UWF - Anarchy Roster

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Re: Anarchy September 4th, 2013 Tag Tourney Match: Riley & Morgan vs. The Rock & Umag

The Rock can be visibly seen laughing on the tron.

The Rock:

How predictable are these kids. Really? How many people make reference to The Rock being live… via satellite? The Rock could very easily just be in a room in back. But just to show how predictable you were… The Rock took this road and hook, line, and sinker… nabbed the little fish… but oh no that’s not all. Of course not. How much more predictable does one need to be? Bring up a couple of losses. Of course. The Rock and Shawn had the match of the year but… oh no The Rock lost so of course he doesn’t have it. He can’t bring it after a thirty minute classic match. He is old and washed up. He lost a title match in a best out of three falls… of course The Rock can’t bring it anymore.

But then you bring up the fact that you two haven’t earned a title shot? Really? You are curious about that? You are as boring as watching paint dry and that overgrown goof hooked on roids is more boring than watching grass grow. It is no wonder neither of you two have received a shot. Neither of you two have “it.” And before you continue on your tired spill about how The Rock fought Rollins and didn’t earn the shot. The Rock didn’t even know that match was a number one contender’s match. The Rock thought he was being punished and subjected to having to listen to that guy talk about his paradoxyism or whatever the hell that kid talks about. The Rock doesn’t consider that nobody a contender just like The Rock looks at you two candyasses and don’t see challengers for anything except for being the best Captain Obvious and Riley… The Rock has to say that you have the lead in that contest. That is the only thing that you haven’t disappointed The Rock in yet. So The Rock awaits you talking about The Rock’s movie career, Tooth Fairy, tutus, and whatnot. Just… bring up other movies. Other movies that sucked like Doom or Escape to With Mountain. The Rock wants to hear something funny for once. And as far as that roided nothing … The Rock doesn’t have anything to say to you.

UWF Extreme Champion Umaga:

But I do have plenty to say. You speak as if you have this vast vocabulary and because it escapes your simplistic mind it must not resonate in mine? Understand your opponent Morgan. Until you know who it is that you are dealing with… you will without a doubt come up short. But you do have some big talk for a guy that hasn’t done a thing in UWF other than beat up two guys that aren’t even on the roster. Congratulations you are a big fish in a small pond for beating up two guys that have accomplished nothing in the UWF.

And the sad fact that you believe that I am some declawed monster after witnessing what I’ve been doing lately… just shows that you don’t even believe what you say. You don’t even feel your own convictions. You are mouthing off what you think Paulie over there would want you to say. You are nothing but a puppet.

A puppet with a bite as vicious as a Chihuahua. Nothing but a yapping annoyance. So while you want to try to concern yourself with trying to make “burn remarks” just know… I am in the business of euthanizing useless talent. I’ve done it to Taz and I’ve done it to Sheamus. You and your friend over there… just as useless as those two. Make your comments while I make results. My belt shows that I’ve done plenty while you… well you’ll just be another statistic.

Umaga lowers his mic.


Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: Ironman Championship/KOTR Qualifier Anarchy 9/4/13: Homicide(c) vs. Dolph Ziggler

The audience is raining down boos toward the Ironman Champion, Homicide who is staring a hole into his opponent, Dolph. Dolph lowers his head, thinking about his next words, before responding to Homicide.


Dolph Ziggler: Guys, please, if I’m wrong, let me know. But despite all the big talk from you, Homicide. Despite all these bold claims about being a worthy champion, wasn’t it actually your gang that won that championship for you? Because I’m pretty sure that Triple H, you know, the same Triple H that should be champion now if it wasn’t for your boys, I’m pretty sure that he had you beat at Lockdown until they decided to tip the scales in your favor. And if anyone can tip the scales, it’s your friendly homies. And by friendly, I mean TOO friendly, seriously how friendly are you guys? The fans responds with laughter as Dolph shakes off what he was thinking, continuing. You say you took Triple H to the limits, but come on, Homicide, It’s Triple H! He’s not called the Cerebral Assassin for no reason! Do you honestly believe your moves had any effect on him? He’s good, well not as good as me, but he’s still good! I highly doubt you put a scratch on him, but hey, whatever helps you sleep at night, holmes.

Dolph continues to laugh at Homicide, taking no time to pause as he raises a finger in the air, continuing in the process.

Dolph Ziggler: Honestly, Homicide, I think the facts really speak for themselves on this one. Because not only did you need LAX to win that championship. But the only reason that you even had a shot at it in the first place was because Vince Russo needed a warm body to throw into a title match. Your ‘big chance’ was purely because Russo wanted to pad out a pay-per-view card. You defeated who again to earn that shot? How many matches have you won before-hand to even be proven a threat? The truth is you just took a spot that you didn't deserve. Dolph grins, getting under the skin of the champion, as he continues. While on the other hand? I earned this shot since day one, buddy. I missed one week and you’re on my back about it? I still came back and managed to work harder than I’ve ever done in my life, which is exactly why I deserve to stand here today as the Ironman Champion! Champions work hard, they don’t sit on their ass and let other people do the work for them.

The fans explode in cheers for Dolph, who decides to speak over the loud cheers.

Dolph Ziggler: That WASN’T even a lot of emphasizing, so I don’t understand why your throat hurts, but you know, I guess you’re used to you using your throat a lot so I’m not even surprised it hurts. The audience ‘ooh’s’ at the diss, as Dolph’s grin increases in size. Alright, alright, alright, enough with the jokes. Because come Anarchy, there won’t be any jokes. There’s no joking around when it comes to respect, right? You feel you should get all the respect in the world because you’re the Ironman Champion. There’s one thing you need to realize, Homicide. Respect, is earned, and so far? You haven’t earned it. It’s not the violent behavior; it’s not your look. It’s you being a coward and needing your boys to help you out. What kind of company wants someone as the face who needs help to win their matches? They want someone who can win matches on his own, and they want someone who can look pretty damn good while doing it, no offense.

