away from Charlotte’s hand. Nikki realizes it and tells them to back off, but Paige and Becky Lynch run over to make sure they do anyway. Nikki puts Charlotte in the Figure 4 around the ring post which was a bit insulting to the challenger. But Charlotte finds her window after Nikki comes off the middle rope, gets caught with a spear and put in the Figure 8. Nikki taps out and there’s a new champion.

My Rating: **3/4

Match 5: The Wyatt Family (Bray, Harper & Braun) def. Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose & Chris Jericho (13:04)


As you could probably tell, Roman and Dean had to find a mystery partner and they chose Chris Jericho. Not a horrible choice but not a very exciting one. I was expecting more from this match. Its fast paced. I guess my only complaint is that it doesn’t show off their strengths a lot. Nobody from this match really stood out. Especially Harper, I only remember him getting his ass whooped when he was in there. Also, as this was Braun’s first PPV match, he gets to show off how strong he is. He throws Roman and Dean to the mat before he picks Jericho up above his head and tosses them onto Roman and Dean outside. What surprised me was that it was Roman who ended up getting the isolation treatment. Roman was being kept away from his corner by the opposing team. As Braun beats up Roman on the outside, Dean tries to save him but Braun flings over his shoulders over the barricade. Forcing Roman to tag Jericho. Jericho comes in, springboard dropkicks Braun off the apron, and he goes at it with Bray and puts him in the Walls of Jericho. Harper makes the save. Bray tags out to Harper and Jericho tags out to Dean. They fight for a bit. Roman and Braun get back on their respective aprons and get tagged in so they can go at it now. Roman Spears Braun, but sells his shoulder because Braun was wearing a metal pla- oh, wait, no he wasn’t nevermind. Roman stands back up and sets up for another Spear, but Jericho tags himself in, hits a Lionsault, for a 2 count, but Braun just throws Jericho off himself. Bray takes Roman away and throws him into the barricade. Jericho tries the Codebreaker, but Braun catches him, positions Jericho on his shoulder and drops him on his face before picking him back up and putting him in the Cobra Clutch thing to win the match.

My Rating: ***1/2

Match 6: United States Championship Match - John Cena def. Seth Rollins (c) (15:45)


So Seth Rollins was both the WWE & United States Champion going into this show. But because this is the night where EVERY championship has to be defended, he would have to defend both titles in separate matches. I’ll say this is probably the best usage of this PPV’s gimmick ever. This was the 3rd time in the summer that Seth and Cena wrestled each other and while I don’t think this match was as good as the first couple, this was also a great match. For somebody who has a second match later, Seth is as cocky as ever. I did like how as Cena was doing his 2K comeback, as Cena goes to duck a clothesline, Seth instead grabs him and hits a neckbreaker. Like, finally somebody countered the comeback you would think everyone would have scouted at this point. Cena also spent 2015 learning some new moves, pulling out a Yoshi-Tonic and a hurricanrana into the corner off a buckle bomb attempt. From here the match is pretty much even. Seth misses a frog splash attempt but manages to get the superplex in followed by the falcon arrow. It becomes a matter of who can hit their finisher first. Cena hits the AA after a legdrop and wins the US Title. And then Seth tries to leave with the WWE Title, but Cena stands in front of him and AAs him on the floor before throwing him back in the ring.

My Rating: ****

Main Event: WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match - Seth Rollins (c) def. Sting (15:20)


