CT Styles

That's why I've always made a story where it's just one brand in the entire WWE so I don't have to worry about that but I'd still like the option of holding a draft or something along those lines to freshen things up.
Yeah, I know what you mean. However, with you, you have the name-power where people will read no matter what. You could keep the other two brands, it's just getting around that obstacle with PPVs.Well, the only problem I have with coming up with a backstory where I can make it one brand is by making it an original backstory. Everything that can be done, for the most part, has been done, you know?
This is BTB, your roster can be whoever.The problem with Brand Exclusives now is that the WWE have done the midcard so it doesn't have enough to support Brand Exclusive PPV's.
Once again, the roster can be whoever we want and we're building the stars, not WWE.
I think brining POI back would be pretty cool. Eventhough I didn't always leave a review, I thought the shows were done well. As far as the matches being smaller than usual, I don't think it really matters since recap form is the norm around the section nowadays. As long as there's enough to leave a proper review, I don't think it should be a problem if your matches are smaller than usual.
On a side note, I've started to get the itch about getting back into BTB but I'm not quite sure right now, however, I would like to know what you guys think.
If I do in fact decide to get back into BTB, should I restart The Commencement or start an entirely new BTB?