UWF - Anarchy Roster

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Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: Ironman Championship/KOTR Qualifier Anarchy 9/4/13: Homicide(c) vs. Dolph Ziggler

Dolph raises a hand in the air, as he sees Homicide attempting to leave the arena, screaming out so he catches his attention.


Dolph Ziggler: Whoa, whoa, WHOA! Hold up right there, Homicide. I don’t recall asking you to leave so early, so why don’t you stop right there and listen to what I’ve got to say, because I’m FAR from finished. The fans responds with cheers as Dolph has a highly amused grin on his face. I’m not just another self-absorbed, cocky asshole who thinks that the whole world should be handed to me on a silver platter, and I never have been. Since the day I entered this business, I’ve fought to get to where I am and I’ve worked my ass off to earn opportunities. And I hope that now, after all this time, you can see that. I hope that you can see that I’m not just another gringo like you think I am, and that I BELONG, more than anyone else in this business. But even if you can’t, I can guaran-damn-tee that you will after Anarchy. I promise you, Homicide, that when I beat you? You’re going to see me for what I am. You’re going to see that I’m more than meets the eye; you’re going to see that I will be the one to take that Ironman Championship away from you. But most importantly? I’m going to show you, and the whole damn world that I might not have a gang behind me and I might not be World Champion yet, but if anyone belongs in this business? It’s me, because I just don’t feel at home until I’m inside that ring.

The fans explode in cheers, and Dolph nods his head, before continuing on.

Dolph Ziggler: You don’t know me, Homicide. You don’t know what I had to go through to get here. I had to work my ass off since day one just to get noticed. And when I finally got noticed? I was put through some ridiculous shtick that I’m still pretty embarrassed about to this day and many of you know this, but I was put through the atrocious Spirit Squad just to get on the roster. It worked, but if you asked me if that was the way I wanted to give off a good impression of the wrestling world? No, it wasn’t. The Spirit Squad wasn’t me, dressing up as male cheerleaders and jumping around like a bunch of morons wasn’t me at all. I’m DOLPH… ZIGGLER. I out-shine, I out-perform, and I show off when I’m done. I’m a winner, and it’s about damn time I start winning around here. That’s all going to start come Anarchy, Homicide!

A wide grin creeps up on Dolph’s face, as he shakes his head, speaking in the process.

Dolph Ziggler: I hate myself for thinking this, and I’m going to hate myself even more for saying it, but you and I are alike Homicide. In a way. You see, we’ve both had people say to our face that we were never going to make it. We were told we might as well quit before we hear the “bad newsâ€. We’ve both been told that there’s something with us that will never be accepted in the wrestling world. So we both worked our asses off to overcome those people and prove them wrong! For me, I was told I wasn’t GOOD enough to make it in this business. Whereas you? You were too violent, shocker I know. Obviously, we both managed to overcome those people, but you? When you overcame those people, your ego got in the way and you put yourself in the position to change this company “for the betterâ€. Really?

Dolph lowers the microphone, as his grin increases in size, awaiting for a response.

Dolph Ziggler: That is what pushes me to go just a little bit farther, and hit just a little bit harder every time I step into the ring, no matter who I’m up against. I’ve embraced the fact that I’m very much capable of failure, and I’ve used that fear of seeing all my hard work go to waste to motivate myself. That’s how I know you don’t want it more than I do, Homicide. I’ve been waiting my whole career, my whole damn life to get the shot that I have on Anarchy. I came from nothing, and despite all the odds, stacked against me, I made something of myself. That’s what matters, and that’s what I’ll be thinking about when I’m standing over you, hand raised in victory, and MY Ironman Championship in my grasp.

Dolph remarks, before falling silent, as he spins around, looking at the cheering fans. Dolph raises the microphone, speaking one final time.


With that final remark, Dolph lowered the microphone, as he and Homicide are staring each other down. The camera’s soon faded to black. Tune into Anarchy on Wednesday to see who walks out advancing in the King of the Ring tournament and Ironman Champion!​

Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
Re: Anarchy September 4th, 2013: Sting vs. Rhino

Rhino seems to take a moment to ponder over everything that had just been said. He looks at Sting finally and nods.

“The War Machine†Rhino:
I know exactly what I have to do at Anarchy, and I know exactly what I have to do every night after our match. I’m more than prepared to show you everything. I’m more than willing to show you the passion is still burning inside me even if it doesn’t look like it. Much like you, I don’t have much to say at this point. But I will say what is on my mind right now. What’s on my mind is that for the past month, I’ve been doing nothing but skulk around here and feel sorry for myself. Most people would take what I have been given and use it to their advantage. I did that, but I didn’t do it the way most other people would. I used my former world champion status and made everybody understand that since I was a former champion I could do whatever I please. It reminded me of a crack head I once knew, he would do the drug and once he was high enough he would go around acting like a complete asshole. I don’t want to be that guy anymore; I’m tired of being that asshole. That’s why I’m promising you that I have seen the light, I have allowed this new light to take over my body and mind and now I’m seeing clearer than I ever have before! I know you expect so much from me, and I plan on giving you the satisfaction of being right. You know there is still tons of potential in me; I know you’ve never truly stopped believing in me. Now that I see that I can finally start believing myself.

Anarchy has been my home since I was signed to UWF. I’d like to think that I somehow left my mark on this show, but I know I really haven’t. I mean let’s be honest here; I didn’t have to do much to become the International Champion. I took on five other men in the Elimination Chamber and sure, a lot of people see that as a great success, but all that it boils down to in that kind of match is strategy. I had no real strategy going into that match other than focusing on one wrestler at a time. I’d make sure that I took care of one opponent while the others beat each other up. It wasn’t hard either because there was tons of chaos going on. I remember winning that thing and seeing how it could possibly change my life. But enough about all that, let’s talk about how I finally came to the conclusion that I needed to get off my lazy ass and do something about my dying career. Well for one thing I got in a pretty heated debate, which turned into a fight between a couple of internet dweebs. It made me realize that my career was going downhill and fast! I think the final nail in that coffin so to speak was your first words. I find it easier to repeat myself, mostly because I hardly ever know what to say in these situations, but I promise you that the one hundred and ten percent I promised you will be produced. Listen, when it’s your biggest rival’s last match on the show they damn well built themselves, you have to at least show them some kind of respect by going hard! You deserve all that and more Sting.

I can’t promise that I’ll be exactly like you, because let’s face it I’ll never be exactly like you. Besides, it’s never been my style to be like everybody else. I’ve always been a loner. I’ve always been the type of guy to wear a Black Sabbath shirt to a funeral. However bad that sounds, it’s just who I am. I never planned on wearing anything of yours, I might have to borrow your bat every once in a while when Russo gets a little out of hand. All joking aside I have no plans on doing this the way you did it. We’re just too different in that sense. You’ve always been the more intelligent type to think out what they plan on doing. I just go in, shoot my gun and hope I hit something. I won’t be shooting blind this time, but I will be doing similar things. Russo is probably going to hate me more than he hated you.

With that said Sting, I can’t think of anything else to say. You’ve heard all I have to say, and I have heard all you have to say. Wednesday night you will witness first hand just how passionate I am. Even when you’re gone, a part of you will still stay with Anarchy, and she shall reign supreme!

Rhino lowers the microphone as the crowd cheers wildly behind him.


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Re: Anarchy September 4th, 2013 KOTR Qualifier: Seth Rollins vs. Derrick Bateman

Derrick Bateman
Well that's where your wrong bro. About a lot of things. First off, it's not the beginning of Russo considering he's been doing this whole shtick for the past couple of months but that's besides the point. You won't go further in this tournament. Your time is done with. You might not even successfully cash in that briefcase. You've had your time here in the limelight and you've failed. Don't put all the blame of Russo. Fandango was also screwed but he still managed to come out the winner. And no offense Seth, but even if you happen to be better than me tomorrow night, you're not going to win. Russo hates you more than me and he's out to get you. I saw what taking advantage of an opportunity gets you. I saw what Shawn Michaels did and I too want to become a World Champion. You and I aren't friends Seth. I'm not going to lose any sleep over beating you to further my dream. You say you're beginning to regain focus but I haven't seen that yet.

Just because you've decided to turn over a new leaf recently, that doesn't all of a sudden make you better. I've seen what you can do in this ring. You can stomp the hell out of people and can come from anywhere but when your head's not in the game, well, your head's not in the game. You get distracted to easily and the one second you take to think about anything else other than this match with me, that's the second I'll put your shoulders to the mat and move on in this King of the Ring tournament.

The crowd cheers Bateman on and a smile comes across his face.

Like I said bro, no hard feelings but I am in this to win it. The last King of the Ring winner was John Morrison and he was no real king. He lost his title opportunity. If you look back at the history of men, you'll notice that only real men were kings. Only the manliest of men who destroyed others and had big great beards and ate turkey legs in only a few bites. That sounds just like me. I shave my beard because I gotta look good for the ladies and I strictly only eat turkey legs and bacon. And of course everyone knows there is no one more mantastic than Derrick Bateman. Ladies and gentlemen, I am your next king of the ring!

OOC: Great session Andrew


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/4/13 Preview!

Just want to tell people right now I am down to my last match writing for tonights Edition of Anarchy. So wanted to let you the Anarchy Superstars that I am almost done with my side of the show. Want to give a big thank you to Dresden for letting me work with him!


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/4/13 Preview!

Just wanted to apologize once again to Dredson, as well as all of Anarchy. I was suppose to be writing a match for the show but unfortunately my POS computer took a dump on me & froze me the hell out.

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/4/13 Edition!

As the screen goes black, the camera cuts away to the new Anarchy banner.




The crowd go crazy as a new theme plays, "Shatter Me With Hope" by HIM and pyro goes off inside the sold out arena. The camera quickly pans the crowd and then up the ramp as the pyro continues to shoot out of everywhere imaginable before the camera pans over to the commentary table where Joey Styles, Taz, and William Regal are sitting by.


Joey Styles: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to what can best be described as an Anarchy Supershow! I'm Joey Styles.

Taz: And sitting next to him as always is the "Human Broadcast Machine" Taz.

William Regal: And bringing a touch of class is William Regal. Gents, this is simply unheard of, we've got nine matches tonight.

Joey Styles: There's certainly a pay-per-view feel in the air, folks, as the King of the Ring qualifiers, the tag team tournament quarterfinals, and Sting's final match on Anarchy are all happening!

Taz: That's right, in his last appearance on Wednesday nights, the Stinga' will take on arguably one of his most well known rivals on this brand, the "War Machine" Rhino.

William Regal: And speaking of that tag team tournament, we've got the cream of the crop as Paul Heyman's clientele, Matt Morgan and Alex Riley, make their official in-ring debut against the team of The Rock and Umanga.

Joey Styles: Also doing battle in that tournament will be the team of Damien Sandow and Mike Knox and the team of Curt Hawkins and Heath Slater, representing the Three Man Band.

Taz: And our King of the Ring qualifia's are nuttin' ta' sleep on, Joe, I mean that line-up is stacked. For starters, we've got our Money in the Bank briefcase holda', the "Anti-Hero" Seth Rollins taking on the International Champion's tag team partner Derrick Bateman!

William Regal: And one of our newest signings, the "Immortal" Hulk Hogan will be taking on one half of MopHead in Perry Saturn, who came up short in his pursuit of the Ironman Championship at Summerslam but looks to avenge that loss tonight.

Joey Styles: Speaking of new signings, in his in-ring debut, the "Masterpiece" Chris Masters will try and knock off "Da Man" Bill Goldberg, and what a way that'd be to make a name, eh guys?

Taz: Absolutely. And in arguably one of the most personal qualifying matches, it's brotha' versus brotha' when Matt Hardy takes on Jeff Hardy.

William Regal: I beg to differ. Because in our main event it's a qualifying match but also a title match as Homicide defends his Ironman Championship against Dolph Ziggler.

Joey Styles: And coming up right now, the "Instant Classic" takes on the "Crown Prince" when Christian and Tyson Kidd face off in our first qualifying match.


As the opening bell rings, the camera pans to the ring where Christy Hemme is standing by, ready to do the introductions for the first match.


Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is an interbrand King of the Ring qualifying match! Introducing first...


Everyone are on their feet as "Take Over" hits the PA System. Christian comes out from backstage and crowd roars Christian looks at his peeps putting his hand over his eyes keeping the lights away from his eyes as he looks out far throughout the audience.


Christy Hemme: From Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Weighing in at two hundred and twelve pounds. He is the "Instant Classic", Christian!

Christian makes his way down the ramp as he slaps the same hands rob did on his way down, looking at his opponent he nods before sliding into the ring and standing across from him.

Christy Hemme: And the opponent...



With Christian already in the ring, a new theme begins to play on the speakers, "Vicarious" by Tool. Many in the crowd assume who it belongs to but aren't sure until Kidd steps out onto the stage, microphone in hand, but all by himself. No Natalya Neidhart in sight. He holds the microphone to his mouth to address this crowd that is already clearly behind Christian.

Tyson Kidd
"Now I already know what you're all thinking; 'Where is Natalya?', there's a very simple explanation to why she's not here with me this week. She's back in our locker room getting the champagne ready for after I take care of this bum and advance in the King of the Ring tournament. After I get past Captain Charisma here, I'll go on to beat whoever happens to be unlucky enough to be put against me. When all is said and done, I'll be not only your King, but unlike past winners, I'll go on to become a World Champion. This tournament is meant to find out who the best wrestler in UWF is, and look no further than the Crown Prince of Anarchy. So all you ingrates can bow to your King and show me the respect I deserve."

The crowd doesn't bow but they do start to boo Tyson and his bold predictions for how this tournament is going to go. Tyson begins to make his way down the ramp but he's not done talking just yet.

Tyson Kidd
"I said bow! When your future King tells you to do something, you do it! I'm sick and tired of coming out here every week in the opening contest and you people can't take just a moment of your time to show me some respect? You people are pathetic, you know if we were in Canada right now, I would be treated like a King, but you Americans wouldn't know talent if it bit you on the ass! Instead of showing me respect, you would rather eat all your disgusting fried foods and watch shows like Honey Boo Boo. It's quite pathetic that you look up to reality television stars like that but when you have one of the most gifted athletes this World has ever seen, you can honor his one wish of showing him the respect that he earned. Do you think I graduated from the Hart Dungeon to wrestle in front of ten thousand fat, uneducated slobs? Or do you think I did it because I knew from a very young age that I was going to be the best professional wrestler in the World one day, and that's exactly what I've become. I am the best, CM Punk can use the catch phrase all he wants, guess what, if he's the best, why couldn't he stay here on Anarchy and prove that he's the best? It's because he saw the biggest threat of them all coming up through the ranks and he was scared! Scared that he would be exposed as a fake. Best in the World may only be a catch phrase and something you can put on a t-shirt and brand, but I truly am the best this World has ever seen. Not one of you can prove me wrong either, some of you may finally be wising up and realizing what you have sitting right in front of your eyes. Vince Russo realized he had a legend in the making on his roster and he took full advantage of that, he needed someone that could back themselves up and take care of business when necessary and that's exactly what I did."

Tyson makes it to the steps but before he enters the ring, he turns his back to the ring and gets in the face of some crowd members.

Tyson Kidd
"None of you are worthy of watching me compete tonight. I'll take care of Christian quickly, then I get to go back to the most beautiful woman in the World while you all get to go back to your computers to look at pictures of my woman. You all have to be jealous, is that why you hate me? Is it because I'm everything you want to be and you just aren't talented enough to reach my level? There's a difference when someone pays to go to a wrestling school, just to go become a weekend warrior from a man that was born to be a Champion, and was hand picked to train in the Hart Dungeon. I didn't have to pay for my dreams, they knew talent when they saw it and I just capitalized on opportunities set in front of me. So go ahead, boo me, you all still paid to see me, none of you are getting refunds, and you're all going to watch my match."

Tyson turns around and stands in front of the steel steps, he takes only one step up before stopping and talking again.

Tyson Kidd
"Now Christian, we can do this one of two ways, you can save yourself the pain and the medical bills by just laying down right when that bell rings. It's easy, I won't think any less of you, there's a difference between being brave and being smart. You can just let me pin you, you get up un-hurt, walk away scratch free, you still get paid. Or...I can inflict pain in joints of your body you didn't even know you had. Christian, your time has been up for a while now bud, you don't want this. You're not exactly...in the same shape you used to be in, I'm not trying to be rude when I say this Christian, but you're just not good enough to hang with me."

Tyson makes his way up the ring-steps and jumps over the top rope. He poses for the camera while being boo'd before backing up into his corner, he looks at Christian before holding the mic back up to his mouth once again.

Tyson Kidd
"What's it gonna be Christian? Be smart Christian...you don't want to have to do this."

Tyson drops the microphone and waits for the bell to ring as he awaits Christians' decision.



Christian looks at Tyson Kidd. Both men circle around the ring, and they lock up. Kidd goes down and he hits a single leg takedown. The fans boo as Kidd transitions and locks in a head lock. Christian builds his base up, and goes for a back suplex. Kidd though lands on his feet. Christian turns around, and Kidd goes for an enziguri. Christian drops down as Kidd whiffs the move. Christian goes and he catches Kidd with two hard punches. Christian backs Kidd to the turnbuckle. Christian goes and he charges at Kidd with an elbow. Kidd backs off the ropes, and Christian hits a scoop slam and Christian goes for the pin.


Kidd kicks out. Christian goes and he hits two punches right to the face of Kidd. Kidd is bounced off to the ropes. Christian goes after him, but Kidd flips Christian over the ropes. Christian lands on the top of the apron. Kidd turns around as Christian slaps him across the face. Kidd goes and he holds his face as Kidd is in the middle of the ring. Christian goes to the top rope. Christian tries and dives at Kidd, Kidd jumps in the air, and hits a dropkick right in mid-air. Christian and Kidd both lay down on the ground.

Tazz: What a move by “The Prince of Anarchyâ€

Kidd gets up first as he sees Christian get up first. Kidd goes and he grabs Christian’s head and gets him in guillotine choke. Christian has the move deeply sinked into him. Christian plops down and he puts Tyson Kidd’s shoulders onto the mat.

William Regal: What a brilliant move by Christian.



Kidd releases the hold as the fans groan as Kidd is manage to get out of the pin. Kidd pulls Christians body off of him. Kidd goes as he begins to stomps Christians body in different parts. The fans boo like crazy as Kidd is taunting after every stomp. Kidd then goes by the apron, and tells Natalya to get up there. Natalya does, and Kidd points to his cheek. Kidd gets the kiss from Natty as the fans boo showing that he can do whatever he wants in that ring.

Tazz: What a man, what a hero!

Kidd tells Natalya to go down, and he turns back to Christian. Christian is up as he punches the gut of Tyson Kidd. Kidd is show the effects of the move hurting, Christian goes and he gets up and bounces off the ropes. Kidd ducks under the move, and as Christian is on the rebound he gets hit with a no look kick from Kidd. Kidd then grabs the head of Christian has he flips it over his body. Kidd goes and he bounces off the ropes and he dropkicks him in the face of Christian. Kidd gets up posing as the fans boo like crazy, Kidd then goes as he goes for the cover.



