WWE Raw, Smackdown & PPV's 2003

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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Gonna be straight you none readers, after that Smackdown I’m in a great mood for wrestling but this PPV is a dick suck and I’m keeping these reviews to as minimum words as possible. Terrible Show

WWE Unforgiven 2003
Hershey, Pennsylvania

WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H
WWE Intercontinental Champion: Christian
WWE World Tag Team Champions: La Resistance
WWE Women's Champion: Molly Holly

Handicap Tables Match For The WWE World Tag Team Championship: The Dudley Boyz vs. La Resistance
Oh goodie starting off the show with the most overrated match stip ever, a washed up tag team and some greener than apple pieces of shit. Why are they starting the match off like it’s a tradition match have guys on the apron? UGH! It’s not like they can get DQ’ed UGH! The Dudleyz control the early portion that shockingly lasts quite a while, dare I say way too long. Anyway the Dudleyz hit a mid=night express double team flapjack but when he goes to whip one of the French fucks the other hits him in the back leading the most boring heat-segment ever. Thankfully it doesn’t last long an Devon tags in; he cleans house long enough until Bubba is ready to help out. Wazzzz Up! Connects and Devon goes to get the table. That gets broken up and the French fucks bring a table in, they throw Devon into one. They go to poerbomb Bubba through the other but he fights out. Bubba Suplexes Sylvan through one until the number game again comes back to get them, they try a double team back drop but Devon moves a table. The Dudleyz now have the number and put Conway through a table on the floor with the Double Spinebuster, the same move that Spikegot murdered for payback, seconds later Dupree is 3D'd through a table and the bell rings as we have new champs. Terrible borefest, but I would rather have washed up champs than French fucks. *

Steiner's Contract vs. Stacy's Contract: Scott Steiner vs. Test (w/Stacy Keibler)
Well things just go from back to worse, well actually it picked up during Stacy’s entrance than went completely down hill after. Oh you thought the Bad Blood match was bad, this was even worse yeah that’s right EVEN WORSE! This is just 6 minutes of two guys exchanging power moves with no selling, Scotty’s only moves are suplexs he’s like Kurt today. The only real thing I like is Test just being the biggest piece of shit trash talking Scott and Stacy throughout. The match would end when Test undoes the turnbuckle pad and brings in a chair while the ref is reattaching it. Stacy steals the chair away and swings, but it takes out Scott Steiner allowing Test to finish him off with a big boot for the win. Post-match, Test forces a kiss on Stacy because he’s a DICK! :lmao @ Scotty going down at a Stacy chair show, terrible match. *

Editor Note: I turned the show off ‘cause I can’t take this shitness; knew I should have watched Brock/Kurt before this. My mistake.

Tried again still not happening; 5TH TIMES THE CHARM!

Just to let you know I won’t be doing in-depth reviews, this piece of shit doesn’t deserve it.

Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton (w/Ric Flair)
This has really been building since Bad Blood when Orton returned and helped Flair beat Shawn. Evolution theme song :mark::mark: that was the only good thing about this match 8D No seriously, this hasn’t aged well at all. I’m not saying it was amazing to begin with but for a match that was suppose to put Orton on the map and Orton having his biggest win to date the match was eh, something I can see on raw if they really wanted to. The early portion is as expected Shawn shows his experience and “schools” Orton while taunting Flair; this lasts for a few minutes but Shawn gets cocky by throwing Orton over the top. But does the skin the cat thing and hits him with a dropkick. Orton takes a high risk which allows Shawn to regroup and he takes the fight to young Orton now. Shawn starts going to the air, and is hitting the moves. They go blow to blow and both guys strikes look pathetic, Orton has yet to master uppercuts and rights and Shawn chops are just sad. Finally that nonsense ends when Shawn charges and hits the ring post shoulder first “injuring it” a few Flair cheapshots allow Orton to start working the arm and shoulder, it’s good but Shawns’ made it look far better than it was. However, all that arm work gets tossed out the window and became meaningless when Shawn makes his comeback no selling all of it. They had a good finishing run, although Shawn kicking out of the RKO helps nobody at all and was unnecessary. Shawn hit the Sweet Chin Music, but Flair put Orton's foot on the rope during the count or at the count of three. As good ol’ Hebner tries to explain what happens to him Flair hands Orton some brass knuckles and not the shitty 80/90’s WCW white tape, this is some legit motherfuckers. Flair comes into the ring but gets killed with Sweet Chin Music, as he turns around Orton decks him and covers for the win. This was no 2007 match; meh Flair was da real MVP here. **3/4


Backstage: Those French fucks are in the trainer’s room getting iced up and Jericho walks and basically tells them he is gonna get rid of Austin.

Gail Kim & Molly Holly vs. Trish Stratus & Lita
This is not good; it’s basically the same match we’re gotten the past however long but now it just involves a rusty Lita. Trish looks amazing in white, really amazing Lana level good. But yeah, Lita makes a shitty hot tag and pins Molly with her Moonsault.

Last Man Standing Match: Kane vs. Shane McMahon
Kane debuts the shirtless attire here to further ruin him falling into the fire even more bullshit. Shane jumps him during his entrance and starts beating him with a steel chair. He beats on Kane for a good portion of the match; it’s good because he’s not using wrestling moves but using every weapon he can find along with strikes. But the problem for me is, he was getting way too much offense in against a “monster” However Kane’s slow methodical violence was golden. He took his time and actually looked like he was enjoying it. Shane’s bumps that look awful as shit, and is generally really bad. It was basically get you shit, then I’ll get mine in get up at the count of 9 and do it all again. At one point the ref takes a bump and I’m trying to wonder why. Shane hits the coast to coast with the steps in Kane face but the ref is out :lmao I still don’t know why they tried to protect the coat to coat. They brawl up the entrance way and Shane being Shane has to attempt to murder himself, so he climbs to the top that is after hitting Kane in the head with a camera. Anyway, He comes off with a senton, but Kane moves out of the way, and Shane goes through the particle board platform. Kane staggers to his feet, but Shane is still dead RIP! Lawler and JR tried their best to make Shane to be the hero but the action is nothing we haven’t seen before in all Shane vs. Big Guy matches. **


More Jericho/Austin stuff happens backstage.

WWE Intercontinental Championship: Christian vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho
I remember watching this a while ago and looking to see what I remember but I must have deleted it :( So the match that should have stolen the show is just another sloppy shitfest; totally blaming RVD and Jericho for this cause they both sucked the living hell out of this. The match was as predictable as it gets The C men double over RVD for a while but as soon as one goes for a cover they break it up and now it turns into a triple threat match. It also didn’t help the Shane death has also murdered the crowd RIP! Also I just googled it and they got 20 minutes and this is the best they can do JESUS! It did feel like a drag. The match ends when RVD hits the frog splash but Christian gets the belt up into the mid-section and rolls him up for the win. UGH! They just never got it past the first gear. Wasn’t Christian’s fault these bums held him down.


Backstage: Triple H tells us a story of a dragon-slayer who one night slayed the dragon but woke up the next morning in the real world and got his ass kicked because there are no fairy tales :lmao

Winners get to be Raw commentators: Jonathan Coachman & Al Snow vs. Jerry Lawler & Jim Ross
NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO NO NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! Snow and Coach win after Jericho runs out to dropkick JR in the back of the head allowing Coach to win NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! SUCK A DICK! Also who gave them 10 fuckin’ minutes???? Oh what made it better was no one was on commentary so yeah, dead air for 10 minutes :lmao

Lawler and JR get ready to call their “last match together” a true heel would have made Coach and Snow call it, just goes to show how serious this angle is 8D

WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Triple H vs. Goldberg (TITLE VS. CAREER)
Thankfully the WOAT PPV has come to an end, well almost. Triple is in full Flair mode here he’s basically trying his version of Flair’s formula against Lex and other big strong guys here. Good story early on with Goldberg being too eager to get going fast, and Triple H kept taking advantage because he is the cerebral assassin of it until he could get Goldberg down for a long time. Goldberg's bumping was again very good. Triple H is clearly injured here he’s moving with that NBA 2K 60 Speed. The leg work was meh and further made irrelevant when Goldberg no sells it during the comeback; HHH tries to pull out all the tricks here, ref bump, chair steps and even the sledgehammer but nothing put him down. Goldberg would end up hitting a weak appear and jackhammer for the win. MOTN HOLY SHIT! But more importantly GOD is no longer the world champ (12/15/2002 – 09/21/2003) LEAVE THE MEMORIES ALONE~! **3/4


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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I'm surprised you liked the main event as much as you did, but I haven't seen this show in years. Also I thought the triple threat and Orton/Michaels match were better than you did as well. I would say I need to rewatch this but FUCK THAT


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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WWE Raw 09/22/2003
Washington, D.C.

WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Goldberg
WWE Intercontinental Champion: Christian
WWE World Tag Team Champions: The Dudley Boyz
WWE Women's Champion: Molly Holly

Lillian Garcia pointed out that some U.S. troops who were fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan is in attendance at RAW.

The new RAW announcers, Jonathan Coachman and Al Snow make their way to the commentating position.

