WCW/ECW 2001 and Beyond - The Alliance Lives

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WCW Worldwide
June 15, 2002
Family Arena
St. Charles, Missouri

Scott Hudson
: “Welcome to Worldwide! We’re just two days away from a huge Nitro where we will see a twenty-man battle royal to determine who will face WCW World Champion Triple H at Clash of Champions next Saturday.”

Mike Tenay: “
In our opening contest today Scott, we have Chuck Palumbo in action. Palumbo will be in the battle royal on Monday and will probably be looking for revenge against Sean O’Haire.”


“Wildcat” Chris Harris vs. Chuck Palumbo

Palumbo and Harris jostle for position before Harris hits the ropes…and gets run over by Palumbo. They lock-up again and Harris grabs a side headlock. Palumbo shoots Harris off the ropes again and again runs right over him with a shoulder tackle. Palumbo sends Harris off the ropes again, but Harris sidesteps a backdrop and gets a kick. Harris tries to send Palumbo off the ropes but Palumbo reverses and for the third time shoulder tackles Harris down! Harris gets a thumb to the eye, then punches away at Palumbo. Harris locks in another side headlock, but Palumbo sends him off the ropes, leapfrogs Harris, then gets a full rotation powerslam! Cover, 1…2…Harris kicks out! Harris escapes to the outside to buy some time.

Palumbo heads to the outside and catches up to Harris and they trade shots on the floor. Palumbo sends Harris back into the ring, but this allows Harris to attack Palumbo as he gets back into the ring. Palumbo tries to fire back with a wild punch, but Harris ducks and gets a belly-to-back suplex. Harris punches and kicks Palumbo, then hits an Inverted Atomic Drop. Harris follows up with a clothesline that knocks Palumbo down. Cover, 1…2…Palumbo kicks out. Harris goes for a slam, but Palumbo counters into an inside cradle, 1…2…Harris just breaks free! Harris drops kicks Palumbo down and locks in a rear chinlock!

Palumbo fights his way back to a vertical base and breaks free of Harris. Both men trade punches before Harris gets sent off the ropes. Palumbo misses a clothesline and Harris catches him with a belly-to-belly suplex! Cover, 1…2…Palumbo just kicks out. Harris heads to the top rope…and hits a flying cross bodyblock! 1…2…Palumbo again kicks out. Harris and Palumbo again trade shots. Harris ducks one of them, but gets hit with the Jungle Kick from Palumbo! 1…2…3!

Winner: Chuck Palumbo via pinfall in 6:19

Postmatch, Palumbo says to the camera “I’m coming for you Sean.”


Elix Skipper vs. The Hurricane

Hurricane poses, but runs into an armdrag from Skipper. Hurricane gets serious and takes Skipper down. Hurricane goes for a quick cover but Skipper bridges upward to escape. Skipper gets aggressive and kicks away at Hurricane. Hurricane ducks a roundhouse kick and Hurricane nails him with a haymaker. Thesz Press from Hurricane and he follows up by punching away at Skipper. Skipper reverses an Irish whip, but Hurricane counters a hip toss into a fireman’s carry and drops Skipper onto his knee! Cover, 1…2…Skipper kicks out. Dropkick from Hurricane sends Skipper to the outside. Baseball slide knocks Skipper into the railing!

Hurricane runs at Skipper, but Skipper hotshots Hurricane throat-first into the railing! Skipper brings Hurricane back into the ring and sets him up…and hits a reverse suplex that impales Hurricane on the top rope. Hurricane crashes to the floor, but tries to get back to his feet. Skipper comes over the top with a corkscrew Plancha! Skipper brings Hurricane back into the ring and Hurricane tries to get back to his feet via the ropes. Skipper attempts to leap on Hurricane, but Hurricane moves and Skipper gets tangled in the ropes! Hurricane heads to the top rope and hits Skipper with a flying crossbody! 1…2…Skipper kicks out. Hurricane grabs Skipper by the throat to finish him off, but Skipper counters into a double underhook suplex! Hurricane tries to get to his feet, but Skipper quickly hits the Primetime Overdrive! 1…2…3! Skipper with the upset victory!

Winner: Elix Skipper via pinfall in 5:48

Elix Skipper
runs up the ramp celebrating as Hurricane is stunned in the ring. Hurricane rips off his mask and spikes it on the canvas as he heads up the ramp.


Mike Tenay
: “During the break Scott ran up to talk to Hurricane and about his actions in the ring a few moments ago.”

Scott Hudson: “Hurricane, Hurricane, a quick word.”

The Hurricane: “Yeah? What?”

Scott Hudson: “Well, we saw you take off the mask. What’s next for The Hurricane?”

The Hurricane: “You know I thought it would be a dream to play superhero out here, but ever since the Hurricane was born it’s been a tough year. I don’t know. It was fun at first, you know? But then I lost Molly and the BWO are doing their own thing. And I can’t buy a win you know? Maybe it’s time to take some things a little more seriously. Anyway, I don’t want to mess up the rest of the show. I’ll see you later Scott.”


Rene Dupree w/Christian vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

Dupree shows off his power advantage by shoving Rey into the corner, but he misses a big punch and Rey gets kicks to the knee. Rene already shows some frustration and runs at Rey, only to get hit with a drop toehold. Dropkick to the knee from Rey. Rey continues to smartly attack the knees, but Dupree stops him and whips him into the corner. Dupree charges but gets a foot to the face. Rey mounts Dupree in the corner and punches away, but Dupree shoves him off and Rey’s throat gets caught up on the top rope! Dupree uses this moment to pose to the crowd, but Christian yells at him to get back on Rey.

Big clothesline from Dupree and a cover, 1…2…Rey kicks out. Dupree locks in a front chinlock before draping Rey on the ropes and choking him there. Referee pushes Dupree back, allowing Christian to continue choking Rey. Christian then poses to the crowd, but Kidman comes down and attacks him! Dupree jumps to the outside and attacks Kidman. Dupree gets back in and gets hit with a flying headscissors from Rey! Rey heads to the top rope, but Christian shoves him off, leading to the DQ!

Winner: Rey Mysterio Jr. via DQ in 4:04 when Christian interfered

grabs a chair which chases Christian and Dupree off, as he and Rey stare them down with Worldwide going off the air.


Quick Results

Chuck Palumbo pinned Chris Harris

Elix Skipper pinned The Hurricane

Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Rene Dupree by DQ when Christian interfered


WCW World Champion

Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

ECW Television Champion
Rob Van Dam (Defeated Eddie Guerrero on 6-9-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Dudley Boyz on 3-11-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Super Crazy (Defeated Eddie Guerrero on 5-13-02)

World Women’s Champion
Jazz (Defeated Molly Marvel on 4-14-02)

Roster Updates

Chris Harris
– “Wildcat” did wrestle a bit for WCW before the sale to the McMahons.
Last edited:


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WCW Monday Night Nitro
June 17, 2002
Savvis Center
St. Louis, MS

Jeremy Borash:
Triple H! Triple H! After the fight against Mike Awesome last week on Nitro, are you ready to defend the title just one week later, tonight, against the Interim President of WCW “Rowdy” Roddy Piper?

Triple H, who was walking towards the ring with Eric Bischoff, turns towards Borash…and bursts out in laughter! Bischoff answers Borash.

Eric Bischoff: “I think we all knew Piper’s ego would get the best of him eventually! I’m going to enjoy this!”

“The Green Hills of Tyrol” is played live as “Rowdy” Roddy Piper comes down to the ring accompanied by players of the Scottish Bagpipes!

Scott Hudson: “Welcome to Nitro! We have a huge show for you tonight. We’re kicking things off with the WCW World Championship match between Roddy Piper and Triple H! But later tonight, we find out who gets the title shot for this Saturday’s Clash of Champions, with a 20 man battle royal taking place!

Mike Tenay: “That’s right Scott! Also, we find out who will face Christian for the US Title this Saturday as Test, Billy Kidman and Curt Hennig go at it in a triple-threat match!”

Scott Hudson:
“Here comes the World Heavyweight Champion, here comes “The Game”!

WCW World Championship
Triple H © (w/Shawn Michaels and Eric Bischoff) vs. “Rowdy” Roddy Piper

Piper attacks HHH as soon as he enters the ring! Piper punches away as HHH shoves him off to create some space. Piper throws right hands then clotheslines HHH over the top rope! Piper goes to the outside and continues his attack, ramming HHH into the barricade. Piper slides HHH back in and hits another right hand before hitting the ropes. HHH tries to backdrop him, but Piper busts out a sunset flip! 1…2…HHH kicks out! Both men get up and the HHH blasts Piper with a clothesline that looked like it killed him. HHH pounds away on the downed Piper. Piper counters an Irish whip, but HHH hits a facebuster on the backdrop attempt. HHH then sends Piper off the ropes and plants him with a spinebuster. Cover, 1…2…HHH brings Piper’s arm up for the “kickout”. HHH argues with referee Charles Robinson, and turns around and gets poked in the eye by Piper!

Piper hits straight jabs and punches to HHH in the corner, but HHH levels him with a big punch. HHH stomps away on Piper before Robinson holds HHH back. Piper gets back to his feet, just to get tripped by Shawn Michaels! HHH goes back to stomping away on Piper. HHH sets Piper up for the Pedigree, but Piper drops to his knees and hits a low blow! Piper goes behind HHH and locks in the Sleeper! HHH tries to fight out as Eric Bischoff jumps onto the apron, leading to Piper to release and take a swing at him. Piper turns back around into a kick from HHH and another Pedigree attempt, only Piper backdrops HHH over the top rope and onto Bischoff! Piper goes to the outside again and slides HHH into the ring and makes the cover, 1…2…HHH kicks out. Piper goes back to the Sleeper, but HHH hits a mule kick for a low blow! This time HHH plants Piper with the Pedigree! 1…2…3!

Winner: Triple H via pinfall in 6:47 (Retains)

continues by stomping away on Piper before Mike Awesome and Chris Candido run down. HHH leaves with the WCW World Title belt before anything else can go down.


Backstage we see Christian watching the monitor backstage. He’s with Rene Dupree. After he laughs about Roddy Piper’s failure to win the WCW World Title, he turns around and runs right into Test. Test tells him tonight’s the first step in finally getting the US Title, and that Christian better be ready this Saturday!


Scott Hudson:
“Coming up, a seven man battle royal that serves as a preview for later on tonight. Originally, Lance Storm was slated to be in the battle royal, but injuries caused not only to him but to Dawn Marie by The Great Muta on RISE changed those plans and left a spot open. The winner of this battle royal will replace Storm.”

Battle Royal: Winner Gets a Spot in the Main Event Battle Royal Later Tonight
Brian Lee vs. Ron Harris vs. Don Harris vs. Finlay vs. Meng vs. Barbarian vs. Jim Duggan

Seven of the toughest men in wrestling go at it. Meng and Brian Lee especially hit each other with vicious shots as they’ve been feuding for weeks now. Barbarian quickly dumps out Duggan (Elimination #1: Duggan by Barbarian). The Harris Bros. beat down on Meng, but Finlay clotheslines both over the top rope, with Don hitting the floor (Elimination #2: Don Harris by Finlay). Brian Lee tries to get Finlay out, but Meng hits him in the back of the head with a hard headbutt then sends him out (Elimination #3: Brian Lee by Meng). Barbarian hits a big boot on Ron Harris, but is attached by Finlay. Meng and Finlay start trading shots in the middle of the ring. Finlay surprises Meng with a dropkick, but Meng ducks a clothesline that hits Barbarian and sends him out (Elimination #4: The Barbarian by Finlay)! Ron Harris tries to take Finlay out, but Meng ends up dumping him out (Elimination #5: Ron Harris by Meng).

Meng and Finlay trade shots, each stiffer than the last. Finlay hits a hard European uppercut then tries to get Meng over the top rope, but Meng holds on and shoves Finlay off. Finlay runs into a big boot from Meng! Hard chop sends Finlay into the corner, and Meng follows with a stiff slap to the chest. Backbreaker from Meng. Meng tries to clothesline Finlay out but misses, and Finlay tries to dump Meng over the top rope! Meng counters with the Tongan Death Grip, to which then he releases and boots Finlay over the top rope!

Winner: Meng when he last eliminated Finlay in 5:51


Scott Hudson:
Mike, lets talk about the return of a WCW tradition, Clash of Champions, airing this Saturday Night on Spike TV!”

Mike Tenay: “As you know, the winner of tonight’s 20-Man Battle Royal will face WCW World Champion Triple H for the title! Also, shortly we will have a one-fall to the finish triple-threat match, where Kidman, Curt Hennig, and Test will do battle to determine who will face Christian for the WCW US Championship. Lastly, recently announced, Jazz puts up the World Women’s Championship against Jacqueline.”

Scott Hudson:
“That’s not all. This Thursday on RISE there will be a special Cruiserweight Gauntlet Match to determine a challenger for Super Crazy’s World Cruiserweight Championship. Also, depending on tonight’s result, if Rob Van Dam does not win the battle royal tonight, he will apparently be defending the ECW World Television Championship. I’m sure more updates will be made available on RISE this Thursday!”


#1 Contender to the WCW United States Championship – One Fall
Billy Kidman (w/Torrie Wilson) vs. Test vs. Curt Hennig (w/Alexis Laree)

Kidman and Hennig go after Test, but Test is able to fight them both off and shoves each of them back. Test catches Hennig with an elbow. He sends Hennig to the corner and follows up with a clothesline. Kidman gets a dropkick that staggers Test momentarily, but Test swats away a second one. Test holds Kidman up in a military press, but Hennig chop blocks him, causing Kidman to crash to the canvas. Hennig works on the knee of Test. Test ends up in a sitting position tending to the knee and Hennig catches him with a somersault cutter! Kidman comes flying off the top rope with a dropkick that hits Hennig and covers, 1…2…Hennig kicks out. Kidman locks Hennig in a side headlock and springboards off the second rope for a bulldog. He turns around into a Test clothesline that sends him spinning in the air! Cover from Test on Kidman, 1…2…Hennig pulls Test off.

Hennig and Test trade blows until Kidman gets them both with a springboard dropkick! This sends Hennig to the floor as Kidman kicks the knee of Test. Test responds with hard punches that send Kidman reeling. Test prepares to finish Kidman with the Big Boot, but Kidman ducks and catches Test with a hurricanrana! Kidman goes for the cover, but Rene Dupree and Christian are out here and Dupree approaches Torrie. Kidman sees this and hits Dupree with a Plancha over the top rope and onto the floor! Test ignore this and gets ready to hit Hennig with a Big Boot, but Alexis Laree holds onto the foot of Test! Test is able to break free of Laree’s grasp, but walks into a kick and a Hennig-Plex! 1…2…3!

Winner: Curt Hennig when he pinned Test in 6:19

slides into the ring to avoid Kidman, but turns around realizing that Hennig has won the match and is standing right behind him. Christian turns around and gets a Hennig-Plex for his trouble! Hennig holds the WCW US Title over his head!



Triple H is at a podium with NWO members sitting at tables around the locker room.

Triple H: “Listen up, listen up. So far, we’ve taken WCW and ECW by storm and we aren’t going to let-up. This battle royal, it’s just a way for Piper or my ex-wife or whomever to find me an opponent that I can’t fully prepare for. And that’s fine. I kicked Piper’s ass tonight. Now it’s time for you to kick ass. We have the best damn wrestler from Japan here in The Great Muta. We have Kevin Nash. Scott Hall. And we have the hottest young star in the business, the future of this company, Sean O’Haire. One of you four need to win tonight!”

Kevin Nash: “Well, and then what Hunter?”

Triple H: “We’ll figure that out then. Let’s just take care of tonight!”

Shawn Michaels: “You heard the man!”

Triple H, Shawn Michaels and Eric Bischoff walk out, but Nash has one more thing to say.

Kevin Nash: “I don’t know if Hunter should want me to win. If I win tonight, I’m winning Saturday.”

Scott Hall: “I’m with you big man.”


A broken down house is shown and the camera slowly pans in. A spider drops down, causing the camera to violently shake. The camera continues to tour the house, showcasing bloody walls. As the camera heads upstairs, familiar screams are heard and get louder and louder, until a massive sign falls from the ceiling. The sign reads:

Daffney and Victoria: A Horror Show Coming To You


Battle Royal: Winner Gets a WCW World Championship Match at Clash of Champions
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Booker T vs. Chris Candido vs. Chuck Palumbo vs. Diamond Dallas Page vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Gangrel vs. The Giant vs. The Great Muta vs. Kevin Nash vs. Mark Henry vs. Mike Awesome vs. Meng vs. R-Killa vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Sean O’Haire vs. Scott Hall vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Stevie Ray

R-Killa jumps Booker T immediately as everyone else but Mark Henry and Stevie Ray get involved. Booker and R-Killa fight on the ropes as Stevie Ray tries to dump Killa, but Mark Henry manages to dump all three of them (Eliminations #1, #2, and #3: R-Killa, Booker T and Stevie Ray by Mark Henry)! The match starts as everyone else goes at it. Meng tries to get rid of Henry, but Henry hangs on. On the outside Booker T and R-Killa go at it through the crowd with Stevie Ray in pursuit! Candido and Awesome double team Muta in the corner until O’Haire makes the save. Guerrero carefully circles the ring to avoid RVD and gets caught by a Mysterio dropkick as a result. Chuck Palumbo finds Sean O’Haire and they start going at it. Gangrel punches away at Meng, but then gets dumped by Benjamin (Elimination #4: Gangrel by Benjamin).

The Outsiders try to get rid of Awesome, but The Giant makes the save and headbutts both Nash and Hall. Giant tries a headbutt on Meng but even that doesn’t work on Meng. Meng hits the Giant with a shoulder tackle, which doesn’t knock him down. Meng tries for another one but gets hit with a big boot for good measure. Henry shows an amazing feat of strength and military presses Bam Bam Bigelow! He sends Bigelow down face first, then clotheslines him over the top rope (Elimination #5: Bigelow by Henry)! Henry shows off, only to turn around into the huge size 22 boot of the Giant! Giant picks up Henry with ease and dumps him, but a good showing for Henry (Elimination #6: Henry by Giant). Mysterio punches away at Nash, but runs into a lowered big boot. Nash sets Mysterio up for a Jackknife, but Mysterio punches away at Nash and knocks him down! Hall hits Mysterio with a hard right to stop his momentum, but then has to eat a spin kick from RVD. Benjamin catches RVD with an enzugiri and tries to toss him, but RVD hangs onto the apron.

O’Haire and Muta pound away on DDP, until Awesome makes his way over and attacks both. Candido stomps away at Muta until Muta nails him in response with a roundhouse kick. Guerrero pounces on Candido and throws him out (Elimination #7: Candido by Guerrero). Guerrero doesn’t realize that Awesome is standing right behind him. Awesome grabs Guerrero by his head and tosses him out (Elimination #8: Guerrero by Awesome). Awesome and Meng trade shots, and Meng sends Awesome into the corner, only for Awesome to leap up the turnbuckles and come back with a flying elbow! Meng gets back to his feet and Nash takes advantage with a huge boot to knock him over the top and out (Elimination #9: Meng by Nash). Guerrero jumps onto the apron and tries to dump out RVD, but RVD fights him off and kicks him off the apron. This allows Muta to nail RVD with a flying kick in the back of the head that sends him out (Elimination #10: RVD by Muta). Big boos for that one! Guerrero runs off as RVD is pretty frustrated by what just happened there.

Palumbo and O’Haire trade blows in the middle of the ring, but both get run over by The Giant. Hall and Nash try to eliminate the Giant, but Giant fights them both off and nearly gets rid of Hall. Benjamin tries to help get rid of Hall, but for whatever reason that seemed to annoy the Giant moreso. Giant presses Benjamin over his head with DDP waiting, and drops him right into a Diamond Cutter! DDP tosses Benjamin (Elimination #11: Benjamin by DDP). Mysterio goes wild on the NWO, hitting Muta with a flying headscissors and O’Haire with a hurricanrana! He catches Hall with a dropkick, but when trying to hit Nash with another flying headscissors Nash stops him in his tracks with a thunderous sidewalk slam! Nash mocks Rey for a moment before realizing the Giant stands right behind him. Giant and Nash trade blows as Hall tosses Rey…only for Rey to skin the cat. Rey hits Hall with a springboard dropkick back into the ring. Rey launches himself at O’Haire, but O’haire catches him and a fall away slam over the top gets rid of Rey (Elimination #12: Mysterio by O’Haire). Palumbo tries to take advantage by getting rid of O’Haire, but O’Haire fights it off and plants Palumbo in the middle of the ring with The Prophecy, and he’s gone too (Elimination #13: Palumbo by O’Haire).

DDP, Giant, Muta, Nash, Awesome, O’Haire and Hall left. Giant and Nash still trade blows with Nash getting the better at the moment. Hall joins in, but Awesome pulls him away and slams him down. Giant then nails Nash with a headbutt. Awesome and Giant then collide and stand toe-to-toe, but Muta catches Awesome with roundhouse kick, knocking him down. Muta dropkicks the Giant but Giant stays on his feet. He tries it again but still no effect. Giant grabs Muta by the throat…only to get hit with the Green Mist! Giant goes down, but as Muta looks at the damage done to the Giant, DDP comes from behind and tosses him out (Elimination #14: Muta by DDP). O’Haire nails DDP with an elbow and then a knee lift to the face. Nash and Hall try to get the Giant out and call O’Haire to come over, but Awesome blasts O’Haire. Awesome throws out O’Haire (Elimination #15: O’Haire by Awesome) as the Outsiders dump the blinded Giant (Elimination #16: Giant by Hall and Nash). Awesome tries to get rid of Nash and Hall as a follow-up, but Hall is able to hang on…but Nash’s feet hit the floor (Elimination #17: Nash by Awesome). Awesome thinks he got both out and turns his attention to DDP, but Hall ends up tossing him from behind (Elimination #18: Awesome by Hall). Hall turns around, almost into a Diamond Cutter, but Hall is able to shove DDP off.

Hall vs. DDP. DDP stands in the corner eyeing Hall, who takes his time. Hall goes for the attack and DDP ducks out of the way and hits Hall with hard punches, then a discus punch for good measure! DDP sends Hall off the ropes and goes for the Diamond Cutter, but Hall holds onto the top rope and there’s no one there for DDP. Hall levels DDP with a clothesline, then picks him up and hits a Fall Away Slam. Kevin Nash comes back down the aisle, but The Giant takes him out from behind! Hall sees this, but he tries to avoid the distraction and sets up DDP for the Outsiders’ Edge! He gets DDP up, but DDP lands on his feet behind him and plants Hall with the Diamond Cutter! Hall staggers to his feet, and DDP clotheslines him over the top rope to win!

Winner: Diamond Dallas Page when he eliminated Scott Hall in 24:18

celebrates inside the ring as The Giant and Nash fight down the aisle! From behind though, Triple H runs in and levels DDP with a blow with the WCW World Title belt! HHH punches away at DDP before the Giant sees what’s happening and runs down, chasing HHH off! HHH and The Outsiders head up the ramp with HHH holding the WCW title above his head as The Giant helps an angered DDP up. Nonetheless, it’s HHH vs. DDP at Clash!


