WWEF Universe Mode Version 4.0! Its back!

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The Game
Apr 14, 2016
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Kevin Owens is eating a subway. Nothing else to be said

Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
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United Kingdom
*The scene begins from when Kenny Omega just left, the parking lot. As the door Omega entered has just closed, a shadow can be seen on the floor. The shadow seems to flick their hair back and crack their neck, before walking in the same direction Omega did. The camera re-positions to show the back of the individual, a P1 logo on the back of their shirt. The individual stares up for a second and speaks a few words.*

"Revenge is too sweet."

*The man now identified as AJ Styles turns to face the camera, before smirking and walking through the doors as the camera fades to black.*
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First RWK Euro Champion
Apr 15, 2016
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*Dean Ambrose is dressed in black, SWAT-like gear, with a "douchebag earring" and comb over hair. He appears to be headbutting a wall in the backstage area. As the cameraman approaches, he turns around, blood trickling from a cut on his forehead*

Dean: I often beat people with Dirty Deeds... but on the other hand, no I don't. The real dirty deeds - the atrocities to appall you all - are yet to begin. Dean Ambrose has a new focus, and it's on gory destruction. I've always had a pain and punishment tolerance through the roof, but now I'm about dishing out more than silly lariats. Blood and attitude are coming back through me... the Lunatic Fringe is dead. Long live the lunatic.


The Showoff
Nov 14, 2016
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London, United Kingdom
* The Camera cuts to backstage showing Karl Anderson arriving after Aj Styles and Kenny Omega have already entered and after walking a few steps turns to the camera*

"I just have a quick word of warning for everyone else on the roster. With me, Aj, and Kenny our path of dominance starts now. So It doesn't matter if we are united together or if we all decide to do our own thing, the three of us are going to run this place and you know why?"

*Karl Anderson pauses before doing throwing up too sweet on both of his hands and to the camera*

"Because we are just too sweet!"

*And with that Karl Anderson walks out of shot as the screen fades to black*


Moist Nephew
Mar 23, 2016
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Kingdom of Nazarick
April, 1999

The camera comes into Diamond Dallas Page exhausted after a match and holding the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. He can't help but smile, even when he runs into the genius that is Vince Russo.

“DDP bro, congratulations on the new title bro! Spring Stampede bro, it's going down in the history books bro!”

DDP holds his newly won title on his shoulder.

“Yeah, thanks 'bro’.”

Russo looks slightly irritated.

“Are you trying to impersonate me, bro? Dude, nobody can impersonate me, bro! Try that crap again and I'll have some comedian take that title away from you!”

DDP just shakes his head, Russo may be stupid, but not that stupid. How could he be? He created the attitude era!

“Alright bro, I'll take that and change the name plates, then tomorrow, we'll crush those WWF losers in the war once and for all!”

DDP hands his first world title over to Russo and decides to go on a walk while the plates are being changed. While he's walking the halls, he's spots a rookie in a metal wrestling attire. Page can't help but to laugh as he walks up to the rookie.

“Wow, I thought that Mortal Kombat ripoff was bad, no we have a robot too?”

The rookie turns around and shouts back.

“Hey, bite my shiny metal ass, meatbag!”

DDP is taken aback by the rude rookie.

“Hey, you better learn to watch your mouth. I'm a nice guy, but you talk like that to Hogan or Nash and you can kiss your career goodbye.”

The rookie can't help but to laugh.

“Career? Listen up, chump, I'm not some stupid human dressing up like a sexy robot.”

The robot caresses his shiny arm.

“I'm the real deal.”

Diamond raises his eyebrow with doubt.

“A robot… it's 1999, do I look stupid?”

“Shut it, meatbag. I know a code, a special code, it let's me go back in time without creating a paradox. It's great for stealing all those valuable little treasures from the past! That's the problem though, it's only the past, I gotta wait with you loser humans until I get back to my time.”

Page stands there, processing the fact that he's staring at a real time traveling robot.

“God gawd… how exactly does it work?”

