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UWF - Past Raw Shows & Cards

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Well-Known Member
Re: UWF Presents the SBS Birthday 12/2/13 RAW

I have to say it is very weird to see a Raw without Trish or Umaga but hey... week off is good :p But as far as Raw goes... Raw team... Red Team... we do what we do and we do it very very well. From Kane to AJ heading to Smackdown. D-Bry and the others.

Kidd vs. Wyatt... hey... just remember what I told ya ;)

Starrcade is shaping up but it will become a bit more extreme in due time :D


Well-Known Member
UWF Monday Night Raw 12/09/13 Preview


UWF Raw Preview for 12/9 edition

The Raw Starrcade Card was finalized on last week’s edition of Raw, including the World Heavyweight Championship match was set between the veteran Champion and the Young Blood from Canada. But what is the status of the World Champion after suffering what appeared to be a major injury. As of this post we don’t know, but hopefully we’ll find out soon. Meanwhile the One man Tag Team Champion is back in action and wants to prove he’s not only better than the Dudleyz but the best overall. So this week Batista has challenged the Global Champion and his partner Matt Bloom to a 2 on 1 handicap match. All this and more on this edition of Raw.

Match 1


Test v. The Miz v. Drew McIntyre

These three men have all been Velocity bound in recent weeks, and going into this match Test may well be the Television Champion. With each man wanting to be on the Red show every week this is a perfect opportunity to prove to Randy Orton that they deserve to be here, and if they don’t, they can expect not to be on Raw again for a very very long time.

Match 2


Daniel Bryan v. Christopher Daniels

Christopher Daniels after attacking John Cena told Cena to pick his opponent for this week. Well the European Champion did just that, as he took his two challengers for his Championship and will have them do battle here tonight. Which man will win this clash, and how will it affect the upcoming triple threat match?

Match 3


Damien Sandow v. Umaga

With Tyson Kidd becoming the number one contender to the World Title, Umaga and Trish’s challenge will have to wait for later. Umaga and Trish are said to be very upset about losing out and look to take out aggression on Damien Sandow. Sandow is out to prove he is a force to be reckoned with here on Raw and plans on doing that by enlightening the Samoan Bulldozer.

Match 4


UWF Tag Team Champion Batista v. UWF Global Champion Steve Borden and Matt Bloom

Batista will be in a 2 on 1 handicap match at Starrcade for the Tag Straps, but Batista hasn’t been the force he feels he needs to be. In order to get back to form Batista has challenged the two men the Dudleyz could not defeat in 2 consecutive weeks. Of course with Steve Borden’s new attitude and the big enforcer Bloom, Batista may have bitten off more than he can choose.

Main Event


Dibiase and Sheamus v. Hulk Hogan and Christian

For the past 2 weeks Hogan and Sheamus have taken pot shots at each other and Sheamus has even laid Hogan out. This week they may get their hands on each other prior to Starrcade as opponents at the PPV will as well in Dibiase and Christain. With Orton hoping to switch up the Main Event scene every week this week it is these four who Orton hopes will all become main stays sooner rather than later.

We Will hear from:

Shawn Michaels and Tyson Kidd
will sign the contract for their match at Starrcade regardless of HBK’s status. (I’ll PM you guys about this)

with his global title rematch on the way is still missing his father. Kane is said to be looking everywhere for him and will be hunting on Monday Night. (Ben I’ll PM you more details of what I want)

The Instant classic had a huge victory last week, albeit in controversial fashion. How Christian feels about his victory over the World Champion possibly be a sham and his opponent, Dibiase at Starrcade.

Ambrose and Jericho:
These two men will highlight their respective careers, how they plan on winning at Starrcade and what they will do once the dust is all settled.

Ted’s thoughts on having to face Christian of all people and all the bad blood that goes with it.

The Dudleyz:
They fell short two weeks in a row and aren’t looking good heading into the Tag match. Hell they can’t get along, will it be Spike to the rescue?

Anyone else who would like to send one in is welcome.

OOC: Chase is off this week so if you can help write let me know. I have also set a deadline, if the threads are tied at 5 PM EST, 2 PST, they will locked. If not they will remain open until Midnight EST. No exceptions. If you want clarification on your time zone VM me and I’ll get it to you. Thank you!



Well-Known Member
Re: UWF Monday Night Raw 12/09/13 Preview

Nice card.

Rey/slim should be the best thread if both guys can get at least two responses in. Hoov/RRS should be a good one as well though and give both guys material heading into the Triple Threat.

And that opening match is really all about who is the hungriest and is looking to move up the card. I don't know who plays Miz this time, so I'll be watching.

And I really enjoy the new blood in the main event


Re: UWF Presents the SBS Birthday 12/2/13 RAW

Another really good read this week. Matches were a good length and the finishes were well done with the buildup to Starrcade.

Bryan vs Sandow like others have said was a nice way to open the show and the finish was well thought out too. I enjoyed reading my match, AJ off to Smackdown was a surprise and interesting to see where that leads. Sting/D'Von, Sheamus/Ambrose and Kidd/Wyatt were also solid matches, the writers were really flexing their muscles this week.

Main Event: interesting conclusion, somewhat of a cliffhanger. Good to see Christian on the up again

Congrats to Clique Clacks, and Starrcade is shaping up nicely. Good job Raw team and Happy Birthday SBS!


Well-Known Member
Re: UWF Monday Night Raw 12/09/13 Preview

I just have an urge to really try to make a statement so... yeah should hopefully be able to translate well. Raw Brand... we gonna do it.


Active Member
Re: UWF Presents the SBS Birthday 12/2/13 RAW

I'm at work on my lunch so I cant really read it too much in depth but from what I have skimmed through, Bryan/Sandow was great, the ending keeps me wondering and Cena's promo was great. So pumped that I get to face Shawn at Starcade. First ppv since SS so I have to shake off the cobwebs. I'll read through the show when I get home but good job red crew. You guys make this the most enjoyable fed I've ever been a part of.

Oh and Slim, gotcha loud & clear ;)



Active Member
Re: UWF Monday Night Raw 12/09/13 Preview

Sweet! I have to work the rest of the week so this came out perfect. I'll be waiting for a PM for the promo. So much we can do, looking forward to this feud. That main event should be a fun read too.


Re: UWF Presents the SBS Birthday 12/2/13 RAW

Promos were awesome and things are really starting to shape up for Starrcade. Christian really stole the show and I can't wait to see what me and him will come up with in our tag team match. Go Red Squad.
Re: UWF Presents the SBS Birthday 12/2/13 RAW

I'm not taking time off to answer that question, CW. But I do like where the feud with myself and CliqueClacks is headed (congrats by the way). Great read in the HBK/Christian match and as previous stated I liked how it ended and with all the possible speculation about HBK pulling a "Derrick Rose". That was hilarious!!

Great read with Daniel Bryan and Damien Sandow! A bit surprised to see AJ Styles moving over to Smackdown after his loss to Kane. Things are really heating up on Raw and I'm glad to be apart of it. Stellar job SBS!!


Well-Known Member
Re: UWF Presents the SBS Birthday 12/2/13 RAW

Excellent show RAW crew! I said this before many times Chase but if SBS ever had to retire for whatever reason then it's good to know that RAW is in safe hands. I don't see an ounce of quit yet in SBS, especially after reading dat Christian vs Michaels match! Also congrats to CliqueClacks on winning the #1 Contenders match, and good luck because you're going to need it while facing off against Shawn's Michaels. And if you managed to beat him then you have to face Dresden's Sting Steve Borden in the inevitable unification match. Looks like that Trish vs Nattie is going on hold for a bit which is a shame but oh well.

Also fuck you Batista fuck you Batista fuck you Batista fuck you Batista FUCK YOU BATISTA on costing Reverend D'Von his match! lol You best better believe that I'm bringing it to our tag team match at Starrcade. Also best believe that Reverend D'Von is going to have some not so holy words to say about Batista... or maybe he'll have Spike do it. Anyways Christian definitely was the VIP of the night, and fucking CWalker vs Aniking is going to steal Starrcade with dat match! Lots of good stuff is happening on the Red Brand and I'm loving every single one of these segments. Keep it up gents!

Also fuck you Batista.

Sorry Shane <3


Well-Known Member
Re: UWF Monday Night Raw 12/09/13 Preview

Here's the deal folks. Due to it being finals week/weeks for most of you and believe me i know how that feels, I just finished mine a week or two back, I've decided this will be the go home show to Starrcade. This will give everyone ample time to TT for the PPV as well as give yours minds all a little break so once your tests and papers are done you can rest your brain for a day or two. I have big things planned for Starrcade gents so please I beg of you to trash talk as soon as you are able and it will be glorious.

As for Raw, with the lack of activity and the lack of promos.... I have 2. I am going to hold off on Raw until Tomorrow. So if you have some spare time hand me in a promo and if you are writing a match get them into me asap. Thanks guys, I'll be patient with you if you are patient with me. Good luck on the exams gents.


Rated R Superstar

Well-Known Member
Re: UWF Monday Night Raw 12/09/13 Preview

If I can get the time tonight, I'll get in a promo, but I can't promise anything as I MIGHT have more work later tonight.


Well-Known Member
And now the UWF Presents...


The pyro spews through out the arena as the fans cheer like crazy as they are cheering. Signs are shown through out the arena, and The fans are excited. We take you the legendary commentary crew of Jim Ross and Roddy Piper.


JR: Ladies and gentleman welcome to another edition of Monday Friday Night RAW!

Piper: That's right JR! Tonight we're going to see the weenies of the RAW crew finally get their asses handed to them! I'm sick of seeing all of these weenies on RAW!

JR: Oh really Roddy? Who would you consider to be weenies on RAW?

Piper: Oh you know, the losers like Daniel Bryan, Chrisitan, and even our World Heavyweight Champion Shawn Michaels.