Quick Results

WCW World Championship

Triple H pinned Roddy Piper to retain the title

Battle Royal To Gain Entry Into Tonight’s Main Event
Meng won, last eliminating Finlay

Winner Receives a WCW US Title Match at Clash of Champions

Curt Hennig defeated Billy Kidman and Test when he pinned Test

Twenty Man Battle Royal: Winner Receives a WCW World Title Match at Clash of Champions

Diamond Dallas Page won, last eliminating Scott Hall


WCW World Champion

Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

ECW Television Champion
Rob Van Dam (Defeated Eddie Guerrero on 6-9-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Dudley Boyz on 3-11-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Super Crazy (Defeated Eddie Guerrero on 5-13-02)

World Women’s Champion
Jazz (Defeated Molly Marvel on 4-14-02)

Roster Updates



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June 20, 2002
Faimly Arena
St. Charles, Missouri

Joey Styles: “Welcome to ECW RISE! With two days before Clash of Champions, tonight Tazz we need to find out who will challenge Super Crazy for the World Cruiserweight Championship.”

Tazz: “This thing has some unique rules Joey. It’s like a gauntlet match, but six guys in the ring at once!”

Joey Styles: “Also, it’s been decided at Clash, a rematch from Hardcore Heaven. Rob Van Dam defends the World Television Championship against Eddie Guerrero!”

Tazz: “Word is we’re gonna hear from both men tonight as well!”

Joey Styles: “Lastly, Trailer Park Kash take on Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera, with the winning team to face ECW World Tag Team Champions Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles! But first, let’s go over this Cruiserweight Gauntlet Match. Rules are simple, six men start and you can be eliminated by pin or submission. When someone gets eliminated, someone new comes in. There’s 12 competitors total, the last man standing will face Super Crazy at Clash!”

#1 Contender for the World Cruiserweight Championship – Six Pack Challenge Gauntlet Match
Brian Christopher vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Elix Skipper vs. The Hurricane vs. Kaz Hayashi vs. Little Guido vs. Low-Ki vs. Mikey Whipwreck vs. Prince Iaukea vs. Super Nova vs. Tajiri vs. Taka Michinoku

Skipper, Hurricane, Taka, Hayashi, Whipwreck
and Christopher start. Hurricane and Skipper pick off where they left off on Worldwide. Taka and Hayashi double team Whipwreck in the corner as Christopher uses this time to dance. Skipper and Hurricane stop and watch Christopher dance, but when Christopher turns around Skipper dances a bit himself! Christopher misses a clothesline and runs into the Hurri-Chokeslam from Hurricane! Skipper comes off the second rope with a moonsault on Christopher, 1…2…3! (Elimination #1: Christopher by Skipper). Prince Iaukea, a name we haven’t heard in a while runs down. Hurricane tries to catch Skipper with a victory roll, 1…2…Skipper kicks out. Whipwreck has fought out of the double from Hayashi and Taka and tosses Hayashi over the top rope. Skipper hits Hurricane with a dropkick, before flying over the top with a corkscrew Plancha onto Whipwreck and Hayashi! Taka takes it one step further, leaping to the top rope and springboarding off, taking out all three men!

In the ring Iaukea armdrags Hurricane, but misses a dropkick. Hurricane catches Iaukea with a leg lariat. Flying neckbreaker hits! Hurricane looks to finish off Iaukea, but Skipper leaps back into the ring from the top rope with a diving hurricanrana and hooks the leg for the pin, 1…2..3! (Elimination #2: Hurricane by Skipper). For the second time in a week, Skipper has pinned Hurricane! Chavo Guerrero Jr. runs in as the next man in the match and he quickly stomps away on Iaukea. Taka Michinoku nails Skipper with a missile dropkick from the top rope. He goes for the Michinoku Driver, but Skipper lands behind him. Skipper goes for the Primetime Overdrive, but Hayashi breaks it up before he can hit it. Iaukea gets Chavo into the corner and punches away at him, before whipping him across the ring and hitting a clothesline. Dropkick from Iaukea. Iaukea heads to the second rope, but Whipwreck kicks him. Chavo knocks Whipwreck out of the way, then plants Iaukea with a Tornado DDT from the corner! 1…2…3! (Elimination #3: Iaukea by Chavo).

Making his ECW debut is Low-Ki, and he runs in and hits Chavo with a jumping back kick. Low-Ki gets some more kicks in, then nails Whipwreck when he tries to get involved with a roundhouse. Skipper ducks a cross bodyblock from Hayashi, who ends up hitting Taka! Taka and Hayashi argue, allowing Skipper to dropkick Hayashi into Taka, then roll him up with his legs behind Hayashi’s arms, 1…2…3! (Elimination #4: Hayashi by Skipper). The BWO’s Nova runs in, looking just like Nova tonight. Once Skipper releases Hayashi he walks right into the Michinoku Driver, 1…2…3. (Elimination #5: Skipper by Taka). Nova attacks Taka right away before getting into a slugfest with Whipwreck as Tajiri makes his way down to the ring. Low-Ki hits Whipwreck with rapid fire chops before hitting a switchblade kick, but then runs right into a buzzsaw kick from Tajiri! This sends Low-Ki flying to the outside and Tajiri wastes no time, leaping off the apron onto Low-Ki with a springboard Asai Moonsault! Nova tries to get the Kryptonite Krunch on Chavo, but Chavo slides out of it and locks Nova in the Gory Special, then plants him with a Gory Bomb! 1…2…3! (Elimination #6: Nova by Chavo). Little Guido is the last man to enter.

Chavo, Guido, Low-Ki, Whipwreck, Tajiri and Taka remain. Guido runs away from Tajiri outside the ring, but ends up running into Whipwreck. Chavo brings Low-Ki back into the ring and tries a Gory Special on him, but Low-Ki counters with an armdrag. Rolling kick takes out Chavo, but Taka gets Low-Ki up for the Michinoku Driver! Low-Ki counters and lands behind Taka, picks him up by his side and drops him face first into the canvas! Guido slides into the ring trying to avoid the Unholy Alliance, but Low-Ki takes him out right away with a springboard flying kick to the head! Low-Ki turns around into a Whipwreck Whippersnapper though and Mikey makes the cover, 1…2…3 (Elimination #7: Low-Ki by Whipwreck). Not a bad debut nonetheless. Chavo smashes Whipwreck into Tajiri and rolls Whipwreck up though, 1…2…3! (Elimination #8: Whipwreck by Chavo). Tajiri beats down Chavo with kicks. Chavo counters an Irish whip, but Tajiri handstands off the ropes and comes flying back with ab elbow! The crowd start to boo heavily as Regal and Finlay have made their way to ringside!

Joey Styles: “What the hell are these two doing here?”

Tajiri is clearly distracted by Regal and Finlay as they attack the beaten Whipwreck! Tajiri goes to help but Taka hits him with a German suplex. Regal and Finlay beat the hell out of Whipwreck before the lights go out. When they turn on Mortis stands face-to-face with Finlay in the aisle, no sign of Regal. Finlay runs into the ring and Mortis after him. Taka attacks Mortis and it hit with the Flatliner! Finlay gets the upperhand on Mortis before Mortis hits him with an uppercut. Mortis goes for a wild big kick that Finlay ducks and levels Tajiri! Finlay runs through the crowd and Mortis goes after him. Chavo and Guido have been fighting in the corner the entire time, and Chavo rolls him up for a three count (Elimination #9: Guido by Chavo). Chavo tries the same with Tajiri, who’s been bloodied by Mortis’ boot, but Tajiri counters into his own small package, 1…2…3! (Elimination #10: Chavo by Tajiri). Taka is dazed himself from the Flatliner, but he gets a dropkick on Tajiri. Taka plants Tajiri with the Michinoku Driver…but Regal comes from under the bottom rope and nails Taka in the back of the head with brass knuckles! Regal puts Tajiri on Taka, 1…2…3!

Winner: Tajiri when he last pinned Taka Michinoku in 13:29


In a similar broken down house we’ve seen prior, the camera cuts to an alarm clock in a bedroom that looks like it’s been ravaged by fire. The clock reads 48:00, and the camera pans to two photos. One with Daffney and Victoria looking normal, then another with blood, demonic facepaint, etc. of the two. Lastly, we see a saxophone on the burnt bed with a small postcard that reads:

Daffney and Victoria: A Horror Show Coming To You


We return to RISE and see that Regal left ringside after helping Tajiri win the Cruiserweight Gauntlet Match and is in the parking lot, telling Finlay to hurry up. Finlay runs into the car and Regal takes off, as Mortis was chasing Finlay the whole time!


The Sinister Minister
is backstage with Mikey Whipwreck waiting for Tajiri to walk by. When he does, the Minister looks excited about the victory, but Tajiri yells something in Japanese and walks off. Nonetheless, Tajiri will challenge Super Crazy at Clash.


ECW World Tag Team Champions AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn
join Joey Styles and Tazz at the commentary desk to get a close-up view of who they will be facing at Clash of Champions.

#1 Contender for the ECW World Tag Team Championship
Trailer Park Kash vs. Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera

Psicosis starts with Kash and Kash wastes no time on the attack. Kash pounds away on Psicosis before Psicosis battles back. Noble runs in and knocks Psicosis down, then clothesline an incoming Juvi to the mat. Noble levels Psicosis with an elbow and quickly tags Kash back in. Noble holds Psicosis for a stiff kick from Kash. Double clothesline knocks Psicosis down. Cover from Kash, 1…2…Juvi breaks up the pin. Kash and Juvi punch away at one another, even falling through the ropes! Noble heads to the top rope, but Psicosis catches him with a dropkick on the way down! Kash gets back on the apron only for Psicosis to dropkick him off, sending Kash flying into the guardrail! Psicosis makes a formal tag to Juvi, who props Noble on the top rope and hits an avalanche hurricanrana! Cover, but there’s no count as Kash is the legal man. Kash slides in and kicks Juvi in the back of the head.

Kash tries to backdrop Juvi, but Juvi lands on his feet and quickly backdrops a still reeling Noble off the apron! Juvi goes for a flying headscissors, but Kash counters into a face-first powerbomb! Kash goes for the cover, 1…2…Psicosis makes the save. Psicosis leaps over the top rope trying to legdrop Noble, but Noble moves and Psicosis crashes to the floor! Noble slides in and he and Kash stomp on Juvi. They hit the ropes, but Psicosis drags Noble to the outside and this distracts Kash long enough for Juvi to catch him with a flying headscissors! Juvi hits the ropes and ends up in the wheelbarrow position, only to drop Kash with a Casadora Bulldog! Cover, 1…2…Kash just kicks out. Noble gets the better of Psicosis on the outside and blind tags Kash when he hits the ropes. Juvi dropkicks Kash, but Noble lays Juvi out with a spinning neckbreaker!

Noble lifts Juvi in the Fireman’s carry position before Papi Chulo jumps onto the apron! Noble drops Juvi and knocks Chulo off, only to turn around into a Psicosis spinning heel kick! Kash boots Psicosis and plants him with a Jumping Brainbuster! Chulo drags Kash out of the ring as Noble walks into the Juvi Driver! Juvi heads to the top rope and lands the 450 splash, 1…2…3!

Winners: Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera when Juvi pinned Jamie Noble in 8:32

Papi Chulo
and Kid Kash end up in the ring, and quickly it’s a three-on-two as Chulo, Psicosis and Juvi get the upper hand. AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn run down from the commentary position to make the save, but Chulo, Psicosis and Juvi bail before they get there. There’s clearly some disappointment from Styles, Lynn, Kash and Noble as Psicosis and Juvi cockily laugh as they head up the aisle.


Jazz: “Hey, look. Jacqueline wants to act and look like a tough bitch. But this is a tough bitch right here. If anyone hasn’t notice, I’m making a statement. There ain’t one woman who’s gonna take this title away from me, especially not Jacqueline. You know someone told me I should look up to her. That I should be inspired by her. Please. I got to where I am because I’ve beaten up every woman, and man, put in front of me. I ain’t no valet. I ain’t no pretty mean sister. Like I said at the start, I’m a tough bitch and I’m gonna prove it at Clash of Champions.”


Jerry Lynn:
“You know what, me and AJ, we’re down for a new challenge. Yeah, we wanted to face Kid Kash and Jamie Noble again. But that’s not how it played out. But it isn’t going to matter. Me and AJ are the best tag team in the world. Look, Psicosis and Guerrera, you guys were innovators in ECW at one time. But that time was 1996 guys. Jerry Lynn is the right now, and man, AJ Styles? He’s the future guys. Good luck on Saturday. You’re gonna need it!”


Eddie Guerrero:
“I had no idea what to do with myself after I lost at Hardcore Heaven. But if I’ve learned anything about myself esse is that’s Eddie Guerrero won’t stay down. Not anymore! Rob Van Dam, you got me good. So it’s plain and simple. This Saturday, Clash of Champions. I’ve wrestled at that stage. And to win on that stage I’m going to give Rob what I didn’t at Hardcore Heaven. I’m gonna give him the fight of his life! My eyes are open now esse! Nothing will stop me from getting back my TV title! My one goal is to make sure your new TV title reign is a lot shorter than your first. And when it happens, after I feel a little froggy and come down with the best frog splash in wrestling, and I’m holding the title above my head. Well Rob, you’ll have no one to blame but yourself for messing with Eddie Guerrero. Es tu culpa!”


Rob Van Dam:
“Hey Fonzie. I see Eddie’s talking a big game again. It looks like I’m gonna have to beat him like I said I would last time. I’m not gonna sit here and pretend Eddie Guerrero isn’t great, but come on, I’m Rob Van Dam. I’m a two-time ECW World Television Champion and I’ve never even lost the belt? How cool is that. Look Eddie, to you ECW was a place that got your foot in the door. I can respect that. But you don’t live it. You don’t breathe it. Not like I do. That’s why you left. Me? I stayed and stayed. This ECW TV title belt means more to me than it ever could to you. And that’s why after Clash this Saturday, the winner, and still ECW World Television Champion will be Rob…Van…Dam!”


Quick Results

#1 Contender for the World Cruiserweight Championship

Tajiri wins, last pinning Taka Michinoku

#1 Contender for the ECW World Tag Team Championship
Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera defeated Jamie Noble and Kid Kash when Guerrera pinned Noble


WCW World Champion

Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

ECW Television Champion
Rob Van Dam (Defeated Eddie Guerrero on 6-9-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Dudley Boyz on 3-11-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Super Crazy (Defeated Eddie Guerrero on 5-13-02)

World Women’s Champion
Jazz (Defeated Molly Marvel on 4-14-02)

Roster Updates

– Low-Ki has made some strides on the independents and made some appearances on WWF Jakked and Metal.
Last edited:


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WCW/ECW Clash of Champions 2002
June 22, 2002
Wisconsin Center Arena
Milwaukee, WI

Triple H:
“In this industry, just like in life, everyone is out to make a judgment on something they don’t know anything about. Everyone out there, every writer, every critic, every announcer, they think I wear the New World Order logo because I hate WCW. In reality, WCW and everything it once stood for helped make me who I am today. When I grew up I didn’t care about the Hulkamania or the Macho Madness or Piper’s Pit or whatever. I was watching Harley Race vs. Ric Flair. I was watching Ricky Steamboat. The NWA. That WCW. That was how I was brought up in wrestling. WCW, now owned by the McMahon Family, ruined what was once the crown jewel of ‘wrestling’. Yeah, I kicked WCW’s ass in the ratings war in the WWF. But that was just doing what I had to at the time. Just like I’m doing now. I wear the green and black, the NWO logo, because the goal is to tear down WCW and restore it to what it once was. You know what WCW isn’t and should have never been? Diamond Dallas Page. You’re no diamond. Page, you were the best in a promotion that was on its last legs. Harley, Flair, Steamboat, those were diamonds. And now that they’re gone let me tell you this. Tonight, you take your shot at glory. All you have to do is beat the best damn wrestler in the business. You get “The Game”! You get the reigning WCW World Champion. Page, trust me, there is only one diamond in this business, and baby you’re looking at him!”

Mike Tenay: “Hello ladies and gentlemen, Mike Tenay here and we welcome you to our cable TV special this Saturday Night, it’s Clash of Champions. I’d like to introduce you to someone new to the broadcast booth, welcome Don West.”

Don West:
“Hi Mike! Everyone looks excited to be here! The crowd looks excited to be here! I’m excited to be here! Let’s do this thing!”

WCW United States Championship
Christian © (w/Renè Dupree) vs. Curt Hennig (w/Alexis Laree)

Christian and Hennig lock-up, but we get a clean break…before Hennig spits his gum at Christian! Christian runs at Hennig but Hennig sidesteps and Christian runs right into the turnbuckles, and Hennig rolls him up, 1…2…Christian kicks out! Hip toss by Hennig! Christian escapes to the outside as Hennig has complete control early on. Hennig chases Christian around the ring and Christian slides back in. He attacks Hennig right away, but coming off the ropes results in a shot to the gut by Hennig and a kneelift to the face! Christian backs away into the corner and gets a rake to the eyes! Christian runs Hennig’s eyes across the top rope, then stomps away at him. Christian locks in a rear chinlock as he's slowed the pace down.

Hennig fights out of the chinlock and sends Christian off the ropes. Christian sunset flips over the backdrop attempt, but Hennig drops to his knees and punches away! Christian ducks a clothesline though and a dropkick sends Hennig into the ropes. Christian leans on him, choking Hennig, before pulling him by the hair and dropping him with an Inverted DDT! Cover by Christian, 1…2…kickout from Hennig. Christian sends Hennig off the ropes and catches Hennig in a sleeper. Hennig tries to keep a vertical base, but Christian’s grasp starts to wear him down. Once Christian has Hennig down he puts hits feet on the bottom rope, adding the pressure! Referee suspects something’s up, but Christian takes his feet off when checked. Christian off course puts his feet back on the ropes as Hennig is almost out, but Alexis Laree pushes Christian’s feet off!

Hennig makes his comeback and gets back to a vertical base, ultimately breaking the sleeper with a side suplex! Christian ends up in a sitting position and Hennig leaps over with a somersault cutter! Hennig comes off the ropes and ends up locking Christian in a sleeper of his own! Christian flails away, but escapes with a jawbreaker. Christian sets Hennig up for the Unprettier, but Hennig shoves him off the ropes and gets a knee to the midsection. Hennig sets Christian up for the Hennig-Plex, but Christian fights to stay on his feet. Hennig tries a standard vertical suplex instead, but Christian lands on his feet behind Hennig and goes for the Unprettier again. Hennig escapes and hits the ropes, and catches Christian going for the back bodydrop. He has Christian set for the Hennig-Plex, but Renè Dupree holds Christian’s leg down from the outside, and Christian gets a small package, feet wrapped around the bottom rope, 1…2…3!

Winner: Christian via pinfall in 9:15 (Retains)

and Renè Dupree run off as Hennig shows some frustration in the ring. Alexis Laree tries to console him as we cut away.


World Cruiserweight Championship
Super Crazy © vs. Tajiri (w/Mikey Whipwreck)

Crazy walks up to Tajiri and Tajiri slaps him in the face! Crazy seems to accept Tajiri’s attitude and slaps him right back! Tajiri and Crazy trade blows before Crazy whips Tajiri into the ropes. Tajiri goes for a headscissors but doesn’t catch Crazy’s head, but he lands on his feet. Roundhouse misses, then Tajiri runs into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker from Crazy! Corkscrew elbow drop from Crazy! Cover, 1…2…Tajiri kicks out! Another tilt-a-whirl from Crazy, but it leads to a Tajiri armdrag! Tajiri ducks a clothesline, comes off the ropes with a handstand and hits Crazy with a back elbow! Cover, 1…2…Crazy kicks out. Tajiri stomps away on Crazy before tossing him to the outside. Tajiri whips Crazy into the barricade then heads up to the apron. He goes for the springboard Asai Moonsault, but Mikey Whipwreck attacked Crazy and accidentally moved him out of the way, causing Tajiri to impale himself on the barricade!

Whipwreck checks on Tajiri as referee Mickey Jay tells Whipwreck to head to the back! The Sinister Minister heads down to ringside to calm Whipwreck down and to check on Tajiri, but Tajiri pushes him away. Tajiri gets back onto the apron as Crazy rolls back into the ring. Crazy comes off the second rope and dropkicks Tajiri off the apron and Tajiri crashes into the Minister! Crazy leaps onto the apron to set-up his own Asai Moonsault, but Mikey Whipwreck runs back down and hits Crazy with a Whippsnapper back into the ring as Crazy was jumping off the ropes. This isn’t an ECW match, so that’ll lead to a DQ.

Winner: Super Crazy by DQ in 5:48 when Mikey Whipwreck interfered (Retains)

gets back into the ring and shoves Whipwreck before yelling at him in Japanese. He’s clearly not happy that his title shot was ruined. Tajiri heads back to the outside and does check on the Sinister Minister…as Finlay and William Regal run down to the ring! Regal quickly armtraps Whipwreck and hits him with a neckbreaker! Finlay and Regal stomp away on Whipwreck as Tajiri confronts, but doesn’t attack them. Regal yells at Tajiri “look at what these idiots are doing to you!” Tajiri yells back, he doesn’t seem to want Regal or Finlay involved…and Mortis’ theme plays! Mortis heads down to the ring as Regal and Finlay escape through the crowd! Mortis and Tajiri stare each other down before both collect Whipwreck and head to the back with the Minister.


World Women’s Championship
Jazz © vs. Jacqueline

As soon as Jacqueline slides into the ring Jazz is all over her with punches and kicks. Jazz misses a high kick and Jacqueline takes control with a kick of her own and a European uppercut. Dropkick from Jackie! Jackie gets a roll-up, 1…2…Jazz kicks out. Both women get to their feet and Jazz knocks Jackie down with a hard clothesline. Legdrop from Jazz. Cover, 1…2…Jackie kicks out. Jazz hits an overhead double underhook suplex. Jazz hits a second one and covers, 1…2…Jackie kicks out again. Hard punch from Jazz, then a hard shot to the back. Snapmare followed by a stiff kick to the back from Jazz. Jazz whips Jackie into the corner, but Jackie moves out of the way of the follow-up avalanche. German suplex from Jackie! 1…2…Jazz just kicks out. Roundhouse kick from Jackie! Another cover, 1…2…Jazz again just kicks out. Jackie tries a clothesline, but Jazz blocks and locks in the Bitch Clamp and plants Jackie face-first on the canvas! 1…2…3!

Winner: Jazz via pinfall in 3:43 (Retains)

grabs World Women’s title and puts her foot on Jacqueline while holding the title up…before the lights go out! T.A.T.U’s “All The Things She Said” plays as The Horror Show is here! Daffney walks down to the ring, but she stops in horror and screams while pointing towards the ring! Jazz seems to think Daffney’s in fear of her, but in fact Victoria is standing right behind Jazz! Victoria lifts Jazz over her head and drops her with the Widow’s Peak! Daffney grabs the Women’s title and gazes into it before handing it to Victoria, who drops it on Jazz’s prone body!

Don West: “I know it’s my first day but I already can’t believe what I’ve seen so far Mike!

Mike Tenay:
“We’re gonna get a chance to take a break Don. We’ll be sending it to Joey Styles and Tazz for the two ECW World Title matches and we’ll be back for the main event. Speaking of the main event though, Jeremy Borash is with tonight’s challenger for the WCW World Championship, Diamond Dallas Page.”


Jeremy Borash:
Jeremy Borash here with Diamond Dallas Page and Stacy Keibler. DDP, you heard what Triple H had to say earlier, your response?”

Diamond Dallas Page: “You know Jeremy, Triple H better switch his focus from pretending he’s Buddy Rogers to the matter at hand tonight. Triple H, he’s in his prime. I see that, I get that. And me? Well, let’s be honest. The end of the road is coming for DDP sooner rather than later. But what matters is that it ain’t coming tonight. All this makes me is a desperate man, desperate to have another run with the big bold. And I’m gonna do whatever it takes to bring that title home with me! Triple H, like the Diamond Cutter, you never saw me comin’ bro. So you all out there got two choices. You can bet on NWO scum. Or you can bet on the mayor of Bang City! And that’s me, D-D-P!”