Goldberg comes down to the ring and gets on the mic; he says he made a promise to show up tonight as the new world champion. And he did exactly that, last night Triple H found out first hand BELIEVE THE HYPE!!! Suddenly, Stone Cold’s music hits and out comes Austin :lmao at Coach and Al ripping him during his whole entrance. Anyway, Austin says only a few thinks make him happy drinking beer, 4 letter words, middle fingers and more beer along with the US troops. But last night Goldberg made him happy by winning the world title and remaining in the WWE. He then says he has 4 letters for him, and he says “I’LL DRINK TO THAT” its 4 words not letters Austin, DAMN DRUNKS. They begin to drink beer until Eric Bischoff comes out. Eric also congratulates Goldberg and sucks up to him about their past in WCW, and he says him backing Triple H was meant to motivate Goldberg, but Goldberg isn't buying it. Eric says he made Goldberg, not Vince McMahon, so Goldberg kills him with the Spear. Austin and Goldberg then drink more, and celebrate.

WWE Intercontinental Championship: Christian vs. Rob Van Dam
A decent match, RVD wastes no time attempting to break Christian’s jaw with kicks and going to the air. He hits a no hands senton to the floor before following up with a legdrop to the apron. RVD tries to put this away early with a Frog Splash but Christian moves and RVD lands gut/mid-section first. This allows Christian to begin working the section, RVD still refuses to sell everything but exhaustion. RVD makes his comeback which I swear it wasn’t on par as I’ve seen in the past, he did however do this awesome spot as he wants to hit the springboard crossbody but Christian falls to the mat faking him out. But RVD outsmarts him and hits the split legged moonsault for two. The a minute later Christina goes for the reverse DDT but RVD just falls down and kicks him in the face. After a series of near falls for RVD Christian rolls out of the ring and nails RVD with the IC title for the DQ. Post-Match: Nick Patrick takes the IC title away, which pisses Christian off more. So he goes under the ring and takes out a Ladder. He KILLS RVD with a running shot to the head that RVD takes without any protection. He sets up the ladder, climbs up, and he hits RVD with his own Frog Splash off the top of the ladder. FUCK YEAH!!!


Backstage: Chris Jericho walks in on Eric in the trainer’s room; he says what happen to him is unacceptable. He says they are on the same page and wants to put the screws to Austin and Goldberg tonight. He asks for a world title match and Eric approves, Jericho says Goldberg's first title defense will be his last.

Jindrak & Cade come down for a tag match, but Evolution comes out behind them and beats the shit out of them.

Evolution gets in the ring and Triple H gets on the mic as the fans chant for Goldberg; he tells them to go ahead before saying he only lost one match but he is still the greatest pro wrestler alive today. He wakes up knowing it and he proves it. He then says Goldberg didn’t beat him, he beat himself because he didn’t believe the hype. Well he now believes it and it’s time for him to make him believe. He says all these signs that say game over are wrong and the game has just started. When he gets his rematch he’s taking back what’s his.

No Disqualification Match: Tommy Dreamer vs. Mark Henry (w/Theodore Long & Rodney Mack)
Teddy Long, Mark Henry and Rodney Mack come down to the ring and Teddy gets on the mic playz. Long talks about how DC is racist. He challenges any white boy to come fight Mark Henry, and Tommy Dreamer comes out, Dreamer starts out swinging a cane and trash can. At one point; Mark catches the Singapore cane, hitting a Lariat, and breaking the cane on his knee AWESOME! This is about a minute, and Mark hits the World's Strongest Slam to win.

Backstage: Jindrak and Cade attempt to go beast mode at Evolution, but The referees pull them apart and Maven also gets involved. Triple H says if they want Evolution, to go get ready, and bring that jack off with them because they picked the wrong day to stand up for themselves.

Trish and Lita are walking backstage and walk past Christian and Jericho, who say they are quite hot. I bet this won’t lead to anything 8D They talk about Christian's IC Title victory, and Jericho congratulates him. Christian says he hopes Jericho is as successful tonight as he was in his match. Austin comes up, and books Coach vs. JR next week for broadcasting rights :lmao Coach and Al only lasting a week, They say that's unfair, and Austin calls Christian a CLB again, Christian says does it stand for Christian Likes Blondes and Austin shuts it down by saying it stands for CREEPY LITTLE BASTARD!!! He then books CLB vs. RVD next week for the IC Title in a Ladder Match!

Trish Stratus & Lita vs. Molly Holly & Gail Kim
This was a lot better than the PPV match but I don’t care, I really don’t

Backstage: Chris Jericho goes up to Eric telling him, he has another idea. He says Eric should be a special outside enforcer, and when "opportunity" presents itself; both of them will do their parts.

A video of the Test/Stacy/Steiner history airs, now including the match at Unforgiven with Test now owning Stacy and Steiner's services. Earlier tonight, Stacy apologized to Steiner in the parking lot when they all arrived, but Test showed up and forced Scott to carry his bags to the arena under threat of lawsuit for not following through on their contract :lmao

The Hurricane & “S.H.I.T” Rosey vs. La Resistance (w/Sylvan Granier)
This sucked. Just, not good. The superheroes win with a Samoan Drop/Neckbreaker combo on Conway. After the match, the Dudley Boyz came out and congratulated them, and then went to thank the U.S. troops who were at ringside.

Evolution vs. Mark Jindrak, Garrison Cade & Maven
The young kids come out like a house of fire and clean house, the match early on is in neither teams advantage. Good back and forth between Maven and Flair, before Cade and Orton go at it which kinda ruled. After a backbreaker which allows Evolution to isolate Cade, gotta love when GOD gets pissed and does the OTT choke. Evolution cut the ring off in half and take turns beating on Cade, the match reminds me of the old WCW Saturday Night Four Horseman vs. Jobbers match; where the Horsemen bump for everyone and try to make them look good even though we all know these jobbers are not winning. Anyway, Maven has this weak hot tag as the match breaks down. At one point Jindrak leaps to the top and comes back and clothesline Triple H. Orton picks up a chair but Hebner takes it away falling off the apron :lmao which that happens Maven hits Flair with a dropkick off the top rope but the Hebner is still out which allows Triple H to sneak in and Pedigree him before rolling Flair on top for the win. Post-Match: Orton hits Cade with the RKO and Triple H gets on the mic and says he's still the best, and says the fans need him. He says they need him a lot more than he needs them, and he throws down the mic. **1/2 - **3/4

WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Chris Jericho vs. Goldberg (Eric Bischoff)
During Eric’s entrance he’s still selling the rib, hey wrestlers take fuckin’ notes. It’s been over an hour and half including commercials 8D and he’s still selling. Feeling out process to start with Jericho getting the first blood outsmarting him but out Goldberg uses power before the cat mouse game start. Then out of nowhere Jericho just runs into Eric knocking him out :lmao back in the ring; Jericho offense is not working as Goldberg hangs him up on the top rope before falling to the floor. Goldberg sets him up for the spear but Jericho uses his quickness to dodge and Goldberg goes arm first into the steps (nice call-back sorta from the bad blood match) Jericho now begins to work the left shoulder now; Goldberg does a nice job a real nice job of selling during the heat and even during mini-comebacks e.g. he hits this sick straight kick but keeps his arm hanging by his side. Then late in the match Goldberg hits the press spinebuster spear move but Bischoff pulls out the referee. Jericho quickly hits a bulldog and the lionsault, but Goldberg kicked out. Steve Austin comes out and pulls Bischoff out of the ring and knocks him down. Jericho stares him down and begins yelling at Austin, Austin gives him the middle fingers and Jericho turns around into a Goldberg spear, he follows up with a Jackhammer and covers for the win. Nice short match; got straight to the point. **3/4



Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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WWE Smackdown 09/25/2003
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

WWE Champion: Brock Lesnar
WWE U.S. Champion: Eddie Guerrero
WWE Tag Team Champions: Los Guerrero’s
WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Rey Mysterio

Tonight: Rey vs. Tajiri for the Cruiserweight Title, Guerrero’s vs. Matt & Moore for the tag titles and Eddie vs. Haas for the US Title; Eddie pulls double duty :mark:

Smackdown opens up with the WWE Title is in the ring on a display stand; Vince McMahon and Sable come down to the ring and Vince gets on the mic. He begins to talk about the Iron man match last week between Kurt and Brock, he goes to introduce the new WWE Champion Brock Lesnar but instead Kurt Angle comes out. He tells the crowd to give it up for Angle before saying he knows why he came out here. It’s to say Brock cheated, you want to bitch, wine and complain. Or maybe not. Maybe you’re here to challenge Brock tonight. But that’s not gonna happen tonight, because he has to work from the bottom. And knowing Kurt to be the sports man you came out to wish Brock and congratulate him. Kurt then snatches the mic; and says he didn’t come out here to congratulate him he came out here to kick his ass. And tonight 1 of 2 things will happen, Brock comes out here and I beat the hell out of him or 2 I go backstage and beat the hell out of him. John Cena’s music hits and out comes Cena In this dope ATL jersey. He cuts a rap about Kurt having a vagina; Kurt jumps him and throws Cena out of the ring. Cena bails and Kurt says “seeing how Brock didn’t come out here, hes going to find that stupid son of a bitch”

Backstage: Kurt is yelling and finds Brock’s lock room; he goes in and finds……no one, as he leaves Cena ambushes him and bails out of the arena in a truck. Kurt comes chasing after him and steals Vince’s limo and limo driver.

