WWF 1998 Review

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Nov 13, 2010
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What kind of jackoff keeps saying jackoff like a bunch of jackoffs? :russo

And that John Wayne Bobbit shit happened in 93.....way to be current :smh


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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What kind of jackoff keeps saying jackoff like a bunch of jackoffs? :russo

And that John Wayne Bobbit shit happened in 93.....way to be current :smh
Russo gonna Russo or Vince just found out
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: Kane & Mankind
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

August 16th, 1998
Omaha, Nebraska

WWF Tag Team Championships: Mankind & Kane (w/Paul Bearer) vs. Animal & Droz
Mankind again keeps a safe distance during their entrance, No HAWK cause he's drunk in the back somewhere. This goes all of 2 minutes, it's a basic showcase for the champs and for Shane's lady friend to show off her tongue ring and for JR to question what she uses that for. The champs isolate Droz, it goes nowhere and Animal's hot tag is pretty ass, Mankind comes in with a chair but Animal scoop slams him on it, he takes Kane down but Mankind comes back with a Mandible Claw, but Droz breaks it up. Droz and Mankind fight on the floor, and Kane hits a Tombstone for the win.

Jacque AKA the baby with back according to Shane comes down to the ring with Mero, Jacque calls for Sable to get her butt out there, so put down the cheap wine and get out here. Sable comes out to the stage with the mic and says the only thing cheap her is her perfume and her date. Jacque says she wants her damn trophy back. She beat her in a bikini contest and she wants none of this in the ring. She challenges her to arm wrestle for it then, and Sable says she'll beat her at whatever her game is, and is ready to drop the bomb on her.

Edge vs. Brian Christopher (w/Scott Taylor)
Dustin Runnels is in the crowd with signs saying "HE IS COMING" & "THE CHOICE IS YOUR" Real good Edge showcase, be busts out a ton of good new moves, and looks the best he has so far. Lawler's kid goes above to put him over too bumping and feeding for Edge, Scotty grabs Edge's ankle from the floor allowing Lawler's kid to hit a spinning neckbreaker on the floor. He takes over and does his Memphis style of do a move, taunt, do a move, celebrate. Laugh. Edge's comeback is cool, he kills Lawler's kid with a spinebuster and hits the Downward Spiral for the win. Scotty tries to jump Edge, but that backfires and Edge decks him before leaving into the crowd. **1/4

The Godfather joins commentary, minus hoes.

Bart Gunn vs. Vader
Bart is now doing the Boxer/KO gimmick, but his working punches suck, they look even worse than his lazy-looking legit punches. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE! Both guys try to work one another's mid-section, with neither guy selling so they move onto the next part of the match with Vader targeting the right arm to stop the punches but Bart no sells and they fall to the floor. Bart whips Vader into the steps but Godfather attacks for the DQ. Godfather beats him up, and Vader hits the Splash off the middle rope for revenge.

Owen/Shamrock/Severn video package, they're gonna have a triple threat on RAW tomorrow :mark:

Gangrel vs. Scott Taylor (w/Brian Christopher)
DAT MUSIC! DAT ENTRANCE! That's about it, Gangrel has the basic's down and hits an Impaler DDT for the win.

Tiger Ali Singh comes down to the ring, he gets a man to eat a worm for $500.

X-Pac & Triple H (w/Chyna) vs. Southern Justice
The foreshadowing of Shane being such a Triple H fan is great, JR announces that on RAW it will be the Nation vs. DX in a street fight. He also announces that it will be Jarrett vs. Pac at SummerSlam. Solid DX showcase, both Pac, and Hunter get some time in the ring. The Godwinns double team Hunter on the floor and Jeff Jarrett came out and kicked X-Pac in the dick for the DQ. After the match; Jeff pulls out some clippers and goes to shave Pac's head, but the Outlaws make the save.

In the back, Kane is pacing back and forth in a dressing room, as Austin drinks beer in another watching a monitor.

The Undertaker comes down to the ring, he says Austin he came out and challenged him like a man, and when he became #1 contender he vowed to him that he would be the safest "SOB IN THE WWF" He's done everything he said he was going to do. He did everything to protect his investment to the WWF Title, but the one person he couldn't protect him from was himself. Because now, BOY! You pissed me off (Footage shows Austin leaving his dressing room) Taker says he came at him like a man like he'll do at SummerSlam when he's all up in his face. He's got one foot in the grave, so if he's hell-bent on self-destruction, I guess I'll meet you at the intersection to the Highway to Hell and take the WWF Title. Austin comes out, but when he gets mid-way down the stage. KANE COMES OUT ONTO THE STAGE! AS JR YELLS AUSTIN IS TRAPPED, IT WAS A TRAP?


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Gangrel debuted on Heat :lmao


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: Kane & Mankind
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

August 17th, 1998
Des Moines, Iowa

In the back, Austin is trying to break into Vince's locker room but the door is locked. Austin, the leaves and says Vince has 60 seconds to get his ass into the ring.

Austin drives a hearse into the arena, before coming down to the ring. He says he told Vince he gave him 60 seconds to get his ass down to the ring, and if he don't he's got 26 beers to finish and he ain't going nowhere until Vince comes out. Pat Patterson comes out, and Austin calls him pathetic, Brisco then comes out and Autin calls him a jackass. Sarge then comes out, followed by Mr. McMahon. Austin says he guess Vince is happy because he got what he wanted last week when he and Taker lost the titles. Vince says not really, but Austin says he's full of crap. Austin says this just means they're not bound together anymore, and he doesn't have to clean up Taker's mess anymore. He says Taker said I PISSED him off, well, shit son. Stone Cold was born pissed off. Taker says I had one foot in the grave, well I'm gonna pull that foot out and stick it up your ass. To let you know, exactly what SummerSlam will be like. I'm gonna beat his ass and stuff him in that hearse, he tells Vince if he gets involved he will beat his ass and throw him in the hearse too. And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so.