Joey Styles:
“Hello everyone I’m Joey Styles and I’m alongside with Tazz. We have two ECW title matches here tonight. Later, we will see Rob Van Dam defend the ECW World Television Championship against the man he won it from at Hardcore Heaven, Eddie Guerrero.”

Tazz: “That’s gonna be a rocketbusta Joey. I know both those men, I’ve been in the ring with both those men. When both of those guys are on they represent the best two in the business!”

Joey Styles:
“Coming up next though we have the ECW World Tag Team Championship on the line, AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn defend against Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis!”

ECW World Tag Team Championship
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn © vs. Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis

Psicosis and Styles start. They lock-up and Styles finds a headlock. Styles finds a headlock and Psicosis sends him off the ropes, and Styles knocks Psicosis down with a shoulder tackle. Hard chops from Styles. Styles punches and chops away at Psicosis then comes off the ropes again. He ends up in the wheelbarrow position and Psicosis drops him face-first into the canvas! Psicosis stomps the back of the head of Styles before tagging in Guerrera. Guerrera comes off the ropes and catches Styles with a flying head scissors. Juvi comes off the ropes again, but this time Styles catches him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and Styles makes the tag to Lynn. Lynn hits Juvi with some chops then hits the ropes. Leapfrog from Lynn, then a leapfrog from Juvi. Lynn rolls over a Juvi monkey flip, but when Juvi kips up Lynn trips him and hits a legdrop.

Lynn sends Juvi into the corner and runs after him. Juvi tries to leap over the charging Lynn, but Lynn puts on the brakes and Juvi lands in front of him, just to get hit with a German suplex from Lynn, with a bridge! 1…2…Juvi kicks out! Lynn comes off the ropes but Psicosis kicks him in the back. Lynn knocks Psicosis off the apron and turns around into a Juvi hurricanrana with a pin, 1…2…Lynn just kicks out! Dropkick from Juvi. Juvi tags in Psicosis and they whip Lynn off the ropes and hit a double drop toe hold. Lynn ends up on his knees, leading to a double dropkick to each side of the head! Psicosis covers, 1…2…Styles runs in to break up the pin. Psicosis off the ropes and a legdrop hits. Another cover, 1…2…this time Lynn kicks out on his own. Psicosis tags Juvi back in. Juvi springboards off the top rope and elbowdrops Lynn! Another cover, 1…2…Lynn just kicks out as Styles went for the save! Juvi whips Lynn off the ropes and goes for the bakdrop, but Lynn puts on the brakes…and hits Juvi with the Cradle Piledriver! Lynn puts his arm on Juvi, 1…2…Psicosis breaks up the pin just in time! Referee Billy Silverman admonishes Psicosis as Lynn makes the tag to Styles…but because the referee didn’t see it he doesn’t allow it! Styles protests as Psicosis and Juvi drag Lynn back in their corner and pound away on him! Psicosis takes over and looks to have Lynn set-up for a Dragon Screw, but Lynn hits an enzugiri! Lynn crawls over, then leaps at Styles to make the tag! Styles lunges at Psicosis with a flying lariat, then armdrags the incoming Juvi! Styles baseball slides Juvi under the bottom rope and out of the ring. Psicosis gets in some chops, but Styles takes him right out with a leaping one-legged dropkick!

Papi Chulo runs down and gets on the apron. He pulls Styles’ hair, but Styles punches him off the apron. Kid Kash and Jamie Noble run down to attack Chulo, before Styles backdrops a charging Juvi over the top rope onto all three of them! Psicosis boots Styles and sets him up for a powerbomb, but Styles hands behind Psicosis and tags in Lynn. Styles hits the Pelé Kick, then leaps over the top rope with the Fosbury Flop on Kash, Noble, Chulo and Juvi! Lynn is on the top rope and hits Psicosis with his own move, A Guillotine Legdrop (Minneapolis Jam)! 1…2…3!

Winners: Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles when Lynn pinned Psicosis in 13:27 (Retains)

As Styles and Lynn celebrate with the tag titles, Kid Kash and Jamie Noble come into the ring and make sure Styles and Lynn know they want another shot at the tag titles.


ECW Television Championship
Rob Van Dam © (w/Bill Alfonso) vs. Eddie Guerrero

Guerrero nearly runs into a straight kick from RVD before backing away. RVD hits a couple of forearms, trapping Guerrero in the corner, but the referee pushes RVD back. Guerrero runs at RVD but gets hit with an armdrag. Another armdrag by RVD. Guerrero escapes to the outside, but RVD is right on him with a flying somersault senton over the top rope! RVD places Guerrero over the barricade as Bill Alfonso holds a chair in place on the back of his head. RVD leaps onto the apron, but Guerrero moves as the corkscrew legdrop misses it’s target and RVD’s leg crashes into the chair! Guerrero slugs Alfonso, then bashes RVD’s leg with the chair! Guerrero rolls RVD into the ring and takes the chair too. RVD is able to kick the chair into Guerrero’s face from the canvas. RVD clearly has some leg damage though as he limps around the ring.

RVD puts the chair in-between the turnbuckles, but Guerrero trips RVD, then catapults him with perfect positioning so that RVD crashes into the chair! RVD stumbles out of the corner and Guerrero quickly plants him with a brainbuster! Cover, 1…2…RVD just kicks out. Guerrero stomps the leg, then locks in the Lasso From El Paso! RVD screams in pain as Guerrero has the hold locked in good. RVD crawls to the ropes and gets there, but Guerrero refuses to release as it’s ECW rules anyway RVD is able to get his entire body under the ropes which does force Guerrero to release the hold. Guerrero comes over the top rope with a senton on RVD on the floor! Guerrero hammers away on RVD on the floor, but RVD reverses a whip and Guerrero crashes into the apron. RVD slams Guerrero on the floor before leaping up to the apron, although still showing his limp. RVD hits a modified version of the Five Star Frog Splash off the apron onto Guerrero on the floor! RVD rolls Guerrero back in and heads to the top rope, but his leg causes him to climb slowly and Guerrero meets him up there. Both men trade shots before Guerrero hits a superplex off the top! Cover, 1…2…RVD just kicks out to Guerrero’s frustration!

Guerrero’s frustration turns into a smile as he drags RVD to the center of the ring then heads to the top himself. Bill Alfonso distracts Guerrero though, and RVD is back up and tosses a chair at Guerrero, which hits him in the face! RVD heads to the top rope then jumps off with a leaping kick that catches Guerrero! RVD crashes to the canvas but Guerrero crashes to the floor! RVD tries to get the blood flowing through his leg again as Chavo Guerrero Jr. heads down to ringside. Chavo grabs Alfonso, but RVD hits him with a baseball slide! Eddie Guerrero slides back into the ring and rolls RVD up, 1…2…kickout from RVD! Guerrero runs right into a spinkick rom RVD. RVD puts the chair on Guerrero then hits the ropes, looking for Rolling Thunder, but Guerrero gets the chair and his knees up! Guerrero looks to finish off RVD and locks him in the Gory Special! RVD tries to break free and when Guerrero can’t hold it anymore he turns it into a Gory Bomb! 1…2…RVD kicks out again and Eddie can’t believe it. Eddie heads to the top rope to finish RVD off once and for all, Frog Splash misses as RVD moves out of the way at the last moment! RVD knocks Chavo off the apron as he tried to get involved again, but this allows Eddie to catch RVD with an elbow. Guerrero sets RVD up for w powerbomb before Rey Mysterio Jr. runs down to the ring! Rey hits Guerrero with a springboard dropkick to the back of the head! Guerrero lands on the ropes, and Rey hits a 6-1-9! Rey then dives at Chavo! RVD drags Eddie to the corner and hits the Split-Legged Moonsault, 1…2…3!

Winner: Rob Van Dam via pinfall in 15:17 (Retains)

Rey Mysterio Jr.
clearly hasn’t forgotten the hit that Eddie Guerrero put on him with the FBI! RVD celebrates his victory as Eddie looks menacingly at Rey!


Don West:
“Man what a match that was I’m having a blast Mike!

Mike Tenay:
“We have one more match left Don. Let’s send it over to Michael Buffer.”


Michael Buffer: “Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the main event of the WCW/ECW Clash of Champions Network TV Special. Tonight, the leader of the New World Order will take on one of WCW’s all-time greatest…for the HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WORLD!”


“Milwaukee, Wisconsin…ARE YOU REEEEEEADY?!”

“For the thousands in attendance, and the millions watching at home…ladies and gentlemen…”


Diamond Dallas Page
is the first to make his way down to the ring.

Michael Buffer: “Coming to the ring with Stacy Keibler. At six feet-five inches tall. 257 pounds. From the Jersey Shore. One of, if not the most popular wrestler in WCW history. He is the master of the Diamond Cutter. He’s held every major championship in WCW. A former Television Champion, two-time United States Champion, and three-time World Tag Team Champion. Most importantly, he is a three-time heavyweight champion of the world! He is D-D-P…DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE!

Michael Buffer:
“His opponent tonight. One of the legendary technicians the sport of professional wrestling has ever seen. He is known as the “Cerebral Assassin” due to his expertise as a strategist and reputation as a ring general. He now wears Green and Black, colors of the New World Order. He is a five-time heavyweight champion of the world and the current WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Weighing in at 267 pounds, he is ”THE GAME” Triiiiiple H!”

WCW World Championship
Triple H © (w/Eric Bischoff) vs. Diamond Dallas Page (w/Stacy Keibler)

HHH and DDP stand toe-to-toe trash talking. HHH takes a shot, but DDP fires back and wins the exchange. DDP hits HHH with rights and lefts and knocks HHH down with a clothesline. HHH bails to the outside to rethink how to approach DDP. HHH slowly comes back in the ring. He fires at DDP again and gets punches in, but DDP fires back and again outslugs HHH. Inverted atomic drop from DDP and a discus punch knocks HHH down! Cover, 1…2…HHH kicks out and again bails to the outside. HHH slowly comes back in, and DDP is impatient and pulls HHH in by his hair! HHH fires punches and tries to hip toss DDP, but DDP counters with a floatover DDT! Another cover, 1…2…HHH kicks out again. DDP sends HHH off the ropes and goes for the Diamond Cutter…but HHH shoves him back off the ropes and hits a flying knee to the face.

HHH now punches away at DDP on the canvas before backing up and hitting a kneedrop. HHH picks DDP up just to hit a vertical suplex. Cover from HHH, 1…2…DDP kicks out. HHH elbow drops the knee before locking in a Figure-Four. DDP tries to fight out of it and succeeds, getting his hands on the ropes. HHH drags DDP back into the center of the ring and switches up into an Indian Deathlock. Continually demands DDP submit, but he refuses. HHH eventually releases and seems amused by Page overall. HHH sets DDP up for the Pedigree, but DDP backdrops him! DDP slowly heads to the top rope, but HHH shakes the top rope and DDP gets crotched. HHH punches at DDP on the top rope, before going up there and hitting a superplex! HHH calls for someone to come down, to which Shawn Michaels heads down to ringside with cans of spray paint.

HHH stomps away on DDP before punching away at him in the corner. He attempts to whip DDP into the corner, but DDP reverses and HHH flips over the top rope and onto the floor! This gives DDP a much needed moment to recover as HBK checks on HHH. DDP gets back to his feet as referee Charles Robinson counts HHH out, and Eric Bischoff sneaks in and chop blocks DDP! HHH rolls back in and covers DDP, 1…2…DDP kicks out! HHH whips DDP off the ropes, but DDP puts on the brakes for a backdrop and hits a sit out powerbomb! 1…2…HHH just kicks out! DDP calls for the end and goes for the Diamond Cutter, but HHH holds the top rope and DDP crashes to the canvas. HHH covers DDP and puts his feet on the ropes, 1…2…Stacy knocks HHH’s feet off the ropes, breaking the count. HHH looks at Stacy in astonishment before HBK grabs her. HBK lets go immediately though as he sees The Giant heading down to ringside. The Outsiders run down and attack the Giant! HHH watches all of this go down on the outside before turning around into a Diamond Cutter! 1…2…Shawn Michaels pulls Charles Robinson out of the ring! HBK argues with Robinson as Kevin Nash has gotten away from the Giant (who’s fighting Hall and now Sean O’Haire). Nash heads into the ring and drops a huge elbow on DDP before planting him with the Jackknife Powerbomb! Nash goes back to the outside to contend with Giant as HHH makes the cover, 1…2…3!

Winner: Triple H via pinfall in 14:06 (Retains)

The New World Order has the numbers advantage on DDP and Giant. Giant tries to fight them off but it’s too much. Shawn Michaels gets the spray paint ready before Stacy tries to stop him. HHH grabs Stacy by the arm and gets a devilish smile on his face…before Kurt Angle make his return and runs down to the ring! The Outsiders, HBK, HHH and Bischoff decide to bail as Sean O’Haire and Kurt Angle go at it in the ring! O’Haire misses a clothesline and gets hit with a German suplex! O’Haire gets back to his feet but is clearly staggered…and gets hit with an Angle Slam as a result! Angle yells at all the NWO that “I’m coming for all of you!” as Stacy, DDP, Giant and Angle stand tall in the ring!


Quick Results

WCW United States Championship

Christian pinned Curt Hennig to retain the title

World Cruiserweight Championship
Super Crazy defeated Tajiri by DQ to retain the title

World Women’s Championship
Jazz pinned Jacqueline to retain the title

ECW World Tag Team Championship
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn defeated Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera when Lynn pinned Psicosis to win the title

ECW Television Championship
Rob Van Dam pinned Eddie Guerrero to retain the title

WCW World Championship
Triple H pinned Diamond Dallas Page to retain the title


WCW World Champion

Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

ECW Television Champion
Rob Van Dam (Defeated Eddie Guerrero on 6-9-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Dudley Boyz on 3-11-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Super Crazy (Defeated Eddie Guerrero on 5-13-02)

World Women’s Champion
Jazz (Defeated Molly Marvel on 4-14-02)

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Don West -
"Television guy who has tried out as a WCW announcer before."
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WCW Monday Night Nitro
June 24, 2002
HSBC Arena
Buffalo, NY

Mike Tenay: “Welcome everyone to Nitro. In case you missed the Clash of Champions, here with me is my new broadcast partner Don West!

Don West: “Hi Mike I’ve excited to be here let’s get this thing going tonight!”

Mike Tenay:
“We’re kicking things off with a bit of a grudge match. A few weeks ago, Rene Dupree, the 18-year-old French-Canadian phenom, made his debut as a lackey for Christian. He also had an eye out for Torrie Wilson. Meanwhile, Billy Kidman has been looking for another chance to win Christian’s United States Championship. You have to imagine if Kidman can beat Dupree tonight, he’ll be right there in getting another shot at the title!”

Billy Kidman (w/Torrie Wilson) vs. Rene Dupree (w/Christian)

Kidman and Dupree lock-up, but Kidman is immediately shoved away by Dupree thanks to Dupree’s clear strength advantage. Dupree decides to pose for the crowd a bit as Christian yells at him to stay focused. Nonetheless they lock-up again and Dupree gets a knee to the midsection. Dupree goes for a hiptoss, but Kidman counters and tries one of his own. Dupree blocks and tries to flip Kidman over his head, but Kidman finds a hurricanrana instead! Kidman hits some forearms, but the Irish whip is reversed and Kidman hits the turnbuckles hard enough to slam face-first into the canvas. Dupree poses some more before stomping away at Kidman. Dupree locks in a bearhug and violently adds pressure by moving his arms left and right.

Kidman punches away at Dupree to escape, then hits a dropkick. Kidman leaps up to the second rope and hits a flying back elbow! Cover, 1…2…Dupree kicks out with authority. Enzugiri from Kidman! Kidman gets a full head of steam, but runs right into a powerslam from Dupree! Cover, 1…2…Kidman just kicks out. Dupree sends Kidman off the ropes and hits the spinebuster. Dupree dances back and forth before planting an elbow drop on Kidman. Cover, 1…2…Kidman kicks out. Dupree looks to finish off Kidman and locks in a Cobra Clutch…just as Torrie Wilson leaps up onto the apron! Dupree lets go and approaches Torrie, which allows Kidman to surprise him with a BK Bomb! Kidman heads to the top rope to finish off Dupree, but Christian hits him in the back with the US Title belt, causing the DQ!

Winner: Billy Kidman by DQ in 5:48

Christian and Dupree
beat down Kidman as Torrie looks on, concerned. Dupree then grabs Torrie, but Test runs down before anything else happens, causing Christian and Dupree to run off.


Backstage Kevin Kelly is with Harlem Heat.

Kevin Kelly: “Gentlemen, it’s been going on for months and it continued in the Battle Royal last week. How is this deal with R-Killa going to end?”

Stevie Ray: “You know Kelly me and my brother, we’re sick of these fruit booties getting involved in every match. This R-Killa guy, he walks around and talks about tough. He don’t know jack about tough! Him and that fat sucka Mark Henry are gonna get the ass whipping they’ve been deserving for a long time!”

Booker T: “It goes like this. We’re beyond tired of this damn thing with R-Killa. At the Great American Bash, in New York City, if they got the guts to show up, we gonna whip R-Killa and Mark Henry’s asses for good! Now can you dig that? Sucka?!”


As Nitro comes back from commercial, the New World Order: Triple H, Eric Bischoff, Shawn Michaels, Sean O’Haire, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, make their way to the ring.

Scott Hall: “Hey Yo! I think it’s been a few weeks, it’s time to update the census and conduct a little survey…”

Before Hall can continue though, “The Green Hills of Tyrol” plays and Interim WCW Commissioner “Rowdy” Roddy Piper makes his way onto the stage.

Roddy Piper: “Let me make myself clear now, nobody has time for that crap!”

Triple H: “Hey Piper, how are you feeling? I thought I’d ask since I gave you one hell of an ass-kicking to recover from last week!”

Roddy Piper: “Ooooo, be happy tough guy that it’s 2002 and not 1987 because if it was I’da kicked your ass all over! But hey, I’m not here to be the tough guy tonight. I gave it a shot and yeah it didn’t go well. I’m out here because I only see trouble when I saw you all come out here, so I wanted to cut to the chase. What the hell do you all want?”

Kevin Nash: “I think I’ll take this one. I know after I dropped DDP on his head at the Clash he and that big idiot want a piece of us, right? Well me and Scott want a piece of them too, and we want the belts!”

Roddy Piper: “Now we’re getting somewhere! Demanding title shots are we? But hey a clock is right twice a day so I guess I gotta give you some credit, you’re right. Diamond Dallas and The Giant want to kick your asses! And at The Great American Bash, that’s the match that’ll happen! But I don’t know about this title thing.”

Kevin Nash: “The hell you mean you don’t know about the titles?

Roddy Piper: “Well you see there’s this little problem. You see DDP and Giant, they aren’t the only two people who want to kick your ass! You seem to have forgotten there’s a pissed off Olympic Gold Medalist out there who if he had the chance would break your legs in an instant! And he wants a certain title too!”

Triple H: “Really? We’re going to give Kurt Angle another shot? How many times do I need to kick his ass, huh?”

Roddy Piper: “Hey I’m not giving anyone anything. Here’s what we’re gonna do that should make everyone happy. Regardless, at The Great American Bash, it’s DDP and The Giant against Nash and Hall. But if you two want it to be for the tag titles, tonight, you need to beat Kurt Angle and whoever he finds to team up with him tonight! But in fairness, the partner can’t be Giant or Page.”

Kevin Nash: “That seems fine with us. I dropped Kurt on his head before and I’d be glad to do it again!”

Roddy Piper: “Ahhh…you have to let me finish there! You guys win, you get the tag title shot. But if Team Angle wins? It’s Angle vs. HHH for the World Title at the Bash!”

Triple H: “Are you serious?”

Kevin Nash: Hunter, don’t worry we got this.”

Scott Hall: “Yeah man. Kurt Angle and a mystery guy? No problem. We’re gonna carve them up.”

Roddy Piper: “I’ve got one more thing for ya! You. Seany Boy! You know as much as I appreciate the potential it still makes me sick that you joined up with those punks standing next to ya! Right now, in this ring you’re gonna be in action. And you’re going to fight someone who really wants to kick your ass for good!”

Chuck Palumbo’s theme plays as he comes onto the stage with Piper.

Roddy Piper: “Let’s get this show on the road! If I see any NWO crap in this you can forget your title shots!”


Chuck Palumbo vs. Sean O’Haire

Palumbo is all over O’Haire to start the match. O’Haire tries to bail out of the ring, but Palumbo is right on him and slams him into the barricade. Palumbo whips O’Haire into the stairs and stomps over and over. Palumbo sends O’Haire back into the ring, mounts him, and again punches away at him. Palumbo sends O’Haire off the ropes and hits a running big boot! Cover, 1…2…O’Haire kicks out and Palumbo goes back to punches. Palumbo picks O’Haire up for a Torture Rack, but loses his balance and O’Haire lands on his feet. Flying leg lariat takes Palumbo out. Knee lift dazes Palumbo, and O’Haire shows off his strength by lifting Palumbo over his head before slamming him straight down. Palumbo gets back to his feet, but a jumping spin kick from O’Haire knocks him right down and busts Palumbo’s nose.

O’Haire heads to the top rope and teases a Seanton Bomb, but laughs it offs and goes back to punching away at Palumbo. Palumbo fires back and hits some good shots, but when he comes off the ropes O’Haire gets an elbow strike to the midsection and hits another knee lift. Palumbo tries to get some momentum and runs at O’Haire, just to run into the Ridge Hand! O’Haire puts Palumbo in the Fireman’s Carry and drops him with the Prophecy! 1…2…3!

Winner: Sean O’Haire via pinfall in 5:04

Kevin Nash and Scott Hall
celebrate with O’Haire (who doesn’t react at all) while Piper, still watching from the stage, shows his disappointment.


Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with Kurt Angle.

Jeremy Borash: Kurt Angle, you have another path towards a WCW World Championship match. Have you found a partner for tonight battle with The Outsiders?”

Kurt Angle: “Unfortunately Jeremy, no I haven’t. But you know what? I don’t need anyone out there with me. I can take out Kevin Nash and Scott Hall by myself and that’s what I plan to do! Yeah, they got one over on me at Hardcore Heaven, don’t get me wrong. But it’s not going to happen again. And after I take out the Outsiders, Triple H, you’re going to get what’s coming to you! There’s no one, not a member of the NWO for sure, who’s gonna stop me. So yeah, I’m going at it alone, and…”

Alexis Laree (Off-Screen): “But you know Kurt, the perfect partner is right here for you!”

Alexis Laree and Curt Hennig step in front of the camera.

Kurt Angle: “Oh really, I should trust you?”

Curt Hennig: “Absolutely you should trust me. Look Kurt, you’re a great wrestler, almost perfect, trust me I’d know. But even I realize that if I’m going to find gold again in WCW, I could use some allies. Not looking for friends. But hey, everyone’s got someone’s back these days. Hell even Christian had backup this past Saturday in our US Title match. I thought If I wanted an ally, I might as well ask the best, especially when he needs a tag team partner tonight.”

Kurt Angle: “Alright, I can respect that. But let’s make this clear. You or you (pointing to Alexis) even think about stabbing me in the back, neither of you will walk again.”

Curt Hennig: “Hey, lighten up. I know my reputation precedes me, but this is a win-win Kurt. I have no reason to backstab you.”