JR: Well ladies and gentleman, besides the main question as to why Roddy is still on commentary, we have tons of action happening on the final episode of RAW before UWF Starrcade! But first ladies and gentleman we're going to start off the show with the contract signing for the World Heavyweight Championship!

Piper: Speaking of weenies...


A familiar song blasts through speakers and that can only mean one thing. Tyson Kidd along with Natalya by his side step through the curtain to somewhat of a mixed reaction. Kidd has that cocky grin back on his face that was missing last week. Natalya leads the way to the ring as Kidd trails behind her, taking his time on his way to the ring. Kidd hi-fives some fans reaching over the barrier before entering the ring, and proceeding to pose on the turnbuckle. Most of the crowd is cheering him as he hops down. Natalya has already picked up the microphone that's sitting on the contract table. Kidd takes a seat in the chair while Natalya begins to address the UWF crowd.


Natalya Neidhart
"Tyson! We did it! Finally, after months and months of you working your tail off, you're finally here, and I'm right by your side. The date is set! The twenty-second of December, you versus Shawn Michaels, for the World Heavyweight Championship. This is perfect, not only because you finally get to prove all those doubters wrong, but because you get to do it in Canada. In front of our families, friends, in front of our people. Ty, do you remember when we first got here? We represented Canada, we stood for something, and you stood by your word. You claimed that you were going to become Champion for Canada, well now all that gets to happen. You get to represent our country. The only thing standing in front of you, is a less than one hundred percent Heart Break Kid. A man who's definitely now a favorite in Canada. You get to do this in your backyard. Last week, just about an hour after you superkicked Bray Wyatt's head off, Shawn Michaels attempted that very same maneuver, but his age finally caught up to him-"

Tyson quickly snatches the microphone away from Natalya so she can't say anymore. Kidd raises the microphone to his mouth while the crowd cheers,

Tyson Kidd
"Whoa whoa whoa, Nattie! Slow down there, now I understand that your family has some different views on Shawn Michaels than mine does. I respect HBK, he's one of the greatest performers ever, and if it wasn't for him, I might not be here today. He gave guys like me a chance, he proved to the World that you don't have to be seven feet tall, three hundred pounds to do what we do. Shawn Michaels is a legend in this business, a pioneer. I have the up most respect for Shawn Michaels. That's why it breaks my heart to know that Shawn isn't a hundred percent and there's a good chance that he won't be able to go at Starrcade. If he can't go, that just means he has to vanquish that title, and since I'm the next in line...I'm never one to take the easy way out, but I don't want to be the one that ends Shawn's career. Not like this. I don't know the specifics of his injury, but I feel it would be in his best interest to take some time off, recover, rehabilitate, then when that time comes for him to be fully recovered, then, we can do this, and by that time, he can challenge me for the World Heavyweight Championship. I have no problem with that. I just don't want his pride to get in front of his health."

Kidd stands up out of his chair with the microphone still raised up to his mouth.

Tyson Kidd
"So look guys, if we could get the ring crew down here, to take care of this table and these chairs, we won't need these. We don't need this contract, this match is going to happen. I know, I'm just as upset as everyone else. As a child, I dreamed about being in the ring with the Showstopper, but it's not going to happen, not like this. Shawn, I'm sure you're watching this from your hospital room, I wish you a speedy recovery, now you don't have to crown me new World Champion right now, I understand this isn't the best time, but this feels like a dream come true, I'm finally holding a Championship that's been held by legends. I wasn't expecting it to happen this way, Shawn, get better soon, just remember you'll be the first man in line when you get back. Best of luck to you!"

Kidd stands in the middle of the ring as Natalya raises his arm in victory while some of the crowd is cheering but there's a large portion who seem to want Shawn Michaels as they're all chanting 'HBK' as loud as they can.


The crowd erupts as HBK's music goes off. The roar from the crowd goes down slowly as HBK is seen coming out from the back on crutches. HBK looks to the crowd with such a sad look on his face. Ric Flair is along with HBK and is holding onto the World Title for him. HBK cannot do his traditional entrance as he stops and holds up his crutches while favoring his right leg as his pyro goes off

Flair and HBK proceed to head to the ring as HBK brings his arms down and uses the crutches to get to ringside. As the two get to ringside, Flair helps HBK with getting onto the steps and onto the ramp. Tyson Kidd is looking on with Natalya wondering what is going on. Flair bends down on the ropes as HBK takes his time getting inside the ring. The camera shows a lot of concerned fans. HBK grabs the microphone that is waiting for him on the table and gets ready to speak. As HBK settles into position, Flair gives him the World Title in which HBK puts on his right shoulder

HBK: Don't get too comfortable holding that Ric.

The crowd laughs as Flair smiles

HBK: Well I guess it's time to face the music and address you the UWF Universe and you, Tyson Kidd. I have already spoken to, Randy Orton and Stephanie McMahon about what the results were from my MRI and there is good news and there is the bad news. So for the bad news. The doctor's have diagnosed me with two sprains. One in my knee and one in my hamstring. Now those results are much better than what I anticipated and although it doesn't sound that much painful, it actually is. And so the doctor's have told me that I will not fully be healed by Starrcade.

The crowd boos loudly at that announcement as, Tyson Kidd looks on with a slight smirk and motions the World Title

HBK: Dr. James Andrews said that would be smart and that would be sensible. The only problem is, I have never really been all that sensible of a guy.

The crowd cheers in anticipation at what HBK is going to say next

HBK: Now for the good news part. I forced the doctor's clearance to defend my World Title and at Starrcade it will be, Tyson Kidd versus the World Heavyweight Champion, The Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michales!!!

The crowd erupts as they start an "HBK" chant. Kidd looks on while shaking his head

HBK: I know it's not a smart decision on my part. At my age, I know that if I further the injuries anymore than it could cost me my career. And I say that because I don't know if I want to go through the therapy in order to fix my knee and hamstring issues. I know it is going to take a while longer to recover from than when I was younger and rolling with D-Generation X or when I was a member of the NWO or even going at it with, Bret Hart in an Iron Man match. I know the risk, but I also know the person that I am. I worked too hard and too long to get this Championship back. And I also know that I didn't have, Natch come here to watch me crumble like the way I did last week. I don't want to waste his time and I will at Starrcade put the World Title on the line.

Flair pats HBK on the back

HBK: Now, Tyson, it's going to an honor to face you in the ring at Starrcade. You are an upcoming superstar in our business and have unbelievable raw talent that not many have. But to make one thing clear, I am the man. Even with one good leg, I am the man. With one good leg, I am better than nine out of ten of them in the back. That's just speaking the truth. I have gotten to see you and Natalya from when you two were little kids running around in the back. And now we the chance to face off with the richest prize in our business on the line. There will be no excuses at Starrcade with my injuries. I decided to continue with this match and I will not make any excuses should I fail. At what percent will I be at Starrcade, only time will tell that. I haven't put much pressure on my knee and may have to adjust my strategy going in. But I do, I do look forward to facing you in the ring.

HBK leans over the table, picks the pen up and signs the contract

JR: I tell you Roddy, this is going to be a match for the ages.

Piper: A match better than The Rock vs The Pope? Get your head out of your ass JR, this is going to be a complete snoozefest.

Stacy Keibler pops up on the titantron with a microphone, the crowd cheers

Stacy:Ladies and Gentlemen it gives me great pleasure to introduce the man who fulfilled his promise to all of his Testicles by kicking Austin Aries head off and winning his first title. A man who is rising step by step to the top of UWF, please welcome my client your new UWF TV Champion Test!

Crowd Cheer as test pops up on the screen with a grin on his face

Test: Man it feels good to be introduced as your new TV Champion, I won this title last week on velocity against Austin Aries and to be quite frank I was expecting a lot more from the former champion and beat him in just over a minute bringing back the prestigious title back over to the red site, I think after that performance on velocity I showed all of the guys in the back that I am the most up and coming superstar and will be showing those performances right here on raw!

Test Pauses to hear the crowd who are cheering

Test: The problem is I doubt anyone ‘really’ wants to step into the ring with the Impact player right now. Not only am I on a role currently, I’m not in the mood for losing in front of all these great fans. Too many times have I not fulfilled my potential and too many times have I let down my Testicles and not reach the heights that I should have gotten to. But this time in UWF it’s different. I am grabbing every one of those brass rings and I am accomplishing my goals. I am the TV Champion and I will continue on my path to glory and redemption. This is a TEST, and one that nobody will pass…

Test stops mid-sentence as a figure has approached him off screen. Test immediately holds onto his Championship before staring down the intruder. The cameras pan away to find Triple H, the Co-Owner looking at Test, NO, the Television Championship. Triple H just merely shakes his head at the belt. He then looks at Test and gets right up into his face.

HHH: Take care of her, or I promise you, you'll be the next person I bury.

With that Hunter walks away leaving Test and Stacy very unhappy. This is the scene as Raw heads elsewhere.

Ding! Ding! Ding!



I Came to Play hits the arena and the crowd boos towards the stage as comes out through the curtain and raises both hands in the air with his fingers up except for his index finger. He brings his hands down and starts to make his way down the ramp.


Justin Roberts: Introducing first: from Cleveland, Ohio, Weighing in at 200 and 21 pounds...The Miz!

Miz jumps up on the ring apron with one knee and looks out towards the crowd with a smug smile on his face before he stands up and gets into the ring, before he can pose on the corner though Test' music hits.


Test comes out through the curtain with the Television championship in hand as Stacy follows behind him, the crowd cheers as they start making their way down the ramp.


Justin Roberts: And his opponent: being accompanied by Stacy Keibler, From Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Weighing in at 200 and 85 pounds...He is the UWF Television Champion...Test.

Test steps into the ring and holds up the TV title up for the crowd to see, as he turns to Miz. He hands his title to the referee as the feed cuts to the beginning of Drew McIntyres titantron.