Ken Shamrock vs. Dan "THE BEAST" Severn vs. Owen Hart
Angle match, Owen/Ken pretty much wrestle the entire match, as Dan just watches on. Owen is on today as he busts out a ton of new throws and suplexes. Ken makes a comeback and applies the Ankle Lock but Dan breaks it up by locking in the dragon sleeper with Owen putting the boots to him. Ken is out to the ref rings the bell. After the match; Dan refuses to break the hold as refs try to break it up. But he refuses to break, Blackman runs down and attacks Owen. Dan sees it and breaks the hold, he goes to leave as Blackman checks on Ken but DAN TURNS ON HIM AND LOCKS IN THE DRAGON SLEEPER WITH OWEN PUTTING THE BOOTS TO HIM TOO. Sarge and agents then come out, as DAN AND OWEN RAISE EACH OTHER's ARMS! AND LEAVE TOGETHER.

Before the fight, Godfather comes with his hoes, he says normally he would offer a night with his hoes. But not tonight, I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!

Semi-Finals in the Brawl For All: The Godfathers (w/Hoes) vs. Bart Gunn
Both guys come out swinging, nothing really connects outside a Godfather right hand to end the 1st. Bart up 5-0 cause he threw more strikes. Bart comes out looking for the takedown early in the 2nd, which pissed Godfather off who comes back with some awesome body blows but he blew himself up and Bart comes back with some nasty bombs and drops him to end the 2nd. 20-0 Bart, IDK. Godfather is GASSED, so 14 seconds in Bart throws the left just to set up the right and KNOCKS OUT THE GODFATHER!

Bart goes over to JR and says it's about time he gets some respect NOW, and JR says he's earning it.

Backstage: Blackman and Shamrock are throwing shit around in search for Owen and Severn.

Michael Cole says Dan Severn and Owen Hart have left the building, and he can confirm Dan is Owen's trainer for his Lion's Den match at SummerSlam

In the crowd, Edge looks bewildered by Gangrel

Gangrel vs. Brian Christopher (w/Scott Taylor)
DAT MUSIC! Gangrel showcase, Impaler DDT wins it for him.

Backstage: Michael Cole is with Blackman and Shamrock, Ken yells they better get 2 hospital beds ready, cause when he's through with them he will break every bone in their bodies. And if Cole stands here any longer he will break him too. Cole runs away as Ken and Steve FUCK UP THE SET!

Backstage: Michael Cole goes to interview DX, but the Nation come over and they all brawl. Refs and agents pull them apart, saving it for the Street Fight later.

The DOA (w/Paul Ellering) vs. Scorp & Faarooq
Pointless, at one point DX and the Nation brawl onto the stage and down the ramp. For some reason, the ref who has nothing to do with what's happening on the floor gets distracted which allows DOA to hit twin magic and win.

Street Fight: D-Generation X vs. The Nation of Domination
Owen has left the building, and Godfather is still out so it's 4-3. This is fun but only 6 minutes so fuck everything, tons of weapon shots and moves. They just beat one another up, not much to write really. Both teams take turns with weapons and shit. Jeff runs from the back and brawls with Pac on the floor, Southen Justice runs out and assault Pac on the floor. Jeff takes out the clippers and shaves some off Pac's hair. The Outlaws make the save and brawl with SJ, which leaves Hunter alone in the ring, they beat him down 3-1 even busting him open. Rocky pulls out a ladder and starts beating the shit out of Hunter with it. The Nation just leave, so, I guess the match is over. WTF! **3/4

Tiger Ali Singh is in the ring, he shows footage of his assistant Abu or Babo training in the hot sun. He says he hasn't had time to shower yet. But, he's willing to give a fan $500 to lick his feet. Babo takes off his sock, he gots corns and shit. A loser does it. This shit is so bad.

Sable and Jacque come out for their Arm Wrestling contest, they do shit. Jacque is about to lose so she throws the table onto Sable. Jacque picks up the trophy and breaks it over her back, the Oddities run out for the save. UGH! Nice to see Luna and Sable and friends now.

Backstage: Michael Cole interviews Val, he asks why Val would want to run the gauntlet against Kaientai. Val says he's been conditioned to run all night long, and he's willing to do it for a chance at five minutes with Yamaguchi at the end. And then he'll show him exactly what it's like to be severed at the head.

Semi-Finals in the Brawl For All: Droz vs. Bradshaw
Both men go for the knockout and go all out swinging. Bradshaw up 5-0, 2nd round is the same. Lots of bombs that don't connect, Droz gets a lucky takedown at the end. 10-5. Both men are gassed in the 3rd, but keep going for the KO. Both almost get it but time runs out. I personally have it 10-10. But the refs award Bradshaw the fight.


Al Snow video package airs, we cut to Al and head in a bar. Al makes Leaf jokes, Head is on the floor drunk.

Dustin Runnels cuts a promo, he says in the Bible, it's said your body is a temple and you must be careful what you put into it. Why then would you want to poison your mind? Here's an idea for you. Instead of watching this next segment, try curling up with a good book. Like Oliver Twist, Ivan Hoe, or his personal favorite, the New Testament. HE IS COMING BACK!

Sable comes down to the ring again, She calls Jacque a BITCH and calls her out for a fight. Mero and Jacque are on the tron, she calls Sable a ho and says she wasn't born yesterday, and they're not walking into a trap. She knows those freaks are hanging around. she says she can bring anybody she wants to SummerSlam and she and her man will lay the brown bomber on her. Then in the back, The Oddities bust in and run off Mero and Jacque.

Gauntlet Match: Val Venis vs. Kaientai (TAKA Michinoku, Dick Togo, MEN'S Teioh, and Sho Funaki w/Mr. Yamaguchi-san)
Teioh is up first, this goes a minute, Teioh uses his quickness to avoid most of Val's stuff but he gets caught with a big boot and the fisherman suplex ends it. Funaki is up next and he loses with a scoop slam 11 seconds in :lmao Togo is up next, this gets 3 minutes Sadly JR and King spend the majority of this portion of the match talking to fake George Bush UGH! Togo gets some offense in, but it's mostly Val he hits a sweet powerbomb and hits the Money Shot for the pin. TAKA is last, who's just casually wearing a Nike wifebeater and some shorts. TAKA bumps around for Val, TAKA gets the most offense in of the 4 and goes the longest. He avoids the elbow drop and hits the MICHINOKU DRIVER FOR THE WIN. VAL'S FIRST LOSS AND IT'S WAS A CLEAN ONE. **1/2

After the match; Kaientai comes down and attacks Val. Mrs. Yamaguchi-san comes out and slaps Val with the WOAT SLAP. Val then picks up a super soaker and sprays them with STUFF so they bail. King claims it's VAL's his "DNA"

The Undertaker's music hits, he's not on the ramp. HE'S ON THE STEPS! He makes his way into the ring as Austin comes out, TAKER HAS HIS BACK TO AUSTIN WHO SEEMS CONFUSED! Suddenly, Kane's pyro explodes and it's KANE DRESSED AT THE UNDERTAKER! WAIT SO HIS OTHER ARM ISN'T BURNT?!?!?!?!? Kane grabs Austin by the throat and drops Austin with a chokeslam, they begin brawling and it's their usual goodness. They fight through the crowd and towards the hearse, Austin throws Kane in the hearse. He goes to open the driver's seat door but it's locked......TAKER IS IN THE DRIVERS SEAT AND DRIVES OFF TO END THE SHOW.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: Kane & Mankind
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

August 23rd, 1998
Des Moines, Iowa

The Rock comes out onto the stage and sets up a ladder on the stage, before going to the back.

