WCW/ECW 2001 and Beyond - The Alliance Lives

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August 1, 2002
Asbury Park Convention Hall
Asbury Park, NJ

Mick Foley:
“Hey, Fonzie! It’s good to see you!”

Bill Alfonso: “Mick, I just wanted to come by and thank you for giving these opportunities to Sabu and Rob Van Dam this Sunday. Rob is on his way now.”

Mick Foley: “Of course. These are great matches that the ECW fans are going to love! And I want to make sure that Rob gets his fair shot inside the Barbed Wire Steel Cage, so I’ll be at ringside just to ensure nothing happens out here that affects what happens in that ring.”

A knock is heard on Foley’s door.

Bill Alfonso: “That’s probably Rob now.”

It’s not Rob Van Dam, but Shelton Benjamin who makes his way into Foley’s office.

Mick Foley: Shelton Benjamin! What can I do for you?”

Shelton Benjamin: “How about anything? Look, this Sunday you’ve got Brock taking on Van Dam for the title. That ain’t right. First of all, I can beat Brock, hell I trained Brock! And I can beat RVD any time, any place. I’m tired of waiting my turn. I’m taking it, starting tonight!”

Bill Alfonso: “You think you can beat Mr. Pay-Per-View? You don’t stand a chance, daddy!”

Shelton Benjamin grabs Bill Alfonso just as Rob Van Dam walks in.

Rob Van Dam: “Hey, what’s the deal man?

Shelton Benjamin: “You got something you don’t deserve and that I want! The title shot, this Sunday, Anarchy Rulz. It should be me in that cage against Brock, not you!”

Rob Van Dam: “Is that right. Look, Shelton, you’re good man. But when I pinned Brock Lesnar back at Slamboree, I remember you were on that team too. But hey, I’m Rob Van Dam, I give the people what they want. And of course, they want to see RVD in action. I don’t run from a challenge so you want my title shot? Beat me tonight and take it!”

Shelton Benjamin: “Ha, you’re on!”

Joey Styles: “Hello everyone and welcome to ECW RISE and wow Tazz, Rob Van Dam tonight puts his Anarchy Rulz title shot on the line against Shelton Benjamin!

Tazz: “That’s a crazy move. I mean the match is only three days away!”

Joey Styles:
“Here comes the champ and with him of course is Paul Heyman.”


Paul Heyman:
“I must say congratulations to Shelton Benjamin for finally showing some fire. Brock and I wish him the best of luck in the match with Rob Van Dam tonight. Of course, this match tonight is a bit of a monkey’s paw situation. What do they win? A Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match with this monster, Brock Lesnar! So be careful what you wish for gentlemen. Because you’re gonna get it! Now, as the most dominant ECW World Heavyweight Champion in history stands in front of you, I ask you all to finally accept that the future of ECW isn’t Rob Van Dam. It’s not Shelton Benjamin. Not Sabu. It’s Brock Lesnar…”

Suddenly, an official is thrown through the entrance way!

Paul Heyman: “What the hell is going on back there?”

Shockingly, Bam Bam Bigelow walks through the entrance and he heads to the ring with a purpose. We’re in Bam Bam’s hometown, so the crowd pops huge when they see him.

Paul Heyman: “May…may we help you?”

Bam Bam Bigelow: “Every week for seven months I have to hear your ass say “oh, Brock Lesnar beat Bam Bam Bigelow. He beat the “Beast From the East”.” Well no more of that shit! You think you the big monster here Brock? Well it’s time to prove it one more time boy! This is my home town, New Jersey is my state! I’m gonna go main event in the barbed wire cage on Sunday after I take that title from you! Let’s go boy!”

Brock Lesnar walks up to Bam Bam Bigelow as Paul Heyman begs Brock to not accept the challenge. Lesnar stares intensely at Bigelow, before stepping back and laughing!

Bam Bam Bigelow: “That’s how it’s gonna go? Come on!”

Bigelow piefaces Lesnar! This changes Brock’s demeanor, and he demands the referee in the ring, Jim Mollineaux start a match. Bigelow demands that it’s for the title, and Lesnar says that he’s on!

*clap clap clap*
*clap clap clap*

*clap clap clap*

ECW World Championship
Brock Lesnar © (w/Paul Heyman) vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

Bigelow and Brock meet in the middle of the ring and go to blows! They end up punching at one another and rolling under the bottom rope…but they never stop punching one another until Bigelow gets a headbutt! Bigelow presses Lesnar over his head and drops him throat first onto the steel railing! Bigelow pounds away on Lesnar on the outside and sends him flying into the ringpost, busting Lesnar wide open! Heyman tries to get in Bigelow’s way and Bigelow just shoves him into the timekeeper. Bigelow takes a chair from the crowd and throws it on the downed Lesnar. Bigelow then takes another chair and does the same. Then a third! Then a fourth! And a fifth! Lesnar ends up buried in chairs as Bigelow slides back into the ring with a table and roars at the crowd, who are all behind him!

Lesnar pops up from the sea of chairs and brings one into the ring. He swings at Bigelow but misses, and Bigelow catches him with a dropkick! Splash from Bigelow, 1…2…Lesnar just kicks out! Bigelow hits a falling headbutt on Lesnar. Bigelow props Lesnar in the corner and throws him into the center of the ring! Bigelow heads to the top rope, looking to finish off Lesnar…but Lesnar throws a chair up as Bigelow looks to land a flying headbutt, which catches Bigelow in the face! Lesnar takes the chair and wallops Bigelow over the head, splitting him wide open! Lesnar stomps the hell out of Bigelow in the corner, then tosses him across the ring with a belly-to-belly suplex! Bigelow gets to his feet, but Lesnar hits him so hard with a clothesline that Bigelow spins in the air before crashing to the canvas. Lesnar takes the chair and bases Bigelow over and over on his body. Lesnar then sets up the table.

Lesnar sets up Bigelow for a powerbomb, looking to drive him in the table, but Luna Vachon runs down and leaps on Lesnar’s back! Lesnar grabs Luna by her hair and flips her over, slamming her on the canvas! Lesnar puts Luna on his shoulders…and plants her with he F5! Bigelow runs right at Lesnar and smashes him into the corner with all his weight. Lesnar stumbles out and Bigelow picks him up on his shoulder…and drops him with Greetings From Asbury Park! Bigelow covers Lesnar, 1…2…no! Lesnar kicks out and Bigelow can’t believe it! Bigelow picks Lesnar up again, but Lesnar slides behind Bigelow. Bigelow turns around and Lesnar hits him with a spinebuster through the table! Lesnar aggressively picks Bigelow up…and hits the F5! 1…2…3!

Winner: Brock Lesnar via pinfall in 10:00 (Retains)

Brock Lesnar
takes the chair and pounds away on Bigelow some more until Mick Foley runs down. Lesnar threatens to hit Foley, but Foley tells Brock that he’ll take the title if he even tries it. Lesnar wipes the blood off his face and walks off with Heyman, raising the title over his head. Foley asks for help for Luna and Bigelow.


R-Killa: Bookerman! If you thought what I did to your brother on Nitro was something, just you wait. Harlem Street Fight, three days from now, I’m going to expose to the world what a phony the whole Harlem Heat deal is, and I’m gonna beat you down like a dog! And then I’ll move on and become the World Champion while you watch, as then your family will have a man they can look up to wrestling on national TV!"


Eddie Guerrero:
Jerry Lynn? AJ Styles? You two need to realize that I paved the way for both of you. It was me, it was Chavito, fighting night in and night out, making names for ourselves in WCW. AJ, you think just a bunch of flashy moves means you can get by in this business. What you don’t have that me and Chavito have is heart…and a little Latino Heat too! AJ, go ahead, fly around! Everyone who flies eventually crashes and burns. And you Jerry, yeah, in that ring you’re pretty good. And you’ve been doing this for a long time now, we can respect that. But come on, compared to a Guerrero there’s nothing special about you Jerry Lynn. There’s more to being a star than just come in and doing a few suplexes. You gotta have that star appeal, vato, and that’s what you lack. AJ, Jerry, bring your best game, because Los Guerreros, we’re ready for you, and we will be ECW World Tag Team Champions by the end of Anarchy Rulz! Viva La Raza!”


Bill Alfonso:
Rey Mysterio, you may think you’re the king of the high-flying world, but you’ve never faced anyone like Sabu, baby! Yeah, you’ll both fly, but you just take risks. Sabu? He’s suicidial. He’s homicidal. He’s genocidal. And he will stop at nothing to hold ECW gold again. The one title he’s never won? The ECW World Television Championship, daddy! And he’s hungry. Sabu is coming for you Rey. This will be the most insane match-up you ever see, and you’re in for the longest night of your life, Rey!”


Rey Mysterio:
“I’ve always had to step up in every situation. Every time people told me I couldn’t win. Sometimes it was because I was too small. Or I wasn’t strong enough. Or I wasn’t technically as sound. But what I always had was heart. Sabu, I may have never faced anyone like you, but like I always do, I will overcome. I will figure it out. I worked my whole career to win a major singles title in the United States and I did that when I beat Eddie Guerrero for this World Television Championship.” Sabu, you think you can rip me apart? You wouldn’t be the first to try. And you won’t be the first to fail. When it’s all said and done, I’m walking out of the Meadowlands TV Champ!”


The Sinister Minister:
Raven, oh Raven. It is time that our journey concludes. Mortis is the master of macabre, the embodiment of darkness and evil. You can recite all the poetry you’d like Raven, but none of that is going to help you when Mortis sends you to the underworld by burying you six feet underground. And Raven, while you will survive and one day climb back to the world of the living, the darkness lurking in the shadows will always be around the corner. Mortis is the harbringer of your doom, and he shall be forever. Hahahahaha!”


#1 Contender for the ECW World Championship
Rob Van Dam vs. Shelton Benjamin

Rob Van Dam gets right in Shelton Benjamin’s face and does his signature taunt…but Benjamin punches RVD right in the face! Benjamin hits RVD with punches and forearms in the corner. Benjamin sends RVD into the opposite corner and charges after him for a monkey flip, but RVD blocks and puts Benjamin on the top turnbuckle. RVD leaps up the ropes and hits Benjamin with a flying karate kick, sending Benjamin to the floor. RVD comes off the ropes and flies over the top rope with a somersault plancha…but Benjamin hits him in midair with a chair! Benjamin sends RVD into the railing, but RVD backdrops him into the crowd when he charges in! RVD gets a full head of steam and leaps over the guardrail onto Benjamin and into the crowd! RVD hops back over the guardrail and into the ring. He heads up to the top rope…and leaps off with a somersault dive into the crowd onto Benjamin!

Joey Styles:
“Oh my god! He’s out of his freakin’ mind!”

RVD drags Benjamin back to the ring. RVD goes for the split-legged moonsault, but Benjamin gets his knees up. Spinning heel kick knocks RVD down and Benjamin quickly covers, 1…2…RVD kicks out. Benjamin sets RVD up and powerbombs him in the center of the ring! Benjamin heads out to the apron, and hits RVD with a springboard elbow drop off the top rope! Cover, 1…2…RVD just kicks out again. Benjamin heads to the outside and grabs a chair, then wedges it between the top and second turnbuckles. Benjamin grabs RVD and throws him right into the chair! RVD stumbles backwards and Benjamin hits him with a bridging German suplex, 1…2…RVD kicks out once again to Benjamin’s frustration. Benjamin takes RVD and looks for the T-Bone, but RVD punches Benjamin in the ribs to break free. RVD misses a roundhouse kick, and Benjamin hits one of his own.

Benjamin drags RVD to the corner before heading up to the top…450 Splash is countered as RVD gets his knees up! RVD and Benjamin struggle to get to their feet as Benjamin reaches for the chair. Benjamin has it, but RVD pops up and hits the Van Daminator! RVD lands on Benjamin, 1…2…Shelton Benjamin kicks out of the Van Daminator and now RVD doesn’t know what to do! RVD waits for Benjamin to get back to his feet. He throws him the chair but Benjamin ducks the Van Daminator. Benjamin misses the chair shot, and RVD hits the Van Daminator on the second try! RVD leaps up to the top rope, Five Star Frog Splash connects! Cover, 1…2…3!

Winner: Rob Van Dam via pinfall in 10:02

As soon as RVD gets to his feet he gets smashes by the chair swung by Brock Lesnar! Lesnar quickly puts RVD on his shoulders…but Sabu runs in to make the save! CW Anderson runs into attack Sabu…then Rey runs down too. Los Guerreros attack Rey, but AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn save Rey! Before we know it the whole ECW roster is out brawling.

Joey Styles: Anarchy Rulz has started tonight! We’ll see you Sunday!


Quick Results

ECW World Championship

Brock Lesnar © pinned Bam Bam Bigelow (Retains)

#1 Contender for the ECW World Championship
Rob Van Dam pinned Shelton Benjamin


WCW World Champion

Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

ECW Television Champion
Rey Mysterio Jr. (Defeated Eddie Guerrero on 7-11-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Outsiders (Defeated Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant on 7-7-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Tajiri (Defeated Super Crazy on 7-13-02)

World Women’s Champion
Victoria (Defeated Jazz on 7-18-02)

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ECW/WCW Anarchy Rulz 2002

Joey Styles:
“Hello everyone I’m Joey Styles. Tomorrow night Extreme Championship Wrestling in partnership with World Championship Wrestling will present Anarchy Rulz 2002 live at 8:00 PM Eastern, 9:00 Central live from the Continental Airlines Arena in East Rutherford, New Jersey, right outside New York City!. Also, thank you to “One Minute Silence” for providing the theme song to Anarchy Rulz: Holyman!

Six-Pack Challenge: World Cruiserweight Championship – One Fall
Tajiri © vs. Super Crazy vs. Kid Kash vs. Jamie Noble vs. Psicosis vs. Juventud Guerrera

Joey Styles: “A few weeks ago on Worldwide, Tajiri defeated Super Crazy for the Cruiserweight Championship. Others have tried to take this title from Tajiri, including Crazy, but Tajiri has managed to hold on. These six-men will go through what will likely be an insane high-flying affair for the world’s premier lightweight championship.”

The Great Muta vs. Lance Storm

Joey Styles: “A few weeks ago The Great Muta took out both Lance Storm and Lance’s valet, Dawn Marie with the green mist. Storm came back just nine days ago on RISE, helping Rey Mysterio defeated Muta in Muta’s quest to regain the ECW World Television Championship. Storm has had a big year, and a win over NWO Japan’s Muta may be the biggest of his entire career. But Muta has taken to ECW rather quickly, and to the NWO, Storm is just another step in their goal of complete dominance and control.”

Masato Tanaka vs. Mike Awesome

Joey Styles: “It was a shocking moment when Justin Credible revealed that Mike Awesome’s greatest rival, Masato Tanaka, had joined the Japan faction of the New World Order. Tanaka re-broke Awesome’s nose with the Roaring Elbow and Awesome has vowed to break Tanaka’s neck! Awesome and Tanaka will rekindle their rivalry this Sunday."

ECW World Tag Team Championship
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn © vs. Los Guerreros

Joey Styles: “After losing the ECW World Television Championship to Rey Mysterio Jr., Eddie Guererro told new ECW Commissioner Mick Foley that he was too big a star not to be in a title match for Anarchy Rulz. Foley gave Guerrero a chance in the form of a Tag Team Title shot with nephew Chavo Guerrero Jr. All Los Guerreros had to do was beat the legendary Eliminators. On Hardcore TV Los Guerreros pulled off the victory and got their shot against Styles and Lynn.”

ECW World Television Championship
Rey Mysterio Jr. © vs. Sabu

Joey Styles: “As soon as Rey Mysterio Jr. won the ECW World Television Championship, he’s made it a point to be a fighting champion. He’s defeated Guerrero in a rematch. He beat The Great Muta. But nine days ago on RISE, Mysterio’s greatest challenge revealed himself as Sabu returned to ECW! Rey vs. Sabu is a dream match only written about in magazines and internet rumors sites, but tomorrow, this Sunday, it becomes a reality on Pay-Per-View!”

Buried Alive
Mortis vs. Raven

Joey Styles: “One of the strangest feuds I’ve ever had the opportunity to witness. For months Raven spouted what seemed to be nonsense about a man in his head. But back at Barely Legal II, Mortis revealed himself to Raven’s horror. Even more confusing though, was that Chris Kanyon has been hanging around before this and claims to connection to Mortis, even though we know this is the same guy. Raven has avoided a one-on-one confrontation with Mortis for months…but that all changed when Kanyon defeated Tajiri and Malice and allowed Kanyon…or Mortis…to name the stipulation for their highly-anticipated encounter tomorrow night. Kanyon shockingly picked Buried Alive! We’re literally going to bury someone alive. I have to give the WWF credit for running that match as this even seems crazy to me!”

Harlem Street Fight
Booker T vs. R-Killa

Joey Styles: “For most of 2002 Ron Killings, a.k.a. K-Kwik and now named R-Killa has taken every opportunity to call Booker T a fake, a phony, a tough guy who’s really soft. They’ve went at one another many times since February’s SuperBrawl. Hell, even on ECW turf it was Booker and his brother Stevie Ray who cost R-Killa and Mark Henry the ECW World Tag Team Championship. Week after week we wondered what would be the conclusion to this war, until it was R-Killa who made the challenge. Forget the ring. Forget the ref. R-Killa told Booker T to meet him in the streets of upper eastside of New York City, in Harlem, New York and be ready to fight. Booker T accepted, but R-Killa had one more personal shot to take. R-Killa blinded Stevie Ray after bashing Harlem Heat’s rental car windshield. The glass blinded Stevie Ray, and Booker T said he’s out for the ultimate revenge.”

Barbed Wire Steel Cage: ECW World Championship
Brock Lesnar © vs. Rob Van Dam

Joey Styles:
Rob Van Dam wanted a rematch with then-ECW World Television Champion Eddie Guerrero, but Commissioner Mick Foley said no, that Van Dam deserved better. Foley made this match with he intent that it will only be RVD and Lesnar inside the cage, with the barbed wire intended to keep everyone out. The only way to win this match: pinfall or submission. Brock Lesnar has dominated ECW since his debut at Starrcade 2001, where he beat Rob Van Dam to win the vacant ECW World Heavyweight Championship. Will Lesnar continue to roll over ECW…or can Rob Van Dam finally win the big one and become ECW World Champion? We’ll see you tomorrow night!"

Current Prediction Contest Standings

@Dubble J : 632
@Roy Mustang : 566
@DGenerationMC 540
Wolfbeast: 140
@BattleTank : 60
Daken: 60
@Tyronesaurus24 : 60
@Order : 40

This is the LAST prediction contest before Cyberslam 2002, which is September 1, 2002. Prediction points act like votes for the voting PPVs coming up. Whomever is leading at that point will get 3x their point amount in votes to use. 2nd place gets 2x. 3rd will get 1.5x Everyone else will get the amount they have earned. Anyone voting without prediction points gets 10.

Reminder for scoring there is a +25 bonus for having the highest score for the show.

I plan to post this show on 3/31.

Anarchy Rulz 2002 – Prediction Contest

Barbed Wire Steel Cage: ECW World Championship

Brock Lesnar © vs. Rob Van Dam
(20 Points)

ECW World Television Championship
Rey Mysterio Jr. © vs. Sabu
(15 Points)

Buried Alive
Mortis vs. Raven
(15 Points)

Harlem Street Fight
Booker T vs. R-Killa
(15 Points)

ECW World Tag Team Championship
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn © vs. Los Guerreros
(10 Points)

World Cruiserweight Championship – One Fall
Tajiri © vs. Super Crazy vs. Jamie Noble vs. Kid Kash vs. Juventud Guerrera vs. Psicosis
(5 Points)

Total Impact vs. NWO Japan
Mike Awesome vs. Masato Tanaka
(10 Points)

Total Impact vs. NWO Japan
Lance Storm vs. The Great Muta
(10 Points)​

Roy Mustang

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Anarchy Rulz 2002 – Prediction Contest

Barbed Wire Steel Cage: ECW World Championship

Brock Lesnar © vs. Rob Van Dam
(20 Points)

ECW World Television Championship
Rey Mysterio Jr. ©
vs. Sabu
(15 Points)

Buried Alive
Mortis vs. Raven
(15 Points)

Harlem Street Fight
Booker T
vs. R-Killa
(15 Points)

ECW World Tag Team Championship
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn © vs. Los Guerreros
(10 Points)

World Cruiserweight Championship – One Fall
Tajiri ©
vs. Super Crazy vs. Jamie Noble vs. Kid Kash vs. Juventud Guerrera vs. Psicosis
(5 Points)

Total Impact vs. NWO Japan
Mike Awesome
vs. Masato Tanaka
(10 Points)

Total Impact vs. NWO Japan
Lance Storm vs. The Great Muta
(10 Points)
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Anarchy Rulz 2002 – Prediction Contest

Barbed Wire Steel Cage: ECW World Championship

Brock Lesnar © vs. Rob Van Dam
(20 Points)
I think this is the moment we've been waiting for... Lesnar finally gets defeated and RVD certainly is a fitting one to do it. I mean I could definitely see Lesnar winning and continuing his dominance but I think the setting for this match allows RVD to win without causing any real harm to Lesnar's mystique and Lesnar can move on to his "next big thing," moving more into the WCW side of things.

