I'd love for Rey to return for MITB but for some reason I don't see it happening. Is Miz still filming his movie? He would be a disappointing addition though. Someone I know brought up a great idea that time, what if Brock were to enter the MITB? I highly doubt they would do that but imagine Brock holding the briefcase and able to strike at any moment and hold take the WWE championship hostage! I think that would have great potential!
Rhodes and Ziggler were both added to the World Heavyweight MITB last night as I'm sure you all know, there goes my idea... the addition of these two gives me much more hope for the match though! Either of them would be excellent! The only other 2 I'd like are Kidd or Christian, less Christian though since he's already a former champ but I imagine he would work great with the case. I love Sandow but he shouldn't be holding that case. Tensai would be awful, and if Santino won it I would cry.
It's sad seeing how 1 year ago CM Punk took the WWE by storm and gave us the greatest moment in wrestling all year, tried to show us a new light, and now he's even WWE Champion! Yet he's still going to be behind John Cena as the main event. This will be the one time the MITB match actually main events the PPV that got it's name from it but it's only because Cena is in the match. That only former WWE champions MITB is just so wrong. The concept is supposed to build new stars!