The Oddities vs. Southern Justice
This happens, it sucked as predicted. Dustin Runnels walked by with an "HE IS COMING" sign. Luna gets involved causing a DQ, Jeff Jarrett comes down to the ring ready to cut Luna's hair, but Giant Silva runs him off. Silva hits Canterbury with a chokeslam, and they all dance.

Now hailing from Munich, Germany. European Champion D'Lo Brown comes down to the ring for his title match against Animal, But DRUNK HAWK JUMPS THE RAILS AND CLIMBS THE APRON AS HE THINKS IT'S A TAG MATCH :lmao Hawk refuses to leave, so Mark come out and beats him down. He drops Hawk with a scoop slam on the floor, in the ring, it's a 2-1 with D'Lo hitting the Low Down. But, Droz makes the save, as the 2 Nation members leave.

Brawl 4 All highlights air.

The Headbangers vs. Owen Hart & Dan Severn

The Rock comes down to the ring, with the ladder. JR and Shane question if Rocky will accept Hunter's challenge to make their IC title match at SummerSlam a Ladder match. Rocky sets the ladder up in the ring and grabs a mic, he says The Rock has a little something to share with all of his fans and that's that when they opened the doors tonight, he watched each and every single one of them walk in here, and he came to one conclusion. And that's, that this is without a shadow of a doubt, the largest collection of trailer park trash The Rock has ever seen. After he laid the smack down on Triple H with this ladder, he wants to challenge him to a Ladder Match at SummerSlam. So, I'll tell you what. You bet your pretty ass. And make no mistake about it, The People's Champ is gonna enter the Intercontinental Champ, take his roody poo candy ass and beat it from pillar to post, and when it's all said and done, he'll plant him with the Rock Bottom. Then he'll climb the People's Ladder rung by rung by damn rung, snatch The Rock's Intercontinental Title. Then The Rock will look down and relish in the fact that then he realizes that there ain't nobody, AND THE ROCK MEANS NOBODY, that could ever be the People's Champ if you smell what The Rock is cookin.

Chyna calls the Rock Out on RAW tomorrow.

TAKA Michinoku (w/Mr. & Mrs. Yamaguchis-san) vs. Scorpio
This is cool for 2 and a half minutes, both men do some cool dives and spots. Yamaguchi-san tries to get involved but Scorpio takes him out, Mrs. Yamaguchis-san then stops further beating so Scorpio goes back onto the ring and hits some cool power moves. He hits a moonsault but Mrs. Yamaguchis-san distracts the ref allowing TAKA to recover and hit the Michinoku Driver for the win. After the match; Val comes onto the stage and says on RAW he has a big stick and will unload on TAKA tomorrow. *1/4

Mario Lopez talks about his WWF experience.

Austin/Taker recap from RAW. Highway to Hell is edited out :( I just realized Kane had fake tattoo's on good for him, that's dedication.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Droz
Shane announces Droz tore his bicep in his Brawl 4 All fight. This goes a minute until Pac runs out for the DQ. X-Pac pulls out a pair of clippers and Droz comes in to hold Jeff down, Pac clips some hair off the back until Southern Justice runs out and the faces bail to end the show.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: Kane & Mankind
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

August 24th, 1998
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Backstage: The Undertaker comes out of a room.............Followed by Kane.

The Undertaker and Kane come down to the ring, together. JR points out that the HELL IN A CELL is hanging above the ring tonight. Before Taker can say a word, outcomes Mr. McMahon, it's also his birthday. Vince says finally the Undertaker and Kane have come out of the casket. This is the best TV since the Copa a week ago, he asks after all those lies, we finally get to the truth. The truth is I told you so. There is no doubt that the two of you make the most destructive force in WWF history, and there is no doubt that with Kane at his side this Sunday, he doesn't need Vince McMahon to become the WWF Champion at SummerSlam. Let him go on record. With or without Vince McMahon, with Kane at his side, he will be the WWF Champion once again at SummerSlam. However, as he looks to his reign as WWF Champion, there will come a time when he needs Vince McMahon. For his wisdom, for his brilliant strategy, and he will need Vince McMahon for his friendship. So he asks him. "Vince McMahon, Friend or Foe?" Before this night is over, he wants an answer.

Paul Bearer comes down to the ring, looking all depressed, sad and broken. Kane can't even look at Paul in the face. Paul makes his way into the ring and says SON, TELL ME IT'S NOT TRUE! TELL ME IT'S ALL BEEN A LIE! A DREADFUL-NIGHTMARE! IT'S ME YOUR FATHER TALKING TO YOU! I'm the one that has always been there for him, I'm the one that always loved him, something his own mother didn't even do, that sleazy whore. Taker goes after Paul, but Kane holds him back with his hand. He tells Kane to LOOK HIM IN THE EYES! The same blood that runs through his veins, runs through Kanes. He says he never lied to him, and he knows who's being honest and deceitful. He needs to do one last thing for him if he never does anything else AND SAYS TO DESTROY THE UNDERTAKER. Kane looks back at Taker, then looks back at his dad. KANE THEN TURNS HIS BACK.............AND ALLOWS TAKER TO BEAT UP PAUL! FUCK YEAH! Taker begins pummeling Paul, as Mankind comes down to the ring. Mankind turns his back, so Taker and Kane beat the shit out of him and HIT A SPIKE TOMBSTONE!