Dolph releases a couple of more chuckles to himself, standing in spot, before finishing off his speech for the time-being.

Dolph Ziggler: So I really think that you should enjoy this crazy ride you’re on while it lasts. Because trust me, once Anarchy gets here, it’s all going to be over. I’m going to be remembered as the man who advanced in the King of the Ring tournament and surprise, surprise, WON it. Whereas you? You’re only going to be remembered as the man that kept the Ironman Championship warm for a true champion, a perfect champion, a champion named – well you already know.

Dolph lowers the microphone, as his grin increases in size, awaiting for a response.​


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Re: Ironman Championship/KOTR Qualifier Anarchy 9/4/13: Homicide(c) vs. Dolph Ziggler

Homicide goes as he rebuttles towards Ziggler


Homicide: You think I am keeping this championship warm from you? A perfect and true champion. Hell na son you ain't no champion in my eyes. You see Dolph this belt I have, it is power here in the UWF. You control this belt the UWF will award you for all your hard work you put out. That is the thing Dolph I understand that portion of the business a lot. You seem to get it, but you don't understand why I need to keep this belt. I lose this belt L.A.X is just a damn target. The UWF will know for a fact that Homicide is no longer champion, and that he can be thrown to the way side easily. That is the thing Ziggler. You lose this match, and guaranteed you will be fighting freaking Fandango for the international title. Ya see I won't get that privelage for putting prestige in this belt. Hell na all I will be doing is falling to the way side.

Homicide goes as he begins to circle around the ring, and he looks at Ziggler and begins to speak again

Homicide: This crazy ride that I am on Ziggler oh trust me it will last a long time. Cause after I am done beating your ass in the middle of the ring. I am going to go on and become El Rey of the UWF. Ya see there is not stopping L.A.X fool we will have power here in the UWF. We will end the gringo uphold, and you my friend as I said earlier is a perfect spawn of what Gringos want to see, and that is why I must destroy you at Anarchy. That is why I must win, because as much as these Gringos would hate to see me win this match. A bunch of people down south of the border here want to see me still as the Ironman champion of the world.

Show off you ain't fighting for a race. No your fighting for your selfish ass. The only reason why these people cheer you, is because they hate me. They hate who I am, and they hate what I represent. You say I was thrown in there as some damn warm body. Shit son how many world title opportunities have you "earned" where you were just thrown in there as a warm body. Ya see the fact your insulting how I got the match at the ppv just shows how jealous you are that I succeeded. You were at lockdown holmes you could've won the International title, but why didn't you? In fact don't answer that question you probably have a gringo excuse why you didn't win. Ya see I won my match. You can make all those gross pound town jokes like the Modern day double gringos all you want. At the end of the day though Ziggler you know you will have to be on the watch out for Konan and Hernandez.

Ya see the UWF is doing you a favor fool. They kept them out of here for safety reasons, and let me tell you fool this company is a dog eat dog type company. You do everything it takes to wina match. Ya so what I have homies, I have friends, you don't. You don't have friends, because you tend to piss them off with this stupid: "I am better then you" mentality. A mentality that makes all of you Gringo's weak. Ya see I have a familia backing me up. That is what makes me successful in this company. I know what type of people succeed, and what type of people fail in this company. So you know what go make some more pound town jokes, go on keep saying I need "help", but at least holmes I know I got a familia that is there to watch my back. While you... you have no one. Well maybe you have Fat Man Foley, but that is it. You have no one else. So how does that feel Show off?

Homicide and Ziggler look at each other intensly
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Re: Anarchy September 4th, 2013 KOTR Qualifier: Hulk Hogan vs. Perry Saturn

Hogan lowers the mic as he leans against the ropes. He waits for Saturn to come out from behind the curtain. The fans also wait in anticipation. Hogan isn't waiting that long as Perry Saturn's theme song rings out over the PA System.



The crowd ain't waiting a fairly long time as Perry Saturn runs out onto the middle of the stage. He stops in the middle of the ramp, Moppy in his hands as he waves to the fans with his free hand.


Perry slowly slings Moppy over his shoulder. Suddenly, the cheers get even louder as Terri Runnels is seen limping from behind the curtain as well. Saturn waits for Terri as the fans cheer the duo. Saturn lifts Terri's arm, putting it around his neck as They slowly make their way down the ramp, slowly walking around the ring until they reach the stairs.


Perry slides in the ring as Terri slowly climbs up the steps, leaving Perry in the ring to lean Moppy in the corner. He leans in and gives her a kiss as Terri has now got into the ring. Terri limps over to the apron, picking up 2 microphones. She limps back to the centre of the ring where Saturn is now as she hands him the other mic. The crowd are cheering as Terri and Perry look towards the crowd who are cheering like mad. Terri lifts the mic to her mouth and begins to talk.


Terri: Excuse me, please excuse me, I need a few seconds to recollect my thoughts, I mean oh my god, It is the legendary Hulk Hogan, the real American, the man with the sexy arms, geez, you could squeeze me with them any day of the week.

Terri lowers the mic as she takes a few minutes to collect her thoughts. She blushes a bit as she finally decides to talk again.

Terri: Right, down to business, I can't let me little fan girl inside me get in the way of this as you take on my man Perry Saturn on Anarchy. I would like to welcome you back to the wrestling world but I would have liked for you to win your first match. I am sorry to say this Hulk but that just isn't happening when we come to Anarchy. You have your agenda of teaching the young blood the way to go, of teaching them a lesson and trying to bring back the good old days, Hulk, I like that someone has to do it but my mans agenda is to get over getting screwed out of the Ironman Championship by your chum by winning this King of the Ring Tournament.

Terri lowers the mic a bit as the fans start to boo, maybe at the fact that Russo's name came up as the screwjob is still fresh in the mind of everyone. Perry looks in a fair away world as Terri begins to talk again.

