what a fucking disapointment.

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Apr 3, 2011
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It was awesome. Edge squashing Del Rio was the worst part, Edge needs to learn to put people over. Del Rio should have won that match simple as that. So Edge with 1 arm is greater than his number 1 threat? Load of balls, can't stand Edge and his backstage politicking.

Cody against Rey was probably the best or 2nd best match of the night. Fair play to Rey for taking the pin I didn't think he would, Cody managing to carry Rey to a decent match shows how good he is in the ring, and we all know how good he is on the mic.

8 Man match was Blue. Santino in a Mania match is wrong, that's the end of it. Never mind him helping to win the match.

Orton and Punk, wasnt bad, wasn't great though, Punk just bored me to tears.

Cole vs Lawler was good for what it was, a joke match. Cole is such an awesome heel though. Cole getting the win was the greatest thing that could of happened here, and he didn't get a stunner. d

Taker vs HHH, was pretty brilliant, pshychology was 2nd to none, and its a shame it will just get called boring by all these stupid fans who get appreciate a good mental battle, if none of them fly of the top rope its just gay... Yeah ok.

Mix tag, besides Trish's rack this match was useless. Jo Mo is one terrible actor.

Cena - Miz. I will have to watch again, although it was predictable enough with the Rock stuff.

Pretty good Mania. People have it in their head to dislike wrestling now though. Its cool to not like wrestling but still watch it for some reason.
Jun 29, 2007
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Edinburgh, Scotland
Cody against Rey was probably the best or 2nd best match of the night. Fair play to Rey for taking the pin I didn't think he would, Cody managing to carry Rey to a decent match shows how good he is in the ring, and we all know how good he is on the mic.

Orton and Punk, wasnt bad, wasn't great though, Punk just bored me to tears.

Jo Mo is one terrible actor.

First of all Mysterio vs Rhodes, Mysterio carried Rhodes and taught him to be a better heel for that match so dont clame Rhodes is amazing, hes average.......at best

Ok Punk may bore you but maybe you should look back to his matches against Samoa Joe in RoH or Chris Hero in IWA-MS, then you'll know what punk was like before he went to the big league. Punk vs Orton was second best on the night, even though I saw the end coming how it did :D

And your comment about John Morrisonn being an actor, fine the current wrestlers maybe pushed like that but at the end of the day hes a trained wrestler not an actor, so don't say that BS again.


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Apr 3, 2011
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First of all Mysterio vs Rhodes, Mysterio carried Rhodes and taught him to be a better heel for that match so dont clame Rhodes is amazing, hes average.......at best

Ok Punk may bore you but maybe you should look back to his matches against Samoa Joe in RoH or Chris Hero in IWA-MS, then you'll know what punk was like before he went to the big league. Punk vs Orton was second best on the night, even though I saw the end coming how it did :D

And your comment about John Morrisonn being an actor, fine the current wrestlers maybe pushed like that but at the end of the day hes a trained wrestler not an actor, so don't say that BS again.
Rhodes is great, he made that match. Mysterio did the same thing he has done since 2004 and had the exact same match, I get beaten up, build up slight momentum, you take me out again, then eventually I set you up for the 619 and I hit it and win or you block it and win. Simple as that, his matches are as predictable as Ric Flair's were. Rhodes made it look great. Facial expressions and then just general in ring talent, made that match what it was worth.

I know Punk was apparently great in ROH, well done to him, but he has done nothing impressive in WWE, and that's what I watch, WWE. If he was brilliant in ROH, great, go back there then. But in WWE you are boring.

All the wrestlers have to be actors as well, even back in the old days they had to act as well. You need in ring psychology (Which is what Taker and HHH had in abundance by the way) but at the start of the match, he was holding Stratus off, and left Snooki standing there with Ziggler, which I know was set up for the slap, but the idea was Ziggler was gonna kill Snooki but Morrison just stood there holding Trish and glancing over at Snooki, and just leaving her there. The idea was meant to be he was helping Trish but Snooki managed to fend for herself. Instead Jo Mo looked like a twat.


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Mar 30, 2010
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lmao @ Rey carrying Cody.
Apr 29, 2008
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Here's what I don't understand. How is it on any other show you could put john cena through a stack of flaming tables, run over him with a car and rip his heart out of his chest and he'd still kick out at two yet at Wrestlemania 27 one Rock Bottom puts him down?