Vince says there's only one man left between he and the WWF Championship, and that 1 man is Stone Cold Steve Austin. Austin's music hits, and Austin comes out onto the stage. BUT A WALL OF FIRE STOPS HIM ON THE STAGE! He stays up there with the mic and says he knew all along they were together. He damn near got choked up about their little family reunion in the back because he feels so damn happy for them. Austin says the son of bitches almost set him on fire and he doesn't appreciate that son. SummerSlam is six days away and it'll take a hell of an effort on Stone Cold's part to beat one of 'em. But against both of the big bastards, he knows he ain't got much of a chance. So they can rest assured that they'd better grow some eyes in the back of their head because Stone Cold Steve Austin is gonna take somebody out tonight. He plays with fire and thinks he's in Stone Cold's head, but when he gets to SummerSlam, he's gonna burn his ass, and that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so.

This feud has been amazing.

Ken Shamrock makes his way down to the ring, as Mankind is being placed on a stretcher.

During the break, Mankind is on a stretcher and is being placed in the back of an ambulance.

Ken Shamrock vs. Dan Severn
So, this is a fucking blast for the 3 minutes it got. Dope amateur wrestling to start, with slick reversals and stuff until it breaks down into a pro-wrestling style match. Just as it starts getting good Owen Hart runs down to attack Shamrock for the DQ. Owen locks in the dragon sleeper as Dan cheers him on until Blackman makes the save. The heels bail, as Ken slowly makes his way to his feet dazed. Ken accidentally bumps into Blackman, so Ken drops him with a belly to belly, that Blackman no-sells and gets right back to his feet. He hits Ken with a judo throw and leaves. Ken snaps in the ring and out, but ramming his head into the steel steps.

In the back, EMT's are laid out as Mankind walks with the stretcher.



Mankind has a bag of tacks with him, he grabs mic and says it was cahoots all along, a good Cub Scout should always be prepared and his leader Mr. McMahon warned him Kane was no good. He tried to believe it wasn't so, but now that it is, Mr. McMahon has offered him his chance at redemption, AND IT LIES RIGHT ABOVE HIS HEAD! Because Vince McMahon knows when KANE and Mankind are locked inside locked inside Hell in a Cell, he's...he's gonna get his ass kicked, isn't he? What kind of an idiot would step into the same match that nearly cost him his life? PHILADELPHIA IS LOOKING AT THAT IDIOT RIGHT NOW! Mankind says he has a plan, and the plan doesn't involve this ring, and just like King of the Ring, Mankind is going to walk up the side of that cage, and Kane is going through it or off it. He's got a surprise for that big burned bastard, and seven thousand thumbtacks will turn him into the world's biggest pin cushion. They're going to make a little bit of history, and if things take a turn for the worst, it wouldn't be the first time he's had his ass kicked in Philadelphia. And either way, I truly don't give a damn. I'll see you in hell, Have a nice day.

JR says Mr. McMahon has given this video package to the video truck, it contains footage of Mankind/Taker Hell in a Cell match.

Mero comes out alone, he grabs the mic and says he's all alone and JR says Duh :lmao He says if Kurrgan is a man he would send his freaks to the back and face him like a man. They all leave except Sable.

Kurrgan (w/Sable) vs. Marc Mero
This goes a whole minute before, Jacque comes through the crowd and attacks Sable from behind. Mero then low blows Kurrgan for the DQ, Heels quickly bail to the back.

In the back, Pac grabs a cameraman and goes into Double J's locker room. He has the cameraman record him "pissing" in Jeff's boots.

Southern Justice are in the ring, BUT DRUNK HAWK IS ON COMMENTARY! He says he's here to help with "Color dysentery" :lmao he brings up in how in '87 King told him to sell the Piledriver, but he didn't :lmao He says something about Vince, but his mic gets cut off.

Southern Justice vs. The New Age Outlaws
Hawk's mic is back on, he says he feels like he's getting the cold shoulder and asks JR to talk to Vince about getting him a raise. Jeff Jarrett then comes out, he grabs Hawk's headset and yells he wants Pac to get out here and he announces it's a hair vs. hair match at SummerSlam. The camera keeps shooting Jeff's feet as he has no boots, he gets pissed and rants the whole time. The match is what it is, The Outlaws are back to giving shitty tag teams way too much offense against them. One of the Justice guys goes to talk to Jeff, which allows Gunn to sneak in a piledriver for the win.

Jeff the cameraman has pissed him off for the last time, so Jeff and Justice attack him and shave his head. His screaming like a rape victim is hilarious.

Hell In A Cell Match: Kane (w/The Undertaker) vs. Mankind
Refs try to stop Mankind from climbing to the cell, so he beats them up and Kane comes out to meet him on the floor. LOL He then grabs a chair and tries to throw it on top, but he misses and it hits King. Mankind then says fuck it and climbs the cell. He gets more than halfway up, BUT TAKER ALSO CLIMBS THE CELL AND PULLS MANKIND OFF THE CELL AND HE CRASHES THROUGH THE SPANISH TABLE, WITH THE BACK OF HIS HEAD HITTING THE RAILS! FUCK! They fight back round and with Kane ramming the door into Mankind's head and chest before going into the cell. Ref Earl Hebner locks the cell as Taker watches on from the floor. Kane then grabs the steps and being destroying him with headshots, but he's not done. KANE HITS A PLANCHA OVER THE TOP! He goes to throw the steps, but Mankind climbs under the ring and comes out from the other side with a chair and the bag of tacks. He levels Kane chair shots to the head, and Kane sells it :mark: Mankind dumps the tacks into the corner but Kane attacks him from behind, he goes for the Chokeslam but Mankind counters with the Mandible Claw, which is funny cause Kane doesn't have a mouth hole in his mask, but fuckit. This is too good. He fights with forearms and hits a piledriver with Kane bumping forward with his ass landing in the tacks :lmao Kane sits up, and KILLS MANKIND WITH A CHAIR TO THE HEAD! Mankind is out, so Kane drops him with a chokeslam, followed by the Tombstone. TAKER DOES TEH THROAT SLASH TAUNT! So Kane grabs a chair and again nails Mankind with two more sick chair shots. Mankind stumbles to his feet, and Kane drops him with a Tombstone onto the chair. He goes for the cover, BUT AUSTIN COMES FROM UNDER THE RING AND ATTACKS KANE! FOR THE DQ. WTF! Anyway, he destroys Kane with a chair shot and a stunner. As Taker climbs the cell and tries to break in through the cell. He breaks in with a boot. But the Cell begins to raise. IT'S VINCE! VINCE IS RAISING THE CELL! Austin taunts Taker while putting the boots to Kane. He drops Kane with another stunner before leaving, as Vince lowers the cell again. ***1/4


Back from break, Undertaker and Kane are in the ring as the Cell raises again. Taker says he's given Austin FAR too much respect. What he just did is come out here in front of millions and prove he's nothing more than a coward. He jumped Kane from behind with no provocation, but when he jumped him, he sealed his fate. Tonight, before this night ends, he'll come face to face with his destiny. Nothing to do with SummerSlam, this is personal.