And then it’s time for the main event. Which was going pretty well… until the end where Sting gets hurt. Because unlike a lot of his peers, Sting could still go even in his 50s. That’s insane to me. Sting starts the match with a Stinger Splash in the corner. Seth avoids the Deathlock and Death Drop like the plague. Sting just throws Seth around the ring. But Seth turns it around after pushing Sting through one of the announce tables from the other one. Seth goes to leave at first but seeing Sting down and out like that makes his confidence grow again and he goes back to face him, tossing him back in the ring. Seth buckle bombs Sting into the corner which was the point I thought he got hurt… I didn’t realize there was another one coming. Seth tries for a springboard, but Sting shoves him off into the barricade outside. Sting clotheslines Seth outside and dives off the top rope on him before throwing him back in. Seth goes for a bodyslam, but Sting slides behind him and hits the Scorpion Death Drop! But Seth was too close to the ropes and gets his foot on the bottom. Seth picks Sting up on his shoulders to hit another buckle bomb… and now is the point when Sting gets injured because he collapses on the mat. And Seth has to stall for him because Sting can’t stand for a couple minutes… This is tragic to look back on considering he had to retire after this. He got a second chance with AEW which was a good thing but this was Sting’s last match for a few years. Once they’re able to stand Sting back up, Seth goes for the Pedigree, but Sting reverses it into a Scorpion Deathlock. But Seth turns back around and rolls Sting up in a small package to retain his title. This was on its way to being a great match but Sting getting injured really hindered that.

My Rating: ***1/2

Before Seth can celebrate, Sheamus’ music hits (because he was Mr. MITB this year. You remember? Because I sometimes forget.) He runs down, hits a Brogue Kick and before he can cash in, Kane’s music hits now and he saunters down to the ring… He picks Seth up and Chokeslams him. He Chokeslams Sheamus for fun. And then he picks Seth back up and hits him with a Tombstone this time. If I had a quarter for every time Seth Rollins was attacked at the end of a Night/Clash of Champions PPV by a psychotic masked man, I’d have 2 quarters, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.

Cagematch Rating: 6.24

My Rating: 6/10

Not bad honestly. But that’s the nicest thing I can say about it. I fail to really get into it until the last couple matches. Just because I thought the idea of Seth needing to have 2 matches thanks to his own greed was good (it was him who put out the challenge at SummerSlam after all). But the rest feels like an episode of Raw. And I don’t know if you remember Raw in 2015, but it wasn’t all that interesting. The first half of the show is consistently average, which isn’t bad its not good and not worth tuning in for. The final three matches were at least good but yeah. Overall, this was mediocre.
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Armageddon 2002


Match 1: World Tag Team Championship Fatal 4-Way Elimination Match - Booker T & Goldust def. Chris Jericho & Christian (c), Lance Storm & William Regal & The Dudley Boyz (16:44)


We start off the night with a pretty good opening match, with a pretty satisfying ending. They JR points out the fact that Goldust believes he’s the weak link of his team so there’s some story coming into this. Weirdly enough, it’s mostly a 2 on 2 match for most of it because the first couple teams are eliminated pretty early. I knew that The Dudleys were going out first when they got all their shit in early. They hit a 3D on Christian, but Storm tagged himself in and dropped a legdrop across Bubba’s head as he’s covering Christian. Regal pins Bubba. Takes them a little bit to get to it but they get there. And then Storm and Regal are eliminated right after, when Goldust hits Regal with a powerslam. That was only a few minutes into the match so the rest of it is a regular tag match. And the remaining teams put on a pretty good match. Booker and Jericho showed signs of good chemistry. They probably could’ve done awesome stuff together. Jericho rolled Booker on his stomach for the Walls of Jericho, but Goldust makes the save. Booker hits the Scissors Kick, but Christian saves the match and while the referee is occupied with Goldust and Christian, Jericho grabs one of the tag titles and hits Booker with it, following it with a Lionsault. Christian pulls Goldust out of the ring so you think this is it, but Booker T kicks out! Jericho runs at Booker again with the title, but Booker catches Jericho with a Book End to cover him and win the titles. A pretty feel good way to start the show.

My Rating: ***1/2

Match 2: Edge def. A-Train via DQ (7:11)


For the seven minutes that this match got, it was pretty alright. You can tell they were trying to make the best with the time they had. A-Train muscles Edge around, but Edge of course takes it to him. This match had a good pace. Edge hit an Edge-O-Matic from the second rope which was different. Edge goes to the top rope, but gets hit with a bicycle kick out of the air! After Edge kicks out of the Baldo Bomb, A-Train goes outside to grab a chair and the referee tries to take it from him, and Edge spears him which actually looked good.. A-Train does end up using the chair to hit Edge in the leg which causes the DQ. But Edge ends up getting the chair and slams it over A-Train over and over and he has this look on his face that just makes him look like the Rated R Superstar already.

