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August 1, 2002
Asbury Park Convention Hall
Asbury Park, NJ
Mick Foley: “Hey, Fonzie! It’s good to see you!”
Bill Alfonso: “Mick, I just wanted to come by and thank you for giving these opportunities to Sabu and Rob Van Dam this Sunday. Rob is on his way now.”
Mick Foley: “Of course. These are great matches that the ECW fans are going to love! And I want to make sure that Rob gets his fair shot inside the Barbed Wire Steel Cage, so I’ll be at ringside just to ensure nothing happens out here that affects what happens in that ring.”
A knock is heard on Foley’s door.
Bill Alfonso: “That’s probably Rob now.”
It’s not Rob Van Dam, but Shelton Benjamin who makes his way into Foley’s office.
Mick Foley: “Shelton Benjamin! What can I do for you?”
Shelton Benjamin: “How about anything? Look, this Sunday you’ve got Brock taking on Van Dam for the title. That ain’t right. First of all, I can beat Brock, hell I trained Brock! And I can beat RVD any time, any place. I’m tired of waiting my turn. I’m taking it, starting tonight!”
Bill Alfonso: “You think you can beat Mr. Pay-Per-View? You don’t stand a chance, daddy!”
Shelton Benjamin grabs Bill Alfonso just as Rob Van Dam walks in.
Rob Van Dam: “Hey, what’s the deal man?
Shelton Benjamin: “You got something you don’t deserve and that I want! The title shot, this Sunday, Anarchy Rulz. It should be me in that cage against Brock, not you!”
Rob Van Dam: “Is that right. Look, Shelton, you’re good man. But when I pinned Brock Lesnar back at Slamboree, I remember you were on that team too. But hey, I’m Rob Van Dam, I give the people what they want. And of course, they want to see RVD in action. I don’t run from a challenge so you want my title shot? Beat me tonight and take it!”
Shelton Benjamin: “Ha, you’re on!”
Joey Styles: “Hello everyone and welcome to ECW RISE and wow Tazz, Rob Van Dam tonight puts his Anarchy Rulz title shot on the line against Shelton Benjamin!”
Tazz: “That’s a crazy move. I mean the match is only three days away!”
Joey Styles: “Here comes the champ and with him of course is Paul Heyman.”
Paul Heyman: “I must say congratulations to Shelton Benjamin for finally showing some fire. Brock and I wish him the best of luck in the match with Rob Van Dam tonight. Of course, this match tonight is a bit of a monkey’s paw situation. What do they win? A Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match with this monster, Brock Lesnar! So be careful what you wish for gentlemen. Because you’re gonna get it! Now, as the most dominant ECW World Heavyweight Champion in history stands in front of you, I ask you all to finally accept that the future of ECW isn’t Rob Van Dam. It’s not Shelton Benjamin. Not Sabu. It’s Brock Lesnar…”
Suddenly, an official is thrown through the entrance way!
Paul Heyman: “What the hell is going on back there?”
Shockingly, Bam Bam Bigelow walks through the entrance and he heads to the ring with a purpose. We’re in Bam Bam’s hometown, so the crowd pops huge when they see him.
Paul Heyman: “May…may we help you?”
Bam Bam Bigelow: “Every week for seven months I have to hear your ass say “oh, Brock Lesnar beat Bam Bam Bigelow. He beat the “Beast From the East”.” Well no more of that shit! You think you the big monster here Brock? Well it’s time to prove it one more time boy! This is my home town, New Jersey is my state! I’m gonna go main event in the barbed wire cage on Sunday after I take that title from you! Let’s go boy!”
Brock Lesnar walks up to Bam Bam Bigelow as Paul Heyman begs Brock to not accept the challenge. Lesnar stares intensely at Bigelow, before stepping back and laughing!
Bam Bam Bigelow: “That’s how it’s gonna go? Come on!”
Bigelow piefaces Lesnar! This changes Brock’s demeanor, and he demands the referee in the ring, Jim Mollineaux start a match. Bigelow demands that it’s for the title, and Lesnar says that he’s on!
*clap clap clap*
*clap clap clap*
*clap clap clap*
ECW World Championship
Brock Lesnar © (w/Paul Heyman) vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
Bigelow and Brock meet in the middle of the ring and go to blows! They end up punching at one another and rolling under the bottom rope…but they never stop punching one another until Bigelow gets a headbutt! Bigelow presses Lesnar over his head and drops him throat first onto the steel railing! Bigelow pounds away on Lesnar on the outside and sends him flying into the ringpost, busting Lesnar wide open! Heyman tries to get in Bigelow’s way and Bigelow just shoves him into the timekeeper. Bigelow takes a chair from the crowd and throws it on the downed Lesnar. Bigelow then takes another chair and does the same. Then a third! Then a fourth! And a fifth! Lesnar ends up buried in chairs as Bigelow slides back into the ring with a table and roars at the crowd, who are all behind him!