ECW World Television Championship
Rey Mysterio Jr.
© vs. Sabu
(15 Points)
This one is another one that's been hot shotted around, so going to predict Rey holds onto it here.

Buried Alive
Mortis vs. Raven
(15 Points)
Guessing Raven wins and officially "buries" the Mortis gimmick and Kanyon comes back full time at some point.

Harlem Street Fight
Booker T
vs. R-Killa
(15 Points)
I'm assuming Booker wins the blow off to this feud.

ECW World Tag Team Championship
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn © vs. Los Guerreros
(10 Points)
I can see the Guerreros lying, cheating, and stealing their way to the tag titles here and this becomes an extended feud between these two teams.

World Cruiserweight Championship – One Fall
Tajiri ©
vs. Super Crazy vs. Jamie Noble vs. Kid Kash vs. Juventud Guerrera vs. Psicosis
(5 Points)
Tough call as you could easily hotshot this one again and with so many challengers, it's easy to do so... but I'm going to say you keep Tajiri looking strong.

Total Impact vs. NWO Japan
Mike Awesome
vs. Masato Tanaka
(10 Points)
Similar reason that I mention below for Storm/Muta. Match should own but Awesome should win.

Total Impact vs. NWO Japan
Lance Storm
vs. The Great Muta
I'm not sure how much of a shelf life Muta has here as I assume he'll be heading back to Japan at some point, so putting over Storm, who has a very high ceiling (or should anyway) in this, would make most sense to me.
(10 Points)

White Rhyno

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Barbed Wire Steel Cage: ECW World Championship
Brock Lesnar © vs. Rob Van Dam
(20 Points)

ECW World Television Championship
Rey Mysterio Jr.
© vs. Sabu
(15 Points)

Buried Alive
vs. Raven
(15 Points)

Harlem Street Fight
Booker T
vs. R-Killa
(15 Points)

ECW World Tag Team Championship
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn
© vs. Los Guerreros
(10 Points)

World Cruiserweight Championship – One Fall
© vs. Super Crazy vs. Jamie Noble vs. Kid Kash vs. Juventud Guerrera vs. Psicosis
(5 Points)

Total Impact vs. NWO Japan
Mike Awesome
vs. Masato Tanaka
(10 Points)

Total Impact vs. NWO Japan
Lance Storm
vs. The Great Muta
(10 Points)

So I really appreciate the preview post to catch me up. I know they can be a pain the ass and are not as much fun to write as new content, but for a reader like me it really helps me jumping in.

When I think ECW...I think 'moments' much more than matches; if that makes sense. I hope my picks sort of reflect that. Looking forward to the show
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ECW/WCW Anarchy Rulz 2002
August 4, 2002
Continental Airlines Arena
East Rutherford, NJ

As the Pay-Per-View begins, we see Booker T walking presumably somewhere in the streets of Harlem, New York City. It isn’t dark yet, but the sun is setting. Booker paces back-and-forth as he waits for R-Killa to arrive for the Harlem Street Fight!




Joey Styles:
“Welcome everyone to ECW Anarchy Rulz 2002! Tonight, it’s a Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship, Rob Van Dam challenges Brock Lesnar!

Tazz: Joey, this may be the most wild night in the history of ECW. Barbed Wire Steel Cage? Buried Alive? Harlem Street Fight! It’s insane Joey.”

Joey Styles:
“And we’re kicking things off with a match that has only been theorized for years. Perhaps the two greatest daredevils in professional wrestling history go at it. Rey Mysterio Jr. defends the ECW World Television Championship against Sabu!

Hulka Blues plays and as Sabu walks out with Bill Alfonso. Rey Mysterio Jr. again opts for his ECW theme, “Sad But True” by Metallica!

ECW World Television Championship
Rey Mysterio Jr. © vs. Sabu (w/Bill Alfonso)

Sabu and Rey circle around one another. Sabu goes for a leg dive, but Rey’s a little too quick. Sabu goes for another one and just catches Rey, but Rey kicks Sabu off. Sabu runs at Rey but Rey gets a drop toehold into a side headlock. Sabu fights Rey off and gets an arm wringer, only for Rey to kick him off again. Sabu and Rey enter into a traditional tie-up, and Sabu sends Rey off the ropes. Sabu runs to the corner where a chair was placed by Alfonso…and throws it right at Rey’s face! Sabu sends Rey off the ropes and hits a backbody drop that sends Rey flying across the ring! Rey tries to recuperate in the corner, but Sabu sets up the chair and leaps off it, hitting Air Sabu! Rey goes down as Sabu sets up the chair. Sabu runs for the Triple Jump Moonsault, but Rey gets a quick drop toehold and sends Sabu face-first into the chair!

Sabu actually gets to his feet first, but he’s slightly dazed and backs himself into the corner. Rey gets to his feet and leaps off the chair as well, hitting Sabu with a hurricanrana out of the corner! Rey with a quick cover, 1…2…Sabu kicks out! Rey leaps onto the apron. Springboard from Rey goes nowhere as Sabu throws the chair in his face, this time in midair, again! Rey hangs onto the top rope and lands on the apron, but a dropkick from Sabu sends Rey flying into the steel guardrail! Sabu sets up a table on the outside and puts Rey on it. Sabu heads back into the ring and leaps onto the top rope, but Rey has escaped into the crowd. No problem for Sabu, as he dives into the crowd and takes out Rey! Sabu quickly dumps Rey back to ringside, but Rey surprises him and sends Sabu into the steel steps. Rey tosses Sabu back into the ring and heads to the top rope, moonsault connects! 1…2…Sabu kicks out! Rey dropkicks Sabu in the back and Sabu falls on the ropes. 6-1-9 misses, and Sabu catches Rey with a haymaker to the throat. Sabu springboards off the ropes and catches Rey with a leg lariat!

Sabu stomps the back of Rey, then locks in the Camel Clutch! Sabu tries to make Rey submit, but Rey refuses. Rey fights out and crawls underneath Sabu. Rey hooks Sabu’s arms with his legs and rolls him back for a pinning combination, 1…2…Sabu kicks out! Rey sends Sabu off the ropes but Sabu holds onto them, and a Rey dropkick misses. Bill Alfonso tosses Sabu another chair and Sabu hits a quick Arabian Facebuster on Rey! Cover, 1…2…Rey kicks out. Sabu throws a chair at Rey for the third time, and the chair bounces off of Rey’s skull as he falls through the ropes and lands on the table. Alfonso tries to hold Rey in place, but Rey fights him off. Sabu leaps up to the top rope, springboards off…and drives Rey and himself through the table with a DDT!

Joey Styles:
“Oh my god!”

Bill Alfonso sets up another table as Sabu and Rey writhe in pain on the floor. Sabu is able to roll back into the ring, and Bill Alfonso helps Rey back in. Sabu covers, 1…2…Rey just kicks out! Sabu takes the chair and jumps up to the second rope, but the Arabian Facebuster misses and Sabu basically just legdrops a chair! Rey dropkicks Sabu into the ropes again, and this time the 6-1-9 connects! Rey is on the apron, but Bill Alfonso prevents him from jumping off. Sabu comes off the ropes and dives at Rey, only Rey ducks and Sabu dives right over the top rope onto Alfonso! Sabu quickly gets to his feet, but Rey was waiting with the springboard Asai Moonsault! Rey puts Sabu on the table on the outside and then heads to the top rope. Sabu gets up and meets Rey up there and they trade punches. Sabu knocks Rey into the ring, but when he leaps off after him Rey catches him with a dropkick! Rey gives Sabu a taste of his own medicine and throws a chair at his face! Rey props Sabu back on the top rope, and at first it looks like he’s going for a superplex. But Rey adjusts his position slightly…and hurricanranas Sabu off the top rope through the table on the outside! Rey hit the floor hard as well, and both men lie motionless on the floor! Rey manages to roll Sabu into the ring, and hits a springboard legdrop off the top rope! Cover, 1…2…3!

Winner: Rey Mysterio Jr. via pinfall in 16:45 (Retains)

“That was nasty Joey!”

Both Sabu and Rey struggle to get back to their feet, and Bill Alfonso looks hurt too. Surprisingly, Alfonso convinces Sabu to extend a hand for respect. Rey debates for a few moments, but decides to shake Sabu’s hand! Sabu points to the sky as is his trademark, before pointing to Sabu and rolling out of the ring. Rey then celebrates perhaps the biggest victory of his career!


Joey Styles: “Who woulda thought we’d see that? I can tell you this, we aren’t going to see anything resembling a handshake for our next match.

Masato Tanaka (w/Justin Credible) vs. Mike Awesome

Awesome dives over the top rope, taking out Tanaka and Credible
to kick things off! Awesome throws Tanaka into the ringpost! Tanaka, despite being nearly broken in half by the post, fires back with hard forearms. Tanaka slams Awesome into the apron before sliding back into the ring. Tanaka gets a full head of steam, but Awesome leaps onto the apron, then leaps over the top rope and hits Tanaka with a shoulder tackle! Belly-to-belly suplex from Awesome. Awesome sets Tanaka up for an Awesome Bomb…he walks Tanaka over to the edge of the ring…but Tanaka slides off and gets on his feet. Roaring Elbow connects to the chest…and Awesome doesn’t feel a thing! Tanaka comes off the ropes but Awesome backdrops him over the top rope and onto the floor.

Awesome heads to the outside but Justin Credible attempts to attack. Awesome quickly counters and drops Credible throat first onto the railing. Tanaka smacks Awesome in the back with a chair. Tanaka tries to whip Awesome into he railing, but Awesome counters and Tanaka hits the steel. Awesome runs at Tanaka but Tanaka backdrops him into he crowd! Tanaka grabs a chair and hits Awesome with a running chair shot! Tanaka yells at Credible to set up a table. The table is set up next to Tanaka and Tanaka pulls Awesome up on the top of the guardrail. Tanaka tries for a DDT off the guardrail, but Awesome powers out and Tanaka fall off of the guardrail into the steps. Awesome tosses Tanaka back into the ring and takes the chair…and suddenly blasts Justin Credible with it! Awesome has the chair and nails Tanaka over the head…but Tanaka stands tall and yells out a roar! Awesome blasts Tanaka again though and down Tanaka goes. Awesome says that’s it and sets Tanaka up…Awesome Bomb over the top rope through the table! Tanaka landed on his head!

Awesome poses to the crowd as Tanaka doesn’t seem to be moving at all. Awesome slides in another table and drags Tanaka back into the ring. Awesome sets up two tables in the ring, but Tanaka suddenly pops up with another Roaring Elbow, this one catching Awesome in the face! Cover, 1…2…Awesome kicks out. Tanaka can’t believe it and runs at Awesome, but Awesome gets a boot to the face. Awesome puts Tanaka on the top rope and puts the table in front of him. Awesome goes for a powerslam, but Tanaka counters into a Diamond Dust through the table! Tanaka covers, 1…2…Awesome gets the shoulder up. Tanaka takes a chair and smashes Awesome in the back, then places a chair on the back of the head of Awesome. Tanaka takes another chair and smashes it against the first chair, with Awesome’s head underneath! Another cover from Tanaka, 1…2…Awesome kicks out again.

Tanaka heads to the outside of the ring and sets up two tables, one on top of the other. Tanaka slides back into the ring, but Awesome was waiting for him with a chairshot! Awesome continually beats down Tanaka with the chair and covers, 1…2…Tanaka gets the shoulder up. Awesome sees the table stack and points to it. He sets up Tanaka, but Tanaka fights out of Awesome’s grasp. Tanaka pounds away at Awesome with forearms in the corner. Tanaka grabs a chair and runs at Awesome, but Awesome gets his feet up and the chair slams against Tanaka’s face! Awesome jumps up to the second rope and grabs a dazed Tanaka. Awesome picks Tanaka up…and Awesome Bombs him over the top rope through the two tables! Awesome drags Tanaka back into the ring and amazingly, Tanaka slowly gets to his feet! Awesome is ready for him though and stands on the top rope with a chair…and comes off the top smashing Tanaka in the head! Cover, 1…2…3!

Winner: Mike Awesome via pinfall in 13:56

grabs Tanaka’s NWO Japan t-shirt and rips it up before throwing it into the crowd. Tanaka, for his credit, gets back to his feet, although he’s a bit dazed.


ECW World Tag Team Championship
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn © vs. Los Guerreros

Eddie and Lynn tie-up and Eddie gets a waistlock takedown. Lynn wrestles out into a hammerlock, but Eddie takes him down again with a trip. Eddie quickly tags in Chavo as Eddie has Lynn down. Chavo leaps over the top rope with a stomp to Lynn’s head. Chavo hits a couple of European uppercuts and tags Eddie back in. Eddie and Chavo stomp away on Lynn, then hit him with a double back elbow. Eddie locks in a front facelock but Lynn shoves Eddie into his corner to tag in AJ Styles. We get a clean break as the crowd wants to see AJ vs. Eddie. They lock-up and Eddie gets a wristlock and forces Styles down, but Styles nips up and armdrags Eddie. A frustrated Eddie walks into another Styles armdrag. Eddie walks into a third! Eddie runs at Styles one more time just to get hit with a back-bodydrop! Eddie backs off as Styles is on fire!

Eddie walks up to Styles and blatantly kicks him with a low blow! Eddie laughs as he tags in Chavo and then suplexes Styles. Chavo and Eddie double suplex Styles. Lynn runs in, clearly not caring for the low blow and attacks Chavo. Eddie comes in and hits Lynn with a Northern Lights suplex. Styles hits the Pele Kick, sending Eddie to the outside, then backdrops Chavo over the top rope onto Eddie! Styles runs parallel to the ropes and leaps over the top and hits both Guerreros with a Fosbury Flop! Lynn follows up with his own dive over the top rope onto the Guerreros as well! Lynn rolls Chavo back into the ring and Styles gets back in there as well. Flying clothesline from Styles. Cover, 1…2…Chavo kicks out. Styles tags in Lynn. Styles puts Chavo up in a suplex and Lynn dives off the top rope with crossbody block on the way down! Lynn covers again, 1…2…Eddie hits a springboard swan dive to break up the pin.

Lynn punches Eddie in the corner, then whips Eddie into a spinning heel kick from Styles. Chavo rolls up Lynn, 1…2…Lynn kicks out. Dropkick from Chavo knocks Lynn down, but Styles ducks a dropkick himself. Styles hits Chavo with several strikes, but Eddie sneaks up behind him and hits a German suplex! Chavo suplexes Lynn and Eddie heads to the top rope…Frog Splash misses as Styles pulls Lynn out of the way! Chavo punches away at Styles in the corner as Eddie rolls to the floor. Lynn attacks Chavo, and Eddie, who looked primed to return to the ring, suddenly holds his stomach in pain and drops on the ramp! Lynn props Chavo on the second rope, then takes him down with an avalanche bulldog! Styles springboards off the top rope with a 450 splash! Eddie watches the whole thing…but continues to say he’s in too much pain to get back into the ring. Lynn sets Chavo up for the Cradle Piledriver and plants Chavo in the middle of the ring. Lynn covers, 1…2…3!

Winners: AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn when Lynn pinned Chavo in 9:39 (Retains)

argues with Eddie on the ramp, but Eddie claims he was hurt and couldn’t help. Meanwhile AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn celebrate their title win, making it clear they’ll take on all comers.


Joey Styles:
“Coming up next, this may be one the biggest matches in Lance Storm’s career, as he takes on the former ECW World Television Champion and legend in Japan, The Great Muta.”


Lance Storm
gets a huge pop…but it may be because Dawn Marie, in a…standard Dawn Marie outfit…has made her return!

Lance Storm (w/Dawn Marie) vs. The Great Muta

Muta stands stoically as Lance Storm looks the most fired-up as he ever has in his career.
Muta and Storm start with a test of strength, and Muta takes Storm down with a waistlock. Storm escapes and gets to his feet and hits Muta with a hard knife-edge chop! And another one! And a third! Muta reverses an Irish whip into the corner, but Storm leaps over the charging Muta. Muta is ready and stops himself from running into the turnbuckles, instead leaping up to the second rope and hitting Storm with a dropkick! Storm is quick to recover and reverses a whip into the ropes, and Storm hits the most beautiful dropkick you’ve ever seen! Cover, 1…2…Muta kicks out. Storm quickly ties up Muta and locks in a bow and arrow! Muta breaks free, and we have a stand-off.

Muta throws some kicks to create some distance between him and Storm, but Storm counters by catching one and clotheslining Muta down! Storm picks Muta back up and puts him up in a vertical suplex…and holds him up there! Storm signals with his free hand to get the crowd going as he completes the suplex! Cover, 1…2…Muta kicks out. Storm hits a couple of forearms, but Muta fires back. Storm tries a kick but Muta catches his leg and hits a dragon screw, then follows up with a leg grapevine. Storm gets to the ropes which doesn’t cause a break, but Storm is able to use the ropes to escape himself. Muta hits a stiff headbutt, then sends Storm into the corner. Muta does a cartwheel and goes for an avalanche in the corner, but runs right into a superkick from Storm! Cover, 1…2…Muta just kicks out. Muta reverses a whip into the corner, but Storm leaps up to the top rope…but Muta is one step ahead as a flying back elbow attempt is countered with a dropkick! Muta covers, 1…2…Storm kicks out.

Muta gouges the eyes of Storm, then chokes him on the ropes. Muta catches Storm with a roundhouse kick that sends him to through the ropes to the outside. Muta dives off the apron and nails Storm, although both men crash into the steel railing. Muta picks Storm up and drops him throat first onto the railing before rolling him back into the ring. Muta looks ready to finish off Storm, but Dawn Marie grabs his foot! Muta pulls Dawn Marie by the hair into the ring, but Storm rolls Muta up to save her! 1…2…Muta kicks out, and it sends Storm right into a kendo stick shot from Justin Credible!

Joey Styles:
“Where the hell did he come from? How is he even moving from earlier tonight? Oh boy the calvary’s here!

Mike Awesome and Chris Candido come down to the ring as Credible slides in. Muta has Dawn in his grasp again, but he misses the Green Mist and mists Justin Credible! Low blow on Muta by Dawn Marie! Awesome and Candido beat the hell out of Credible on the outside as Storm lays out the blinded Muta with a leg lariat, then heads to the top rope. Muta gets back to his feet and Storm comes flying off the top rope with a spinning heel kick! Cover, 1…2…3!

Winner: Lance Storm via pinfall in 10:39

Total Impact
, as a unit, celebrate in the ring as Big Bossman comes down to collect Justin Credible. But the crowd starts to stir as Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke suddenly start taunting Total Impact from the crowd. The rest of the FBI hit the ring, including 600 pound monsters Big Sal E. Graziano and Big Daddy Vincenzo! Tracy Smothers is here too…and it looks like the FBI did some recruiting as Johnny “The Bull” Stamboli. X-Pac heads down to the ring with a smile on his face as he and Bossman hit the ring too, and now Total Impact is completely outnumbered! Big Guido chokeslams Mike Awesome before Awesome gets splashes by Vincenzo and Big Sal! Dawn Marie backs away, right into Muta, who looks furious…

But the crowd erupts as “Enter Sandman” plays! Sandman, Spike Dudley, Tommy Dreamer and Balls Mahoney all head to the ring from the crowd to even the odds! The FBI and NWO retreat after Sandman gets a couple of cane shots in on Bossman and Mamaluke! Sandman, Dreamer and Spike help Awesome and Storm up. It looks like the past history between these guys is, well, history as even more ECW guys are sick of the NWO!


Joey Styles:
“Good! I’m sick of the NWO and I’m glad some of our ECW guys are fighting back!”

Tazz: “Gotta admit, that’s a hell of a move by Bischoff to pay off the FBI to help them.”

Joey Styles: “Screw that. If anyone deserves to get hit with a Singapore Cane more than Justin Credible it’s Little Guido!


We cut to the streets of East Harlem as Booker T still waits for R-Killa. Booker has a ball bat in hand and seems tired of waiting.

Booker T: “Come on you little piece of crap, where are you sucka?”