No kick out by Christian. Tyson Kidd is shocked that Christian kicked out of the move. Kidd goes as he grabs the legs of Christian and he tries to lock in the sharpshooter. Christian though is shown struggling out of the move. Christian forces his legs up which causes Kidd to fall on his back. Kidd goes and he is on his back, as Christian gets his base back up and he puts in a half boston crab as the fans cheer like crazy now that Kidd is in a submission.

Joey Styles: Tyson Kidd is getting a taste of his own medicine

Tazz: Shut up Joey this is terrible right now.

Kidd is screaming in pain reaching for the ropes. The fans cheer for Christian as he has the hold deep. Christian is putting a lot of pressure on the hold. Kidd is close to the ropes. Christian sees this as he grabs the leg of Tyson Kidd and drags him into the middle of the ring. Kidd though manages to kick Christian off of him. As Kidd is being checked on by the referee Natalya goes and grabs the leg of Christian. Christian turns around looking at Natalya. Christian is saying something to her, but out of nowhere Tyson Kidd goes for a roll up.



No Christian kicks out, and he kicks out he slaps Tyson Kidd right in the face. Kidd is shocked by this as he goes to lean against the ropes. Christian goes and he jumps over the ropes, and he slaps Kidd in the face once more. Christian then goes as Kidd is on the ground. Christian springboards off the ropes and crashes right on Tyson Kidd. Christian goes as he looks into the crowd as the fans cheer like crazy for Christian. Christian then goes onto the top rope as he goes for the diving headbutt. Kidd though moves out of the way and sends Christian to crash and burn.

William Regal: Oh so sad Christian looked like he was about to gain some momentum. Oh well.

Christian is on the floor, and so is Kidd. Kidd and Christian start to get up at the same time. Kidd hits a nice shot causing the fans to boo like crazy. Christian hits back as the fans start to cheer like crazy. Kidd and Christian go back and forward, until Christian hits a slap the whole arena heard. Kidd is a frozen in his tracks as he looks mad about that slap. Christian begins to taunt Kidd and he met with a huge kick in the head in which Christian just falls back on. Kidd with no hesitation and a pissed off look gets on top of Christian and starts to mount heavy punches on him. The fans boo as the referee gets off of him and Kidd looks on upset.

Tazz: Yeah baby that’s why you don’t piss off the prince of Anarchy baby!

Kidd goes as he picks up Christian and he has him on his shoulders. Kidd goes and he hits the Rolling stampede onto Christian. The fans boo as Kidd goes for the cover.




No Christian kicks out last second. The fans cheer as Kidd looks shocked and in disbelief. Kidd goes as he taunts Christian and he lifts him up and he begins to speak towards him: “I am the Prince of Anarchy, ya here me peasent, you are nothing too meâ€. All of a sudden Christian slaps him once more, as Kidd looks enraged by this Kidd picks up Christian and he hits a standing code blue right onto Christian. Kidd goes and he hits for the cover once again.




No Christian kicks out.

Tazz: What the… This is impossible!

Joey Styles: I think the so called Prince has met his match.

Tyson Kidd is arguing with the referee about this. The referee is trying to tell Kidd that Christian kicked out. Kidd is not believing it as he goes and he picks up Christian once again. Kidd goes for the Code Blue once again, but Christian reverses it and Christian hits the Killswitch right onto Kidd. Christian lays there tired as he goes for the cover.


Tazz: No!!!



No Tyson Kidd kicked out.

Tazz: YES!

Christian goes as he gets up tired as crap, and definitely beaten up, Christian goes as he picks up Kidd again and he looks to hit the killswitch in the middle of the ring. Christian goes for the move but Kidd manages to break through. Kidd goes and he grabs the legs of Christian causing Christian to fall on the ground. Kidd goes as he locks up the sharpshooter in the middle of the ring as Christian is screaming in the middle of the ring, Kidd has the moved locked on tight as the fans begin to boo. Christian is too battered and beaten to crawl. Christian goes to attempt to crawl, but is to weak at this point as Kidd manages to drag him back in the middle. Christian has nothing else to do but tap out.

Christy Hemme: Here is your winner by Submission, and Advancing into the King of the Ring Tournament, Tyson Kidd.


Tazz: The Prince of Anarchy does it again baby. Yeah I am loving it.

Joey Styles: I got to admit impressive performance by Tyson Kidd and he didn’t need Russo’s help.

William Regal: I got to say he did do a swell job in the ring.

Tazz: Swell just swell the kid is the Prince Regal. I think you would know something about that. Show some damn respect.

Kidd looks mad at Christian as he poses with Natalya. Christian is escorted out of the ring, Kidd is seen celebrating as he is excited about what has happened. Kidd is posing with Natayla as Anarchy goes elsewhere.



A lot of good stuff happened on Raw this week, so check it out and comment on it if you haven't!


Anarchy cuts to the arena lobby early in the show. The camera moves closer and seen sitting in the front area is Anarchy Superstar; Jeff Hardy. People walk by him and some ask for autographs and pictures, and for just a few, Jeff obliges, but otherwise people leave him alone. The security guards also dont let many people harass him too. With the camera crew is Matt Striker and Anarchys interviewer asks Jeff whats going on.


Matt Striker: Jeff, excuse the simplicity of this question but; what are you doing out here in the lobby?

Jeff Hardy: I'm thinkin' man.

Striker: Uh, well, Jeff what are you thinking about? Cant you be back there in the locker room? You have a match later.

Jeff: I know man, I know. Back there, its too crowded, as strange as that sounds. I needed just people-busyness. Not the cloud thats hanging in the back. Too much tension, too much strife. I just cant get in my zone back there man. You know?

Striker: I believe I understand what you're implying. But you didnt answer my question, what are you thinking about?

Jeff: Closeness. Chances. Creation. I came so close to winning the Global Championship on Impact last week. Again, I had a chance and I was just moments away. Moments. Seconds. The creation of random chance, that the battle royal would open up to all of UWF; that was my chance and I took it. But I became second best once again.

Striker: You dont need to feel so down Jeff. You finished higher than Stone Cold, Rock, all of Impact aside from Khali and it took interference for you to lose. So-

Jeff: You misunderstand me man, I'm not down. I'm not sad. I'm hungry. I want more. Closeness and chance and creation fuel me and all I want is more. The more chances I make, the more chances I take; the better I get. I came real close man, real close. Everybody saw the fight and the fire. I came in there and I was alive and I was red hot. I showed that brand the meaning of extreme, why Im here on Anarchy. I fit in, it makes sense. I did make that impact though, and I think now, with the cloud of stress in the back from King of the Ring.. I think its time for eyes in the back of my head. I think its time to watch out because there isn't a single person back in that locker room who doesnt want this. But I'm not sure man, not sure if they want it as bad as I do. The tournament is gonna open up some eyes, perk up some ears. Big changes, big chances; the winds are blowing and where they take Jeff Hardy nobody knows but me. So thats why tonight, when I'm ready, I can be free of the strings, the stress, the noise and face my "brother" and hopefully put a nail in that coffin once and for all.

Striker: Do you think you can best Matt Hardy here tonight, given the pressure and the circumstances?

Jeff: I dont need to think anymore, Matt

Jeff stands up in the lobby, the camera moving up with him.

Jeff: I know.

Jeff turns and walks away from the camera as Matt stands there looking satisfied with the answers he got as things return to ringside.


Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a King of the Ring qualifying match! Introducing first...



The crowd ain't waiting a fairly long time as Perry Saturn runs out onto the middle of the stage. He stops in the middle of the ramp, Head in his hands as he waves to the fans with his free hand.


Suddenly, the cheers get even louder as Terri Runnels and Al Snow with Head in his hand are seen coming from behind the curtain as well. Perry waits for them as the fans cheer the group. They slowly make their way down the ramp, slowly walking around the ring until they reach the stairs.


Christy Hemme: Being accompanied to the ring by Terri Runnels, Al Snow, Head, and Moppy. From Boston, Massachusetts. Weighing in at two hundred and forty-one pounds. Representing MopHead, Perry Saturn!

Perry slides in the ring as Terri and the others remain ringside, leaving Perry in the ring to lean Moppy in the corner as he awaits the arrival of his opponent.

Christy Hemme: And the opponent...



The crowd comes unglued as "Real American" begins to play over the PA system. Everyone turns their attention to the stage when suddenly the man himself walks out onto the stage, pointing down at the ring as he's donning the red and yellow.


Christy Hemme: From Venice Beach, California. Weighing in at three hundred and two pounds. Hulk Hogan!

Hulk makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring as he removes his boa and hands it to the referee. Hulk then rips his shirt before handing the remnants of the shirt, his bandanna, and his sunglasses to the referee as well as the ring bell sounds again and the match gets underway.



Fans in the arena are hype to see the return of the almighty Hulkster. Hogan poses a bit to the fans, and Saturn shows his respect. Hogan goes and shakes Saturn’s hand. Saturn and Hogan go as they lock up towards one another. Hogan though shows all the strength he has, and pushes him down. The fans go absolutely wild for it as Hogan poses for the crowd.

Joey Styles: Hulkamania is still in full force

Saturn and Hogan look at each other as they begin to circle around each other, Saturn begins to hit a few leg kicks at Hogan most likely to slow down the base of the legend. Saturn then goes for a single leg takedown, but he ends up pushing Hogan back to the turnbuckle. Saturn lays there, and then he picks Hogan up and hits a big belly to belly suplex onto him. Saturn begins to flex as we see Terry at ringside cheering Saturn on. Saturn goes and he picks up Hogan, and starts to show off his educated feet. Saturn connects with three huge kicks to the back of the almighty Hulkster. Hogan goes as he is leaning against the ropes.

William Regal: Things aren’t looking good for Hogan right now.

Saturn goes as he kicks Hogan’s leg as Hogan falls to the mat. The fans are trying to get behind Hogan who is down on the ground. Saturn drags Hogan to the middle of the ring, and he locks in a dangerous heel lock in the middle of the ring. The fans are beginning to cheer for Hogan like crazy, hoping that the almighty Hulkster can get out of this hold. Hogan begins to sit up and he begins punching the leg of Saturn. Saturn goes, and he lets go of the hold. Hogan is up as Saturn is too. Hogan begins to hit two stiff rights to the face of Saturn causing Saturn to go against the ropes. Hogan then throws Saturn the opposite way. Saturn is able to shift momentum, and he jumps in the air hitting a huge flying clothesline onto Hogan. Hogan falls to the mat after this move. Saturn goes for the cover.



No kick out by Hogan. The fans cheer as Saturn goes and he picks up Hogan. Saturn begins to chop Hogan in the chest which leads to woos from the crowd. Saturn does this a couple of times as Hogan goes against the turnbuckle. Saturn then throws Hogan into the opposite turnbuckle, and he rams towards him connecting on a huge impact. Saturn goes and grabs Hogan hitting another belly to belly suplex as the fans cheer in a mix reaction.

Tazz: Who knew Saturn could wrestle like this.

Saturn showing how dominate he can be as Terri is shown bouncing around at ringside happy at his success right now against one of the best in the business. Saturn goes and he lifts Hogan up and he has him in a strong bear hug. Saturn instead of keeping the submission hold on tight on Hogan he lets go and he throws him down to the ground. Saturn poses to a mix reaction as he goes and he picks up Hogan and he kicks him again. Hogan falls to his back as Saturn goes for the cover.



No Hogan kicks out. Hogan is feeling the energy of the crowd as they start chanting his name. Saturn goes to pick him up, but Hogan hits him the gut with couple of stiff rights. The fans cheer like crazy as Hogan hits him in the gut once more. Saturn is winded as Hogan goes and he lifts him for a bodyslam and the fans cheer like crazy. Hogan looks around at the fans and he bounces off the ropes.

Joey Styles: Hogan is going for the atomic leg drop.

Hogan goes and he lifts up, but Saturn moves out of the way, and Hogan falls down. Saturn goes and he hits a huge kick in the face of Hogan. Hogans falls the ground as Saturn leans against the ropes.

Tazz: Oh great love that Hogan didn’t hit his ridiculous move.

Saturn goes as he gets off the ropes. He sees the unconscious Hogan. Instead of going for a pin Saturn decides to do something different. Saturn asks Terry for Moppy as she brings Moppy to him. The referee thinks he is going to use it as a weapon. Saturn tells him: “Don’t touch Moppyâ€. The referee backs off as Saturn starts to play the mop as it is a riff guitar.

Tazz: This is ridiculous.

Saturn then gives Moppy back to Terri as he backs off the rope and he goes for the atomic leg drop. Hogan though moves out of the way. Hogan gets up and he is hulking up probably mad at Saturn for using his move. Hogan looks at Saturn who gets up and he punches him in the face. Hogan pauses and then points at him. Hogan hits two stiff rights, throws Saturn across the ropes, and hits a big boot right into the face of Saturn. Hogan goes bouncing off the ropes and hits the atomic leg drop. Hogan goes for the cover.




Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, and advancing in the King of the Ring, Hulk Hogan!


Hogan celebrates in the middle of the ring, and Hogan is doing his ear pose and the fans are going crazy. Hogan sees Saturn who is getting up. Saturn gets up as Hogan extends his hand towards him. Saturn goes, and he shakes the hand of Hogan and the fans cheer like crazy, both men raise the hands each other up high. They celebrate with each other as Anarchy goes somewhere else.



Don't miss Smackdown this week. A HUGE main event happening on this show!


The feed cuts backstage, the crowd in the arena boo as it’s Damien Sandow arriving, across a hallway he looks around as if lost. He sees Sin Cara and stops taking a deep breath of relieve as the crowd cheers for Cara.


Damien Sandow:

Pardon me good sir; allow me to beg your indulgence for just one moment, my name is Damien Sandow and I am aligned with the Smackdown brand. This is my first, and hopefully last, night here on Anarchy, and while I do seek to retain Order here I have had trouble not only finding the dressing room. Could you be so kind as to inform me of where it might be.

Sin Cara looks at Sandow then to one side before turning back and nodding yes.

Yes? Well then?

Sin Cara stays silent for a moment before nodding again

Do you understand a single word that I am saying?

Cara sticking to what seems to be moving the conversation on just nods again.

Thank you for wasting my time, you mute ignoramus.

Sandow walks off as Cara nods one more time, Damien stops and smiles.

Finally, where have you been?

The camera turns and shows Mike Knox standing in front of him.


Mike Knox: I was preparing for tonight's festivities.

Damien Sandow: preparing? I haven’t even gotten the opportunity to begin my farmer burns flattener exercise, I have been attempting to find my way around the sea of ineptitude that make up this backstage area. But I have at least found the superstars that make up the roster instead of nothing backstage hands.

Mike Knox: Well the dressing room is right-

Damien Sandow: Leave that to me Michael, I’ve spent this time attempting to find it, I must find it on my own now that I am close. Do go on and continue the preparation I shall meet you at the entrance curtain.

Mike Knox: Yes Mr. Sandow.

Mike Knox leaves as Sandow continues on looking for a door marked locker room, he stops in his tracks as someone is walking back.


The Brian Kendrick comes on screen, dancing to himself as he walks his arms flapping up and down while he goes back Sandow. Sandow stares at his direction looking confused.

Damien Sandow: I don’t know what that gentleman has done to get that way, but I don’t believe it is the proper way to enlighten one’s self.

Sandow shakes his head as he turns around, but as soon as he takes one step forward he stops as his eyes catch something.

Damien Sandow: Dear ghost of Thomas Stewart, what in heavens is that man doing?

The camera pans over and shows Perry Saturn drinking out of a glass with another straw up against Moppy.


The camera turns back to Sandow, he’s shaking his head rubbing his eyes with his fingers before opening them wide again as if checking if he was seeing things. He turns around completely flabbergasted taking steps forward looking like a mindless zombie as his brain processes what is going on.

Damien Sandow: What is wrong with this place?

Sandow says to himself, when he walks into Al Snow and Snow responds.


Al Snow: Don’t worry, it’ll all be okay we’re going to get through this in a civilized and mature manner.

Damien Sandow: Why thank you, you are the first person here who’s said a word to me.

Al Snow: Pardon Me Sir, I’m in the middle of a conversation.

Snow yells at Sandow leaving him confused, Snow pulls up Head into his arms looking down at her.


Al Snow: Can you believe the nerve of some people?

Snow walks away as Sandow looks down at the floor, his eyes almost frightened with what he just witnessed. He walks slowly away seeing a door he talks out loud to himself for a moment…

Damien Sandow: What is the probability that behind this door is a dressing room with normal human beings inside of it…

Sandow ask himself before turning the knob and opening the door, as he does the Fro’d Crusader, Bate-Man is standing with angry look on his face. He yells in a deep scratchy voice


The Bate-Man: Where Are the other Drugs Going!?!

Damien gulps down before closing the door on him and turning around.

Damien Sandow: Precisely what I thought…wait a moment...that oddly tall child looked familiar…it feels as if I have seen him with someone else by his side.

Suddenly Fandago comes spinning around dancing around Sandow


Fandango gets into the locker room and Sandow stares at his direction, turning around looking down at the ground with his eyes staring a hundred miles away.

Damien Sandow: Did that dancer have a Championship around his waist…

Sandow doesn’t harp on it too long as he looks up he looks happy for the first time in so long, running towards whoever he saw.

Damien Sandow: Oh Thank goodness, Excuse me!

Sandow walks up to Trish Stratus who is standing backstage as Sandow is catching his breath as if relieved to see her for some reason.


Damien Sandow: Ms. Stratus, Finally someone with a working cerebrum in this intelligence deprived swamp hole.

Trish Stratus: Do I know you?

Damien Sandow: Perhaps not, it is just refreshing to find someone closer to my intellectual level after what I've been through, you have no idea the day I’ve had.

Trish Stratus: Well there are a lot of weirdo’s back here, so I don’t blame you for that, but I have somewhere to be.

Damien Sandow: That's right I almost forgot you’re still managing, who is your client here on Anarchy anyway?

As Sandow ask Umaga walks up behind him


Sandow turns around and sees the Samoan Bulldozer. Staring him in the eye and then looking him up and down taking in the face paint, tattoos, taped up thumb and mass of humanity that stands before him. Damien nods before turning back to Trish.

Damien Sandow: If you’ll excuse me I'll be going now, good day Ms. Stratus…

Sandow turns back to Umaga

Mr…right... I’ve got to be going…

Sandow leaves at a fast pace and finally sees Mike Knox once more.

Michael! Please, assist me to the locker room I cannot stand another second of this.

Mike Knox: is there a problem sir?

Damien Sandow: I apologize, my mind is simply processing the environment as best it can. While I'm used to a sea of unwashed masses, I'm not sure if the masses back here were ever clean to begin with.

Before they take a step forward Sandow stops him.

