what a fucking disapointment.

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Mar 28, 2008
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The ending was completely wrong. What happened to "or die trying"

Triple H should not have tapped out.

Wrestling hyperbole 101. People won't actually intentionally die in the ring :p


Nov 1, 2005
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Wow...Harsh review thus far.

I agree, there was a lot of bad things about this PPV. I don't mind Edge beating Del Rio, but at LEAST have them wrestle a full match, and not certain jerk. Danielson/Sheamus was also a let down, however we got to see it Raw anyways. Orton/Punk was solid i thought. HHH/Taker was about as good as i think it could have been. No way it was going to top the last couple years matches with HBK, and i thought it was rather poor that Taker/HHH the two veterans needed to be a hardcore to be interesting. Good finish though. I'd rate it about 4 stars. Match of the night. I'm Glad Cena vs. Miz went on Last, however not a big fan of the Rock beating up both Cena and Miz, and the Miz walking out with the title.

This PPV didn't really have the WM feel, but then again it wasn't a star studded lineup...so my expectations weren't really that high.

All in all, poor ppv, but again, what were you expecting with Cena vs. Miz as WM headliners.


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Feb 7, 2007
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Toronto, Ontario
Only caught the second half, best thing from this Mania was the promos from HHH/Taker and Miz/Cena's matches. Metallica, DMX and Nas? #Winning.

Storytelling was amazing in The Streak match plus the three pedigrees and tombstones were great.

I just welt angry after that terrible title match, if they pulled a WM6 and had The Rock win I'd be more satisfied. Caught the tale end of the Orton/Punk match, anything Punk is gold and Orton beaten up and selling always works. But the ending was almost too predicable, springboard into the RKO is so '07. Cole/Lawler, oh vey, 5 minutes too long and Cole wins? Thus this feud continues.

From what I saw, this is a forgettable Mania.


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Apr 26, 2010
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General thoughts….

*The majority of my previous rebuffed fears about wasted build ups, bad booking and the show being too reliant on shenanigans came to fruition… Sometimes it sucks being right.
*Crowd kinda sucked (though they were hardly being spoiled with this show).
*I could have sworn there was meant to be a US title match…? (I kept on thinking…. “S’alright, Bryan’s gonna come out and steal the show”…Except he never did. :sigh: )
*Ryder gets the popz! lol
*Thank f*ck for no appearance by Justin Bieber (Woulda been the kiss of death on such a disappointing night!
* Felt like a bit of a kiss goodbye to The Attitude era…. Let’s hope the fans take it all in the manner intended (rather than being alerted to what they’re feel they’re missing).

(S’cuse if I get the running order messed up….)

Edge v Del Rio: Opening match? ‘Main Eventing’ to a ‘cold’ crowd? ….Harsh! Match wasn’t bad, but seen more than enough Edge/Christian/DelRio/Clay shenanigans over the last 2 months to be left rather indifferent about the whole thing. As said on the run-up to Mania the only thing left to see was a) Del Rio with the WHC and b) a possible screw job by Christian… Neither of which happened. Would have been better without the corner men on the night IMO.

Rhodes v Mysterio: Favourite match of the night; tho’ seen much better from Mysterio. Pleasantly surprised to see Cody get the win and looking forward to seeing who he’ll be lined up against next.

Corre v Show/Kane/Santino/Kofi: WOW! How short was that? …And nothing that we don’t regularly see, only MUCH better, from the multi-man tag matches on SD. Would have rather seen a Kofi/Wade rematch, though who can be sure they wouldn’t have just suffered the same fate as Bryan/Sheamus?

Punk v Orton: Second favourite match of the night. Punk-factor reigns supreme. Unsurprisingly Orton wins, but this whole Nexus fued has left Orton looking like a total beast!

Cole v Lawler: Bell to bell, pretty much as expected, but way too long. Crappy finish (As I already critiqued, SCSA’s presence pretty much dictated that Cole couldn’t get a victory DURING the match), but LOL @ Booker & Josh getting a stunner at the end!

