People who bitch about other people's grammer/spelling error's
Traffic, People who talk shit about you, but don't know SHIT about you, people who think they hard, Rapists, Murderers (unless it's self defense) Slow ass drivers, Bitchy customers, bitchy girls, People who complain to much, Nazi's, KKK bitches, Racism, Ducks, People who bitch about how their life sucks, Depression, People who bitch about other people's grammer/spelling error's, People who bitch on the internet.
people who think they hard
LMAO, your definatly a funny one, WOW, we got a smartmark on here huh? dude i don't argue with people on the internet k? so go back to you kiddie games and critizing people on the internet, As you said, didn't you mis read it?
LMAO, your definatly a funny one, WOW, we got a smartmark on here huh? dude i don't argue with people on the internet k? so go back to your kiddie games and critizing people on the internet, As you said, didn't you mis read it?