Kurt Angle: “I’ll hold you to that Curt.”

Alexis Laree and Curt Hennig walk off, as Jeremy Borash asks Kurt Angle one more question.

Jeremy Borash: Kurt, I gotta ask, why so harsh with Curt Hennig? What makes you think he’s going to backstab you?”

Kurt Angle: “Are you kidding Jeremy? There’s not a bigger snake out there than Curt Hennig. But he made a good point. And if he helps me get to the WCW World Title and a match with Triple H, well, maybe some trust will be earned.”


Mike Tenay:
“Coming up next is a very interesting match-up. On Worldwide just nine days ago, Elix Skipper upset The Hurricane. We saw after that match Hurricane take off his mask and it looked like that was the end. On ECW RISE in a Cruiserweight Gauntlet Match Skipper would eliminate Hurricane. We’re about to see these two young athletes go at it one more time, but Don, listen to these words from the Hurricane earlier today.”


The Hurricane:
“It hasn’t been a good run for The Hurricane. I almost gave I up on Worldwide. Maybe the Hurricane’s time has passed by. But there’s one way to find out. Once again we will ride the winds and take on Elix Skipper. But if Skipper proves to be the better man tonight, the Hurricane will be no more!”


Don West:
“Wow that’s huge Mike!”

Elix Skipper vs. The Hurricane

The Hurricane starts off more aggressively than normal, punching away at Elix. Elix blocks one and locks Hurricane in an axhandle, but Hurricane flips over to escape and clotheslines Skipper down. Hurricane tosses Skipper over the top rope but Skipper lands on the apron. Hurricane hits a couple of punches, then goes for the sunset flip over Skipper and off the apron, but Skipper kicks Hurricane in the face to counter. Skipper leaps off the apron with a crossbody onto the Hurricane! Skipper tries to whip Hurricane into the barricade, but Hurricane counters and Skipper hits the barricade hard…and Hurricane backdrops him as a follow-up right on the floor! Hurricane climbs up onto the barricade and leaps onto Skipper! The Hurricane poses for the crowd as he’s in complete control!

Hurricane rolls Skipper back into the ring and covers, 1…2…kickout from Skipper. Gutwrench into a slam from Hurricane. Another cover, 1…2…another kickout from Skipper. Backbreaker from Hurricane. Hurricane heads to the top rope…flying fist drop connects! 1…2…Skipper kicks out once again and Hurricane shows some frustration. Hurricane sets Skipper up for a powerbomb or piledriver, but Skipper rolls him into a small package, 1…2…no! Both men get to their feet and Skipper is able to block a Hurricane punch and trap both arms, leading to a double arm-trap belly-to-belly suplex! Cover from Skipper, 1…2…Hurricane kicks out. Skipper hits a knee lift and a short-arm clothesline. Skipper heads to the top rope, and Hurricane turns around into a missile dropkick! Another cover, 1…2…Hurricane just kicks out!

Skipper goes for a double underhook suplex, but Hurricane counters into a Northern Lights suplex! 1…2…Skipper just breaks free! Skipper gets back to his feet and they each trade punches, until Hurricane ducks one and grabs Skipper by the throat…Hurri-Slam! Hurricane covers, 1…2…Skipper just kicks out and Hurricane is shocked! Skipper slowly gets back to his feet and Hurricane throws a wild clothesline that Skipper avoids by bending himself like the matrix…only Hurricane follows up by grabbing Skipper and dropping him with the Eye of the Hurricane (Nightmare on Helms Street)! Hurricane doesn’t seem to be having fun and calls for the “vertebreaker”, something he hasn’t used as the Hurricane. He sets up Skipper, but Skipper breaks free and land son his feet. Skipper hits the ropes and avoids the clothesline by catching Hurricane in a Crucifix pin, 1…2…3!

Winner: Elix Skipper via pinfall in 9:07

The Hurricane
is in total shock afterwards as Elix Skipper celebrates his win up the ramp. Hurricane again takes off his mask, only this time he crumples it and throws it on the canvas. As Hurricane walks up the ramp Skipper offers him a handshake, but Hurricane walks right by him.


Kevin Kelly
walks into William Regal’s locker room uninvited…

William Regal: “What in the bloody hell are you doing in here?!”

Kevin Kelly: Mr. Regal sir I was looking for an update in regards to the situation with Tajiri and The Unholy Alliance.”

William Regal: “I’m sure you are but you don’t come in here all willy-nilly! You’re lucky I don’t have Dave Finlay here rip your head off! Look sunshine, sooner or later, Tajiri will come home. Right now he’s just confused by that devil worshiper or whatever the hell he is. But let me tell you this, at The Great American Bash, I’m going to re-arrange the skull on Mortis’ so badly that he’ll be completely unrecognizable.”

Kevin Kelly: “How about your match tonight with Taka…”

William Regal: “You just don’t go away do you? Look, I understand Taka Michinoku is upset about what I had to do for Tajiri last Thursday. Just wrong place, wrong time for the little guy. But if he’s not careful, he’ll end up as a preview for what I am going to do to that scoundrel Mortis in a couple weeks!”


Backstage we see Elix Skipper talking with The Hurricane, who’s still clearly upset about the loss. But this time, they do shake hands, and once Hurricane packs his bags they both walk out of the locker room together.


Taka Michinoku (w/Kaz Hayashi) vs. William Regal (w/Finlay)

Regal seems amused at Taka, but Taka surprises him with a dropkick. Taka whips Regal into the corner and hits a leg lariat, then leaps up to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick to the back of the head. Taka is looking for a quick victory and goes for the Michinoku Driver, but Regal quickly gets a European uppercut and then an armtrap neckbreaker. Double underhood suplex to Taka, and Regal quickly follows up with the Regal Stretch, and the match is over just like that.

Winner: William Regal by submission in 1:00

Kaz Hayashi
jumps into the ring and attacks Regal, but Regal fends him off before Finlay suplexes him to the canvas. Regal gives an evil look to the camera before we cut to Jeremy Borash with Diamond Dallas Page, Stacy Keibler and The Giant.


Jeremy Borash:
Diamond Dallas Page, unfortunately you were unable to win your fourth WCW World Championship this past Saturday…”

Diamond Dallas Page: “Yeah, well, that’s one way to say it. Look, me, the big man right here. It’ been six years of this NWO crap. Even once we think it’s over it finds its way back and you know what. We’re done with it. Titles or no titles. Great American Bash. 13 days from now. We smash The Outsiders. See I’ve known Kevin and Scott a long time. Even before this NWO thing. And it pisses me off that they started this whole thing. But I know both of them very well, and both of them need one good BANG to be taken out for good. And if somehow that don’t work, well, the big guy here, he’s just gonna have to break every bone in their bodies…

…that is, if Kurt Angle doesn’t do it first.”

The camera pans towards a very angry Giant as Nitro cuts to a commercial.


Angle’s WCW World Title Shot vs. The Outsiders’ World Tag Team Title Shot
Curt Hennig and Kurt Angle (w/Alexis Laree) vs. The Outsiders (w/Shawn Michaels)

Curt Hennig, to prove a point, starts the match with Hall. Hall tosses his toothpick at Hennig…who responds by throwing his towel at Hall! Hennig is all over Hall before Hall runs towards Nash and his corner. Hennig does a cartwheel to show off as Hall regains his composure. They lock-up and Hall gets a hammerlock, that’s countered by Hennig. Hennig puts on the pressure and Hall quickly grabs the top rope for a break, then runs to Nash. Hall tags in Nash, and Angle decides he wants in and calls for Hennig to tag him, to which Hennig does. Angle quickly goes for the legs but Nash avoids being taken down. Nash hits some huge forearm smashes then sends Angle into the corner. Angle explodes out of the corner with a clothesline and down goes Nash! Angle fires away at Nash and even tries for the Ankle Lock, but Nash is able to grab the bottom rope…before Hall comes in and cheapshots Angle!

Nash makes the tag to Hall and Hall stomps away on Angle. Hall sends Angle off the ropes and hits a back bodydrop! Hall picks Angle up and delivers a Fall Away Slam. Hall taunts to the crowd, seemingly unimpressed with Angle. He locks on an abdominal stretch. Angle doesn’t give up, but the pressure gets ramped up when Hall grabs Nash’s hand! Referee doesn’t see it as Hall let’s go when checked. Hall and Nash cheat again with the abdominal stretch, but Angle powers out anyway by hip tossing Hall! Angle quickly gets back to his feet, but so does Hall and Hall takes him down with a lariat and tags in Nash. Nash hits some big blows before pushing his boot against Angle’s throat in the corner. Nash picks up Angle and drops him on the top turnbuckle with snake eyes! Big boot from Nash! Cover, 1…2…Angle kicks out.

Angle tries to crawl towards Hennig but a massive elbow drop by Nash stops him. Nash calls for the Jackknife, but when Angle’s up there he punches away and knocks Nash towards the corner. Angle gets some more punches in and hits the ropes, but runs right into the Sidewalk Slam! 1…2…Angle kicks out again. Nash tags in Hall and Hall immediately locks in a rear chinlock. Angle tries to fight out of it and does so, sending Hall off the ropes, but another lariat from Hall knocks Angle right back down. Hall sets up Angle for the Outsider’s Edge, but Angle backdrops him over the top rope and onto the floor! Angle crawls over to his corner to tag Hennig as X-Pac and Justin Credible run down to ringside. This distracts Hennig, leaving Angle no one to tag! Roddy Piper comes down and orders X-Pac and Credible away from ringside, and Hennig realizes Angle was looking for him, but he’s too late as Nash is back in and pulls Angle back to the center of the ring.

Nash pounds on Angle a bit more going for another elbow drop…but it misses as Angle moved! Hall runs back into the ring to try to stop Angle from making the tag but Angle ducks the clothesline and hits a German suplex! Referee tries to get Hall out of the ring as Angle roars…when he’s suddenly hit with a low blow by Alexis Laree! Curt Hennig acts shocked for a moment before hitting Angle with a Hennig-Plex!

Don West:
Angle was right they did betray him!”

Hennig and Hall embrace as Nash sets Angle up for the Jackknife…and plants him right in the center of the ring! 1…2…3!

Winners: The Outsiders when Nash pinned Angle in 14:16

The crowd boos loudly as Nash, Hennig, and Hall beat the hell out of Kurt Angle. The tune quickly changes as DDP and The Giant run down to the ring and the brawl is on. Triple H, Sean O’Haire, X-Pac, Justin Credible, and Big Bossman all come down. The Giant seems to have things in hand until Bossman whacks him with the nightstick. The numbers game is now too much as the NWO beat the hell out of DDP, Giant, and Angle. Chris Candido and Mike Awesome are here and they run down to help, but the NWO is just too big. Awesome ends up getting Pedigreed and Candido gets hit with a double superkick from Credible and X-Pac. Chuck Palumbo even runs down, but that’s not going to do much as he’s quickly swarmed. Roddy Piper decides to run in as well, but he’s quickly taken out and beaten down as well! Even Eric Bischoff gets in a few cheap shots on Angle and Piper.

The NWO stand tall and Triple H wants to make a statement. The NWO hold up Angle, DDP and Giant as HHH grabs the sledgehammer. With complete control of the situation, HHH is about to take out the three biggest threats to the NWO…until one sound changes the situation entirely…



Don West:

Mike Tenay:

Buffalo loses it’s shit as Stone Cold Steve Austin comes down to the ring to Disturbed’s “Glass Shatters”! As soon as Austin hits the ring HHH, HBK and Bischoff get out of there! Stunner to X-Pac! Stunner to Credible! Giant and DDP break free and Giant chokeslams Nash! Diamond Cutter to Hall! Stunner to Bossman! Stunner to O’Haire! Angle gets in a good shot at Hennig! Austin, Piper, Candido, Awesome, DDP, Giant, Palumbo and Angle all share some beers as Triple H looks in horror. Stone Cold is back!


Quick Results

Kidman defeated Rene Dupree by DQ

Sean O’Haire pinned Chuck Palumbo

Elix Skipper pinned The Hurricane

William Regal made Taka Michinoku submit

Angle’s WCW World Title Shot vs. The Outsider’s World Tag Team Title Shot
The Outsiders defeated Kurt Angle and Curt Hennig when Nash pinned Angle (after Hennig turned)


WCW World Champion

Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

ECW Television Champion
Rob Van Dam (Defeated Eddie Guerrero on 6-9-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Dudley Boyz on 3-11-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Super Crazy (Defeated Eddie Guerrero on 5-13-02)

World Women’s Champion
Jazz (Defeated Molly Marvel on 4-14-02)

Roster Updates

Stone Cold Steve Austin
– Last seen at SuperBrawl XII when Triple H bashed his knee with a chair and sidelined him for five months


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June 27, 2002
Burt Flickinger Center
Buffalo, New York

Joey Styles: “Welcome to ECW RISE! I’m Joey Styles alongside my broadcast partner, ECW legend Tazz! We have a huge show tonight. In the main event, we will see one of the greatest rivalries in North American professional wrestling add another chapter as Rey Mysterio Jr. takes on Eddie Guerrero. The winner gets an ECW World Championship Match against Brock Lesnar in ten days in Madison Square Garden at The Great American Bash!

Tazz: “It’s gonna be amazing Joey! And get this! Van Dam defends the ECW TV Title tonight against The Great Muta!

Joey Styles: “That’s right Tazz. This may be Rob Van Dam’s greatest challenge for his TV Title ever! NWO Japan’s Great Muta beat Lance Storm a couple of weeks ago, taking him and Dawn Marie out! That put him in line for this title shot. We will also see The Horror Show with Daffney and Victoria later tonight…but here comes the “Pearl of the Orient” himself!

“Looks like he’s got some security this him!”

ECW Television Championship
Rob Van Dam © (w/Bill Alfonso) vs. The Great Muta (w/Big Bossman)

RVD and Muta circle around one another. RVD throws some kicks that Muta ducks, before Muta throws kicks himself to create spacing. RVD laughs that exchange off and walks right up to Muta to do his taunt, but Muta catches him immediately with a chop to the throat! Muta pounds on RVD and hits a kick to the midsection. RVD leaps over a sweep though and hits Muta with a legdrop coming down! RVD traps Muta in the corner an dhits a couple of shoulder thrusts, before backflipping…and running right into a kick from Muta! Muta shoots green mist in the air before running at RVD, but RVD backdrops him over the top rope. RVD comes off the ropes, and hits a somersault Plancha! RVD whips Muta into the guardrail, then drops him gut-first on it. Bill Alfonso holds a chair in place on the back of Muta as RVD leaps off the apron with a spinning kick, smashing the chair across Muta’s back!

RVD rolls Muta back into the ring. RVD takes some time hot-dogging with the fans, allowing the Bossman to send him straight into the ringpost! Bossman stomps away on RVD before Mike Awesome comes down! Bossman tosses RVD back into the ring and then keeps his distance from Awesome. Muta traps RVD in the corner and hits him with chops and some elbows. He whips RVD into the corner and follows up with a cartwheel into a 180 avalanche! Straight kick to the back of the head knocks RVD down, 1…2…RVD just kicks out. Muta chokes RVD on the ropes. RVD elbows his way out, but Muta rakes the eyes. Hard chop by Muta takes the air out of RVD’s lungs. Muta goes for another cartwheel this time into a back elbow, but RVD moves from the corner and Muta crashes into the turnbuckles. RVD hits a couple of kicks, but Muta grabs a third one and hits a vicious dragon screw legwhip! Muta goes for a figure four, but RVD counters into a small package, 1…2…Muta kicks out, then kicks RVD in the back of the head again to keep him down.

Bill Alfonso throws a chair into the ring and gets up on the apron, but Muta swings at him to force him to jump down. RVD goes for the Van Daminator, but Muta ducks and hits RVD in the stomach with the chair. Muta goes for a frankensteiner, but RVD drops him with a sitout powerbomb! 1…2…Muta just kicks out! Muta backs away into the corner, but he’s in a sitting position. RVD skateboards the chair right into Muta’s face! RVD off the ropes, Rolling Thunder connects! Bossman gets on the apron but Mike Awesome pulls him down, and we have a brawl on the outside! As Awesome and Bossman go at it X-Pac and Justin Credible run down. RVD knocks X-Pac off the apron, then hits Credible with a spinkick, taking him out. Muta tries to hit RVD with the chair, but RVD ducks, then hits the Van-Daminator! RVD goes for the cover, but sees that the referee is pre-occupied with the Awesome-Bossman issue on the outside. RVD changes course and heads to the top rope to finish Muta, but Chavo Guerrero Jr. has run down and he grabs Bill Alfonso! RVD sees this, but Eddie Guerrero is here too and shoves RVD off the top rope, causing RVD to crash onto the canvas. Guerrero leaps off the top with his own Frog Splash right onto RVD! Chavo slugs Alfonso as the Guerreros bail and Muta makes the cover. Referee Jim Molineaux turns around and sees the cover, 1…2…3! We have a new champion!

Winner: The Great Muta by pinfall in 14:18 (New Champion)

Muta, Bossman, X-Pac and Credible
celebrate up the ramp as Mike Awesome chases them. Rob Van Dam comes to and he’s visibly angry about getting screwed out of the TV Title, saying he’s going to kick Guerrero’s ass the next chance he gets. He helps Bill Alfonso up.


Backstage Justin Credible is talking to the camera, with new ECW Television Champion The Great Muta, The Bossman and X-Pac celebrating Muta’s title win.

Justin Credible: “Hey man. This is a message that the X-Factor of the NWO isn’t to be messed with. We beat the unbeatable TV Champion Rob Van Dam. Anyone who dares to cross us will end up the same way! Now, that’s just not the coolest. That’s not just the best. That’s just…in..

Justin Credible can’t finish as Chris Candido and Mike Awesome attack! Candido and Awesome have the upper hand for a moment, but Bossman’s nightstick shots even the odds. The numbers game catches up to Candido and Awesome, and Credible gets in a particularly nasty kendo stick shot on Awesome, busting his nose open.

The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Spike Dudley and Perry Saturn run down, leading to the NWO running off.


“I can’t believe it Joey. For the first time, Van Dam has lost the TV Title in the ring!”

Joey Styles:
“And now for the first time ever, the New World Order has a piece of ECW gold! What will that mean for The Great American Bash?


Ivory vs. Victoria (w/Daffney)

Ivory runs right into a big boot from Victoria. Daffney gives Victoria a broomstick found from under the ring and Victoria chokes Ivory with it, before climbing to the second rope to add even more pressure. Ivory hits some elbows to break free, but a bulldog attempt is blocked. Victoria hit Ivory with the broomstick before hitting a snap suplex. Knee to the face from Victoria. Daffney tosses Victoria a garbage can, and Victoria wipes out Ivory with it. Victoria sets Ivory up and plants her with a powerbomb right on the can! Cover, 1…2…3!

Winner: Victoria by pinfall in 0:58

comes out from the crowd and attacks Daffney! Jazz beats on Daffney before Victoria sees her and runs her off! Jazz is visibly seen saying “you’re next bitch!”


Backstage we see Rey Mysterio Jr. in deep thought as he mentally prepares for one of the biggest matches of his career with Eddie Guerrero. We then cut to Eddie, who’s talking to his nephew Chavo. He tells Chavo to make sure he “watches out for Van Dam.”


#1 Contender for the ECW World Championship
Eddie Guerrero (w/Chavo Guerrero Jr.) vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

No time is wasted here! Eddie and Rey go at it trading shots in the middle of the ring! Rey gets the best of it and sends Eddie off the ropes. Drop toehold sends Eddie into the ropes, but Eddie moves out of the way of the 619. Eddie runs at Rey but gets armdragged for his troubles. Rey gets a side headlock, but Eddie flips Rey back over his head. Rey lands on his feet and Eddie turns into a hurricanrana with a pin, 1…2…Eddie just kicks out! Rey runs at Eddie and flips over him (almost like Eddie was powerbombing him), leading to a sunset flip pin, 1…2…Eddie kicks out again! Flying headscissors from Rey sends Eddie to the outside! Rey comes flying over the top rope with a springboard crossbody, but Eddie sidesteps and Rey crashes right onto the floor! Eddie stomps away at Rey, then picks him up and rams him back-first into the post. Eddie rolls Rey back into the ring and hits a springboard rolling senton! Cover, 1…2…Rey kicks out.

Eddie slows things down with a hammerlock on Rey, eventually transitioning to a rear chinlock with the leg grapevine. Rey starts to power out and tries to get to a vertical base, but Guerrero just lets go…then low bridges Rey. Guerrero goes back to the hammerlock. Rey again tries to power out and does get back to a vertical base, he leaps looking to break free with a super snapmare, but Eddie lets go when Rey is in midair and Rey crashes right onto the canvas! Guerrero quickly puts his feet on the back of Rey’s knees and rolls him up into a Mexican Surfboard! Rey screams in agony as Eddie has Rey bent in all kind of ways at the moment. Guerrero does let go on his own volition and moves to more impact attacks as he stomps Rey in the ribs. Guerrero sets up Rey for a powerbomb, but Rey counters with a hurricanrana that sends Eddie to the outside. Rey leaps onto the apron and back kicks Guerrero. Rey leaps up to the top rope and hits a springboard Asai Moonsault onto Guerrero on the floor!

Rey drags Guerrero back into the ring and puts him on the top rope. Rey is looking for the avalanche hurricanrana here, but Eddie shoves him off and Rey crashes into the canvas. Eddie plays to the crowd for a second, but leaps off the top rope. Rey moves and Eddie ends up rolling through as opposed to actually going for the Frog Splash. Guerrero runs at Rey, but Rey ducks the leaping Eddie and Eddie jumps right into the top turnbuckle! Rey traps Guerrero’s arms with his legs and rolls back with a pinning combination, 1…2…Eddie just kicks out! Rey gets a full head of steam and goes for another flying head scissors, only Eddie plants Rey right into his knee for a vicious backbreaker! Eddie quickly pulls Rey’s legs up behind his back and locks in the Lasso From El Paso! Rey screams in pain as Eddie goes what he can to break Rey in half. Rey pulls Eddie’s support foot out to break the hold.

Rey quickly locks Eddie’s head in a front facelock before hitting a Tornado DDT! Rey heads to the top rope, but Chavo Guerrero Jr. shakes the ropes, leading to Rey getting crotched. Eddie heads up to the top rope and sets Rey up and hits the superplex! Eddie slowly heads back to the top rope. Frog Splash…just misses as Rey just moves out of the way! Both men are down as Chavo places a chair in the ring. Chavo tries to motivate Eddie to get back to his feet, but Rey actually does so and backdrops Eddie in the back as he was getting up. Eddie falls into the ropes, and Rey goes for the 619…hitting Chavo when Chavo tries to protect his uncle! Rey is distracted for a second as Eddie grabs the chair. WHAM! Eddie nails Rey right over the head with the chair! Eddie stumbles around with the chair as fatigue is still a factor. Eddie looks to hit Rey with one last big shot, but here comes Rob Van Dam! Eddie did see him coming and takes a swing, but RVD ducks and hits Eddie with the Van-Daminator! RVD comes off the ropes and hits his second somersault Plancha of the night, this time on Chavo! Rey crawls over to Eddie and gets his arm on him, 1…2…Eddie manages to get the shoulder up! Rey crawls under the bottom rope as Eddie staggers to his feet. Springboard hurricanrana connects! Rey has the leg hooked, 1…2…3!

Winner: Rey Mysterio Jr. via pinfall in 18:43

goes after Eddie, who rolls out of the ring and escapes through the crowd!