HHH v Taker: I guess 2 years of HBK vs The Streak is a too tough an act to follow. The guys had already been introduced by the time they had reached the ring… No epic stare-down to kick things off??? …Sometimes it’s the little things you notice. Match felt like it had the beginning ‘missing’ and wasn’t a great deal more than a succession of high impact moves and finisher kick-outs, though the whole grasping desperately for the hammer finish was sweeeeeeet! HHH shoulda have passed out rather than tapped though.

JoMo/Trish/Snookie v Ziggles & LeyCool: Again, blink and you’ll miss it. No sense of loss here, but it would have at least been nice to see Ziggler & JoMo lock up ONCE!

Cena v Miz: Absolutely deafening!!! …The sound of 70,000 people waiting for the Rock to appear, that is. (It’s times like this when I hate Cena… Not cos of what he does or doesn’t do or even anything attributed to his character, but it’s the biggest show of the year and you’re left with a tepid sea of indifference sprinkled with the smarks toying with the kiddies). Match was nothing special, but a finish like that is just NOT WM ME worthy.

Not the complete shits, but Wrestlemania 27; the biggest, bestest, most amazingest, fantastical show of the year? …S’gonna be a long year.


Apr 1, 2008
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Long Island, NY
What an absolutely horrible Mania.

It's bad enough that for the most part the WHC has been passed around like the drunk girl at the party as of late, but to make it the opening match on the card was just brutal. Del Rio won the Rumble to "main event" Mania with a title shot. Was WWE not confident enough in Del Rio? Did they think they were doing something unique and cool by it opening the card? Who knows, horrible mood none the less. This guy has been tearing Edge apart for the past two and a half months only for him to lose cleanly to a spear in about 10 minutes? What a horrible let down of a match.

Punk/Orton was actually much better than expected... one of Orton's better matches.

But how WWE could have 3 duds on a MANIA!! card is just unbelievable. The 8 man tag, Cole/Lawler and Snookimania were all dude of the highest caliber.
Actually, make it four duds. The WWE title match was seriously a fucking snoozefest. What an absolutely horrible match and disgusting ending. You have your match end in a double count out, restarted, end two seconds later and your champion and challenger laid out to a guy who isn't going to be back until next year.....at WRESTLEMANIA. Bravo.

If not for Triple H/Undertaker I would have thrown my TV against a wall. What an absolutely phenomenal match, set up, finish...just everything about it was perfect. Will probably go down as one of my favorite matches I've ever seen.


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Apr 29, 2007
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What an absolutely horrible Mania.

It's bad enough that for the most part the WHC has been passed around like the drunk girl at the party as of late, but to make it the opening match on the card was just brutal. Del Rio won the Rumble to "main event" Mania with a title shot. Was WWE not confident enough in Del Rio? Did they think they were doing something unique and cool by it opening the card? Who knows, horrible mood none the less. This guy has been tearing Edge apart for the past two and a half months only for him to lose cleanly to a spear in about 10 minutes? What a horrible let down of a match.

Punk/Orton was actually much better than expected... one of Orton's better matches.

But how WWE could have 3 duds on a MANIA!! card is just unbelievable. The 8 man tag, Cole/Lawler and Snookimania were all dude of the highest caliber.
Actually, make it four duds. The WWE title match was seriously a fucking snoozefest. What an absolutely horrible match and disgusting ending. You have your match end in a double count out, restarted, end two seconds later and your champion and challenger laid out to a guy who isn't going to be back until next year.....at WRESTLEMANIA. Bravo.

If not for Triple H/Undertaker I would have thrown my TV against a wall. What an absolutely phenomenal match, set up, finish...just everything about it was perfect. Will probably go down as one of my favorite matches I've ever seen.


Luke Flywalker

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Was anyone else put off by the incredible amount of censorship?