“I just kinda read the code out loud, and bam, I'm in the past.”

DDP takes a second to think.

“What if you read it backwards? Will you go into the future?”

The robot sighs.

“No you dummy, that's not how it works.”

. . .

After a small time passes, the robot presses down on his antenna and reads a code incredibly fast. A small bubble appears around the robot, and it engulfs DDP as well. The two disappear from the hallway, and from the year 1999.

DDP is freaking out, as he has no idea what's going on.

“Jesus! What's going on?!”

“I'll tell you what's going on, meatbag… we're going to the year 3000.”

The two appear in a colorful lab filled by three young adults, one old man, a cyclops, a giant lobster, and three ugly as sin pink aliens. Diamond - who absolute didn't expect to be in this scenario - starts freaking out. After a few minutes, DDP begins to calm down.

“The year 3000, eh?”

A young man responds.

“Hey, trust me, it's a lot better than it sounds, I came from 1999 too. I've never been happier since I came here.”

The old man, who is on some sort of holographic computer, yells from across the room.

“You said your name was Diamond Dallas Page, right? The wrestler?”

“Yeah… and I just won my first World Championship… I was on my way to greatness!”

“Yeah… no. According to this, WCW died, you went to WWE, then they turned you into a stalker and your career died. Your greatest achievement was opening a Yoga school and running for president in 2028.”

DDP can't help but look disappointed.

“So my career died… great.”

“Yeah, too bad you weren't around in 2017, that's when people really started to appreciate you.”

“Yeah… if only.”

DDP sits in the lab really bummed out before a little idea pops in his mind.

“Hey robot, can I talk to you in private?”

“Sure thing, chump.”

The robot lights a cigarette and the two walk out of the room.

“So… do you think you can… I don't know… hitch a ride to 2017?”

The robot begins to laugh.

“Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Wait... are you serious? Let me laugh even harder then!”

The robot continues to laugh.

“What if I give you $20?”


The robot presses his antenna and says a code incredibly fast. Him and DDP disappear and go head for the past.

Conveniently enough, they reappear in another wrestling arena. Page thanks the robot and gives him $20. He wanders around the arena and finds a man in a suit. The man looks important, so DDP decides to talk to him.

“Hey, do you have any idea on how a guy like me can get a gig around here?”

The fancy man turns around and sees DDP. He doesn't know why, but Page looks incredibly familiar.

“Hmm… I think I may know a thing or two. Nice to meet you, my name's Triple H.”
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Moist Nephew
Mar 23, 2016
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Kingdom of Nazarick
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Dark Side
Apr 16, 2016
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New Brunswick, Canada
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What did I do? I started a promo streak....

The Gipper

The Gipper
Jan 10, 2014
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Okay let me explain this first....The world championship scenario. I thought of a unique match type which is going to crown our world champion! Pretty much, every week until the first PPV. We're gonna have a match. This week it will be a 6 man tag team and whoever gets pinned gets eliminated! Then next week, we will have the same match since there are no 5 men matches on WWE 2K17. Yep. So we're gonna do a 3 vs 2 match with the losing team being the two of course and same rules apply. Person who gets pinned, gets eliminated from the world championship series. Then it will slowly go down until the PPV where we will have the final two men! Who'll fight in a stipulation which is TBD. As for the competitors who are competing...

There you go! Oh and Tye is now finn in that list...yep. As you can see on the following match card, it's pretty much based on that list because I have nothing else to base it on. The IC Title will be also have qualifiers which will be the rest of the matches surprisingly. 6 matches. 6 winners that go into a ladder match for the IC Title. Simple? Simple. Also I know my gfx isn't the best leave me alone! XD


AJ Styles @TheKingSonic , Kenny Omega @Beavs & Samoa Joe @Blackout vs Seth Rollins @RedDwarfTechy , Pentagon Jr @HaroGames & Diamond Dallas Page @B1skit

Only as I write this, I realise the coincidence that current RWK rivals Beaver and Dwarf are on opposite sides...That was not planned! Also wasn't expecting the two people that aren't really sure which team they are on, being on the same team or the fact that current WWE rivals Joe and Rollins are facing each other. Anyway two of Bullet Clubs leaders are teaming with Samoa Joe to face a all star team of Past, Present and Future. DDP(past) Rollins (present) and Pentagon JR (future) and as we know, the guy who is pinned is eliminated! But both of the teams will have to work together so they don't have to face a massive disadvantage next week! Also I'm disappointed in you B1Skit for impersonating the ALMIGHTY VINCE RUSSO!


