CT Styles

Okay I will. Will you and me as we are said to have potential which I believe you have and I dont but will we ever have the credibility of Anigma and XBA.
I think if we both take out the pointers and suggestions in all of our reviews and use them eventually one day we could. One of the key things to achieving that is to stick with one BTB. I am not being cocky but I think when I will bring back 'Big Time' in a few months I will start to improve more. Gards, you I would like to see run your own BTB. Soon, I think you should leave SWA and start your own or continue CWA if that is still going. I think you gain more credibility if you have your own BTB because if there are good storylines people know you have made them and there isn't the possibility that someone else involved with the BTB made them. Basically to achieve the success and credibility of people like XBA & Anigma you have to do it all yourself. But maybe stick with SWA for the time being because BKB and Andrew~Walker/SWA Anarchy GM and everyone else in SWA both would have great advice for you which could make you improve drastically and achieve no doubt, all your goals in BTB with their advice and pointers.