As the screen fades back to the arena, Drew McIntyre appears on the stage with a cold serious look on his face. He begins to walk down the ramp slowly.


Justin Roberts: And their opponent: From Ayr Scotland, weighing in at 200 and 54 pounds, Drew McIntyre.

Drew walks up the steel steps, and steps into the ring staying in the corner as he looks at both his opponents standing tall as his music fades away.


*Ding Ding Ding*

The bell rings but the three men don’t seem effected by it as they all stand still in their respective corners, Miz is hunched over slightly in a grapplers stance as he starts to leave his corner, McIntyre hasn’t moved since he stepped into the ring and Test starts to get closer as Miz does the same. Miz looks over at McIntyre for a moment and points at him and then at himself as if proposing an alliance for the match, Drew doesn’t seem interested as he ignores it completely. Miz decides to try his luck and turns to Test, he does the same motion and since their closer together verbally offers to team up and take out their opponent to leave it amongst themselves. Test looks around for a moment before shaking his head causing some in the crowd to boo as Miz gets a big smile on his face, Both men get hyped up ready to strike when suddenly Test jolts forward and a loud smack of leather hitting skull echoes in the arena. Miz got hit with a massive boot to the face that propelled him backwards to the floor and his body rolled the rest of the way out of the ring. The crowd erupt in cheers but they are quickly silenced when McIntyre springs to life while Test is looking at his handiwork and attacks him from behind.

JR: By god all mighty if that wasn’t the damndest boot I’ve ever seen
Piper: I think Miz’ head is in the fourth row.

McIntyre shoves Test into the corner, having caught him by surprise Drew is relentless as he stomps away on him over and over again. After a furious attack in the corner, McIntyre finally stops the assault turning to the arena and raising his hands up causing the crowd to jeer his performance. He turns back towards his opponent, pulling him up by his head to his feet before he goes for an irish whip. Test reverses it sending McIntyre into the opposing corner, he hits the turnbuckle so hard he bounces stumbling back to the middle of the ring and Test suddenly lifts him up in the air with a big back body drop. Drew gets up to his feet as he holds his back in pain, once on his feet Test turns him around ready to continue the assault but is stopped when McIntyre delivers a kick right to the right knee cap that sends him down to one knee.

JR: Test is so explosive in the ring when he gets fired up, but McIntyre manages to hobble him with a meticulous kick to the knee.
Piper: There you go, it’s not about how “explosive†you are it’s about focusing on what to do to win.

McIntyre looks down at Test for a moment as if letting the crowd take in his superiority over him before he turns and hits the ropes. As he comes back though Test has gotten back to his feet and catches him coming in, twisting the Scotsman in the air and dropping him to the mat with a tilt-a-whirl side slam as the crowd cheer the suddenness as he hooks back the far leg.

Kick out

JR: What about right there Roddy, you think his explosiveness is a factor now?

Test gets up and pulls Drew up with him, once they are on their feet though Drew gets Test’ hands off him and drops down with a dropkick straight to the right leg dropping Test down to his knees on the mat.

Piper: Not when you take away one of his biggest weapons

McIntyre stands up putting his hand on his back and wincing at the pain from being driven to the mat twice now but it only seems to get him angrier as he pulls Test up by the ears before grabbing one of his arms. Test can barely stay up as he raises his right leg off the mat to avoid putting pressure on it, the attention to his knee distracting him as Drew pulls him towards him by the arm and right into a vicious clothesline that knocks him down to the mat. McIntyres follow through sends him to the ropes leaning over them as he looks at the crowd with a smirk emerging on his face. He stands up straight and turns towards his opponent, who is lifting his head off the mat looking dazed and confused from the short arm clothesline. Drew reaches down with one hand to Test’ ear and starts pulling him up as he turns his head to one side and looks at Stacy who seems worried for her client, McIntyre flashes a smirk to her as if making sure she watches what he’s about to do next to Test.

JR: Test is known for his smash mouth style, but Drew McIntyre can be just as in your face. High impact is what the sinister Scotsman is all about.

As Drew is focused on Stacy for a moment, Test suddenly grabs the arm that's on him and in one swift move moves it between McIntyres own legs, the crowd let out a cheer and Test gets in position and pulls back his free arm for the pump-handle slam. He lifts him up turning his body in the air until he lands on his shoulder, but at that moment Test hobbles a bit with the added weight on his leg and that moment of hesitation is enough for Drew to slide back off of him. Drew kicks the back of his right knee, flinching Test as he stands and he pulls back on his head for what looks like a neckbreaker. But suddenly he drops down to one knee, driving the back of Test’ skull to his knee. The crowd ooh as Drew stays on one knee for a moment catching his breath after almost getting Pump-handle slammed before he covers the Television champion.

Shoulder up.

Drew slaps the mat as he stands up, he measures Test before stomping on the side of his head.

JR: McIntyre seems to be getting slightly frustrated, and when he channels that anger this young man can be very dangerous.

Drew looks out to the crowd and then back down at Test before he waves his arms in front of him in an “it’s over†signal before he bends over and starts to slowly pull Test off the mat. Once he’s on his knees he pulls his head under his arm and pulls him up to his feet but keeping him in that position, he hooks up one arm with a smirk on his face making sure everyone knows what’s to come. But the arrogance works against him as out of nowhere Test spins out from the position using his hooked arm as leverage to spin out, McIntyre reacts quickly going for a clothesline but Test ducks it hooking it up at the same time as he goes behind him and hooks up the other arm into a full-nelson. Test lifts Drew up and sends him crashing down to the mat, Test stumbles backwards to the corner after hitting the full-nelson slam and looks around to the crowd as they get to the feet.

JR: Massive Full Nelson slam by Test, and judging by the distance that’s just been created, I think Test is looking to finish things himself.

Test slaps his right thigh signaling the big boot but he stops, the adrenaline helping mask the pain but it’s still there as he looks down at his leg. He switches it up and slaps his left thigh as he waits for McIntyre to get himself up.

Piper: That right knee and leg are injured Ross
JR: But Test seems to aim to hit it with the left boot, I’m not sure how much strength he has behind the opposite leg as he always seems to hit it with the right but he seems confident enough to try it.

McIntyre pulls himself up with the ropes, a little loopy from the slam as he turns around. Test fights through the pain in his right knee and sprints out of the corner, but as he throws his left foot up for the boot Drew bends down as he charges forward himself. Avoiding the big boot and hitting a chop block to the injured leg, Test brings his left foot down to the mat and falls forward to the mat in pain as he grabs at his leg he rolls out of the ring.

JR: Oh my god Test had his full weight on the bad leg and Drew aimed right at it.

Test is writhing in pain on the outside as Stacy goes to check on him, he is clawing at his knee pad pulling it down as McIntyre is on his knees leaning over the second rope looking down at Test. As the camera changes focus from Test to the ring, you see Miz is pulling himself up by the ropes back into the ring. Drew stands up a smirk on his face at what he did to Test, turning around he gets a serious look on his face as he notices Miz. Prepared to fight him off, but Miz doesn’t seem to even know where he is, he is finally on his feet in the ring but he doesn’t even seem to be able to focus on McIntyre.

Piper: Miz doesn’t look right
JR: I think that boot knocked something loose, the referee needs to get him out of there.

Drew looks at Miz as if studying his movement as the referee puts his hand on his shoulder and asks if he’s okay. Before he can get a straight answer Drew suddenly kicks Miz in the gut, doubling him over and even falling to one knee. Drew hooks Miz’ head under his arm and turns him around so Drew is staring into the hard camera, he hooks up both arms and stares out towards the crowd.

JR: Come on, don’t do this the guy might have a head injury!
Piper: Might? If he doesn’t he’s about to get one.

Even the referee is telling him to stop but Drew kicks back his leg and swings it forward, snapping back to the mat with a vicious Future Shock DDT. Miz’ body goes limp on impact, as Drew shoves his motionless body off of him and to his back. McIntyre pulls Miz’ leg up by the knee pad with a lackadaisical cover, as Test is trying to pull himself back in to stop it but he can’t get back in the ring


*Ding Ding Ding*

The bell rings as Drew roughly shoves Miz’ leg back to the mat and stands up, his theme hits the arena and Test stays seated on the ring apron from having tried to get back in. Stacy is checking his right leg as he slaps the ring apron angry that he lost the match, The referee is checking on Miz as Drew stands in the middle of the ring.

Justin Roberts: Here is your winner: Drew McIntyre!

JR: Vicious DDT by Drew McIntyre, I can’t believe he’d do that to a man who could have had a concussion.
Piper: No mercy in that ring Ross, and my fellow countryman knows that.

Drew grabs the referee by the shirt pulling him up to his feet, the referee tells him to get off of him so he can go back to checking on Miz. Drew McIntyre however points to his wrist demanding the referee raise his hand in victory, the referee holds his wrist and raises it.


The crowd boo as the referee goes back to checking on Miz as Drew holds both his hands up in the air to the Raw crowd.

The camera cuts from the arena to the backstage area. The mountainous figure of Kane is walking down the backstage corridor. Josh Matthews, alongside a small cameraman is in hot pursuit, attempting to follow the Devil’s Favourite Demon for an interview. The camera is shuddering and shaking as Josh follows Kane down several flights of stairs, the Big Red Monster seemingly unaware that he is being followed. The picture is swallowed by darkness as the former Global Champion has seemingly disappeared into the bowels of the arena. Suddenly a light is switched on, followed by a large gloved hand wrapping itself around the throat of Mr Matthews, and throwing him up against the wall


Josh Matthews:



Why are you following me?

Josh Matthews:

Ahhhh…….few ……words….about….Starr…agh…cade


Am I facing you at Starrcade Josh?