World Cruiserweight Championship – Six Pack Challenge (One Fall)
Tajiri © vs. Jamie Noble vs. Juventud Guerrera vs. Kid Kash vs. Psicosis vs. Super Crazy

Psicosis and Guerrera double-team Crazy as all three brawl on the outside. Tajiri tries to keep his distance from Kid Kash and Jamie Noble, but they start to pound Tajiri in the corner. Juvi, Psicosis and Crazy spill into the crowd when a charging Juvi gets backdropped by Crazy into Psicosis, who was on the other side of the railing. Super Crazy pulls the railing in to set up for a springboard Asai Moonsault, but Crazy gets knocked off the apron when Kash and Noble whipped Tajiri into the ropes. Tajiri did a handspring off the ropes and hit Kash and Noble with a double back elbow. Tajiri then jumps onto the apron and hits Juvi, Crazy and Psicosis with a springboard Asai Moonsault! Kash does one better and springboards off the top rope, taking out the four men in the crowd with a flying somersault plancha! Everyone but Noble continue to fight in the crowd. Super Crazy breaks away from the fight…to climb up a balcony. Kash, Juvi, Tajiri and Psicosis don’t see him as Crazy leaps off the balcony with a moonsault of his own!

Joey Styles:
¡Oh, Dios mío! Lunatic is out of his mind!”

Noble collects champion Tajiri from the crowd. Noble slides him into the ring then hits him with a belly-to-back suplex. Noble locks in a Cloverleaf, looking to win the title by submission. Super Crazy runs back into the ring and breaks up the Cloverleaf. Crazy plants Noble with a powerbomb and keeps his weight on him for a cover, 1…2…Juvi jumps into the ring and sunset flips Crazy to break up the pin for one of his own, 1…2…Kid Kash breaks it up! Psicosis attacks Kash from behind. Double gourdbuster from Juvi and Psicosis. Psicosis heads to the top rope to finish Kash, but Noble shoves Juvi into the corner and Psicosis falls off the top rope and crashes into the railing! Kash and Noble prop Juvi on the top rope and set him up for a double superplex, but Crazy comes from behind Noble and powerbombs him off the turnbuckles! Juvi then picks up Kash and hits him with a Juvi Driver off the second rope! Cover, 1…2…Tajiri breaks up the pin with an axe kick! Crazy runs at Tajiri and hits a hurricanrana with the pin, 1…no, Tajiri bridges free…and catches Crazy with a perfect buzzsaw kick! Tajiri covers Crazy, 1…2…3! Psicosis just misses the break-up!

Winner: Tajiri when he pinned Super Crazy in 8:12 (Retains)

runs up the ramp with the Cruiserweight title in hand, taunting Crazy, Kash, Noble, Juvi and Psicosis as he does so!


Joey Styles:
“Well Tazz, we have three major matches left. We haven’t gotten an update about what’s going on in East Harlem and when we do we’ll send Anarchy Rulz back there. But right, and our camera is zooming in on it…there it is. The tombstone and grave that by the end of our next match will either be the resting place of Raven or Mortis. It’s been a strange route to get here, but this all started at Barely Legal back in April when Mortis appeared and attacked Raven.”

Tazz: “Well if I remember correctly, even before then Raven was saying something about a man in his head coming to get him, and then he just blasted Chris Kanyon on RISE on night. Now I know Kanyon says he isn’t Mortis and I don’t know Joey.”

Joey Styles:
“You know, I don’t know either. But this has resulted in a match that is even a first for ECW. Buried Alive, it’s Raven vs. Mortis.”


enters the ring with none of his Warriors accompanying him…and sits in the corner awaiting Mortis.

Buried Alive
Mortis (w/Sinister Minister) vs. Raven

continues to just sit in the corner as Mortis stands in the middle of the ring. Mikey Whipwreck suddenly jumps into the ring and attacks Mortis, but Mortis catches him first and takes him out with a hard clothesline! Raven attacks and punches and kicks at Mortis…but to no effect. Mortis fires back with a hard shot and hits a knee lift that sends Raven to the outside. Mortis stalks Raven on the outside and then hits him right a hard right that sends Raven flying. Mortis sends Raven flying again, this time into the steel steps. Mortis starts to whip Raven into the railing, but instead changes direction, putting more power into the whip and sending Raven sideways into the railing! Mortis collects Raven but Raven gets a low blow, then hits Mortis with a Russian Legsweep into the railing! Raven retreats back into the ring…and despite just having the back of his head rammed into the steel Mortis seems completely unaffected by anything Raven has done so far.

Mortis again stalks Raven…as soon as Mortis slides into the ring Raven slides back out. Mortis starts to run after him on the outside but it was a trap as Raven hits a droptoehold and Mortis crashes into the steel steps face-first. Raven stomps away at Mortis on the floor, but Mortis just grabs Raven’s leg and shoves him off. Raven slides back into the ring as Mortis follows. Raven stomps away on Mortis but Mortis hits a wild haymaker that stuns Raven. Mortis whips Raven into the ropes but holds onto his arm, pulling Raven back in and catching him with a low knee to the midsection. Mortis sets Raven up for the Flatliner, but Raven holds onto the ropes and Mortis crashes onto the canvas. Raven slides to the outside and grabs both of Mortis’s legs…and pulls them into the ringpost like a wishbone! Raven grabs a steel chair as Mortis falls to the floor. Raven jumps off the steps and nails Mortis with the chair! Raven takes Mortis and sets him up on the steps…and hits a piledriver on them! Raven waves for someone to come down, and here comes Malice.

Raven orders Malice to bring Mortis to the grave, but when Malice picks up Mortis, Mortis slides behind him and rams him into the ring post. Mortis picks up the chair and wallops Malice over the head! Raven slides back into the ring as he doesn’t realize Mortis has taken out Malice. Mortis throws the steel steps into the ring and brings the chair with him too. Raven turns around right into a violent chair shot by Mortis that busts Raven wide open! Mortis positions the steel steps in the center of the ring when Tajiri runs down. Tajiri hits Mortis with some kicks, but Mortis blocks the last one and boots Tajiri hard. Mortis then puts his leg on the back of Tajiri’s neck and hits a version of a rocket dropper to Tajiri on the steel steps! But now Mortis is the one who turns around and gets smashed by a chair shot from Raven! Raven quickly picks Mortis back up and plants him with the Evenflow DDT! Raven tries to pin Mortis, a momentary lapse of judgment, before locking eyes with the Sinister Minister.

Raven slides to the outside and stalks the Minister…before grabbing him. The Sinister Minister tries to escape by hitting Raven with the cane he has, but Raven shrugs that off and drops him with an Evenflow DDT on the floor! Raven drags the Sinister Minister into the ring, sets up the chair in the ring and puts the Minister on it in a sitting position. Raven grabs Mortis by the hair, forcing him to look at the Minister as he tells Mortis that “he (Raven) has won the war!” Raven shoves the Minister aside, but Mortis suddenly awakens and tosses Raven into the corner. Mortis hits hard punches and kicks before propping Raven on the turnbuckles. Mortis joins him up there…and leaps back with the Flatliner onto the open steel chair and steel steps!

Joey Styles:
“Oh my god!”

Tazz: “I’ve never seen anything like that, Joey!”

Mortis checks on the Sinister Minister first, before pointing to the grave. Mortis carries a lifeless Raven on his shoulder down to the grave. Mortis then sets Raven up for another Flatliner next to the grave! Mortis hits the Flatliner with Raven flying face-first into the hole! Mortis grabs a nearby shovel and begins to bury Raven. Mikey Whipwreck and Tajiri try to stop him, but Mortis takes them both out with hard haymakers that sends them off the hill of dirt to the floor. Mortis then sees there is a cement truck with dirt and heads to that…but he’s attacked again…by Adams and Clarke?

Joey Styles:
Kronik?! What the hell are they doing here. And that’s Stevie Richards with them…I thought he was doing the BWO thing?!”

Tazz: “They don’t looked dressed like they did as Kronik though Joey? Wasn’t Clarke once Wrath?”

Joey Styles:
“You’re right Tazz…and I mean, even though he was never in WCW or ECW…does that means Adams is Crush? Anyway they are beating the hell out of Mortis!”

Mortis tries to fight off Kronik but he gets overpowered easily. Kronik beat him down with shovels as Malice gets a still lifeless Raven out of the grave. Kronik set Mortis up and hit High Times…the Double Chokeslam…into the grave!

Joey Styles:
“That had to be a 15 foot drop!

Raven finally shows signs of life as he climbs into the cement truck. Raven drops the tons of dirt over Mortis’ body, winning the match.

Winner: Raven in 21:21

poses in a crucifix position before collapsing into Kronik’s arms. Adams and Clarke carry Raven to the back, with Raven saying “the war is over!”

Tazz: “What the hell did we just witness Joey?”

Joey Styles: “I have no idea. But if Kronik or Adams and Clarke or Crush and Wrath or whatever are with Raven, that may make Raven stronger than ever.”

Tazz: “Yeah no kidding. And that Stevie Richards too. Last I saw he was dancing with The Blue Meanie!

Joey Styles:
“I don’t know what happens from now? Do we just leave Mortis in the grave? I’m being told we are cutting back to East Harlem, although I’ve been told R-Killa hasn’t shown up.”


Booker T
angrily paces around before telling the cameraman “I guess that punk ass ain’t showing up”. But just as Booker starts walking away, he’s almost hit by a car!

Harlem Street Fight
Booker T vs. R-Killa

Booker T jumps out of the way of the car and throws the baseball bat at the window!
Booker drags R-Killa out of the car and the fight is on. Booker and R-Killa trade punches before Booker sends R-Killa into a street lamp! R-Killa goes down to one knee, but surprises Booker by throwing rocks in his face! R-Killa grabs the ball bat and cracks Booker in the knee before bashing it over Booker’s back! R-Killa then slams Booker head-first into his car door!

R-Killa: “This is how it’s gonna go Booker. Give up now and we’ll can just end it!”

Booker throws a punch that misses and R-Killa knees him low. R-Killa tries to throw Booker into a fence, but Booker reverses and R-Killa crashes into the fence of what looks like a tire yard. The fence gives way, and R-Killa falls face-first onto the fence, with his fingers trapped! Booker stomps on his hands before finding a nearby parking sign and smashes R-Killa over the back! Booker grabs R-Killa’s deadlocks and throws him into a fire hydrant! R-Killa writhes in pain as there was absolutely no give with the hydrant, but he finds a nearby empty glass bottle and shatters it over Booker’s head, splitting Booker open! R-Killa tends to his shoulder but seems satisfied that the fight is over.

R-Killa: “I told you Book. I told you.”

To R-Killa’s surprise, Booker gets up and runs him into a stairway of an abandoned (?) apartment building! They fight on the stairs before Booker throws R-Killa back onto the sidewalk. Booker runs over to R-Killa’s car and starts backing up towards R-Killa with the car door open…and the car door ends up slamming into R-Killa! Booker gets out of the car and picks up R-Killa, dropping him face-first on a spiked gate! R-Killa indicates that something is wrong with his throat or that he can’t breathe, and Booker doesn’t seem to care.

Booker T: “This is what you get sucka. For my brother. For everyone.”

Booker drags R-Killa up the stairs, but R-Killa surprises Booker with a punch then tosses Booker into the door, which bursts open! R-Killa then slams the door literally in Booker’s face, knocking Booker back into a wall. R-Killa tackles Booker, and both men go through the wall into what looks like a kitchen! R-Killa grabs silverware and it looks like he has a metal spoon…and he bounces it off Booker’s head! R-Killa punches away at Booker, then breaks a wooden chair over his head! R-Killa throws more silverware at Booker, then opens a refrigerator. He puts Booker’s head inside and slams the fridge door on it!

“You can’t deal with this. I Just cooled down the heat! Now let’s heat things up! This will be a real Harlem heat!

R-Killa turns the stove on, which surprisingly works. But when he tries to slam Booker onto the stovetop, Booker grabs R-Killa’s hand and presses it on the stove! R-Killa screams in agony as Booker finds a metal pan and smashes R-Killa over the head with it! Booker puts some water on the stove before going back to attacking R-Killa. R-Killa tries to escape through the hole in the wall, but Booker drags him back into the kitchen and slams him through the kitchen table! Booker then returns the favor from earlier and puts R-Killa’s head in the fridge…and violently kicks the fridge door, smashing R-Killa’s head! Booker T finds a glass bottle of snapple in the fridge and smashes that across R-Killa’s head as well!

Booker T: “You want Harlem Heat? Huh? Here’s Harlem Heat!”

Booker takes the water he put on the stove and pours it all over R-Killa! R-Killa screams in agony as Booker throws him over a couch. Booker then picks up the couch and slams it over R-Killa! Booker then picks up R-Killa and says something to him:

Booker T: “You gonna learn right now sucka. For making my life hell. For messing with my friends and family.”

Booker grabs R-Killa…and tosses him through the living room window onto the sidewalk outside! Booker makes his way out the way they came in and stands in front of a beatdown and cut up R-Killa.

R-Killa: “No…no more…you win. Please. I was wrong. Please…”

Booker T: “We ain’t done yet. No easy lessons from Harlem Heat.”

R-Killa: “No…please!”

Booker drags R-Killa to the hood of his car…and sets him up…Bookend onto the windshield!

“AHHHH…please! Please! No…No!”

Booker T: “Your ass stays out of my business. You remember this night. You wanted to challenge Booker T? Well now you found out sucka. Never again do I want to see your punk ass. Never again.”

Booker T walks off, and it’s clear he’s the winner.

Winner: Booker T in 17:36

Joey Styles:
“Oh…oh my god, Tazz.”

Tazz: “That’s what it’s like in the tough parts of New York City, Joey.”

Joey Styles: “We’re back here in New Jersey. What a night we’ve had and we’re not done yet. I mean we’ve left a guy in East Harlem bleeding to death, we’ve got a guy here buried alive…and now, we’re going to decide the ECW World Heavyweight Champion…in a Barbed Wire Steel Cage?!”

“Pure anarchy, Joey!”


ECW Commissioner Mick Foley
is the first to make his way to ringside. He sits down at the timekeeper’s table.





Rob Van Dam makes his way out to the ring. Bill Alfonso is with him at first, but RVD tells Alfonso to head to the back. ECW World Champion Brock Lesnar comes out next, and Paul Heyman sits right next to Foley.

The Barbed Wire Steel Cage comes down with Brock Lesnar and Rob Van Dam in the ring. Ring announcer Bob Artese makes the ring introductions.

Bob Artese: “This match is your main event, and is a Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship! This contest can only be won by pinfall or submission!

“Introducing first. He is the owner of the longest reign in ECW World Television Championship history. From Battle Creek, Michigan, 237 pounds. This is Rob Van Dam!

“His opponent. He is undefeated in singles competition in his professional wrestling career. He was accompanied to the ring by his agent Paul Heyman. At 272 pounds. The ECW World Heavyweight Champion From Minneapolis, Minnesota by way of Webster, South Dakota. This is Brock Lesnar!

Joey Styles: “The cage has come down. In the ring with Lesnar and RVD is referee Jim Mollineaux, who has to referee this thing that poor son-of-a-bitch! You can see the barbed wire is laced on the upper third of the cage on both sides, so no one is getting in or out!”

“Rob Van Dam!”
“Rob Van Dam!”
“Rob Van Dam!”

“Rob Van Dam!”

ECW World Championship – Barbed Wire Steel Cage (Pin or Submission Rules)
Brock Lesnar © (w/Paul Heyman) vs. Rob Van Dam

The crowd is clearly in RVD’s corner as both RVD and Lesnar try to figure out what to make of the cage. Lesnar starts to jog in place so RVD responds with his trademark taunt…only for Lesnar to tackle him and run him into the corner! Lesnar hits RVD with a couple of shoulder thrusts. Lesnar sends RVD into the opposite corner, but RVD leapfrogs over Lesnar and Lesnar rams his shoulder into the post and his head into he cage! Spinning heel kick knocks Lesnar down! RVD hits Lesnar with forearms. RVD tries to whip Lesnar off the ropes, but Lesnar holds onto the arm and gets RVD in the F5 position! RVD escapes by landing behind Lesnar, but Lesnar cracks RVD in the mouth with an elbow. Lesnar then takes RVD and slams him hard into the cage! Lesnar tries again, but RVD gets a high kick…then RVD slams Lesnar into the cage! RVD goes for a dropkick, but Lesnar blocks…then catapults RVD high enough to where his head would hit the barbed wire on the cage…only RVD goes Spider-Man and grabs onto the cage. RVD leaps off the side of the cage, but Lesnar catches him and hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex!

Paul Heyman quickly gets up from his seat and tosses a couple of small items into the cage. Mick Foley admonishes him for it as Lesnar reveals one of the items being a wire cutter. Lesnar takes RVD and throws him upward into the cage, with RVD’s head grazing the barbed wire! Lesnar traps RVD in the corner and again goes for the shoulder thrusts. He whips RVD into the corner, but when he charges in RVD hits a droptoehold and Lesnar crashes into the second turnbuckle! RVD feels the back of his head and notices some blood. RVD props Lesnar onto toe top rope and tries to bash Lesnar’s head against the barbed wire, but Lesnar punches RVD to stop him. RVD then jumps up and kicks Lesnar’s head against the steel and the barbed wire! Lesnar stumbles off the top rope and onto the canvas and RVD leaps up to the top rope…but misses the Five Star Frog Splash! Lesnar too now has blood coming from the back of his head.

CW Anderson runs down to the ring with a chair and climbs the cage. Anderson throws the chair over the cage wall and into the ring. Mick Foley demands Anderson leave but that’s taken care of when Shelton Benjamin runs down and attacks him! Still, Lesnar has the chair. Lesnar smashes RVD in the back with the chair multiple times. Lesnar grabs RVD and again throws him high enough into the cage where the top of RVD’s head hits the wire! RVD stumbles back into Lesnar, who puts him up on his shoulders…F5! Lesnar covers, 1…2…RVD kicks out and Lesnar seems surprised, although he laughs about it. Lesnar picks up the other items Heyman threw into the ring and it looks like a pair of gloves. Lesnar climbs to the top rope with the wire cutter and grabs some of the barbed wire off the top of the cage. Lesnar whips RVD with the wire, drawing blood on RVD’s back! Lesnar whips him over and over, before picking RVD up again and planting him with a second F5! Another cover, 1…2…Rob Van Dam kicks out again!

Joey Styles: “You gotta admire the resiliency of Van Dam, but this might get out of hand very soon.”

Lesnar picks up RVD for a third F5, but RVD slides behind Lesnar. RVD tosses Lesnar the chair, but Lesnar ducks the Van-Daminator! Lesnar takes a home run swing with the chair and misses…and now RVD hits the Van-Daminator! Lesnar doesn’t even stay down, immediately backing into the corner, but RVD has bought himself some time. Lesnar gets to his feet and RVD hits two shoulder thrusts. RVD backflips but Lesnar tries a clothesline…that RVD ducks! RVD jumps up to the second turnbuckle and catches Lesnar with a flying back kick that knocks Lesnar down. RVD runs the ropes, Rolling Thunder connects! RVD stands on the top rope as Lesnar struggles to get to his feet…and he catches the moonsault from RVD! Lesnar rams RVD into the cage, but pushed him higher vertically to make sure RVD’s head caught the barbed wire again! The blood starts to get serious coming from RVD as Lesnar lets out another laugh, then cuts down more barbed wire from the cage. Lesnar then takes the barbed wire and wraps it around the chair!

Lesnar looks to finish RVD off as he has his newly made barbed wire chair…but RVD leaps up and hits Lesnar with the Van-Daminator, with the barbed wire cutting and bouncing through Lesnar’s head! Amazingly, Lesnar tries to get to his feet, but RVD bashes him right over the head with the barbed wire chair! Lesnar still stands, so RVD wallops him again! Lesnar falls into a sitting position in the corner…so RVD skateboards the barbed wire chair into Lesnar’s face! RVD drags Lesnar from the corner and the fans feel that it may be over…but RVD doesn’t go for the pin. Now RVD grabs the wire cutter and pulls down wire…and it looks like he’s trying to escape the cage.

Mick Foley: Rob…what are you doing?”

Paul Heyman: Brock! Get up Brock!”

Tazz: “What’s he doing, Joey? He might have Lesnar beat?”

Joey Styles: “Does…does Rob know the rules?”

Tazz: “Oh, wait a minute, Joey!

Joey Styles:
“I think he damn sure does know the rules!”

RVD cuts enough wire…to give him room to climb up on top of the cage! Lesnar tries to move, but he’s in too much pain and isn’t quite able to. RVD does his taunt…and the crowd is with him every step of the way!



RVD leaps…and hits the Five Star Frog Splash off the top of the cage!

Joey Styles:
“Oh my god! Cover him Rob!”

RVD clearly hurt his abdomen area with he Frog Splash from that height, but he uses every last bit of energy he has to get on top of Lesnar. 1…2…3!

Winner: Rob Van Dam via pinfall in 22:28 (New Champion)

Joey Styles:
“My god he did it! We have a NEW ECW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! Rob Van Dam has finally climbed to the top of the mountain!”

“Unbelievable. What a match from Van Dam!