Scott Dawson @Gino Bambino vs Dean Ambrose @Geek773 in a IC qualifier!

Two of the PS4 League's biggest stars and major rivals Gino and Geek battle it out for a spot in the IC Title ladder match. Both playing currently WWE's best brawlers. It kinda makes sense for them to fight it out. Plus the fact that I dislike both of them. I am a great booker.


Bray Wyatt @Grievous vs Finn Balor @Finniis in another IC Qualifier
I know I misspelled Finniis' username..I don't really care though. :p So Finniis challenged Grievous to a match at the top of the page 17 as Tye but it crosses over because I want to see Finn Balor vs Bray Wyatt! Two Universe mode newbies facing off as two scary guys with a unknown backstory for a spot in that ladder match. Yea!


Karl Anderson @Crazykillerv1 vs Cesaro @Regdegington IN A IC TITLE LADDER QUALIFIER
First off Regdegington, why is your name so difficult to spell!? I'm calling you reg from now on! XD Anyway Crazy only had one match in the last universe and it ws in a triple threat match involving Roman Reigns. I decided to be slightly nicer this time around and give him a match against the Swiss superman instead of the guy with the Superman Punch. I'm sorry Killer, I'm so mean to you. They both wanting that ladder spot, only one can get it. Unless I didn't count it right.


Daniel Bryan @The Lokimaster vs Kevin Owens @Frosty in a IC Title Qualifier match

What, you didn't know I was Daniel Bryan? Well you know now! This is more of a way to relieve stress for me. And I have gave myself a shot at becoming the IC Champ! This is great for me! I mean the game could make me lose and have Frosty just destroy me and it helps to inflate his already massive ego. But that's just a slight possibility. It won't actually happen, I hope.


CM Punk @WholeFN'Moe vs Cheeseburger @Mike Thunder vs Adam Cole @CBK_15 in a guess what? ANOTHER IC TITLE QUALIFIER!

Talk about a underdog match. And it's quite interesting as Mike Thunder might be the more known guy on WWEF but Punk is definitely the more known wrestler. I have never even seen a cheeseburger match dammit Thunder! Making me use a guy who I have no idea of on my universe mode! XD and Adm Cole is there too.

Give your predictions and promos and stuff! I have just realised I messed up on one of my renders. Try and guess which one. This was a long post :p
Last edited:


The Artiste
Apr 13, 2016
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Okay let me explain this first....The world championship scenario. I thought of a unique match type which is going to crown our world champion! Pretty much, every week until the first PPV. We're gonna have a match. This week it will be a 6 man tag team and whoever gets pinned gets eliminated! Then next week, we will have the same match since there are no 5 men matches on WWE 2K17. Yep. So we're gonna do a 3 vs 2 match with the losing team being the two of course and same rules apply. Person who gets pinned, gets eliminated from the world championship series. Then it will slowly go down until the PPV where we will have the final two men! Who'll fight in a stipulation which is TBD. As for the competitors who are competing...