Rey Mysterio Jr. celebrates his win over Eddie Guerrero…when Brock Lesnar’s theme plays! Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar appear at the stage entrance as Rey looks on. Brock has a serious look on his face…until he bursts out laughing! Rey looks determined as he looks on, as Brock doubling over in laughter is the last scene we see as RISE goes off the air!


Quick Results

ECW World Television Championship

The Great Muta pinned Rob Van Dam to win the title

Victoria pinned Ivory

#1 Contender for the ECW World Championship
Rey Mysterio Jr. pinned Eddie Guerrero


WCW World Champion

Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

ECW Television Champion
The Great Muta (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 6-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Dudley Boyz on 3-11-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Super Crazy (Defeated Eddie Guerrero on 5-13-02)

World Women’s Champion
Jazz (Defeated Molly Marvel on 4-14-02)

Roster Updates

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WCW Worldwide
June 29, 2002
Blue Cross Arena
Rochester, NY

Scott Hudson
: “Welcome to Worldwide! I’m Scott Hudson with Mike Tenay and we have some interesting matches for you today, including a title match!

Mike Tenay: “Yes Scott, tonight we have a World Cruiserweight Championship Match as Super Crazy defends against Japanese star Ikuto Hidaka!”

Scott Hudson: “
But first, we have some WCW/ECW vs. NWO action to kick things off!”


Big Bossman vs. Perry Saturn

Bossman hits a knee to the midsection before punching away at Saturn. Saturn fires back and sends Bossman off the ropes and takes him down with a big clothesline! Elbow from Saturn. Bossman gets back to his feet and hits an uppercut to the throat then punches at Saturn in the ropes. Big boot from Bossman knocks Saturn down. Cover, 1…2…Saturn kicks out. Bossman chokes Saturn in the ropes, but Saturn reverses an Irish whip into the corner. Bossman hits sternum first and Saturn follows up with a sweep, then springboards off the second rope into a twisting legdrop! Cover from Saturn, 1…2…Bossman kicks out. Saturn heads to the top rope, but the flying crossbody misses as the Bossman ducks out of the way!

Bossman locks in an abdominal stretch, and cheats for good measure by holding onto the second rope. Saturn screams in pain, but the referee doesn’t catch Bossman. Bossman pounds away on the ribs before letting go. He sends Saturn into the corner and follows up with a big avalanche! Bossman sends Saturn off the ropes, but Saturn is able to escape Bossman’s grasp on the Bossman Slam, and hits him with a roundhouse kick! Quick whipping neckbreaker by Saturn! Saturn heads to the top rope and hits Bossman with a beautiful elbow drop! Cover, 1…2…Bossman just kicks out! Bossman gets back to his feet, but Saturn quickly dumps him with an exploder suplex and just as quickly locks in the Rings of Saturn! Bossman screams in pain before giving up!

Winner: Perry Saturn by submission in 5:11


Scott Hudson
: “Mike, last Monday on Nitro looked to be a wild night!”

Mike Tenay: “It was Scott. I’ve come to understand that the New World Order as a whole is completely shaken with Stone Cold Steve Austin’s return. Some matches were locked on or have been signed over the past week for next Sunday’s Great American Bash. As a result of Curt Hennig’s turn that cost Kurt Angle his shot at the WCW World Championship, the Outsiders will face Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant for the Tag Team Titles. Also, Christian faces off with Billy Kidman for the US Title.”

Scott Hudson: “Also I was watching RISE last Thursday. Rey Mysterio Jr. beat Eddie Guerrero, which gives him an ECW World Championship match against Brock Lesnar! Also, don’t forget the weird turns the Unholy Alliance situation has taken that’s led to William Regal against Mortis.”

Mike Tenay: “
I understand that the main event for The Great American Bash will be locked in this Monday on Nitro. I’m sure the rest of the event will round itself out as well. It’s WCW and ECW’s debut in Madison Square Garden. The Great American Bash, live on Pay-Per-View in just 8 days on Sunday, July 7th!


The Harris Brothers vs. “Wildcat” Chris Harris and James Storm

The Harris Brothers attack Wildcat and Storm, but surprisingly Wildcat and Storm fire back and get the upper hand! Wildcat punches away at Ron Harris as Storm tosses Don to the outside. A brawl on the outside commences as Storm throws Don into the railing. Storm runs back into the ring just as Wildcat whips Ron into the corner. Wildcat whips Storm into Ron, with Storm twisting into a back elbow! Bulldog from Wildcat to Ron! 1…2…Don slides in and breaks up the count. Don tosses Wildcat to the outside and brawls with him, but Storm makes the save and slams Don into the apron. Both Storm and Wildcat ram Don into the ring post before sliding back into the ring.

Storm hits Ron with a double underhook suplex. Ron gets back to his feet but Wildcat hits a Thesz Press! Sambo suplex from Wildcat! Wildcat heads to the top rope and Storm takes out Ron with a superkick! Storm locks Ron in a bearhug but then squats down, exposing Ron’s upper body for Wildcat to come flying down on with a legdrop (The Death Sentence). Wildcat knocks Don off the apron as Storm covers Ron, 1…2…3!

Winners: Chris Harris and James Storm when Storm pinned Ron Harris in 4:05

Mike Tenay
: “What a surprise that was Scott! This match was supposed to be a tune-up for The Harris Brothers, but this team of “Wildcat” Chris Harris and James Storm just dominated them!”

Chris Harris and James Storm walk up to Scott Hudson and Mike Tenay. Harris speaks loudly enough that the mics pick up his voice.

Chris Harris: “Listen, listen. From now on, you call use AMW…America’s Most Wanted! Make sure you two get that right!”


World Cruiserweight Championship
Super Crazy © vs. Ikuto Hidaka

Lock up starts the match as Hidaka gets an arm wringer to start. Hidaka forces Crazy all the way to the canvas before Crazy nips up then gets an arm ringer of his own. Hidaka escapes with a super snapmare which sends Crazy to the outside. Crazy’s a bit surprised as he gathers himself. Crazy heads back into the ring and they lock up once again. Hide headlock from Hidaka. Crazy sends Hidaka off the ropes and Hidaka gets a shoulder block. Hidaka hits the ropes again and Crazy leapfrogs over him. Hidaka goes for a springboard moonsault, but lands on his feet as Crazy rolls under him. Leapfrog from Hidaka this time, and this time it’s Crazy going for the springboard moonsault only for Hidaka to roll under. Hidaka runs right into a drop toe hold from Crazy to slow things down.

Hip toss from Hidaka, but Crazy dodges the following dropkick. Crazy gets an armdrag, then Hidaka gets an armdrag, then Crazy gets another armdrag. Both men back to their feet quickly and Hidaka gets a hard chop. He follows up with another one. And a third. Hidaka sends Crazy into the corner, but Crazy backdrops him over the top rope when he charges in. Hidaka lands on the apron. Springboard hurricanrana hits for Hidaka! Cover, 1…2…Crazy kicks out! Crazy rolls to the outside and Hidaka catches him with a baseball slide that sends Crazy into the railing. Hidaka gets onto the apron, springboards off the top rope with a corkscrew senton onto Crazy on the floor! Hidaka sends Crazy back into the ring, but Crazy sidesteps a springboard dropkick from the apron! Crazy leaps onto the apron, then leaps into the ring onto the second rope and hits a moonsault himself! Cover, 1…2…Hidaka kicks out. Crazy sends Hidaka into the corner and mounts!



Crazy goes for a powerbomb to finish off Hidaka, but Hidaka rolls through with a pin, 1…2…kickout from Crazy but we almost had a huge upset! Crazy misses a roundhouse right and Hidaka hits a German suplex, and then he flips over for a jackknife pin, 1…2…Crazy again just kicks out! Flying headscissors by Hidaka! Hidaka quickly leaps up to the top rope, but the corkscrew senton misses! Crazy leaps up to his feet and sets up Hidaka again and plants him with a sitout powerbomb! 1…2…3! What a match for Worldwide!

Winner: Super Crazy via pinfall in 9:14 (Retains)

Super Crazy
helps Ikuto Hidaka up and shakes his hand as Worldwide goes off the air.


Quick Results

Perry Saturn made Big Bossman submit

“Wildcat” Chris Harris and James Storm defeated The Harris Brothers

World Cruiserweight Championship
Super Crazy pinned Ikuto Hidaka to retain the title


WCW World Champion

Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

ECW Television Champion
The Great Muta (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 6-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Dudley Boyz on 3-11-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Super Crazy (Defeated Eddie Guerrero on 5-13-02)

World Women’s Champion
Jazz (Defeated Molly Marvel on 4-14-02)

Roster Updates

Ikuto Hidaka
BattleArts star who made some ECW appearances in 1999
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WCW Monday Night Nitro
July 1, 2002
Boston, MA


Mike Tenay:
“Welcome everyone, we’re kicking off Nitro with the man who returned last week, Stone Cold Steve Austin!”



Stone Cold Steve Austin:


Stone Cold Steve Austin:
“I’m gonna make this real sweet and real short. In six days WCW debuts in Madison Square Garden for The Great American Bash. And in six days Stone Cold Steve Austin is going to whip Triple H’s green and black ass and win back his WCW World Championship! So Roddy Piper or whomever the hell is in charge, let’s get this show on the road!”

The Game” plays as WCW World Champion Triple H makes his way down to the ring. He comes alone, and shows no fear in entering the ring.

Stone Cold Steve Austin: “Look son you better be out here to give me my title match or you’re going to get the same thing that the rest of your little group got last week!”

Triple H smirks before responding.

Triple H: “You know I had a full week to think about you Steve. I knew, I knew I didn’t finish the job at SuperBrawl. I just thought, I thought that maybe you finally learned your lesson.”

Stone Cold Steve Austin: “Yeah I’m real hard-headed. Now can we get to the damn point.”

Triple H: “The point is, time and time again I’ve beaten you. In the WWF. In WCW I’m always the one who comes up on top. No Way Out. No Mercy. Souled Out. I’ve crippled you more than once. Hell I successfully masterminded a hit-and-run that cost you nine months of your career! You see when I was talking to Shawn, Shawn told me I should back away. That you were too dangerous to take head-on. But then I reminded Shawn that the reason he hasn’t wrestled a match in four years is because of you. No one knows how to deal with you…except me.”

Stone Cold Steve Austin: “Then what are you afraid of son?”

Triple H: “It’s not about fear. Last week, yeah, last week I didn’t know what to think. I had the end of WCW in my sights. Complete control by my New World Order was right in the palm of my hand. And then you showed up. But after a week of thinking about it I know what to do. And that’s nothing. Nothing. You’re nothing to me now Steve Austin. I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else. I know I can beat you because I’ve done it time after time. You only think you can beat me. So no title shots for you. You don’t deserve it. And I’m not going to give it to you…”


Mike Tenay:
“Here comes the money?”

Don West:
“Oh My God Mike that’s the owner, Shane McMahon!

Triple H looks angrily down the aisle as Shane McMahon makes his return!

Shane McMahon: “Look who’s back everyone! The owner of World Championship Wrestling is back in town, and Triple H. That’s not good news for you!”

Triple H: “Don’t you dare…”

Stone Cold Steve Austin: “How about you shut the hell up.”

Triple H: “How about…”

Shane McMahon: “Hey, both of you. If you want something to get done here I recommend you both quiet down and listen to the boss!” First thing is first. I have to be honest Stone Cold, I have to agree with Triple H.”

Stone Cold Steve Austin: “What?”

Shane McMahon: “I said…”

Stone Cold Steve Austin: “Yeah I heard you. Well I got a little argument for good ol’ Stone Cold. (Asking the crowd) If you want Stone Cold to get a WCW World Title Shot against Triple H at The Great American Bash, give me a hell yeah!”


Shane McMahon:
“I gotta say that’s a pretty good argument. Well that and making all the money in New York City this weekend. So I’ve made a decision. At The Great American Bash, it will be Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin, one-on-one, for the WCW World Championship!

Triple H: “You’ve gotta be kidding me! How many times do I have to beat him huh? How many?”

Shane McMahon: “Well Triple H, I have an answer for that question. The answer is…one. Because Stone Cold, while I’ve granted you this title shot, this is the last one. If Triple H prevails, you will never get another shot as long as he is champion. This is it.”

Stone Cold Steve Austin: “I only need one.”

Shane McMahon: “But we’re not done. See after Triple H took me out at Uncensored, I had a lot of time on my hands recovering. And I decided to really watch the history of the company that I bought over a year ago. I decided that I need to really understand the history of my company to make sure it flourishes. Something that caught my eye? About a year ago WCW had a match in one of the damndest structures I’d ever seen. I thought my dad’s Hell in a Cell was impressive, but boy, this tops it all. And I’m thinking for WCW’s Madison Square Garden debut, I wanna go big. I’ve got Triple H vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin for the World Title. The only way to go bigger? How’s this for the marquee? WCW World Championship. Triple H versus Stone Cold Steve Austin. In a TRIPLE CAGE MATCH!”

A video is shown of the impressive Triple Cage, with each cage being on top of the other. It was only used twice in history, for the Slamboree 2000 main event and for War Games 2000. Triple H looks in horror as Stone Cold shows a huge smile.

Shane McMahon: “A couple last things. Austin, all due respect, you haven’t wrestled a match in nearly five months. And I think tonight a warm-up will do. I’ll let you pick any member of the New World Order other than Triple H. And if I see any members of the NWO even coming close to touching Stone Cold, whether it’s in that match or not, I’ll hand Austin the belt myself! But that goes for you to Steve. Lay a hand on Triple H before Sunday, and your last shot will be gone.”

Shane McMahon literally does a midcrop and walks off. Austin has one last thing to say to Triple H.

Stone Cold Steve Austin: “I got two more things for ya jackass!”

Austin flips off HHH as HHH is left fuming in the ring!


Mike Tenay:
“What a start to Nitro! We have a big show for you tonight. When we come back, it’s Finlay vs. Booker T!”


As Nitro comes back from commercial, R-Killa and Mark Henry sit down at the announce position with Mike Tenay and Don West.


Booker T vs. Fit Finlay

Booker T hip tosses Finlay to kick things off. Finlay gets back to his feet and Booker punches away at him, but Finlay gets the upper hand when he responds with European uppercuts. Snapmare from Finlay. Finlay drops all his weight on Booker’s midsection then goes for a cover. 1…2…Booker kicks out. Finlay gets some more stiff shots in, but Booker fires back. Booker misses a roundhouse kick and Finlay catches a clothesline, leading to a short-arm clothesline from Finlay. Finlay puts the boots onto Booker before picking him back up. Finlay goes for another short-arm clothesline, but Booker ducks and hits the roundhouse kick! Booker hits the ropes and ducks a wild Finlay clothesline and comes back with a flying clothesline! Cover, 1…2…Finlay kicks out.

Booker hits some forearms before sending Finlay into the ropes. Flying Harlem sidekick misses and Booker ends up crotching himself on the top rope! Finlay knocks him off and Booker crashes onto the floor. Finlay comes off the apron with a double ax handle smash. Finlay slams Booker into the apron a few times before dropping him face first on it as well! Finlay sends Booker back into the ring and stomps away on him. Finlay locks in a sleeper and uses his weight to drop Booker into a sitting position. Booker is almost out…before he gets a second wind! Booker hits a couple of elbows and breaks free by grabbing Finlay’s arm and flipping him over. Booker runs at Finlay and gets cut off with a stiff European uppercut!

R-Killa: “That boy Finlay, now he ain’t me, but I mean, that’s a tough man. Booker getting his ass kicked the way he is gonna leave him with nothing for this Sunday.”

Finlay pounds Booker on the back before hitting a belly-to-back suplex. Cover, 1…2…Booker kicks out. Finlay sets Booker up for another one, but Booker this time land son his feet behind Finlay, then hits his own belly-to-back suplex! Booker pops up with a spinarooni! Booker runs at Finlay but Finlay shoves him into the turnbuckles. Finlay charges and runs right into a Harlem sidekick! Finlay tries to make his way back to his feet but gets knocked right back down with the Scissors’ Kick! Booker really gets pumped up and the crowd is with him. He points towards R-Killa, then slams a dazed Finlay with the Bookend! 1…2…3!

Winner: Booker T via pinfall in 9:10

Booker T
grabs a microphone.

Booker T: “Hey, hey. You, R-Killa, you want to go now? I don’t need my brother we can go right now! Come on!”

R-Killa looks like he’s going to take Booker T up for the challenge, but instead he holds back Mark Henry and they head to the back. Booker celebrates his victory as we cut to the back.


Kevin Kelly
is with the United States Champion Christian and Rene Dupree.

Kevin Kelly: Christian, we’re just six days away from you defending the US Championship against Billy Kidman. Not only that, but tonight Rene Dupree takes on a man who you’ve had to deal with for the last few months.”

Christian: “One thing at a time Kelly. Rene here will have no problem with Test. Remember, me and Test were on the same side for a while, but I realized I had to upgrade. And as for Kidman. Look, he had his chances back when WCW was the second tier league. But now that I’m here he’s got no shot.”

Rene Dupree: "Je ferai de Torrie ma petite amie!"

Kevin Kelly: “What did he say?”

Christian: “Don’t worry about it Kelly. Just make sure you understand. This time next week on Nitro, I’ll still have this US Title. No one is taking it way from me. Not Test. And certainly not Billy Kidman.


Rene Dupree (w/Christian) vs. Test

Test runs into the ring and clotheslines Dupree. He hits another clothesline. Sidewalk slam from Test. Test punches away at Dupree but Dupree fires back. Dupree goes for a clothesline, but Test counters into the full nelson and hits a full nelson slam. Cover, 1…2…Dupree kicks out. Test sends Dupree off the ropes, sidewalk slam! Test picks up Dupree and sets him up again for the pumphandle slam, but Christian pulls Dupree down. Billy Kidman runs down and pulls Christian off the apron and the two slug it out. Test was distracted for a moment but goes back to dishing out punishment on Dupree. Test looks to finish with the Big Boot, but Dupree ducks and Test turns around into a Death Valley Driver! 1…2…3! Dupree with a surprising quick victory!

Winner: Rene Dupree via pinfall in 1:51

Billy Kidman
runs in and attacks Dupree, but Dupree shoves him off into Christian, who hits him with a boot and plants him with the Unprettier! Christian and Dupree stand tall over Kidman and Test!


William Regal
is packing up in the locker room as Finlay is still trying to recover from his loss to Booker T earlier in the night.

William Regal: “Come on now. We’ll make sure that miserable toerack Booker T gets his another night. We have to take care of that clown show this Sunday. I’m going to knock that strange Mortis out for good on Sunday and bring Tajiri back to the fold. Come on Dave, let’s get going. I need to physically prepare so I’m not sick being in New York City for too long.”

Regal and Finlay leave, but when they do the camera zooms into a mirror in the locker room, where a reflection of the mask of Mortis is visible…perhaps peering into the room itself?


We come back to Nitro and are shown a replay of Curt Hennig and Alexis Laree turning on Kurt Angle last week.

Curt Hennig (w/Alexis Laree and Sean O’Haire) vs. Kurt Angle

Angle immediately takes down Hennig and crossface punches him over and over again. Hennig escapes, but runs right into a belly-to-belly suplex from Angle! Angle goes for the ankle lock, but Sean O’Haire runs in immediately to break it up and we have a DQ.

Winner: Kurt Angle by DQ in 0:31

gets his shots in on O’Haire but Alexis Laree catches him with a low blow! Hennig and O’Haire double team angle before Roddy Piper runs down with a leather belt! He gets a shot in on Hennig before Hennig and O’Haire decide to run off!


Jeremy Borash
is with the WCW World Tag Team Champions Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant.

Jeremy Borash:
“Gentlemen, we’re just six days away from the epic Tag Team Championship clash between you two and the Outsiders.”

Diamond Dallas Page: “You know Jeremy. This thing with me and Nash and Hall. It goes way back. Way back. Even before the days of the New World Order, look up your tapes everyone, I ran the Diamond Mine and I got both of those guys their first big break. And like the scum they are they left me high and dry. And you know what, that’s fine. They made it big. I made it big. Bada bing that’s the business. But they my trip to the top as hellish as possible. Now look, that was the ninties. It’s 2002 man. We’re all sick of this NWO trash. This Sunday, it’s gonna be an end of an era. Austin’s got Triple H. Angle’s got his thing probably. And we got the Outsiders. And after that I never want to hear the term ‘NWO’ again!”

The Giant: “Honestly, Dallas, you care more about the other guys than I do. I’ve got one goal this Sunday, and that’s doing something I’ve wanted to do for the better part of five years. I am going to break every last bone in Kevin Nash’s body! And if I have to squash Scott Hall on the way, so be it!

Diamond Dallas Page: “This Sunday Outsiders, be ready to feel the BANG! Diamond Cutter baby!”


Justin Credible (w/X-Pac and Big Bossman) vs. Perry Saturn

Credible misses a clothesline and Saturn hits some punches before dumping Credible on his head with a T-Bone suplex! Saturn whips Credible into the corner and backdrops him out! Credible backs off into the corner before catching Saturn with a thumb to the eye. Credible punches and kicks Saturn in the corner, but Saturn explodes out with a clothesline! Saturn hits the ropes but Credible hotshots him across the top rope, then hits a dropkick. Cover, 1…2…Saturn kicks out. Credible stomps away on Saturn before choking him. Credible sends Saturn into the corner and stomps away on the midsection. Suplex from Credible and a cover, 1…2…Saturn kicks out again. Credible goes back to stomping Saturn in the corner, but a baseball slide misses and Credible ends up wishboned by the ring post!

Saturn sambo suplexes Credible out of the corner. Credible is slow to get to his feet and Saturn knocks him right back down with a springboard corkscrew dropkick! Cover, 1…2…Credible kicks out. Credible gets whipped into the corner, but gets his feet up when Saturn charges in. Credible tries to follow up with a clothesline, only for Saturn to block and takedown Credible…then lock him in the Rings of Saturn! X-Pac gets on the apron to distract the referee, and the Bossman cracks Saturn in the back of the head with the nightstick! Bossman leaves Credible on top of Saturn, 1…2…3!

Winner: Justin Credible via pinfall in 5:27

Bossman, X-Pac and Justin Credible
beat the hell out of Saturn, but that doesn’t last because Mike Awesome runs down! Only the Bossman sticks around to fight him as X-Pac and Justin Credible bail! Bossman gets some shots in, but Awesome just boots him, then plants him with an Awesome Bomb! Awesome eyes Credible down the ramp as we cut to the back!


Backstage in the NWO Locker Room, Triple H is giving a speech to the group. X-Pac and Justin Credible run in right before he gets started.

Triple H: “Whoever he picks, tonight, you have a job. That job is to beat down Steve Austin so badly that he doesn’t even want to show up this Sunday. He needs to know the power of the New World Order. He came down last week and made fools out of all of you. Now is your time to get revenge. Whether it’s you Sean, or you Kevin, or whomever in this room he picks. This is our chance to end Stone Cold Steve Austin for good! Let’s get this done! No excuses.”


As we return to Nitro, Shane McMahon walks up to Roddy Piper.

Shane McMahon: “Hey Roddy, I wanted to find you tonight and say thank you for covering the last few months.”

Roddy Piper: “Don’t think anything of it. You know, I always knew you were a little smarter than your old man. It was, it was a good way to get back in the mix.”

Shane McMahon: “I have a way to thank you Roddy. A way that I think you’ll find beneficial to both you and I.”

Roddy Piper: “Well speak up Junior!”