I understand what your feelings might be Hulk, you missed the cheers, you missed the fans chanting your name, trust me I'm guessing no one in the world will get the reception you get Hulk, you will always be the immortal one but you have to realize, the times have changed, my man has realized that and that's why he is undefeated bar Vince Russo deciding to help his partner Homicide. You know how my man Per Per got that title shot at Summerslam? He went through a similar tournament to get that title shot and this tournament is no different, it seems its a tournament kind of period inside of UWF and what better person to compete in it then the last man to win a tournament. Hulk, I hope you are ready for your debut, I hope you understand what is going to happen, you are inside UWF now but it won't be a welcome home party that you will enjoy, it will not be a walk in the park and you better realize that my man Per Per isn't in a good mood. Enjoy being undefeated whilst it lasts because Per Per is going to keep his Anarchy streak going.

Terri lowers the mic and awaits a response from the Immortal One.


Aug 18, 2013
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Re: Anarchy September 4th, 2013 KOTR Qualifier: Hulk Hogan vs. Perry Saturn


Hulk Hogan cups his ear to Terri, followed by bringing the mic to his mouth. He drops his arm and looks at Terri.

Hulk Hogan: "Well Terri, I am glad you came out here tonight because you're look good as always, but let's be honest sister. When Hulk Hogan asks your boy Per Per to speak to him, he wants your boy Per Per to speak to him man. I didn't ask for a fan girl to come down that ramp and start trying to wrap herself around my twenty two inch pythons brother."

Hogan lowers the mic as Terri and Perry look at each other and jolt back after being shocked. The crowd applauds at the attitude being displayed by the Immortal One.

Hulk Hogan: "Thanks though Terri. I am glad to be a part of the Anarchy roster. But to be honest dude, I don't care who screwed who out of what. I don't care for anything your friend Perry has done. The fact of the matter man, is that he is in my way of getting back to the top of this sport. Perry dude, you'er out here looking to get revenge and I respect that - but that's why you're losing tonight brother. I am coming out here with honor and courage and passion, all three is what you are lacking, dude."

Hulk takes a minute to catch his breath. While he does so, the crowd starts picking up. Chants for "Hoggggaaaannnn" can start being heard around the venue.

Hulk Hogan: "And yeah Terri you are right. I missed this. I missed the lights and I missed these Hulkamaniacs, and that is just another reason why I cannot lose tonight. You and Perry over there can go complain to whoever you want about your little screwjob, but as long as it isn't me. I know what I said when I was talking about the young superstars, but tonight it also looks like I have some complainers I need to pass on my way to the finish line, brother."

Hogan lowers his mic and backs off into the turnbuckle. The crowd is eerie as Hogan seems to be verbally pushing Perry into the corner.


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Re: Anarchy September 4th, 2013 Tag Tourney Match: Sandow & Knox vs. 3MB

Sandow doesn't seem impressed as he raises the microphone to his lips once more.


Damien Sandow:

Mr. Slater your hearing is indeed off, which doesn't surprise me as it is only natural for the human body to instinctively attempt to deafen itself after having to hear the heinous and lurid sounds passed off as music in todays age. What you thought you heard was "Hallelujah Chorus" from the second part of "Messiah" by George Frideric Handel, I however have begun to use a different introductory anthem, one that more closely represents my current quest, for while my emergence into this arena is to be praised with Hallelujah, what I am truly after is a New World. Which is precisely why I enter to Symphony No. 9 in E Minor "From The New World"...or more popularly known as New World Symphony. And a new world is what I am to bring about, one where the childlike antics of three men pretending they have any resemblance of talent, Musical or wrestling wise, is not only disallowed but is completely eradicated. An eradication we shall be implementing early on this Wednesdays serial.

Sandow hands the microphone to Mike Knox

Mike Knox:

In other words, once Damien Sandow has enlightened UWF, people like you will be a thing of the past. I say "like" because the actual you will be in for a rude awakening. Mr. Sandow has enlightened me, and in enlightening me I know to spot those who can be saved as I was. You, you have gone off into the deep end of the ocean and so I have been given the green light to do as I please with your anatomies. While the disruption of dorsifelxion and plantarflexion seem tempting, I do have to say I've been eager to test out the limits of the cervical spine. Thanks to the small structure and great mobility it is the most frequent site of subluxations and severe spinal nerve injury. Strains, Sprains, dislocations, fractures, there are so many options...mainly the laterally placed intervertebral articulations...You see Heath the nerve roots leave the spinal canal in an anterolateral direction, and do trust me it results in an insurmountable amount of...displeasure.

The crowd boo loudly, as Knox throws out terms that don't seem to make sense as Sandow regains control of the microphone.

Damien Sandow:

Kinesiology has been an impeccable source of interest for you hasn't it Michael, in any event the three of you defiled my character, you've erroneously bad mouthed my coiffure, my hair is both neatly kept and respectable being the perfect combination of professional and stylish while your unruly hair is proof that you care about the way you look as much as these people. You besmirched my superior choice of attire, this robe is made of the finest Egyptian cotton, it is the perfect combination of function and fashion, it is understated to Perfection while you come out here wearing abhorrent leather. Well on Anarchy, where I shall change the name officially to Order for one night only, you will both see that Michael and I are the Perfect combination of intelligence and superiority, Brains meets brawn, and you will both fail as you usually do. And at the end of this tournament, we will do something you can't, and that is make wearing Leather look good. You're Welcome!


Apr 29, 2011
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Re: Ironman Championship/KOTR Qualifier Anarchy 9/4/13: Homicide(c) vs. Dolph Ziggler

Dolph soaks in Homicide’s last words, before quickly raising the microphone up to his lips, responding.


Dolph Ziggler: Interesting question, Homicide. In case anyone was just as bored as I was and not paying attention, Homicide just asked me how does it feel to have no one on my side? Now, this might be kind of cheesy, but whatevs. Y’see, Homicide, I actually DO have someone on my side, in a couple of seconds, you’re going to hear thousands of people around this arena cheering and chanting yours truly name. Indeed they do, and the audience explodes in cheers, beginning a “ZIGGLER!†chant, which Dolph responds with a look as if he expected it. You hear that, Homicide? I have all of these people on my side. Ever since I made my debut here, hell my entire life, I was booed and treated negatively because of how highly arrogant I was, because of my ego, so and so on, the typical. Now – this people can’t get enough of me! These people RESPECT me because I don’t need to hide behind someone’s back to get the job done. I get the job done by myself, something you might need to start thinking about doing for once in your life.