Josh Matthews:


Kane:Then if you want to keep it that way, I suggest you remove yourself from here immediately. Everything I’ve had to say I’ve said to the only person that matters in all of this, Steve Borden. He has my father holed up in this arena somewhere, I know it. Tonight, I am going to find him. He is here...somewhere, I know he is. But every second that goes by that I have not found my father, I get more and more angry. Every time someone distracts me, I feel that anger…tightening.

As Kane says the word ‘tightening’ we see his hand around Josh Matthews throat tighten ever so slightly. Matthews lets out a squeak. Kane finally lets go of Matthews, allowing the backstage interviewer to flee along with the cameraman out of the basement of the arena. Kane slowly turns around, and begins throwing bits of furniture about in the vain attempt of locating his father. Trash cans, bins, are hurled across the room, as Kane is looking in every corner and crevice of the basement. The scene fades away.......

Piper: Well it looks like Kane is feeling tense lately. Maybe he should start dating another dead girl.

JR: What's the matter with you Roddy? Anyways it's time for our next matchup... wait what's this?


[youtube]The Shield New Titantron 2013 With Download Link & Lyrics (Special Op) - YouTube[/youtube]

'The theme song of SHIELD begins playing throughout the arena and the crowd gets on their feet as it's been almost a month since the UWF Universe has heard this theme song. Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins are seen with the spotlight shining on them as they walk down the steps through the crowd as they both jump over the barricade as they instantly snatch a microphone as they then get onto the apron as they look back towards the crowd before entering the ring as Roman is first to speak.'


Roman Reigns:

It's been a long road down the highway, it's been quite the horrific memory. A memory we want to erase... When UWF decided they'd have their restart they decided to remove Seth Rollins and myself. Vince Russo tore up our contract the night before the restart happened, we were left in the darkness. For the past month we've fought to get our name back here, Seth here accomplished a top-tier title whilst I was just getting started... However, week after week... They didn't want us back. Vince then became fired, life became easier, y'know why? Because today we have the rights to stand in the middle of the ring! No rematches were given to Seth, nothing... We've been told... Bad luck, suck it up and you'll be starting from the bottom once again. Well, I'm going to tell you that's not what we'll be doing. We'll be dominating and destroying everything in our path until gold is in our hands, but even gold isn't enough. A pirate could claim a treasure chest but still would want to seek more. It's injustice having us not being able to participate in UWF, it's injustice for leaving us in the darkness and unfortunately for many... They'll be on the receiving end of what the SHIELD truly stands for. Our path, our goal... It will never be complete, many broken bones will be harvested, many broken people. Those who may end up leaving the company because they cannot live up to our standards, the devastating pain that we shall inflict could cause careers to end once and for all. But this isn't our fault, we didn't want to do things this way. We're not playing nice here anymore, nor should we ever. We do things our way because it is what is right, we don't want to be left...

Seth takes the microphone from Roman as Roman looks at him as if he's indicating he hasn't finished.


Seth Rollins:

Let me take it from here Roman, I've got more to get off my chest than you do. It was just over a month ago where I competed in a six-man match where five others were dying to get their hands on my International Championship. I fought hard to ensure that the belt didn't get out of my hand, however... it did. Matt Morgan was able to capture the belt, no rematch was given to me, I was just... forgotten. My accomplishments since my arrival shouldn't be erased, I have accomplished a lot this year alone. There's been many things I am proud of and things I regret. Whilst the belt is on Smackdown and I don't think I'll be getting a rematch, I'll be using my anger and dominate self to capture what I believe is in the right step for me. This is a simple warning to the RAW Roster, not only did I lose the belt, I was shuffled out of the company. Due to the incident that has happened, I decided it's only best that THE SHIELD gets to do it's own thing. So next week, whenever we're here... We'll show the world why it was the biggest mistake having us off UWF Television for the past month. It's quite ironic given that Batista is the sole holder of both tag titles, it's funny how since we left... Many thought Roman Reigns would break out to be the next Batista. Whether this leads us to facing him and claiming those Tag Team Championships or whether we'll grab solo titles... The Shield will always prove everyone wrong, you thought this entire year was everything I had? You thought wrong because this is the beginning of our quest... This is just the beginning of a war that won't end until we say so. Mind you, I've gone to war here in UWF several times... The war never ends, the fire never burns... I'm prepared, Roman's prepared... Now we'll just need to find who wants to be our enemies.

Piper: Yes! The Shield is finally in the UWF JR! Things are definitely looking up from here!

The crowd is seen reacting to the Shield as the show goes to commercial break.



Go check out the latest Chillin' with Chase podcast if you haven't listened to it already. Lots of fun happened from shooting that sucker. Also Chase is always looking for newer members to join it so give him a PM if you're even remotely interested. :)


JR: Ladies and gentleman we are back live on RAW! It is time to get back in the action as Damien Sandow will be taking on Umaga!

Piper: This could be fun JR... maybe.



Justin Roberts:
The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from the Isle of Samoa, being accompanied to the ring by Trish Stratus, Umaga!



Justin Roberts: And his opponent from Palo Alto California, he is your enlightened savior, Damien Sandow!


Damien Sandow:

Allow me to beg your indulgence for one moment, my name is Damien Sandow as Mr. Roberts was kind enough to point out, and I am here to Save all of you. Now some might point out that over the course of the past several weeks I have slowed my charge towards the enlightenment of all of you, that I have no remained as focused as I once was and to that I will simply quote Author and teacher, Idries Shah: "Enlightenment must come little by little, otherwise it would overwhelm."

Sandow reaches the ringside area and looks into the ring at the man standing before him.

However, the enlightenment of the UWF audience can be accomplished in quicker fashion should they bare witness to something that convinces them that they too can be as intellectually gifted as myself...well perhaps not AS intellectually gifted but close enough to lift themselves up from the cesspool of ignorance they currently dwell in. And the way to do this, to show the world they too can join my word and be saved is to enlighten someone who no one would expect.

Sandow walks up the steels steps and across the ring apron looking at Umaga as the referee is telling him to get in the ring.

Ms. Stratus rejected my offer to stand at my side to assist in saving the female audience that view her as a role-model of sorts, but You...Mr?...Mr. Umaga Tonight I speak to you directly. For I am here to Enlighten you, to bring the savage beast you're known as and tame him into a civilized gentleman. You are refereed to as a Samoan Bulldozer, but I wish to make you better than a tool any commoner with a manual can drive. To make you into a man who is not feared because he hollers and shouts but feared because he has the intellect to use his gifts in the ring. I can make you greater, greater than anyone who has come from that Isle of Samoa that has delivered to this industry so many abhorrent individuals. And together, you can still be a bulldozer, but one that does not simply rampage but is used with precision to tear down the walls these ignoramuses constructed to block out the shining light of enlightenment. So Umaga, I will step into this ring and the bell shall ring, and at that moment we will not compete, for you will remain there as I teach you how to be civilized, and as you accept me as your lord and savior you shall go from being simply a Wild Samoan, to a Sagacious Samoan. Oh and as your first lesson in your path of enlightenment, sagacious is having good mental discernment, You're Welcome.

Sandow lowers his microphone and disrobes on the ring apron as he looks out towards the crowd, he slowly steps into the ring putting his hands up telling Umaga to wait and think of his offer. Looking over to Trish you can see him mouth "He does understand English right?"


Ding Ding Ding!

The bell sounds and the two men lock up. Umaga has the clear strength advantage and pushes Sandow back to the corner. With Damien in the corner, Umaga begins to drive his shoulder into the midsection of Damien Sandow. After three shoulder blocks, Umaga stands up and delivers a belly to belly to Damien Sandow. The crowd starts booing as Umaga is on his feet and lets out a primal scream. With Sandow on the mat, Umaga lifts himself up to the second rope, he screams again and leaps into the air, he's looking for a splash but all he gets is mat as Damien Sandow rolls out of the way. Sandow tries to take advantage of the situation and quickly covers Umaga. He doesn't even get a one count as Umaga throws Sandow's body off of him. Both men get back to their feet and Umaga runs at Sandow. Sandow takes him over and keeps him in a headlock on the mat. The crowd is still booing as Sandow is wrenching in the headlock. Umaga is able to get back to a knee and push Damien off of him. Sandow turns around and Umaga runs at him and hits a shoulder block. Sandow sits up and Umaga hits a senton on the back of Sandows' head and neck. Umaga quickly goes for the cover.



Kick out! Sandow just gets his shoulder up, that senton took something out of Sandow however Umaga lifts Damien back to his feet and lifts him up onto his shoulder. He's looking to slam him, however Damien ends up hitting him with elbows and slides off his back. Sandow chops the leg of Umaga taking him down. Umaga holds his leg as Sandow goes on the attack. With Umaga down on the mat, Sandow begins to stomp his legs. Sandow grabs one of Umaga's legs and drops the elbow down on the kneecap. Sandow wrenches down on the leg, adding torque to the knee, Umaga sits up off the mat and begins to hit Sandow with forearms. Sandow breaks the hold but goes and attempts to mount Umaga. The two are both on their knees, both throwing forearms, they're trading vicious shots in the middle of the ring, neither man is letting up, Umaga and Sandow are both just getting stronger with every shot. The two men make their way to their feet, both still trading forearms, Umaga pushes Sandow back and hits a superkick to the midsection. Sandow grabs his stomach and as he leans up, Umaga hits a huge elbow, knocking Sandow down to the mat. Sandow isn't out just yet and as he's making his way back to his feet. He's on one knee now and Umaga throws another superkick, this time connecting to the chin of Damien Sandow. Umaga goes for the cover and the referee quickly goes down for the count.



Sandow gets the shoulder up! Umaga drags Sandow up to his feet and tosses him out of the ring. Umaga follows him out to the outside, Sandow gets up to his feet and irish whips him into the steel steps. Umaga connects with the steps shoulder first. Sandow rolls into the ring as the referee begins to count. Umaga gets back to his feet while the referee begins to count. The referee is at five and Umaga is back to his feet, he's able to roll into the ring and Sandow begins to club the back of Umaga. Sandow doesn't let Umaga let get back to his feet. He's relentless with the offense and he continues to hit him with clubs to the back. Sandow rolls Umaga over to his back and goes for the cover.