The cage raises as Bill Alfonso runs down and grabs the ECW World title belt and hugs Van Dam! RVD manages to get up to raises his hand, and the ECW title in victory! Several others from the ECW locker room: Sabu, Shelton Benjamin, Rey Mysterio Jr., Tommy Dreamer, Super Crazy, Balls Mahoney come down and congratulate Rob on slaying Brock Lesnar!

slowly walks down the ramp and takes one last look at RVD celebrating in the ring. Paul Heyman, while disappointed his man has lost, can’t help but crack a small smile.

The last shot of ECW RISE is of Rob Van Dam, holding the ECW World Championship up with blood and tears in his eyes!


Quick Results

ECW World Television Championship

Rey Mysterio Jr. © pinned Sabu (Retains)

Mike Awesome pinned Masato Tanaka

ECW World Tag Team Championship
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn © defeated Los Guerreros when Styles pinned Chavo (Retains)

Lance Storm pinned The Great Muta

World Cruiserweight Championship – Six Pack Challenge (One Fall)
Tajiri © defeated Super Crazy, Psicosis, Jamie Noble, Kid Kash and Juventud Guerrera when he pinned Crazy (Retains)

Buried Alive
Raven defeated Mortis

Harlem Street Fight
Booker T defeated R-Killa

ECW World Championship – Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match
Rob Van Dam pinned Brock Lesnar © to win the title


WCW World Champion

Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)

ECW World Champion
Rob Van Dam (Defeated Brock Lesnar on 8-4-02)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

ECW Television Champion
Rey Mysterio Jr. (Defeated Eddie Guerrero on 7-11-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Outsiders (Defeated Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant on 7-7-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Tajiri (Defeated Super Crazy on 7-13-02)

World Women’s Champion
Victoria (Defeated Jazz on 7-18-02)

Roster Updates

Johnny Stamboli
– Newest member of the FBI

Brian Adams and Bryan Clarke – The former Kronik have returned on the side of Raven…but perhaps with different personas?


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Prediction points act like votes for the voting PPVs coming up (1st one: Cyberslam at the end of 9/1/02 BTB time). Whomever is leading at that point will get 3x their point amount in votes to use. 2nd place gets 2x. 3rd will get 1.5x Everyone else will get the amount they have earned. Anyone voting without prediction points gets 10.

Here is where we stand.

Starrcade 2001

DeGenerationMC: 105
Roy Mustang: 70
Dubb: 60

Souled Out 2002

DGenerationMC: 95
Dubb: 95
Daken: 60

SuperBrawl XII

Dubb: 90
Wolfbeast: 60
Roy Mustang: 55
DeGenerationMC: 45

Uncensored 2002

DGenerationMC: 115
Roy Mustang: 80
Wolfbeast; 80
Dubb: 70
Battletank: 60
Tyronesaurus24: 60

Barely Legal II
Dubb 102
Roy Mustang: 61

Slamboree 2002
DGenerationMC: 110
Roy Mustang: 80
Dubb: 40

Hardcore Heaven 2002
Dubb: 115
Roy Mustang: 115
DGenerationsMC: 70

The 2002 Great American Bash
Roy Mustang: 105
Dubb: 60
Order: 40

Anarchy Rulz 2002
White Rhyno: 125
Dubb: 90
Roy Mustang: 80

Congrats to White Rhyno. It is White Rhyno's prediction debut and the result was a perfect score! Glad that preview helped!


@Dubb 712
@Roy Mustang 646
@DGenerationMC 540
Wolfbeast: 140
@White Rhyno : 125
@BattleTank: 60
Daken: 60
@Tyronesaurus24 60
@Order 40

If WB and Daken have names here I can officially @ them in the Standings. Points are never reset, even after the voting PPVs like Cyberslam 02 take place, as there will be more interactive PPVs in the future.

Cyberslam 2002 is next, where your points will come into play for voting purposes (think WWE's Taboo Tuesday). When we get there, I'll explain how it will work.

Thank you everyone who predicted and participated!​
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Post-Anarchy Rulz Update (8/5/02)

History of PPV Results

WCW/ECW Starrcade 2001 – 12/30/01 – MCI Center, Washington, D.C.

Total Impact (Mike Awesome, Lance Storm
and Justin Credible) defeated Tommy Dreamer, The Sandman, and Spike Dudley when Awesome pinned Dreamer in 10:12…WCW World Cruiserweight Championship: Billy Kidman © pinned Jerry Lynn in 13:11 to retain the title…WCW United States Championship: Tazz © made Tajiri submit in 9:59 to retain the title…#1 Contender’s Match for the WCW World Championship: Kurt Angle made Booker T submit in 21:03…Triple H pinned Christian in 7:26…WCW World Tag Team Championship – Tables Match: The Dudley Boyz © defeated Kronik in 6:13 to retain the title…Match for the Vacant ECW World Championship: Brock Lesnar pinned Rob Van Dam in 19:22 to win the title…WCW World Championship – Curt Hennig is the Special Guest Referee: Ric Flair pinned Stone Cold Steve Austin © in 21:05 to win the title

WCW/ECW Souled Out 2002 – 1/27/02 – Compaq Center, Houston, TX

Diamond Dallas Page
pinned William Regal in 10:01…Raven’s Rules: Raven pinned Billy Kidman in 6:54…Booker T pinned Curt Hennig in 12:13…WCW World Tag Team Championship – Four Way Elimination Match: The Dudley Boyz © defeated Kronik, The Faces of Fear, and Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire to retain the title, Bubba Ray Dudley pinned Bryan Clarke in 1:46, Bubba Ray Dudley pinned the Barbarian in 3:37, Bubba Ray Dudley pinned Sean O’Haire in 8:50…Triple H pinned Stone Cold Steve Austin in 30:23…WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Jerry Lynn pinned Taka Michinoku © in 5:51 to win the title…WCW United States Championship – Four-Way One Fall – Christian defeated Tazz ©, Christian, and Tajiri when he pinned Tazz to win the title…ECW World Championship: Brock Lesnar © pinned Bam Bam Bigelow in 14:54 to retain the title…WCW World Championship: Kurt Angle © defeated The Giant by submission in 14:26 to retain the title

WCW/ECW SuperBrawl XII – 2/24/02 – Georgia Dome, Atlanta, GA

#1 Contender’s Match for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Psicosis
pinned Juventud Guerrera in 17:05…World Women’s Championship – Four-Way Elimination: Molly Marvel defeated Jazz, Luna Vachon, and Ivory to win the title, Luna pinned Ivory in 4:56, Jazz pinned Juna in 5:09, Molly pinned Jazz in 9:59 to win the title…Diamond Dallas Page, Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo defeated William Regal, Tajiri, and Finlay when Page pinned Regal in 12:03…#1 Contender’s Match for the ECW World Championship – Extreme Brawl: Tazz defeated Jerry Lynn, Justin Credible, Mike Awesome, Raven, and The Sandman, Tazz made Credible submit in 7:51, Awesome pinned Lynn in 11:32, Awesome pinned Sandman in 16:34, Raven pinned Awesome in 20:30, Tazz made Raven pass out in 21:46…WCW World Tag Team Championship: The Dudley Boyz © defeated The Legion of Doom when Bubba Ray pinned Animal in 8:55 to retain the title…The Giant pinned Test in 2:22…WCW United States Championship: Christian © pinned Booker T in 8:49 after R-Killa and Mark Henry interfered to retain the title…ECW World Championship – Dream Partner Tag Team Match: Brock Lesnar © and Shelton Benjamin defeated Rob Van Dam and Sabu when Lesnar pinned RVD in 17:15 to retain the title…WCW World Championship – Triple-Threat One Fall: Kurt Angle © defeated Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin when he made Austin submit in 20:18 to retain the title

WCW/ECW Uncensored 2002 – 3/24/02 – Joe Louis Arena, Detroit, MI

ECW World Tag Team Championship: Rob Van Dam and Sabu ©
defeated Justin Credible and Mike Awesome when Sabu pinned Awesome in 12:05 to retain the title…World Women’s Championship: Molly Marvel © defeated Jazz in by DQ in 2:02 to retain the title…World Cruiserweight Championship: Psicosis © pinned AJ Styles in 16:43 to retain the title…Detroit Street Fight: R-Killa pinned Booker T when Mark Henry interfered in 13:53…WCW World Championship: Kurt Angle © made Lance Storm submit in 16:52 to retain the title…WCW United States Championship – International Challenger Rules: Christian © pinned Fit Finlay in 6:02 to retain the title…Last Man Standing – If Triple H Wins He Receives a WCW World Championship Match – Triple H defeated Shane McMahon in 8:58…WCW World Tag Team Championship – Double Elimination Tables Match: Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant © defeated The Dudley Boyz in 10:02 to retain the title…ECW World Championship: Brock Lesnar © pinned Tazz in 14:04 to retain the title

ECW/WCW Barely Legal II – 4/14/02 – First Union Center, Philadelphia, PA

The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer and Balls Mahoney
defeated The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray, D-Von and Spike) when Dreamer, Sandman and Mahoney pinned Bubba Ray and D-Von in 14:31…Shelton Benjamin pinned Tazz in 6:33…Extreme Battle Royal for the Vacant ECW World Television Championship: Eddie Guerrero wins, last eliminating Super Crazy in 17:32 to win the title…Raven pinned Terry Funk in 7:54…World Women’s Championship: Jazz pinned Molly Marvel © in 3:17 to win the title…World Cruiserweight Championship: Rey Mysterio Jr. pinned Psicosis © in 23:14 to win the title…ECW World Tag Team Championship – Tables, Ladders, and Chairs: Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry ©, Danny Doring and Amish Roadkill, and Trailer Park Kash after Harlem Heat interfered in 17:10 to win the title…Sabu pinned Rob Van Dam in 17:37…Kurt Angle and The Eliminators defeated Total Impact (Mike Awesome, Justin Credible, and Lance Storm) when Angle made Credible submit in 13:56…ECW World Championship: Brock Lesnar © pinned Cactus Jack in 21:21 to retain the title

WCW/ECW Slamboree 2002 – 5/12/02 – American Airlines Arena, Miami, FL

Billy Kidman
pinned Juventud Guerrera in 11:32…#1 Contender’s Match for the World Cruiserweight Championship: Super Crazy pinned Psicosis in 12:04…William Regal defeated Finlay when Finlay was unresponsive in 11:29…WCW United States Championship: Christian © pinned Test after the Amazing-French Canadians interfered in 10:48…Winning Team Decides the Stipulation for the ECW World Championship Match at Hardcore Heaven 2002: Rob Van Dam and Sabu defeated Brock Lesnar and Shelton Benjamin when RVD pinned Lesnar in 18:16…The Blue World Order (Big Stevie Cool, Hollywood Nova and Da Blue Guy) defeated Disco Inferno, Alex Wright, and Brian Christopher when Da Blue Guy pinned Disco in 3:20…ECW World Television Championship vs. World Cruiserweight Championship: Eddie Guerrero (ECW TV) pinned Rey Mysterio Jr. (Cruiserweight) in 23:13 to win the Cruiserweight title and retain the TV title…WCW World Championship – Triple Threat, One Fall: Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant © defeated Harlem Heat and Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire when DDP pinned Palumbo in 9:07…WCW World Championship: Triple H pinned Kurt Angle after Hollywood Hogan, Scott Hall, and Kevin Nash interfered in 19:11 to win the title

ECW/WCW Hardcore Heaven 2002 – 6/9/02 – UIC Pavilion, Chicago, IL

Rey Mysterio Jr., Billy Kidman, The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, and Spike Dudley
defeated The Full-Blooded Italians (Little Guido, Tony Mamaluke, Tracy Smothers, Big Daddy Vincenzo and Big Sal E. Graziano when Kidman pinned Guido in 6:31…Shelton Benjamin pinned Jinsei Shinzaki in 12:03…Total Impact (Lance Storm, Chris Candido, and Mike Awesome) defeated The X-Factor of the NWO (X-Pac, Justin Credible) and The Great Muta when Storm pinned Credible in 15:54…ECW World Tag Team Championship: AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn © defeated Trailer Park Kash when Styles pinned Jamie Noble in 30:02 to retain the title…Mortis, Mikey Whipwreck, and Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Raven, Malice, and Glacier when Mortis pinned Glacier in 5:57…The New World Order (Sean O’Haire, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall) defeated Kurt Angle and The Eliminators when O’Haire pinned Kronus in 15:42…ECW World Television Championship: Rob Van Dam pinned Eddie Guerrero © in 23:07 to win the title…ECW World Championship – Barbed Wire Match: Brock Lesnar © defeated Sabu via ref stoppage in 16:42 to retain the title

WCW/ECW The 2002 Great American Bash – 7/7/02 – Madison Square Garden, New York, NY

ECW World Championship: Brock Lesnar ©
pinned Rey Mysterio Jr. in 15:11 to retain the title…Mike Awesome pinned Justin Credible in 2:03…WCW United States Championship: Christian © pinned Billy Kidman in 6:09 to retain the title…Harlem Heat defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry when Booker T pinned Henry in 3:32…ECW World Television Championship – Two Falls: Eddie Guerrero defeated The Great Muta © and Rob Van Dam, Guerrero pinned Muta in 12:12, Guerrero pinned RVD in 15:57 to win the title…Mortis pinned William Regal in 1:51…WCW World Tag Team Championship: The Outsiders defeated Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant © when Hall pinned DDP in 14:23 to win the title…Kurt Angle and Roddy Piper defeated Sean O’Haire and Curt Hennig when Piper put Hennig to sleep in 4:04…WCW World Championship – Triple Cage Match: Triple H © defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin in 37:35 to retain the title

ECW/WCW Anarchy Rulz 2002 – 8/4/02 – Continental Airlines Arena, East Rutherford, NJ

ECW World Television Championship: Rey Mysterio Jr. (c)
pinned Sabu in 16:45 to retain the title...Mike Awesome pinned Masato Tanaka in 13:56...ECW World Tag Team Championship: AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (c) defeated Los Guerreros when Styles pinned Chavo in 9:39...Lance Storm pinned The Great Muta in 10:39...World Cruiserweight Championship: Six Pack Challenge (One Fall): Tajiri (c) defeated Super Crazy, Psicosis, Juventud Guerrera, Jamie Noble, and Kid Kash when he pinned Crazy in 8:12...Buried Alive: Raven defeated Mortis in 21:21...Harlem Street Fight: Booker T defeated R-Killa in 17:36...ECW World Championship: Barbed Wire Steel Cage: Rob Van Dam pinned Brock Lesnar (c) in 22:28 to win the title

Championship Linages

WCW World Championship

12-3-01 – Philadelphia, PA – Monday Night Nitro – Stone Cold Steve Austin (1) (Awarded)
12-30-01 – Washington, D.C. – WCW/ECW Starrcade 2001 PPV – Ric Flair (7) (Pinned Stone Cold Steve Austin)
12-31-01 – Norfolk, VA – Monday Night Nitro – Kurt Angle (2) (Made Ric Flair submit)
5-12-02 – Miami, FL – WCW/ECW Slamboree 2002 PPV - Triple H (1) (Pinned Kurt Angle)

ECW World Championship
12-6-01 – Philadelphia, PA – ECW RISE – Vacant (Rhyno vacated due to injury)
12-30-01 – Washington, D.C. – WCW/ECW Starrcade 2001 PPV – Brock Lesnar (1) (Pinned Rob Van Dam for vacant title)
8-4-02 - East Rutherford, NJ - ECW/WCW Anarchy Rulz 2002 PPV - Rob Van Dam (1) (Pinned Brock Lesnar in a Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match)

WCW United States Championship
10-22-01 – Kansas City, MO – Monday Night RAW – Kurt Angle (1) (Defeated Rhyno by submission)(Pre-Rebirth)
12-13-01 – New York, NY – ECW RISE – Tazz (1) (Choked Kurt Angle out)
1-27-02 – Houston, TX – WCW/ECW Souled Out 2002 PPV – Christian (1) (Defeated Tazz, Rob Van Dam and Tajiri in a Four Way Match, pinning Tazz)

ECW World Television Championship
4-14-02 – Philadelphia, PA – ECW/WCW Barely Legal II PPV – Eddie Guerrero (3) (Last eliminated Super Crazy in a battle royal)
6-9-02 – Chicago, IL – ECW/WCW Hardcore Heaven 2002 PPV – Rob Van Dam (2) (Pinned Eddie Guerrero)
6-27-02 – Buffalo, NY – ECW RISE – The Great Muta (1) (Pinned Rob Van Dam)
7-7-02 – New York, NY – WCW/ECW The 2002 Great American Bash PPV – Eddie Guerrero (4) (Defeated The Great Muta and Rob Van Dam in a Three-Way Dance)
7-11-02 - Long Island, NY - ECW RISE - Rey Mysterio Jr. (1) (Pinned Eddie Guerrero)

WCW World Tag Team Championship
10-26-01 – Omaha, NE – Thursday Night SMACKDOWN! – Bubba Ray (1) and D-Von Dudley (1) (Defeated The Hardy Boyz)(Pre-Rebirth)
3-11-02 – St. Louis, MO – Monday Night Nitro – Diamond Dallas Page (5) and The Giant (4) (Defeated The Dudley Boyz)
7-7-02 – New York, NY - WCW/ECW The 2002 Great American Bash PPV – Kevin Nash (10) and Scott Hall (8) (Defeated Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant)

ECW World Tag Team Championship
12-3-00 – New York, NY – ECW Massacre on 34th Street PPV – Danny Doring (1) and Roadkill (1) (Defeated Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke)(Pre-Rebirth)
2-28-02 – Indianapolis, IN – RISE – Rob Van Dam (3) and Sabu (4) (Defeated Danny Doring and Roadkill)
3-28-02 – Buffalo, NY – RISE – R-Killa (1) and Mark Henry (1) (Defeated Rob Van Dam and Sabu)
4-14-02 – Philadelphia, PA – ECW/WCW Barely Legal II PPV – Jerry Lynn (1) and AJ Styles (1) (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry, Kid Kash and Jamie Noble, and Danny Doring and Roadkill in a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match)

World Cruiserweight Championship
10-9-01 – Moline, IL – Thursday Night SMACKDOWN! – Billy Kidman (5) (Pinned X-Pac)(Pre-Rebirth)
1-21-02 – Kansas City, MO – Monday Night Nitro – Taka Michinoku (1) (Pinned Billy Kidman)
1-27-02 – Houston, TX – WCW/ECW Souled Out 2002 PPV – Jerry Lynn (1) (Pinned Taka Michinoku)
2-25-02 – Atlanta, GA – Monday Night Nitro – Psicosis (3) (Pinned Jerry Lynn)
4-14-02 – Philadelphia, PA – ECW/WCW Barely Legal II PPV – Rey Mysterio Jr. (6) (Pinned Psicosis)
5-12-02 – Miami, FL – WCW/ECW Slamboree 2002 PPV – Eddie Guerrero (3) (Pinned Rey Mysterio Jr.)
5-13-02 – Daytona Beach, FL - Monday Night Nitro – Super Crazy (1) (Pinned Eddie Guerrero)
7-13-02 - Norfolk, VA - Worldwide - Tajiri (1) (Pinned Super Crazy)

World Women’s Championship
2-24-02 – Atlanta, GA – WCW/ECW SuperBrawl XII PPV – Molly Marvel (1) (Won a four-way match against Ivory, Jazz, and Luna Vachon to win the title)
4-14-02 – Philadelphia, PA – ECW/WCW Barely Legal II PPV – Jazz (1) (Pinned Molly Marvel)
7-18-02 - Macon, GA - ECW RISE - Victoria (1) (Pinned Jazz)



August 5, 2002 (Monday) – Monday Night Nitro
August 8, 2002 (Thursday) – ECW RISE
August 10, 2002 (Saturday) – Worldwide
August 12, 2002 (Monday) – Monday Night Nitro
August 15, 2002 (Thursday) – ECW RISE
August 17, 2002 (Saturday) – Worldwide
August 19, 2002 (Monday) – Monday Night Nitro
August 22, 2002 (Thursday) – ECW RISE
August 24, 2002 (Saturday) – ECW Hardcore TV
August 26, 2002 (Monday) – Monday Night Nitro
August 29, 2002 (Thursday) – ECW RISE
August 31, 2002 (Saturday) – WCW/ECW Cyberslam 2002 Interactive PPV (Pay-Per-View-Preview)


September 1, 2002 (Sunday) – WCW/ECW Cyberslam 2002 Interactive PPV (Pay-Per-View)
September 2, 2002 (Monday) – Monday Night Nitro
September 5, 2002 (Thursday) – ECW RISE
September 7, 2002 (Saturday) – Worldwide
September 9, 2002 (Monday) – Monday Night Nitro
September 12, 2002 (Thursday) – ECW RISE
September 14, 2002 (Saturday) – Worldwide
September 16, 2002 (Monday) – Monday Night Nitro
September 19, 2002 (Thursday) – ECW RISE
September 21, 2002 (Saturday) – ECW Hardcore TV
September 23, 2002 (Monday) – Monday Night Nitro
September 26, 2002 (Thursday) – ECW RISE
September 28, 2002 (Saturday) – WCW/ECW Fall Brawl: War Games (Pay-Per-View-Preview)
September 29, 2002 (Sunday) – WCW/ECW Fall Brawl: War Games (Pay-Per-View)