Chyna comes down to the ring alone, The Rock then comes out in one of his flashy shirts. He raises his eyebrow and Mark holding a ladder comes out with D'Lo and Owen Hart. They get in the ring while Rocky stays on the floor. Rock then gets in the ring and says if she wants to act like a big shot, here's the People's Champ in the flesh. But before this goes any farther, not for one single second does The Rock think this whole thing wasn't a set up to begin with. He knows DX was supposed to come out here and jump on The Rock and rip his brand new $500 shirt, but that just ain't happening. The Rock is always one step ahead and above, and she needs to know her damn role, shut her damn mouth, open her eyes and look at the big screen. A forklift is backed up against the DX Locker room door. Rock climbs the ladder and says he knows Chyna wants him, and he will walk in climb the People's Ladder rung by damn rung by damn rung, reach up and snatch the title and prove to him and the millions and millions of The Rock's fans why he IS the People's Champ, why The Rock IS the People's Choice, and why The Rock IS the BEST damn Intercontinental Champ there ever was. Back to her, he sees those bedroom eyes. He knows she's a frustrated tense woman whenever she's around The Rock, and he doesn't blame her. He's come to one conclusion, that she just needs to get some, and at 1 or 2 am The Rock can give her some. D'Lo and Owen hold her back when she charges at him. The Rock says to put her on her knees where she belongs :lmao He says she looks like a natural on her knees :lmao He says to look at him with those hungry eyes and pucker up and close her eyes. He moves in, but backs off and says there ain't no way The Rock WOULD EVER KISS A PIECE OF TRASH LIKE HER! He then tells Mark Henry to know his role and give this piece of trash the thrill of her life, BUT SHAWN MICHAELS RUNS OUT WITH A CHAIR AND HITS MARK HENRY! The Nation bails and Shawn throws the title at Rock. He hands Chyna the chair as Shawn bails to dance on the Commentary table.

In the parking lot, DX is free and is in search of the Nation.

Shawn Michaels now joins JR and King.

TAKA Michinoku (w/Mr. Yamaguchi-san) vs. Val Venis
This goes about a minute before Triple H comes down with a chair and destroys both men for the 4th DQ of the night. Hunter grabs a mic and yells Rocky crossed the line, and at SummerSlam his role is gonna be real clear. WHEN HE BECOMES HIS BITCH!

Gangrel vs. X-Pac
About 2 minutes, they don't do much which seems to be the theme for this angle, go-home show outside the AMAZING Kane/Mankind match. Jeff runs down and breaks a guitar over X-Pac's head for the 5th DQ. Triple H and Chyna run out to save, and Jarrett leaves quick. They help him away and Gangrel gets up, and Edge comes from the crowd to attack him until referees pull him off.


In the back, Undertaker is pushing a Casket around

Finals in the Brawl For All: Bradshaw vs. Bart Gunn

Backstage: Michael Cole is with Vince McMahon, Vince says he promises he will get his answer and it will be the answer he wanted.

8 Druids push the casket to the ring, The Undertaker then comes out to the ring, he says at SummerSlam, he'll take what's rightfully his, the WWF Title. And he's gonna do it like a man, in Austin's face. He won't jump him from behind and he need not worry about his brother, because Kane has his own agenda at SummerSlam. He's been upfront from the beginning, so the Highway to Hell SummerSlam '98, it'll be you and me for the title. But tonight, you made this personal boy. Doesn't he realize, boy, when he jumped on Kane, he jumped on him? So he wants him to take a ride on the Highway to Hell TONIGHT. Vince McMahon comes out instead, he snatches Taker's mic from him. He asks the question of Vince McMahon, Friend or Foe? again and throws the mic at Taker's feet. UNDERTAKER GRABS HIM BY THE THROAT AND HITS THE CHOKESLAM! Austin then pops out of the casket and gets in Vince's face..................KANE ALSO POPS OUT OF THE CASKET AND ATTACKS AUSTIN! Taker just stands back and watches on, Austin fights back. He grabs a chair but Earl Hebner stops him from getting back in. Austin backs up the ramp and watches on as A LINE OF FIRE STARTS TO COME OUT OF THE MIDDLE OF THE RAMP!


Austin comes back to the ringside, as Kane climbs out and stands back leaving Taker alone. Austin rethinks the trap and backs off before leaving. Vince is getting helped to the back as his Entourage come out to get him. BUT AUSTIN COMES BACK! HE ATTACKS ALL 3 AND ROLLS PAT IN WHERE TAKER DROPS HIM WITH A CHOKESLAM! Austin also rams Brisco's head into the side of the casket.

Now I know, the Highway to hell is cut off the Network due to legal fuckery, but this is a top 5 video package and needs to be seen.​
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Nov 13, 2010
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not gonna lie....I loved the brawl for all
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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Having a Hell in a Cell match as the main event of the first hour :DEAD:
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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@Chris you wanted it.

WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: Kane & Mankind
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

WWF Shotgun Saturday Night
August 29th, 1998 ~ HAPPY 7TH BIRTHDAY FAB!
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Motherfucking Kevin Kelly and Michael Cole are on commentary.

The DOA (w/Paul Ellering) vs. Ace Darling & Devon Storm
Shitty DOA squash, it goes way too long for their abilities. The jobbers take some okay bumps, DOA hit an assisted Powerbomb for the win.

In a dark room somewhere, Taker says Austin was the fastest growing legend in the WWF. But he spends way too much time running his mouth, and he doesn't think, he realizes he's about to face the Legend Slayer. I've beaten that which was Immortal, and Ultimate. Austin you will rest in peace.

WWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin is in a park:lmao He says Taker's ass belongs to him, and that the bottom line.

Recap of Pac/Gangrel and the aftermath from RAW airs.