WWE Tag Team Championships: Los Guerrero’s vs. Matt Hardy & Shannon Moore
Mattitude.com says; Matt has wrestled with strep throat, Matt hates taking medicine. So this is fun, mainly cause it’s a Guerrero’s showcase. They dominate early on with quick tags, double teams and high impact moves. Matt would gain control when Moore trips Chavo up and pulls him out but Chavo takes him out, leading to Matt hitting a baseball dropkick knocking him out. That would allows Moore to send him back first into the ring apron. Matt and Moore barley get any heat on Chavo before Eddie gets the hot tag; it takes some time to get going but its good. At one point Matt and Moore hit a double team neckbreakers for two. Eddie would doge a double team but gets hit with another neckbreaker for two. The match breaks down and all 4 are going at it until Eddie and Moore are left, Eddie moves out of the way of a senton as Chavo hits a back suplex with Eddie following up with a Frog Splash for the win. Post-Match: Matt hits a side effect on Eddie onto the US title belt, Chavo didn’t see it cause he was too busy celebrating on the outside :lmao To make matters worse. During the commercial break: Hass who is challenging Eddie tonight runs out, he takes out Chavo before locking in the Haas of pain to the injured back of Eddie. Fun way to start **1/2


A-Train comes down to the ring PISSED OFF! He throws the steps and a chair into the ring. He says that everybody has been saying he can't beat Chris Benoit, but he knows he can beat him and everyone else in the back. He calls Philly a joke and challenges a fat boy in the crowd. He begins to threaten Cole and Taz before dragging Time Keeper Mark Yeaton into the ring and applying the crossface to him, Benoit comes charging out, they brawl for a bit until A-Train kills him with a chair shot to the head.

Backstage: Eddie is looked at by the trainer, the trainer says Eddie shouldn't wrestle, but Eddie says he knows what he can and can't do, and he's wrestling.

Backstage: Vince and Sable are feeling each other up before making out, thankfully someone walks in. Vince gets upset cause the guy cockblocked him. Vince yells at him for shitty timing and says to set up the red carpet and title display again at the end of the show, because he's going to present Brock with the title as it should be.

Backstage: Charlie Haas says Eddie got what he deserved, and he took him out just like they took out Shelton, and he says he'll take the US Title like the Guerrero’s stole their tag titles.

Backstage: Tajiri is breaking a wooden crate with his kicks, because he is FUCKIN’ AWESOME!

WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Tajiri vs. Rey Mysterio
Tajiri bringing the violence early ruled, but Rey weathers the storm and used the quickness and speed to control the match to his likeness. But he gets too overzealous and crashes mid-section first into the turnbuckles, Rey would block the green mist which Tajiri sells like someone shot his best friend :lmao Rey continues to fly around but one high risk too many and he jumps right into a straight kick to the mid-section that went into the buckles earlier. Tajiri works it like a pro stretching him out with submissions and strikes. Rey’s selling it good, but during the comeback he completely forgets about it :( You can't go from holding your ribs one second to doing a cartwheel and jumping on their shoulder the next, da fuck. Awesome spot with Rey leapfrogging Tajiri to the middle rope he jumps to the top and connects with a moonsault for two, then seconds later Tajiri comes back with a counter out of the bulldog attempt into a German for two. Running baseball dropkick as Rey is hanging on the buckles, but Tajiri is not done as he follows up with the michinoku driver for two:mark: Rey bumps into the ref and Tajiri “accidentally” kicks him in the head, Rey would hit the 619 but during the West coast pop missed Tajiri superkicks him as a 2nd ref comes out and counts two. The ref checks on the other ref as Rey hits a ‘Rana but during the pin cover the Tajiri spits the red mist and finishes him off with a sick kick for the win, NEW CHAMP!!! The chemistry is godly with these two. Such a fun match. ***1/4 - ***1/2


Next Week: Zach Gowen update

The fuckin’ Basham’s and Shaniqua come down to the ring to attempt to kill Smackdown, Jamie Noble with Nidia come down; he says his tag partner Billy Gunn maybe hurt and he doesn't like to brag, but while he's not very smart, he is rich, and he spent his money on Bradshaw.

The Basham Brothers (w/Shaniqua) vs. Jamie Noble & Bradshaw (w/Nidia)
This really sucked, Basham’s are horrible. LEGIT! On the level of the French fucks on raw. Bradshaw is washed, and Noble is just meh!! Raw level of trash.

The Big Show comes out to do commentary in ring attire for some reason but gets up to leave when Eddie comes out. Eddie walks right past him, so Show attacks him and throws him into the ring post. lolwat!

WWE US Championship: Charlie Haas vs. Eddie Guerrero
Haas wastes no time putting the boots to Eddie before rolling him in as the bell rings; Haas goes right to the back with everything targeting the mid-section and back which ruled. Eddie begins to fire up with punches but he hits a dropkick that further injures the ribs allowing a breather for Haas and Haas hits this amazing double legged takedown to gain control back. Eddie performance in this on another level, I said I think in the Cena match a few weeks back was the best but this was just all round greatness. At one point; Haas has Eddie on the apron and runs him into the ring-post mid-section first. Chavo comes to check on Eddie but just gets sucker punched for his troubles. Chavo tries to make a scene taking the ref away allowing Eddie some time to recuperate as Haas has him covered. Haas of pain is applied, but Eddie fights and crawls out of it. Out of desperation Eddie pulls Haas out of the ring and Haas grabs the US title, the ref wrestles it away from him as Eddie picks it up he places it on the top turnbuckle as Haas shoves the ref down. As Haas comes charging in Eddie moves and Haas connects with the title head first. Eddie crawls and climbs to the top, he follows up with a Frog Splash but rolls away out of pain, he eventually crawls to make the cover for the win. EDDIE GETTING DAT SUPERMAN PUSH TONIGHT! As for the match, awesome way to make of for the shitty match before and Eddie looks like a star. ***


Vince McMahon and Sable are in the ring, he demands the crowd show respect as he introduces the NEW WWE Champion, Brock Lesnar. Vince says this is the new face of the WWE, and the new face of Smackdown. He says he speaks for Smackdown, and fans all over the world Congratulations CHAMP! Brock says from the bottom of his heart he would like to thank Vince for reminding him who he is. THE REAL BROCK LESNAR, DEAL WITH IT!! He then says he had Kurt in the palm of his hand for the entire 60-minutes last week, Kurtis :lmao it didn’t matter about the DQ cause it was all part of his plan. Brock also says that Vince was right about him being Unforgiven says the locker room, needs to realize that he is UNSTOPPABLE! The Undertaker comes out to the ring on his bike. He says he didn't interfere last week because he has too much respect for the WWE title, but he doesn't respect the person currently holding it. Taker then says he remembers Brock Lesnar costing him the WWE title a few weeks ago in a match against Kurt Angle, and tells Brock to take the belt and enjoy it, because he's facing HIM at No Mercy. Vince steps in and asks on whose authority that WWE title was set up?! Stephanie music hits and she comes down and say she signed Brock vs. Taker; Vince says that he will have Stephanie's authority rescinded, or SHE will be in a match at No Mercy. He threatens to put Stephanie in the first Father/Daughter match in WWE history. She says that she's not changing her mind, so Vince announces that he will face Stephanie in an "I Quit" match at No Mercy :lmao how Vince has to have his match overshadow the WWE title match. Anyway, Vince calls her a bitch and is about to hit her when Taker grabs his hand. That allows Brock attacks Taker with the WWE title belt he but as he’s talking shit Taker grabbed Brock by the neck and nails him with a chokeslam.



Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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WWE Raw 09/29/2003
Chicago, Illinois

WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Goldberg
WWE Intercontinental Champion: Christian
WWE World Tag Team Champions: The Dudley Boyz
WWE Women's Champion: Molly Holly

Chris Jericho along with Eric Bischoff comes down to the ring for his Highlight Reel show; Eric Bischoff says that Steve Austin has been suspended for a week, so he will not be in Chicago, tonight. Jericho says that Eric Bischoff let Steve Austin off way too easy, and that he should have beaten Goldberg last week. Chris Jericho introduces his guest, a guy that he screwed last week at Unforgiven, Jim Ross. Eric says that The Coach can choose the type of match he'll have with Jim Ross later. Coach (who is wearing a Brett Farve Packers jersey) stands up with a microphone and asks to make the match a "Good ol' Country Whippin'" match UGH! Jericho reminisces about Jim Ross getting burnt by Kane just a few months ago, Eric begins to laugh when JR says that The Coach & Al Snow are just like Eric Bischoff “He sucks” Jericho kicks Jim Ross in the gut and locks him into the Walls of Jericho. Suddenly, Austin's music hits and he runs down and chases Chris Jericho away from the ring. Eric calls for security to "get that redneck piece of trash" out of the ring. Two security guys enter the ring and grab Steve Austin by each arm. Austin asks for them to allow him his dignity to leave on his own power, they let go and Austin then lays them both out.

In The Parking Lot: Steve Austin is escorted out where a team of police officers keep him out.

WWE World Tag Team Champions: The Dudley Boyz vs. Test & Scott Steiner (w/Stacy Keibler)
Test’s entrance is hilarious; it’s actually better than the match. First he walks infront of both Scotty and Test boosting, then he would get pissed if Scotty and Stacy would talk. Then he does the Stacy entrance into the ring making her sit on the ropes and look at his ass :lmao Anyway, this match was pretty much Test doing all the ring work with Scotty trollin’ him and breaking up the pin. At one point; Test brings a chair into the ring but Stacy, takes away from him so he shoves her. That allows Bubba to give him the Bubba bomb. Scotty comes in the ring and checks on her so the Dudleyz give him the inverted 3D. Test takes them both out and it about to give Bubba the give boot when Stacy hits him with a chair and he eats a 3D and Bubba covers for the win. Post-Match: Stacy rubs it in his face, so Scotty clotheslines him. Scotty gets on the mic and flirts with Stacy. Scotty says Stacy cost him his freedome, and now she cost him the World Tag Team titles. She tries to leave but he grabs her by the hair and nails her with a belly-to-belly slam and walks out.