I apologize again Michael but with all that’s happened, I’ve forgotten who we’re even set to face.

Mike motions behind Sandow with a nod, Sandow turns his head for one moment and then turns back to Knox.

Damien Sandow: The ones pretending they are holding instruments as they bounce around and scream out-


The scream is heard from off screen, Sandow cringes after hearing it…he looks at his follower.

Damien Sandow: Michael, I need you to attempt to finish this bout quickly.

Mike Knox: So we can remain fresh for the rest of this tournament?

Damien Sandow: Not quite, I simply need to leave this place as quickly as humanely possible.

The feed fades to black as things return to ringside.


Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a UWF Tag Team Championship Contender Tournament match! Introducing first...

"We're a 3 Man Band!!!!"


The theme of the 3MB plays out for the UWF audience to a pretty mediocre response. The boo's outweigh the cheers but its a pretty quiet mixed reaction. They're are a few fanboys in the crowd who are holding up 3MB signs. The trio of Rockstars walks out from the back, pumped like always, and led by The One Man Band himself, Heath Slater.


Christy Hemme: From Queens, New York and Pinesville, West Virginia respectively. Weighing in at a combined weight of four hundred and thirty-nine pounds. Being accompanied to the ring by Jinder Mahal. Representing the Three Man Band, Curt Hawkins and Heath Slater!

Both Jinder and Hawkins take either side while Heath plays the Air Guitar. Heath jumps to his feet and the three make their way to the ring. Jinder remains ringside as Slater and Hawkins slide into the ring and get ready for the match ahead.

Christy Hemme: And the opponents...


The cheers turn to boos as "New World Symphony" rings out over the PA system. After a few bars of music, the "Intellectual Savior Of The Unwashed Masses" Damien Sandow and his apprentice Mike Knox appear at the top of the ramp. Both men make their way down the ramp slowly as 3MB prepares in the ring.


Christy Hemme: From Palo Alto, California and Phoenix, Arizona respectively. Weighing in at a combined weight of five hundred and thirty-six pounds, the "Intellectual Savior of the Unwashed Masses" Damien Sandow and Dr. Mike Knox!

Sandow and Knox enter the ring as Sandow removes his robe and hands it to the referee as the ring bell sounds again and the match gets underway.



Sandow and Slater start inside of the ring. Both men lock up and Slater quickly hits a nice arm drag, afterwards Slate goes and attacks the head of Sandow. Sandow goes and he grabs the hair of Slater forcing him to let go of the move. Sandow goes and hits a nice neck breaker onto Heath Slater. Sandow goes and he drops a nice elbow onto Slater and then gets him in a head and arm choke. The fans are clapping for Slater hoping for him to get out of the hold. Slater ends up getting his legs over the head of Sandow and gets him in a head scissors. Sandow builds his base back up as he gets Heaths shoulder down for the count.


No Slater kicks out of the hold. Sandow goes and he tags in Mike Knox. Knox enters the ring and he looks ferocious right about now. Slater is saying bring it as Knox does and he charges at him hitting a clothesline that causes Slater to flip his body. Slater is on the ground and Knox gets him in a sitting position. Knox begins to hit righteous elbows to the shoulders of Heath Slater. Knox finishes it off with a knee to the back. Sandow sees the damage Knox has caused and calls him over. Knox tags in Sandow as Sandow gets in the ring and begins stomping on Slater the fans begin to boo as Sandow does curtsy acting like he is doing a good job.

Joey Styles: This Damien Sandow makes me sick.

Tazz: He is a former world champ Joey leave him alone he is stealing the show right now.

Damien Sandow begins to dance around Slater as Slater is getting up. Sandow asks him if he needs help in a sarcastic matter, and this causes Slater to hit Sandow square in the face. The fans cheer as Sandow turns around and he gets dropkicked by Slater. Slater goes and he tags in his partner Curt Hawkins the fans cheer like crazy. Sandow sees Hawkins and charges at him. Hawkins ducks underneath him and catches him hitting a big STO onto Sandow. Hawkins goes and he bounces of the ropes jumps with two feet in the air and hits a double foot stomp onto Sandow. Sandow holds his gut feeling the pain. Sandow is leaning against the ropes as Hawkins charges at him. Sandow moves out of the way, but Hawkins baseball slides through the ropes. Sandow turns around as Hawkins is on the apron now. Hawkins grabs the head of Sandow and bounces it off the ropes. Hawkins goes to the top turnbuckle, in which we see Slater make a tag. Hawkins goes and he hits a big crossbody onto Sandow. Hawkins goes out of the ring as Slater hits a flying leg drop. Slater hooks the legs for the cover.



No Sandow kicks out. Slater goes and he picks up Sandow and spins his arm around. Slater goes as he tags in Hawkins, and Hawkins enters the ring. Slater goes low, as Hawkins go low and they hit a nice high low onto Damien Sandow. Sandow is in an interesting situation as he is down. Sandow begins to crawl to his area hoping to get to Knox. Hawkins grabs the leg of Sandow as he looks shocked. Hawkins goes and he grabs the leg of Sandow and crashes it down the mat. The fans cheer as Sandow is now backed up into a corner. He is hold his knee. Hawkins goes and he extends the leg of Sandow, and hits a nice drop onto Sandow which causes him to hold his back.

Tazz: This isn’t good guys. Sandow is losing!

Sandow is on the mat as Hawkins drags him to his corner the fans cheer as Slater gets tagged in. Slater jumps in as Hawkins puts Sandow against the bottom turnbuckle. Slater goes as he jumps from the top turnbuckle, and he tries to put two feet in the face of Sandow, but Sandow moves out of the way, and Slater is left wondering if his groin is okay. Sandow goes and he crawls over to Knox. Sandow makes the tag to Knox. Slater gets up and he is met with another huge clothesline by Knox. Knox picks up Slater though and he lifts him on his shoulder. Knox goes and he hits a death valley drive right on Slater in the middle of the ring. Knox goes for the cover.



No kick out by Slater. Knox is surprised by this kick out as he goes and he picks up Slater again and he hits him with knees to his gut. Slater is feeling the pain as Knox tags in Damien Sandow. Sandow goes right away with abdominal stretch and Slater is clearly in pain. The fans though they begin to clap as they are trying to get Slater to get out of the move, we can all see that Hawkins wants in bad seeing his friend in pain. Damien lets go of the hold, and he tags in his friend Knox. Knox picks up Slater and hits a bunch of lariats on him. He looks at Hawkins, and he begins laughing at him. Slater goes and he is pain as Knox lifts him up for a bear hug and is struggling him around. The fans boo as Knox is smiling with sick smile doing the move and he throws him down.

Joey Styles: Mike Knox is one vicious man.

Knox goes and he lets Slater drag to his corner for a bit, but then Knox intercepts him. Knox goes as he steps on the hand of Slater, and the fans boo like crazy. Hawkins wants in the match really bad. Slater is holding his hand in pain as Knox steps on his calf and holds onto the ropes. The fans boo as the referee begins to make the count. Knox lets go of the ropes and he throws his hands up saying he is doing nothing. Slater goes and he crawls as Knox grabs him by his tights, Knox goes and he puts Slater in between his legs. Knox goes and he lifts Slater high off of the ground. The fans boo like crazy as Knox has him up for a powerbomb. Slater though with his good hand begin to strike Knox as Knox loses his position. Slater goes and he manages to pull off a huge hurricurana right onto Knox as the fans cheer and both men are down.

Joey Styles: Slater must get to Hawkins

Slater is going to his corner as Knox is trying to go after him. Though Slater dives in and in comes Curt Hawkins. Hawkins goes and he jumps over the down Knox and hits a big elbow right onto Damien Sandow. Sandow goes crashing down on the outside. Hawkins awaits for Knox to get up as he does and is met with a huge dropkick from Hawkins. Knox stumbles, and then Hawkins comes at him one more time and he hits a huge swinging neckbreaker that sends Knox crashing down. Hawkins goes and he goes to the top turnbuckle and he poses to the fans. All of a sudden though Damien Sandow comes and he pushes Hawkins off of the top turnbuckle, and Sandow pushes him off. Heath Slater goes as he charges at Sandow, but Sandow moves out of the way, and he throws Slater over the top rope. Mahal goes to check on Slater. Sandow goes in the middle of the ring and he hits the elbow distain on Hawkins. Sandow grabs the body of Knox and throws it over Hawkins, and just for extra leverage he jumps on top of Knox to make the cover.




Christy Hemme: Here are your winners, and advancing in the Tag Team Tournament. Damien Sandow and Mike Knox




I will be very upset if I don't get a lot of comments on this show.



Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a King of the Ring qualifying match! Introducing first...


The fans begin booing as the theme of the "Masterpiece" begins playing over the PA system and Chris Masters comes walking out onto the stage with his girlfriend Layla and poses for the crowd as pyro shoots up from the stage behind him.


Christy Hemme: From Los Angeles, California. Weighing in at two hundred and sixty-five pounds. Being accompanied to the ring by Layla. Chris Masters!

Masters makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring, locking his hands together above his head once he gets to his feet as the fans respond with more boos.

Christy Hemme: And the opponent...

The camera cuts backstage to a locker room door, surrounded by amply supplied security guards, as dragging seconds pass by before it swings open; revealing Goldberg himself. He's donning blue jeans and a leather Harley jacket; biker gloves cover his hands. He glances both ways & stares the guards down, not saying a single word. He turns & makes his way to the gorilla position as he's flanked on both sides. He passes catering, & climbs the steel steps leading up behind the curtain as the camera cuts back to a frontal stage position; a shower of sparks emitting from both sides as Goldberg like a great legendary warrior stands within them. The crowd is going nuts.


Christy Hemme: From Dawsonville, Georgia. Weighing in at two hundred and eighty-five pounds. GOOOOOLLLLLLDDDDDBERRRRGGGGG!!!!!!!

They simmer down as he walks forward, letting out his trademark bellow as smoke flows heavily from his mouth. He waits anxiously at the entrance to the ramp, as fans are going crazy; excited to see their favorite wrestler was back here before them in the business they loved. He brings one arm up as pyro blasts off behind him. He follows suit with his other arm to the same effect; as he looks into the camera & audibly yells I'm Back! He proceeds to make his way down the ramp, as adorning fans reach out to touch him, but he grazes by as he arrives at the foundation of the steel steps; climbing them & entering into the ring through the middle rope. His music slowly begins to fade as he basks in the crowd's approval as they chant his name over & over. Their voices are harmonious across the arena it's self. GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! Goldberg and his opponent make eye contact as the ring bell sounds again and the match gets underway.


The bell sounds and our matchup is now underway. Masters and Goldberg circle the outer portion of the ring before meeting in the center and locking up. Each man jockey for position, but neither can get the advantage over the other so they break. Both men look at each other before locking up again. Masters, being the more agile of the two competitors is able to quickly apply a side headlock on Goldberg. “Da Man†responds by backing Masters up onto the near set of ropes and flinging him off him. Masters run the ring and as he hits the far ropes and comes back at Goldberg, Bill lowers his shoulder and sends Masters to the mat with a stiff shoulder block….

Tazz: And that’s the brute strength of Goldberg!

Styles: There are very people in UWF, let alone Anarchy that can out muscle Chris Masters. Goldberg is one of those men.

With Masters on the ground, Goldberg quickly drops an elbow directly onto the Masterpiece and proceeds to go for the first cover of the match…



Masters kicks out!

Regal: It’s going to take more than that to beat this Adonis!

Masters barely kicks out of the pinning predicament and as he does, he rolls over to the near turnbuckle. As he’s doing all this, Goldberg is patiently waiting and watching. Masters pull himself to his feet in the corner and Goldberg goes right after him. As Masters rests, Goldberg pounces and delivers a back elbow that catches Masters directly in the side of the head. Masters drops to a knee, but Goldberg wastes no time lifting him off the ground and back to a vertical base. Once Masters is back up, Goldberg hits him with another elbow to the side of the head. Masters falls to the mat again and as Goldberg looks to go back on the offensive, the official steps in and backs Goldberg up…

Styles: And the referee steps in to do his job. For the safety of all competitors, he must able to make sure they are able to continue.

The official checks on Masters and as the Masterpiece begins getting to his feet; Goldberg looks to go back on the attack. The official holds Goldberg back again, but Goldberg shoves the ref to the side. As the ref hits the mat, Goldberg goes after Masters. With the referee distracted, Masters is able to poke Goldberg directly in the eye, temporarily blinding him…

Styles: And Chris Masters manages to break the rules!

Tazz: It’s only cheating if you get caught Joey. Ain’t that right Regal?

Regal: I can surely attest to that Tazz! I made a career out of it!

With Goldberg blinded, Masters is able to take advantage with a running clothesline which knocks “Da Man†to the mat for the first time in this bout. With Goldberg on the canvas, Masters uses the near ropes to gather momentum before leaping high in the air and driving both of his knees down onto Goldberg’s throat. Goldberg gasps for air as Masters goes for a cover and the referee gets into position…



Goldberg rolls a shoulder!

As he kicks out, Goldberg rolls onto all fours and grabs at the near ropes to pick himself up. When he does, Masters turns Goldberg around so that they’re face to face and Masters delivers a stiff knife-edge chop directly to Goldberg’s chest…

Tazz: Ouch! Not the way you want to spend a Wednesday night!

The chop echoes throughout the arena and Masters cocks back and delivers another strong chop which leaves a visible hand print on Goldberg’s chest. As Goldberg struggles to regain his breath, Masters Irish whips him across the ring. Goldberg runs the ropes and as he comes back towards Masters, the Masterpiece is able to catch him, pop his hips and perform a ring shaking Powerslam…

Styles: What impact!

Tazz: You’re not lying Joe! I felt that all the way over here!

After hitting the big time powerslam, Masters rests on top of Goldberg and hooks both legs…



Goldberg kicks out again!

After almost beating Goldberg with that powerslam, The Masterpiece gets back to his feet and heads to the far side of the ring. Masters lifts himself from the mat to the middle rope where he sits patiently for Goldberg to get to his feet…

Regal: I think young Masters has something evil in mind!

Goldberg begins to get to a vertical base as Masters waits patiently for him. Goldberg makes it to his and as he does, Masters leaps off the middle rope…

Tazz: Incoming Masterpiece!

Before Masters can collide with Goldberg, “Da Man†is able to counter by delivering a still straight kick directly under Masters’ jaw…

Styles: He might have just knocked Masters out!

Goldberg gets to his feet and the crowd begins to buzz. They’re feeling it just like Goldberg is. With Masters down and out, Goldberg backs himself into the corner on the opposite side of the ring and drops down into a three point stance…

Tazz: I think we all know what’s coming next!

Regal: I think it may benefit young Masters to stay down on the canvas!

Masters doesn’t listen to Regal. Instead, The Masterpiece begins to get to his feet. He has no idea of the freight train that’s awaiting him, but he begins to rise nonetheless…

Styles: Stay down Chris! You’ve have less of a distance to fall!

Masters gets up and turns around and as he does, Goldberg charges across the ring and looks for his trademark move…

Tazz: Spear!

Before the Spear can connect, Masters manages to dive out of the way and Goldberg hits nothing but the middle turnbuckle head first. Goldberg shakes off the impact and pulls himself out of the corner. Gingerly turning around, Goldberg is wide open to the Masterpiece who lifts him off his feet and drives him back onto the mat with a spinebuster. Goldberg grabs his skull as Masters drops down and goes for another cover…



Goldberg kicks out!

A visibly upset Masters stares at the official who responds by holding up only two fingers. Masters get back to his feet and clasps his arms together, signaling that it’s time for the Master Lock submission hold…

Styles: Master might be looking to put this one away!

Goldberg tries to get up; this time the tables are turned and he doesn’t know what’s awaiting him. With Masters positioned behind him, Goldberg makes it to a knee and Chris Masters quickly applies a Full Nelson onto “Da Manâ€â€¦

Regal: And there it is; one of the most painful submission I’ve ever seen, The Master Lock!

Masters does everything he can to grips his hands together and fully apply the Master Lock. He finds out that completing this challenge is somewhat more difficult than he thought thanks in part to Goldberg’s broad shoulders…

Tazz: He can’t get it fully locked in Joe!

Before Masters is ever able to get the Master Lock synced in, Goldberg is able to drop to a knee and perform an arm drag, which breaks Masters’ grip on him and sends The Masterpiece flying across the ring…

Styles: Goldberg managed to get himself out of that situation.

Masters can’t believe that he was unable to lock the Master Lock in on Goldberg. Masters is on his feet on one side of the ring as Goldberg tries to get to his feet on the other. Determined to stay in control, Masters rushes across the ring right at Goldberg. This proves to be a mistake as Goldberg is able to dart of one knee and charge at Masters, almost breaking him in half with a Spear!

Regal: Dear Lord! What a Spear!

The arena comes alive as Goldberg hits the Spear! “Da Man†gets to his feet and the energy hits him. With the crowd firmly behind him, Goldberg points to the heavens and let’s everyone know what’s going to happen. Goldberg grabs Masters by the neck and hooks a front face lock. Goldberg throws Masters’ arm over his shoulder and lifts The Masterpiece high up into the air…

Styles: There’s only one place Masters can go from here!

With Masters at his disposal, Goldberg thrusts him down onto the canvas with a ring shaking Jackhammer Slam. The arena goes nuts as Goldberg hooks the far leg and goes for a cover…







Christy Hemme: The winner of this match as a result of a pinfall; Goldberg!


Goldberg’s iconic theme music plays as he gets to his feet and has his arm risen by the referee. Goldberg wipes the sweat from his head before he leaves the ring and Anarchy heads elsewhere.


September 29th!


We head backstage to see Derrick pacing back and forth as Maxine and Fandango stand by the side also looking disappointed. Derrick finally decides to speak up.

Derrick Bateman
Bro I can't believe we lost.

Whoa whoa hold up there, WE didn't lose anything. You lost. I was in there taking control of the match and then you, you just went in there and messed it all up.

Hey calm down Johnny, it wasn't Derricks fault all the way, it was both your faults.

No no no it wasn't our faults. It's RAW's fault! Who books that piece of trash show? Whose bright idea was it to bring in Beer Money? I mean they made sure the ref was down and then broke a bottle over poor Derricks head. What is this amateur hour? How original a Beer Money ending was that. I'm telling you there is a conspiracy at work here. We just need to find out whose the one pulling the strings.

Derrick Bateman
Bro! I got it! The corporation! You saw what they were doing on RAW. They were all over that show hogging all the spotlight. This is the second time we've been screwed out of the Tag Team titles and you can bet the worlds greatest detective is going to get to the bottom of this.

You're damn right you are. I hope we never have to be on RAW again. Randy just lets his "talent" run roughshot on RAW. It's about time they brought in someone to clean the place up. They can talk bad about Anarchy all they want but there's a reason why most of the fans think Anarchy has been the brand of the month. And that reason is Fandango. Anarchy knows how to treat their champion. Sure Russo gets in the way but Foley is taking care of that.