Awesome Taker/Austin Highway to hell video package airs, they walk through old abandon buildings that are on fire.

Brawl4All Finals highlights.

Bob Holly vs. Dick Togo (Mr. Yamaguchi-san)
Kevin Kelly stupidly says because Bob was the only guy to go 3 rounds with Bart, his career might be on the rise. Meaninless match, comms spend the whole time hyping up SummerSlam and some loose ends from RAW. Togo takes some nice bumps, as Bob does his "tough guy" powerhouse stuff. He hits a sitdown powerbomb, and follows up with a Leg Drop off the top for the win.

Recap of Chyna calling out The Rock from RAW airs in full.

Triple H is sitting on top of a Ladder somewhere in the arena, he says on RAW Rocky crossed the line, but at SummerSlam it's between you and me, and it's just not your IC title on the line, your ass too.

The Pitbulls vs. The Headbangers
HOLY SHIT! I didn't know the Pitbulls wrestled in WWF, GOD DAMMIT CHRIS WHY? They're the heels in this and it's solid. They isolate Thrasher, with double teams and tons of cheating behind the refs back which I appreciate. Mosh's hot tag was fine, it gets cut short as they go right into the finish hitting the Headbangers hitting the stage dive for the win.

The Rock is sitting in a forklift, he says at SummerSlam he's gonna show Triple H why he is the best damn Intercontinental champion there ever was, if you smell what the rock is cookin'

Owen Hart and Ken Shamrock cut the exact same promo saying one of them is going down.

The New Age Outlaws say at SummerSlam Mankind and Kane are going down, and they will get back their titles. Oh, and SUCK IT!

Dustin Runnels vs. D'Lo Brown
D'Lo is from Lisbon, Portugal this week. His bobblehead entrance this week :lmao Dustin has "HE IS COMING BACK" on the back of his shirt, and Cole says maybe his dad. And Kevin says ~ Oh god, I hope not :lmao Dustin uses his experience early, Cole announces D'Lo/Val for the title at SummerSlam has been added. D'Lo takes over and works the head, tons of face takes, and punches. Dustin seems to care during his comeback so that's great, D'Lo huts his knee during a leapfrog and begs off. Dustin questions it, and even asks if this is LEGIT! D'lo yells yes, so Dustin gives him the hand and helps him up. BUT D'LO WAS FAKING AND HITS THE SKY-HIGH, AND FOLLOWS UP WITH THE LOW DOWN FOR THE WIN. **1/4

Highway to Hell ends the show.
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: Kane & Mankind
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

August 30th, 1998
Madison Square Garden: New York City

Shawn Michaels joins Jim Ross and Shane McMahon on commentary.

Animal and Droz come down for a match, HAWK THEN STUMBLES DOWN THE ENTRANCE WAY WEARING HIS LOD MASK :lmao He insists on taking Droz's place and Droz just walks away. This is about 2 minutes of nothing, Animal does most of the work as DRUNK HAWK, WHO HAS THE HELMET ON THE ENTIRE TIME STANDS ON THE APRON! Hawk stumbles in and Animal calls for Doomsday, but, Hawk climbs up facing the wrong way allowing Too much to break free. Hawk falls back and hits Animal allowing Scotty to cover for the win. After the match; Animal has finally had enough and yells at Hawk before leaving.

In the entrance way of the building, Austin is pacing back and forth holding a sledgehammer.

Shawn Michaels is in the ring and introduces Sable. Shawn puts over Sable, as Sable says the Sable Bomb will be dropped tonight. Shawn then asks who her partner will be, Sable says if he told him, then it wouldn't be a secret anymore. She says what she will do is tell him who it isn't, and says even though they're dear to her heart, it won't be one of The Oddities. Their dance card is full tonight, and speaking of dance cards, she asks Shawn to dance to his music. So they dance. It's terrible. I swear if Shawn smashed.

Gangrel vs. Dustin Runnels
This gets about 2 and half minutes, they kinda just do stuff to pass the time until Gangrel hits the Impaler DDT for the win.

Backstage: D-Generation X arrive, Cole says people are saying that tonight, DX's future could hang in the balance. Triple H says DX lives for today, and when the last bell rings tonight, things will never be the same.

Backstage: Cole aks Mr. McMahon about Austin antics tonights, Vince says he's concerned to protect his main event. If he has to go out and take that sledgehammer away from him by himself, he will, and won't let him ruin this for him or WWF fans.

Jeff Jarrett and Southen Justice come down to the ring, Double J then attacks Finkle and shaves off what little hair he has left on his head :lmao He also shoves off the mustache. Shawn makes jokes that all of Finkle's friend have come out to help, cause no one helps get it. He then says you can always count on WWF officials. Jeff grabs the mic and yells DON'T PISS ME OFF!

Sarge, Patterson, and Brisco go over to Austin and try to get Austin to hand over the sledgehammer, but he refuses and threatens them. They retreat back to Vince who says he will do it himself, cause he's just a man.

The DOA (w/Paul Ellering) vs. Bradshaw & Vader
Total bullshit angle match, Vader, and Bradshaw can't get along so they argue a bunch and have some miscommunications, DOA are pure shit. Bradshaw winds up punching Vader backwards into a Skull schoolboy for the win. After the match; Bradshaw and Vader end up brawling until refs and agents break it up. Vader ends up clotheslining Bradshaw to the floor and refs hold him back.

In the parking lot, Vince and his entourage are now with Austin. Vince says someone is gonna get hurt, Austin says he's never been worried about his health before, he's not worried about him he's worried for Undertaker and Kane's health. And his little PPV Main Event. Austin says he's gonna make sure Kane doesn't jump him from behind like he's been doing. Vince yells to forget it and Austin says there ain't no way he's losing that belt either and calls him a piece of trash.

The Rock and Mark Henry arrive at the building, as a Rocky/Triple H video package airs.

The Rock, D'Lo Brown, Mark Henry, and Owen Hart come down to the ring. Rocky has a mic and says, New York City, in the flesh here, is the damn people's champion. DX then hit the ring and everyone brawls, Rock then takes out Hunter by the knee as the Nation bail to the floor.

In the parking lot, A hearse arrives at the building, Austin tosses out the driver and begins destroying the hearse to end the show.