Kane comes down to the ring and gets on the mic; he says that last week he tasted Shane McMahon's blood, and liked it. He says that Shane was right it isn't over, it’s just beginning. Suddenly, Hurricane’s music hits and he comes out on the stage. He asks if Kane remembers when they won the World Tag Team titles together (Well he didn’t ask, he showed video footage) Hurricane says less than a year Kane went from a favourite to a psychopathic monster. Kane says that Hurricane represents everything that he use to hates and despises, he challenges him to come down and find out. Hurricane says that he was Kane's friend, and doesn't want to fight him. He just want to know WHY? Kane spots a young fan at ringside wearing a Hurricane mask, and says he needs to FEEL HIS PAIN! Hurricane runs down and jumps Kane before he can grab the kid. Kane hammers away at Hurricane until Rosey come out to make the save.

Backstage: Mark Jindrak & Garrison Cade were preparing for their match by playing the Wrestlemania 18 video game, fuckin’ GEEEEEEEEKS! La Resistance walk in and are appalled at how they prepare for a match. They banter over some French war, and make a joke at how the French fucks lost the titles.

La Resistance vs. Maven, Mark Jindrak & Garrison Cade

In The Parking Lot: Stone Cold Steve Austin is still standing as Rob Van Dam walks up to him thanking him for the IC title ladder match tonight. A normal John Heidenrich shows up and introduces himself to Steve Austin. He says he bought a ticket come see Steve Austin on RAW tonight. Austin becomes interested all of a sudden (oh come on)

Triple H is in the WWE studio. He talks about how Goldberg's had it a week, and he's probably starting to learn that it's harder to stay on top than to get on top, the paranoia is probably sinking in, because he's walking around with a huge target. He says he's going to speed up the learning process, and reveals a briefcase full of money. He says he's going to offer $100,000 of his own money to whoever takes out Goldberg and puts him on the shelf. He says he doesn't care who, where, or how, and he says that this game just got a whole lot more interesting. ITS STARTING :mark:


Country Whipping Match: Jim Ross vs. Jonathan Coachman (Winner gets to be the Raw Announcer again)
Chris Jericho joined Al Snow at the announce position for this match, Jim Ross whipped The Coach with a strap then Coach whips Jim Ross with a strap. JR with the white meat baby face comeback, he rips Coach's shirt off and whipped him some more, one for Eric before ending it with a stunner. Post-Match: Jerry Lawler's music hits and the King runs down to the ring to celebrate with Jim Ross. Stone Cold shows up in the audience with a ticket and entered the ring (oh anyone with a ticket can do that?) he welcomes JR & Jerry Lawler as the RAW announce team with a BEER BASH!

In the ring: Terri introduces Lita in the most Blue way; “there is only one way to introduce this diva, she is Lita” :lmao that’s it anyway She hypes Lita's autobiography, Lita talks about how she's 100% and if she wasn't ready to be back, she wouldn't be. Molly and Gail come out and complain about Lita getting attention. Molly said Trish has a new DVD, and Lita has a new Book. She asks where is Gail Kim's DVD? Where is Molly's book? They attack Lita, until Trish Stratus ran down to make the save. They kind of clean house, but Victoria runs out to hit Trish with the Widow's Peak, and Molly and Gail lay out Lita with a Double DDT.

Kane vs. The Hurricane

Backstage: Mark Loyd asks Goldberg if he’s worried about the $100,000 bounty put on his head. He says he'll take out anybody who tries to collect, Mark then asks if Bill Goldberg is worried about Shawn Michaels trying to collect. Goldberg says if Shawn Michaels or anybody else comes after him, he'll take them down. Steven Richards shows up and attacks Goldberg from behind, but Goldberg kills him for his efforts.

Goldberg & Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton & Ric Flair
Orton debuts the ARMS IN THE AIR TAUNT DURING THE ENTRANCE :mark: it’s beginning :mark: Goldberg uses the godly power to start, before tagging in Shawn who quickens the pace, until Orton catches a superkick attempt and hits his headlock backbreaker. Flair and Orton begin to isolate Shawn with quick tags, Flair doesn’t really work the back like at all while Orton tries. Flair spitting at Goldberg was great. The heat on Shawn is good but it doesn’t last long. Goldberg’s hot tag ruled, he cleans house and spears Flair as Shawn superkicks Orton. Suddenly, Rodney Mack & Mark Herny run down and interfere. Rodney Mack gets in the ring and whacks Goldberg with a steel chair -- Goldberg no-sells it. Goldberg spears and jackhammers Rodney Mack, while outside the ring. Mark Henry slams Shawn Michaels head on the ringsteps, busting him wide open. Henry drags the bloodied Shawn Michaels limp body up the ramp and stairs down at Goldberg. After the commercial, Mark Henry says he wants Goldberg 1-on-1 so he can collect the bounty.

Backstage: Christian walks down the halls and winks at Lita & Trish, who are icing their body. Suddenly we hear the director say "okay do it again" and Christian replies "ok" and turns around :lmao

Ladder Match For The WWE Intercontinental Championship: Christian vs. Rob Van Dam
CHRISTIAN IN THE MAIN EVENT OF RAW :mark: He is also wearing the wearing the GOAT pink, black and white attire. Really fun opening minute or so with RVD stiffing the fuck out of him and both men reversing stuff before the ladder comes into play. First RVD hits him with a running dropkick through the ropes, followed up by the running no handed somersault plancha on top of the ladder crashing onto Christian. Both men get back up slowly as Christian gives him a thumb to the eye and rams his head off the steps. Christian then places the ladder in-between the steps and the barriers both men tease the Irish whip but it’s RVD that gets the better of it as he front suplexes Christina mid-section first, but he’s not done as RVD gets on top of the barriers and connects with the spinning legdrop. RVD gets up and throws the ladder and Christian back in, he places the ladder in the corner and goes to whip Christian in but Christian counters it sending him face first in. He then puts the ladder vertical on the middle rope and fuckin’ kills him with a SlingShot Catapult sending RVD headfirst into the ladder. Christian then sets up a ladder but RVD is back up and he pushes him off but he lands on his feet but runs right into a spinning leg lariat. RVD then sets up the ladder in the ring flat as he press slams him gut first and immediately nails a moonsault JESUS! As Christian gets up RVD uses the ladder as a weapon sending him to the outside, and RVD climbs but as he gets half way. Christian is right behind him and hits the inverted DDT off the ladder :mark: both men begin to trade punches until RVD monkey flips Christian onto the ladder and follows up with the fuckin’ rolling thunder. RVD isn’t done as he has Christian in the middle of the ring and begins to climb the ladder but Christian gets to his feet and yanks RVD’s feet off the ladder sending him face first to the match. Christian gets the ladder from off the buckle but as RVD is on his knees he leaps up and hits the fuckin’ Van Daminator and Christian falls on top of the ladder, but RVD isn’t done he jumps to the top turn buckle looking for the Five Star but Christian moves and RVD goes crashing into the ladder. Christian then knocks RVD off the apron and now he begins to climb the ladder ever so slowly but out of nowhere RVD is back but Christian kicks him off so RVD climbs he buckle and kicks the ladder from under him and Christian takes the AWESOME bump off the top with his jaw hitting the ladder at the end. Both men are slow to climb the ladder and RVD begins to rock it and as the ladder begins to fall RVD catches himself on the ladder he set up earlier but Christian falls throat first onto the top rope and falls in the middle of the ring. RVD sees this and continues to climb the ladder until he get the top and does the R….V…..D! Taunt and comes down with the Five Star frogslash :mark: he somehow gets to his feet and places the ladder onto the midsection of Christian and begins to climb it to take the title down. FUCKIN’ AMAZING MATCH, both men for 15 minutes just went out and tore it up by killing themselves for the people in Chicago that night, a top of big spots and nothing felt wasted. ****



Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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While RAW still sucks you can tell it's definitely getting better, if you continue this to '04 the difference is just amazing because I love RAW '04 for the most part.

SmackDown on the other hand steadily gets worst and really starts sucking in '04 other than Eddie being the GOAT.
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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funny that you say that because i was legit thinking about this today while i was on the bus coming home.


Nov 13, 2010
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Nah, 04 Eddie had him having a "heart attack".


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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funny that you say that because i was legit thinking about this today while i was on the bus coming home.