Kickout! Umaga is feeling the momentum coming back to him but Sandow ends that quickly with a kick to the back, then a reverse chinlock to keep him down. Umaga is feeling weakened from the chinlock, especially being confused with Sandow's intellectual choice of words. Umaga is getting pumped up however as he rises to his feet, Sandow looking shocked and shakes his head and Umaga tosses Sandow over his shoulder! The crowd pops as Sandow tries to crawl towards the corner, but Umaga comes running and hits the running butt slam onto Sandow, Sandow's neck snaps back from the sheer force of Umaga. Sandow tries to get up but Umaga gets in a super kick and Sandow falls to his back. Umaga yells out loud and climbs the ropes, preparing for a diving splash. Sandow is stunned and Umaga goes for the diving splash but Sandow rolls out of the way. Umaga crashes hard onto the ground and is feeling the pain rise up to his chest, but doesn't see that Sandow is behind him and gets Umaga into a rollup! The crowd boos as Umaga is trapped behind Sandow who has a grasp on the ropes as well...




Ding! Ding! Ding!

Winner of this match: Damien Sandow!


The camera switches backstage again and zooms up on the door to the General Managers office. A gloved hand throws open the door with force, the door rattling on its hinges, the gloved hand not even bothering to knock. Randy Orton gets up from his desk in alarm as The Big Red Machine Kane strides towards him


Randy Orton:Kane. And just what do I owe the pleasure?

Kane:There is no pleasure in this meeting I can assure you of that.

Randy Orton:What do you want Kane? In case you haven’t noticed, I have a show to run

A show to co-run...

The camera pans to show the smug figure of Stephanie McMahon standing in the office. She takes one look at Kane and Randy and walks up to the two men.


Stephanie McMahon:This isn’t your show alone Randy, you seem to forgetting that I am the authority around these parts as well.

Kane:: I couldn’t care less who holds the power on this show, or who thinks they hold the power. The bottom line is that I have searched this arena high and low, my father is not to be found. A member of this roster has committed a crime, and I demand that you do something about it.

Randy Orton:What exactly, can I do Kane? You have done worse things in the past. Steve Borden is holding your father captive, but you will get your chance at revenge on December 22nd, you will get the chance to destroy Steve Borden.

Stephanie McMahon:You know Randy, for once I actually agree with you. I’ve known your father for a long time Kane, no matter what happens to him, he has a nasty habit of reappearing again. Right now, we need you to focus that hate on your Global Championship rematch at Starrcade. These people want to see a match worthy of the prestigious Championship that is on the line. You can worry about the whereabouts of your father after.

Kane:Just as I expected. A weak man, and a weak woman in charge of a show full of pathetic , damaged frauds. I will find my father before Starrcade, if I have to walk through hell itself he will be by my side when I stuff Steve Borden into that casket for good. If the supposed General Managers of this show won’t do anything, then I must take matters into my own hands….

Kane is about to storm out of the General Managers office when a soft knock on the door is heard and a Raw technician enters the room. The small, thin man approaches the massive Kane with a slip of paper in his hand.

TechnicianSorry to interrupt, but I was told to give you this…

Kane:Who gave you this?

Technician:I believe his name was Matthew Bloom

Kane snatches the slip of paper out of the technicians hand and unfolds it. The camera is too far out to clearly depict the letters on the note, but after reading Kane angrily throws it away and storms out of the General Managers office, the door falling off its hinges as a result of the Devil’s Favourite Demon slamming the door behind him. The scene fades, leaving Randy Orton, Stephanie McMahon and the lowly technician examining the damage and trying to get their heads around what has just happened.

JR: I feel sorry for what Kane is about to do to poor Steve Borden at Starrcade. I think Borden bit off more than he can chew for challenging him to a casket match.

Piper: I disagree JR. Kane has been nothing but a gullible goof ever since Paul Bearer as dumped his pathetic ass. I mean come on he can't even wrap his head around Steve Borden's mind games for crying out loud!

JR: Now folks, this next match up should get intense. Two men who will compete in the triple threat European Championship match at Starrcade will face off tonight in a one on one match to see who the better man is.

Roddy: Intense is the right word to use. But how can these two men compete in a match knowing that John Cena is somewhere backstage resting for his title match while they have to fight it out like animals?

JR: I don't know, but we're in for a real treat.


As the music of Christopher Daniels hits the PA system, the crowd releases a loud mixed reaction as the man makes his way down the ramp.

Justin Roberts: The first participant, standing at 6 foot tall......weighing in at 224 pounds......Christopher Daniels!!!!!!

Daniels then slides into the ring and gives off a few taunts on the turnbuckles before stepping down and facing the entrance way awaiting his opponent.


The fans begin to cheer and chant "Yes" over and over again as Daniel Bryan makes it out onto the stage, pointing his fingers high into the hair to trigger the yes chants.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent! standing at 5 foot 10 inches tall....weighing in at 210 pounds.....Daniel Bryan!!!!!!

Daniel then proceeds to slide into the ring and stand just 5 feet away from his opponent before turning to the crowd and deliver a few more yes chants before he stops and awaits for the bell to ring.

JR: Now this is gonna be good! A good ole fashion wrestling match. Main event material if you ask me.

Roddy: Oh defiantly! Both men our in the prime of their lives.


The ref signals for the bell to ring Ding Ding Ding and the match is underway! The two men then begin to circle around the ring trying to find the best spot to start in at. Daniels is the first one to make a move as he reach both arms, attempting to grab a hold of Bryan but Bryan backs up and delivers a low kick to the side of his leg. Bryan then attempts another kick but Daniels catches it and sends his elbow stabbing into Bryans leg. Daniels then proceeds to push Bryan into the turnbuckle. As he runs at Bryan, Bryan sticks his foot out and it connects with Daniels chin. Christopher turns around holding his face but when he turns back around, Bryan is charging at him looking for a clothesline. But, Daniels manages to duck the clothesline to cause Bryan to bounce back off of the ropes and come back to a flapjack, BUT Bryan manages to catch himself using his hands. Little does Daniels know that Bryan has stood back up and as Daniels turns to him, Bryan kicks him in the gut and lifts him in the air for a suplex. But Daniels manages to wiggle out of the move in try a suplex of his own, which fails as well and Bryan lands on his feet behind Daniels. Daniels then quick turns around a backs up to create a gap between the two as they stand there at a stalemate.

JR: Reversal after reversal! They aren't gonna make it easy for each other are they?

Roddy: No Jim and I like it that way!

Bryan in Daniels then proceed to lock up. Both with their hands on each others shoulders trying to force the other backwards. After moments of struggle, they both release their grip but Daniels doesn't wait for anything as he delivers a knee to Bryan's gut. He then delivers a strong DDT to bring Bryan to the mat. But Bryan manages to get himself up in a fast amount of time, but Daniels is prepared. As Bryan turns around, Daniels lifts him into the air and drives him back to the mat with a back suplex. Bryan arches his back in pain afterwards but Daniels wastes no time by going right back onto the attack with a standing elbow drop to the chest. Afterwards, he brings Daniel back to his feet and lifts him up in the Samoan Drop position. Bryan manages to wiggle out of the move though and he hits a desperate DDT on Daniels to buy him some time.

Roddy: Daniels got the advantage but Daniel looks to be coming back!

Daniels begins to get to his feet, but Bryan irish whips him to the ropes and as he comes back, Daniel delivers a strong knee to Daniels gut which causes him to flip. Christopher then gets back up and runs right into a norther lights suplex by Daniel Bryan who keeps his back arched for the pin.


2..NO! Kickout!

Daniel Bryan doesn't look to surprised at this as he goes back on the attack. He turns Christopher over on his stomach and sticks both of his knees onto his back. He then proceeds to grab his leg and chin and pull backwards to execute a Bow and Arrow submission hold. He holds Daniels in the air with this move as Daniels begins to yell out in pain. A few moments go by until Daniel Bryan gives up on this move and releases the hold. Daniels trys to stand up but once he does, Daniel comes running at him. He manages to lift Bryan up on his shoulders and slam him back down to the mat with a Samoan Drop. Now realizing he's gaining control again, he quickly stands up and jumps over the ropes. Daniels then comes jumping back over the ropes and lands a slingshot leg drop onto his opponent.

JR: Oooh! What a nice leg drop by Daniels.

Roddy: Looks like things are turning back around.

As Bryan stands back up on his feet, Daniels lifts him high into the air and slams him back to the mat with a punishing suplex. Without warning, he drops down to the mat and wraps his legs around Bryan's neck and applies pressure to confirm the move to be the Koji Clutch. After moments of pressure being applied to the hold, Daniel Bryan looks to be losing consciousness. Then the lights dim and a song is played to catch Daniels attention and make him break the hold.


JR: Wait a minute! That's John Cena's theme song! He has no right to be out here!

The crowd begins to boo heavily as John Cena's theme plays throughout the arena. Daniels stands there awaiting his appearance. Daniels looks hungry for a fight from Cena. But out of nowhere, Cena comes running from behind and hits Daniels in the back of the head with the European title to trigger the bell to ring.

Ding Ding Ding!

Due to outside Interference the Official has declared this match a no contest!

But Cena isn't done. He then turns his attention to Daniel Bryan who looks to be slowly standing up. Cena drops the title and goes for an Attitude Adjustment. As he lifts Daniel on his shoulders, Daniel manages to wiggle out of the move and follow up with a few punches which cause Cena to almost lose his balance. But he stops the momentum with a kick to Bryan's gut. He then finishes it with a punishing Attitude Adjustment. The crowd boos Cena's socks off as he stands over the two men he'll be fighting at Starrcade with his title high in the air and a demonic look in his eye.