Derrick Bateman
You know what bro, no offense, you've been great as champion but I would much rather you and I be tag team champions than to see you constantly having a target on your back. We were having more fun back then.

Fandango gives Derrick a confused look but then nods his head.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves but I can see your point. This entire tag tournament is now a joke. Our tag team division is now being made a mockery of and there's nothing we can do now. You know what, screw that, if they want to trash our division, then we're going to trash all of them. Ladies and gentlemen welcome to an impromptu edition of the Double Dragon's Lair! Hit the graphic!

I'm your host, the one and only International Champion, Fandango!

Derrick Bateman
And with him of course is the awesomest dude in the world, Derrick Bateman!

And tonight, we're going to be talking about the horrible state our tag team division is in. Now we have not watched the show up until this point so we don't know who has won their matches but lets just start with the first tag team to make it into the second round, 3 Live Kru.

Derrick Bateman
I think you mean Modern Day Double Dragons junior. They're just a newer version of us but you know, not nearly as entertaining. They'll fade away in a couple of months and we'll be over here being successful and making everyone tune in just like always. I mean they got put in by far the easiest match up in that tournament. No wonder they won. Up next we got those chumps Beer Money.

The less said about them the better. We don't need to be getting other teams traction. Up next we saw Los guerreros beat LAX in what was probably the best match we're going to see this entire tournament. These two pairs are actual teams who have stuck together and as much as I don't like either of them, I'm pulling for Eddie and Chavo to teach this other excuses for tag teams what a true tag team can do.

The first tag team match of Anarchy is Damien Sandow and Mike Knox vs 3MB and what can we even say about this? Sandow clearly couldn't cut it as a singles star and now he gets a worse partner. And 3MB!? Please! The fact that they are even in this tournament proves how far this division has fallen.

Derrick and Fandango just stare at Maxine

Derrick Bateman
Who said you could speak?

Yeah Maxine this is sort of our thing. There's a reason we didn't introduce you up top.

You know what, you guys always do this to me! Fine I'll go make my own show how about that?

Let me guess, it's going to be you being mad and it's going to air once a month.

Derrick Bateman
Oh snap!

Maxine storms off and Derrick and Fandango high five.

Derrick Bateman
Now where were we. Oh yeah, Rock and Umaga vs Riley and Morgan. It's pretty clear that Rock and Umaga aren't exactly the best of friends. There is no way they're going to win this one. I have no idea how long Heyman has been training these guys to work together but honestly who cares. People are interested in Heyman and not the tag team so they are destined to fail.

Up next we got Manik and Sabin vs Grado and Hassan.

Derrick Bateman
And this is the type of match that really makes a mockery out of our division. Just sticking random people together and hoping it sticks. Hey how did that work out last time? Oh yeah we got Samoa Joe and Sting as champions. Hey who here remembers that team?

It doesn't even matter who wins here because just like alien vs predator, whoever wins, we all lose. Speaking of Sting, we got Sting and Warrior vs Nash and HHH. Old farts vs old farts. I think the winner of this match will be the last person to break their hip. Sting just needs to wear the warrior face paint and they'd be nearly indentical except ones muscles will burst at the first sign of struggle due to steroids and the other will just look like a flabby mess. We need to find a way to get back in this tournament. I mean look at me bro, God couldn't have a created a better specimen if he wanted to.

Derrick Bateman
In conclusion, is this really who you want representing UWF? None of these guys are worth a damn just like no one is worth a damn to Fandango. There's a reason you don't have any challengers for your title yet. Not until I win this tournament. Wait what time is it?

Maxine comes walking by.

If only someone was producing the show and told you when it was time to wrap it up.

Derrick Bateman
Ah man I gotta go!

Derrick runs off screen and heads for gorilla leaving Maxine smiling.

For Derrick Bateman, I am your International Champion Fandango saying,

Unleash the Dragon!


Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a King of the Ring qualifying match! Introducing first...


"1958" by A Day To Remember, the theme song of Seth Rollins, begins to play as the entire crowd reacts negatively as they shower him with boos. The camera pans to the stands where Rollins is entering through the crowd, showing off his Money in the Bank briefcase to further negativity.

Christy Hemme: From Davenport, Iowa. Weighing in at two hundred and nine pounds. He is the holder of the Anarchy Money in the Bank briefcase, Seth Rollins!

As Rollins arrives at the bottom, he leaps the barricade and slides into the ring, briefly posing for the crowd.

Christy Hemme: And the opponent...

"To the Batmobile, let's go!

Atomic batteries to power,

Turbines to speed.

Roger, ready to move out!"


To the astonishment and speechlessness of everyone within earshot, the theme song from the 1960's Batman television show begins to play. After a moment of the classic, "nana nana nana nana, nana nana nana nana", the camera pans over where the Batmobile pulls around the corner and parks next to the stage. The driver's door opens as Derrick Bateman steps out of the car, sending the crowd into an amused uproar as he is donned in full Batman gear. As the crowd cheers, Bateman climbs onto the ramp and begins walking towards the ring.

Christy Hemme: From Gotham City. Weighing in at two hundred and twenty-two pounds. He is the "Fro'd Crusader", Bate Man!

Anarchy's resident superhero arrives at the end of the ramp as he slides into the ring and gets to his feet, breaking out into The Hurricane's signature pose as a spotlight flashes above him displaying an afro. Bate Man then turns to Rollins as the ring bell sounds again and the match gets underway.



The match starts with Rollins walking towards Bateman and extending his hand to the 'Fro'd Crusader', Bateman hesitates at first knowing of Seth's past, but decides to accept Seth's handshake before the two begin to circle each other in the ring. Eventually after a little stalling the two Anarchy Originals lock up in a Collar and Elbow Tie Up. They forces each other around the ring until Rollins forces Bateman into the ring ropes, the ref is forced to break the two apart. Bateman claps his hands and Rollins smiles before the two lock up again, this time Bateman takes the upper hand with a quickly applied Side Headlock. Rollins quickly runs Bateman off the ropes across the ring when Bateman rebounds he manages to knock Rollins down with a Shoulder Block. Rollins quickly flips over onto his belly as Bateman runs off the ropes, he then gets up and as Bateman rebounds again Rollins hits him with a Standing Dropkick knocking Bateman down and out to the outside.

Styles: Impressive Dropkick from Rollins, one of the best in the game.

Tazz: The kids got an impressive standing jump and it shows when he hits that Dropkick.

Bateman quickly gets up to his feet on the outside as Rollins comes flying through the air over the top rope towards him and knocks him back down to the ringside floor. Rollins jumps up to his feet and feels the adulation of the crowd before he goes back to Bateman. He brings him up and rolls him back into the ring. He quickly covers.



Bateman kicks out. Rollins quickly slaps on a Rear Chin Hold. Bateman slaps the mat in tune with the crowd who begin to clap along and chant 'Bateman, Bateman!'. Using the force of the Baters in attendance he gets back up to his feet he quickly lifts Rollins up to the side and drops him down with a Sidewalk Slam separating the two men who are vying for a place in the prestigious King of The Ring Tournament proper. Both get up at approximately the same time but it is Bateman who reacts quickest and swings a big haymaker at Rollins which sends Rollins scrambling into the corner.

Regal: One thing's for certain, these two men will be willing to almost anything to make sure they have their place in the King of The Ring Tournament.

Tazz: Ya damn right about that!

Bateman goes after Rollins in the corner. Rollins appears to be bleeding from the nose following the wild lunging shot from Bateman. Possibly a broken nose. Rollins gets a boot up and catches Bateman in the stomach. Rollins then quickly gets onto the top rope, he leaps off, but only into the arms of Bateman who quickly lifts Rollins up onto his shoulder. Bateman then yells 'AIRPLANE SPIN!', Bateman then begins to spin around to the amusement of the crowd who cheer as Bateman spins around a multitude of times before letting Rollins go, Rollins falls to the outside as Bateman falls on his rear end dizzy and exhausted. The crowd are chanting his name as he gets himself back up onto his feet and raises a fist into the air. He waits for Rollins to get up on the outside before hitting the ropes and diving through the opposite ropes straight into Rollins who still seems dizzy and disorientated at ringside.


Bateman gets to his feet and high fives some of the fans that are at ringside. Bateman then starts a 'USA!, USA!' chant for no particular reason before grabbing Rollins and rolling him into the ring. Bateman then gets onto the ring apron and raises a finger into the air and yells 'I KNOW!', he then jokingly dances up to the corner before getting up onto the top rope, he looks down at Rollins before doing a rather Fandango-esque movement. Bateman leaps off with his own attempt at Fandango's signature Diving Leg Drop, however Rollins manages to roll out of the way and Bateman is left to crash and burn onto the mat. He rolls over and can be heard muttering to himself 'How does he do it!'. Rollins is using the ring ropes to pull himself up to his feet, he stands in the corner facing the fallen Bateman. Bateman gets himself into a kneeling position which allows Rollins to run at him and go for the Black Out, but Bateman quickly gets out of the way and Rollins only stamps down on the mat which seems to injure his leg. Bateman is quick to notice and so takes Rollins down with a single leg before dragging him to the centre and locking in an STF!

Styles: Gimmick infringement!, gimmick infringement everywhere here on Anarchy!

Regal: Ah the other chap can't even put it on properly!

Rollins is in a great deal of discomfort as Bateman torques the hold. However Rollins uses his great intestinal fortitude by edging over to the ring ropes and grabbing a hold of the bottom rope. Bateman quickly relinquishes the hold and begins plotting on how he is going to win. As Rollins uses the corner to get up to his feet Bateman sees his opportunity, he runs towards Rollins before leaping up and catching him on the jaw and chest with a Double High Knee in the corner. This sends Rollins to the mat and Bateman sees his opportunity as he quickly hooks the single.



Rollins rolls the shoulder out. Bateman looks stunned. Bateman quickly gets up to his feet and questions the referees count, he looks confused still. But still he goes back after Rollins only for Rollins to quickly kip up onto his feet and unleash an absolutely vicious Ava Kedavra. Bateman looks completely out as Rollins falls atop him.



Bateman rolls the shoulder out at the last second. Even the crowd are shocked as both men now lay flat out in the ring, the referee begins to count both men down. At the count of five Rollins begins to stir using the ring ropes for support, he eventually gets to his feet but as he goes to get Bateman, Bateman rolls out of the ring to Rollins' frustration.

Regal: I'm not entirely sure if that's Bateman's ring awareness or just a moment of chance.

Rollins slumps down to the mat and rolls to the outside to grab Bateman. He shoves him into the ring Rollins seems to know how he's going to end it as he places Bateman right in front of the ring corner. Rollins then uses the ropes to pull himself up onto the top rope before in one movement he flips round with a Pheonix Splash but Bateman somehow manages to get his knees up and he catches Rollins in the gut. Rollins falls back to the mat as Bateman gets to his feet. Bateman sizes up Rollins before running at him and taking him out with a thunderous Spear. This could be it, Bateman covers.



Not yet as Rollins rolls the shoulder out. Bateman looks down at Rollins and actually smiles before dragging him back up to his feet, he signals it's time for the end and yells out 'MANTASTIC!', But as he spins Rollins round to go for the move he is quickly rolled up in a Backslide Pin!.




Winner and Advancing to the KoTR Proper: Seth Rollins!


The crowd cheer loudly as Rollins pulls out the big win. Bateman quickly looks around to see what happened and is met with the sight of Rollins having his hand raised. Bateman claps his hands as he gets to his feet. Rollins and Bateman shake hands once more before Rollins heads to the top rope to celebrate as Bateman leaves understandably disappointed.



Listen to the new Chillin' with Chase. The podcast has no banner so I'll just use this since he and Shane plug it on the show.


Anarchy cuts to its next segment, and up on the big titantron is the face of Jeff Hardy who seems to have recorded a video for the crowd to watch.


Jeff Hardy: When I came to Anarchy man, I never thought I'd start off this way. It has thrown me through a loop, and in a cruel way I gotta say. Im all about Twists of fate, its part of life. But I didnt think I'd get beat down by Matt as many times as I did. I didn't think I'd be stupid enough to fall for it. But I was, and I did, and thats the end of it. I tried to be as strong as I could man, I really did. But it comes down to survival and respect and my family name. And I cant let somebody try to take away those three things because they mean so much to me.

Jeff Hardy: If I have to walk through every valley, face every storm, lurk through the shadows, climb every ladder and fight through all the pain, I'll do it man. Dont think twice about it. I'll do it just even for the smallest of chances, for the tiniest glimmer of hope. Thats what I do, I try, I fail, I move forward. But Matt, you're stuck in the past and you're never going to come back out. I can see that real clear now. So tonight, it's personal. Tonight, I walk away from this and wash my hands clean of this mess that you created. Because its time for Jeff Hardy to reach his full potential.


Jeff Hardy: I know all my creatures want me to move on in King of the Ring. I know allll you people want to see Jeff Hardy fly and skyrocket back to where he belongs, and tonight, I'm focused enough to do it. I have the drive to do it. I want it. I need it. Raw, Smackdown, Anarchy, Impact; All have major players in this game. Everybody has a shot, anybody can be somebody. Tonight I take a big step in my career, tonight, I walk on water and dance with fire; I throw punches with my own blood and I stare down the biggest obstacle I've had in my UWF career. This trumps the fight to keep that World title I held, this trumps my try at redemption on Smackdown. This time, somebody I used to call my very own- my own brother, stands before me. But I am not going to back down, Jeff Hardy, will not quit. Jeff Hardy will not break for Mattitude. You want to know who I am? I am the Charismatic Enigmaaaa! I am the leader of Anarchys Creatureeee Feature! I laugh at fear and I challenge gravity. I am Jeff Hardy; King of the Ring!

Jeff stands up and the camera zooms in dramatically on his face. The fans are chanting "Hardy! Hardy! Hardy!" loudly as one of the crowd favorites delivers a short, but strong message to his opponent and any possible others should he succeed. Anarchy then cuts to..


Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a King of the Ring qualifying match! Introducing first...


The crowd begins to boo as they realize that it's the new theme music of Matt Hardy Version 1. After a few moments, Matt arrives dressed almost identically to how he was last week. He then outstretches his arms agains, closes his eyes and smiles.


Christy Hemme: From a realm beyond this one. Weighing in at two hundred and thirty-five pounds. Matt Hardy!

The Hurricane walks out onto the stage behind him and both men begin making their way down the ramp. Once they arrive at ringside, Hurricane remains there as Hardy slides into the ring, outstretching his arms again as he closes his eyes and smiles.

Christy Hemme: And the opponent...

Anarchy is about to get more extreme, because the lights darken and purples and greens surround the stage area. Suddenly, a forgotten riff fills the PA system and the crowd loses its mind!

"So you see the writing on the waaaaaalllll..."

The music of Jeff Hardy hits and the crowd goes crazy! The charismatic enigma strolls out onto the staged, dressed in his unusual way as always. Jeff seems disinterested at first, even with the response, but then he bursts out with energy and throws his arms out; yelling to the crowd.

Christy Hemme: From Cameron, North Carolina. Weighing in at two hundred and fifteen pounds. The "Charismatic Enigma", Jeff Hardy!

He dances on the stage, and throws up the Gunz taunt, before jogging down the ramp towards the ring. Jeff high fives the fans ringside that love him so much, while he makes his way down.


Jeff smiles and then begins to run, sliding into the ring under the bottom rope. He jogs over to the far side of the ring and climbs the second turnbuckle hitting his older pose. The crowd pop as Hardy nods his head in agreement with the crowd. He gets down and prepares for his match as the ring bell sounds again.


Matt & Jeff both meet in the center of the ring right after the bell rings. The brothers have a quick stare down before Matt Hardy spits right in Jeffs' face. It's on now as Jeff explodes with punches right to his brother. Matt regroups quickly however and returns rights & lefts to his brother. Matt gets the upper hands and after a few more clubbing blows to the side of the head, Matt is able to whip Jeff to the outside. Matt gets so momentum going, looking maybe for a suicide dive, but as soon as Matt hits the ropes, Jeff climbs onto the apron. Matt runs at Jeff and hits him with a big blow to the side of the head, but Jeff hangs onto the apron.

Jeff swings wildly and hits Matt, knocking him off balance. Matt takes a few steps back and charges at Jeff on the apron, however Jeff pulls the ropes down which takes Matt to the outside. Jeff quickly climbs through the ropes, back into the ring and goes right to the corner turnbuckle. With Matt still down on the outside, Jeff climbs to the top rope. As soon as Matt gets to his feet, he is a mat with a diving cross-body from Jeff from the top rope, all the way to the outside. Jeff gets back to his feet quickly and starts to feel the energy from the roaring crowd. Matt is still catching his breathe as Jeff is hi-fiving fans around ringside.

Jeff walks back over to Matt and pulls him up to his feet. With Matt on his feet but in Jeff's control, Jeff hits him with a forearm shot to the jaw. Matt tries to get some room as he walks around the turnbuckle post, as Jeff chases him around, Matt is able to deliver a huge chop to the chest of Jeff Hardy. Jeff returns the favor with a chop of his own to Matt. Matt quickly is able to recover and wastes no time in chopping his brother in the chest. It looks as if a chop-battle is breaking out on the outside as Jeff goes for another chop, but Matt is able to block it and he rakes his brothers eyes. Matt rolls in and out of the ring to break the referees' count. Jeff is still trying to see straight as he stumbles around the corner of the ring and takes a rest while leaning on the barricade.

Matt makes his way over to Jeff and gives him a big headbutt before he mocks the crowd. Matt grabs his brother by his hair and drags him back to the ring apron. With a handful a hair, he lifts his brothers' head up and goes to smash it against the apron, however Jeff gets his hands up and is able to stop it. Jeff elbows his brother in the stomach to get free of his grip. Matt chops Jeff in the chest and smacks his head on the apron even after Jeff freed himself. After grabbing his head, Jeff is able to stumble over near the announce table and catch a little breather. Matt rolls in and out of the ring to break the refs count once again. When he rolls out of the ring, his brother Jeff is right there and swing wildly with a big right hand, Matt is able to duck, turning Jeff around, Matt picks Jeff up and backdrops him on the apron. Matt is relentless as right as his brother drops to the ground, he begins to stomp him.

Matt rolls his brother back in the ring as this match finally gets back in between the ropes. Jeff crawls right to the corner as Matt starts to toy with the crowd a bit, mocking their chants for his brother Jeff. Matt shouldn't have taken his eye off the ball because Jeff is up now, and he turns his brother Matt around and starts to chop him in the chest. This excites the crowd as they begin to cheer. After a flurry of chops and forearms, Matt is able to regroup and hits his brother with a short-arm clothesline, turning him inside-out. Matt goes back to messing with the crowd again, he doesn't waste as much time as he goes back to his brother in the corner, stands him up and whips him into the other. Matt runs behind Jeff, but Jeff is able to spring up and over his brother in the opposite corner. Jeff springs off the ropes, ducks a clothesline from Matt, hits the ropes again and dropkicks Matt, causing him to fall back into the corner. Jeff runs over to the corner and climbs to the second rope.