My Rating: **3/4

Match 3: Chris Benoit def. Eddie Guerrero (16:46)


Now time for the showstealer! A borderline great match but a great match nonetheless. This was just a pure wrestling match. Apart from the few times they take flight. The beginning stage is just these two trying to get an upper hand. And Eddie looks like he has it until Benoit starts throwing him back with German Suplexes. Benoit goes for the Headbutt, but Eddie gets up. Benoit comes down and Eddie takes him by surprise by hitting Benoit with his own German suplexes and polishing it off with a suplex, before he goes up top to hit the Frog Splash. And actually hits it. But Benoit kicks out somehow. Benoit winds up outside and as Eddie is being held back by the referee, Chavo runs down with one of the WWE Tag titles and hits Benoit with it. Eddie puts Benoit in the Lasso From El Paso. But Benoit escapes and manages to drop Eddie again, after some more Chavo interference, Benoit hits the diving headbutt and puts Eddie in the Crossface. Eddie reaches for the ropes, but Benoit switches sides to the arm that Eddie was reaching with. Eddie tries to roll Benoit off him, but just rolls himself back into the middle of the ring in a worse position with the hold still applied and Eddie decides to fight another day and tap out. Best match on the show.

My Rating: ****

And then after that… this show really goes downhill. First quarter was alright but then they go to one of the weirdest segments I’ve ever seen. Dawn Marie walks out, holding hands with Torrie Wilson’s REAL DAD… I just wanna stress that point before I go any further. This was Torrie Wilson’s real life father involved in this storyline. Dawn Marie promised to play some footage of her and Torrie fucking I guess. And it goes on for an uncomfortable amount of time. It starts with Dawn and Torrie in a hotel room and they both slowly strip down. When I say slowly, I mean slowly. I’m willing to bet this took up at least 15 minutes of PPV time. I’m not gonna lie, I watched this segment… a lot when I was a kid… for research of course. But now as an adult, it makes me feel weird because I know Vince definitely got himself off to this. That was the only reason for this. And to make it weirder, you got Torrie’s dad in the ring telling Dawn to stop the footage, and Cole and Tazz are like “Al, how could you do this?!” I thought Tazz was gonna cry and then the crowd starts chanting “asshole” at Al. It’s his daughter! It’s actually more funny talking about it just because of how ridiculous it is. I’m on Al’s side here. Another thing I think is hilarious is, what were people who ordered the PPV thinking? There were probably dads and husbands watching this with their wife and kids thinking “God dammit!” It’s actually kinda funny now that I type this out, but god damn, I thought this was just awkward.

Match 4: Batista def. Kane (6:37)


And not even a minute after Dawn and Al go backstage, Kane’s music hits and it makes me genuinely laugh out loud. “Now that everyone has a boner, here’s Kane!” I do feel bad for Batista. His PPV debut and most people are probably getting out of their seats to go smoke a cigarette. Okay match. It was an alright hoss fight between them. Batista had beaten Kane once already. Ric Flair tries attacking Kane with the referee’s back turned, but that doesn’t really work. Kane hits Batista with a Chokeslam in the ring. Flair jumps in the ring just to get his shit pushed in by Kane. Batista hits the Batista Bomb to take the win.