JR: Good grief, I completely forgot about John Cena, but after this I now remember why he is the longest reigning champion in the history of the UWF.

Piper: A record that will continue to grow JR after Starrcade and many many months to come.


Cena holds up his UWF European Championship in celebration reminding the world of who he is as UWF Raw heads elsewhere.

We head backstage to see an interviewer trying to get a word from Dean Ambrose but Ambrose turns around first and talks to the camera man.

Dean Ambrose: Whatd'ya want huh? You invade on personal time, ask me mundane questions, and for what? To get some kind of scoop? The higher ups send you back here to get me on TV? Let me guess, you want to know about my thoughts going into my match at Starrcade with the one and only Chris Jericho, is that it? Don't be afraid. Go on, ask me.

Camera Man: What are you-

Dean Ambrose: My thoughts on the match are the same as they've always been. I don't care. I'm done caring. All caring did was sideline me from real competition. All caring did was keeping me preoccupied with cowards who would rather look for a way out instead of stand and fight. So my thoughts going into this are...What's next. I'm going to win. It's not even close. Jericho himself doesn't even believe his hype anymore so why should I consider him a threat. All he is is a statistic. A number that gets me one step closer to once again getting gold around my waist. Not that it matters. All gold tends to do is attract cowards. So as for what's next, I don't even care who else Randy decides to put out in front of me, I'm going to beat them. I'm going to pick them up and then beat them down once again.

The intensity in Ambrose's eyes makes the arena pop as he stares intently straight ahead.

Dean Ambrose: People seem to have forgotten just what Dean Ambrose is all about. What better pay per view to remind people what a real champion looks like. Starrcade is where I won my first World Heavyweight Championship and it's where I'll beat Chris Jericho and remind everyone that Dean Ambrose is and always will be your worst nightmare.


This week's episode is sponsored by...


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Note that UWF does not actually have twitter.


As Raw moves backstage, we're shown a camera in the backstage halls moving from side to side at a frantic pace. The cameraman is clearly running as he swings around a corner and is in pursuit of a superstar heading to his locker room accompanied by a blonde individual.

Cameraman: TED! TED DIBIASE!

The identities of the two individuals become evident as the cameraman catches up to them, both of whom look at him in displeasure.

Cameraman: Ted, could I have a few moments of your time please?

Maryse: Excusez-moi? Comment osez-vous faire de telles demandes...

Ted DiBiase Jr: It's alright, babe. This shouldn't take long. Just go inside and I'll be with you in a second. Alright?

Maryse: Okay, Teddy. Don't be too long.

Maryse glares at the cameraman and mutters more comments in French before slamming the door shut, which causes the cameraman to flinch. Looking less than impressed, DiBiase addresses the Cameraman.


Ted DiBiase Jr: So what's the reason for this, huh? I've got a match in the main event later tonight that I need to finish preparing for.

Cameraman: I know, I know, I promise this won't take long, Ted...

Ted DiBiase Jr: Mr DiBiase.

Cameraman: Um... okay. Mr DiBiase, I'd just like to get your opinion on your match at Starrcade against Christian. Last week you told the world that it doesn't matter who Raw General Manager, Randy Orton, had chosen for you to face at Starrcade as it wouldn't be your ideal opponent. Can you tell us if this still remains true?

Ted DiBiase Jr: I think it's pretty obvious that it is. What else have you got for me?

Cameraman: Okay, well what are your thoughts on Randy's decision to have you face Christian?

Ted DiBiase Jr: I actually have quite a lot to say on it, believe it or not. Although I knew I wasn't going to be given who I wanted, surprise, surprise of course, I was still going to take on any and all comers with open arms. See it really didn't matter to me who my Starrcade opponent was, like I also said last week. It could've been Dean Ambrose, John Cena, Daniel Bryan, Bray Wyatt, the list goes on! As the superstar competitor that I am, I was prepared to face anybody who Randy deemed deserving of stepping inside the ring with a DiBiase. In this case it's Christian, and is that fine by me? Sure. Christian's a veteran of this business, he's achieved quite a lot, and there was a time where I looked up to wrestlers like him and was entertained with what they could accomplish in the ring. When growing up I had a respect for any man who entered the ring as I was schooled in the traditions of the business by my Hall of Famer father. It wasn't until I became a man capable of forming my own decisions that I came to understand that... well, that not ALL men deserve what they think they do.

DiBiase pauses as the Cameraman interjects.

Cameraman: Are you saying Christian is undeserving of this match?

DiBiase begins to chuckle, finding the question quite amusing.


Ted DiBiase Jr: I have to say, man, you're a little more in tune with it than I first thought. Of course Christian doesn't deserve this match! What exactly has he done to deserve it? I'm on an unbeaten run of five consecutive matches, soon to be six later tonight, and yet Christian gets handed a pay-per-view match against me for what reason? His UWF career has been a failure and he has nobody but himself to blame for it, yet he's too narrow minded to see that. The whole world has always been against him and his career has suffered because of it, and while he looked to be on the out, a month or so off suddenly rejuvenates him and he's thrown in my direction? It's typical, isn't it? I've proven that I am one of Raw's elite, yet my progress is being stalled instead of nurtured. I am a future legend of this business, a Hall of Famer in the making, a third generation superstar in the form of his life and yet I get given a man on the out, who capitalises on a poor, injured old man just to scratch together a victory?

DiBiase shakes his head in disappointment.

Ted DiBiase Jr: Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches, to overcome the obstacles placed in front of you when you're not the darling of the public's eye. Let's face it; I'm not a fan favourite, am I? I flaunt my fortune and my handsome looks and receive jealousy as a result, but as a direct consequence my career suffers because of it. What I can do inside a wrestling ring is ignored all because I am confident in my abilities and in who I am as a person... and then I'm given Christian to tie it all up nicely.

DiBiase again shakes his head, finding the whole situation frustrating. He now looks back at the Cameraman.

Ted DiBiase Jr: Tonight, Hulk Hogan and Christian will enjoy a little pre-Starrcade preview of what's to come, but in saying that let me make something very clear to the UWF Universe right now - I wouldn't bother getting behind "The Instant Classic" just yet. Only a PRICELESS victory will be written into the history books at Starrcade... and greater rewards are bound to follow sooner rather than later! Consider this statement as a favour to the public, the public who assist me in expanding my ever-growing cheque book. Just know that it's greatly appreciated.

A smile returns to DiBiase's face, as he turns and opens the door to his locker room. He enters the room and closes the door, locking it behind him to ward off any future interruptions before his main event match this evening. With that, Raw moves elsewhere.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a two on one handicap match. Introducing first...



Justin Roberts: Introducing first from Boston Massachusetts, weighing in at 360 lbs. Matt Bloom!

JR:I still don't quite understand why in the world would this odd couple went back to using their real names to wrestle with.

Piper: Some of the best talent today go by their real names JR. Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber. Its the cool thing to do now, the days of guys going by one word names like Sting or Bono have long passed us all by.


Justin Roberts: And his tag team partner, from Venice Beach California, he is the current and reigning UWF Global Champion: Steve Borden.

JR: Now this guy here is a real piece of work Hot Rod. He's gotten quite an attitude since winning that big belt, and he's dabbled in some heinous things. He stole Kane's father from him, and we still have no idea where Paul Bearer is and Kane seemed to have no luck at all tonight.

Piper: Ok I admit, blowing up the car was a little extreme but you got to admit it was cool as hell, and finding that picture couldn't have been easy!

Justin Roberts:
And their opponent!


JR: Now hold on just a minute where is Batista. He should have come out here by now!

Piper: Yeah where is that little cool gif we use now just to be lazy.

Batista has not come out and as his music continues to play Borden and Bloom look at each other. Sting throws his Global championship onto his shoulder before shouting at the official to do something as the music ends. The official not knowing what to do immediately calls for the bell.


Ding Ding Ding!

The official seeing that Batista isn't coming anytime soon, begins a long ten count as is done in this situation.











The official calls for the bell.

Here are your Winners as a result of a forfeit: Matt Bloom and the UWF Global Champion Steve Borden!

After being awarded the forfeit victory, Steve Borden and Matt Bloom have remained in the ring, having just watched what unfolded on the titantron screen. Steve shakes his head as the arrogant smile he's known to flash appears on his face.

"The Icon" Steve Borden: What does a guy have to do to get some legitimate competition around here? I mean, judging by the hype surrounding this show, you would think competent performers grew on trees and that situations to sink your teeth flowed forth like milk and honey. This is Monday Night Raw, the supposed top brand and "A" show. Well, where are the ones that make it an "A" show besides Matt and I, because in four weeks of being here, I haven't seen a single one. I mean you start with Kane, literally masked with mystery, daunting with his size, and possessing the capability of committing all degrees of arsony at the mere twitching of his fingertips. That turned out to be nothing but hype. Then there was Bubba Ray, the hardcore enthusiast hardened by the streets that cracks skulls for a living. Once again, nothing but hype. Last week it was Reverend D'Von, a man that claims he's here to save all of your souls, but at the end of the day proved to be as empty as his words when it came to presenting me with a challenge. Once again, for the third consecutive time, it was nothing but hype. Tonight it was the big, bad Dave Batista, the carniverous "Animal". Former World Heavyweight Champion, former member of the Corporation, a single man holding title belts reserved for teams. And he forfeits. Monday...Night...Hype.

When Kane is inevitably embarassed, beaten within an inch of his life, stuffed into a casket, and wheeled out of the arena at Starrcade, who will be next in line to worthily challenge for this title? Who will be next in line to worthily challenge me period? Because so far, each and every contest, from bell to bell, has been nothing but a joke. Are Randy and Stephanie going to pit their top tier champions against one another and give me Shawn Michaels? Not if his knee has anything to say about it. What about the European Champion? Surely John Cena can be the man to keep me down for a three count. Well, he'd have to show up to work first. The Transatlantic Champion? Same thing, he'd have to show up to work. The Television Champion? With the way things have been going for the superstars that've held that belt, I don't expect him to be around long enough for that match to come to fruition. Were the Dudleyz and Kane the cream of the crop? Have we already had your best and that's why men are forfeiting? Pathetic, absolutely pathetic.