Lesnar pops up from the sea of chairs and brings one into the ring. He swings at Bigelow but misses, and Bigelow catches him with a dropkick! Splash from Bigelow, 1…2…Lesnar just kicks out! Bigelow hits a falling headbutt on Lesnar. Bigelow props Lesnar in the corner and throws him into the center of the ring! Bigelow heads to the top rope, looking to finish off Lesnar…but Lesnar throws a chair up as Bigelow looks to land a flying headbutt, which catches Bigelow in the face! Lesnar takes the chair and wallops Bigelow over the head, splitting him wide open! Lesnar stomps the hell out of Bigelow in the corner, then tosses him across the ring with a belly-to-belly suplex! Bigelow gets to his feet, but Lesnar hits him so hard with a clothesline that Bigelow spins in the air before crashing to the canvas. Lesnar takes the chair and bases Bigelow over and over on his body. Lesnar then sets up the table.
Lesnar sets up Bigelow for a powerbomb, looking to drive him in the table, but Luna Vachon runs down and leaps on Lesnar’s back! Lesnar grabs Luna by her hair and flips her over, slamming her on the canvas! Lesnar puts Luna on his shoulders…and plants her with he F5! Bigelow runs right at Lesnar and smashes him into the corner with all his weight. Lesnar stumbles out and Bigelow picks him up on his shoulder…and drops him with Greetings From Asbury Park! Bigelow covers Lesnar, 1…2…no! Lesnar kicks out and Bigelow can’t believe it! Bigelow picks Lesnar up again, but Lesnar slides behind Bigelow. Bigelow turns around and Lesnar hits him with a spinebuster through the table! Lesnar aggressively picks Bigelow up…and hits the F5! 1…2…3!
Winner: Brock Lesnar via pinfall in 10:00 (Retains)
Brock Lesnar takes the chair and pounds away on Bigelow some more until Mick Foley runs down. Lesnar threatens to hit Foley, but Foley tells Brock that he’ll take the title if he even tries it. Lesnar wipes the blood off his face and walks off with Heyman, raising the title over his head. Foley asks for help for Luna and Bigelow.
R-Killa: “Bookerman! If you thought what I did to your brother on Nitro was something, just you wait. Harlem Street Fight, three days from now, I’m going to expose to the world what a phony the whole Harlem Heat deal is, and I’m gonna beat you down like a dog! And then I’ll move on and become the World Champion while you watch, as then your family will have a man they can look up to wrestling on national TV!"
Eddie Guerrero: “Jerry Lynn? AJ Styles? You two need to realize that I paved the way for both of you. It was me, it was Chavito, fighting night in and night out, making names for ourselves in WCW. AJ, you think just a bunch of flashy moves means you can get by in this business. What you don’t have that me and Chavito have is heart…and a little Latino Heat too! AJ, go ahead, fly around! Everyone who flies eventually crashes and burns. And you Jerry, yeah, in that ring you’re pretty good. And you’ve been doing this for a long time now, we can respect that. But come on, compared to a Guerrero there’s nothing special about you Jerry Lynn. There’s more to being a star than just come in and doing a few suplexes. You gotta have that star appeal, vato, and that’s what you lack. AJ, Jerry, bring your best game, because Los Guerreros, we’re ready for you, and we will be ECW World Tag Team Champions by the end of Anarchy Rulz! Viva La Raza!”
Bill Alfonso: “Rey Mysterio, you may think you’re the king of the high-flying world, but you’ve never faced anyone like Sabu, baby! Yeah, you’ll both fly, but you just take risks. Sabu? He’s suicidial. He’s homicidal. He’s genocidal. And he will stop at nothing to hold ECW gold again. The one title he’s never won? The ECW World Television Championship, daddy! And he’s hungry. Sabu is coming for you Rey. This will be the most insane match-up you ever see, and you’re in for the longest night of your life, Rey!”