Also heard Undertaker and Triple H were fined "heavily" for the chairshot to the head?
Apr 29, 2008
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After some time to think I now realize the biggest problem with Wrestlemania. For the most part it felt like I didn't watch a damn thing. Like half the matches were there just to get people on Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania should be the place where feuds come to a head. Where shit gets real. Like if you see on a Raw or Smackdown that two people are gonna face each other at Mania you should have that feeling that either "oh shit this is important if it's gonna be on Mania" or "this storyline is so hot it has to culminate at Mania." Nothing really gave me that feeling. Orton/Punk was the closest to having that but it lost points because Orton had gotten to Punk at Elimination Chamber. That's where WWE fails in a lot of things. The faces get to the heels way too quickly. The only match at Mania where it was done right with the face chasing the heel on the TV shows but not being able to get his hands on him until the right time was Cole vs Lawler.

But yeah back to the point. There was very little emotion behind a majority of the show at all. You didn't get that feeling that "these two really hate each other and if they tangle it's gonna get ugly" or "this guy really wants to win this match because he's fighting for something really important". It just felt like they put up a wall with a bunch of different numbers on it and threw darts at it. "ok number 14 and number 32 you get a match at Mania".

And a quick thought on the Miz-Cena match. They did nothing to make the fans focus on the match and not be concerned with the Rock eventually coming out. I seriously think they just went "fuck it let's go through the motions until Rock comes out".


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Mar 28, 2008
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You have a point with the Miz-Cena match. The thing about the build was that it was all about The Rock. That's why he really should've been there at ringside for the whole thing, teasing getting involved perhaps by staring down both men when the action spilled the floor etc. etc.

Either that or THAT should've been the Special Referee match with The Rock as the official. The crowd were just waiting for Rocky to come out and ,to an extent, so was I.

Hometown Kid

Apr 29, 2008
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Columbia, Tennessee
Fuck that, they should have had Rock just win the damn title. Miz and Cena aren't at a level to elevate the title to actual importance and with one promo of Rock could have made the title a real selling point worthy of respect and not just a prop. I don't know where they'd go from there, but they need a hard reset more than anything on that title to gain it some cred. Just vacate it after the first night, do an injury angle, it doesn't matter. Rock spent two months exposing Miz/Cena on the mic (their alleged strong points) and then they went out and delivered an awful match, barely better than Trips/Orton at 25. I guarantee if Rock had came out before the match and cut a promo running them both down and basically saying "Cena, Get the hell outta here, i'm making this my match as host" or something and had Rock win, there would have been a true 'Mania moment/ME, and the dissension could still lead to Rock/Cena next year, as well as Rock giving the title a rub would benefit the company for months to come.

Hometown Kid

Apr 29, 2008
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Columbia, Tennessee
Now the company's in disarray. Between this WM, and the Royal Rumble, and TLC ending, this company is literally turning into WCW 2000s before our very eyes.

*BTW if the scenario I mentioned above happened, I guarantee not a single "Child/Cena fan" would have cared about him being off the show.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
Fuck that, they should have had Rock just win the damn title. Miz and Cena aren't at a level to elevate the title to actual importance and with one promo of Rock could have made the title a real selling point worthy of respect and not just a prop. I don't know where they'd go from there, but they need a hard reset more than anything on that title to gain it some cred. Just vacate it after the first night, do an injury angle, it doesn't matter. Rock spent two months exposing Miz/Cena on the mic (their alleged strong points) and then they went out and delivered an awful match, barely better than Trips/Orton at 25. I guarantee if Rock had came out before the match and cut a promo running them both down and basically saying "Cena, Get the hell outta here, i'm making this my match as host" or something and had Rock win, there would have been a true 'Mania moment/ME, and the dissension could still lead to Rock/Cena next year, as well as Rock giving the title a rub would benefit the company for months to come.