Steve hands the microphone over to Matt, who cracks a smile himself.

Matt Bloom: Christopher Daniels, you're the next man in line, and I want you to know that when our match next week goes down in the record books, you won't be the first man in UWF to beat Matt Bloom, you're just going to be another man on the list of people destroyed between Steve and I on our way to the top. As for you, Kane, you can check every inch of this arena, because your Daddy isn't anywhere in it. You'll know where Paul Bearer is when we're ready for you to know. Until then, just remember this, you have twelve days left.

The crowd boos as Matt drops the microphone to the man and he and Steve exit the ring and exit to the backstage.

As Raw continues, a video pops up on the Titantron and the scene is set at a bar somewhere in Ireland. It zooms in on the back of a mans head who is sitting at the bar. Then coming up is a large drunk man in a leather jacket who seems to be eyeing the man at the bar. He then begins to speak in a hateful tone.

Angry Drunk:
Hey buddy!!! You're in my seat!

The man at the bar then slowly begins to turn around to reveal that he is none other than...


Angry Drunk:
Ya I'm talkin to ya! Whatcha gonna do about it?

Finlay lets out a slight smile before standing up in the mans face who is clearly taller than him.

Angry Drunk:
What are ya smilin about you old sack of shit!?

In an instant, Finlay throws a right handed punch at the side of the mans head and sends him crashing into a table which cause the men at that table to stand up in anger running at Finlay. Finlay side steps one of them to send them tumbling over the bar. He then delivers two blows to another mans face to send him crashing down to the floor and he dodges another punch and hits a man right in the nose to send him falling backwards. Finlay then stands there over the 5 men he just beat, then he looks up at the rest of the bar. A beer bottle is thrown towards Finlay and as he dodges it and it breaks over the wall, the entire bar breaks out in a giant bar fight while Finlay walks around the bar laying people out left and right. Once the number of men still standing begin to decrease, there are only three men left. The two men come running at Finlay but he runs at them first and hits a double clothesline on the two men to signify his wrestling skills.

As he observes the damage caused by the bar fight, a man comes up from behind him and hits him in the back of the head with a beer bottle which sends him falling on the floor. As he turns around the man picks up a keg above his head and is about to drop it on Finlay until a fist comes flying onto the camera and collides with the mans face, sending him on the floor knocked out. The man then holds out his hand to Finlay and as Finlay accepts his help, the camera zooms in on the mans face to reveal...


Wade Barrett smiles at Finlay as the two men survey there surroundings and begin to walk out. As they do, Wade stomps on a man who was attempting to stand up and they walk out into the Ireland streets to a Limo with a UWF logo on the side of it. The scene ends as the Limo drives off in the distance and a name pops up onto the screen to end the video.

Belfast Barrage



Introducing the brand new 2014 Gibson Les Paul Studio *drools*


JR: And ladies and gentleman we are back from our final commercial break for the night!

Piper: Thank you JR! I'm sick of those greedy bastards putting in so many ads into these shows! I mean the writers don't get paid for shit anyways!

JR: I agree with you Roddy, oddly enough. Let's take it backstage with Tony Dawson as he's backstage intervewing someone.

Piper: Tony Dawson? Who the hell hired that loser back?

As the night rolls on, we head backstage to the loading and unloading area. Interviewer Tony Dawson searches high and low, looking for the man of the hour. With hope almost lost, Dawson finds his man.

Tony Dawson: Christian! I was hoping I could get a few words with you.


Christian: Sure. What's up?

Dawson: Well, last week you defeated the World Heavyweight Champion in singles competition. Bot towards the end of the match, there was a little controversy....

Christian: Controversy?

Dawson: Yes, towards the end of the match, Michaels suffered what appeared to be a knee injury which allowed you to take advantage and pick up the victory.

Christian: So where exactly is the controversy?

Dawson: The fact that Michaels wasn't one hundred percent and you didn't in the match in the manner that you'd like.

Christian: But I won the match, right?

Dawson: Yeah but...

Christian: No, there is no but. Last week, I beat the World Heavyweight Champion in the middle of that ring. Shawn Michaels can try to devalue it all he wants, but it happened. It's not my fault he's stubborn. I told him that his pride and his ego was going to be his downfall and what do you know, I was right. Shawn, I hope you're listening to what I have to say right now. I wish you the best of luck in your recovery, but I want you to know that if and when you come back, I want what I earned last week. I want One...More...Match for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Dawson: Okay, well onto the next order of business. It was announced last week that you'll be facing Ted DiBiase at Starrcade in favor to Randy Orton. Why DiBiase?

Christian: It's real simple. Randy did me a favor by putting m in the main event last week and letting me show the entire world that The Instant Classic could still go. At the same time, he was looking for someone to put the smug and entitled Ted DiBiase in his place. So it's simple, Randy scratches my back and I'll scratch his. So at Starrcade, Captain Charisma returns to Pay Per View and shows his peepulation that it's only a matter of time before their Captain is once again at the top of the world. Now, if you don't mind, I've got two switches to flip.

And with that, Christian pats Dawson on the shoulder and walks out of frame. The scene then fades.

The camera cuts backstage, this time to the parking lot outside the arena. Cars are lined up behind the UWF production trucks. The static camera outside the arena picks up a figure moving among the cars, looking at the license plates. The camera zooms in to find the monstrous Kane reading the license plate of each car, looking for a specific number. The figure in Red stops dead in his tracks, as he identifies the vehicle he has been searching for. A long, black hearse with License plate ‘ST1NG5R’.


With a grunt, Kane grabs a nearby wrench, and with a heavy swing smashes the glass in the back windscreen of the pickup truck. Opening the back of the hearse, a camera man zooms in on the wooden casket that lies in the back. Inscribed on the casket is ‘Here lies Paul Bearer’. With a heavy pull, Kane pulls open the loose lid of the casket. Sitting inside, is the trademark Urn of Paul Bearer’s. Kane snatches it from the casket, slamming the lid shut with a dull thud. Gripping the Urn in his hands, another reminder of his father, Kane grinds his teeth in frustration. He drops the urn on the ground and begins smashing up the body of the hearse with the wrench. Glass is flying everywhere, as security guards come from the arena and begin to approach the parking lot.


However as they approach the vehicle in question, the hearse explodes into a sea of flames. Smoke fills the parking lot, and as the flames rise, UWF security is forced to retreat. Security contacts the fire brigade as the hearse is consumed with flames, and the Devil’s Favourite Demon is nowhere to be found…….

Piper: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Have you ever been so angry at somebody that you blew up their car for no reason? Man I love this show sometimes.

JR: I'm asking for a transfer to Smackdown after this show Roddy.

Piper: Yeah you do that JR. Speaking of the show ending it's time for our main event!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Ladies and gentleman the following contest is your main event of the evening!


Introducing first, from Madison, Mississippi; weighing in at 225 pounds... TED DIBIASE JR!


And introducing his tag team partner; from Dubin, Ireland, weighing in at 267 pounds, he is the Celtic Warrior.... SHEAMUS!


And introducing their opponents, first from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 212 pounds... CHRISTIAN!


And introducing his partner, rom Venice Beach, California, weighing in at 302 pounds, The Transatlantic Champions... HULK HOGAN!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

The RAW crowd is red hot for the main event for the night as the team of Christian and Hulk Hogan will be battling it out against Sheamus and Ted DiBiase, who is being managed by that hot piece of ass named Maryse. Christian is starting off in the match with Sheamus and everyone is ready to enter the most epic tag team bout RAW has ever seen, maybe. Christian and Sheamus both circle each other around the ring and they get into a lockup, Sheamus appearing to have the upper edge from his sheer size but Christian shows off that the Canadian maple syrup is better then steroids and shoves Sheamus right to the ground. Sheamus gets pissed at Christian and tries to go after him with a charge but Christian hits a drop toe hold then applies a reverse chinlock, but Hogan gets to his feet and elbows Christian in the gut. Hogan then whips Christian to the corner then bends down for a back body drop but Chrisitan kicks Hogan in the face then hits a running neckbreaker onto Sheamus! Chrisitan is up and DiBiase storms him and tries to go for a cheapshot but Chrisitan ends up tossing him out of the ring!

JR: Ted DiBiase is getting his ass kicked by karma already, isn't he Roddy?

Piper: Aww there's no such thing as karma JR. Do whatever you want whenever you want, that's my motto!

Ted DiBiase Jr. is looking rather confused at ringside after being thrown while Chrisitan is going back to work on The Celtic Warrior. Chrisitan throws Hogan to the turnbuckles and hits some strikes to the stomach of Hogan, followed by some knees to the gut. Christian then whips Hogan to the opposite corner, then goes for a corner splash but Sheamus moves away and Christian crashes onto the corner, Sheamus then kicks Chrisitan in the leg then drags him to his corner and tags in Ted DiBiase who just returned to his corner. Maryse is clapping for her rich man and Christian is getting pummeled from the ever so cocky Ted DiBise. DiBiase has a smirk on his face just like his father does, then brings Christian to the center of the ring then goes for a clothesline but Christian ducks it, waits for him to return then does a hip toss onto DiBiase. DiBbiase hops back to his feet while comforting his back but Christian takes down DiBiase with a dropkick anyways. DiBiase is back up once again but Christian grabs a hold of him and tags in Sheamus into the match! Hogan enters the ring and Chrisitan whips him to the ropes, then they hit a double flapjack onto DiBiase upon his return! Sheamus then tries to get back into the action but just like his career in the WWE, he took a tumble from a double back toss from Hogan and Chrisitan!