Rey Mysterio: “I’ve always had to step up in every situation. Every time people told me I couldn’t win. Sometimes it was because I was too small. Or I wasn’t strong enough. Or I wasn’t technically as sound. But what I always had was heart. Sabu, I may have never faced anyone like you, but like I always do, I will overcome. I will figure it out. I worked my whole career to win a major singles title in the United States and I did that when I beat Eddie Guerrero for this World Television Championship.” Sabu, you think you can rip me apart? You wouldn’t be the first to try. And you won’t be the first to fail. When it’s all said and done, I’m walking out of the Meadowlands TV Champ!”
The Sinister Minister: “Raven, oh Raven. It is time that our journey concludes. Mortis is the master of macabre, the embodiment of darkness and evil. You can recite all the poetry you’d like Raven, but none of that is going to help you when Mortis sends you to the underworld by burying you six feet underground. And Raven, while you will survive and one day climb back to the world of the living, the darkness lurking in the shadows will always be around the corner. Mortis is the harbringer of your doom, and he shall be forever. Hahahahaha!”
#1 Contender for the ECW World Championship
Rob Van Dam vs. Shelton Benjamin
Rob Van Dam gets right in Shelton Benjamin’s face and does his signature taunt…but Benjamin punches RVD right in the face! Benjamin hits RVD with punches and forearms in the corner. Benjamin sends RVD into the opposite corner and charges after him for a monkey flip, but RVD blocks and puts Benjamin on the top turnbuckle. RVD leaps up the ropes and hits Benjamin with a flying karate kick, sending Benjamin to the floor. RVD comes off the ropes and flies over the top rope with a somersault plancha…but Benjamin hits him in midair with a chair! Benjamin sends RVD into the railing, but RVD backdrops him into the crowd when he charges in! RVD gets a full head of steam and leaps over the guardrail onto Benjamin and into the crowd! RVD hops back over the guardrail and into the ring. He heads up to the top rope…and leaps off with a somersault dive into the crowd onto Benjamin!
Joey Styles: “Oh my god! He’s out of his freakin’ mind!”
RVD drags Benjamin back to the ring. RVD goes for the split-legged moonsault, but Benjamin gets his knees up. Spinning heel kick knocks RVD down and Benjamin quickly covers, 1…2…RVD kicks out. Benjamin sets RVD up and powerbombs him in the center of the ring! Benjamin heads out to the apron, and hits RVD with a springboard elbow drop off the top rope! Cover, 1…2…RVD just kicks out again. Benjamin heads to the outside and grabs a chair, then wedges it between the top and second turnbuckles. Benjamin grabs RVD and throws him right into the chair! RVD stumbles backwards and Benjamin hits him with a bridging German suplex, 1…2…RVD kicks out once again to Benjamin’s frustration. Benjamin takes RVD and looks for the T-Bone, but RVD punches Benjamin in the ribs to break free. RVD misses a roundhouse kick, and Benjamin hits one of his own.
Benjamin drags RVD to the corner before heading up to the top…450 Splash is countered as RVD gets his knees up! RVD and Benjamin struggle to get to their feet as Benjamin reaches for the chair. Benjamin has it, but RVD pops up and hits the Van Daminator! RVD lands on Benjamin, 1…2…Shelton Benjamin kicks out of the Van Daminator and now RVD doesn’t know what to do! RVD waits for Benjamin to get back to his feet. He throws him the chair but Benjamin ducks the Van Daminator. Benjamin misses the chair shot, and RVD hits the Van Daminator on the second try! RVD leaps up to the top rope, Five Star Frog Splash connects! Cover, 1…2…3!
Winner: Rob Van Dam via pinfall in 10:02
As soon as RVD gets to his feet he gets smashes by the chair swung by Brock Lesnar! Lesnar quickly puts RVD on his shoulders…but Sabu runs in to make the save! CW Anderson runs into attack Sabu…then Rey runs down too. Los Guerreros attack Rey, but AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn save Rey! Before we know it the whole ECW roster is out brawling.
Joey Styles: “Anarchy Rulz has started tonight! We’ll see you Sunday!”
Quick Results
ECW World Championship
Brock Lesnar © pinned Bam Bam Bigelow (Retains)
#1 Contender for the ECW World Championship
Rob Van Dam pinned Shelton Benjamin
WCW World Champion
Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)
ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)
WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)
ECW Television Champion
Rey Mysterio Jr. (Defeated Eddie Guerrero on 7-11-02)
WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Outsiders (Defeated Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant on 7-7-02)
ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)
World Cruiserweight Champion
Tajiri (Defeated Super Crazy on 7-13-02)
World Women’s Champion
Victoria (Defeated Jazz on 7-18-02)
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