Dolph stares dead straight into Homicide’s eyes, no jokes this time around, and it’s obvious in his eyes himself.

Dolph Ziggler: Finally, you FINALLY give me a legitimate reason on why you need to win this match. This isn’t about the Ironman Championship; this isn’t even about becoming King of the Ring. This is all about proving yourself. This is about proving you’re not a disappointment to your family and friends back home. Because if you end up losing to me on Anarchy, you lose it ALL. You lose the Ironman Championship; you’re out of the King of the Ring tournament, and you’re back to square one. I get it now, I really do. This is about staying relevant and not being forgotten, and as I keep thinking about it, I kind of feel bad for you. But at the same time, it’s motivating me to beat you even more and send you back down to the bottom! The fans explode in cheers, and Dolph takes no time to pause, as he continues. Here’s where you’re wrong, Homicide. If I lose? I still have to work back up to the top again. This is America, we FIGHT for what we want, and I’m no different. It just so happens this gringo works his ass off like everyone else and it pays off in the end. And come Anarchy? I’m working my ass off to achieve my dreams. And when I’m done achieving my dream? You better believe I’m going to be showing off!

Dolph throws his arms in the air, hyping up the fans, with a huge smile on his face. After a couple of moments of hype, Dolph focuses back on his opponent, continuing.

Dolph Ziggler: Don’t get me wrong though, Homicide. Don’t mistake my confidence as arrogance, or even complacency, and don’t think for a single damn second that anything I’ve said here means that I’m not going to come at you with everything I’ve got. Because I will, and while we’re just trash-talking our differences before our big showdown at Anarchy. I’m taking it just as seriously as the real deal, because I have to. Because even after I went out the past couple of weeks and completely dominated this tournament, there are STILL people who aren’t taking me seriously. There are still people out there who don’t think that I deserve this shot, and that I don’t deserve to be where I am for one stupid reason or another. It all pisses me off. It pisses me off to know that there are people out there who don’t believe in me, people who don’t think I should be where I am. It pisses me off, but you know I’ve learned to accept it.

Dolph shrugs it off, before shaking his head in a mixture of disappointment and anger, before continuing to speak.

Dolph Ziggler: I go out there, week after week, and I show-off for the people, whether they love me or they hate me, and that’s never going to change. Especially not this time. Especially not when I get to step into that ring, compete for the Ironman Championship, and have a better chance of becoming King of the Ring. Because this? This is my chance. This is the chance I wanted; it’s the chance I fought tooth and nail for weeks. It’s my chance to prove that I’m the best this business has to offer and right now? You’re right, you’re that guy. You’re that guy, Homicide, the guy with the target on his back, the guy everyone’s gunning for and the guy everyone wants to beat. And come Anarchy? I’m going to be the guy who beats you, fair and square right in the middle of this ring. I don’t care about your boys, because I will find a way to overcome them, and once I do? I WILL beat you Homicide, I HAVE to beat you!

Dolph stares at Homicide, intensity in his eyes, awaiting for him to respond.​


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Re: Ironman Championship/KOTR Qualifier Anarchy 9/4/13: Homicide(c) vs. Dolph Ziggler


Homicide looks at Ziggler with an almost laughing face as he goes on and he speaks towards to Ziggler

Homicide: Yo Show off. I think you may have a load of wax in your ears. Did I not say already these fans are so damn fake. Hell man you can put damn Hornswoggle in front of me, and these people would cheer him over me. You are alone son, and if you are blind to see that, then maybe you need to get some damn glasses so can see it. Guaranteed Show off that after this match we have, you will do something that these Gringos will think is "bad", and they will go back to just booing you again. So stop acting like all of a sudden your lovey dovey with these fans, when weeks ago you acted like you were better then these people.

fans boo Homicide as he gives the fans the middle finger. The fans boo as Homicide licks his lips and he smiles as he begins speaking towards Ziggler again

Homicide: Also glad you understanding my reasoning for wanting to keep this belt, but let me tell you Ziggler what in the hell have you worked for in this company? You like to say you prove people wrong each and every night, but son I haven't seen ya do anything special. Lemme tell ya something Ziggler what I am doing this week in UWF. Hell that is special son. I am going on to Chuesday Night Raw. Teaming up with my amigo Hernandez, and taking on two great luchadors in Eduardo Guerrero Jr., and Chavito Guerrero Jr., then after that match I am coming down here to Anarchy to go beat your ass. I guess I should be calling myself the show off, because that is what I am doing all this week here in the UWF. You Ziggler must be liking that. Come on Ziggler show your bad side. Say that your happy that I will be a little tender for our match at Anarchy. Show these fans your true colors, because me I could give two shits if these fans cheer or boo me, but you it must make you sick hearing those cheers since you like to brag on twitter how much you're a heel.

fans boo as Homicide goes, and he looks at Ziggler and he looks at him as he begins to talk once more

Homicide: I mean Ziggler you wonder why people don't take you seriously. I mean first of all your dumb little ass shake. I honestly don't give a damn you shake your ass. Hell I think it is kind of funny, but you really want to know why know one can take you seriously? It is because you can't back up your words. I do back up my words. I tell all my opponents you're going to be suffering pain here in the UWF, I tell them you will face the message L.A.X is trying to bring to this world, and ya know what son they do face that violence. Our opponents understand what the hell we are all about. Win, lose, or draw for me my opponent pays the ultimate sacrifice near the end of it all. You come out here talking about showing off. Talking about how sly you are in the middle of this ring, and yet you don't deliver carrone. I do deliver, and that is why fool I will be walking out this Wednesday as still the Ironman championship.