September 30, 2002 (Monday) – Monday Night Nitro


October 3, 2002 (Thursday) – ECW RISE
October 5, 2002 (Saturday) – Worldwide
October 7, 2002 (Monday) – Monday Night Nitro
October 10, 2002 (Thursday) – ECW RISE
October 12, 2002 (Saturday) – Worldwide
October 14, 2002 (Monday) – Monday Night Nitro
October 17, 2002 (Thursday) – ECW RISE
October 19, 2002 (Saturday) – ECW Hardcore TV
October 21, 2002 (Monday) – Monday Night Nitro
October 24, 2002 (Thursday) – ECW RISE
October 26, 2002 (Saturday) – WCW/ECW Halloween Havoc (Pay-Per-View-Preview)
October 27, 2002 (Sunday) – WCW/ECW Halloween Havoc (Pay-Per-View)

October 28, 2002 (Monday) – Monday Night Nitro
October 31, 2002 (Thursday) – ECW RISE


November 2, 2002 (Saturday) – Worldwide
November 4, 2002 (Monday) – Monday Night Nitro
November 7, 2002 (Thursday) – ECW RISE
November 9, 2002 (Saturday) – Worldwide
November 11, 2002 (Monday) – Monday Night Nitro
November 14, 2002 (Thursday) – ECW RISE
November 16, 2002 (Saturday) – ECW Hardcore TV
November 18, 2002 (Monday) – Monday Night Nitro
November 21, 2002 (Thursday) – ECW RISE
November 23, 2002 (Saturday) – ECW/WCW November to Remember (Pay-Per-View-Preview)
November 24, 2002 (Sunday) – ECW/WCW November to Remember (Pay-Per-View)

November 25, 2002 (Monday) – Monday Night Nitro
November 27, 2002 (Wednesday) – ECW RISE
November 29, 2002 (Friday) – WCW/ECW WrestleWar ‘02 (Pay-Per-View-Preview)
November 30, 2002 (Saturday) – WCW/ECW WrestleWar ‘02 (Pay-Per-View)


December 2, 2002 (Monday) – Monday Night Nitro
December 5, 2002 (Thursday) – ECW RISE
December 7, 2002 (Saturday) – Worldwide
December 9, 2002 (Monday) – Monday Night Nitro
December 12, 2002 (Thursday) – ECW RISE
December 14, 2002 (Saturday) – Worldwide
December 16, 2002 (Monday) – Monday Night Nitro
December 19, 2002 (Thursday) – ECW RISE
December 21, 2002 (Saturday) – ECW Hardcore TV
December 23, 2002 (Monday) – Monday Night Nitro
December 26, 2002 (Wednesday) – ECW RISE
December 28, 2002 (Saturday) – WCW/ECW Starrcade 2002 (Pay-Per-View-Preview)
December 29, 2002 (Sunday) – WCW/ECW Starrcade 2002 (Pay-Per-View)

December 30, 2002 (Monday) - Monday Night Nitro

White Rhyno

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- Rey pinning Sabu wouldn't have been surprising now, but back then Sabu was coming off a monstrous run and Rey was still up and coming. It would have been a cool moment for old ECW fans.

- AJ and Jerry Lynn getting a win and teasing a Los Gureeros feud was a nice way to kill 2 birds with one stone and give the fans a solid offering. Good second match; not an all-time great, but solid. All cards need these.

-Pushing the F.B.I a little? hummmmm.... Total Impact sounds pretty ass in a extreme 90s way and the eclectic make-up is really cool. First three matches have really made the crowd happy. Lots face "wins" so far.

- Cruiserwight match had a great line-up but not a lot enough detail to really reflect how exciting it could have been. It read like a modern day IMPACT multi-man match recap, but Tajiri winning would have been my call.

- The Mortis and Raven segment may have been one of my favorites of this show. Really cool character work and gimmicks with a cool choice of workers.

-Booker and R-Killa best part was the great interaction at the end. Bokker T walks away looking bad ass

- Very good main event with some cool moments. Seeing RVD beat a young Brock was something I've never though of and was fun to read.
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WCW Monday Night Nitro
August 5, 2002
Continental Airlines Arena
East Rutherford, NJ

Mike Tenay: “Welcome tonight to Monday Night Nitro! Tonight, The Giant challenges Triple H for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship!

Don West: “It’s gonna be an insane night Mike! That’s not the only championship on the line either!

Mike Tenay:
The World Tag Team Championship is also on the line as Mike Awesome and Lance Storm, each who held a victory over members of NWO Japan last night at ECW Anarchy Rulz, take on the Outsiders! Plus right now, the Cruiserweight Championship is on the line!”


World Cruiserweight Championship
Tajiri © vs. Taka Michinoku

Tajiri throws a few kicks that causes Taka to back away in the corner. Tajiri misses a roundhouse kick and Taka gets a chop. Tajiri fires back! Tajiri and Taka trade chops and Tajiri ends up winning the exchange. Tajiri chops away at Taka until Taka surprises him with an uppercut that knocks him down! Cover, 1…2…Tajiri kicks out! Taka sends Tajiri off the ropes, but Tajiri handstand springs off them and hits Taka with a back elbow! Tajiri misses another kick and Taka gets a chop, then sends Tajiri into the corner. Taka charges in, but Tajiri leaps over him and hooks Taka’s arm…locking in the Tarantula! Taka submits, but because the move is in the ropes the submission doesn’t count and Tajiri is forced to break.

Taka hits a dropkick out of nowhere that sends Tajiri to the outside. Taka leaps up to the top rope and hits a springboard crossbody onto Tajiri on the floor! Taka slides Tajiri back into the ring. Cover, 1…2…Tajiri kicks out. Taka sends Tajiri off the ropes and hits a belly-to-belly suplex! Another cover, 1…2…Tajiri kicks out again. Taka sends Tajiri into the corner and hits a leg lariat! Tajiri stumbles out of the corner and Taka catches him in the back of the head with a missile dropkick! Another cover, 1…2…Tajiri kicks out once again as Taka can’t keep him down. Taka goes for a frankensteiner, but Tajiri drops him straight down with a sit-out powerbomb! 1…2…Taka kicks out to Tajiri’s surprise! Tajiri goes for a slam but Taka slides behind him, then plants Tajiri with the Michinoku Driver! 1…2..Tajiri kicks out and Taka is completely shocked! Taka calls for it again…but the Tajiri slides behind Taka on the 2nd attempt and hits him right in the head with a buzzsaw kick! Tajiri covers Taka, 1…2…3!

Winner: Tajiri via pinfall in 6:11 (Retains)

celebrates by yelling something in Japanese…but the one word that’s clear is Raven.


Kevin Kelly:
Giant, we’re just moments away from the match for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. You thoughts?”

The Giant: “My thoughts? The WCW World Championship is the only thing I’ve been thinking about ever since the moment I stepped back into a WCW ring at Starrcade. Triple H this isn’t our first dance. I’ve smashed you before. And I will smash you again. As I said, I’m completely sick of the NWO. Yeah, the NWO may have gotten the best of me three years ago, but it’s revenge time. Tonight, I break every bone in Triple H’s body and win the WCW World Title. And I’m not doing it for WCW. I’m not doing it for Diamond Dallas Page. I’m not doing it for the fans. I’m doing it for me!”


We return to Nitro and see WCW World Champion Triple H pumping himself up for tonight’s main event. Eric Bischoff is taking to him when The Outsiders come in.

Kevin Nash: “Hey Eric, champ. I’m just checking in to make sure the bills got paid for the Italian guys.”

Eric Bischoff: “All taken care of.”

Triple H: “Hey, you and Scott, you take care of business tonight, and I’ll finish The Giant. After that, they’ll have no one left and the NWO will finally take over for good!”

Kevin Nash: Wolfpac for life guys. You know we got your back Hunter.”


Billy Kidman (w/Torrie Wilson) vs. Chuck Palumbo

Kidman punches at Palumbo and ducks at every Palumbo response. Kidman locks in a front facelock, but Palumbo drives Kidman into the corner. Palumbo pounds away on Kidman in the corner. Snapmare takeover from Palumbo, to which then he follows up by kicking Kidman hard in the back! Chinlock applied from Palumbo, but Kidman fights out. Kidman sends Palumbo off the ropes and catches him with a dropkick! Another dropkick from Kidman! Kidman hops off the ropes and catches Palumbo with a bulldog headlock! Cover, 1…2…Palumbo kicks out. Kidman kicks Palumbo, then flips over him from the rocker dropper position…but Palumbo is ready and levels Kidman with a clothesline! Palumbo stomps away on Kidman as Kidman is struggling to get going.

Kidman fires away at Palumbo. Palumbo misses a wild clothesline, and Kidman hits an enzugiri! Kidman leaps up to the second rope, but Palumbo catches the crossbody! Palumbo lifts Kidman over his head and onto his back and drops him with a Samoan Drop! Cover, 1…2…Kidman kicks out! Palumbo sends Kidman into the corner, but Kidman gets his feet up when Palumbo charges in! Palumbo pops Kidman up but Kidman hits a beautiful hurricanrana! Cover from Kidman, 1…2…Palumbo kicks out. Kidman leaps up to the second rope, but Palumbo gets a yakuza kick that sends him flying to the floor on the outside! Palumbo pounds away on Kidman on the floor, then lifts him high up and drops him throat first onto the apron! Palumbo sends Kidman back into the ring and hits an elbow drop, 1…2…Kidman kicks out!

Palumbo seems to have enough of Kidman. He sets him up and holds him up in a vertical suplex and drops Kidman down hard! He grabs a dazed Kidman and throws him across the ring with a belly-to-belly. Palumbo goes for another big kick, but Kidman ducks and Palumbo ends up getting crotched in the corner! Palumbo stumbles out and Kidman gets the BK Bomb! 1…2…Palumbo kicks out! Kidman comes off the ropes but Palumbo gets a stiff kick to the midsection. Powerbomb attempt is countered by Kidman with a facebuster! Kidman quickly heads to the top rope, Shooting Star Press hits! 1…2…3!

Winner: Billy Kidman via pinfall in 7:48

gives Kidman a kiss on the cheek as a frustrated Chuck Palumbo bangs on the canvas.


cuts backstage to Total Impact.

Lance Storm: “Tonight, the New World Order will learn what it’s like to be in the ring with two wrestlers. That’s something the NWO doesn’t respect. Every match, it’s run-in this, cheap shot that. Conduct unbecoming of the World Tag Team Championship. Well it stops tonight. Tonight, we make the biggest impact WCW’s experienced since the NWO showed up. Tonight, we take the World Tag Team Championship from Nash and Hall. We took out NWO Japan last night, Nash and Hall are next. Now that’s not just the coolest, that’s not just the best, but that’s simply…”

Mike Awesome stands in front of the camera…

Lance Storm: Awesome”.


WCW World Tag Team Championship
The Outsiders © (w/ X-Pac) vs. Lance Storm and Mike Awesome (w/Dawn Marie and Chris Candido)

Mike Awesome stands in the middle of the ring with Scott Hall mocking him as he circles around him in the ring. Hall takes his toothpick and throws it at Awesome, who doesn’t flinch whatsoever. Hall lands a punch, then starts to realize he needs to take this seriously as Awesome doesn’t flinch again. Awesome grabs Hall by the throat and tosses him into the corner. Awesome punches away at Hall. Hall counters a whip into the corner, but Awesome leaps up to the top rope and nails Hall with a flying back elbow. Awesome tags in Storm. Storm and Hall lock up into a collar-and-elbow tie-up, each trying to gain the upper hand. Storm managed to twist Hall's arm into a wristlock, but Hall quickly counters with a swift kick to the gut, followed by a thunderous clothesline that sent Storm crashing to the mat. Hall taunts to the crowd before tagging in Kevin Nash.

Nash uses his boot to choke Lance Storm in the corner. Nash then lifts Storm up for snake eyes, but Storm slides behind Nash and shoves him into the corner. Perfect dropkick from Storm knocks Nash down! Cover, 1…2…Nash gets the shoulder up. Storm hits some kicks then hits the ropes…only for Hall to get in a cheap shot. Storm nails Hall and knocks him off the apron, but turns around into a powerful Nash forearm! Cover, 1…2…Storm kicks out. Nash tags in Hall and they pummel away on Storm. They send Storm off the ropes but Storm ducks the double clothesline and hits a double clothesline of his own! Storm crawls towards the corner with his fingertips right next to Awesome’s, but Nash stops him with an elbow drop that stops Storm in his tracks.

Nash tries for the Sidewalk Slam, but Storm surprises him by using his momentum and getting a flying headscissors! Hall runs at Storm and goes for a clothesline, but Storm ducks and Hall drops Nash! Storm comes off the ropes and hits a spinning heel kick! Storm crawls again to his corner, and makes the tag to Mike Awesome…only X-Pac had referee Billy Silverman distracted! Silverman doesn’t let Awesome in the ring as Nash and Hall drag Storm back in and pummel him. Nash picks Storm up and drops him right on the top turnbuckle with snake eyes before tagging in Hall. Hall picks up Storm and hits a fall away slam. Cover, 1…2…Storm kicks out. Hall locks Storm in an abdominal stretch…and holds onto X-Pac’s arm to add to the leverage he has on Storm. Silverman doesn’t see it, but Chris Candido does! Candido drags X-Pac away from the ring and they go at it!

Storm breaks free of the abdominal stretch with a hip toss! Hall trips Storm to prevent the tag to Awesome as he tags Nash back in. Nash whips Storm off the ropes, but Storm ducks the clothesline and hits a flying punch! Nash misses a big punch, and Storm knocks him down with a superkick! Storm crawls over to Awesome…and makes the tag! Awesome leaps over the top rope with a flying shoulder block into a charging Hall! Awesome clotheslines Hall, then clotheslines Nash. Belly-to-belly suplex sends Hall across the ring, but Nash slows him down with a big boot. Awesome bounces off the ropes and Nash gets him with the Sidewalk Slam! Cover, 1…2…Awesome kicks out. Nash sets Awesome up for the Jackknife…but Awesome backdrops him! Storm tags himself back in and locks Nash in a sharpshooter! The crowd goes wild, but Hall saves Nash and breaks up the hold, leaving all four men down on the canvas.

Suddenly, 1200 pounds saunter down the aisle as the FBI’s Big Daddy Vincenzo and Big Sal E. Graziano are here. Awesome gets back to his feet, but Vincenzo trips him from the outside. Vincenzo and Graziano celebrate this minor victory, before they see Awesome flying over the top rope towards them with a dive! Awesome takes out both monsters, but Johnny “The Bull” Stamboli appears and whacks Awesome in the back with a steel chair! In the ring Nash gets back to his feet but Dawn Marie gets his attention!, This allows Storm to head to the top rope…and he hits Nash with a flying spin kick! Hall comes in though and nails Storm with a forearm to the back. He tells Dawn to “Suck It”, then sets up Storm…Outsider’s Edge! Hall covers Storm, 1…2…3!

Winners: The Outsiders when Hall pinned Storm in 15:38 (Retains)

The Outsiders
leave with the titles as Stamboli punches away at Storm in the ring. Mike Awesome has the chair and chases Stamboli away, as he runs off with Vincenzo and Graziano.


Little Guido
and Eric Bischoff are backstage. Bischoff hands him a stack of bills.

Little Guido: “Hey, Eric. If they money keeps coming, the FBI would love to keep working with the NWO. We gotta run tonight though before those Total Impact idiots come after us.”


WCW United States Champion Christian
makes his way down to the ring.

Christian: “I’m here tonight to let everyone know that once again I’ve accomplished something that, of course because of the bias against me, hasn’t been talked about at all. When Rob Van Dam won the ECW World Championship from Brock Lesnar last night…I became the longest reigning champion of the entire Alliance! I’ve accomplished this by taking on all challengers. I’ve beaten Finlay, Kidman, Test. Everyone. You see I have to remind you stupid people from New Jersey that, as a Canadian, being the United States Champion is easy. I mean how many states really have someone who could beat a Canadian for a title? New Jersey certainly isn’t one. How about this. Who want to prove me wrong New Jersey? Anyone in this building who’s actually from New Jersey…not from across the river in New York…who wants a shot at my US title, you’re on! I mean it can’t be any of these idiots in the front row, I mean look at this guy! Put down the hot dog for once in your life man! Or this guy….”

“BAM BAM!” Christian is left frozen in the ring as Bam Bam Bigelow stomps down to the ring! Christian tries to beg off…but Bigelow accepts the challenge and attacks!

WCW United States Championship
Christian © vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

Bigelow pounds away on Christian in the corner before throwing him across the ring! Bigelow avalanches Christian in the corner, then throws Christian across the ring again! Bigelow pounds on his chest as Christian slides under the ropes, grabs the US title and tries to get counted out. Bigelow runs up the ramp and clotheslines Christian down. Bigelow tosses Christian back into the ring, but when Bigelow slides back in he shoves the referee out of the way…allowing Christian to hit him with the US title belt, he still had it! Christian covers Bigelow with his feet on the ropes, 1…2…Bigelow powers out! Christian quickly locks in a chinlock to try to wear down Bigelow. Bigelow gets back on his feet and drops Christian with a belly-to-back suplex to break the chinlock!

Bigelow presses Christian over his head, but Christian rakes Bigelow’s eyes, allowing Christian to drop down on his feet. Christian dropkicks Bigelow into the corner, then rakes Bigelow’s eyes across the ropes. Christian tears off the top turnbuckle, but Bigelow doesn’t let him smash his head there. Big headbutt from Bigelow! Bigelow looks to finish off Christian and picks him up for Greetings From Asbury Park…but Christian drops behind Bigelow and shoves him into the exposes turnbuckle! Christian drops into the chair position and Bigelow trips over him. Christian gets a jackknife pin with his feet on the ropes again…1…2…3!

Winner: Christian via pinfall in 5:24 (Retains)

yells at the crowd that he told everyone so as he celebrates down the aisle, before getting attacked by Billy Kidman! Kidman punches Christian until they end up fighting through the entranceway. Bam Bam Bigelow shakes his head and waves at his home state crowd.


Backstage Little Guido is with most of the FBI, about to drive off. Total Impact runs at them with chairs and poor Tony Mamaluke gets left behind as the FBI drives away in their rental cars! Candido, Storm and Awesome beat the hell out of Mamaluke, finishing him with an Awesome Bomb through a pallet on the concrete! Total Impact jump into their car and drive off after the FBI!


Mike Tenay:
“It’s been a crazy night Don.”

Don West: “That is has Mike and we still have the main event, the WCW World title match!

Mike Tenay:
“Ladies and Gentlemen watching at home, our next Pay-Per-View event, Cyberslam, is on September 1, just a few weeks away! For this event each match will have something about it that can be voted on by the fans! Head to WCWECWALLIANCE.COM for more information!”

After The Giant and Triple H make their entrances, Eric Bischoff grabs a microphone.

Eric Bischoff: Giant, I have something I’ve been waiting to say to you for years now! You’re the biggest waste of space I’ve ever laid my eyes on! You were supposed to be the next big superstar for WCW, the next Andre the Giant! Instead you are nothing but a big goof running around thinking you’re in the class of Triple H! You make me sick. Everyone always tells me that ‘WCW failed because we couldn’t make new stars.’ Well that’s because these new stars like Giant over here wasted their potential! Tonight, Triple H is going to kick your ass, and hopefully that’ll be the last we hear of you!”

Bischoff throws the microphone at The Giant, then slaps him in the face! Giant grabs Bischoff by the throat…allowing HHH to get in the first blow…

WCW World Championship
Triple H © (w/Eric Bischoff) vs. The Giant

HHH punches away at the Giant, saving Eric Bischoff. HHH quickly realizes there’s no effect here, and The Giant hits him with a massive headbutt! HHH gets back to his feet but his hit with another massive headbutt! Giant tosses HHH into the corner and punches and kicks away at him. Giant hits HHH with a massive chop that’s heard all throughout the arena! Giant goes for another big punch, but HHH ducks and gets some punches of his own. Giant fires back with another huge headbutt and HHH crashes to the canvas again. HHH backs away into another corner, and gets Giant with a low kick. HHH sends Giant off the ropes and tries for the running knee, but Giant just knocks HHH out of the air! Giant presses HHH over his head and slams him in the middle of the ring!

HHH gets back to his feet, just to get slammed by the Giant again. Giant off the ropes, big elbow drop connects! Cover, 1…2…HHH just kicks out as we almost had a new champion right there! Giant whips HHH so hard into the corner that HHH flips over the top rope onto the floor! Giant stalks HHH around the ring, eventually catching him and slamming him back-first into the ring post! Giant picks HHH up again and tries to slam him face-first into the post, but HHH slides behind him and shoves him into the barricade…knocking the barricade over, with the Giant spilling into the crowd! HHH grabs a camera wire and tries to choke Giant out, but a big elbow loosens HHH’s grip. Giant grabs HHH by the head and tosses him right on the floor! HHH again backs away, but this time it was a trick as Giant charges at him, and HHH drop toeholds him into the steel steps!