My Rating: **

Match 5: Women’s Championship Triple Threat Match - Victoria (c) def. Trish Stratus & Jacqueline (4:29)


Oh man, this was rough. I’m gonna make an educated guess and say that this match’s time got cut down and they were all told they had about 5 minutes to do their shit and get out. Because… Oh man, this felt rushed from the before the bell even rung because Victoria runs down to the ring and goes after Jacqueline before the bell even rings. And I’ll give them this, they tried. But every spot felt so sloppy because they were most definitely rushed. The finishing move wasn’t even a finish. I think the end was supposed to be Victoria hitting Trish with the title after a Chick Kick. But Trish kicked Jacqueline before Victoria could grab the title and so Victoria has to save the match. Trish irish whips Jackie into the corner and hits a clothesline and then covers her. But Victoria hits Trish in the head with the Women’s Title. (Now realizing that’s the third time that’s happened on this show) and pins Jackie to retain. Poor girls. Their time probably got cut because of that oh so important Dawn Marie segment.

My Rating: *1/2

Match 6: WWE Championship Match - Kurt Angle def. Big Show (c) (12:36)


Surprisingly the better of the 2 World Title Matches on the show. How bout that. A lot of the match early is Big Show throwing Kurt Angle around, and he even dumps Kurt out of the ring onto Paul Heyman which was kinda comical. But then Kurt Angle starts to come back. And its a hot comeback! Tornado DDT. Missile dropkick. Leaps up on the top rope and hits a moonsault onto a standing Big Show. OLYMPIC SLAM! He hitting all the classics. Kurt Angle tries to put the Ankle Lock on Big Show. Big Show simply rolls over to grab Kurt by the throat. He goes for a Chokeslam, but Kurt reverses by rolling through and applying the Ankle Lock. But Big Show pushes Kurt off him into the referee. Now Paul Heyman throws a steel chair in the ring, but Kurt grabs it first and hits Big Show in the head with it. But A-Train of all people runs down and picks Kurt up on his shoulders and hits a backbreaker and leaves. Big Show recovers and hits Kurt with a Chokeslam. But then Brock Lesnar runs down, picks Big Show up, and drops him with an F5 before chasing Paul Heyman backstage. Kurt crawls over to Big Show, hooks his leg and becomes the new WWE Champion! Pretty solid match.

My Rating: ***1/4

Main Event: World Heavyweight Championship 3 Stages of Hell Match - Triple H def. Shawn Michaels (c) (38:33)




Joining Edge and Randy Orton in the club of “really long matches with a couple spots in it.” I’m gonna level with you guys. This match blows. And that’s disappointing because there’s no reason it should’ve. Especially considering they had an all time classic at SummerSlam just a few months earlier. And only a couple memorable spots is fine for a match going like 8-10 minutes. Not 38 minutes! First fall was a Street Fight, that’s about a 20 minute match. This match has one spot pretty much. It’s when they’re on the entrance way near the setup (which is a great setup by the way) Triple H grabs a 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire. He sees the flames over at the entrance way and lights that shit ablaze. Shawn kicks HHH in the stomach, making him drop it and grabs it himself so he can hit HHH with it. So that was kinda cool but again, that’s the only notable thing they did in the first fall. Triple H hits the Pedigree, wins the first match, and then we go into the second, a Steel Cage and before the cage can be lowered, HHH throws a bunch of weapons in the ring including a table. Flair runs down and sets up four tables in front of the cage before he decides to get in the cage himself. So Shawn can bloody him up now. Flair bleeds worse than either man in the match by the way. Which I shouldn’t be shocked by. He blades on his off days. Shawn drops both men with a superkick and places HHH on the table in the ring, and then comes off the top of the cage with a splash. Shawn pins HHH and wins the second fall. And now it's time for the Ladder Match. And these 2 are beat by this point. They do, again, next to nothing here. Shawn misses a splash, he hits a superkick and makes his way up the ladder as slow as possible. HHH comes back in and pushes Shawn over through the four tables outside, climbs up and takes the title after a boring ass match.