Luke Flywalker

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Here's what I don't understand. How is it on any other show you could put john cena through a stack of flaming tables, run over him with a car and rip his heart out of his chest and he'd still kick out at two yet at Wrestlemania 27 one Rock Bottom puts him down?

Especially after Triple H kicked out of a tombstone and Undertaker kicked out of a tombstone and three pedigrees! And you fools want to follow this Mania up next year with Cena vs the streak!?
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
Rey did carry cody. Cody slowed that match down so dramatically. Itks a toss up between who's more mediocre in the ring, Del Rio or Rhodes, both were carried to slow matches that they were fed moves and looked lost as fuck in the ring.


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Mar 9, 2007
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Here's what I don't understand. How is it on any other show you could put john cena through a stack of flaming tables, run over him with a car and rip his heart out of his chest and he'd still kick out at two yet at Wrestlemania 27 one Rock Bottom puts him down?

Do I need to point out the irony of how Miz arguably "dominated" Cena from a physicality standpoint, despite being smaller, yet Cena could out muscle everyone from Batista to HHH to Mark Henry to The Great Khali? Nope, one punch from MIZ makes him take a flat back bump.


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Mar 30, 2010
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Since when does the pace of a match determine who carried a match? So Rhodes slowed Rey down. Why wouldn't he? Cody bumped like he always does and he brought an underlying story of working at the knee brace and playing him his gimmick to bring a ton to the match. To say either guy carried it is silly.

And I maintain that something was wrong with Miz and/or Cena in their match. Miz seemed rattled and didn't troll the audience or his opponent like he usually does to get heat. Cena seemed way off, and not just the botches. He didn't do his big selling or interact with the audience in his comebacks like he normally does.


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Apr 3, 2011
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Rey did carry cody. Cody slowed that match down so dramatically. Itks a toss up between who's more mediocre in the ring, Del Rio or Rhodes, both were carried to slow matches that they were fed moves and looked lost as fuck in the ring.

I don't think you get wrestling. Just cause they are not going full speed dosn't mean they are not doing anything. Think about it, Rey is one of the fastest wrestlers in WWE, why would Cody try beat him with speed? He can't, so you slow it down. Its called having a bit of sense, but clearly went over your head.

I only seen the Cena Miz match today. Cena looked wayyyyy off the pace, and Miz even looked worried about him at times. I am pretty sure at 1 stage you can hear Riley shouting come on Cena. Wasn't really Miz's fault. Like to hear if something was wrong with Cena before or after the match.


Jan 6, 2011
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The only and i mean ONLY thing that was good about WM27, was The match between Orton and CM Punk....:)
all else was not worth the paper they were printed on.

WM27 made the Royal Rumble winner non-existant and mean less then just a number 1 contender for the belt at WM.
WM27 should've been renamed to "THE ROCK"


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Mar 28, 2008
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Reganio and myself go back. He will admit he is a Cody mark :p I used to mock him forit, but fair play to Cody I thought he did well. At least they went with the right result for that one.

I rarely disagree with you Enzo, but it wasn't THAT bad. Did it live up to the hype? Not entirely, no, but nothing ever really does. I found it entertaining, overall. I couldn't care less about the Eight-Man and the Snooki thing so the fact they went short didn't upset me in the slightest. I was disappointed that Bryan-Sheamus got cut as we've already seen in their matches on Raw that they actually work pretty well together.

Cole winning was pathetic, admittedly, and really wasn't necessary. I don't see how they will be able to continue the feud, but that certainly didn't end it.

I was disappointed that they didn't let Del Rio run with the ball, but he may yet. Perhaps he'll win it at Extreme Rules or something. (More for his character than his wrestling which isn't amazing)

'Taker-Trips was booked very well - the No Holds Barred stipulation ensured that it wasn't just a second-rate 'Taker-Michaels copy, although all the kicking out of the finishers did annoy me a little and seemed even more extreme than the Michaels matches! I don't know if it was the fact that I was just about staying awake at the point it happened, but I somehow convinced myself that Trips was winning when he Tombstoned him. I thought the finish was one of the best finishes I've seen for years.