HHH gets some more punches in before rolling Giant back into the ring. Giant gets back to feet and reverses an Irish whip. Giant goes for a backdrop, but HHH puts on the brakes and gets a facebuster with the knee. HHH explodes off the ropes with a huge clothesline that knocks Giant down! HHH sets Giant up for the Pedigree, but Giant is too strong and backdrops HHH! Giant sends HHH off the ropes and hits a bit boot. HHH doesn’t go down, but instead ends up bouncing off the ropes again, running right into a powerslam! Cover, 1…2…HHH just kicks out, and for a second the Giant can’t believe it. Giant then raises his arm, looking to finish off HHH! He grabs him by the throat…CHOKESLAM! Bischoff gets on the apron but Giant easily knocks him off, and covers HHH! 1…2…HHH just gets his foot on the ropes! Giant looks angry, then roars to the crowd. He grasps HHH’s throat again, but HHH kicks referee Charles Robinson on the way up and Giant doesn’t get all of the chokeslam!

X-Pac runs into the ring…right into the big hand of the Giant! CHOKESLAM to X-Pac! Outsiders comes down, but here comes Diamond Dallas Page too! DDP tackles both members of the Outsiders and brawls with them on the floor. Nash breaks free and slides into the ring. Nash boots Giant, but Giant shakes it off and grabs Nash by the throat! Triple H low blows Giant, then plants him with the Pedigree! Nash holds DDP back on the outside as referee Charles Robinson gets his wits back and sees HHH cover Giant, 1…2…3!

Winner: Triple H via pinfall in 13:00 (Retains)

The Outsiders
pound away on DDP on the outside as Triple H grabs his sledgehammer and waits for The Giant to get back to his feet. The crowd roars though as “Medal” plays and Kurt Angle runs down to the ring! HHH misses the sledgehammer shot, and Angle throws HHH across the ring with a belly-to-belly suplex! The Outsiders decide not to challenge Angle, as Angle stands tall in the middle of the ring to close Nitro!


Quick Results

World Cruiserweight Championship

Tajiri © pinned Taka Michinoku (Retains)

Billy Kidman pinned Chuck Palumbo

WCW World Tag Team Championship
The Outsiders © defeated Lance Storm and Mike Awesome when Scott Hall pinned Lance Storm (Retains)

WCW United States Championship
Christian © pinned Bam Bam Bigelow (Retains)

WCW World Championship
Triple H © pinned The Giant (Retains)


WCW World Champion

Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)

ECW World Champion
Rob Van Dam (Defeated Brock Lesnar on 8-4-02)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

ECW Television Champion
Rey Mysterio Jr. (Defeated Eddie Guerrero on 7-11-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Outsiders (Defeated Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant on 7-7-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Tajiri (Defeated Super Crazy on 7-13-02)

World Women’s Champion
Victoria (Defeated Jazz on 7-18-02)

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August 8, 2002
Hammerstein Ballroom
New York City, NY

Highlights are shown of last Sunday’s Anarchy Rulz, ending with Rob Van Dam holding up the ECW World Championship.

Joey Styles: “Welcome to the new era of Extreme Championship Wrestling! We have a new ECW World Champion, Tazz.”

Tazz: “Such an amazing moment, Joey. RVD’s victory over Brock Lesnar was a win not just for himself, but for the entire ECW fanbase. It showed everyone that the spirit of extreme can never be extinguished. The locker room was buzzing all night and it felt like just what you said, a new era was dawning in ECW. He’s someone that’s been ECW through thick and thin. Awe-inspiring match, I’m so excited, Joey, to see where Van Dam takes ECW as champion!”

Brock Lesnar’s theme plays…but only Paul Heyman makes his way out.

Joey Styles: “Well I thought we may be seeing the man that Rob Van Dam defeated at Anarchy Rulz…but it looks like it’s just the agent, Paul Heyman.”


Paul Heyman
shakes his head in a positive way, before addressing the rabid Manhattan Center crowd.


Paul Heyman: “Last Sunday night something happened that I thought never would. An event that I admit I thought was a statistical impossibility. Brock Lesnar was defeated for the ECW World Championship. After getting over the initial shock of the result of the main event of Anarchy Rulz, I had a discussion with Brock. He asked me to come out and let you all know that Brock Lesnar will not pursue a rematch for the ECW World Championship. Brock Lesnar will no longer compete on the ECW brand and will move up and onward to WCW!”

ECW fans boo heavily at the idea that WCW is a “step up”.

Paul Heyman: “So let’s talk about the man who beat Brock Lesnar last Sunday. A man to whom I gave his big break by hiring him to compete in Extreme Championship Wrestling. Let’s talk about the new ECW World Heavyweight Champion, Rob Van Dam. It’s been a long road…”

The crowd erupts as “One of a Kind” plays and ECW World Champion Rob Van Dam makes his way to the ring!



Rob Van Dam:
“Thank you, thank you. Believe me when I tell all of you I needed every last one of you to take down Brock Lesnar and become ECW World Champion! One thing I’m not gonna do is sit in the back and listen to you, Paul Heyman, come out here and suddenly try to take credit for my success. Yeah, you gave me the platform. I appreciate that Paul. But you knocked every obstacle that I had to overcome in my path, especially over this last year. You hooked your wagon to one guy, and that not RVD. That was Brock Lesnar. That’s who you said was the future of ECW. We heard it every week. Well you forgot something, Paul. Brock Lesnar, tremendous athlete, great part of the show. But I’m the whole fuckin’ show. And you can tell Brock Lesnar something, Paul. Tell him if it’s an ECW ring, a WCW ring, in Japan, in Mexico, hell even in the WWF…I’ll fight Brock Lesnar any day and any night.”

Paul Heyman: “Well Rob, despite how you may feel, I am happy and proud of you. To overcome Brock Lesnar is not an easy feat. But be careful what you wish for. One day, you and Brock will meet again. And I promise you he heard every word you said tonight. As I leave here, maybe even for the last time, all I can do is wish you good luck Rob.”

Paul Heyman walks off as Rob Van Dam looks to continue addressing the crowd. But before he can say a word, Eddie Guerrero makes his way out to the ring to address the champion!

Rob Van Dam:
“Yeah, I thought I might see you out here.”

Eddie Guerrero: “Hey, let me say, congratulations homes! ECW World Champion, that’s impressive! Now, jog my memory for a moment. Let’s see if I’m remembering this correctly. A month ago I remember you came out on RISE and you wanted…you wanted to face Eddie Guerrero. Me! And again, the details are a little fuzzy, but I think you wanted this because, ha, well because I kicked your ass and beat you one…two…three…at The Great American Bash! So hey, maybe I’m a little late, but hey, let’s do it, and let’s do it for the ECW World Championship esse!”

Rob Van Dam: “Hey, I’m ready to defend this title. Yeah, you got the better of me that night, but if I, and, like you my memory might be a little off here, but if I remember when it was a one-on-one deal, you know, you guys out here. Remind me, who came out on top?”

RVD makes sure to add the taunt…


An instrumental of “Fear Factory” plays as the ECW World Tag Team Champions AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn come out to the stage.

Jerry Lynn: Guerrero! You’re out here talking about who you beat, well what the hell happened last Sunday? Oh I’ll tell you, AJ and I beat you and your nephew to retain these World Tag Team Championships!”

Eddie Guerrero: “Hey, that was Chavito come on now.”

Jerry Lynn: “You’re a coward Guerrero. If anyone deserves a shot at the ECW World Championship it should be a former champion. And it should be somebody who’s taken RVD to the limit every single time he faced him. Van Dam, I know I can beat you. At one time I thought you were the greatest athlete that ever stepped into the ring. But, now, I know who that is.”

Lynn points to AJ Styles, who gets a great reaction.

Rob Van Dam: “Hey, Jerry Lynn, Eddie Guerrero, hell, even AJ Styles. Let’s do it man, I don’t care!”

We all hear the car crash as ECW Commissioner Mick Foley is here!

Mick Foley: “Well this one’s an easy one for me isn’t it! Before I make anything official, congratulations to Rob Van Dam on winning the ECW World Championship! So let’s get down to business. Eddie Guerrero. Jerry Lynn…AND AJ Styles. You all want a shot at the ECW World Championship? You’ll have to earn it tonight, right here, in New York City! Have a Nice Day!”


ECW World Women’s Championship
Victoria © (w/Daffney) vs. Luna Vachon

Luna is all over Victoria, punching and kicking her in the corner. Victoria shoves her away, and Luna runs into a kick. Victoria goes for a suplex but Luna counters and gets a suplex herself! Flying headscissors by Luna! Luna heads to the top rope and hits a moonsault! 1…2…Victoria kicks out. Luna quickly heads back to the top rope, but Victoria meets her up there and throws Luna off the top rope! Luna struggles to get to her feet, but Victoria runs her right over with a clothesline. Victoria sets up for a powerbomb, but Luna hits a hurricanrana! Luna heads back up top, but the Luna Ecplise misses! Victoria grabs Luna and hits Widow’s Peak, 1…2…3.

Winner: Victoria via pinfall in 2:12 (Retains)

grabs a kendo stick from under the ring and begins to beat Luna down. Victoria begins to choke Luna out with the stick, before Daffney slides into the ring and begs her to let Luna go. Victoria does so, but looks very angry at Daffney about it. Daffney cries as she follows Victoria up the ramp.


Little Guido:
“Hey, Total Impact. Let me ask you somethin’. Chi cazzo credi di essere? You three think you’re a big deal? The New World Order paid us a pretty penny to take you guys out. Now if you’re looking for us, we ain’t at RISE. As much as we love New York City we had business to take care of. But we’ve been invited to Nitro. So if you three wanna fight, we’ll give you a fight. Be there! And if you want a message, here’s a message for you!”

The camera cuts to Big Daddy Vincenzo and Johnny Stamboli beating the hell out of Spike Dudley and Tommy Dreamer.

Little Guido: “And by the way Sandman…when we find you, you’re on the list too!”


Joey Styles:
“We’re back live. I don’t know what Raven’s deal is but he’s built quite the faction hasn’t he, Tazz?”

Tazz: “No kidding. But I wonder, what’s he doing? What’s his plan? It’s not clear to me.”

Joey Styles: “Before our main event, we have a big match for next week. Mick Foley has made another #1 Contender’s Match, this one for the ECW World Television Championship. Super Crazy, Shelton Benjamin and Perry Saturn will go at it in a triple-threat, that’s one-fall, to see who gains a shot at Rey Mysterio Jr.

Tazz: “That’s gonna be a great one, Joey. This match tonight too, I understand it’s also one-fall.

Joey Styles:
“That’s right and let’s get to the ring. One fall to a finish, the winner gets a shot at Rob Van Dam and the ECW World Heavyweight Championship!”

#1 Contender’s Match for the ECW World Championship – One Fall
AJ Styles vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Jerry Lynn

Eddie quickly realizes that Styles and Lynn are going to team up on him and leaps outside of the ring, clearly wanting no part of the tag team champions. The crowd gets on Eddie, which distracts him enough for Styles to backflip over the top rope and hit him Fosbury Flop! Styles rolls Eddie back into the ring, but Lynn baseball slides him right back out. Styles tosses Eddie back in again. Backbreaker from Lynn, and Styles comes flying off the top rope with a legdrop! Lynn tosses Eddie over the top rope and now the tag champions stand face-to-face! They quickly slap hands then circle one another. Hammerlock by Lynn takes Styles down, but Styles nips up and armdrags Lynn. Lynn trips Styles but misses an elbow. Styles misses a standing somersault splash. Styles sidesteps a Lynn dropkick and poses to the crowd…but Lynn just clotheslines him down!

Lynn chops Styles hard, then sends him off the ropes. Styles ducks a clothesline and goes for a flying headscissors, but Lynn holds onto his legs and hangmans him across the top rope! Lynn plants Styles with a brainbuster! Cover, 1…2…Eddie drags Lynn to the outside and rams him into the guardrail. Eddie punches down on Lynn, then moves out of the way as Styles goes for a springboard swan dive that takes out Lynn! Eddie slides back into the ring and plays to the crowd. Styles tries to make his way back into the ring and gets Eddie with a shoulder to the midsection from the apron. Sunset flip is countered by Eddie who drops to his knees…and he holds the ropes, 1…2…Styles still manages to kick out. Eddie sends Styles off the ropes and pops him up, only for Styles to come down with a perfect hurricanrana! 1…2…Eddie shoves him off right into Lynn, who was on the apron. Eddie dropkicks Styles, who ends up sending Lynn flying into the guardrail!

Eddie gets a leg grapevine on Styles as he tries to eliminate him from the match the old fashioned way. Styles kicks his way free. Styles misses a single leg dropkick. Eddie grabs the foot and goes for the Lasso From El Paso, but Lynn is back in and dropkicks Eddie. Lynn sends Eddie off the ropes and goes for the backdrop, but Eddie puts on the breaks and lifts Lynn over his head to lock in the Gory Guerrero Special! Eddie has it locked in the center of the ring as Lynn looks to escape, but can’t break free! Styles helps Lynn out with the Pelé Kick! Styles tries to lock Eddie in the Styles Clash, but Styles is surprised by Lynn who hits him with a bridging German Suplex! 1…2…Eddie cuts Lynn’s foot out from under him to break the pin. Eddie grabs Lynn and hits him with a vertical suplex. He then swivels the hips and hits a second one. One more time as Eddie completes the trifecta…just to get booted by Lynn. Lynn goes for a Tornado DDT, but Eddie shoves him off coming down. Lynn runs at him, but Eddie catches him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.

Styles gets Eddie with a rising enzugiri! Styles grabs Eddie by the arm, but then climbs up to the top rope (not the corner), and backflips, catching Eddie coming down with a DDT! Styles covers Eddie, 1…2...Lynn hits Styles with a basement dropkick to break that up. Lynn chops Styles, then props him on the top turnbuckle. Styles kicks him away, but Lynn is right back and chops Styles. Lynn climbs to the top and Styles does all he can to block…but Lynn hits the superplex! Eddie was waiting as he’s on the top rope and immediately Frog Splashes Styles! Eddie tosses Lynn to the outside and covers Styles, 1…2…3!

Winner: Eddie Guerrero when he pinned Styles in 14:35

Eddie Guerrero
backs up the ramp victorious and pointing to his head…not realizing that Rob Van Dam has snuck up behind him. Guerrero turns and RVD hits him with a spin kick. RVD yells that he’ll “see Guerrero at Cyberslam!” as RISE goes off the air!


Quick Results

World Women’s Championship

Victoria © pinned Luna Vachon (Retains)

Triple-Threat Match: #1 Contender for the ECW World Championship
Eddie Guerrero defeated AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn when he pinned Styles


WCW World Champion

Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)

ECW World Champion
Rob Van Dam (Defeated Brock Lesnar on 8-4-02)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

ECW Television Champion
Rey Mysterio Jr. (Defeated Eddie Guerrero on 7-11-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Outsiders (Defeated Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant on 7-7-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Tajiri (Defeated Super Crazy on 7-13-02)

World Women’s Champion
Victoria (Defeated Jazz on 7-18-02)

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WCW Worldwide
August 10, 2002
First Union Arena
Wilkes-Barre Township, PA

Scott Hudson
: “Hello everyone, Scott Hudson here with Mike Tenay. I hope you’re all ready for some Tag Team Action as we have two big tag team matches today. The first is a Four Corners style match where the first fall will result in victory, and the second is between two veteran tag teams.”

Mike Tenay: “
This first match-up features four teams looking to make their mark in different ways. Christian York and Joey Matthews, a young, hot team affiliated with ECW, look to find a big win and get to the next level. Shane Helms and Elix Skipper, two competitors who have come together out of respect to make a name for themselves. There’s American’s Most Wanted, Chris Harris and James Storm, a new team who has already made their mark and are looking to rise in the ranks. Lastly, we have Disco Inferno and Alex Wright, former WCW World Tag Team Champions, looking for another run up top.”


Four Corners – One Fall
Alex Wright and Disco Inferno (w/Brian Christopher) vs. Elix Skipper and Shane Helms vs. America’s Most Wanted vs. Christian York and Joey Matthews

York and Wright lock-up, and York hits an armdrag. They lock-up again and jostle for position, with Wright pushing York back to his (Wright’s) corner. Punches and kicks from Wright. Hard chop from Wright, followed by a European uppercut. Disco tags in, leading to Wright and Disco pummeling York. They sent York off the ropes, but York ducks a double-clothesline and Skipper gets a blind tag. Disco and Wright hit York with a double back elbow, but Skipper takes then both out with a springboard missile dropkick! Disco tries to hip toss Skipper, but Skipper lands on his feet, gets a kick and gets a swinging neckbreaker on Disco. Cover, 1…2…Chris Harris runs in to break up the count. Helms runs in and leaps over his teammate Skipper, then dives over the top rope at Harris! Skipper turns around and gets booted by Disco. Disco spikes Skipper with a piledriver. Cover, 1…2…Helms runs in and stomps the back of Disco’s head to break the count.

James Storm tags Skipper and runs over Disco with a flying forearm. Inverted atomic drop stuns Disco, and Storm follows up with a neckbreaker. Cover, 1…2…Wright comes in to break up the count and chops at Storm. Harris gets a tag on Storm and attacks Wright. Storm lifts Wright up in a hanging vertical suplex, and Harris shoves them down. Helms comes flying off the top rope with a splash on Wright! Storm punches away on Helms, but York and Matthews sneak up behind him and hit a double back suplex. Helms and Skipper hit York and Matthews with double dropkicks. Disco and Wright attack Helms and Skipper from behind. Disco holds up Helms, but Helms moves as Wright goes for a clothesline. Helms gets Wright in the wheelbarrow position…and Skipper follows with the AST, the All-Star Takedown! Skipper covers Wright, 1…2…3!

Winners: Shane Helms and Elix Skipper when Skipper pinned Wright in 7:00


Scott Hudson
: “In just three weeks, Cyberslam will take place at the Key Arena in Seattle, WA. History will be made, as for the first time, the fans will get to decide what happens!”

Mike Tenay: “Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for an exciting couple of weeks as we embark on a journey where the power lies in your hands! For the first time ever, matches will be formed through a fan vote vias the internet. You have the opportunity to decide the match stipulations and the competitors who will step in the ring! The question isn’t quite who will come out on top, but who will you give the opportunity to come out on top, and what type of match will you decide they must overcome?”

Scott Hudson: “I understand that this Monday on Nitro, we will learn more about the WCW World Championship Match for Cyberslam. Make sure to tune in this Monday Night!”

Mike Tenay: “Also this Monday, Six-Man Tag team action. The Full-Bloodied Italians, no more than mercenaries for the New World Order, will send three of their members to take on Mike Awesome, Lance Storm and Chris Candido.”

Scott Hudson: “We’ve also been informed that at Cyberslam, this issue between the NWO, FBI and Total Impact will come to a head in a match. Also guaranteed for Cyberslam: a battle royal that will grant the winner a shot at the US Championship. The US Title match will take place on the Pay-Per-View as well.”

Mike Tenay: “
We’ll cover next week on Worldwide how Cyberslam is shaping up. Make sure to be there nonetheless, September 1, 2002!


The Faces of Fear vs. William Regal and Fit Finlay

Finlay and Barbarian throw haymakers at one another right away. Finlay continues hitting European uppercuts, backing Barbarian into the corner. Finlay sends Barbarian into the opposite corner, but Finlay runs into a big boot. Barbarian tries for another one, but Finlay ducks and gets a basement dropkick to the knee. Finlay tags in Regal, and Barbarian tags in Meng. Regal gets a wristlock but Meng responds quickly with a stiff forearm smash to the face. Headbutt staggers Regal. Meng sends Regal off the ropes but Finlay gets a tag that Meng doesn’t see. Shoulder block knocks Regal down, but Meng turns right into Finlay’s European uppercuts. Knife-edge chops follow, but Meng stops Finlay’s momentum with a thrust punch to the throat! Big headbutt knocks down Regal, and Meng tags the Barbarian back in. Barbarian goes for a gutwrench toss to Finlay, but Finlay fights out of it and hits a chop block, targeting the same knee from earlier.