Shane McMahon: “Well we got the big Triple Cage main event with Austin and Triple H. But, I can’t help but feel like we need a real good semi-main. A co-headliner. And I’m thinking, well, we’re in Madison Square Garden. What a better guy to have on the top of the card again than “Rowdy” Roddy Piper!

Roddy Piper: “I like the cut of your jib!”

Shane McMahon: “With what happened earlier, I think it’s clear where I’m going. This Sunday, Great American Bash, it’s going to be the NWO's Curt Hennig and Sean O’Haire against you, Roddy Piper…and Kurt Angle!”

Roddy Piper: “NOW you’re talkin’! Pleasure doing business with ya!”

Roddy Piper and Shane McMahon shake hands before we cut back to ringside.


Don West:
“Wow Mike what a tag match! Piper and Angle against Hennig and O’Haire I can’t wait!”

Mike Tenay:
The Great American Bash is shaping up to be one of the all-time great Pay-Per-View events! We have one more match tonight, a warm-up for the Triple Cage Match for the WCW World Championship this Sunday, Stone Cold gets to choose a member of the NWO to face. And hey look, here comes the boss!”

Shane McMahon comes down and sits next to Tenay and West.

Shane McMahon: “Hey guys. I’m just gonna sit here and enjoy the show!”

“Glass Shatters” by Disturbed plays as Stone Cold makes his way down to the ring! Austin grabs a microphone.



Stone Cold Steve Austin:
“Who’s ready for storytime with Stone Cold Steve Austin?”


Stone Cold Steve Austin:
“You know I spent all night trying to figure who’s ass I was going to kick from the NWO. But the answer was obvious. See I could go ahead and challenge Curt Hennig for what he did to me back at Starrcade, but I’m pretty sure he’s getting his ass perfectly kicked this Sunday anyway. There’s that kid Sean O’Haire. Impressive guy. Based on the fact he joined the damn NWO I’m betting he’s got a million dollar body and a ten cent brain! And yeah I can run down the entire NWO right now but you all came to see me whip another man’s ass and not just talk, so I’ll get to the point. I almost did it all in WCW.”

TV Champ


US Champ


Tag Champ


Stone Cold Steve Austin:
“But then I got a little arm injury. Took be out for a few months. But when I was ready to come back, I received a FedEx in the mail. That’s the day Stone Cold Steve Austin got fired from WCW. I vowed one day that I’d complete the deal and be WCW World Champ, and that’s exactly what I did! But I’ll never forget the name at the end of my termination letter. That name? Eric Bischoff! Well it’s time to pay the piper. Eric Bischoff, get your little ass out here right now and do what you couldn’t do when you fired me. And that’s actually meet me face-to-face!”

Nitro cuts back to the NWO locker room where Eric Bischoff looks horrified and refuses to go out!

Shane McMahon stands up from the announce position.

Shane McMahon: “Let me make this real easy. If Eric Bischoff does not come down to face Stone Cold I will award the WCW World Championship to Austin right now!”

Triple H demands that Bischoff go out there to the point of having The Outsiders grab him and push him through the entrance! Bischoff slowly walks down with Austin eyeing his every step. Bischoff enters the ring, still clearly afraid.

Stone Cold Steve Austin: “What’s the matter?”







“Fearful for your life right now?”


Stone Cold Steve Austin:
“Well there’s nothing to be afraid of. I just wanna have a little wrestling match. Here’s what I’ll do. I’ll even give you a free shot. I’ll put this microphone down and turn my back. And we’ll do this thing. And one more thing Eric. Good luck. I mean that.”

Eric Bischoff vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

Austin turns his back and after some deep breaths Bischoff goes for a karate kick to the back of the head…and it knocks Austin into the corner! Bischoff goes for some bodyshots and a couple of more kicks and has Austin staggered! Bischoff brags to the crowd but turns his back on Austin…who was clearly playing possum and starts laughing! Bischoff turns back around and realizes exactly what trouble he’s in as Austin flips him off then levels him with a clothesline! Austin stomps away at Bischoff, who crawls into the corner. That doesn’t stop Stone Cold though as he stomps a mudhole in Bischoff, one “what?” at a time!



Bischoff manages to get to his feet, but Austin knocks him right back down with a Thesz Press, followed by punches over and over again! Bischoff again manages to get to his feet, but Austin boots him and drops him right back down with the Stunner! Austin covers, 1…2…NO! Austin pulls Bischoff’s arm up and then feigns shock. Austin helps Bischoff to his feet, give him a little pat on the cheek, before flipping him off again and dropping him with another Stunner! This time it’s over, 1…2…3!

Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin via pinfall in 4:27

Triple H
appears at the entrance as Stone Cold celebrates with a few beers! Austin and HHH lock eyes as Nitro goes off the air!


Quick Results

Booker T pinned Fit Finlay

Rene Dupree pinned Test

Kurt Angle defeated Curt Hennig by DQ

Justin Credible pinned Perry Saturn

Stone Cold Steve Austin pinned Eric Bischoff


WCW World Champion

Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

ECW Television Champion
The Great Muta (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 6-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Dudley Boyz on 3-11-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Super Crazy (Defeated Eddie Guerrero on 5-13-02)

World Women’s Champion
Jazz (Defeated Molly Marvel on 4-14-02)

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July 4, 2002
Hartford Civic Center
Hartford, CT

Paul Heyman: “Yes Miss McMahon everything is set for this Sunday.”

Stephanie McMahon: “Give me the rundown Paul.”

Paul Heyman: “After last week, Justin Credible vs. Mike Awesome is a go. Also, I couldn’t decide between Guerrero and Van Dam for the TV Title Match, so I’m putting them both against The Great Muta. Joey and Tazz are calling Regal vs. Mortis.”

Stephanie McMahon: “And tonight’s taken care of as well?”

Paul Heyman: “I’ll be having a discussion with our #1 contender tonight in Rey Mysterio Jr.

Stephanie McMahon: “Thank you Paul. Following up on my announcement a couple weeks ago next week I will be my last on TV as I’m going to take care of all finances. I expect you to be in the ring with me for the official transition.”

Paul Heyman: “Of course! There’s nothing that could make me miss that!”

Stephanie McMahon: “Great Paul. I will see you next week. Let’s make sure tonight goes smoothly.”

Joey Styles: “Hello everyone I’m Joey Styles alongside former ECW World Champion Tazz. We are three days away from The Great American Bash, where Brock Lesnar defends the ECW World Heavyweight Championship against Rey Mysterio Jr.!”

Tazz: “I can’t wait Joey. Plus, The Great Muta, the new TV Champ, has to defend against Guerrero and Van Dam?! What a show this Sunday what a show!”

Joey Styles:
“We’ve for a title match kicking things off partner as Super Crazy defends the World Cruiserweight Championship against Little Guido!


World Cruiserweight Championship
Super Crazy © vs. Little Guido (w/Big Daddy Vincenzo)

Little Guido shoves Super Crazy into the corner, then hits him with a couple of hard chops. Crazy fires back his own chops, but then misses a punch and Guido gets a waistlock. Crazy reverses into one of his own and tries to dump Guido back over his head, but Guido lands on his feet. Trip from Guido and a cover, 1…2…Crazy kicks out. Crazy gets a trip and a cover of his own, 1…2…Guido kicks out. Armdrag by Guido, but then armdrag by Crazy! Crazy kips up right in front of Guido and that slows Guido down. Guido hits the ropes and leapfrogs over Guido, then springboards into a corkscrew crossbody…but Guido catches him with an armbar! Guido doesn’t get it quite locked in and Crazy escapes, then backdrops Guido over the top rope and onto the floor!

Big Daddy Vincenzo helps Guido up, but Crazy comes flying off the top rope with a moonsault taking both men out! Crazy dumps Guido into the crowd as they continue to fight, and Crazy nails Guido with someone’s beer, leaving him dazed. Crazy climbs a balcony of the Civic Center. Big Daddy Vincenzo comes over to help Guido, but Crazy leaps off the balcony with a moonsault, again taking out both men! Crazy drags Guido back to the ring and makes the cover, 1…2…Guido just kicks out. Crazy stomps away on Guido when Big Sal E. Graziano makes his way down and pulls Crazy to the outside! Sal E. hits a 600 pound splash on Crazy on the floor, then dumps him back in! Guido gets an arm on Crazy, 1…2…no!

Guido is still staggered, but comes off the ropes and hits a swinging neckbreaker. He goes for the Sicilian Crab, but Crazy powers out before it’s locked in. Guido hits some uppercuts, but when he whips Crazy to the ropes Crazy springboards off the top and takes out Big Sal on the outside! Guido tries to bring Crazy back in the hard way with a suplex, but Crazy hits a forearm. Springboard moonsault off the top connects! 1…2…Guido just kicks out! Guido pounds away on Crazy, then whips him off the ropes. Guido goes for the backdrop but Crazy puts on the brakes and lays him out with a powerbomb! 1…2…3!

Winner: Super Crazy via pinfall in 8:47

Tracy Smothers and Tony Mamaluke
run down to cut any celebration from Super Crazy short, but Crazy makes sure to raise the title above his head as he runs down the entrance ramp!


Backstage Justin Credible is with The Big Bossman, X-Pac and The Great Muta.

Justin Credible: “Listen, Mike Awesome. Last week, I cracked you right on the nose with this kendo stick and this Sunday, I plan to do it again. You know why I joined up with Pac? Because this friendship rewards loyalty. You see when you bailed for WCW in 2000, which you did because you were scared of my rise by the way, I dominated ECW like no one before. But when InVasion started I got pushed to the back. And I wasn’t about that. That’s why I came back to X Factor. That’s why I joined the New World Order. But it’s time to get my stripes. And I do that by taking you out this Sunday. Man, that’s just not the coolest and it’s not just the best, that’s just incredible!


La Felina vs. Victoria (w/Daffney)

appears behind La Felina, freaking her out as Victoria made her entrance to the ring. Daffney smashes a garbage can over Felina’s head before Victoria slides in and beats on Felina. Victoria sends Felina off the ropes, but Felina comes back with a flying head scissors! Flying forearm by Felina! Daffney gets on the apron, but Felina dropkicks her off and Daffney crashes into a ringside table! Felina leaps up to the top rope and goes for an avalanche hurricanrana, but Victoria catches her and plants her with a powerbomb! Victoria picks Felina up in the Gory Special position and hits the Widow’s Peak! Cover, 1…2…3!

Winner: Victoria by pinfall in 1:27

World Women’s Champion Jazz
runs down and tries to hit Victoria with the Women’s title, but Victoria ducks and they end up in a fist fight. Daffney jumps on Jazz’s back and begins to choke her with a TV wire before Victoria boots her. Daffney and Victoria hit a simultaneous forearm smash, leaving Jazz lying. Victoria picks up the Women’s Title at the same time as Daffney, and for a moment there’s a struggle, before they both raise it over their heads!


Chris Candido and Mike Awesome are talking backstage, with Candido saying that Lance should be back soon. Awesome’s tag team partner for the night, Rob Van Dam, with Bill Alfonso walks up to Awesome. No words are spoken as both men just nod at one another.


One Fall
Justin Credible and X-Pac vs. Los Guerreros vs. Mike Awesome and Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alfonso)

Los Guerreros attack RVD as Credible and X-Pac attack Awesome. Credible bails as soon as Awesome fights back, allowing Awesome to level X-Pac with a hard clothesline. Eddie holds RVD up for Chavo to get some shots in, but eventually RVD moves and Chavo knocks Eddie to the outside. RVD spin kicks Chavo, sending him to the outside as well. Awesome throws X-Pac out with Los Guerreros and Credible, allowing RVD and Awesome to hit stereo dives over the top rope on their four opponents! Eddie managed to move out of the way and drags RVD into the ring and brings in a chair. Eddie stomps at RVD in the corner then wedges the chair in between the turnbuckles. Eddie sends RVD shoulder first into the chair! Eddie turns around and he’s leveled by Awesome!

Awesome turns around just as Credible was sneaking up on him, causing Credible to bail once again. Credible and X-Pac look to be heaving before Big Bossman and The Great Muta come down to ringside. Awesome blocks an X-Pac spin kick, then presses him over his head and tosses him onto the Bossman! Los Guerreros double dropkick Awesome to the outside, where Credible and Bossman try to double team him. Chris Candido runs down to help Awesome. Meanwhile, both Guerreros stomp away at RVD and Eddie realizes that Muta is watching on. RVD rolls and double clotheslines both Guerreros before hitting Chavo with an enzugiri! Eddie nails RVD from behind and pounds away on the shoulder that RVD had rammed into the chair earlier. Chavo picks up the chair, but RVD gets a kick to send Eddie out of the way. Chavo misses a chair shot and gets hit with the Van Daminator! RVD turns around to leap onto the top rope, and The Great Muta mists him right in the face!

Justin Credible slides into the ring and covers RVD, 1…2…Eddie Guerrero breaks things up. Awesome drags Credible back outside, leading to all NWO members to leave the ringside area as Awesome and Candido chase them down. Eddie plants RVD with a brainbuster, then heads to the top rope. Frog Splash connects on the blinded RVD! Cover, 1…2…3!

Winners: Los Guerreros when Eddie Guerrero pinned RVD in 8:17

gets some help from Bill Alfonso as Eddie Guerrero stands tall with the win. Eddie indicates he’s going to win back his TV title on Sunday. When Eddie and Chavo head back up the ramp, The Great Muta appears behind them, scaring Eddie to the point that he nearly falls off the stage! Muta holds the title up before RISE cuts to commercial.


The Sinister Minister:
Sir William Regal, the history of Great Britain is full of blood and failure. Often times, Great Britain put herself in a position where it didn’t belong. And here we are. Regal, you may feel that you have to save Tajiri’s soul without realizing there’s no saving to be done. But of course, what else would we expect from a man from Your Majesty’s homeland. Tajiri was a disenfranchised soul that I redeemed. And now you threaten our church, our Unholy Alliance because of your ego. All you’ve done is drawn the anger of our protector. As a result you will endure the hell that Mortis will inflict on you every minute you stand in the ring with him at The Great American Bash. Regal, while you wait the next three days, thinking about that hell, I ask you, think about why, as an agent of Britain, why an event called the Great American Bash exists…and see if you learn something. HAHAHAHA!”


Paul Heyman
makes his way down to the ring with ECW World Champion Brock Lesnar.

Paul Heyman:
“The first thing I’d like to say is welcome back Brock Lesnar!”

The crowd boos heavily, before transitioning into a chant…



Paul Heyman:
“You can chant for Sabu all you like, it won’t change the fact that this man, Brock Lesnar demolished Sabu at his own game!”



Paul Heyman:
“I did not invite Rey Mysterio Jr., the #1 contender to the ECW World Heavyweight, yes, Heavyweight, Championship to the ring tonight because I could not be held responsible if Brock Lesnar broke him in half as soon as he entered this ring. But I have a lot to say about Rey Mysterio Jr., and there’s a lot you should know! First…”

Invite or not, Flying Fury” plays and here’s Rey Mysterio Jr.! Rey slides into the ring and immediate walks right up to Brock Lesnar. Rey stands face-to-chest with Lesnar before Heyman gets between them.

Paul Heyman: “You know I can’t hold him back for long!”

Rey Mysterio Jr.: “Let him come! I’ve beaten bigger before!”

Paul Heyman: Rey, I’ve always admired the irrational confidence you’ve held in yourself. Here’s someone as tall as me, yet you go around like you’re the biggest bad ass out there. But just so you know, you’re not. Brock Lesnar is. Now I would have given you’re your chance Rey. Back in 1995 I thought I had a gem in my hands. There was nothing like you! You flew around the ring like a real-life superhero! But let’s be real Rey. You used ECW. You just needed a platform to get noticed in the United States. I could have built the whole company around you. We would have sold Rey Mysterio masks by the millions! But no, as soon as WCW came along you just waved and basically told me to go screw myself! So, when you won this opportunity last week, I couldn’t help but smile. I never knew if our paths would cross again. But now, seven years later, they have, and Brock Lesnar is ready for you Rey.”

Rey Mysterio Jr.: “I’m not going to stand here and pretend some of that isn’t the truth. But regardless I always loved and respected ECW. Maybe if you could run a company without running into the ground I would have stuck around. I did what I felt was best for my career, just like you did and always do. As for you Lesnar, yeah, you’re big, you’re bad. But I’ve heard that before. I’ve beaten the biggest and I’ve beaten the baddest. I always find a way, and I will find a way to beat you. This is the biggest match of my career. There are two places I’ve always wanted to compete. That’s Arena Mexico, which I did last year. And Madison Square Garden. And I can’t think of a better way to make my Garden debut by beating you for my first World Championship! Now if you want some now, let’s go!”

Rey walks right back up to Lesnar, against standing chest-to-face. Lesnar has an intense look on his face and Paul Heyman looks terrified in the background. Suddenly…Lesnar begins laughing and Heyman does too! Lesnar turns his back on Rey and begins to head out of the ring, but Mysterio hits him with the 619 to the midsection! Springboard dropkick knocks Brock into Heyman, knocking Heyman down! Rey mounts Brock and punches away at him, but Brock shoves him off, then quickly gets up and annihilates Rey with a clothesline! Brock wants to continue, but Heyman begs him not to as “we need the match this Sunday!Lesnar instead helps Heyman up, then holds up the ECW World Title, leaving Rey in the ring.

As Lesnar and Heyman walk up the ramp, Rey gets back to his feet, and springboards off the top rope hitting Lesnar and Heyman in the back with a crossbody! Rey runs up the ramp as Brock looks considerably angry as RISE goes off the air!


Quick Results

World Cruiserweight Championship

Super Crazy pinned Little Guido (Retains)

Victoria pinned La Felina

Triple-Threat Match: One Fall
Los Guerreros defeated Mike Awesome and Rob Van Dam, and Justin Credible and X-Pac when Eddie pinned RVD


WCW World Champion

Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

ECW Television Champion
The Great Muta (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 6-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Dudley Boyz on 3-11-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Super Crazy (Defeated Eddie Guerrero on 5-13-02)

World Women’s Champion
Jazz (Defeated Molly Marvel on 4-14-02)

Roster Updates

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WCW/ECW The 2002 Great American Bash

“Mean” Gene Okerlund:
“Folks, tomorrow night WCW makes its debut in Madison Square Garden for the 2002 Great American Bash. You can order the Great American Bash on Pay-Per-View, 8:00 PM Eastern Time, 7:00 PM Central. Let’s get right to it.”

WCW United States Championship
Christian © vs. Billy Kidman

“Mean” Gene Okerlund:
“This match came about for two reasons. The first of which is that Billy Kidman had challenged for the US Title on a previous occasion but was not successful due to outside participation. It was June 10th on Nitro where Rene Dupree stalked Torrie Wilson, leading to the distraction that would help Christian become victorious. The second reason is Kidman defeating Dupree on June 24th after Christian attacked him with the US Title belt, causing a disqualification. Both Torrie and Dupree will be at ringside when Kidman challenges Christian once again.”

Harlem Heat vs. R-Killa and Mark Henry

“Mean” Gene Okerlund:
“The rivalry between R-Killa and Booker T adds another chapter this Sunday. Booker T and R-Killa had their match on the June 3rd of Nitro, but what seemed like a potential final bout ended in controversy when Jazz caused a disqualification. After tearing apart one another in the WCW World Championship #1 Contender Battle Royal, they came to an agreement. R-Killa will bring in his partner, his protégé Mark Henry and Booker T brings in his brother Stevie Ray to put Harlem Heat together one more time. Will this rivalry finally come to an end?”

“Mean” Gene Okerlund: “I’m going to send things over to ECW’s Joey Styles to cover the ECW portion of tomorrow night’s show!”

Joey Styles: “Thank you “Mean” Gene!”

ECW World Television Championship – Three Way Dance (Two Falls)
The Great Muta © vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam

Joey Styles:
At Hardcore Heaven last month Rob Van Dam regained the championship he never lost by pinning Eddie Guerrero. Another long reign seemed imminent, but when NWO Japan’s Great Muta challenged Van Dam for the TV Title, after hospitalizing Dawn Marie, most of us probably thought this would be a huge win for Van Dam. But thanks to Guerrero, The Great Muta shocked the world and beat Van Dam. Van Dam would cost Guerrero a shot at the ECW World Championship later in the night, leading to this three-way dance.”

Justin Credible vs. Mike Awesome

Joey Styles:
X-Factor has been a thorn in the side of Total Impact ever since Justin Credible betrayed ECW back in May. After Justin cracked Mike Awesome in the face with a kendo stick on RISE, Awesome has clearly had enough. Credible, to his credit, hasn’t shown fear of Awesome, and even made a good point as much as I hate to admit it. He said that it’s not like Awesome hasn’t betrayed ECW in the past too. And while he may be right, Awesome is clearly on our side now and in this battle of former ECW World Champions I hope Awesome rips Justin Credible apart!”

Mortis vs. William Regal

Joey Styles:
“The hell if I know what’s going on here. Somewhere in the war between The Sinister Minister’s Unholy Alliance and Raven, William Regal was upset of Tajiri’s participation. Regal offered to take out Mortis for Raven with the intent of bringing Tajiri back to his fold. Tajiri’s been pulled in multiple directions as of late, and it was The Unholy Alliance, not Regal, that cost Tajiri the Cruiserweight Championship at Clash of Champions. I think it’s safe money Tajiri will be involved in this one in some way.”

ECW World Championship
Brock Lesnar © vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

Joey Styles:
“It’s the biggest night of Rey Mysterio Jr.’s life! For my money there may be no one more talented in that ring than Mysterio. This is the first time ever he’ll be receiving a World Championship match on Pay-Per-View, but unfortunately for Rey he has to defeat the monster, the beast, Brock Lesnar. To his credit Rey showed no fear on RISE, and it would be incredible if he could pull off the upset. But even I have to admit, the bodies that Lesnar has left in his wake over the past few months, guys like Sabu and Mick Foley, has left me in awe of him. It’s the world’s most dangerous monster against the world’s greatest high-flyer. And it’s for, for my money, the richest prize in this game, the ECW World Championship!

Joey Styles: “That’s it for ECW, I’ll see you all tomorrow night. Let’s send it back to “Mean Gene”!”

“Mean” Gene Okerlund: “Thank you Joey. Fans, we’d like to thank Godsmack for providing the theme song of The Great American Bash: “Awake”.

WCW World Tag Team Championship
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant © vs. The Outsiders

“Mean” Gene Okerlund:
“A match years in the making. Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant have represented World Championship Wrestling against the New World Order time and time again. But Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, the founders of the NWO, look again to destroy WCW. DDP was able to eliminate Hall to win the Battle Royal that granted him a WCW World Championship Match against the NWO's Triple H, but Nash made sure that DDP didn’t leave with the title. In addition to that, The Giant and Kevin Nash’s issues over the years have been well documented, including the time Nash broke the Giant’s neck with the Jackknife Powerbomb at Souled Out some four years ago. It all comes to a head this Sunday.”

Kurt Angle and Roddy Piper vs. Curt Hennig and Sean O’Haire

“Mean” Gene Okerlund:
“During his time as Interim WCW President, “Hot Rod” felt that Sean O’Haire had a lot of potential, even giving him a match with Triple H to see if he could go toe-to-toe with one of the wrestling’s true greats. While O’Haire impressed that night, Piper would become dismayed when O’Haire joined the NWO. When Curt Hennig turned his back on Kurt Angle in Angle’s quest to gain another shot at the WCW World Championship, Angle looked for revenge. Hennig and O’Haire would attack Angle though during Hennig’s match with Angle on Nitro this past week and Piper came out to even the odds. WCW Owner Shane McMahon had the idea to have Roddy Piper headline Madison Square Garden one more time, pairing Piper and Angle against Hennig and O’Haire!”

