For the same people who talk about how super over Sheamus is, The reaction for the implicated Taker/HHH showdown was what made the show. It beat every reaction on an intensity scale, out of the whole damn show. And now people want to complain B/C they were out of their minds thinking the WWE was going to give Sheamus, the Taker match. Taker is going 20-0, and the steak will be broken next year.
And the person who will get to beat the streak, will be the wrestler the WWE is banking their future on.
People pay to see Rock, HHH, Taker, Cena, Orton, and Punk. No one desides to pay money to see a milk white, red haird, smiling big pandering ass Sheamus.
It's like going to a Lakers game and hearing the fans go wild for Luke Walton. They like him as a part of the show, but they pay to see Kobe. Reactions can be as much attriubuted to many things, like cheering a person for a certain role. Like Ricardo at the RR. Or Santino, or hell, Jim Duggen who got the loudest reaction at the RR.
Wake the hell up people.