William Regal is a way better wrestler than Triple H.
Cant beileve im even going to enter in this with you :yeahright: .
Ooooh yes he certainly is isn't he. That why HHH is were he is Maineventing muti time Champ. And Regal is where he is mid card at best with how many Title behind him ?.
I know beacuse HHH is screwing Steph and married to her and Vince hates the english wrestlers blah blah blah
William Regal would own Triple H in a legit fight as well.
Triple H is a coward. He was afraid of both Kurt Angle and Scott Steiner. Triple H shouldn't talk shit if he can't back it up. I would punch him in the mouth if he called me "small".
I'll just create a Triple H hate thread. He deserves to be chewed out anyway.
Well it looks like this has turned into a Regal and Triple H thread thanks to kingovkings.