Jeff goes for the ten punches but only gets to eight as Matt is able to load Jeff onto his shoulders. Matt runs with a head of steam to the middle of the ring and hits a Death Valley Driver on Jeff. Matt quickly goes for the cover on Jeff.


Kickout from Jeff as he gets the shoulder up, it's going to take a lot more than that to put the Charismatic Enigma away. Matt argues with the ref before pulling his brother up to club him in the back repeatedly. Jeff begins to fight back with punches to the stomach, but that rally is quickly stopped when Matt just knees him in the mid section once. Matt grabs his brother and hits a very quick, snap suplex. He quickly makes his way back over to Jeff. Lateral press.


Kickout just at one from Jeff. Only getting a one count, Matt pushes Jeff back down for another cover however Jeff kicks out before one this time. Matt pulls his brother back to his feet and shoves him into the corner. Matt quiets down the crowd with a "Shhh..." he pulls back for the chop but stops. Instead he simply pokes the eyes of Jeff, this angers the crowd and they let it be known who they're behind in this match. Matt's not done yet though because he drags Jeff back to his feet, just to deliver another eye poke. The referee warns Matt again as Jeff grabs his face on the ground while the crowd boo's. Matt is sticking with his game plan though because he drags Jeff back to his feet and again he goes to poke the eyes, but this time it's stopped. Jeff stopped Matt's hand and he returns the favor with some closed fisted shots to the jaw. Jeff turns Matt around, grabs the waist and hits a beautiful German Suplex, making Matt land on his neck and head. Jeff crawls for the cover but Matt is able to get out of the ring. Jeff follows his brother to the outside and quickly rolls him back in the ring so maybe he can still get a cover. However Matt is smart, and rolls all the way to the other side of the ring and out that side. Jeff chases after once again. However this time, when Jeff meets Matt, Matt knees him in the midsection and throws him head first into the steel post. Matt rolls his brother Jeff back into the ring however he is still holding his neck from that German. Jeff makes his way into the corner to catch his breathe. Matt charges at Jeff, but Jeff gets a foot up, sending his brother back. Matt charges again, but once again, Jeff gets a boot up. One more time, Matt charges at Jeff, Jeff gets the boot up, Matt catches it, but throws it down as he's met with left hooks from Jeff. With Matt stunned, Jeff builds up a full head of steam and bounces of the ropes and launches himself at Matt with a cross body, but Matt is able to catch him in mid-air. Matt let's go of his legs so Jeff is standing next to him. Matt hits the side-effect and quickly goes for the cover.


No! Jeff kicks out right before the refs came down for three. Matt goes for another quickly as he's some what stunned, thinking that would be it. This time Jeff kicks at one and a half and Matt argues with the ref to start counting faster. With Jeff still down, Matt climbs to the second rope as he's looking for that patented leg drop. Matt dives from the second rope but misses as Jeff is able to roll out of the way. Jeff crawls back to the corner to sit and catch his breathe. Matt is already up and charges at Jeff looking for a leg drop while he's down, but Jeff gets out of harms way once again. Jeff waits for Matt to get to his feet, with Matt's back turned, Jeff hooks him and hits a half and half, Jeff quickly covers his brother.


Kickout! Matt kicked out of the half and half. Jeff claps a few times to get the crowd back into the match before he removes his shirt. The women in the crowd go wild as Jeff climbs up to the top rope. Jeff does his signature taunt before he dives at his brother with a big Swanton Bomb, he doesn't hit it all though as he seems to have overshot that one. Knowing that, he doesn't bother going for the cover, instead he climbs back up to the top rope. Once again, Jeff dives for the Swanton, but this time, Matt gets his knees up to Jeff's back. Jeff grabs his back while both men catch their breath. Looks like we're back to where we started as both men are sitting in their corners. Both men get back to their feet and meet back in the middle of the ring. Matt is talking trash to his brother, but this time, Jeff is the one to spit in the face of his brother. The crowd pops and the brothers both start to swing at each other. Lefts and rights are traded in the middle of the ring...

Jeff wins the flurry of punches as he continues to hit his brother with clubbing blows. Matt is clearly stunned from all these shots. Jeff kicks Matt in the gut and hooks his head, he then hits the Twist of Fate on his brother Matt. Matt Hardy is out cold in the center of the ring. Jeff doesn't go for the cover, instead he just stands over his brothers lifeless body before spitting on him and climbing back up to the top. The crowd is on their feet as Jeff stands on the top rope, Jeff dives and hits the Swanton Bomb. Jeff hits Matt flush and leans back for the cover. That looks to be it, the ref counts the cover;



Winner of the match: Jeff Hardy!


Hardy slips out of the ring as he claps some fans hands, then walks towards the back as the referee checks up on Matt Hardy as the camera shot goes to somwhere else.



Remember to get your nominations for the Monthly Awards in!


Back from commercial, Anarchy heads backstage to partake in an interview with a member of the RAW roster.


Josh Matthews: Ladies and Gentlemen, Paul Heyman!

The live audience collectively groans as Heyman walks into the shot. Being backstage, Heyman cannot hear them, so Matthews begins the interview.

Josh Matthews: Now Paul, tonight your clients make their debut in tag team action against The Rock and Extreme Champion Umaga. Can I get your thoughts on your clients' debut?

Paul Heyman: My thoughts? You want to know my thoughts on my clients' match? It's real simple Joshua. Tonight, Alex Riley and Matt Morgan look to make a statement. The same statement they made at Summerslam, only tonight it's going to be done with much more impact. Everyone knows who The Rock is Joshua, everyone across the world knows of his lineage in this business. He's a part of one of the greatest wrestling families to ever step foot in a professional wrestling ring. His family includes legends like Yokozuna, The Wild Samoans, Rikishi and even his tag team partner tonight Umaga; the list goes on and on. And tonight, my clients defecate on The Rock and his entire family lineage. Tonight, my clients destroy The Rock and Umaga. Tonight, my clients move closer to becoming the greatest Tag Team Champions this industry has ever seen.

Matthews: You're certainly not lacking in confidence Paul!

Heyman: Why would I Joshua? I know what my clients bring to the table and I know that The Rock being the shell of himself cannot match the blue chip prospect known as Alex Riley. Alex Riley is everything that The Rock used to be. Athletic, agile, charismatic, intelligent. Those are words used to describe Alex Riley. Do you know what word I would use to describe The Rock Joshua?

Matthews: Legendary?

Heyman: No Joshua, I would not use the word legendary. The word I would use young Joshua is "complacent" because that's exactly what The Rock has become. The Rock has coasted on his name for far too long without exhibiting any real talent or real desire for this business. You need to understand something about The Rock Joshua. He's not in this for the love of the business. He's not in this for the development of the younger talent. He's in this for himself. He's in this for the money. The Rock is in this to satiate his own weak ego. That's all it's ever been about with The Rock. But tonight, we take him and his ego out to pasture. I've got a giant of my own to negate his which leaves The Rock and Alex Riley one on one and watching The Rock lately, I know for a fact that he pales when it comes to the next big thing in professional wrestling. Tonight, "The Blue Chipper" and "The Blueprint" put an end to the first family of wrestling and move closer to achieving their destiny. Just wait and see.


The camera pans back to ringside as the ring bell sounds.


Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a UWF Tag Team Championship Contender Tournament match! Introducing first...

The Anarchy fans are sitting patiently waiting for any of their precious superstars to come out to the ring and entertain them. A trio is coming out for the Tag Team Tournament, but they aren't here to entertain the fans.

Say It To My Face!!


"Say It To My Face" by Downstait begins playing and the arena begins to boo the incoming trio. As the music reaches a certain crescendo, Alex Riley, Paul Heyman and Matt Morgan all make their way out onto the stage. All three men stare out into the sea of fans before making their way down the stage and towards the ring.


Christy Hemme: From Fairfield, Connecticut and Washington D.C. respectively. Weighing in at a combined weight of five hundred and forty-six pounds. Being accompanied to the ring by Paul Heyman, the team of the "Blueprint" Matt Morgan and the "Varsity Villain" Alex Riley!

The trio reaches the bottom of the ramp and climb the steel steps. Heyman holds the ropes open for his clients as the duo enter the ring and Heyman soon follows. All three men pose together as Heyman then exits the ring and remains ringside as Christy Hemme continues her introductions.

Christy Hemme: And the opponents...


Who run it?
You know, you actin like you don't know
We run it
You know but you actin like you don't know
Who run it?
You know, you actin like you don't know
We run it
You know but you actin like you don't know

Eminem feat. 50 cent “You Don’t Know†starts playing as the fans are not sure what to make of it but quickly all is made known as the lyrics start to make sense seeing the trio come out to the ring.

Christy Hemme: From Miami, Florida and The Isle of Samoa respectively. Weighing in at a combined weight of six hundred and ten pounds. Being accompanied to the ring by Trish Stratus. The team of the current and reigning Extreme Champion the "Samoan Bulldozer" Umaga and The Rock!

The trio make their way down to the ring. Umaga slides in under the bottom rope as Rock walks along the apron and does his pose for the crowd and Trish enters between the middle and bottom rope and poses inside the ring for the crowd. The crowd is giving off a mixed reaction since it is Trish and Umaga which they hate but it is also The Rock which they love and adore. Plus the men still love looking at Trish. After the three pose together, Trish exits and remains ringside as the match gets underway.


On one side of the ring, Matt Morgan and Alex Riley are conversing in regard to who is going to start the match off while the same discussion is happening on the other side of the ring between The Rock and Umaga. Paul Heyman's clients make the decision first as Matt Morgan steps over the ropes and stands on the apron. Seeing this, Rock turns to Umaga and nods, as the "Samoan Bulldozer" steps through the ropes and stands on the apron. The Rock walks over to Riley who slaps him across the left side of his face as hard as he can. Rock doesn't appreciate the disrespect as he takes a swing at Riley, but Alex ducks this and returns to his feet with a stiff uppercut to the Rock's jaw.

Rock staggers backward into the ropes as Alex takes off running towards him and throws a straight left but Rock sidesteps and connects with a rising knee to the abdomen of his opponent and shoves him backward off of his balance. Riley rolls backward and returns to a vertical base as Rock launches himself off of the ropes. Alex leaps over The Rock, sending him into the ropes on the opposite side of the ring. Morgan grabbing his arms as he first makes contact with them. Riley comes over and begins unloading on The Rock with an alternating combination of lefts and rights. He connects with about four a piece before Rock throws his right leg up and connects with his opponent's abdomen and goes after him but then remembers he's being restrained by Morgan as Matt pulls him more tightly against the ropes.

Joey Styles: This is ridiculous, why isn't the ref doing anything about this?

Paul Heyman is up on the ring apron as he and the referee seem to be just shooting the breeze. Riley is back on the offensive as he's holding The Rock by the ankles and holding him out, delivering one kick after another to the kidney area while Morgan has gone from just holding Rock in place to applying a full nelson. Umaga sees this and enters the ring, but as he heads over to help Rock, the referee pulls away from his conversation and reprimands Umaga, telling him to get back to his corner, the "Samoan Bulldozer" resisting as he tries to step around the official.

Taz: This guy's playin' favorites!

William Regal: Why would Vince Russo allow something like this to happen?

Joey Styles: Something's not right.

Umaga is quickly losing his temper as he grabs the official by the shirt but the referee pulls away and as he does, the shirt rips, revealing a black, "I'm A Paul Heyman Guy" shirt underneath.

Taz: Well that explains it!

Joey Styles: Is this guy even an actual referee?

Umaga hits the referee with a Samoan Spike and runs over to help Rock. Riley releases his ankles and jumps backward out of the way as Morgan throws Rock into the turnbuckle and Umaga ends up sandwiching his own tag team partner! While there's no conscious official, Heyman slides into the ring with a steel chair and throws it to Riley, who clobbers Umaga in the upper back with the chair as he comes staggering backward out of the turnbuckle. Umaga stops in place as he's struck with the chair and slowly turns to face Riley, who swings the chair at Umaga's head but he reaches up and catches it, and then takes it from Alex who begins to back away from Umaga.

Morgan enters the ring now and takes off running, nailing Umaga in the back of the head with a Carbon Footprint as Umaga falls to the mat and slams face first into the chair he's holding. Morgan and Riley begin stomping on Umaga but this only goes on for a moment before Rock intervenes, diving at Morgan and clipping the knee as the big man falls backward and hits the mat. Rock is up quickly as he goes after Alex, but the "Varsity Villain" scouts the attack as he leaps over Rock again, kicking his legs backward and connecting with the upper back of the "Great One", sending Rock into the ropes in between the top and middle one, as he gets hung up on the middle one, as though in position for a 619. As Riley falls, he tucks his legs back so that he lands knees first into the back of Umaga.

Taz: Alright I know this is Anarchy, but come on, I was expecting at least a little sportsmanship after the commitment these two gave to the build-up!

Joey Styles: Why aren't they sending out a new official? Why hasn't Mick stepped in?

It's at this moment that a referee comes running down the ramp as Riley grabs the chair and slides it out of the ring as Matt Morgan grabs Umaga and rolls him out of the ring before returning to his own corner. The referee enters the ring as some semblance of order seems to have been restored to things. The Rock returns to a vertical base and turns to face Riley, who slaps him across the face as he does. Rock fires back with a punch to the mouth, and then fires off another one, and then a third before drawing his arm back a fourth time, opening the fist as he looks at the palm of his hand, but as he goes to hit Riley, Alex ducks it and grabs him, connecting with a brutal spinebuster.

After making impact, Alex gets up and begins to gloat, gesturing to the crowd and screaming at them that The Rock is nothing. It's at this moment that The Rock kips up, unbeknownest to Alex, as he crouches behind him with his hands on his knees, shaking with excitement. Alex turns around as Rock grabs him and returns the favor with a spinebuster of his own, much to the crowd's delight. Riley now kips up but as he does, Rock grabs him and looks to go for another spinebuster but as he hoists him up, Alex lands a hard left to The Rock's right temple and is able to reverse into a DDT.

Riley gets to his feet and starts to gloat again, smiling from ear-to-ear as he cocks his head back, closes his eyes and smells the air, mocking The Rock by doing one of his signature taunts. The Rock kips up again and runs at Riley but Alex goes to leap Rock again but Rock stops suddenly and catches Alex and goes to reverse into a powerbomb but as he goes forward with the execution, Riley locks his legs around Rock's neck and reverses into a hurracanrana as Rock ends up in his own corner upside down, almost in Tree of Woe position. Rock throws his legs forward and returns to his feet in a rather unique fashion, but also one that dizzies him as he goes staggering backward towards Riley.

Alex goes to apply a sleeper hold but Rock throws his elbow downward and backward, the point of it connecting stiffly with the solar plexus of his opponent as Rock takes advantage of the situation and connects with a bulldog.

Taz: Well it looks like Rock's in the driva's seat!

Joey Styles: For now at least. As we've seen, Riley can turn things around on a dime.

The Rock heads over to his corner and tags in his tag team partner as the big Samoan eagerly enters the ring.

William Regal: Now things are going to get interesting, gents, Umanga's ready to go!

Taz: I've been meanin' ta' ask, why do you say his name that way?

Joey Styles: Now, Taz....

Taz: What, you and I both know it's the elephant in the room out here.

William Regal: I imagine it comes down to dialect, Taz. Much like your pronunciation is a certain way due to where you're from, mine is also.

Riley gets to his feet and as he does, Umaga grabs him by the throat with both hands and turns, throwing him back first into his and The Rock's corner. Umaga takes off running and sandwiches Alex between himself and the corner before gripping him on both sides of the head and beginning to connect with brutal headbutt after brutal headbutt. After about eight, Alex is dazed, but Umaga isn't finished as he hooks Riley's head and lifts him straight up into the air, taking a few steps backward from the corner as he holds Alex in place for a moment. After a good ninety seconds has elapsed, Umaga connects with the rest of the move, successfully executing the delayed vertical suplex.

Umaga gets to his feet grabs Riley by the hair above his forehead and begins dragging him to the corner that's directly across from his own, releasing his hold once they arrive there. Umaga begins climbing up on the ropes and looks to be going for one of his relative's famous moves, the Banzai Drop but as he climbs up to where he needs to ascend, Morgan goes running along the apron and connects with a big boot that sends Umaga over the ropes to the outside.

Joey Styles: These two aren't playing fair at all?

Paul Heyman: Playing fair? Isn't this supposed to be the grittiest, most hard-hitting brand in UWF?

Taz: You bet it is, Paulie!

Paul Heyman: I beg to differ with you men over here whining because Alex Riley and Matt Morgan are willing to do whatever it takes to advance in this tag team tournament.

William Regal: We just want to see a little sportsmanship, that's all.

Paul Heyman: Sportsmanship? This is sportsmanship! It's dog eat dog, survival of the fittest. This is how you're supposed to play the game, I'm sorry that your boys have forgotten that lesson.

Taz: Well if they have, they're sure gettin' a painful refresha' course.

As Umaga hits the floor, he gets up quickly and furiously. Umaga slides into the ring just as Riley's getting to his feet and shoves him into the corner, grabbing him by both sides of the head and dribbling it against the turnbuckle pad again and again, as viciously and brutally as he can. After about ten slams, Umaga screams at him, "Tag in Morgan!" and then beats his head against the turnbuckle pad a few more times before throwing him to the mat at Morgan's feet. Alex places his hands on the mat and begins to push himself upward, climbing to his feet and turning to face Umaga. It's clear that he's a little groggy from the attack he just suffered, but that's not going to stop him as he motions for Umaga to come and get some, mocking The Rock again.

Taz: Does this guy have a death wish or somethin'? Why didn't he tag in Morgan?

Umaga goes after Alex, per his request, and goes for a straight right punch but Alex ducks it and manages to use Umaga's momentum against him as he hoists him up and plants him with a spinebuster! Riley gets up and stands over Umaga as he huffs and puffs to catch his breath but is also laughing with glee at the feat of strength he just displayed. Riley leans down and gets in Umaga's face but that proves to be a mistake as Umaga reaches up and grabs him by the back of the head with his left hand and connects with a Samoan Spike modified for the positioning they're both in! Alex holds his throat as he staggers backward into his own corner as Umaga gets to a vertical base. Umaga points at Riley and then at Morgan and then claps his hands together once, issuing another warning to the "Varsity Villain" to tag out.

Riley looks at Morgan and then back at Umaga and shakes his head as another smug smile appears on his face. Umaga charges at Alex who leaps into the air and connects with a beautiful standing dropkick as Umaga goes staggering backwards and lands in a seated position. Riley returns to a vertical base and heads over to his corner, tagging in the "Blueprint".

Joey Styles: This whole thing was a set-up!

Paul Heyman: A set-up or strategy? I'll answer that question for you, it's called strategy.