My Rating: **

Cagematch Rating: 6.24

My Rating: 4.5/10

I actually had to think to myself, "am I being too harsh on this show?" And you know what… I don't think I am. I'm being honest, I don't think it was that good. It's got like 3 matches and a bunch of bullshit. The Dawn Marie segment and that main event were both drawn out longer so badly.
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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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I guarantee you the time wasn't cut because of the Dawn Marie segment, it's because HHH demanded the extra 10 minutes so he could wank himself blind trying to look "cool" and pretending that psychology means doing stuff slowly. I hate Reign of Terror era HHH matches, hate them all
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I guarantee you the time wasn't cut because of the Dawn Marie segment, it's because HHH demanded the extra 10 minutes so he could wank himself blind trying to look "cool" and pretending that psychology means doing stuff slowly. I hate Reign of Terror era HHH matches, hate them all
I don't think a slow pace is bad if you can tell an interesting story doing it. They did not do that here though. They kept harping on, "is this the old HBK?" By this point, he'd already beaten HHH in an Unsanctioned Match at SummerSlam and won the World Title in the first Elimination Chamber Match. I think he's still got it.

If anything, HHH is the one with something to prove. Shawn's beat him twice at this point.
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In Your House 13: Final Four


Match 1: Marc Mero def. Leif Cassidy (9:30)


Uninteresting opener. There’s really not a whole lot here. For those who don’t know, Leif Cassidy is Al Snow, but he doesn’t have head with him so who cares. This is very much a TV match on PPV. Opening a PPV makes it worse. Cassidy works over Mero’s leg and, weakening the wildman. Cassidy puts Mero in the figure 4 and Sable pushes the ropes towards Mero, who grabs them to escape. Cassidy goes outside to confront Sable, who slaps him right in front of the referee, which I’d think is grounds for DQ but okay. Mero dives through the ropes on Cassidy and then starts to come back and it’s pretty much over from there. Mero hits a samoan drop and goes to the top rope to hit a 450 splash for the win.

My Rating: **

Match 2: The Nation of Domination def. Goldust, Bart Gunn & Flash Funk (6:42)


A better match than the last one but not by much. It’s better for simply just Flash Funk flying around the ring and it had a pretty hot finish to be fair, but how hot could it be considering it’s just short of 7 minutes. Flash flies off the top rope onto the Nation outside and then later does it again with some assistance from Bart, but Flash is caught by the Nation and he starts getting isolated from his corner. Flash eventually makes the hot tag to Bart and the match starts to pick up. Bart has the match pretty much won after a bulldog, but Crush drops a legdrop or elbow, can’t really remember. He holds Flash back as Faarooq covers Bart to win the match.

My Rating: **1/4

Match 3: Intercontinental Championship Match - Rocky Maivia (c) def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley (12:30)


Not a good match, not a bad match. It’s pretty solid. It felt like they were really trying to drive home that Helmsley was a better wrestler and that Rocky is only the IC Champion based on luck but was still a great athlete. Helmsley basically outwrestles Rocky for most of the match. What’s pretty cool is that even in a match like this that isn’t all that groundbreaking, they show signs of chemistry. I’m not sure many people expected these guys to be main eventing WrestleMania in 3 years. Rocky hits a top rope crossbody that nearly beats HHH. He rolls HHH up in a small package, which was the same way he beat HHH for the title. While not much stood out, the pace began to pick up towards the end. And speaking of the finish, Goldust comes down for that, and distracts HHH so Rocky can hit him with a German Suplex with the bridge for the win. Rocky leaves with his title as Goldust stares down HHH with Marlena on the outside. But then some buff woman who JR and King have no idea the name of is, comes from the crowd to choke Marlena out. That woman was Chyna.