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I know I’m a little ahead but that Ladder Match :banderas:
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: Kane & Mankind
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku


WWF SummerSlam
August 30th, 1998
Madison Square Garden: New York City

D'Lo is hailing from Helsinki, Finland.

WWF European Championship: Val Venis vs. D'Lo Brown
JR claims he's heard a rumor that D'Lo's chest protector has been reinforced with something tonight. D'L to get under Val's skin with cheapshots and running away, to get Val to snap and possibly DQ himself. D'Lo also uses his chest a lot for offense, like lots of running splashes and just throwing himself at Val. D'Lo keeps taunting or wasting time going to the top so that a keeps allowing Val to recover and come back with offense. Not much of a story here, just two guys getting 15 minutes going back and forth, In a damn good throwaway extended TV match. D'Lo targets the lower back, and Val sells it a tone, even in a rare 1998 moment it even hinders him from doing some of his stuff. D'Lo misses a back senton off the top, which allows Val to make a comeback. They have some great counter sequences and some real dope near falls. Late in the match, D'Lo drops Val on his neck as he fucks up a powerbomb, he makes up for it by hitting the Liger Bomb but misses the Low-Down. Val then takes off the chest protector and puts it on himself. The ref tries to take it away and "accidentally" crotches Val. The ref again tries to pull the protector off, so Val shoves him away and the ref calls for the DQ?!?!?! DA FUCK! ***

After the match; Val is PISSED! So he slams the ref, and hits the Money Shot.

In the parking lot, Michael Cole is next to the wrecked Hearse. Mankind appears, he says this was HIS! It was his special SummerSlam ride. e was going to stuff Kane inside but now look at it. This might be good news for the Brisco Bros. Body Shop, but it's not so good for him. He picks up the sledgehammer and says maybe he can use the sledgehammer after all, won't that be nice.

Handicap Match: The Oddities (w/Luna & The ICP) vs. Kaientai (w/Mr. Yamaguchi-san)
Full on fuckery, comedy for 10 whole minutes. Kaientai are legit amazing in this, from bump to all the quadruple teams and team taunts they try their absolute best to keep this somewhat entertaining. Kurrgan and Silva hit double chokeslams for the win.

Double J comes out with Southen Justice, but PAC COUNTERS THAT BY BRINGING OUT HOWALD FINKLE. FUCK YEAH! Sothen Justice gets send to the back, but Finkle can say.

Hair vs. Hair Match: Jeff Jarrett vs. X-Pac
So this is a blast, two of the best guys in the company going back and forth for 11 minutes. Pac uses the quickness to stay one step ahead of Jeff, but Jeff catches him and crotches him into the ringpost, allowing Jeff to take over. He targets the head and neck, cause everyone that wrestle's Pac this year targets the neck. Pac does his usual bumps in the corner, he doesn't sell the neck but would rather sell exhaustion. Jeff has a number of good cutoff spots, where he uses his experience to counter Pac's 2nd wind speed. The only thing I didn't like was Jeff using the figure four, without working the legs but that's one of my common pet peeves in wrestling. Plus it wasn't the finish so I'm somewhat fine with it, Pac's big comeback ruled as they into the near falls. Finkle gets on the apron and tries to tell the ref, that Jeff countered the Bronco Buster with a low blow, even though the ref saw it too. So, Jeff decks him but turns into the X-Factor for two. Southen Justice comes back out and tries to run interference, but Pac avoids and grabs the guitar as the ref is distracted. He breaks it on Jeff's head and covers for the win. ***1/4

After the match; The New Age Outlaws, Droz, and The Headbangers run out and assist Pac in cutting Double's J's hair.

Method Man is in the crowd.

Michael Cole is with the Rock, Cole says he must be confident going into this Ladder match and asks if maybe he's taken it a bit too far. Rocky says he's thinking about slapping the yellow off his teeth if he keeps asking stupid questions. The Rock wants to know exactly how Triple H is gonna climb the People's Ladder with just one leg. Tonight, in front of the millions and millions of The Rock's fans. He guarandamntees that he'll prove without a shadow of a doubt that The Rock IS the People's Champ, The Rock IS the People's Choice, and The Rock IS the best damn Intercontinental Champ there ever was. If you smell what The Rock is cookin.

Mero, Jacque, and Sable all come out, Sable then introduces her partner.................EDGE!

Marc Mero & Jacqueline vs. Sable & Edge
This is a copy and paste the Mania mixed match, with them building and teasing the Sable/Jacque a couple of times before they actually touch. Edge/Mero is decent but, it's Mero and rookie Edge so it's not great. Sabl/Jacque was bad cause Sable may be all-time hot, but she's really bad. The match ends when Edge hits Mero with the downward spiral, he then assists Sable with a splash for the win. *3/4

Backstage: Michael Cole is with Mankind, Cole says The Undertaker confirmed that Kane is not here, so he asks him if he'll defend the belts or forfeit. Mankind says he's lost his car, tag partner, and the sledgehammer, so maybe he oughta just give up. Cole says the people deserve it for their money's worth, so Foley says he could be his partner then, and they can get killed. "OR BETTER YET, I'VE GOT TIME, LETS GO OUTSIDE AND MANKIND CAN PLAY IN TRAFFIC IF YOU WANT YOUR MONEY'S WORTH!" Vince comes over and calms him down, he says nobody wants to see him play in traffic or come off of a cage and talks about Foley hitchhiking to MSG as a kid, and this is Madison Square Garden and it's history, and it's where he belongs. He says it might be insane and a little crazy, but if he can as one man successfully defend the belts as one man in MSG, he'd be guaranteed a spot in the MSG Hall of Fame by next week, and he personally guarantees it. Foley says he has no weapon, but Vince says this is No DQ, Falls Count Anywhere, and if any match could be made for him tonight, it's this. Foley says he's interested in immortality but he needs a weapon, so Vince brings him a cookie sheet and a candle holder :lmao Vince says he's handing him history, he's handing him immortality on a silver platter. Foley throws away the candles but keeps the tray and says if the Outlaws don't like it, he's got 13 words for them. "HOW MUCH WOOD COULD A WOODCHUCK CHUCK IF A WOODCHUCK COULD CHUCK WOOD?"