Further proof that my wrestling opinions are a



Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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WWE Smackdown 10/02/2003
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

WWE Champion: Brock Lesnar
WWE U.S. Champion: Eddie Guerrero
WWE Tag Team Champions: Los Guerrero’s
WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Tajiri

WWE US Championship: Eddie Guerrero (w/Chavo Guerrero) vs. Matt Hardy (w/Shannon Moore)
Mattitude.com says; Matt has had four speeding tickets :lmao JESUS! I don’t think that’s something you should be bragging about. Eddie wastes no time in trying to put this away early along with inflicting pain on Matt for ‘causing the rib injury. Eddie doesn’t have his ribs wrapped up but Matt knows the beating he took last week and goes right to work on them. Oh and Eddie’s selling is fuckin’ phenomenal. I love how after every move he grabs the ribs, at one point Shannon grabs Eddie leg allowing Matt to front suplex him ribs first onto the top rope. This allows Matt to work over them for several minutes; his game plan is to hit big moves and go for the pin. Eddie keeps kicking out, so Matt then goes to holds in frustration now trying to wear him down. Eddie keeps trying to fight back, but is too badly hurt, leading to awesome rib selling. Eddie makes a sweet comeback hitting the three amigo’s but wastes too much time going for the Frog Splash allowing Matt to hit a superplex. Leg drop gets cuts off and Eddie hits a ‘rana off the top for two. Side effect gets two as Eddie blocks a Shannon belt shot and frames Matt with it, as Eddie fake sells and the ref is distracted Chavo hits Matt with the belt allowing Eddie to hit the frog splash for the win. This was fuckin’ AWESOME! ***1/4

Backstage: John Cena shows up to the arena and Josh Mathews says Cena had some dope rhymes last week :lmao Cena cuts him off and says he’s got something or him U CAN’T SEE ME DOGG! He calls Kurt jealous and he’s leaving Kurt’s shadow.

Eddie and Chavo are celebrating when they bump into the Big Show; Eddie asks him if last week was personal or naw. Show says he doesn’t like him but he does like Mexican food. They talk shit about him being fat, so he shoves both down and walks off.

The APA vs. The Basham Brothers (w/Shaniqua)
Basham’s and this bitch still getting a push mean I SKIP EVERYTHING! FUCK THEM Post-match; Bradshaw throws Doug & Danny out, and hits Shaniqua with the Clothesline from Hell. Thank you god.


A-Train comes out to do commentary.

Chris Benoit vs. Charlie Haas
Some real good mat wrestling to start; really smooth and chirps reversals this goes on for quite a bit and it’s tremendous. Benoit gets the better so Haas backs him into a corner and elbows him out. He begins to strike him but too aggressive and Benoit almost locks him in the crossface. As Benoit gets thrown to the floor A-Train distracts Benoit long enough for Haas to blindside him from behind. He follows up with a gut buster before rolling him into the ring and targeting it in the ring with holds. Benoit's selling was a little bit spotty, but still head and shoulders above the majority of the roster. Benoit’s comeback is pretty cool as he hit all the vintage spots; the match ends when after a Sharpshooter is broken up he then locks in the Crossface but A-Train broke it up for the DQ. Post-Match; A-Train locks the crossface in on Benoit until officials break it up. ***


Vince McMahon and Sable come down to the ring and get on the mic; he says that he's here tonight to give his daughter Stephanie McMahon a second chance. By giving Stephanie the chance to respectfully resign as General Manager of Smackdown. Stephanie McMahon comes down and says NO! Vince says she's making him do this, and is making him destroy daddy's little girl, but he thinks he's capable. Vince yells, "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" Sable tells Vinceto not thing of her as his daughter, but as a disrespectful little BITCH! She then tells Sable to do what she does best, go into the men’s locker room and lay on her back :lmao Sable and Stephanie begin to fight and Vince throws down Stephanie and begins to walk around laughing. Vince goes after her again, until The Undertaker runs in for the save and drops Vince with one punch :lmao Brock Lesnar runs down and stops Taker from chokeslamming Vince.

Backstage: A delivery guy enters with a bunch of burritos for Eddie Guerrero. Big Show takes them and starts eating one, then, spits in another and sends it to Eddie :lmao

WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Billy Kidman vs. Tajiri
Before the match Tajiri cuts an amazing broken English promo asking for RESPECT and he’s better than Rey Mysterio. He then tells the people to bow to him :lmao Tajiri is amazing in this, his kicks are nasty and his arm work is great. Kidman only sells when the arm is being worked on other than that he acts like the match just started. After a shitty Kidman comeback a low blow and the Buzzsaw Kick gives Tajiri the win. **3/4

The Big Show vs. Orlando Jordan
Big Show comes to the ring clutching his stomach; he pretty much kills OJ but leaves about a minute into the match, clinching his butt all the way to the bak. Orlando Jordan wins via count out.

Zach Gowen interview via satellite; Zach says he doesn't feel 100%, but it's been a while since he's been 100%. He's tired of the sympathy and doesn't want to talk about it anymore, and he's never been more serious about something in his life, and he'll prove it next week.

Backstage: Big Show is in a bathroom stall when Eddie Guerrero comes in to make fun of Big Show, Eddie says that the delivery guy was his cousin, and they put some "special sauce" on the burritos. Eddie also says he took out the toilet paper and he kicks the door in on Show. He says Moctezuma ain't got nothin’ on the Guerrero’s

John Cena & Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle & The Undertaker
Cena cuts a pre-match RAP! He says he’s the reason everyone watches and he’s the reason it’s okay to root for the bad guy. Kurt is red, white and BLOW! :lmao This match gets 20 minutes and it’s great, really fuckin’ great. Kurt and Cena start; Kurt out wrestles him with ease so Cena has to resort to the “ground and pound” attack. He tags in Taker who beats the shit out of Cena for a good few minutes, it’s just like the two match back in June or July where Cena gets murdered and doesn’t get a single offensive move in :lmao Kurt further beats on him but as the ref is talking to Taker, Brock uses this time to pull down the bottom rope sending Kurt to the floor. Brock sends him back first into he apron before rollin’ him back in. after 5 minutes Brock finally tags and begins the beat the shit out of Kurt as the crowd starts a “BROCK AIN’T SHIT” chant :lmao Anyway the heels continue to isolate Kurt as I just started putting together the history everyone in this match has with one another, it’s way too long to say but pretty cool. Taz and Cole mention it too. Brock gets too cocky which allows Kurt to hit a desperation German but Cena distracts the ref as he tags in Taker, Taker cleans house but because the ref did not see it doesn’t count :mark: LOVE THAT SPOT! Oh and Brock running away every time Taker runs after him or even gets into the ring is hilarious, man this Kurt heat segment is like 7 minutes, out of desperation Kurt hits an angle slam on Brock and finally makes the hot tag to Taker who cleans house. Brock’s bumping is erection worthy, Taker hits Cena with Chokeslam but Brock breaks it up at two. A desperation spinebuster by Brock leads to Kurt getting a hot tag and cleaning house. Brock and Cena’s bumping is amazing, the match ends when Taker and Brock brawl and as the ref is busy with them Cena kills Kurt with a punch that has the chair wrapped around his fist. Post-Match: Taker and Brock continue to brawl around ring side. Brock throws him into the steps before cleaning the announce table. Brock tries the F5 through the table, but Taker gets out, and Chokeslams Brock through the announce table to end SD. ***1/2



Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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WWE Raw 10/06/2003
Mohegan Sun Casino

WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Goldberg
WWE Intercontinental Champion: Rob Van Dam
WWE World Tag Team Champions: The Dudley Boyz
WWE Women's Champion: Molly Holly

Raw opens with a video recap of God putting the $100,000 bounty on Goldberg’s head. They then end it of a zoom close up of his nose making it look a lot worse than it really is; poor guy.

Kane vs. Rosey
Total squash. Post-Match: The Hurricane tries to save his S.H.I.T partner but fails, which leads to Shane’s music playing and he comes through the crowd attacking Kane from behind. Kane tries to run away with Shane right behind him. They run all the way to the back, Into the parking lot Shane runs inside of a limo, Kane starts hitting it with a pipe, breaks out a window and then climbs inside, Shane comes out one of the doors, then starts the car and it heads straight into a big truck MURDERING KANE! HOLY SHIT! RIP! Replays are shown and firemen, refs, EMTs, Austin, Bischoff, etc all come out to see the dead body.


Lita vs. Gail Kim
Sloppy as fuck, I can’t watch this mess.

More footage is shown backstage as more workers arrive to help the dead body of Kane RIP!

A pre-taped promo from Triple H airs, with the briefcase. He talks about how it could be anyone, and mentions all the things $100,000 could do. He teases that anyone who collects might even be invited into Evolution, but says most of all, Goldberg can't trust anyone. Because like a famous man in the WWE once said, everybody's got a price.

Backstage: Shawn Michaels walks into Stone Cold’s office and demands a match with Mark Henry tonight, but Austin tells him he already made Henry vs. Goldberg; Shawn says then he'll have to take matters into his own hands.

Scott Steiner comes down to the ring dragging poor, innocent Stacy with him. He says he serves nobody, but he has people serve him. He demands Stacy got on her knees and apologizes the right way in this ring, and Bischoff comes out. He talks about how happy he is to see the REAL Scott Steiner that he knew and loved back in the day come to Raw. He says to make sure this goes okay, he's handpicked Scott's opponent.

Spike Dudley vs. Scott Steiner (w/Stacy Keibler)
SQUASH! Post-Match: Steiner keeps beating on Spike until Bubba & D-Von run down. They beat up Steiner and set him for the 3D, but Test runs out to pull Scott to safety, and he grabs Stacy and leave.

Jr. says that Kane has now been removed from the limo. They show Kane on a stretcher a bloody mess. He’s put into an ambulance and taken away. RIP!


Backstage: La Resistance is hatching a plan to attack on Goldberg to collect the money; Goldberg takes out all 3 pretty easily, and then breaks the French flag for lulz

In the parking lot; Eric Bischoff is asking a guy what happened with Kane, the guy tells Bischoff what happened with Shane. Bischoff says the whole thing is because of Austin, if Kane dies then it’s because of Austin.

