I'd agree with you if it had been Wade Barrett. WWE haven't made him look foolish like they have with Sheamus in his sporadic booking lately.I saw the dollar signs in a heartbeat sir.
Let's face it peeps, Jericho/Punk is going to happen no matter what, this was the better way to go AND it elevates the future, not the past.
Kudos to WWE for making the right decision tonight.
I saw the dollar signs in a heartbeat sir.
Let's face it peeps, Jericho/Punk is going to happen no matter what, this was the better way to go AND it elevates the future, not the past.
Kudos to WWE for making the right decision tonight.
Why not a Sheamus Bryan feud is gonna be money!
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So what the fuck is Randy supposed to do at wrestlemania. FUCK
I'm not the one who booked the Battle Royal where he was cleanly beaten by Hornswoggle. And that wasn't that long ago.Hopefully commit suicide
Brando I love u but u couldn't be more wrong...sheamus is the man
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I hate to say it but the fact that Jericho lost sets up Jericho/taker and HHH/punk
I hate to say it but the fact that Jericho lost sets up Jericho/taker and HHH/punk
That is the past...now he and Bryan are gonna tear the place down fella!
Fuck Sheamus.
I want to eventually see Jericho vs Punk
Fuck Sheamus.
I want to eventually see Jericho vs Punk