You won't beat me this Wednesday. I love feeling the thirty pounds of gold on my shoulder that I have. This belt right here is staying with L.A.X, and will be for a long time. Ziggler, you do have to beat me, but the question is this. Can you beat me? That is something you need to think about. Because fool I am crazy, I am loco, and let me tell you ese' there is nothing stopping me from beating your ass as I mentioned earlier for however long it is going to be. Ziggler you want to be taken seriously well fool as some Gringo would like to say: "The lights are on bright... prove you have what it takes". Dunno who said that quote, but its actually pretty decent even for you Gringos... anyways Ziggler are you ready to steal the shiow from me... or you just gonna be like every other Gringo who faces me? Laying in there grave after I destroy them.

Fans boo as Homicide goes and he looks at Ziggler awaiting his response

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Re: Anarchy September 4th, 2013 KOTR Qualifier: Tyson Kidd vs. Christian













OOC: Forget the Cage.

Christian! The Instant Classic, Captain Charisma is here! Christian is at the entrance. Crowd is on their feet. Christian shows his ears, the pop is too loud! Christian hits his chest three times then he walks towards the ring. Christian steps up to steel steps and enters the ring. He gets a microphone from the staff. Before he can talk crowd chants "Christian".

Seems like this place is full of my peeps! (Crowd cheers) I mean it is too loud that I couldn't that sonopuss over there. You people were booing him so loud and that's what you should do because that guy is nothing more than an ass kisser who is not able to do anything without kissing asses or kissing that bitches silicone lips. Really, I couldn't hear you Tyson. Also I couldn't hear Natalya because it is pretty hard to talk with that bulky lips. I wonder what you two had talked about? What stupid words, what nonsense word came out from your mouth, I wonder that. Luckily I heard somethings that you have said. One of the things I heard was the insults that you said to these people. To the people that you should thank because they are the ones who made you have this job, they are the ones that you should be thankful because you earn money and buy some food, they are the people that Natalya should be thankful because they made her pay for silicones! Tyson, don't you think before you talk? Don't you realize what you say. Well I got an advice for you, think before you talk, but not once, twice. You are young, you are on a roll, you think you are on the top of the world... Well get out of your dreams Tyson because I a going to shatter them, and if you don't get out of your dreams you will be shattered too... What you said to these fans was completely out of mind. If these people didn't love wrestling, if they didn't continue to watch wrestling, this industry wouldn't exist. If these people didn't support Hart Family back in the day I am damn sure the whole family would be over. No disrespect to Hart Family. The family that I have most respect for in this business but I can't get on the fact that one of them is a member and other one is about to be a member. Hart Family had that name with respect for many years but you two will destroy the whole respect that your family earned in years! All the hardworks of Bret Hart, Owen Hart and rest of family will be for nothing! Your family cared about them and they cared about your family, without them Hart Family, hell no one would be able to let their name known! You two are a shame for your family, a disrespect to the Hart name. But these fans have mercy, they have forgiveness. They forgave every mistake I did, every insult I said to them. They will forgive you too one day but I won't forgive you this week on Anarchy...

You see, it's not been a long time that I have been here on Anarchy but this is my last match on Anarchy because I have been moved to Impact by the decision. But since this is my last match and it is a King of the Ring Qualifying Match, I look forward to win and leave Anarchy with a victory. It has been a tough week for me. I competed in two matches but didn't get any win so on Anarchy I will take your whole confidence Tyson and I will shove it to your face as you lay down on your back just after I pin you, one... two... THREE! No matter who has your back. The worst GM of the whole times Vince Russo, Natalya or the prestige of the Hart Family. It doesn't matter. You will always have someone to defend your back because that's who you are. That's how you do in this business. But believe me this time no one can do a sh*t about it. You are not the King, you are not even the Prince. You have a dream and I will be there to end it, I will be there to crush it. Because I have my own dreams and to make them come true I have to end yours. I don't care if you have dreams, I don't care if you have goals, I don't care if you are the future. Because this is present and this has to be my time! The time I have never get. With being King of the Ring I will get that time with my Peeps, who will enjoy every single second of it. You are underestimating me and that's fine, because when you lose it will hit you right in the face in a time that you don't expect. That will make you fall down. As you fall down I will leave Anarchy as I rise to the sky. I will celebrate with people you insult and you look down... BECAUSE THAT'S HOW WE ROLL!

Christian drops the mic and leaves the ring as crowd cheers for him.


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Re: Anarchy September 4th, 2013 KOTR Qualifier: Tyson Kidd vs. Christian

While Christian is walking back up the ramp, Tyson is not finished just yet.


Tyson Kidd
"Christian, I know neither of us aren't from this country, and even though I hate these people, I can speak their language, and I didn't understand a damn word you just said. You think I should be thankful of these people? These people don't mean anything to me, they're not the reason that I'm standing here in this ring, I am. These people didn't work their tails off to get me here, I am the only reason that I'm where I am now. Nobody besides myself made me this good. Christian, you can continue to be blind when it comes to the facts. There isn't one person in this arena that matters besides Nattie and I. Their cheers aren't going to do anything for you, they can chant your name all they want, you can call them your peeps, none of that matters Christian. I opened my eyes to that a long time ago and look at me now, I am the fastest rising stars in this company and I'm the next King of the Ring.

The crowd boo's Tyson as usual before Natalya Neidhart takes the microphone from him and the boo's settle down a bit. She waits for the crowd to be silent before addressing Christians' remarks.

Natalya Neidhart
"Christian, look at you right now, you're running away with your tail between your legs because you're scared, you're scared of what Tyson is capable of. I can't say I blame you, nobody in their right mind would want to try and stand toe to toe with one of the greatest wrestlers this World has ever seen. Now you can talk all you want about what you think of me and my family, but guess what, you're not facing me. Who knows when any of you will get it through their thick skulls that you can't take Tyson lightly, because after he gets past you Christian, it's straight to the top. First he becomes the King of the Ring, then he becomes Champion."