Chris Jericho, Christian, Coachman and Lance Storm all come down to the ring. Jericho says this isn't a talk show, but this is an appeal to the WWE Headquarters in this state. He says he isn’t surprised about what happened with Kane, things like this happen when Austin is in change. It was Austin who unleashed the monster Kane. He knows the board of directors are in attendance and he asks of them to release Steve Austin. It’s not just him who wants Austin out; he has others who are there to tell their own tales. Coach says everyone knows he and Al Snow beat King and Jr. fairly at Unforgiven, he should be broadcasting but it was Austin who gave "his boy" a rematch unfairly. Christian says he beat RVD at the PPV, then the next night on Raw but that wasn’t good enough for Austin, he had to give RVD a rematch in a ladder match. Highlights are shown of that match. He lost his IC and its all Austin’s fault, he hates Stone Cold. Next to speak is Lance Storm; Storm though tells Jericho that he is full of crap. Stone Cold changed his life, for the first time in his life he is happy and he’s having fun, he owes it all to Austin, he thinks that he’s doing a great job. Jericho on the other hand is doing a great job of being a jackass; they attack him, until RVD makes the save. Austin comes out and says since WWE HQ is watching, he wants that stipulation about physical provocation taken off, and then books a tag match.

Rob Van Dam & Lance Storm vs. Chris Jericho & Christian
So this was fun, babyfaces get the better early being one step ahead until a Christian distraction allows Jericho to shove Lance off the top to the floor, before throwing him into the unprotected guard rails. Jericho/Christian’s heat on Lance was good, nothing outstanding but real solid. RVD’s hot tag was like 10 seconds long before the match broke down, it would end like a minute or two later RVD got to the ropes in the Walls of Jericho and Lance made the tag. It was behind Jericho though, so he pulled RVD out in the hold, and Lance hit Jericho in the back of the head with a Springboard Missile Dropkick to win. **1/2- **3/4

Backstage: Terri interviews Theodore R’ Long and says that Mark Henry made a statement when he took out Shawn Michaels last week, Mark says he'll take out Goldberg and collect the bounty tonight.


Randy Orton & Ric Flair vs. Mark Jindrak & Garrison Cade
This was another fun one, Flair and Orton bumped big and made the kids look good. Orton’s heat segment was damn good he showed his flashes of 2004 GODNESS! A sneaky RKO allows Flair to cover for the win.

Backstage: Orton and Flair are celebrating when Maven walks over to them and sarcastically mocks them, Maven tells Flair that he is confident and confident in one thing, that he can beat him in the ring. He challenges Flair to a match next week. Flair says if he wants to flush his young career down the toilet, jump on, and says he's had more World Championships than Maven's had women. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

The Rock; The Run down hype

Maven & Trish Status vs. Stevie Richards & Victoria

Before the main event, the ref made Rodney Mack leave ringside, Teddy’s good though.

Goldberg vs. Mark Henry (w/Theodore R’ Long)
I forgot how shockingly good this is bar par Mark’s best match to date and Goldberg’s 2nd best match in the WWE during his run. They waste no time going to war and Mark is working like a beast finally using offense that a “world’s strongest man” should be doing. I also love that he does some of Goldberg’s moves against him. Oh and Goldberg being unable to really move Mark, or even take him off his feet is amazing. He finally does with a stiff clothesline before trying the Jackhammer but Mark overpowers him. Mark begins targeting the shoulder with a decent sell by Goldberg for like 20 seconds total. Mark does his the sweet belly-to-belly rock bottom looking move twice, before Goldberg makes his comeback. He goes to signal the spear when THAT PIECES OF SHIT RODNEY MACK HITS HIM FROM BEHIND WITH A STEEL CHAIR. Shawn Michaels runs down and he hits Mack with the Sweet Chin Music. He walks in to a bear hug by mark but as he shoves him away Goldberg “accidentally” spears him. He then picks Mark up for the Jackhammer. 9-10 minutes of pure goodness. **3/4 - ***




Nov 13, 2010
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03 Raw just shows that a rating doesn't make the shows better.

Typical smark to act like PG=bad storytelling and doing crazy hotshot shit that burns out the audience is what they should do again.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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WWE Smackdown 10/09/2003

WWE Champion: Brock Lesnar
WWE U.S. Champion: Eddie Guerrero
WWE Tag Team Champions: Los Guerrero’s
WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Tajiri

Video plays of the Vince/Steph angle UGH!

Oh god dammit it NO! Linda is here and she has a mic; WHY! GOD WHY! She says her family is pretty “bizarre” she watched Shane attempt to kill Kane on raw, then she watched her husband slam his own daughter. She says she tried to talk so sense into Vince, which didn’t work so now she’s here to talk to her daughter. Steph’s music hits and a busty Steph comes down. Steph says after what Vince did to her last week she can’t back down, oh great now Vince is here; and his walk is every amazing tonight. The whole family is wearing matching black lel. Vince question why his wife is even here, he then begins to hype up the I quit match the only way he can. Vince says also he is being forced in to this match, just like he was forced by Linda to sire a second child, all those years ago :lmao :lmao god bless this family. Linda says this match is unfair Steph loses everything if she loses but what do you lose? Vince says he doesn’t have to give up a damn thing. Vince agrees that if he were to lose to Stephanie, he would resign as chairman of the board. Sable announces her services are being rendered to Mr. McMahon in his corner at No Mercy. Linda says that she's not surprised, as she believes that Sable renders her services to anyone extremely 'freely.' Sable kicks Linda in the stomach, so Steph hits Sable with a Lou Thesz press, Vince throws Stephanie off Sable, and as Steph lunges for Sable again, Vince clotheslines her. He leaves the ring saying repeatedly, "She made me do it. It's not my fault."

Tajiri vs. The Ultimo Dragon
Rey Mysterio is out for commentary; man I can’t remember the last time Dragon was on SD has to at least 6 months :lmao all that hype. This was short but hella fun; Tajiri tries the kicks but Dragon has it counted and counters with a dropkick followed by the Asai Moonsault. The majority of this is Tajiri kinda being off his game by glaring back at Rey whenever he does something, and with Dragon having all of Tajiri’s moves scouted. The match would end when Tajiri counters the flipping reverse DDT; and delivers a sick superkick followed by the deathblow kick for the win. Post-Match: Tajiri goes to attack Dragon again but Rey breaks it up and connects with the 619 sending Tajiri to the floor. **1/4

Backstage: Josh Mathews runs into Steph; he questions how her mother and she are. She says fine and Linda will be in her corner at No Mercy UGH!

The Undertaker comes down to the ring and gets on the mic; he says from the looks of things Vince is getting nerves. At No Mercy he’s gonna take his boy out. And tonight he’s send the FBI out here to soften him up. Taker says that you don't get to the position he is in today without some help from your friends. He pulls out a 15 foot chain, rolls it around his fist, and tells the FBI to come to the ring, and meet his 'new best friend.'

The Undertaker vs. Chuck Palumbo (w/FBI)
This pretty much was a Taker showcase; Chuck hit like 2 moves until Taker decided to end it with the Chokeslam :lmao Post-Match: Bork blindsides him and it’s a 4-1 beatdown until Taker grabs the chain and lays out the FBI and punches a steel chair out of Brocks hands.

Backstage: Vince and Sable are watching in the show, and Vince mutters something to the effect that he can't seem to get the drop on this guy. In walks newcomer Paul London begging for an opportunity to compete. Vince gives London a tryout match, for the WWE title vs. Brock Lesnar, later tonight. RIP!

Backstage: The Big Show is in the back approaching a few stage hands eating. One particular one hides his food. Big Show questions, and when he finds out this stage hand is eating a burrito, he proceeds to kick everybody's ass in the room and storms off, angry. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Earlier Today: That one legged Freak shows up and everyone is excited to see him, even Earl Hebner who quickly shuts a briefcase like he stole something :side: and gives him a hug.

The Big Show vs. Orlando Jordan

Backstage: Josh Mathews is with Eddie Guerrero; he says if Show tries to get his revenge in him. Well he has family all over and if Show tries a thing. Things will get stinky. He then mentions that he is nervous about the match at No Mercy, and puts over the giant's size and athletic ability. But he BELIVES! Suddenly, Show comes in, and destroys Eddie, destroying the interview set in the process.

Zach Gowen vs. Shannon Moore (w/ Matt Hardy)

Backstage: The Undertaker is seen coming out of the GM's office, with a smile on his face.

The Bashams & A-Train vs. Chris Benoit and Bradshaw
Chris Benoit and the APA make their way out first, but during the APA entrance the Bashams run out and attack the APA. They take a steel chair and nail Faarooq in the head with it as his head was pinned in the guard rail, taking him out of the match. This sucked not enough Benoit and A-Train, woat heat segment AHHHHHHHHH! This show is going to shit :( Basham’s won.