Finlay tags Regal back in and they hit a double suplex on Barbarian. Cover from Regal, 1…2…Barbarian kicks out. Regal moves to the knee, stomping on it then slamming it against the canvas. Regal tries for the Regal Stretch, which beat Barbarian a couple of weeks ago, but Barbarian refuses to submit and Meng eventually comes in and breaks up the hold. Regal walks into a spinebuster from Barbarian, leaving both men down. Barbarian makes the tag and Meng hits Regal with rapid strikes in the corner. Finlay tries to save, but ends up avalanching his partner. Headbutt knocks Finlay out of the ring, then Regal walks right into a devastating Samoan Drop! Cover, 1…2…Finlay gets back in and breaks up the pin. Barbarian attacks Finlay, and suddenly all four men are going at it! Barbarian gets a huge powerslam on Regal, but for whatever reason the referee is focused on getting Barbarian out of the ring and not Finlay. Finlay slams Meng down with the Celtic Cross and rolls Regal on top of Meng. 1…2..Meng surprises Finlay as he gets the shoulder up!

Finlay argues with the referee, allowing Barbarian to pull Finlay under the bottom rope. Both men brawl on the outside as referee Billy Silverman tries to stop them. In the ring Meng catches Regal with the Tongan Death Grip! Regal tries to break free…before going to the tights and nailing Meng with the brass knuckles! Regal hides the knuckles back in his tights and gets his arm on Meng, 1…2…3!

Winners: William Regal and Finlay when Regal pinned Meng in 9:02

As Finlay and Barbarian brawl to the back, Regal waves to the crowd, proud of his cheap victory. But he doesn’t see an angry Meng get back to his feet! Regal turns around back into the Tongan Death Grip, this time forcing Regal to the canvas! Meng stands tall over Regal as Worldwide comes to a close!


Quick Results

Four Corners – One Fall

Elix Skipper and Shane Helms defeated Disco Inferno and Alex Wright, America’s Most Wanted, and Christian York and Joey Matthews when Skipper pinned Wright

William Regal and Finlay defeated The Faces of Fear when Regal pinned Meng


WCW World Champion

Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)

ECW World Champion
Rob Van Dam (Defeated Brock Lesnar on 8-4-02)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

ECW Television Champion
Rey Mysterio Jr. (Defeated Eddie Guerrero on 7-11-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Outsiders (Defeated Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant on 7-7-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Tajiri (Defeated Super Crazy on 7-13-02)

World Women’s Champion
Victoria (Defeated Jazz on 7-18-02)

Roster Updates

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WCW Monday Night Nitro
August 12, 2002
Nationwide Arena
Columbus, OH

Mike Tenay:
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night Nitro1 Tonight, we will look to get a clearer picture of the WCW World Championship match for Cyberslam. The anticipation is high, and we can’t wait to see who will step up and seize the opportunity to become champion. Don, I know you have something exciting to add to that?”

Don West: “Well Mike, you say you can’t wait to see who’s going to step up? We know who’s going to step up. Kurt Angle is going to step up! But let me tell you Mike I’m pumped for a couple of tag team matches we have set tonight. These two young guys, Shane Helms and Elix Skipper, they’re hungry, and they’ll meet their toughest test to date, William Regal and Fit Finlay. Also, Christian and Rene Dupree takes on Kidman and Test! You know Kidman and Test are gunning for that US Title!

Mike Tenay:
“It’s going to be one heck of a night Don!”


Elix Skipper and Shane Helms vs. William Regal and Fit Finlay

Skipper and Helms surprise Regal and Finlay by attacking right away. They send Regal and Finlay off the ropes and hit a double dropkick! Regal slides to the outside as Helms and Skipper get a double drop toe hold, then a double elbow drop on Finlay. Double suplex from Skipper and Helms. Skipper and Helms wait for Finlay to get back to his feet…but Regal pulls Skipper to the outside. Helms runs at Finlay and goes for a crossbody, but Finlay catches him and gets a kidney breaker. Finlay tags in Regal and they beat the hell out of Helms in the corner with European uppercuts. Regal locks in a stump puller on Helms, further wearing him down. Regal releases, only to beat down Helms with hard forearms. Regal tags Finlay back in, and Finlay quickly locks in a rear naked choke.

Helms fights his way back to a vertical base, but Finlay hits a couple uppercuts and some hard chops, stifling Helms. Helms ducks a clothesline though, and follows up with a leaping enzugiri! Helms dives and tags in Skipper as Finlay tags Regal back in! Skipper gets an armdrag on Regal. Then another one. Then a third! Flying head scissors sends Regal flying! Skipper sprongboards off the turnbuckles with a twisting crossbody! 1…2…Regal kicks out. Spinning heel kick sends Regal to the outside. As he and Finlay regroup, Helms and Skipper come off the ropes and hit stereo flying dives over the top rope! Skipper rolls Regal back into the ring and heads to the top rope. Regal gets back to his feet, and Skipper hits the moonsault! 1…2…Regal just kicks out!

Skipper tags Helms back in. They go for the All-Star Takedown, but Regal escapes by elbowing Helms in the face. Finlay comes up from behind Skipper and hits a German suplex. Regal sets up Helms and hits a double underhook suplex! Cover, 1…2…Helms kicks out! Regal misses a clothesline that hits Finlay, and that allows Skipper to pull the top rope down and send Finlay over the top rope. Helms comes up behind Regal and tries for the Vertebreaker, but Regal shifts his weight and both men fall to their side. Referee checks with Helms as Regal goes into the tights for the brass knuckles! Skipper springboards off the top rope, right into the Power of the Punch from Regal! Helms tries to roll-up Regal, 1…2…Regal pushes him off into the ropes and Helms runs right back into Regal’s brass knuckles, of course when the referee was checking on Skipper! Regal tags in Finlay, who plants Helms with the Celtic Cross! 1…2…3!

Winners: William Regal and Fit Finlay when Finlay pinned Helms in 9:28

and Finlay celebrate up the ramp…when they are attacked by The Faces of Fear! Meng and Barbarian pound away on Regal and Finlay and leave them lying on the ramp before officials break them up!


We cut to a parking lot with graffiti all over it.

Little Guido: “Tonight, we’re gonna show Total Impact that they ain’t nothing compared to the FBI. Those three asinos, they’re nothin’ to us, capisce? Tonight, we put an end to this little group.”

Johnny Stamboli: “It’s not just about winning, it’s about defending our turf! ECW is our turf. And we’re willing to beat you up in a WCW ring, as long as the checks clear, to defend that turf!”

Big Daddy Vincenzo interrupts, and for a moment, Little Guido and Johnny Stamboli look afraid.

Big Daddy Vincenzo: “You know once I was a king. I was a Harlem Knight. I was a heavy for a Ministry. It wasn’t until Little Guido here showed me my true heritage. When I realized I was a Full-Blooded Italian, it was then where I felt my true strength was unlocked. Total Impact is trying to take that from me, from us. If they want that to happen, they gotta go through me. I don’t like their chances!”

Little Guido: Total Impact, tonight, you’ve got the Bull. You’ve got Big Daddy, and of course…you’ve got Big Sal. The FBI is putting Total Impact out of business, one hit at a time. Prepare for a beatdown you’ll never forget. Arrivederci!”


We return to Nitro…and here comes Kurt Angle to a thunderous applause!

Kurt Angle: “Let’s not waste any time and cut to the point. Triple H, I beat you guy. A few weeks ago Curt Hennig and I went at it in a Steel Cage. After I came off the top of the cage with a moonsault, I finished Hennig off. Now, Triple H, now I’m coming for you. You still have my WCW World Championship! You’ve beaten some big names, sure. You even got the better of me, even though you needed your NWO goons to help. Well I’m ready for anything. The next time I’m in the ring with you for the WCW World Championship, I’m going to make you tap out no matter who gets involved! I’m at max intensity, I’m at max intelligence and I’m at max integrity! Your days as WCW World Champion are numbered, Triple H. Oh it’s true, it’s damn true! So come out here now, and let’s do this!”

Kurt Angle paces in the ring, waiting for a response.

Kurt Angle: “Hey, I can do this all night Triple H. I’m getting my title shot….”

“CAN YOU DIG IT…SUCKAAAAA?!” It’s Booker T! Booker T makes his way down to the ring and confronts Angle.

Booker T: “Whoa, whoa, hang on a second there Kurt Angle, just one second dawg. Kurt, you know I have big time respect for you. But you’ve had your chances at the title. I’m the five-time, five-time, FIVE-TIME WCW Champion! And it’s time that the Bookerman gets his chance at a sixth! Now I ain’t got nothin’ against you, Kurt. I know how great you are. We’ve done the dance in this ring and I’m sure we’ll do it again. But it’s my time now sucka.”

Kurt Angle: “Is that right? Look, I can’t deny your history with the WCW World Championship. But you wanna talk about the times we fought in this ring? Okay. Trivia time Booker. Who did I beat to win my first WCW World Championship? Time’s up! That’s correct, it was Booker T!”

Booker T: “Oh you want to play that game, huh? Well trivia time for you. Who did I beat to become the FIVE-TIME WCW World Champion!? I ain’t giving you a time limit because I beat you down so bad that night you ain’t forget it. That’s right, I beat you, Kurt Angle!

Kurt Angle: “Alright, let’s fast-forward. Why don’t you remind everyone here what happened at Starrcade last year?”

Booker T: “You know what, yeah. You were the better man that night. And it took me nine months to crawl back through the ranks to get back in this spot. So let’s fast-forward one more time to right now, where I beat your ass and become the #1 Contender! How about that, sucka?”

Kurt Angle: “You, that feels like a good idea to me!”

Angle and Booker get in one another’s faces…when The New World Order arrives! Triple H is flanked by Eric Bischoff, Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Sean O’Haire.

Eric Bischoff: “Well isn’t this rich. I guess it wouldn’t be Nitro if Kurt Angle wasn’t out here asking for his millionth title shot! And Booker T suddenly thinks he’s worthy to even be in the ring with you, Hunter! Ha!”

Triple H: “What else do you expect from the Olympic cry-baby! Ever since I beat his ass for the WCW World Championship it’s been the same story. Angle, when are you gonna get it through your head that you’re not in my league? As for you Booker T. The five-time…five-time…five-time has-been! I don’t know how you think beating K-Kwik in a match entitles you to a shot at The Game, but it’s not going to happen. Your days as champion are long over. Let’s get out of here, Eric. Neither of these guys are worth the time.”

“HERE COMES THE MONEY!” WCW Owner Shane McMahon has arrived!

Shane McMahon: “Let’s hold on just one second there, Triple H. In three weeks, WCW and ECW present Cyberslam, the first-ever interactive Pay-Per-View in the history of our business! And you can be damn sure that the WCW World Championship will be on the line! The way I see things, Booker T and Kurt Angle, both of you are more than worthy challengers. But we’re going to let the fans decide at Cyberslam who gets the shot! Fairness is fairness though, you’re both going to have to earn it. Tonight, in that very ring. Angle, you’re going to go one-on-one with Scott Hall! And Booker, you’re gonna take on Sean O’Haire! You win your matches, you will be one of the challengers that can be voted for to take on Triple H for the WCW World Championship at Cyberslam!”

Both Angle and Booker T like the sound of that.

Shane McMahon: “But we’re not done yet. I think one more guy deserve this opportunity. The same opportunity that you, Booker T and you, Kurt Angle have tonight. And that guy I’m talking about is Diamond Dallas Page! Tonight, same stipulation. It’s DDP against Kevin Nash! Good luck Triple H!”

Triple H looks at all of his NWO teammates, realizing that how they perform tonight may determine how difficult it will be for him to retain the WCW World Championship at Cyberslam!

Mike Tenay: Diamond Dallas Page vs. Kevin Nash? Booker T vs. Sean O’Haire? Kurt Angle vs. Scott Hall?” All to be eligible for a shot at the WCW World Championship at Cyberslam?

Don West:
“We’re in for a wild night, Mike!”


Christian and Rene Dupree vs. Billy Kidman and Test (w/Torrie Wilson)

Christian and Kidman start. Christian stalls, before getting Kidman with a thumb to the eye. Christian punches away at Kidman, but when he sends Kidman off the ropes Kidman catches him with a flying crossbody block. Quick cover, 1…2…Christian kicked out. Armdrag from Kidman. And a second armdrag. Christian misses a clothesline and Kidman catches him with a dropkick. Christian backs away and tags in Dupree, and Kidman tags in Test. Test and Dupree lock-up and Test gets the advantage with a knee to the midsection. Test sends Dupree off the ropes and catches a Dupree clothesline attempt, turning it into a Full Nelson slam! Cover, 1…2…Dupree kicks out. Test pummels away at Dupree. He sends Dupree into the corner. Test goes for an elbow smash into the corner, but Christian moves Dupree out of the way and makes the tag.

Christian chopblocks Test, then stomps away at the knee. Christian shifts his focus to the back of Test, driving his knee repeatedly into the back. Christian tags Dupree back in, who stomps some more on Test’s back before posing for Torrie, who looks disgustedly on. Dupree then locks in a bearhug. Test writhes in pain, but finds the strength to punch his way out of the bearhug. Dupree tries to take control by punching back, but when he comes off the ropes Test surprises him with a Big Boot before going down! Both men lay in the middle of the ring, crawling to their corners. Dupree gets the tag to Christian, but Test tags in Kidman!

Kidman is all over Christian, hitting him with a couple of hip tosses, then a springboard bulldog headlock! Christian tries to get some offense in, but Kidman can’t be stopped and hits Christian with the BK Bomb! 1…2…Christian kicks out. Hurricanrana connects for Kidman. Christian gets back to his feet and surprises Kidman with a boot to the midsection, then sets up for a powerbomb. Kidman counters the powerbomb with a facebuster and heads to the top rope. Shooting Star Press is countered as Christian gets his knees up! Christian tags Dupree back in, who lifts Kidman up in a Torture Rack! Test immediately breaks that up and pounds away on Dupree. Christian runs in with the US title belt, but Test takes him out with the Big Boot! The referee tries to get Christian out of the ring as Test wallops Dupree with the US title! Kidman heads back to the top rope, Shooting Star Press! 1…2…3!

Winners: Billy Kidman and Test when Kidman pinned Dupree in 9:05

hugs Kidman as Kidman and Test celebrate. Test holds up Christian’s US title…and also looks a little jealous of Kidman as he continues to cuddle Torrie.


cuts backstage, where we see Stacy Keibler rubbing Diamond Dallas Page’s shoulders. DDP looks focused as he prepares to take on Kevin Nash tonight for a shot at the WCW World Championship. DDP suddenly stands up as The Giant walks into his locker room.

The Giant: “I just want to make this clear to you. I’m not happy that I wasn’t given a chance tonight to be a part of the WCW World Championship match at Cyberslam. But you’ve had my back, so I’ve got yours tonight. But just know, Dallas, you get that title. I’m coming for you.”

Diamond Dallas Page: “You got it big man. You don’t need to be all intimidating about it. I win the belt, you’ll get a shot, I promise you that!”


If Kurt Angle Wins, He Is Eligible for a WCW World Championship Match at Cyberslam
Kurt Angle vs. Scott Hall (w/X-Pac)

Hall cockily walks up to Angle and throws his toothpick in his face! Angle takes exception to that and takes Hall down immediately and punches away at him! Hall escapes to the outside and Angle doesn’t give him a moment. Angle slams Hall into the steps before rolling him back into the ring. Hall stumbles into the corner and Angle mounts him with punches. The crowd counts to ten, but Hall finally counters with an atomic drop. Big clothesline from Hall knocks down Angle. Hall stomps away at Angle, but Angle catches one of them and takes Hall down. Angle goes for the Ankle Lock, but Hall grabs onto the bottom rope and escapes to the outside again. Angle again follows him. Hall runs around the ring and Angle gives chase…only to be blindsided by X-Pac! X-Pac takes Angle out with a spinkick and rolls Angle back into the ring.

Hall grabs a rear chinlock as he tries to wear Angle down. Angle gets back to a vertical base and sends Hall off the ropes before getting in his own headlock, but Hall quickly hits a belly-to-back suplex. Hall laughs at Angle before picking him up and hitting a fall away slam! Cover, 1…2…Angle kicks out. Hall goes back to the chinlock, even putting his feet on the bottom rope foe leverage. Angle again fights back and this time he breaks free with punches. Angle and Hall trade shots in the center of the ring, but Angle misses one and Hall gets a shot to the ribs. Hall puts Angle on the top turnbuckle, facing the crowd. Hall goes for another belly-to-back suplex, this time off the second rope, but Angle flips over Hall and hits him with a German Suplex!

Hall gets back to his feet and takes a wild swing at Angle, but Angle ducks and he hits another German Suplex! Angle quickly grabs the ankle of Hall and locks in the Ankle Lock! X-Pac gets on the apron and Angle quickly releases Hall. Angle brings X-Pac in the hard way and beats the hell out of him. X-Pac tries to fire back, but that just leads to Angle evading a punch and hitting him with the Angle Slam! Hall kicks Angle and looks to steal the win. He gets Angle up for the Outsider’s Edge…but Angle is able to escape by landing on his feet behind Hall!. Angle locks Hall’s arms and drops him down in a backslide, 1…2…3!

Winner: Kurt Angle via pinfall in 9:22

As Angle celebrates his victory, we cut back to the NWO locker room. Triple H shoves a table away and shakes his head, frustrated that Angle may gain another title shot.


If Booker T Wins, He Is Eligible for a WCW World Championship Match at Cyberslam
Booker T vs. Sean O’Haire

Booker fires away at O’Haire to get the match started. O’Haire fires back with big right hands. O’Haire tries to send Booker off the ropes, but Booker twists the arm and gets a knee to the midsection. Booker teases the Scissors’ Kick but O’Haire backs away quickly. O’Haire and Booker lock-up and O’Haire gets right hands. O’Haire misses a clothesline though, and Booker hits him with a roundhouse kick. Cover from Booker, 1…2…O’Haire kicks out. Booker punches and kicks O’Haire before sending him off the ropes. Booker goes for a backdrop, but O’Haire leaps over him with a sunset flip! 1…2…Booker kicks out. Booker misses a jumping Harlem sidekick, and O’Haire nails Booker with the Ridge Hand! That stops Booker as O’Haire locks in a rear chinlock with control of the match.

O’Haire transitions into a front facelock and pushes Booker to the corner. Booker counters a whip and sends O’Haire into he corner, but O’Haire leaps to the top rope and backflips over Booker! Booker turns around into a roundhouse kick! Cover, 1…2…Booker kicks out. O’Haire hits Booker with continuous knees to the midsection, then tosses him out of the corner like he’s nothing! Booker gets back to his feet, but in a dazed state. O’Haire sets him up for a vertical suplex…but drops Booker on his back instead of finishing the move! Another cover, 1…2…Booker kicks out. O’Haire grabs Booker’s head and snapmares him over, then kicks him hard in the back! O’Haire wrenches the neck of Booker, wearing him down. Booker gets in some elbows and gets back to his feet, but O’Haire hits a stiff forearm. O’Haire comes off the ropes, but Booker ducks a flying clothesline attempt and nails O’Haire with a Harlem sidekick! Both men are left down on the canvas!

O’Haire and Booker trade shots as both men struggle to get to their feet. O’Haire hits the ropes and ducks a Booker clothesline, but Booker nails him with a back elbow! Hook kick from Booker staggers O’Haire! High angle back suplex from Booker! Cover, 1…2…O’Haire just kicks out. Booker spins around looking for a kick, but O’Haire surprises him by lifting Booker over his head and slamming him to the canvas. O’Haire says “that’s it”…also Big Bossman is making his way down to the ring. O’Haire lifts Booker up for The Prophecy, but Booker elbows O’Haire in the face to escape. Booker then drives O’Haire down with a spinebuster! Booker T covers, 1…2…Bossman puts O’Haire’s foot on the bottom rope. Booker starts yelling at the Bossman as Bossman slides his nightstick into the ring to O’Haire! O’Haire tries to hit Booker, but Booker kicks it out of his hand…then hits O’Haire with it himself! Referee Charles Robinson was distracted by Bossman! Booker covers O’Haire, 1…2…3!

Winner: Booker T via pinfall in 10:28


Backstage, Triple H is irate and goes nuts, furious about Kurt Angle and Booker T’s victories. HHH walks up to Kevin Nash.

Triple H: “This is ridiculous. Kevin, you better take care of DDP or else!”

Kevin Nash: “Hey, hey, listen. Calm down. First of all, I don’t care who you are, you don’t get in my face and talk to me like that. Now you know I’m going to take care of business against Page. But Hunter, you need to realize you don’t control us. We’re your friends and we’re trying to accomplish something here. You get in my face again, and maybe Big Sexy makes a play for the big belt.”

Eric Bischoff gets in-between Nash and HHH, and HHH backs off.

Triple H: “You’re right, you’re right. I know you got this. It’s just been a frustrating night so far. Let’s take care of DDP.”

HHH and Nash do shake hands in a friendly manner before Nash walks off. Anger returns to HHH’s face though, and he looks at the WCW World Championship belt before we cut back to the ring.