My Rating: ***

Match 4: WWF Tag Team Championship Match - Doug Furnas & Phil LaFon def. Owen Hart & British Bulldog (c) via DQ (10:30)


An actually very good match. Kind of an underrated gem. It’s just a shame that the finish is so lame. Owen and Bulldog begin working over LaFon, keeping him away from Furnas and have the match well in hand, but then Owen hits Bulldog with a spinning wheel kick thanks LaFon ducking it. Owen picks Bulldog up off the mat and slaps him in the face. So Bulldog responds by clotheslining Owen. LaFon comes off the top rope with a splash on Owen, but Bulldog still saves the match. LaFon tags in Furnas, who throws Owen around with suplexes. It’s clear which team has the better teamwork and it’s looking like we’re gonna have new champions. Owen hits Furnas with an enziguri, tags in Bulldog, who uses his power to turn the tide. All four men wind up in the ring and go at it. Furnas and LaFon reverse an irish whip to throw Owen and Bulldog into each other. Furnas and Owen go outside while Bulldog and LaFon go at it in the ring. Bulldog picks LaFon on his shoulders for the running powerslam, but Owen gets in and hits LaFon with his slammy, causing the DQ. Interesting choice considering they were about to win anyway. So Bulldog is pissed about this. He screams at Owen and even throws his tag title to the floor as he berates Owen, screaming “I had him beat!” Clearly, they were setting up a Bulldog face turn, but those plans got derailed because of Bret Hart’s heel turn I believe. They eventually leave together as champions.

My Rating: ***1/2

Main Event: Fatal 4-Way Elimination Match for the vacant WWF Championship - Bret Hart def. The Undertaker, Steve Austin & Vader (24:05)


Holy crap, this was awesome! This was exactly how I would expect a Four Way to go. Just total chaos. No boring alliances or nothing like that. All four men just let loose and beat the crap out of each other and I was all for it! Unlike most Four Ways, you could eliminate your opponents by pinfall or throwing them over the top rope. Vader gets cut open around his eye very early in the match thanks to Undertaker and a big boot to the face. and several times during the match, they give us a close up on his face, and it looks bad. Vader bleeds this whole match pretty much. Vader really is the MVP of this match by the way. He was a beast this whole match and really forced the other 3 to bring it. And what’s brilliant about this match is that it will focus on a couple of them going at it if the other 2 weren’t doing anything very interesting. The first elimination occurs after about 18 minutes and Austin is the first person eliminated thanks to Bret throwing him over the top rope. Paul Bearer knocks Undertaker out for a couple minutes by hitting him in the head with the urn, while Bret and Vader continue fighting in the ring. I thought it was weird booking for Undertaker to save Vader when Bret has him in the Sharpshooter but okay. Austin runs back down to beat on Bret while Taker and Vader continue squaring off. Vader looks like he’s about to go for the Vader Bomb, but Undertaker gets up and knocks Vader over the top, eliminating him and this crowd goes fucking nuts! They go so wild that the hard cam starts shaking! Undertaker throws Austin back out. He Chokeslams Bret and sets up for the Tombstone. But Austin gets back on the apron and tries to pull Bret over the rope from the Tombstone position. Undertaker knocks Austin back down, and Bret clotheslines Undertaker over the ropes to take the win and the title. And before he has long to celebrate, Sid’s music hits because he gets a shot at the title on Raw the night after. And they have a staredown before the show goes off the air. I really loved this match!

My Rating: ****1/2

Cagematch Rating: 6.25

My Rating: 7.5/10

I was shocked by how enjoyable this show was. True, the first couple matches were nothing special, but also, those matches are the shortest. The IC Title Match was solid. Tag Match was pretty good aside from the finish. That main event was fantastic. It’s a serious contender for best WWE Four Way Match. If the undercard was just a little better, I would probably have it a little higher.
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Hard to believe that in a 2-hour show with just five matches they put in two totally random junk matches. Meanwhile left off the show were Ahmed Johnson, Mankind, Sid, Headbangers (who worked a dark match with The Godwinns), and The Sultan (who they were trying to get over). I believe originally it was supposed to be Hunter vs Ahmed for the I-C title until they swerved and put the belt on Rocky three days earlier. The main event was supposed to be a #1 Contender's Match until Shawn lost his smile and gave up the belt three days earlier. I kinda wonder if they had already worked out the match with Bret winning and challenging Shawn at WrestleMania and that's why he won the belt and then lost it the next night. I also really loved the match graphics for this show.
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