Admittedly, Cena-Miz wasn't exactly a five-star classic, but Rock screwed Cena and so I got the ending I wanted! If this isn't followed by a Rock-Cena match, at some point, however, it will seem like a much, much bigger letdown retrospectively. The videos were better than the match, but man, were they good.

Oh. And congratulations to Punk to helping Randy Orton to one of the best matches of his career. Really enjoyed that one

And on the Cena looking off the pace - I see what you all mean. He just wasn't himself. Maybe the match was cut short at the last minute (the show went much closer to the finish time than most PPVs) and they were both angry? Either that or Cena was injured or something?

Overall, I didn't hate it as much as Enzo, but it certainly didn't live up to being the best 'Mania since X7 which I thought it could've been on paper.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
I don't think you get wrestling. Just cause they are not going full speed dosn't mean they are not doing anything. Think about it, Rey is one of the fastest wrestlers in WWE, why would Cody try beat him with speed? He can't, so you slow it down. Its called having a bit of sense, but clearly went over your head.

I only seen the Cena Miz match today. Cena looked wayyyyy off the pace, and Miz even looked worried about him at times. I am pretty sure at 1 stage you can hear Riley shouting come on Cena. Wasn't really Miz's fault. Like to hear if something was wrong with Cena before or after the match.

Plus 1 for being a little ballsy, but shut up. I wasn't saying slow it down because I'm expecting him to match the flipz with rey, he slowed down the overall pace and fudged some basic moves. When you can see someone feed someone simple headscissors or direct them to counter a 619 the way rey did, that's not good. And hom much did he work the knee, by pulling the fucking brace off? Oh man, that's some high level psychology I can't grasp right there. Then he works the head with the mask and what does he follow up with? Fuckin chinlocks. Get the fuck out of here, that's INSANE psychology! Went way over my head. I mean cody worked the head and knee so well that mysterio was still able to jump around and had to eat a knee brace to the face after a springboard move because cody slowe him down so much. This match should have been on sd and not mania and cody still has a long way to go for his in ring stuff to catch up with his character. But I understand you have a hard on for the guy, so your lenses are rose colored to the guy.


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Apr 3, 2011
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Plus 1 for being a little ballsy, but shut up. I wasn't saying slow it down because I'm expecting him to match the flipz with rey, he slowed down the overall pace and fudged some basic moves. When you can see someone feed someone simple headscissors or direct them to counter a 619 the way rey did, that's not good. And hom much did he work the knee, by pulling the fucking brace off? Oh man, that's some high level psychology I can't grasp right there. Then he works the head with the mask and what does he follow up with? Fuckin chinlocks. Get the fuck out of here, that's INSANE psychology! Went way over my head. I mean cody worked the head and knee so well that mysterio was still able to jump around and had to eat a knee brace to the face after a springboard move because cody slowe him down so much. This match should have been on sd and not mania and cody still has a long way to go for his in ring stuff to catch up with his character. But I understand you have a hard on for the guy, so your lenses are rose colored to the guy.
Don't get me wrong, I have a blind spot for him as he is epically awesome. But no way was Rey feeding him the stuff. That Rey hopping up and running around is nothing to do with Cody not working the knee. Its to do with Rey failing to sell it properly and forgetting that he is injured like always seems to do. Rey is up there with Cena for just hoping up and forgetting that the chap has been working him over for 20 mins.

No mention of Rey jumping into Cody's knees then straightening up and then remembering to jump back no? I used to like Rey but he can't go like he used to.

Luke Flywalker

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While people complain about the pace of the Rey/Cody match... I say shut the hell up. There hasn't been one Rey Mysterio match since he climbed out of the Cruieserweight ranks that people didn't say "you have to negate his speed to get the upper hand..." Cody slowing the match down (which fits the psyche of his character) did exactly that, even if it wasn't a "work on his leg the entire match to slow him down", he still managed to do what you're supposed to do... negate the speed.

Thought it was an excellent match.

I didn't think Punk carried Orton really... Orton did a spectacular job selling the injury and both were equally entertaining. Say what you will about Orton, he does tend to perform above average on the grandest stage.

I was also glad they didn't use interference in the Streak... that match was brilliant. Sure it "started" slow if Triple H delivering fast-pace blows and then tackling Taker through the Cole Mine in the first 2 minutes makes a slow match. That match was incredible from the video package and entrances all the way through to the Please Do Not Try This At Home ad.