WCW World Championship – Triple Cage
Triple H © vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

“Mean” Gene Okerlund:
“Perhaps it was always going to end here. Both Triple H and Steve Austin have roots in WCW, and neither received an opportunity to become a top level star when it was clear both had the talent. Both would jump to the WWF in 1995 and one of wrestling’s greatest rivalries would develop over the next seven years. Austin, the leader of the Alliance and the man who helped WCW remain alive after InVasion, and Triple H, a student of the old school NWA who idolized both Ric Flair and Harley Race, immediately clashed again, with HHH coming out on top at Souled Out. Both men competed for the WCW World Championship at SuperBrawl, and while Kurt Angle would escape with the title, Triple H once again looked to end Steve Austin’s career by destroying his knee with a steel chair. Austin wasn’t finished, not by a long shot, and made his presence known on Nitro on June 24th, where he took out the NWO. Shane McMahon granted Austin the title shot with two stipulations. One: that this is Austin’s last chance at Triple H, and two: the match takes place in the vaunted Triple Cage. Three cages stacked on top of one another, with the WCW Title hanging about 40 feet above the ground. Is this the final chapter of the storied Steve Austin vs. Triple H rivalry? There’s only one way to find out, by calling your local cable company and ordering The Great American Bash!

Current Prediction Contest Standings

@Dubb 572

@DGenerationMC 540
@Roy Mustang 461
Wolfbeast: 140
@BattleTank: 60
Daken: 60
@Tyronesaurus24 60

Prediction points act like votes for the voting PPVs coming up (1st one: Cyberslam at the end of August 2002 BTB time). Whomever is leading at that point will get 3x their point amount in votes to use. 2nd place gets 2x. 3rd will get 1.5x Everyone else will get the amount they have earned. Anyone voting without prediction points gets 10.

Reminder for scoring there is a +25 bonus for having the highest score for the show.

I plan to post this show no earlier than 1/30

The 2002 Great American Bash – Prediction Contest

WCW World Championship – Triple Cage

Triple H © vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
(20 Points)

ECW World Championship
Brock Lesnar © vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
(10 Points)

WCW World Tag Team Championship
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant © vs. The Outsiders
(10 Points)

ECW World Television Championship – Three-Way Dance (Two Falls)
The Great Muta © vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam
(10 Points)

WCW United States Championship
Christian © vs. Billy Kidman
(10 Points)

Kurt Angle and Roddy Piper vs. Curt Hennig and Sean O’Haire
(10 Points)

Grudge Match
Harlem Heat vs. R-Killa and Mark Henry
(10 Points)

Special Attraction
Mortis vs. William Regal
(10 Points)

Battle of ECW Champions
Justin Credible vs. Mike Awesome
(10 Points)​

Roy Mustang

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The 2002 Great American Bash – Prediction Contest

WCW World Championship – Triple Cage

Triple H © vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
(20 Points)

ECW World Championship
Brock Lesnar © vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
(10 Points)

WCW World Tag Team Championship
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant © vs. The Outsiders
(10 Points)

ECW World Television Championship – Three-Way Dance (Two Falls)
The Great Muta © vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam
(10 Points)

WCW United States Championship
Christian © vs. Billy Kidman
(10 Points)

Kurt Angle and Roddy Piper vs. Curt Hennig and Sean O’Haire
(10 Points)

Grudge Match
Harlem Heat vs. R-Killa and Mark Henry
(10 Points)

Special Attraction
Mortis vs. William Regal
(10 Points)

Battle of ECW Champions
Justin Credible vs. Mike Awesome
(10 Points)
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The 2002 Great American Bash – Prediction Contest

WCW World Championship – Triple Cage

Triple H © vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
(20 Points)
Feels like with his big return and this being the big gimmick match that it should be the face picking up the win, so I'll go with that.

ECW World Championship
Brock Lesnar ©
vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
(10 Points)
Rey bumping for Lesnar should be a lot of fun but ultimately Lesnar's run doesn't end here.

WCW World Tag Team Championship
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant © vs. The Outsiders
(10 Points)
Feels like I say it almost every prediction contest that I feel like DDP and Giant are probably going to lose, yet they keep winning and retaining. I still view them as just a makeshift tag team is probably the reason. But this time I think it really happens!

ECW World Television Championship – Three-Way Dance (Two Falls)
The Great Muta © vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam
(10 Points)
I know Muta just won it, but I think it was to give him a moment in the sun and I can't see a guy who probably isn't going to be around long-term as keeping the title long. So it's between RVD and Guerrero to me... and it could really go either way, but I'll go with RVD.

WCW United States Championship
Christian ©
vs. Billy Kidman
(10 Points)
Christian's finally coming into his own with the title after some floundering earlier in the BTB with lack of challengers. Adding the French Canadians has been great for his title run and I don't think Kidman is the one who takes the title off of him.

Kurt Angle and Roddy Piper
vs. Curt Hennig and Sean O’Haire
(10 Points)
Ugh, I really, really want to pick Hennig and O'Haire because I don't want Roddy Piper being responsible for slowing a Sean O'Haire push again, but I feel like Angle could use a win and I'm picking Outsiders to win the tag titles so feel like nWo probably eats the loss here instead with Hennig taking the pin.

Grudge Match
Harlem Heat
vs. R-Killa and Mark Henry
(10 Points)
Hopefully finally ending this century long rivalry.

Special Attraction
Mortis vs. William Regal
(10 Points)
I suppose this could go either way but I think Regal takes this.

Battle of ECW Champions
Justin Credible vs. Mike Awesome
(10 Points)
Don't you do this to me. Don't you dare job out Awesome to Justin Credible. *glares*
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The 2002 Great American Bash – Prediction Contest

WCW World Championship – Triple Cage

Triple H © vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
(20 Points)

ECW World Championship
Brock Lesnar © vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
(10 Points)

WCW World Tag Team Championship
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant © vs. The Outsiders
(10 Points)

ECW World Television Championship – Three-Way Dance (Two Falls)
The Great Muta © vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam
(10 Points)

WCW United States Championship
Christian © vs. Billy Kidman
(10 Points)

Kurt Angle and Roddy Piper vs. Curt Hennig and Sean O’Haire
(10 Points)

Grudge Match
Harlem Heat vs. R-Killa and Mark Henry
(10 Points)

Special Attraction
Mortis vs. William Regal
(10 Points)

Battle of ECW Champions
Justin Credible vs. Mike Awesome
(10 Points)
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WCW/ECW Great American Bash 2002
July 7, 2002
Madison Square Garden
New York, NY

Mike Tenay: “Welcome to Madison Square Garden in midtown Manhattan…welcome to The 2002 Great American Bash! I’m Mike Tenay, alongside my broadcast partner Don West. Don, what a huge night we have ahead of us!”

Don West: Mike I’ve never been so excited in my life! That Triple Cage is just hanging above us!”

Mike Tenay:
“It may be the last time we see it, Triple H against Stone Cold Steve Austin will go one-on-one in that Triple Cage tonight! But let’s send it over to Joey Styles and Tazz, as we’re kicking things off with ECW.”


Joey Styles:
“Thanks Mike! This is a huge night for ECW! After years and years of holding events all over New York City, in the Elks Lodge in Queens, or even the Manhattan Center right next door…we’ve finally hit the big time!”

“And we aren’t wasting any time Joey, here comes Lesnar!

Joey Styles: “And look, Heyman isn’t even hiding his bias at this point, he’s coming out WITH the champ!”

A new theme and an exciting light show accompany signal the arrival of Rey Mysterio Jr.! “Who’s That Jumping Out the Sky” plays and when the light show ends Rey is perched on the top rope, behind Lesnar and Heyman!

ECW World Championship
Brock Lesnar © (w/Paul Heyman) vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

Lesnar turns around and Rey hits him with a flying dropkick off the top rope, and he accidentally elbows Heyman as a result! Lesnar stays on his feet and Rey goes for the hit and run. Rey comes off the ropes and ducks a clothesline, then hits a corkscrew springboard dropkick! Lesnar still doesn’t go down. Rey changes up his tactics and goes for kicks to Lesnar’s knee. Lesnar swings at Rey but can’t catch him. Basement dropkick to the knee puts Lesnar down on one knee. Rey leaps at Lesnar with a crossbody, but Lesnar catches him…and hits a fall away slam over the top rope resulting in Rey crashing to the floor! Rey pops up just as Lesnar goes after him on the outside. Rey makes Lesnar chase…and Rey hits a drop toe hold and Lesnar crashes into the steel steps! Lesnar lies on the steps as Rey quickly leaps to the top rope and comes down with a legdrop on Lesnar on those steps! Rey jumps into the ring and hits the ropes. Somersault plancha is caught by Lesnar, but Rey punches Lesnar in the face and Lesnar falls backwards with Rey on top of him on the floor!

Rey grabs a steel chair and whacks Lesnar in the back! Lesnar rolls back into the ring, some cuts from the Barbed Wire match last month on Lesnar’s back have reopened. Rey slides into the ring and bashes Lesnar with the chair again! Lesnar gets to his feet and Rey throws the chair off the back of his head! Lesnar’s down and Rey leaps onto the apron, springboard splash! 1…2…Lesnar powers out! Rey runs at Lesnar but Lesnar sends Rey flying over the top rope and Rey hits the barricade face-first! Lesnar heads to the outside and presses Rey over his head before dropping him on the steel steps! Lesnar lifts Rey on his shoulders near the ringpost, but Rey escapes Lesnar’s grasp mid-F5! Rey dropkicks Lesnar into the post! Lesnar staggers around ringside and he’s busted open as well! Rey leaps off the apron and goes for a hurricanrana on Lesnar, but Lesnar’s sheer strength blocks it. Lesnar counters by going for a powerbomb on the floor…but when Rey is held up high he holds the top ropes and gets back on the apron. Rey back kicks Lesnar in the face…springboard Asai Moonsault is caught by Lesnar! Lesnar breaks Rey with a running powerslam on the floor!

Lesnar tosses Rey into the ring and violently pounds away on him. Lesnar sends Rey off the ropes and hits him with a belly-to-belly suplex that almost sends Rey over the top rope. Cover from Lesnar, 1…2…Rey kicks out. Lesnar takes the chair and angrily looks at Rey, remembering the earlier chair shots. Rey slowly gets to his feet and Lesnar smashes Rey on his back with the chair so badly it felt like Rey’s skeleton left his body. Lesnar sets the chair up in the middle of the ring and easily picks up Rey and drop him with a sidewalk slam on the base of the chair! Lesnar covers, 1…2…Rey finds a way to get his shoulder up! Lesnar rolls to the outside and grabs the top half of the steel steps and throws it into the ring, nearly hitting Rey. Rey gets back to his feet but Lesnar runs him right back down with a violent shot with the steps.

Paul Heyman: Brock, Brock, you’re gonna kill him!”

Lesnar puts Rey on his shoulders to finish, but once again Rey counters the F5 with a tornado DDT on the steel steps! Lesnar crawls over to the ropes and that’s perfect for Rey. 6-1-9…is blocked as Heyman jumps up and sacrifices his body to protect Lesnar! Rey doesn’t seem to care that he just took out Heyman as he stands on the apron and eyes Lesnar. Springboard hurricanrana is blocked by Lesnar, and this time Lesnar plants Rey with a powerbomb! Lesnar holds on and violently slams Rey into the canvas with a second powerbomb! Lesnar still has a hold of Rey and lifts him up again…for a third powerbomb slamming Rey onto the steel steps! Lesnar takes a deep breath as it looks like he finally has broken Rey. He picks up Rey one more time and hits the F5! 1…2…3!

Winner: Brock Lesnar via pinfall in 15:11 (Retains)

A bloodied Brock Lesnar seems shocked that he was pushed to the limit by Rey Mysterio Jr. as he grabs the ECW World Championship title and collects Paul Heyman. Ringside doctors check on Rey, who slowly gets to his feet to a standing ovation.

Joey Styles: “What a performance by Rey Mysterio Jr.!”

Tazz: “He had Lesnar going. Again though Heyman! Heyman got involved again and it might have cost Rey!”

Joey Styles: “I didn’t want to say this on the air but I thought that Rey had no shot whatsoever, but he had Lesnar. I hope Stephanie McMahon does something about Paul. He’s hurting ECW at this point!”

Tazz: “Nothing we can do about it now Joey. I’m looking forward to this one though. Former ECW Champ vs. Former ECW Champ!

Joey Styles:
“And wait until you get this. Paid for by the divorce settlement between Triple H and Stephanie McMahon…even Justin Credible gets a live entrance. Nonetheless, they’ve recently reunited…here’s PRONG!”

“Nothing breeds more contempt for this world
Than memories now formed
Every moment a new seed
Is grown to no reason the trouble unfolds

For the trials of today
I'm no jury really don't care how you feel
The pleasant notion of miraculous change
Drifts into multiple jeers, jeers, jeers

You want the good life, you break your back
You snap your fingers, you snap your neck”

Midway through Prong’s performance of Justin Credible’s ECW theme, “Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck”, Mike Awesome bursts out of the entrance way and runs after Credible. Credible and X-Pac run down to the ring as Awesome and Big Bossman. Awesome leaves Bossman lying after smashing him into the barricade, then runs down to the ring.

Justin Credible (w/Big Bossman and X-Pac) vs. Mike Awesome

Mike Awesome slides into the ring but Credible and X-Pac are all over him! Credible and X-Pac set themselves to hit X Marks the Spot (Double Superkick), but Chris Candido runs down to ringside and drags X-Pac out of the ring! Credible still hits a superkick on Awesome. Credible grabs his kendo stick and whacks Awesome over the head…to no effect! Credible winds up and goes for another shot, but Awesome levels him with a clothesline! Awesome gets a chair from ringside and heads to the top rope…and comes down with the chair right across Justin Credible’s skull! Awesome raises his arms over his head before setting Credible up…Awesome Bomb from inside the ring through the timekeeper’s table on the outside! Awesome hits the ropes and comes flying over the top rope with a dive, landing on Credible! It’s not supposed to be falls count anywhere, but referee Mickey Jay has seen enough and counts anyway, 1…2…3!

Winner: Mike Awesome via pinfall in 2:03

Mike Awesome rises from the table wreckage with his arms raised. He looks at X-Pac, who’s running up the ramp with the Bossman. Awesome steps over Justin Credible and heads back up with Chris Candido. Awesome lets out one more roar before going to the back.


We cut to the back of Madison Square Garden and see a black 2x2 truck with a white skull pull in. Stone Cold Steve Austin has arrived!

Don West: “Oh boy Michael he looks ready.”

Mike Tenay:
“It’s just moments away. Perhaps the biggest WCW World Championship Match ever. But coming up next Don, the US Title is on the line. Christian defends against Billy Kidman.”


WCW United States Championship
Christian © (w/Rene Dupree) vs. Billy Kidman (w/Torrie Wilson)

Kidman gets distracted by Dupree and Christian attacks him from behind. Christian chops Kidman in the corner. Kidman reverses an Irish whip into the corner, to which Christian runs into the corner face-first. Clothesline from Kidman. Cover, 1…2…Christian kicks out. Kidman fires away at Christian but Christian gets a rake to the eyes. Christian now fires away with punches. Christian sends Kidman off the ropes but Kidman slides under Christian. Kidman goes for a hip toss but Christian blocks. Kidman puts his leg on Christian and flips backwards, only for Christian to lay him out with a clothesline. Dropkick sends Kidman through the ropes and onto the apron, followed by Christian knocking Kidman off the apron, resulting in Kidman crashing into the barricade!

Christian poses is the ring before resting on the turnbuckles as Kidman tries to beat the 10 count. He does easily and Christian goes back to stomping away at him. Rear chinlock from Christian slows the match down. Torrie tries to get the crowd into it to help Kidman, but Christian yells at her to “shut up”. This is enough of a distraction to help Kidman get back up and elbow his way out. Kidman breaks free and hits the ropes, but Christian ducks the clothesline and hits a falling reverse DDT. Cover, 1…2…Kidman kicks out. Christian stomps on Kidman some more before setting him up for the Unprettier, but Kidman counters and pushes Christian into the corner. Kidman springboards off the ropes and bulldogs Christian. Kidman heads to the top rope to finish off Christian, but Rene Dupree begins to chase Torrie around ringside…and Kidman leaps off the top and takes out Dupree on the floor! Kidman heads back to the top rope…Shooting Star Press misses! Christian quickly sets Kidman up and plants him with the Unprettier, 1…2…3!

Winner: Christian via pinfall in 6:09 (Retains)

Rene Dupree
starts stalking Torrie Wilson around ringside again...before Christian tells him to stop and heads to the back with the US Title. Dupree follows Christian, begrudgingly. Torrie checks on Kidman, who’s clearly frustrated at the loss.


Harlem Heat vs. R-Killa and Mark Henry

R-Killa wants Booker, but as soon as Booker steps in R-Killa tags in Mark Henry. That’s no problem for Booker, who goes right to work on Mark Henry with shots to the face. Henry shoves Booker T, but Booker is right back on him with hard shots. Henry explodes out of the corner with a clothesline, stopping Booker in his tracks. He sends Booker off the ropes, but Booker dodges the body tackle and knocks Henry with a flying clothesline! Booker tags in Stevie Ray. Harlem Heat beat down Mark Henry and R-Killa looks disgusted while not even having his hand out to tag. Henry tries to make his way to the corner, but Harlem Heat won’t let him. Booker and Stevie Ray whip Henry off the ropes and hit a double flapjack! Spinarooni from Booker T!

Booker dares R-Killa to get into the ring
, but R-Killa stays on the apron. Stevie Ray locks Henry in a bearhug and uses all his strength to hold the 400 pounder up a Booker completes the Big Apple Blast with the Harlem Sidekick! Stevie Ray makes an official tag to Booker, who kicks Henry and comes off the ropes with the Scissors’ Kick! 1…2…3! No attempt at a save from R-Killa!

Winners: Harlem Heat when Booker T pinned Mark Henry in 3:32

Booker T
grabs a mic and look right at R-Killa, who hasn’t moved from the apron.

Booker T: “So that’s it dawg? Sucka, for months you made my brother and I’s life miserable and now you just gonna leave your man high and dry? You nuthin’. And I knew you were nuthin’. Get in our way one more time Ron, and you’ll get a hangover from Harlem Heat you’ll never forget. Now dig that. Sucka.”

Harlem Heat leave and R-Killa finally enters the ring…and starts berating Mark Henry! Henry gets to his senses and grabs R-Killa, yelling at him to “never disrespect me like this again!” R-Killa begs off…but when Henry turns his back R-Killa low bridges him with a kick! R-Killa punches away at Mark Henry until Harlem Heat run back down to chase him off! Booker and Stevie decide to help up Mark Henry as R-Killa escapes through the crowd!


ECW World Television Championship – Two Falls
The Great Muta © vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alfonso)

Eddie tries to convince Muta to work together against RVD, but Muta shakes his head for a resounding no. Eddie then tries to make peace with RVD to go against Muta…and RVD says he’s gonna go for it. Eddie and RVD approach Muta before RVD kicks Eddie in the head! RVD and Muta trap Eddie in the corner and kick Eddie over and over again. RVD spin kicks Eddie as Eddie stumbles out of the corner. RVD and Muta then face off. RVD’s arrogant enough to do his taunt in Muta’s face, but Muta hits him with a forearm mid-taunt. Muta sends RVD into the corner, but the follow-up cartwheel back elbow misses. Bill Alfonso tosses RVD a chair and RVD places it in the middle of the ring, rolls to Muta and monkey flips him out of the corner with Muta landing on the chair! Corkscrew legdrop from RVD and a cover, 1…2…Muta kicks out. RVD stomps on Muta before Eddie nails him from behind. Eddie tosses RVD to the outside, then flies over the top rope with a crossbody, taking RVD out!

Eddie whips RVD into the barricade, but when Eddie charges at RVD he gets met with a boot to the face. RVD leaps onto the barricade and hits a moonsault onto Eddie! Muta heads to the outside and slams RVD into the barricade before sliding him back into the ring. Muta hits RVD with an axe kick and covers, 1…2…RVD kicks out. Muta pounds away on RVD until RVD pops up and nails Muta with a jump kick! RVD quickly leaps to the top rope, but Eddie causes him to get crotched! Eddie climbs to the top rope and superplexes RVD! Muta hits Eddie with chops and some kicks, then backdrops him! Muta goes for a Shining Wizard, but Eddie moves and Muta ends up taking out RVD’s leg! Eddie quickly gets a vertical suplex on Muta, but he holds onto it and swivels his hips, and hits a second vertical suplex. Eddie swivels one more time and hits a third suplex! Eddie heads to the top rope, but as RVD tries to get back to his feet he stumbles into ropes and Eddie gets crotched on the top! RVD tries to shake off the pain from his knee and Bill Alfonso holds up a chair next to Eddie on the top ropeRVD springboards off the second rope and hits a Van Daminator that sends Eddie to the floor!

Muta grabs RVD from behind and hits a German suplex, 1…2…RVD kicks out. Muta sends RVD into the corner, but RVD leaps over a charging Muta and hits him with a spinning heel kick! Muta goes down and RVD positions him quickly. Split Legged Moonsault! RVD covers Muta, 1…2…Muta just kicks out! RVD seems surprised, but isn’t phased as he hits Muta with an enzugiri. RVD hits the ropes going for Rolling Thunder, but bloodied Eddie trips him from the outside and drags him to the outside. Eddie grabs a steel chair that Bill Alfonso was holding and smacks RVD across the back with it! Eddie slides into the ring but gets leveled with a roundhouse kick from Muta! Muta prepares to finish Eddie with a Shining Wizard, but Eddie dodges again. Eddie busts out a frankensteiner on Muta then quickly jumps up to the top rope…and Frog Splashes Muta! 1…2…3!

Eddie Guerrero eliminates The Great Muta via pinfall in 12:12

Joey Styles:
“That means…that means we’ll have a new TV Champion!

RVD slowly crawls back into the ring and Eddie stomps on him…before deciding to stomp on the beaten Muta! Eddie stomps and stomps and stomps on him before Muta shoves him away. Oddly, Eddie takes a massive fall on the push, one that didn’t match the force Muta pushed him with. RVD slowly gets to his feet…and Muta hits him with the Red Mist!

Joey Styles:
“I think Muta thought it was Rob Van Dam that was kicking him after the pin! Why else would he do that?”

Muta heads to the back and Eddie sneaks into the ring and pins RVD, 1…2…no! RVD kicks out, but he’s clearly blinded. Eddie stomps on RVD a few more times. RVD tries to fight back, but he clearly can’t see and misses some punches wildly. Eddie grabs a chair from the outside and smashes the blinded RVD over the head with it. Eddie taunts to the crowd before heading to the top rope and hitting the Frog Splash! 1…2…3!

Winner: Eddie Guerrero via pinfall in 15:57 (New Champion)

Bill Alfonso
tends to Rob Van Dam in the ring and tries to wipe the mist out of his eyes as Eddie Guerrero celebrates down the entrance way as TV Champion again!

Tazz: “I think Guerrero did that on purpose Joey!

Joey Styles: “I mean, yeah it was smart, but what a cheap way to win back the TV Title! Does Guerrero think that he can’t beat Van Dam fair and square?”

Tazz: “Maybe not Joey, I don’t know. But we have one more to call tonight.”

Joey Styles: “That’s right Tazz. You know I still don’t know how this ended up on ECW, but William Regal has made an enemy of the Unholy Alliance because of their recruitment of Tajiri, leading to this match against Mortis.