WWE Championship Match: Brock Lesnar vs. Paul London
Paul London is already in the ring, looking scared to death. Lesnar tries to put over the WWE championship and London for having the guts to actually go through with this match. Lesnar implores London to touch the belt, and when London finally does, Brock hits him with a 360 clothesline :lmao he then proceeds to beat the living shit out of him. It’s legit Vader level amazing. He does these two running turnbuckle slams before dumping London on the mat :lmao He finishes this off with a powerbomb and the F5 for the win. Post-Match: Brock continues to murder London setting him up for the F5 into the post, with Spanky runs down to make the save. He gets two shots in before Brock clotheslines him and gets THROWN INTO THE MOTHERFUCKIN RING POST BACK FIRST WOW! Taker comes out, and says the two guys down there had enough fun, and that he needed to talk to Brock about something. He says that he also has some friends in high places, and that, at No Mercy, following his meeting in the General Manager's office, the WWE championship match between Brock Lesnar and the Undertaker will now be a biker chain match.


Josh Matthews is in the back by the trainer's room when Chavo comes out. Chavo says Eddie's in bad shape, but like last week, the Big Show will get it, because “Montezuma has nothing on the Guerrero’s”

Chavo Guerrero is in the ring, and proceeds to call out the Big Show. Big Show comes out, and says that because he is 'dressed to kill,' that there is nothing that Chavo could say that would make him come to the ring and slap him around. Chavo calls him chicken, and demands a match. Show gets mad, and hits the ring. Show lunges for Chavo, but Chavo escapes the ring, and stays out for the 10 count. Suddenly, Eddie’s music hits, and out comes a sewage truck with Eddie on the top of it. Eddie tells Show that he should've stayed out of his business but didn’t. He then explains how the truck he is on is a special truck, one that, just like the Big Show, blows. Eddie gets down from the truck, and tries to spray Big Show with sewage from the truck in the ring. Show escapes the ring area, but gets hosed with the raw sewage in the stage area, falling down repeatedly on it, nearly passing out from the odor. As Smackdown went off the air.



Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Raw 10/13/2003
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Goldberg
WWE Intercontinental Champion: Rob Van Dam
WWE World Tag Team Champions: The Dudley Boyz
WWE Women's Champion: Molly Holly

Raw opens up with Ric Flair who is on crutches and Randy Orton being interviews by Terri who is wearing clothes, WHAT! She asks why no one has cashed in on the bounty yet, and Flair says no man worthy has but that’s gonna change real soon. He then goes on to say he injured his groin last night wrestling and won’t be able to take on Maven tonight. They then spot Shawn coming into the arena, and walk over to him. Flair says he’s only ever passed the torch to two men. Him and Hunter, and Shawn has that fuck it! My words don’t do it justice VIDEO!!!

Video of Shane attempting to murder Kane, as JR tells us that we have a camera at Kane’s hospital and we will go to it later.

In the ring; Chris Jericho and Christian are in the ring protesting Austin as usual. He says all the sheep in the back have been following his lead, he then mentions at a house show in Friday Austin booked a match between Shane and Test in which Shane broke Test’s ankle YAY! Christian then says Austin doesn’t care about anyone, and no one wants Shane around because he’s a piece of crap, Suddenly, Shane music hits and out comes a dancing Simba. Shane who is super over says he’s proud for putting Kane in a hospital and breaking Test’s foot not Austin, and tonight if they don’t like it….. FRENCH FUCKS ARE HERE! They talk some shit and blame Austin, 4-1 attack on Shane until the Dudleyz make the save. Dudleyz ask for a match with them and Shane vs. La Resistance, Jericho, and Christian.

In the parking lot; Goldberg arrives but again someone tries to run him over. Boy I hope it wasn’t Lance Storm again.

WWE Intercontinental Championship: Rob Van Dam vs. Scott Steiner (w/Stacy Keibler)
This is fuckin’ terrible, sloppy. Everything felt like a filler and angle advancement for the now friction between Scotty and Stacy. The match ends with Stacy refusing to give Steiner a chair, and a little later on, on the floor, Steiner grabs the chair and hits RVD with it for a DQ.

After the match; Scott Steiner follows Stacy into the ring with the chair, but before things can get going Stone Cold Steve Austin comes out. He asks Scott over and over what he's thinking and asks if beating women makes him tough :lmao Austin. He keeps daring Scott to hit him and insults him until Scott eventually does hit him. Austin is now allowed to fight back, and he proceeds to beat him up until Scott pushes Stacy into him before bailing. He wants to celebrate with beer, but Stacy refuses beer. So Austin being the nice none tough woman beater that he is hits her with the Stunner.

Ric Flair comes out on crutches to do commentary.

Maven vs. Rico (w/Jackie Gayda)
NO! JUST NO! After The Match Flair walks down the ramp with a Crutch and nails Maven with it. And then gives him right hands as reff's pull him off, he walks up the ramp and out of sight as Maven is out cold. FLAIR IS GOD!

Backstage: The Hurricane tries to teach Rosey how to change inside a phone booth like a real superhero but he gets stuck because of fat. AMAZING!

Backstage: The Dudleyz tell Shane that they talked to Austin and it's the three of them and anyone they want vs. Jericho, Christian & La Resistance in a tables match.

Backstage: After we see Goldberg talking to someone about the car that tried to run him over. As he walks away a few pipes fall from a box sitting on top of a ceiling Raft.

GOLDBERG IS PISSED! And makes his way down to the ring; He says he'll make it simple, and he challenges anyone who wants to collect the bounty to come and get it. Shawn Michaels comes out now, an says he's not here to collect the bounty, but you never know. He says he's here for an explanation for last week. He says he's not upset that Goldberg Speared him, but he's upset that Goldberg doesn't really care that he did it. Shawn says as far as he's concerned, he owes him one. Tommy Dreamer comes from the crow with a Singapore Cane ad hits Goldberg a few times :lmao Goldberg Spears him though, and Shawn picks up the cane. Flair & Orton run out, and Flair screams like a maniac for Shawn to hit him now. Shawn doesn't, and Mark Henry and Teddy Long come out onto the stage. Mark says that money is HIS, and he's gonna collect right now. They start to walk and Eric Bischoff comes out. He says he'd like to help, but last month, Goldberg speared the wrong man. SO TONIGHT! Goldberg & Michaels vs. Flair, Orton and Henry.

Tables Match: Chris Jericho, Christian & La Resistance vs. The Dudley Boyz, Shane McMahon & Booker T
Booker is back :mark: okay so a tables match is NoDQ right? So why are they tagging? Anyway the match starts off with Booker and Jericho; Booker looks great as the faces dominate the opening minutes with every face getting time to shine. It wasn’t until a cheap shot from behind allowed the heel to isolate D-Von. They work the back with D-Von selling exceptionally well, as it looks like the Dudleyz are trying :mark: Bubba gets the hot tag and cleans house, as the faces all stand tall as the match breaks down with Shane going beast mode on Jericho. Everyone if brawling on the outside but a thumb to the eye stops Shane, then with the refs back turned Christian and Rob make a wish and pull him dick first into the ring post. The heels pull out a table, but the faces make the save as we go to a commercial. We return with the heels now isolating Shane, it’s not as good as the D-Von one mainly because Shane selling wasn’t on par on what it used to be. And the French fucks were more involved. Booker hawt tag is GOAT! Man for a guy coming back from a back injury he showed no signs of it. The match breaks down with Booker going after Christian, but a low blow takes him out. This is the point of the match with everyone comes in one after the other hitting a signature move. Booker then gets a trash can and places on the French fuck allowing Shane to hit the coast-to-coast. The Dudley's then bring in the Table but in the process get nailed with the French Flag. But then Spike comes to the ring doing the Dudley Dog on Jericho, but is thrown out of the ring by Christian. Just then Booker T hits the Book End to Ron Conway Through the table for the WIN. ***1/4

Backstage: Rosey is still stuck lel as all these white employees walk past RACIST!!!

Back in the ring; Shane, Dudley's and Booker T are still celebrating all doing the spin-a-rooni. Just then The Coach is seen walking down the ramp saying it’s now time to interview Kane from his hospital bed. Just then as Coach is telling Shane it was brutal what happened to Kane...Shane says "Your Interview skills are brutal" and Shane is going to do the interview...Kane is shown on Satellite unconscious and out...Shane is saying to settle this at Survivor Series The Heart Monitor is going faster and Faster as the Doctor keeps saying The Interview is Over...Just then Kane Rises and Grabs the Doctor by the throat and throws him against the wall. And follows up by chokeslamming the female nurse onto the bed RAPE!

Trish Stratus, Lita & Ivory vs. Molly Holly, Gail Kim, Victoria (w/Steven Richards)
NO! Post-Match: Steven and Victoria attack Trish………....AND CHRIS JERICHO RAN DOWN TO SAVE! He clears the ring, and helps Trish up. IT BEGINS :mark:

Goldberg & Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair, Randy Orton & Mark Henry (w/Theodore Long)
This was good but could have been so much better; it was like WWE said we save one multi man a ton of time, so why bother this got I wanna say 5 to 6 minutes. Shawn is in full 90’s mode here if he pretty much makes a fool out of Orton while sticking and moving on Henry, then single-handedly takes Flair and Orton out before tagging Goldberg in. Flair’s punches have no effect, so he bumps around until Orton/Shawn return. After a sweet dropkick, that allows the heels to isolate Shawn. Mark’s big man offense is amazing it shades of his 2011 run :mark: and Shawn bumps big for everything. Eventually he makes the hot tag and Goldberg kills everyone. Goldberg easily picks up Henry and slams him and does the spear as HBK fly's out of the ring on top of Flair and Orton...Then Goldberg Picks up Henry and does the Jackhammer for the win. Post-Match: Shawn hits Goldberg with the Superkick and says “We’re Even” He leaves the ring, but Eric Bischoff comes out and books Goldberg vs. Shawn next week for the title. **1/2


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Smackdown 10/16/2003
Cincinnati, Ohio

WWE Champion: Brock Lesnar
WWE U.S. Champion: Eddie Guerrero
WWE Tag Team Champions: Los Guerrero’s
WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Tajiri

Smackdown opens up with a Stephanie interview with Michael Cole; it’s basically a preview for the full length one later on in the show. Anyway she talks about how Vince banned her on what could be her last Smackdown as GM. So she uses the time to thank the fans, and hopes this is not the end.