Tyson Kidd
"I couldn't have said it better myself babe, you know I do find it humorous that men like Christian don't think much of me and that I can't live up to the Hart legacy when week after week I've been competing at a higher level than he's ever reached. Look, I'm better than Owen and Bret ever were, they will tell you the same, I was made and developed at a young age to be better than them in the Dungeon. I know every trick in the book, they taught me everything they know. Christian, you're clearly outmatched here and this probably isn't the best way to make your way out but business is business and I'll take pleasure in taking care of business this week."

Tyson drops the microphone and goes to the corner turnbuckle to pose while the crowd boo's. Tyson seems to not have much more to say as he looks focused for his match with Christian.


Captain Charisma

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Re: Anarchy September 4th, 2013 KOTR Qualifier: Tyson Kidd vs. Christian

Christian gets in the ring. Natalya warns Tyson and Tyson gets down from turnbuckle.


Calm down Tyson. I am not here for cheap shot, I am not you. I saw you doing a cheap shot to Seth Rollins after he beat me. He earned my respect there because he showed that he deserves it, he showed that he is a man that I can trust. A man that is on the right way now. But you... You are on the wrong side Tyson. You see fame and accomplishments aren't everything. Sometimes you have to do the right thing, sometimes you have to enjoy what you do. Shut up, I know what you will say "Typical talk from a guy who has never been a main event calibre"... I heard that for thousand of times. From these people to the people who are in board. Well, for 1.5 years I have not been the top guy or most wanted guy. I have not been anybody's favorite, not the fans' not the GM's and I can say that I was on the wrong side. What did it gave to me? Absolutely nothing, expect dreams that are completely empty, dreams that holds nothing for the future. These people matter more than myself and The Hart Family, not even you two. Because if these people weren't here there will be no wrestling, there would be no you. They pay to see us! They came and scream out of their lungs to support us, I forget nobody does that for you except Natalya. And these people share our sadness and happiness. They are the biggest power in this industry. They can make good, great. They can make a great wrestler a star. A star that you can be, if you would do the right things.

Tyson, I look at you and I see nothing more than a cocky prick. You are here talking about you will beat me, you will be the next King of the Ring and you will win the International Title. Newsflash, actions speak louder than words. So I advice you to shut your mouth and get on the business, you shouldn't be here celebrating before your match, because celebrations happen after the match. You have not win a single match in that tournament now. You have nothing to celebrate. You claim you know everything. You claim that you are the best, better than Owen and Bret combined... That much of confidence is good for me because you will get in this ring with your nose high up in the air and when you try to get it back on the earth I will take you and I will SWITCH your fate! Or I will SPEAR your dreams right in the center so that I would make sure that I destroy them. So go on. Have high expectations, get in this ring on Wednesday with full confidence, get in this ring like you have won because that will make my work even easier. This week I am going to teach you a lesson for Hart Family, for the spirit of Owen Hart and for them, (points the crowd) the fans! This will be a tough lesson. It will hurt you. That will be a lesson that you will never, ever forget! And after that lesson you will stand off a mirror and hear what I said time and time again. It will give you headache. It will be always on your mind. Tyson, you will wish that you didn't face me in my last Anarchy match!

Christian drops the mic and goes to backstage.


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Re: Anarchy September 4th, 2013 Tag Tourney Match: Sandow & Knox vs. 3MB

Heath just nods his head but keeps the goofy smile on his face. He brings the microphone to his mouth once more.

Heath Slater

That was...a mouth full. Wasn’t it boys? Wow, you got some brain on you, don’t ya Damien. It’s actually pretty impressive. Yeah, yeah it is. But see...this is wrestling. WRESTLING. A sport. A physical competition to see who is the best. And since day one everyone has known that Heath Slater is a wrestling machine. A living legend of this sport. If this was another kind of competition say maybe a spelling bee or something like that then I would just drop out right now because no question about it, you’ll beat me. Luckily this is not that. This is a physical sport. Where the fastest, strongest, and most talented people succeed. And I have all of that baby! You’re brain is impressive, Sandow, no doubt about it, but on Anarchy, in the ring, when the bell tolls it’s not going to do you any favors. It can only get you so far, and this is the end of the line for you. But don’t feel bad, you had a good run. It’s just time for a new show to take over. A show headlined by..3..M...B!

Curt takes the mic from Slater

Curt Hawkins

Good points my brother from another mother. Damien, I think you’re delusional. You’ve filled your head with so many words, and facts, and numbers and everything that makes you the intelligent guy you are. What you’ve failed to do is keep up with your ring work. I’ve been trained by the very best names in wrestling and when it comes to skill I lack none. I’m a former champion in my own rights, every where I have been. I wear leather. I listen to GOOD music, and I rock out harder than anyone in here, but that doesn’t mean I’m not the best damn performer this company has.

Curt hands the mic back to Slater

Heath Slater

And..where did you find this guy? Mike Knox. You’re more irrelevant that VCR players. And what’s with this doctor talk? It doesn’t make you sound smarter, it makes you sounds like a deranged psychopath that Sandow found in the woods somewhere. Or maybe that is what really happened. I’m happy for you Mike. Yeah, I’m happy. You’ve been “Enlightened!†Wow! What a feeling baby! How about I make you feel even better when I enlighten you more come Wednesday when I kick your head it and play a little Detroit Rock City baby!

The crowd cheers as Heath is getting pumped up

Heath Slater

It’s been fun guys, it really has. I mean, every great band has to have an opening act and what better way to get the crowd hyped then to put you two clowns in front of them. I’m really going to enjoy beating your heads in this week. You talk about wanting a New World, well fine. I wish you luck on this journey. But first you have to get through us.

Jinder takes the mic

Jinder Mahal

Welcome to the Highway to Hell.


