Yeah, I get tired of these uncreative threads. "This is the worst card ever. This is the worst Wrestlemania ever. This person is the worst wrestler ever."
If anyone at there has seen every single Wrestlemania (I have) and make the claim that this is indeed the worst, then they need to go through every Wrestlemania card ever and PROVE it's the worst. You guys know me, I would do this in a second if I made the claim. So it's fair to ask anyone else to do it too.
He sounds like that nwowolfpac dude or whatever. The anti-smark crowd cutting and pasting, yawn.
Feels like there's 3 types of wrestling fans now.
"Balor's too small!"
"Balor's beloved!"
"Balor has great abs :gusta:"
I understand the whole ranting about a Mania card thing, but for one I recall hearing about AJ Styles vs Shane McMahon for Mania 33 and I tore it apart... then the buildup was surprisingly really good and the match delivered. So here we are 2 1/2 months away from the least important card of the year (from the standpoint of the Mania name is a casual draw anyway) and we're upset about a 2 match card, lol
I already like the main events better than the last few (though it just feels like wrestling fans don't know what to do with themselves without a toxic presence in the ME) and care much more about this card than many recent ones. It's just sad that after Mania 33 when Rollins beat HHH, Reigns beat Undertaker, and Styles beat Shane o'Mac, it didn't retain much of an audience putting more current stars over old ones.