Lion's Den Match: Owen Hart (w/Dan Severn) vs. Ken Shamrock
So this is great, it's not a violent and brutal as the Dungeon match, but they both take nasty bumps into the cage mesh and again have no problems stiffing the fuck out of one another with great looking punches, knees, and kicks. Ken dominates the majority of this as he has the "home field advantage" in this mini-cage. Owen takes a hell of a beating, before taking over sending Ken into the steel support beams holding the mesh together. The padding on the mat must be so thin cause every time either man takes a bump the thud is super loud. Shamrock crawling up the cage to escape the Sharpshooter, and hits a desperation DDT. Ken makes a comeback before locking in the Ankle Lock. Owen signals for Severn to throw in the towel, but Dan walks out instead, and Owen taps. ***

Backstage: Michael Cole is with Stone Cold Steve Austin, Cole tells him that Kane is NOT here tonight. Austin says maybe it's true and then maybe it isn't, because it really doesn't matter because he doesn't trust anybody. He says he's got all the respect for Taker, more respect for him than anyone. But all sentimental crap aside, he'll cheap shot him back to death if that's what he has to do to hold on to the WWF Title because he won't give him or Vince McMahon the satisfaction of taking it away from him.

No Holds Barred/Falls Count Anywhere Match for the WWF Tag Team Championships: Mankind vs. The New Age Outlaws
The Outlaws wheel a dumpster out with them, which is a great callback from the Cactus Jack feud. Dogg doesn't all the way do the intro before Mankind attacks them with weapons. This goes about 7 minutes and totally rules, it's 2-1's with Mankind getting his fucking head caved in with weapon shots and takes some crazy Foley level bumps. Mankind does his best to survive and tries to divide and conquer but the numbers and weapons eventually catch up to him. They kill him with the double team powerbomb onto seated chairs. BUT MANKIND KICKS OUT! They then hit the spike piledriver onto one of the tag titles and covers for the win. ***


After the match; Dogg does the intro, Gunn then says he's putting Mankind in the garbage where he belongs. They throw him in and close the lid before going back into the ring to celebrate. KANE STANDS UP OUT OF THE DUMPSTER AND HAS THE SLEDGEHAMMER WITH HIM! KANE WAS HERE ALL ALONG! HE NAILS MANKIND WITH THE HAMMER BEFORE GETTING OUT AND WHEELING THE DUMPSTER TO THE BACK!

Triple H gets the live band entrance, so NO spoilers here 8D

Ladder Match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship: Triple H (w/Chyna) vs. The Rock (w/Mark Henry)
This starts off really slow, it's not bad by any means as they do a lot of their counters, reversals and brawling spots but they seem to move really slowly, especially when going for the ladder it's like it's been 25 minutes instead of 5. The match picks up a ton, once the ladder is introduced with both men using it as a weapon on one another. Rocky begins targeting the knee, he hurt on Heat earlier tonght. You can see the crowd, starting to get behind Rocky as one half would begin chanting "Let's go, Rocky," but as soon as that half is done, they immediately go back to "Rocky Sucks" But yeah, the knee work is damn good, he uses the ladder, a chair and part of the ring as a weapons on assaulting the knee and Hunter sells it so well during the work. But then just decides FUCK IT! I'll stop selling and just limp for the next 15 minutes. I do give both guys a lot of credit, they take the nasty bumps on the ladder which are now the norm like backdrops, slingshots, and shit. Mark gets involved at some point as he tries to stop Hunter from re-entering the ring as Rocky is climbing the ladder, but Chyna decks him and Hunter puts a stop to Rocky's quest and begins to go on offense. Rocky gets busted open after Hunter baseball slides the end of the ladder sending the top crashing into his nose and forehead. The crowd also gets into this more into seemingly as the match goes by, with every false finish so that helps a lot. THE CROWD POP FOR THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW ONTO THE LADDER WAS INSANE! They also do a cool spot with Triple H going for the double ax hammer off the ladder, but Rocky catches him in mid-air and hits the Rock Bottom for another huge pop. Hunter comes right back with a pedigree tho, but as he tries to get up Mark throws powder into Hunter's eyes blinding him but he feels his way up. Rock is closely behind, but Chyna comes in and low blows Rocky and he falls allowing Hunter to pull the title down. Really good match, but it didn't need 25 minutes, cut 5-7 minutes off and this still would have ruled. ***1/4

After the match; The rest of DX run out and celebrate with their leader. THE ROCK FINALLY HAS THE SUPPORT OF THE FANS!

Exclusive Home Video Footage, sees The Rock walking to the back as Pat and others are calling for Taker, Rocky walks past everyone and heads to the trainer's room, The Rock says yeah Triple H beat him tonight, but there ain't nobody. NOBODY. who could ever be The People's Champion and in due time, payback's a bitch.

WWF World Heavyweight Championship: The Undertaker vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
So, here it is the infamous SSlam '98 main event, the build is one of the best builds in wrestling history, but sadly this doesn't deliver. Austin gets knocked loopy a minute in after a clothesline so he's off his game and is moving really slowly, like he doesn't do his high energy amazing brawling, and tries to wrestle. It also doesn't help that he and Taker bang heads at one point too, and it really doesn't help that Taker is moving super slow and methodical. Taker targets the arm, which goes nowhere and Austin comes back trying to work the knee/leg that goes nowhere as neither man bothers to sell a lick of pain. Kane comes down to ringside, but Taker calls him off and sends him to the back. Austin is so bugged eyed and lost, it's the old the light are on but nobody is home look. Taker hits a chokeslam from the apron, back in but doesn't go for a cover so Austin somewhat recovers and they begin brawling on the floor. Man even that didn't have the usual Austin fire, he does take some nasty bumps though like getting backdropped onto the concrete, or getting clotheslined back to ringside, falling onto the back of his head. BUT FUCK ALL THAT! TAKER BUSTS OUT THE FLYING LEGDROP OFF THE TOP ROPE THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE! Taker rolls him back in, and covers but only gets two. Austin is either busted open from the mouth or he's spitting up blood. So yeah, Austin makes a comeback and hits a botched stunner for two. Taker comes right back with a Chokeslam and signals for the end, but Austin fights out but gets crotched onto the top rope. Taker goes for Old School again, but as he jumps Austin low blows him in mid-air, he then hits the stunner and covers for the win. **


Taker sits up and has the title, he hands it to Austin and leaves. KANE COMES OUT! AS THE MEET AT THE GATE ENTRANCE! They stare down Austin to end the show.

Damn, I wonder what the main would have been if Austin didn't get knocked silly.
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