As Umaga climbs to his feet, Morgan tags him directly in the nose with a hard right as Umaga rocks with the impact and holds his nose for a moment, then looks at his hand and sees that he's bleeding. But this proves to be a mistake because when Umaga looks at his hand, Morgan delivers a kick to the abdomen that causes the "Samoan Bulldozer" to hunch over as Matt grabs Umaga and hooks his head under his left arm, looking at his right arm like he's checking the time.

Taz: No way!

Without wasting another second, Morgan lifts up Umaga and connects with the Hellevator and plants Umaga hard into the mat. Matt isn't done though as he grabs Umaga by the locks in both hands and forcefully pulling him to a vertical base, connecting with a headbutt and then a brutal knee to the abdomen that causes Umaga to double over again as Matt places his head between his legs and hooks his arms around his opponent's waist. Matt screams out in intensity, sticking his tongue out as he does, and then hoists Umaga into the air and extends his arms to the fullest extent before following through and connecting perfectly with a sit-out powerbomb! Morgan rolls backward and returns to a vertical base as he looks down at Umaga with a smile, admiring his work.

Umaga rolls over onto his stomach and begins an army crawl towards his corner as Morgan crosses his arms and watches as this is going on, the crowd actually cheering for Umaga and chanting, "Morgan sucks!" at the "Blueprint".

Taz: I've neva' seen Umaga get manhandled like that before.

Joey Styles: You aren't kidding, that was uncomfortable to watch.

William Regal: I feel kind of sorry for the big fellow.

Paul Heyman: Are you listening to yourselves? You are so incredibly biased that it's making me sick to listen to you!

Joey Styles: We're biased?

Umaga arrives at his corner as he gets the hot tag to The Rock who leaps over the top rope and goes after Morgan, beginning to unload on the big man with punch after punch. Rock looks at his hand and then pops Morgan a good one as Matt staggers into the ropes, and when he comes back Rock lifts him and turns, planting him with a spinebuster. Rock is up and stands at Matt's head as he quickly removes his elbow pad and throws it into the crowd. He runs into the ropes and then comes back, leaping over Morgan and hitting Riley in the face with an elbow to the mouth that knocks him off the apron. As Rock comes back, he goes for the People's Elbow but as he goes to drop the elbow, Morgan rolls out of the way and Rock hits nothing but mat.

As Rock stands up holding his elbow in pain, Matt delivers a low blow that makes what seems like the entire arena gasp. Morgan grabs Rock and pulls him in, hooking his head as he turns to face the main camera and looks at his right arm like he did earlier. Matt connects with the Hellevator and plants Rock hard into the mat. Morgan rolls Rock over and covers him.







Christy Hemme: Here are your winners, the team of Alex Riley and Matt Morgan!

Riley and Heyman enter the ring and all three men celebrate the victory as Anarchy heads elsewhere.



Just because it's funny.


The scene opens up with Rhino sitting down in an oddly lit room. The camera is entirely focused on his face as he has his hair tied back in a professional manner. He looks solemn as he speaks out for the first time since SummerSlam.


“The War Machine†Rhino:
SummerSlam was a big thing man. After that match with Punk I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. And it’s true, I was angry at the fact that Punk just beat me and I lost my rematch clause, and then he decided to jump ship. He was mad that he had to put his rematch clause on the line; I guess people who spend so much time on the top of the food chain eventually get conceded, if that makes sense. I’m sorry if I don’t make complete sense here, I don’t have a way with words like some people do. But it pissed me off that Punk was leaving a brand he claimed to have put on the map. Or at least I assume he claimed that because he has made a ton of claims in his life time. I’m only going to claim one thing, I don’t think it’s the last time that Punk has seen my pretty mug. Let’s be honest I’m the Batman to his Joker, or the other way around, depends on how you look at it. In the end, he’ll go on and be successful in whatever he does because he’s hungry. That brings me to what needs to be said.

I’m still hungry, despite what everybody tends to think. After my little chat with Sting a couple days ago I can see clearly where I need to be now. I need to be here on Anarchy bringing the pain to anybody that thinks they are some hot stuff. After all he’s said to me, the least I can do is show him some kind of respect and show up. I haven’t been doing that lately. My mind has been elsewhere and for those watching this video right now I’d like to apologize. Nobody deserves to get such a poor effort out of me. Especially not the new guys who I can help out in anyway, I mean look at Christian. He’s new to Anarchy, and deserved a lot more than what I gave him. It sickens me to see how much of a loser I’ve become since winning the damn belt! After I lost it I figured I’d still be a top guy, but I started to notice all these new guys coming in and getting the opportunities I felt I deserved. It was hard for me to witness, so I did what every coward before me has done. I hid, I did whatever I could to avoid people and look where that got me. I was scared, I was afraid I was going to lose my job, so I just showed up to the match. I didn’t care how I looked I just knew that in order to get that paycheck I had to show up for my matches.

I did that, I got my easy money. What kind of former World Champion is that? I’m supposed to lead by example not be made an example out of! I’m the God damn War Machine! I should be the one making examples out of everybody who steps out of line. What the Hell happened to me? I really blame Vince Russo for a majority of it. The way he booked me, he knew I wasn’t going to like it. I went from being the main event on Anarchy and on pay per views to being the curtain jerker! I went from having five star matches with some of the best UWF had to offer to being a damn punching bag in the opening match! He knew I wasn’t going to like it, he knew that eventually I would snap. Russo doesn’t realize this yet, but that was a fatal mistake on his part. He may have some kind of powers here on Anarchy but he is no God. He can bleed just like the rest of us, his bones can snap just like the rest of us, and when I finally get my hands on that weasel I swear I’ll throttle his damn neck!

A lot of people think that’s a little too harsh of a reaction to have over some poor booking. But that’s the thing; Russo knew what he was doing. It’s not like he’s some new guy booking matches. This is Vince Russo, the guy notorious for destroying WCW. You’d think that a guy like me who finally came out of his shell nearly a year ago, a guy who nobody believe was World Champion material would become the Champion of a brand. That was all thrown away and discarded the instant Russo came into power. Now since that weasel Punk won our match and left Anarchy I have to claw my way back up the ladder. I have to push my way through everything Russo tries to throw at me. He knows I’m hungry, he knows that I’m prepared to do just about anything to get to where I belong. I know I sound selfish here, but I’m really not. How would say a regular office employee feel if he was given a huge promotion. I’m talking about damn near CEO of the company, enjoy the perks of that promotion and after so long have it taken away from him. To say I’m angry would be a huge understatement. Words can’t truly describe how angry I am with management. I mean they basically handed The Rock a title match! They say he earned it, but he only had one match! I’m pretty sure it was a number one contenders match against the guy with the damn Anarchy Money in the Bank briefcase! Seth Rollins has a guaranteed title match in that sucker! Why the hell was he put in that match? I’ll tell you why, Russo wants money. He claims he wants to push the younger talent, yet he has a couple young lads do all his dirty work.

If Russo were a real man, which he isn’t, he’d face his enemies. Since he won’t do that and will just get any hired guns possible, I think I have one thing to do, and that’s fight the power. Prove to them and everyone that it’s the risks you take that will get you far. Much like Sting before me, I plan on fighting Russo at every turn. I know it’s not exactly wise to be up front about this sort of thing, but I figured it’s already begun with how Russo has treated me; it’s time I take the fight to him!

Rhino gets up from his seat and leaves the room with the camera still rolling before it cuts to black and things return to the ring.


Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first...


Rhino's theme, 'War Machine' by Kiss begins to play, the famous riff playing over the snapping snare drum before finally the the drum fill plays and the theme kicks into full swing. Rhino emerges from the back as lyrics are belted out through the audio system and marches down to the ring.

Christy Hemme: From Detroit, Michigan. Weighing in at two hundred and seventy pounds. The "War Machine", Rhino!

He makes the run at the bottom of the ramp and slides into the ring, standing up and heading to the nearest turnbuckle, ascending it and proceeding to beat his chest and throw both hands into the air. Rhino lets out a primal roar as the crowd too roar with approval before he steps down and gets ready for the match ahead.

Christy Hemme: And the opponent...

When a man's heart is full of deceit
it burns up, dies, and a dark shadow
falls over his soul.

From the ashes of a once great man has risen a curse,
a wrong that must be righted.
We look to the skies for a vindicator,
someone to strike fear into the black heart of the same man who created him.

The battle between good and evil has begun.
Against an army of shadows comes the dark warrior,
the purveyor of good, with a voice of silence,
and a mission of justice.

This. Is. Sting.

After a brief moment of silence and darkness, the entrance theme of the "Icon" begins to play.


The theme is "Willing" by Times of Grace, being heard for the first time in UWF, but the fans are still cheering like crazy as they know who it belongs to because of the reading of the poem. The Rock watches the stage intently while Trish and Russo look displeased as Sting walks out and gestures proudly to the cheering crowd.


Christy Hemme: From Venice Beach, California. Weighing in at two hundred and fifty pounds. The "Icon", Sting!

Sting makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring, getting ready for the challenge ahead as the ring bell sounds again and the match gets underway.


Sting and Rhino waste no time as these two enter into a slugfest against each other. The two are trading blows as Rhino has Sting backed up into the corner. Rhino goes and he keeps pummeling on Sting as the referee separates Rhino off of him. Rhino is telling the referee not to get in the way, and the referee backs up as Rhino goes after him once more and he puts the boot into the face of Sting. Rhino lets up of the move as he poses and the fans give a mix reaction to what Rhino is doing. Rhino goes as he looks at Sting who is on the ground. Rhino looks at Sting who is getting up and Rhino grabs him and he hits a nice belly to belly suplex. Rhino goes for the cover.


No Sting kicked out quick. Rhino goes and he gets up as he hits a big elbow right onto the arm of Sting. Sting holds his arm as he rolls outside of the ring. Sting is holding his arm as Rhino chases after him. Rhino goes after him and he begins to hit some huge punches right in the face. The fans give a mix reaction as Rhino grabs Sting by the body and he hits a snake eyes across the barricade. Sting goes as he lays against the ring, and Rhino begins to hit more punches on him. Rhino goes as he enters the ring to break the count. Rhino goes too punch Sting but Sting counters it. Sting goes as he grabs the head of Rhino and bounces his head off the steel steps. Sting then grabs Rhino’s head and bounces it off the announce table.

Tazz: Ey’ get the hell out of here Sting.

Sting goes to Tazz and he begins to speak to him. As Sting is doing this Rhino grabs the head of Sting and bounces it off the table. Rhino goes and he throws Sting to the steel steps. Rhino goes as he enters the ring and he poses as the fans give a mix reaction. Sting is on the outside as Rhino goes outside of the ring to grab Sting. Rhino goes and he grabs the head of Sting and throws him into the middle of the ring. Rhino awaits for Sting to get up. Sting gets up and Rhino hits a huge Double A Spinebuster. Rhino goes for the cover after the move.



Kick out by Sting. Rhino goes and he starts to get on top of Sting, and he begins to pummel him the fans are still giving mix reaction to Rhino. Rhino goes and he begins to yell at Sting: “This is 110 percent, you wanted it and you got itâ€. Rhino goes and he picks up Sting again, and he hits another belly to belly suplex. Rhino dosen’t stop there as he picks up Sting again and hits a double A spinebuster. Rhino looks down at Sting almost taunting him a little bit. Sting is down on the ground, as Rhino begins to keep ferociously stomping on Sting. Sting is on the ground holding his body as Rhino poses and the fans start to cheer as they see how focus Rhino is.

Joey Styles: Rhino is a man possessed right now

William Regal: Rhino wants to prove to not only Sting, but the UWF that he is the man.

Sting is on the ground as Rhino goes and he backs up. Rhino looks like he is about to measure up for the Gore. Rhino is measuring, and measuring. Sting gets up as Rhino goes and he charges at Sting. Sting goes and he moves out of the way, and Rhino hits the turnbuckle shoulder first. Rhino goes and he holds his arm in pain. Sting though kicks Rhino in the gut. Rhino fells down. Sting goes and he hits a vertical suplex right onto Rhino. Rhino is down on the mat. Sting though gets up as he hits two big elbow drops quick. Sting is posing as the fans cheer like crazy. Sting goes and he picks up Rhino and keeps hitting some huge stiff shots. Rhino backs up as he lands by the turnbuckle. Sting goes and he hits him with an elbow in the face. Sting then goes on the top of the turnbuckle as he begins to start raining punches. The fans begin to lose count as he keeps raining punches. Sting goes and he screams to the crowd as the fans cheer like crazy. Rhino though recovers fast has Sting up high and hits a huge stidown powerbomb and Rhino goes for the cover.



No Sting kicks out of the move. The fans cheer like crazy as Rhino is shocked. Rhino goes and he picks up Sting as he goes and sets him up by the turnbuckle. Rhino charges at Sting and hits him in the gut. Sting falls to the ground as Rhino puts him back up by the turnbuckle. Rhino hits him again with another charge. Sting falls to the ground. Rhino gets up and he picks up Sting to set him up on the top turnbuckle. Sting is on there as Rhino goes and he tries to go for the suplex Sting is holding his ground. Sting ends up pushing Rhino off the top turnbuckle and Rhino falls off the turnbuckle face first, and he rolls to the outside of the ring. Sting goes as he looks at Rhino who is on the outside. Sting looks at Rhino as Rhino turns around and he is met with Sting who jumps off the turnbuckle as they collide.

Joey Styles: Oh my GOD!

Fans chant “holy shit†as they seen Sting pull off a move that was incredible for him, both Sting and Rhino are down on the outside. The referee is making his count and starts as one. Sting and Rhino are seen rolling around, and they are slowly getting up. Sting goes and he gets up as Rhino is up to. The referee is still counting. The referee is at three. Sting goes and he gets up and Rhino charges at Sting and he hits a gore which breaks the barricade the fans are in awe again as both Sting and Rhino go down again. Sting and Rhino are seem collapsed as the referee is continuing the count. The fans are counting along as we see Rhino get out of the move. Rhino goes as he drags his body towards the ring. The referee is at six at this point. Rhino goes and he reaches the apron the referee is at seven. Rhino goes and he enters the ring and he lays down there as the referee hits eight. Rhino goes and he gets up as the referee is at nine. Rhino though goes and he exits the ring as the fans cheer for Rhino not ending this match up in a count out. Rhino goes and he grabs Sting and throws him in the middle of the ring. Sting goes and he gets up and he is met with another gore by Rhino. The fans cheer like crazy. Rhino looks down at Sting instead of going for the cover.

Joey Styles: What is Rhino doing?

Tazz: Come on Rhino pin that idiot please!

Rhino goes and he backs up into the turnbuckle and he measures Sting up. Sting is getting up, as Rhino goes and he charges at him Sting ducks as Rhino hits the turnbuckle faced first. Rhino looks like he hit the turnbuckle the hard way as you can see a bruise, and cut on the forehead. Sting goes and he grabs the back of the head and hits the scorpion death drop. Sting goes for the cover.




No Rhino kicks out at the last second the fans cheer as they chant “This is Awesome†towards this match. Rhino is on the ground and you can see now the blood is spewing everywhere. Sting goes and he picks up Rhino. Rhino though pushes Sting off of him. Sting goes against the ropes, and he goes at him until all of a sudden he runs into a huge gore by Rhino. The fans cheer like crazy as Rhino is down due to all the blood that is going everywhere. Rhino goes and he makes the cover onto Sting.

William Regal: What a bloody match.




No Sting Kicks out of the move. Rhino is laying there in disbelief. Rhino goes as he gets up and he leans against the ropes. You can see the blood is just all over him. Rhino is praying for Sting to get up. Sting gets up and Rhino charges at Sting once more, but much more slowly. Rhino goes and he charges at Sting and Sting ducks down, and he grabs the leg of Rhino and hits the scorpion deathlock. Rhino is stuck in the middle of the ring as the fans cheer like crazy and Rhino begins to drag his body like crazy towards the ropes. Sting though manages to drag Rhino back into the middle of the ring. Rhino is in the middle of the ring, and he is screaming, and writhing in pain.

Joey Styles: Rhino better tap out!

Tazz: Rhino get out somehow please!

Rhino is shaking his head no. Saying no to the pain that he is in. The blood is dripping across the face as the fans cheer like crazy. All of a sudden we see Rhino fall face first as he passes out in the middle of the ring. The fans are becoming quiet as they see Rhino laying there in a pile of blood. Sting notices the crowd is dead, and he lets loose of the hold. Sting looks down at Rhino as he seems him laying there passed out. Sting looks at him as the referee checks on him. Rhino is out cold. Rhino didn’t want to tap, he would rather pass out then tap out. The referee goes for the bell as the fans are still silent. Christy Hemme answers the decision in a shaky voice.

Christy Hemme: Ladies and genetlemen the winner of this match via technical Submission “The Icon†Sting.

Sting doesn’t look too happy about his win as Rhino is down in the middle of the ring still passed out in his own blood. Sting goes down to the floor and he seems like he has whispered something that on Rhino can hear. The crowd gets emotional as Sting has a sad look on his face. Knowing that he probably did something bad in his final match on Anarchy.

Tazz: I love it Sting is feeling guilty this is tremendous.

William Regal: We are going to have to clean the ring after this one.

Sting exits the ring upset at himself, as trainers enter the ring to check on Rhino. Rhino is helped up as the fans are quiet at this scene, and as when Rhino gets to his feet he begins to push off the trainers. Rhino bloody and all looks at Sting. Rhino goes as he hobbles around a bit and he goes towards the exit of the ring. The fans chant “Rhino†like crazy as Rhino is out of the ring and he makes it towards Sting. The bloody Rhino looks at Sting as the two men embrace in a big hug. The fans cheer like crazy as Rhino lifts Sting’s arm high in the sky as they both congratulate each other.

Tazz: No!

William Regal: What a heartwarming ending to this story.

Joey Styles: There is two things that can be said tonight. One is that Sting and Rhino is one of the best rivalries here in the UWF, and two that Rhino is one tough son of a b—

William Regal: Joey we are on Network TV. Good lord and I thought Tazz was bad.

Rhino and Sting are shown once more showing respect as the fans are cheering like crazy and Anarchy fades somewhere else



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the fans in the arena cheer like crazy as he we see Sin Cara backstage with his head down praying


Sin Cara goes with his trusty microphone in hand, as he opens the door to the locker room. He sees Homicde looking through his stuff

Homicide: Damn where in the hell did I put it?

Sin Cara steps up and touches Homicide in the back

Homicide: Oh shit who is that?

Homicide turns to see Sin Cara

Homicide: Oh Mistico. What up holmes... Yeah about last time. Look I am sorry for what happened. Ya see I kind of over reacted. I mean man come on you understand. Your put in a situation you don't like. I mean fat boy Foley put me in a triple threat. I was just upset that is all. So really man that is all I am going to say. Anyways what in the hell are you here for anyways?

Sin Cara wastes no time as he puts the microphone to the face of Homicide. Homicide goes onto speak

Homicide: Oh right your are new personal interview. Alright homie fire away.

Sin Cara does not speak, but instead just puts the mic in Homicides face, Homicide just looks at him weird and he goes on to speak

Homicide: Right you can't talk... Did they rip out your voicebox or something holmes?