Piper: Bah, look at the Canadian and the American work together against the true faces of the UWf. I can create a better match using my own to hands.

JR: Oh for God's sakes Roddy, the only thing you can create is what you do in the bathroom.

Piper: A shit joke? Really JR?

Christian brings up Sheamus and clotheslines him out of the ring while Hogan goes to work on Dibiase by kneeing him in the stomach, then hitting a body slam to the ground. Hogan then hits a knee drop which causes DiBiase to roll around the ring then get to his knees but Hogan comes charging and rams down DiBiase with a vicious clothesline! Hogan yells out loud as DiBiase is getting to his feet, but Hogan quickly takes down DiBiase with a backbreaker! Hogan then sees Hogan standing at ringside close to his corner and motions with his hands that he's going to win the Transatlantic Title match at Starrcade, but DiBase runs and tries to club Hogan but Hogan no sells it and shoves away DiBiase. DiBiase is looking freightened and Hogan goes for a Big Boot already but DiBiase ducks it and attempts the Million Dollar Dream onto Hogan but Hogan throws DiBiase over his shoulder! Hogan* then drags DiBiase to his corner and tags in DiBiase's Starrcade opponent Christian into the match! Christian enters the ring and they kick DiBiase in the gut, then executes a double suplex onto DiBiase!

JR: It appears that Hulk Hogan and Christian both know the meaning of teamwork Roddy, which is more then what I can say about you.

Piper: Pfft come on JR, teamwork is overrated. Starpower is what really matters in the wrestling industry!

Hogan leaves the ring and Christian is getting pumped up now that his team is in the driver's seat. Christian picks up DiBiase and hits some chops to the chest, then follows him around the ring and slams him to the corner, then places him onto the top turnbuckle to set him up for the superplex. Christian climbs onto the ropes and pulls up the trunks of DiBiase but DiBiase doesn't budge, instead he tosses Christian off the ropes. Christian lands on his feet as DiBiase dives and goes for a double axe handle but Christian punches the stomach of DiBiase and DiBiase flips onto his back. DiBiase already has enough of Christian and goes towards his corner and tags in Hulk Hogan into the match! Hulk goes inside the ring and gives Chrisitan a glare, but Christian doesn't look at Hogan as a threat. Hulk runs after Christian but Chrisitan gets in some offense to Sheamus with some fists to the face, then a knee to the gun then bounces off the ropes, going after Hogan and executing the falling inverted DDT onto Sheamus! Christian is up and poses for the crowd, then climbs the ropes and waits for Hogan to get up but DiBiase goes to the apron and shoves Christian off the turnbuckle and crashes onto the security barrier at ringside!

JR: Damn it!

Piper: What's the matter JR? You said that DiBiase should be a team player so he's becoming one!

JR: Not like that though Roddy! He's cheating, plain and simple!

Christian seems to be in a daze after being thrown onto the security barrier, and Hogan tries to check up on his parter but Sheamus comes to ringside and rams Hogan into the barrier, then clubs him until Hogan lies onto his back. Hogan is then dragged towards the Spanish announcer table by DiBiase with Sheamus following him. The Spanish Announcer's, knowing the cliche, moves away from the table as Hogan rips apart the top pieces of the announcer's table while DiBiase is preparing Hogan for a suplex. Hogan is on his feet as Sheamus joins DiBiase and they join forces, lifting up the Immortal and nails the Double Suplex onto the announcer's table! The crowd is booing at the duo at ringside as Hogan is knocked out cold! Sheamus is getting counted out since Christian is back in the ring, but still down, so Sheamus quickly rolls into the ring and goes back on the offense with some stomps to bring Christian to a submissive state. Christian gets placed onto the ropes and Hogan places his knee behind Chrisitan's head, resulting a choke with the ropes! Sheamus lets go after a 4 count and moves away while being lectured from the ref, but Maryse continues to being the UWF gold digger tramp and chokes out Christian from ringside!

Piper: Yes! I love that woman! I wish I had an ass that fine with me every time I go to bed.

JR: Oh come on Piper, she's only there for the money that DiBiase has and that's it.

Piper: That's a lie JR, I mean DiBiase is a good looking guy. Even if you had money I doubt that she would be with your fat ass JR.

Christian is struggling to catch his breath but Hogan is not done with him yet as he brings him away from the ropes and hits an inverted atomic drop, then clotheslines him to the ground. Hogan then eyes Christian while on the ground and hits an elbow drop to the chest of Christian, then drags him by the leg to his corner and tags in an awaiting Ted DiBiase into the match! DiBiase slips into the ring with determined eyes and knees Chrisitan in the face while Hogan hits another elbow drop to the chest area. DiBiase yells out to Christian as he picks him up and rams his face onto the turnbuckles hard. Christian is confused after that blow but DiBiase kicks him in the stomach hard, then brings him away from the corner and hits a powerslam onto Christian! Christian grunts out in pain while DiBiase is back up, then slaps Christian across the face. Christian leans up and slaps DiBiase as a response, but that just pisses DiBiase off more which causes Dibiase to boot Christian to the ground, then leaps on top of him and hits some mounted punches! DiBiase shoots back up and yells to the crowd that he's the better man, then gets Christian to his feet and goes for the Dream Street but Christian spins him around and hits a swinging neckbreaker onto DiBias as a counter!

JR: By gawd! Chrisitan just countered the Dream Street and possibly saved himself from this match!

Piper: He's just delaying the obvious JR, Chrisitan is going down one way or another. Look, Sheamus isn't even up yet!

And what Roddy Piper said was true because Christian tries to go to his corner to tag in Hogan but Hogan is still out from being suplexed onto the Spanish Announcer's table. Christian is devestated and annoyed as DiBiase comes up to him and stomps Captian Charisma on the back while yelling profanities at him, telling him that he's finished now and he's finished at Starrcade. DiBiase lifts up Christian and applies the Million Dollar Dream onto Christian and now the clock is ticking for Christian! Christian is struggling with the Million Dollar Dream being applied onto onto him as DiBiase has a big rich kid grin on his face. Christian looks to be in some serious trouble as DiBiase has a strong grip on Christian, Christian trying to move around the ring while waving his arms around however he doesn't seem to have much options avaliable to him right now. Christian is losing his feeling on his body so he slumps down into a sitting positon as DiBiase yells out loud, saying that this match is over! The referee is checking up on Christian, wondering if he's done but Christian seems to have some fight within him and the crowd is fully behind Christian!

JR: Look at the UWF Faithful being behind Christian 100% of the way Roddy! Christian will have no trouble hearing their pleas I must say!

Christian is back onto his feet and is feeling the momentum come back to him, but he's still trapped inside the Million Dollar Dream. Christian has found the fight inside of him and elbows DiBiase in the gut a couple of times, then hits a final elbow to the face which causes DiBiase to let go of the Million Dollar Dream! DiBiase backs away from Christian as Christian goes towards him and goes for the Killswitch but DiBiase shoves off Christian, who ends up going flying off the apron and crashes to ringside! Christian is still in a daze after colliding with Hogan as DiBiase jumps up to Christian and hits the Dream Street onto Christian then goes for the cover....




AND HULK HOGAN MAKES THE SAVE! The crowd is ROARING for Hogan as Hogan is back and is planning on leaving his mark onto DiBiase. Hogan lifts up DiBiase and executes a body slam onto Dibiase who takes him down hard, then hits the Leg Drop for good measure! DiBiase is lying flat on his groun now as Sheamus enters the ring and tries to go for the Brogue Kick but Hogan executes the Big Boot onto Sheamus! Sheamus crashes to the canvas and Hogan poses for the crowd then hits the Leg Drop onto Sheamus as well, then exits the ring with Sheamus and continues the assault onto the number one contender. Chritian meanwhile is up on his feet, and so is DiBiase but Christian ends up spearing DiBiase onto the ground! The crowd pops for that as Christian goes for the cover but the referee is distracted with the confrontation that's happening at ringside! Maryse then comes into the ring and takes off her high heel and smacks the end of it to the back of Christian's head! Christian rolls onto his back and helps her man go over Christian! The crowd is pissed as Maryse leaves the ring and the referee finally turns over. The referee then starts the count...




AND CHRISTIAN KICKS OUT! Ted DiBiase is going into a fit of rage now as he is screaming at the referee that Christian is done but the referee explains that it was only a two count. DiBiase yells at Maryse to get him something then proceeds with the mayhem on Christian with some vicious stomps! Maryse slides a steel chair into the ring and the referee tries to take it away but DiBiase shoves him away. Christian is on both knees but doesn`t see DiBiase coming who hits the Steel Chair onto Christian, causing the DQ!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Winner of the match via Disqualification: Christain and Hulk Hogan!

The crowd is booing as DiBiase retreats from the ring and bails into the audience with Maryse as Hogan comes running into the ring to get his hands onto DiBiase. This backfires for Hogan as Sheamus is up and runs to the entrance then heads to the back, Hogan looking upset that he let Sheamus get away. Christian staggers onto his feet and tries to use Hogan as a support but Hogan is angry with Sheamus getting away and hits The Big Boot onto Christian! The crowd is shocked as Hogan leaves the ring and walks to the back with Chrisitan laying on the canvas. The credits then rolling as Hogan is walking towads the stage without even looking back to see the damage he caused towards Christian.



Sandow/Umaga- Cliqueclacks
McIntyer/Test/Miz- Rawisrey
Bryan/Daniels, Batista/Borden & Bloom - SBS
Main Event Tag Team Match- natlav
Promos- Made by their respective TT'ers!

Thank you all for being patient with us! If I forgot to add in a promo then I'm sorry. As mentioned before this is the final show before Starrcade, so please TT for that as soon as you can. And yes I better go do that as well. :p



Just quickly reading over my match here and I noticed there is a lot of Christian attacking Hogan at the start. Either all hell has broken loose, or I think you mean to put Sheamus' name haha.
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