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In similar fashion to how The Rock was laughing earlier, Paul Heyman looks at the titantron in a dumbfounded manner. Heyman can only shake his head in disgust at the self proclaimed "Great One"


Paul Heyman: Mister Johnson, I hope that you don't me calling you that, but Mister Johnson, I think you're missing my clients' point. My clients need not bring up your extra curricular activities in regards to your career in cinema. And the reason we need not bring that up is because honestly Mister Johnson, that is the only thing that you're half good at. Between my clients and myself, it is a unanimous decision that we'd much rather watch Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson star in "Fast 6" as opposed to watching The Rock bastardize the business that we love by giving a piss poor effort every time you step foot in this ring. THAT Mister Johnson is the cause for any animosity between my clients and yourself. The sheer fact that you could pick up and leave whenever you so choose and know that you could come back and still be treated as this company's "white knight" makes me and my clients absolutely sick. And are you given this status because you are a talent that the Ultimate Wrestling Federation cannot afford to lose? No you're given that status because you entertain all these sheep. Well in case you missed the memo earlier, my clients aren't "entertainers" they're professional wrestlers. And in an era where the word "wrestler" is almost forbidden, my clients stand tall in this ring, they look you and all of your fellow "entertainers" directly in the eyes and tell all of you point blank "You're all living on borrowed time"

Heyman adjusts his tie as the fans boo his arrogance. Heyman looks out into the sea of people, snarling and turning his nose up in such a condescending manner. The portly man soon continues speaking towards the titantron.

Heyman: Because these two gentlemen are the vaccine that will eradicate the disease known as the "sports entertainer" once and for all. It starts with you this Wednesday and I promise each and every person here that the vaccine will spread. It doesn't matter if it's Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, or Fridays; we will not stop until each member of the Ultimate Wrestling Federation roster lies at our feet. And when that moment comes Mister Johnson; and I promise you that it's as inevitable as a sunset, what are you going to do? How are you going to feel when two quote-unquote "nobodies" beat you and take your spot? I suggest you take some time and figure that out, because that moment is vastly approaching and it'll be here before you can say....

Heyman cocks his head back in the air and inhales everything around him, obviously mocking The Rock.

Heyman: Finally!

The cocky obese business man lowers his mic as he turns his back to the titantron. As Heyman walks towards the center of the ring, "The Blue Chipper" steps forward and looks up at the big screen, his expression never changing.


Alex Riley: Do you know something Rock, as I listened to your hilariously irrelevant rant, I had an epiphany. You yourself Rock have proven my point. You just said that you did not know that your match against Seth Rollins was a Number One Contenders Match. That one statement in itself Rock proves that everything that Paul, Matt and myself have been saying is true. You don't take this seriously. You don't take this matches seriously because you know for every one step backwards that you take, management is going to allow you to leap four steps ahead. But Rock, I'm not going to let that happen. Not this time. This time, you're not just going to take one step backwards, you're going to be completely knocked out of the game all together. I refuse to let guys like you take any more opportunities from guys like me! You might not be taking this serious Rock, but I am.

Riley never takes his eyes off the titantron. He literally stares a hole into The Rock.

Riley: So please Rock, continue to downplay the threat of Alex Riley and Matt Morgan. Continue to treat this match as if it is an automatic victory for you and that oversized behemoth. And when we finally get in this ring together on Wednesday night, I'm sure Matt and I will have no problem rearranging some of the features on your movie star face and proving to the entire world what we already knew; that the "Great One" hasn't been great in a very long time.

Riley continues to look at The Rock on the tron. The "Blue Chipper" doesn't move a muscle when suddenly "The Blueprint" steps up right next to him. As Riley eyes The Rock, Morgan looks directly at The Extreme Champion.


Matt Morgan: You're calling me a puppet? What does that make you son? Ever since you arrived in UWF, someone's been pulling your strings. First it was Trish Stratus, then it was The Rock, occasionally it's Edge or Vince Russo. Forgive me son, but you've had more men pulling you in different directions than your so-called "manager"

Morgan laughs at the joke he made as he continues to look down on the Samoan Bulldozer.

Morgan: You can brag about victories over Taz, Sheamus and Sting all you want, but what you seem to be unable to comprehend is that in comparison to me, those three are nothing. I am the perfect physical specimen. I put men like them and like you to shame son. Whether you want to admit it, you know the truth. These people know the truth and your cousin on the big screen knows the truth as well. Face it Umaga, you're canned tuna and I'm prime rib and when I give you the ass whooping of your life this Wednesday, you'll realize why nobody ever chooses tuna.

Morgan: And as far as that belt goes, you can keep it. As long as you hold it, it's just as meaningless and as worthless as you are. But maybe if I'm slumming and I have the misfortune of visiting this brand again, I'll take it off you and actually make it mean something. Until then son, continue to show off a belt that nobody wants. Take pride in being the best of the worst. You've been doing a great job at it so far.

Morgan continues to chuckle as he's been doing so far. He's obviously enjoying himself so far. The big man is soon cut off mid laugh though...
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Rated R Superstar

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Re: Anarchy September 4th, 2013: Sting vs. Rhino


The crowd is instantly drawn to their feet as the music to symbolize the arrival of Rhino blasts throughout the arena. Everybody seems to be looking for Rhino and an outburst from a certain part of the crowd draws the attention of everybody as Rhino is seen walking down the stairs in his signature fashion. He seems to have a microphone in his hand as he tries to walk down the stairs. It proves to be difficult as the crowd is excited to see Rhino. The crowd seems to be more excited for the idea of Rhino and Sting having one final battle before Sting heads over to another brand. Rhino lifts up the microphone to his lips as he walks down slowly.

“The War Machine” Rhino:
Sting, I’ve listened to everything you’ve had to say and I gotta say; it’s all false. You question my passion, yet it never truly left me. I’ve never been more passionate about wrestling than I am now. It may not have seemed like it because of all those losses, but that was something completely different. I’ll admit I haven’t been entirely focused on everything. Since my return from my suspension I’ve had a lot going on. I won’t bore you with the details, and I won’t even use it as an excuse because there is no excuse for my mindset lately. I am passionate about what I do, but everything else you said is true. When I won the International Championship so long ago it was the happiest I had been in a long time. I can’t exactly remember being so happy. After a while I let it go to my head. I allowed my arrogance to get in front of my career and in the end it cost me. In the end I lost what at the time I felt was going to really put meaning into my career. It did for a while, but it got out of hand. Now look at me, like you said a shell of a man. I can’t even look at myself in the mirror. So I did what I have been famous for doing, I cried about it, I threw a tantrum and it got me to an even lower state.