Sin Cara dosen't respond but still has the microphone to the face of Homicide. Homicde goes onto speak

Homicide: Alright anyways Mistico... as you know I am the Ironman champion, and as much as I love being Ironman champion there are many goals on my list. One of them is to keep this belt away from those damn gringos. With out me Mistico this belt is nothing, that is the truth. That is why I can't allow Dolph Ziggler to win this belt her tonight. Secondly Mistico another goal of mine is to become the tag team champions with Hernandez. I am looking to show these wanna be teams what it means to be a familia. Cause that is what a tag team is it is a familia, and Hernandez and I won't stop until we get our shot at the gold.

Now I also know if I win my upcoming match not only do I get to keep this belt where it belongs, but I as well get to be enter in the king of the ring tournament. Where I not only get a chance to be the king of Anarchy, but the king of the whole UWF. How does El Rey Homicide sound to you Mistico?

Sin Cara due to language barriers only understood some of Homicide as he puts the mic closer to his face. This causes Homicide to whack him in the face with the Ironman championship. Homicide goes then picks up Sin Cara's body and he throws it against his locker. Sin Cara lays there as Homicde looks on the ground and see what he is looking for

Homicide: Oh look I found my bandana, and sorry Mistico nothing personal you were just pissing me off. See ya soon buddy.

Homicide leaves as we see a battered Sin Cara laying in Homicides locker and things return to ringside.


Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a King of the Ring qualifying match for the Ironman Championship! Introducing the champion...


"To Live And Die In LAX" by Dale Oliver and Serg Salinas begins to play as the crowd erupts into cheers. Before long Homicide comes out from the back with Hernandez and Konnan not too far behind him. They make their way down to the ring throwing out gang signs and shouting at the crowd in Spanish.

Christy Hemme: From Bed-Stuy Do or Die, Brooklyn, New York. Weighing in at two hundred and five pounds. Being accompanied to the ring by Konnan and Hernandez. Representing the Latin American Xchange. He is the Ironman Champion, the "Notorious 187" Homicide!

Konnan and Hernandez remain ringside as Homicide enters the ring, lifting his championship above his head and emitting a few loud and proud, "Brrrrrappppp!"'s as the fans boo him and he awaits his opponent.

Christy Hemme: And the challenger...





Dolph Ziggler’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the crowd bursts in thunderous boo’s. After the drums kicks in, Ziggler makes his way out onto the stage. Ziggler, as cocky as he can be, struts over to the end of the stage as he does his signature spin, with his back now facing the cameras. Ziggler shakes his hips, as he faces the cameras once again, continuing his entrance down the ramp, soaking in the boos from the fans.

Christy Hemme: From Hollywood, Florida. Weighing in at two hundred and thirteen pounds. He is the "Show Off", Dolph Ziggler!

Ziggler makes his way past the ramp, as he walks over to the side of the ring. Ziggler slides on the apron, as he goes to enter the ring, before stopping and sitting on the middle rope, staring at the fans. Ziggler enters the ring as he jumps on the middle turnbuckle, soaking in the fan’s boos once again, with a smirk across his face. Ziggler hops off the turnbuckle as his music fades out and he gets ready for the match ahead.


Homicide and Dolph Ziggler both circle each other around the ring as the fans are going wild to see a dual matchup happening for both the KOTR and the Ironman Championship. Ziggler eyes Konnan and Hernandez as Ziggler assumes that they are up to no good. Homicide wipes his chin as he cracks his neck, then runs up to Dolph Ziggler as they both go into a lockup. Homicide seems to be getting the strength advantage here as he shifts Ziggler towards the ropes, and holds him in place but Ziggler slips behind Homicide and clubs him in the back a couple of times. Homicide realizes what's happens and pushes Ziggler away, then goes for a clothesline but Ziggler ducks it and hits Homicide with a neckbreaker! Ziggler jumps up and poses for the crowd as Homicide gets back up and looks surprised that Ziggler just did that. Ziggler is all smiles now as Konnan yells something in Spanish to Homicide as Homicide nods in awknowlegement and runs up to Ziggler, Ziggler though does the drop toe hold and hits a jumping elbow drop to the back of Homicide, then gets up as he poses for the crowd once again!

Taz: Wow Homicide is not doing too good against the showboat, eh?

Homicide shoots back up to his feet and glares at Dolph Ziggler, Ziggler still nothing but smiles as he shakes his head and laughs. Homicide takes that as an insult and charges up to Ziggler and goes for a running clothesline, Ziggler ducks it again and goes for another neckbreaker but Homicide ends up elbowing Ziggler on the back of the head. Ziggler turns around while comforting the back of his head as Homicide kicks Ziggler in the mid-section then executes a vertical suplex onto Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler is down but not out as Homicide goes down and tries to apply the STF onto Ziggler but struggles to do so as Ziggler still has too much energy. Ziggler eventually fights off Homicide and and brings Homicide back up, punching him a couple of times in the face to stun him then backs up a few paces, waits for Homicide to turn around and snap out of his confusion as he charges at Homicide and executes a running jumping DDT onto Homicide! The crowd goes crazy over that move as Ziggler goes down and hooks the leg for the cover...



And Homicide kicks out! Ziggler looks surprised that his jumping DDT didn't score him a fall. Homicide looks out of it after that jumping DDT as Konnan is alreadying trying to get into the face of Ziggler. Ziggler ignores Konnan as he turns his attention back to Homicide and picks him back up, then brings him to the corner where he hits a chop to Homicide's chest, producing a loud sound as Homicide cries out in pain, then Ziggler does it again! Ziggler allows Homicide to stride to the center of the ring, Ziggler then runs up and hits a bulldog to Homicide! Homicide looks out of it as Ziggler showboats to the crowd again, getting them pumped up as he waits for Homicide to get up, then goes for a front powerslam but Homicide slips out and shoves Ziggler towards the corner chest first. Ziggler bounces off the corner and walks back to Homicide as Homicide goes for the belly to back suplex but Ziggler shifts his body weight and counters into a crossbody! Ziggler drags Homicide towards the corner and points to it, drawing a nice reaction from the crowd as Ziggler climbs the ropes onto the top turnbuckle and jumps off it, going for a diving knee drop but lands on his feet after Homicide rolls away, and before Zigger can think twice Homicide goes for a rollup while holding onto the ropes!



Ding! Ding!

Homicide: 1
Dolph Ziggler: 0
26:23 remaining!

Ziggler gets up as Homicide backs up to his corner, giving off a smug look to Dolph Ziggler as Konnan and Hernandez jump onto the apron to speak with Homide. Ziggler looks at the clock to check the time as Homicide gives off his gang sign to the crowd, which draws a negative response from the crowd. Homicide steps up to the ring and urges Ziggler to come forewards towards him. Ziggler doesn't have a smile on him anymore as he runs up to Homicide, but Ziggler has a hot head and doesn't see a clothesline coming as Ziggler crashes to the floor. Ziggler holds his neck in pain as Homicide brings Ziggler back up and lands a chop to Ziggler's chest, then another one as Ziggler backs up a few paces and hangs onto the ropes. Homicide then approaches Ziggler as he starts clubbing Ziggler on the back several times, bringing him to both knees then hits a roundhouse kick to the back of the head, Ziggler now hanging on the middle rope. Hernandez runs up to ringside as he hits a running big boot to the hanging Ziggler as The Show Off falls back to the mat, Ziggler looking dazed from that shot from Hernandez. The referee tells Hernandez off, but can't really due to anything due to the rules of Anarchy as Homicide brings Ziggler back to his feet, then sets Ziggler up for the Gringo Cutter already but Ziggler spins Homicide over and unexpectly performs the Zig Zag onto Homicide! The crowd jumps for joy as Ziggler goes for the cover!



Ding! Ding!

Homicide: 1
Dolph Ziggler: 1
24:53 remaining!

Styles: Dolph Ziggler just evened up the score! Both competitors are now at 1-1!

Dolph Ziggler jumps onto his feet as the crowd explodes from their seats, extremely happy to see Ziggler gain an easy fall. Homicide is back up and finally understands what just happened, and he looks really ticked off that Ziggler pulled a fast one on him. Konnan is cursing at Ziggler in Spanish now as Ziggler is beaming. Homicide runs up to Ziggler but Ziggler ducks it and ends up throwing Homicide over the ropes, Homicide landing on the apron but Ziggler sees it and nails a dropkick onto Homicide! Homicide crashes onto the floor as Hernandez runs up to check on his LAX partner, although Ziggler is already running for the ropes and clears them, landing on Hernandez and Homicide with a sommersault plancha! Zigger gets back up quickly and hi fives a fan nearby before picking up Homicide and throwing him back inside the ring. Ziggler is about to slide back inside as well but Konnan is preventing him from doing so by holding onto his leg. Ziggler slides back out and punches Konnan in the head, taking him down then climb back onto the apron but Homicide punches him in the gut, then grasps the tights as he suplexs Ziggler back inside the ring!

Regal: Homicide has the upper advantage now! I wonder if he can get another fall over Mr. Ziggler?

Homicide is back up while Dolph Ziggler is holding onto his back in pain after that suplex. Homicide looks at his gang members as Hernandez and Konnan both throw up the gang sign, telling Homicide to take down Ziggler for good. Ziggler gets lifted up to his feet as Homicide apprehends Ziggler by the waist and executes a belly to belly suplex, sending Ziggler to the other side of the ring. Ziggler shakes his head in confusion as Homicide approaches Ziggler again. Homicide lifts up Ziggler by the head and smashes his face onto the turnbuckle nearby, then does it again as Ziggler groggily walks around the ring. Ziggler turns around but only for Homicide to run up to Ziggler and nail a running swinging neckbreaker onto Ziggler. Konnan is yelling again from ringside as Homicide yells back, picks up Ziggler and tries to go for Da Cop Killa but Ziggler flips off of Homicide's back, landing on his feet, as he goes for a clothesline onto Homicide but Homicide ducks that and executes a snap DDT onto Ziggler!

Taz: That Homicide isn't giving Dolph Ziggler any breathing room here. He wants to keep his title and go forth in the KOTR torunament; and he'll do anything to achieve his mission!

Dolph Ziggler is looking nearly unconsious after that vicious DDT from Homicide. Homicide is looking pleased with his work and so does Konnan as he's actually smiling now. Homicide picks up Ziggler again and throws him towards the corner, then time placing him chest-first to the turnbuckles as he lifts Ziggler up, placing him in a sitting postion on the top turnbuckle then lowers his body down in the tree of woe position. Ziggler is hanging from the ropes, looking completely out of it as Homicide starts of by stomping onto the exposed chin of Ziggler, then kicks him several times in the chest. Homicide then lifts up Ziggler's upperbody and starts clubbing his chest with his fists of fury, then drops the upperbody as the referee forces Homicide away from the hanging Ziggler, removing him from the tree of woe postion. Ziggler falls lightly to the ground as the referee checks up on him but Homicide, being very impatienty, shoves the referee away and proceeds with his stomps onto Ziggler. Homicide then looks into the crowd and nods to himself as he lifts up Ziggler back to his feet, then appears to be going for the Gringo Cutter again but Ziggler escapes from hit and hits Homicide with a dropkick! Ziggler is finally feeling the momentum come back as he's jumping around the ring again, but he's showboating too much again as Homicide comes charging at Ziggler and takes him down with a BRUTAL clothesline!

Taz: Oh man, what a shot from Homicide!

Dolph Ziggler is down as Homicide peers down at the KO'd Ziggler and starts to laugh. Hernandez and Konnan are at the champ's corner and can see that Ziggler is in big trouble too, and they're clearly enjoying the moment. Homicide rolls Ziggler onto the stomach as he goes down and applies the STF onto Ziggler! Ziggler appears to be unconcious but once Ziggler starts to feel the pressure being applied to him he wakes and begins to cry out in pain. Homicide yells out as Ziggler tries to move towards the nearest set of ropes but Homicide prevents him from doing that by putting his body weight on top of Ziggler's, making it extremely difficult to move around the ring, much less attempting to nudge his way towards the ropes. Ziggler is yelling out his misery as Homicide can see the fall coming his way and applies more pressure onto Ziggler, Ziggler now crying out much louder. Homicide yells out to Ziggler to tap out but Ziggler shakes his head, refusing to do so. Ziggler appears to have stopped moving less as Homicide loosens up the grip abit, saving his own strength but makes a mistake as Ziggler slips out of Homicide's grip and quickly rolls him up for a pin!

Taz: Look at this!



And Homicide breaks free from the rollup! Ziggler is slowing making it back up but an alert Homicide runs up and boots Ziggler back down. Homicide looks to be annoyed now over the quick and energetic Dolph Ziggler, wishing that this match was already over with. Ziggler is on his hands and knees now as Homicide walks up and clubs him on the back again with his fist, then picks him up and drags him towards the center of the ring, preparing for the Gringo Cutter again and nailing it this time! Homicide quickly then goes for the cover, not wanting to waste another second...



AND DOLPH ZIGGLER KICKS OUT! The fans scream for joy as Homicide shoots to his feet and begins to yell to the referee, trying to convince the ref that the count was actually a three count. After a small argument between the two Homicide picks up Ziggler again and appears to be going for a suplex but Ziggler knees Homicide in the gut, then runs behind him towards the ropes, then goes back as he hits the Zig Zag onto Homicide! The crowd leaps for joy again as Ziggler goes for the cover!



Ding! Ding!

Homicide: 1
Dolph Ziggler: 2
18:32 remaining!

Dolph Ziggler is all fired up now, happy that he's in the lead after over 10 minutes of wrestling. Homicide looks shaken from the Zig Zag and Hernandez and Konnan can only stare at Ziggler. Ziggler peers at the duo at ringside and smiles as he looks at Homicide, picks him up and nails a chop to the chest of Homicide. Homicide looks to be hurt from that shot but Ziggler nails another one to Homicide. Ziggler is hopping around the ring as Homicide spins around and goes for a discus punch, trying to throw Ziggler off guard but Ziggler ducks the strike and nails yet another chop to Homicide. Homicide is moving around the ring while holding onto his chest as Ziggler marches forward to Homicide, throwing him to the corner and nailing some kicks. Homicide falls to a sitting postion at the corner as Ziggler runs back to the opposite side, then charges at Homicide and nails a running low dropkick! Homicide is laying down by the ropes now as Ziggler drags him to the center of the ring, then climbs onto the top rope again, and makes sure that Homicide is actually down this time, and nails a diving elbow drop to Homicide! Ziggler then goes for the cover with a big smile on his face...



No! Homicide kicks out of the elbow drop! Ziggler looks disappointed at this but this apparently doesn't concern Ziggler, seeing that he's in the lead right now. Ziggler looks at Homicide and has a winning look on him but Hernandez tries to enter the ring and attack Ziggler but Ziggler ends up throwing Hernandez over the ropes, Konnan then slides into the ring and charges at Ziggler as well but Ziggler throws Konnan over the ropes, landing on Hernandez at ringisde! Ziggler backs up while pointing at the duo outside, telling them not to do anything funny anymore but Homicide swiftly goes behind Ziggler and applies Da Cop Killa onto Ziggler, then nails it dead center in the ring! Homicide then looks into the crowd with a smirk as he goes for the cover...



Ding! Ding!

Homicide: 2
Dolph Ziggler: 2
16:18 remaining!

Homicide gets up and looks into the crowd, then starts to diss them with some rude hand gestures and some profane language as they are firing off massive amounts of heat to Homicide. Homicide sees that his buddies are getting back up as he hits Ziggler with a snap punch to the face, then hits him with a kick to the midsection as Ziggler goes on one knee. Homicide then tries to go for another DDT but Ziggler lifts him up and rams him to the nearest corner, hitting some turnbuckle thrusts in anger but Homicide jumps over Ziggler's final shoulder thrust as Ziggler rams himself to the steel pole. Ziggler stays there while developing a look of agony on his face, Homicide however decides to grab Ziggler by the head and trunks as he throws Ziggler over the ropes to where Hernandez and Konnan are standing. The referee orders the LAX members to throw Ziggler back inside but they start to stomp on Ziggler, telling the ref that they don't answer to him. Homicide is standing there laughing as Ziggler is getting beaten down from his LAX gang, then Ziggler finally gets thrown back inside the ring. Homicide crouches down and whispers something to Ziggler, then laughs as he gets back up and soccer kicks Ziggler in the head a couple of times.

Regal: This chav is going to hurt Dolph quite badly after this match!

The clock as just past the half way mark as Homicide walks around the ring while the referee is trying to lecture Homicide on the use of outside interferance but Homicide ignores him. Homicide looks determined to hurt Dolph Ziggler more than anything, and judging from the position that Ziggler is in right now Homicide is doing a pretty good job at it. Homicide nods to Konnan while lifting up Ziggler by the head, hitting a headbutt to Ziggler to stun him as Konnan goes by the announcers table and grabs a chair, folds it up and throws it inside the ring. The referee is already objecting to hit but Homicide threatens the referee with it, and waits for Ziggler to get back up. Homicide is waving that chair around as Ziggler makes it to one knee and faces Homicide as Homicide advances towards Ziggler with that chair hitting Dolph Ziggler square across the skull! Ziggler crashes to the ground as Homicide shows off the dented chair with Ziggler's blood already on it. Ziggler is holding onto his forehead, seeing that his face is gushing out blood now but can't think twice as Homicide hits Ziggler on the body several times with that heavy steel chair! Ziggler tries to roll out of the way but Homicide just hits Ziggler on the back a couple of times. Ziggler starts to cry out in pain as Homicide drops the chair to the ground then pulls Ziggler by the chair, and nails the Gringo Cutter onto the steel chair!

Taz: Wow! Homicide is going all out in this match!

Styles: Well he wants to keep that title badly Taz!

Homicide pulls the chair from under Ziggler's head and shows it off to the crowd, claiming that he's going to end Ziggler's career tonight. Homicide lifts up Ziggler into a sitting position, then lifts up the chair and smashes Ziggler across the face with the chair! Ziggler goes back down as Homicide throws the chair down to the canvas. Homicide picks up the unconcious Ziggler again, and places him to the corner nearby. Homicide then throws him up to the top turnbuckle and punches him a couple of times. Homicide then climbs onto the top rope and grabs a hold of of Ziggler's trunks, preparing himself for the superplex but Ziggler ends up throwing Homicide off the ropes. Homicide lands on his stomach on the canvas as Ziggler takes a moment to recuperate, then looks at Homicide getting up as Ziggler ends up jumping off the ropes, Homicide though throws the chair nearby and ends up hitting Ziggler midair! Ziggler crashes to the mat as Homicide rolls over on top of Ziggler and ends up going for the cover.