There you go! Oh and Tye is now finn in that list...yep. As you can see on the following match card, it's pretty much based on that list because I have nothing else to base it on. The IC Title will be also have qualifiers which will be the rest of the matches surprisingly. 6 matches. 6 winners that go into a ladder match for the IC Title. Simple? Simple. Also I know my gfx isn't the best leave me alone! XD

View attachment 2747

AJ Styles @TheKingSonic , Kenny Omega @Beavs & Samoa Joe @Blackout vs Seth Rollins @RedDwarfTechy , Pentagon Jr @HaroGames & Diamond Dallas Page @B1skit

Only as I write this, I realise the coincidence that current RWK rivals Beaver and Dwarf are on opposite sides...That was not planned! Also wasn't expecting the two people that aren't really sure which team they are on, being on the same team or the fact that current WWE rivals Joe and Rollins are facing each other. Anyway two of Bullet Clubs leaders are teaming with Samoa Joe to face a all star team of Past, Present and Future. DDP(past) Rollins (present) and Pentagon JR (future) and as we know, the guy who is pinned is eliminated! But both of the teams will have to work together so they don't have to face a massive disadvantage next week! Also I'm disappointed in you B1Skit for impersonating the ALMIGHTY VINCE RUSSO!

View attachment 2748
Scott Dawson @Gino Bambino vs Dean Ambrose @Geek773 in a IC qualifier!

Two of the PS4 League's biggest stars and major rivals Gino and Geek battle it out for a spot in the IC Title ladder match. Both playing currently WWE's best brawlers. It kinda makes sense for them to fight it out. Plus the fact that I dislike both of them. I am a great booker.

View attachment 2752

Bray Wyatt @Grievous vs Finn Balor @Finniis in another IC Qualifier
I know I misspelled Finniis' username..I don't really care though. :p So Finniis challenged Grievous to a match at the top of the page 17 as Tye but it crosses over because I want to see Finn Balor vs Bray Wyatt! Two Universe mode newbies facing off as two scary guys with a unknown backstory for a spot in that ladder match. Yea!

View attachment 2751
Karl Anderson @Crazykillerv1 vs Cesaro @Regdegington IN A IC TITLE LADDER QUALIFIER
First off Regdegington, why is your name so difficult to spell!? I'm calling you reg from now on! XD Anyway Crazy only had one match in the last universe and it ws in a triple threat match involving Roman Reigns. I decided to be slightly nicer this time around and give him a match against the Swiss superman instead of the guy with the Superman Punch. I'm sorry Killer, I'm so mean to you. They both wanting that ladder spot, only one can get it. Unless I didn't count it right.

View attachment 2753
Daniel Bryan @The Lokimaster vs Kevin Owens @Frosty in a IC Title Qualifier match

What, you didn't know I was Daniel Bryan? Well you know now! This is more of a way to relieve stress for me. And I have gave myself a shot at becoming the IC Champ! This is great for me! I mean the game could make me lose and have Frosty just destroy me and it helps to inflate his already massive ego. But that's just a slight possibility. It won't actually happen, I hope.

View attachment 2754
CM Punk @WholeFN'Moe vs Cheeseburger @Mike Thunder in a guess what? ANOTHER IC TITLE QUALIFIER!

Talk about a underdog match. And it's quite interesting as Mike Thunder might be the more known guy on WWEF but Punk is definitely the more known wrestler. I have never even seen a cheeseburger match dammit Thunder! Making me use a guy who I have no idea of on my universe mode! XD

Give your predictions and promos and stuff! I have just realised I messed up on one of my renders. Try and guess which one. This was a long post :p
Where is Adam Cole?

Patriot Pants

LDW Champion (855+ days)
Jan 23, 2017
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It's time for...FINNIIS' Probably Wrong Predictions! *yaaay*


The winner...or winners aarre...
Aj Styles ( @TheKingSonic )
Kenny Omega ( @Beavs )
Samoa Joe ( @RedDwarfTechy )


The winner, winner, chicken dinner is...
Dean Ambrose. ( @Geek773 )


The winner...
Obviously I pick myself, I mean...Finn has to free Becky from Bray's dastardly (and most likely dirty) hands. [HASHTAG]#Gostorylinego[/HASHTAG]

Winner iiiisss...
Cesaro ( @Regdegington )


This winner is...Daniel Bryan ( @The Lokimaster )


The somewhat questionable winner is...
Cheeseburger ( @Mike Thunder )

I don't know my reasoning for these decisions, I just flipped a coin
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