Mortis (w/The Sinister Minister) vs. William Regal (w/Finlay)

Regal circles around Mortis, not quite sure how to engage Mortis as we see The Unholy Alliance, Tajiri and Mikey Whipwreck make their way to the ring. Mortis seems more distracted by this than Regal as attacks! Regal hits Mortis with European uppercuts, but Mortis counters an Irish whip into the corner and follows up with a hard clothesline. Mortis picks Regal up for a slam but turns it into a vertical suplex. Tajiri and Whipwreck enter the ring, and Finlay does as well and we have a three-on-two stand-off. Suddenly, another man dressed as Mortis jumps the guardrail and plants the Sinister Minister with a DDT on the floor! Regal and Finlay attack the Unholy Alliance and Mortis as they were distracted, but the Alliance fights back! Mortis lays out Finlay with the Flatliner, and Whipwreck boots Regal. Whipwreck looks at Tajiri…who mists Regal! Flatliner to Regal from Mortis, 1…2…3!

Winner: Mortis via pinfall in 1:51

The Mortis who took out the Sinister Minister
gets on the apron and the Unholy Alliance look ready to get revenge…until Tajiri buzzsaw kicks Mortis! Whipwreck comes off the ropes and hits Mortis with a Whippersnapper! The second Mortis takes a steel chair and tells Whipwreck and Tajiri to hold Mortis up, but Mortis fights back! Mortis nails Whipwreck with a hard shot, but get misted by Tajiri! The second Mortis bashes the blinded Mortis in the head with the chair! Mortis falls to his knees, leading to another hard shot that lays him out! Tajiri and Whipwreck turn to the second Mortis…who takes off his mask to reveal Raven! Raven places the chair in the middle of the ring then sets up Mortis…Evenflow DDT on the chair! Tajiri and Whipwreck walk towards Raven and embrace! Regal looks on in disgust, but he doesn’t seem to what any part of Raven in his quest to bring Tajiri back.

Raven rips off Mortis’ mask, there’s blood pouring from the back of his head, then puts his head on the chair. Raven yells at Whipwreck to get a second chair. Raven takes that chair and smashes it over Mortis’ head, sandwiched between the chairs! Raven poses as he, Whipwreck and Tajiri meet Malice in the aisleway and head up the ramp. Medics come down to ringside to check on Chris Kanyon as he looks badly injured from the attack. The Sinister Minister is also hurt and helped to back as a stretcher comes for Kanyon. Raven turns around and flashes one last sick smile. The lights go out though…and when they turn on Mortis/Kanyon whomever is nowhere to be found, confusing the medics in the ring.

Joey Styles: “That damn Tajiri. Did Raven know he had Tajiri in his back pocket the whole time?”

Tazz: “I don’t know Joey, but Raven always seems to be one step in front of everyone. I know there’s a lot of weird mind games and stuff between these guys, but Raven took it to the next level tonight. But where did Mortis go?!”

Joey Styles: “We’ll likely have to wait to find out! That’s it for us tonight Tazz. We’ll see you all Thursday night!”


Jeremy Borash:
Jeremy Borash here with the one and only “Rowdy” Roddy Piper. Hot Rod, how does it feel to be back in Madison Square Garden?”

Roddy Piper: “Ha ha let me tell you Jeremy I’ve been wrestling at Madison Square Garden since, oh I don’t know, you were a little boy. My first match here, 1979, me and Frank Williams. That night, Mr. Williams paid the Piper. Six years later, millions watched Wrestlemania where me and Mr. Wonderful main evented the damn thing again Hulk Hogan and Mr. T. I’ve had a lot of matches in Madison Square Garden since. You know, I even wrestled one of my opponents tonight, Curt Hennig in this very building. And I beat him too. Yeah, it was because he ran away and didn’t want any piece of me but a win is a win ain’t that right? But it’s been 10 years Jeremy. 10 years since I’ve wrestled in this building. The reason why I bring up my match with Frankie in 1979 is because back then I was the young up and comer. I was the one with more potential than anyone! And, like Sean O’Haire, I’m sure I disappointed a lot of people with my actions back then since. So on hand, I respect the path Seany has chosen. On the other hand, what he did was a slap in my face, so some punishment needs to be carried out! Oh boy though the more things change the more they stay the same! And some are just flat out backwards. WCW in Madison Square Garden? What the heck? And now I’m on the side of the American hero? Well at least this one has some hardware to prove it! But then I have Mr. Hennig in front of me and it just feels right. O’Haire and Hennig, me and Mr. American Hero here are gonna rip you apart in New York City! I can’t wait!”


The Wolfpac
music plays as here come the Outsiders!

Don West:
“I can’t wait for this one Mike!

Mike Tenay:
“There’s a lot of history in this one.”

WCW World Tag Team Championship
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant © (w/Stacy Keibler) vs. The Outsiders

The Giant wants to get his hands on Kevin Nash, but DDP convinces him that he (DDP) should start. DDP and Hall start but as soon as DDP goes for the lock-up, Hall ducks into the ropes. Hall still has his toothpick and throws it at DDP. DDP spits right back in Hall’s face! Hall misses a wild clothesline and DDP is all over him right rights and lefts. Back elbow connects. DDP hits more punches and hits a discus punch that knocks Hall right back in his corner…where he tags in Kevin Nash. The fans want the Giant, so DDP tags the Giant as the two big men stand toe-to-toe. Giant shoves Nash. Nash fires with a big forearm to little effect. Giant misses a punch and Nash grabs a side headlock. No problem for the Giant, who suplexes Nash to escape! Giant hits the ropes and lands a 500 pound elbow drop! Cover, 1…2…Hall runs in to break up the count. Giant shoots Hall a glare and Hall quickly backs away to his corner.

Giant props Nash in the corner and hits him with a loud chop! Giant gets a full head of steam but misses the elbow into the corner as Nash moves out of the way. Nash comes off the ropes and hits Giant with a big boot, but the Giant doesn’t go down. Nash hits the ropes and the Giant wipes him out with a big boot of his own! Giant tags in DDP and DDP goes right to work on Nash with punches. DDP props Nash up in the corner and continues to punch away. DDP sends Nash into the opposite corner, does his Diamond Cutter taunt, but when he goes for the corner splash Nash gets a knee up! Massive forearm from Nash. Nash sends DDP off the ropes and hits him with a big boot and DDP doesn’t take it as well as Giant. Nash tags in Hall, who picks up DDP and hits the fall away slam. Cover, 1…2…DDP kicks out. Hall gets some stomps in as DDP crawls towards the Giant, but Hall drags him back to his corner and brings Nash back in. Nash laughs as DDP’s crawling to his corner before hitting the Giant with a hard punch once DDP got close. Giant tries to come in but referee Billy Silverman stops him, and Nash and Hall get a free double team as a result.

After Hall and Nash beat up DDP, Nash picks him up and drops him right on the top turnbuckle for snake eyes. A staggered Page turns right around into a sidewalk slam from Nash! 1…2…DDP just gets the shoulder up. Nash tags in Hall and Hall locks in the abdominal stretch…and holds onto Nash’s hand to add onto the pressure! Nash lets go of Hall each time Silverman checks. The third time Hall and Nash do it, Stacy Keibler hops onto the apron and distracts both Hall and Nash with her…assets! Even Silverman is distracted, but not DDP, who hip tosses Hall and lunges at the Giant to make the tag! Giant runs over Hall with a clothesline. Big clothesline to Nash! Headbutt sends Hall flying! Headbutt to Nash. Giant punches and chops Nash in the corner, then tosses him out of the corner like he’s nothing! The Giant presses Hall over his head and tosses him at Nash! DDP tags himself back in as Eric Bischoff makes his way down to the ring. The Giant again presses Hall over his head, and drops him right into Diamond Cutter from DDP! Bischoff shoves Stacy and grabs referee Billy Silverman by the shirt, yelling that Stacy’s interference earlier wasn’t fair as X-Pac runs in and cracks DDP in the back of the head with a tag title belt! Nash tackles the Giant as X-Pac puts Hall on DDP and runs out. Silverman turns around as Giant tries to reach Hall, 1…2…3!

Winners: The Outsiders when Hall pinned DDP in 14:23 (New Champions)

The Giant
has NashCHOKESLAM! X-Pac grabs the tag titles and Scott Hall as Nash rolls out of the ring. The NWO don’t look like winners, but they head up the ramp as Eric Bischoff laughs! The Giant is furious as he helps DDP up. DDP doesn’t seem like he knows what happened either. X-Pac delivers one last crotch chop at the entrance, only further angering the Giant and DDP!

Mike Tenay: They stole the belts!”

Don West:
“That’s what they do Mike!


Backstage Eddie Guerrero and Chavo Guerrero Jr. are packing up their rental car as Eddie looks at his ECW TV Title belt…just as Rob Van Dam attacks! Eddie escapes and drives off…without Chavo! Chavo begs off but RVD doesn’t let him off lightly, beating him down and throwing him into a pillar! Bill Alfonso tries to calm RVD down, telling him that “we’ll figure this out Thursday!


A band of Scottish bagpipers line up as they play “The Green Hill of Tyrol”here comes Roddy Piper!

Curt Hennig and Sean O’Haire (w/Alexis Laree) vs. Kurt Angle and “Rowdy” Roddy Piper

Sean O’Haire attacks Roddy Piper from behind to start things off. O’Haire pounds away on Piper and while Piper tries to fight back, O’Haire will have none of it. High kick nearly knocks out Piper. O’Haire tries to end it quickly, 1…2…Angle breaks up the pin and tells O’Haire “it’s not going to be that easy”. O’Haire stomps away at Piper in the corner before tagging in Curt Hennig. Hennig stomps away on Piper before sending him off the ropes and locking in a sleeper! Piper goes down for a moment, but O’Haire accidentally distracts referee Charles Robinson and Piper escapes with a mule kick low blow! Piper adds a poke to the eye and then tags in Angle! Angle comes in and quickly belly-to-belly suplexes Hennig! O’Haire comes in and gets hit with a belly-to-belly suplex from Angle as well! Hennig goes for a punch, but Angle ducks and hits him with the Angle Slam! O’Haire decides to back off, and walks away with Alexis Laree begging him to come back to the ring. Angle locks Hennig in the ankle lock…before letting go and tagging Piper back in. Angle pounds away on Hennig some more before whipping him right into Piper’s sleeper! Hennig tries to fight out of it, but O’Haire has abandoned him and Angle guards the ring. Hennig falls unconscious, and Charles Robinson calls for the bell!

Winners: Kurt Angle and Roddy Piper when Hennig passed out in 4:04

Roddy Piper
gets a great ovation in victory as Kurt Angle leaves him in the ring to get his spotlight. Piper looks humbled as the New York City crowd continue to cheer for him.


Mike Tenay:
“Well Don, we’ve got one more.”

Don West: “It’s the big one Mike! The World Heavyweight Championship! Triple Cage! I can’t wait!”

Mike Tenay: “Let’s go over the rules here. The cage is set up on three levels. Both Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin will enter in the lowest cage, which is the biggest and stands 20 feet tall.”

Don West: “Wow. It expands all the way out, right against the barricade!”

Mike Tenay: “There will be several ladders at ringside in the bottom cage. Their purpose? To climb up the trap door that gets them to level 2.

Don West:
“But Mike, it’s just not level 2 they get to! They enter right into cage #2, Hardcore Hell!

Mike Tenay: “That’s right, as you see the cage coming down, there are chairs, tables, garbage cans, all kinds of weapons in Hardcore Hell! There are also bolt cutters, which is the only way to break the lock out of Hardcore Hell.”

Don West: “That’s about another what, 8-10 feet high? They have to keep climbing Mike!

Mike Tenay: “They have to climb up to the top of Hardcore Hell, where the third and smallest cage sits. Inside that cage, the Sledgehammer room!

Don West: “Incredible Mike.”

Mike Tenay: “That’s the cage they need to climb. On top of the Sledgehammer room hangs the WCW World Heavyweight Championship.”

Don West: “Unbelievable. The cage is coming down Mike!

Mike Tenay:
“Let’s send it to Michael Buffer!


Michael Buffer: “Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for the WCW/ECW Great American Bash main event. In moments, perhaps the greatest rivalry in the history of professional wrestling adds perhaps its final chapter. This match will be held in the three story Triple Cage, where only one man will emerge as the WCW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD!”



“For the thousands in attendance, and the millions watching at home…ladies and gentlemen….”


“The Game”
plays as WCW World Champion Triple H is the first to make his entrance.

Michael Buffer: “Introducing at this time. At 267 pounds, from Greenwich, Connecticut. He is the leader of the most influential organization in professional wrestling, the New World Order. He is known as the “Cerebral Assassin” and is a five-time heavyweight champion of the world. He is the current WCW World Heavyweight Champion….”The Game”…TRIIIIIIIPLE H!”

Disturbed’s “Glass Shatters” hits the speakers as Stone Cold Steve Austin makes his way to a thunderous ovation!

Michael Buffer: “His opponent and challenger. Weighing in tonight at 252 pounds. Arguably the biggest star in the history of professional wrestling. The master of the Stone Cold Stunner is a former seven-time heavyweight champion of the world! Ladies and gentlemen, Stone Cold Steveeeeee Austin!”

WCW World Championship – Triple Cage
Triple H © vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

Austin and HHH waste no time going at one another, trading rights and lefts as the crowd breaks into a frenzy! Austin wins the exchange, punching HHH all the way into the corner. HHH goes down, and Austin stomps a mudhole in him and walks it dry!



Austin hits the ropes and ducks a HHH clothesline and comes back with the Lou Thesz Press! Austin again punches away at HHH over and over. HHH backs away into the corner and hits Austin with a knee, but Austin shrugs that off with another hard punch. Austin sends HHH into the corner, but does so violently that HHH flips over the top rope and actually runs into the cage! Austin is in pursuit and hits HHH with more punches. Austin goes to slam HHH into the cage, but HHH blocks it and slams Austin into it! HHH brings Austin back into the ring and drops a forearm. Austin fights his way back to his feet and hits the ropes, but HHH knocks him right back down with a flying knee to the face. HHH heads to the outside and goes for a ladder, but Austin is back up and attacks him while he does so. Austin slams HHH into the cage wall, then grinds HHH’s head back and forth against the steel…cutting HHH open!

Austin goes for the ladder but HHH hits him from behind. Austin trips HHH though, and catapults him into the cage! Austin then backdrops HHH and HHH lands with a thud on the mats at ringside. Austin slides a ladder into the ring. Austin climbs, looking to get to level 2, but HHH is back in and stops him. Austin is about halfway up the ladder…and HHH back suplexes him off! HHH climbs the ladder, but again Austin is back on his feet rather quickly…and he just low blows HHH! HHH falls off the ladder and Austin gives him the double digits for good measure. Austin picks up the ladder and slams it right on the front of Triple H’s body! Austin heads to the outside to grab a second ladder and slams it on the first ladder with HHH underneath! Austin sets up the ladder to get to level 2, but HHH gets to his feet and smashes him with the other ladder, knocking him off. HHH tries to get up the ladder to level 2 himself, but he stumbles and goes down instead. Both Austin and HHH get to their feet at the same time and slowly trade blows. Austin hits the ropes and ducks the clothesline, but they double clothesline one another and both stay down.

HHH slowly makes his way up the ladder and makes it to the trap door. Austin tries to pull him down, but HHH kicks him off and HHH is the first to make it to Hardcore Hell. Austin climbs up after him, but as soon as Austin sticks his head out in Hardcore Hell HHH punches away at him and tries to knock him back into the ring. Austin punches HHH away and gets into Hardcore Hell. HHH tries a chair shot, but Austin ducks, grabs a garbage can lid and whacks HHH with it! Austin takes the chair and bashes HHH over and over with it, bringing back memories of Wrestlemania X7! Austin then tosses HHH into a garbage can that’s hung up on the cage wall! Austin grabs the bolt cutters, but instead of breaking the lock, he tries to break Triple H’s fingers with it! A bloodied HHH screams in pain as Austin uses the bolt cutters on his hand! Austin then throws HHH into the cage door, and the cage wall falls! Austin gets a laugh at the bloodied and beaten HHH before climbing up to level 3. Austin gets on top of the second cage, takes a look at Triple H, and leaps off and hits a flying forearm! Austin seems to have hurt himself a bit on that jump, but he gets back his feet and the house mic audibly hears him say “it’s time to throw this son-of-a-bitch off this damn thing!” Austin takes Triple H and looks to throw him off the cage, but HHH goes dead weight…and hits Austin with a low blow! HHH grabs a fire extinguisher and sprays it all over Austin, blinding the Rattlesnake! HHH nails Austin with the extinguisher, but then drops to his knees in exhaustion. A camera shot of Austin shows him busted open now as well.

Triple H sends Austin head first into the metal part of the cage that has no give, then hits him in the stomach with a chair. HHH returns the favor, bashing Austin with the chair over his back over and over…before reliving SuperBrawl and smashing Austin’s knee with the chair! HHH then completely changes course and locks in a figure four! HHH keeps it locked in, using valuable minutes to rest but at the same time making it impossible for Austin to perhaps use his feet. HHH finally releases and slowly climbs up to level 3. Austin uses his upper body to pull himself up to level 3 as well, right next to HHH. HHH and Austin elbow one another, before both men fall off the side and land back on the steel on level 2. Both men slowly get to their feet and trade shots, but Austin gets the better of the blows…and HHH inches close to the edge of the cage! Austin keeps punching and HHH is teetering! Austin hits a big punch and the crowd gasps. Austin winds up one more…but HHH gets a kick…and plants Austin with a Pedigree on the cage! HHH looks down at the fans as he realizes how close he was to flying off!

Instead of heading to a higher level, HHH grabs a table from Hardcore Hell. HHH puts it against the wall of Hardcore Hell. He grabs Austin, but Austin counters and sends HHH through the table! Austin tries to make his way up to level 3, but his legs are still too damaged from earlier. Austin audibly curses before he limps back into Hardcore Hell and grabs a garbage can. He puts the can on Triple H, then rams HHH into the side of the cage! HHH has no idea where he’s going. HHH manages to get the can off, but turns right into a steel chair shot from Austin! Austin again teases tossing HHH off the cage...this time he tries an Irish whip, but HHH counters it and catches Austin with an elbow. HHH violently slams the back of Austin’s head against the cage. HHH is wearing the complete crimson mask at this point. He places the chair on the cage and sets Austin up...not for a Pedigree but for a piledriver! HHH lays Austin out with the piledriver which might be the end because of Austin’s history of neck injuries. HHH stomps on Austin a few times before slowly climbing up to level 3.

Austin digs deep and starts climbing up to level 3 as well. HHH keeps going up, trying to get to the very top, but Austin drags him down. Austin misses a clothesline though and HHH hits a neckbreaker on the cage. HHH enters the sledgehammer room and grabs two. He tosses one up to the very top of the third cage. He takes a swing at Austin with the other one, but Austin moves out of the way. Austin grabs a sledgehammer himself and nails HHH right in the stomach! HHH holds his midsection, allowing Austin to hit a stunner! Because it’s on the cage he didn’t get the full force of it but it may not matter. Austin grabs a sledgehammer one more time and drives it right into HHH’s ribs! Austin flips off the downed HHH and points to the top of the cage. Austin forces himself up the sledgehammer room, but HHH still manages to find the strength to start climbing up as well! Austin gets to the top first and tries to grab the title, but HHH tackles him at the knees. Austin and HHH get to a vertical base and trade punches at the very top of the three-story cage, with the WCW World Title just hanging above their heads! HHH gets his hands on the title and hits Austin with it! HHH can’t get the title free and Austin stays on his feet, kicks HHH and hits the stunner! Both Austin and HHH lie motionless at the very top of the cage! Austin slowly starts to stir...but HHH is moving as well. Austin reaches up for the title, but HHH grabs the sledgehammer he tossed up to the top earlier and smashes Austin in the face with it! Austin goes down...before slowly falling off the top cage down by the entrance of the sledgehammer room. HHH, bloodied, battered and beaten...grabs the WCW World Championship to win!

Winner: Triple H in 37:35 (Retains)

New World Order
members Big Bossman, X-Pac and Sean O’Haire climb up the cage to help Triple H down. HHH hasn’t moved since grabbing the title. Bossman and O’Haire gingerly help HHH down and through the trap door back into the ring, where Shawn Michaels meets them and helps. HHH is carried up the ramp by the NWO.

Meanwhile, Stone Cold slowly gets back to his feet with a clear look of disappointment on his face. He shakes his head as he slowly climbs down himself, his legs still barely working. Austin gives one last salute to the crowd before walking up the rampway.
Austin looks back one more time...

Mike Tenay:
“You have to wonder, is this the last time we’re seeing Stone Cold Steve Austin?


Quick Results

ECW World Championship

Brock Lesnar pinned Rey Mysterio Jr. (Retains)

Mike Awesome pinned Justin Credible

WCW United States Championship
Christian © pinned Billy Kidman (Retains)

Harlem Heat defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry when Booker T pinned Henry

ECW World Television Championship – Two Falls
Eddie Guerrero defeated Rob Van Dam and The Great Muta (New Champion)

Mortis pinned William Regal

WCW World Tag Team Championship
The Outsiders defeated Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant when Hall pinned DDP (New Champions)

Kurt Angle and “Rowdy” Roddy Piper defeated Curt Hennig and Sean O’Haire when Piper made Hennig pass out

WCW World Championship – Triple Cage
Triple H defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin (Retains)


WCW World Champion

Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

ECW Television Champion
Eddie Guerrero (Defeated The Great Muta on 7-7-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Kevin Nash and Scott Hall (Defeated the Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant on 7-7-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Super Crazy (Defeated Eddie Guerrero on 5-13-02)

World Women’s Championship
Jazz (Defeated Molly Marvel on 4-14-02)

Roster Updates



Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Sports Team
Favorite Sports Team

Prediction points act like votes for the voting PPVs coming up (1st one: Cyberslam at the end of August 2002 BTB time). Whomever is leading at that point will get 3x their point amount in votes to use. 2nd place gets 2x. 3rd will get 1.5x Everyone else will get the amount they have earned. Anyone voting without prediction points gets 10.

Here is where we stand.

Starrcade 2001

DeGenerationMC: 105
Roy Mustang: 70
Dubb: 60

Souled Out 2002

DGenerationMC: 95
Dubb: 95
Daken: 60

SuperBrawl XII

Dubb: 90
Wolfbeast: 60
Roy Mustang: 55
DeGenerationMC: 45

Uncensored 2002

DGenerationMC: 115
Roy Mustang: 80
Wolfbeast; 80
Dubb: 70
Battletank: 60
Tyronesaurus24: 60

Barely Legal II
Dubb 102
Roy Mustang: 61

Slamboree 2002
DGenerationMC: 110
Roy Mustang: 80
Dubb: 40

Hardcore Heaven 2002
Dubb: 115
Roy Mustang: 115
DGenerationsMC: 70

The 2002 Great American Bash
Roy Mustang: 105
Dubb: 60
Order: 40

Roy Mustang wins this PPV! Dubb extends his lead, and Order gets on board!


@Dubb 632
@Roy Mustang 566
@DGenerationMC 540
Wolfbeast: 140
@BattleTank: 60
Daken: 60
@Tyronesaurus24 60
@Order 40

If WB and Daken have names here I can officially @ them in the Standings. Points are never reset, even after the voting PPVs like Cyberslam 02 take place, as there will be more interactive PPVs in the future.

Just Anarchy Rulz remains before Cyberslam! Thank you all who participated for GAB!​