And Dolph Ziggler kicks out! Homicide rolls away from Ziggler and shakes his head, trying to think of what to do next. Konnan and Hernandez both poke their heads under the ring and talk to Homicide as Ziggler is still bleeding from head. Homicide gets up on both feet as he slowly picks up Ziggler and knees him in the gut, then goes behind Ziggler and sets him up for Da Cop Killa but Ziggler ends up flipping over Homicide's back and lands on his feet. Homicide turns around and sees Ziggler hitting a dropkick onto him! Ziggler wipes the blood away from his eyes as Konnan and Hernandez rushes into the ring again, this time though Ziggler grabs the bloody chair and hits Konnan over the skull with the first, shot, then hits Hernandez in the gut, then a shot on the top of the head! Konnan and Hernandez both rolls out of the ring as Ziggler shows off the chair for the crowd, which results in a nice pop. Homicide then gets up after his buddie's beatings but Ziggler tightens the grip on his chair and charges at Homicide, SLAMMING the chair onto Homicide's front skull as the middle piece of the chair falls off completely! Now Homicide is starting to bleed from his forehead!

Styles: Oh my God! Dolph Ziggler just broke that chair clean over Homicide's head! And now Homicide's busted wide open!

Dolph Ziggler throws the broken chair away as he looks down at Homicide, looking satisfied that he's bleeding now as well. Homicide barely looks concious as Ziggler kicks the middle flat piece of the chair, all dented and bloody, and places it to the center of the ring. Ziggler then slowly gets Homicide onto his feet and takes a good look at him, mumbles something that the camera microphone can't hear as Ziggler nails a snap DDT onto the chair piece! Homicide is completely out of it now as Ziggler struggles to get to his feet, and stumbles around as he holds onto the ropes for support as the crowd is cheering him on. Homicide is still laying down as Ziggler raises his hand up to the crowd, urging them to keep rooting for him but Hernandez is back up and takes down the bloody Ziggler. Hernandez, now in a fit of rage, picks up Ziggler and picks him up into the Border Toss postion as he runs around the ring and nails the Border Toss onto Ziggler! Hernandez shakes his head while giving off a screwed up face, and tries to approach him but the referee stops Herandez from going towards Ziggler. Herandez tells the referee to back off but the ref ends up shoving Hernandez back. Hernadnez looks away and is breathing heavily, ready to strike at the referee but Konnan comes up and calms Hernandez down.

Taz: Oh man I think we just averted a crisis right there. Pissing off the big man is never a good thing, what was the ref thinking?!

10 minutes remain in this match as the LAX members leave the ring, both Homicide and Dolph Ziggler are still down for the count. The crowd is clapping on as both Homicide and Ziggler are both slowing making it to their feet, bloody and beaten but still determined to win the match for the KOTR and the Ironman Championship. Ziggler makes it up first as he lands a hard punch to Homicide, Homicide turns around from the force of the blow but spins back and hits Ziggler with his own stiff punch. Ziggler makes it to the ropes and shakes his head as Homicide slowly approaches him, grapples the head as he tries to smash Ziggler's head onto the turnbuckles but Ziggler sticks his foot out and rams his elbow to Homicide's stomach. Homicide backs up and looks away from Ziggler, standing by that flat chair piece again as Ziggler climbs onto the second set of ropes, and leaps off them as Ziggler executes a diving bulldog onto Homicide as Homicide's head collides with that chair piece again! Ziggler kicks the chair piece out of the ring finally as he goes down and goes for the cover!



And Homicide kicks out! Blood is pouring around Homicide's head as the mat surrounding his face is turning dark red. Ziggler is breathing hard from physical exhaustion while approaching Homicide again. Homicide can barely get up to his feet with the assistance of Ziggler, much less by himself now as Ziggler nails a body slam onto Homicide, then follows up with a knee drop to the potentially damaged skull of Homicide. Homicide rolls away and goes onto his hands and knees as Ziggler walks up and lifts up the almost limp Homicide, and whips him to the corner. Ziggler hits a knee to Homicide's gut which causes Homicide to bend down after taking that shot, looking like that he wants to vomit from the force of the knee. Ziggler is showing no mercy now as Ziggler brings Homicide to the center of the ring and nails a superkick to the standing Homicide! Homicide crashes to the ground again as Ziggler climbs the top rope and looks down, posing as blood is dripping from his face still as Ziggler jumps and nails another diving elbow drop onto Homicide! The crowd is going wild as Ziggler goes for the cover!



NO! Homicide kicks out! Ziggler can't believe that Homicide is still fighting and won't stay down from Ziggler's assault. Konnan and Hernandez are yelling at Ziggler again as Ziggler tells them to shut up and picks up Homicide again. Ziggler appears to be going for a scoop powerslam but Homicide slips from behind and takes down Dolph Ziggler with a belly to back suplex! Ziggler goes down as well as Homicide, but Homicide appears to muster up enough strength to make it back to his feet, and yells that this is over as he slowly picks up the stunned Ziggler, goes behind him and sets Ziggler up for Da Cop Killa again but Ziggler flips behind Homicide, then Ziggler ends up tearing a page from Homicide's book and quickly executes Da Cop Killa onto Homicide! The crowd goes wild as Konnan is going beserk at the LAX corner! Ziggler then steps up and is jumping around the ring, pumping himself up for the Zig Zag again as Homicide rolls onto his hands a knees again. Homicide wobbles onto his one foot as Ziggler runs behind him, bounces off the ropes and advances to the behind to the now standing Homicide as Ziggler nails the Zig Zag onto Homicide! The crowd is going completely NUTS as Ziggler goes for the cover!




Homicide: 2
Dolph Ziggler: 3
6:23 remaining!

Konnan and Hernandez can't believe that Ziggler just pulled another fall as he's once again in the head, and with almost 5 minutes left in this matchup. Ziggler looks extremely happy but his face appears to be white after the blood loss from his face. Ziggler moves around the ring as he waits for Homicide to get back up, appearing to be going for yet another Zig Zag but Ziggler steps too close to the ropes as Hernandez climbs onto the apron and begins to choke Ziggler from behind. Ziggler tries to fight back up is clearly fatigued from the match so he can't do much until Homicide gets back up. Hernandez steps off the apron while Homicide approaches the coughing Ziggler and kicks him in the stomach. Ziggler goes onto both knee as Homicide is now on a mission to secure another fall, lest he loses the match and his Ironman Championship.

Regal: Homicide is at the stage now where he must go all out in order to stay alive.

Taz: Yeah this next last bit is going to be a rough patch, that's for sure!

Homicide grabs a hold of Ziggler's head and runs with him towards the nearest turnbuckle, smashing his face onto the padding as Ziggler looks to be in a daze. Homicide wipes the blood from his eyes as he nails some chops to Ziggler, Ziggler holds onto his chest but Homicide ends up whipping Ziggler hard onto the corner and Ziggler crashes back down to the mat. Homicide is showing no remorse for his partner how as his LAX partners are rooting for him at ringside. Homicide stomps onto Ziggler a couple of times before picking him back up, and brings Ziggler to the center of the ring and nails a Gringo Cutter onto Ziggler! Homicide, despite being strapped for time, ultimately decides to ignore the opportunity for a quick fall and climbs the ropes and looks down as Homicide jumps off the ropes, landing a diving double stomp onto Ziggler! Ziggler is coughing up a storm after taking a big shot to the chest as Homicide creeps up on Ziggler and goes down for the cover!



And Dolph Ziggler kicks out! Homicide looks at the clock and sees that three minutes is still left and he's still a fall behind of Ziggler. Konnan seems to notice this as he grabs a fresh chair from the annoucer's center and throws it into the ring. Homicide grabs the chair with glee and smashes it onto the canvas, preying on Ziggler as Homicide is fully prepared to be using that steel chair when the time comes. Ziggler tries to become aware of his surroundings as he makes it up to his feet, Homicide seeing his golden opportunity as he charges at Ziggler and goes for a chair shot to the face but Ziggler ducks it and nails a Zig Zag out of nowhere!!

Styles: Wow, Ziggler just pulled another Zig Zag out of nowhere!

The crowd is on fire now as Ziggler goes for the cover!




AND HOMICIDE KICKS OUT OF THE ZIG ZAG! Ziggler places his head onto the floor in frustration, but reminds himself that he's still in the lead 3-2 so he doesn't look too worried now. Homicide however looks both worried and hurt as Ziggler picks up Homicide and throws him onto the corner nearby, hitting some more chops as Ziggler walks to the opposite side, then points at Homicide as he starts to run and nails the Stinger Splash onto Homicide! Homicide groggily walks to the center of the ring as Ziggler bounces off the ropes nearby, and goes for a running clothesline but Homicide catches him into a front waist lock and hits a surprise belly to belly suplex onto Ziggler! Homicide forces himself up to his feet as he eyes the clock ticking down and sees that it just passed the 2:00 mark. Homicide desperatly goes down and gets Ziggler into the STF but Ziggler shuffles his way out of it, Homicide though knees Ziggler in the head to keep him at bay and stay on the offense. Ziggler rolls around the ring in pain as Homicide quickly eyes the clock again and brings him to the center of the ring, then nails another Gringo Cutter! Homicide then goes for the cover!



And Ziggler kicks out! The clock reaches the 1:00 mark as Homicide lifts up Ziggler and goes behind him, placing Ziggler on his back, hooks the arms and drops Ziggler with Da Cop Killa! Homicide egarly goes for the cover again, bobbing his head after every count!




AND ZIGGLER KICKS OUT! Homicide is starting to sweat hard now (which causes his dried up blood to drip again) as Homicide shakes his head, realizing that he needs to do a big move to take out Ziggler to tie up the score, allowing Homicide to go into overtime. Hernandez and Konnan both stare at Homicide with anticipation as Ziggler is thrown to the corner chest-first, then is lifted onto the top turnbuckle. Homicide then climbs the ropes and prepares to be apparently Da Cop Killa from the top rope. Homicide breathes and looks down as 0:20 is left in this match, Homicide going for Da Cop Killa from the top rope but Dolph Ziggler rolls off of Homicide's back and lands onto the canvas, then trips Homicide off the ropes as Ziggler gets Homicide in a rollup!

Taz: Wait, look at this!




Ding Ding!

Homicide: 2
Dolph Ziggler: 4
0:07 remaining!

The roof of the arena EXPLODES in cheers as Ziggler leaves the ring, full of spirits as he knows that he won the match. Ziggler backs up onto the stage as Hernandez and Konnan stands at ringside, looking extremely pissed off as the final seconds of the match ticks away





Ding! Ding! Ding!

Ladies and gentleman, your winner of the Ironman Match with a final score of 2-4, advancing into the KOTR Tournament and NEW Ironman Champion.... DOLPH ZIGGLER


The referee runs up to Ziggler on the ramp and presents the championship belt to Dolphh Ziggler. Ziggler raises the Ironman Championship belt high as Homicide looks shocked that he just lost the match right there. Ziggler starts to head towards the back while showing off his newly won championship belt as Konnan and Hernandez starts to argue with the referee. The referee explains what happened as Ziggler is seen leaving the arena as the camera goes to somewhere else.



Forgot to plug Impact. Don't miss it either! KotR qualifiers, tag tournament matches, and a title match!


With all the action that has taken place so far this evening; we need to take a break. That break comes in the form of a backstage interview. Blonde bombshell Lauren Mayhem prepares to interview one of the men who made history earlier this evening.


Lauren Mayhem: Ladies and Gentlemen, my guest at this time; Matt Morgan!

Matt Morgan: First things first; don't look at me. Secondly, what's your name?

Mayhem looks at Morgan, not knowing exactly what to say. Morgan barks at her in response to her silence.


Mayhem: Laur....

Morgan: It doesn't matter what your name is!

Morgan chuckles as he blatantly steals The Rock's line.

Morgan: And do you know why it doesn't matter? Because all that matters is what happened in that ring earlier tonight. Earlier tonight, you all witnessed history. Alex Riley and myself made history. We defeated that overrated prima donna known as The Rock and that watered down monster known as Umaga. We did something that nobody thought we could do and tonight was only the beginning.

Mayhem: The beginning?

Morgan: Yes the beginning. Tonight, we put down one of management's "favorites" it doesn't matter who they throw at us next. Los Guerreros? A joke! LAX? An even bigger joke. Every other team in this tournament pales in compassion to The Blue Chipper and The Blueprint and we just proved that. And next week, we'll prove it again. Even if that means we have to return to this terrible brand. Now if you don't mind.

Lauren looks to ask another question, but Morgan walks off leaving her standing there. The scene soon begins to fade as a crashing sound is heard and the camera pans elsewhere frantically, Mayhem running to where she heard the sound to see what's going on. She sees Matt Striker.

Mayhem: Matt, what is going on?

Matt Striker: It's happening around the corner here. Come on!

Matt takes off running as Lauren follows. The camera pans around the corner and Matt sees Al Snow, Perry Saturn, and Terri Runnels.

Matt Striker: Oh it's just you guys. We heard a crash and...

Before Striker can finish, both members of MopHead are blindsided as a large male runs up behind them and pushes them both to the ground. It can be seen that this man is the Big Show as he reaches down and grips both of their heads like basketballs, pulling them to their feet and beating their heads together as Al falls to his knees and Show releases him, turning and grabbing Saturn by the throat, lifting him and chokeslamming him onto the sideview mirror of the vehicle that MopHead was trying to leave in. Show turns and drills Al in the face with a WMD as he falls to the ground. Show then grabs Head and punts it offscreen, then grabs Moppy and snaps it over his knee, throwing the pieces to the ground. Terri Runnels then tries to run but Show grabs her and turns her around, drilling her with a WMD as well!

Taz: Someone's gotta get back there and stop this! Big Show's goin' nuts!

Joey Styles: What's he even doing here?

Big Show then takes off into a light sprint as the camera follows him. We see Matt Hardy and The Hurricane with their backs turned to Show as they're pushing open a door, both dragging a suitcase behind them as they look to be leaving to go home as well but Show grabs both suitcases and rolls them towards himself, causing both Hardy and Hurricane to fall to the ground. Big Show grabs Hurricane by the cape and pulls him to a vertical base, grabbing him by the throat. Hardy gets up and throws a punch at Show but he swats Matt's arm away and grabs him by the throat as well. Show lifts both men up and chokeslams them at the same time onto their suitcases. He kicks the door the two men were trying to go through open and sees Brian Kendrick walking around in the same fashion he was earlier, appearing to talk to himself. Show takes off running after him and nearly cuts him in half with a brutal spear.

Striker goes running up to him as he gets up.

Matt Striker: Big Show! What are you doing?

Big Show looks at him and shoves past him, walking to a part of the parking garage where Chris Masters, Tyson Kidd, and Anarchy's newest signing Carlito walk onscreen to meet him, Carlito holding Trish Stratus' arms behind her back with one arm and holding his hand over her mouth. Meanwhile Masters has a bloodied Umaga in the Masterlock and Tyson Kidd is holding The Rock's arms behind his back in the same way that Carlito is holding Trish. Big Show and Carlito make eye contact and nod at one another as Carlito turns Trish loose by pushing her forward as Show drills her with a WMD, knocking her to the ground. Show looks at Kidd next who does the same thing with Rock as Show drills him with a WMD as well, knocking him to the ground. Show instructs Masters to release Umaga as Carlito grabs his right wrist and Kidd grabs his left wrist as Masters steps away. Show grabs Umaga by the locks with his left hand and pulls upward. "Deal's off!" he shouts before grabbing him by the throat as Carlito and Kidd let go and lifting him up, chokeslamming Umaga onto Rock and Trish! Show turns and walks offscreen, followed closely by Masters and Carlito and Kidd. Russo comes walking onscreen and looks down at what's happened with a smile, something balled up in his fist at his side.

Vince looks up until he's looking dead straight into the camera and raises his arm, revealing the item to be Foley's trademark flannel shirt. Russo smiles an evil smile and throws the shirt at the camera as things fade to black.

Sting/Rhino, Kidd/Christian, Hogan/Saturn, Sandow and Knox/3MB, LAX promo-Chase
Goldberg vs. Chris Masters, Heyman promo, Matt Morgan promo-Cwalker
Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy, Tyson Kidd promo-CliqueClacks
Homicide(c) vs. Ziggler-natlav
MDDD promo-CaptainxBumout
Jeff Hardy promos-ShanegoFett
Rhino promo-Rated R Superstar
Damien Sandow promo-rawisrey
Morgan and Riley/Rock and Umaga, everything else-Chris Dresden

OOC: Killz dropped Kendrick, Hoov dropped Hardy and Hurricane, albo is on LOA.


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/4/13 Edition!

I almost asleep from working all day, but I skimmed the show, read my match (Good stuff :p), skimmed through some of the matches, surprised that Ziggler won the Iron Man Championship, I thought Homicide was going to hold that for at least another month or two. I'll end up reading the entire show tomorrow when I can keep my eyes open :) . From what I can see though it's another great addition of Anarchy, great job guys, and some feedback on the Hardy match would be great since it's my first time writing a match for UWF.


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/4/13 Edition!

HUGE show man. WHAT a main event & a new champion! Wow & to end the night with the destruction of the roster by Big Show.


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/4/13 Edition!

Damn what an awesome job by the Anarchy crew.

Congratulations to Blizzard who won the Ironman championship from me. Terrible week for L.A.X which means nothing but anger to unleash on all the Gringos in the company.

Anyways very interesting with Big Show (Who is playing him?) Masters, Carlito, and Tyson Kidd. This right here is going to be interesting.

My personal MVP of the night was Jeff Hardy good promo and very nice win from him here tonight. Sad to lose Hoov and Killz to drops because I liked both of there characters.


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/4/13 Edition!

Dredson & Anarchy as a whole



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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/4/13 Edition!

What a great show man. So many great promos here!

At first I was kind of bummed out about losing to Goldberg, but then I seen the end where I am apart of an elite group that takes out Rock, Umaga, and Trish. I always wanted to be in a stable in the UWF and it looks like I get to be xD

The Red

Jun 11, 2012
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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/4/13 Edition!

Awesome Job guys!

Very excited to be returning to UWF in such a big way!

Bring on the TT's for next weeks show!


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/4/13 Edition!

Hahaha at Big Show just running through half the roster. It'll be interesting to see who picks him up.

Congratulations go out to all winners especially Blizzard for not only advancing but picking up a Championship as well. King of The Ring is shaping up as is the tag tournament. Good job to everyone who contributed


Aug 18, 2013
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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/4/13 Edition!

Amazing show like always. Hulkamania with it's first win feels good, brother.

Hope to pop up on a couple guy's radars and get the name out there. Let's keep Anarchy at the #1 show.


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/4/13 Edition!

What a great show man. So many great promos here!

At first I was kind of bummed out about losing to Goldberg, but then I seen the end where I am apart of an elite group that takes out Rock, Umaga, and Trish. I always wanted to be in a stable in the UWF and it looks like I get to be xD

Hey man we tore that shit up for being late to the game. I was pleased to TT with you sir. Now it looks like you got a solid direction to go.

Awesome Job guys!

Very excited to be returning to UWF in such a big way!

Bring on the TT's for next weeks show!

Glad to see you're back brother.
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