After losing to CM Punk at SummerSlam I was just in a horrible state. Do you know what it feels like to be in that kind of match and have your opponent beat you and say they are jumping ship? I was pissed off, but all that’s changed. My loss to Christian really made me think. I have to stop thinking about what happened and start thinking about what’s going to happen. Your words truly struck a chord. In fact, they did more than that. I know it wasn’t your plan to really give me a pep talk, but after listening to everything you just said I now realize it’s the truth. The passion was there, but the focus wasn’t. Now I’m stuck at the bottom of the barrel trying to just scrape by. I show up, get my paycheck and keep going on. I can’t keep living like that, so now that’s where it all changes. Our match, our fourth match if you will. You and I have always been kind of like rivals, but in a different aspect. At first it was all hate, but now we have a mutual respect for each other.

You continued on even after all the crap Russo threw at you, so the least I can do is show up and do what we were both born to do. For the longest time you’ve been at war with management and all their abuse of power. So why is it that me, a former world champion can’t get his act together? Why can’t I keep going on the way you do? That’s a question I’ll have to think about for a long time before I really answer it. In the mean time I’ll focus on the task at hand. That’s fighting through all the crap to get to the greener side. It’s time I got back to the old Rhino that everyone loved. It’s time to get ruthless. It’s time to put anarchy back into the brand! I’m not going to mess around anymore and let my former status control who I am today! Sting, you want the old Rhino you got him! You got the “War Machine” you have the “Man Beast”. Both are looking at you right now with hungry eyes! Both know that this is the time to show everybody what they are capable of. I look back at our previous encounters and I remember the passion and focus I had back then. I think it’s time I channel that into one big unit. I think it’s time I show the world what I have in me. THERE IS STILL FUEL IN THIS MACHINE!

Before Rhino could continue speaking as he finally got the barricade the crowd erupts into cheers. He jumps the barricade as if it’s not even really there. He looks up at Sting who is standing in the middle of the ring. Rhino wastes no more time as he walks up the steel steps and gets into the ring. The crowd is truly electric as both men are looking each other in the eye.

You know, this is really a sweet moment for everybody here. The crowd is in love with this match that we are going to have. It’s your go home show so to speak also. The fact that there isn’t a Sting appreciation thing going on is a true crime. Sting, you’re the man, man! You personify everything wrestling, the passion, the focus, the intensity! You’re everything I thought I was and more! We’ve had a lot of great moments together and I couldn’t be more honoured to be the last person you face here on Anarchy as you start your new journey on Impact. But if you think for one second that the new Rhino that everybody got used to is going to stick around, well let me just tell you that the old Rhino dares you!

Rhino smiles as he lowers the microphone and waits for Sting to respond.​

Chris Dresdon

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Re: Anarchy September 4th, 2013: Sting vs. Rhino

Rhino doesn't have to wait long as Sting raises his microphone to his mouth to respond.


Sting: So everything I just said was false, but at the same time, everything I said was true except when I told you that your passion was gone. I want to follow you, Rhino, but it's not easy to when you contradict yourself, because then I don't know which to take more at face value because you don't know which one you meant more. Even explaining why you contradicting yourself is difficult for me is a brain teaser, geez. And I wish it had stopped there, but then you went on to say that winning the International Championship was the happiest you'd been in a long time just to say in the next breath that you can't exactly remember being so happy. Were you happy or weren't you?
All I can do is make assumptions, Rhino. I can assume that because you spoke so positively of our past and such that you meant everything I said was true except the part about your passion and not that everything I said was entirely false, because if you were of the belief that everything I said about you was a lie, you wouldn't have anything positive to say about me, you'd be angry at me for lying and slandering your good name and your reputation in this company. I can assume that when you said you can't exactly remember being so happy, what you meant to say is you can't remember the last time in your life that you were as happy as you were when you won the International Championship. But again, these are just assumptions.

What a relief it is to finally see you actually showing up to exchange words with your opponent before a match. I came out here convinced that this was going to be another one of those instances, but I'm glad that you at least have enough respect for me on my last night on Anarchy and our fourth scheduled match against each other to not only show up, but take the situation seriously and take yourself seriously as well. This is what I've been dying to see for months now, Rhino, this is what each and every fan of the "War Machine" and the "Man Beast" has been eager to see. They want to see you "Gore" whoever you please, they want to see you win matches, but mostly they just wanted to see you and now that you've finally granted that wish for them, hopefully the other two can come to fruition.

But don't think all is forgiven just because you're here in the flesh, because there's still sour grapes between us. The hatchet isn't buried, the water isn't under the bridge, whatever cliche' or combination of cliches' you want to tack onto the situation. I am angry for reasons I've already pointed out, but the biggest reason I'm angry is because I'm not sold on the idea that this is going to last. How do I know that this isn't going to be an attitude that sees you have a few good weeks and then go back to being lethargic, apathetic, and lazy? I don't, and I won't know until those few weeks have come and gone and you've either proved me right or proved me wrong.

This match between you and I is different than all of the others, Rhino, but you don't need me to tell you that. There will be no steel cage of any kind surrounding us, there will be no championship belts on the line, there will only be two former rivals meeting in the Anarchy ring, perhaps for the final time, with the desire to put on a great match on their minds and a love for the business in their hearts, at least when it comes to me. As I've pointed out, I can't speak for you in that department. Wednesday night, it's the "War Machine" and the "Icon" one more time, and when that happens all of these fans are going to witness firsthand whether the old Rhino is truly back or the mopey, lazy, down and out Rhino is here to stay.

Sting lowers his microphone again as the floor is once again open to Rhino.
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