Total Impact (Mike Awesome, Chris Candido, and Lance Storm) (w/Dawn Marie) vs. The Full-Blooded Italians (Johnny “The Bull” Stamboli, Big Daddy Vincenzo, and Big Sal E. Graziano) (w/ Little Guido)

Storm starts with Stamboli. Storm moves around the ring and Stamboli decides to be aggressive in chasing him. That proves to be a mistake as Storm catches Stamboli with a superkick. Storm repeatedly kicks Stamboli before tagging in Awesome. They send Stamboli off the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Awesome sets Stamboli up for an Awesome Bomb but Big Sal comes into the ring and attacks Awesome. Awesome punches away at him and hits him with a flying shoulder block to send him to the outside, but Big Daddy Vincenzo runs in and squashes Awesome in the corner. Chris Candido makes the tag. He comes off the top rope with a clothesline to Vincenzo, but that barely moves the monster.

On the outside Tracy Smothers and Tony Mamaluke have come down and attacked Storm! Storm tries to fight them off as Little Guido helps with the triple team. Awesome attacks all the interfering FBI members, but gets body tackled by Big Sal. Sal then splashes Awesome on the floor! In the ring Candido punches and kicks Vincenzo, but it’s not showing to be effective. Candido comes off the ropes…and runs right into a 568 pound Samoan drop! Cover, 1…2…Candido somehow manages to get a shoulder up. Storm slides into the ring and catches Vincenzo with a superkick. Storm comes off the ropes again, but Vincenzo catches him with a bearhug. Big Sal comes into the ring and they squash Lance Storm in a 1200 pound sandwich! Dawn Marie yells in support from the apron, but one look from Vincenzo scares her off. Little Guido chases her around the ring, but Dawn escapes through the crowd. Vincenzo and Big Sal hold Candido down as Stamboli leads to the top rope and hits a flying legdrop! Cover, 1…2…3!

Winners: The Full-Blooded Italians when Stamboli pinned Candido in 4:58

Big Daddy Vincenzo
and Big Sal drop splashes on Storm and Candido until Mike Awesome slides back into the ring. Awesome gets some shots in, but the FBI mostly escape unscathed. Storm is left with internal bleeding as blood comes from the mouth, and Candido holds onto his ribs in pain.

Mike Tenay: “I gotta say that was a bit of an upset, and just look at the damage the FBI left!”

Don West: “I mean, those are two mean 600 pound men with a bunch of guys with mean streaks. The FBI should be taken seriously, Mike!


If Diamond Dallas Page Wins, He Is Eligible for a WCW World Championship Match at Cyberslam
Diamond Dallas Page (w/Stacy Keibler) vs. Kevin Nash

DDP grabs a side headlock and Nash immediately sends him off the ropes and hits a back elbow. Nash tries to follow up with some punches, but DDP ducks them all and hits jabs. DDP staggers Nash with right and left hands. Nash misses another wild shot, and DDP continues to hit punches. Nash finally stops DDP with a knee to the midsection. Big forearm sends DDP through the ropes onto the apron, and Nash elbows him off, sending DDP flying into the barricade! Nash heads to the outside and picks up DDP, dropping him throat-first onto the barricade! Nash violently whips DDP into the steel steps, and already DDP is in a lot of trouble. Nash rolls DDP back into the ring and buries his knee in DDP’s gut repeatedly, then chokes him with his boot in the corner. Big forearm knocks DDP down as Nash stands tall early on.

Nash props DDP up in the corner and taunts him by measuring his next move…then smashing DDP with a big elbow. Nash picks up DDP for Snake Eyes, but DDP slides behind Nash and unloads with hard punches. DDP switches his strategy and starts to kick Nash’s legs. DDP knocks Nash down with kicks to the knee. DDP pulls Nash between the ring post, putting him in the wishbone position and slams the knee against the ring post! DDP does it a second time! Nash uses the power in his legs to push DDP off, then crawls back into the middle of the ring. Nash tries to get to his feet, but DDP chopblocks him. Nash again tries to get to his feet, and DDP runs right into a thunderous sidewalk slam from Nash! Cover, 1…2…DDP kicks out. Nash limps around the ring, trying to get the feeling back into his leg. DDP fires some shots at Nash, but Nash knocks him down with a big forearm that sends DDP on the ropes. Nash then drops all 320 pounds on the back of DDP, hanging him on the second rope.

Nash pounds away on DDP and sends him off the ropes, nailing him with a big boot! Nash goes for another cover, 1…2…DDP kicks out again. Nash picks up DDP and drops him face first on the top turnbuckle, hitting snake eyes. Nash sets DDP up for the Jackknife, but DDP punches at the knee of Nash to escape. Russian legsweep from DDP! Cover, 1…2…Nash powers out. DDP calls for the end and goes for the Diamond Cutter, but Nash shoves him off right into referee Billy Silverman! Nash sets DDP up for the Jackknife, but DDP lands on his feet behind Nash. Nash turns around and DDP gets the Diamond Cutter! DDP makes the cover but Silverman is still down! Here comes Triple H, sledgehammer in hand! HHH slides into the ring as DDP backs into the corner. The Giant is right behind Triple H and grabs the sledgehammer from him! Giant throws the sledgehammer down and grabs HHH by the throat…allowing Scott Hall to run in and bash him (Giant) with the sledgehammer! DDP runs at Hall, but Hall nails him with a sledgehammer shot as well, then puts Kevin Nash on him! Hall takes the sledgehammer and gets Triple H out of the ring as Silverman comes to, 1…2…3!

Winner: Kevin Nash via pinfall in 12:03

rolls to the outside as he, Triple H and Scott Hall walk up the ramp victorious, knowing at least they eliminated one of Triple H’s potential title contenders. It may have not been the best night for the New World Order, but Nitro goes off the air with a win for them nonetheless.


Quick Results

William Regal and Fit Finlay defeated Shane Helms and Elix Skipper when Finlay pinned Helms

Test and Billy Kidman defeated Christian and Rene Dupree when Kidman pinned Dupree

If Kurt Angle Wins, He Is Eligible for a WCW World Championship Match at Cyberslam
Kurt Angle pinned Scott Hall

If Booker T Wins, He Is Eligible for a WCW World Championship Match at Cyberslam
Booker T pinned Sean O’Haire

Johnny Stamboli, Big Daddy Vincenzo, and Big Sal E. Graziano defeated Mike Awesome, Lance Storm, and Chris Candido

If Diamond Dallas Page Wins, He Is Eligible for a WCW World Championship Match at Cyberslam
Kevin Nash pinned Diamond Dallas Page


WCW World Champion

Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)

ECW World Champion
Rob Van Dam (Defeated Brock Lesnar on 8-4-02)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

ECW Television Champion
Rey Mysterio Jr. (Defeated Eddie Guerrero on 7-11-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Outsiders (Defeated Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant on 7-7-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Tajiri (Defeated Super Crazy on 7-13-02)

World Women’s Champion
Victoria (Defeated Jazz on 7-18-02)

Roster Updates



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Glad Booker T is moving into the world title picture and the segment with Angle was the highlight of the night. But then you go and do my man DDP like that AND my boys Total Impact, what the heck!

Enjoying the build to Cyberslam. Will be interesting to see how the voting dynamic works out.
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August 15, 2002
Erie Civic Center
Erie, PA

A low-rider arrives, as the #1 Contender for the ECW World Championship, Eddie Guerrero is here! His nephew, Chavo Guerrero Jr., is waiting for him.

Eddie Guerrero: Chavito, Chavito!

Chavo Guerrero Jr.: “What the hell, Eddie?”

Eddie Guerrero: “What, what’s the matter homes?”

Chavo Guerrero Jr.: “Last week, I heard you out there, you blamed me for losing against Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles at Anarchy Rulz? You’re the one who walked out!”

Eddie Guerrero: “Hey man, look. I didn’t mean to do that, you know. I was just trying to say the right thing to get me a title shot. But you know what, Chavito? Instead of taking out your frustration on me, why don’t you take it out on someone useful. You want to waste your energy on me? We need each other! We’re familia!”

Chavo Guerrero Jr.: “Okay, okay, you’re right. I’ll show you something tonight!”

Chavo walks off as Eddie shakes his head, before smirking to the camera.

Danny Doring and Roadkill vs. Shane Helms and Elix Skipper

Danny Doring and Shane Helms stand face to face. They talk some trash to one another before Doring slaps Helms in the face. Helms takes exception and punches away at Doring. Helms goes for a hip toss, but Doring blocks and goes for one himself. Helms lands on his feet though and hits a hurricanrana. Doring is sent reeling into his corner as he tags in the 300 pound Roadkill. Helms locks up with Roadkill but Roadkill is too strong as Roadkill powers Helms into the corner. Big headbutt from Roadkill. Roadkill tosses Helms out of the corner. Helms quickly gets back to his feet and Roadkill goes for a tackle, but Helms leapfrogs him and Roadkill crashes into the corner. Drop toehold by Helms and a tag to Skipper. Helms holds Roadkill down and Skipper hits a flying legdrop off the top rope! Cover, 1…2…Roadkill powers out with authority.

Skipper comes flying at Roadkill off the ropes but Roadkill catches him…and tosses Skipper over the top rope with a Fall Away Slam…sending Skipper all the way to the floor! Doring comes off the apron with an axhandle smash onto Skipper. Helms comes over and attacks Doring…as Roadkill heads to the top rope! Roadkill comes flying off onto Helms and Doring! Roadkill sends Skipper back into the ring. Roadkill climbs the ropes (not the turnbuckles) and comes down with a splash on Skipper! 1…2…Skipper somehow kicks out!

Joey Styles: “Unbelieve the agility the 320-pound Roadkill has, Tazz!”

“He’s shown that since his days in the House of Hardcore, Joey!”

Roadkill pounds away on Skipper before tagging in Doring. Roadkill sends Skipper off the ropes and hits a Samoan Drop as Doring climbs to the top rope…flying elbow drop connects! Cover, 1…2…Skipper kicks out again, showing great resilience! Roadkill comes back in as Doring holds Skipper up, but Roadkill accidentally runs over Doring as Skipper jumps out of the way! Tag to Helms! Helms dropkicks Doring! Dropkick to Roadkill! Helms hits Doring with a hangman’s neckbreaker! He goes for a flying headscissors, but Roadkill holds him in place instead and drops him with a sidewalk slam! Roadkill jumps up to the second rope and looks to finish Helms, but Skipper does a rope walk, ending with an avalanche hurricanrana on Roadkill!. Doring tries to clothesline Helms but Helms blocks, hooks the arm and lifts Doring backwards…dropping him with the Vertebreaker! Helms covers, 1…2…3!

Winners: Shane Helms and Elix Skipper when Helms pinned Doring in 9:04


Joey Styles:
“What a start to ECW RISE tonight!”

Tazz: Helms and Skipper, Joey, those two have a bright future!”

Joey Styles: “Tonight, we have a crazy triple-threat match to determine the #1 Contender for the ECW World Television Championship, Saturn, Shelton Benjamin and Super Crazy will get it on!”

Tazz: “I gotta tell ya, Joey, I like Saturn in that one. He’s shown a new attitude since breaking up with Kronus.”

Joey Styles:
“Plus tonight, we will have an in-ring confrontation between ECW World Champion Rob Van Dam and the #1 Contender, Eddie Guerrero!”


We return to RISE and find the Sandman in what appears to be an abandoned building.

The Sandman:
“Look you Italian punks. Don’t worry about trying to find me. Spike and Tommy, you did a good number on them, but even they don’t know where I am right now. You guys got paid to wine and dine with the New World Order as long as you do their dirty work, eh? Well I’ve had enough of that shit. Now give me enough beers and I’ll fight as many men as there are in front of me, but I ain’t stupid. I know if I fight any of ya shitbags, the rest of you are gonna come and beat me up. Look I’ve been beat up before, and I’m sure I’ll get beat up again, but I didn’t become the Hardcore Icon because I ran away from a fight. I got that name because one-on-one, give me and man and I’ll kick his ass. So you, new guy, Stamboli. Tell your friends to back off. Be a man, and next week, prove yourself against the Hardcore Icon! Prove yourself against The Sandman!

We immediately cut to the FBI’s locker room. Little Guido seems to be trying to reason with Johnny Stamboli

Johnny Stamboli: “Yo, I got this man. I accept Sandman’s challenge. I don’t need you guys to beat his ass. You gotta trust me on this one, man. Sandman, you better be ready. I’m gonna whip your ass on RISE next week, one-on-one, just how you want it. Then you ECW losers need to realize that you need to start putting some respect on the Full-Blooded Italian’s name! Capice?”


ECW World Television Champion Rey Mysterio Jr.
makes his way to the commentator’s desk and joins Joey Styles and Tazz.

#1 Contender for the ECW World Television Championship – One-Fall
Saturn vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Super Crazy

Saturn attacks Crazy right off the bat, pounding away at him in the corner. Saturn misses a clothesline though and Crazy hits him with a dropkick. Crazy runs at Saturn but gets hit with a hard clothesline. Benjamin attacks Saturn and takes him down with a hip toss. Benjamin tries to get a side suplex, but Saturn looks to counter for his own side suplex. They end up wrangling one another and spilling out of the ring…allowing Crazy to hit the ropes and hit a space flying tiger drop over the top rope onto both of them! Crazy slides Benjamin back into the ring. Springboard crossbody connects! Cover, 1…2…Benjamin kicks out. Crazy runs towards the corner and tries another flying crossbody off the turnbuckles, but Benjamin catches him and slams him down. Crazy quickly gets back up but Benjamin takes him out with a superkick! Cover, 1…2…Saturn comes in with a chair and bashes Benjamin across the back!

Saturn hits Benjamin a couple of more times with the chair until Crazy hits a spinning heel kick that sends the chair right into Saturn’s face! Crazy quicky leaps on Saturn, 1…2…Saturn kicks out. Crazy springboards off the top rope, but he’s caught by Saturn and gets dropped on his head with a Sambo Suplex! Saturn places the chair on Crazy’s facespringboard twisting legdrop smashes Crazy’s face under the steel! Saturn goes for the cover, but Benjamin quickly attacks him and they both go flying over the top rope via a Benjamin clothesline. Benjamin and Saturn continues to trade blows on the outside. Benjamin sends Saturn into the steel guardrail, but when Benjamin charges at him he gets backdropped into the crowd! Saturn hops over the railing and he and Benjamin go at it through the crowd. Super Crazy recovers from getting his face smashes and takes a different route towards Benjamin and Saturn…in this case, he’s one balcony above them! Crazy risks it all leaps off the balcony with a moonsault onto Saturn and Benjamin on the floor!

Joey Styles:
"Oh, Dios Mío!"

Rey Mysterio Jr.:
“Man I like to take risks and all but Super Crazy, that’s taking it to another level there.”

Crazy does look like he may have hurt himself on the way down as Saturn and Benjamin are actually the first to crawl their way back to ringside. Crazy tries as well, but he’s clearly hurt his ribs. Saturn and Benjamin trade blows in the ring as Crazy does back. Crazy goes for a springboard moonsault off the top rope, but Saturn catches him this time and brings him down with an armbar. Benjamin breaks that up and hits Saturn with a flying kick. Benjamin sets Saturn up for the T-Bone Suplex…but suddenly C.W. Anderson runs down and attacks Benjamin! Anderson plants him with a spinebuster before tossing him to the outside and pounding away at him. Saturn levels Crazy with a big clothesline, the locks in the Rings of Saturn…but that’s broken up by John Kronus! Kronus goes to work on his former partner! Saturn tries to hit Kronus with a chair, but Kronus ducks and spin kicks the chair in Saturn’s face! Anderson pulls Kronus to the outside and they start brawling. Crazy sees a chance to win here and heads to the corner for the Triple Moonsaults. He hits the first! He leaps up to the second rope…and is suddenly hit with the Green Mist by Tajiri! Tajiri stomps away on Crazy…

Rey Mysterio Jr.: “I ain’t gonna let this happen!”

Here comes Rey! Rey springboard dropkicks Tajiri! Mysterio continues his attack on Tajiri before Chavo Guerrero Jr. attacks him! Chavo beats the hell out of Rey! In a rarity for ECW, referee John Finnegan tosses the whole match out.

Winner: No Contest at 12:49 due to interference

Chavo Guerrero Jr.
continues his assault on Rey Mysterio Jr. Rey tries to fight back, but Chavo gets a kick and plants Rey in the middle of the ring with a Tornado DDT! Chavo runs off as Shelton Benjamin gets back into the ring, realizing the match has been called off.

Tazz: “I don’t think we have a winner here, Joey?”

Joey Styles:
“No we don’t, this is something that Commissioner Mick Foley is going to have to sort out!”


ECW World Champion Rob Van Dam
makes his way out to the ring to a huge pop…a pop that quickly turns to boos when Eddie Guerrero makes his way out to the ring.

Eddie Guerrero: “Hey, Rob! ¿Cómo estás, amigo? I’m here to remind you, ese, that I know how to beat you. Your days as ECW World Champion are numbered!”

The crowd is clearly behind one man…



Rob Van Dam:
“Listen, Eddie. I don’t know what makes you think you can take the ECW World Championship away from me. In a one-on-one setting, but hey, many have tried. And I get it. I mean who doesn’t want to be part of the main event of the show. But the piece of the puzzle you’re missing, Eddie, is that I’m the Whole Fuckin’ Show!

Eddie Guerrero: “Oh really? Let me explain something to you, Rob. My family, mi familia, we started the show, ese! There’s no show for you to be without the Guerrero Family! You think you can jump around the ring like you’re something special, and you are good Rob, don’t get me wrong. But I was born in that life. You better make sure to tell the fans of your show to bring an air conditioner. Bring some water to cool off. Because Latino Heat is going to light the “whole fuckin’ show” on fire and take the ECW World Championship!

“Wreck” plays as Commissioner Mick Foley makes his way to the ring.

Mick Foley: “Let’s get this ball rolling, let’s cut to the chase. I’ve brought both you, Rob Van Dam and you, Eddie Guerrero, out here for a specific reason. In seventeen days you two will meet for the ECW World Championship at the first ever fan-interactive Pay-Per-View in wrestling history, Cyberslam! You, the fans will get a chance to influence the ECW World Championship match. You, at home, will get a chance to decide on the stipulation that Eddie and Rob will have to adapt to win what I feel is the most important championship in pro wrestling! I’ve brought Eddie and Rob out here because I would like to have each of you provide one of the potential stipulations for each match. As challenger, Eddie, I’d like you to go first.”

Eddie Guerrero: “You know, this is the biggest match of my career. You want to play lucha-libre Rob? You want to live in my world for real? You think I can’t beat you straight up? Well here’s the perfect match to prove you wrong, ese! I’d like to submit the Mexican Strap Match for Cyberslam! If the people allow it, I’m gonna whip you like a dog and take your ECW World Championship!

Mick Foley: Mexican Strap Match on the board! Rob?”

Rob Van Dam: “Well, Eddie, I’m always looking to put on a show. Now I can tell you that I pinned you. And you’ll say, even though it was a three-way, that you pinned me. So we already proved that. So let’s take this to the next level. Understand Eddie, no one gets higher than Rob Van Dam! You wanna get up here to my level? Then climb up the steps, climb up the steps of a ladder and go ahead and try and take my ECW World Championship!

Mick Foley: Ladder Match it is! Now, as the Commissioner, I’m going to throw in a little curveball here. Let’s add one more stipulation to the pot! We have great options already. The Mexican Strap Match. The Ladder Match. But I believe the ECW World Champion needs to be the toughest out there. The way to prove that is, by the end of the match, being the last man standing! That’s what I’m adding! The Last Man Standing Match! Best of luck to both of you!”

Commissioner Foley leaves the ring. Rob Van Dam walks up to Eddie Guerrero and does his taunt right in Eddie’s face…with the crowd following along…


Chavo Guerrero Jr.
runs out and attacks Rob Van Dam! Los Guerreros beat the hell out of RVD before Rey Mysterio Jr. runs out. Rey looks to get revenge on Chavo from earlier in the night, but Chavo and Eddie get the upper hand once again. But then the lights go out…

When they come back on, Los Guerreros stop their attack as Sabu stands across the ring with a chair! Sabu throws the chair at Eddie, but Los Guerreros escape before Sabu can do any damage. Sabu then picks up Rey’s ECW World Television Championship…and begrudgingly hands it to Rey as Rob Van Dam collects himself as well. RVD, Rey and Sabu stand tall as RISE goes off the air!


Quick Results

Shane Helms and Elix Skipper defeated Danny Doring and Roadkill when Helms pinned Doring

Triple-Threat Match: #1 Contender for the ECW World Television Championship
Perry Saturn, Shelton Benjamin, and Super Crazy wrestled to a no-contest due to interference


WCW World Champion

Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)

ECW World Champion
Rob Van Dam (Defeated Brock Lesnar on 8-4-02)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

ECW Television Champion
Rey Mysterio Jr. (Defeated Eddie Guerrero on 7-11-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Outsiders (Defeated Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant on 7-7-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Tajiri (Defeated Super Crazy on 7-13-02)

World Women’s Champion
Victoria (Defeated Jazz on 7-18-02)

Roster Updates

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