Why would they have Rock win the title or even be in the title picture? Yes, he is the Rock, but he also hasn't wrestled in 7 years. He inserting himself into the title scene and basically leapfrogging the entire roster does nothing but devalue the thing and bury the roster. Rock, in no way, shape or form should be anywhere near the title. The strap would mean a little bit more if they booked the people not named Orton, Taker, Edge, Cena or HHH like Orton, Cena, Edge, Taker and HHH. That's the main problem with the top straps and then then need to throw that fucking belt away. It seems like a prop because it is, but it looks like what a prop should look like; a watered down generalization of the real thing.

Luke Flywalker

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I didn't see The Miz looking lost like everyone is saying, but Cena on the other hand... looked clueless. It didn't help that matter at all that both JR and Lawler commented nonstop about how Cena looked so out of it... it really looked like he broke character knowing he was going to be upstaged. Cena attributed nothing to the match and the post-match.

Having The Rock get the complete upperhand and not be attacked and having to mount a comeback, buried the entire card. Time restraints? Really? You think anyone is going to complain about the show going 10-15 minutes past the hour to actually focus on a decent match/restart (if you really felt you HAD to go that route)? The only person to complain is Vince because he's not cashing in for the start of the 5th hour... but we deserved better.

And PPV should not... PG or not... be censored... when the entire buildup for the last two months featured The Rock using profanities galore.

Oh, and they should have ended the PPV with the Streak... and had a backstage promo with Cena and Rock in a confrontation with one calling the other out on Raw...

But if you want to focus on building this feud over the next year... you do so the right way, and don't focus on it the entire time. Maybe have Cena make an appearance at The Rock's movie premieres... have Rock show up at Cena's if he shoots any this year... have an indepth focus on Rock's "training" and have Cena continually play up to how The Rock is still too busy to give the fans what they really want. Before Royal Rumble... have Rock make his in-ring return and maybe set up a focused feud with The Miz while Cena is out or something (again, I can't imagine he isn't filming a movie this year as well), and have Miz escape with the strap to keep it off of The Rock... then have Cena return and have them run some programs... interferences... promo work. But God PLEASE don't put that strap on Cena... don't have this feud be about the title. They were able to do Rock vs. Hogan without it... do this one without it.

Hometown Kid

Apr 29, 2008
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Columbia, Tennessee
It shouldn't be just a prop though, that 20 pounds of gold used to stand for something, maybe not in WWF/E but you know as well as anybody, that "World Champion" is something ANYBODY can relate to as he's the best, that's who I want to see. And Rock's who everyone wanted/wants to see. Who exactly would Rock be burying? Maybe Miz, but he's been booked as a chump anyway that commentators can almost beat, and isn't a very good champion anyway. Like I said, have Cena or someone come out on Raw and destroy him after an epic Rock promo putting over the belt. I agree that them booking people too weak besides those guys is bad, but still, there's nobody truly credible on their roster to be a legit top guy and turn things around. Rock could at least at credibility as caring about the title, and it would be a total reset of the company after it's vacated. Enabling them to get away from the corners they've booked themselves into, and right some of the wrongs you mentioned.

Just my opinion though, to be fair.


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Mar 29, 2010
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They were able to do Rock vs. Hogan without it... do this one without it.
Yeah, and you remember how that Mania ended? There is certain matches that upstage the title, because they're far bigger and better because of the wrestlers involved. You were right, however, when you said WM 27 should have ended with the streak, Triple H vs. Undertaker. Almost entirely because the WWE themselves have flat out said, along with Triple H a couple weeks ago, that the STREAK IS BIGGER THAN ANY TITLE, so why shouldn't it be last? The streak is far bigger than Cena or Miz. Now if Rock won the title or something, then it'd be all good for that to end and people could go home happy.

HTK has a point, Rock completely screwing Cena out of the title and taking it for himself would be perfect grounds for Cena to heel turn the next night. Come out and say how it's bullshit the WWE dumped him in a heartbeat when The Rock returned, come out and destroy The Rock at the end of the night. Could be cool, but whatever.