Chris Benoit vs. Doug Basham (w/Danny Basham)
Poor Benoit he does what he can to make these smurfs look semi-respectable. He even kills like 600 brain cells when he misses a Tope Suicida and hits the floor face-first. That allows the piece of shit to take over. As bad as the heat looks, at least they used double teams behind the refs back. Taz calls it wrestling 101, and it really is. Everything about the Basham’s are basic. Benoit makes his great comeback, as so the fags resort to twin magic. But the ref figures it out and Doug runs back in. Benoit catches him in the Crossface to win. Post-Match: A-Train hits the ring, and fights with Benoit all over the ringside area; it takes 5 referees to separate the two. **1/2

So it’s time for the Stephanie, Cole interview with is 12 fuckin’ minutes long. It’s all Vince related questions, Steph a good sympathetic woman here, but did it really need 12 minutes No, not at all. Seriously it’s so bad, they even got Steph to fake cry. Are they trying to make us forget when Steph bought ECW and tried to run Vince out once already, or when she married the guy he hated AKA GOD! I can’t. We didn’t even get any good cleavage shots. Smackdown is going to shit, but wait I have the unedited version and towards the end you can hear Cole talking on his headset about what line he should use to use when the segment ends and they go to commercial. Also when she’s crying and says she has to go the crowd pop was awesome :lmao

Backstage: Jamie Noble & Nidia are in the back, discussing the I quit match. Nidia seems in Stephanie's corner, while Noble seems to side with Mr. McMahon. Nidia tries to influence Noble's opinion, and Noble thinks out loud that maybe Smackdown would be better off without Mr. McMahon. Tajiri hears this, and runs and tells on Jamie Noble to Mr. McMahon. Vince says that to Tajiri that he will take care of the W Virginia hick, wait, no, Tajiri will take care of Noble, with these instructions from Mr. McMahon, "Do something we’ve have never done before to Noble." SNITCH TAJIRI :mark:

Tajiri vs. Jamie Noble (w/Nidia)
Cole calls Tajiri the “the cruiserweight kiss-ass” :lmao So as expected this was fun for the short time it was given, Noble is super aggressive to start and Tajiri waits for the opening to hit one of his beautiful kicks to take control. He begins to pick the knee apart, and Noble sells the thing like a stud. The whole heat and comeback is spent limping and grabbing at the knee :mark: At one point Noble goes for the tiger driver, but the knee buckles allowing Tajiri to grab the title, he tries to bring it in but Nidia grabs the belt. As she gets up Tajiri sprays the MOTHERFUCKIN’ BLACK MIST :mark: she begins to scream like a rape victim as EMT’s and Noble bring her to the back. **1/2

Backstage: Nidia continues to cry as Noble leaves and simply says I’ll be back, baby :lmao So instead of being with is girlfriends, Noble comes back out to ring. He gets on the mic and demands Tajiri come back out here. He tells him if Nidia isn’t okay when this is over he will hunt him down……BUT INSTEAD THE REAL BORK LASNER Ambushes him on the ramp :mark: He beats the ever living shit out of him as Taz drops the GOAT line “Noble goes looking for Tajiri, and he finds Godzilla” Brock sends him back first into the ring post before F5’ing him on the floor.

Well, just when you think it’s over Vince along with Sable come out. Nice to see Sable is dressing her age 8D Vince says the Stephanie's interview was an academy award winning performance, and that she hates him. Vince claimed his daughter had stopped loving him a long time ago. And "If you love someone, if you truly care for someone, you will hurt them, and hurt them badly." :lmao only in wrestling. He also says that at No Mercy, to use the analogy, "Spare the rod, spoil the child", but at No Mercy, he will definitely not spare the rod. Mr. McMahon says Stephanie has about as much chance of winning this match as anyone in the arena or anyone watching at home of winning the lottery. He shudders to think what he is capable of doing during this match to his own flesh and blood. His parting words for his daughter were "May God have mercy on your soul, because I won't." Sable then takes the microphone, and claims to Linda that not only will Mr. McMahon be victorious, but so will Sable be victorious when she tells Linda to "kiss her man goodbye." Sable tells Linda she should be 'standing by her man, not against him.' The segment ends with Mr. McMahon and Sable engaged in a kiss. EWWWWWWWW!

Eddie Guerrero vs. Rhyno
Eddie is EdGOD! And Rhyno is washed still, man ever since the neck injury it’s ruined him RIP! It is noted that Chavo is not in attendance due to travelling problems, he missed his flight. After a solid feeling out process with both men connecting with a shoulder block. Rhyno goes to the power game but Eddie uses his experience to slip away. But he gets too aggressive and Rhyno hits him with a back power bomb dropping Eddie head first onto the top turn buckle. Rhyno tries o bring in the US title which allows Eddie to make a comeback, after the three amigos he misses the Frog Splash with Rhyno getting the knees up as we got to commercial (I HAVE THE UNEDITED) so it’s both men getting to their feet with Rhyno locking in the sharpshooter. Eddie counters by grabbing the leg using his own body to trip Rhyno over. Eddie’s back selling is major, as he makes his 2nd comeback. Rhyno cuts Eddie off up top and connects with a superplex, He tries to take him up top again but this time Eddie gets the better and connects with a ‘rana for two. Eddie gets thrown to the floor, as Rhyno talks to the ref. That allows Eddie to undo his boot and put the ring hammer in it before lacing it up again. Rhyno goes for the GOAR but Eddie throws the ref in his way. He pulls the hammer out and throws it to Rhyno who catches it :lmao NICK PATRICK gives Rhyno a warning and throws the hammer out allowing Eddie to pick up the US title and nail Rhyno in the head with it for the win :lmao I love Eddie Post-Match: Eddie is celebrating and Show comes running down with a pipe, he breaks the back window before attacking Eddie. He then begins to wreck the car with the pipe. Busting ever window. Shows not done. He throws Eddie into the window cutting up Eddie’s back, and the FUCKIN’ POWERBOMBING HIM ON THE HOOD ON THE BROKEN GLASS AGAIN!!!! BUT SHOW’S STILL NOT DOWN. HE PLACES EDDIE ON THE ROOF AND SHOW GETS ON THE BACK AND FUCKIN’ CHOKESLAMS HIM AMAZING! Eddie and the car legit look like they were involved in a car accident. *** But ***** FOR THE BEATDOWN


Rey Mysterio vs. Johnny Stamboli
lol @ these two having to follow what just happen. This is a basic Rey showcase, Taz is on point as he calls this a basic power vs. speed. And to my shock Stamboli isn’t bad; his big man offense is damn good but that because he’s in with Rey who you can just throw around. He works the back, but once Rey makes the comeback it isn’t long before the West Coast Pop gives him the win. **1/4

Backstage: We see Brock sitting in a locker room watching Taker prepare for his interview, he grins and leaves.

Cole and Taz interview Taker; Taker explains the rules Taker claims the match has no rules, two men come in, beat each other down, someone grabs the chain over the ring, and proceeds to beat the other's skull in. He then says that in this match, the chain isn't dangerous, it's the person wielding the chain that is dangerous. He also predicts a long night for the Smackdown GM, Suddenly Brock Lesnar jumps him from behind wraps it around the Dead Man's neck, and drags him away as Smackdown goes to break.

Brock and Taker are fighting on the stage, with Taker still having that chain wrapped around his throat. Lesnar takes Taker to the stage, and proceeds to try and choke out him. It is stopped by Lesnar simply pulling harder on the chain.. Lesnar whips the Undertaker in to the steel steps, and then hangs the Dead Man from the turnbuckle. As 'Taker nearly passes out, he breaks the hold of the chain with boots to Lesnar's. Both men hit the ring, Lesnar continues the beat down, and sets up for an F5. Taker counters by wrapping the chain around Lesnar's neck, and proceeds to beat the shit out of him. Brock low blows him for separation, but 'Taker recovers to choke slam the champion out of the ring, as Smackdown goes off the air.


Fuck this show, it’s like every week is continues to downfall and Raw still sucks, but you can see some glimpse of sun through the clouds but this show is like when you step outside your house and you see that big dark cloud coming so you go back into the house to change outfits cause it’s gonna rain shit shows.

BUT WE’RE NOT DONE! Smackdown off air footage

Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker
Taker gets on the mic and say’s we’re not done yet. Let’s get it on!! Brock’s stalling is amazing, they pretty much do the usual Taker beats the fuck out of him and Brock bumps like a fuckin’ cruiserweight. We have no commentary so you can hear Taker calls spots or just breath heavy like he does. Brock locks in a rear naked choke so they can have a 2 minute convo :lmao Taker fights back to his feet and breaks with a back suplex, punches and punches leads to Taker’s mini- comeback. He goes for a chokeslam but Brock bails and gets counted out. Post-Match: Taker begins to beat up ring-side area with his chain :lmao it’s so hilariously unnecessary